#Barty is not smart all the time
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dumbass-gryffindor1960 · 1 year ago
Slytherin skittles incorrect quotes
Barty: bitch, why are you wearing sunglasses?
Regulus: I have my reason
Evan: Reg it’s literally 7 in the morning and it’s winter?? The sun will not rise before 8?
Regulus: oh trust me, the sun is already dazzling me.
Barty: what the hell is wrong with his eyes?
Dorcas: nothing’s wrong with his eyes, the gryffindor quidditch team is not training today
Barty: and?
Dorcas: they’re here for breakfast after 7 which is really unusual
Barty: uh?
Evan: I’ve told you Cas, he is so oblivious
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deathnguts · 8 months ago
Barty the type of guy to get clothes for regulus without minding the size because that’s not something he thinks about and when regulus tells them they’re too big he’s like, ‘my bad what size are you’ and regulus tells him he’s size zero Barty just becomes absolutely affronted and goes on for far too long about how ‘zero isn’t a size! Zero is nothing!’
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curiouslymyown · 4 months ago
Barty: I’m not in love with Evan
Regulus: okay?
Barty: I mean, just because I think about him all the time, and want him to kiss me, and have him do disgusting things to me-
Regulus: ew
Barty: -doesn’t mean I’m love with him!
Regulus: okay..
Barty: and just because he’s perfect and smart and funny and so fucking attractive doesn’t mean that I want to be his boyfriend
Regulus: okay??????
Barty: anyway this is ridiculous, why are we talking about this?
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months ago
📲🍑 - January 14 - jegulus - server microprompt challenge - word count: 425 - very NSFW!
It was a rare moment of quiet in the cozy little flat they all shared. Remus was napping on the couch, Regulus (who visited so frequently he may as well have signed the lease) was at home with Barty and Evan, Peter was off on a date, and both Sirius and James sat in one armchair, staring at the screen of James’s phone, trying desperately to solve a crossword puzzle.
“'Five letter word for'…fuck, this is ridiculous!” Sirius moaned, scrubbing at his face with his hand. “Remus makes these look so easy!”
“Okay, but we’re smart, right?” James said, half-encouragingly, half-desperately. “We can do this!”
They were interrupted for a moment when, with a small ding! James received a text. But he hurriedly swiped it away, so quickly Sirius almost didn’t see it.
“Was that Regulus?” Sirius asked, tilting his head to the side, having recognized the name before James swiped. “What’d he say? Is he coming over?”
“What? Oh, er…” James muttered, not making eye contact. “Yeah, probably.”
He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. “Well, why don’t you check?”
James shifted uncomfortably. “I mean, I can check later.”
Sirius snorted. “But he’s probably saying he’ll be here soon! Go on, check. I know you two’re dating, it’s not like you have to hide your stupid pet names."
But James just stammered an unintelligible response, making Sirius all the more suspicious. “James. What, are you talking about me or something?” Sirius asked, frowning.
“No! No, I-” James started to deny, but he was cut off by another ding! that drew both of their attention to the screen.
This time, James didn’t swipe away fast enough. And this time, there was a picture.
“What the fuck-” Sirius hissed, snatching the phone from James’s hand and standing to avoid his snatching fingers.
Without thinking, he tapped on the picture, not considering what he was about to see. But almost instantaneously, he regretted every decision that had led him up to this moment.
The picture showed Regulus in a mirror, clearly naked, back to the mirror with his head turned so his very suggestive expression could be seen. Spine arched and lip bitten, he sat on his heels, arse fully on display.
“Oh ew!” Sirius shouted, throwing the phone at James and accidentally hitting him in the face. “EW! What the fuck, James?”
James, however, just grabbed his phone and held it up, eyes raking over the screen and smirking. “Told you not to look,” he said with a shrug. “Reg will be here in twenty.”
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oh-phoenixx · 5 days ago
"Dream" - Jegulus microfic @into-the-jeggyverse - 816 words
Regulus was unable to accept that he was worthy of good things, that they came to him and they stuck around. Inside of him festered evil, cruelty, and so much of his parents that he was scared every time he opened his mouth, that whatever came out would be their words and their voices and not his. So why, why would James Potter, a boy who embodied the sun, who had so much warmth and love to give, who could have whoever he wanted; why would he want Regulus? Some part of him feared it was one big joke, one of the Marauders’ pranks. He knew, rationally, that none of them would stoop so low, but it seemed more plausible to him than James Potter liking him.
“What are you thinking about, angel?” James asked. 
Regulus, who was resting on James’s chest, shook his head and buried his face deeper into his boyfriend’s t-shirt. His boyfriend. It didn’t make sense. This was a dream. It was the only explanation, in Regulus’s mind.
“Regulus,” James whispered, hand moving up to card through the younger boy’s hair.
“‘M fine,” Regulus said, not prepared to ever pull away from James.
James seemed to accept this, or at least accept that Regulus didn’t want to talk. But that voice in Regulus’s head just kept on going, getting louder and louder, overwhelming every other sense. 
“Why do you…” Regulus started, but his fear of vulnerability, of scaring James away, made him think better of it. “Nevermind.”
“Baby, talk to me,” James pleaded gently, tilting Regulus’s head just enough that he could see his face.
“Why do you like me?” Regulus asked quietly. “I’m…You could have anyone.”
James was perfect. He was kind, considerate, smart, talented, angelic, beautiful. He was everything that Regulus wasn’t. Regulus was… Regulus was mean and cruel and had to force genius upon himself. He wasn’t naturally gifted in any way; he studied for hours trying to be half as smart as Barty or Sirius or James. And yes, he was second in his class, but he could never do it based on intelligence alone. And he wasn’t…he wasn’t handsome like James was. It was something he had almost come to terms with. Everyone in the school liked Sirius, thought he was handsome or funny or whatever. Regulus could never be any of those things, not without working for it. It was always meant to be as such; Sirius, the brightest star, and Regulus, always so far behind.
So, why had James chosen him? Him over smart and pretty Lily Evans, him over his brother, him over anyone else?
“Because you’re the best person I know, Regulus,” James said, so honestly that Regulus thought he might be sick with it. “You’re perfect. You’re- You’re funny, even when you don’t mean to be. You remember every detail that people tell you about themselves. You act all guarded, but the second someone brings up a book you like or asks about what you’re reading, you have so much to say and so much excitement that you can’t even hide it. I love everything about you, Reg. I love how stubborn you are and how kind you are, even though you try to keep walls around you by being mean. I love your hair, but this strand especially because it falls in your eyes and it annoys you, and the little pout on your face every time you can’t get it to bend to your will makes me crazy. I love your eyes. I could spend the rest of my life just staring into your eyes and die thinking I accomplished everything I ever dreamed of doing. I love you, angel. You don’t see it yet, but you’re so good. You’re so perfect.”
Regulus had been making a list of protests as James spoke, up until the end. Up until, ‘I love you’. Once those words had left his mouth, Regulus had forgotten his list. He had forgotten everything else that James had said.
“You love me?” Regulus mumbled, quietly for fear that he had misheard.
“How could I not?” James replied, suddenly seeming nervous.
In response, Regulus finally lifted his head and captured James’s lips in an embarrassingly needy kiss that he had the dignity to feel at least a tiny bit ashamed of. This shame immediately dissipated when James responded by pulling one of Regulus’s legs over his lap so that he was straddling him, sitting up and grabbing his hips, his grip so tight yet so gentle. 
“I love you,” Regulus said into the kiss. “So much. Love you. Fuck. I love you.”
Those might have been the only three words spoken between them for the rest of the night, past moans and curses. 
Regulus still had a very hard time accepting that good things came to him and stuck around. This was progress, though. He was getting there.
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whimsical-mistakes · 1 month ago
i hate it when pandora is made out to be super mature and someone who 'wouldn't hurt a fly'. like no. the woman literally blew herself up, she is not responsible.
anyways here is how i interpret her
she has really bad grades but shes extremely smart. unlike regulus, pandora only really pays attention if the topic interests her. she doesn't care about the draught of living death but she does care about amortentia so in the exam, despite not remembering actually writing anything down or taking notes, she can list every trait and ingredient of it but then when there a question about living draught her mind goes fully blank.
and honestly i think she knows that grades aren't everything and what some silly test on paper shows nothing about her actual skills (and i think she would've ingrained that in luna too)
she is not a ravenclaw. im sorry but i dont think that pandora fits within that house. as we know, ravenclaws like to seek knowledge but i dont think pandora does - i think she loves the unknown (likely due to being a seer and having the curse of knowing too much) and she will only seek out knowledge only if she has to
she is a slytherin that doesnt intentionaly break the rules like barty. she just doesnt understand why there are so many stupid rules in place when there are way better ways she could get things done.
she is NOT a planner - if you ask her to do something she'll just shrug and give you the most ominous response known to man
she knew remus was a werewolf. - she has 0 evidence to back this theory like at all. she just had a feeling.
she has zero sense of danger.
'regulus i think your being paranoid. how could me going outside for a late night walk to investigate the loud howling on a full moon be dangerous? you cant die at hogwarts'
she purposefully messes with barty by pretending that she saw something about his future and making him believe it. and he falls for it every. single. time.
'barty!' 'what' 'be careful on your way to care of magical creatures.' 'what why?' 'PROMISE ME BARTY' 'dora. did you see something' *slow nodding*
barty was paranoid for the rest of the day
she has 5 bajillion hobbies (sewing, baking, juggling ect.)
everyone in the friendgroup is slightly afraid of her - they all feel like shes capable of things that no one should be capable of
she steals potion ingredients from slughorn and lets the marauders get the blame
(which they take because at this point they cant even remember what they did and didn't do)
she took care of magical creature
evan and pandoras parents are split.
evan lives with his dad, dads shiny new wife and little brother (i am gonna go into depth about this household in my evan characterisation)
their mum managed to get out and took pandora with her - mr. rosier pays them money to act like they don''t exist and that's exactly what they do
her mum is a healer who works super hard and is often exhausted but is kind and lets pandora explore the things she wants
evan and pandora were separated when they were four and couldn't get back in contact but when they went to hogwarts they immediately rekindled their relationship
pandora is increadibly emotionally intelligent and loves observing people and theyre mannerisms - she sees how tense dorcas gets whenever anyone talks badly about gryffindors and how regulus sneaks glaces at the gryffindor table when nobodys looking, she even noticed wolfstar first
but she will take all of this to her grave.
she doesnt feel the need to share it like gossip or even to confront the people its about. she just enjoys knowing and allowing the world to unfold around her.
she has a little box of things that she collects that she just loves
she can read taro and loves watching people reactions to each card
she also loves being a absolute menace and making up the most random shit for people
'aahh yes this card mean you shall be blessed with the spirit of a pelican and the vitality of a platypus' 'ooooh- wait what?' 'shhhh let the cards speak to you'
in history of magic, her and regulus' favorite thing to do is write little flirty notes and put them in the bags of people that they ships bag as if theyre from eachother - this is how rosekiller finally confessed confirmed.
she LOVES matching hair with evan
shes super protective over regulus
not one person in the school hates her. they just don't.
when it comes to her moral compass - i dont think its very strong. thats not to say she cant tell the difference but i think her empathy gets in the way of her being able to decide if something is right or wrong. i think that when her friends joined the deatheater she was heartbroken but she couldn't just cut them off the way dorcas could because she could see why they did despite her thinking it was a horrible thing to do - i think thats why she never joined the order, she stayed neutral but still showed her view through the quibbler (supporting the order). i think she knew there was the chance she would have to go up against barty, evan or reg and she knew that she would never be able to.
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(i hope i didnt offend anyone with the intro or my opinions - at the end of the day its a fandom and theres no 'set' traits of the characters)
i am gonna continue to add to this when i have another headcannon to add xx
tags with no pressure (my fav blogs)
@crescenthistory @unconventional-lawnchair @thatdammchickennugget @fear-less @adalitas-coffeebreak-corner @g1rld1ary @rainydayathogwarts @sun-kissy
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moutainrusing · 3 months ago
love letters
786 words, @pandalilymicrofics
“Barty, I swear on my dad’s dead corpse, if you carry on simping over my brother, I will stab this pencil through your eye,” Pandora threatened, emphatically raising the fist clenched around her pencil.
“But Evan—”
“Do not. Say his name. Anymore,” Pandora shook the pencil, and Barty sighed wistfully. Fed up with this, Pandora suggested, “Why don’t you write him a love letter?”
“A love letter?” Barty pulled a face. “Ew?”
“How is a love letter more disgusting to you than the way you wax poetic about Evan out loud, to me?” Pandora bared her teeth in frustration. “It’s expressing the exact same thing that you already do in paper format and sending it to the actual recipient, instead of his sibling. Because in case you’ve forgotten, I’m related to Evan, and I don’t want to hear what you think about his mouth!”
Barty rolled his eyes, as if what Pandora was saying made no sense at all. “If I write this… love letter… you must give me something in return. After all, friendship is a business transaction.”
Pandora rolled her eyes. Sometimes, Barty made no sense at all.
Tapping his chin thoughtfully, Barty finally decided, “I’ll write him love letters instead of gushing to you all the time if you buy me lunch everyday.”
“Deal,” Pandora shook his hand. She also poked her pencil into his palm while doing so. The jury would be forever out on whether or not that was purposeful.
- - -
Dear the love of my life (Pandora: “Why are you calling him the love of your life?” Barty: “‘Cause this is a love letter? You basically told me to do that?”)
I am in love with you. (Pandora: “That’s unnecessary. It was stated in the first line.” Barty: “Was it though? Do you think your brother’s smart enough to understand if I don’t clarify?” Pandora: “…You make a good point.”)
Love from the love of your life (Pandora: “You’ve written ‘love’ way too many times.” Barty: “It’s a love letter!”)
- - -
“Now slip it through his locker,” Pandora advised.
“Where’s his locker?”
She shrugged, “Dunno.”
“You don’t know where your brother’s locker is?” Barty asked incredulously.
Haughtily, Pandora sniffed, “Stop acting like it’s an expectation of sibling relationships to know everything about each other.”
“It kinda is—”
“I think that’s his locker,” Pandora interrupted, pointing to a locker graffitied with ‘EVANS’ in bright red capital letters. Again, she sniffed disdainfully, “He’s the type to graffiti his locker. And miss out the apostrophe in Evan’s. It’s probably Evan’s locker,” she nodded. “It’s been branded Evan’s at least. Without the apostrophe. ‘Cause he’s a degenerate vandal.”
Barty side-eyed her, “I’ll never understand sibling rivalry…” He slid the folded paper through the frame, before the two of them shoved each other past the crowd of students, positioning themselves behind a vending machine to watch Evan’s supposed locker for any action.
But instead of Evan, a person who Pandora recognised very well, with the green eyes she’d dream about and the red hair she’d see while gazing at the person’s back during class, walked up to the locker. Oh. Evans. Lily Evans.
Suddenly, vandalism seemed very cool. And the graffiti was actually grammatically correct, so Pandora could let it slide. Plus, red was an ingenious colour choice, Lily’s taste was exquisite, Pandora was mesmerised by the sheer talent of it, the way the letters were perfectly positioned to spell out the surname of the love of her life. When Lily stood in front of her locker, rivulets of her red hair cascaded beside the graffiti, creating a remarkable gradient, perfectly blending orange into red like the sunset over a beach in the hot, humid summer—
Barty nudged her, probably to say that the mission had been a failure, except Pandora wasn’t really concentrating, so she stumbled out from behind the vending machine, winding up in the middle of the corridor and hovering there aimlessly.
Having read the letter, Lily looked around curiously, and Pandora was just there, staring at her. Eventually, Lily’s eyes landed on Pandora like darts pinning a dartboard, rendering her frozen in place, just looking at each other for an extended period of time, seconds which had slowed to hours, too long, this was dumb, Pandora should move, what was she doing? Then Lily smiled at her, hands fiddling with the corner of the letter.
She made her way towards Pandora, and they were both standing in the middle of the corridor, and Pandora’s heart was a drum beating inside her throat, reverberating through her body, echoing within her bones, loud, aggressive, but it calmed to the sound of waves in a conch shell when Lily said quietly, “Hi, love of my life.”
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otrtbs · 1 month ago
can i know your bartylus thoughts….
well, yes of course you can know my bartylus thoughts! they make me insane.
The guiding thesis for bartylus is: "who are you when you're not performing."
because regulus is always performing, for his parents, for his brother, for the sake of maintaining some sense of fragile control, he's always projecting some other image of himself, some other version that people demand or expect. (i even feel like with james, he's trying to project The Best Most Palatable version of himself esp at the beginning)
and barty is also just a constant performance to me. in my mind it's just a constant rejection and rebellion of/against his father and his father's expectations. like any chance that barty has to be away from his father's crushing thumb is the moment he goes haywire, because that's how he gets back at his dad. that's his way of saying 'fuck you'. but is that really him? or is he just constantly performing the opposite of what his father wants, not because that's who he is, but because he knows his father will hate it?
but when regulus and barty come together, they don't have to act any more. they don't have to pretend and project with one another, because they can both see right through it. barty's smart, he's cunning and quick and i would say he's smarter than regulus is and regulus loves that. they can spar together, they match each other intellectually. and they both know that there is nothing they can do or think or say that the other person wouldn't understand. there is no place they wouldn't follow each other.
also, i think barty is extremely possessive. for lack of a better metaphor i think that barty coils around regulus like a snake and that regulus loves it. in a world where everybody picks everybody else before regulus (his parents pick sirius and sirius picks james...and regulus is just kind of There.... you get the vibe) barty not only picks regulus first, but entwines himself fully with regulus. barty doesn't play about regulus because that's his person, that's the only one who knows who barty is without all the fanfare... the only one who took the time to dig through all those layers that barty's buried himself under.
okay okay and also they just FIT so WELL together in all these tiny and subtle ways. like, in my mind they're perfect potion's partners because they're both left-handed and they don't knock elbows or anything. and they both wear silver jewelry and they can literally pull the thoughts out of each other's head and speak them outloud before the other person. and it's not work for them. it's not work for them to tell what the other person is thinking or feeling, it just comes easily to them. and anyone else has to pull teeth from both of them to get them to show the slightest emotion.
i think that regulus grounds barty's chaotic, wild, self-destructive tendencies and pulls him back, and barty forces regulus to lighten up and draws him out of his isolationist, hermit, caustic self-destructive tendencies.
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aithusarosekiller · 7 months ago
The emeralds are definitely the group that everyone fearfully avoids as much as possible
And not because they're popular or violent, they're just weird to the point of it being unsettling to anyone who knows them. They're just sort of scary and it's not because they try to be, they just are. They're so used to each other that they don't even realise.
People won't think twice about them at first because they're just like any other random friend group but the second you've sat and actually paid attention to them you're avoiding them like the plague. They don't typically have many other close friends outside of their group because people are too wary of them so they've sort of become one group so close-knit that seem to be on the same brainlength permanently.
Like you've got-
Dorcas: who can modify almost any spell to be ten times as powerful as usual. She won't use them against people but she'll make her talent known by practicing and performing spells with her friends where others can see. To her she's just practicing her skill and to her friends it's just 'normal cassie' but it scares the shit out of most people who see it. Even teachers are startled at her skill and power levels. She is also fiercely protective of her group and her younger sister. Not that anyone would dare try anything after seeing how strong her channeling of magic is. She has all the potential to be a popular girl but everyone's fear of her power and her loyalty to her existing friends hold her back from that.
Barty: who is so much of a genius he could outsmart the minister if he wanted. He's clever and a little intimidating but also really good at hiding information about himself. Ask ten different people what he's like and you'll get ten different answers. Nobody ever knows what he's really thinking except apparently his own group. He has ways of having an hour long conversation and extracting your entire life story while sharing nothing in return. He'll sometimes get a small glint in his eye that only his friends seem to understand as a strange mix between inspiration and anger. To an outsider it just looks strange.
Evan: has on multiple occasions set people's essays on fire for talking shit about his friends and always gets away with it through the word of one of his groups. He managed to get an in with snape's gang, the popular Ravenclaws in the year below and the entire Hufflepuff quidditch team. Everyone knows he doesn't actually like any of them- he only truly likes his main group (the emeralds)- but nobody can figure out why he likes to float around and watch others. In reality he just likes knowing how people's minds and dynamics work. Getting people to defend him if he faces trouble is just a bonus
Regulus: he is the confusing one. He's quiet and isn't easily noticed if you aren't paying close attention. But he's smart. Not Barty's level of academic genius, he's a very logical person. He can be given one small piece of information and do almost anything with it, draw any conclusion. He can seemingly communicate a train of thought with his friends just by looking at them to the point where there are rumours of him being a legilimens. He gives the feeling of knowing more than he lets on. To his friends, despite his quietness he is warm and sensitive but where they get that impression from is anybody's guess.
Pandora: who's just on such another level of morbid that people will be scared to whisper about her behind her back incase she or one of the other's hear them. She carries small, probably haunted porcelain dolls with her at all times, which are apparently gifts to her from some of the forest-folk during one of her many visits to the forbidden forest. She is also known to dabble in necromancy, particularly regarding animals. She meddles a lot with whatever niche types of magic she can find with little guidance, which many find scary. She's very empathetic but her curiosity in the morbid only scares people off. She's usually kind to anybody she comes across but that won't stop them from being wary and staying away.
And in their heads they're just another normal group who hang out a lot, understand each other, are liked by the teachers, and help new first years when they get lost. But to the rest of the people in their year as well as the year above and below, they're insane.
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babybatss-blog · 7 months ago
Sirius black x reader, 850 words
Summary: After another fight, Sirius comes to you for support.
Cw: pre-developed relationship between Sirius and reader, Sirius is bleeding and has bruises. Kissing and alcohol consumption. Angst into comfort.
Some may call Sirius’ actions today a momentary lapse in judgement. Others may call it another predictable deed of his, just like many times before that couldn’t be contained and never will be. But you know better than that. You know that Sirius is truly a good person, someone who just doesn’t let others speak down on his loved ones with his unwavering loyalty. Are his clashes smart? No, of course not! But he does these things out of the goodness of his heart, not understanding the repercussions that they have and what other more successful methods there are to get out his anger.
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It’s 10:18pm on a Friday when you are sitting in your dorm, alone. All of your friends went to a party out in the Ravenclaw common room, though after a long week you thought it would be better to stay in. Soft candlelight illuminates your room, the posters and rain flickering under it’s warm glow as you curl up on your bed, reading a captivating book. Even if your week hadn’t been rough you probably would’ve still found yourself alone tonight, as this book has been one of the best you’ve ever read. The plot twists, character development and world building truly transport you away, and you’ve been craving a good moment like this for a while.
Nonetheless, your euphoria is quickly ended by a knock at your door, which is strong and firm. If it was one of your friends it would’ve been softer, or they would’ve just called out as they unlocked the door themselves. So, who could it be? You get up out of bed and quickly walk over, opening the door to see… Sirius.
He seems awful. Theres blood on his lip and his eyebrow is puffy, a bruise clearly forming. “Sirius?!” You exclaim, confusion overriding your previously calm demeanour. Without hesitation you pull him inside by his hand, which he obediently follows until he collapses onto your bed. Usually in a situation like this he would be defending himself profusely, not letting you get a word of denotation in as he knows you hate when he gets in trouble like this. Sirius merely sits there as you quickly walk out of the room to the bathroom, grabbing a hand towel and running it under warm water.
Once you return he looks up at you, a sad look in his gorgeous eyes that makes your heart melt. “Sorry.” He mumbles. Well that’s unlike him. You sweetly smile at him and kneel in between his legs, his cold hands firmly holding your waist as a simple symbol of his affection. No matter what is going on Sirius cannot keep his hands off you, physical affection being his main form of love. “So, what happened?” You ask, not wasting a moment to clean the wounds on his beautiful face with the warm towel. He hisses at the sensation, yet responds anyways. “Lucius. He was making fun of Frank again, and I don’t know what came over me but it just… Enraged me. The poor guy was just minding his business, but that stupid Malfoy couldn’t help himself. Blabbering on about him being a loser or something.” As he says this, you can feel the anger building up in him already. His grip on you tightens and his brow furrows, quivering slightly under the sensation of the towel. In a disposition to him you merely smile, leaning in to kiss his nose. “Your so sweet. I’m sure Frank appreciated it, but you know that’s what you should do.”
“I know. Except I didn’t even throw the first punch! James Punched Barty first, and Lucius flung my wand out of my hand so I had no choice but to swing! Otherwise, he would’ve gone and-“ Your pointer finger presses against his mouth, stopping his divulgence before he goes on more. “Enough Siri. No excuses, we don’t need them here.” Although he doesn’t necessarily agree with you, Sirius keeps his mouth shut when you take your finger back.
“I’m sorry Darling.” He mumbles. If there’s anything you’ve taught him from the time you’ve spent together its that violence isn’t the best policy, and even if he doesn’t agree it pains him more than any bruise or cut to betray you. And when your hand with the towel drops and is replaced with one on his cheek he melts, understanding the words behind your silent gesture. You understand his actions, resolute in protecting what he finds important through a simple means that doesn’t take complicated words. You lean in for your soft lips to collide, tasting the alcohol on his breath and the blood on his lips. You’re a better medicine to him than any spell or liquid, invigorating him from the outside in.
As his hands explore your body once more the night dissolves away, safe in each other’s touch and far far way from any stupid bullying Slytherins, and issues of the real world.
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keksikart · 2 days ago
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- Name! Give me a name! The bastard's name!
- Barty Crouch…Junior!
A terrific character and very underrated.
A smart and capable student who passed 12 exams with an "Excellent"
A remarkably loyal associate of the Dark Lord.
Defeat turned out to be the imprisonment his own father condemned him to. The old man got him out of Azkaban, but imprisoned him in a worse prison. In his own family's manor. His father kept him under the Imperius for several years, and Barty learned how to throw it off after a while. And when the Imperius haze loosened the jaws of his mind, he escaped.
A skillful occlumency. After all, he was able to fool Dumbledore himself. And Mad-Eye. And in all that time, not giving himself away to anyone when he was in disguise. Imitated Moody's every behavior, the way he spoke. Not to mention his amazing ability to lead people and teach children. Masterful.
Even though he brought Neville to tears, he helped him, taught him, and even became a good professor for him.
Gave us... A ferret ���
And the whole plan to resurrect the Dark Lord was his! And the plan was awesome and successful.
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klarolinexluv · 8 months ago
I think there is some misconception with the sorting hat. I don’t think you have to necessarily be brave or smart or loyal or ambitious to be sorted into those houses I think it’s more what your core values are.
Like. All of the Black for example were Slytherin (except for Sirius ofc). This wouldn’t be because they are all ambitious when they were 11 but because they value ambition. They want to be ambitious. It’s been drilled into them since they were little. Thus being sorted into Slytherin.
The Potters for example. All of them were Gryffindor (expect Albus ofc). They aren’t all necessarily brave. They just value braveness. It’s what they were taught growing up. Like you can’t tell me Effie and Monty didn’t teach James that bravery isn’t the absence of fear. Like. You know?!
Do you get what I’m saying??
Peter and Neville weren’t particularly brave when they were 11 but they were still sorted into Gryffindor. Why? Because they value bravery. It’s a core value for them.
Barty Crouch Jr. All though we mostly headcanon him as a Slytherin, canonically, he was a Ravenclaw. He was obvious rather ambitious in his later life but as an 11 year old, he valued knowledge. He wanted to know things.
Im trying to give examples but the house sorting system is a bit constricting. Obviously you can value knowledge and ambition (or any combination) at the same time, and that can change as you grow up you know but from the perspective of an 11 year old, I do think it’s just what they value at the time not what they actually are.
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my-castles-crumbling · 8 months ago
smart - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 189
Barty Crouch, Jr. was obnoxiously smart. He'd achieved 12 Outstanding OWLS, after all. He did well in every class he attended. He answered every question asked of him correctly, and scored perfectly on every homework assignment he actually took the time to turn in.
He was also ridiculously stupid.
"He..what?" he asked, eyes wide and mouth open.
"Evan. Loves you," Regulus repeated like it was common knowledge.
"No he doesn't," Barty scoffed, alarmed.
"Barty. He literally took you on a date. Yesterday," Regulus said slowly, like he was explaining to a three-year-old. "You two are dating."
"We- we just- it was just- we only-!" Barty tried to explain, his entire world collapsing as he looked back on yesterday, and his relationship with Evan in general. Because yeah, they cuddle a lot for bros. And that casual outing to Hogsmeade had been very cozy. And, to be fair, they did kiss that one time.....those four times.
He blinked.
"I have to go!" he yelped, getting up.
"Go where?" Regulus asked, looking confused and irritated.
"I have to kiss my fucking boyfriend," Barty yelled over his shoulder, grinning as he ran.
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addsalwayssick · 8 months ago
@rosekillermicrofic || prompt: secret || word count: 778
Something was wrong with Barty Crouch Jr. He liked a boy. All his life he’s liked girls. Now, in 6th year, as a 15 year old boy, he likes a boy. Evan Rosier.
He and Evan were two peas in a pod, as many would say. They were two in a group of five. As Barty lay in his bed at night, crying about liking him, he had a realization. Through deep breaths and barely clarifying thoughts, he figured that maybe he liked Pandora.
Pandora Rosier. Evan’s twin sister. Gorgeous, smart, and fun. Why wouldn’t he like her? Better yet, she looks like Evan.
So Barty asked her out. “Hey Panda?” He asked, catching up with her in the hallway. “What class have you got?”
“Oh hello Barty,” Pandora smiled. “I have transfigurations next. Walk with me?”
“Yeah sure,” Barty said, walking by her. “I wanted to ask you something.” He started.
Pandora looked at him. “Yes?”
“Would you want to go out with me?” Barty asked, looking intensely into her blue eyes.
Pandora flung her long blonde hair out of her face as she thought. “Sure, why not?” She said.
And so they dated. But Barty couldn’t get past the aching feeling of emptiness in him. There was a pit in his stomach every time he looked at Evan, every time he thought of Evan, every time he breathed near Evan. It was miserable.
And if that wasn’t enough, Evan was growing distant with him. Anything Barty asked to hang out, Evan would blow him off, saying he’s got something to do.
Barty would sit in his dorm room at night, knees to his chest, tears in his eyes. What was wrong with him? Boys weren’t supposed to like boys. Something was wrong with him.
Pandora knocked on Barty’s door one evening as he was studying. The rest of his roommates gone at the Ravenclaw party he had blown off to study.
“Barty?” Pandora called through the door.
Barty didn’t look up. “Come in,” He yelled absentmindedly.
“Barty can I speak with you?” She said softly, sitting politely on his bed.
Barty turned and nodded. “Yeah, everything okay?”
Pandora sighed. “Barty you know I love you,” She started. Barty tried to speak, but Pandora cut him off. “But not like that. And you don’t love me like that either.”
“I don’t understand what you mean,” Barty grumbled.
Pandora smiled slightly. “You like Evan, don’t you?”
Barty’s face hardened. “Don’t say shit like that.”
Pandora cocked her head to the side. “Barty, you’re defensive because you know it’s true.”
“Men can’t date men, Pandora.” Barty hissed.
“Sure they can.”
“No the fuck they can’t. I’m not- i’m not like that,” Barty hastily spit out.
Pandora patted his knee. “Barty, you know what i’m saying is true. Please just think about it,” And she left.
Barty did think about it. He thought about it hard. He raced out of his dorm room, down to the dungeons, and into Evan’s dorms.
“Barty? What the fuck?” Evan sat up from where he was resting on his bed.
“Ev,” He huffed, out of breath.
“Mate, what are you doing here?” Evan sighed. “It’s late,”
Barty was shaking as he said, “Can we talk?”
Evan furrowed his eyebrows. “Yes?”
“I like you.”
“What the ever loving fuck are you talking about?” Evan scoffed. “Don’t fuck around like that Barty. My sister loves you. You love her.”
Barty shook his head, “Not like that. Not like I love you, Ev.”
Evan laughed without humor. “I’d hope not. Considering you’re dating her and not me.”
“Jesus fuck,” Barty hissed before storming over to Evan. Barty grabbed his face and smashed his lips onto Evans.
Evan pushed him off. “What the hell, Barty. You’re dating my sister,”
“No i’m not!” Barty exclaimed. “We broke it off because i’m in love with you! Please don’t make this harder for me,”
“Harder for you? How is this hard for you?” Evan hissed.
“God just- just fucking kiss me!” Barty huffed.
Evan hesitated before taking his shirt and bringing Barty closer. “If I found out you’re lying, I will fucking have your head on a platter,” Evan said through his teeth before kissing him.
Evan hadn’t believed this was happening. The man he has been in love with since second year is dating his twin sister. His life sucks, man.
He would watch their dates, and watch Barty grin at him, wanting to throw up.
He would watch Barty bring Pandora flowers, wishing it was him. It was no secret that he was in love with Barty.
And now Barty was in his arms, and he couldn’t be happier.
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wisteria-cherry · 1 year ago
Hey sweetheart
I’m not sure if you take requests for barty crouch jr but if yes could i please, please request dating headcanons with him? He’s such a cute dork and so very underrated. Thanks
Luv your blog <3
i do now💪💪
one of the best things about barty is that he’s smart
you get philosophical conversations where you get to talk about your opinions on important matters in life; discussing the deeper aspects of your relationship. it really does make the two of you feel closer.
also free tutoring
the other side of that though is barty is smart with really no effort, so he has no problem getting off track on study dates because he doesn’t really need to study
he’ll info dump probably
you ask a simple question and if you let him he will go on a tangent
please let him play with your hair it’s his favorite
✨healthy manipulation✨
it sounds worse than it is but he’s all for positive reinforcement. you forgot to eat? no kisses until you eat something❌
he liked you for a long time before asking you out— although he makes himself out to be the time to sleep around, he’s really the type to be in it for the long run
definitely softer behind closed doors, particularly because he feels he has a reputation to maintain with his friends
this isn’t to say he neglects you when he’s with the because he’s all for the princess treatment
it’s ✨dignified✨ and ✨gentlemanly✨
will tie your shoes and adjust your uniform tie with a light scolding
treats you like a trophy partner, but doesn’t expect you to act like one
actually loves it when he sees you get along with his friends
and he loves showing you off
barty prefers casual pet names. he’ll be shuffling through some papers and be like “babe, have you seen—?” or making a potion that requires his full attention and go “love, grab me those herbs, would you— yes, those right there— thank you.”
loves touching you
he is the kind of guy that, when moving you to get through or get to something he needs, will press his hand on the small of your back and gently nudge you
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blueberry0409 · 2 months ago
ok so somehow i am now the supreme general in the fight for Dragonrose/ The Creature Feature Years
This is a intro post and all the fun stuff is always tagged in this blog under "felix x charlie" and "felix rosier" and "the creature feature" my asks are also always open
ok so first
basics (from hogwarts legacy) (pls correct me if im wrong)
canon info
we know that Felix Rosier was Evan Rosier'syounger brother
he became a dragonologist and loved dragons in school.
he was smart. talented in charms, potions, herbology and care of magical creatures
he was invited to the Three Broomsticks by Bill Weasley.
born 1969
he is besties with Charlie and Tonks they are known as the creature feature by they wrecked havoc.
They are friends with hagrid <3
Felix was much younger than the twins so he was the ultimate annoying sibling when he was little and the twins were at Hogwarts
He loved barty and reg and would follow the skittles around when they came over
His parents died (DE dad) died when he was young so he was raised by his grandmother
So in order to solve the age gap problem (hc from the lovely @lirenthenonlyrist )
1969- Felix Born
(1980) lets say) During the First War - Felix get obliviated by DE's.
-- Same time as Evan's death (did not get time to process)---
(1980-1984)- He gets sent to a muggle school/hospital where the help students with disabilities. He goes there from 11-14 and Felix is happy he has friends, and life’s good even if he can’t remember most of it.
(1984) He gets his memory back.
(1984)-He remembers everything, his brothers death, the war, gets his memories removed. TRAUMA. He has to go to Hogwarts.
Goes to Hogwarts becomes friends with Charlie because of their shared love of dragons, Tonks comes sees these two oddballs and says THEIR MINE NOW.
Charlie and Tonks help him with the trauma.
Charlie and Felix bond over not wanting to always be compared o their siblings.
Felix reaches out to Pandora.
Felix vists the Weasley's they love the excitable dragon boy that Charlie brought home. (percy clocks them)
Fourth Year Ball GASP feelings
The boys ignore their connection that goes deeper than friendship
Tonks wants to get them together, they are oblivious.
Sixth Year
Pandora dies
Felix goes into deep despression and has a breakdown in the field after pandoras death (during winter break in sixth year) between the Weasley and Lovegood home while holding Luna
He wont let go of Luna and Xeno is suffering too
Sings Luna the Rosier family lullabies - cries.
Ms. Weasley saw him in the cold crying and brought him inside for hot cocoa and a blanket and told him stories about pandora.
he reminds her of her brothers fabion and gideon
A few days later she gave him a matching blue Weasley sweater with luna. it had a matching dragon with charlie :)
It starts the tradition of Felix and Charlie’s matching sweaters having little dragons on them.
Charlie and Felix realize they love each other and start dating.
tonks is so relived.
They graduate
Charlie and Felix go to Romania for the Dragonoligist Institute
Tonks goes to Auror Academy.
Bonus May 1992:
Charlie and Felix and Tonks were the ones that came and rescued Norbert Charlie recruited Felix for the dragon emergency after Ron's letter. and he ofc went along with his equally crazy bf.
They rode their dragons to Tonks who went with them IMMEDIATLY/
before they went to pick up Norbert they went to Hagrid where Felix and Charlie yapped to him about dragons while Tonks played with a odd lil creature.
@mairon-goth-minion @lirenthenonlyrist @guess1mjustheren0w @hawaiianshirttaco64 @percyweasleyapologist @danaris112 @aidens-ocean-galaxy @look-a-gay @l1ve-l4ugh-lov3craft @bibeantransbean @yesiamprocrastinating @aceofspades42 @mrstellmeafuckingsecret
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