#Benefits of electrolyte drinks
myacare · 10 months
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reginaofdoctorwho · 9 months
ya girl has vasovagal syncope now
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healthhub80 · 1 year
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iconhub2023 · 2 years
GOAT Stamina Energy Drink
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GOAT Stamina is an innovative multi-ingredient food supplement designed for gamers. The right combination of ingredients makes the product reduce the feeling of fatigue without causing irritability, which is often the case when consuming coffee or energy drinks. Join our group of satisfied customers and become GOAT!
A huge advantage of GOAT Stamina is its duration of action - even up to 6 hours after consumption! The product contains no sugar and does not cause a caffeine crash. GOAT Stamina supports concentration and cognitive function, increases alertness and focus, improves mood and mental performance, and reduces reaction time!
GOAT Stamina is a product that guarantees a high conversion rate. Take advantage of its huge potential Be the G.O.A.T. with GOAT Stamina!
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Happy Disability Pride Month!!!
Remember Folks:
- Use your spoons sparingly! Here’s some spoons to go: 🥄🥄🥄🥄🥄🥄🥄
- Clean your mobility aids! (Seriously dude when was the last time you wiped that shit down with an antibacterial?)
- Accommodate yourself, as others will follow.
- Make goals within your reach and abilities
- Remember to stay hydrated and take your meds!
- For my fellow heat sensitive homies, stay cool this summer! A cold rag draped behind your neck, airy clothing, a small portable hand fan, keeping ice packs ready, cold water and expecially cold electrolyte drinks, all do wonders!
- For my fellow autistic folks, don’t be afraid wear earmuffs, stim, use chew charms, whatever it is that helps you regulate. You don’t have to mask if it’s something that isn’t benefitting to your life.
- POTS havin mofos like me, salt the ever loving fuck out of your food. Try different foods with salt, such as fruits and vegetables! I’m currently eating a salty tomato. Drink lots of water, I’ve been aiding gateraid packets to my water and it’s made a HUGE difference, especially as someone who hates drinking water.
- Those with PTSD for whatever reason, I wish you safety and support as you learn to cope and hopefully heal.
- I don’t know exactly what to say to others with H-EDS, as I’m still understanding this disorder other then BE CAREFUL WITH YOURSELF THIS PRIDE MONTH. I swear to god we are the most accident prone mother fuckers lmfao-
- If your immune system is all fucky like mine, keep clean and be sanitary, communicate with others that if they’re sick you can’t be around them, and wear a mask if you feel like that’s the right option for you. In my hometown I’ve gotten yelled at more than once for wearing a mask post-covid, however you can’t let someone else’s ignorance result in your own suffering.
- Don’t forget to move around and stretch! A little movement can do a lot for your body.
- Check in with your disabled friends! Try and see if there’s any way you can help one another, see where both of your strengths and weaknesses lie, and swap some spoons!!
- Be aware of what triggers your disorders. Whether if it’s caffeine triggering bipolar episodes, the weather causing fibro flares, big changes causing meltdowns, overexerting your hypermobility, whatever it is, it matters. Listen to your body and mind.
- Don’t be afraid to call out that doctor who isn’t listening, dismissing your symptoms and medically gaslighting you.
- While it may not seem like a big difference for some, trust me when I say your appetite is so important! Remember if it comes down to it, that it’s better to eat something, ANYTHING, than nothing at all. 
- To that person who might be hesitant, ashamed or might be questioning wether or not they should use a mobility aid, if it’s the difference between you being stuck at home vs going out and living some life… USE THAT MOBILITY AID!!! Same goes for braces and any other tool that may help you live a better quality of life.
- Be accepting towards those with disabilities different then your own- remember this month isn’t a competition about who’s struggling the most, rather to understand that people of physical, psychological, sensory, neurodivergence, and even undiagnosed disabilities all share one thing in common.. WHICH IS BEING DISABLED!
- Doesn’t matter who you are, how young or old, black or white, thick or thin - the disabled minority is one you can end up becoming a part of at any time, and likely will if you live long enough. Disability doesn’t discriminate, so EVERYONE should be advocating for disabled people’s rights.
- And of course, have pride in being disabled. This shit is fucking hard, but if you’re reading this, you’re doing it. Just being here today and doing what you can handle or manage, is doing your best, and that’s enough. You don’t have to push yourselves to impossible lengths to be proud of yourself.
Here, have the disability pride flag:
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homeofhousechickens · 7 months
It's 2024 and people think that medicated chicken feed has antibiotics in it. Guess what? It doesn't, it just has amprolium (Corid) which is most definitely not an antibiotic.
Amprolium/Corid is a thiamine analog and works to break the life cycle of coccidia by causing malnutrition via vitamin deficiency. This why if you're also supplementing your chickens with electrolytes it basically nullifies the medicated feed since the chicken is drinking more thiamine (also known as vitamin B) that feeds the coccidia. So if your feeding medicated feed to chicks don't give them vitamins in the water.
I see people sometimes feeding chickens sick with respiratory infections or other ailments medicated feed but the only benefit to feeding medicated feed in this instance is that chick starter is more nutrient dense then other feeds which can be helpful for a sick bird but it's not treating the respiratory infection.
It can also be problematic when fed to certain breeds that require more thiamine in their diet during the rearing process the most common being Leghorns and Silkies. It's not uncommon for medicated feed to contribute to wry neck in these breeds which can get immediately better when switched off medicated feed and giving these affected birds vitamin supplements.
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141wh0re · 3 months
Red Spider Lily- Dead Dove Do Not Eat
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Pairings: Body Guard!Simon Riley x Rich Bitch!Reader (f)
TW: MDNI, DDDNE, depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety, minor character death, angst, substance abuse and addiction, implied narcissism from readers dad, alcohol consumption, vomiting (not detailed, just mentioned), hyperthermia, brief wlw, NSFW thoughts, soft Simon, grumpy x grumpier trope, fun fact: don't mix MDMA with cocaine lads and lasses (can result in hyperthermia), whump, fluff.
Let me know if I missed anything in the tags <3
Word Count: 2626
Summary: Simon retires from the SAS, taking on a job for a well known real estate tycoon's daughter, serving as her sole protector until her father can find a suitable man to sell marry her off to. Yet, instead of protecting her from outside dangers, he's finding the biggest danger is herself. Simon is determined to help you escape this life that was pre-ordained for you, and cure you of your disease. Addiction.
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After nearly three decades spent in the military, Simon never expected to find himself here. Stuck in a contractual agreement, protecting and ensuring the safety and well-being of a bratty young woman with a wealthy family. It was almost insulting to him, had it not been for the hefty sum of money the woman's father wired to his bank account every week.
There were a few moments he'd almost made the rash decision to quit his job completely, and allow the someone else to look after this bitchy damsel.
But there was something that kept him here, keeping a protective eye on you and a firm hand at the small of your back in crowded rooms.
Beneath all the glitz and glam, partying and binge drinking, and the drugs... Simon saw you for what you were when you were at your lowest points.
A young girl who was forced into a lonely life of luxury. A girl who lost her mother too young and wasn't sure how to cope. A girl who yearned for her father's attention while he consumed himself in work, social gatherings, and public appearances. A girl who closed herself off from the world and kept everyone at arm's length so the venomous bite of abandonment would be less impactful when those people inevitably left her. A young girl who drowned her liver in alcohol while snorting enough blow to potentially kill her every weekend.
Simon knew you needed consistency in your life with substance. He'd watched his younger brother go through this plenty, repeating a vicious cycle of pain and torment for a fleeting moment with the impostor of joy in powder form.
He also knew you resembled that of a caged bird. Lonely, isolated, and detached from the rest of the world while you awaited either your death or an arranged marriage that would benefit your father's company, and potentially cushion his pockets a tad more.
As you emerged from the master suite of the penthouse, Simon heaved a resigned sigh, seeing you dolled up for the night ahead. Luxurious, private parties and public appearances to keep your name relevant in the tabloids and medias.
He leaned against the kitchen island, large arms crossed in his black button down, rich, honey-colored eyes fixated on you, and his signature black, surgical mask in place.
"Eat. You're not going out on an empty stomach." His deep, thick accented voice demanded. He nodded towards the plate on the counter, filled with chicken risotto with truffle sauce.
You scoffed in response to his authoritative tone before obeying anyways and climbing onto the bar stool, realizing it's probably best not to piss off your body guard.
"Where's it from?" You asked in a bland tone.
"Your kitchen." he answered gruffly as he poured an electrolyte packet into a bottle of water and set it beside your plate.
"Didn't know they taught ya to cook up truffle sauce in the military," you teased in that snarky tone he felt deep hatred for. Your metaphorical mask was going up early tonight.
"It's so cute how hard you work to save me from myself every weekend, big guy. Doesn't it get tiring?" You goaded before working at the small, yet filling dish before you.
Simon ignored your attempts to rile him up, knowing good and well you were fishing for a reason to indulge in your vices tonight. If you went out in a bad mood, it was all the more reason for you to fill your nose with booger sugar, and what better way to elevate yourself than starting it in a piss-poor mood, so your high will be that much better?
"Eat." Is all he replied with, leaving no room for questions or arguments.
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As the night progressed, Simon kept a watchful eye on you, taking in your every move, expression, and breath while diligently scanning your surroundings to ensure your safety.
He watched as you finished another glass of champagne that was easily worth three months rent for his studio loft downtown.
You were pleasantly buzzed as you floated about the mansion, like you owned it, being the perfect little socialite you learned to be. Simon's dark, brooding presence loomed behind you, keeping you within at least three arm's lengths at all times.
"Going to the loo," you informed Simon as you spun on the toe of your red bottoms, heels clicking against the marble floor as you sashayed in the direction of the restroom.
You didn't even have to cast a glance over your shoulder to know Simon was already following behind you, keeping his eyes dutifully trained on you and your immediate surroundings.
Once outside the bathroom, Simon knocked on the door before entering and doing a sweep of the room before allowing you to enter.
You rolled your eyes at his precautious measures as he shut the door behind you. After clicking the lock in place, you promptly relieved yourself before standing at the vanity to wash your hands, reapply your red lipstick, then pull a little pick-me-up from your clutch.
Using the compact mirror, you pulled a tampon case from your clutch, producing a small baggie of white powder from within it, and emptied the contents of the baggie onto the mirrored surface as it sat on the vanity. You shook the small tampon case to receive a small straw, then used one of your many credit cards to neatly align the powder in a straight line.
Holding a finger to your left nostril, you plugged it and inserted the end of the straw into the right nostril, hovering over the powder as you inhaled with a strong pull from your nose and lungs.
The powder irritates your nose momentarily, causing it to scrunch and sniffle as the tingles pulse through your nasal passage. Bitterness coated your taste buds as the powder dripped down the back of your throat, earning a cringe from you as you shook your head, coughing slightly to aid the phlegm in easing down your esophagus.
You promptly cleaned up and did a final once over in the mirror, adamant not to stare too long and avoid your flaws. Clammy palms idly smooth over the material of your dress, trying to ensure you look your best, and avoid the nagging feeling at the back of your mind. Your darker-self trying to rear her ugly head and steal your fleeting moments of joy, and stir up the insufferable concoction of anxiety.
Finally, you emerged from the bathroom to be greeted with the sight of Simon stood with his back to the door, his large palm clasped firmly over his wrist.
He wasn't stupid. He knew exactly what you were doing in the bathroom. Had it only been a quick stop, it would've been three minutes tops. But when you did your pick-me-ups, it took seven minutes.
He shouldn't know that, yet considering you're a relatively well-known public figure, he has to time every second you're not in his line of sight.
Simon stepped to the side, allowing you to exit the bathroom. His dark eyes gave a disapproving look as he surveyed your appearance.
"You've got a bit of sugar on your dress." He informed you, glancing down at the skirt of your black cocktail dress.
Your eyes hurriedly followed his, searching for the spot and swiping your hand over the material, earning an amused glint to flash in his normal unreadable eyes.
You groaned in annoyance once it became apparent he was messing with you, your hand quickly came up to slap his arm in defiance.
"Arse," you muttered under your breath. Simon's stoic demeanor momentarily gave way to show off a glimpse of underlying smugness.
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Simon couldn't deny that you were a good looking woman, and he always found it hard to tear his gaze away from you, especially when you were a magnet for people. You had the natural ability to draw people in, even with your resting-bitch-face. Somehow, someway, everyone gravitated toward you.
It was very much the opposite of himself, all jagged edges, harsh lines with the repellent of a rabid Rottweiler. He found it fascinating on a personal level, but on a professional level, he loathed it.
He hated how people thought they could touch you, or be within three feet of you, or even the way they looked at you.
All he saw was greed, manipulation, and control. He was certain that you saw it too; he could see the faint flicker of disgust in your eyes when someone tried to cozy up to you for their own gain.
A part of Simon's heart ached to see your life full of so many people, yet none of them truly gave a shit about you. But he also knew you did it strategically, much like he had done for most of his life. Although, Simon's was done more coldly, you had a certain finesse about it. You held a sense of attainability, allowing people in just enough to keep control of, but never in deep enough for them to control you.
Behind the rich, spoiled brat, Simon marveled at the true strength and cunning you showed within this materialistic world. He could see the fox within you, calculating and sly as she was, planning her escape.
But the escape plan is what scared him. He heard every conversation you had with yourself, when you thought no one was listening.
You longed for a life without a name. Where you could fly under the radar, only keeping close to you those who truly cared. And as much as he tried to remain detached. He was concerned that one day, you'd find a remedy for that desire.. and take flight for the heavens.
Simon watched vigilantly over you as you remained perched on the outdoor couch with your group of girlfriends. His eyes never left you as your friend slipped a pill between your soft, red lips and did the tactless act of spitting her drink in your mouth to aid you in ingesting the pill.
Fuckin' hell, love. You need better friends.
He sighed inwardly, but heaved a quiet breath as he kept watch, wanting to shake his head in disappointment. But he knew you could feel his disapproving gaze prickling at your muted senses.
Your head dipped back in pleasure as your friend kissed down your neck, across your collarbones and back up to your lips. Half-lidded eyes remained trained on Simon as he stood within your sight, your eyes appreciatively raked over his form, taking in the way his muscles strained against the black fabric of his black button-down, and the way his slacks fit his tree-trunk legs perfectly.
He was a delicious sight and you were feeling ravenous, silently lusting over the man assigned to guard your life. The only man who gave a single shit about you.
Simon internally groaned, his hand clenching into fists behind his back as he watched the scene unfold before him. If he wasn't on duty right now, he'd be fucking you within an inch of your life, and make you pray to a merciless God. Himself.
You pulled yourself up from the couch on slightly unsteady legs, and sauntered over to him, only stopping in front of him once your hands were on his chest.
Simon gazed into your dilated pupils, already noticing the effects of your meeting with your little friend, Molly.
"Wanna go home," you demanded, pouting up at him.
"So soon? You looked like you were having a bit of fun." He replied in a neutral tone, keeping his aloof and disinterested persona in place.
"It's boring here," you whined, "wanna have fun. At home. With you."
"Mm, you wound me, bird. Here I thought you knew not to associate me in the same sentence as fun." He scoffed lightly, trying to keep the inflection of amusement from his tone.
He reached a large, callused hand to rest on the small of your back, acting as a stabilizer for your current state. Tingles ran up your spine as every nerve-ending desperately sought out the rest of his warm touch, igniting hot flames of desire along your spine, and pulsing directly to your rapidly slickening cunt from your heightened state.
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Simon watched you closely once you were back in the safety of your home. He gauged you as you stripped off your dress carelessly, leaving it discarded on the floor, much like you had done with your heels the moment you were off the lift earlier.
He sighed as he watched you prance around the room topless, going about your business in your flimsy g-string.
"It's too bloody hot in this damn house," you whined as you adjusted the thermostat.
Your body swayed on unsteady legs, your skin glistened with intense perspiration. A wave of dizziness struck you, forcing you to lean against the wall momentarily while your heart rate soared, soft, frantic breaths escaped your lips while your vision blurred in a not so fun way.
Simon's eyes narrowed with concern before he immediately recognized your symptoms, having realized what would force this reaction out of you.
"How many lines did you do tonight?" Simon asked in a firm tone, scooping you up in his arms effortlessly, then rushed you into the bathroom.
He helped you kneel before the toilet, gathering your hair in one hand so you wouldn't have to focus on much.
"T-three," you panted out, feeling waves of nausea swell and your stomach to roil.
You retched into the toilet, firmly grasping the edges in a white-knuckle grip.
"And you only took one pill. Molly, right?" he asked with concern, gently rubbing his large palm at the center of your shoulder blades.
"Yeah," you croaked weakly before lowering your head again.
Simon grunted in frustration, yet remained vigilantly at your side, helping you through your sickness.
After a while, the vomiting finally ceased as he gently cleaned you up and propped your back against the bathtub. He quickly grabbed a washcloth and a disposable cup for mouth wash before handing it to you.
"Swish and spit in the cup, bird," he instructed while pressing the cold washcloth to your forehead, then moved it to the nape of your neck, trying to quickly cool your body down from the sudden onslaught of heat exhaustion.
You did as Simon instructed before handing it to him to dispose of. Your eyelids were hardly able to stay open, your body felt weak as if each limb was weighed down by imaginary anchors, and your skin felt like it was on fire.
Simon returned with a thermometer in hand, taking your temperature.
102 degrees.
"Fuckin' hell, bird." he murmured gruffly.
With quick efficiency, Simon collected you in his arms again, carrying you out to the oversized sectional in the living room.
You were already drifting in and out of consciousness, finding new items surrounding you each time you opened your eyes.
Simon worriedly administered an IV, a bin was placed beside the couch, cool washcloths littered across your body.
"What's all this?" you slurred nearly unintelligibly.
"Hyperthermia. Just rest. Let me take care of you," he answered in a softer tone than ever before, and had your body not been fighting for it's life, you might have caught the worry in his eyes and concern and care in his deep voice.
For several hours, Simon remained by your side, using a dropper to dispense electrolytes on your tongue, checking your temperature every hour, and gently running his fingers through your hair while you slept on the couch.
"M' gonna get you fixed up, bird... don't wanna see you like this anymore," he whispered in devotion, and pressed a tender kiss on your forehead.
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pokemonshelterstories · 10 months
One of my close friends (who i wont name) has a 'blister' bred ninetails; they did not know that this breeding style was super dangerous (due to blister breeds having a much higher temp internally and externally)
Said ninetails is a rescue and is pretty dang old, any tips on how to make the old lad comfortable with his older age?
awww, old man...im glad he's got a home in his old age!
a big thing we see with older pokemon, especially fire types, is they often have a hard time managing their body temperatures. sometimes this comes in the form of overheating, but temperature drops are actually more common. keep an eye out for lethargic behavior or excessive panting, and definitely keep an eye on fur quality! a ninetales' tails especially should always be well-maintained, and if they start to get dull or ratty, that can be a sign of temperature difficulties. heating and cooling mats can help with temperature regulations, but a pokemon that already has a genetic susceptibility to temperature issues may also need medication.
i also recommend that he talk to his vet about any potential dietary changes he could make! older pokemon can often benefit from dietary supplements; we feed our elderly torkoal sitrus berry and electrolyte extract, for example, because it serves the dual purpose of getting her some necessary micronutrients and encouraging her to drink more water (a common issue in older fire types is actually dehydration!)
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cazort · 3 months
How to Acclimate to The Heat Safely, and Why it is Beneficial To do So
Much of the eastern US is experiencing a heat wave accompanied by high humidity, and I unfortunately see a lot of people engaging in "avoidance" behaviors (staying inside in overly air-conditioned spaces nearly 100% of the time and avoiding any exercise) that might actually increase their risk of health problems like heat exhaustion or heat stroke.
If you have trouble coping with heat, you might benefit from intentionally and gradually acclimating yourself to heat. One way to do this effectively is to go on a walk (initially a short one) outdoors during the hottest time of the day, which is often around 4-6PM. If this is too uncomfortable, start earlier by walking outdoors earlier.
Make sure to ramp up your activity level and heat exposure gradually, stay adequately hydrated, and also make sure you have enough electrolytes. A simple way to do this is to drink a glass of water and eat a small amount of salty snacks and some fruit or veggies.
When you walk, it increases your body temperature. It's not super strenuous exercise, so it's not going to be exhausting or dangerous the way it might be to do something vigorous like running or vigorous cycling in the peak of the heat, but the combination of light exercise with exposure to heat is going to be enough to give your body quite a workout.
Over time you can walk more vigorously, but I recommend starting walking at a leisurely pace if you are unaccustomed to going out in extreme heat.
Your body adapts to heat in multiple ways. Your heart rate increases, and the efficiency of your circulatory system improves. Your body does things like dilating blood vessels more, but it also builds more capillaries (tiny blood vessels) close to the skin, which helps your body to pump heat to the skin. Your capacity for sweating also increases. This process takes a few weeks, so take care not to go from 0 to 100 while trying to acclimate to the heat.
When you start becoming heat-adapted you will notice that you start tolerating hotter and hotter temperatures. You might even start feeling cold at temperatures you once felt comfortable at. Like in the peak of summer, I feel cold when the air temperature gets as low as 75°F (~24°C) and feel totally comfortable at 78°F (~25.5°C) or even higher.
Here are some benefits to heat-acclimating:
You can set your thermostat higher, so your air conditioner operates less, and/or spend a greater portion of time not using your AC at all, which both saves money and protects the environment, and can sometimes improve air quality (indoor air quality is not always great in spaces that are always closed.)
Your aerobic fitness improves, to where your aerobic capacity will be higher than before when you return to exercising in normal or cooler temperatures.
Your risk of heat exhaustion or heat stroke is reduced.
You will be both more comfortable and safer in situations (like being outdoors or in indoor non-air-conditioned spaces) where you cannot control the heat.
You increase the range of activities that are comfortable and safe for you to do in hot weather, and thus help to make your life more enjoyable and a bit more stable or resilient in the face of heat waves or just generally hot weather.
Stay safe everyone. But recognize that avoidance is not the best strategy for dealing with summer heat or heat waves. If you isolate yourself in a heavily air-conditioned environment, you are not only wasting money, but you are weakening your body.
Keep in mind, we all have our limitations, and people with medical conditions may have a limited ability to acclimate to the heat. Listen to your body and make sure to ramp up gradually and take care to stay adequately hydrate and consume enough electrolytes.
But everyone can benefit to some degree from heat acclimation. And for those of us who sometimes have to be in situations where we are active and exposed to extreme heat, it's a necessity and we will ultimately be much safer and healthier if we train our bodies to adapt slowly and gradually. The highest risk of heat exposure comes when you are not acclimated to heat and then you are suddenly exposed to extreme heat! This is the worst case situation!
Protect yourself!
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dailyjermasparkle · 6 months
Do you ever wonder why people buy those airup water bottles for such a high price when they could just like light a scented candle or keep a little sachet or something with them to smell while they drink their water out of a normal water bottle for arguably the same effect
(I'm just rambling to give you an excuse to post since you can only answer asks for whatever reason. [Unless it already got resolved and I missed it in which case ignore me])
airup bottles always seemed to stupid to me. Like i'd rather just put some flavoring in my water. There are already flavorings that can replace electrolytes and vitamins and give you other health benefits, why can't i just use those instead of stupid gimmick bottle or overly sugary processed water flavor.
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Do you think Kalim’s unique magic has healing properties or at least promotes growth in plants? In chapter 4 the rain made everyone feel better(though I imagine getting a drink of water after THAT work out would be good either way) and after a few days the oasis grew back. I know after rain fall in a desert plant life grows back, it just seemed like Kalim’s magic made it grow faster.
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In the game itself, Kalim's unique magic, Oasis Maker, is described as being able to produce a large amount of water using only a miniscule amount of magic. Additionally, as noted by both Kalim and Grim, the water that he conjures is the most pure and delicious around.
There are no other explicit mentions of additional effects or properties, but I think the idea of Kalim's water having the power to heal is a neat concept. I'm not going to count the act of drinking the water since these homies just marched through a desert so any hydration would feel like a godsend). However, the actual physical properties of the water could be such that it provides more relief over normal water. For example, water that has been enhanced with electrolytes can replace some of the minerals that have been lost via sweating excessively. Grim also comments on the temperature of the water being perfect--not too cold, not too warm.
The example brought up of the oasis becoming lush again is really interesting! I believe that Kalim casts his UM once there (to refresh the students), but the oasis is still dried out the second time Scarabia comes to the oasis. The third and final time they pay the oasis a visit is at the very end of the episode, and the place has suddenly become lush and full of water again. Since the events of episode 4 take place over what is winter break, this means that it took about a week or a little over a week for the oasis to be restored. I actually don't know if this is possible in real life or if that's a realistic recovery time 💦 When I looked it up, Google tells me that it usually takes a few weeks to a month minimum to see change in a dehydrated plant. If we're using that as a point of comparison then yeah, the oasis blessed with Kalim's UM water did indeed experience a speedy restoration to its former glory. This could imply that Oasis Maker water has other benefits that aren't clearly exposited in the narrative or the dialogue.
What I find really cool about this idea is that it seems plausible enough given the lore and the attitudes of the characters surrounding Kalim's magic. Kalim himself doesn't think of it as a big deal; he says that maybe it would have been really useful back in the old days before potable drinking water was readily avaliable in arid areas, but nowadays it's pretty useless with how accessible water is. (Think of Silk City's canals and modern irrigation system!) However, Azul points out to Kalim that he's casually overlooking the true power he has. The game kind of just goes for a joke about Azul's greed (as he laments how profitable Oasis Maker could be), but in a sense, Azul's right. Kalim can do so much more with his abilities, it's just that he doesn't know how to really apply them and he underestimates what he can do.
Let's think of it like this: sure, the Scalding Sands are fine with their water. But you know who isn't? The Afterglow Savanna. The people there are pretty opposed to anything that interferes with their philosophy of living in harmony with nature; some of them live on well water which may not be entirely safe all the time--but with Oasis Maker, Kalim could literally make it rain clean, safe to drink water for all their needs with just a smidgen of magic. Even better, because the water comes down like natural rain would, it doesn't harm nature (and in the case where his water does have healing properties, it would actually promote the growth of plants). In other contexts, Kalim's UM could do immense good. (My thought is that perhaps since Kalim grew up so privileged, he takes some things for granted and therefore doesn't think too much in depth about things outside of his immediate environment or people who are lacking what he already has an abundance of?)
Kalim seems to adopt a somewhat flippant attitude towards his UM; he doesn't hate it or anything, but he definitely talks it down. He doesn't really seem to think it's useful or has large applications outside of reenergizing his friends-and for him, that's enough! Kalim's happiest when others are happy, and they can all sing and dance together, just like the incantation to his UM says. It's possible, then, that he didn't bother experimenting with Oasis Maker to determine its other properties outside of just producing nice water (which would sort of explain why Kalim doesn't see its broader uses, but a big brain like Azul, who is far more results oriented, can).
ADDENDUM: Interesting detail on Dorm Uniform Kalim; with M3 (magic 3) that comes with his third uncap, he has a healing water spell.
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ovaruling · 8 months
mostly a vent but—how do so many adults not only know so completely zero about nourishing themselves properly, but also have zero curiosity about their nourishment on top of that? like how are basic nutritional facts and basic food nutritional profiles and the barest RDAs not known and not even wondered about
like i meet adults every single day who literally can’t grasp the concept of a meal that they know and understand the components of. like. they legitimately don’t know or care what they’re eating at any point of the day but have complaints of many solvable symptoms of nutrient deficiency or saturation
even a large number of people who cook all the time will seem to have this incredible blind spot for knowing anything about nourishment
like there are people who think you legitimately don’t get nutrients from anything but animal flesh and leafy greens and then i’m supposed to act surprised when their bloodwork is a mess
and when i suggest “oh you may need to include more things like orange juice and potatoes and bananas and pumpkin seeds and dried fruit for other quick sources of electrolytes that aren’t just shit tons of sodium” after friendly discussions of muscle cramping despite water and Gatorade consumption
and they’re like “oh my god you’re so smart…,” lmao no i’m fucking not!!! fr how can you have persistent muscle cramping every day and not even WONDER if it’s related to what you do or do not put into your body. that’s my FIRST thought every time i have a palpable issue—“maybe i’m getting too little or too much of something, let’s get curious and think critically about what i’m currently eating and drinking”
especially people with chronic illness like me!!!!! come on now!!!!! how can you not even deign to google what nutritional advice you might benefit from!!!!
i’ve fr had people be in awe of my casual recommendation of eating more fiber. and even more awe about what foods contain fiber. like. you cannot be serious that you didn’t know that about your human body. you cannot be fucking serious!!!!!!!
how can you go through your day—through your adult life—not knowing or caring if you’re meeting your individual nutritional needs and how can you not even be CURIOUS about that if you know that you don’t know. ppl act like you need regular bloodwork to be able to suspect anything abt your body enough to try the very risky risk of simply eating more of xyz type of food (usually a fruit or vegetable god forbid) or something to just see if it helps with your issue ykwim. like eat an apple and maybe your gums will stop bleeding, matey. oh no cap’n i can’t i would need sooo much bloodwork to know if it’s ok to try eating an apple!!! come on now
like. i know im not a genius to just be knowing Feeding Yourself Properly 101. my parents never taught me a damn thing about nutrition and i never even learned it at school. it’s not hard. i know it’s not. so everyone else must just be stupid as hell abt this or willfully ignorant
and maybe they are bc the average western diet has most ppl malnourished despite a very, very large daily intake of calories so idk man IDK!!!!!
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kiragecko · 10 months
What does the batfamily do when they get too hot on patrol?
Dick - gets grouchy, but otherwise seems unaffected? He sweats a lot, and drinks more, and dramatically flops onto furniture when patrol is over, but that's it.
Babs - her genetics are optimized for -5 to 15℃ (20 to 60℉). She finds this VERY annoying. Dramatically swooned off a rooftop once, and got caught by a panicking 15 year old Dick. So embarrassing. The clocktower has extremely good temperature control, but she never found something that worked on patrol, and is defensive about it.
Jason - has a variety of chemical icepacks that he can fit into his suit. Which is important, because he gets dizzy FAST when he's hot. Adds electrolytes to his water, and tries to get out of the heat as quickly as he can. Doesn't patrol on really hot days.
Tim - starts mentally redesigning his costume AGAIN. When it gets really bad, he starts a list on his wrist computer of snarky comments about every piece of gear that is bothering him, and why Bruce was wrong to include it. This is set to auto update the computer, so he doesn't second guess himself once his brain is no longer melting.
Steph - buys popsicles and cheerfully complains. If it gets bad enough, she finds one of the warehouses with cooling units that blast freezing air year round, and turns into a puddle for a while.
Cass - removes parts of her costume. Fights in her bra. Raids civilians' apartments for lighter clothing. Drinks LOTS of water.
Damian - goes quiet and still. Extremely high heat tolerance, so other people usually get concerned long before it becomes a major issue.
Duke - uses his powers to create a sun-blocking shield. Hides in a corner with his little patch of darkness and lets the air cool down. Then, if that doesn't work, dramatically rips vents all over his costume and just tries not to get hit. He has pretty good heat tolerance, but when it gets over his limit, he is DONE.
Bruce - Turns on his suit's cooling system, and then dissociates from his body even more than usual. Tries to predict what Tim's comments are going to be. Makes sure the Batmobile is stocked with icepacks, popsicles, and icecream. Checks the Batmobile computer to make sure all his kids are conscious and okay. Mentally rewrites his pitch to convince his children that THEY would benefit from cooling systems, even though he still hasn't found technology that would make the added weight and bulkiness feasible for anyone but Jason.
Alfred - the one time the heating system in the Batcave broke and started pumping out constant heat (and eventually flames), he covered anything delicate and then adapted the sprinkler system into a mister (that misted AROUND his usual locations, so he stayed mostly dry). Then he fixed the heating system.
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mndlicht · 2 months
4n4 maxxing
mostly a reminder for myself but maybe some of y'all will find it useful as well
Weigh yourself every 1-2 days. In the morning. Use an app to track your weight.
Don't forget to body check every morning. Take pics and keep them in a secret app like KeepSafe.
Eat a maximum of 1200 cals.
Drink 2-2.5L daily. Google the exact intake that you need.
Drink water / tea / coffee to make the hunger go away.
Do OMAD. This will make you eat less cals anyways. Stick to a 23/1 fasting window.
Do a prolonged (e.g. 48 hour) fast at least once a week. Don't forget the electrolytes!!!! If you feel sick, end the fast with chicken / vegetable broth.
Get 7.500-10.000 steps a day.
Go to the gym or do home workouts.
Drink apple cider vinegar diluted with water daily.
Drink green tea / nettle tea with lemon daily.
Only drink diet soda!!!!
Keep track of your protein intake to prevent too much muscle loss. Remember, having more muscle mass means you burn more calories at the same body weight than if you had less muscle mass.
Don't eat after 6pm.
If you know that you're meeting up with friends / family and will eat there, make this your only meal for the day. Plan ahead!
Watch mukbangs of f4t people when hungry. Or superf4t vs supersk1nn1.
Watch videos / read about the benefits of fasting to motivate you.
Take your daily supplements!!!!!!!
Have a mint mouth spray with you at all times to prevent bad smell from your mouth.
Look at mealspo to prevent a b!nge.
Allow yourself a metabolism day once a week if you hit a plateau.
If you have more advice, feel free to comment.
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madamlaydebug · 3 months
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The word “fasting” is defined as abstaining from food, sometimes as a religious discipline. Many religions practice fasting as a way of demonstrating faith and spiritual reflection.
Some people fast as a way to lose weight or to cleanse the body of toxins. Fasting is used in many different ways for weight loss depending on the diet. Some diets involve eating only whole foods while others restrict food all together. Each fasting diet has its own restrictions on liquids too.
Fasting is great for a myriad of reasons especially health and spiritual reasons. Fasting gives the stomach a much needed time to rest, at least for the modest and health-conscious eater (raw foodist, vegan-vegetarian); but for the average over-eater of the Standard American Diet, fasting does not give the stomach time to rest but allows it to attempt to digest all the undigested food that it is holding.
Fasting allows the colon or intestinal tract to dump or release much of the stored waste, helping to prevent colon and rectal cancers. When we fast, it allows for the colon to shrink back into shape. When the colon shrinks back into shape, one of the results is a suppressed appetite.
But the more we eat unhealthy foods, the more our bodies crave it in attempt to get nutrition. We should eat for nutritional purposes but most of us eat for eye or sight appeal, smell, and taste appeal. Taste, sight and smell are not the criterion for what is healthy.
Fasting is also a great way to cleanse the eliminative channels of the body (colon, liver, lungs and kidneys).
It is an excellent way to cleanse the blood and lymphatic fluids. The toxins and pollutants in the bloodstream travel to the brain via the Jugular vein in the neck and because the blood can penetrate the blood-brain barrier, toxins and pollutants also enter the brain and negatively affect it. The brain actually becomes use to the polluted blood in the body and when you fast and the blood starts to thin, the brain responds due to its addiction to or habit of receiving polluted blood.
Basically, when the blood starts thinning and cleansing, the poisons, pollutants and toxins are being released via the filtering organs and to the body it feels like withdrawal and that’s why some people experience headaches while fasting.
Fasting helps begin the healing and anti-aging process. Fasting helps to improve the skin by cleansing the blood.
Fasting is very beneficial in warding off negative things and acts because if fasting compels you to abstain from that which is beneficial, good, and required, it makes it that much easier to abstain from that which is no good or detrimental, to the mind, body and soul.
Fasting is one of the ways we can detoxify and cleanse our bodies.
Juice Feasting
Juice feasting is when a person fasts or abstains from solid food and consumes vegetable and/or fruit juice (in addition to water).
Juice feasting, though not a fast, is beneficial when you consider the beneficial properties of fruits and vegetables. Fruits are very cleansing and vegetables are very building due to their high nutritional/mineral content.
Juice feasting can and will greatly help the body cleanse, rebuild and heal.
If hunger is a problem while fasting, juice feasting can be ideal alternative for you. It gives your body much needed energy from the electrical components contained in fruits and vegetables. The natural sugar in fruits will also give the body a boost as fruit sugar (fructose) converts into secondary natural fuel for the body.
The best or ideal waters to drink during a fast are distilled water and alkaline water. Distilled water is great for fasting purposes because distilled water removes heavy metal toxins from the body. Distilled water is basically boiled water. Consumption of distilled is an important function while fasting because heavy metal buildup may lead to heavy metal poisoning, impairing human health.
Alkaline water is processed water, usually charged with electrolytes (alkaline minerals). Whereas distilled water will draw out heavy metal toxins from the body by attraction, alkaline water will cause the tissues to dump off toxins and if the alkaline water is also microclustered, it will also cause the cells to dump off toxins.
Microclustered water is water that has been electrically processed allowing it to break down water molecules and make the water more penetrable so molecules can penetrate the cells and not only hydrate the body, but stimulate cleansing on a cellular level. Nature automatically microclusters water with waterfalls. The water hitting hard against rocks automatically breaks down the water molecules making them smaller and thus more penetrable through the cells of the body.
Crystal water is excellent during a fast. The best crystals to add to your drinking water during a fast are:
Clear Quartz: increases and enhances energy and the body’s energy fieldBloodstone: purifies and heals bloodMalachite (tumbled): Cleanses the blood and the liver; heals female organsBlue Jasper: sustains energy while fasting; heals degenerative diseasesMuscovite: prevents hunger while fastingAmethyst: enhances and heightens spiritual awareness; cleanses the bloodRose Quartz: amplifies the love frequency; fine tunes the heart chakraHerkimer Quartz: protects against radiation poisoningRutilated Quartz: absorbs mercury poisoning; prevents psychic attackBlack Tourmaline: prevents psychic attacks; repels negative energy
Taking elixirs are very ideal when fasting because elixirs are water imbued with crystal properties, which facilitates meditation, angelic contact, spiritual awareness, and energy healing on the subtle body level.
How to Fast
You should only be fasting when you have the time to properly fast, like on weekends and holidays or during your job-given vacation. Hard work should be avoided when fasting. During a fast, the body usually becomes weak or faint before energy levels increase and you feel more energetic.
Fasting and detoxifying (with herbs) are great ways to increase and enhance energy levels in the body.
If you decide to drink tea, herbal tea, while fasting (as many people do) drink a tea that contains natural caffeine (bio-active caffeine). Herbs that naturally contain caffeine include:
Green TeaBlack TeaKola NutGuarana, andYerba Mate
Herbs that can provide much needed energy are:
GinsengEphedraCodonopsisMaca MacaSumaGingko BilobaGotu Kola
If you are fasting to purify your mind for better memory recall, cognition, and mental clarity for the test, drink herbal tea of Holy Thistle.
If you want to enhance your cleansing effect during a fast, drink herbal teas of Burdock Root, Dandelion Root, Cleavers, Chickweed, Echinacea and/or Godenseal. Wheat and Barley Grass are also great for this.
If you want to eliminate excess mucus in the body while fasting, drink herbal teas of Mullein Leaf, Boneset, Coltsfoot, Yerba Sante, Comfrey Root, and/or Fenugreek.
If you are a female and want to cleanse your reproductive organs during fasting, drink herbal teas of White Oak Bark, Red Clover Leaf, Red Raspberry Leaf, Sarsaparilla, Squawvine, and/or Dong Quai.
To help eliminate calculi while fasting, drink herbal tea of Chanca Piedra, the best natural herb to naturally break or bust up stones or calculi and remove them from the body. Chanca Piedra is a powerful Rainforest herb whose name means to break stone.
Deep tissue massage is an ideal massage to get while detoxifying. This particular massage’s deep penetrating strokes greatly helps to cleanse the tissues of the body. Lymphatic Drain massage is also an ideal massage to get while fasting as this massage helps to stimulate cleansing and movement of the lymph fluids.
Yoga and/or deep breathing are great during a fast. Deep breathing helps cleanse the organs, move stagnant chi, prana or energy; and also fuels the body and mind.
Chakra balancing or alignment is a must during a fast. This procedure greatly helps to open the energy centers (vortices) and also cleanses and enhances the energy field. Ear coning is great to do as well while fasting. Ear coning helps to remove subtle blocks from the ears and also opens the energy centers (aura) of the ears. This activity along with removing wax buildup and bacteria is great for the ears while fasting as is most beneficial.
Nasal cleansing (with the use of a Neti Pot) is great while fasting. Nasal cleansing helps to open blocked respiratory passages via the nostrils of the nose and thus helps to improve breathing.
Magical Alchemical Elixirs (which contain herbs, crystals, humic and fulvic acid, essential oils and programmed intent), which help to heal and cleanse on all eight subtle body levels.
Crystal Spray Elixirs (which contain blessed water, crystal and gemstone properties, flower essences and essential oils), which facilitate cleansing of the aura (energy field). Crystal-Gemstone Elixirs (over 35 kinds), which work on a subtle body and energy level.
Ending a Fast
A fast should always be broken in the morning. This is where the term breakfast comes from. The word breakfast means to break the fast. Breakfast is in the morning because it starts the new day for us. A fast should be broken at sunrise (or sunset). However, sunrise is best as the stomach needs to rest at night.
A fast should always be broken with liquids, preferably soft, pureed fruit juice or vegetable juice. After digesting a liquid (fruit or vegetable juice), a smoothie would be ideal. After a smoothie, raw, organic fruit should be next. After raw, organic fruit, soup would be ideal. After soup, a green salad or some other raw food dish would be ideal. After salad and/or raw food dish, legumes (beans, peas, etc.) would be ideal. After legumes, soft whole grains would be ideal (but not a lot as they expand in the colon). After grains, a vegetarian enter would be ideal. If you eat meat, white meat, would be ideal (i.e. chicken, tuna/fish, turkey) to eat.
Please remember that while fasting, the stomach shrinks.
Fasting is a science, and proper knowledge is needed.
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vivaciousofficiall · 4 months
Wellness Series - 3 Benefits Of Coconut Water
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Coconut water is a clear, refreshing liquid found inside young, green coconuts. It is naturally sweet and has a mild, nutty flavor. Coconut water is different from Coconut milk, which is made from the grated flesh of mature coconuts.
Benefits Of Coconut Water
1. Hydration.
Coconut water is packed with electrolytes.
Electrolytes are minerals that are essential for various bodily functions. They include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and chloride. These minerals help maintain proper fluid balance, regulate nerve and muscle function, and support other important processes in the body.
2. Detoxification.
Coconut water is often associated with detoxification because it is hydrating and contains certain nutrients that can support the body's natural detoxification processes.
It contains antioxidants that can help neutralize harmful free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.
3. Weight management.
Coconut water can be a helpful addition to a weight management plan. It is low in calories and fat, making it a good alternative to sugary drinks.
As mentioned above, coconut water is hydrating, which can help with feelings of fullness and reduce the likelihood of overeating.
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