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mylifeingotham · 1 year ago
The Batkids being annoying to their elders
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aeturnum-mendacacium · 6 months ago
guys if you think about it we can sum everything batman does to being the mom friend
Utility belt-Having everything in their bag for every situation
contingency plans- making plans cause she knows her child we do shit
beats criminals up- have you ever done some stupid shit and get your ass beat by your mom? Only my asain/Hispanics know what I'm talking about I thought my life was OVER
"ugh you never help around the house". *kid tries to help*. "why are you doing that, you're doing that wrong,give it to me, leave" *does it on their own*
Do I need to mention the scolding?
The stare
no sleep
Aggressively Passive-agressive comments
knows literally everything about you
"Uh I can't find my paperwork".
"did you check under the table"
"yeah it's not there"
"You mean this paperwork.which.was.under.the.table?" *papers materializes in hand*
Tells you not to overwork but overworks herself
"Tie your hair up it looks like a bird's nest" "clean up your room" "did you finish you Homework?"
(more need to be added)
Like seriously, hes just a mom, that's what being batman is, batman is the mom and the JL/ Gotham/rouges/batfam are just his stupid children who want to jump off the top of the slide in the park
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graznot · 1 year ago
Disclaimer -- I haven't read the comics. There's too much. It's been rebooted and different timelines so I haven't.
Yes the batchildren totally do this, but if they didn't they would also barey get to see Daddy.
I’m gonna be honest, people pretending Bruce has an adoption addiction Is funny and all, but it’s starting to trick people into thinking he goes out searching for and wanting to put all these actual children in the line of danger when in reality they just sorta latch onto his leg while he stands there trying shake them off screaming “NO, I’M NOT DOING THIS AGAIN” ‘till he caves and teaches them jujitsu
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queerdisabledmess · 2 months ago
“Damian should be Batman” “Cass should be Batman” “Dick should be Batman” you fools. All of the bat children should share the mantel between them so that they never have to suffer through the burden alone like Bruce did.
Even better is if they adjust the costume to be more like Cass’s where you can’t see whose underneath. Imagine being in Gotham or the Justice League and not knowing which version of “The Bat” you’ll get (or if there will be more than one)
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violent138 · 7 months ago
Jason Todd is one hundred percent one of those people who have license plates that read: DOA, KIA, et cetera and enjoys saying things in the vein of: "Take a left. Okay in three hundred metres you're gonna reach the final destination."
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gender-premium-tm · 25 days ago
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started reading dc (well. mostly batfam. i know what i like) fics and now this guy won’t stop following me everywhere. he’s in my emails. i have a headcanon design for him (he’s in the meme!! yippee!!). i made a playlist. i don’t even GO HERE. it’s so over 😔
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graznot · 1 year ago
If there's a series of Batman comics that is just Bruce/Batman and the batchildren doing parent/kid things I would spend $ on that.
Screw violence crime fighting. Bat family chore wheel negotiation. Figuring out what to get Albert of his birthday or if to get him something for mother's day. Sneaking into Bruce's bed because someone's had a nightmare.
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You know what this makes me think about? A guy as paranoid and highly trained as Batman would absolutely flip out if someone he didn’t know tried to touch him. He’s probably on alert at virtually all times for possible hits or hands reaching toward him.
But here? He’s on his comm and he doesn’t even blink when Dick reaches into his belt pockets. His belt pockets with explosives and highly dangerous materials that shouldn’t be accessible to anyone who doesn’t know how to disarm them.
Dick reaches into his belt for a sucker and Bruce just lets him. It’s such a casual display of touch that I overlooked the first time I came across this panel.
How many small touches and invasions of his space does Bruce allow from family? How big of a gift is it for him to allow those? What other ways does the Batfamily climb all over him with casual touch and affection? Did he have to learn to accept it after being relatively devoid of it for so long?
Just some morning thoughts as I wake up on cold medicine.
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serpentinegraphite · 8 months ago
Since Gotham City is often set in Jersey, and NJ is one of those states where you can't pump your own gas, like. Before Batman gets an electrical car do you think he has to let some random gas station attendant top off the batmobile?
I'm imagining like Battinson brooding in the front seat of the batmobile, sad noir monologue in his head about crime, waiting for the gas station attendant to finish filling up the batmobile
Alternatively, campy early era Batman explaining to the viewer, "we have to allow someone else to pump the gas, Robin. That's the Law!" While they're illegal vigilantes
Like 1 in 3 gas station attendants are like "no dude, you're doing crimes (vigilantism) I'm not getting bagged as an accessory. Pump your own gas." And Bruce 100% does not know how the first few times bc he's Gotham born and bred and, crucially, the kind of rich boy who has a chauffeur most of the time anyway before his vengeance quest really gets underway.
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dchuntress · 2 months ago
one hill i will die and kill on is that helena wayne is NOT damian's baby little sister to me... she should be the older sibling between them
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anothermeforcompany · 2 years ago
He just knows
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Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #77 - “Suit Up” (2023)
written by CRC Payne art by Starbite, Geoniya Acuna, Suzi Blake, & C.M. Cameron
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fakewizard · 2 years ago
gf made me care about superheroes and now im going to scream forever thanks
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that-one-weird-cloud0 · 1 year ago
Bruce and Danny eating at the dinner table:
Batchildren walk in:
Tim: Dang Bruce, only gone for seven hours and you adopted another one?
Jason: yea old man, what the hell?
Bruce: he’s not adopted
Damian: good
Bruce: he’s my biological son :>
Damian: wot
Dick: god fucking—who did you stick your dick in now? He’s fifteen for crying out loud!!!
Danny: *chokes on the best fucking food he’s ever had in his entire life*
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kiragecko · 2 years ago
Does this box protect Tim from the enrichment of encountering villains? Or is he an anti-villain and it provides him enrichment?
Because I like both, but the first amuses me slightly more.
Bruce: What are you doing? Why are you wearing a safety vest?
Jason: I'm the Bat-OSHA inspector
Bruce: Did Duke put you up to this?
Jason: No, I volunteered. Now if you could step aside sir, I'm trying to do my job
Bruce: I'm not going to be able to stop you, am I?
Jason: Nope. Now let's see, you've got literal bats flying around. Stalagmites and stalactites everywhere, that's a tripping hazard. Nowhere near enough handrails. No marked emergency exists. With all this moisture in the air, this place is basically a brothel for mold. I'm not sure what the proper enclosures for a cow and turkey are, but I know a cave ain't it. And it's that a child working in a box I see?
Bruce: Tim is in the "anti-villian enrichment enclosure" that you made for him!
Tim: Hi Jason!
Jason: Hi Tiny!- I hope you know keeping children in boxes is something not tolerated by Bat-OSHA.
Bruce: You put him in there not 30 minutes ago!
Jason: Always an excuse for everything.
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thedevilundercover · 1 year ago
There’s such an easy way to wrangle all of the Batchildren. Bruce, take some notes: stickers
Especially the golden star stickers. If you pull one of those out? All of them are going fucking feral
Maybe he learnt it from some other single mom of too many kids™️ at some PTA meeting or whatever
*clears throat* here’s a demonstration of what I think would happen.
Batman: I have acquired some new knowledge and have decided to implement them into our training
Batchildren: yeah; ok; whatever; no one cares
Batman, pulls out some stickers from his bat pouches™️:
All of the fucking Batchildren: *going feral, ballistic over the stickers, actually listen for once*
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living-with-ghost · 4 months ago
*Miss Wayne shopping around Gotham.
Platonic yandere Bruce as Batman making sure that his little sis is safe.
Platonic yandere batchildren stalking their lovely aunty.*
Damian: tt... Who let somebody as noble as aunty to dirty her heels walking around streets like that?
Dick: Dami stop. Aunty wanted to get to know her birth city.
Jason: I agree with the brat. We shouldn't let her do something so dangerous. She is not ready to meet the streets.
*Meanwhile Miss Wayne incapacitating to the ground a guy who wanted to grab her bag*
Miss Wayne: Art. 279. § 1. Whoever steals from burglary shall be subject to the penalty of deprivation of liberty for a term of between 1 and 10 years
Batfam: 😶🫥
Tim: It seems that the Gotham is not ready for her.
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satoshy12 · 1 year ago
Furry Bruce Wayne? 
Jasmine Fenton was the babysitter that Bruce had found and liked, and she worked for him. She was pretty good at taking care of the Batchildren, and the payment was good for Jazz university loan.
It was just bad luck that Jazz found the Batcave. 
Jazz saw the Batcave, and the costume did meet with Bruce Wayne.  Who first thought he would try to talk with her about all of this and the secret?  Only for her to scream at him about being furry and how he can let his children that young join his hobby! It's bad for them as they grow up!! Well, on one side, she doesn't believe he is Batman, and his family  otherwise She thinks we are all furries and wants to make sure the kids grow up healthy and do not see things that way at their age!
Bruce did plan C. He grounded all his kids at home as Jazz made a 4-hour lecture ready for their lives and how they should be careful, and no, they aren't birds, so they can't fly.  Damian really wants to leave... at least Tim, Jason, Drake, Steph, Cass and even Dick have to listen to this too.
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