#and then maybe start poking around at physical copies and ebooks and such
see-arcane · 1 year
Write your books so I can wish you a bigolas dickolas!
You can wish me a bigolas dickolas any time at all, friend. But this actually gives me a good opening to reveal that, while attempting to write a short story to take a breather between my giant megaton WIPs, W H O O P S
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I Accidentally Wrote a Novella Again
The above ^^^ is me creeping up on the climax of the story, so it may be another handful of pages before the first draft is done-done, but. Yeah. I cannot be trusted to engage in brevity 🤡
But this little*** guy-in-progress seems like an okay stab to take at self-publishing, maybe, so go ahead and Bigolas the Dickolas to sprinkle some preliminary good author luck on it
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