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donttouchthenuggets-blog · 7 years ago
Memories [Part 1]
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Pairing: Sherlock x Reader (eventually)
Wordcount: 1385
Warnings: None
AN: This is my first Sherlock post and is the first series I've started, so I hope you enjoy. Requests are gladly welcome
When you found out Mycroft was bringing you to 221b Baker Street, you were a little confused. Until that point, the eldest Holmes brother had tried to keep you securely locked up in high tech prisons. Of course, you had made it your mission to break out of every single one of them, but you hadn't expected him to suddenly make it so easy. 
"You want me to babysit her?" Sherlock questioned as he scoffed. Of course, he thought his time was far too precious to be spent on someone as insignificant as you, but that was what you were relying on. 
"She has a treasure trove of government secrets committed to memory, Sherlock. She's managed to break out of every prison we've locked her in, and I'm far too busy to keep an eye on her myself." Mycroft sighed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. You had clearly been causing him a lot of stress, which had clearly been affecting his sleep. 
"And why would I help you?" Sherlock asked. It was common knowledge that the Holmes brothers were not friends, so Sherlock asked a rather valid question. 
"I'll delete the video," Mycroft stated, and a serious atmosphere brushed over the room. Sherlock looked up at his brother, contemplating the offer. 
"Not a single copy left?" Sherlock asked and Mycroft nodded. It made you wonder what the video was, but you didn't dare to ask and scare Sherlock into denying his brother's request. If you could get away from Sherlock Holmes, you would be able to get away from Mycroft and the British government entirely. 
"Fine." Sherlock agreed and a victorious smirk crept onto your face. 
"Good. I've got a lot of pressing business to tend to. Someone will be by with Y/N's things shortly." Mycroft stated before leaving Baker Street. 
You and Sherlock sat in silence for almost an hour. Sherlock didn't remove his eyes from you. Of course, you knew exactly what he was doing. He was making his little deductions, under the impression that they would somehow help him keep you in his custody. What he didn't know was that you were doing the exact same thing. Well, almost the same thing. You weren't intelligent in the same way as Sherlock Holmes.
You had a photographic and Eidetic memory. The two were commonly viewed as the same thing but were actually rather different. Having an eidetic memory meant you could view your memories like they were photos and relive them in perfect detail. Having a photographic memory meant you could perfectly recall everything you had ever heard, seen, tasted, touched or smelled. And you had been building up your file on Sherlock Holmes since the moment you had stepped into his flat. 
"You won't be able to get away, you know." He eventually informed you with 100% confidence in his words. 
"You sound awfully sure of yourself, Mr Holmes." You chuckled. You knew how intelligent Sherlock Holmes was, but you also knew he had never had to deal with you before. 
"Well, I don't mean that you won't be able to escape. In fact, you could probably get away from me right now if you wished. I just mean that you won't be able to get away forever. That's clear." He told you and you furrowed your brows. He clearly had a more in-depth assessment of your situation than you had first thought. 
"And what makes you think that?" You asked, curious as to what his answer would be. 
"Simple. You've managed to escape numerous times already. From what I have deduced, you're completely capable of going into hiding and disappearing forever. For some reason, you can't, or you won't. You have to stick around for something, which is why my brother keeps recapturing you," Sherlock analysed you without fault. However, you were a little disappointed. From what you had heard about the sociopathic detective, he was usually capable of far more detailed deductions. 
"And what do you think it is keeping me from disappearing?" You asked though you were certain he didn't know. 
Instead of answering you, Sherlock clenched his jaw and stood up. He picked up his violin and started playing, leaving the question to hang in the air. It was clear that the detective found it difficult to admit when he didn't know the answer. 
Despite the lack of conversation, you found your afternoon at Baker Street quite pleasant. Sherlock ignored you completely and continued to play his violin for the afternoon. An hour after our little conversation, Mrs Hudson came up to the flat and introduced herself to you. She seemed rather excited to have another woman around, stating that Sherlock and John could do with the influence of a 'polite young lady' such as you. Sherlock failed to mention why you would be staying with him. He thought it best that as few people as possible knew about the government information you had managed to get your hands on, for your safety and for the safety of those at Baker Street. 
"Sherlock? Do we have a client?" A shorter man asked when he walked into the flat. You identified him as John Watson, Sherlock's roommate and only friend. 
"She's not a client, John. She's a criminal." Sherlock informed his friend, who gave you a rather strange look. 
"Don't worry. I only kill people on special occasions." You joked, but John seemed to stiffen at the comment and didn't relax until you let out a light laugh. 
"Mycroft has asked me to babysit her until he can figure out what to do with her," Sherlock informed his roommate and you rolled my eyes.
"Why? What did she do?" John asked, a little confused as to what crime you had committed to cause such a disruption. 
"I hacked into a secret government database and memorised sever hundred government secrets, ranging from sex scandals to diplomatic assassinations," You answered casually, with a proud smirk on my face. 
"And why did you do that?" Sherlock asked. The question had clearly been resting on his tongue since earlier. 
"I was bored." You shrugged and John let out a light laugh. He seemed like the type of person you could get along with. Especially considering he knew how to handle Sherlock Holmes well enough to be friends with him. 
"I'm a little surprised that you agreed to help Mycroft, Sherlock," John stated as he took a seat in an old armchair. It was clear that the action had become a habit to the retired arm doctor. 
"I was bored," Sherlock shrugged as he again started to play his violin. 
That night, after getting to know John a bit better and further explaining your situation, Mrs Hudson showed you to the guest room. It was nothing special, just a simple bed and an empty wardrobe, but it was far better than the prisons you had found yourself residing in lately. There was that brief time where Mycroft kept you at his home, but you were almost positive that nothing could equate to the lavish room he had allowed you to sleep in. 
Though you were itching to get away from 221b Baker Street, you decided to stay the night. If you left, you knew you would just end up spending the night on the street or in a shady hotel.
When you awoke the next morning, something was wrong. You couldn't quite place your finger on it, but there was something different about the room. It had changed in some way, but the change was too small for you to immediately spot. Of course, the change was soon made apparent. As you got up to exit the room, your eyes landed on a small piece of paper in front of the door. You picked it up and read the message. 
You knew instantly who the message was from and a sense of dread washed over you. It had been months since you had received direct instructions, and you knew this could only mean there was some sort of plan forming behind the scenes. A plan you knew you were going to regret aiding in. 
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donttouchthenuggets-blog · 7 years ago
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Pairing: Dean x reader
Word count: 1282
Warning: Jealous Dean, swearing, fluff
You, Sam and Dean had just finished a hunt. It had been a pretty simple one, just a routine salt and burn, but you had all decided to go to the bar to celebrate anyway. Any reason to get drunk was fine  with you. 
"Go talk to her, Sammy," Dean encouraged his younger brother. You had spent the last ten minutes talking about the girl at the bar who had been sending Sam a few flirtatious smiles. Of course, Sam was too much of a pansy to actually go speak to her. 
"Dean, let's just have a drink," Sam tried to brush it off, but he wasn't going to get away with it that easily. 
"C'mon, Sammy, why won't you go talk to her?" You asked and Sam rolled his eyes.
"Fine," He sighed as he stood up from the table and made his way over to the bar. You and Dean high-fived as you watched him talk to the girl.
"Finally," You chuckled, "I thought he'd never get some."
"Come on," Dean said as he stood up, "Let's go shoot some pool."
Dean led you over to the pool table and set it up as you watched Sam flirt with a smirk on your face. Though you knew he was probably really embarrassed that you and Dean were there, he seemed to be doing quite well. In fact, the girl at the bar was practically throwing herself at him.
"You wanna break?" Dean asked, interrupting your thoughts as he handed you a stick.
"Yeah, sure," You smiled.
Once you and Dean had played a few games, he headed over to the bar to get you both a drink. It was then that a rather attractive stranger approached you from the other side of the room.
"Hey, sugar, you mind if me and my buds play a quick game while you wait for your boyfriend?" He asked as he leaned against the pool table beside you.
"Oh, he's not my boyfriend, but sure," You smiled as you handed him the pool stick. Instead of taking it, he smirked at you.
"Not your boyfriend, huh? Then why don't you play me. Loser buys the winner a drink," He leaned a little closer and you smirked up at him.
"Sure, and I'll have a whisky when I win," You grinned and he shook his head.
"That's big talk coming from a little thing like you," He smirked as he gestured for you to break.
As Dean walked back from the bar with your beers, he saw you playing pool with another guy. He frowned as he watched you giggle and smile flirtatiously at him. If he was being honest, Dean had liked you for a long time, but he didn't want to risk losing your friendship by admitting his feelings to you. Still, he hated watching you flirt with other guys.
When he saw the guy you were talking to brush the hair out of your face, he lost it. Without even thinking, he stormed over to where you were and shot daggers at the stranger.
"Dean? What's wrong?" You asked when you saw the hateful look on Dean's face. He looked at you for a moment, but then his features softened and he didn't seem angry at all.
"Nothing," He lied, "You wanna set up another game?"
"She's busy a second, buddy. Why don't you wait your turn?" The attractive stranger asked and you watched as Dean sent him the most horrid look. 
"Why don't you piss off, buddy?" Dean spat as moved so that he was almost completely blocking you from the man.
"Dean..." You tried to calm him by putting your hand on his shoulder, but he simply shrugged you off.
"She says your not her boyfriend, pal, so why don't you just get out of here?" The man growled as Dean squared up to him. There was a clear size difference between the two, but the flirty stranger didn't seem to want to back down.
You watched as the anger rose inside of Dean, but you couldn't quite figure out why. You had flirted with plenty of people in front of him, and he had done the same. Something about this one just seemed to piss his off.
"Dean, let's just go," You insisted as you tugged on his arm. He resisted at first, but then followed you as you led him out of the bar.
As you were walking out, you watched as the man you had been flirting with went back to his group.
"I never wanted the little slut anyway," He remarked and you knew that had done it. Dean turned around again and stalked over to the man with a fury that even frightened you. Before you knew what was going on, Dean's fist had collided with the man's face and he had fallen to the ground.
"Dean!" You yelled and you rushed over. With just one punch, Dean broken the guy's nose. Dean stepped forward to hit his again, but you put yourself between the two, not really wanting anymore trouble.
"Stop!" You yelled as Dean looked at you. He sent one last glare down at the guy before turning around and storming out. You looked down at the guy once more before following your friend out of the bar.
When you got outside, you ran to catch up with Dean. He looked furious and you couldn't believe how he had reacted in there.
"What was that, Dean?" You asked, sounding a little more angry than you intended.
"He shouldn't have said that about you, Y/N," Dean remarked, but it was more than that. Dean was angry before the guy had said anything at all.
"No," You insisted as you stopped him, "That's not it. You were angry when you came back from the bar. What's going on with you?"
"What's going on with me? You're the one flirting with scumbags like him," Dean scoffed and you rolled your eyes at him.
"I get it. You can talk to as many blonde bimbos as you like, but the moment I show interest in a guy it's wrong? What the hell is your problem, Dean? It's none of your business who I flirt with, so why are you getting involved?" You yelled.
"Because I like you, okay?" He yelled back at you and a awkward silence fell between the two of you.
"You... what?" You asked, a little confused by what he meant. He liked you?
"I like you and I think you deserve better than some scumbag you picked up in a shitty bar. Jeez, I wasn't gonna sit back and watch you give it up to some sleazy guy," Dean frowned as he looked down to his feet.
You stared at him for a moment, not quite sure what to say. You had liked Dean for a long time, but you didn't want to tell him because you didn't want it to ruin your relationship. Secretly, it killed you every time you watched him chat up girls at bars. But he had felt the exact same.
"I- I like you too, Dean." You said after a long pause, breaking the silence. Dean looked up with a shocked expression on his face.
"You do?" He asked and you nodded.
Next thing you knew, Dean was closing the space between the two of you, his lips lightly brushing yours. His kiss was soft and gentle, but so full of desperation, almost as if he thought you would disappear at any moment. You deepened the kiss, your hands lacing into his hair as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to him.
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donttouchthenuggets-blog · 7 years ago
Your Heart in December: Dean x Reader
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Summary: Dean is on a solo hunt to clear his head  from everything going on since the  Mark of Cain and The Darkness.  On the day before  Christmas Eve he finds himself snowed in from a blizzard in a little town in Michigan ironically called  Snow.  There he meets a pretty young waitress that offers him a place to stay for the night.  Neither of them knowing that they just found something more than just companionship for the night.
Your Heart in December Preview:
You let out a shaky hello to greet the blonde haired man that walked into the bakery.  His green eyes seemed to have a gleam in them as he approached the counter.  You smiled as your tired to ignore the sound of your own heartbeat.  
“Welcome to the Gingerbread Bakery. How may I help you?”    The man paused for a moment to look at the selection before pointing to the pecan pie.  
“How’s the pie?”  He asked with a charming smile.  You had to swallow the lump that suddenly sat in your throat before speaking. 
“It’s the best pie in town.  Made it myself.”  You saying with a proud grin.  The man eyes you for a moment before nodding.   “If a pretty girl like you made it, then it’s probaly the best pie in the whole state of Michigan.”
YAY OR NAY?  Should I write this? 
@imgoldielikehawn  @itsdawnashlie  @deansgirl215  @lizwinchester16  @nataliehasgrace  
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donttouchthenuggets-blog · 7 years ago
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word count: 993
Warnings: A little bit of fluff
You were sat in the library of the bunker, a blanket draped around you, a box of tissues by your side and a steaming up of camomile tea in your hands to keep you warm. Sam and Dean had gone on a hunt, but they wouldn't let you go. You had the flu and Sam had refused to let you come along. He even threatened to chain you to the radiator so that you couldn't come. 
You were just getting over it when the two hunters came walking back into the bunker. You looked up at them and instantly knew there was something wrong with Dean. He looked sickly and pale, similar to how you had looked only a few days before.
"What's wrong with him?" You asked Sam as you stood up and approached the pair.
"I think he's got the flu too," Sam answered as you placed the back of your hand on Dean's forehead. His definitely had a fever.
"I'm fine," He insisted as he pushed your hand away.
"Dean, you’re hotter than the sun," You frowned.
"You're not looking too bad yourself," he joked and he tried to give you a flirtatious wink. In his sick state, it just came across as pitiful.
"Will you at least go get some rest?" You asked and Dean groaned in annoyance.
"Fine," he mumbled as he walked out of the library and in the direction of his room.
"I'll come check on you in a little bit!" You called after him, barely hearing his grunt in reply.
"Well, at least your looking better," Sam noted as placed his own hand on your forehead to check your temperature, which was completely normal.
"Has he been like that the entire time?" You asked and Sam nodded. Of course, Dean was far too stubborn to admit he was sick.
Half and hour later, you made your way down to Dean's room with the last of the flu medicine. Sadly, the only one you had was the one that would make Dean a little loopy for a few hours, but anything was better than nothing.
"Dean..." You called softly as you crept into his room. You found him collapsed on his bed, his shoes still on and over the covers.
"Dean," You called again as you shook him awake after setting the medicine on his nightstand.
"What?" He groaned as he opened his eyes and looked up at you.
"I got you some medicine," You told him and he frowned.
"I told you, I'm not sick," He insisted and you rolled you eyes.
"Look, you can either take the medicine and get better or you can stay sick and stay here when Sam and I go out on a hunt," You told him and he thought for a second.
"Fine," He sighed as he grabbed the medicine off of his nightstand and took a swig from the bottle. You rolled you eyes at him again as you checked his temperature. He still had a fever.
"I'm gonna send Sam to get you some more medicine and I'll be back to check on you in an hour," You told him as he threw himself back down on the bed.
An hour later, after sending Sam out to go get some more medicine, you walked down the corridor to Dean's room to check on him. You knew he would probably be sleeping, but you wanted to make sure he was okay. When you walked into his room, you were surprised to see that he had taken off his shoes and his shirt and was now laying topless on his bed.
You stared at his sleeping form for a moment, admiring the way dim light slipping in from the open door cast shadows on his muscles. Even in his sick state, Dean was still incredibly attractive.
Shaking the thought from you head, you walked over to him quietly, trying your best not to wake him up. When you got to the side of his bed, you noticed the empty medicine bottle on the nightstand. He must have woken up and finished it off while you weren't there. You smiled to yourself and placed your hand on his forehead again. His temperature had definitely gone down, but it was still a bit too high.
"Y/N?" Dean groaned as he opened his eyes, looking up at you with those beautiful green orbs.
"Hey, how you feeling?" You asked as you sat on the end of his bed and smiled down at him.
"What did you do to you hair?" He asked as he shifted so that he was facing you and laying on his side.
"My hair? Nothing," You chuckled as he smiled at you.
"I've never seen you braid it," He grinned, "It's pretty."
It was then that you realised the medicine had taken effect on Dean, and that's why he sounded so loopy and drowsy.
"If you grow yours out, I'll show you how to do it," You giggled as stoked his hair and he smiled up at you.
"That felt nice," He mumbled and you continued to run your fingers through his dirty blond locks.
"Your temperature has gone down," You noted and he rolled his eyes exaggeratedly.
"I'm not sick," He chuckled and you rolled your eyes this time.
"Yeah, sure you aren't," You laughed and he smiled.
"You're nice, y'know? You're like a nice little fairy," He muttered and you had to hold back your laughter. Now you regretted not bringing your phone with you so you could video him. 
"Well, thank you," You giggled as you continued to play with his hair.
"Why are you nice to me?" He asked with his eyes closed and you furrowed your brows.
"Because we're friends, Dean," You told him and he frowned.
"I wish we weren't friends," He said, "I wish we were something different,"
"What?" You asked, but it was too late. Dean had already dozed off.
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