#Classic eBooks
studyblurry · 3 months
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My Kindle has been so so so helpful lately! Definitely a must for me in studying literature
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sjwallin · 1 year
Look at how purty this is!!!! 
The official score collection of the works found on SHARDS, including program notes and sheet music art work! Available in PDF and hardcover editions! 
Find it at https://sound-deliverance.blog/shards/
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the-readers-archive · 7 months
The day Wattpad started adding ads and paid subscriptions was the beginning of the end. THAT was the original Roman Empire.
Oh, how the mighty fall.
“You hear that? It’s the sound of Wattpad…falling.”
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benkyoutobentou · 8 months
hi! i'm sorry for the dumb question but i wanted to finally start reading manga in japanese (i already have a little list of titles beginner-friendly) buuuut i'm not sure where i actually find it ;; sorry again for the stupid question
Not a dumb question at all! There are a bunch of places to get manga, the most accessible probably being (unfortunately) amazon.jp. You need to have a Japanese address to buy things regardless of where it's being shipped to (or not, in the case of ebooks), but I believe just any address will do. You can also sometimes buy manga directly on the publisher's sites. Cmoa is another good place to check, and they also will often have entire volumes of manga available to read on their site for free (just look for the 無料 section). Bilingualmanga might also be of interest. It's free (and therefore sometimes gets taken down), but is exactly what it sounds like. Their selection isn't huge, but what they do have, they have in both English and Japanese.
If you want to buy physical volumes, CDJapan is my go-to. I'm in the USA, but I'm pretty sure they ship to most parts of the world. Kinokuniya is also a good place to buy manga from, especially if you're lucky enough to have a physical store near you. My main issue with them is that I think they're overpriced, though. Another thing that depends on luck, if you have any Book Off stores near you, go check them out! It's secondhand, so finding what you're looking for is definitely luck based, but I think it's a good experience to browse Japanese language books and manga regardless.
If you're having trouble finding something in particular, or want some... slightly less legal sources, feel free to contact me off anon!
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fairydrowning · 2 years
hardcover books >>>>>> ebooks
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a-ramblinrose · 1 month
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Did my brain decide that it only wanted to read a 1000+ page classic novel despite not being able to concentrate on anything longer than a short story for the last two months?
And worse, I had to buy the behemoth because of course my brain couldn't pick one of the large classics from my gigantic TBR collection. Nope, special order only for my delightful self!
The life a chaotic bookworm my dears!
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rocketpunchblam · 6 months
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Disclaimers: this post is not anti-piracy post nor is it saying piracy is bad, I am just sharing legal sources so everyone can enjoy it. The legality of these sources might vary in different countries so make sure to read the copyright laws in your country, if you have any sources that aren’t on this list that could be added please share the source with me and I can edit it onto this list, or ones that offer different language options
Source one: Your local library
While it can not be guaranteed if your library will have Jekyll and Hyde it is one of your best sources out there, and also will support your library. The downsides are of course that you might have to put your name on a wait list if the book is already being borrowed, they might not have the book, and you can’t keep the book permanently. There also may be some fees if you get a library card depending on your library. But most libraries allow you to read the book in the library itself without a card as long as you don’t leave with it
Source two: The Gutenberg Project
Gutenberg Jekyll and Hyde
The Gutenberg project offers free ebooks, which according to them are “legal to use in the United States and most other parts of the world” they also urge you to check your countries laws if you aren’t located in the United States. You can also read this in the web browser with no file download needed
Source three: The Internet Archive
The internet archive Jekyll and Hyde
Make sure to check your countries laws with this source. The internet archive has mutiple download options for Jekyll and Hyde. It also has a download option for a verison for print-disabled individuals. Make sure if you can to support this source as the internet archive is at risk of being sued, and the preservation they do is very important
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dark-aurorae · 2 years
🍁🌧️¦¦Some classic books ¦¦☁️🍂
1. Pride And Prejudice Jane Austen
2. Little Women Louisa May Alcott
3. War and Peace Leo Tolstoy
4. The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald
5. The Iliad Homer, Caroline Alexander
6. The Count of Monte Cristo Alexandre Dumas & Redhouse
7. Les Miserables Victor Hugo
8. Dracula Bram Stoker
9. The Last Man Mary Wollstonecraft
10. The Italian Ann Radcliffe
‧₊˚✧ the links don't work anymore
I hope you will have a good summertime ‹𝟹 
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lizziestudieshistory · 11 months
Why are all the copies of the Divine Comedy reserved in the library? Not that I need one, it's just really odd? Have I missed something?
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planet4546b · 6 months
i’m gonna go read hamlet. Bye
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archaeologysucks · 2 years
I've been reading Howard Pyle’s “classic” children’s version of the Robin Hood story, published in 1883, and if I had a nickel for every time he uses the word "stout", I would have $12.35, because he has used it 247 times in this 207 page ebook, including this shining example:
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Learn another adjective, Howard. I am begging you.
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afropuffsartstudios · 15 days
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see-arcane · 1 year
Write your books so I can wish you a bigolas dickolas!
You can wish me a bigolas dickolas any time at all, friend. But this actually gives me a good opening to reveal that, while attempting to write a short story to take a breather between my giant megaton WIPs, W H O O P S
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I Accidentally Wrote a Novella Again
The above ^^^ is me creeping up on the climax of the story, so it may be another handful of pages before the first draft is done-done, but. Yeah. I cannot be trusted to engage in brevity 🤡
But this little*** guy-in-progress seems like an okay stab to take at self-publishing, maybe, so go ahead and Bigolas the Dickolas to sprinkle some preliminary good author luck on it
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flying-potato2 · 3 months
if you enjoyed my liveblog of romance of the three kingdoms or are otherwise interested please read it, you can download it at archive.org in epub or pdf form or read online
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latinthusiast · 4 months
being very brave (complaining on every form of social media i have) about having to use a german commentary rn
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yukarishoodie · 1 year
Insane to me how hsy does not have a single bad wlw ship
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