#din x y/n
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wild-lavender-rose · 1 year ago
Stay Still
Pairing: Din Djarin x reader
Category: Hurt/Comfort 
Summary: Din cares for you after you're injured protecting Grogu.
Warnings: cannon typical violence, injury
Note: Apparently this is a draft clean out day :) Please let me know if you all want a part 2, this was something I started a couple years ago and couldn't figure out how to finish until now.
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     “Mando!” You looked for him frantically, pressing Grogu tight against your chest as blaster fire rained over you. You had found a pile of rocks and rusty metal parts to crouch behind for cover. Din had told you to take Grogu and run for the ship. You hadn’t made it before the blaster assault came from every direction, forcing you to stop.
Now you were trapped, breathing hard, firing occasional shots and searching for Din. If Grogu got injured because you couldn’t run fast enough, you'd never forgive yourself. But you would die before that happened, a thought you knew was in danger of becoming reality.
The ground next to your foot erupted in dust and smoke as whoever shooting got closer to his target.
     “Mando!” You cried, cradling Grogu as he whimpered and clung to you. “Mando, where are you?!” 
     He didn’t respond. You couldn’t see him hiding in the rocky, barren terrain. But that was good. Perhaps whoever was shooting couldn’t see him either. 
     You set your jaw and readied your blaster, looking down at Grogu who looked up at you with wide eyes. “Hold on, little one. We’re going to get to the ship.” 
     Grogu seemed to understand, his little hands gripping you even tighter. The blaster fire grew heavy and close. It was going to pierce your hideout any moment now. Your insides were trembling and you felt tears stinging your eyes. You tucked Grogu against you and took a breath. Then you scrambled out from behind the rocks and ran for your life to the ship. 
     You didn’t make it. 
The ramp was lowered and in sight. There was barely two strides left between the end of the clay ground and cool metal. A sharp pain stabbed your right leg from behind and you cried out, landing just short of the ramp. Grogu squirmed out of your grip, crying and looking around frantically. You gasped against the raging pain. You pushed Grogu forward, praying that his powers would keep him safe. “Get to the ship!” 
     And that’s when you heard it. Blaster fire coming from the ship’s entrance. You looked up to see Din running down the ramp and firing back at the shooters. Grogu ran to him as fast as his little legs could go. Mando scooped him up and deposited him safely inside the ship. 
     You struggled to stand once more, the blood slick on the back of your leg. Din’s arm wrapped around you, helping you to walk. With a few struggling steps the two of you were finally inside the ship. Din smacked the controls and raised the ramp, his shoulders relaxing as it closed with a thud, blocking out the storm of phaser blasts.
     “We have to go,” You told him, squirming against the pain as Din set you down on the floor. “Din, we have to go!” 
     “You’re going into shock.” Din pulled off his helmet and sat it next to Grogu who was watching with big, frightened eyes. He pulled off his gloves next.
     “Is Grogu okay?”
“He’s fine. Now stay still.”
You jumped as the blaster fire continued. “It’s not safe here, we have to move the ship.” You started to get up. “I’ll start the pre-launch,”
“Stay still!” Din put a hand to your shoulder, pushing you back to the ground hard.
"Din!" You started to argue, but that's when the pain hit. Hot and intense, it ripped through you as if you had been shot all over again. You screamed and grabbed at your leg, only vaguely aware of Din keeping you in place as he fixed a tourniquet to your leg.
He talked to you, his voice steady. But you couldn't tell what he was saying as the pain and darkness took control. Something like "I love you" wafted through the haze. But perhaps it was the delirium from the pain. Regardless you reached for him, grasping his sleeve, hoping that you would remember to ask him when you woke up.
Provided you did ever wake up...
Part 2 available on Patreon
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kyberblade · 2 years ago
Just Need You (Din x Reader)
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A/N: Okay. This turned into waaayyyyyy more than I expected but once it started it just kept coming, and I…. I kinda love it? Like for real? These two are a mess and I’m kind of obsessed with them. (Also, thank you, Anon, for being my first Mando request and for sending a request at all! You made me happy dance, you have no idea.)
Anon asked: “Hey babes, can you do a Mando x reader where the reader is a bounty hunter and leaves the ship to complete a mission and is only supposed to be gone a few hours but they’re gone all night and Din starts to panic and the next morning they show up slightly injured sand Din completely loses it and he was so scared then feels guilty? (fluff and ANGST) (sorry this is long!)”
I do not own Star Wars or it’s characters. Sadly. But I carry them in my heart. Does that count for something? My soul says yes.
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, Grogu being the cutest thing you ever did see, and Din is a warning in and of himself in this one. Typical show violence. Space swearing. Arguing? Mentions of injury, brief mention of blood, stitches. Mando’a.
Word count: 4,014 (I’m this person now, okay?)
Thank you to @fordo-kixed-rex​, @grippingbeskar​, and @dontletyourchildrenwatchthis​ for reading this over for me and letting me know I’m not crazy.
“It’ll only be a few hours,” you grumbled, shoving another blaster in your belt from the weapons locker.
“Do you know anything about this planet?”
You rolled your eyes, grabbing a vibroblade to tuck into your boot. “I know it’s hot.” Reaching for a thermal detonator, a gloved hand came out to grab your wrist, stopping you just short, your fingers barely scraping along its surface. With a sigh you turned your head to your left to find the Mandalorian’s helmet inches from your face.
“I’m serious,” he said in a low voice, his grip on your wrist tightening slightly.
“So am I,” you whispered. “Mando, I’m fine. I’ve done this a few times.” He scoffed at your sarcastic remark, making you smirk. When he released your wrist, you grabbed the detonator, fixing it to the back of your belt. “Besides, like I said, this’ll be easy. In and out. This guy’s not particularly dangerous, just a bail jumper. Probably won’t even get a scratch.”
He grunted. “And when you come back limping, what do I get? Hmmm?”
You crossed your arms over your chest, leveling a flat glare on him. “That’s just rude.”
“What?” He asked innocently, holding his hands out to the sides. “I’m not saying he would hurt you. I’m saying you’re known to…. Trip. A lot.”
After a loaded moment where you two just stared in silence, the only sound the child ambling down the ladder from the cockpit, you turned to the ramp, grumbling, “I’m going now.”
Pulling the lever to release the ramp, you stood at the top as it lowered, feeling the wall of beskar hovering closer and closer behind you until finally the modulated voice taunted by your ear, “Good luck.”
A wave of hot air rolled up into the Crest, making Grogu scrunch his face and babble as he tried to scale his guardian's armor.
Din bent down and scooped up the child, cradling him in his arms and shaking his head as the little green ward squinted at the bright sunlight pouring in the now open hull. Bringing his visor back up to meet your gaze as you made last minute adjustments to your belt, he tilted his head to the side just slightly before he added, “You’re gonna need it.”
With a roll of your head to face back toward the unforgiving landscape, you began down the ramp, disappearing in the glare of the sun beating down on the barren tundra.
Tugging the lever to close the ship back up, the Mandalorian turned to the child in his arms as he cooed softly. Letting out a sigh, his shoulders rolling forward slightly as he still held on to the lever with one hand, he let his head fall forward toward the kid. “I know. I know, I miss her already too, little guy. But don’t worry. She’s gonna be okay.” Bringing the hand down from the lever to rest comfortingly on the child’s front, Din patted it distractedly. “And she’ll be right back.”
A few hours had come and passed while Din worked on a handful of odd repairs around the ship. He was currently under the control panel in the cockpit, laying on his back as he fiddled with the wiring under the console. 
Grogu was playing with his ball in the copilot's chair, chittering happily about something or other. 
Looking down toward the child, Din sighed, pulling Grogu’s attention to him. “Don’t worry. She’s just running a little late. That’s all.”
The kid tilted his head as he hummed questioningly at the Mandalorian. “She’s just a little late,” Din repeated, a bit more forcefully. “That’s all.” Looking back up at the mess of wiring overhead, he stared at it absently, his voice quiet. “Don’t worry.”
More time had passed, it was the middle of the night, and Din began to pace. There wasn’t anything left on the ship to fix to occupy his time. Well, there was, but it would take hours, and you’d be back soon, probably needing to take off as soon as possible, so he didn’t want to get tied up in that.
The kid blinked blearily from a nearby crate, watching his protector pace back and forth as he ate from a ration pack. He paused his snacking, offering a warm, “Patu!” when the Mandalorian stopped for a moment. Grogu grinned when the shiny visor turned toward him soundlessly, beginning to babble aimlessly as he reached back into the ration pack to pull out a piece to offer to his friend, extending it as far as his little arms could go.
“Thanks, kid,” Din mumbled, taking the dried whatever it was and lifting his helmet just enough to take a small bite. He hummed in satisfaction once the modulator was back in place, the child grinning like he’d solved a dire problem for a world at war.
And in a way, Din guessed he had. It offered him peace, if only for a moment. His mind found rest, some silence for a beat, long enough to get some perspective, long enough to take a breath, and tamp down the worry niggling away at him under his armor. 
It was an unfamiliar feeling to him, worry. Something he’d not really experienced until the child, and something he didn’t altogether quite understand. He’d been in worrying situations before, but this was different. It was removed from him. It was for something outside of himself, his control, and it drove him crazy. 
You drove him crazy. 
Absolutely insane.
….and he loved it.
With you gone, something was missing. Some part of him, some piece that made up the rest of him was lost, and it was like he couldn’t settle, couldn’t find any semblance of peace until you were…. Home.
He didn’t know when or how the Crest had become home, much less when you had joined that picture, but there it was.
He needed you home.
He needed you back.
He needed you….
Just needed you.
The child was asleep in the bunk, sealed away as Din rearranged the weapons locker for probably the seventy fifth time, or something near there, it felt like. The open spots for the weapons you’d taken out yesterday glaringly obvious no matter how he rearranged things.
With another long sigh, he moved to open the ramp, and he watched as a brilliant sunrise peeked through, streaking the reflective surfaces of the Crest in shades of pink and orange.
He’d sighed enough to sail a ship across the seas on Kamino, he thought bitterly. Every huff of air an attempt to release pent up emotions, something longing in his chest, but all it did was fog up the inside of his visor. ….Which made him sigh in frustration, doing it again, and it was a whole cycle.
A figure appeared on the horizon, and his spine straightened, attention on full alert. He hoped it was you, but since it was well past when you’d said, there was no telling at this point.
The outline looked closer much faster than anticipated, and it was then he heard the hum of a speeder engine begin to whir closer. Hand going to rest on his blaster, he drew it slowly, aiming at the rapidly approaching stranger as he pressed a button on the side of his helmet to zoom in with his display.
A fog had rolled in, concealing the features of the person atop the speeder, but something in his chest began to constrict when he thought it looked a lot like you.
As the speeder swooped to a stop in front of the ramp, Din took a cautious step forward, blaster raised and aimed as he switched the safety off. 
The figure astride the vehicle hopped off, stumbling slightly before pushing themselves up using the seat of the bike for leverage, grunting as they went. Taking a few wobbling steps toward the ramp, finally the figure stepped out of the fog enough for Din to see who it was, and his throat was suddenly so dry, he could barely croak out your name.
You huffed out a breathy laugh before grimacing and grabbing your right side with your hand. “I know I’m late, but, kriff, it’s no reason to shoot me, Mando.” Moaning, you slumped with your back against the speeder, head tilted back as you winced. “Actually, go ahead. It might be better than this.” With a hiss through your teeth, you slid to the ground, landing with a plop onto the dusty earth, barely registering the rapid holstering of a blaster, the heavy footfalls of beskar quickly making their way down to you, or his hurried questions over your tight lipped groans as you were lifted from the ground.
“What’s wrong? What happened? No, kid. Get back. Go to your- kid, no.”
Opening your eyes as much as you could muster, you peeked at the kid standing at the top of the ramp, his expression drawn in concern. “I’m fine, tiny. Do what he says.” The last part of the word came out on a strangled hiss as a wave of pain jolted through you, the Mandalorian adjusting his hold under your knees and behind your back with a soft apology. 
“I must be dying. Did Mando just apologize to me?” Reaching out, you ran your hand exaggeratedly over his helmet, patting it down like it held something you’d lost. “Is this real? Am I dreaming? I’m hallucinating, aren’t I?”
“Be quiet, mesh’la,” he rumbled, setting you on the floor of the Crest before pressing a button on his vambrace to close the ramp. 
“No! No wait!” You said as strongly as you could. Reaching out you smashed the buttons on his vambrace until you found the right one, ignoring his protests, halting the ramp's upward movement. “My bag. On the speeder. The quarry…. What’s left of him….” You relaxed back onto the floor, closing your eyes.
Din shook your shoulders, making you sit up abruptly, wincing before you turned to him. “What does mesh’la mean?”
Din hesitated only a moment. “The quarry?”
You pointed at the speeder, your eyes shutting tight in pain. “He grabbed the thermal detonator. Idiot. All that I could find left of him is in that bag. I’m never using those again. The clean up isn’t worth the credits.” Turning back up to his visor with knit eyebrows, you peeked up at him. “Can we put him on ice?” You shuddered. “I don’t want to look at that bag ever again.”
Nodding, Din ran over and jumped off the ramp, grabbing your stuff off the speeder, and freezing the bag in carbonite as the ramp sealed shut behind him. You carelessly tossed your weapons to the side, mumbling about feeling heavy, so heavy….
When Din turned back from the chamber, you were slumped back against some crates, jaw hanging open limply. As he took a cautious step toward you, he realized your chest was barely moving with your shallow breaths. 
Yelling your name with no response, Din closed the last few feet left between you in seconds, sliding the last foot or so on his knees, numb to anything besides the pain in his chest at the thought of you leaving him. Not like this. 
Not today. 
“Kid!” He said determinedly, looking across your body to find Grogu already reaching out, a few inches from you. That’s all that would come out. Tilting his head to the side pleadingly, Din turned his visor back down toward your face, smoothing some hair back away from your eyes. 
Grogu understood. He always did. Putting one clawed hand on your shoulder, he closed his eyes in concentration, his already wrinkled face crinkling further. 
Din watched in amazement as color returned to your face, a dull lifeless mask having settled over it before, your eyes fluttering open as you took a deep breath.
Your eyes darted over to Din before landing on the child, wide in wonder, but you didn’t say anything. 
Reaching out, Din nudged him off of you with a gentle push of his finger. “Thanks, ad’ika.” Grogu blinked up at him in confusion. “I’ll take it from here. You rest.” Turning back to look down at you, he wagged a finger close to your face. “Don’t move.” (“Little one.”)
“Don’t think I could even if I wanted to,” you mumbled, smiling softly when he chuckled.
Getting to his feet with a quiet groan, Din got the med kit before settling back beside you. Peeling your blood soaked shirt up just enough to see the sear from the blaster shot along your side, he apologized quietly before he got to work cleaning and stitching the wound.
“You’re lucky. They just grazed you.”
“I know,” you mumbled, looking up at the ceiling of the Crest as he worked on the side of your abdomen, wincing every now and then. “Thank you. For not saying anything. I know, you warned me, I just….”
“You just….” He repeated your words back at you questioningly when you never attempted to finish the statement.
Blinking up at him a few times, you changed the subject. “You never told me what mesh’la means.”
Din just went back to sewing you up carefully, his head tilted to the side at an odd angle to see properly. Silence settled between you, and you’d accepted that’s how it would be - this was normal for him, after all - until he spoke so quietly you almost missed it.
“It means beautiful.”
Smiling softly, you winced when he pulled the thread taught. “And adi- ad- the kid? What you called him?” Stumbling over the word, you pointed to the little green face in his hammock for reference.
The Mandalorian chuckled, his voice a little louder now, but only slightly. “Little one.”
Looking at the little one, you smiled, nodding. “It fits. Speaking of,” you turned back to face your reflection in his visor. “What the hell did he do to me?”
Sucking in a sharp breath, Din paused in his work for a moment, bringing his gaze up to look at you straight on. “He’s…. Special.”
“Yeah, I’ll say,” you snorted, turning back to face the child, finding him peeking over the edge of the hammock, only from his nose up showing, and of course, his ears. Smiling, you tilted your head at him affectionately. “You could open a sideshow. Make some nice credits between quarry’s.”
“You sound like Peli,” Din grumbled. 
“Hey, that woman has wisdom, you should listen to her.” You held up a finger while speaking, sitting up straighter, only to collapse in on yourself as Din tugged the stitches tight with a grunt and began working on them again.
Another silence settled in between you, filling the spaces between breaths with something comfortable and familiar.
“Well, Mando,” you finally decided to break it. “Have you eaten?”
“The…. The child fed me.”
You hesitated. “I…. I’m sorry?”
“Yes,” he said instead, tying off the stitches as he cleared his throat, reaching for a gauze pad to cover them. “And it’s Din.”
You blinked at him, your mind failing to keep up with the last few topics, especially still struggling with the image of the tiny baby feeding the giant beskar warrior. Amusing as it was. “I’m so lost.”
The Mandalorian stayed silent as he used some adhesive to keep the pad on your side, smoothing it down gently with a gloved hand. He fumbled in the kit for something else, but you couldn’t see, your pant leg being tugged by impossibly small green hands drawing your attention away.
The child ambled up into your lap and settled, giggling when you yelped at a sharp pain in your side. Looking down you saw the Mandalorian withdrawing a bacta shot and letting your shirt fall back down to cover it before turning your fury up toward his visor. 
“My name,” he explained simply. “It’s Din.”
“That hurt!” Your face crumpled from anger to nothing. “Wait. What?”
“You heard me,” he said tiredly, but amused, as he collected the used items and the kit, taking them back over to the corner they came from. 
“I did,” you nodded, staring at the floor. “And…. Wait. What?” Looking back over at him, you groaned as you pushed yourself up with the help of some crates at your back. 
Grogu’s hand resting on your cheek instantly relieved some of the pain, pulling your focus down to him. “That will never not be amazing,” you breathed with a smile.
Din rushed over, helping you to sit on top of the boxes you’d just used as leverage.
“Sit,” you demanded, finger pointed at him. 
With a sigh, he obliged, plopping on the crate next to you gracelessly.
“When I was born, my parents had to give me a moniker-”
“Don’t make me shoot you.”
With the heaviest sigh you’d heard yet, he leaned back against the hull of the Crest. He looked so tired.
When he began speaking, it was the softest voice you’d ever heard him use, and somehow that made you pay more attention than anytime he’d yelled at you in the middle of a firefight.
“When you were gone…. I realized something.”
“….Be more cryptic. Please.” You sassed when he didn’t continue after a long moment, only raising your eyebrows at him when he rolled his visor toward you with as much attitude as you had just voiced. The kid squeaked something as his own contribution, pulling your eyes down to him, and you pointed at him, nodding in agreement before looking back at Man- Din. “Yeah!”
Din couldn’t help the snort of laughter that escaped as he turned his head back to look across the lower level of the Crest at nothing in particular.
“I don’t know what I would do…. If I lost you. If I really lost you.” He looked down at his hands as he fiddled with the ends of his gloves needlessly. “I’ve…. I’ve only ever felt that way about the kid, and- and I honestly don’t know what to do with this.” He looked at you again, and somehow this time you could feel his eyes on you, not just the weight of his visor. “Don’t know how.”
Holding his gaze in silence, you let his words sink in. It’s a lot to process. In reality, it’s not much, but emotionally, you need a minute. Everything you thought you knew about this man has just been turned on its head, and you just…. Need a minute. 
When you didn’t say anything, Din nodded silently, going to rise from the crate when you reached out to stop him, hand resting over his. Opening your mouth, you stared at your reflection in his visor, then turned your face to look at the floor as if it held the words you needed.
From the corner of your eye you saw Din’s shoulders deflate, roll forward in defeat, but you put a stop to that with a squeeze of his hand in yours. Weaseling your fingers into his clenched fist to open it, you threaded them with his, holding tight while you searched for the words, using the grip as an anchor while you took a leap.
“Din,” you tried, smiling at the way it felt rolling off your tongue, enjoying the way he squeezed your hand at the sound, and his breath stuttered through the modulator.
“Din,” you said more confidently, unable to shake the smile as you go on. “There is nothing I can think of that would make me happier in the entire galaxy than anything you just told me.” Pulling your eyes up toward his visor, you looked at him through your lashes, face still down towards the floor. “When I’m here, on this piece of shit ship-”
“Watch it,” Din mumbled good-naturedly.
“-I have never felt safer or more at home anywhere in my life.” Lifting your face up to him in some insane wave of courage, you squeezed his hand again. “And whether that’s as your friend, or…. Whatever,” you tucked your face into your chest for a moment to hide the smile that’s not going anywhere. “I’m just honored to get to be a part of…. This.” You gestured around the ship then between the two of you and a sleeping Grogu in your arms with your joined hands before resting them back on his knee softly. “Din,” you mumbled around another grin, unable to shake the renewed pull of your lips no matter how you tried. “I’m honored to know you.”
After staring at one another for a long moment, Din finally shook his head in amusement, gently tugging you closer by your joined hands. “Well that’s all nice, but…. I was thinking of something a little more…. Personal.”
“Oh, thank the Force,” you said in relief, letting your eyes flutter shut as he rested his forehead against yours. “Ner cyare.” (“My beloved.”)
Din pulled away slightly, tilting his head at you in question. 
You just kept grinning. “Elek, Ni jorhaa'i Mando'a.” (“Yes, I speak Mando'a.”)
Shaking his head at you, he began to chuckle. “Mir'sheb,” he mumbled. “Then why ask me all about what I said?” (“Smartass.”)
“I just wanted to see if you would tell me. You’re always so secretive.” You narrowed your eyes at him playfully. “Plus, it also seemed kind of important to you, so I didn’t want to ruin it.”
Din tilted his head to the side as he stared at you, shaking it in disbelief and amusement. “Well, way to go with that.”
The smile wasn’t going anywhere, and you didn’t mind. “I also know Huttese, Jawaese, and- oh, what else? What would you like to hear, I’ll see if I can make it happen.”
Tilting his beskar back against your soft skin, he watched as your lashes fluttered to look up at him. Despite being so close, and not truly being able to see him through the visor, he felt like you really could. And for the first time in his life, he didn’t want to hide from that feeling. 
“I just want to hear about your hunt while we get off this hellhole,” he mumbled, standing and lifting the child from your arms. Tucking him into his hammock before sealing him in, he turned back to find you standing at the ladder to the cockpit, looking at it like it’d wronged you. “What’s wrong?”
Looking up into his visor, you pouted. “I don’t think I can get up there with these stitches pulling against me the whole way up.”
“Oh, come on,” he teased, touching his forehead to yours one more time briefly simply because he could now, then turning you to face the ladder and mumbling right into your ear as he crowded in behind you. “You just got shot today, and you’re complaining about stitches?”
“I’m not complaining, it’s a genuine concern,” you mumbled, fighting another grin trying to tug up the corners of your lips.
“Well, don’t be concerned,” he lilted, taking a step closer and making you begin up the ladder with nowhere left to go but up. “I’m right behind you, the whole way. I won’t let you fall.” His voice softened as you began climbing the ladder, and true to his word, he stayed behind you, almost caging you in the whole way. “Don’t worry.”
“I can see that,” you mused, climbing up into the cockpit with a soft smile. “I’m not.”
Din brushed past you, settling into the pilot’s seat, beginning the take off sequence. “Now. Tell me about this quarry.”
You sighed, plopping into the copilot seat with a roll of your eyes. “Oh, you would not believe the chaos that started from the moment- the moment-” you held up your finger, pausing for emphasis as you closed your eyes for dramatic effect, “I was off this ship.”
Din spun in his seat to face you as the ship began to lift off, his voice smug. “Try me.”
My everything taglist: @lam-ila​, @oliviajdjarin​, @peonyophelia​, @Itsavicf, @jxvipike​, @momc95​ What’s this?
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frost-queen · 2 years ago
Stranded (Reader x Din Djarin)
Requested by: anon, Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco,   @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine
Summary: You are stranded because the Razor Crest broke down. Bickering like an old married couple, tensions rise even when Din is not accepting your help. Frustrated by him denying your help, you leave, confusing him. When you didn't return he goes looking for you, leading to a cute moment as he was worried sick about you.
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You sighed loud, resting your knuckles under your jaw. Staring mindlessly in front of you. Nothing to see but dessert sand and rocks. Quirking your eyebrow up, you looked to your left. Grogu silently waddling over to a rock. Narrowing your eyes, you could tell what he was trying to do. On a rock sat an insect unaware of the child coming closer. Grogu snuck up to it nearly to the rock.
His little hand stretched out. You snickered, thinking for sure he wouldn’t catch it. Grogu flicked his hand up as your eyes widened. The insect was floating in the air, legs dangling for any grip. Grogu guided the insect closer to him, widening his mouth. – “Grogu no!” – you shouted out, jumping up. Din bumped his helmet against the Razor Crest from hearing you shout so loud. – “What is it?” – he asked worriedly, coming in sight.
He stared at you standing close to Grogu. Hands on your hips and a dangerously motherly scowl on your face. – “Out! Spit it out!” – you demanded, pointing at the ground. – “Now!” – you called out when he wasn’t listening. Grogu opened his mouth, spitting insect out. The poor creature dropped to the ground, disorientated for a few moments. The insect fluttered with its wings. You squealed loud, ducking all around as it came flying your way. Din sighing loud at the sight of it.
The insect seemed to keep circling near you, to find the proper direction. – “Ieuw, ieuw get away!” – you freaked out, moving around to avoid that it bumped into you. Squealing loud, you dropped to the ground as it finally flew away. – “Maybe you should’ve let the kid eat it?” – Din said from afar, making you lift your head up. – “Why don’t you occupy yourself with repairing the ship.” – you answered with a sarcastic smile.
He sighed deep, turning around. You got up, going after him. Grogu silently following wanting to be close by. You got onto the Razor Crest. Din walking around in search for parts and tools. You watched him for a few seconds. He groaned loud, searching through the parts. Picking one up yet throwing it back as it wasn’t the right part. – “I told you to check the Razor Crest when we left.” – you said, wobbling on your feet, hands behind your back.
Grogu came joining your side, looking curiously up to you. Din grabbing the edge firmly. – “I am well aware of that.” – he answered grumpy. – “If you had checked everything out, we wouldn’t be stranded now.” – you continued to speak. Din tensed his jaw. – “Y/n!” – he called out annoyed. Looking firmly your way. – “I get it!”
He continued to ruffle in the compartment for the right parts. Groaning frustratingly when he couldn’t find it. You took a deep breath, walking up to him. – “What do you need, let me help you.” – you suggested, hand moving into the compartment. – “No!” – he called out, slapping your hand away. – “I don’t need your help! Just leave it to me!” – you rubbed your hand with a sour face. – “Fine!” – you bit back, moving away.
Turning round, you noticed a tool. You went over to it, picking it up. – “I’ll check the…” – you started, words swallowed back in when Din had stormed over, grabbing your wrist roughly. He plucked the tool from your hand. – “I’ll do it.” – he insisted. You sighed loud. You didn’t mind that he could tell how annoyed you were with him. – “I’m just trying to help maybe it will go faster this way so we can finally leave this forsaken dump!” – you outed with frustration.
“I didn’t choose to be here.” – Din answered setting the tool loudly down. – “Neither did I, but it was your ship that decided to malfunction around this dump.” – you replied loudly. Grogu looking from Din to you and back, blinking confusingly. – “Sure! Blame it on me.” – Din said bothered as you could tell clearly in his voice. – “I wasn’t blaming you; I was blaming the ship.” – you made clear that was the case.
“Same thing!” – Din puffed out with a wave of his hand. You rolled with your eyes, walking off. Grogu squeaked loud, ears flattening. Din took a deep breath, setting his hands down. Lowering his head to compose himself from any further outbursts. It wasn’t personal but the emergency landing just wasn’t something he was planning on.
You opened the lid to the lower compartments, wanting to check there if everything was still alright. – “Y/n no!” – Din called out, jogging over. He grabbed you just in time by your elbow, withholding you from letting yourself go deeper into the hole. – “What?” – you called out confused.
Din pulled at your arm as you were forced to crawl back out, feet dangling in the air. – “I told you no.” – he said loud and clear. – “I heard you.” – you answered sitting down the hole to pull your legs out. – “Like I said I want to help.” – you repeated. Din closed the lid. – “Like I said I don’t need your help. Let me do it alone!”
“What will you have me do then?” – you asked desperately. – “I don’t know, just stay out of my way. Go play with the kid or so?” – he suggested with a deep sigh. You looked down to where Grogu was. Having enough of it, you spun around, walking off. Din furrowed his brows confused as to where you were going.
Perhaps you were going to cool off outside. Muttering frustrated, you walked away from the ship. Needing to be away from him. You loved him, but at times like this you didn’t like it when he wouldn’t let you help around. It would be twice as fast if you helped out. Fine, you weren’t a mechanic, but you weren’t a complete idiot to repairing things. If only he explained a few things to you or let you do simple tasks that would’ve been fine.
No, he rather does everything himself. If he had listened to you in the first place, you wouldn’t even be here bickering over a broken down ship. Puffing loud, you weren’t even sure where you were going. You just needed to be away. Maybe by the time you were back, the Razor Crest would be repaired.
Din looked down at Grogu who had come to him. – “She’ll be back.” – he reassured her. Grogu moved his little hand out to the opening. – “No, you should stay here. I could maybe use your help.” – He picked up Grogu, moving further down the Razor Crest with him. Din looked over his shoulder, wondering if you had entered again. Taking a deep breath it wasn’t the case. He was kneeling down.
Grogu lifted up a tool, nearly falling back from the heaviness as Din took it from him. – “She still can’t be mad right?” – he asked Grogu. Grogu moved his shoulders up with a few babbling sounds. Din sighed, unscrewing a few screws. Sighing again, he lowered his tool. – “It is not like she should be mad. True we bickered a bit, but all companions do that, don’t they?” – he looked at Grogu again for an answer.
Grogu flattening his ears. – “You are right.” – Din spoke. – “I should just apologize like any good man would.” – He was about to get up when he remembered something. – “It is not like she shouldn’t apologize. We both took a part in this act. So…so.” – he swayed the tool up and down at Grogu. – “She should apologize as well. It wasn’t all my fault.”
Grogu looked up and down at the tool, mesmerized. Din grunted, looking away. – “It has to be me, right?” – he asked Grogu who wasn’t even following along anymore. Grogu squeaked excited. Din got up, picking Grogu up with him. He set him in the carrier as it followed behind him. – “Y/n?” – he said stepping outside. – “Y/n are you here?” – he turned round the ship in the hopes of encountering you.
Looking both ways, he went fully round without bumping into you. – “Y/n?” – he called out. Louder as the worriedness slightly rose inside of him. He started moving away from the Razor Crest further into the nothingness. – “Y/n where are you?” – he muttered looking carefully around. The carrier following him as he began his search. He kept a steady pace, making sure he had seen everything. After a five minute walk, his worriedness went through the roof. Quickening up his pace, ready to shout out your name in desperation.
If anything had happened to you, he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. He searched further coming to a sudden stop. There you were. He started running up to you, panting. – “Oh Din look what I found.” – you said, showing him the berries. He grabbed your wrist firmly as the berries dropped to the ground. – “Hey! Do you know how long it took me to get those!” – you shouted.
Din pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around you. – “Don’t run off like that!” – he pressed his hands deeper onto your back. – “Aww.” – you teased. – “Did you miss me.” – pouting your lips, you found it a bit funny. He grunted loud, moving you to arms-length. – “I was worried sick! I thought… I thought you… Dank Farrik Y/n I thought you were dead or something!” – he called out with heavy breaths.
Your smile dropped, seeing how sincere he was about it. Even with his helmet on, you could just see how much it affected him. – “I’m sorry.” – you answered, slightly ashamed. – “I had no idea I was gone for that long.” – He exhaled loud, holding his hands against your cheeks. – “I’m sorry. I apologize for all I’ve said.” – he spoke, brushing his thumb along your cheek. You smiled softly. – “I’m sorry too. I let my frustrations get the better of me. I shouldn’t have projected it towards you.” – you told him.
Din’s shoulders untensed as he took a deep breath. You came closer, one hand placed against his helmet as you left a kiss there near his cheek. He embraced you, holding you close to his chest. You looked down feeling something poke against your side. Grogu sitting in the carrier wanted to join the hug. You laughed loud, picking him up. Holding him, you hugged Din once more. Grogu content as he had a big smile on his face.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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brewsterispunkk · 2 years ago
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pairing: mando x reader
WC: 1.5k
rating/warnings: none yet
summary: “i will look for you in every lifetime, until we finally stay” or, the beginning of it all
a/n: heyyyy. so i’ve had this in the works for forever. i’m so happy to finally share it with you. this chaoter is mostly exposition!
series masterlist
PART ONE: a long time ago, in agalaxy far, far away
i. the beginning
You freeze in place in your seat at the dusty cantina when he walks in, commanding the attention of everyone in the room.
You’ve never seen a mandalorian before. Not a real one, anyway.
You grew up on Corellia, scavenging the streets of the bustling industrial planet. Naturally, you’ve seen a few pieces of stolen and ancient beskar through the years, but never a full set. Never full beskar armor.
If you weren’t so scared, you would ogle the imposing man like everyone else in the cantina.
You’d been licking your wounds, deciding to day-drink in the local cantina.
You knew it would be only a matter of time until Aven sends one of his goons again after you to collect what he’s owed.
The cut on your cheek from the last time he’d threatened you stings in response. You wince. If you were anywhere else in the galaxy, on a planet like Coruscant, it’d be easy to disappear into the masses. Here, though, it’s nearly impossible. You’re backed into a corner. Maybe a mandalorian is better than the Twi’lek and Zabrak Aven sends to do his dirty work. At least this will be clean.
Your breath freezes in your throat when the Mandalorian comes to a stop on the barstool next to you.
Shit, you think. This is it.
For a moment, you allow yourself to think of all you wish you could’ve done. How much of the galaxy you wanted to see before your life ended. Now, you’d be spending the rest of it in carbonite.
You take a shaky breath as the beskar-clad bounty hunter sits on the stool beside you.
“Okay,” you turn to him. “I won’t put up a fight.”
His helmet tilts toward you as you address him. You gaze into the black of the t-shaped visor.
“I know you’re here for me. I didn’t pay—I get it. But, please, can I say goodbye to someone first?”
His helmet tilts to the side at your words.
“I won’t try to run, I promise.”
The words die in his throat as the doors to the cantina swing open. You freeze as the three men you’ve come to recognize as part of Aven’s circle storm in.
There’s the two usual suspects: the twi’lek and Zarback, plus a new man, a human with a scar and an eyepatch.
Their eyes scan through the room and stop on you.
Fuck, maybe the Mandalorian wasn’t sent to get you.
Panic rises in you as they begin to make their way toward you.
Maybe you will die today.
“Get up,” you barely have time to register the deep, modulated voice before a gloved hand is pulling you to your feet roughly.
“Eyes forward, hands behind your back,” he orders. “Now.”
You’re dumbstruck: what the hell is going on? But, you obey. It’s your best bet.
Wordlessly, he clips metal handcuffs around your wrists behind your back, grabbing them with one hand. The Mandalorian shoves you forward roughly.
You do, tripping over your feet. Your eyes find Aven’s goons at the door, their own eyes watching your exchange with the Mandalorian. They look as confused as you feel.
“That’s right, don’t even think about running,” the Mandalorian pulls you backward toward his chest, the corner of his helmet kissing your cheek. “Because I will catch you.”
You shiver and nod as he pushes you out of the cantina and into the hot, dry Jakku sun.
- -
You take the job because you’re on the run, and you need to get the hell off of Jakku.
Once you leave the cantina, the Mandalorian leads you roughly to the back of the building, coming to a stop in an alley.
Without saying a word, he turns you around and unlocks the cuffs that bind your wrists.
You rub them tenderly. The metal-covered man comes to stand in front of you.
“Those were the men after you, I take it?” He asks.
You furrow your eyebrows and nod.
“I—yeah. What was that?”
“You looked like you could use the help,” he shrugs.
You blanch.
“Well, thanks,” you blink. “But, I don’t know if you’ve done more than delay the inevitable. I’ll be dead by the end of the week if I don’t get off this rock.”
He tilts his head, causing the silver of his helmet to glint in the sun. You sigh.
“I owe this guy—Aven—some money. A lot of money, actually. Then last week, he tried to get me to pay in…other ways. He didn’t take it well when I refused him.”
It was terrible. Your skin crawled just remembering the way his eyes raked over your body when you’d gone to make one of your monthly payments.
“Hm,” the Mandalorian hums.
“So, thanks, but,” you deflate, not knowing how to finish that sentence.
“What if,” he begins, his voice nothing more than a modulated grumble. “You owe me one.”
“I’m sorry?” You ask.
“I helped you out. You owe me a favor.”
“I’d be happy to return it, uh, sir,” you say, tripping over what to call him. “But, you don’t have much time to cash it in.”
“I need help. On my ship.”
“On your…ship?” You ask, heart leaping.
This could be it. Your ticket off of this planet, your freedom.
“I-I’m not a mechanic. I’m a scavenger, I can’t—“
“You good with kids?”
“Kids. You good with them?”
You blink, lost for words. This is …bizarre. A Mandalorian—one that just dragged you out of your favorite cantina—is asking you for …childcare? It’s so comical you almost laugh.
“I guess?”
“I need someone to watch my kid while I work. Travel with me. I can’t keep an eye on him and hunt at the same time.”
“You have a kid?”
He nods.
You stare at the impassive face of his mask and wonder. You’re at a crossroads: do you accept whatever fate Aven has planned for you, or put your future in the hands of a man you’ve only just met?
“Will you take the job?”
You take a breath, before closing your eyes tight.
You open them, and nod.
- -
“He’s …yours?”
The baby is green. The baby is green.
He has big, endless, black eyes and a little button nose situated under. His forehead is wrinkled, and he smiled under clawed hands. He’s …cute. Albeit in a strange way.
You have never before seen a life form even remotely like him. It’s fascinating. What is he doing with a Mandalorian?
“He’s adopted.”
You chuckle at the awkward admission.
The Mandalorian—or, Mando, as he told you to call him—is holding the baby at his hip, in the cockpit of his ship, the Razor Crest. What will be your home for the foreseeable future.
He’s given you the tour already.
The ship is old—pre-empire, but it gets the job done. It’s small, but you’ve never needed much space to live. You’ve never had much space to live. This is just fine.
There’s one bunk. Not ideal, but again: you’ve lived in much worse. He told you that you can take shifts sleeping, that way the kid will always have someone up if he needs it.
The way he cares for the kid is… heart-warming. It seems almost strange: a man so big and hulking, capable of causing so much damage, being so gentle with such a helpless creature. It makes you wonder why he’s trusting you, someone he just met, to care for him.
“He have a name?” You ask, looking at him. The kid just stares at you with big eyes and coos, nonsense coming out.
“Uh…no,” Mando replies. “I usually just call him ‘kid.’”
You’re taken aback, but nod nonetheless.
“Alright. ‘Kid’ it is.”
Mando nods and sets the baby down in his hovering crib.
“Do you…need to retrieve anything before we leave?”
You shake your head and fold your hands in front of you.
“Everything I can own I keep on me. I’ve never had the need for more.”
Mando is silent at that and nods.
“Before,” he says after a moment of silence. “You said there was someone you wanted to say goodbye to. Do you—“
“No,” you interrupt a little too sharply. “I mean, no. There’s nobody.”
For a moment, he looks at you, and you wonder how a visor can hold so much emotion. He stares at you like he can see right through you. And maybe he can under that helmet. Either way, it makes you squirm.
You clear your throat.
“So we can, uhm,” you sit down near one of the windows in the cockpit. “We can leave whenever.”
The mandalorian just nods and goes to prepare for take-off.
Later, before the ship makes the jump to hyperspace, you watch as Jakku fades into a sandy dot in space.
You’re struck with the strange feeling the rest of your life is about to begin
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heartidylla · 2 years ago
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the bitterness behind goodbyes
father figure!din djarin x p!teen!reader
summary : you and your little brother, grogu, come into contact with a mandalorian. after he earned your trust, you allow yourself to let him into your heart. as you continue on your path you eventually find what you’ve been looking for, a jedi.
warnings : angst
| a/n | : my daddy issues are spiking and i’m in desperate need of a good father figure like din is to grogu.
speaking color coding
“” — din
“” — you
“” — other
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ducking your head while you held your little brother closer to you within your arms since overhearing a massive explosion coming from the near distance. you shielded him from any possibility of his little figure receiving damage.
sparks of bright yellow and shots of crimson red flooded into your eyesight as the massive weighted metal door was withstanding an assault against it. the moment the open fire stopped, you could make out the faint outline of a pathway.
the moment someone kicked down the door, you began to hold your breath in due to the amount of fear you held within you.
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since you and your brother had been forced away from home, you were held captive. it was extremely traumatic for you, since you held the elder sister role and needed to protect the mindless youth with everything you had. you did, up until now. you were honestly deprived of sleep, and was in an urgent need for some nutrients.
all you wanted to do was flutter your eyes closed and hibernate for all the hours that were stolen from you due to your floppy eared green brother. you two looked completely different, and weren't related by blood; however, you two were connected on an emotional spectrum.
two figures began to make their way towards you. "the tracking fob is still active. my sensors indicate that there is two life forms present." the robotic voice vibrates against your eardrums, making more terror pulse into your veins as your heartbeat rose.
there was a pause as a beeping found started to rapidly increase its pace as the figure with entire metal armor turned into your direction.
he looked up, and made his way over to you. you're gaze followed from his boots all the way up to his glowing metal mask. you could almost make out your reflection within them.
you're bags were increasingly horrifying as dark circles were never appealing to anyone. "wait." the mandalorian called out to his robotic counterpart. "they said they were fifty years old." he stated, looking back and forth between you and your brother. it was obvious that neither of you looked to be over the age of fifty, or anywhere close to it.
you shifted underneath his confused gaze, and started to backtrack until your actual back hit the freezing wall. you shivered underneath the contact. your brother cooed in an unknowingly way. he didn't understand what was going on, and you didn't expect or want any less than that.
"species age differently." the robot reminded him, "though, she is quite small to be considered fifty as her species is. perhaps they both could live many centuries." he pointed out gesturing his gun over to you, causing you to flinch as your face hardened and looked away. you hid your bother more than before, not wanting any pain to be dealt to him. "sadly, we'll never know."
that's the exact moment you decided to use what you had been taught before. your eyes shot at the robot, glaring an obvious warning to him.
you both started to raise your arms at the same time, but to your surprise the mandalorian stopped him. "no." he says, which causes the robot to slowly look over towards him. something in the way you both were looking at him, those innocent eyes that held more emotion that you'd personally let off.
he knew that you didn't ask for any of this to happen, and suddenly he was teleported back to his home planet on that one fateful day that would reconstruct his entire life. "we'll bring them in alive." something new began to emerge within his faded heart. he wouldn't realize it then, but it was a sense of urgency to protect. whenever he looked at you, he saw a youthful version of himself.
you and your brother looked back and forth between the two of them in sync, unable to fully comprehend what was occurring in front of you. "the commission was quite specific. the assets were to be terminated." the robot informs the mandalorian, raising his gunned arm once more.
you, too, raised your hand. you were prepared to pass out due to the amount of agony you were going to inflict upon this robot as you were annoyed that he even began to bother you two.
suddenly a shot went off, and you watched closely as the robot's now steaming head collapse into the ground.
even so, you weren't about to let your guard down. you put your hand slightly back, before pushing it forward and sending the mandalorian flying backward into the wall.
he grunted at the impact of the force you were inflicting onto him.  "who are you?!" you shouted at him while hastily standing up and putting your brother within the crib you had crafted yourself.
"— a friend." the masked mandalorian's modulated voice came out as he held onto the neck of his armor tightly, trying to hid himself of the invisible hold you had onto him.
the word 'friend' was not one you were used to hearing. you were accustomed to the painful reality of being without a guardian and as a prisoner.
you let the force you had go as you started to feel dizzy. his body met the harsh ground, and yet another groan come from his mouth underneath his mask.
you began to stumble within your spot next to the crib, holding your head as your vision started to slightly blur. "are you okay, kid?" the mandalorian asked worriedly from beside you. when did he get there?
you succumbed to the intoxicating feeling of slumber, and as you started to fall he was just as quick to catch you as if it was some sort of instinct of his.
he looked anxiously between your passed out figure and your little brother within the homemade crib who was looking at you with unease. he prayed to the maker that you were just exhausted and nothing fatal was bubbling due to your immediate slumber.
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that was the first time you ever came into contact with mando, your, now, guardian. you and your brother have become quite fond of him since he has saved you from multiple dangerous encounters with other bounty hunters as well as put in the time and effort to support you through all this time.
he's the brightest star that you looked for every night to appreciate, as whenever it's dark he's always there to slip next to you and make you feel a sense of security you felt with nobody else. you're so incredibly lucky to have him around you — to have him stumble upon you and become such an impactful person in your life.
you knew how heartbroken he felt when you and grogu were taken away by the horrible people who were after knowledge on the background or range of your talents.
you held grogu within your arms as you tried to calm his fussy state down. he didn't understand what was happening and why he wasn't with mando, but sadly you did.
they wanted to use you both for their own sickening purposes, and as footsteps began to inch closer to you. you were prepared to give everything you had into protecting what was rightfully yours: your brother and your life. when the door opened you reacted quick and shoved both stormtroopers against the wall, knocking them out cold.
a darkened look appeared on your face as you realized your worst enemy coming into your caged room. you started to choke the two stormtroopers beside him, as your little brother joined in on the chaos you two were causing and threw around your past enemies.
you both could feel the energy draining out of you at a rapid rate, and at a very last attempt you both hit them with your final push. the choking men you had been focusing on, you threw them backwards and they crashed into the wall outside your enclosed space.
your brother, on the other hand, threw his opponents into one another, making them bash their heads.
"you have gotten very good at that." gideon's horrid voice flooded into your ears as you were breathing heavily. "but it makes you both oh-so sleepy." he stated, bending down to you and your brothers eye level. you weakly glared at him before looking at your brother to was tilting to the side.
you were so proud of him, and knew how exhausting it was to use such power. it caused you to frown at the sight as your brother's chest was rising and falling just as regularly as your own.
"have you ever seen one of these?" gideon questioned you two as a flash of black and white appeared on the side of your face. slowly, your gaze shifted towards it. you squinted your eyes at the level of brightness emitting off of it.
your eyes widened at the sight, as a sickness began to flood into your throat. memories came swarming back into your mind which fogged your vision completely.
you couldn't help but look away from it almost instantly; however, your brother's weakened state tried to use his powers to force it into his hand. "you're not ready to play with such things." gideon stated, standing up. "though, your sister might be." he commented, smirking down at both of your trembling figures. "looks like you both could use a nice, long nap."
you took a deep breath in as a last attempt to fight off the urge to fade into the peaceful darkness, and as you let it go so does your conscious. your body landed next to your brothers, subconsciously wrapping your arm around his own passed out form.
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when you woke up from your seemingly endless sleep, you were greeted with the horrifying sight of the black and white sword hovering in front of you. your brother cooed at you, and your eyes darted to analyze his state. he was fine, besides the handcuffs that were restraining both your hands.
the door opened, and mando, your savior, walked in. your eyes brightened at the sight of him, thanking the maker that he came after you and your little brother, grogu. "mando!" you smiled widened as you instinctively sit up to rush towards him, but the weapon inched closer to your neck.
the glare gideon sent you and intense heat that soaked into your neck made you gulp down harshly, slowly laying your back against the wall once more.
mando, without saying a word, continued to close the distance between you all. his blaster in his grasp, pointed at gideon alone. "drop the blaster." gideon demanded. mando paused in his tracks, digesting his situation carefully.
he knew that he had to get you two out without any casualties on your end, but he wasn't sure as to how just yet. "slowly." mando did as he was ushered. "now, kick it over to me." the sound of the blaster sliding against the floor made you cringe. "very nice."
"give me the kids." mando orders him while gesturing over to the both of you. you already felt a sense of safety within his presence.
you trusted mando more than enough to know that he wouldn't ever let anything bad be brought upon you now that you're within his care, and because of that you were finally able to breathe normally again.
"they are just fine where they're at." gideon rejected mando's suggestion. gideon went on about the history of the sword which you tuned out due to the fact that your sight was held tightly on mando.
you're eyes began to water, all you wanted more than anything was to be back in the razor crest and drinking soup with your two other halves in sync. "you keep it. i just want the kids." mando told him simply, all he truly wanted — and needed, was you two.
you're chest lightened at those words, surely gideon wouldn't be so foolish to refuse such an offer.
"very well." gideon's sword slowly retracting itself from existence. you let the air that had been building up within your chest out, as huge relief came pouring out of you. "i already for what i wanted from them." he told him, "their blood. all i wanted was to study their blood." he clarified, even though it wasn't really necessary. "these children are extremely gifted... and have been blessed with rare properties that have the potential to bring order back to the galaxy."
mando's eyes were glued onto you and grogu, not giving a single thought to whatever gideon was telling him. your safety still wasn't guaranteed, so he wasn't letting his guard down. "i see your bond with them." gideon commented, that was the sentence that made him look over to gideon. "take them," mando, without a second thought, began to take a step closer to you two, "—but you will leave my ship immediately and we will go our separate ways."
"they mean more to me than you will ever know." mando replied to him; however, all he was truly focused on was the two of you.
your heart swelled up with thankfulness, and admiration for the mandalorian who had taken you under his wing.
it seemed to shock gideon as he walked past him, you jumped up from your seat and rushed into his arms. "mando!" you cried out, pressing your cheek against his cold metal gear.
"hi —" you could almost hear the soft smile underneath his mask due to his gentle tone he used with you; however, he suddenly grunted as gideon had began to rapidly hit him with the sword.
mando blocked you from any chance of impact against you with his hardened armor until he was able to push you away from him in order to protect you against the enemy's attack.
your cries of horror only continued as mando and gideon continued to fight their way out of the room. you knew you needed to help mando, after everything he's ever done you owed him more than you could ever imagine.
you're heart raced as sounds of bashing weapons, and clashing of metals filled the entirety of your senses. mumbles of curses which you heard mando use flowed out of your mouth naturally.
you began to bash your handcuffs against the wall, each strike getting stronger as adrenaline pumped through you until they fell off of your wrists. "i'll be back grogu!" you promised him, before rushing your way out into the hallway. your eyes were as wide as coins as you saw mando losing in his battle with gideon. "get away from him!" you yelled at gideon before lifting both your hands towards him.
"no!" mando shouted, but that was before you had begun to choke out gideon all yourself. the intense fury that flowed through your veins into the pressure you were using against the well-being of gideon.
you're face hardened as the sounds of gideon losing air began to resonate like beautiful symphonies to you. "hey, kid, that's enough — let go of him!" mando's scared voice was the only one that would bring you out of this kind of repulsive state.
you finally took in gideon's paled face, and succumbed to mando's wishes. you released him, and his body crashed against the ground.
mando looked between you and gideon, confused as to what he had just witnessed. he's never seen you so worked up before, nor with such a murderous intent. you hadn't ever killed a person before — at least, not to his knowledge. here you were, all of a sudden, certainly trying your best to make gideon suffer immensely.
the pause was deathly, and it gave you some time to recollect your thoughts on as to the severity you had gone in order to protect mando from harm, that alone caused your eyes to be consumed with horror.
"go get your brother." mando's voice sounded shockingly normal with a tint of initial shock, as he bent down to gideon. you bobbed your head up and down, and immediately did as told.
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the both of you were silent as the mission continued on. you didn't have anything to say to him besides an apology and that you didn't know where your head went within that moment. he reassured you that it was okay, and he understood how you were feeling but to not tread cross those lines again.
you sat in a chair with your brother on your lap, looking off into the distance as you repeated that moment with gideon in your head at least a thousand times. you analyzed everything down to the tiniest detail: how you felt, how IT felt, how it started, how it ended.
though, all of that faded as you sense a familiar aura behind you. you turned the chair slightly around to allow you and your brother to peak over to the figure from it, and your eyes widened as you noticed who it was. "are you a jedi?" mando questioned, his body hovering in front of the chair in which you both sat at. he was subconsciously protecting you as if it had become an immediate instinct.
"i am." he answers, before his gaze fell onto you both. he gestures his hand out to you, "come, little ones." your body teases, unsure as to what he was asking from you. mando's mask quickly turned towards you two, and you and your brother shot him your attention as well. your eyes spoke volumes within mando's mind.
his masked face turned back towards the supposed jedi standing before him, trying to take his entire purpose that was bestowed upon him away. "they don't want to go with you." mando informed him.
"they want your permission." the jedi stated, and that alone hit mando's inner thoughts hard. he didn't want to say goodbye — he wasn't prepared to.
he spent this entire time working to get to this point, and now that he's finally here it has easily became his worst fear. you, his funny little girl who'd light up a room with a simple smile, was now slipping through his fingers and there was nothing he could do to prevent it from happening. "they are strong with the force, but talent without training is nothing."
you and your bothers eyes punctuate from both men. how could you possibly cope with leaving someone who has become your entire home? "i will give my life to protect these children... but they will not be safe until they master their abilities."
mando seemed to be conflicted as he turned to you both. you stood up teary-eyed and not ready to ever say goodbye to someone who had been the first to give you the moon and more as you handed him grogu.
he wrapped his hand around your shoulder, the kind of gesture that always made you feel as if he was more than just a simple guardian to you. he nudged you both closer to the jedi. "hey, go on." he softly spoke as if he was unsure himself. you shot him a panicked glance, you didn't want this to be the end of your travels with the mandalorian. "that's who you belong with. he's one of your kind."
you looked up at his metal helmet with the most fear in your eyes. you couldn't swallow this lost down — you'd never want to leave his side, but your future depended on it. "i'll see you again." he promised you, placing his hand which was on your shoulder on top of your head and ruffling your hair quite a bit to cause a ragged look.
grogu reached his hand out to mando's mask, and for the first time he slowly revealed his face to the both of you.
his eyes were just as tearful as yours, which made you feel some comfort that you weren't the only one who hated the idea of being separated from the other.
you and grogu took in his features, most likely because it would be one of the last times you'll see it. grogu carressed mando's slightly breaded face, causing mando's lips to track upward a tad.
you held wrapped your hand tightly around mando's waist. goodbye is something you should've ever have to say to him, and your heart couldn't handle it to say the very least. "all right, pals." his voice — his true voice soaked into your mind. "it's time to go." he mentally reminds himself to not get too carried away by his increasing melancholy.
grogu whines at the sense that fell from his mouth, and you flinch due to the uncertainty of ever seeing him again. yes, he promised; but, what if something happens and he's not there?
your bottom lip begins to tremble as the impact of the realness of the moment changes everything for you. "don't be afraid." he tells you both, stroking your back with the hand that wasn't carrying grogu.
all three of you pause as you all try to take in this moment as if it was the last. after, he puts grogu down on the ground and unlatched you from his figure, and an instant after that you both were connecting yourself against him. grogu was at his foot, looking up at him with his eyes almost as if he was asking to be picked up once more. you were at his side, holding onto his arm for dear life.
it gave mando the smallest bit of hope back that you two weren't going to allow for such a separation between you two to happen.
suddenly, a robot which you knew pretty well rolled into the room. it caught both you, and your brothers attention. you both walked over to it and allowed yourself to childishly be engulfed within the excitement.
your laughter, which the mandalorian hadn't heard in quite some time, filled his heart with an abundance amount of warmth and unknowingly to the both of you, the jedi and mando both gave one another a nod.
the jedi picked up grogu, which caused you to quickly turn towards him and then mando. the reality of the situation settling in your chest once again, causing all of a sudden an intense battle between your future and what your heart is telling you.
you stood up, twisting your glance from the jedi and mando. the jedi looked down to you, and placed his hand onto your shoulder in order to offer you some support.
you tried to speak, to voice what your heart was screaming at you to say... but nothing ended up coming out. you looked down to the floor as your face fell into a deep blue. "may the force be with you." the jedi bid mando goodbye, before his hand slid from your shoulder to your back.
he herded you back through the door, and you couldn't help yourself but to glance back at mando's distraught expression once more.
you tried to turn your body towards him once more, but the jedi's grasp on you unable you for such movement. you lifted your hand out to him slightly, wanting to return to his side more than anything.
the attachment between all three of you could be seen, even with the amount of distance you had taken.
there was a single moment where you were finally confident enough to voice your protest and reject training in order to return to mando's side.
you set your sight onto the jedi once more and opened your mouth to speak, but the door enclosed you from mando. you closed your mouth and looked back to the ground, feeling as if a part of you was missing.
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next part to ‘bitterness behind goodbyes’ short series.
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dracowars · 2 years ago
Could you do a din djarin x former inquisitor reader? Maybe he finds out when they are saving Grogu from Moff Gideon in season two. I think Din, Bo-Katan, etc reactions would be so interesting!
forgive me | din djarin
pairing: din x formerinquisitor!reader
word count: 2,6k
summary: where din finds out about y/n's past
a/n: this was incredibly fun to write, i love the inquisitor lore so much!! thank you so much for requesting, i hope you enjoy <3 please don't forget to give feedback and reblog, it means the world to me ♡♡♡
warnings: angst, cursing, violence, mentions of torture, mentions of death
universe: star wars
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"I asked you a question", Din says through gritted teeth, clearly not impressed by the warloard as he points his blaster directy at the man laying on the ground in front of him. After you have successfully taken over Moff Gideon's light cruiser with your newly found team, you were finally met with that inkling of hope that was lost for so long. You were sure that, this time, you won. Except you didn't.
"Call back your darktroopers or I won't hesitate to pull the trigger!", you shout at Gideon, almost pitying his slumped figure on the cold surface. The once great Moff Gideon, holder of the darksaber, military leader in charge of the remnents of the Galactic Empire, huddled on the floor, right to your feet. You would almost believe he is scared, almost, if it were not for the slight twitch pulling at the corner of his mouth. Because despite of him being defenseless, vulnerable and alone, he somehow still managed to pull one last ace up his sleeve and take you by surprise. The surprise that is currently waiting to charge through the blast doors, the last layer of protection that saves you from your fate.
"Everyone in this room will be dead but me. And the child", Gideon says with a sparkle in his eyes, trying to find a comfortable position with his hands cuffed.
"I will ask you. One. Last. Time. What do you need Grogu for?", Din interjects, ignoring his threat as he keeps his blaster pointed at him. Even though you can't see his face through his helmet, it is clear that this time he expects an honest answer or he will definitely not hold back. He has grown too fond of Grogu to not get to know why Gideon wants to capture him so badly or what he did to the small child.
And while Din waits for him to think of an answer that won't have him blast his head off, Gideon's eyes lock with yours and it is in that moment that you feel a shift, seeing a change in his face that you can't quite interpret. The answer he gives is not what you expected at all.
"Maybe you should ask your friend here, not me."
Immediately, you take a wavering step back, lowering your blaster while Din slowly turns to look in your direction, his whole posture screaming at you to explain what tiny piece of information Moff Gideon just dropped your way. "What?"
Bo-Katan, Koska and Fennec, all aiming their own blasters at the door, shift their attention to you now as well, ignoring the loud noises created by the darktroopers trying to come through. You can only stare at Gideon, however, and if he wasn't your only way to get out of here alive, you would have put an end to this already. The knowing grin on his face frightens you because it tells you he knows everything. About what you did, about your past, and, above all, about the darkness hovering over it.
"What does he mean by that, Y/N?", Din wants to know, a twist audible in his voice as well now. He does not trust you right now and if you were in his spot, you wouldn't trust yourself either. You have been on this journey together for a long time already, your only interest being the safety of the child, and yet you managed to keep your biggest secret hidden from him. There are things he doesn't need to and simply shouldn't know about you.
"Y/N is very well acquainted with what I did. I would even go as far as to say that we were once considered allies", Gideon answers for you as you can't come up with any rational explanation, too occupied by what is going on in your mind.
"That's not true! Don't- Don't listen to him. I was never on your side, Gideon", you immediately interrupt as you comprehend his accusation, turning to Din who does not know what or whom to believe anymore. His partner, who lied to him since day one, or his enemy, who just revealed the secret that has been haunting you since forever.
"Tell them the truth then, Twelfth Sister."
As soon as the words leave Gideon's mouth, Bo-Katan suddenly points one of her blasters directly at you, no hesitation in her movement at all. However, you can't even concentrate on the deadly weapon aimed at you as you feel like the ground beneath your feet opens up, causing you to fall into the deep depths full of sorrow, darkness and pain that you ran away from for so long. And the fact that Grogu, sitting at one of the consoles next to you, coos at all of this, does not make it any better.
Silence fills the room as everyone slowly but surely comprehends the meaning behind Moff Gideon's words. What he called you, Twelfth Sister, is a title you have not been addressed by in a long, long time and you desperately wish it stayed that way.
"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up!", you scream at Gideon, your heart beating so fast it hurts. With trembling hands and legs you take a step closer to him, wanting him to not say another word ever again but as soon as you move from your spot, you are faced with another blaster barrel.
However this time it is Din who points his weapon right at you, stopping you dead in your tracks as you feel like you can't get enough air to breathe. The realization has hit him after all.
"N-No! Please, you need to listen to me! I-"
"You are an Inquisitor?", Din asks, not a single hint in his voice as to how he feels, how disappointed he has to be in you. On the one hand, you want him to scream at you, shout at you for keeping this from him, but on the other hand you want him to be able to forgive you, even though you know that what you did is inexcusable.
Since you have no clue how to put everything you want to say in words at once, you only manage to nod, lowering your head as you feel ashamed of yourself. You are waiting for the shot to hit you and when it doesn't, you look up at Din who has not moved.
"Why?", is all he says, staring at you through his helmet. You swear you feel your heart breaking at how he pronounces this one seemingly harmless word.
"I- I don't know. I didn't want all of this to happen. The one second I fight alongside an army of clones, the next I kill all of them and mourn over my dead master", you explain, the memories tormenting you. "They took me. They took me and tortured me until there was nothing left of who I was or what I fought for. They broke me."
You spit out the last part, feeling the anger spark inside of you. Closing your eyes, you feel the panic chase off the anger as you can physically feel the pain they sent you through once more. You sink to your knees, supporting yourself with your hands on the ground, tears in your eyes. They will always have control over you.
"Inquisitors chased down and killed all of the remaining Jedi. You abducted force-sensitive children!", Bo-Katan reminds you of your all-too-real deeds and you can't help but feel bile rise up your throat, making you cough.
"I did.. bad things and each time, it killed me a little more. But when they wanted me to kidnap a child, I didn't. It was then that I noticed it wasn't my way", you say quietly, trying to stand up for yourself about the only thing you did right and that you can be proud of. Because you disobeyed. Because you turned your back on them. Because you left.
"I can't believe you", Din mutters, his voice sounding coarse.
"I promise you it's not who I am anymore!", you try to convince him, all of them actually, but you know it is to no use. Which does not mean you won't try to change their view because, at last, you were a victim too. "Why do you think I am here? Because I made it my task, my purpose, to protect these children! I don't want anyone to experience what I had to. I even killed one of my so-called sisters! I turned against them."
Breathing heavily, you need a few seconds to cope with your emotional outburst, letting your words sink into their heads while you are trying to hold back the tears that threaten to spill. But you don't let them because you have shown weakness too many times before. After all, the dark side was only able to overpower you back then because it caught you at your weakest moment, using it to its advantage, turning your despair into pure hatred.
"Please, you have to believe me", you breathe out, your voice breaking in the end as you stare at Din and Din only. You don't care what the others think, you don't care if they will ever forgive you as long as Din does. You get lost in the darkness of his visor as you keep staring at him intently, waiting for any kind of reaction but he just won't budge.
Because you can only see him in this moment what you do notice, however, is how Moff Gideon pulls a blaster out of nowhere, points it at Din and fires a shot without hesitation. Suddenly, you feel transported back to that one fateful day when you lost everything. When your clones, your friends, turned against you. When you lost the only person you ever really cared for.
All intent on not letting fate repeat itself, you reach for the Force and feel the familiar tingle in your fingertips. Within seconds, you stop the deadly projectile mid-air. And even though it takes all your effort and concentration, you still somehow manage to use the Force to push Din out of the line of fire, causing him to slitter his feet across the floor.
It feels like time is slowing down as you slowly walk towards Gideon and, as soon as he fires another shot at you, you parry it with the Darksaber in your hand. Shock and terror are written all over his face before you finally reach him, kick the blaster out of his hands and put the deadly blade to his throat.
"I will not let you hurt the people I love", you spit out, looking directly into his panic-filled eyes. Apparently he did not expect you to still be this powerful after all these years of not using the Force at all and, although you have to admit that you could have blocked thousands of those shots back then when it took all of your strength to defend one now, you felt good. The Force, the light side, came back to you as if it was never gone. Considering that you were still a child yourself when Order 66 happened, never completing your Jedi training, your powers have grown exponentially.
"You don't deserve to be kept alive-"
"Y/N-", Din wants to interrupt, but you continue anyway.
"But I have changed. I am no Inquisitor, I am a Jedi", you say, feeling relief as the final truth leaves your mouth, making it finally seem real. "You will face trial and you will be locked away for life so you will never be able to hurt anyone again."
"You forget that you are still on my ship, with my troopers waiting to kill all-"
"And you will kindly call them back and shut them down right now or..", you threaten, looking at the Darksaber that is terribly close to his throat. You don't show that it actually lays extremely heavy in your hands, not only because it is a unique weapon, but also because it is not yours. Your own lightsaber is buried on Felucia, where no one will ever find it.
Gideon huffs in annoyance but considering that you are only millimeters away from slicing the Darksaber through his throat, he finally gives in and follows your command. The sound of the dangerous killing machines switching off outside the blast doors echoes throughout the bridge and as soon as you are certain that all of them are down, you knock Gideon out with the butt of the lightsaber hilt, sending him to the floor unconsciously.
As soon as he hits the ground, your legs give in underneath you and you slump in, letting the blade dissolve before tossing the weapon as far away from you as you possibly can. Tears stream down your face as all the burden you carried around all those years finally falls off you, allowing you to breathe once more. You know they are all watching you as you feel all their eyes on you but no one dares to say a single word.
That is, until Grogu peeps out from where he was hiding, slowly waddling towards you while cooing. You can't help but smile at him and you feel incredibly grateful that at least one of them has not lost faith in you.
"Grogu", Din calls out strictly as he wants to come even closer to you.
"It's fine. I would never hurt him", you promise and don't even dare to look in his direction, concentrating to look at Grogu's big doe eyes only. That is why you don't see how Din silently gives the others commands and they start shuffling behind you, opening the doors to the disabled droids in order to destroy them one by one.
Din's shadow hovers over you as you wrap your arms around your own waist, not looking at him, too scared of what he might say. One of Grogu's small hands touches your knee as he keeps cooing at you and you can sense that he feels sorry for you. He knows the pain of being seperated from the family you once considered your home.
Hearing a rustling, you hold your breath as Din squats down in front of you, taking Grogu in his arms as if to protect him. If this is the last time you see him, you tell yourself, you at least want to look at him one more time and so you do.
And you feel like you can't breathe when you see him holding out his hand to you, wanting to save you.
"I'm sorry", he whispers through his helmet and you can hear the sorrow in his voice now, strong and clear.
"No, I have to be the one apologizing. I betrayed you and I don't know how you could ever trust me again", you disregard his words and shake your head, feeling so incredibly ashamed of yourself for what you did. Lowering your head and hiding your face in your hands, you can't stop the tears from falling as all those memories come back to you, laughing directly in your face.
But when you suddenly get pulled forward and feel warm hands around you, you open your eyes only to find yourself in Din's - and also Grogu's - arms. He presses you against him, his hand on the back of your head as if we will never let you go.
"It's not your fault, none of it", Din speaks to you, sounding so sure about what he says that it makes your heart beat faster. "You saved us, Y/N."
"I don't deserve your kindness. How can you forgive me? After everything I have done?", you ask, pushing yourself an arm's length away from him so your face is only inches away from his.
"I already forgave you", he concludes, resting his forehead against yours. "But I think it's time that you finally forgive yourself."
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beskarinhyperspace · 2 years ago
Oh yeah? 
 ”You're playing a dangerous game here, pretty girl..”
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AO3 | Wattpad // MASTERLIST
*Mature, Explicit, NSFW*
Din Djarin x fem.reader
Word Count:  1.1k 
Pure smutt, jealous mando, he’s obsessed with you, possessive, dark djarin, protective, sweet calling, claiming, praising, slight degradation, teasing, helmet on, armour also on, p in v, reader insert, no y/n, female reader, reader doesn't have a name
A/N: Still working on the next chapter for Moon Dust, in the meantime here's a little treat.
It's been a while since you've seen population. Going to the market this afternoon, makes you feel a bit human again. As you come back to the ship, you can see the imposing man in armour. Standing, at the top of the ramp. Arms crossed at his chest, he doesn’t look happy. 
”Where were you?” he asks, firm and impatient. 
You start walking up the ramp before talking. ”I was just taking some air..” 
He tilt his helmet at you, ”and why didn't you tell me you were going out? Anything can happen here. I told you.. I want to know where you are at all times.” 
You sigh, ”what are you scared of mando?” 
He looks at you and balling his first. ”I don't want anyone to touch you in any way.” 
”Why? It's not like we are going out or anything right? ” You ask him as you look straight in his visor with a little smirk. 
You can see him tense as he warns you, ”I'd be careful… ” before you cut him off. 
”I guess this is a bad time to tell you I've made a real boyfriend today then?” 
You don't have time to place another word before he starts to walk in your direction. He looks grand hovering over you. ”You're playing a dangerous game here, pretty girl. ” 
You can't help but feels small compared to him. His broad shoulders making you a little nervous knowing there's nowhere to escape. He takes his gloved hand bringing it to your face. ”you're mine, do you need to be reminded? ” He says pushing a piece of hair out.
You lower your eyes a bit, feeling intimidated but still you nod to him. 
You see him move, removing his gloves, tilting his helmet down to you. He takes two of his fingers. Moving them towards your lips. ”can you open up?” Asking in a raspy modulated voice.  
You do as you’re asked. Opening your lips slowly to take in his fingers into you moutch. Wetting them as you suck and pass your tongue on them. You can hear the need growing in his breathing as you look straight at him. He removes them going down, inside your pants. You can't help yourself, inhaling sharply as you feel the slick sensation passing softly on your clit. 
”That's my sweet girl.” he praises while his other hand goes under your shirt, grabbing a breast.. 
Hearing your soft needy voice, he start pinching the nipple, rolling it lightly between his fingers. Your pussy tightening around nothing, starving for him. You let your desire be known. Pushing out a desperate noise before you feel his fingers moving lower.
”You're cute when you try to make me jealous, I know she's mine.” He states as he slide two digits in. ”Look at you, already so wet, so needy and ready for me.” He pushed them all the way in curling them hitting that good spot. You start whimpering at the feeling. “Oh yeah, she’s definitly calling my name..” 
He chuckles at the sight of you becoming desperate for more as he removes them. While he undresses you, he passes a hand over you, caressing your body gently before taking you into his arms, moving to his bed and dropping you on it. He doesn't remove his armour, instead he lowers his pants down, letting out only his cock. You look at him while you're on your back before he flips you on your stomach.  
”Is this okay?” He asks you, moving forward, brushing the back of his hand on your ass sofly. 
You're so hot from enticipation all you can do is nod. The hungry man doesn't waste any time. Placing himself in between your thighs, he takes both his hands to your ass, spreading them to have a better look at you. He grunts at the sight of it, teasing your entrance, coating his cock with your juices.  
”So pretty baby.” You can hear him say as he continues to pass his cock, gliding over your wet cunt before going back to your entrance. 
”Please djarin..” You beg, voice shaking. 
He takes one hand moving it to your ass to squeeze it. ”Oh yeah? You want it that bad cyare?” 
You just whimper as he continues to play with you. 
”Speak up, tell me.” His voice dangerous with lust. 
”Yes, please, i want to feel you.. feel you inside me, please djarin.” As you supplicate.
You can feel the satisfaction in his small laugh as he push inside you, one stroke, quick and deep. You gasp at the wreaking sensation. He goes in and out a few times slow out but sharp in.  
Your body tensing as you feel your pussy getting wetter on his length and thickness moving into your walls.  
”You like that?” as he start to take the rhythm. 
All you do is whimper and cry as he pounds faster inside you. 
”Mmm yeah.. sweet girl that's it, let me hear you while i remind you that you’re mine.” 
Not controlling yourself you start crying louder. ”You fill me up so good djarin, i want no one else, only you.” 
He starts pounding into you harder and harsher. Grunting as he feels you getting tighter around him and your wet noises filling the walls of the silent ship. 
”That's my good girl.. mine.” He lets go of one hip as you hear wet noises coming from his mouth humming. After a few seconds, you feel his thumb slick over your ass hole, teasing it by pressing and sliding it slightly on it. 
“Maker, that feels so good. I want more.” You ask begging of him. 
He obliged, pressing his thumb slightly in. Feeling the tightness of your ass sends electricity to his cock as he starts to whimper as well.  
”you're so pretty, so perfect around my cock.. take me in so good sweet girl.” You hear him whisper like a prayer. 
Feelings of hot and cold flashes over you, and the noises you start to make should be illegal. Feeling warmth inside your belly, you start screaming of pleasure, as he fucks you deeper.  
”That's it baby, come on me, come with me, c’mon baby, that's good..” As he encourages you. 
You let out a grunting noise as you come, so does he as he follows you into the ecstasy. Slowing down his pace while still moving in and out filling your pussy with his cum.  
Breaths heavy, he caresses your lower back before squeezing your ass tightly, “Mine”   
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kyberblade · 1 year ago
Give It To Me In Basic (Din x Reader)
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A/N: This is just something that the premise came to mind when I listened to a song and I couldn’t let it sit. I wrote it in practically one sitting and just saw where it went - it was basically an exercise to stretch my writing muscles after a while away, and it felt really good! It’s incredibly sappy and domestic and I hope you like it. 🥹 (Not a part of my other series, this is an entirely new Din x Reader to me. Hi. Hello.) I also wanted to try writing in ��she/her” instead of “you”, but this is still definitely an entirely blank reader insert. No physical descriptions are used. No mention of Y/N.
I do not own Star Wars or it’s characters. Sadly. But I carry them in my heart. Does that count for something? My soul says yes.
Summary: Din finds softness after a life of rigidity, and he’s not willing to let it go. (*Chandler Bing voice* Could I have been more vague?)
Warnings: Fluff? Like tooth rotting amounts of fluff and domesticity. Din being a sap. Grogu being the cutest thing you ever did see, and Din is once again a warning in and of himself in this one. Swearing. Mentions of typical show violence. Mando’a. Swearing. Mentions of pregnancy at the end. Some spoilers if you squint? (But if you’re here, you know how this works.) (No but like really, it follows the plot of season 2 and TBoBF, so mentions of that briefly, if you don’t want that spoiled, don’t read.) Helmetless Din. What? Who said that? 👀😬 Again: No mention of Y/N. (In fact this is written as “she/her” instead of “you”, but is an entirely blank reader insert.)
Word count: 1,206 (I know. I am as shocked as you are at how brief this is.)
Thanks to @fordo-kixed-rex for reading over this and sending me a caps locked series of texts as a response. And to @what-the-heckin-heck and @littlemisspascal for telling me it’s not too fluffy/sappy/much.
There was a softness Din had come to know, grown familiar with, and let it entangle with his life like a well kept plant on someone’s warm windowsill.
It had snuck up on him when he’d least expected it. Not in the middle of a battle, or on some backwater planet, but in the quiet moments in between.
It had a heart unlike anything he’d ever seen. Something vibrant and larger than life, that welcomed him and his son with open arms and without a second glance.
The heart was worn on the sleeve of a woman, who by every standard was normal, nothing brilliant or captivating, but to Din she was everything. He couldn’t look away whenever she was nearby, her beauty both inside and out something that pulled him in with a force he didn’t understand.
Her touch sent shockwaves across his skin, the first time she shook his hand making him shudder even through his gloves. As time went on and he found himself lost in a darkened hull of the Crest, the woman at his side as they tangled further up in one another, his breath caught in his chest as her slight hand reached up to cup his cheek.
It wasn’t the touch of a lover, the sensuality of the trace of her fingers that stole from him. It was the closeness. The nearness. Something in the touch felt like home.
And he never felt at home again unless those hands were cradling him in some way, even through his armor. He’d lean into the touch, though he couldn’t feel it through his beskar, he swore he could. This was home. This is what he was trying to come back to.
Her laugh made him laugh. A foreign and buzzing feeling climbing out of his chest. Just the thought of it made him chuckle, shaking his head and telling his contact it was nothing, he was just amazed the bounty was so stupid.
Maybe it was selfish, but he didn’t want to share her with anyone. He’d found a little slice of happiness in this godforsaken galaxy, why did he have to let anyone else know about it?
When he lay on the ground, wind knocked out of him after an enemy had gotten a lucky hit, it wasn’t the sky above he saw, it was her eyes. They sparkled mischievously at him anytime she plotted her next move, often to get him to just relax. 
For years he’d seen calculating gazes, sneers, narrowed eyes of distrust and hate. He saw none of these with her. Only peace.
How ironic, he thought, getting back to his feet before causing carnage. To get back to the softness, there must first be all this chaos.
He saw it each time he came home. The light dulled just slightly in her eyes. She loved him just as much, if not more than before, but she longed to tell him while looking into his own eyes. She knew the Creed. She understood. Doesn’t mean it hurt any less. For either of them.
It was a night on the Crest, he woke with a start at the silence. He didn’t hear the child’s snores. Realization sunk in as he remembered the kid was with the Jedi. He was used to the silence as he slept, then he became used to the kids soft sounds, but they’re gone now. But slowly he eased back asleep, his eyes falling slowly shut when he realized she was there, in his arms, breathing deep and sound asleep…. His new familiar. He softly smiled as she started to snore.
Now the child was back in his care, and he was off to Mandalore to restore his honor, become a Mandalorian in the eyes of the Creed once more. His new ship had no room for anyone other than himself and Grogu, so he made arrangements to leave her on Navarro with Karga. 
After a private goodbye, where he saw the disappointment she would never voice once again painting her features, he set the ship to ascend up into the atmosphere. Once he was just above the clouds, he made a last minute decision, hailing her on her comm as he made a loop to come back around under the cloud cover.
“Look up,” was all he would say. 
But as he made a final pass by, just under the clouds without his helmet, he could see her on the ground, her smile like a beacon for miles around. From this distance the only thing she could really see clearly was his smile, but that was everything.
Her breath stuttered over the comm. “Meh'shab? Me'dinuir…. Ranov'la. Me'dinuir…. Mesh’la.” (“The fuck? To share…. Secret. To give each other…. Beautiful.”)
Din laughed. “Wanna try that again?”
She huffed. “Sorry. Ori'meshla.” (“Very beautiful.”)
Din snorted out a laugh.
She sighed, her words coming out barely above a breath. “Stars, I hope our ad has your smile.” (“Child.”)
Din paused, about to pull up on the controls. “What?”
“Wayii! Did I say that out loud?” She looked up to see Din circling lower and lower. “Don’t you dare land, Din Djarin.” The N1 was getting lower still as she spoke. “I mean it. You have planets to save. People to meet and-” The exhaust of the starfighter sent her hair every which way, her face scrunching up against the gust. “What was I thinking you would do, I don’t know?” The last words were mumbled into Din’s chest plate, his arms pulling her into him as soon as he was back on the ground. (Exclamation of surprise)
“Are you….?” His voice was barely above a whisper, his modulator popping with the lack of sound behind it.
She nodded into his beskar. “Yaihadla.”
“As much as I love you speaking Mando’a, just give it to me in Basic. My brain isn’t working properly right now-”
She tilted her head back to look up into his visor, her voice soft. “I’m pregnant, Din.” Her eyes scanned over his helmet, searching for purchase. “You’re gonna be a dad, Djarin.” Grogu squealed from the cockpit of the N1, pulling her eyes over toward the tiny green ward, and a smile up her face. “Well, again. You’ll be a dad, again.”
Din froze for a moment before reaching up and ripping his helmet off, immediately pulling her into a searing kiss. Her muffled sounds of surprise melted away after just a moment, her arms coming up around his neck to pull him closer still, and causing his lips to pull up into a smile against her own. Finally breaking the kiss, he leaned his forehead against hers, both of them breathing heavily.
“Careful,” she teased, “that’s how we got into this situation in the first place.”
Din just shook his head in amusement at her, chuckling, and never removing his forehead from hers. Looking up through his lashes, he found her already doing the same to him. “Hi,” he muttered quietly.
“Hi,” she replied on a breath, making his smile pull higher still. “Osik,” she continued on a breath, going on when he cocked his head to the side, pulling back just slightly. “I really hope they get your smile.” (“Shit.”)
Everything Tags: @lam-ila @oliviajdjarin @peonyophelia @itsavicf @jxvipike @momc95 @babygirlrex0504 @harriedandharassed @burningfieldof-clover @theclassicvinyldragon What’s This?
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abbygracerecs · 17 days ago
Pedro Pascal Fic Recommendations
Gut-Wrenching - @absurdthirst smut
Alternative Ending - absurdthirst smut
Tastes like strawberries - @joelmillerisapunk smut
Subscribe - joelmillerisapunk smut
Best friends dad - @babybugwrites most of hers are good smut
Laid bare - @pedros-mustache smut
Heat signature - @javierpinme smut
Beautiful truths - @haylzcyon smut
Cabin Fever - @omgreally smut
pornstar!Din - @charnelhouses smut
Inevitable - @ejlovespie smut
The sweetest melody - @noisynaia smut
A fake soccer date - @toomanystoriessolittletime smut
What's a fanfiction? - @talaok smut
Wedding crashers - @yxtkiwiyxt smut
Wet Nights - @shellshocklove smut
Beyond my skin, deep in my bones - @djarins-wife smut
I'd like to... - @ak-vintage smut
It was the kid’s idea - @the-witty-pen-name
Of Love and Time - @pentechnics
Invisible string - @onlythegentle-survive
Stuck with me - @marvelouslytrekking
Significant - @softlyspector
Have a Good Night - @punkshort
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ddejavvu · 1 year ago
grumpy beefy mando falling for soft!reader in her “grandma era” - all she wants to do is crochet, bake and frolic around the galaxy with mando and grogu 🫶🏽
"He doesn't like hats."
You glance up at Din from where you're testing a length of crocheted stitches beneath Grogu's chin, ensuring that the hat inspired by the local flora of the forest planet you've found shelter on won't fall off if he gets too rigorous in his play.
Grogu coos beneath the flower hat, but whether it's in agreement or protest you can't tell.
"He likes this one," You decide, when the little green terror before you doesn't fight as you maneuver his ears through their designated slots, "And he doesn't have to wear it if he doesn't want to."
Your fingers slip the little white button through the slot you've left in the band, and the hat is secured around Grogu's chin; the cutest little flower you ever did see.
"Oh, honey," You gush, scooping the child up and tucking him into your arms, "You wanna see your hat? C'mere, let's look."
You crouch in front of the tree stump that Din has settled on, holding Grogu up to the man's beskar chest plate. It's freshly polished, but not completely reflective, so at the right angle, Grogu catches a blurry, slightly distorted version of himself in a very pink hat.
His legs are still too small to kick in excitement, but his arms pick up the slack, flapping about while copious amounts of baby babble streams from his mouth. Evidently he's pleased with your handiwork.
Din stays silent while he offers his armor up for Grogu's viewing pleasure, but the child's hands soon find the soft strap beneath his chin and tug.
"I told you he didn't like hats..." Din murmurs, not to be cruel, but to fill empty space in the air when your shoulders deflate slightly.
"I thought he'd like it if it was softer," You hum sadly, helping Grogu take the button out of its clasp so that he can tug the hat off of his head, "I just figured he didn't like the helmet you gave him because it was uncomfortable."
As soon as you've freed Grogu from the confines of his flowery prison his hands slap against the shiny metal of Din's armor. He takes the child out of your hands but Grogu keeps his hat tightly clutched in his fist, and, with valiant effort, pushes the hat into Din's helmet, insistently cooing something that sounds suspiciously like buir.
Your giddiness returns, and you circle Din like a hawk, "Oh, you want your buir to wear it? Let's see," Amidst Din's protests you balance the too-small cap on his helmet, and he stills if only to save the hat from slipping and dying a muddy death on the ground below.
"It doesn't fit me." He grumbles, body stiff as he keeps it balanced on his head. Grogu seems pleased with his buir's new headpiece, squealing and showing off his newly-emerged teeth in a grin.
"I'll make you a matching one!" You declare, snatching the hat off of his helmet to give him the freedom of movement again, "Grogu, baby, what color should Din's be?"
"Bah!" Grogu decides, and your steps still where you're racing back towards your shelter.
"Uh... how about purple?" You suggest, and another resounding 'Bah.' is all the encouragement you need.
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beskarinhyperspace · 2 years ago
Moon Dust
I'm sorry, could you sleep closer? 
More Chapters | MASTERLIST
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3. Breathe
*Mature, Explicit, NSFW*
Din Djarin x fem.reader
Word Count:  2.8k 
Protective mando, fluff, smutt, mando is obsessed with you, voyeurism? shy/insecure Mando, Mando have angst and ptsd, he needs a hug, feelings, plot with p, soft-top Din Djarin, reader insert, no y/n, female reader, reader doesn't have a name 
A/N: Buckle up, we're getting into it.
Buzzing ears and head heavy. Your body feels like boulders. You’re trying to figure out where you are. You opened your eyes slowly, seeing everything blurry around you. You lift your arm to remove the hair from your face. As you go to touch your head, you can feel something wet at your fingertips, squinting your eyes trying to focus.  
“What do you mean you’re thinking? We have to move!”   
The man without waiting a second more, looked at a data pad and turned a key on the board.  
Dropping from Hyperspace, you see a bright sphere and the Mandalorian without hesitation, moved forward into its atmosphere. He turns his head quickly to you while pulling the wheel forward. “Hold tight!” Before turning back to press buttons on a pad. “Should be breathable. Well try to-” At the same time, a high pitch sound could be heard as if it was coming from inside your head.   
Going down full speed you couldn’t help but scream as loud as you can. Meanwhile he was pushing a lever, pulling the ship upwards trying to minimize damage. 
As you finally gained consciousness, your eyes glanced around the ship. Pieces of it torn, pulled out and some even missing. Cords hanging from the dashboard and ceiling, cracked windows and everything in between just thrown everywhere, scattered on the floor. You looked at the man, unmoving in his chair. Unbuckling yourself from your seat, you tried to get up. Losing balance as you stumbled on debris. You glanced in his direction, only seeing the back of him. “Hey, Mandalorian.. Are you okay?”  
You could hear him grunt as he lifted his hands towards his helmet, perhaps trying to anchor himself. You stayed still, looking to see if he could at least stand. As you watched him, you noticed his breathing going faster.  
You moved through the wreckage, putting a hand on his shoulder. His breathing getting heavier and sharper, he jumped from his seat. “I can’t breathe- “  
You looked at him confused as he was pacing around. Tugging at the cape attached to his neck. “I can’t breathe, I need air..” he panicked as he moved towards the door. Pushing the pad on the side of it as he got angrier. 
You followed him as he kicked the door of the ramp with his foot. Making an opening big enough for him to pass under. You went through right after him, hearing him land on the ground. When you do the same and lift your head to look up. You saw the man on his hands and knees, leaning forward on the earth beneath him, breathing quick and short. 
You’ve seen it happen with other warriors from your clan, but never thought you’d see it in a man as hard and as stoic as the Mandalorian. You moved to his right, bending lower to his level as you put once again a hand to his shoulder. “It’s okay, you’re safe, we’re safe..” Resting your hand there to reassure him.  
He slowly calmed himself down, taking deep breaths in, before turning his helmet upwards to you. You gave him a small smile from the corner of your lips. Noticing his hand from his other side going towards his hip. You moved your hand as fast as you could to your ankle and pulled out your knife, placing it directly on his neck.   
“I wouldn’t do that.” You warned him.  
In a single movement, he grabbed your wrist, squeezing which made you drop the blade. You extended your other arm to put a hand on his neck as he did the same to you. Both in each other's grip, you stayed silent. Not being able to see his face made it harder to read him.   
“Who are you? Who is your clan?” he rushed, still on edge. You tried to speak but his grip was too tight around your throat, you couldn't even breathe properly. He noticed it, loosening his fingers as he saw water coming from the redness of your eyes. “Answer me..” He still urged.  
You swallowed deep before you replied, “They’re no one to the galaxy, but everything to my family.”  
He stayed still, simply staring at you, trying to see through the lies. After a moment he finally released his hand from your neck, and you do the same. He looked at you stone cold as you took a few steps back trying to get some air back into your lungs.  
You noticed his helmet moving downwards, scanning you. As you followed his gaze, you automatically saw a trail of half dried blood on your thigh from the slit of your dress. Remaining silent, he turned around going back onto the ship.   
Puzzled, you stayed put. Looking around as you took in your new environment but there wasn't much going on. Nothing but trees and greenery going as far as the eye could see. You used to train on a planet just like it was when you were younger. Hopefully, you remember some of the skills you were taught.  
You brought your gaze back to the ship as you heard metal clanging. He had your duffle bag in one hand and a metal tin in the other. Walking towards you and stopped just a few inches away. He dropped the bag to your feet before he opened the box. Taking a spray bottle from it as he handed you the container. You grabbed it as he brought his other gloved hand to your scalp.  
“This might sting” he said softly.  
You nodded without a word. Letting him do whatever needed to be done. After a moment, you squint your eyes as you felt the burning sensation of the Bacta working inside your wound. 
“I'm sorry” he said, noticing your pain. 
You closed your eyes, shaking your head. “No, it's fine.” 
He began to move lower hesitantly as he kneeled in front of your leg. You turned your body slightly to the side so he could have better access. Letting him know it was okay. He went under the edge of the dress opening, just a little to have a better look. With light pressure, he pressed his index around the wound as you let out a clear hiss.   
Noticing your reaction, he tilted his helmet up to you, “can you give me a bacta square?” His voice came in a higher pitch. 
Looking down into the silver box, you picked one before handing it to him. You couldn't help but feel small, which truthfully, never really happens. Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t even notice when he was done. Only snapping back as he rose, handing you your bag.   
“And you?” You asked, trying desperately to sound calm.  
“I’ll go check in the fresher later. I only feel sore at the moment, almost as if I was in a ship crash.” He replied in a serious tone.  
You looked at him with a raised brow, “Was that supposed to be a joke?”  
He tilted his helmet on the side, “Could be...”  
Your brows as you turned around, going further into the woods, “I’ll go change...”  
With a hand on his hip, he watched you move away as he did the same, going back into the ship.  
Walking deeper into the forest, you dropped the bag on a boulder and began to undress yourself. Noticing bruises on your stomach and hip. It was nothing too serious, but you were definitely going to be sore in the next few days. You put on your dark carbon pants and long fitted sleeves and you can’t help but feel good in your combat clothes. You strapped your leather arm brace in place, putting your knife and blaster holsters back on as well. As you walked back towards the ship, you thought about the Mandalorian’s earlier episode and wondered if he was okay.  
While you were gone, the Mandalorian had locked himself in the fresher and removed his armor to have a better look at his injuries. There were a few scratches and bruises here and there but overall, it could’ve been worse. He wasn't hurt as much as you.  
He noticed his eyes in the mirror, appearing even more tired than the last time he had checked. As he passed his bare fingers over his cheeks, his mind was slowly drifting back to your perfect skin beneath his gloved fingers. Wishing it was bare so he could feel it. The way he to just wanted to make you feel better upon seeing your wounds. He didn't understood why he felt ashamed, almost as if he felt unworthy of wanting such things.  
He sighed, moving to the shower to see if the water was still working. It was not, but on the other hand, the sink did.  
He took his soap and a towel and began to wash himself in the sink. As he passed the bar of soap on his chest. His mind goes back to your bare neck deflecting the sun. Your low cleavage dress and how soft and creamy your breast looked in it. The gown fitting your curves perfectly, admiring the way your ass swayed in in as you walked.   
He instantly felt a twitch coming on his leg as he closed his eyes. He was trying so hard to remember yours looking straight at him while he was on his knees. His hand now grabbing his fully harden cock over the fabric. Giving it a good strong squeeze, he growled deep while thinking of your bare leg in front of him. So close yet so far from his mouth.  
He lowered his pants to let it spring free as he grabs more of the soap, lathering his hands to fully coat its length. He remembered your thighs and how he would’ve loved nothing more than to caress the inner part of them.  
I must protect her, protecting her is my job... 
He moved his fist faster while his breathing intensified, panting softly before finally leaking into his hand. He leaned over the sink while the water was still running. 
I need to put this nonsense to an end.  
“Mandalorian?” His eyes rounded at the mention of his name. He looked quickly at the door handle to make sure it was locked. He closed his eyes trying to focus, opening them back as quickly.  
He swallowed dryly before responding, “Yes, I'm in the fresher! Give me a minute–” trying to sound as normal as possible. 
All he could hear was his new favorite voice coming from a closer range. “Take your time, I'll make a fire!”  
He leaned against the sink, taking a deep breath and tried to ground himself, dropping his head back to the ceiling. “Fuck...”  
As he came down from the ship, he stared at you. Simply looking as, you gathered branches for the fire pit you made from rocks and dirt.  
Even though your dress fitted you perfectly, he thought your new outfit suited you better. Noticing your shape better since the clothes were more fitted to your body. He analyzed the blaster on your hip that he saw you use in battle. The knife that if it could tell a story, it would tell him you knew how to use as well. Your movements being calculated as if you've done them a million times.  
 "You're a fighter." He stated more than asked.  
You stopped what you were doing, now looking straight at him. He was simply standing there, thumbs in his belt.  
You moved towards the fire pit with the branches. Dropping them before turning back to face him, "Yes, I am, so are you." You pointed out to his blaster.  
He tilted his head slightly and it made you feel nervous again. You didn't know him. All you knew was that something must've happened for him to react the way he did earlier.   
He turned around towards the ship and came back with a small bag. "Here, you must be hungry." Saying, as he gave it to you. You thanked him but he was already walking away, moving deeper into the forest. You watched him pull out a dead trunk out of it. Dragging it across the ground before pulling it closer to the pit before he gestured with his hand, asking you to sit on it.  
You looked at him confused before asking him, “Are you not going to eat?"  
He paused before answering you, "I already ate when you were changing."  
You don't ask any further questions as you sit on the trunk. Watching him squat in front of the pit. Seeing the man in beskar activating a small flame from his wrist which ignited the wood before coming back to sit next to you.  
The sky was getting darker, the sun was still up but you were able to see some stars peaking. You couldn't help but stare at them as you finished your meal. Sensing eyes, you turn your head slightly to him, but he switched his gaze back to the fire, making you smile softly to yourself.  
"Do you always have your armor on? You asked, seeing him tense at question.   
He stayed still, looking in front of him as he answered you. "Most of the time, yes."   
"So, you never really go around without it? Even the helmet?" you asked innocently.   
His hands turned into loose fists, "That's correct, no one has ever seen my face since I was a child. Since, I took my creed."   
You stayed silent as he turned his helmet to face you. You simply nodded as you couldn't help but notice the hardness in his voice.   
"Where do you plan to sleep?" You asked him after a moment.   
You leaned to your bag, taking your blanket and cape out. He looked at you as you spread the blanket onto the floor before laying on it.  "Then I'll sleep here as well." Glancing at him, taking your cape to cover your frame and your bag as pillow. Both of you stayed in silence as you watched the flames, slowly falling asleep. 
You heard grunting, making you open your eyes to the dark sky full of stars. Turning your head towards the noise, you see the Mandalorian on the ground near you. His head and upper back resting on the trunk. You pushed yourself to sit up, rubbing your eyes as you tried to focus. You notice his chest rising and going down at a rather fast pace while his body looked agitated.   
He's definitely dreaming.   
"Mandalorian?" You tried to wake him but just like last time, it was in vain. 
You pulled yourself up, moving to him and start to shake him softly by gripping his shoulder. "You're dreaming, Mandalorian wake up- "   
A sharp breath escaped his lips before he jolted, taking his knife out. Making you freeze instantly while looking straight into his visor. You instinctively pushed your body back slightly at the sight of the blade pointed directly at you. He quickly noticed that you were scared and lowered it as fast as he got it out. "I'm so sorry I-I don't know..." Sensing panic and remorse in his raspy voice.   
You stayed silent, letting him come back to reality slowly. After a moment he began talking again. His hand going to his helmet "I was dreaming of my kid. I think I miss him- "   
You remained still while speaking yourself, "Isn't he with his mother? He must be safe?" You felt nervous, not knowing how to approach the subject.   
"No, I don't have a–" he looked up to you before putting his gaze back down. "My kid is not human, he's... to be honest I don't know what he is, but no, he's training with someone who can show him the way to his inner powers"   
You nodded while giving him a small and shy smile. "I understand better now. Thank you for trusting me." You say simply before using your soft voice. "You need to rest. We've had a big day. You must be exhausted." You stated, going to turn back around.   
Not wanting to let you move away from him. He grabbed your wrist, stopping you in your steps. Confused, your eyes go to his hand on you before moving it to his helmet.   
"I'm sorry, could you sleep closer?" He asked as he lets go of your hand.   
You nodded getting up to grab your stuff before coming back to lay your blanket next to him. Placing your bag in front of the trunk. Starting to cozy up again. "He's going to be fine, plus if the power you speak of is what I think it is. He's going to be more than fine." You say with your eyes already closed and facing the stars above. 
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writeriguess · 28 days ago
Heya! May i have a Mandalorian x fem!reader? She's like his mechanic or something but she's also very attached to Grogu and is very caring towards them both. Maybe they're out somewhere and are attacked and reader gets hurt protecting Grogu and Din realizes how much he cares for her?
author's note: Thank you so much for requesting <3
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A Home Among the Stars
The hiss of pressurized air filled the workshop as you carefully adjusted the hydrospanner in your hand. Your fingers danced over the controls, tightening bolts along the Razor Crest’s engine panel. Despite the old ship’s wear and tear, it had a charm that only a mechanic could appreciate—or someone who spent hours trying to keep it in the sky.
And that someone was you.
“Din,” you called out, wiping your grease-covered hands on your pants. You didn’t care about appearances when it came to your work. “When’s the last time you actually replaced the heat shielding? This thing’s held together with spit and hope.”
Din Djarin, the Mandalorian clad in his beskar armor, leaned against the entryway, arms crossed. His helmet tilted slightly, and though you couldn’t see his face, you could almost feel his sheepishness.
“It works,” he said simply, voice smooth and modulated.
You rolled your eyes, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. “Yeah, well, it won’t for long if you keep running it into blaster fire and letting Jawas ‘fix’ it with spare parts.”
A soft coo interrupted your lecture, and you glanced to the side to find Grogu perched on a crate, watching you intently. His big eyes sparkled with curiosity as his tiny hands fiddled with a stray bolt you’d left lying around.
“And you,” you said, smiling warmly as you crouched in front of him. “That’s not a toy, little guy.”
Grogu tilted his head, holding the bolt up as if in protest.
“Don’t encourage him,” Din muttered, stepping closer.
Ignoring the bounty hunter, you gently took the bolt from Grogu’s hands, replacing it with a small, smooth rock you kept in your pocket. It was something you’d found on one of your countless scavenging trips—a perfect fit for tiny hands.
“There,” you said softly, brushing your thumb over Grogu’s cheek. “Much better.”
The child made a happy sound, clutching the rock tightly. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight, your chest warming with a tenderness you hadn’t felt in years.
“You spoil him,” Din said, though his tone lacked any real bite.
You straightened, shooting him a look. “And you don’t?”
Din shrugged. “He’s—”
“Special,” you finished for him. “I know. And he deserves to be treated that way.”
For a moment, the two of you stood in silence, the hum of the ship and Grogu’s contented babbling filling the air.
“You’re good with him,” Din said eventually, his voice quieter than usual.
Your heart skipped a beat at the unexpected compliment. “He’s easy to love,” you replied, glancing at Grogu. “Both of you are.”
The words slipped out before you could stop them, and you immediately busied yourself with your tools, pretending you hadn’t just bared your soul in the middle of an engine repair.
Din didn’t respond right away, and the weight of his gaze felt almost tangible. You wondered what thoughts were running through his mind behind that expressionless helmet.
“Thank you,” he said finally, his voice softer than you’d ever heard it.
You looked up, surprised. His stance had relaxed slightly, and though you couldn’t see his face, you felt the sincerity in his words.
“Anytime,” you said, giving him a small smile.
The planet was quiet, almost too quiet, as you followed Din through the narrow, winding paths of the market. It was the kind of place that seemed like it had more shadows than people, where eyes lingered too long and conversations hushed when strangers passed. Din walked ahead, his hand resting lightly on the blaster at his hip, while Grogu cooed softly from his floating pod beside you.
“Stick close,” Din said, his voice low but firm. He didn’t turn to look at you, but you could tell from the slight tilt of his helmet that he was checking on you regardless.
“I always do,” you replied, scanning the area. The market stalls were packed with all sorts of strange goods: glowing crystals, exotic fruits, scraps of tech you couldn’t identify. Despite the eerie atmosphere, you couldn’t help but feel a flicker of curiosity.
Grogu made a delighted sound as you passed a stall selling shiny trinkets, his little hands reaching out toward the wares.
“No,” Din said immediately, his tone that of a long-suffering parent.
“Oh, come on,” you said, smiling as you reached into your pocket. “It’s just a little shiny thing. Let him have it.”
Din sighed, but he didn’t stop you as you handed over a few credits to the vendor and picked up a small metal orb. You placed it in Grogu’s hands, and his wide eyes sparkled with joy as he turned it over, inspecting it like it was the most fascinating thing he’d ever seen.
“You’re going to spoil him rotten,” Din muttered.
“That’s the goal,” you shot back, grinning.
The Mandalorian shook his head, but you could see the faintest tilt of his helmet that suggested amusement.
The moment of levity didn’t last long. A sharp noise—a blaster bolt cutting through the air—shattered the peace of the market. Din moved before you even processed what was happening, his blaster drawn and his body positioned protectively in front of you and Grogu.
“Get to cover,” he barked, his voice tense.
You didn’t argue. Scooping Grogu’s pod closer to you, you ducked behind a stack of crates, your heart pounding in your chest.
The attackers came into view a moment later—three figures clad in mismatched armor, their weapons raised. You didn’t recognize them, but their intent was clear.
“Hand over the kid,” one of them growled, his voice distorted by a crude helmet.
“Not happening,” Din replied coldly.
Blaster fire erupted, the sound deafening in the confined space. Din moved with precision, returning fire and taking down one of the attackers in seconds. But the others were quick, flanking him and forcing him to retreat closer to your position.
Your hands trembled as you reached for the small blaster Din had insisted you carry. You weren’t a fighter, not like him, but you weren’t about to sit idly by while he and Grogu were in danger.
Grogu whimpered, clutching the shiny orb you’d given him, and your resolve hardened. You shifted to shield his pod with your body, your eyes scanning for an opening.
One of the attackers broke away, heading straight for you.
“Din!” you shouted, but he was too occupied with the other assailant to intervene.
You didn’t think. You didn’t have time to. As the attacker raised his weapon, you lunged forward, firing your blaster. The shot went wide, but it was enough to throw him off. He snarled, swinging his rifle like a club. The impact caught you in the side, and pain exploded through your ribs as you hit the ground hard.
“Stay away from him!” you gasped, struggling to your feet.
The attacker ignored you, his focus locked on Grogu. Adrenaline surged through you, overriding the pain, and you threw yourself between them just as he raised his rifle again. The butt of the weapon struck your shoulder, sending you sprawling.
“Hey!” Din’s voice cut through the chaos, sharp and furious.
Before the attacker could land another blow, Din was there. His blaster fired point-blank, dropping the man instantly.
The last assailant, realizing he was outmatched, fled, leaving the market eerily quiet once more.
Din turned to you, his helmet tilting as he took in your crumpled form.
“You’re hurt,” he said, his voice tight.
“I’m fine,” you lied, wincing as you tried to sit up.
“You’re not fine.” He was already kneeling beside you, his gloved hands hovering uncertainly before settling on your arm. “Why didn’t you stay behind cover?”
You glanced at Grogu, who was peering out of his pod with a worried expression. “I couldn’t let them hurt him,” you said simply.
Din was silent for a moment, his grip on your arm tightening slightly. Then, without a word, he scooped you up, carrying you as if you weighed nothing.
“Quiet,” he interrupted, his voice softer now but still firm. “We’re leaving.”
Grogu’s pod floated along beside him as he carried you back toward the Razor Crest, his stride purposeful.
Back on the ship, Din set you down carefully on the small cot in the corner of the hull. He moved with an efficiency that spoke of experience, pulling out a medkit and sitting beside you.
“Let me see,” he said, gesturing to your side.
“I told you, I’m fine—”
“Let me see,” he repeated, his tone leaving no room for argument.
You sighed, relenting as you pulled up your shirt to reveal the bruises blooming across your ribs. Din’s hands stilled for a moment before he reached out, his touch surprisingly gentle as he examined the injury.
“You’re reckless,” he said quietly, though there was no anger in his voice—only something softer, something you couldn’t quite name.
“You’re one to talk,” you muttered, earning a faint huff of amusement from him.
His gloved fingers lingered on your skin for a moment longer than necessary before he pulled away, reaching for a bacta patch. As he applied it, you noticed how careful he was, as if he was afraid of hurting you.
“Why would you do that?” he asked suddenly, his voice low.
You blinked, caught off guard by the question. “Do what?”
“Put yourself in danger like that.”
You hesitated, searching for the right words. “Because I care about him. About both of you.”
Din stilled, his helmet tilted down toward you. You couldn’t see his face, but you felt the intensity of his gaze all the same.
“You didn’t have to,” he said, his voice almost a whisper.
“I did,” you said softly. “I’d do it again if I had to.”
For a long moment, neither of you spoke. Then, slowly, Din reached up and rested his gloved hand on top of yours.
“Thank you,” he said, his voice filled with a depth of emotion you hadn’t heard before.
Later, you sat on the cot in the hull, your back pressed against the cool metal wall, a blanket wrapped loosely around your shoulders. The dull ache in your ribs had subsided slightly thanks to the bacta patch Din applied earlier, but the events of the day lingered like a storm cloud in your mind.
Grogu sat beside you on the cot, cooing softly as he fiddled with the shiny orb you'd given him earlier. Every now and then, he glanced up at you, his wide, soulful eyes filled with concern. You stroked the soft fuzz on his head absentmindedly, letting his quiet presence soothe you.
The sound of heavy footsteps broke your reverie. Din emerged from the cockpit, his armor catching the dim light as he made his way toward you. He stopped a few paces away, his helmet tilted slightly downward, as if he were unsure how to approach.
“You should be resting,” he said, his voice quieter than usual.
“I’m fine,” you replied, though you knew the strain in your voice betrayed you.
“You’re not,” he said, taking another step closer. He gestured to the bruises on your side. “That’s going to take time to heal. You should stay off your feet for a while.”
“And what about you?” you countered, raising an eyebrow. “When’s the last time you rested?”
He didn’t answer, his helmet tilting slightly as if to avoid your gaze.
“Exactly,” you said, shaking your head. “Don’t lecture me about rest when you’re just as bad at it.”
Din sighed, the sound soft but unmistakable. He stepped closer, lowering himself onto the bench across from you. For a moment, the two of you sat in silence, the hum of the ship filling the space between you.
“Why did you do it?” he asked suddenly, breaking the quiet. His voice was steady, but there was something beneath it—something raw.
“Do what?” you asked, though you already knew the answer.
“Put yourself in danger for him. For us.”
You glanced down at Grogu, who was now chewing on the edge of the blanket draped over your lap. “Because I care,” you said simply, your voice barely above a whisper.
Din didn’t respond right away. Instead, he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. His helmet was angled toward the floor, but you could feel the weight of his gaze even if you couldn’t see his eyes.
“I’ve seen people do reckless things for credits, for revenge, for power,” he said slowly. “But you… You didn’t hesitate. You didn’t even think about yourself.”
“I thought about Grogu,” you said, your tone firmer now. “And about you. I couldn’t just sit back and let something happen to either of you.”
His shoulders stiffened slightly, and you wondered if you’d said too much. But then he spoke again, his voice softer this time.
“You could’ve been killed.”
“I know.”
“And you’d do it again.”
It wasn’t a question, but you nodded anyway. “I would.”
Din leaned back against the wall, his gloved hands resting on his thighs. He stayed silent for a long moment, the tension in the air thick enough to cut.
“You shouldn’t have to,” he said finally, his voice barely audible.
You frowned, tilting your head to the side. “What do you mean?”
“It’s my job to protect him,” he said, his tone almost bitter. “And you. I should’ve been faster, better. You shouldn’t have had to step in.”
The guilt in his voice was palpable, and it twisted something in your chest. You leaned forward, reaching out to rest a hand on his arm.
“Din, you can’t be everywhere at once,” you said gently. “You did everything you could. You always do.”
He didn’t pull away from your touch, but his posture remained rigid. “It’s not enough,” he murmured.
“It is,” you insisted. “And even if it wasn’t, we’re a team, aren’t we? You don’t have to do everything on your own.”
He finally turned his helmet toward you, the reflective surface catching the faint light of the hull. “A team,” he repeated, as if testing the word.
“Yes,” you said firmly. “And a team watches out for each other. That’s what I was doing. Watching out for you and Grogu.”
Grogu chose that moment to coo softly, reaching out with his tiny hands to touch Din’s armored knee. The gesture seemed to break through some of the tension, and Din let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head.
“You spoil him,” he said, though his tone lacked any real admonishment.
“Someone has to,” you replied with a grin.
Din fell quiet again, but this time the silence felt different—less heavy, more contemplative. He reached out, gently brushing his gloved fingers over Grogu’s ear, eliciting a delighted squeal from the child.
“He cares about you,” Din said, his voice warm. “More than I’ve seen him care about anyone else.”
You felt a lump form in your throat, and you swallowed hard before answering. “I care about him, too. And you.”
The words hung in the air between you, heavier than you intended. Din’s helmet tilted slightly, as if he were studying you, and your heart raced under his scrutiny.
“I know,” he said finally, his voice quiet but certain.
You blinked, unsure how to respond. Before you could say anything, Din rose to his feet, his movements fluid and deliberate. He reached out, resting a hand on your shoulder—a brief, almost hesitant gesture, but one that sent warmth spreading through you.
“Get some rest,” he said, his voice soft. “I’ll take first watch.”
“Please,” he added, cutting you off.
The word caught you off guard. You nodded slowly, leaning back against the cot as Grogu snuggled closer to your side. Din lingered for a moment longer before turning and walking back toward the cockpit, his steps heavy but purposeful.
As the door hissed shut behind him, you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding. Grogu made a soft, contented sound, and you stroked his head absently, your thoughts spinning.
Din’s words echoed in your mind, mingling with the unspoken emotions you’d seen in his actions. There was something there—something deeper than duty, something neither of you were ready to name.
For now, you let it be.
Feel free to request <3
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scrambledslut · 2 years ago
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makes me so eepy
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bits-and-babs · 2 years ago
I imagine Mando is a virgin, do to his cult/religion.
What if fem/afab reader is Mando's partner on something and Din finds himself staring at their ass, their face, anything.
Reader notices and decides to lead Din through his first time?
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» PAIRING : The Mandalorian x F!Reader
» CONTENTS : exhibitionism, masturbation, p in v sex, unprotected sex (I can hear you all screaming from here, I KNOW), cute, shy Mando. 18+ you N A S T I E S.
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It’s so fucking quiet on the Razor Crest.
The Mandalorian had been suspiciously silent for the majority of your trip to Theed— made even worse by the knowledge that it was such a long journey. He had spent most of his time in the cockpit of the ship, pretending to be preoccupied with the coordinates that he hadn’t changed since setting off.
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You didn’t think anything of it at first. The long drags of The Mandalorian's eyes that you could feel pull across your form, settling on your ass like a tractor beam had them glued to you. Of course, you’d just explained it away with exhaustion. For a moment, you even considered that you’d been afflicted with Hyper-Rapture, imagining things that weren’t there, inventing the gaze you felt skirting over your form.
No, you don’t think anything of it at all. Not until you walk into the cockpit of the Razor Crest one evening to find The Mandalorian thrusting into his palm and quietly whimpering out your name.
Mando hadn’t seen you, spilling into his palm and wheezing as though he’d been shot by a blaster in the side. His cum had run down the knuckles of his fingers, the two-tone gloves he consistently wore hanging off the controls.
Stars, you couldn’t shake the image from your minds-eye, nor could you ignore the echo of your whimpered name when you close your eyes at night.
It’s late. Mando has managed to settle the rambunctious Child into his cot, gently laying him amongst the blankets and closing the lid. It hisses softly, the mechanics locking with a quiet ‘click’.
You can hear his boots clang across the durasteel flooring, each footstep pronounced. Heat swallows your face as you stare at the Aurebesh lettering in your book, the lines all blurring into one when you feel him approach you.
Your name rings in your ears.
“He’s asleep,” Mando speaks softly, his husky tone soothing in its quiet volume. Looking up at him through your lashes, you carefully close the book you had pretended to preoccupy yourself with. Mando’s visor stares down at you blankly, an immovable object that makes your hands shake when you reach for him.
“… That’s perfect,” you whisper, voice cracking slightly when your palms touch the flight suit beneath the lip of his breastplate. You can feel his body flinch, his hip bones soft beneath the canvas.
“H-Hey,” he says cautiously, shocked by the sudden contact. You rub gentle circles with your thumb, chewing on the inside of your cheek in an attempt to ease your thumping heart.
“I heard you,” you break it to him gently, watching his body stiffen at your admission, “Why did you hide it from me?”
Mando doesn’t respond, your touch having stolen the breath from his lungs. He shudders, his cock hard already beneath the fabric of his suit. You see it twitch, responsive to your light touch.
You smile to yourself, careful as you unclip his utility belt.
“I can give you what you want?”
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You insist upon fucking him in the pilot seat. Mando implores you to allow him to keep his armour on. Of course, you concede. This is outside of his comfort zone; he would want to cling to what makes him comfortable.
Straddling his lap, you feel the sting of cold from his tassets bite into the naked flesh of your thighs. The head of his cock rests against your clit, and your muscles buzz with a mixture of arousal and anticipation. You’re drunk on it, high on it.
“I haven’t-“ Mando speaks, his voice catching in his throat when you dip his cock through your soaking folds. It’s like he short circuits, choking on a thick syllable.
“Mhm?” You hum softly. You’ve taken control, your experience making it easier for Mando to relax into you. He leans forward, pressing the cold Beskar of his helmet against your collarbone.
“I haven’t… Done this,” he admits to you, his tone reserved- shy. Mando’s breath hitches in his chest when you settle the head of his cock against your entrance. He sinks inside you ever so slightly, a groan rattling his lungs at the promise of tight, wet heat.
“I know,” you whisper softly, easing down onto his length as you soothe him. Mando’s back arches against the leather of the pilot seat, a choked moan of your name escaping him— not unlike the ones you heard when you caught him fucking his hand.
You don’t move, your walls fluttering around the stretch of him in your cunt. Mando is choking back curses, his hands gripping the curve of your ass and burying his fingertips into the soft flesh there.
“Oh, fu-ughh- so tight-'' he rambles, pitchy in tone as you bury him to the hilt. He’s touching the deepest parts of you, so thick and long that you’re sure you can feel him settle amongst your lungs.
It’s immediately apparent that Mando won’t last long. His thighs are trembling, cock twitching inside you despite your lack of movement. You don’t mind. This isn’t about you.
“Does it feel good?” You check in with him, smoothing your palms down the reflective surface of his breastplate. Your body heat is so high that the chilled metal clouds with condensation the moment your skin rests against it.
“So fucking tight- Maker-“ he gasps in response to you squeezing around him. “I’m-I’m gonna cum-“
Delicately, you lean your head down to press a kiss to the slither of skin exposed between the neckline of his flight suit and his helmet. You follow it up with a long, slow drag of your tongue.
Mando cums with a haggard groan, his whole body shuddering with the intensity of it. His head drops back against the headrest of the seat, chest heaving as he sucks in laboured breaths. Your flesh aches slightly from the tight grip he holds.
It makes you smile, because you’re sure he sees them dancing behind his eyelids.
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kyberblade · 2 years ago
I Can Help With That (Din x Reader) - A Back To You Drabble
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A/N: This is part of my Phantom 1k Celebration. It’s a combination of three requests, which can be found here, here, and here. It takes place after Part 19 of Back To You, sometime after they get Grogu back in TBoBF, and is the closest thing to smut I’ve really written. (Thanks a lot, you know who you are.) It’s really actually just spice and domestic intimacy more than anything with an implied fade to black, but…. So I’m just gonna drop this here and run. 😬 Have a nice day! (There will be a few more, less spicy, here.)
I do not own Star Wars or it’s characters. Sadly. But I carry them in my heart. Does that count for something? My soul says yes.
Summary: After a messy bounty leaves your clan of three staying overnight in a dingy room on Daiyu, feelings come bubbling up that have been otherwise too scared to see the light of day.
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, Grogu being the cutest thing you ever did see, and Din is once again a warning in and of himself in this one. Swearing. Space swearing. Arguing? Spoilers? (But if you’re here, you know how this works.) Lots of angst. Tears. Brief mention of injury. Reader is having a Tough Time™️ mentally, but it’s discussed and processed. As mentioned above, some spice and alluded to Fun Times. (They are in the shower together, per the request, so nudity? But it’s not discussed? Not really?) Helmetless Din. What? Who said that?
Word count: 4,913
Thank you to @fordo-kixed-rex for reading this over a bazillion times and not strangling me when I stressed over five words not being exactly what I wanted.
(Tagging @grippingbeskar and @darkroastjoel, these are yours.)
It hadn’t taken long for you to find out that Din enjoyed lingering touches.
He always found an excuse for his hand to be on your lower back, guiding you through crowded markets, wooded planets; curling around your waist and holding you tight to his side to keep you warm when the temperature dropped lower.
His fingers found their practiced patterns quickly, tracing laps around your upper arm, your hip. Racing up and down your forearm until goosebumps rose along every surface he’d dared to trace.
He wasn’t satisfied until you’d shudder from the lightest touches, groan into his cowl as his fingers kneaded into a sore muscle in your neck, or your breath would hitch as his hand closed around your own. 
Though the Crest was small, he made it smaller still, crowding into your space whenever he deemed you had too much of it. 
Whenever you worked on a panel, digging through wires, you’d feel him hovering just behind you, a breath away from sealing his chest along your spine.
If you laid on the floor to work in the cramped space under the console, a mess of wires hanging in your face, you’d sense his presence looming near your feet, the toes of his boots resting against the heels of your own.
Sometimes when you’d tucked the kid in at night, watching his eyes droop more and more slowly as you gently rocked his hammock back and forth, humming a soft tune, you’d feel the temperature of the hull rise as his shadow crossed over you soundlessly, cutting out the little light the Crest had to offer. A smirk would twist its way up your face as you felt him hovering nearer.
Tonight was one of those nights.
So it was no surprise when he let out a hum of amusement as you turned into his chest after closing the door to the cot and a sleeping Grogu.
You both played the game, still, like this wasn’t the easiest thing either of you had ever fallen into. Still tiptoeing around the other as if nothing had been said, no secrets had been shared, no Creeds broken. That last thought sobered you up every time it crossed your mind, making your breath catch in your chest.
Pushing away thoughts of Creeds and Mandalore, you grinned up at him, resting your chin against his chest plate to keep your gaze steady. 
“What’s this?” He mumbled as your arms circled around his back, disengaging his jet pack.
“Love and affection.” The pack swung your arm down, pulling an oomph out of you. Setting it down to the side with a thump, you smirked up at him, circling your arms back around his waist slowly, chin once again perched on his beskar. “Deal with it.”
“Mesh’la, you don’t want to do that….” He groaned, melting into your embrace, but also trying to lean back at the same time.
You hummed, face scrunched in mock displeasure. “You should know by now you shouldn’t tell me what to do. It doesn’t work….”
Din snorted. “No, mesh’la, I mean….” He extricated himself from your grip, delicately pushing your arms away as he pulled the rest of his body back with a small twisting maneuver. “I need to shower. That last bounty wasn’t a, er….” He hesitated, his voice going tight. “A clean kill.”
Narrowing your brows at him, you lifted your eyes to study him from head to toe, finding no trace of anything on his beskar. “You don’t look dirty.” Closing the distance once again with a single step forward, you lifted his arms up to peer under them as if that would reveal the dirt and grime in question, bending forward slightly to get a better look. Next was his cape. You tilted to the side dramatically to see underneath.
He snapped it out of your hands, spinning out of your hold and took several steps away before turning to face you again. “You wouldn’t see anything. The blood is bioluminescent. You’d need to kick on the-”
“Oh! The special work lights, yeah.” You were already moving toward the ladder up to the cockpit. “They are in my tool box, I’ll go get the-”
“No!” You stopped at his abrupt protest, one hand on a ladder rung by your head, one foot already about to push up a rung, but it slipped off with a soft thunk when you turned to look at him with raised brows. “No,” he offered again, this time softer. “You’re not gonna want to do that.” His voice lowered. “Trust me.”
You hesitated. Despite him trying to keep away, you took a step closer, brows knit together in confusion. “Why?”
He shifted his weight from side to side, voice tight in apprehension. “‘Cause now it’s on you, too.”
Holding your arms out to the sides, slowly, you looked down at your body that looked the same as it did five minutes ago, only now, it felt like you were caked in filth. Looking back up into his visor, you ignored his hands held up to try and placate you, voice raising with each word. “You could have warned me!”
“I tried!” Din almost whined, exasperated, taking a step back to maintain the distance he had tried to create. “I really did,” he added softly.
Eyes fluttering shut, you took a deep breath before letting it out through your nose. Your voice had lowered back to something closer to normal when you spoke again; hands gesturing smally, still out at your sides as you did. “Let’s just go to the room and get a shower. You go first, leave your armor outside the fresher door and I’ll clean it while you’re in there-”
“We don’t need to go all the way back to the room. I can use the sink here on the ship-” Din stopped short when your eyes flew open, landing on him with a hard stare. He sighed, the sound resigned. “Let’s get going, then. It’s at least half a mile to get there….”
You nodded, small smirk working its way up one side of your face. “Thank you.” After you began to gather a few things, you mused to him proudly, “Aren’t you glad I convinced you to get a room?” He grunted, making you scoff softly and roll your eyes before turning back to the satchel you were packing. “I mean, it’s not every day we’re on….” Your hand froze midway into the bag, the other clutching the strap of it tightly. Keeping your eyes on the bag, you didn’t dare to lift them back up as you studied its weave hoping it held your answers.
With a sigh, you lifted your head and shut your eyes briefly before cutting your gaze Din’s way, making sure to narrow your eyes preemptively. 
He slowly swiveled his visor up to level you with a look. “You don’t even know where we are?” His tone was incredulous. One hip popped out to the side, his head tilting to the side as he stared at you. 
“I know,” you defended, inclining your chin to peer down your nose at him before turning your attention back to the bag.
Arms crossed over his chest, he stood up straight, keeping the glare of his visor squarely on you. “You should. You picked it out.”
Making your way over to the bunk, satchel across your chest, you jumped in to correct him. “No, technically the bounty did.” You hesitated. “I only picked the puck. Which was all you. You said I was lucky or something. So this is technically on you.”
Tossing his head with a groan, Din turned away from you, grabbing the essentials while you grabbed the kid.
Din spun around to see the kid blinking bleary eyes up at you as you looked down at him apologetically, one finger held up beside your head for emphasis.
Lifting your eyes back up to meet the T of Din’s visor, you shrugged one shoulder sheepishly, mumbling. “Daiyu, I remembered.”
Once you got into the room, the kid had promptly fallen back asleep, allowing you to seal him safely away in his floating cradle for the night.
Turning to face Din, hands on your hips, you watched him set the bags of supplies down on a small table in the corner. “Want any help taking the armor off?”
“No, I’ll manage,” he spoke softly, not looking up at you once. His gaze stayed down toward the table, his visor angled toward the smooth surface. With a quiet groan, he walked to the other side of the room and began removing the armor piece by piece. It collected against the wall beside the fresher door in a small pile, a soft thunk with each new piece as the tower of beskar grew.
You watched in silence from across the room, sorting mindlessly through the bag of rations. He moved so stiffly once he began to set the armor down, his movements stilted and slow, like every breath was an effort. Din twisted to the side, puffing up his chest to try and keep it from you, but you noticed. The quarry must have gotten him somehow. The closer you looked, the more you saw; he had a slight hitch in his step and favored his left side more than his right, bracing on the door frame as he passed through to start the water in the shower.
Since he’d removed his helmet for Grogu and you’d seen his face, he’d been a lot less careful about taking it off in front of you. He still kept it on most of the time, it was after all what he was used to, and you didn’t mind that at all. But the few times he removed it, like right now, you found your eyes straying away from his face, unable to look without an obvious invitation. It still felt like something forbidden.
That’s why when his bare forehead pressed against yours, it caught you off guard and made you jump.
He chuckled. “Sorry.” In nothing but his flight suit, sleeves pushed up his forearms, he crowded into your space like he always did, bringing his right hand up to cup your cheek. His left arm wound around your waist to pull you tight, as his breath fanned across your face.
“No, you’re not.”
“No, I’m not,” he agreed, words overlapping your own eagerly as he shook his head against yours, his nose brushing against your own. The smile pulling up the side of his face was contagious, and it tugged up your cheek under the soft ministrations of his thumb.
You expected him to back you into a wall like he usually did, but the two of you stood quietly in the middle of the room, simply being. It was nice to have a moment to just breathe.
Your arms made their way up to wrap around his neck, nearly all the way around when he hissed, sucking air in through his teeth as he flinched away from you. Cradling both cheeks in your hands, you held his face firmly as your eyes scanned over every part of him you could see for any obvious injury.
“Din? What is it? What hurts?”
His eyes stayed downcast, almost in shame, his chin tucked down toward his chest.
“Nothing,” he mumbled. You’d grown used to his unmodulated voice recently, but you weren’t used to this tone. Dejected. Broken. Subdued.
You simply blinked a few times, scanning his face for any sign of what was wrong, besides the obvious, while he leaned to his left just slightly, enough that you noticed. “Din…. What?”
“Nothing, it’s nothing.” He cleared his throat, bringing his hands up to thread his fingers through yours and lift them off his face. He gave you a gentle squeeze before he let go. His movements were soft and kind, but left no room for question.
Eyes never pulling up from the floor, Din rubbed the back of his neck in something that looked like nerves, then turned toward the fresher, disappearing behind the door as it hissed shut behind him.
You waited a few minutes before you followed him, the soft drone of running water filling the room with a constant hum. Leaving your vambraces with his pile of armor by the fresher door, you smiled softly as you surveyed the large pile of beskar. We’ll clean them in the morning.
After you made sure the room was secure, the kid tucked away in his cradle fast asleep, you stripped down the rest of the way, before wrapping yourself in a towel provided by the room. The fresher door opened with a wave of your hand, a wall of steam curling out like you’d relieved some sort of exhaust pressure. 
Walking silently into the room like Din had taught you, you closed the door behind you with a wave of your hand, the unseen force causing the steam to swirl in fascinating tendrils in the process.
Your Mandalorian was tucked away in the shower, his back to you, oblivious to your presence as you watched him, studying him from head to toe with more than just your eyes to make sure he was okay. You reached out through the Force to try and read him, something he always made so easy for you, he was an open book, but right now, he was closed off. 
Furrowing your brow, you set your towel off to the side and walked closer toward the shower stall.
Din was leaning on his hands against the wall, his silhouette behind the glass dividing the shower from the rest of the room obscured from the steam already billowing around the edges.
His breathing looked labored, every breath an effort as he stood deep in thought.
He obviously hadn’t wanted you to see him like this. Battered, probably bruised. You knew it all amounted to one thing in his eyes. He felt broken.
Stepping under the spray, you blinked twice as stray droplets hit your lashes.
Din was so distracted he still didn’t even know you were here, leaning forward against the opposite wall of the shower, hands braced against the cool wall, head hung low between rounded shoulders.
Reaching out slowly, you lightly traced your fingertips up his left side, pausing when he went stiff. “It’s just me,” you muttered quietly, your right hand coming up to race against your left along his ribs. 
Spreading your fingers out so your whole hand could dance along his skin, gliding along with the water droplets cascading down his sides, you pressed more firmly into him, stepping closer.
In the dim light of the shower stall you could see bruises blooming along his rib cage, contrasting brilliantly under your fingertips and against his warm skin tone.
“These are new.” Keeping your voice quiet, you let your eyes find the rest without your hands having to trace their paths.
He only grunted in acknowledgment.
“I can help with that, you know.”
“No,” he said instantly. After shifting his weight back and forth for a moment, he turned his head just slightly to look at you over his shoulder before looking back forward, and lowered his voice. “No.” Din shook his head for emphasis, his fingers flexing against the wall.
Resting your chin against his spine, careful to avoid the bruises, you wrapped your arms around to rest on his chest, bending over to drape yourself over him like a blanket. “How come?”
“That always tires you out so much.” His hands flexed again. “Plus….”
After waiting for him to go on, you pushed gently. “Yeah?”
“Plus…. When you do too much of that stuff…. Sometimes it…. Changes you….”
“How so?”
He took a deep breath, pushing off the wall to stand up straighter, unable to straighten all the way as one of the bruises pulled his spine forward slightly. You kept your arms around him, your body pressed tightly to his as you felt his heartbeat pick up under your palm.
Closing your eyes, you reached out through the Force, offering him some of your light to mend his darkness, the battered and broken skin along his sides mending back to a warm shade of health. 
His pulse rose even more under your fingers, and he sighed in frustration. “Mesh’la….”
“What’s one more time,” you mumbled into his shoulder blade, tucking your face into his spine whether to hide away or simply because it made you feel safer, you didn’t know. “I don’t like seeing you hurt, Din. I’m not going to break from healing the ones I love.” You turned so just your forehead was resting against his back. “At least I don’t think.” Your voice was barely a whisper.
Din only nodded after a moment. He understood. He didn’t like it, but he understood. Another sigh passed his lips as he brought one hand up to pat yours over his heart lightly, pulling it up to kiss your palm before placing it back on his chest. Then he put his hand back on the wall in front of him. Almost like a reflex. You were there, so he had to reach out and touch you somehow. It made the corner of your mouth quirk up if only for a second before it fell once again.
A long moment of silence stretched between you two until you finally ventured again, “You never explained. How? What is it that changes in me?”
Din kept staring at the wall in front of him, his voice echoing off the shower stall when he finally spoke again, but barely loud enough to be heard over the quiet drone of the running water.
“Sometimes…. Sometimes there’s a darkness to you. I don’t think you’re aware of it, it’s definitely not a conscious decision, but this…. Thing takes over, and your eyes…. They look cold.”
“When?” Your hands moved back to his rib cage. “When was the last time you saw it?”
“With Gideon. At first I thought it was just some sort of fierce protectiveness. But when you held your saber at his throat, I could feel it.” His hands came up over yours and squeezed softly, pulling them back around his chest to place them over his heart again. “The room shifted. You went somewhere dark.”
Resting your forehead against his shoulder blade, you took a deep, shuddering breath, before bringing your mouth to simply rest against his skin. Breathing as slowly as you could through your nose, your eyes screwed tightly shut, you focused on the things around you.
The smell of the soap from the room. The smell that was undeniably him that no amount of scrubbing could remove. The heat from the water. The warmth of his hold on your hands. The comfort of his body pressed into yours.
“Mesh’la?” He asked quietly after a moment, gently squeezing your hands still held in his. 
“I’m fine,” you whispered. “That’s…. It’s…. I’m not….” Your breath caught in your throat, another sharp inhale coming to a sudden stop making your eyes screw even more tightly shut. You couldn’t tell if it was from the shower or if you were crying, but droplets were cascading down your cheeks.
Din wasted no time, turning in your hold and gently pressing you into the wall, his forehead resting against yours as your spine sealed against the cold tile, making you gasp. 
“I’m sorry,” you finally managed on a broken whisper.
“That’s not-”
“No, it is,” you cut him off, opening your eyes to stare blankly forward, catching a glimpse of his facial hair but not daring to look any higher. Not brave enough to see what you’d find there. “It means I am not in as much control as I thought. And…. That’s not safe. For any of us. I need to do better.”
“Then I’ll help you,” Din mumbled, leaning further into you, his arms circling around your waist to pull you tighter as he simultaneously pressed you further into the cold tile wall. It was a sharp contrast, his warm skin at your front, the cold wall at your back, and somewhere in the middle the warm water of the shower melding it all together in a sea of steam. It was hard to tell where he ended and you began. Every bit of him a part of every bit of you. “We both will.”
“No, Din. No.” You shook your head, rocking it back and forth against the wall, only stopping when Din pressed his forehead more firmly into yours. Swallowing roughly, you let your eyes close tightly once again. “That’s not…. It’s not the kid’s place. Or yours.” Swallowing again to try and keep the emotions down and away from your steadily wobbling voice, you sniffled before going on. “This is something I need to do on my own.”
“Dank farrik, mesh’la!” Din hissed, one hand leaving your waist to hit the wall beside your head in frustration, making you jump. You shushed him, shaking your head slightly as he mumbled gentle apologies, his hand coming back to snake around your waist where it belonged. “Don’t you see? That’s why this is a problem!”
Opening your eyes, you still hadn’t quite found the strength to look up, but you did it anyway, deciding you’d rather just see whatever was waiting for you and face it straight on than let it torment you in the back of your mind from quiet shadows.
Warm brown eyes were waiting for you, relief washing over them as they crinkled at the sides from the tentative smile crawling up his face.
No judgment, no disappointment, no fear, only something that resembled hope as they traced the lines of your face in search of something you weren’t quite sure.
“That’s why,” he reiterated, arms squeezing you gently for emphasis. “You’ve been trying to do all of this alone, and you can’t.”
Your eyes fell down to his chest and you sighed, pulling your head away from his and leaning away slightly. “Din-”
“I’m not saying you can’t, I’m saying it can’t.” Lifting your eyes back up to his, you found him tilting his head slightly to try and catch your gaze again. He smirked slightly when he did. “This is something that’s meant to be shared. From what I’ve seen, Jedi aren’t solitary creatures. At least they aren’t supposed to be. The ones that are left have adapted after years of training.”
You couldn’t help the grin that was working its way up your face. “A Mandalorian and a Jedi…. What could go wrong?”
“You're forgetting the fifty year old Jedi baby.”
“Ah yes, and the fifty year old Jedi baby,” you chuckled.
“And the answer is, I’m sure, absolutely everything.” You huffed, rolling your eyes as he reached for the shampoo. “But until then, we’re still covered in bioluminescent blood, so….” Squeezing some of the liquid onto his palm, he pulled your hand from where it rested on his waist to in between you and put some in your waiting palm as well. “….for now, I’ll help you if you’ll help me?”
You hummed in amusement. “Oh, poor Mandalorian. I think I finally found the one thing your armor can’t do.”
“Nah.” He shook his head, scrunching his face up. “I’m sure I could find a way to figure it out. It’s just….” He groaned as your fingers started to massage the shampoo into his damp hair, making your grin grow.
“It’s just….” You repeated, teasingly.
“You do it so much better,” he finished on a sigh, his forehead coming to rest on your shoulder with a thump, giving you easier access to continue working it into his curls.
“What about me? I thought this was a you help me if I help you thing? You even have shampoo in your ha-” You’re cut short when his hand comes up and plops the glob of soap on your hair, making your jaw drop. 
“I’ll do it after. There’s a whole bottle. Just…. Please?” He was almost whining by the end, leaning further into you. His head turned so his lips were pressed into the crook of your neck. “Please, please, please….”
Suddenly you felt him drifting, the scruff of his facial hair prickling the skin near your clavicle as he chased it with soft kisses. Working his way across toward your other shoulder, your fingers stalled in his hair as you sighed.
“If you keep doing that, I’m not gonna be able to keep going.”
Din hummed into the crook of your neck, the vibrations tickling the skin as he began his climb upward toward your ear. His words were mumbled into your skin, causing goosebumps to spring up all over despite the still hot water. “Won’t be able to keep doing what?”
“This,” you said through gritted teeth, tugging on his hair to pull him away from your neck and send him a playful glare.
Din smirked as he leaned further back into the spray of the shower to rinse the suds from his hair, shaking his head and tossing droplets everywhere before he was back at your side. You could feel his lips turning up into a smile as they brushed against the shell of your ear, his nose tucked into your hair. “Then don’t.”
His unmodulated voice was something you’d never quite get used to, no matter what you told yourself, particularly so close to you and so quiet.
“Turn around,” he murmured, his hands smoothing down your sides to land on your hips. Gently applying pressure to reorient you with your back to him, he nudged you under the spray of the shower.
“This better be the part when you wash my hair, Tin Can,” you teased playfully.
“We’re getting there,” he rumbled quietly. “But first….” His hands left your hips, his body following after them, and despite the warmth of the water, you found yourself already missing the heat that always radiated off of him in waves.
You began to realize all the times you leaned into his quiet touches, while you told yourself it was just to appease him, to speak his language, it was every bit for yourself as well. It made you feel safe. Every time his arms silently wound around you, he lingered at your back, hovered at your side, or you felt his eyes quietly watching from across the room…. It was the safety you’d never felt anywhere else that you craved. 
The warmth that encased you, that trailed over your skin with just a look, a brush of a hand in passing. You craved it. He was your addiction. And you were longing for a hit.
Taking a step back toward him in search of his warmth, you only made it half a stride before bumping into him, both of you chuckling as his hands came out to steady you on your upper arms.
“Can I help you?” He drawled.
“Uh,” you eloquently said, staring straight forward as you searched for the words, any words. “Was just looking for the soap.”
Din chuckled knowingly. “I’ve got it, mesh’la.” He dropped his chin down to rest on your shoulder. “But you knew that.”
Tilting your head back to look down your nose at the wall of the shower in front of you, you huffed. “I can neither confirm nor deny.”
The Mandalorian turned his face down into your skin, circling his arms around your waist to hold you close. As he peppered gentle kisses across your left shoulder blade, he offered a compromise between each one. “Well. You know…. The kid’s gonna wake up soon. And I already used the soap. Haven’t rinsed it off yet. We could…. Share.”
The slide of his skin against yours sent a shiver down your spine, his huff of amusement next to your ear making you grin. 
“We should do this more often.”
You groaned as his fingers began to massage shampoo into your hair.
“You won’t hear me complaining,” his voice was soft, tucked into your neck as he massaged the soap into your roots.
“That means getting a room more often,” you mused, leaning further back into him, your grin of amusement growing at his grumble of annoyance. “Less bumbling around the Crest, camping on backwater planets, hiding out on-”
“If I told you,” he cut in, his voice conspiratorial, “that I know all the good spots-”
He pinched your hip before continuing pointedly. “Yes, all the spots, on all the backwater planets, as you so nicely called them. Some beautiful waterfalls…. Hot springs…. They’re no dingy Daiyu room shower, but-”
You turned in his grip, arms coming up around his neck as you leaned your forehead against his. “They sound wonderful, Din.”
He grinned. “Then it’s settled. Next place we stop, I’ll take you on a tour of all my favorite places.” He leaned forward, brushing his nose against yours. “Well, they used to be my favorite. Now I have a new one.”
Slowly rolling up onto the balls of your feet, cinching your arms around him tighter, you huffed out a quiet laugh. “Oh yeah? And where’s that?”
The sneaky smile turning up his face continued to grow as he leaned closer to you, his lips ghosting over yours as he whispered, “I’ll just let you take a wild guess,” before they pressed firmly to yours.
Tags to come!
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djarinsphere · 3 months ago
sex in the dark with din.
(do not interact if you are not at least 18 years old!!)
when he first opens up to you and both of you can’t deny the sexual tension, he’s willing to take off his helmet as long as you can’t see any of him in the dark.
you’re only feeling him everywhere. there’s the scrape of his beard against your neck, his strong chest hovering above you and his calloused hands making their way down your thighs. you kiss him and it’s sloppy at first, but he soon seems to memorise every small crevice of your body.
his fingers make their way through your wet folds, carefully entering you and he knows exactly what to do from here. your hands can feel his strong back as he’s lying on top of you, lips still absentmindedly planting kisses all over your neck.
when he’s finally buried inside you with his cock, you hear his groans right next to your ear. he’s trembling in your arms, starved of this kind of attention for so long. your legs wrap tightly around his waist as he starts to thrust slowly and steadily at first. his quiet moans sound like heaven to you and you eventually feel his fingers lace with yours, pinning your hands down next to your head.
his pace eventually grows sloppier, faster. din is growing more desperate and so are you. you need more of him, every thrust pushing you closer to orgasm and he’s hitting that sweet spot inside you at just the right angle.
when he reaches his high, his face is buried in your neck, hot breath against your skin and that familiar scratch of his beard again. your fingers are holding onto his warm back, your breasts pressed against his hard chest while you tremble underneath him. your orgasm washes over you in waves and the mandalorian wants to memorise every little sound you make.
or the way your pussy clenches around his cock. the way your nails dig into his skin.
it’s not a surprise to either of you when you engage in this a little more often.
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