#Bit of angst
maiumeni · 7 months
Stanley, I think I feel... happy. I actually feel happy. Promise me you won't go back there, hm? Just... just stay here.
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No, wait... where are you going? Please, Stanley, think about what you're doing! NO!!
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I wanted us to be happy here, Stanley, I really did. I wish I still thought that was possible.
…Is it over? It's going to restart, isn't it. I'm going back.
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bearw-me · 2 months
Hii, I don't have a specific request. I just NEED panic attack comfort. You can choose who comforts the reader (if you're ok with that, I just hope it makes sense?)
Yo! luna's, tysm for requesting! i chose not one, but two characters, hope you like it!
𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐈 𝐒𝐢𝐭 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮? — 𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐜𝐬
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𐐒 ft : angel dust, charlie morningstar, gn!reader 𐐒 cw : fluff, hurt/comfort, bit of angst, all around cute 𐐒 summary : they find you curled up and in the midst of a panic attack. 𐐒 note : know the feeling! hope this helps or at least makes you smile lol
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𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐃𝐮𝐬𝐭 / 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐲
i feel like angel has had a panic attack before. so when he sees you curled into yourself in the corner, sobbing softly and shaking, he immediately comes to sit next to you.
"Hey, hey, what's with all this crying?" he tries to smile for the both of you, but he's really concerned.
"You're okay kiddo, I got ya'"
he listens if he knows it will help you talk about it, but if it only makes you spiral further into it, then he decides to distract you from the horrible feelings
he wraps an arm (or two) around your shoulders and pulls you close in order to show you his phone.
shows you some music he likes and plays it while he shows you the crazy shit + photo's on his phone to make you laugh.
Oh! and he knows just the perfect person to help keep him company with you: Fat Nugget's sits on your lap!
the cute little hellpig curls up and snores, little oinks occasionally leaving his snout
angel probably won't leave you after that, hell, you two are having a sleepover in his room now and binge watching a series together until he's sure you're okay
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫
charlie herself may not know how you feel, but she definitely knows what's wrong and how to help.
she kneels down and sits in front of you with that soft smile of hers, asking what's wrong and how she can help you
"Just focus on me okay? Just- breath," she does the same, inhaling slowly and exhaling, repeating until she is sure she has your attention focused on her and not whatever you're feeling.
but Charlie can't really just let you be all by yourself, so she wipes the tears from your eyes. cradling your face and wiping them away with her thumbs.
definitely physically comforting you and talking you through it, like rubbing your back and making sure she stays next to you
charlie is the definition of comfort i think, and understanding
if you want a private place to talk it out, she has her room for the two of you to sit in
brings you whatever you need, like a warm drink, maybe a blanket
if you need a hug, charlie's got two arms for a reason! bring it in!
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tanked-up · 10 months
Gaz: You know, people would actually talk to you if you’d look more appealing… if you’d lifted up that mood of yours, maybe a new hairstyle, not that you show yours but-
Ghost: I’ve already got everyone I need.
Gaz: Soap won’t last you forever, Ghost…
Ghost: He will, as long as I’m with him
Gaz: How about meeting other-
Ghost stands up: If you’ll excuse me now, I’ll be leaving.
Gaz: Wait where you going? I wasn’t finish!
Ghost: I’m off to annoy the living shit out of Johnny
Gaz: Can I join…?
Ghost: Go annoy Price
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an-autistic-dweeb · 7 months
Angor headcanon.
WARNING⚠️: Just a bit of angst
Angor doesn’t like being touched that much. That being said, he’s extremely touch-starved.
He especially doesn’t like his face being touched, because Morgana always did that and we all know how that went. He also hasn’t had any casual and/or loving physical contact in centuries, so his body immediately perceives such contact as a threat based on instinct.
But if you’re his lover and he’s assured and comfortable with you enough, he’ll give affection a little more physically. Just a little.
He’ll hold your hand, play with your hair occasionally, etc. If he’s really tired he’ll hold you close, almost as if he’s keeping you safe from everything around the two of you.
The way he sees it, you are the one good thing he’s had in a long time. He’s not going to lose that so easily.
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kytrisz · 1 year
Why not me? | Matt Smith
| pairing. matt smith x reader   requested by. @shuichiakainx
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You're currently in the pub with Matt's castmate, celebrating the success of the House of the Dragon premiere. You are there as his plus one, and also because he said he needed you there. He needed the support of his best friend.
That’s what you are, a friend, and always be a friend.
Sitting at the bar station, you stir the beer bottle you are holding while watching everyone around you, more like you're watching him. You study the way he talks animatedly, his expressions, and everything else. And seeing him beam like there was no tomorrow for what he had accomplished today induces a tiny smile on your face. 
As you continued to gaze longingly at him, you didn't notice a figure make its way beside you until it uttered something that caught you off guard.
"How long have you been in love with him?" 
Like a deer caught in the headlights, you whirled around to see who the person was. And it's none other than Emma, Matt's co-star in the show. You tried to school your face as neutral as possible.
"...what do you mean?" you carefully ask, squinting your eyes at her.
"I know that look dear, you don't have to deny it," Emma giggled, waving her hand to the bartender to ask for a drink, who obediently do it. Grabbing the glass, she leans on the counter with her elbows before returning her gaze to you.
"You love him?" Emma asked rhetorically as she drank the shot glass.
You looked at her for a moment before turning away, muttering, "I don't know what you're talking about..."
Emma let out a short laugh, appearing amused at you, then her eyes softened as she noticed you staring at him wistfully again. "A piece of advice, my dear," she beckoned you, drawing your attention and fixing your gaze on her.
"Sometimes...knowing the answer, even if it hurts, is better than regret," Emma murmured, giving you a small smile, before turning and striding her way to other casts, leaving you with your thought to think about what she said.
You let out a weak smile before returning your attention to him. You know it's true, regarding what she said. You tried to confess so many times to him to the point you can't even recall how many now. But every time you tried to tell him, fear always held you back. You don't fear him not loving you back, you fear that everything will change. You know the moment you confess to him your relationship will never be the same again.
You will never be this close again... 
You know he doesn't love you like that. And his past relationships are proof of that. Where you always watch his back while he's looking at her as if she's the most precious thing he ever got.
Thinking about it, you raise your bottle again to drink, forcing all the pain away with the bitter taste of the beer. While sipping, you noticed Matt staring at you. Locking your eyes at his chocolate ones, he gives you his famous charming smile that makes you swoon always. Then he raises his hand, signaling for you to come.
You smile at him as you place the empty beer on the countertop, then take out your wallet to get some cash and leave it there.
Even though you're practically intoxicated and already swaying and dizzy, you try your hardest to get to him without colliding with anyone else. After all, you do want to make a scene.
And when you're already feet away from him. There you saw him, smiling at another girl whose arms wrapped into his shoulder. Stopping you from your feet. 
You keep staring at them as your heart begins to slowly break open on the inside. But what truly crush it is when you saw Matt look at her the way he always at look at his partners before,
with adoration…
You drew a deep breath and slowly backed away from them with your gaze still fixed on them... Then without a second, you spun away from them and hastily made your way to the exit.
As you pushed the door open, you swiftly exited the pub, your lungs heaving and tears welling up in your eyes.  You don't even know why you're crying. You always see him with other girls so what changed, why it hurts? Is it due to alcohol? Many questions arise in your mind, yet none are answered.
With a ragged sob and pent-up tears flowing down your face, you let out a strangled howl. And it only worsened when a thunderstorm appeared and began to pour heavily, leaving you drenched from head to toe. 
"Fuck!" you hoarsely exclaimed as you continued down the road, leaving no care whether you get wet or sick. You just need to get away. You just need to numb the pain, "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuc-" 
"y/n!" you heard a voice call, stopping you in your tracks, and as you turned around, you saw him, the catalyst of your pain, Matt with an umbrella over his head, making his way inside you.
You immediately spun around and continue your way down the street, ignoring his call. You can't face right. You can't. You fucking can'-
"y/n, please, you'll get sick!" Matt pleaded.
You heard a frustrated groan from your back as a sequence of splashes of water became louder.
And before you can turn around to inspect it, a hand in your arm spun you around in a flash stopping you and startling you at the same time. Making you face Matt whose face is painted with frustration and scowl. 
"What the fuck are you thinking, y/n? You'll get sick from what you're doing!" Matt growled, tightening his grip on your arm as you struggled to yank it off.
As you locked your gaze into his, you saw fury flash into his eyes, but it quickly softened as he saw your face drenched in tears, snot, and rain, and as he heard you groan from the grip, he immediately released it, as if afraid of hurting you further.
'The irony,' you thought to yourself.
Matt then raised the umbrella above you and took a deep breath before asking softly, "...what's wrong?"
You both looked at one other for a long time. With him looking at you for an answer, while you... You're thinking. thinking about whether you'll admit it now, what's causing this, why you're crying, your agony, your feelings... 
But just always, you only mutter "nothing" leaving him in his umbrella without saying a word further and making your way to the station.
Dumbfounded, Matt look at your leaving figure. Hurt, confused, angry, he doesn't know anymore, but all he knows is that you're hurting…  He does not want to see you in pain. So, without a second thought, he pushed all his feelings aside and pursued you relentlessly. All he wants is for you to no longer be in pain.
"y/n!" you heard him call you repeatedly, and as usual, you ignored them, focused on getting away from here, getting away from him because you felt your grip is already loosening... 
But something stops you when you hear Matt angrily yell near you, "Why the fuck are you acting this way?!" 
"Leave it be, Matt."
"What the fuck is the problem?!" 
"I said to drop it—"
"Jesus Christ! Just give me a fucking answer-"
You felt something inside you snap, maybe because of the alcohol, as you turn around to him and look at his face "Do you really want an answer?!" cause Matt to stop in front of you.
"It's because I'm jealous! I'm fucking jealous, Matt!" 
Glaring at him with all hatred, "I'm jealous 'cause I love you. I fucking love you! Are you happy now?!" slapping him in his chest, letting out an anguished cry.
"Matt... Matt, why is it so easy for you to notice everyone but me? I'm right in front of you but you never saw me even once." you hoarsely said, closing your eyes you let out another sound strangle wails of pain that came in sync with the sound of thunder and rain pouring harder "Why is it so easy for you to love anyone but me...? Why can't it just be me Matt? Why not me?!"
You fucking said it, you fucking said it... Then there was a long pause. A rough chuckle let out from you when you heard nothing coming from him, only the continuous thundering and rain hitting the ground. This is it, everything changes now, everything is over... All will become strangers and nothing more. 
You spin around and rush away without even bothering to look at him. That's what you're always good at, running from everything, especially him.
As you keep on running further you didn't hear a thump of an umbrella thrown into the ground, and shoes splatting on the wet ground
And everything becomes too fast, as you felt a hand on your shoulder forcefully spinning you around, then two hands cupping your cheeks, and without even realizing lips landed on yours. The kiss was hard, ugly, and imperfect as filled with anger, pain, anguish, frustration... But even so, it's beautiful. The kiss is imperfectly beautiful.
As both of you felt having no breath left, you felt Matt reluctantly pull away from you, almost as if he didn't want to. And both your eyes lock, and you noticed a range of emotions lingering in his eyes. It spun with love, joy, fulfillment, and longing. You've never seen such emotion in his eyes before, and now it's staring right at you, causing you to feel overwhelmed.
And then he let out the three words that destroy all your expectations 
"I love you," Matt whispered to you longingly, staring at your eyes, your nose, your face, studying you as if this is your last "I love you very very much y/n, and I'm sorry for everything," 
As he continues saying his sorry to you let out a heavy sob from his confession, you feel so happy, you never once thought he would even feel the same. 
As you let out a chuckle you grab his right hand with both of your hands, making him pause from what he is saying and solely focus on you. Caressing it, you raise the back of his hand into your lips planting a longing kiss before returning his gaze to yours.
"Let's start a new," you muttered to him, smiling.
Looking at you dazed and stunned, all he did was nod and let out a happy grin.
A fresh start, a fresh start from everything else, and a new chapter in life. And this time, you'll be in the same chapter. Nobody but the two of you. 
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𝔈𝔵-𝔈𝔵 ℌ𝔲𝔰𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔎𝔞𝔱𝔰𝔲𝔨𝔦
I guess you could call this an Epilogue of sorts lol
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CW: Slight angst, angst to fluff, hurt/comfort, insecurity, soft Katsuki, mentioned pregnancy, non-graphic mention of a breakdown, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it reference to past abuse, being recorded in public without their knowledge, random fans thirsting for DILF!Katsuki
((A little side note; Bakugou’s Hero name will always be Ground Zero to me, I’m sorry- I just- It’s so much better than Dynamight imo (´༎ຶོ^༎ຶོ`) ))
✯✯✯⬐ 💥💥💥 ⬎✯✯✯
Katsuki was amazingly happy with his little family. Civilians don’t realize it as he kept his scowling persona but anyone who knows him could see that he’s the happiest he’s ever been. Happier than when he rapidly climbed the ranks even within his early years of being a pro, climbing faster than nearly anyone had before. Happier than when he and Kiri, the Ground Riot Duo, were named Number 1 Heroes(even if they were overtaken by Deku just 5 months later).
With his wife and his stepdaughter, though he never called her as such, from the moment he remarried Y/n he simply called her his daughter. He had wanted to call her that beforehand but he was unsure if it would be received well. To him, it doesn’t matter that she isn’t his flesh and blood, Yumi is still his little girl.
He was completely and utterly happy. He didn’t think it could get any better than this. He had his wonderful wife back and they had a precious little daughter. Life was perfect. Even with the less desirable parts. Like when Yumi got her quirk and it was the same one as her biological father. Of that bastard. Y/n almost had a breakdown when she first saw it, thinking that he was back. But Katsuki helped her through it, he calmed her down and he made sure she was okay before he went to comfort his daughter.
She had seen her mother’s reaction and thought she had done something wrong. She knew what her Bio Father had done to her and she knew that she had gotten his quirk. The poor girl was worried that her mommy wouldn’t love her anymore for it. Katsuki was quick to squash those worries and comfort her and lightly explain, in a way that a little girl would understand, that Mommy was simply surprised and got a little bit scared and confused. Mommy would never stop loving her. He was even quicker to reassure her that he would never, never stop loving her, not ever, when she had expressed her worry that he’d be mad that she had someone else’s quirk.
Even with the lows, there came wonderful, spectacular highs. The days they’d share as a family and the days Katsuki would bring her to work with him and all her uncles and her auntie would dote over her and spoil her rotten. How she had all of them wrapped around her little finger(and she knew it). How she was so incredibly happy to have such a wonderful family to love her and back her up and gang up on Katsuki.
Then, Y/n got pregnant. She got pregnant with his baby. She got pregnant with a little combination of both of them. He was ecstatic. Both because he would get to have a perfect baby with the love of his life and because he would get to experience what he had missed out on with Yumi. Changing her diapers, staying awake for days on end to take care of her when she woke up at ungodly hours of the night, her first words, her first steps, being there for Y/n’s pregnancy.
Though, while he and Y/n were so incredibly happy and excited, Yumi seemed to be pulling away. So one day, while Y/n is having her monthly lunch date with his mother which he had heard would be spent taking her shopping for the baby things he knows nothing about, he decided to take Yumi out for a daddy-daughter day.
“Hey, Princess, what’s wrong? What’s going on?” He asks when they sit down for Boba.
“Nothing..” She refuses to meet his eye, knowing he could read her like an open book.
“Fire Cracker,” the nickname he had given her when she first started living with him melts her resolve, just enough, “you know you can talk to me, what’s wrong?”
“Are you… Are you still gonna love me?” She asks quietly as she stirs her drink as a distraction from her dad.
“What? Yumi, what are you talking about? I’ll never stop loving you. I’ll always love you, Fire Cracker.”
“But… Now you’re gonna have a real kid.. So.. You won’t need me anymore…” She sniffles, quickly wiping her forming tears. Katsuki’s heart nearly breaks at his little girl’s worries and he rushes out of his chair to kneel in front of her.
“Oh, princess. I will never ever ever stop loving you, you hear? Just because we’re not related by blood doesn’t mean you’re any less my daughter. Yea, this baby is biologically mine, but they’re my second real kid because you are my real kid. You’re here, aren’t you? Aren’t you?” He smirks lightly and reaches out to poke at her tummy, poke at her sides, squirm his fingers there and at the side of her neck, making her wiggle and squirm with squeals and giggles. A bright smile appears on his face at his little girl’s giggles and smiles. “You seem pretty real to me.” He smiles softly at her.
“You’ll always be my daughter, Yumi. It doesn’t matter if I have 1 biological kid or 1,000. You’re my first kid, my daughter.” He smiles at her and she shoots forward to cling to him in a hug. He picks her up and holds her in one hand and grabbed their drinks with the other masterfully and left the shop to head home.
What he didn’t expect when he got home, after stopping to get Yumi ice cream, was to find his wife in tears. Immediately he panicked and set Yumi down to rush to her side, the 6-year-old hurriedly trailing after him.
“Baby?! What happened?! Are you okay?! What’s going on?!” He crouched down to hold her hand as he looked up at her worriedly. What he was also not expecting was her to look at him with a wobbly smile.
“I love you so much, Bakugou Katsuki. You are the best father and husband I could ever hope to ask for.” She grinned at him as she sniffled, reaching forward to stroke his cheek as she wrapped her arm around her daughter who saddled up next to her and hugged her the way her mommy always does whenever she’s sad.
“Baby..?”He trails off, confused. Rather than answering, she holds her phone towards him with the video queued up that she had been watching on repeat from the moment it popped up. He slowly takes the phone and pressed play, immediately seeing himself sitting across from Yumi in the little shop they had been in not even an hour ago.
The video didn’t pick up what Yumi had said as Katsuki’s face shifted from worry to near anguish before he scrambled out of his seat. His voice was somewhat quiet but his speech could definitely be heard. He heard his own voice reassuring his daughter that he would love her always and that she would always be his daughter. Then, the volume picked up with her giggles and squeals when he tickled her and he heard a whispered ‘Awww’ from the person filming and someone next to them saying ‘That is the sweetest thing I have ever seen’. Then, he picked Yumi up and masterfully carried both drinks with one hand and began to take her home.
‘Oh my god, that was Ground Zero! And oh, that was the sweetest thing ever, he is such a good dad.’ The person filming cooed after he left, aiming their camera at the person with them but not showing their whole face.
‘Right? Ugh, he’s hot, he’s a good husband and a great dad?! Can he get any more perfect?’ They said before the camera person chuckled and hummed with agreement before the video cut off.
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Heyo, Lovelies! I want to start posting more of my writing on here so I hope you enjoy them! I’m also on AO3 if you want to check that out!
Hope you enjoy, and of course,
Until then, my lovelies! ♡
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laminated-loser · 2 years
Your howl fics are amazing!! I am so happy someone writes for Howl and Male and GN readers! :) Thank you so much.
Can I request a Howl x Male reader, where Howl is dealing with his own problems and is getting more annoyed by the minute, so when the reader comes to him with a small problem (like maybe they ran out of some magic ingredient idrk T~T), he just couldn't add a new problem to his list and snaps. He takes his anger out on the reader.
When this happens to me I usually snap, then go somewhere and come back home to sleep and forget about what I did when I snapped till the next day.
Maybe this can happen with Howl? Like the next day, when the reader is scared to talk to him he remembers what he did and comforts the reader.
Sorry if this is too long, I had ideas for Howl for so long but I can't write them out ;-; So you're like a miracle to me.
Take care <3
you are the sweetest anon ever. I can and will write this but it took a bit, sorry bout that. So here it is! Also, feel free to come to me with all your Howl x Male/gn Reader ideas I need stuff to fill my time anyways. I do apologize for this being so late I've been dealing with a lot of shit.
At the current moment, you were trying to make a potion that would help Howl recover less painfully after his little trips through space and time. That specific wizard was sitting at the table with his eyes closed and the bags under his eyes rather prominent.
You worried your bottom lip between your teeth. You couldn't find a certain ingredient you needed and Markl was out. You'd have to ask Howl.
"Eh- Howl?" Your voice started quiet. You fiddled with the hem of your shirt. "Uh, Y/n? Y/n, kid, you shouldn't do that!" Calcifer warned from the fireplace. "I don't know where the dried maple flowers are! And I doubt you know." You countered.
"Howl, sweetheart, I'm sorry but-" You just barely touched his shoulder when he jumped up. "Fuck off, Y/n!! Why do you have to be so fucking annoying?!" He yelled, his eyes full of rage.
You flinched back, eyes wide. You quickly left the room, leaving the ingredients by the fireplace. Abandoned. "Howl.." Calcifer sighed. They both looked after you with mixed emotions. "You don't deserve that boy. Never did."
~Next Day~~
The morning fell around and you woke with some difficulty. Your face was red from crying and you were glad that there was more than one bathroom in this castle.
You washed your face and listened carefully for any signs that anyone was around. None. You slipped from the tiles onto the wood and were met with the glittering eyes of Markl. "Hey, Uncle Y/n, I was wondering- Wait are you okay?" He asked.
You nodded. " 'Course. What's up?" He shook his head. "Nevermind. I'll be right back! I have to do something real quick." Markl ran off down the hall, his red hair floofing out a crazily.
You gave s small smile before turning around and being met with sapphire eyes. Your face fell and you suddenly felt scared. "Wait, Y/n, please don't go." The desperation in his voice startled you. You looked back up at him.
"Y/n.. Darling, I'm sorry. I really am." His voice was quiet, like you'd never heard it before. "..." He raised a gentle hand and brushed a stray lock of hair from in front of your eyes.
"I was just..." He seemed to be struggling with his words. "Angry. Frustrated. Overworked." You finished for him. Howl nodded slowly. "Forgive me?" His voice was no higher than a whisper now.
You thought for a moment, gently intertwining your fingers together. "Sure. But this is your one and only free pass. You kissed him softly, no more than a peck. "Do you still love me, at least?" You blinked. Then giggled. "Of course, you moron."
He swept you up in his arms before bringing you to bed. Howl buried his face in your chest and restricted most of your movement. You twirled a finger through his hair.
The door opened, just an inch. And a hand came through with a handmade craft. Markl placed his little gift on the dresser and left, thinking he was unseen completely. You chuckled. How darling.
~The End~
I hope this is to your standards, if not I apologize Again, I apologize for it being so late I've moved twice in the last year and moving schools is a pain in the ass. Doesn't do much mentally either.
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berenwrites · 8 months
See Me - Stranger Things - Steddie - G
Rating: G| cw: none | tags: past trauma
Prompt: Love is being seen and known (@acasualcrossfade)
A/N: Written for @steddielovemonthh day 5. A short one today because Monday is my busiest day of the week since I have to get my YouTube vids written and recorded for the next 7 days. Loving all the prompts though, so didn’t want to skip.
(Also on AO3 ) | ( All My Stranger Things Fanfic)
See Me: In the Silence
When Steve opened his door to find Eddie standing there, soaking wet and shivering in nothing more than pyjamas, he didn’t need to ask. Taking Eddie’s hand, he gently pulled him inside, shutting and very obviously locking the door behind them.
He knew that look on Eddie’s face all too well. What his boyfriend needed right then was not words but actions. Eddie came to him at times like these because he could always see what Eddie needed, knew what would help. Dealing with the trauma that came back to bite them even though the danger was over, was never easy.
Steve started up the stairs, leading Eddie by the hand further into his quiet, empty house, into his bedroom, and on into his ensuite bathroom. He started the shower with one hand, making sure it was warm as he kept hold of Eddie’s hand with the other. Once it was up to temperature he turned and, as gently as he knew how, began to get Eddie out of his wet clothes.
Eddie just looked at him, brown eyes big and round. Every now and then, Steve paused so he could gaze directly at his boyfriend, making sure Eddie knew he was right there with him. Once Eddie’s sodden things were in a pile on the floor, Steve shrugged off his own sleep clothes and carefully guided Eddie under the warm spray, climbing in will him.
“I’ve got you,” he said, finally speaking as he cupped the side of Eddie’s face with his palm.
“I know,” Eddie replied in a whisper, before relaxing against him, head on his shoulder.
That was all Steve needed to hear. Eddie would probably start talking properly in a little while, but until then he knew Eddie needed to be seen and loved and understood.
When Eddie was ready, he would fill the silence.
( All My Stranger Things Fanfic)
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legendaryblueoranges · 9 months
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Sometimes You Don't Want to Know
Well, the truth has been thrust upon Fit now... I wonder what he's gonna do about it?
Thank you to the people who read all the way through the comics when they found them... and the people who have re-blogged. I am amazed how far this comic has gotten and I hope everyone reading also continues reading!
Maybe I'll eventually have some 'Legendary' fans... but for now... It's Tuburucho time.
Also more Fred+Tuburucho lore incoming.... hehehe (I eat angst for breakfast)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 (THE END)
Fit: Does anyone else feel like we're being watched?
Fit: GOTCHA-! I knew someone-
Fit: was...
Fit thoughts: Tubbo?
Tuburucho: Good morning, what are you doing?
Fit: H-Hello... uh... Is it Cucrucho?
Tubbo: No. No.
Fit: Then... Tubbo...?
Fit: Oh, your name is Tuburucho?
Tuburucho: Yes!
Fit: Are you a new Cucurucho or something?
Tuburucho: Maybe.
Fit: Why are you wearing that shirt?
Tuburucho: It's Mine.
Fit: What was I expecting?... Well, why are you here? Are you going to ask me questions like Fred, or...?
Tuburucho: No. No.
Fit: Then were you just walking around?
Tuburucho: Just checking in.
Fit: Oh alright.
Fit thoughts: Was he even following me? Does he remember me?
Fit: Well... nice meeting you... Tuburucho... I have to go now.
Tuburucho: I hope you enjoy the island.
Tuburucho thoughts: He's so familiar.... Why? WHY? I can't remember...
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sodacrackpop · 4 months
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puxpy · 6 months
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It's time to come home..
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snakeskins-world · 11 months
Picture Perfect...?
The Madrigals were all doing their own things today.
It had been 3 months since the Casita crashed, and the rebuild. They had all become closer than ever! Feeling like they've truly reunited properly.
Of course, they still had secrets...
Dolores, was sat in the main room, next to Mariano. Dolores was listening with excitement as Mariano spoke, his voice like music to her ears.
Camilo, was with Antonio, upstairs. They were running do the halls, Antonio was riding his Jaguar, parce, as Camilo tried to keep up.
Isabela was sat on her vine swing, decorated with new plants. She was tripping up Camilo every now an again by growing random plants.
Luisa was relaxing in a hammock, a drink in hand, her donkey-unicorn stuffie in the hammock next to her. Both laying in the sun.
Pepa was stood with Felix, both were charring by the bottom of the stairs, their conversation going unheard by the other Madrigals,
but it was clearly happy and loving, since Pepa's cheek were practically painted pink, and the sun was shining above the town, and Felix was sporting his loving, flirtatious smile at his wife, speaking to her in Spanish.
Bruno was sat in his bedroom, redecorating.
Julieta was sat outside with Agustìn, both enjoying the nice weather.
Alma was sat in the kitchen, sipping a cup of coffee as she read a book, a romance. But she wouldn't admit that.
And Mirabel was setting the plates for dinner.
"Mirabel, dinner isn't for a few hours yet?" Alma says, her head tilting up, her eyes going from her book to her granddaughter who had just finished setting the plates.
"Well, I like getting ready early, this way we don't spend time putting the plates out during dinner." Mirabel explains.
"And we repaired Tio Bruno's old plate! We wanna surprise him at dinner!" Mirabel smiles excitedly, her usual cheerfulness, radiating from her like light did from the sun.
"He'll love it, Nieta. How about you go play with your cousins? Or sisters?" Alma suggests, but it was more like an order.
"But I need -" Mirabel's excuse was cut short.
"No. No, I won't hear any of that, go enjoy the nice day -"
The sound of glass shattering filled the house, everyone jumped.
Pepa picked up thr photo, it was of Antonio's ceremony.
"Camilo! Antonio! You both need to be careful!" Pepa scolded her younger children, a cloud growing over her head.
"Mi Vida, look." Felix whispers, taking the picture, showing his wife. "Where's Mirabel? She isn't in the photograph."
At this, the entire family started to crowd around, peering at the picture.
"Mirabel?" Antonio asks, looking up, the entire family copied. They looked at Mirabel, who was stood at the entrance of the kitchen, her hands clasped infront of her, a nervous look on her face, as if she had done something wrong.
"Mirabel, why aren't you in the picture?" Pepa asks, her voice carried confusion and a hint of sadness.
Mirabel looked away, her fingers interlaced before her hands moved to her to her side.
"W, well, you all were really excited, a and I wasn't included, I don't have a gift, I guess you all just forgot to include me, but I get why, I mean, you need to have a gift to be a Madrigal!" Mirabel says quickly, her hands moving as she spoke, moving with her voice.
As Mirabel spoke, the look on the Madrigals' faces slowly turned to stunned sadness.
Pepa's clowd turned dark and a light drizzle started to pour down.
"M, mirabel, we forgot you?" *Julieta asked, staring at her daughter. "Why didn't you say? We could've redone it." She says. Walking up to her daughter.
"Well, you were all really happy, a and I didn't wanna be a bother, so I just...stayed quiet." Mirabel says.
"Oh Miraboo." Agustìn says lovingly and sadly, using her nickname only he could say, he hugged his daughter tightly.
"You could never be a bother. You're a part of the familia Madrigal!" He smiles, trying to lighten the mood.
"This won't do." Alma says firmly, her hands clasped together, the entire family looked up to their Matriarch, waiting for her to continue.
"Next week. We will have a party, for Mirabel's sixteenth birthday." Alma says, then looks directly at Mirabel "And Mirabel, you will be the centre of the photo." Alma says firmly but kindly, showing she genuinely meant her words. "We missed your gift ceremony, and your Quinceara. We will have to fix that."
"You really don't have to!" Mirabel tried to change their minds, but the family was already brainstorming.
"Out! The future birthday girls cannot hear the plan!" Camilo says, ushering Mirabel to the kitchen.
Mirabel chuckled. She knew her family was trying to make up for it all.
Familia Madrigal was healing. And it would take time
But they'd slowly heal the cracks.
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therainywriter · 2 years
A Dangerous Situation (Angst/Fluff)
Pairing: Tsuek'tu (Na'vi) x Reader
You were in awe, so entirely captivated by the beauty of the world around you.
This was your favorite time of the day. When the sky grows dark and a luminescent glow weaves through everything from the ground up. Your eyes were wide with wonder as you walked along the mossy ground, watching it light up with each step.
You could spend hours simply doing that, poking and prodding at the dirt, and still be amazed each and every time it brightens under your finger.
You adjusted your mask and lightly touched the leaf of a plant at your side, curious as to if it'd react at all. Though the flora itself did nothing, a strange animal lit up and spun off the top of it, twirling gracefully above you.
You gasped quietly and looked up in awe until the creature dimmed out of sight.
The gentle trickle of a flowing stream lured you to a shallow river. Bioluminescent plants and swimming fish illuminated the water and you couldn't help but draw closer.
You sat and dipped your feet in the cold water, watching as the small, glowing fish swam between your ankles. A smile pulled at your lips as you watched them, entranced with the curious organisms.
Little did you know, you too were being closely observed. Tsuek'tu had been following you since you'd begun these rather dangerous "nighttime adventures".
He was going to kill you, seeing you as nothing more than another demon here to destroy his home, but he didn't, by Eywa's will. Two atokirina had floated delicately at your side and the grass had pulsed with the steady beat of your heart that first time he saw you.
He couldn't bring himself to stay away after. He was so deeply troubled by you, conflicted with a growing need to be near you and protect your helpless being.
You went against everything he stood for, but he saw you.
A deep rumble made your head perk up and your stomach drop. Many times you'd followed this path and no danger had come to you, so you deemed it safe. Oh, how wrong you'd been.
You slowly scooted to your feet and looked around, a sick feeling settled in your gut. You froze when you saw a slick, black creature emerge from the dark forest.
The quills at the sides of its head shook with its growl as it slowly stalked towards you, ready to pounce at any moment. You stared into its green, predatory eyes, certain this was where you met your end.
This thanator was going to kill you and you couldn't do anything to stop it.
The creature lunged for you- you screamed and turned around, running as fast as you could, making sharp turns in hopes that maybe, just maybe you could escape it.
You could hear it behind you, how closely it followed. Just one wrong move and-
You cried out when something pulled you off your feet, hurling you to its body and moving quickly among the trees. You instinctively gripped onto what felt like shoulders, hiding your face on a warm chest.
"Please don't kill me!" you begged with teary eyes, unsure of what you were tucked so securely against.
A series of sharp, angry words were spoken at your ear, Na'vi words. "Shh, quiet." he scolded silently.
You gulped, a native had saved you. Your people have caused them nothing but pain and destruction, yet he rescued you. You couldn't begin to fathom why.
You did as he told and didn't speak, you simply clung to his body as he ran along the thick vine-like structures below you. The thanator hissed from below and backed off as if it didn't want to bother fighting the Na'vi.
He slowed his pace and eventually loosened his grip on your smaller body. He put you down, keeping his hands on your arms to steady you.
He was beautiful, breathtaking really. His eyes were molten gold and it felt as though they pierced straight through your soul.
His hair was long adorned with beads and braided back from his strong face. Many scars covered his body, some appeared more gnarly than the others and you found yourself wanting to ask what the stories behind them were.
"Are you stupid?" he asked with narrowed eyes, a frown pulling at his lips as your wondering gaze shot up.
Your mouth fell open a bit and you struggled to form a response, offended at both the question and genuine concern in the way he looked at you.
"N-no... no, I'm not stupid." you said with a slight frown, "There have never been- I thought that area was safe."
He furrowed his brows and shook his head, "Skxwang, no land is safe. There is always danger."
He didn't tell you that it was he who rid the forest of any visible threat to you. That he earned many scars ensuring your safety, allowing you to roam about his home wherever you pleased.
You felt embarrassed and your cheeks grew warm, "I'm sorry..." you apologized without thought.
He didn't respond, nor did he make a move to leave. He simply looked at you, his expression stern. "Why did you save me?" you asked curiously, tilting your head slightly as you awaited an answer.
He stood to his full height and looked away for a moment, seemingly thinking before turning back to you. "Nga yawne lo oer, muntxa." he said gently.
His words settled deep within you, they tugged at your heart and warmed you in an unfamiliar way. "I don't understand," you said, following behind him as he passed you and continued along the path.
"You are not meant to," he admitted, glancing behind his shoulder at you. His frown melted into a welcoming, amused smile. The sight warmed you, it felt almost familiar.
"Can you, at least, tell me your name... so I can thank you properly?" you questioned, struggling to keep up with his long strides.
He stopped suddenly and turned to face you, "Tsuek'tu te Reyatan Kah'akt, you may call me Tsuek'tu."
With that said, he pushed you off the thin strip of elevated land, grinning as you screamed and landed in a pile of bushes to break your fall.
You stood up with a small groan, holding back your complaints, and looked around. Your lab wasn't far from where you'd fallen and you felt relieved in knowing you wouldn't get lost trying to find home.
You looked up to where he had been only moments ago, only to find his place empty now, and smiled softly, "Thank you, Tsuek'tu."
The rest of the night you couldn't help but hope you'd see him again, Tsuek'tu, the Na'vi that saved you.
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kattartsblog · 3 months
How about another trip to Vivi's bar for Makina
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A dash of cream and vodka
Warning: Angsty sad vibes
Of course our girl Makina is a frequent bar hopper. And what’s this, a bit of a lore drop!? Looks like she’s opening up about her childhood to Vivi.
Makina: “Your bar reminds me of childhood home. I was raised in an apartment above a rock and roll dive bar. It was owned by my dad’s friend… I miss them both.”
Hope you like the gif! ;3c
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k-slla · 11 months
To the Sky
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A/n: This is my first square filled on @jacklesversebingo 🎉 aand I got bit carried away with that😅
Word count: ~3.4k
Square used: Tonight by R3YAN & BLVKES (prompt will be in bold)
This was requested by @alternativeprincess94 ( I hope you'll like it💖)
Could you do a smut where the reader has had enough of hearing Jensen brag on making all the lady’s have orgasms and she said that he can’t do it over FaceTime and when he comes home he proves her wrong but she completely forgot about the conversation they had please
originally sent to @cevansbaby-dove
Warnings: 18+ONLY, language, fingering, oral(m receiving), breeding kink (i think, but including this just in case), face fucking, DOM! Jensen, unprotected p in v (wrap it before you tap it!), overstimulation(kind of), bit of angst and fluff
My Masterlist
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I was sitting in a diner on my lunch break and I was extremely bored waiting for my food to arrive so I decided to FaceTime Jensen. I know it's like 10am in Vancouver where he was currently filming Supernatural, and it's Saturday morning, but that didn't stop me. If I had to wake up early to go to work, I'm waking him up too. He always does the same to me, so tit for tat.
I started call and he didn't pick up the first time. I sent a text to him.
Y/N: Pick up! Pick up! Pick up!
He was probably still asleep, but not for long. Sometimes I wonder if I'm too mean to him, but then I think nah, no such thing. So I called him again.
"Have you got any idea what time it is ?" He looked hungover and very grumpy at the moment. "Yeah, it's lunch time and I'm bored."
"It's Fucking 10am on a Saturday. Go read a book if you're bored, why you have to terrorize me?" He asked and sat up in bed.
"Well, cause it's so much fun! And I had some time to kill, going back to work in 45. You look awful by he way. Had a long night?"
He laughed dryly as he leaned against his headboard. "You could defintely say that again. We had a wrap party for the season. It got little bit out of hands." I laughed heartily. "Oh, I do not envy you then, good luck with the hangover." My food arrived and I put my phone up against the sugar bowl on the table so I could still chat with Jensen and eat at the same time. "Hey, guess where I am?" I asked and pointed my camera to my food which was both of ours go-to order from our favorite restaurant. "Noo, not Torchy's! God, now I have to find me some tacos. Damn you, woman!" I did a little happy dance and he groaned loudly.
"Who's calling you this early?" I heard a woman's whiny voice next to him. I was little taken aback, but decided to try to play it cool. "She's a friend. I told you girls about her last night." Girls? GIRLS?? He had multiple women in bed with him and he didn't hang up on me. Damn, I feel special, I thought to myself.
"Wait, what? What did you talk about me?" I asked with a mouthful of hot food, that I swallowed quickly. "Sorry." I apologized to him. "Oh, nothing much, just that you're my BFF." He said, mockingly throwing back his hair before continuing. "I'm getting back Thursday, want to grab some dinner and drinks then? I'll see if Jared maybe wants to join us." I nodded. "Sure! That sounds fun!"
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After some chatting I saw a manicured hand slowly moving up on his chest. "Can you maybe hang up now? We are bored too." One of the women said suggestively. "What? Didn't you have enough last night?" He laughed cheekily.
I had trouble keeping my food down. "Jensen, please! I'm trying to eat here. Can you keep from bedroom talk until you've hang up on me?" I grumbled. "And, FYI, they're probably just trying to boost your ego. I wouldn't take their word for it." I gave a quick teasing jab after. But deep down the all familiar feeling jealousy started to creep up. I couldn't help but envy those girls.
"Oh, Y/N, dear, believe me. They're not." he chuckled and moved his hand out of frame, doing God knows what there. "Guess I'll have to show you myself someday." he said with a flirty wink directed at me.
"Oh, God, no, Bye!" I said quickly and ended the call.
I was walking back to my office, trying to forget the last part of the call. I had to get these stupid thoughts about my oldest friend out my head.
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Come Thursday morning I texted Jensen to see if our dinner plans are still in the works and almost immediately he answered : Of course! See you tonight:)
After work I hurried home to quickly shower and put some makeup on. For the clothes I chose some faux leather black leggings and topped it off with a black top and checkered blazer. Casual but not too casual which was perfect. Then I got a call from him.
J: Hey, Y/N. I was thinking Torchy's for tonight, you really made me jealous the other day. That good?
Y/N: Perfect! I'm on my way, so I'll see you there.
J: Sweet, see you soon!
I got to the restaurant and saw Jensen already at a table in the back corner. He got up when he saw me approaching. He looked absolutely stunning in his leather jacket. "Damn, I've missed you. It's been way to long!" He said warmly and hugged me tight."Hey, it's good to see you too. Jared had plans I presume?" I looked around us.
Restaurant itself was quiet today, which I didn't mind actually. On weekends there were always too many people there and it was too loud. Right now it had more of a relaxed vibe. "Yeah, he had a date tonight." He said as we sat down." Which brings me to a question I have to ask. Can I please- please, please , please - crash with you tonight? I do not want to be home when he gets back and I'm positive he won't be alone." He looked at me pleadingly.
"But what if I want to take someone home tonight? It has been long you know since..." I teased him and he didn't catch it immediately. "Oh, okay then, of course. I didn't think of that." He sighed and leaned back.
Waitress brought us the menus and we ordered our food and couple of drinks. "By the way, I was joking before. Of course you can stay the night. Did you really think I was going to say no or better, have a date?" His face lit up with a wide smile. "I actually did, yeah. I was seriously considering whether to risk going home or not. So thanks." He laughed.
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The whole dinner went amazingly. We hadn't seen each other face to face since Christmas so we had four months worth of news to fill each other in.
Our food was long gone but we kept the cocktails coming. We were laughing so hard that more than once someone came to tell us to keep it down. Drinks were doing their job and I was definitely getting tipsy.
"So yeah, after New Years I quit my job at accounting and did training course in HR management. And it has been amazing so far. Really. I don't understand how I was able to work as an accountant for nearly 10 years. I feels like a breath of fresh air. The challenges and problem solving are more up my alley so I'm very happy at the moment with were I am." I babbled with a contented smile and he let me do it without interruptions, just listening me intently.
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We both took a moment to quietly relax, taking in the cozy atmosphere of the place. Only us and one other couple were left in the restaurant, it was probably closing up soon.
"So it's getting late. Want to head home?"
Jensen finally spoke, looking for his wallet.
"Hey, I can pay for myself. You really don't have to." I cut in. "No, Y/N. It was my my idea, so I'm taking care of the bill today." I knew there was no point of arguing with him so I raised my hands in defeat but still added. "Next time's on me then."
When we left the restaurant and I felt a bit light-headed. "Hey, can we take a little walk? I want to clear my head little bit." I looked up at him. He put his hand around me and pulled me closer. "Yeah, of course. You sure you're fine?" He asked worriedly.
"Yeah, just a bit dizzy." I smiled.
We started to slowly stroll in direction of my apartment. We walked in silence for ten minutes or so, when Jensen stopped abruptly. "What's wrong?"
He took a deep breath and began to speak. "I'm sorry if I'm overstepping right now but I can't keep quiet. It's probably couraged by alcohol as well, but you have to know it's one hundred percent me." My brows furrowed and I nodded understandingly.
He stepped closer to me before continuing. "I don't know what happened to me but after our video call last week? I haven't been able to stop thinking about you, Y/N."
My brain totally failed to take in what he said. "What?"
"I know, I know. We're friends and it's wrong but right now, and for the whole evening today, kissing your soft, velvety red lips is all I'm capable to think of." He started to slowly lean in on me. "I am going to kiss you. Say no and we won't ever have to talk about this again." He stopped for a little moment to see if there's any protest coming from me.
My heart skipped a beat when he finally brushed his lips against mine. First the kiss was gentle, wary even, as if he still believed I was going to push him away. My fingers immediately snaked through his hair to his neck to pull him closer. I kissed him back hungrily and found myself back against the wall. This was now a full on make out session in the middle of the street, but we didn't care.
His hand stroked inside of my thigh and I was getting soaking wet already. My heart was racing and breathing got shallower. "Fuck, Jensen, I need more. I need you." I managed to whisper when we broke the kiss. He rested his forehead againt mine and tried to catch a breath. " I- Shit, Y/N, are you really sure? I don't want to- " I didn't let him even finish his sentence, the need for his touch was getting unbearable. "Shhh. Yes, I'm sure." I kissed him again. "Take me home then." he finally said and flagged down a taxi for us.
The taxi drive to my apartment couldn't be more slower. As we were trying to keep our hands to ourselves in the car, I finally had a moment to think. Is this really a good idea? What happens after? We can walk away from this as friends, right? I'm sure he can, but it's the other half I'm worrying about. I was getting nervous and tried to calm down. I looked at Jensen and he was staring at me like I was prey he was waiting to devour. No man has ever looked at me this way. I felt truly desired. I decided to deal with the outcome tomorrow. We're fucking grown ups. I want him. He clearly wants me. So I was going to focus on him.
I put my hand on his thigh close to his crotch and squeezed. "Can't wait already to get you out of these restrictive pants" I whispered into his ear. "Oh, fuck me!" He muttered under his breath. "That's the plan, you know?" I purred and peppered his neck with soft kisses.
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I fumbled with my keys outside apartment building door, as he was behind me, now grabbing me everywhere possible. He put his hand on my thigh and moved it slowly upwards between my legs, the other one squeezing my breast. His motions made me throw my head onto his shoulder and stifle a moan. "Oh, that feels good." I sighed.
He let me go and to my hand to walk towards the elevator when an idea struck. I let go of him and quickly started to run up the stairs. "Catch me if you can!" I yelled after. Taking two steps at a time I had a little head start on Jensen, I heard him grunt behind me. "Damn you, Y/N! You just wait and see!" he laughed. I was ahead of him by a floor and he still managed to catch me at my door. He turned me to face him and roughly pushed me up against the door. My legs immediately snaked around his waist like a reflex. Our lips met again forcefully. "Oh, baby, I made you some promises last week so I'm not gonna pretend I'll try to be gentle with you tonight." He growled.
He carried me inside and closed the door behind him with a kick. He walked straight to my kitchen and sat me down on a bar stool. While one of his hands was pulling my hair, the other started to explore my body more. Still rubbing me through my leggings, he pulled me up from the chair. "Strip." I wasn't going to let him say that twice. "Yes, sir!" I shot him a sassy smile. I quickly removed all my clothing, while he stood there and watched.
He lifted me up to the counter and kissed me hungrily, groaning as he pressed his body between my legs. He lowered himself to kiss and lick my breasts, I couldn't hold back the moans as his tongue circled on my nipple. "Fuck, Jensen, please." I whimpered under him. His fingers were teasing my folds and started pumping inside me and I pulled him up again to kiss me. "You're so fucking tight and warm. Soaked already. All for me, huh?" he asked between kisses. "Can't wait to bury myself into you. You want me to fuck you, like I fucked these girls after you called? Hmm?" He whispered, his lips leaving trail of goosebumps moving up my neck and I ran my fingers through his hair, pulling, when he reached to my weak spot under my ear.
"Oh, ghh - god!" Desperate whine was all that came out of me, when I felt him pull his fingers out. "Answer me. You want to be fucked like they were?"
"Yes, please." I managed to whisper quietly. "Yes, please, what?" he asked me, teasing my aching pussy with slow strokes. "Yes, please, Sir!" I repeated and my hips jerked up when he suddenly filled me again with his fingers. "Learning fast, aren't we? But you're gonna have to wait for that. Cum for me, babe." He ordered, moving his hand faster until I came, clenching around him, silently screaming as I threw my head back in pleasure. "Oh, look at you, taking orders like a good girl." He kissed me softly as I squirmed and calmed down from my climax.
He picked me up and moved us to the bedroom, where he sat me down on the corner of the bed before starting to undress himself. I'd seen him shirtless on countless occasions, but still it was a glorious sight. But what really left me speechless was the way my cunt clenched around nothing when his cock sprung out of his boxers. I couldn't help but audibly gasp at the sight, which made him chuckle.
"Come here. On your knees." He said softly, stroking his hard cock. I lowered myself onto the floor in front of him. Jensen grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled gently, guiding me closer to him. I put my hands behind my back, and looking up through my thick lashes, I opened my mouth wide. "Aren't you a pretty sight?" He said approvingly, slowly pushing himself in.
He started to thrust gently at first, picking up speed with each move going deeper. I was gagging and my eyes had started to water, when he got worried. "Tap my thigh if it's too much, okay?" I moaned loudly and nodded, but refused to give up yet. He smiled at the sight. "Such a perfect little slut. Taking it deep." He continued, keeping the same pace as before. His groans started to grow louder. "Fuck!" He finally cursed, breathing shallowly as he pushed deep into my throat once more before he pulled out. "Almost came down your throat. Can't have that when I have that beautiful needy cunt waiting to be filled, isn't that right?" My whole body shivered when I heard him speak like that, praising and degrading left and right, I was almost ready to cum again.
"Please, Jensen." I begged him as I stood up again. "Oh, yeah, sweetie, you're getting it." He purred into my ear, turned me around to face the bed and pushed me onto the bed. "Jensen!" I squealed and laughed when I landed with a soft thud. I turned onto my back and leaned up on my elbows.
What a fucking view I had. Jensen's hair was messy, few beads of sweat were glistening on his forehead. His gaze over my body turned dark and needy, predatory even, ready to attack at any given moment.
I looked straight into his eyes as I opened up my legs and ran one hand through my folds. "Hmm, I think I was promised something." He suddenly reached to my legs and yanked me down to the end of bed. He spat into his hand and rubbed it all over his cock to lube it, although, it really wasn't needed, seeing the state I already was in. "I bet you feel so tight and perfect around my cock, baby." He said as he lined himself up between my legs. Slowly starting to push in, he hovered above me to kiss my lips. I couldn't help but squirm when I finally felt him deep inside me.
He held my hips in place with one hand on my stomach and stilled for a moment to get me used to his size. "So perfect. I love you, baby." He whispered and thrusted into me with such force, that my eyes rolled into my skull and back arched up from bed. "Oh, Jay!" I mewled under him when he continued to pound into me harshly.
I digged my nails hard into his shoulders when he didn't show a sign of slowing down. "I'm gonna fill you up good. You want that, huh? Talk to me, Y/N." I tried to catch my breath. Never before have I felt so unable to form a sentence. "Oh, yes...please..I will take ..it all." I squeezed my eyes shut. "I'm going to- fuuck.. " I whined out. "You're so beautiful when you cum, you know that? Cum all over me, baby." Jensen said and rubbed my clit , driving me over the edge completely. He kept fucking me relentlessly and I felt like I was on the verge of passing out.
His own release followed soon after and with a loud grunt, he finally came inside me, coating my walls with his seed. "Oh, fuckk!" He groaned out and let his body drop down. Trying not to crush me with his weight, he held himself up on elbows. "You're beautiful, Y/N. So fucking gorgeous." He leaned down to kiss me. It was gentle and passionate and sweet, so different from the man who just fucked me into oblivion. He still remained unmoving in me so I was completely pinned under him.
I looked into his eyes and there was something unreadable in them. I felt unreasonably hurt inside. "We have to get up, I need to change the sheets." I said quietly and tried to gently push him up. He took the hint and got off me. Suddenly the room felt colder.
He sat on the edge of the bed. "Do you - ahem- do you regret this Y/N? " He asked quietly.
"No. I could never. But I know you will probably in the morning." I said as walked towards the closet in the hall. "Don't do this, Y/N." He called after. I turned my back to him and started looking for a sheet and two towels, to clean ourselves up. I didn't hear him following but I felt his presence behind my back. He moved my hair over one shoulder, softly brushing his lips over my neck. "I meant what I said before." He turned me around to face him.
I forced myself to look into his evergreen eyes. "What?" I whispered. "I love you, Y/N. I always have." My insecurities made it hard to believe his words. "Why haven't you said anything before then?' I asked quietly. "I was scared and because I knew you could do so much better than me. I'm messed up. I've slept around probably with half of Austin. That's how I know you could get someone better."
My heart broke at hearing his words. Like I would let someone's body count speak for their personality, especially his. "Oh, Jensen." I took his face into my arms. "You're definitely not messed up. You're the most kind-hearted, bestest person ever. How could you not see that yourself? You deserve the world." I said with a warm smile. He rested his head against mine.
"But I want you to be my world."
Taglist: @cevansbaby-dove , @jackles010378 @deanwinchestersgirl87
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Potatoes Were Never That Good Anyways
Tommy cried a little more, burying his face in Techno’s shoulder, so Techno tightened his hold just a tad more. He kept his breathing even, so that Tommy could mimic it to the best of his ability when he was done crying, or even to work through the tears. The voices were cooing over Tommy, though there was an apparent effort for them to stay quiet. Techno closed his eyes, resting his chin on Tommy’s head, and began to carefully rock them… once he was no longer leaning against the cabinet’s at least. Tommy laughed briefly when Techno knocked into the handle of one of the doors. But Tommy wasn’t done crying, and that had overtaken him again immediately afterwards.
Content Warning's/Trigger Warnings: panic attacks, mentions of the green man, hurt comfort
Let me know if you feel I missed something!
Characters: Technoblade, TommyInnit
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 1,267
Status: Complete
Fanfic Links:
|| Ao3 || Fanfiction Net ||
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Techno had absolutely no clue what had caused Tommy to start panicking. They had been talking quietly about different foods they liked while Techno was preparing something for them to eat; Tommy was much too thin in Techno’s opinion, and he was making sure that Tommy ate at least three times a day.
Techno refused to answer any of Tommy’s questions on the ‘how’ and ‘why’ snacks kept appearing in his room.
But then Techno either said something, or maybe it was his movements, but he turned towards Tommy, a potato in hand as he uttered something about possible gardening ideas, since Tommy had once asked about learning how to garden.
He’d heard a strangled yelp from Tommy, and the next thing Techno knew, Tommy had fallen from the chair, moving away from Techno like Techno was a threat, or would hurt him. Techno was frozen in shock, watching Tommy curl up in the corner, arms coming up to cover his face.
Techno knew the position well, had probably been in that position at least a hundred times, maybe more… Tommy was protecting all of his vital organs and the places that were weakest.
“Tommy?” Tommy cried out a little, curling up even tighter in the fetal position. “Theseus?” Techno turned, setting everything in his hands down as he didn’t know what had triggered the panic attack, before turning back towards Tommy and crouching down. Techno paused for a moment before deciding to just sit on the ground.
“Theseus,” Techno called out again, keeping his voice even. He took a deep breath, mind running over different calming techniques. “Theseus, can you hear me?” Techno asked, and when there was no response, Techno started humming.
When he was little, his mom would hum this one song nearly constantly. It helped block out the voices that had scared him so much as a child. Techno didn’t, or couldn’t, remember the song that she loved, but he remembered the melody enough to hum it himself.
It helped on nights when life felt like too much or the voices felt too loud. He hoped that it helped Tommy to some degree. Even if it only helped Tommy just barely break out of the panic, Techno could cover the rest from there.
“Techie?” Tommy’s voice sounded weak and scratchy, but it was a massive improvement from the silence. Even Techno’s voices had been silent, or as silent as they could handle. A surprising 45 minutes, though it was also concerning.
“Yeah Theseus?” Techno asked, his voice quiet as he stopped humming. He was relieved to hear that most of Tommy’s breathing had fallen into a semi regular pattern, though he still seemed so skittish and scared.
“I don’t like potatoes.” Tommy uttered, his arms coming down from where they were covering his face, and instead wrapping around his midsection.
“Can I ask why?” Techno asked, keeping his voice even. Tommy frowned, and Techno almost took back his question when he saw how distant Tommy’s eyes looked. But Tommy also seemed at least aware.
“Dr-He would hurt me with them.” Tommy was talking about his older brother. Techno swallowed as he made sure that his face didn’t show what he thought about that particular thought. The knowledge that he had hurt Tommy made Techno feel sick to his stomach. Techno wondered if he himself had ever hurt Tommy, by ignoring the signs that seemed so obvious when Techno looked back but had seemed fine and normal while it happened in real time.
“No more potatoes.” Techno nodded, he could handle not having potatoes, especially not all the time. Tommy was more important than one of Techno’s favorite foods. Tommy looked up quickly, eyes wide and mouth partially parted, he was shocked by Techno’s words.
“Wha-But they’re your favorite!” Tommy exclaimed, eyes wide. Techno could see the start of another panic attack, or at the very least Tommy was panicking just a little.
“You are more important than my favorite food, Theseus.” Techno responded, shrugging. “Potatoes were never that good, anyways.” Tommy… Tommy started crying then, and Techno didn't know what to do. His eyes widened, and Techno tried to think of something to say, but-
“Can I have a hug?” Tommy asked, hands coming up to wipe furiously at the falling tears.
“Always.” Techno moved as if to move closer, but there was no need. Tommy had been much quicker than Techno, and had just about teleported to get to Techno’s side. Techno huffed a breath of laughter, though he smothered it because this wasn’t something to laugh about.
He held Tommy in a hug, and it took seconds before he was humming again.
Tommy cried a little more, burying his face in Techno’s shoulder, so Techno tightened his hold just a tad more. He kept his breathing even, so that Tommy could mimic it to the best of his ability when he was done crying, or even to work through the tears.
The voices were cooing over Tommy, though there was an apparent effort for them to stay quiet. Techno closed his eyes, resting his chin on Tommy’s head, and began to carefully rock them… once he was no longer leaning against the cabinet’s at least.
Tommy laughed briefly when Techno knocked into the handle of one of the doors. But Tommy wasn’t done crying, and that had overtaken him again immediately afterwards.
“I don’t like the color green, either.” Tommy uttered a little while later. By now, Techno was certain that it was too late to have lunch, and he might as well start working on dinner. But Tommy had yet to make a move to move. The only reason Techno had been sure Tommy was still awake, before he spoke, was because Tommy occasionally sniffled, his breath occasionally stuttering, and because his grip around Techno’s arm occasionally changed.
“Want to repaint your room?” Techno asked, knowing that Tommy’s room was currently a middle shade of green.
“Yeah…” Tommy nodded against Techno’s arm.
“What color?” Techno asked, tilting his head as he leaned back against the cabinets, taking a deeper breath before returning it to a steady pattern. Tommy mimicked him, and Techno wondered if that was on purpose or not.
“Can… Can we do a pattern? Red and white?”
“What kind of pattern?”
“... Hexagons. With occasional bubbles of… of other colors. I… Tubbo wears a lot of dark green, and Ranboo loves purple, and-well, Purpled liked blue…”
“We can do whatever you want to do. Might have to do some research first.” Techno mused, tilting his head to the side.
“Okay…” Tommy sighed, sounding tired. Techno didn’t blame him, crying takes a lot of energy. He was probably thirsty too.
“Come on, let’s get off this floor. Couch is probably more comfortable anyways, get you some water.” Techno uttered after a couple minutes. Tommy made a noise of discontent. Techno wondered if Tommy wasn’t going to move, but then Tommy shifted, releasing Techno’s arm. Techno let go, watching as Tommy stretched, his back cracking loudly, and sighing as he slumped forwards lightly. “There’s a weighted blanket on the couch if you want to take a small nap?”
“Okay…” Tommy nodded, turning and giving Techno a small smile. “Thank you, Techno.”
“Of course, Theseus.” Techno smiled, reaching forward and ruffling Tommy’s hair. Tommy made a face as he got up, already moving towards the living room. Techno would bring him a glass of water in a few minutes, but first, he had some unprepared food to throw out, and a new favorite food to find.
Maybe he could try carrots.
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