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keferon · 1 month ago
Odds of Survival Part 3
Unstoppable forces meets immovable objects.
Or Prowl finds new reasons to be concerned.
While Prowl had destroyed the bombers attacking their end of the bridge, the other side had no such saving grace.
The opposite end of the sky bridge had broken off from the Commerce Tower and was now swinging downwards, creating a miles long ramp to obliteration.
There was a 4% chance Prowl could technically survive the impact. However he’d almost certainly be reduced to a sputtering spark trapped in a compacted pile of scrap that had once been his frame. Without instantaneous medical intervention, he would most certainly perish even in the event of the 4% survival chance occurring.
4% halved to 2% when Tacnet registered Jazz magnetizing his hands to Prowls frame.
Tacnet spun wildly and without traction. Whatever actions Prowl could have taken to mitigate the incoming damage was removed by Jazz’s inescapable hold. Every possible strategy terminated instantly in a flurry of error messages as Tacnet tried to factor for the impossible.
Physically, Prowls servos moved on their own, driven by some core deep coding for self preservation that had him frantically clawing at Jazz’s back for either a hand hold or escape as Tacnet spat out a single coherent plan:
(Brace For Impact)
The Praxian briefly wondered if he’d crash before they crashed.
The mechs jolted as Jazz made contact with the bridge turned ramp. A fountain of sparks spraying from his pedes as Jazz hit the bridge upright and began skating down the buckling surface.
Jazz wasn’t just passively sliding along either. Prowl felt powerful legs tense and thrusters make quick adjustments to narrowly avoid lethal splinters of braking pipes and metal sheets.
Odds of Survival 5%
Odds of Survival 6%
Prowl watched the impossible as Tacnet slowly ticked upwards. Through some stroke of insanity, Jazz was controlling their descent. Analyzing the white mechs motions, Prowl concluded they were practiced. Unbelievably, Jazz somehow had previous experience with similar circumstances.
On what Fragging planet does somebody regularly go careening down incredibly steep slopes at high speeds with only their own athleticism to keep them alive?!
Skill alone wasn’t enough however, because Jazz was slowly loosing control. As the sky bridge swung inexorably downwards, their ramp was steadily becoming steeper. Prowl could feel one of Jazz’s legs beginning to involuntarily shudder under the continued strain. The obstacles kept coming faster and faster, the visored mech barely keeping pace.
If he dropped me, Jazz has a 23% chance at saving himself.
Prowl caught sight of a chunk of bridge breaking outwards that spanned the total width of it. No getting around it. The jagged edge lifted just high enough to bisect him just below the wings. Prowl turned away.
Jazz leapt.
The deafening vibrations of metal on metal grinding suddenly stopped. An instrumental segment filled the gap.
Gravity ended their short reprieve.
This time when they collided with bridge, Prowl felt Jazz land wrong and then suddenly the sky was whipping past his optics.
Stars, moon, bridge. Stars, moon, bridge. Stars, moon, bridge. Stars, moon, bridge.
Tacnet greedily took in their current velocity, rate of rotation, and angle of the sky bridges decent to inform Prowl that Jazz and his combined weight would land on his helm.
Thank you Tacnet, I hate you.
Jazz shifted and Prowls vision went white.
Despite Tacnets certainty to the contrary, Prowl was not unconscious or dead.
ERROR, moon, ERROR. Stars, moon, bridge. Stars, ERROR, bridge, rubble. Stars, moon, bridge, rubble.
They were flipping through the air again.
Jazz landed on his feet this time but couldn’t stop their rolling. Prowl felt fast painful scrapes against his servos and peds.
Stars, bridge, rubble. Stars, bridge, rubble.
Tacnet took in their velocity and rotation again. Calculating their distance to the wreckage at the end of their fall.
Impact Survival 74%
Impact location Doorwings 87%
At least his doorwings were already offlined.
By then, the two mechs were no longer bouncing, but rolling fully across the remains of the bridge. Prowl locked himself around Jazz and braced for impact.
Collision was instant and deafening.
Prowls sense of balance was rubber banding. The instant stop after what felt like vorns of spinning out of control was just as disorientating as the fall itself.
In a lapse of memory, he onlined his doorwings.
Prowl remembered why he left them offline a click too late and sucked in a vent.
Except. They were functioning. The edges stung and the tip’s were badly chipped but both sensors were fully operational.
Blunt helm trauma. He must be having a severe processor malfunction. Prowl unlocked protesting joints and looked over his shoulders at his doorwings.
They were only lightly damaged, fully functional, and only a servos width from the pile of rubble he was being held above.
A black and white arm extended past his wings, buried wrist deep in the wreckage.
Jazz still had a death grip around his waist, visor pressed into Prowls shoulder.
“Jazz?” Prowl tried. If he put his vocalizer against his audial, the sound should carry. The music played out its final notes, leaving the silence of the moon in its wake.
“Jazz?” Prowl tried a little harder, pulling at the servo still magnetized to his back, unhooking his peds to kneel on the rubble. They had fallen into the 90 degree crook of the second cylindrical extension. The bridge had come to rest at last, kicking up enough moon dust to obscure their survival from any searching quintessons. For now.
Jazz slurred something in his native language, before repeating in common, “Gimme a click. I’m gonna throw up real quick.”
Prowl flared his wings, scanning the area. It was a relatively short drop to the moons surface. Once there, Prowl could transform and carry the both of them at speed to the outpost. Clearly, Jazz had no trouble holding onto him.
Speaking of, Jazz finally, slowly began to uncurl from Prowls frame.
He looked terrible. His visor had splintered crack’s across one side, the isolated fragments independently flickering. One horn was stuck pinned against his helm, sparking where shrapnel was jammed into the gap. He was visibly wobbling, and even with an em field Prowl could tell he was badly disoriented.
Jazz stared at Prowl for a while, before looking to his hand still buried in rubble. He tried pulling it free gently and when that didn’t work, got a completely ruined and mostly toe-less ped braced next to it and yanked
Jazz’s hand came free. At the same time something important looking snapped and fell out of his shoulder. The limb going limp.
Prowl didn’t have the bandwidth to process that at the moment.
Instead, he plucked up the chunk of shoulder into sub space. Tacking that onto the growing list of injuries they’d both needed tending to.
Cautiously, Prowl reached up to gingerly touch the back of his helm, fully expecting to feel exposed and crushed circuitry. Instead, he felt several dents, aligned in parallel. Very tender, but most certainly not as damaged as it should have been.
Tacnet answered by mapping the contours of the dents, drawing Prowls optics to the back of Jazz’s obliterated servo.
The remains of the sky bridge shuttered.
Odds of Survival 45%
Prowl got Jazz’s attention and began pulling him towards the ledge they’d need to descend. Effectively deaf, probably blind, down an arm and forced to walk on two severely injured peds, Prowl only felt some relief when he finally wrangled Jazz to rest on top of his alt form.
Watching him struggle down the ledge was utterly disturbing to watch. Jazz limped along as if he was completely desensitized to pain, behaving as if he was more annoyed by his injuries than agonized.
Package secured, Prowl gunned it for the outpost. Even injured, he trusted Jazz to stay magnetized to his frame with whatever he had left to hold on with.
Out of the dust cloud, Prowl was intimately aware of how exposed they’d be. Confident he wouldn’t loose Jazz, Prowl focused entirely on plotting the most efficient route to the outpost.
The moment it came into view, Prowl pushed his engine past the redline as he registered sniper shots firing just past and above them.
Pursuing quintesson wreckers 78%.
Sure enough, a dead wrecker crashed into the moon dirt a short distance to their left.
Prowl managed a drifting slide past the out post gates, losing exactly enough momentum to match the speed of a running mech, then transformed back to root mode in the same maneuver. An exceedingly useful technique when chasing criminals and a damn effective way to shoulder someone on your roof through a door in the most efficient manner possible.
[Bluestreak, I’ve made it inside the outpost. I have an injured mech with me.]
[Heya Prowl! I saw you tearing it up out there with your backpack buddy! I’ve got a few more stragglers to take care of but you’re welcome to use the medic case I’ve got with me in here. I’ll ping the door for you.]
The primary medkit should be in the outpost storage closet. That is unless Bluestreak pulled it into his snipers nest to tend to his own injuries (22%). Or because Bluestreak pulled it there to force Prowl to bring his “backpack buddy” within conversational distance (92%).
He felt a tap at his shoulder, “Are we safe here?” Jazz yelled in the thin atmosphere. Visor flickering worse than before and visibly making an effort to stay balanced upright on eviscerated peds.
Prowl ignored his annoyance. He hit the trigger to pressurize the airlock and pulled Jazz’s good arm over his shoulders to stabilize the other mech. He had easily a dozen lines of questioning queued up in the backlog of his processor, every single one tagged with Jazz as the subject line. As much as Prowl itched to piece together the puzzle of why he was “Like that.” It’d have to wait until they were both in more stable condition. At least now his vents could actually do something to start cooling his overstressed processor.
“For now. We are somewhat safe.”
Prowl muttered quietly in addition, “Against all odds.”
Bluestreak, seeing Prowl with some very obvious hand prints and very specific paint scratches: “What in the pit did he do to you?”
Bluestreak, seeing Jazz walk in after him with a broken arm, busted horn and an utterly torn up paint job across his back: “What in the pit did YOU do to him?!”
Either one or two parts left, next up Jazz pov.
OH HELL SSTP LET ME HOLD YOUR HAND REALQUICK THIS IS A FIVE STAR MEAL FOR MY SOUL FKKDJFG I JUST. I NEVER FUCKING GET TIRED OF THE WAY YOU WRITE I know I'm probably repeating myself at this point BUT IT'S JUST WHAT MY TRUTH LOOKS LIKE OKAY. EVERY TIME I SEE AN ASK FROM YOU AND START READING IT I GO "Oh M A N the author cooked so hard they should've made Ratatouille 2 about this way of placing words."
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carmenberzattosgf · 1 year ago
the long awaited spanking fic
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Content warnings: dom/sub dynamics, heavy spanking
I cannot get the brain rot for this out of my head. I was going to write a full fic for it first that includeded subspace but imma just do a spanking blurb for now to free myself from the thoughts… so basically stay tuned for this to be expanded
You did the thing that pisses off Carmy the most. You talked back to him during service in front of everyone. It was over something stupid, really, but your stubbornness got the best of you. As soon as the words left your mouth, you regretted them. The look on Carmen’s face was enough to shut you up for the rest of the night.
The car ride home is silent, dead silent. Carmy hasn’t said a word to you at all, and you don’t dare try and talk to him. You’re well aware you screwed up. You just aren’t sure what he’s going to do with you.
Carmy remains wordless as he parks the car in front of his apartment and heads to his door. You follow quickly behind him, watching as he digs in his pocket for his keys. Once he gets the door open, he walks straight to the couch to sit down, expecting you to close the door and lock up for him.
As soon as Carmy hears the lock click, he speaks in a firm, unwavering tone from where he sits on the couch. “Take off your clothes.”
His tone sends chills down your spine. He’s really fucking pissed. You walk towards him, standing right in front of the couch. “Carm, I’m—“ you begin to apologize, but Carmen doesn’t let you finish talking.
“I’m not going to repeat myself. Take them off. Now.”
“Y-yes, sir.” You remove your clothes as fast as you possibly can, not wanting to make him wait. You watch as Carmy sits up straight on the couch, slightly parting his knees.
“Bend over my lap,” he commands. Your legs move quickly as you bend over on his lap with your eyes facing the ground. His left hand hooks around your waist to steady you. His right hand rests right above your ass, lightly soothing the skin. “You were bad today. Talked back to me in front of everyone.”
“I’m sorry, Carmy. I wasn’t thinking.”
“It’s fucking obvious you weren’t thinking. How can I expect those people to listen to me when my own girlfriend won’t do what I ask of her? You know better than that. I’ve taught you better.”
“It’ll never happen again. I promise.”
“Oh, I’ll make sure of that. You’re going to learn your lesson. I’m giving you fifteen spanks.”
“Fifteen?” you audibly gasp at the number. He has never punished you with so many spanks. The max before had always been less than ten.
“And you’re going to count every single one of them. If you mess up, I’ll add another one. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, sir. I understand.” Not even wasting a second, Carmy’s hand strikes your ass. He’s not starting off easy. “Shit! O-one.” The next two spanks come one after another, hitting at different spots. Your body jolts in his grasp from the impact of each hit. “Two. Three.”
Carmy doesn’t give you time to think in between the strikes of his hand. Each one comes down harder than the one before it. The only sounds in the room are your strangled whines and the sound of his hand against your ass. You manage to count pretty well at first, but it gets harder as the heat between your legs increases.
“Are you getting wet right now?” He says before spanking you once more.
“t-ten.” It’s all you can say. Stringing together a sentence seems impossible.
“Are you already so stupid you can’t count and answer my question?” Carmy’s hand grips your raw skin as he spreads your legs to see for himself. He scoffs when he sees the wetness pooling between your legs, starting to make a wet spot on his pants. “You’re fucking dripping. You’re a desperate little thing, aren’t you? Even my hands spanking you turns you on.”
He hits your ass twice in quick succession in the exact same spot. You cry out from the impact. Your skin is throbbing. “Eleven— Carm, please.” You beg, not quite sure what you’re asking.
“That was twelve. I guess you can’t even count right anymore. Now, I’m going up to sixteen.”
You tremble in his lap, holding onto his legs with a death grip. At this point, he’s lightened up on the force behind his hand. Carmy also directs some of the strikes on your upper thigh to give your ass a break. It’s completely raw from the spankings, red and pulsing with heat. You’re barely holding on when he delivers the last strike.
“S-s-sixteen—“ you gasp. Tears run down your cheeks as Carmy rubs the skin of your upper back.
“You did good, baby. You took that so well. Such a good girl. You just needed a little punishment to remind you who you listen to, didn’t you?”
“Yes, sir. I’m so s-sorry Carm. I didn’t mean to make you so mad,” you speak through sobs. “I-I shouldn’t have done that I’m so sorry—“
“Shhh—baby. Calm down. I’m not mad at you anymore. You made a mistake and got punished for it. It’s all okay now. You don’t have to apologize again. I know you didn’t mean to upset me. Let me help you sit up, yeah? Need to see your face.”
With Carmy’s help, you sit up in his lap to face him. His hands cup your face, wiping the tears away with this thumbs. You get emotional in times like this, especially when Carmy looks at you with such adoration like he is right now. “I love you, Carm.”
“I love you too, sweetheart. Can I take care of you now? I wanna make it all feel better.”
“Please. P-please. Need it,” you beg, feeling the his hard cock underneath you.
“I’ve gotcha. I’ll take care of you.”
Yeah im sorry for leaving this here but i gotta have room to expand on this idea later. Hehehe so expect a more full length one shot with all of this once again and more soon!!
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azrakaban · 9 months ago
Masked pt 1 - Draco Malfoy
This is a 5 part mini fic, hope you enjoy <3
next part
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Summary: Draco attends a masked ball... but leaves with more than he anticipated.
A/N; If you can't tell, this is based off of the classic Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet! Idk when and how this came to my brain but I hope you guys enjoy it. Also: NO PANSY SLANDER IS TOLERATED IN MY COMMENTS. PANSY IS BAE AND I LOVE HER SO KEEP YOUR MOUTHS SHUT PLEASE <3
Key info: This is set in Draco's sixth year, so when Voldemort was actively back. Also in this one shot, Theodore and Draco hate each other, whereas in other one shots they're friends
The plot of Deathly Hallows happens after the golden trio's year leaves Hogwarts, so basically the equivalent of their 'eighth' year. The seventh year is just Voldy doing his thing.
Mini Playlist for you guys:
-Love Story (Taylor's version) - Taylor Swift
- Wanna be yours - Arctic Monkeys
- Line without a hook - Ricky Montgomery
- My Blood - Ellie Goulding
- Set fire to the rain - Adele
- Don't blame me - Taylor Swift
- Hits Different - Taylor Swift
- I'm yours - Isabel LaRosa
- Love me or leave me - Little mix
- Only love can hurt like this - Paloma Faith
- Shameless - Camilla Cabello
- Daddy issues - The Neighbourhood
- Total eclipse of the heart - Bonnie Tyler
- Wildest Dreams (Taylor's version) - Taylor Swift
Third person POV:
The Malfoys and the Notts hated each other. It was a rivalry that ran deep and long since both families could remember. It was rumoured that the dispute had started with Cantankerus Nott's publishing of 'The Pure Blood Directory' in the 1630's, which featured a small jab at the Malfoy family. The Malfoys, indignant, retaliated, leading to a fourty year dispute.
Needless to say, the only reason the families were ever civil to each other was for the sake of the dark lord. Although even this was strained, and the families tended to go out of their way to avoid each other.
So you can imagine the reaction when the Malfoys turned up to The Dark Lord's ball at The Nott Estate.
It was a dark November Saturday night and the few Death Eaters that that had re-emerged when The Dark Lord rose once again were gathered at a masked ball, hosted by Nikovos and Helyre Nott, accompanied by their son and daughter, Theodore and y/n, twins.
your pov:
As you entered the hall, you pulled the mask down over your eyes, standing to survey the guests before your parents made a beeline for the dark lord and Theodore headed for his friend from Hogwarts. Having been home schooled for your safety, you had never experienced Hogwarts. Your understanding of people your age came from forced 'playdates' with other Pure-Bloods.
It had taught you to be nice to the right people, but you yearned for a true friend. One your parents hadn't pre-approved, a genuine friend.
Unfortunately, you didn't see an end to the monotonous life your parents forced upon you from a young age. You were stuck attending the balls, feigning interest in every new idea presented the Death Eater Meetings you rarely attended. You were usually the only teen there. In reality, you didn't remember a single meeting, having either fallen asleep, zoned out or excused yourself.
Pulling out of the memory with a shudder, you walked through the people filling the hall, heading straight for the drinks table. You grabbed a drink quickly. Non-alcoholic of course. You couldn't stand the substance, having an extreme intolerance to it.
You sank down onto a seat with a view of the drinks and leaned back against the wall, sipping your drink. You zoned out entirely and didn't notice the atmosphere tighten when three masked figures walked in. They spread out and vanished from view, dispersing through the crowd. The atmosphere relaxed and the crowds babble resumed, conversations resuming and turning back to their companions.
It was as you came back to reality that you noticed the blonde haired boy standing by the drinks table throwing back a glass of some liquid. As you watched, he sighed and refilled his glass, downing half his glass in one gulp. You couldn't see the rest of his face, just his mouth, set into a hard line. The mask covered the rest of it.
"You know, if you keep staring, I'll start to be self-conscious." He said, looking over to you and quirking his mouth up a little. "Not staring, just wondering if I've seen you before." You said.
He smirked. "You haven't, I can tell you that Princess." He said, coming over to sit beside you. "Or do you prefer Miss Nott?"
You flipped him off, not giving him the satisfaction of a serious response. "Actually, I prefer Princess." You said, matching the smirk on his face. "And shouldn't I know your name if you know mine?" You said, actually turning to look at him.
"I'd really rather you didn't. " He replied, watching the people dance. You looked to them and your eyes softened, watching the couples dance. He looked to you. "Beautiful." You turned and smiled at him. "Yeah, they are."
"I wasn't talking about the dancing."
You blushed, thankful for the mask covering your cheeks. He stood, setting his glass on a nearby table and outstretching a hand to you.
"May I have this dance?" You calmed your sudden blush and took it.
"You may."
He gently tugged you to your feet and brought you into the circle of dancing couples. His hands rested on your hips and your arms went around his neck, gently swaying to the music. You moved through the motions of the dance, him spinning you at the right times, you moving your feet in time with the beat.
The dance ended and you found your faces close to each others, mere inches apart. You could see the pale blue colour of his eyes, the dark lashes surrounding them and his lips... oh god, his lips. He swallowed and his eyes flickered to your lips for a second. Your faces moved closer, the distance between you growing shorter...
"Y/N!" Yours and mystery guy's eyes snapped up to the source of the yell. Your father came running towards you, his expression thunderous. Your mother came running after him. "Nikovos, calm down, I'm sure its a misunderstanding!" she said. Mystery guy looked back to you and locked eyes with you.
"Tonight, midnight, west balcony." He said. You were instantly confused. "Wha-?"
"Y/N!" Your father yelled again, finally reaching you and pulling the two of you apart. "What in the Salazar do you think you're doing dancing with the Malfoy boy?" he spat, eyeing mystery guy with a glare.
The Malfoy boy. Oh hell.
You looked back to mystery guy. "You're Draco Malfoy?" You said, although you already knew the answer.
"Yes princess. This seems to be new information to you though... perhaps your parents are keeping you too isolated from the real world?" He drawled, smirking at your parents. Your father seemed to be seeing red. (Little inappropriate, given it was a Slytherin ball, but okay Mr Nott - that was an author comment, not part of the story lol x)
"Move yourself far away from her before I make you. And I won't hesitate to snap each of your fingers while doing so." Said Theodore, appearing at your side. You turned, seeing an expression of stone set into your brother's face.
"Ah, but you see Nott, I'd rather keep my fingers for doing other things." Said Draco, rolling his tongue in his cheek. He winked at you from under the mask and you nearly died.
"YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING!" Your father whisper yelled, a few onlookers starting to watch.
"Were you talking to me or your son, Nr Nott?" Said Draco, smirking once again.
You met Draco's eyes and they had had a glint to them that matched the mocking smile aimed at your father. He was enjoying this, you could tell, and it was nearly frustrating. Nearly. It was more fun watching Nikovos get mad. Your mother's feeble attempts to get him to calm down had done nothing, so she resorted to a different tactic.
"NIKOVOS! You will calm down this instant! We are in the presence of the dark lord, and this sort of behavior is unacceptable. Theodore, go find your friends again, and do not grace me with your presence unless you have something useful to contribute. Nikovos, Yaxley is looking for you, go speak with him. Y/N, go dance with Mattheo, you need the distraction. And you boy..." She finished, turning to Draco. "... You stay away from my family." She said, glaring at him from behind her feathered mask.
"Oh don't worry Madam, I'll stay far away from your husband and son. Be sure of that." Said Draco, turning to walk away.
"I assume your father will be hearing about this?" Said Helyre, almost taunting him. Draco lifted his head a little and halted, but didn't turn.
"No, I don't think he will. I think I'll keep this our little secret." He said, before resuming his walk and being lost from sight. If you were honest, you weren't sure if that was directed at your mother or you.
End of Part 1! If you enjoyed please leave a like, reblog or comment <3
Next Part
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sitp-recs · 1 year ago
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HP Rec Fest, Day 19
@hprecfest couldn’t come up with a better prompt on my birthday if they wanted 😂 my moment to be the horny on main has finally come (pun intended) and I had so much fun planning this rec post - it’s been a long time coming too, as naturally this was the very first prompt I checked when the fest started! You can probably guess just by looking at this rec list that I’m a big smut fan and champion. I love reading it, talking about it and reccing it. The fics I reread the most are PWPs and I’m even more obsessed when they offer hot dirty talk (am actually picky about it!) and exceptional character development. In fact, some of the most insightful, sensitive and sophisticated character studies I’ve seen come from deeply underrated smutty fics and I’ll die on this hill!
Today I’m breaking my own rule of only reccing two fics and avoiding stories I’ve recced before because a) this is too good an opportunity to scream about my faves again b) it’s my birthday and I can do whatever I want 😌 the Drarry rec was actually bit more challenging as my usual smutty favorites involve rare pairs. I’ve been working hard to highlight lesser known fics but this time I’m staying true to the request - which of course it’s completely subjective - and chose my favourite even if it’s a widely known and popular fic. I feel so privileged to be reading and reccing these masterpieces as a birthday celebration! You’ll find some of my favourite quotes below, as a treat 🔥
Day 19) fic with the hottest smut
Tales from the Special Branch by Femme (E, WIP)
“You slag," he says, but there's no sharpness to the words. They're warm and soft, and he stills, looking up at Potter, his heart stuttering. "Whore," Potter whispers. It comes out like an endearment, gentle against Draco's jaw.
Draco's eyes flutter shut. His whole body feels heated, flushed, every nerve ending aware of Potter pressed against him. The phial of lube is still clenched tight in his fingers; he lets it slide free, dropping to the coverlet beside them. "I want you," he says. "It's madness, I know. We've lost our bloody minds." He opens his eyes, and Potter's watching him, hair mussed, cheeks pink.
"I can't keep away," Potter says. He strokes a knuckle along Draco's face. "I don't want to keep away."
I considered going for a hidden gem but it was no use, I just had to celebrate this epic classic and stay true to my heart! when it comes to ust and smut imo this is hands down the hottest thing I’ve ever read. there are so many iconic and breathtaking sex scenes it’s impossible to pick just one; I’ve reread most of them more times than I care to admit and they all have carved their way inside my brain. I love how desperately wanton Harry and Draco are for each other in this fic! I keep replaying every dirty word, every slutty kiss, every chaotic and intense af sexual encounter they have over the course of this superb and deliciously long case fic/secret relationship series. at this point everyone and their dog has heard of, and read, this series but if you haven’t yet you’re in for a treat! block your schedule this holiday season and go grab some popcorn for this brilliant masterclass in writing, flangst and smut - so much top notch smut to feast on you’ll want to live in this universe forever. you’re welcome!
Rare pair:
Euphoria by birdsofshore (Albus/Scorpius + Albus/Draco, E, 37k)
"Please." I can see Al's legs quivering. They must be getting tired, hooked over Father's shoulders like that for so long. "Please, Draco. Fuck me. Fuck me some more."
Bloody hell. His words go straight to my prick. Father's arse cheeks clench, and he thrusts forward a little deeper into Al, as if he can't help himself. Al moans, and I don't know what's better, hearing it, or seeing my father's reaction to it.
"Very well." Father pulls back to a kneeling position, his hands gripping Al's thighs. I can see Al's hole stretched around the head of my father's cock. "Watch. You might learn something."
I double dare you to find anything hotter than this fic and believe me, I’ve read TONS of smut across many ships and fandoms. Am I biased due to my particular fondness for age gap and sharing/cuckolding kink? Maybe so 🌝 but I promise you this is unlike any other smut you’ve read before - it’s not only smoking hot with the kind of self-indulgent, relentless athletic sex that leaves you sweating (and horny), it’s also pov multiple written in the first person and how brilliant is that??? birds sells herself short in the AN saying this is just 30k of pure unadulterated porn but I’d argue this is actually a masterpiece, an extremely clever, nuanced and perfectly executed character study, mainly of Scorpius. I am impressed beyond words by what birds was able to deliver in 30k of yes, unapologetic kinky smut. DILF Draco, wanton Albus and sweet conflicted Scorp are a sight to behold and will live rent free in your mind after you read this 🪦
Utter Cockslut (A Worthy Cause) by Lokifan (Drarry, Draco/others, E, 7.5k)
Harry grinned darkly. “All right, Draco, get ready for the last few. Make sure you’re good for them; I’m a man who keeps my promises.”
Draco went up on his toes, craning round to see the next wizard. He strained to make out faces in the murky light; after being fucked by Weasley, he knew it could be almost anyone waiting for their chance to have him.
He felt anxiety shiver through him deliciously. Harry went and spoke to the wizards there, his voice low and businesslike. Giving them instructions on how to use him, maybe? Draco hurt from desire.
gangbang galore!!!! this fic has been one of my favourite PWPs to revisit for some years now. I’ll never get over Lokifan’s smut tbh, every fic was obviously written to check my personal boxes and the pacing, characterization and dialogue are so masterfully done I’m always gutted when it’s over. they’ve written smut for some of my favorite ships and they’re all equally delicious but nothing beats (hehe) this one: downright sinful and decadent as the summary suggests but also surprisingly very sweet! established drarry doing the nasty together is my comfort food and here you can feel how much trust and love they have for each other. Harry & Draco are 100% connected throughout the whole fic and the bits of playful teasing, desperate affection and tender aftercare in-between fucks made me swoon! this is a must read for anyone who loves to see Draco getting some diq and loving it, but also to my fellow Dron fans out there! their smutty times are deliciously hot and so funny too, with a lovable horny Ron being egged on by the devils. HBD me! 😂🎉
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thedanniannie · 8 months ago
Head canon fic where reader is a mega drag race fan, and convinces Itachi to watch an episode with them.
Also small Shisui cameo at the end bc it's my Tumblr AND IM ALLOWED TO ADD UCHIHAS AS I SO DAMN PLEASE...
- You practically had to beg itachi to sit down with you to watch it. The show has always been classified as a "you thing." Or you'd watch it with your closest girl friends.
- But imagine getting the opportunity to watch this book nerd watch such an extravagant show. The thought alone gave you the courage to ask him to watch with you.
- I mean this man is defo NOT straight, so he needs to learn some queer culture!
- It's the night of a lifetime and he is NOT matching the vibe. The bright pink of the work room on the TV reflecting off onto his glasses and stoic face, along with his leg crossed and the man is sipping on a cup of tea like an old grandmother.
- The reaction from the first episode was lackluster at best. There's not much to tell if he liked it or not. Every time you caught a glance at him you could tell he had his "thinking eyes," the ones with the slight squint and the soft furrowed brows.
- You ask if he liked the episode and he responds very properly, "it was very interesting, thank you for showing me." Polite, but not very telling if he was actually intrigued or was just sparing your feelings.
- In a surprising turn of events, the next night as you two are washing dishes from dinner, he casually asks if you wanted to continue to the second episode. (HUH?!?!)
- Second episode turns into third episode, and there's more signs that he's slowly catching the drag race bug. During the judges' debriefing you start to hear him humming at comments that you can only assume are comments he agrees with.
- The whole time you have been commenting and reacting to all the challenges, runways, and lip syncs. By episode five Itachi begins chiming in with you, although not quite to the energy you have. He'll chuckle more at the puns and gimmicks, and will always give a soft compliment to the queens with the more interesting designs. Of course he'd like the more artistic queens.
- Nothing could have prepared you, however, to be watching one of the runways with him and he casually remarks, "...hmm, a unitard and fishnets. Michelle will hate that..."
- (please imagining him saying that would have me looking at him like he's one of the damn pit crew 😈)
- By the end you two are doing your own debriefing after runways and lipsyncs, getting to hear his analytical brain try to break down drag fashion as opposed to his usual history or theory material.
- Little secret, he definitely only started it to spare your feelings. But look at him now. Regardless, he's happy to let his guard down and watch what he would now consider his "guilty pleasure" show with his lover.
- The only one, besides you, who he brings up the show with is Shisui. But they're super close, and I think Shisui definitely might have watched an episode with one of his hook-ups, and even knows the names of some of the more famous queens. (They're both queer men talking about drag race, how original lol)
I guess this is just my type of fanfiction writing now bc I just can't deviate from it. It's because I watch a lot of stuff that I know Itachi's ass WOULD NOT watch. And I think it's fun to be delusional. It's like the Victorian child meme, except it's "Okay what brain rot material could kill Itachi Uchiha?" That's my premise for fanfic writing.
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castlebyersafterdark · 2 months ago
for me it’s because so much of mike’s arc and character development is tied to will. as in, i’m not saying “mike isn’t his own person without will” but, so much of his character development in the show is so intrinsically linked to will, that i have a hard time understanding “how does mike end up here without him having feelings for will?” i have a harder time wrapping my brain around mike without will, than i do with will without mike.
now i also have trouble reading will x other characters. but that’s more because i’m scarred by the era of (are they still doing this?) people only shipping will with other male characters to “free up” mike, so they could have mileven. so (at one point at least) most of the will x other character fics were either “will gets over his feelings and he’s happy, no need for mike to reject him! and mileven live happily ever after!” or “mike rejects will, but that’s okay, because will finds another guy!” or especially if it was will POV, some of them felt like they were written by people thinking “will doesn’t deserve mike, will is so much better than mike, he’s gonna get a better boyfriend cause mike sucks.” and yet even in those scenarios it still always ended with mileven 😭😭😭 i unironically think i’d have an easier time with a “mike sucks, will deserves better” fic if mike was still gay, didn’t end up with eleven, and he just sucked. but again so much of will’s character development revolved around his love for mike, romantic or platonic. so even in that hypothetical fic, i still can’t imagine will hating mike
that’s also why i’m obsessed with byclair in theory, but i can’t bring myself to actually read it on ao3. i’m looking at byclair on ao3 and my head starts overheating like an old computer with too many tabs open, fan spinning full speed, my thoughts slow down like if mike’s in it… why no gay??? why no crush on will??? if mike… where’s will??? if mike’s not in it… gay… gay mike? will byers gay??? mike and will?? mike gay??? homosexual???? gay??? please???
i wish i had the strength to be a multishipper but unfortunately i just can’t do it
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Agree with the Mike characterization thing - and it's also not that I don't see him as his own man, his own character!! But so much of him is so very tied up in Will. It kind of defines him in the show. Will being his entire motivation we are introduced to right from the beginning. And not that Will isn't entwined with Mike - he totally is, but I think because of the possession and disappearance and the way he's been portrayed, you can make the argument that you can explore elements of Will's character independent of another character. Tough to explain. But I get it.
I think my thing if I do indulge and read Will x Other - the Mike factor has to be either completely ignored or there's a reason that takes him away from the plot. Because I do not like the fic in-universe excuse then to put him with a women/El. No. Doesn't work. Maybe Mike's family moved away. Maybe it's in some span of time before Will officially gets with Mike. Maybe they parted ways for some reason - idk. Mike's still gotta be a possibility based on sexuality for me, he can't be shoved to the side, straight or ending up with El. No. Ew. Hahahaha.
Like in my SteveWill ideas from that post. The one where they meet up in another town years later - Mike isn't a factor in it at all, he probably moved away in high school. The one where Steve and Will drive around Hawkins and hook up - the implication here is that it's during the time jump era or around that time and the understanding is that it's temporary. Will is going to eventually end up with Mike, Steve is a distraction. Steve teaching Will to kiss idea? Again, Steve is a distraction. And then all the HenWiII stuff? That's more a spicy salacious angsty character exploration and even if there's dark stuff and the element of sex - the implication is that eventually that ends and Will ends up with Mike. Or I don't address Mike at all, again, it'll just be an indulgence.
Byler is that pairing for me!! I'm too attached. Have my fun though. I just have to make sure that Mike is handled if I'm indulging anything. Even in my fave fic - the SteveWill with the pool and swimsuits and hooking up in the summer - the implication is one of horny convenience, whilst both parties are holding out for others. Will is still in love with Mike, he just wants to temporarily indulge and get off. I like that dynamic. It's all very fun!! Yes! I do indulge. But Byler has really really really sharp claws in my heart and it's difficult to truly diverge.
Not truly a multishipper. But I like a little variety, a little extracurricular indulgence.
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muddyorbsblr · 2 years ago
❣️Once you get this you have to say one nice thing about 3 of your favorite authors! Share the love around! ❣️
omg wait no i can't just do three are you kidding me-- i'm absolutely doing more
in no particular order…
@lokisgoodgirl -- the way you write Loki thirst and Loki smut always completely blows me away. whether it be in the CF or the HF series or your oneshots, the way you describe him is so vividly picturesque that it's dangerous for me and my imagination to be reading it outside. i mean for real, i read the CF chapter where he reveals that the mango had an enchantment to be smaller while i was outside a badminton court and i was really struggling to not scream or have a whole whorish breakdown in front of the receptionist or else i might get banned from the place 🥴✌️
@sarahscribbles -- bestie we gotta talk about what you put in your stories because i am honestly addicted to them 🫠 i remember straight up feeling butterflies when i first read Moments of Magic and then i jumped into 14 Hours to Capetown straight after and i immediately decided while i was curled up on my couch that i shouldn't read your smuts in public because i will need Edna Mode to slap me with newspaper and yell at me to pull myself together
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@mochie85 -- i can still vividly remember reading the first few chapters of Creature Comforts while i was on a road trip and i had to put my hand over my mouth because i was all out squeeing over how cute and attentive Loki was 🥹🥹 and i know you don't always write smut but when you do goddamn it has me sweating and melting into my seat. like Pheromones?? The Chase?? Narratives?? and Girl in the Mirror omfg that one had me going "thank fuck i'm bi" 🥵😮‍💨
@fictive-sl0th/@ladycamillewrites -- there's something undeniably poetic in the way you set the scene in your stories that completely immerses me in its world while i'm reading it and i love it so much 😍😍 and then you decide to hit so hard with the smut that i have to stare at the wall for a few minutes composing myself before i can rejoin civilization. honestly i love it so much please never stop 💖
@cake-writes -- friend you have no idea the scream i scrempt when i realized you wrote Wildflower. that was the first incest fic i read and i was still in my lurker era back then so i said nothing but i am so addicted to it and i will happily wait in my little corner waiting for the next chapter because as the wise ones always say: perfection takes time. and recently i just read the first part of The Seven Year Itch and lemme just tell you i'm ready for you to completely rip my heart out going down the amnesia route. also just the premise of her losing her memory while she was getting dicked down by her husband?? inspired. 🥵👏👏
@give-me-a-moose -- Cas omg i still remember how giddy i was when you sent over the link to The Pleasure of Which We're Already Accused 😩💖 and then i completely had a fangirl moment when i realized you also wrote By Hook or By Crook because Want and Wanting is one of my absolute favorite besties to lovers fics out there 🥹
i'm pretty sure that my tiny brain has forgotten a lot of other writers and there's so many of you that i intend to work my way through. there's a literal physical list of stories i'm yet to read and trust me i will get through them…it's just gonna take some time. but it will happen, i swear 🥺✌️
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kyberblade · 2 years ago
Shatter - Gone Rogue (Din x Reader)
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A/N: They’re back! These weirdos that I love poked my brain until I couldn’t ignore them. I really hope you love it. We have Fennec and Boba making a guest appearance, too! This is Part 3 in the Shatter-verse. The reader has a name in this fic, but that’s the only descriptor of her. Past that, nothing else, I don’t think. I still use “you” mostly, the name is only used a handful of times. This was meant to be a multi chapter fic, but it’s just not wanting to translate that way, so it’s going to be a series of one shots and a whiff of continuity. Please feel free to send me scenarios, prompts, requests for these crazy kids! Just remember to stick to the rules.
I do not own Star Wars or it’s characters. Sadly. But I carry them in my heart. Does that count for something? My soul says yes.
Warnings: Snark, Grogu being the cutest thing you ever did see, Din is a warning in and of himself in this one. Typical show violence. Light swear words. Space swearing. Mando’a. Like a lot of it. (Translations at the end of each sentence as I go.) My Mandalorians do what they want. Banter. So much banter. And you’ll probably fall in love with them like I did. (I don’t make the rules.)
Word count: 11,934
Thanks to @grippingbeskar​ for encouraging me, looking over this for me, and being the one to introduce me to Din fanfiction in the first place, getting me hooked. You are fantastic and I always love our chats.
Also a shout out to @what-the-heckin-heck​, @dontletyourchildrenwatchthis, @lloweryourstandardss​, and @fordo-kixed-rex for reading it over for me as I went and telling me I wasn’t crazy. (And @deceiver-of-gods​ for helping me with the Mando’a - You’re a life saver.) (Any mistakes are my own.)
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You twisted the wrench as you tightened the bolt under the Crest, the ship’s shadow blocking you from the scalding heat of Tatooine’s twin suns. 
“There. I think that’s it, Peli. Wanna test it out before I move?”
“Sure!” She called, jogging up the ramp and into the cockpit. Her voice came over the comm in your pocket a few seconds later, “You ready?”
“As I’ll ever be,” you muttered, wiping sweat from your brow. “Wait!” The engines that had started to power up came to an abrupt halt.
“What?” Peli asked urgently.
“Do I need to have Mando hand me my helmet or something? As protection? In case, I don’t know, something pops off and flies straight for my-”
Her loud guffaw rang throughout the hangar from your comm as you glared at it, unimpressed. “You’ll be fine,” she wheezed, trying to catch her breath as she muttered your words back under her breath in a fit of giggles. “Starting the engines now.”
The ship roared above you, vibrating just slightly to show its displeasure at being finely tuned. Oh well. It was better than the clunking. 
“All looks fine up here,” came her voice over the comm as the engines powered down. “You can close her up and come out. Good job.”
Smiling, you mumbled a thanks, starting to scooch out of the tight space when her voice crackled through again, making you pause.
“Hey, wait. When did you finish this interior?”
You squinted as the suns moved just enough to be in your eyes. “Um, in the last few days, I think. You mean on the lower level?”
“Yeah….” Her voice sounded distant, amazed, moving away from the comm like she was turning around.
“Within the last few days. Mando finished it up while I did the wiring with you in the cockpit.” You dragged your gloved hand down your face, bringing it up to block out the suns. “Looks good, doesn’t it?”
“Looks very good,” she agreed. “Almost makes me wish I could go somewhere in this ship. Almost.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” Din said dryly, standing by your head.
Pulling your hand down quickly, you glared up at him, reaching out to whack his leg. “Kriff! You scared me! Don’t do that!”
Peli’s laughter barked over the comm once again, soon coming around the corner to join Din’s in real time as she stood beside you. “Need some help? I can get R5 to tow you out a few feet if you need-”
You glared at her, making her snicker. “No, I’m good, thanks. I can manage.” Wiggling back a few inches, you let out a huff before holding a hand out toward Din. “Help your bodyguard out?”
“If anyone attacked right now, I’d be-”
“Don’t say it,” you grumbled.
“I mean, you’re just laying down on the job,” he continued, grabbing your shoulders and pulling you the rest of the way out before offering you a hand to help you up. 
Once you were on your feet again, Din pulled you close, speaking in a low and teasing voice, “It’s a wonder no one’s snuck in here yet.”
“I was about to say the same thing,” a familiar female voice rang out behind him, making you both turn with blasters drawn. “Hello, Mando.”
“Fennec,” he said on a sigh, lowering his weapon.
“Again?!” Peli lamented. “There is a door, you know.”
“And a lovely door it is,” a familiar man’s voice drawled. A tall bald man in beskar walked up casually, one hand resting on his belt, the other cradling a matching Mandalorian helmet against his side. He tipped his head in respect towards Din. “Hello, old friend.”
You moved to stand in front of him, the man and the woman chuckling. 
“You can tell your attack dog to stand down anytime now,” the woman said in a droll tone, making her way down from the rafter she sat on.
The man laughed softly. “Attack dog? No, no, this is his shadow!” He gestured to you with his free hand. “Everyone knows the shadow of a Mandalorian is the most dangerous part, because if you’ve lingered long enough to see it, odds are you’re probably within striking distance.”
You smirked. “I don’t mind you.” Turning your blaster on the woman, you gestured to her with the weapon. “You, I’m not so crazy about, but I have a feeling that’ll change.”
Din put his hand on your shoulder, sliding it down your arm to make you lower your blaster. “Ti, this is Fennec Shand and Boba Fett.”
Disengaging your blaster, you holstered it. “The ones who gave us the piece of shi- I mean ship.”
Boba laughed loudly while Fennec rolled her eyes with a small grin. “That would be me,” he chuckled. “She was in horrible shape when I found her, but look at her now!” He gestured to the ship behind you. “Got you here in one piece and she’s sparkling.”
“Because I flew her here,” you grumbled, smiling when Boba laughed again. You liked him. He brought a joy into a room. Walking up, you offered your hand, which he took and gave a firm shake. “Ti Jyrr. Head of strategy and tactics, and temporary head of security. Also currently a bodyguard to the Mand’alor and the child until we can get back home.”
Boba’s eyes lit up. “Speaking of, where is the foundling?”
“Asleep on the ship,” Din stepped up beside you. “He’s her shadow, follows her everywhere. Tired him out early today after she convinced him to chase Peli’s droids around the hangar for a few hours.”
Peli let out a surprised huff of laughter. “That was you? That was the cutest thing I have ever seen. Plus, getting R5 to finally wind down and connect to a charging dock for once - ah! Blissful silence - you’re a magician!”
“I think it was just trying to get away from Grogu,” you smirked, shrugging. “But hey, it all worked out.” Turning back to the newcomers, you jerked your head back toward the ship. “Would you like a tour? I need to wake the kid up, anyway, or he’ll wake up right when I go to sleep and start jumping on my bed or something.”
“That would be lovely,” Boba smiled before his features adopted something a little more serious. He set his helmet on a nearby table before he brought his hands together to rest in front of him. “Then, after that, if we could have a….” He looked at Fennec before turning back to you and Din. “Discussion of sorts? A business proposition is more like it.”
Sharing a look with Din, you nodded once to him. “I can watch the kid so the three of you-”
“Oh no, this would involve you, too.” Boba’s voice made you stop short.
“I can watch the womp rat,” Peli chimed in softly, her hand raised as if you didn’t know who was speaking. “I owe ya one after you got R5 on the dock earlier.”
You shared one more look with Din before he turned to Boba and Fennec. “Sounds like a plan. Now come on. I want to show you what we did with the hyperdrive.”
Grogu squawked across the hangar in Peli’s arms as she fed him, the sound bouncing off every surface and echoing into the cool night air.
You and Din sat across from Boba and Fennec at a small table off to the side, parts for all sorts of craft shoved out of the way so you could see one another.
“I have a proposition for you,” Boba began on a sigh, leaning forward on the table to brace on his forearms. “Someone has stolen from me. Wormed his way into my inner circle and as soon as he had an opening, made off with a small fortune in credits.”
He leaned back in his chair, lounging almost. “Now, you know the credits aren’t a problem for me, I don’t care about that.” He leaned forward again, his eyes determined as his finger jammed into the table to emphasize his words. “It’s the principle of the thing.”
“What do you want us to do about it?” Din adjusted in his seat to recline slightly, one hand resting on the table.
“We have enough people to keep the ports and ways out of town under surveillance,” Fennec took over. “He’s not going anywhere. But by keeping everything under watch, we don’t have the manpower to actually look for him.”
“And you think just the two of us is enough?” Both of them looked at you in amusement.
“Two Mandalorians is more than enough.” Boba chuckled. “He’s not a genius by any means.”
“He was smart enough to get past you.”
Din kicked your foot under the table with his own, making you roll your eyes.
Boba looked on in amusement. “That he was,” he agreed with a nod. “Probably because I don’t have someone like you keeping watch for me. Then again, we did sneak up on you today, did we not?”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you looked across the hangar absently, not willing to dignify that with an answer.
“These things happen,” he continued, his voice softer. “I just want to make an example so it doesn’t happen again.”
“We wanted to give you first go at it before we put out a puck.” Your eyes finally landed on Fennec as she explained, a smirk growing on her face. “Figured you’d want some fun before you had to get off planet. And like Boba said, credits aren’t a problem, so your finders fee should help keep your life on the run well funded.”
“What are friends for,” Boba drawled teasingly, his focus across the table on Din.
“I’m assuming you want him alive,” he finally said after a long moment, sitting up straight in his chair.
“Preferably,” Boba nodded, the corners of his lips turning up slightly. “But should something…. happen, I’m not going to deduct anything from the final total.”
“Can you send us copies of city maps we can add to our navs in our helmets?” All three heads turned to you. “It’ll be much easier if we’re not getting lost in the maze of back alleys and market stalls.”
Boba looked at Fennec before he turned back to you with an amused look and nodded.
“I’m also assuming you don’t want any damage done to the city? Or at least, as little as possible?” You turned to Din. “I have some blasters with decent stun features I picked up at the market the other day when I made a food run. Might be best to avoid the most civilian casualties and property damage, then if we get close enough to him and get a clear shot, should we need to, we can switch it over.”
“You went blaster shopping on a food run?” Din asked after a moment of silence.
You shrugged. “I’m a Mandalorian. Weapons are part of my religion.”
“This is the way,” Boba teased.
Din groaned, making you smile. Leaning forward to offer Boba his hand across the table, they shook on it. “We have a deal. We’ll start first thing in the morning.”
After getting the man’s details, talking over the prices, and getting the necessary maps, you all said goodbye.
“It was an honor to meet you,” you said as you stood beside Din near the doorway on their way out.
“The honor is all mine,” Boba said, his head inclined as he looked down at you. “I’m excited to see you work, Ti.”
“If it all goes to plan, you won’t notice a thing.”
He chuckled at that, looking to Din and bowing his head respectfully. “Mand’alor.” Then they disappeared into the night.
Turning to Din, he turned to face you before you both began walking back into the hangar. “Why don’t you go grab Grogu, let Peli get to sleep, and I’ll meet you on the ship. Show you what all I bought.”
He nodded, his steps speeding up as he headed toward the little alcove where R5’s bleeps and Grogu’s squeaks were heard echoing softly.
You went up the ramp of the Crest, going to the weapons cabinet where you had stored your recent purchases and pulled a few out.
Din padded up the ramp quietly a few minutes later, a sleeping Grogu in his arms, making you smile as he passed by. “He passed out almost as soon as she handed him off,” Din said on an amused huff.
Setting Grogu in his small hammock before he closed the door to the bunk area, he turned back to you and sighed, rubbing the top of his helmet absently. 
“What’s wrong?” You set the blasters down and turned to fully face him.
“She can’t watch him tomorrow. Has some job she agreed to before we got here.” He leaned on the wall next to the bunk door. “I used to take him with me on bounties, but….”
“That was when you were on the run because of the bounty on him. Now we’re on the run basically because of a bounty on you.” 
Din lifted his head, his visor meeting your understanding gaze, nodding gently before he looked away again.
“Hey, the bounty is basically on both of us.” You took a step closer, craning your neck back, tilting your head just slightly to try and catch his eyes. “You don’t get to take all the blame, Djarin. Whatever is going on, it’s a problem for all Mandalorians, and we aren’t the kind to just hide under a rock.” Looking over his shoulder, you studied the wall behind him. “Well, except for coverts, but we aren’t talking about that.”
He snorted out a laugh, making you return your eyes to his visor and grin up at him. “He doesn’t care. He loves spending the day with you. Just bring him with.” Your hand came to rest on his upper arm.
“I don’t want to put him in any more danger. If anything happened to him because of me, I-”
“Then I’ll take him with me.” He finally met your gaze again. “I’ll keep him safe. Do you trust me?”
After a moment Din nodded. “You know I do.”
“Then it’s settled.” You squeezed his arm before letting your hand fall back to your side. “I’ll take him in the cradle. I’ll keep him safe. Nothing will happen to him.”
Lifting his head all the way back up, Din looked behind you. Gesturing with a jut of his chin, he asked quietly, “What’s under the tarp?”
Turning to face the nearby crate draped in the dull fabric, you made your way over to it. “They didn’t know what they had. It’s all pieced out and needs a good clean, Peli might even have some parts you could replace these with if they’re too far gone, but…. I thought you might want it after all the stories you’ve told me while we’ve been working on the ship.”
“Stories?” Din looked down at the crate as you pulled the cloth away, showing old rusty pieces that put together would be an Amban rifle. 
“You mentioned you lost it with the ship, and since you have the ship again….”
Din traced the parts with one gloved hand, his fingers barely touching the storied metal pieces. 
“Since we’re fighting for our home, our values, our everything, it only seemed right that you do it with this. Thought it might help restore your faith a little bit.” You winked.
“Thank you,” he spoke softly, his hand coming to rest on your upper arm like yours had on his. “I…. This is…. Thank you.”
“Now, don’t stay up all night putting it together,” you warned. “You need sleep. And it’ll be here later.”
He looked at you with a tilt of his head that said, you’re crazy.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” You smirked. “I’ll help.”
As the suns began to peek over the lip of the hangar the next morning, Din stood just inside the Crest admiring the completed Amban rifle.
He held it in his hands, tilting it back and forth to see it from all angles, his head tilting fondly the longer he stared. 
Letting out a massive yawn from where you sat on a nearby crate, you smirked at him. “Why don’t you just ask it to marry you already? That’d be faster than whatever this is.” You made a small circular gesture to him with your hand, arching your brow when he lifted his visor to look at you for the first time in hours.
Before he could say anything, the bunk door slid open to your right, Grogu already bright eyed and chittering happily after a good night's rest.
“Jate vaar'tur, ad’ika,” you said softly, yawning again as you reached for the tiny green creature ambling over to you as fast as his little legs would carry him. “Did you sleep well?” Reaching down, you scooped him into your lap, chuckling when he screeched joyfully. (“Good morning, little one.”)
The kid reached out and grabbed the mudhorn pendant you wore, his eyes going wide as it caught the light just right, before he promptly began gnawing on it.
“Kid,” Din groaned. “Hey. Stop that. Grogu.” He began to walk over, reaching out to tug the metal out of his son’s mouth. “That’s not what that’s for, kid.”
Making a sound of displeasure, Grogu looked between both of you before trying to take his new toy back from between Din’s fingers, letting out an annoyed huff and glaring up at his father when it was pulled further away from him.
“It’s too sharp, ad’ika. You could get hurt.” Grogu looked up at you with the biggest eyes you’d seen yet, blinking slowly as if to plead with you to give in. “I know. How about we get you some food instead?” A laugh painted the last few words as Grogu’s face changed instantly and he began trying to scale your front to get face to face with you, slipping down your chest plate with a screech.
It quickly melted into another yawn, Grogu following suit a few seconds later, and Din a few moments after that. 
Shaking your head, you got to your feet. “I’ll get him something to eat, and grab a cup or seven of caf. Want some?” Din nodded, turning back to admiring his rifle again, making you roll your eyes as you began down the ramp. “I’ll be right back. Give you two a moment alone.”
Din mumbled his thanks, not looking up from the weapon as you glanced over your shoulder, smirking.
Headed for the kitchen, you mumbled almost conspiratorially to Grogu, “Your dad is something else, kid.”
As your little clan of three stepped through the door of the hangar, Peli’s voice sending you on your way ringing off of every hard surface behind you, both you and Din shared a look before turning to the kid where he sat in his floating cradle.
“You got that set to stun?” Motioning to Din’s new Amban rifle that sat on his back, attached to a leather strap slung across his chest, you tightened your gloves.
He nodded once in confirmation, his head slowly turning to survey the nearby area.
“What about everything else?”
His visor turned to lock with yours. “All but one. I’m not leaving myself defenseless.”
You let out a snort of laughter. “I think if anyone had to use a word to describe you, ‘defenseless’ wouldn’t be on the list, even if you didn’t have a single weapon.”
“Then remind me the purpose of your job, then, if I don’t need protecting?” You tilted your head at him in annoyance. “I like to be prepared,” he amended, pulling your hand toward his and fixing the clasp on your glove you had been fiddling with. “What did you do to this? It’s like it’s been through a trash compactor.”
You couldn’t help but snort once again. “Not far off. R5 rolled over it a grand total of three times before I could get him to stop moving- hey!” You cried in protest as he yanked the buckle from the fabric with a precise tug, tucking it into the pouch on his belt and tying a simple but effective knot in its place.
“I’ll fix it before we leave. But right now, you need to focus, and you can’t if you have a buckle- if it can even still be called that- flopping around while you're trying to aim.” Cinching the knot tight, he let your hand fall back to your side. “There. Ready to go, ner cabur?” (“My protector.”)
You shook your head at his antics. “Elek, olaror, ner verd'ika.” (“Yes, come, my little soldier.”)
Din scoffed at your teasing tone, following a few paces behind as you both ventured into the market, the kid following alongside you in his cradle. “Mir'sheb.” (“Smartass.”)
“The smartest,” you quipped playfully, looking at the kid with an affectionate tilt of your head as he grinned broadly back up at you.
“Sheb'urcyin,” Din grumbled, making you bark out a laugh. (“Butt-kisser.”)
Looking at him over your shoulder as you continued forward, you spoke over a laugh, your words bouncing with the effort. “Now what about me has ever made you think that?”
“You’re right. Your pure shereshoy blinded me for a minute and I had to look away. I only saw what the sarcasm allowed.” (“Lust for life and much more.”)
You turned to face him, walking backwards, your voice the most sarcastic he had heard it in days. “Copaani mirshmure'cye, vod?” (“Are you looking for a smack in the face, mate?”)
Din smiled under his helmet, glad to finally be back to the banter the two of you had slipped into since first going on the run days ago. The closer it got to leaving Tatooine, the more business minded and mission oriented you had been, focused on making everything run smoothly for all three of them, and it seemed to come at the cost of some of your lighter moods. Seeing the teasing tilt of your helmet now, the almost literal spring in your step, hearing the lilt in your voice…. The world was spinning the right way again. “Now, now, don’t be stupid, that would be a jare move.” (“Kamikaze - someone taking a fatal, foolish risk.”)
Barking out another laugh, you turned to walk forward again, Din shaking his head fondly once your back was turned. “I’ll show you a jare move,” you grumbled.
Grogu began to coo happily as he looked between the two of you, giggling softly as he looked up at you with a broad grin, his eyes squinting in the bright sunlight.
Looking down at him, you huffed out a laugh. “You think that’s funny, ad’ika? You think I’m funny when I threaten your dad?” He giggled again. “That’s kinda copikla, kid.” (“Cute.”)
“Be careful who you jurkadir, burc'ya.” (“Threaten/Mess with.”) (“Friend.”)
You turned to face him, your hands held behind your back in feigned innocence as you leaned toward him to tease, “That works both ways, burc'ya.”
“Sha'kajir?” Din held up his hands in surrender. (“Truce?”)
You thought for a moment before bowing your head in agreement. “Sha'kajir. Oya!” (“Let’s hunt!”)
“Should we split up?” Din stepped up beside you, surveying the sea of market stalls sprawling in front of you.
“Not yet. Let’s move as a unit for now, let everyone see us together. Then, later I’ll take the market while you take the alleys, and if we happen upon him- or anyone else who wants to cause us trouble- they’ll assume the other is nearby and they’ll be distracted looking for someone who isn’t there.”
Nodding, Din followed behind you as you started into the crowd, people watching your little party with weary glances, but they didn’t keep their distance like people on other planets tended to do.
It only took a few minutes before you stopped and turned to Din, your voice low. “I see him. He’s in the cantina.”
Looking to his left, Din saw the man sitting at the bar, surrounded by a group of locals, all guffawing as he told some story. “Too many other people. We’ll tail him.” Reaching up to touch the side of his helmet, he overlaid the map of the alleys behind the building. “I’ll go around the back and wait, make sure he doesn’t get spooked and try to run.”
“What are they even laughing at?” You muttered, staring blatantly into the dingy watering hole. “He’s probably not even that funny.”
“Why do you say that?”
You looked up at him. “Have you seen his face?” Turning back to the bar, you shifted your weight to one side. “He just doesn’t have it.”
Din let out a snort. “They’re probably just doing whatever gets them another drink. Looks like he’s waving his new found wealth around without much worry.”
“Di'kut,” you grumbled, moving to lean your back against the front of the building with a soft groan. (“Idiot.”)
“Kaysh mirsh solus,” Din agreed with a chuckle, stepping into the shade next to you. (“He's an idiot.” (Lit. “His brain cell is lonely.”))
“Go ahead and wait by the back door. I’ll stay here with the kid.”
“And what’s going to keep you out of trouble? You’re not known for being the best at waiting.”
You turned your face to him slowly, ignoring his satisfied shift of weight, the teasing tilt of his helmet as he waited for your response. “Myself,” you grit out, leaning your head back to look down your nose at him.
Turning your attention back across the street, you saw a little nest of scurriers tucked under one of the booths. Tilting your hand until the suns caught the armor on the back of it just right, light reflecting off the raw beskar triangle and bouncing onto the sand near the nest. The creatures lifted their heads, cautiously investigating the light as it danced with every slight movement of your hand, running in circles as you made it go this way and that.
The kid watched with rapt attention, clapping and squealing with delight as the scurriers stumbled over one another in an effort to catch the light.
Turning your visor up to Din proudly, you paused when he tilted his head down to peer what felt like straight into your soul.
“What? Oh, come on! It’s harmless!”
“Ner ver'gebuir, anade.” Din gestured to you with a flourish, bowing at his waist in a mock introduction to no one as he spoke in a low tone. (“My bodyguard, everyone.”)
You pulled your hand back into the shadow of the building to shove him to the side, the scurriers following the light as it streaked across the market, making a cart pulled by a droid slam to a stop to avoid hitting the creatures. All was well until a landspeeder crashed into the back of that cart, then a speeder bike into the back of that.
Smoke curled into the marketplace, causing patrons to begin to vacate, the passengers of the vehicles involved all hopping out and beginning to yell at one another as the scurriers returned to their nest safe and forgotten.
People in all the nearby establishments began to pour into the streets to see what the commotion was, the lane filling with bodies faster than you could process what was happening.
“Kriff,” you mumbled, taking in the scene before adding a hissed, “Osik!” Turning you surveyed the bar, finding no sign of the quarry. (“Shit!”) 
“Dank farrik!” Din grumbled, taking a few steps out onto the street and pressing the side of his helmet as he scanned the crowd.
“What are you looking for? Heat signatures will be useless right now. It’s Tatooine, so it’s hot, plus everyone and their bantha is on the street right now-”
“K'uur!” Din snapped, making you pull up abruptly from where you stood, standing at attention. (“Hush!”)
“Me'ven?” You deadpanned, staring right at him. (“Huh?”)
He sighed, still surveying the street. “I need to concentrate. Please. Just five seconds of silence.”
Pushing a button on your vambrace, you closed the cradle to protect the child, but a repetitive knocking from inside made you roll your eyes and pop it back open. Crossing your arms over your chest, you looked at the kid, one hip jutting out to the side as you gave him the look. 
“Really?” You signed to him in Tusken, shifting your weight to the other side when he giggled in response.
“I think he took the alleys,” Din finally said, turning to face you, and finding the kid giggling as you signed away to him. “Ti,” he grabbed your attention, ignoring the attitude he felt when you tilted your head at him questioningly. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” you signed, standing up straight again.
“That’s not nothing, that’s-”
“Uur,” you whispered sarcastically in explanation, leaning toward him as you did. (“Silence.”)
Din huffed in annoyance. “I had his chain code programmed to an old puck Fennec brought me. I rerouted it and sent the signal to my display so I can track him without tipping off the mark, or anyone seeing the fob and getting in the way.”
You stared at him. It was all you could do. Arms still across your chest, you shifted your weight under his gaze. “Is there a way I can get my hands on that, too?” Your voice was small, and you hated it.
He reached out, tapping the side of your helmet twice, and your display filtered through settings before landing on a blinking red dot moving rapidly back behind the buildings to your right. 
“I did it last night when you fell asleep while we were putting the rifle together. You left your helmet on a crate next to you. Only took a second, in and out, no problems.”
“I didn’t-”
“You drool.”
Again, all you could do was stare wordlessly, hoping your brain would catch up with something in time to snap back with. And it did. “You snore louder than a kriffing bantha fart.”
Din just held your gaze, neither one of you moving an inch as the child babbled mindlessly, watching the chaos ensue throughout the streets. “Sounds like we’re both a party, then.”
“Bal'ban,” you mused quietly in agreement, huffing out a small laugh. (“Indeed.”)
This was the most Mando’a the two of you had spoken since leaving Mandalore days ago. Slipping into it was effortless, and it helped logistically in the chaotic din left behind by the accident. It was easy to pick out the familiar words above the rest of the noise, allowing both of you to communicate painlessly.
Din chuckled, nodding as he turned to find the bounty again. “He’s moving toward the port. Fennec and Boba said they have the area well guarded, so he won’t get far, but I think it best we split up and head him off before he tries anything stupid.”
“I wouldn’t put it past him,” you muttered. “Man’s a or'dinii. Stole from the richest man in the city, okay, kinda smart. But that man is also a crime boss who wears beskar, and is probably one of the most lethal people on the planet, present company excluded.” (“Moron.”)
“Comms channel two. Head to the port through the streets, I’ll go through the alleys like we planned.” Din turned to the kid, sighing heavily after a moment.
Narrowing your brows, you followed his gaze and found Grogu letting out soft happy squeals as the cradle spun in circles by some unseen force. 
Moving as a unit, both you and Din reached out to grab the sides of the hovering orb, bringing it to a gentle stop, Grogu’s head still moving in a small rotation as the world continued to spin around him.
“At least he can entertain himself. And quietly,” you chuckled, turning your attention from the little green ward back up to Din’s visor. 
“Mmm-hmm,” he agreed on a hum, moving his hand from the edge of the cradle to his son to stabilize his still woozy wobbling, tugging down the front of his robe about an inch to check he had the beskar shirt on.
“I put it on him myself, Mando.” Din’s visor turned to you as he let the robe go, smoothing the fabric back in place before withdrawing his hand altogether. “He’ll be safe. I promise. He’s my aliit now, too, remember.” Din nodded once. “You have my word, no harm will come to him.” (“Family/Clan.”)
You couldn’t help but smile. Here was this large, dangerous Mandalorian, and his level of care and concern for arguably the smallest little ward in the galaxy never failed to make you stop and stare. Their meeting went beyond just fate, beyond just chance bringing a protector to a child in need. Something greater was at work here, bringing two lonely, damaged souls together to help pick up one another’s pieces. 
They were forged with fire, stronger than any beskar, hardened and tempered against the strongest of tests. And now not even the greatest blacksmith in the galaxy would be able to pry these two apart. But it loved to try. And you’d do everything in your power to keep them from breaking, keep them strong, no matter the cost. Ne shab'rud'mhi. (“Don't mess with us.”)
You smiled broader at the thought of staring fate down in the face, should it ever try to do your family harm. Ne shab'rud'ni. (“Don't mess with me.”) 
“Now go.”
Din took a few steps backwards, keeping his eyes on you, then the kid, before turning and disappearing down an alley, the smoke from the accident curling around him.
“You saw everything!” A man walked up to you, covered in black streaks of soot and smoke, probably grease from whichever of the three vehicles involved was his. “I need you to tell the authorities.”
Reaching out, you patted his shoulder in what he probably took for kindness, but you were just tamping out some embers smoldering through his tunic. “I’m sorry, sir, but I don’t have the time. I-”
“I wasn’t asking,” he ground out, grabbing your wrist where your hand still sat on his shoulder, squeezing it much too tightly. He gave it a good jerk toward the wreck, but you pulled back, making him stumble, before turning a glare on you.
Without fuss, you adjusted your grip on him and yanked him to you, stooping down slightly while swinging your arm before straightening back up as he flipped in the air, landing flat on his back at your feet with an oomph.
You looked down at him, unamused, as Grogu peered over the edge of the cradle, cooing gleefully. 
“I said,” you leaned just slightly closer to him, tilting your head when he flinched away, “no.”
Lifting your visor back to the streets, you switched your display to the city map, overlaying it with the tracker with a press of a button on your vambrace. Another press opened comm channel two. “You there?”
“What took you so long?” Din sounded relieved as you began to venture through the mess of market stalls toward your target. 
“Don’t worry about it. Locals,” you brushed off, turning abruptly to bypass a thick group of pedestrians.
He grunted. “Explain.”
“Someone wanted me to make a statement about the accident,” you sighed, navigating back to the main road. “Didn’t understand the word ‘no’.”
“How did you explain it to them?”
You grinned. “You know me. It was fast and only slightly painful.”
“Ti, you better not have-”
“I didn’t kill him,” you protested loudly, veering to the right. “Why did you jump to that?”
“Have you met you?”
“No. No, I haven’t. How am I? Am I great? I hear I’m amazing.” He let out a soft snort. “Yes. I can confirm, I’m amazing. I live up to the hype.”
Din’s soft chuckle filled your ears before a blaster shot replaced it, making you pull up short.
“Din?” He didn’t answer. “What’s going on?”
“Kriffing Jawas,” he grumbled. “Tried to jump me and take my jet pack.”
You snorted, shaking your head gently as you began moving again. “At least tell me-”
“It was set to stun,” he ground out as if the thought was physically painful to him, making you laugh a bit harder. “I know why you jumped to that.”
“Good, so you’ve met you.” Teasing, you pushed another button and a yellow dot popped up showing Din’s location.
“Yes. I can confirm, I’m amazing. I live up to the hype.”
“That’s what you think,” you mumbled under your breath, smiling again when he hummed in question. “Nothing.” Stopping, you watched the red dot start to head in a totally different direction. “He’s deviating.”
“I see. Looks like he’s doubling back. Headed your way.”
Nodding, you turned and headed back the way you came. “I’ll cut him off at the bar. The accident mess will add enough cover to not draw attention to us.”
“Good idea. Plus, then you can give your statement.”
“Nu draar.” Din chuckled at your response. “I would rather eat a mouthful of this sand.” (“Absolutely not.”)
“That’s commitment.”
“You sound like you speak from experience. You ever gotten a mouthful of Tatooine before?”
“Once or twice. I did kill a krayt dragon not long ago, remember.”
“How can I forget? You tell that story at least once a week if not more.”
Din grumbled.
“At the rate you’re moving, we’ll be at the bar at the same time.”
“How do you…. You’re tracking me?”
Dodging under a cart as it crossed the road in front of you, sliding on the sand in its shadow before hopping back up, you smiled at Grogu’s happy squeal of approval at your side. “You sound surprised. Of course I am. You and the child are my first priority.” Glancing over at the green smiling face at your side, wide eyes taking in the world around him, you moved a bit faster. “You aren’t the only one who did some display modification last night. I ran the upload while I was comforting Grogu after his nightmare.”
“I have two hands. He fits in one, I can press buttons with the other-”
Din’s heavy sigh cut you off. “No, how are you tracking me? Chain code?”
“It’s a program I made a few days ago before we even left Mandalore, believe it or not. Chain codes would be too dangerous if anyone got their hands on it, especially for the kid. Too universal of a tracker. This is a regional proximity sensor, condensed to a certain mile radius I can set each time I open it. Right now it’s just three miles, the size of the city from the port to the hangar. It’s following your comm. Specifically the one in your helmet.”
He hesitated. “When did you-”
“I told you. You snore. Loudly.” He said nothing. “You didn’t wake up the entire time I plugged in, uploaded, modified…. You just kept snoring away under that dome, oblivious.” You grinned. “You’re lucky I wasn’t trying to kill you.”
“I think that would have woken me up,” he huffed. 
“Would it have, though?” The smile grew in the silence. “I’m good at my job, remember.”
“How can I forget? You remind me at least once a week if not more.”
It was your turn to grumble. 
The bar was just up ahead, the red dot of the quarry now still behind a few buildings to the right. “He’s stopped. The area behind the accident. Maybe he’s not so stupid after all….”
“Don’t tell me you’re starting to admire him.”
“Why? You jealous, Djarin?”
“No,” he answered after a moment. “Just…. Concerned. You called him a moron less than an hour ago.”
“Even morons have their moments,” you said absently, turning in a circle as you searched for a clear way to the target. 
That’s when you saw him.
He was leaning up against a wall, arms crossed easily, ankles crossed leisurely as he watched them begin to pull the vehicles apart, a small grin on his face. 
“He’s here.”
“What?” Din must have stopped, because his voice no longer shook from the impact of his footfalls. A quick glance showed his yellow dot was indeed stationary. “But the tracker-”
“Is wrong. I’m looking right at him.” 
Just then he looked up and held the gaze of your visor for a long moment, realization dawning on his face before he pushed off the wall and turned down the alley, disappearing in the smoke just like Din had. 
“Osi'kyr!” You took off running after him, pressing a button on your vambrace to make the cradle go faster, shaking your head when Grogu let out an approving cackle. (“Strong exclamation of surprise or dismay.”)
“Ti?” Din’s voice rang in your helmet, and he was once again in motion, grunting as he dodged around the many obstacles Tatooine always provided. “Which way?”
“South. Turn your display off and back on, it should reset. I don’t have time, I have eyes on him, I’m not losing that.” Jumping over a large crate, you had to vault over an even larger one on the other side, and your feet went out from under you when you landed, making you roll before quickly popping back up and resuming the chase. “The sand tastes like shit, by the way.”
A soft laugh filled your helmet, growing steadily with each second.
“Never give Tatooine an ultimatum. She’ll make sure you eat your words. Literally.”
Smacking your lips in distaste, trying to get rid of as much of the grit as you could without doing anything to your helmet and losing sight of the target, you made a sound of disgust. 
“Was that for my joke or the sand?”
You chuckled, licking your lips as you ran faster still. “I haven’t decided yet.”
The cradle kicked up a notch, speeding along beside you, dodging crates and civilians with ease. Grogu screeched with excitement, holding on to the front rim of the orb as his ears flapped behind him in the wind.
“Display is back up. He’s right in front of you.”
“I can see that, thanks.”
He huffed. “You have a dead end coming up. Two turns to the left and one to the right. Corral him there.”
Nodding, you turned sideways to shimmy past two tight walls. “Got it.”
The quarry was desperate, throwing whatever he could get his hands on at you, clothes on lines between buildings, pottery in people’s windows, contents people were carrying. 
You’d successfully dodged all of it, the kid too, his cradle swinging left and right as you ducked and rolled out of the way, making him let out little grunts from the impact of each abrupt direction change. Until a white shirt came flying toward the cradle, covering the kid from top to bottom, forming to him like carbonite from the force of the wind behind it. The impact cut his scream of glee short, silence ringing through the alley as your steps slowed just slightly, your attention turning to him, assessing him for injuries. Suddenly giggles started erupting from under the material, growing by the second, and finally the shirt flew off of him by an unseen force, drifting to the ground lazily as it was released. Grogu looked at you with pure joy, babbling something as he gestured toward the man with one clawed hand, the quarry’s steps slowing down as he looked down at the ground with wide eyes.
“Thanks, kid,” you chuckled, speeding back up, the cradle matching your speed as Grogu gripped the edges again, the bounty regaining control of his limbs and charging ahead. “You’re a little troublemaker, you know that?”
“Patu!” You grinned at his declaration, his own smile beaming up at you before he began to squeal again as you picked up speed.
The man kept glancing over his shoulder, stumbling when he did, but he’d gain the ground right back when he turned back the right way, making you grunt in frustration.
“You’re almost to the dead end.”
“Kriff! Son of a mudscuffer!” You hissed. “I forgot you were there, Din. You scared the hell out of me.”
“Sorry,” he sounded almost sheepish, before he began again abruptly. “Right! Right! Get him to go right!”
“Hey! Asshole!” The man’s steps stuttered before he leaned into it again. “Whatever you do, don’t you dare go right!”
He hesitated, slowing just slightly, and you matched him, wanting to give him the illusion of control. Finally he came to a stop, turning to face you, a skeptical eyebrow raised as he asked, “Why?”
You grinned under your helmet, trying to control the glee in your voice that he was falling for the trap. Stopping a few yards away from him, you slouched slightly, feigning catching your breath. “Because I can’t follow you there. My nav stops at this point and I’d be going in blind. Help a girl out, huh?” You held your hands out to the side, showing you didn’t have a weapon drawn. Grogu cooed questioningly as he tilted his head at the man.
“Well, in that case, I think that’s exactly where I’ll go.” He grinned.
“No,” you cried out, trying to sound convincing, and starting to head his way again, stumbling slightly for dramatic effect with a hand reached toward him as if it would do any good.
When he disappeared down the dark alley, you dropped all pretenses. “Or'dinii,” you muttered under your breath, watching after him. “Headed for the dead end, Din.” No answer. “Din?” Looking around, you saw his yellow dot stalled nearby, his comm crackling through. (“Fool.”)
A growled, “Jawas,” was all you heard, before some grunting, the comm crackling in and out, then the telltale “Utinni!” made you roll your eyes before you headed into the darkness after the mark.
“So long as I don’t hear the….” A distinct shot echoed in a nearby alley, making you lift your hand to cradle your face, shaking your head. “….Amban rifle.”
You walked up slowly, casually, enjoying the sight of the quarry staring up at the dead end, frantically trying to find a way up and over the massive wall. One hand resting on your hip as it juts to the side easily, you watched for a moment in amusement before clearing your throat. 
The mark went stiff before turning to face you, glowering fiercely. “Couldn’t come this far, huh?”
“To be fair,” you began, gesturing needlessly with your free hand as you spoke, “I did tell you not to come over here.”
He huffed an unamused laugh as he looked off to the side, ignoring the sound of a shrieking Jawa somewhere a few buildings over. 
Din’s yellow dot still blinked steadily despite the broken connection, and it seemed he was finally making his way over to you. You just had to stall.
“I’m assuming this is because I stole the credits?”
“That would be correct.”
“How much is my bounty?”
You tilted your head at him in amusement. “More than you took.”
“Okay, look lady,” he was starting to get desperate. “If you let me go, I’ll give you what I have left, plus interest!”
“I didn’t just steal from Fett! I’ve been making my way across all the crime families of Tatooine. I’ve got a mountain of credits back at my place, stashed under the floorboards.”
“Gar cuyi or’dinii,” you whispered under your breath, but he heard you. He must have thought it was an exclamation of joy or disbelief at the information, though, because he simply smiled smugly, nodding as he offered a quiet, “It’s true.” (“You’re a moron.”)
And, well, you couldn’t really disagree.
“Where is this place?” You asked instead, jutting your chin toward him as he began to smirk.
“Right beside the bar across the street from where you first found me. There’s enough there for you to buy anything you want. New armor….” Din’s yellow dot was coming in fast. “A new ship….” He was almost here. “A friend for your, er,” he eyed Grogu, the child narrowing his eyes at him, unamused, “pet….” He finally decided on, earning a grunt from the kid.
“He’s not a pet,” you corrected calmly, taking a step closer to the man, and his smug demeanor all but crumbled instantly.
“I’m not scared of you!”
“I’m not the one you need to be worried about,” you replied simply with a shrug. Tilting your head back and to the right, you smiled under the beskar. “It’s his kid.”
The bounty barely had time to register your words, mumbling, “Kid? What is that thing?” before Din’s armor clad fist was slamming into his face with a clang.
As the engine of his jet pack powered down, Din took a few extra steps from the momentum before stopping, breathing heavily like he had just got out of a fight for his life. “We don’t know,” he said decidedly to the unconscious man. “But he’s my son.” 
“Utreekov,” you muttered, nudging the man with the toe of your boot. (“Idiot.”)
Slapping binders on the quarry, Din slung the man over his shoulder before turning back to you. “Kriffing Jawas,” he seethed, shaking his head before taking off again with his jet pack.
You shook your head in disbelief. “I don’t have one of those, why?!”
Din just laughed softly, the sound buzzing around the inside of your helmet.
Looking up as he disappeared over the buildings, his cape flapped dangerously close to the flames. “You’re just a fire hazard!”
Boba and Fennec were there to meet you once you returned to the hangar. 
Peli was blushing at something the older man was saying, waving him off with a quick laugh as she turned to see your clan of three come through the door. 
“Oh, thank the Force, you’re all alive!”
“You thought we wouldn’t be?”
“With you I never know.” She leveled you with a look.
Din let the man flop to the floor unceremoniously, leaving him in the heap he landed in. “Here’s your thief.”
“That’s him alright,” Boba sighed, turning the bounty onto his back with a shove to his shoulder from his boot. “Thank you.” His eyes flicked between you and Din. “I heard about an accident by the cantina. That didn’t happen to be either of you, by chance?”
Din shook his head wordlessly while you copied him a few seconds later, adding, “No. Saw it happen, though. They swerved to avoid some wildlife.”
Boba nodded, looking between you both for a long moment. “Okay, then.” He began to turn away, but you stopped him.
“Wait.” He paused, looking at you with a curious tilt of his head. “The quarry spoke to me at the end, tried to bribe me. I think you might be interested in what he had to say.”
Boba gestured for you to continue with a bob of his head. “Go on.”
“He said he’s been making his way through the crime families of Tatooine. Offered to give me what was left of your credits plus interest.” You explained the rest about his house and stash, their faces a mix between frustration and surprise the further along you got. “He seemed to be telling the truth, but I wanted to know what you both thought before moving on it.” 
They exchanged loaded glances before asking you to go look into it. “Take Fennec, she’ll get you out of any locals asking too many questions. We’re from Mos Espa, but they know us here, too. Mando, I’ll help you get this one,” Boba shoved the man’s shoulder with the tip of his boot, earning a groan from his still unconscious state, “to my cells.”
“I’ll watch the kid,” Peli offered softly, pulling the cradle to her as Grogu snored gently.
Nodding, you turned and followed Fennec out the front door of the hangar. 
Knocking on the door of the house, just as a precaution, you slammed your shoulder into it when nobody answered, busting it open. It was sparsely furnished, the only real defining thing a giant rug over the middle of the floor. Letting out a huff of laughter, you shook your head as you knelt down, flipping the corner back as you scanned the bare floor with your display, looking for a varying heat signature. Finding it near the middle of the rug after you pushed more of it to the side, you pried a board up, slipping the rest out easily and handing them to Fennec to set to the side. Pulling back once they were all removed, you let out a low whistle. 
Sure enough, under the floorboards there was a pile of credits, almost tall enough for you to stick your arm in up to your shoulder, and wide enough it’d take two containers to get it out. The ground underneath had been dug out, leaving behind a hole filled nearly to the brim. 
“He’s been a busy little thief, hasn’t he,” Fennec mused quietly as she stared at the glinting pile of credits with wide eyes. 
“Too bad he wasn’t also a smart one.”
Turning your visor her way, you met Fennec’s gaze in silence, holding it for a moment before you both broke down in snorts of laughter, warm chuckles filling the night air.
She sat back on her haunches, grunting as she settled in. “You know, I’ll admit, I was a little leery at the beginning. I’ve worked with Mando before, I didn’t really know why we needed you, too.” 
Turning your visor back to the pile of credits, she was quick to continue.
“But,” she said pointedly, “Boba was quick to help me see the error of my ways.” Smiling fondly, she waited until you turned your gaze back her way before saying anything more. “You two work well together.”
“He’s easy to work with,” you countered with a shrug.
“No he’s not,” she said with a snort, making you shake your head as you chuckled. “But he’s a good man. A good leader. And he loves that little foundling with a love that’s dangerous for anyone willing to get between them.”
“I would never do that,” you said quietly. “They belong together.”
“I’m not saying you would, but you’re quickly becoming someone he shares that same type of devotion for.” She reached out and took the mudhorn pendant around your neck between her thumb and index finger, a smile beginning up her face, her voice softening to something almost friendly. “And I’m beginning to understand why.”
Taking the mudhorn between your own fingers as you looked at it, you grinned. “Just a few days ago he couldn’t stand me, believe it or not.”
“Not,” Fennec huffed on a laugh, turning to look at you after another moment of silence. “I’ve known Mando for a while now, and he’s just…. like that. It’s hard for him to show his emotions sometimes. Boba, too. The way they grew up…. Well, I don’t have to tell you. I’m assuming you probably had the same type of childhood.”
Hesitating, you finally nodded briefly, looking down to your hands in your lap where you sat on the floor beside her.
“They don’t trust easily, they love fiercely, and they don’t do anything halfway. It’s all they’ve known. If you’re lucky enough to be welcomed into their circle,” she tugged the pendant lightly, “into their family,” she sat back as she continued, “there’s something special they see in you, something worthwhile, and you just need to keep being yourself to live up to that everyday.”
When you lifted your visor back up to meet her eyes, she smiled kindly.
“So, like I said, not. He was probably just watching and waiting for the right time.”
“Grogu is my little shadow. I think he was just relieved someone bought him five minutes alone.”
She threw her head back and laughed, her hand lightly gripping your upper arm. When her gaze landed back on you, a mischievous smirk took over her features. “I could be wrong. Maybe he was just waiting to ask you to be a babysitter full time,” you snickered, “but I’m thinking that signet tells a different story.”
Fennec reached into her pocket for her comm, mumbling something about needing to call Boba, but you held up your hand to stop her. “I have a secure connection straight to the comm in Mando’s helmet. Guaranteed private, and he’s with Boba. Let me call him and relay the information.”
She nodded, tucking her comm back into her belt.
Pressing the side of your helmet, you waited until you heard it connect. “Mando?”
“Ti? Everything alright?”
Pressing a button on your vambrace to project the conversation through your modulator so Fennec could hear, too, you nodded. “Yeah, we’re fine. We found the credits. What should we do now?”
“Hold on, I’ll ask him.” Silence filled the room before he came back. “How much is there?”
“Enough to fund your life on the run for over a decade, comfortably,” Fennec said dryly, her eyes darting across the pile of credits as she did some quick math. “Very comfortably.”
Silence again filled the line as you assumed he was relaying the amount to Boba in a much more concise manner. Finally his voice crackled back over the line. “He said he’ll send the Mods to come pick it up. Wait for them then leave and go back to the hangar when they get there.”
“They don’t need protection?” You had no idea who they were, but this was a lot of money to just let someone move without any sort of backup.
Fennec grinned. “They can take care of themselves.”
The Mods dropped it off at the hangar a few hours later and left, leaving the five of you standing around the two containers, staring in silence at the mass of credits just sitting there.
Peli let out a low whistle like you had when you’d found the stash.
“How does someone steal this much and not get noticed?” Din’s voice was thick with disbelief.
“Little by little,” you answered, looking up at him when you felt his visor turn to you.
Looking at him for the first time today without your own visor in the way, you scanned over his armor, noticing a few scorch marks, and some scuff marks near his jet pack.
You smiled. “Those Jawas really did a number on you, didn’t they?” Reaching out, you tried to rub one of the scuffs away with your glove, digging your thumb into his beskar. 
Reaching up, he grabbed your wrist gently, turning it toward him with a soft grunt. “I don’t want to talk about it,” he grumbled, untying the knot he’d tied to keep your glove on earlier. He pulled something out of the pouch on his belt and began attaching it. “Fixed this for you.” When he let his hands fall to his sides after he finished, you saw it was the buckle he’d torn off this morning. “Don’t let R5 get this one,” he joked.
“Thanks,” you mumbled, looking up at him with a smile as he nodded at you before he turned back to the pile of credits. Your eyes darted across the containers in front of you to find Fennec already looking at you, a sly smirk already firmly on her face.
“Told ya,” she said lightly.
“What?” Boba asked, looking across his shoulder at her.
Her eyes flicked up to meet his. “Nothing. I was just saying,” she gestured to the credits, her gaze falling back to them before lifting to yours. “I told ya it’s a lot.”
Boba nodded, turning back to the credits, not noticing the look Fennec gave you, eyebrows raised. “I’ve not heard anything about this money going missing from the other families. It could be they are just keeping it quiet, in which case, letting them know you know is just adding another enemy to your list.”
Din looked between the older man and Fennec. “So what do we do?”
Shrugging, Boba looked at him as if the answer were obvious. “Keep it.”
As he took a few steps back, Din shook his head, lifting his hands to begin gesturing as he spoke. “No. Absolutely not. We don’t need this much.”
Shrugging yet again, Boba sighed, arms crossing over his chest as he stared at the pile of credits like it was a problematic hyperdrive instead of the not so small fortune it was. “Fine.” He let out a breath through his nose. “I’ll take back what was stolen from me.”
Din took the few steps back toward the pile he’d pulled away. “That still is beyond too much.”
Turning to your friend who had been silent this whole exchange, you began speaking before either of the other Mandalorians could start in again. “Peli?” Her head snapped up to look at you, eyes wide. Separating a small stack of credits from the pile, you pushed them her way with the toe of your boot. “Would this cover your hangar fees for say, a year?”
Eyes wide, Peli gulped as she stared at the smaller pile, her gaze darting back up to yours as she nodded emphatically. “And then some.” 
“Good.” Breaking off another pile just a bit larger, you added it to the first, Peli’s eyes going comically larger still. “Consider this payment for babysitting up till now, and keeping you on retainer for whenever we need to stop by, storing the N1, and watching Grogu.”
Peli stammered for a moment, her mouth opening and closing as she stared at the small mountain of credits at her feet. Her eyes lifted to meet yours before they shot to Din, then the child sleeping soundly in her arms before landing back on the credits, nodding rapidly again. “As far as I’m concerned, this makes us square.” She studied the pile for a moment, before adding softly, “For life.”
Din pulled his hand down the front of his helmet, letting out a sigh of exasperation “That still leaves quite a bit.”
You shrugged like Boba had, making the man chuckle. “Running isn’t cheap.”
With a heavy sigh, Din finally nodded, his hands resting on his hips, shaking his head as he continued to stare at the pile. “We still use it sparingly.”
You nodded. “Agreed.” He turned to look at you one more time. “We have to save some for the foundlings.”
“The foundlings are the future,” Din said quietly in agreement. “This is the way.”
All five of you turned away from the credits for the first time since they arrived, looking at Grogu where he slept in the cradle Peli had just set him in.
“This is the way.” The smile on your face that only came in the presence of the child wasn’t going anywhere. “The future is in amazing hands, then.”
“The best,” Din concurred.
“Drop by anytime!” Peli called after Boba and Fennec, waving at them as they walked down the street after leaving the hangar. “Just remember to use the door next time. Maybe?” She flicked her wrist in front of her. “Bah. They heard me.”
Laughing softly, you gestured Grogu’s cradle up the ramp of the Crest, walking alongside it until you got to the bunk. Turning to lift him up, you set him in his hammock before gesturing the now empty cradle over to the corner.
Closing the door to the bunk, you turned to find Din just coming up the top of the ramp.
“He’s down.” You stretched, hands on your back as you let out a loud yawn. “And honestly I’m not that far behind him.” You smiled at the sound of Din’s chuckle. “Did the credits get stored?”
He nodded. “Yeah, they’re right there, below the bunks. It’s a false bottom.”
“Sounds good,” you yawned again. “Well, I’m gonna head to bed-”
“Wait,” he stopped you, making you turn back to face him from the small bit you’d already turned away. “I have something for you.”
He made his way over to another crate along the wall, and pulled out a bundle wrapped in the tarp you’d used to cover the pieces of the Amban rifle. 
“While Boba was looking at the Crest yesterday, I asked him if he could help me get my hands on this for you. It needs a good cleaning, like everything else on this planet, but it’s in good shape, all the same.”
He pulled the material away from the object, and your breath caught in your chest. 
A raw beskar jet pack, like his own.
“They didn’t know what they had.” Repeating your words about the Amban rifle as he looked at the jet pack for a long moment, he tightened his grip on it, his leather gloves creaking in protest. Lifting his gaze to yours, he held it as he gently set the gift in your hands. “But I do.”
The meaning of his words is not lost on you. He wasn’t talking about the jet pack anymore, at least not just about that. It was as close to a complement as he was going to get, and that made a smirk start to twist up the side of your face.
Reaching behind you to attach the jet pack, Din reached out and pulled your cape gently to the side out of your way, releasing it when it sealed with a whirr.
“How fortunate for me, then.” Your voice was soft, much softer than you intended, but it fit. 
Everything about this moment seemed fragile, precarious. But at the same time, something about it also seemed forged of steel, tempered and holding steady in the strongest of tests.
“Indeed.” He was smiling, you could tell. 
It had only been days of truly spending time with him, but something about Din just clicked. You could read one another under the beskar or from across the city over a comm. Never had you felt so in tune with another being, and it felt like something special.
“Thank you.”
He nodded.
It was unexpected, but you found yourself wrapping him in a quick embrace, arms around his neck as you pulled him close. He went stiff at first, but soon melted into the touch, his arms wrapping around your middle and pulling you impossibly closer still. Tightening your grip around him, you mumbled another thank you into his neck, the fabric of his flight suit rough against your skin as you pressed even closer, sighing into the warmth that was him.
This was different. This was new. It was exciting. But also terrifying. 
Your feelings seemed to have gone rogue, pulling you into him without your permission, and keeping you there. But then again, his seemed to be doing the same, if the way his hands were spreading across the expanse of your back below the jet pack was any indication. It was drawing you both in, and holding you tight, not giving an inch.
Growing up in a society that kept a barrier between you and everyone else, it was just inherent to keep your distance. And you didn’t realize until right now, faced with what you’d been blatantly denied, that you realized just how much you needed it. Like the jet pack, it finally made you feel complete, the missing pieces falling into place to paint a beautiful picture of what could be if you just…. Let it. 
Pulling back to look up into his visor, you smiled, hands falling to rest on his arms. “No, really. Thank you.” You gave him a gentle squeeze. “For everything.”
“I’d say you’re welcome, but since it’s your job to keep me alive, let’s just call it even.”
You narrowed your brows at him. “I’m good at my job.”
He chuckled softly. “And that’s the second time today you’ve said that.”
“And counting.” You grinned up at him, rolling your eyes when he groaned. Taking a few steps back, you headed for the ramp of the Crest. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a jet pack to clean up.” You paused after a few steps, your eyes narrowing at him curiously. “Wait. You said you asked him for this before we even agreed to help them?”
Din nodded. “I know it’s something you’ve wanted. The Armorer mentioned as much right before everything happened, something about I needed to sign off on something…. I don’t know, to be honest, I hardly listened sometimes. It was all a bit….”
“Much?” You offered.
He sighed. “Yeah. Too much. One of the only things that helped make it easier was you, actually.”
You scoffed. “I thought for sure you hated me.”
He let out a huff. “Oh, I thought I did.” He shook his head with a chuckle. “Believe me. I tried to convince myself I loathed you. But truthfully? We’re just too much alike, that I was frustrated that you were doing so well at your job and thinking of things before me.”
Grinning, you looked down at your feet before lifting your gaze back up to his visor. “What were the other things? You said that was ‘one of the only’….”
Din sighed, his hands resting on his belt as his weight shifted to one side. “Time with Grogu.”
“Of course,” you said, because obviously.
“And target practice.” You grimaced. “What?”
“I don’t know how to tell you this, boss, but…. Right before everything happened, I may have beaten your high score at the range.”
He was silent, his hands moving from his belt to rest on his hips as he stood up straight, visor leveled on you. “You what?”
You began backing up slowly, holding up a finger and lightly waving it at him. “I’m good at what I do, remember?”
“That’s three.”
“No, that’s technically different.” Your feet hit the sand at the bottom of the ramp. Pointing over toward Peli’s shop, you began moving that way. “I’m gonna go get started.”
Din began down the ramp, his tone dry and amused. “Are you going to paint it? I can go get some tomorrow.”
Looking at him over your shoulder, you shook your head, scrunching your face up at the thought. “Nah. I think the raw beskar looks best. Plus it matches yours.”
Din shifted his weight to one side. “You want ours to look the same?”
You shrugged. “I like people knowing who I belong to.” Turning back to face the workshop, you went on. “Let’s make clan mudhorn…. What was the word Boba used for the ship? Ah! Sparkle.” You chuckled. “Shiny big ship, shiny tiny ship, shiny big Mando, shiny smaller Mando…. You see the theme?” Looking back over your shoulder, the smirk slid off your face when you didn’t see Din anywhere in the hangar. “Great. I’m talking to myself.”
With a sigh, you turned back toward the work area, only to run straight into a wall of beskar. “Dank farrik, Din!”
“If you belong to clan mudhorn, you’re not going to be sparkling.” Din unfastened your jet pack. “You’ll be dral.” He set it to the side. “Dralshy'a - ori'shya ka'ra.” (“Glowing.”) (“Brighter - more than stars.”)
You grinned. “Ni emuurir gar jate'shya.” (“I like yours better.”)
Tags: @lam-ila​, @oliviajdjarin​, @peonyophelia​, @what-the-heckin-heck​, @Itsavicf, @just-shut-up-kid​, @noodlesavailable​, @mildlyhopeless​, @multifandomsw​, @professionalfangrrl​, @tizylish​, @whoodattt​, @heyitsaloy​, @djarinsimp​, @athenasproverbs​, @aliens-apricot, @snow30285, @jallen0126​, @jxvipike​, @kodzuvk​, @untitledarea​, @crazyworldofsiani​, @adora-but-ginger​, @momc95​ What’s This?
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buckyarchives · 2 years ago
hello. small drabble for a potentially really long enemies to lovers bucky fic that i’ve had stored in my brain for at least 3 months now.
i am without a beta reader. please be nice
Bucky was running, and fast. Sam followed close after him. Thank god for enhanced eyesight or he’d probably run into the last few dumpsters he used to jump to the platform of the New York buildings. Waking up to being shot at was less than ideal, he and Sam jumped up so quickly to attempt to catch the one behind the gun. The two were still in comfortable clothing and had minimal weapons on them, they had the shield though.
The shooter was a blur, running a few meters ahead and making each jump from roof to roof easily. Bucky scanned the person, they didn’t look back and he couldn't tell anything by their body. Having a large cape or poncho, it was a maroon color, if it matters. A sniper rifle was slung around their back, the one that almost killed him.
Sam wasn't a super soldier like him. He got widened a lot faster than Bucky, and they weren’t catching up to their assassin anytime soon it seemed. Sam and Bucky sent each other a worried glance for a faltering moment.
Eyes narrowing on the body in front of them, Sam leaped to the building platform, bringing the shield up and winding back. He'll have to stop them if he can't catch up– Sam chucked the shield towards the person with all the strength he could muster up.
The shield flew, fast– faster and much harder than it should. The assassin stopped abruptly at the edge of the building, their head turning and zeroing in right at Sam and Bucky as their hand flew in front of them. Sam's shield stopped mid-air. The two boys stopped in their tracks as the shield bent, creaked, and folded into itself like it was made of paper. Sam's mouth gaped open and complete confusion washed over them.
While standing in shock, Bucky took notice of the way the person long tight curls peaking out from the hood, flowing wildly through the midnight air. Along with green goggles, Bucky assumed to be night vision goggles. The person in front of them turned away and went for something strapped to their belt, as they looked away the shield flew back towards sam like magic and went straight for his torso. Bucky reached out and grabbed it before it could make contact, looking it over once to see how crushed it truly was.
The supersoldier looked back and the person had dove off the building with a hook strapped to the edge, dropping the shield where he stood and taking off towards the edge. Bucky had lost them, they landed perfectly in the alleyway and ran towards the city. There was no use in trying to chase after them now, Sam and Bucky would only tire themselves out more and probably get hurt. Still, Bucky cursed loudly as he kicked the ground. Sam caught up and looked over the rooftop, standing next to Bucky, and let out an exhausted breathy sigh.
“Who the hell was that,” Sam spoke with his hands on his knees as he caught his breath.
Bucky looked down at the balled-up shield in Sam's hands, seeing it like that lit a fire deep in him. Watching something get crushed like it was nothing, even when it meant everything to Bucky. God, it was setting him off.
“I have zero idea,” Bucky grunted. Peering off into the city.
Sam groaned and patted his shoulder, “fuck, im going back to sleep and dealing with this tomorrow.” Sam was still only in grey sweats and a white tank top, only waking after hearing the multiple shots spewing from Bucky’s room.
“What if they come back?” Bucky grabbed at Sam's shoulders before he turned away from him. Sam looked exhausted. He had just come back from a week-long mission with barely any sleep and he was sure to collapse any moment now.
“You can stand watch, I need to sleep.” Sam sighed, “now help me find the fire escape so we can get to ground level, please?”
please tell me if this sounds stupid, if i continued with this it’ll be on my ao3
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waka-chan-out · 4 years ago
Hello. Congrats on 300! May I please have Ushijima + prompt 3 + established relationship with size kink & praise kink. I hope this matches the requirements, thank you :)
300 Follower Event
Ushijima Wakatoshi
Prompt 3: “So, I had a dream about you.”
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this fic was part of my 300 follower event. check out the rest of the submissions here.
post-timeskip, obviously.
word count: 1.8k
content warning: established relationship, wall sex, i tried my best to incorporate the size and praise kinks so let me know how that went, ushi calls you princess exactly one (1) time.
thank you so much !! looks like we are on the same page as far as wakatoshi is concerned. i love your username.
ushijima with praise kink make brain go brr. also i refuse to believe that he isn’t the softest boy when he’s in a long term relationship so . . . that’s in here
You were pressing start on your coffee maker when you heard the shuffling of large feet on the kitchen tile. It was followed by a groan, the pop of a joint, then a sigh. Big arms wrapped around your waist and a chin tipped onto your shoulder.
“Good morning,” you said. You couldn’t help but smile. Usually Wakatoshi was the first one awake, but after being away at a tournament all week he was jet lagged and groggy. He had passed out as soon as he hit the mattress and was still dead asleep when you got out of the shower.
“Morning.” His voice was grumbly and quiet. You tipped your head against his and buried a hand in his bed head.
“So.” He cleared his throat to rid himself of his morning voice. “I had a dream about you.”
“Yeah?” You smiled and pressed a kiss into his hair. His lips twitched like he wanted to smile, but his body was too exhausted to complete the gesture.
“Mhm.” He buried his face into your shoulder and he hugged you tighter.
“Can I ask what it was about?”
He shook his head. You laughed.
“Why not?”
“S’embarrassing.” His voice was muffled against your robe. You ruffled his hair and slowly turned around, giving him time to adjust before he slumped against you again. His breath tickled your collarbone as you looped your arms around his neck and buried your face in his hair.
“Why is it embarrassing?”
“You know why.” His voice carried the soft lilt of a pout, a hilarious sound to come out of such a burly man.
“Now you have to tell me. C’mere, big guy.”
You pushed yourself up onto the counter. He leaned over on to you, cradled against your chest like a child. It was almost laughable how soft he was when you were alone. All he ever wanted was to be closer.
“Okay. Start from the beginning. Where were we?” you asked. You stroked his hair absentmindedly as you listened to the soft bubble of brewing coffee.
“In the locker room. After a game.”
You grinned.
“Hirugami would kill us.”
“Okay, okay. Did you win or lose?”
“We won.”
“Give dream Toshi my congratulations.”
He tipped his face up to look at you.
“I’m not gonna tell you if you keep making jokes.”
You pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“I’ll stop, I promise. What else happened?”
“You met me in the locker room and told me I played great. I was still sweaty and breathing heavy, but you kissed me anyway.”
“Of course I did.”
He hummed in appreciation, a low rumble that made you hold onto him tighter.
“Well, my teammates weren’t there and in the dream I knew they weren’t coming back, so I kept kissing you.” As if to punctuate the statement, he grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it.
“Toshi,” you said. He tipped his head up to look at you. You ran your hands through his hair, causing his eyelids to flutter. “You wanna show me how you kissed me?”
He smiled and stood up straight. You hooked your heels around his legs and wrapped your arms around his neck as he leaned in.
The kiss was gentle, like it always was. He was so aware of how much bigger he was, how easily his body could force the air from your lungs and how quickly his hands could bruise if he wasn’t careful. He held you delicately, arms wrapped around your lower back, anchoring you on the counter.
Then, suddenly, it was no longer gentle. His tongue pushed into your mouth, hungrier than you had ever felt him. He explored you like he wanted you to melt, deep heat and desperation dripping from his lips.
He pulled away all too soon, lingering close to you for a moment before finally opening his eyes.
“Like that,” he whispered.
“Wow. That’s . . . uh.” You wiped at your lip to try to regain some composure. “That’s a nice dream.”
He frowned.
“That wasn’t all of it.”
“Oh.” You let out a shaky breath. “Do you want to tell me the rest of it?”
“Do you want me to?”
“Of course.”
“Well, you were wearing a dress.” He looked down at your lap and nodded, like he was confirming that your robe was an acceptable replacement. “And I did this.”
He laid his hands on your thighs, starting just above your knee. His fingers were rough and well worked, splaying out large and wanting against your skin. They slid upward, sending shivers through your body. You glanced up from your lap to his face. He was staring at you with brows furrowed and lips parted, eyes full of a desire that looked almost painful.
“Then what?” you asked. It barely came out as a whisper. It had only been a week, but it felt like he hadn’t touched you in an eternity.
He leaned against your forehead and shushed you. His hands continued climbing, sliding up to your hips. He shuddered out a deep breath.
“In the dream I had to take off --” He hesitated and smiled. “Never mind. This is better.” He tugged on the collar of your robe, pushing the soft material off of your shoulders. He buried his face into your shoulder and began leaving a trail of open mouth kisses everywhere he could reach.
“Then--” His hands suddenly hooked under your thighs and he hoisted you into the air. You yelped and tightened your legs around him. He shifted to the wall and pressed you back against it, hiking your legs farther up around him. For a moment you were worried that he would drop you, but when you glanced down at his tensed arms you knew it was a stupid thing to even consider.
“I pushed you up against the lockers like this,” he said. His voice sounded strained, but not from holding you. “And I made you mine.” He adjusted his grip and threw one arm under you to steady himself.
“Toshi!” you squealed, locking your arms around his neck.
“Shh, I’ve got you. I just needed a hand.” He reached under you and pulled down the waistband of his sweatpants.
“Are you alright?” he whispered. You nodded, trying to take deep breaths to steady yourself. He smiled. “Good girl.”
He pushed you further against the wall and you gasped as you felt him lining himself up with your entrance.
“Slow, Toshi,” you warned. He pressed a quick kiss to your lips and returned his gaze to between your legs.
“Always, love. Don’t worry.”
He groaned as he did as you asked, sliding into you slowly and leaning his face against yours. You felt all of the breath leave your lungs as every thought you had was replaced by a familiar deep burn.
He buried himself fully inside of you and you held onto him for dear life. Your arms wrapped around his head, tucking him into your chest as you forced your breathing to steady.
“Okay?” he whispered.
“Mhm.” You sunk into the feeling of him holding you, filling you completely inside and out.
“Can I move?” he asked.
“Please.” The word sounded more desperate than you wanted it to. He began to slowly withdraw and you shuddered. The feeling was overwhelming and a little painful and so good.
He was gentle for a while, breathing heavily as you clung onto him.
He groaned.
He let out a breathless laugh and readjusted his hands again. There was a moment of stillness, then you moaned before you could process the change of pace.
He snapped his hips into you, pushing you further against the wall and making it impossible to escape. Your fingernails dug into his back, likely leaving marks even through the thin material of his shirt. His breath left him in short, sharp huffs.
“You feel so good,” he said, voice strained and a little shaky. “God, I missed you.”
“I missed you--” You gasped, a high pitched sound that nearly ended in a whine. “I missed you too, Toshi.”
“Fuck.” He grunted and sped up even more, losing it a little to the sound of his name. “So good to me. How do I ever leave you?”
You let out a shaky laugh.
“Don’t,” you said.
You felt him grin against your chest and he lifted his head.
“I won’t.” One of his arms left your leg and wrapped around the small of your back, changing the angle a bit. You moaned.
“I’ll quit my job and never leave the house.” His eyes squeezed shut and he let out a harsh breath.
“I’ll just stay right here.” He slowed his hips suddenly, forcing you to feel every inch of him as he pressed back in. You leaned your face against the side of his and made an embarrassingly whiney sound.
“I want to hear you make that sound over and over until we fall asleep.”
He returned to his steady pace, and you felt your head spin. You were floating upward, unable to run away from the firm rock of his hips.
“And then I’ll wake you up and make you do it again.” He heaved a breath and his grip tightened on you. He was definitely getting close. He was no longer in control of his pace or rhythm. He let your moans and his body guide him into whatever motion you both needed.
“I want to make you come, princess. Will you do that for me?”
You nodded and relaxed into the repetitive motion of his skin hitting yours, the rub of the wall on your back, his breaths grazing your skin. You stopped thinking about how he was making you feel, but somehow that made the feeling even more overwhelming.
You couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment you tipped over the edge, but suddenly your legs were shaking and you were holding Wakatoshi so tightly you were sure it hurt. He followed closely behind, keeping his firm grip on you as his hips stuttered and slowed to a stop. He let out a shuddered breath against your face and let you glow in his arms for a moment, pressing comforting kisses over your face, neck, and shoulders. When you were more in control of your thoughts, you realized his arms were shaking.
“Toshi, you should put me down.”
He pressed a kiss to your lips.
“Why?” he asked.
“You’re tired.”
“Nope. Just woke up. I’m energetic.”
You smiled and tugged at his hair so he would look at you.
“Will you please put me down?”
He lifted you off of him and let you slide down to the floor. The second he let go your legs wobbled and you grabbed his shirt. You pressed your face into his lap and laughed, hard and breathless and a little embarrassed.
“Let’s go to the couch,” he said.
“Good idea.”
He helped you to the living room and laid you down, following right after you and laying his head in your lap. You carded a hand through his hair and he hummed.
“So how’d that measure up to the dream?” you asked.
“Better.” He pressed a gentle kiss to your thigh, then buried his face against you. “Always so much better.”
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dirty-bear-rick-sanchez · 2 years ago
Fractal Dust
Time for more porn! Rickcest this time. I’ve been sitting on this one for a while trying to work up the courage to post it (it was actually the first RnM fic I wrote but I didn’t want to jump straight into posting my fic with smut lmao). I’m planning for it to be a part of a series of Rickcest oneshots (currently I also have a C-137/Doofus Rick fic I need to iron out, as well as another one that… didn’t end up having any actual sex in it so might end up not being part of this series lol).
Summary: Rick goes to the newly-built Citadel, where he meets another Rick in a bar and they hook up. ~2k words. As always with my explicit fic, minors please DNI! Warnings for drug/alcohol use and sex to cope with negative thoughts (i.e. Prime and what he did).
Details: fairly vanilla, just a blowjob. There are elements of things like hair-pulling, praise kink, sexual shaming, but they’re all very light. However, there is a little bit of hesitancy and brief discussion about whether or not Rickcest/selfcest is incest (it’s not), so if that squicks you out too much I would avoid this, but it is very brief and not heavy.
Rick walks through the newly-built Citadel, tuning out the ramblings of the Rick who has been assigned to be his guide. Rick doesn’t particularly care what the other Rick has to say, since he’s confident that the systems he designed and helped put into place will detect the guy he’s looking for if he ever comes near this place, which is the only thing he cares about. Despite all this, Rick knows this is an impossible task, that no one will be able to find this guy. Still, at least this way he has others looking as well, and his agreement to stop killing other Ricks means that other Ricks will no longer be trying to kill him. 
This train of thought depresses Rick, and he reaches for his flask to block it out, only to find barely a trickle of liquid left inside.
“Yeah, yeah, that’s great. Listen, is there anywhere a guy can get a drink ‘round here?” he interrupts the other Rick, expecting an equally surly response. Instead, the other Rick laughs.
“Dude, this is the Citadel of Ricks. You think there’s gonna be a shortage of bars?”
“Fine, let’s go.”
The other Rick makes some sort of snarky reply that Rick ignores, choosing instead to follow his guide to, presumably, a bar.
They arrive at an establishment advertising itself as ‘Rick’s Cafe’, which Rick’s brain vaguely registers as some sort of exceptionally uncreative movie reference, but this thought is pushed aside in favour of the much more important recognition that this ‘cafe’ serves alcohol. Rick orders and downs a whiskey, and is halfway through his second one before he hears a voice - not from the guide on his left, but from a stranger on his right.
“Rough day, huh?”
Rick keeps drinking, flicking his eyes to the side to see another Rick - obviously - albeit one slightly more muscular than average, wearing an oil-stained boiler suit. Rick pointedly ignores him and goes to order another drink before being interrupted.
“Hey, it’s on me.” the other Rick offers.
Rick shrugs. “Be my guest.”
He’s numb enough that he doesn’t realise what the other Rick ordered until it’s placed in front of him, a huge and sweet-smelling explosion of colour with what appears to be half a fruit salad as a garnish. He’s mildly surprised, but alcohol is alcohol.
“Uh, thanks, man.” he says awkwardly, finding the straw amongst the mass of fruit as quickly as he can.
“You look like you need it. And hey, consider it thanks for not trying to kill me.”
Panicked thoughts shoot through Rick’s mind before he realises that this Rick is just referring to the truce he’d made with the Council. He shrugs again.
“As long as you’re not the Rick who killed my family, you’re off the hook.”
Suddenly, he feels the touch of a hand on his and just barely manages to stop himself flinching. He turns to see the other Rick staring at him with something genuine in his eyes.
“I hope you find him.”
“Y-yeah, uh,” Rick pulls his hand back. “Me too.”
Rick continues drinking, pausing occasionally to stir the cocktail with his straw and watch the colours swirl and mix. As he’s staring, a hand comes across and steals a strawberry from the top of the glass. He follows the motion with his eyes to see the other Rick smirking.
“I paid for it, didn’t I?” the other Rick speaks teasingly, edging his tongue out slowly and much further than necessary to eat the fruit. Rick feels a strange but familiar glow in his stomach, and he can’t decide if it’s good or bad. The other Rick leans in closer and whispers.
“Hey, I’ve got a room upstairs and I just got some fractal dust if you wanna come with.” he leans back and drains his glass before walking off, pausing to glance back at Rick before he rounds the corner.
“Eh, fuck it.” Rick finishes his drink and follows. He knows the other Rick is flirting, but he could really do with something stronger to take his mind off things. Besides, this isn’t the worst thing he’s done for a high. 
The other Rick is waiting at the end of the hallway by a lift. The doors open, revealing it to be empty, and he pulls Rick inside by the front of his lab coat. As the doors slide shut, the other Rick presses his mouth to Rick’s, his tongue pressing against his lips, trying to find its way in. Rick guesses he’s committed now and opens his mouth, tasting the strawberry his other self had eaten a moment earlier, its sweetness quickly overpowered by the much stronger taste of alcohol. The other Rick’s mouth is warm and soft, and Rick finds it easy to look past the fact that this is another version of himself. 
The spell is broken by the ding indicating they’ve arrived at the correct floor, and Rick allows himself to be led to room 420.
“Heh, nice.” he mutters, just a beat off from the other Rick, and they both snicker.
The other Rick opens the door and Rick follows behind him.
“Make yourself comfortable.” 
Rick obeys, sinking down onto the bed as the other Rick rummages through drawers, before turning around with the promised drug in the crook of his hand. Rick takes the offered hand and snorts the fractal dust, feeling his mind finally start to cloud satisfactorily. The negative thoughts are vaguely present, but any complicated thought is difficult to access without concerted effort, so Rick is content to leave it alone. The other Rick snorts his own portion, and Rick sees his face relax into what must be the same expression as his own. He wonders whether he should carry on with the hook-up or not, but he’s cut off by the feeling of lips pressed against his. Any thoughts of hesitancy are quickly washed away by the wave of pleasure brought on by the combination of the kiss and the high.
As the other Rick pulls back, Rick feels a hot rush of blood to his crotch and is reminded of another pleasurable effect of fractal dust. The other Rick is practically sitting on his lap, so he notices too, and makes no attempt at hiding it, looking down at Rick’s groin and then back up to his face with a devilish grin.
“You want to do this, then?”
“Well, y-yeah, but is this… incest?” 
Even through the haze of the drug, Rick feels embarrassed to be asking this question, but he’s still conflicted on how he feels about fucking himself. The other Rick glances away and exhales a laugh. 
“Oh, wow, you really haven’t done this before, have you?”
“Well, I spent the past couple decades killing every Rick I saw, so what do you think?” Rick snaps defensively.
The other Rick raises his hands in surrender and gives another half-laugh, half-exhale. 
“Whoa, whoa, hey, it’s OK.” He leans forward, placing one hand on Rick’s thigh and resting the other on his cheek. “Just means I’ll be extra-gentle.”
He strokes his thumb over Rick’s face and tenderly, almost chastely, kisses his lips.
“And to answer your question, no. Just think of it like masturbating, with extra steps.”
He presses his lips to Rick’s again, harder this time, and runs a hand through his hair, tugging it ever so slightly in the way that Rick likes. He shifts position and Rick can feel that he’s hard too, his erection pressing into Rick’s thigh.
The other Rick pulls Rick’s hair again, harder this time, and Rick moans softly. Barely pulling back from the kiss, the other Rick mutters.
“Do you want me to go down on you?”
Rick nods in reply, and the other Rick smirks.
“What was that?”
“Yes.” Rick almost whimpers.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes. Please.” Rick begs, ashamed and horny and desperate.
“Good boy.” the other Rick whispers into his ear, then moves to kiss his neck as his hands work to undo Rick’s trousers. Rick moans again, louder this time, realising the benefits of fucking someone who knows from firsthand experience exactly what turns you on.
The other Rick moves his head down between Rick’s thighs and, for a moment, Rick is struck by the novelty of seeing his own head from an angle he’d never seen it from before. He thinks of prior encounters with Diane, Unity, Mr Nimbus, and many others, and realises that they’d seen him in this exact position before. He only has a split second to process how hot he finds this before the other Rick kisses and then gently bites his inner thigh, just hard enough to be felt, but nowhere near enough to hurt. An involuntary gasp tears itself from Rick’s throat and the other Rick looks up at him and grins.
“Jesus, Rick, I haven’t even touched your dick yet and you’re ready to blow.”
“Sh-shut up.”
“All this time, the Council have been desperate to stop C-137, but all they needed was to pull your hair and suck your dick and you’d have done whatever they wanted, wouldn’t you? You little slut.”
Rick knows he’s blushing furiously but all he can think about is how turned on he is and how badly he needs a release and his hand moves towards his dick without him even realising.
The other Rick grabs his hand away and guides it to his own hair.
“Hey, if I’m doing this for you, you could at least do something for me.” 
Rick’s fingers tangle into his other self’s hair obligingly, and he hears the strange sound of his own moan of pleasure coming from someone else’s throat. Before he has a chance to decide if it makes him feel turned on or self-conscious or both, the other Rick places his lips on the end of his dick and just holds them there, no sucking, no tongue. Even this sensation is almost enough to make him cum, and he blushes harder as he remembers the other Rick’s teasing from a minute ago. After what feels like eternity, he can’t take it anymore.
“Please.” he whines, barely able to speak.
“Please what?” taunts the other Rick, not moving his mouth from its current position, and the breathy vibrations against the head of his penis make Rick feel like he’s about to pass out with the need for more.
“Please… please suck my dick.” Rick manages, the words dragging themselves out of his lips through ragged breaths.
“Well, since you asked so nicely~” the other Rick simpers, Rick once again crying out pathetically from the feeling of his breath. His whimper turns into a yell he couldn’t stop if he wanted to once the other Rick actually follows through and starts sucking. 
In one moment, Rick is hyper-aware of every little sensation: the air on his skin, the soft cotton bedsheets on his bare ass, the tickle of the other Rick’s hair on his thighs; in the next, all he can feel is the hot pleasure pulsing through his dick, the other Rick’s mouth sucking and tongue swiping, and he forgets that there’s anything else in the whole universe other than the waves of pleasure coursing through him. 
All too soon, Rick loses control, feeling as if he might black out from the intensity of the orgasm surging through his entire body. He falls back onto the bed like a puppet whose strings have been cut, panting and gasping. The other Rick stands up, Rick’s cum dribbling from his mouth. He goes in for a final kiss, making Rick taste and swallow some of his own semen. The other Rick pulls back slightly but remains just a few inches away from Rick’s face, both of them still breathing heavily.
“Thank you.” Rick pants, and a small part of him cringes, but it’s quickly blocked by the drugs and the post-orgasmic bliss. Thankfully, the other Rick doesn’t seem to mind, simply chuckling and pressing a kiss to Rick’s head.
“Good boy.” he mumbles into Rick’s hair.
Rick knows he should reciprocate, but the heavy weight of the fractal dust and the deepest relaxation he’s felt in days drags him down into irresistible sleep. 
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byulsgrease · 4 years ago
I'm thinking about...
(wheein x fem reader, ~1.2k words, gif cred)
cw: smut (minors dni)
a/n: I didn't have the guts to write the smut ending on the very first Wheein fic I wrote a few weeks ago so I hard pivoted it into fluff… but then that first Byul smut came out of my brain and broke the ice so I circled back to rewrite the ending 😳bodyworshipwheeinmakesmesoft goodBYE
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Certain that Wheein felt the heat radiating from your face, she pressed her forehead to yours and breathed, “Did you want me to show you?”
"M...mm..hmm," you managed to sound out, flustered as all hell.
"I'm thinking about... a lot of things," she stated cutely. "Like your lips, and how I could probably kiss them forever," sweetly pressing them to yours.
She murmured through the kiss, "Thinking about your hands, how they fit in mine - and how they’re always in all the right places," the pads of her fingers trailing up your forearms to lace her fingers in with yours, gently pressing the backs of your hands down into the bed.
Breaking contact with your lips, she followed up with quick pecks on your cheek. "So. soft," she stated between each one. One of her hands left yours to trace a finger around your earlobe. “You have cute ears.”
“Is that even possible? How can one’s ears be cute?” You inquired.
With a little hmph, she proclaimed, “Don’t know, don’t care. They just are.” She leaned down to position her mouth next to your ear and breathily uttered “And I’ve been thinking about all the things I want to do to make you fall apart for me.” Your flushed heat from earlier deepened, certain now that she could feel it, her words stirring straight to your core. She never needed much to get you wrapped around her finger, but geez. Why did it work so well? The quietest sigh accidentally escaped your lips that you hoped she didn’t hear, but of course she did. “So you’re thinking about it too, good,” her tone a bit more serious.
She moved herself to sit up, still kneeling on the bed while straddling your thighs. Her thumbs hooked under the hem of your shirt and her hands slid up the sides of your body, taking your shirt with them. Leaning down to your stomach and holding your hips in her hands, she planted soft kisses in a straight line from your bellybutton to the middle of your chest, each one more sensitive than the last. You hoped the anticipatory thumping in your chest wasn’t audible - she really did have you reeling at this point. “I’m thinking about your curves - hips, back, stomach,” she listed. “How easily we fit together.”
She bit her lip, her expression barely visible in the darkness, as she trailed her hands up to cup your breasts and gave them a gentle squeeze. Whether your nipples were hard from the cool bedroom air on your skin or her grazing her nails over them, who could say. “Beautiful,” she remarked. “Honestly, your body here and now is infinitely better than anything I could’ve ever imagined,” she concluded.
She scooted down off of your legs to sit on the bed between them. “I’m thinking about how wet you must be for me,” staring directly at your underwear. Her index finger quickly skimmed the surface, hips twitching and a whine leaving you just as quick as her finger had. With some snide yet bubbly satisfaction, she cooed, “I’ve thought a lot about all the lovely sounds you could make for me,” suddenly pressing two fingers into the outside of your underwear, a notably louder and desperate cry leaving you while your body shuddered at the contact. “Like that.”
“Wheein, I nee—“
She cut off your plea with her mouth on yours, the kiss deep and urgent. “Be patient, let me finish telling you everything I’ve been thinking about,” she assured.
Your underwear finally freed from your body thanks to her hands, residual wetness trailed on your inner thighs. Moving her face between your legs, she planted more kisses on your inner thighs, much like the ones before, tongue occasionally sweeping out to taste the mess left by your panties. She hooked her arms underneath your thighs to bring them in close. “I’m thinking about how sweet you taste even though I haven’t even gotten to try it from the source,” she muttered between kisses.
You wriggled under her touch, arousal at a nearly excruciating level - part of you just wanted her to shut up and fuck you already, but it was probably for the best that you let her finish whatever she had planned or else you might not ever get to that point.
Sitting up now, she slid a hand behind your neck to sit you up. Your face just in front of hers, noses barely touching each other, you realized, her breathing... is for sure fast. She’s trying not to give in either.
"I'm thinking about how you heat up when you're flustered,” hovering the back of her hand near your cheek, her eyes filled with nothing but simultaneous lust and adoration. She really did love everything about you - and the feeling was mutual, how could you not love Jung Wheein?
Faces still close enough to witness each other's unsteady breathing, she finally trailed a hand down your front and pressed a finger to your clit, an audible rush of air escaping your nose trying to keep it together as you wrenched your eyes shut and tilted your head back. She lightened up the pressure considerably, merely grazing as she curled her singular finger to draw feather-light strokes across it. "Didn't I say I thought about the sounds you could make for me? Why so quiet?"
Good god. You responded through gritted teeth, "Maybe I would be louder, if you'd just..." trailing off in a near hiss.
"Just what?" she prodded innocently. Ughh, I have to ask?
"If you just fucked me, now," you eked out, resigned, begrudgingly tacking on a small "please" to the end of your request.
It earned you another lip bite and a smile. She wasted no time getting to work on your plea, her finger dipping lower to spread your wetness around. A tiny gasp of surprise from her turned to a grunt of satisfaction when an undeniable squelch resulted from her movements. She took her other hand and inserted a couple fingers with absolute ease, pumping vigorously while her finger continually brushed over your clit. An anguished cry emanated from your lips at the overwhelmingly sudden ramp-up in contact. Her barely audible "ah, yes" whispered into your ear further encouraged the fervent grinding of your hips into her hands, surely soaking them now.
The increased urgency and frequency of the sounds leaving your lips had her absolutely hypnotized as she pressed in another finger and upped her pace. Absolutely overtaken with euphoria, there was barely time to vocalize how close you were before she sensed your core strongly pulse once, immediately followed by a whole-body tense and relaxation, finally letting go from how wound up she had made you.
She slipped her fingers out of you just as easily as they went in and wiped them on the hem of her shirt. Meanwhile you fell back and hit the bed again, a mild warmth pushing through the entirety your body. Wheein flopped down beside you and snuggled her head into your neck to rest on your shoulder, her favorite place to be, as you slowly wrapped your arms around her.
Absolutely spent, you murmured through your come-down haze, "Sorry, don't think I have it in me to pay it forward."
"Mm, isokay," she sleepily slurred. "Just another thing to think about when you're on my mind again," tilting her head up let her lips barely graze your skin before her shallow breaths gave way to sleep.
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titan-fodder · 4 years ago
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Prima Vista Part III
[ previous ]
Rating: E (explicit; mdni) Pairing: Mike Zacharias x fem!reader
Warnings: a lot of feelings, handcuffs, testosterone, quite a bit of sex, one surprise kiss (cause Erwin is a privileged dick), parents, domesticity A/N: I apparently did not write an author’s note for this originally, but uh, this is one of my favorite sections of the whole fic, so. 
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Mike uses the rest of the break to relax, to get his head on straight so that when he gets back on campus he won’t be overbearing. He knows that’s the last thing you want from him.
 You text back and forth a few times a day, but most of it is dumb shit, and the conversation dies off pretty quickly—either Mike not knowing how to respond or you just growing bored. 
 He busies himself by spending time with his parents and playing with Scout who eats up all the attention. Family comes over for Christmas, and his mom and aunt get into an argument. It’s nothing new.
 He’s happy to get back to the school and back in classes just to stimulate his brain. More than that, he’s happy to see you again. Even if it means the two of you go back to friend-only status. 
 Things are awkward between him and Erwin, though. It isn’t the first time they’ve had a hiccup in their friendship, but this one has really rubbed Mike the wrong way. Erwin tries to apologize a few more times, but every time he does, all Mike can manage is an unconvincing, “It’s fine,” which the other man obviously doesn’t buy. 
 He tries not to be possessive when you start coming to the house again, but it’s fucking hard whenever he has to watch you and Erwin talk and joke around. Mike figured you’d be at least a little annoyed that he’d just walked in on the two of you like that, but you act like it never happened.
 Eventually, Mike has to ask about it, just can’t help himself. “Aren’t you, like, even a little mad that he did that? Don’t you think it was fucked up?”
 You’re sitting on Mike’s bed, a controller in your hand as you play Mario Kart, sound a little distracted when you respond, “I mean, yeah, it was fucked up, but I never really expected anything more from him.”
 “What do you mean?”
 You look at him from the corner of your eyes before staring at the screen again. “Erwin is a cocky motherfucker. I’ve seen the way he gets the girls on campus, probably thinks he can charm all of them which means he probably thinks he’s entitled to all of them. Us.”
 “Are you calling him a predator?”
 You shrug your shoulders. “I don’t think he’d ever, like, rape anyone. He at least has enough class and common sense not to do that. But I think… He doesn’t care who he goes after. Single girls, girls in relationships, happy girls, damaged girls. He just has a one track mind when it comes to sex. That’s what I’ve gathered anyway.”
 Laying back on his bed, Mike laces his fingers behind his head and thinks on what you’ve said. “That just sounds like a drawn out way of saying he’s a flirt.”
 “A massive flirt. Without any real care about whose feelings he hurts in the process.”
 “Sounds about right.”
 “I don’t appreciate it,” you sigh, “But he’s your best friend, so I’m willing to put up with some shit from him.”
 “Even him perving on you?”
 “Not the first time it’s happened to me, probably won’t be the last. He’s curious, I can tell.”
 Mike snorts and rolls his eyes. “Yeah, he is.”
 You stay quiet for several seconds, toggling over to another track on the game, then ask, “That make you uncomfortable?”
 Blinking up at the ceiling, Mike wonders what the right answer to this is. He doesn’t want to scare you away, but he doubts he’ll be able to act as aloof as you do. 
 “A little.”
 You hum, nodding in a thoughtful manner before suggesting, “I think we can keep hooking up through this semester.”
 Mike sits up on his elbow, looks at you with high eyebrows. “Wait, really?” He sounds too excited, he knows.
 “Yeah. I have mostly easy classes, or really, I have interesting ones which makes studying for them easier. Plus, it might teach Erwin a lesson.”
 He falls back flat, scoffing. “I don’t want you to fuck me to prove a point to Erwin. I want you to fuck me because you want to.”
 The game music stops when you pause it, and then you’re straddling Mike, hands on his chest as you smirk at him. 
 “Don’t let this go to your head, Zacharias, but no one has ever fucked me the way you do.”
 Mike tries not to grin, triumph blooming inside of him, and he grips your hips a little too tightly. “Oh, that’s definitely going to my head.” 
 You grind your covered pussy over his denim-clad cock, and Mike feels all his blood flow south.
 Laughing, you lean down to ghost your lips over his and murmur, “Both heads, apparently.”
 That day, the two of you start a routine that leaves Mike falling harder and harder with every passing day.
 “Come on, please just be my date,” Mike begs, thinks about getting to his knees if it’ll help convince you.
 “Why?” You ask, looking up from your textbook.
 You and Mike are sitting in the library—you studying, him bothering you. “I’m honestly so tired of parties at this point.
 “It’s not like the big parties we throw, though,” he tells you. “It’s just the brothers and their girlfriends.”
 “That makes it even worse,” you push one little laugh through your nose. “What makes you think I wanna spend an entire night with a bunch of frat boys and their matching sorority girls?”
 Mike rolls his eyes. “They’re not all sorority girls, just like, eighty-five percent of them.”
 Your head lolls, an expression that reads nothing but apathy aimed at Mike, and he gives you a hopeful smile and adds, “On the bright side, we get to stay together all night…?”
 “Oh god, it's a cuff party, isn't it?" 
 All he can do at this point is beg because the more he explains it, the more he realizes how not appealing this is to you. “Please.”
 Sitting back in your chair, you cross your arms over your chest and puff your cheeks out as you exhale heavily. “What’s in it for me?”
 Fuck yes. Half the battle is won. 
 “Uhh,” obviously sex is the first thing that comes to Mike’s mind, so the first offer he makes is, “I’ll go down on you ‘til you cry.”
 You snort. “Try again.”
 “Fuck you ‘til you pass out?”
 “Jesus—why do you want to hurt me? Try again. Third time’s a charm.”
 Mike brainstorms for a solid thirty seconds, thinks about what you’ve mentioned to him over the past couple of weeks, sex and school and—
 “I’ll help you study for your geochemistry exam.”
 You finally look interested. “I’d actually really appreciate that. You took the course?”
 “Yeah, environmental geochemistry was sort of my jam last year. Final grade was a ninety-seven.”
 “Holy shit.”
 Mike shoots you a satisfied smile, but before you can tell him to wipe it from his face, he asks, “So, you’re in?”
 “I guess.”
 This is how you both end up in the frat house handcuffed together. No one seems to be surprised at the fact that you’ve come with him, all the brothers used to you hanging around the frat house.
 Most couples are walking around holding hands just because it takes some of the pressure off of everyone's wrists, but Mike doesn't dare try it with you. Too cute. Too comfortable. 
 These types of get togethers are Mike's favorite, though, always more relaxed than the open parties. There’s still drinking and music, but the energy is different since it’s a tighter knit group. 
 It takes about an hour for Erwin and his date to approach the two of you, fingers laced together, drinks in their free hands. 
 “Looking good,” Erwin greets with a smile. "Very… trapped." 
 “Yeah, you too,” Mike says, trying to ignore the subtext of Erwin's comment.  
 Blue eyes flick to you, and you’re questioned, “How’d he end up talking you into this?”
 You don’t miss a beat as you reply cooly, “Bribed me with sex and study help.”
 “Ah, of course he did.”
 Mike’s eyes narrow, but he doesn’t say anything, just reaches his pinky out to link with yours, a subtle claim. When you rest your head on his arm, he looks down at you and smirks. 
 “Anyway,” Erwin pushes on. “You remember Maddie, don’t you?”
 Mike lies, “Yeah. How are you?”
 The girl’s voice reminds him of who she is, “Well. How are you, Mike?” It’s a little high pitched and nasally with a northern accent. He especially remembers what she sounded like moaning for Erwin through the wall, obnoxious but Mike can’t really judge since he’s subjected the rest of the house to the same thing once or twice (or a dozen times) before.  
 “Glad to hear it.”
 The group stands together for a few more awkward seconds before Erwin clears his throat and asks his date, “Another drink?” then makes his exit. 
 “You have got to get over this grudge, dude,” you take your head from his shoulder, and Mike immediately misses the warmth. “Like, it’s cute that you’re trying to defend my honor or whatever, but it’s time to move on. You guys are friends. Just talk it out.”
 He sucks his teeth, almost tells you about the way he and Erwin had nearly thrown punches at the ranch house, the way the blond had basically admitted to wanting to try you out, but Mike decides against it, doesn’t want to talk too much shit only to end up making up with him.
 “Guys don’t really talk it out. We usually fight it out.”
 “That’s fucking primitive. You should learn to communicate like mature humans.”
 “Probably,” Mike hums. “But not right now.”
 Being connected to each other means every activity is a partner activity. The most interesting is playing beer pong against Nile and his on-again off-again girlfriend, Marie, house rule for the night being whoever is throwing has to use their cuffed hand. It’s like a twisted three-legged race and requires an amount of teamwork and coordination Mike has never had to deal with before. 
 It’s also the first time he manages to beat Nile. Mike had no doubt that the other man would have crushed you by himself, but it turns out the actual couple does not work together very well. All their shots are clumsy, and Nile gets frustrated right off the bat which only makes things worse. Meanwhile, you and Mike come up with a strategy after the first terrible throw and use it for the rest of the game. 
 You’re both challenged by a few other teams and end up winning every time which has Mike feeling smug about the victories and giddy at how in-tune the two of you are. Gelgar even tells you both, “You guys are good together,” which makes Mike cough as you wave him off.
 You drink a little more, converse a little more, and then—as always—end up in Mike’s bedroom. 
 “You want me to get the key and take these off?” He asks between kisses.
 You smile into him, let out a little laugh and play, “You don’t think it’d be kinda fun to fuck with ‘em on?”
 “It’ll be harder,” Mike snorts. “But, we can. Won’t be able to take shirts off, though.”
 “Good thing we just need to take our pants off.”
 It’s clumsy and silly, and you both tug in opposite directions more than a few times. Mike laces his fingers with yours when he goes down on you, relishing in the way you arch off his bed and squeeze his hand. On the floor, you give him head in the same fashion, and fuck, Mike can hardly focus on you sucking him off while your fingers are woven together, even if it is just for the sake of convenience. 
 He fucks you from behind that night, your face buried in his pillow as he’s buried in you. Both of your arms are stretched behind your back, held at the wrists by Mike’s much, much larger hand. He uses his free one to grip your hip, pushing and pulling you on his cock to his heart’s desire. 
 You’re so pretty, damp with sweat and moaning his name when your head is turned only to shove it back into his pillow when he makes you scream. Your dripping cunt opens up for him perfectly, making Mike feel more inebriated than alcohol ever could, but as his balls tighten and that warmth spreads in his gut, he has a single moment of clarity, assess the position he has you in and pants, “Shit, I can’t pull out.” Not without ripping your god damn arm out of socket or fracturing his dick. 
 “Mmm—fuck, just come inside, come inside me, Mike.”
 That alone makes him lose it, shooting a fucking copious amount of cum into your pussy, so much that it drips from your hole and runs down your thighs. 
 “Fucking C-Christ,” he laughs a little hysterically, gathering thick white and slipping it back inside you. Transfixed by the way his added finger pushes more of his cum out of you, he asks in a daze, “You on birth control?”
 “Yeah,” you answer in a breathy voice.
 Mike hums. “Good. Just gonna sit here for a while then.”
 You let out a whimper that turns to a whine when he rubs his slick finger over your clit. Twitching around him, you tease, “F-finger painting again?”
 He chuckles, “You know it.” 
 Honestly, if he could cover you in cum, he would—admire your body painted in white strings, watch it drip down your ribs and thighs. If Mike hadn’t just gotten off, he would be hard again at the mere thought, but for now his focus is rubbing your little clit. Still face down, you spread your legs more and more, and Mike has to curl over you, breathing heavily on your neck as you wriggle and buck, overstimulating him as he keeps his cock nestled inside of you.
 He groans just as loud as you do as you start pulsing around him, pussy clenching in a way that actually pulls a few more drops of cum from Mike, then you both pant for a little while until Mike straightens up and pulls you with him, your back to his chest as you hang your head. 
 “You good?” He questions, brushing his lips over your neck as lightly as possible.
 “Yeah,” you tell him. “Just… Full.”
 Mike’s body heats all over again as he rests his forehead on your uppermost vertebrae. “Can’t just say stuff like that,” he warns, sinking his teeth into your shoulder.
 “Hmm.” He can see the little smile on your face without even looking up. “You did offer to fuck me until I pass out.”
 “I have a refractory period, you know.”
 You glance over your shoulder, and now Mike gets a good look at your smirk and twinkling eyes. “I can wait.”
 Both of you emerge from the room in the early hours of the morning, still stuck together as you quietly make your way downstairs to find the key to the handcuffs. You’re wearing a pair of Mike’s gym shorts, the mesh falling far past your knees and barely staying up around your waist. He knows you’re still messy and can tell by the way you’re walking that you’re sore, but he has every intention of cleaning you up and taking care of all your aches and pains in the shower. 
It’s party after god damn party with classes and studying and fucking in between. You have never had this much sex in your life, but you’re not complaining. It takes the edge off, and Mike isn’t the worst company. Far from it, actually. The more you get to know him, the more he falls into what you think is his real personality. 
 The brash frat boy is a front, you come to find out, a mask to fit in with everyone else, one he wears very well. 
 But, when it’s just the two of you in his room playing video games or watching TV, he actually relaxes, gets quieter and much more reflective. The pastels and khakis and Hawaiian shirts stay hung up in his closet, both of you lounging in t-shirts and joggers more often than not.
 He more or less tutors you in geochemistry, and between that and all the nerd shit in his room, you realize… Mike is kind of extremely smart. And, it’s kind of extremely hot.
 “I still don’t understand why you hide it,” you tell him one afternoon as you watch him play Ocarina of Time. 
 He shrugs, green eyes wide and focused on the screen, gives you the same answer he did last semester when you’d asked a similar question: “People are more interested in other things.”
 “So you adopted the obnoxious frat boy persona?”
 “I guess. It makes the college experience a lot easier.”
 You cock your head to the side, genuinely curious when you ask, “Doesn’t it wear you out? Seems like you’re just an introvert in hiding.”
 Mike laughs, pauses the game, and looks at you. “It used to. Some days it still does. But, it’s easier than taking shit from the guys.”
 Squinting at him, you mumble, “I will beat up anyone who gives you shit about being a nerd.”
 It makes him laugh. Loudly. And, you see a certain curiosity glimmering in his eyes, unasked questions—probably something along the lines of when you started caring and getting protective over him. 
 You’re not. Not exactly. You just don’t like the idea of anyone giving him a hard time. 
 “No offense, babe, but I don’t know how much damage you could inflict on anyone. You’re, like, two feet tall.”
 You straighten up, chest puffing up as you pull your fists up to your chin and rock back and forth like a Street Fighter character. “You wanna fuckin’ go, Zacharias? I’ll show you how much damage I can inflict.”
 He grins in that boyish way that always makes you look away. It’s too cute and too charming and makes you feel too many things. 
 Mike hangs his long legs over the side of the bed and pulls you on top of him with no problem whatsoever. You’re eye level with him now, heart beating too fast as you hold his shoulders, eyes flicking to his lips. 
 “We can go if you want. We can do whatever you want.”
 He has feelings for you. You know he does, can see it in his eyes, can feel it in the way he fucks you, and you really should cut things off, but… You don’t want to. He’s the most tolerable person you’ve met on campus, much less annoying than Hitch. You have things in common and joke around until you’re both rolling in laughter. And, of course, the sex is incredible. 
 It’s just casual, you keep telling yourself. Mike is smart enough not to push things. He knows better, knows you’ll just turn him down, and though it’s hard to admit, that wouldn’t just hurt him; it’d hurt you too.
 In his lap now, you don’t encourage him to take things further, mostly because you’re still sore from the night before, and he understands that. Instead, you lock your arms around his neck and change the subject to something that’s still bothering you even after several weeks.
 “Have you and Erwin made up yet?”
 Mike makes a face, answers, “Not exactly.”
 “The hell does that mean?”
 “It means we’re talking a little more, but it’s always short conversations and the problem still hasn’t been addressed.”
 You let out a little, “Ugh,” then state, “You guys are impossible.”
 It really doesn’t make sense that he’s so upset about it, especially since you’ve gotten over it. It was a shitty thing for Erwin to do—walking in like that—but you don’t think it’s anything to end a friendship over.
 And, with that thought in mind, you spend the rest of the afternoon devising a plan. It’s not in your nature to meddle, but it seems, in this case, you’re gonna have to.
 Mike is in his fancy ecology class when you walk into the Pike house, nodding at everyone in the den as you step further inside. You learned a few months ago that it’s much safer to keep your shoes on, less jarring to step on a sticky floor the first years didn’t do a good job cleaning. 
 Nile is reclining sideways on the couch with Marie between his legs, an action movie playing on the ridiculously big TV mounted on the wall. 
 “Is Erwin here?” You ask.
 Nile looks at you with a frown, one that’s completely warranted since you’ve literally never asked this before. 
 “Uh, yeah.” He points up at the ceiling. “In his room.”
 “Cool, thanks.”
 “You know which one it is?”
 Squeezing one eye shut, you’re honest when you tell him, “I think so.”
 The way Marie is quick to pipe up, “Second furthest to the left, right next to the bathroom,” is very amusing, especially when Nile clicks his tongue, clearly irritated.
 You make your way upstairs, following Marie’s directions, then take a deep breath before knocking on Erwin’s door, clueless as to what his lock code might be.
 It takes a few seconds, but the door opens, revealing a very tired-looking Erwin. His eyes widen a bit when he sees you, craning his neck back like he’s shocked that you’re standing outside of his room. That’s fair.
 “Uh, hey?”
 “Hey,” you greet shortly. “Can we talk for a sec?”
 Erwin blinks a few times then steps to the side, murmuring, “Yeah, of course.”
 His space is very different from Mike’s, more organized, framed pictures, bed completely made. Even his desk is clean, papers and books all stacked neatly on one side of his open laptop.
 “Studying?” You question.
 “Yeah. Would you like to sit down?” His voice is deep—not as deep as Mike’s—and always so proper, like he spent his childhood in country clubs (he did). 
 “Not really,” you answer without any hesitation.
 Unsurprisingly, Erwin leans against his desk instead of taking a seat himself, arms on either side, fingers hanging off the edge of the polished wood. It makes the muscles in his forearms become more prominent, veins popping against his skin. You have to give it to him, it’s a good move. 
 “So, what’s going on?”
 Running your tongue over your teeth, you recall what you planned to say—cut to the chase, stay firm, don’t get caught up in any of his tricks. 
 “You need to make up with Mike.”
 Erwin immediately snorts. “You don’t think I’ve tried?”
 “Half-assed apologies aren’t gonna work, dude. Actually sit down with him and hash things out.”
 “Yeeeah,” he drawls. “That didn’t work very well the first time.”
 “Maybe try again? You guys are, like, best friends.”
 “Levi is my best friend,” Erwin corrects, “And, I’m pretty sure that you’re Mike’s at this point.”
 “Don’t say that.”
 “It’s true,” he smirks.
 You wave him off, getting back to your original point. “At the very least, you guys should make up just because you have to live in the same house.”
 Erwin crosses his arms over his chest, blue eyes deviating upward as if he’s thinking hard. You doubt he is.
 “So, you’re not mad about what happened?” He asks after a few seconds. 
 You're blunt when you respond, “It was a shitty thing to do. Wouldn’t advise trying it with anyone else, but honestly, I’m not super surprised you’d pull something like that.”
 His facial expression turns to one of true offense, blond eyebrows furrowing enough for a little wrinkle to form between them. “Excuse me?”
 You take a step toward him, almost jab a finger in his chest but resist. “No no no. You don’t get to be pissed. You’re the one who fucked up here. I’m just telling you the truth.”
 Eyes narrowing, he pushes himself off the desk, standing to his full height to loom over you. It’s obviously an intimidation tactic, one he’s probably used before on many people, and it makes your blood boil. 
 In a futile attempt to make yourself look bigger, you straighten your spine and tilt your head to look up at him, lips pursed, eyes narrow. You remember what Mike said about you being too small to hurt anyone, but you can be scrappy. You’re not above slapping a face or kneeing someone in the balls. 
 Erwin peers down at you, jaw setting for a moment as he really studies you, then breaks into an infuriating smile. 
 “You’re cute, you know that?” He moves to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, but you swat his hand away. 
 “Jesus, what is wrong with you?”
 This close to him, seeing the way he acts behind closed doors, you wonder how Mike ever even got close with him. They’re so incredibly different. For the last semester and a half, you've only known Erwin as Mike's somewhat obnoxious, spoiled friend. Now, it seems he's showing his true colors.
 “Nothing’s wrong. In fact, I’m feeling pretty great right now.”
 Oh, you wanna hit him. You wanna hit him so badly, but honestly, Erwin kind of seems like the type to call the fucking police if you did. 
 “You don’t have any reason whatsoever to be feeling good.”
 He’s still grinning, eyes bright and wide as his pupils dilate. 
 Are you calling him a predator?
 He sure looks like one now, a lion with his sights set on an antelope, and as you stare at him, it dawns on you that this was a bad idea. 
 “You know what? Nevermind,” you shake your head. “You don’t deserve to be Mike’s friend anyway.”
 The laugh that pours from his lips is not at all humorous. His voice drops when he challenges, “You think so?”
 You need to leave, need to get out of here before this argument goes any further, but as you make a move toward the closed door, he slides in front of you. You shouldn’t have walked so far into his room.
 “Erwin,” you grit through your teeth. “Don’t do this.”
 “Just tell me—because I need to know—” he breathes, still staring down at you with that unnerving gaze. “What does Mike have that you like so much?”
 Both your hands flex by your sides. There are so many ways to answer this question, all of which will evoke a different response. 
 But being who you are, you speak before you think, spitting the first thing that comes to mind: "You want me to make you a list, Smith? 'Cause I sure fucking can."
 He makes a little circle with his hand, a 'go on' motion, and prompts, "Please, enlighten me."
 And, so you do. 
 "Warmth, sincerity, class, depth, understanding—"
 "So, it isn't just about the sex," he cuts you off, sounding more sure than curious. 
 You pinch the bridge of your nose, tired of these god damn frat boys and their obsession with getting their dicks wet.  
 "I mean, it started out that way—not that it's any of your business."
 "I can give you more, you know. Satisfy you better—"
 "Please shut the fuck up," you beg, getting madder by the second. The confidence, the entitlement, is making you sick. 
 "You don't believe me?" He steps toward you again, and you back up. 
 "No, I don't." Because how could he? Whether it's stimulating conversation or sex, there's no way Erwin could compare. 
 And now you realize just how much you appreciate Mike. 
 Erwin is closing the distance between you, moving slowly but purposefully. "This is how it started with you and him, right? You made him chase you?" 
 "Get out of my way," you demand, trying to shoulder past him—
 And, you should have seen it coming, should have been prepared for the way he grabs you, strong hand closing around your upper arm to pull you to his body. Thick fingers tangle in your hair to pull your head back, face tilted up, and all you can really do is shove at his chest with your free hand, growling in your throat as Erwin crushes his lips against yours. 
 Adrenaline courses through your body. You try to shake the hand on your head, try to jerk your arm from his grip, but he's too fucking strong, and it terrifies you. 
 Your voice is muffled as you plead, "Er—mmf—shtp—"
 You lift your hand higher and manage to hit him just beside his eye with the side of your palm, and it makes him break the "kiss" (you refuse to actually call it that).
 He breathes a heavy, "Just let me—"
 "No." You push his chest again, and he lets go of your arm. Quickly wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, you tell him, "You're a shitty friend and a little fucked in the head, but you're not low enough to force yourself on someone," you pant, shaking with nerves and rage, "So don't."
 Hopefully, you're not giving him too much credit. Despite the overflowing fury and fear, you still think there's a little hope for him. Not with you, of course, just in general.
 He stares at you, expression changing from confusion to understanding to regret, and before you know it, he's scrubbing his hands down his face and muttering, "Fuck, I'm sorry. You're right I—I got carried away. I've been jealous of Mike and curious and—"
 "Why?" You blurt because you do not get it. "Both of you are, like, top athletes and in a fraternity, could get literally anyone you wanted, so what is it? Is it because I'm a nobody? Because you're bored of the sorority girls? Am I the one chick on your list you haven't screwed?" 
 "I… I don't know. You just—"
 "Is it because Mike has a toy he doesn't wanna share?"
 "Maybe." Erwin is frowning again, like he's stumped. He doesn't even know what he's feeling. It's honestly a little pathetic. 
 "Well, pick someone else. I know you have Maddie wrapped around your finger, so take advantage of that or whatever. Just leave me out of it."
 Ocean eyes are wide and troubled. He really does look remorseful, but that doesn't change what he just fucking did. God, you're disgusted. And a little hurt. 
 "Don't ever try that shit on me again—or anyone else—'cause I swear to God, I will break your fucking nose."
 "Yeah, okay," he nods.
 You go to walk past him again, voice loud and unforgiving when you tell him, "Move," and then you're out of his room, slamming the door, and getting as far from Pike house as possible.
 That did not go the way you had planned it to, but you should have been ready for the worst case scenario. That's on you, you guess. 
 Because Erwin Smith may not be a predator by definition, but he's certainly something—something you want to stay away from. 
"Why are you acting weird?" Mike's voice pulls you from your empty head, and you take your eyes off the loose string of your hoodie—his hoodie—and look up at him. 
 "What are you talking about? 'm not acting weird."
 He moves from his place at the edge of his bed and crawls to prop himself up next to you on his pillows. 
 "Uh, yeah you are. Have been for the past week or so."
 He isn't wrong. You've kept to yourself a little more since your "conversation" with Erwin. It had just been so uncomfortable and jarring, and you don't want to tell Mike because you know he'll just get pissed all over again which would be very annoying since he and Erwin finally made up. Just like you wanted them to. 
 Except now you know Erwin a little better, and you're not sure you want him having any more influence over Mike. 
 Rubbing your face, you shrug and easily lie, "I've just been tired."
 And, of course, Mike is too smart for that. 
 "Tired? That's the go-to answer for anyone who actually feels shitty."
 "I mean, yeah, but I'm actually tired in this case." It isn't a complete lie considering how fucking late he kept you up last night. 
 Mike hums. "Wanna take a nap before the party?" 
 The acid in your stomach churns. The party. The one you do not have any desire to go to. The one that will push you over the ledge of annoyance and into the realm of genuine discomfort. You don't want to go. You don't want to hang out. You don't want to see Erwin. 
 Sliding your legs under the covers, you lay down in Mike's bed, turning on your side so that your back is facing him. You've told him on numerous occasions that you don't have any interest in certain events, but he always talks you into going to them anyway. So, what'll be different this time? You're just gonna end up downstairs huddled in a corner refusing to drink as your eyes scan over everyone, ready to make a quick exit if you have to. 
 Mike settles in closer behind you, the heat of his chest pouring across your back, and you can feel the pillow dip when he rests his head on it. He waits for a while before letting his arm fall over your waist. It makes you squeeze your eyes shut, makes something crawl into your throat, trying to scratch its way out. 
 "I really don't wanna go tonight," you murmur.
 You expect some form of protest, a convincing argument in the form of a well thought out fucking speech while he kisses down the back of your neck, but instead, a low rumble of, "Okay," spills from his mouth, and you hate how it makes you feel—how grateful you are for him. 
 He's getting to know you. Has gotten to know you after spending so much time together. He can read your ups and downs now, can tell when you're joking or serious, take the hint when you want him with a single look (that one might be the most irritating), but it just goes to show how perceptive he is, how much of himself he's been hiding while in college. 
 The shallow jock you thought you knew is no comparison for this. 
 "Spring break's coming up," he speaks into your hair, inhaling deeply and whispering to himself, "Citrus kills me," like you can't hear him. 
 You pretend not to because it's soft and personal and would probably make him adorably self-conscious, and you can't deal with Mike blushing. 
  "Yeah, it is. Couple more weeks." 
 "What're your plans?" 
 You shrug against him, trying not to get too wrapped up in the way his body feels over yours, longer legs tangling between yours, his draped hand nearly covering your entire stomach, his stubble scratching your neck and cheek. 
 When did you get this close? When did you decide it was okay to be this intimate? This is what couples do. This is comfort. 
 And, you didn't think you needed it, but fuck—
 "Nothing, really. Go see Mom, I guess."
 "Come stay with me," he says quickly. "Just for a few days."
 You wriggle to turn on your back and frown up at him as a myriad of questions fill your mind. 
 Mike takes a deep breath, somehow reading every one of them. 
 "I know that sounds like a 'come meet my parents' thing, but I promise it's not. I just thought it'd be cool to hang out not at school and not at a party. Plus," he shows a broad grin. "You can meet Scout."
 "Mm, tempting," you laugh. "I do like dogs."
 "And, you'll love her! She's so sweet and so goofy and—"
 "I'll think about it," you stop him. 
 Mike bites his lip, looking hopeful, but tries to play it off with a, "Okay, cool," then leans down to kiss you as if you've already said yes. 
 Honestly, you have, just not out loud. He had you at 'hanging out'. 
Studying sucks. Midterms suck. Avoiding parties, however, does not suck. Mike still goes to most of them, kind of has to considering they're usually thrown at the PKA house, but sometimes he just shows his face then comes to your dorm. You try to convince him to stay, hang out with his friends, but he usually just shrugs and digs through your stash of movies until he finds something he wants to watch. 
 It's fine with you, makes passing geochem a lot fucking easier, but it also means little sleep and a perpetual soreness between your legs. 
 You just… Can't get enough of each other. And, you think that's how it's always been since that first party. Afterward, you had denied him in the courtyard and then broke as soon as he got into your room to get his stupid shirt. Denied him at the bar then broke as soon as he leaned over you at the pool table. Denied him at the after-game party and broke after… Seeing his room? Watching movies? Acting like friends for the first time? Whatever it is, you're always falling into bed together, some kind of unstoppable force against your obviously very movable object. 
 It's something you think about too much now, always somewhere in the back of your head. At this point, you should probably just be with him, don't know who you're kidding with that lie about focusing on school (your grades have never been better actually), but you're scared. That's really what's been hard to admit to yourself, not the fact that you're attracted to him or the fact that your irritation has bloomed into genuine fondness and admiration. It's that's you're fucking terrified. You can feel it in your bones. 
 Don't get too attached because people leave. All the time. People let you down. People disappoint. 
 You don't want Mike to disappoint you, so you won't give him the chance to. 
 Of course, all of that is easier said than done as you look over at him in the Wrangler, one huge hand pn the wheel as his other arm hangs out of the open window, catching the wind that batters against it like he's trying to push back. You hate it when he does that, too many horror stories of car crashes that end in traumatic amputations, but it's one of Mike's strange simple pleasures, makes him grin as if it's his head hanging out instead. At his core, Mike Zacharias is just a huge fucking puppy dog. 
 A dubstep song from too long ago is blasting through his speakers, the vibrations hitting you square in the chest as you bounce your leg and bob your head. It's beautiful outside, winter's bite melting away into sunny springtime days. Some of them still bring a chill to the air, but it doesn't matter since you basically live in one of Mike's hoodies, dark green with the school's lacrosse logo stamped in the middle. It's faded and worn out and far too big on you, but it's quite possibly the most comfortable article of clothing you've acquired. 
 The drive to his parents' house is a good three hours, but between the playlist he's made (stellar, not that you'd admit it), the road games you play, and the road head you give him ("Oh, Jesus Christ, this isn't safe—this isn't safe—fuck—") you make it there in one piece and in good spirits, though you have take a few drinks of the soda you got at the convenience store to wash the residue of cum out of your mouth before meeting his god damn family. 
 He grabs both your bags from the backseat, slinging them over his shoulders, then starts up the path to a… surprisingly small home. It isn't a shack by any means, but after what you saw of Erwin's stupid ranch house and some of the pictures and stories Nile and Gelgar have subjected you to, you just kind of figured all of them had ridiculous amounts of money. 
 Then again, you know Mike got a full ride to college with a sports scholarship, and he rarely talks about his family and their lifestyle aside from Scout and little tales from his childhood—trips to the zoo, the one time he rode a dirt bike and broke his collarbone, he and his dad rescuing an injured bunny from the park. 
 You should've known back then that you'd get in too deep. 
 The small garden that lines the house is well-kempt and full of blooming flowers, and the porch is home to a wire table and matching chairs with an unsavory gnome sitting on top.  
 "What in the world…"
 Mike doesn't even glance to see what you're looking at, just opens the screen door and informs you, "That's Leonidas," so casually that it makes you snort and push him into his own house. 
 It opens up to a living room, long couch, recliner, coffee table and all. A TV sits right in the middle of a beige entertainment center, DVDs stacked on one side, blu-ray discs on the other. It smells clean—like the lemon wipes you use in your dorm—but even stronger than that is the smell of food. 
 "Must already be cooking," Mike muses, then calls out in a different fucking language that has you turning to him in confusion. 
 Before you can ask about it, a plump woman a couple inches taller than you comes rushing out of what you assume to be the kitchen. Her graying hair is tied into a loose bun, cheeks rosy from the heat, and she's still in her apron and a single oven mitt. 
 "Miche, γλυκό μου αγόρι!" 
 She stops in front of him and reaches up to grab his face, peppering it with little kisses and babbling words you do not understand in the slightest. 
 Mike is laughing, speaking to her in the same fashion, possibly answering questions or defending himself judging by the way he holds his hands up. You think you have an inkling about why when his mother turns to you, puts her hands on your shoulders to look at you, then pulls you into a tight hug. 
 You squeeze her right back, rocking to and fro as she does, then look up at Mike from the corner of your eyes in a panic. 
 What do you do, what is happening, what hasn't he told you? 
 It’s about this time that a large dog runs into the room and actually jumps into Mike’s arms. He grunts as he hoists Scout up, nuzzling into her beautiful coat as she tries to lick his face.
 "Mamá, let her get settled first," Mike laughs from where he’s getting attacked. His mother lets go of you, but it’s only for Mike to set the dog back down, and Scout takes the opportunity to sniff and paw at you. “Be nice,” he warns her, pulling you in front of him and pushing you toward the hallway.
 That need to snoop around is ever present as you enter his room, but the much more pressing issue is, "You could've prepared me, ya' know. Given me a little heads up that you're…"
 "Greek?" He snorts, wiping his face with the bottom of his shirt. "My last name is Zacharias. That's a pretty good indicator."
 "I—..." You pause, pout, then mumble, "I'm not a genealogy expert."
 "Obviously not."
 He dumps the bags on his bed, a queen size, thank god, because he had told you last week they didn't have a guest room (and had seemed pretty happy about it at the time). 
 "I'll get mom and dad to speak in English for the next few days." 
 "I mean," you shake your head. "It's their house. I don't wanna intrude on that. Let 'em do what they're most comfortable with."
 He steps over to you, makes his classic move of staring down at you and smoothing his hand over your hair to make you tilt your head up. "That's sweet, but I know they're dying to talk with you, so actually being able to understand what they’re saying is kinda necessary."
 Humming, you stand on your tip-toes just as he begins to stoop lower. Before you can meet in a kiss, though, you smirk, "And, just why do they wanna get to know me, Miche? Is that a secret Greek name too?”
 He licks his lips, voice husky when he replies, "I've mentioned you a few times--”
 “Uh huh,” you smirk, too close for him to actually see.
 “And no, I think it’s Hebrew or something.” 
 You snicker before your mouths meet, breaths grow heavy, and the only time you break apart is so that you can look him in his light eyes and tell him, "By the way, the whole speaking a different language thing you can do?" He grunts, encouraging you to continue. "Very hot."
 You feel him smile against you, a self-satisfied, "Yeah?" making you burn against him. 
 It's hard to leave the room, but you both know you have to, hoping neither of you look too kiss-swollen when you walk back into the living room, and when Mike's mom is no longer there, he brings you to the kitchen instead. 
 "Smells good," he tells her, leaning over the stove and taking a whiff of the prepared dish that’s been set on top--stuffed tomatoes and peppers that make your mouth water.
 She says something, and Mike lets her finish before asking, "Can we speak in English while she's here? It's kinda hard to add to a conversation when you, like, don't know what's being said."
 "Oh, I'm so sorry!" She immediately gushes, turning to you with a worried look. Her accent is thick and charming, but she doesn't ever stutter, clearly fluent, just more comfortable in her apparently native language. "I just get so caught up when my Miche comes home, I—"
 And, she's hugging you again. 
 "I'm Maia! Christopher—Miche's father—should be home soon."
 You rub Maia's back until she lets go and turns back to the stove, but even as she does, she's asking you, "How is school? What are you studying? Miche's told me very few things."
 He shouldn't have told you anything at all, you want to say. 
 "Um, it's good. I'm an earth sciences major, geology specifically, so Mike—uh—Miche's been helping me study a lot."
 He leans down to speak so only you can hear, "Not necessary to call me that. She's gonna know who you're talking about when you say Mike."
 Not that you'll tell him, but you kind of like the way 'Miche' feels, the way it rolls from your lips to the back of your mouth, and for just one second, you think about how you'd like to moan it in his ear. 
 "So, uh," you shake your head in an attempt to get it back on straight. "Yeah, it's going good, I think."
 "It is nice that you study together," Maia hums, slicing into the dish to portion it out. "Miche probably enjoys the break from his fraternity life." 
 Mike makes an unsure noise, but you grin and lean on the counter, eyes shining as you look at the middle-aged woman, "You know, speaking of that, I need to know what he was like before the whole frat thing 'cause—"
 "Uhh, we don't need to talk about that," Mike quickly cuts you off. 
 Maia, however, catches your eye and winks, a silent promise that she'll fill you in later. 
 Mike sees it, whines a dramatic, "Mamá, please."
 You laugh, glancing over at him with a devious smile that makes him roll his eyes and grumble something. 
 The creak of a door opening followed by the sound of a screen slamming back against the frame signals the arrival of Mike's father. It takes him a couple minutes to join everyone in the kitchen, probably taking the time to get more comfortable after what you assume to be a long day. 
 When he does walk in, once styled hair fallen out of place, top two buttons of his shirt undone, you see exactly where Mike gets most of his looks. He may have gotten his fucking mane from his mother, but he definitely got his height and his eyes from his father. 
 "Oh!" He stops short when he sees you, looks at his wife, then at you, then at Mike. "Is this the girl?" 
 Both of his parents snicker as he turns to you, pleading more than telling, "Just ignore them, they don't know what they're talking about."
 You don't pay him any mind, join in on the fun when you lift an eyebrow and tease, "Am I, Mike? Am I the girl?"
 "Oh my god, this is gonna be a nightmare," he groans, the tips of his ears growing red. Still, he tries to put on a stern face as he points at his parents, speaks in beautiful, rolling words that are beyond you, then turns his flashing gaze to you and commands, "And you, don't encourage them."
 "Mm, no promises." You stick the tip of your tongue between your teeth and wink at his mom the way she had at you earlier. 
 All of you sit at an actual table for dinner, something you haven't done in at least a decade, as you talk and laugh between bites of food. Scout is laying underneath, waiting for someone to drop a piece of food, and every once in a while, you feel her wet nose nudge against your calf.
 Maia and Chris are very kind and very funny, and it isn't just because they pick on their son all the time. Chris talks about his day in the office, complaining about coworkers the same way Mike complains about his brothers—"I just don't understand why you would eat sardines in the break room! Someone explain it to me!" Maia tells everyone about the three hour phone call with her mother—"My god that woman can talk. Every time we said goodbye, she would just start on something new!"
 "Explains where you get it from," Chris says with a chuckle. 
 Maia scoffs then stabs a piece of his food with her fork, eating it with purpose as her husband watches. 
 You lean over to Mike and murmur, "They're cute. I like 'em."
 He grunts. "That makes one of us."
 Sucking your teeth, you mimic his mother's actions and dig your fork into the meat of his pepper, stealing a bite and scraping your teeth over the utensil in a way you know drives him crazy. 
 You immediately regret it when you realize how big the piece is, filling your mouth so that it's hard to chew, and you grab a napkin to cover yourself while Mike snorts and smugly says, "Yeah, bet you feel real smart right now. How does thievery taste?" 
 Shoving his arm, you manage to swallow down enough of the food to talk and tell him, "Tastes delicious."
 When you look back across the table, you find Maia and Chris staring at you and Mike with shining eyes and matching grins. 
You get along well with Mike's parents. A little too well in his opinion. There are a couple mornings you wake up earlier than he does and share coffee with his mother. He'll walk in to hear her sharing terrible stories about how, "He was such a sensitive little boy," and, "I miss the days he and his friends would spend afternoons here playing their little games."
 She even breaks out the photo albums one evening after dinner, leaving Mike mortified as you laugh and 'aww' at the pictures of past birthdays, Boy Scout outings, and the horrors of middle and high school. 
 "Look how cute you are with braces!"
 "Please stop."
 "All dressed up for Easter, oh my god, are those bunny ears?" 
 "Mom made me."
 "You were so skinny. What happened?" 
 "Are you calling me fat?" 
 "No, I'm calling you buff. Dummy."
 Less embarrassing are the long walks the two of you take with Scout (who also loves you, of course). She stays close to your hip as you wander around the park, only leaving your side when you throw her favorite ball. At the house, she noses at you until you shift to let her lay either at your feet or on the couch with her big head in your lap. 
 It's the cutest fucking thing Mike has ever seen, and he hates it because he can't do anything about it. He can't tell you how much he likes seeing you walk around in his house. He can't tell you how much joy it brings him to hear your laugh ring out alongside his parents'. He can't tell you how much he loves seeing you slide into his old bed in nothing but one of his shirts, making yourself comfortable against his chest and weaving your legs between his. 
 He can't tell you, but he can do his best to show you. 
 Late at night when his parents are asleep, when the buzzing TV is the only thing lighting the room, Mike moves inside of you with deep, slow thrusts. He hikes your legs up to lock around his waist or pulls you up against himself if he's taking you from behind. No matter the position, it leaves you clawing at him, breathing heavily, jaw dropping open in a silent scream. 
 You feel so good, so tight around him even after he gets you ready for his cock. Your silken walls squeeze and milk him, pulling every drop of cum from him to soak into you. Fuck, he's so glad you're letting him do that now, fill you up until you can't take any more, until white is dribbling from your messy pussy. The way you look at him all fucked out is intoxicating, eyes droopy, smile lazy, body twitching with aftershocks as he sucks on your neck and kisses down your shoulders. 
 You have to know. You have to. Mike knows his feelings are written all over his face when he looks at you, may as well be carved into his skin. The words are on the tip of his tongue every night, but he muffles them with kisses, with burying his face between your legs, with sinking his teeth into your soft flesh. 
 He can't say it because saying it makes it real. Saying it will make it hurt more. 
 So Mike keeps his mouth shut, watches you every day as you converse with his parents and play with Scout. You poke around his bedroom in your usual nosy fashion, finding the rest of his Magic cards, old D&D books and privacy screens. The dusty record player he'd inherited from his grandfather interests you above all else, vinyls stacked around it, some old, some new, and as you flip through them now, cross-legged on the floor and swimming in his hoodie, you tell him the little things you talked about with his mom earlier in the day. 
 "She showed me your baby teeth," you say with a snort. "Why do parents keep those? My mom did too."
 "Black Magic, obviously," Mike says seriously, but when you glance up at him, he chuckles. "I don't know, babe. It's fuckin' weird, though."
 You grin and look back down at The Alan Parsons Project vinyl in your lap. You're quiet for a moment, but when you do speak up, it's in a quiet voice. "I'm pretty sure they think I'm your girlfriend."
 Mike cringes on the bed, shutting his eyes and sighing. "Yeah, that's probably 'cause I told them you were." 
 "What?" You turn your whole body to face him, eyes wide and incredulous. 
 Sitting up, Mike holds his hands out and questions, "What was I supposed to tell them? Hey, mom and dad, I'm bringing home this girl I fuck at school all the time."
 "We don't just fuck," you scoff. "You could've said friend or… Study buddy."
 "Study buddies with benefits," he lets out a humorless laugh. "How many of those study sessions end with your mouth around my cock?" 
 "That's beside the point." You stand up and walk over to the bed, hands on your hips as you glare at him in an unconvincing manner. You're not actually upset, Mike realizes. A little annoyed maybe but more surprised than anything. "The point is they expect us to do couple-y things."
 "We do do couple-y things." Mike reminds you, rolling his eyes when you snicker and murmur 'ha, do do'. "Oh my god, you're a dork."
 "So are you. And, a dumb one. What happens when they find out we're not actually together? Are we gonna have to stage a break up somewhere down the line?" 
 "Stop worrying about it," Mike tries, reaching out for one of your arms to pull you on top of him. You must be very used to straddling him at this point. It seems like you're in his lap more often than you're not these days, even if the two of you are just talking. "Just chill and fake it for a little while longer."
 You pout, glancing to the wall for a second before you mutter, "Might be tough. I've never had to fake anything for you before."
 Mike groans and traces his fingers up your sides, stopping at your shoulders and using them to guide you closer to him. With your face only millimeters from his, he barely even has to whisper when he presses, "Fake it just this once."
 You nod, lips brushing his, and from there you both devolve into sloppy kisses and desperate hands. As always.
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staysuki · 3 years ago
ᴘᴇɴɪs ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ™️ | lee felix fic (i'm sorry)
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pairing: famous billionaire that's too good to be true, owner of a very successful company!lee felix x personal assistant!reader
genre: crack, a TINY bit of romance, satire, semi-fifty shades parody (barely)
warnings: this entire fic is one whole dick joke. don't read if you're easily put-off by childish and immature dick jokes. 18+ ??????? (there's no smut though, it's just full-on crack but centered around a penis theme).
word count: 1.5k
synopsis: you find yourself working at the very famous company named "penis heart"— your first mistake? not knowing that fact.
a/n: this is a writing practice joke inspired by a very productive conversation between BS anon and i (see #ash's pp hair tag for more context— and no, not in that way). this is also a testament on how i practice writing fics in my spare time (there's so many random drabbles like this in my secret folder).
networks: @ficscafe (i'm sorry)
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"mr. lee will see you now."
your heart sped up in anxiousness as you walked through the refined double doors, a well-kept concierge gently opening the door for your entry revealing a spacious office lined with floor to ceiling glass windows. a single desk perched in front of a lavish white couch occupied by none other than president of the company, lee felix, himself.
most sought out eligible bachelor, award-winning, young and established entrepreneur, lee felix, who had successfully started his own company that had amassed billions of income.
what he does? you don't know. you've actually never heard of this man until earlier today when your friend had hooked you up a job in his company. thank god for ryujin, but also, you were soon about to realize that maybe, perhaps, you should've done your due research before coming in here so you wouldn't have to go through the embarrassment of choking on your coffee when the front desk lady greeted you with "welcome to penis heart enterprise."
nonetheless, you were here for a job interview and you were too afraid to ask what the company is about and why in the world it's called like that. and also as to why the president of the company himself asked to see you personally for an entry-level job.
you see him gesture in the seat in front of him, urging you to sit so you complied, taking in his features up close. despite knowing the fact that he's a young businessman, you didn't expect for him to look this young. probably just the same age as you. he was wearing a crisp fine suit, his blonde hair styled in a formal way, making him look somewhat mature but you can see the boyish glint in his eyes, his adorable pouty lips, and the way freckles adorned his cheeks like stars. the initial nervousness you had seemed to wash away as he offered you a kind smile.
"good day, miss y/n, pleasure to meet you!"
"uh you too," you answered by instinct but immediately corrected the casual tone, "ah, i mean—it's a pleasure to meet you too, sir, i've heard great things."
"ah please, drop the formal tone. you can call me felix!"
you nodded, adhering to his words, though you did find it quite odd that you were being treated in such a manner. as if you were meeting as friends and not as future boss and employee.
"anyways, i suppose i shall start with the interview now, if you don't mind. i like to keep things casual so don't stress about it too much. why don't we start by you asking some questions for me instead?" he said, putting down your files on the coffee table.
"oh," taken aback by the unconventional interview method, you wracked your brain for vague questions but your curiosity got ahead of you. "if you don't mind me asking.... why penis heart? and what even—"
it was his turn to be taken aback by you, perhaps not expecting an applicant to not know what they're getting themselves into, "oh, i assumed you would've known."
you shook your head so he continued.
"well, we make penises." he said with a straight face that you would've assumed was a prank if not for the fact that he seemed deadly serious.
"come again?" you couldn't fully believe it but as you think back on the earlier walk towards his office, you recall the phallic and suggestive decor littered around the place, which checks out.
"penis hearts, we call em."
"so... you make... dildos." you emphasized.
"please, miss y/n, penis hearts."
"penis hearts."
you eyed him dubiously, "you make sex toys."
"..." he bit his lip, a bit stupored but nonetheless, replied once more, "yes."
“but not just that, we make other penis themed items too— like stationary!” he clarified.
you nodded once again. you weren't one to judge, you weren't the one swimming in money for making cocks out of eco-friendly materials (felix specified this bit clearly).
"so why is it called penis heart?"
you can tell that he was now much more delighted to answer this particular question, fully prepared to give you background story on the lore of the company, "well, you see, when i started out this company— or business idea— it wasn't supposed to be... mature. you know? like, my first product ideas weren't sex toys. it was to market phallic objects to inspire the inner child within all of us. like how even at age 32, one would still laugh at a 69 joke or draw penises on random platforms— hence, penis heart. we all have a heart for penises. but of course, we try to be inclusive here so it's not just dicks or whatnot."
"so what was your first product?"
"dick tape."
"come again?"
"you see, it's like duct tape, but dick."
curious, you were so curious. but you didn't feel like asking any further, so you didn't. at this point, you were too afraid to ask for anything more but you continued.
"then why the sex toys?"
"well, with a name like penis heart, it was inevitable to be misunderstood as a sex company so i just went with whatever the consumers demanded. the money is in the dildos."
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it has been a few months since you started working for pp heart (as everyone else liked to call it) and honestly, you surprisingly enjoy it. sure, you have bad work days but that's normal. all in all, the whole workplace environment wasn't toxic and even your fellow co-workers seemed "alive" despite working a 9-5 office job. perhaps it was one of the perks of having a young boss that has an odd way of thinking. or at least, perhaps it's that "childlike" innocence that he so adhered to that spread all throughout the building. either way, you were happy to be here.
although you were hired by felix to be his assistant (his previous one got fired because she was divulging company secrets) you weren't positioned within his office. instead you were sharing a room with the other higher ups in different cells, with your own desk moreso perched outside for felix's easier access.
you've gotten to know everyone but so far, the closest one you've gotten to know is seo changbin, the head of the board of directors. an amicable, no bullshit, kinda guy who seems to have a mindset of "here for work and work only." but despite that, you can see that he does his best on whatever is tasked, no matter the ludicrousness.
you two would even share coffee breaks together, alongside felix who insists on hanging out with his employees to boost morale. you would be lying if you say it didn't work especially since the man seemed to be a walking ball of sunshine. with the way he carries himself outside his prim office, you wouldn't think that he owns a conglomerate.
today is one of those days that felix weren't joining you and changbin in the breakroom as you shared a pleasant conversation with each other.
"so.. stocks and whatnot."
"ah yes, we are talking about business numbers and product descriptions."
"yes this is how normal people talk in office jobs."
the conversation carried from productivity to simple day-to-day banter. although you've gotten close, none of you have ever really decided to take a step further into a friendlier relationship (at least promoting "work friends" to "outside of work friends") until today, that changbin had finally decided to brave that next step.
"so... y/n.."
"yeah?" you inquired, sipping on your coffee as you munched on a chocolate muffin.
"you see, i was wondering if you had anything to do today after work.. since it's friday and all."
you pondered on it for a bit, thinking whether you have anything to do but you shook your head, not recalling anything. you can see joy spread in his face as you said so.
"that's great! cuz you see, i was wondering if— oh, you have something over here—" changbin went to reach for your face but was stopped by a hand grabbing his wrist.
you both look up to see a smiling felix, though his eyes held a bit of mischief. "sorry, i wanted to see y/n in my office for a bit." he greeted, placing changbin's hand down on the table. "is that okay? am i disturbing anything."
as you started to stand up , looking curiously at felix, wondering what he needed, your peripheral caught the view of changbin sighing in disappointment as he looked away, "you're the boss." he replied with an unusual snark but felix's smile just grew wider, urging you to follow him.
he closed the door behind the two of you as you entered his office, you hear him mutter saying something about how maybe he should get your desk positioned inside his office instead.
"what was it that you needed from me?" you asked, breaking the silence.
felix just turns, his demeanor now much more serious, intimidating almost as he stepped closely in front of you, making you corner yourself on the door behind you.
he immediately reached for your face, wiping some chocolate from the corner of your lips, licking his finger clean afterwards. the sight probably making you cream your underpants in that instant.
"nothing, i just don't like anyone touching what's mine."
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rocorambles · 4 years ago
A Game of Cat and Mouse
Pairing: Iwaizumi x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Cop and Criminal AU (Cop Iwaizumi, Criminal Reader), NSFW, Sex Toys, Degradation, Overstimulation, Bondage
Summary: Bad girls get punished. And criminals who go out of their way to make Iwaizumi’s life hell on a routine basis deserve extra special punishment.
Author’s Note: This is for the NSFW Haikyuu HQ Gifting Event! @multifandhoem I hope you enjoy~ (I really got carried away with the plot in this fic. One day I will learn how to write porn without plot, but for now, please accept my porn with way too much plot.)
Irritating Iwaizumi Hajime might be your favorite activity in the world. There’s just something so satisfying about watching his usually calm and stoic face shatter into an angry feral mess. And maybe, just maybe, something deep in your belly stirs as he growls and snarls at you, something primal in you writhing in excitement as he bares his teeth at you and chases you. 
You’ve lived a life of sins and crimes for as long as you can remember, but hard work has taken you a long way. So really, there isn’t any need for you to continue your petty thieving ways. You’re set for life with the money you’ve accrued from the countless successful exchanges you’ve made. It’s almost obscene just how much people are willing to pay for a few shiny stones or swatches of paint on a canvas. 
And yet you can’t help yourself from revisiting your bad habits of creeping in the shadows, analyzing floor plans, strategizing routes. Only now, your plans are centered around a brooding spiky haired cop with the most beautiful green eyes you’ve ever seen instead of the number of zeros at the end of a number. 
You don’t know exactly what about Iwaizumi resonates so strongly with you. Sure, he’s handsome, but you’ve run into your fair share of handsome officers. You dare say Officer Sawamura could give Iwaizumi a run for his money in the looks department.
Maybe it’s the hints of wildness you see underneath his straight-laced façade. 
Maybe it’s the fire you see blazing behind his reserved countenance.
Whatever it is has you keeping tabs on him, has you concocting plans just sloppy enough for Iwaizumi to get tantalizingly close to you, but put together enough to have you escaping his grasp each and every time. And you cackle at the way his eyes light up when he thinks he has you pinned down, only to furiously scowl at your retreating figure when you taunt him with a flirtatious air kiss and a cheeky “maybe next time, sir”. 
It’s an endless game of cat and mouse, but you don’t think you’ll ever tire of it. And you’re beginning to suspect that even Iwaizumi finds it amusing to a certain degree. 
You had been at a loss for words when the officer had merely trudged into the jewelry store you had been waiting for him in at your last heist, only to casually lean against the wall, folding his arms across his chest as he regarded you holding the store’s most expensive strings of diamonds and pearls in your hands, teasingly holding them up to his face. And you hesitantly lower your arm, unsure what to do as the silence and stillness of the night stretches. 
There’s no growled threats or pointed firearm in your face like there usually would be right about now. And you swear there’s a hint of a smirk on the handsome face across from you as the two of you just stand there, stuck in the strange heady tension filling the air. 
But you almost drop everything you’re holding at Iwaizumi’s next words. 
“If you want my attention that badly, there are better ways of going about it.” 
It’s Iwaizumi’s turn to laugh as your trademark smirk falls off the lower unmasked part of your face and he confidently saunters over to you, strong arms boxing you in against the glass counter, enjoying the rush of power he feels about the tables finally turning as you shyly look anywhere but at him. And something roars triumphantly inside of him when you gasp as he hooks his hand under your chin and forces you to meet him gaze on. 
“I’ve spent the last few months wracking my brain for answers. Why were you suddenly committing so many meaningless robberies? Robberies of stores and items so far beneath your caliber? Was it just coincidence that you were only committing crimes on the routes and nights I was working? Was I just imagining that it seemed like you were actively trying to avoid injuring me every time we clashed? None of it made any sense. But then your stupid flirting started and it made me think that maybe there was some rhyme and reason to your suddenly erratic behavior after all.” 
There’s silence as he lets you register his words and the rattling of jewelry as he plucks the expensive strands out of your hands and carelessly tosses them back in their case. But he softly smiles when you don’t deny his words and make no move to push him away or escape. 
“I believe in new beginnings and fresh starts, so when you’re done with your thieving ways, come find me. I’m curious about the woman under the mask.” 
It’s weeks before you have the courage to even secretly trail after Iwaizumi again after that encounter and even then, you don’t do anything but keep watch over him. 
His words echo in your mind and you don’t have the urge to steal and ring an alarm to beckon him towards you. Not when the greatest treasure of all is just within your grasp whenever you’re ready to summon the will to finally reveal your identity and meet him person to person in broad daylight instead of slithering around each other in the twisted tango of cop and criminal. 
But you aren’t ready yet and you merely keep tabs on him for now, curiosity and protectiveness getting the better of you, and if Iwaizumi notices the moving shadow that seems to follow him wherever he goes, he doesn’t bring attention to it. There’s something comforting, maybe even endearing, about how you’ve become a guardian angel of sorts to him, especially with the increasing body count and grizzly crimes being committed. And although he wishes you were safe and sound, tucked far away from the ricocheting bullets and corpses, his heart warms at the bouquet of lilies he finds on his doorsteps when he stumbles back home, empty and defeated, the weight of his partner’s death from a particularly bloody shootout still fresh on his mind. 
There’s no note, no letter, but he knows. Knows that it could only be you, knows that no one outside of his team or the criminals they had been fighting with could possibly know about the death so soon unless they happened to witness the scene. And that night he sobs himself to sleep, clutching your flowers to his chest, unaware of the way you forlornly stare at him from the roof across the street, heart aching and wishing more than anything that you weren’t such a coward, that you were brave enough to slip inside and comfort him in person. 
But life has a funny way of working, of not caring if you’re ready or not and your lives crash together once more in an unexpected way. 
Iwaizumi is promoted to lead the new task force aimed at squashing down the rising crime syndicates. You’re proud of him, but you can’t quell the anxiety that courses through you as you watch every raid that takes place, wondering if and when the day will come where he’ll be outmaneuvered, keeping your own skills sharp, praying that you’ll never have to use them again, but just in case…
And you thank whoever’s listening that you had kept up with your training as Iwaizumi’s team is ambushed and overpowered one night. Your heart drops and bile rises in your throat as officer after officer crumples to the floor, but you force yourself to calm down, to find an internal steady rhythm as you glide through the shadows, swiftly and secretly making your way towards the man you’ve become so attached to. 
You fight down the panic when you finally reach him, try to still the tremble in your hands as you quickly scan the growing dark red stain spreading across his shirt from his wounds, almost collapsing in relief when you find that they’re all superficial wounds, nothing life threatening or critical. 
The silent scuffle between the two of you is awful and you’re thankful that blood loss and pain have weakened him as you forcefully drag him away, nails gripping tightly into his skin as you roughly lead him to your apartment despite his struggling, despite his desperate desire to go back and help his few remaining teammates. And you’re both fiercely snarling at each other when you’re finally safe inside your apartment, fury raging in both of you as you snap at each other. 
“You should have let me stay and help!”
“So that you could end up dead like the rest of them? You were clearly outpowered and outnumbered!”
“Well you should have just let me die then, instead of helping me escape like a coward.” 
A resounding crack echoes throughout the room and it takes you some time to register the smarting pain in the palm of your hand and the fresh red mark on Iwaizumi’s cheek. But before you can even stutter an apology, a hand is fisting the front of your shirt and lips are crashing against yours in an angry impassioned act and you whimper as you are forced to taste his frustration and gratitude, his losses and gain, his despair and hope. 
And when he disconnects and the two of you gasp for much needed oxygen, you stand in the middle of your apartment, arms wrapped around each other, only the sounds of Iwaizumi’s sobs and your comforting words flitting through the air as he buries his face in the crook of your neck and you rub soothing patterns on his back. 
The rest of the night is a domestic peaceful drawl and you gently lead Iwaizumi to an armchair in your living room before scurrying away to rummage for your first aid kit and returning to kneel between his legs as you clean his injuries, apologizing as he winces at the sting of warm water and soap against his open wounds. There’s a soothing flow as you tend to him and you relax with every swipe of the towel, fingers and hands lingering just a tad longer than they should on his skin. But you stiffen when his uninjured arm raises and calloused fingers lightly trace the bottom of your mask. 
There’s an unspoken question in the way he delicately plays around with the corners of the fabric, but it seems deafening to you as your heart races. Maybe it’s the pure intentions in his eyes or the fact that your walls are weakened in the confines of your apartment, but either way, you don’t pull away, tilting your head up and stilling in silent confirmation. And something flutters in your chest as he gingerly removes your mask, heat rising to your face as green eyes stare at your face in awe for the first time, fingertips tracing every inch and line, mapping every groove reverently. 
It feels like eternity before you resume dipping the towel into the soapy water and treating him. But bandaged and deemed well, Iwaizumi is ushered to your shower and you shove a pile of clean towels and the largest loungewear you have into his hands, fully intent on locking him in the bathroom as you get a grip on yourself. But he has different plans in mind and you’re speechless as he firmly grasps your wrist before you can retreat with your tail between your legs. 
“Stay with me. Please.”
How could you possibly deny those honest eyes? 
Swipes of a soapbar against skin become intimate caresses and before you fully register what’s happening, you’re being pressed against the wall as Iwaizumi plunders your mouth, rough hands roaming all over your body as he fully explores everything you have to offer. You whimper as the hot water is suddenly turned off, the cold air crashing against you, but you let out a content sigh as a hot body wraps you in its embrace, carrying you to the sanctuary of your plush bedding. And all you know before you blissfully pass out is the sound of your wanton moans as you break apart over and over again, on Iwaizumi’s tongue, fingers, and cock, tears and drool cascading down your face as you alternate between begging for more and crying for him to let you rest before you ultimately pass out from the deliriously overwhelming ecstasy.
The sun is barely creeping in, a few slim tendrils slipping past the cracks of your window blinds when his eyes flutter open and something warm spreads in his chest as he slowly turns to observe your still soundly sleeping figure, a small upward quirk of his lips betraying how right it feels to wake up beside your vulnerable state. And although he can’t deny the allure of your body creeping through the night, he thinks that you’re the most beautiful like this, unmasked and body unconsciously seeking his presence and warmth as you curl into his space, your face nuzzling into his chest, head perfectly settled under his chin, the soft glow of sunlight enhancing your natural beauty. 
But he grimaces as his alarm continues to blaringly ring in the background, frowning as he reluctantly separates himself from you and carefully untangles himself from your bed sheets, quietly traipsing out of your room and dialing a number on his phone when he’s out of your earshot.   
Guilt and dread claw at him as the ringtone goes on and on and his throat is dry when he hears the authoritative voice through the speakers. 
“Iwaizumi? Are you okay?!”
Iwaizumi wishes he had a glass of water as he chokes out a polite greeting and he can feel hot tears prick at his eyes as he ceaselessly apologizes. Apologizing for abandoning his men. Apologizing for a failed mission. Apologizing for being such a failure as an officer, as a leader. 
But he quickly shuts up at the sharp tone that pierces his ear as Sawamura barks his name and he waits and waits, holding his breath, preparing to give up his badge, only to splutter in surprise at the warm relieved chuckle echoing across the speaker. 
“I’m glad you’re at least well enough to give me a headache with your wallowing. Good men died and we’re going to feel their loss for a long time. I won’t deny that. But no one blames you, Iwaizumi. You’re a good man, a great officer, and an even better leader. Rest up, grieve, mourn. Do whatever you need to do for the next few days. And when you’re ready, I expect to see you in my office so we can strategize about how we’re going to honor our fallen teammates by giving these criminals hell.”
He barely has time to stammer a “yes, sir” before the line clicks shut and the tears finally roll down his face as he clutches his phone in his hands, bittersweet gratefulness and sorrow blending together. And as his cries come to an end, a determined glint flickers in his eyes as he wipes the last of the salty trails away, the resolve of a man seeking vengeance forming inside of him. 
But that could wait until he was back in the swirl and chaos of the precinct. For now, he has other loose ends to tie and he quietly walks back to your room, smiling at the sight of your still slumbering figure nestled in your blankets as he makes his way towards you, intent on slipping back underneath the covers besides you. But he lets out a muffled pained curse as his foot knocks over a box besides your bed, the crash of objects dispersing across the wood floor rattling you awake, and you blearily blink your eyes open only to stare in shock and horror as Iwaizumi curiously holds up a set of black bondage restraints and a jeweled butt plug from among the scattered items, before sending an amused look and a quirked brow your way.    
If you were drowsy before, you’re wide awake now as you lunge out of bed, throwing yourself at Iwaizumi as you frantically try to regain possession of some of your most intimate belongings, pouting when he holds the items out of reach, a mischievous grin on his face as he looks down at you. 
“Are you familiar with the stoplight system?”
You pause your futile jumping as you try and bat your toys out of his hands, balking at the underlying meaning in his question, waiting for him to just laugh it off and move on. But when all he does is bring a warm hand to gently cup your face, his thumb brushing against your cheekbone as he patiently gazes at you, letting you make the final decision, you melt and lean into his touch, shyly nodding your head as you blissfully sigh at the way it feels so right for him to be touching you. 
“Words, princess. I’m not going to be gentle. Not after all the teasing and headaches you’ve caused me. So I need to be sure you’re ok with this, that it’s what you want.” 
Brief descriptions of red, yellow, and green are barely out of your mouth before you’re suddenly being forcefully shoved onto the bed, body instinctively flailing in self-defense as you try to register what’s happening while binds are roughly being wrapped around your wrists and ankles. But you mewl in arousal as Iwaizumi’s weight settles on top of you, his hard chest pressing you against the bed as he dexterously ties you up until you’re in a spread-eagled position underneath him, unable to move even an inch. And your breath hitches at the hungry look he pins you down with as he sits back and enjoys the view of your trussed up body on complete display for him. 
But you grow impatient as the minutes drag by and Iwaizumi gives you an unimpressed look as you begin to fight against your restraints, whining for him to get on with it already. And he shuts you up with a punishing pinch to your inner thigh that has you yelping before getting up from the bed and perusing your box of toys. 
You crane your neck in every way as you try to get a sneak peek of what he has in store for you, but Iwaizumi puts that idea to a screeching halt as he slips a blindfold around your head and all you know is darkness and anticipation. Despite the way you try to intently listen for any warning, you squeal in surprise when a hot wet mouth latches onto one of your nipples, fingers tweaking the other and your entire world narrows down to your two perky buds, the lewd wet sounds of sucking filling your ears. Mouth and hands alternate and you can’t keep up with the fluctuating patterns, your breath coming out in pants, your pussy beginning to glisten with arousal, and you sigh in relief when the assault stops, glad to have a moment of reprieve, only to wail when the intense pressure of nipple clamps sears through you, the cold weight of the chain connecting the two clamps piercing your senses as it settles onto your skin. 
Pain and pleasure echo through your mind so loudly that you don’t sense Iwaizumi moving until fingers suddenly slip inside your dripping pussy and your back arches, the nipple clamp chain jingling with the movement and a rush of humiliation courses through you when Iwaizumi chuckles, commenting on how wet you are already. 
“I was going to prep you a bit more, but looks like this cock hungry hole is more than ready.” 
You’re practically salivating as something hard nudges against your entrance, already delirious just from the prospect of being filled with Iwaizumi’s cock once again, but enthusiasm turns to confusion which turns to pleasured shock as your rabbit vibrator is shoved inside of you and immediately set to its highest setting, your clit and walls stimulated so sharply, so suddenly. 
It’s so good, but it’s not enough, it’s too much, it’s not what you want. 
“Haji-Hajime, please. Want to cum on your cock. Don’t want a toy! Too much. At least turn it down. Haji-AHHHH!” 
You scream as you’re forced to an orgasm, body convulsing, jaw going slack, and you wait for the toy to be removed, wait for the settings to be lowered, only for dread and disbelief to fill you as a sticky thick substance is being inserted into your puckered hole, a lubed finger slowly entering you, taking its time to explore and spread your tight hole as the vibrator continues to ravage your pussy and clit at full intensity. And drool begins to seep from the corners of your mouth as you tumble headfirst into overstimulation as a plug replaces the fingers inside of your ass, nestling inside of you as you come to terms with the overwhelming feeling of being double stuffed. 
“Ha-Hajime please please please. Too much. I can’t-”
The plug inside of you is teasingly pulled just enough for you to feel the stretch of your hole, only to be shoved inside you once again and words are too hard to think of as the vibrator is thrust in and out of you, the slick sounds of your gushing cunt embarrassingly loud even above your whimpers. 
“Maybe I should make you cum for every robbery you ever committed. Maybe then you’ll actually behave and be a law-abiding citizen. Would you like that? Being too fucked out to even think about breaking the law?”
“No! Please! I’m sorry. I’ll be good. I swear. Just please let me rest.” 
“Sorry, princess. Bad girls need to be punished.” 
A strangled sob escapes you as the vibrator is pushed even deeper inside of you, the smaller tip grinding even further into your clit and your cries are swallowed as Iwaizumi settles besides you, affectionately capturing your lips with his as he watches you break apart once again, smirking as your body and face try to draw closer to him, seeking comfort and relief as overwhelming pleasure drowns you. 
But he doesn’t stop. Not even when your begging and pleading turns into incoherent babbles and wanton noises. Not even when you’re too tired to even move, your body only twitching here and there from overstimulation, completely slack and mindless as pleasure melts your brain into mush. 
Only when the vibrator finally runs out of batteries hours later, the mechanical whirring coming to an end, does he finally relieve you of the object and you dazedly stare at him as he removes your tear-stained blindfold, slumping in relief that it’s finally over, wanting nothing more than to curl up in Iwaizumi’s arms and sleep for a long, long time. 
But he has other plans for the two of you and even in your exhausted state, your eyes fling wide open and you weakly whimper as he positions himself in between your legs, guiding his cock to your spent hole and easily slipping inside before caging you with his arms.
Your eyes roll back at the sudden intrusion and despite how wrecked you are, how used you feel, arousal once again begins to coil up inside of you as your walls accommodate the new object. 
All you can think about is the cock inside of you. All you can think about is the way it fills and stretches you. All you can think about is the way it drags against your sensitive walls as Iwaizumi begins to piston his hips in a brutal steady rhythm. 
The room is a cacophony of Iwaizumi’s grunts, your broken moans, the sound of skin slapping against skin and you can feel yourself losing to the pleasure as the now all too familiar knot in your stomach tightens once again, your body tensing and pulling taut against your restraints as something builds up inside of you. 
Iwaizumi isn’t doing much better, so pent up from watching you beautifully fall apart over and over again in front of him, so close to the real thing as he hovers above you, memorizing the blissed out look on your face, mentally recording every gorgeous sound that slips past your lips, and this time it’s all because of him. 
He increases his pace, groaning as your walls tighten around him as if they don’t ever want him to leave them empty, something feral inside of him howling as your mouth opens in a silent scream as you crash one last time, your body shaking and trembling, your cunt spasming around him as he spills long thick stripes inside of you. 
When there’s nothing left to give, every last drop of his essence deep within you, your body boneless and limp beneath him, he gently lays on top of you, burying his face in the space besides yours, murmuring praises and words of affirmation as he blankets your body with his. 
And when you finally come back to him, eyes looking a little more clear, voice regaining your sassy tone as you demand that he undo your restraints, he’s more than happy to oblige, carefully releasing you, rubbing every sore limb, letting you use him as your personal body pillow as you throw your arms and legs around him and bury your face into his chest, almost instantly falling into a deep exhausted slumber in the safety of his presence. 
There will be proper, much needed conversations and discussions when the two of you are both awake, sitting across each other with steaming mugs of coffee placed in front of you, hesitantly yet hopefully probing for answers. What are the two of you? What does the future hold for both of you? 
But for now, Iwaizumi lets his eyes shut, lets himself be lulled by the rhythmic rise and fall of your chest as he holds you close to him, protectively curling around you as sleep embraces him.
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hrina · 5 years ago
In The Ring, Pt. I - Jab
PAIRING: Harry x Reader RATING: M WORD COUNT: 4k REQUESTED: not exactly lol
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hey everyone! this is PART 1 of the boxer!harry AU i’ve been working on. i was so inspired by this concept that i wrote it all in one day lol. if u enjoy reading it, reblogs and feedback are very much appreciated! it really helps in terms of motivation and just knowing how my readers feel about this story in general. so yeah, that would really make my month!
warning: parts of this fic will contain mentions of blood, violence, mild stalking, and sexual content. if any of that makes you uncomfortable, please take care of yourself and keep scrolling <3
okay, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, go stupid go dumb! my masterlist and my inbox are both linked in my bio, for anyone who would like to check out my other fics or who feels like chatting. can’t wait to hear your thoughts 💘💘💘
    January 7, 2021
All of Harry’s teeth are still intact.
For now, at least.
He knows that mouthguards exist—there’s one tucked between his lips every single time he enters the ring. But even then…sometimes punches go awry. Sometimes your opponent dodges at the last second. Sometimes people end up with a mouthful of leather and a few loose incisors. He always keeps one fist near his chin, shielding the lower half of his face from any blows that come his way.
Speaking of blows coming his way…
He ducks away from the straight jab that the man throws—The Wall, they call him. Harry had rolled his eyes when the nickname boomed across the room, soon lost in the roar of the crowd.
He’s never been one for flashy introductions. He prefers to let his technique speak for itself. His brand is his name. Harry Styles. Simple, concise, and so utterly deceiving. He loves watching the smile melt from his opponent’s face, basks in the moment when they realise that he’s tougher than his name suggests.
The Wall jabs again, and Harry successfully dodges the punch. He doesn’t register the other fist hooking around, however, until the blunt front of the man’s glove makes contact with the side of his head. Usually, a blow like that wouldn’t even faze him. But the sheer force behind the hit knocks him off-balance, stumbling to the side as he loses his footing and inhaling sharply when his shoulder collides with the ground.
The yells from the crowd are deafening. Harry coughs, trying to guide air back into his lungs. When he blinks, black spots dance across his vision. Subconsciously, his eyes trace a path upward, past the floor, past his opponent’s feet, past the ropes encompassing the ring. Higher and higher, still, past jeering faces and sloshing beer bottles and grungy eye makeup. All the way to the top of the bleachers, to the exit—to you.
That’s been your unofficial spot for the past two years. Once you turned twenty, your father finally gave in, allowing you to attend Harry’s matches in exchange for the cessation of your endless badgering. You always stand near the door, observing the commotion with thoughtful eyes and puckered lips. Despite himself, Harry has started to think of you as his lucky charm. It’s dangerous—he always swore that he wouldn’t be one of those overly-superstitious athletes—but he can’t help it. He just seems to perform better when you’re around.
Through the rocky field of his vision, he can see just how wide your eyes have grown. There’s an unmistakable look of concern on your face as you watch the fight unfold. Your hand finds its way to the base of your throat, playing nervously with the rose-gold pendant resting there. You crane your neck to get a better view of the ring, your pupils flitting back and forth between Harry and the frighteningly large man looming over him.
A warm rush of adrenaline floods Harry’s veins. The saliva that has gathered in his mouth tastes stale on his tongue. He spits it out as he staggers to his feet. The crowd grows louder, somehow.
The Wall’s smile shrinks as Harry assumes his previous position; his hands orient themselves in front of his face. His opponent gnashes his teeth, seemingly annoyed with the fact that the match has not ended. Harry shakes off the dizziness clouding his brain, and then he’s lunging forward with a newfound sense of determination. He throws punch after punch, sidestepping The Wall’s returning attempts. All he can think about is the fact that you’re up there, watching, waiting, worrying. He never wants to see you like that again.
You’re his goddamn lucky charm.
His victory comes in the form of an uppercut followed immediately by a nasty right hook. The Wall—this big, towering man with bulging biceps and rippling pectorals—crumples to the ground. Harry waits, his chest heaving with exertion as the countdown begins. He’s prepared to watch his opponent rise again, to shift back into a fighting stance and start over. But as the seconds trickle by and The Wall remains motionless on the ground, he soon finds the tension in his body seeping out into the hot, sticky air.
His shoulders sag in relief as a single promising word echoes through the grimy arena.
The crowd thins out considerably in the ten minutes following the termination of the match. Harry stumbles out of the ring, sliding through the ropes and pulling his mouthguard from between his lips. Your father is waiting for him with a smile on his face, holding out an arm and helping him jump down from the raised platform.
“Well done, H,” he says, patting his back proudly.
Harry pants and nods. Your father holds out a reusable water bottle for him to take—he accepts it graciously and gulps down the cold liquid with fat, greedy slurps. Once he pulls the nozzle away from his mouth, he runs the back of his hand over his face to catch any stray droplets that have collected on his chin.
“Thanks, Coach.”
“You took a pretty hard fall, there,” your father says, guiding him to sit down on a bench propped up against the wall. “Medic’s in the back. He’s checking out Aaron right now, but you’re next.” He taps his index finger against Harry’s temple. “We’ve got to make sure everything’s alright up there.”
Harry sucks in a deep breath, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion. “Who the fuck is Aaron?”
“Oh.” Your father laughs. “Aaron. The Wall. Whatever you want to call him.”
Harry frowns. “Don’t like that. Makes him sound like a dick.”
A new voice enters the conversation.
“That’s because he is.”
Harry’s head snaps to the side, and there you are.
You look nice, as usual. There’s something about you that he can never seem to properly describe. You always look so…clean. If he tried to vocalize his thoughts, he’s sure that you would look at him like he was crazy.
But in his head, it makes sense. You take care of yourself. Your nails are spotless, your hair smells good, and he knows that you must dab spritzes of perfume onto your pulse points before you leave the house, because a fresh scent follows you wherever you go. Even now, as you stand a few feet away with your hands on your hips, he catches it on a deep inhale. Not flowery, not fruity, just…clean. Refreshing. Light. Breezy.
Your father snaps him out of his reverie, and he realises that he should probably stop listing every word in the thesaurus.
“How do you know?” Your father’s inquiry is curious. He shoots you a puzzled look, his mouth curling down into a soft scowl.
You roll your eyes. “Called me ‘sweet thing’ before the match started and asked me if I was the prize,” you say, sticking your tongue out in disdain. “I told him to go fuck himself.”
Harry’s lips twitch.
Your father chuckles. “That’s my girl.”
You laugh quietly, shaking your head. “What time are we leaving?” you ask. The question is directed at your father, who is fiddling with the drawstrings hanging from his sweater. “I was hoping to study a bit more before bed.”
“Soon, gioia,” your father says. “As soon as Harry gets checked out, we’ll be on our way.”
You nod, and—for what feels like the first time since you cut into the interaction—you glance down at Harry. “Hi,” you say softly, shooting him a small, friendly smile.
He meets your gaze for only a moment. Everything about you is so gentle. Your irises are like melted pots of honey, regarding him with such warmth he feels like he’ll never be cold again. “Hi.”
“Congratulations on your win,” you murmur. Harry wants to bottle your voice and save it as a keepsake. “You made a great comeback.”
Because of you, he wants to say, but he bites his tongue. “Thank you,” he offers up instead, the words scraping against the roof of his mouth and tumbling unceremoniously into the air between you.
A moment of silence ensues as you wait for him to say something—anything—else. But he’s done. You nod once before turning back to your father, who is tweaking the settings of the watch wrapped around his wrist.
“Do you know where the washrooms are?” you ask. You toy absentmindedly with the necklace hanging from your throat. “I need to pee.”
“You can use the one in the women’s locker room,” your father tells you, throwing a thumb over his shoulder. “Around the corner, first door on the left.”
“Thanks,” you say, slipping by and pressing a quick peck to his cheek. “I’ll be right back.”
He just nods in agreement, still too preoccupied with his watch.
Harry, on the other hand, can’t keep his eyes off of you as you walk away. He takes note of the way that you tuck your hair behind your ear, how you shoulder the strap of your purse to keep it from slipping down your arm, how you walk with a purpose despite being so moderate and kind. His gaze falls momentarily to the sway of your hips, the enticing nature of your waist. He stares for a long moment before tearing away, clearing his throat and blinking a few times in quick succession.
“Proud of you, H,” your father pipes up, tapping the face of his watch twice before dropping his arm with a sigh. “You did well out there.”
“Thanks,” Harry mutters. A spark of guilt flares up in his chest when he realises that he had been blatantly ogling you with your father standing only a few feet off to the side. He silently berates himself, shaking his head free of any alluring thoughts.
Your father’s phone chirps with the arrival of a new notification. He fishes the device out of his pocket and glances down at the screen.
“Let’s go,” he tells Harry, jerking his head to the right. “Medic’s ready for you, now.”
    January 13, 2021
“C’mon, H, be smart with it! Watch how he angles himself!”
And Harry’s trying, really, but Arthur—or Artie, as your father likes to call him—is a hunkering titan of a man. He used to be your father’s star athlete before retiring, and now…now he’s working in finance, or something akin to that. Harry isn’t one hundred percent sure; he usually zones out when people begin to discuss the stock market.
Artie throws a right hook, but Harry sees it coming and blocks it with ease. They move in a circle, focussed only on each other while other individuals outside of the ring totter around.
Harry prefers to train on weekdays during the afternoon, because that’s when the gym isn’t as packed. Right now, only a handful of other people are working out, lifting weights or doing cardio exercises. Harry and Artie are here so often that nobody even blinks an eye anymore. And your father…well, he runs the place. Of course he would be here.
The sparring continues. When Harry refuses to make the first move, Artie sticks one glove out, beckoning him forward. “Come here, pretty boy.”
“Don’t make me pull your hair,” Harry grits, because Artie’s ponytail is swinging temptingly from beneath his headgear.
The other man laughs good-naturedly before lunging. Harry blocks his uppercut and delivers a strong, pointed jab right to the middle of his chest. Artie stumbles backward, inhaling sharply as the breath is knocked from his lungs. Harry bites back a smile.
“Nice, H!” your father calls.
“Thanks, Coach,” he mutters.
The front door of the gym opens, accompanied by the soft tinkling of a bell to announce the new arrival. Harry’s attention is reflexively drawn toward the direction of the sound, and his heartbeat stutters beneath his ribs.
You’re there, with your hair tied back in a low bun and silver hoops hanging from your ears. You’re holding a tray of coffee in your left hand, and there’s a warm smile on your face. You wave excitedly as you greet Portia, the middle-aged woman sitting behind the front desk. The two of you chat as you shrug off your jacket and tug the sleeves of your sweater over your hands.
Your mouth moves languidly. Though Harry is too far to hear your voice, he has a pretty good idea of what you’re saying. Your eyes widen and you shiver dramatically, shaking your head.
It’s cold!
A heavy fist makes contact with the side of his jaw, and he falls to the ground.
Your father’s loud exclamation pulls your attention away from Portia and toward the ring on the opposite end of the room. Harry groans lowly as he pushes himself to his knees, tilting his head from side to side and cracking his neck. When he turns to face your father, he finds him frowning through the gaps between the ropes.
“What the hell was that?” he asks, shooting Harry a disappointed look.
“Sorry,” Harry mumbles, climbing to his feet with a grunt. “Got distracted.”
He chances a glance back at you, and his shoulders grow tense when he realises that you’re making your way over to the ring, the tray of coffee held between your hands like a peace offering.
“Hello, boys,” you singsong. “I brought drinks.”
“Thanks, sweetheart,” your father says as you hand him his designated cup. He leans forward, pressing a quick kiss to your hair. You hum happily in response.
“Jason!” you call out as Artie approaches the side of the ring. “I got your lemonade.”
“Thanks, little girl,” Artie hums, accepting his drink graciously and taking a long sip from the straw. “And for the hundredth time, stop calling me ‘Jason’.”
“Stop calling me ‘little girl’,” you shoot back, laughing deviously. “I can’t help it if you look like him, okay? You’re even the same age, too.” You cock one eyebrow. “Should I start calling you ‘Aquaman’ instead?”
“God, no.” Artie shakes his head vehemently. “Let’s stick to Jason. ’Least that’s a real name.”
You giggle as he ambles away. Your eyes shift over to Harry—who has kept silent the entire time—and your lips curl up into a kind smile. “Hi, Harry.”
“Hi.” His voice is guttural.
“Last, but not least,” you murmur, plucking his drink from the tray and holding it up for him to take. “One black coffee, right?”
“Right,” he confirms with a curt nod. He tugs his bulky gloves off, dropping them to the floor and reaching out to accept the cup. A strong spark pricks at his hand when his fingers brush against yours. Your responding gasp is soft, barely-noticeable—if he weren’t so painfully aware of everything you do, he would have missed it completely.
“Thank you,” he says, guiding the coffee to his mouth and taking a small sip.
“No problem.” You smile up at him again, and God, that fucking smile. He wants it tattooed onto the backs of his eyelids. A wave of heat blooms in his chest and creeps up his neck, but thankfully, the pink flush blends in with his sweat-slicked, already-rosy skin.
“How was class, sweetheart?” your father asks, tilting his head to the side.
“It was good.” You shrug, tossing a thumb over your shoulder. “I’m going to head home now, though—I have a proposal due in a few days and I really need to get started.”
“Go, go,” your father concedes. You bid him goodbye before standing on your tiptoes and craning your neck to catch sight of Artie, who is quite evidently enjoying his lemonade.
“Bye, Jason!”
“Bye, little girl!”
You laugh. Your gaze lands on Harry again, eyes sparkling and features resolutely tender. “Bye, Harry.”
He swallows down the hard lump in his throat. “Bye.”
    January 16, 2021
Harry’s workout playlist features a lot of Ariana Grande.
He just thinks that she’s good, okay?
But he knows that Artie and your father would never let him hear the end of it, so he keeps that information private. During practice, he’ll endure whatever shitty tunes Artie picks from his own library, and he won’t say a word. He’s not in the ring to dance, anyway. He’s there to make money—albeit illegally—because quite frankly, he hasn’t discovered an aptitude for anything else.
It’s late—the gym is technically closed. But the great thing about having the owner for a coach is the fact that Harry was given another key to add to his collection. Your father doesn’t care, as long as he locks up after he’s done. Harry has spent more time here than at his own home, he imagines. It’s nice when it’s quiet—it gives him plenty of time to think.
The back of his t-shirt is soaked through with sweat. He’s gazing at the ceiling as he lifts the heavy weights up and down over his torso. A bubbly song is playing on his phone, keeping his energy high.
So what if he listens to Ariana Grande? She makes great music.
The distinctive sound of footsteps reaches his ears. He pauses, setting the weightlifting bar back onto its rack and sitting up quickly. The noise is coming from the stairs that lead down to the swimming pool in the basement. Harry stands, and though his muscles are already screaming from previous exertion, he readies himself for the worst.
You appear at the top of the flight, your slippers smacking against each step loudly. You’re ruffling a towel against your wet hair, your head angled to the side as you squeeze out any excess water. Upon catching sight of Harry, you freeze in your tracks.
“Oh. Harry. Hi.”
“Hi,” he says slowly. “I…didn’t know you were here.”
“I didn’t know you were here,” you reply wryly, a small smirk making its way onto your lips.
Harry scratches sheepishly at the back of his neck. “Yeah. Er…I was just working out.”
You nod, your expression coy. “I can see that.”
An awkward silence hangs in the air. Harry clears his throat, rubbing his jaw with his fingers because what else is he supposed to do? “Were you—did you go for a swim?”
“Yeah,” you say. Your shoulders deflate, like you’re almost grateful that he’s contributed more to the conversation. “Spent half the time doing laps, and the other half on my phone.” Your lips quirk up with the feeble joke.
Harry chuckles weakly. “That’s just how it is, sometimes.”
Your eyes flutter shut for only a moment. “Yeah.”
More silence. Harry chews nervously on his bottom lip. Why the fuck can’t he speak?
The song playing from his phone changes. Your eyes narrow ever-so-slightly when a few upbeat notes trickle into the air, followed immediately by the smooth crooning of a woman’s voice. “Is this…,” you hesitate, and he can see how you’re fighting a smile, “…Carly Rae Jepsen?”
“Uh,” he says dumbly, uncertain of how to proceed. Sure enough, I Really Like You by Carly Rae Jepsen is filtering through the taut atmosphere, painfully loud now that the two of you are truly paying attention to it.
A high-pitched laugh falls from your mouth, and your shoulders shake with the force of your amusement. Harry, unable to help himself, begins to chuckle along with you. Heat blooms across his cheeks, but he’s not as embarrassed as he thought he’d be. Your giggles aren’t derisive, he realises.
He’s nearly overcome with the urge to take you in his arms, then, but he resists.
“Late night, watching the television…,” you sing quietly, and then you’re dissolving into merriment all over again.
Once your joint laughter subsides, you shoot him a bright grin. Harry tries his best to return it, though he doesn’t think that he mirrors your smile to its full extent. You sigh in delight, shouldering the strap of your bag and tossing your towel over your forearm.
“That honestly made my night,” you tell him, utterly sincere.
His heart somersaults in his chest. “’M glad.”
“Well,” you say, shrugging gently, “I should probably go.”
“Yeah.” His response is hollow. He lifts his hand in a half-hearted wave. “Have a good night.”
“You too.”
He lies back down with a grunt as you make your way toward the exit. His fingers wrap around the weightlifting bar, about to pull it off of its resting place, when your voice suddenly rings out again.
“Yeah?” He sits up too quickly, nearly catching his forehead against the metal of the bar. When he turns around to face you, he finds you doubling back, approaching him and nibbling apprehensively on your bottom lip.
“I actually—,” you pause, like you’re unsure of how to continue, “I was wondering if I could ask you something.”
“Sure,” he says, rubbing his hands over the black shorts covering his thighs. “Go ahead.”
“It might be kind of weird,” you warn. “Don’t laugh at me.”
He shakes his head, blinking solemnly. “I won’t.”
“Would you—,” you begin, and your fingers come up to play with the pendant resting at the base of your throat, “—teach me how to box?”
“I—,” Harry recoils slightly, taken aback by your question. “What?”
“Would you teach me how to box?” you repeat, though your voice is significantly smaller. “I want to learn how to defend myself.”
“Against what?” he asks, his brows knitting together in concern. “Is everything alright?”
“Everything’s fine.” You wave away his worries with an inattentive flick of your hand. Harry’s eyes narrow as he studies your face. You refuse to meet his gaze.
You’re lying, he realises, straight through your pretty teeth. But it would be impolite of him to pry, wouldn’t it? And this is the first time that the two of you have ever been really, truly alone; he doesn’t want to fuck it up.
“Okay,” he says slowly, even though he doesn’t believe your guarantee.
He pulls at the hem of his t-shirt, tugging it up and wiping his face with the fabric. When he fixes his gaze on you once more, he thinks he catches your eyes drifting across his torso. Cocking one eyebrow curiously, he climbs to his feet.
“What do you want to learn?” he asks, reaching for his phone and pausing the music streaming from the device.
“Anything,” you say breathlessly. “Everything.”
His lips twitch.
“I—,” he scratches at his nose with two fingers, “—I don’t really have a set schedule, you know, between practice and actual matches.”
“I know.” You nod understandingly.
“And I know you have school,” he continues, tilting his head to the side. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Positive,” you tell him. There’s something strong burning in your eyes; he can’t quite figure out what it is. “I want to train. Just…don’t tell my dad, okay?”
“Okay,” he repeats. He swallows heavily, offering his phone to you. “Put your number in, yeah? I’ll text you on the nights I’m free, and if you’re not too busy, we can meet up here.”
“Alright,” you concede softly. You take the device from him, and he pretends not to notice just how badly your hands are shaking. Your nails tap quietly against the screen, and before you know it, you’re passing the phone back to him with your information saved under a new contact.
“Alright,” Harry echoes.
The two of you stare at each other for a long, silent moment. The spell is broken, however, when you finally take a step back, clearing your throat and tucking a strand of damp hair behind your ear.
“I should go,” you say. “For real, this time.”
“For real.” Harry nods.
“You’ll lock up, right?” you ask, retreating toward the exit.
“Yup,” he says, popping the last letter instinctively. At that, you smile, your mouth curling up into a soft, inviting crescent.
“Okay,” you murmur, placing one hand on the door. “Goodnight, Harry.”
He watches you go with forlorn eyes and empty lungs. “Goodnight.”
PART II: Cross
PART IV: Uppercut
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