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countersh0ck ¡ 2 days ago
law's backstory is well written and has deep pain for law
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you’re gonna carry that weight
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onchillvybz ¡ 2 days ago
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zosan-secondchances ¡ 2 days ago
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Pirate King of the North: The Vinsmoke Siblings
Here’s some facts about the Vinsmoke siblings from a reality where Reiju was born without emotions:
Sanji was kept in his father's dungeon to rot away. At 13 years old, he was abandoned for dead on some random island somewhere in the North where he was found and enslaved by pirate slavers.
At 17 years of age, Sanji rallied his fellow slave comrades to overpower the pirates who owned them. He became known as the notorious Mr. Prince and is feared throughout the North.
This caught the attention of Doflamingo, who, after several “run-ins" with the former slave, agreed to help him take on Germa 66.
Thanks to their combined forces and Doflamingo’s Underworld connections, they defeated Germa where Sanji killed his own father for not allowing him to visit his own mother’s grave.
As an act of vengeance, Sanji captured, kept his siblings under lock and key, and forced them into iron helmets just as they did with him.
As soon as he crowned himself King, Sanji released his siblings to work under his command. Their genetic programming forced them to do as they are told. By using them, Sanji expanded his territory in the North through war and other means of control. His influence and power remain unchallengeable to this day. He became known throughout the world as the Pirate King of the North.
Due to their prolonged exposure to the Seastones embedded in the iron helmets, the Vinsmoke siblings discovered that they’re able to feel emotions, and effectively break rules in their genetic programming–two of which are feeling empathy and the ability to refuse direct orders from their Pirate King.
They resented their own brother for killing their former king and father, but they understood his intentions and had chosen to stay by his side.
They’re not a perfect family, but they’re all trying. Like having weekly Friday game nights that Sanji hosts himself.
Playing Monopoly is banned from game night but strip poker is okay if Ichiji brings enough men, women, and anyone in between to play along.
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Reiju is Sanji’s right hand man, Adviser, Underworld Informant and Broker. She is next in line to the throne.
Whenever she sees Fishmen, she passes out from blood loss through her nose.
She wanted Sanji to marry Prince Fukaboshi but due to complications in political and racial statures, the engagement was called off. Sanji’s relationship with the mermaid prince was permanently terminated due to him killing Hody Jones and Vander Decken IX to liberate Fish-Man Island from their tyrannical rule.
But that’s okay because she has eyes on Prince Ryuboshi or Manboshi for herself.
She relentlessly tries to persuade her king brother to settle down and have kids for the “greater good”.
Her helmet was designed in honour of their late mother and father. It resonates qualities of their beauty and tenacity–both admirable and dangerous in their own ways.
She is the main reason as to why Monopoly is banned from game night. Her bargaining and BS game is on point. A lot of expensive furniture did not survive the onslaught of their collective family rage.
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Ichiji is known as the Warmonger Prince from the North.
He acts as Sanji’s High General and is in charge of strategizing for and controlling Germa’s military forces.
He has the second highest bounty among the Vinsmoke siblings, amounting B2,250,000,000. He purposely exposes himself to the public to take some of the fire off Sanji and his siblings.
He refuses to upgrade his Raid Suit and helmet, stating that he’s taking it upon himself to redeem his family's regrettable actions for abusing Sanji the way they did. Sanji thinks this is stupid but respects his decision anyway.
Because of this, he is completely uncontactable during missions unless it’s through means of a transponder snail or letters by post.
He’s become so powerful that he keeps burning off his own outdated cloak, which needs replacing every now and then.
His siblings hate playing chess with him because he never loses.
He has semi-regular orgy parties throughout the Grand Line and the New World. Private invitations only. Bookings are essential. BYO towels. Complimentary champagne on arrival.
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Niji is Germa’s Chief Scientist and Lead Engineer. He oversees all scientific progress for the family.
He gets along really well with Caesar Clown but he refuses to call him his friend.
He is considered a master swordsman but he doesn’t actually need swords when out on missions. “More tools for the arsenal” he says. In truth, he just thinks they make him look cooler.
An exception was made for him to be the only one whose helmet doesn’t cover his entire head as he likes to tinker with it on a regular basis, making it the most technologically advanced out of the four. This makes him the most emotionally sensitive as well.
As he is the fastest among the five, he often swoops in to rescue his siblings out of tight situations.
He sometimes works as an Informant and Undercover Agent along with Reiju.
Such missions include being Sanji’s doppelganger every now and then, much to his dismay. He curses the fact that Ichiji and Yonji both have “gorilla bodies”.
He has been crazy in love with Cosette for many years but doesn’t know it.
Niji likes to use Yonji as a guinea pig to test out new Raid Suit upgrades and not at all to get his attention and spend more time with him because he doesn't know why he hates him now.
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He is the crown king and ruler of–
Niji: Damn it, Sanji! You have to wear your Raid Suit to join the profiling!
Sanji: But I look hotter like this~
Niji: No, you don’t! Fuck off!
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He refuses any sort of promotion from Reiju and Ichiji as he prefers to keep his military rank as Major, commanding only a select few elite soldiers under his wing.
Physically, he’s considered the strongest out of the five.
He doesn’t like wearing his helmet so his siblings work hard on making it look as rad as possible to encourage him.
If he was being completely honest with himself, he doesn’t know what to do with all these “feelings”.
Aside from Ichiji, he prefers to work with his comrades in arms rather than his own siblings.
He secretly hates Reiju for enabling Sanji to do whatever he wants to do.
He secretly hates Niji for winning over Cosette’s heart.
He secretly hates Sanji for stealing his best friend.
But what he does like is to read Sogeking comics on WENP and has his full anime and manga collection.
He dislikes a lot of things but secretly thinks Ichiji is cool.
Because of his tendency to turn down missions, Sanji and Reiju refuse to give him extra allowance so he works a part-time job of being a model for Pappag and Camie’s Criminal fashion line.
That’s all folks! Thanks for checking it out. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it!
Sanji’s profile is Chapter 1 of The Pirate King of the North fic that’s currently in the works. Read it here or at AO3!
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askthefairlynormalparentsau ¡ 3 hours ago
Iris hear me out
Mohawk ✨
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Second page under cut for body horror 🫶💙
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Mod note: Ved is constantly distorting his form in slapstick body horror ways because it makes Iris laugh lol
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starryknight-dragonarts ¡ 16 hours ago
Since a bunch of people found me from this post, I thought I should share my names, some of my description and notes about these characters Benny Buzby (Diggersby) I was looking for more pokemon to make pirate characters and then I came across Diggersby...and I thought to myself...he could probably hold a bunch of swords, which made me think of Zoro from One Piece who briefly was compared to a rabbit once by Mihawk...anyway I decided to make a multi-swordsman Rabbit inspired off of Zoro. He's not meant to be a Pokemon version of Zoro himself. Ferridymium Magnellan the Navigator (Probopass) His crew will always know the way with Master Navigator and Map Maker Ferridymium Magnellan around. Ferridymyum knows that the sea is a realm all it's own, not just the place between other places and it has deep secret passages and shortcuts which you will not find on any normal maps. There are ways to sail through the Land of the Dead or to the Distortion World if you know the right way. Maybe he will never find every single secret the Sea has or every realm they can take you to, but Ferridyium can certainly try to make a comprehensive list of the ones he has found.
Daggett Norbert Burke the Shipwright (Bibarel) Did you know that Beaver's ears are especially sensitive to the sound of leaking water, not just running water but the specific sounds water makes when it moves unevenly over a surface, so they can tell if their den has a leak, where exactly to find it, and how to clog it up so it doesn't leak again. People have used this to control where Beavers build dams, playing the sounds of leaking water so the Beavers are compelled to stop the leak in that area. I think having an intelligent Beaver Craftsman would be good for any Ship's crew, especially if the ship is frequently getting damaged by cannon fire. They could make quick repairs to the ship, or if the ship is too damaged all together then they could build a whole new ship from scratch.
Daggett can make almost anything out of Wood
Ahomana Saab (Hariyama) BOOM! Roll'n with the storm clouds and the sound of Drums CRACK! Chains break and shatter when the Torrent comes RUUUMMMBLE! Feel the ground shake as the crowd comes alive The Brave and Mighty Thunderclap Man has arrived. Give it up for Ahomana Saab!
Ahomana is a Musician and performer first and foremost, specifically he likes to Rap, but that doesn't mean that's all he can do. He may look fat but it's all muscle and power! Ahomana believes Strength brings freedom, and Freedom bring strength! To be strong you must survive, to survive you must be as ruthless and cruel as the seas you sail. Survival makes you stronger; Strength gives you freedom; Freedom lets you Survive. Parisa Hasisi (Medicham) Parisa is a member of the Torrent Pirate crew, though she does not typically look like a pirate or wear a pirate insignia so she can get into places without being suspected. She serving as an agent, a thief, an assassin, and a backup dancer to Ahomana in his performances. He casts a big shadow and has a big presence so she doesn't need to worry about being being recognized most of the time. She also complements him in their combat styles; His attacks are big and powerful, while hers are more quick and precise.
Despite being great partners they are not romantically involved with one another.
Storm Bell (Casteform) Bell is a member of the Torrent Pirates as a Swords dancer and acts as the ship's personal Ship-Bell, waking the crew up in the morning, alerting them at certain times of the day or letting them know about oncoming dangers.
They work closely with Parisa Malik Bureiku (Slowbro (and Cloyster)) He won't talk about it either because of past trauma he's experienced or because he's the Strong Silent type, but something had him moving as a Slowpoke like Giratina was biting at their legs. They were still slow but they were determined and so fed up with being a Slowpoke that he needed to find a Cloyster, shove it on his tail and become the baddest Slowbro there is! The Shipwreck Skullem (Solrock & Lunatone) I got this idea one night and knew I Needed to draw this first thing the next morning! I was thinking about how all the Pokemon Pirates I have made use a Duskull Skull as the universal symbol of being a Pirate. Of course it's meant to be a Jolly Roger but there are no Humans in this setting so I had to use some other Skull and Duskull has a very simple cartoon Skull face so seemed like an obvious choice...But I wanted to come up with an in-universe reason why all these pokemon use Duskull as the Symbol of being a Pirate. I first thought about making it a oddly powerful Duskull, but I couldn't find a way to make it work...then I thought..."Who else would use the Symbol of a Duskull to their advantage...maybe a couple of Hoenn Psychic types?"
Solrock and Lunatone use their Psychic powers together in order to control a mech body made from the broken scrap parts of multiple Shipwrecks. They are the Origin of OLD nautical legends, seen as more of a myth and a monster than a Pokemon. Rumors have it that they are guarding some sort of vast treasure hoard accumulated from all of Ships which frequently crashed upon the rocks of their island, Others say there was already some hidden treasure on this island and the ships of those foolish enough to pursue it have only added to the pile. Whatever it is, it must be pretty important and valuable to need a guardian. Getting close to it's land by boat is nearly impossible and if you are even able to get close enough then you'll have to fight the Shipwreck Skullem!
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I recently just felt like drawing a bunch of Pokemon Pirates
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ren-is-real ¡ 8 months ago
You know when
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27nox ¡ 1 year ago
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CW: Blood!
He's the Mafia for a reason. 👁
(It should be “Im part of the Mafia” but whateves, I made mistake and I cant undo it 🥲)
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valy-gc ¡ 3 days ago
I finally compiled all the infos, every single ones even some I haven't posted here on tumblr. All the lore about LoWR can be found on my toyhouse in the litterature category :) (<- direct link)
Game Idea - now a novel
Well... originally a dating sim game idea that will be a novel because I don't have any programmation skills nor the money to pay some developpers, but I like it and got lots of ideas for it so let's just share it.
If you want to make a OC and/or your MC from it, then have fun, I would love it ^-^
It's a dating sim, mix between "Twisted Wonderland" and "Obey me!"
This is mostly ideas thrown like this in a messy way. But you can now read the novel version here:
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 -All other chapters will only be on the other plateforms, always free to read
whole on my Tapas, Toyhouse, Ao3 or wattpad (currently 20 chapters)
I also introduce all the characters on Toyhouse, UnVale or Deviantart and regularly post here on tumblr about it
everything under the cut
As a new student at Fablewood Academy, you are mysteriously invited after stumbling upon an ancient storybook. Among peers who resonate with legendary characters from fables and folklore, you stand apart—unable to resonate with any historical figure. Instead, you uncover a profound connection to the mysterious Writers.
Navigating the competitive dorm dynamics and building relationships with students and teachers, you begin to unravel the secrets of Scriptoria, the world of stories. With your unique bond to the Writers, you hold the key to saving it from an ancient force threatening to rewrite history itself.
"Scriptoria" A magical world shaped by the memories and writings of the legendary Writers, who recorded the lives and deeds of its inhabitants.
The Writers :
The authors of fairytales we knows, they are called the "writers" not because they have wrote the tales (since it's supposed to be all real stories in this world) but because they were keeper of memories, noting everything that was happening in the world, which permitted the actual characters to knows all about the stories.
The Writers and Their Origins
Connection to Their Stories and Cultures:
Jean de La Fontaine (Beastman from Beasthaven): La Fontaine, a fox beastman, had a knack for observing the social structures of Beasthaven’s vibrant and diverse communities.
Hans Christian Andersen (Mer from the Seafoam Dominion): Andersen was a merman with a melancholic streak, deeply inspired by the beauty and sorrow of the sea. His ability to capture fleeting emotions and weave them into poetic tales was unparalleled.
The Grimm Brothers (Goblins from Myrcadawn): Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were goblin-faes, an unexpected yet fitting revelation. The magic of the Writers kept their mischief in check, channeling their keen wit and curiosity into recording humanity's most primal fears and hopes. Their goblin heritage explains the darker, more visceral tone of their collected tales.
Charles Perrault (Human from Austreim): Perrault was a human writer from the cobblestone streets of Austreim. Known for his elegance and refinement, he focused on moralistic tales that resonated with high society while still appealing to common folk. His work emphasized transformation and perseverance, ideals he believed could bridge social divides.
An so many more… In short, every single race and country had one or multiple Writers.
The Omniscience of the Writers
The Writers weren’t ordinary historians—they were endowed with a unique form of magic called Storysense.
Storysense Explained: Writers could sense when someone was destined for a life-altering story—one that would leave a profound impact on their world and become a tale told for generations.
When they encountered such an individual, their magic activated instinctively, drawing them to observe and record the person’s journey.
This connection allowed them to witness events in real-time, ensuring no detail was missed.
The Rule of Non-Intervention: Writers were forbidden from interfering in the stories they recorded. Their role was to document, not shape, the fates of those they observed.
Consequences of Breaking the Rule: If a Writer intervened, their Storysense could fracture, leaving them unable to detect new stories. Worse, they might accidentally unravel the tale they were meant to preserve, altering history itself. (e.g. Helping Cinderella to escape her abusing family would prevent her from meeting her prince and she would not become the Great queen Austreim had known)
The Role of the Writers’ Magic
Memory-Keeping: The Writers’ magic extended beyond mere observation. They could project their memories into enchanted quills or scrolls, creating flawless records of events. These documents became powerful artifacts that resonated with the essence of the stories they contained.
The Grand Archive: All Writers’ works were stored in a magical repository known as the Grand Archive. The archive it a living entity, capable of organizing itself and occasionally revealing forgotten tales to those in need of their wisdom.
The Grand Archive’s real position is unknown and is hidden in its own pocket dimension. This dimension open slightly for the Resonance Ceremony.
The Writers’ Legacy
Unique Perspectives: Each Writer brought their cultural background and personal perspective to their work, enriching the world of Scriptoria with a tapestry of diverse stories.
La Fontaine’s fables emphasized cleverness and morality.
Andersen’s tales highlighted emotion and transformation.
The Grimms’ stories embraced the primal, magical forces of nature and humanity.
Perrault’s narratives bridged the elegance of court life with the struggles of common folk.
Potential Plot Hooks Related to the Writers
The Lost Writer: A new Writer, whose identity was lost to time, is discovered. Their work is incomplete, and the students must piece together the fragments to uncover a tale that could change Scriptoria’s history. (My own tales?)
The MC and the Writers’ Resonance
The Hidden Truth: The MC has been brought to Scriptoria because they are unknowingly connected to the legacy of the Writers. Unlike others, the MC cannot resonate with any historical character, which initially sets them apart as an enigma. However, this is because their destiny is not tied to a single story—it is to record and preserve all stories, as a Writer.
A Subtle Awakening: Throughout their journey, the MC may experience fleeting moments of Writer Resonance, a phenomenon that mirrors the Writers’ omniscient Storysense. These moments might include:
Feeling drawn to key events or people who are destined to play major roles in Scriptoria’s history.
An uncanny ability to perceive hidden truths about people or situations, even when they lack all the facts.
Some visions of the Grand Archive. Vivid dreams of MC walking inside.
Unlocking the Legacy: The MC’s Writer Resonance grows stronger over time, but its true purpose is shrouded in mystery. The Grand Archive may hold clues, and certain faculty members might suspect the MC’s potential as a Writer but hesitate to reveal the truth outright.
Key Themes: The MC’s journey could explore themes of identity, purpose, and the weight of responsibility. Becoming a Writer is not just a gift; it’s a burden, as they are bound by the same rules of non-intervention that defined the original Writers.
Unique Powers of a Writer’s Resonance
Unlike regular Resonances, which connect students to specific historical characters, the MC’s Writer Resonance offers broader, narrative-based abilities:
Storyweaving: The MC can see the connections between people and events, almost like invisible threads. This ability allows them to subtly guide others toward their destined paths without directly intervening.
Echoes of the Past: The MC can momentarily tap into the memories of past Writers, gaining insight into historical events or hidden truths. These echoes might appear as glowing fragments or ethereal voices that only they can perceive.
Manifesting Tales: In moments of great need, the MC might be able to temporarily bring elements of stories to life. For example, they could summon a spectral wolf to guide them through a forest or conjure a fleeting vision of Cinderella’s glass slipper to inspire hope.
Austreim: Inspired by European fairytales (Germany, France, Scandinavia). A realm of picturesque forests, cobblestone towns, and grand castles. Home to tales like "Cinderella" and "Little Red Riding Hood."
Beasthaven: A country inspired by La Fontaine’s animal fables. Predominantly inhabited by beastmen. Features different biomes in different part of the land, from lush forests and rolling meadows to savannah or thundra. The country is known for their lively markets in every biome.
Seafoam Dominion: An underwater kingdom of mermen and aquatic fae. Draws inspiration from Andersen's stories. Has shimmering underwater cities and shores dotted with mythical artifacts.
Ebony Sands: Inspired by African folktales such as "The Man Who Never Lied." A sun-drenched land of deserts, savannahs, river deltas and ancient temples.
Celestial Plains: Based on East Asian folktales, blending Chinese, korean, Japanese stories among others. Features rolling hills of bamboo, cherry blossoms, and mystical shrines guarded by spirits.
Myrcadawn: A borderland filled with ancient ruins, magical storms, and creatures from forgotten tales. Mostly inhabited by faes.
"Fablewood Academy" An all-boy institution dedicated to preserving the legacy of the writers and their stories. Located at the heart of Scriptoria, blending all cultural styles. Where the Writers’ legacies are studied and the world's future is shaped.
The Resonance Ceremony
When a student enters the school, they undergo a Resonance Ceremony, a deeply symbolic ritual that determines their connection to an Historical Character (a character from fairytales and myths).
Ceremony Description:
The Setting: The ceremony takes place in a grand, mystical chamber called the Hall of Echoes, a circular room lined with glowing murals of countless legendary figures. In the center, on the ground like a pond, is the Ethereal Mirror, which shimmers like water and reflects not the student’s image, but fragments of their potential resonance.
The Ritual:
The student steps up to the mirror, guided by a faculty member.
The mirror reacts to their essence, glowing brighter as it identifies the Historical Character whose moral compass and essence most closely align with the student’s.
The chosen figure materializes as a spectral image above the mirror, accompanied by a brief vision of their story, morals, and defining characteristics.
The student receives an Artefact Sigil, a magical mark on their hand, symbolizing their connection. The sigil also acts as a key to their dormitory.
The character determines the student’s dorm assignment. Dorms represent shared principles or traits rather than region or story type, which creates unique diversity within each house.
The student begins to develop their Legacy Arte, influenced by their resonance.
Dorm Names & Founders
Astraquartz (Inspired by Cinderella, Charles Perrault): Represents perseverance, humility, and transformation.
Scarletfang (Inspired by Little Red Riding Hood, Grimm Brothers): Represents courage and cunning.
Everswell (Inspired by The Little Mermaid, Hans Christian Andersen): Represents sacrifice and curiosity.
Mousetrail (Inspired by The Lion and the Mouse, La Fontaine): Represents cleverness and loyalty.
Obsidianspire (Inspired by Mamad in "The Man Who Never Lied", unknown Writer (African tale)): Represents honesty and wisdom.
Verdance (Inspired by "The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter", Minamoto no Shitagō): Represents grace and adaptability.
Resonance Dynamics
Living By Their Resonance: Students are expected to uphold the values and morals of their Resonance Character. Deviating too far from these principles leads to a Resonance Crisis, where the bond becomes unstable.
Resonance Crises: In a crisis, a student’s personality and abilities are warped by the unresolved conflict. They might embody the antithesisof their Historical Character, becoming a distorted, corrupted version of their story’s ideals.
Example: A student resonating with The Happy Prince may hoard wealth selfishly, spiraling into greed, causing their Legacy Arte to malfunction.
Resolution: To restore balance, the student must confront their choices and find a way to realign with their character’s core principles, often with the help of peers or the protagonist.
The Nature of Resonance
Resonance is not a rigid set of rules that dictate a person’s every thought or action. Instead, it represents a core essence—a reflection of the Resonance Character’s archetype, personality, and values. When a student resonates with a character, it means they share a similar foundation, but they are free to interpret and act on that foundation in their own unique way.
Core Principles of Resonance
Guiding Influence, Not Control: The Resonance doesn't force someone to behave exactly like their historical counterpart. Instead, it provides a general blueprint of traits, preferences, and tendencies that align with the character’s essence.
Example: Coach Garrick’s Resonance with the Big Bad Wolf doesn’t mean he must terrorize pigs—it means he shares the wolf’s gruff, bold, and predatory nature. How he channels those traits is entirely up to him. For Garrick, they manifest as a tough love coaching style.
Freedom to Choose Actions: While Resonance shapes a student's instincts and inclinations, their choices define their character. They can act in harmony with their Resonance without being confined to it.
Example: Elric, resonating with Cinderella's Stepmother, naturally enjoys luxury and attention. However, he can choose to respect others while enjoying these things, rather than mistreating them like the original stepmother did. If he strays too far—say, by shunning luxury entirely—it might destabilize his Resonance, but small acts of kindness wouldn’t harm it.
Resonance Crisis Is About Extremes: A Resonance Crisis occurs when a student goes against their core nature to an extreme degree, causing an inner conflict. This doesn’t happen because of minor deviations but because of a deep misalignment.
Example: If Elric started wearing rags and actively rejecting his love of luxury, his Resonance would destabilize. But respecting servants or treating them kindly, while still enjoying the finer things, would maintain balance.
Explaining Resonance Through Examples
Here are clear, narrative-driven examples to help clarify how Resonance works without feeling restrictive:
Garrick “Grizz” Wolfin (Big Bad Wolf): Garrick’s Resonance gives him traits like gruffness, strength, and an intimidating aura. He embodies the archetype of the wolf, but how he uses those traits is his choice. He could easily become a bully, but instead, he channels his gruff demeanor into being a demanding yet caring PE teacher. His choices define him, not the wolf.
Elric Briarthorne (Cinderella’s Stepmother): Elric shares the stepmother’s love for luxury, beauty, and a touch of laziness. However, he is not bound to repeat her cruelty. Elric can enjoy being pampered and commanding attention without mistreating others. If he rejects his natural affinity for elegance entirely, he risks a Resonance Crisis, but respecting a servant while maintaining his love for luxury keeps him in balance.
More Examples :
Maestro Lino Minuet (Thumbelina)
Resonance Traits: Thumbelina’s story revolves around grace, adaptability, and finding beauty in unexpected places. Similarly, Lino is elegant, deeply connected to music, and focused on making small yet meaningful impacts.
Free Will: Lino can express his elegance and passion for beauty in various ways without being forced into the hardships of Thumbelina’s journey. For example, he might love creating miniature music boxes but won’t feel compelled to live a nomadic life.
Deviations: If Lino rejects his natural inclination for grace and refuses to use his talents to create beauty, he could face a Resonance Crisis. However, his actions—whether to teach music to others or focus on personal performance—are entirely his choice.
Healer Eamon Wellspring (The Golden Goose)
Resonance Traits: The Golden Goose embodies abundance and generosity. Eamon shares these values by dedicating himself to healing and holistic care. His Legacy Arte, generating golden feathers to heal, reflects this generosity.
Free Will: Eamon can express his nurturing nature in different ways—through medicine, kind words, or even tough love. He’s not bound to share indiscriminately like the goose in the tale.
Deviations: If Eamon became selfish or withheld his healing abilities out of greed, he could experience a Resonance Crisis. However, setting boundaries to protect his own health wouldn’t destabilize him—it’s a choice aligned with self-care.
Cygnus Downwood (The Ugly Duckling)
Resonance Traits: Cygnus mirrors the Ugly Duckling’s journey of self-doubt and eventual self-discovery. His shy and uncertain personality naturally aligns with this story. His Legacy Arte, Swan’s Rebirth, symbolizes personal growth through adversity.
Free Will: Cygnus isn’t destined to remain shy forever—his Resonance encourages him to grow and embrace his potential. He could achieve this through art, friendships, or even by becoming a leader in his own way.
Deviations: Avoiding challenges or rejecting his own strengths might cause a Resonance Crisis. However, he doesn’t need to overcome his doubts overnight—his journey is a gradual one.
Chester Marroway (The Cheshire Cat)
Resonance Traits: Chester reflects the Cheshire Cat’s playful, enigmatic nature. His tendency to tease and love of puzzles align naturally with his Resonance. His Legacy Arte allows him to vanish and reappear, reinforcing his cryptic persona.
Free Will: Chester doesn’t need to be chaotic or untrustworthy like the Cheshire Cat in "Alice in Wonderland." He can use his cleverness to help others solve problems or to entertain his friends with riddles.
Deviations: If Chester abandoned his love of puzzles or became overly serious, his Resonance might falter. However, he’s free to decide how mischievous or helpful he wants to be.
Tressari Manarah (Rapunzel)
Resonance Traits: Like Rapunzel, Tressari is kind-hearted but often isolated. His longing to grow and connect with the world around him drives his personality. His Legacy Arte, Golden Touch, embodies his potential to transform and heal.
Free Will: Tressari can seek connection and growth in his own way—through gardening, alchemy, or meaningful relationships. He doesn’t need to literally escape from a tower.
Deviations: Turning away from opportunities to learn or grow might destabilize his Resonance. However, he doesn’t need to pursue every opportunity; he can choose his path as long as it aligns with his core longing for transformation.
Kadar Serpenscale (The Snake)
Resonance Traits: The snake in the story symbolizes wisdom and calculated action, qualities that align with Kadar’s observant and strategic nature. His Legacy Arte, Whispered Venom, emphasizes his subtlety and precision.
Free Will: Kadar doesn’t need to be cold-blooded or treacherous like a stereotypical snake. He can use his intellect and cunning to solve problems or protect others. His Resonance emphasizes sharp thinking, not malice.
Deviations: Acting impulsively or ignoring his strategic instincts might create inner conflict. However, choosing to use his wisdom for good or selfish purposes is up to him.
Resonance Crisis: The Fractured Legacy
What Happens?
When a mage’s bond with their Resonance Character destabilizes, their Artefact Sigil fractures, and their inner conflict manifests as a dangerous, externalized force called a Fractured Legacy. The Fractured Legacy represents the mage's core identity spiraling out of control, with tangible consequences for the individual and their surroundings.
Mechanics of a Resonance Crisis
Stages of the Crisis:
Warning Phase: The Artefact Sigil dims or cracks subtly, signaling instability. The mage exhibits heightened emotional extremes or behaviors contrary to their Resonance Character.
Example: A Cinderella Resonance becoming tyrannical and dismissive, echoing the stepmother’s cruelty.
Threshold Event: A traumatic or critical moment causes the bond to fully destabilize. The mage’s Artefact Sigil shatters, triggering the Crisis.
The mage transforms into an Echoed Antithesis of their Resonance Character—a distorted, exaggerated version of their worst traits.
Example: A Little Red Riding Hood Resonance becomes a wolf-like beast, embodying predation and fear instead of courage.
The environment around them twists to reflect their turmoil—spreading corruption, illusions, or chaotic phenomena tied to the Resonance.
The Fractured Legacy takes a physical or semi-physical form—either merging with the student or manifesting as external entities they must face.
Example: The transformed mage might summon spectral versions of antagonists, or their minions, from their Resonance Character’s tale, or their surroundings could morph into a warped, nightmarish version of their story.
Prolonged Crisis states can cause lasting damage to the mage—mental, physical, or magical.
If unresolved, the bond with their Resonance Character could sever entirely, leaving them vulnerable to permanent loss of their Arte and magical abilities.
Resolving a Resonance Crisis
Core Resolution:
The mage must confront the internal conflict driving their instability.
Example: A Happy Prince Resonance consumed by greed might need to realize that hoarding wealth doesn’t bring joy or fulfill their true essence.
This confrontation often requires the help of others, especially the protagonist, who serves as a mediator or guide.
The Artefact Sigil repairs itself, often evolving into a stronger form, symbolizing the student’s personal growth.
The Legacy Arte might gain new abilities tied to the lessons learned during the Crisis.
Designing the Fractured Legacy
The Crisis should have a haunting yet poetic visual style that reflects the student’s Resonance Character.
Example: A Cinderella Resonance would look more like a deformed version of the stepmother or the stepsisters, surrounded by jagged shards of broken glass and spectral pumpkin monsters.
Each Crisis explores the darker side of the Resonance Character’s traits.
Example: A Little Mermaid Resonance, consumed by jealousy, might suffocate others in waves of magical water, symbolizing their suppressed longing for acceptance.
Combat Dynamics in Resonance Crises
Fractured Legacy Boss Fights:
The mage undergoing the Crisis transforms into a formidable, story-inspired boss.
Example: A Big Bad Wolf Resonance could manifest as a towering wolf-like monster with powerful wind attacks, symbolic of their huffing and puffing.
Emotional Mechanics:
Incorporate dialogue or cutscenes mid-fight to remind players this isn’t just a battle—it’s an attempt to reach someone in pain.
Example: As the protagonist deals damage, the Fractured Legacy might shout distorted lines from their tale or reveal their inner turmoil through flashes of memory.
Combat Objective:
The goal isn’t necessarily to defeat the character in a traditional sense but to weaken their Fractured Legacy enough to restore clarity.
Player Options in Combat
Artefact Sigil Powers:
The characters used can use their own Legacy Arte abilities, which align with their Resonance Characters, to counteract the Fractured Legacy’s powers.
Example: A character resonating with the Little Mermaid might summon tidal waves to neutralize a fire-based Fractured Legacy attack.
Special Techniques:
Introduce a Breakthrough Strike mechanic where players can charge a special attack tied to the Resonance Character of the opponent.
Example: Against a Red Riding Hood Resonance, a teammate resonating with the Woodsman could unleash an axe-cleaving move that counters the wolf-like powers.
Group Synergy:
Peers with similar values or with a character from the same story to the Resonance Character in Crisis might deal bonus damage or have abilities to calm the Crisis state.
Emotional Impact of Combat
Hitting Hard With Purpose:
The protagonist struggles with the morality of fighting a friend or peer. Dialogue options or animations could reflect hesitation and determination.
Example: “I don’t want to hurt you, but I can’t let you destroy yourself!”
Each successful attack might shatter parts of the Fractured Legacy’s appearance, revealing glimpses of the real student underneath.
Dynamic Reactions:
As the player weakens the Fractured Legacy, they could start to show signs of clarity—stammering, pleading, or showing flashes of regret mid-battle.
Example: A Cinderella Resonance Crisis might sob, “Why am I acting like this? This isn’t me!” as their Fractured Legacy starts to crumble.
Gameplay Rewards
Stronger Bonds:
The mage recovering from the Crisis could form a deeper relationship with the protagonist and any involved peers, acknowledging their shared struggle. This get the intimacy level way higher, either in friendship or romance.
Legacy Arte
Each Legacy Arte is tied to the unique essence of the resonated Historical Character. These are not static powers—they grow and evolve as the student’s connection deepens. It can be an offensive or defensive ability, a practical one for everyday or even a constant unseen ability (enhancing strenght, magic powers or anything else)
For example:
A student resonating with Princess Kaguya might have an Arte called Moonlit Grace, allowing them to summon moonlight to shield themselves and others. As they grow, the Arte might evolve into Celestial Radiance, granting healing and offense.
Artefact Sigil
The Artefact Sigil serves as both a resonance stabilizer and a channel for magic, directly tied to the student's connection with their Resonance Character. It appears on the student's hand during the Resonance Ceremony.
Key Features of the Artefact Sigil
A glowing, dynamic symbol or glyph that reflects the essence of the Resonance Character. Its design evolves as the bond deepens, becoming more intricate and vibrant.
Astraquartz: A delicate glass slipper.
Scarletfang: A bold wolf’s paw print, with thorny vines wrapping around it.
Everswell: A flowing wave, centered with a small pearl-like dot.
Mousetrail: A small mouse.
Obsidianspire: A tall spire with rays of light radiating from its top.
Verdance: A crescent moon embraced by bamboo leaves.
Magic Channeling: The Sigil channels the student’s magic, focusing and amplifying their spells. It glows or pulses during use, with colors and intensity varying based on the magic type.
Legacy Arte Activation: The Artefact Sigil is the key to unlocking and evolving Legacy Arte abilities. As the student grows, the Sigil adapts to better support these powers.
Resonance Stabilization: The Sigil detects and moderates Resonance Crises. If a student strays too far from their Resonance Character’s core ideals, the Sigil dims or cracks slightly, serving as a warning. It also emits calming energy to help realign the connection.
Personal Connection: The Sigil is an inseparable part of the student, growing and changing with them. This deep connection makes magic feel more instinctive and intimate, as it’s literally a part of their body.
Lore Tie-In
Origins: The Artefact Sigil was created by the Writers, using fragments of their own memories as the foundation. This ensures that every Sigil is a direct link to the archives of Scriptoria.
The Resonance Bond: The Sigil embodies the merging of the student’s essence with their Resonance Character. Its visible state reflects the health of this bond, making it both a tool and a representation of their inner journey.
Scriptos Currency System
Coins (for smaller transactions):
1 Scripto:Copper coin
5 Scriptos: Bronze coin
10 Scriptos:Silver coin
50 Scriptos:Gold coin
Bills (for larger transactions):
100 Scriptos
200 Scriptos
500 Scriptos
1,000 Scriptos
10,000 Scriptos
Design Details
Each coin feature an emblem of a quill or an open book to symbolize creativity and storytelling.
The coins shimmer faintly or show shifting patterns when exposed to light.
The bills have holographic text or illustrations that animate briefly (e.g., a bird flying off a quill or ink drops forming a picture).
They feature famous Scriptoria figures, mostly the Writers, with each having different possible figures. -the 100 could feature Pu Songling or D. O. Fagunwa, -200 feature Don Juan Manuel, Alexander Pushkin or Giovanni Francesco Straparola -500 feature Charles Perrault, the brother Grimm or La Fontaine, -1000 feature Al-Jahiz, Hans Christian Andersen or Valmiki, -10 000 feature Joseph Jacobs or Alexander Afanasyev …)
The bills and coins are waterproof. Coin will not get rusty if used by merpeoples.
Practical Conversion
1 Scripto = 0.01 USD
100 Scriptos = 1 USD
The School Farm:
Self-Sufficiency: Provides fresh produce and farm-to-table ingredients for the cafeteria.
Community Spirit: Encourages students to bond and learn teamwork through shared responsibilities.
Practical Skills: Offers hands-on experience in agriculture, animal care, and commerce.
Earning Opportunities: Students can earn pocket money by working on the farm, in the cafeteria, or at the shop.
Animals on the Farm:
Poultry: Chickens/hens/roosdters, ducks, geese, turkeys, quails, guinea fowl, pheasants, maybe pigeons and even a few peacocks
Dairy Animals: A couple of cattle, buffaloes, goats, sheep and camels for milk production (and maybe cheese or yogurt). Other less common milk animals are yaks, horses, reindeers and donkeys. (the farm would include the stables for horse riding club... and horse riding club could be about riding other type of animals)
Companion Animals: Perhaps a farm dog or cat that the students adore.
Fields and Crops:
Vegetables and Herbs: A variety of seasonal vegetables and herbs used in the cafeteria.
Orchard: A small orchard with fruit trees like apples, pears, or peaches.
Flowers: Some fields could grow flowers for decorative purposes or events.
Farm Activities:
Animal Care: Feeding, cleaning stalls, gathering eggs, milking cows, etc.
Crop Maintenance: Planting, weeding, harvesting, and learning about sustainable farming practices.
Event Preparation: Preparing products like jams, baked goods, or decorations for events.
Market Days: Selling fresh produce and handmade goods at school fairs or town markets.
How It Benefits Students:
Pocket Money Opportunities:
Students can earn wages working on the farm, at the cafeteria, or in the school store. They can also work in exchange of products instead of money.
Wages could be small, but enough for personal expenses or extracurricular activities.
Skill Development:
Responsibility: Managing shifts and caring for animals.
Practical Knowledge: Learning about agriculture, cooking, and business.
Teamwork: Collaborating with peers to keep things running smoothly.
Cultural Exchange:
Students from different homelands can share farming techniques or recipes.
Characters with unique Resonances could find ways to incorporate their powers into the farm (e.g., enhancing crop growth, making food preparation more efficient, etc.).
Integration with the School’s Themes:
Character Development:
Working on the farm could help shy or isolated characters open up and feel a sense of purpose (e.g., someone like Cygnus could bond with animals).
Ambitious or overconfident students could learn humility through manual labor.
Narrative Opportunities:
Events like harvest festivals, cooking competitions, or fundraisers could revolve around farm activities.
Farm responsibilities could create moments for character interaction, conflict, or bonding.
The farm could become a place of solace or reflection for students facing challenges.
Magic and Resonance Use:
Some students might creatively use their Resonances on the farm
Potential Challenges (For Story Conflict):
Animals escaping, crop failures, or pranks leading to chaos on the farm.
Students might compete for the highest sales during events, leading to friendly rivalries.
Misuse of Magic:
A student using magic irresponsibly on the farm could result in humorous or serious consequences.
Maps and infos about the world:
Seafoam Dominion's infos are not especially true, because the site don't let me place a kingdom on water, so it's on a super small island with some burgs in the other states.
Also I didn't changed the number of people by burg, so this don#t count either.
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The magical sport of Scriptoria:
Color Clash
Teams and Gameplay
Number of Teams: While six teams (one for each dorm) could add unique dynamics, it might be chaotic if everyone plays simultaneously. A good compromise might be:
Rotating matches with two teams battling at a time during recurring events.
A six-team free-for-all for larger, more chaotic rare events or tournaments.
Team Members: Teams could consist of 5(six teams) to 7(two teams) players. This allows for strategic play while keeping the matches manageable.
Playing Area: The sport could take place in a dedicated arena designed to resemble various terrains and obstacles, such as forests, caves, open fields, and ruins. Alternatively, for special events, the entire campus could be used for a massive "battle royale" version.
Rules and Objectives
Objective: "Paint" members of opposing teams with arrows (colored magical powder). Each successful hit earns points for the team.
Scoring System: Players are assigned point values based on their skill level. Before each match or tournament, players are ranked based on their performance in trainings and skill tests. This ensures fairness and adds an extra layer of strategy as teams must protect high-value players.
1 Point - Squire: Absolute beginners, bad or first-time players. Could be a player that is really good at shooting his arrow but bad at dodging the opponent’s.
2-10 Points - Adept : Average players, ranked incrementally based on skill and experience, with tiers such as Adept II, Adept V, Adept VIII ...
50 Points - Elite: Highly skilled players with notable achievements during training. Usually the captain if there is no Champion.
100 Points - Champion: The best player, often the team’s captain or standout star. Each team can only have one Champion.
It is mandatory for each team to have at least one Elite or Champion, but both at the same time are not always necessary, as not all team always have a Champion.
Points are calculated at the end of the game, and the team with the highest total wins.
Rank Titles :
Instead of saying, “That’s a 100-point player,” you’d say, “They’re the team’s Champion.”
The ranking titles could also play into the strategy:
Teams could call out, “Focus on their Elite!” or “The Champion is exposed!”
Elimination (Optional): Players could be "eliminated" when hit a certain number of times (10). This adds an extra layer of strategy, as players would have to decide whether to go on the offensive or protect high-value teammates.
Strategic Importance
Protecting High-Value Players: Teams will need to strategize to keep their Elite and Champions safe while using lower-point players to distract or disrupt the opposing team.
Not focusing too much : The lower rank players could think they are less important, but if they are eliminated, or permit the opponent to mark lots of points by touching them multiple time, they could makes the team loose even if the high-rank are safe.
Risk vs. Reward: Opposing teams may focus on targeting high-value players, leaving them vulnerable to counters.
Dynamic Rankings
Rankings could shift between matches or seasons based on performance. For example:
A player in the Adept X tier who performs exceptionally well could move up to Elite in the next game. The number of points earned in a match can play a huge part in the promotion.
Conversely, underperforming high-tier players might drop to a lower point value. (not after a one-time fail, of course, only after repeated defeats)
A player reaching the Champion rank will automatically take the captain place. But a Elite don’t necessarely become captain, except if there is no other Elite (and no Champion either)
A player reaching the Champion rank while there is already a Champion in the team will have to either decide to leave the team, change team, or the other player will have to make this choice, as no team should have more than one Champion.
A Champion or Elite disguised as a lower rank will lead to the immediate disqualification of the team. (in the situation of the others players are perfectly award of his real skill. If a Champion or Elite pretend to be lower to his own team, his teamate not knowing, then only the guilty player will be disqualified and forbbiden to join another team.)
Scoring System (Extra Points)
Player Elimination Bonus:
Every time a player is eliminated (hit 10 times), the opponent who lands the 10th shot earns 50 extra points.
If multiple players contribute to the 10 hits, only the final player earns the elimination bonus.
Chain Elimination Bonus:
For every consecutive opponent eliminated by the same player, the elimination bonus increases:
1st elimination: +50 points.
2nd elimination: +75 points.
3rd elimination: +100 points.
4th elimination and beyond: +150 points per elimination.
Entire Team Elimination Bonus:
If one player manages to eliminate an entire team (all members), they earn an extraordinary bonus of 500 points, in addition to the chain bonuses.
Last Player Standing Bonus:
If a team has only one player left, and this player wins the match (survives or eliminates all opponents), they earn an extra 300 points for their victory.
If the last-standing player of a team is eliminated, the player who lands the final hit earns 200 extra points, regardless of who dealt the previous hits.
Why extra points ?
Encourages Team Play: Collaboration is still critical for securing eliminations.
Rewards Exceptional Skill: Outstanding feats like eliminating entire teams or clutching a win alone are significantly rewarded.
High-Stakes Showdowns: The final moments of a game become more tense, as eliminating or saving the last player has huge scoring implications.
Magic and Special Elements
Magic Use: Magic could be allowed with restrictions, such as:
Spells must be harmless and non-lethal (e.g., creating distractions, shields, or minor obstacles).
Magic usage is tied to a temporary power-up system.
Power-Up Spheres : These floating objects can grant random temporary bonuses, such as:
Allowing harmless magic use for a limited time (depend of the power-up).
Shielding the player from one arrow.
Granting a "stealth" mode (invisibility for 10 seconds).
Doubling points for a short period.
Speed boost for a short period.
Freezes all opponents or arrows in place for 5 seconds
Emits a shockwave that knocks back opponents or clears arrows in the immediate vicinity.
Restores one "life". (Allow to be touched once more before getting eliminated)
Grants the ability to jump to high platforms or hover for 10 seconds
Allows instant teleportation to another part of the map, chosen randomly or directed by the player. (depend on the power-up)
Creates an illusory double of the player that moves randomly
Allows the player to place a one-time trap on the map that immobilizes or slows opponents who step into it.
Nullifies the effect of traps or hazards for a limited time
Temporarily causes all incoming arrows to change direction and return to the sender.
Randomizes everyone's positions on the map by teleportation, creating confusion and disrupting strategies.
Permit a one-shoot elimination (very rare)
Equipment and Mechanics
Bow and Arrow:
The bow transforms into a bracelet when not in use, making it easy to carry.
The arrows are tipped with harmless "pompoms" filled with colored magical powder.
Type of game :
Standard Matches: Two teams face off in a timed match.
Battle Royale: Six teams compete simultaneously until one team remains or the time runs out.
Infection Mode : One team starts as "infected," trying to tag players on the opposing team. This mode don’t use bows and arrow but gloves soaked in the magical powder. Tagged players become infected and switch sides. The game ends when all players are infected or time runs out.
Mystic Duel : Head-to-head duel with only two players of two different team or even the same team. The arena transforms into a smaller battlefield where they must outshoot each other. Often used when two players on the same team fight for the captain place or the Champion rank.
This sport is a traditional practice for students to sharpen their focus, strategy, and teamwork.
The power-up spheres are said to channel ancient magic from the Writers, rewarding clever players with bonuses.
Each dorm's strategy reflects their core values (e.g., Scarletfang play aggressively, while Verdance focus on defense and teamwork).
Additions or Clarifications
Audience Engagement
Magical displays show player stats, power-up activations, or instant replays during matches to entertain onlookers.
Spectator areas with enchantments allowing a "first-person view" of any player could immerse viewers.
In case of a tied score, there is a "sudden-death" shootout where each team selects one player of the same level of a Mystic Duel.
Seasonal Variants
Seasonal power-ups or obstacles (e.g., icy surfaces in winter, blooming vines in spring) to keep the sport fresh and tie it to the fantasy world’s calendar.
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Clubs :
Litterature Club : Cygnus Downwood, Mahdi Alclaris
Horse Riding Club : Minwoo Kinsei
Swordmanship Club : Lupin Vardred, Jin Haruto
Gardening Club : Tsuki Laito, Porcus Huffsbrick
Music & Dance Club : Lyricis Farahdein,
Drama Club : Imperius Wovengale, Éponine D’Orveil, Elric Briarthorne
Exploration Club : Marinus Tideshade, Gael Lumespring
Art Club : Faylen Charmwright, Rune Spindlewick
Cooking Club : Ambrosine Forrant
Chess Club : Archer Verdain, Khamari Duneshade
Science Club : Noel D'Orveil, Hatterick Marchhare
Photography Club : Ren Chisora
Cheering : Chester Marroway, Tressari Manarah
Color Clash Club : Thatcher Squeakefield, Lazlo Quickstride
Basket Club : /
Baseball Club : Imran Frosham
Racing Club : Caspian Willorun
Gymnastic Club : Kadar Serpenscale
Classes taught, teachers and staff:
Lorecraft: Liora Scheh
Fairmagic: Ozwell Puzzlereign
Mythic Combat: Thorne Evenshade
Alchemy & Potionmaking: Neige Snowveil
Transformation Arts: Hans Wilderkin
Astronomy & Prophecy: Beaumont Nocturne
Musical Resonance: Lino Minuet
Beastcraft: Swan Ellisar
Tactician’s Lab: Malvyn Frostthorn
Magic Application and Arte Development: Lucan Galehart
Ancient Curses : Mordain Grimm
Runic Engineering : Aldric Fenwick
PE: Garrick “Grizz” Wolfin
Flying Arts: Zephyr Gale
Aquatic Mastery : Merrick Tideborn
Art: Caspar Dorne
Maths: Mikhail Sabirsky
Other staff members:
Headmage: Solon Arclight
Ethics and Resonance Guidance Counselor: Anton Silkthorn
Nurse: Eamon Wellspring
Shopkeeper: Percival Trinket
Chef Cook: Goldor Hearthstone
Keeper of the Grand Archive and librarian: Dorian Ashthorn
Farm Manager: Rustan Featherstone
Are in relationship: Solon x Liora Swan x Beaumont x Lino Merrick x Malvyn
Classes and Seats :
First Years
1-A 05 – Tsuki Laito 1-A 09 – Rune Spindlewick 1-A ?? – MC 1-B 02 – Hatterick Marchhare 1-B 04 – Lyricis Farahdein 1-B 07 – Imperius Wovengale 1-B 08 – Elric Briarthorne 1-C 10 – Archer Verdain 1-D 02 – Kadar Serpenscale 2-D 07 – Ren Chisora 1-E 01 – Imran Frosham
Second Years
2-A 06 – Marinus Tideshade 2-A 08 – Minwoo Kinsei 2-B 06 – Tressari Manarah 2-B 08 – Cygnus Downwood 2-B 11 – Noel D'Orveil 2-C 03 – Porcus Huffsbrick 2-C 05 – Thatcher Squeakefield 2-D 03 – Mahdi Alclaris 2-D 17 – Éponine D’Orveil 2-E 04 – Caspian Willorun
Third Years
3-A 02 – Faylen Charmwright 3-A 16 – Khamari Duneshade 3-B 03 – Lupin Vardred 3-B 04 – Ambrosine Forrant 3-D 07 – Chester Marroway 3-D 15 – Jin Haruto 3-E 05 – Lazlo Quickstride
Fourth Years
4-A / 4-B / 4-C 02 – Gael Lumespring 4-D 08 / 4-E /
Fifth Years
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undead-knick-knack ¡ 8 months ago
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Not the dick drawings 😭
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ooctlt ¡ 8 months ago
nona, what are your thoughts on the gang?
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croquicat ¡ 9 months ago
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if phantom is the ghost of a dead person
how did he die?
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dingodoodles ¡ 2 months ago
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"A demon that loses a finger, gains a comrade." Art by: Avery
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bootpoot ¡ 7 months ago
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how they met + jakes room design
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seraphinitegames ¡ 4 months ago
In N's past relationships, did they or their partner usually initiate the breakup?
Usually their partner, recognising that there was a distance with N all the time, as though N wasn't fully there with them, as much as N was trying.
Thank you so much for the ask! :)
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emacrow ¡ 9 days ago
Welcome to the Starlight Toy Galore! Temporary close for the day!
Danny could only blush heavily in his ghost form. His brightened green eyes watched Jazz pick out an outfit for his date. Ellen looked at the deep blue colored scarf before throwing it to the aside to the pile of rejected other colored scarfs.
"Now you have the braille menu that Tucker sent you of the restaurant, right? Remember to take your black bandana if your eyes get irritated again. Sam, you missed a chibi toy on the right side of his hair." Jazz spoke as she was judging two different colored turtleneck with narrowed eyes.
To Danny's eyes, the bright colors felt normal in his ghost form compared to the black abyss in his human form beside the luminous foggy shapes of ghosts, spirits, souls, demons and faes in his sights.
He can still remember the horrifying shock in mom's and dad's eyes was the last thing he ever saw as the pure excruciating pain sizzle in his eyes as they were showing the Fenton Ghost On Sight double Blaster that will reveal any ghosts hiding invisible to the human eyes and unfortunately locked onto him once again and blasted directly into his eyes.
Waking up in a hospital bed only to see nothing at all was pure panicked, being touched by something or someone hugging him was worse, especially when he couldn't see a god damn thing, only to see ember's head appears was when he realized something immediately.
He couldn't see anything at all except Ghosts. It didn't stop there as he saw a dashing tiny being with wings stealing a cube of sugar, a red parasite bug whispering to some junkie that he pummeled into paste the wall, and a wild spirit messing around from the very black shape form of a person that he couldn't see before sneaking back in their form.
Jazz told him about her telling Mom and Dad the truth about him while he was in a privates hospital room thanks to Sam, Dad actually broken down and Mom couldn't stop staring down at her hands as she had been the one to do the example on the double blaster.
Two month of him still unconscious after that event, and thanks to Frostbite being brought to heal him, Along side teaching mom and dad his needs as it seem he can see in his ghost form, but not in his alive human form.
He couldn't see the damage of his eyes in his ghost form. Only his eyes were much green with much paler pupil, but apparently, what Tucker descriptive of his eyes were his pupil went brighter then a rainbow pearl that cause his iris to go from deep blue to a much paler icy blue.
The struggle was intensely real after he left the hospital, especially now handicapped and kept bumping into everything and every wall, Cujo thankfully helping him along with his new blind cane. Kitty and Johnny 13 actually helped him out, considering Kitty had a cousin who was born blind.
He couldn't be the astronaut that he wanted to be, especially when now he was blind. He was so down in his own depression state upon realizing that It took Jazz, Sam, Tucker, Ellen, and shocking, Dash dragged him, caving himself into his room after 5 months in. His hair was the length of his waist after that, but he didn't cut it since he didn't trust his dad or Jazz to cut his hair again.
They brought him to a great museum with an audio speakers for blind people like him, wandering the halls with glimpses of soul spirits embezzling in their masterpiece, even some in old toys on display, and accidentally finding himself into a kid's crafts their art room upon hearing the sounds of a crying child.
He couldn't see what they were crying, but he could see the well loved toy that was a Raggedy Andy doll so bright with a joyous old soul spirit of a elderly lady with plush separated arm on the floor.
Danny helped clumsily tie the doll's arm back in place with the help of that soul spirit whispering in his ear about which thread is tied where and tighten up.
He wouldn't know it but feeling the warmth glowing off a child's inner joyful spirit playfully peaking out the shell that was a human.
Danny felt a new dream born before his sightless eyes. He ended up fixing beloved toys here and there in Amity Park, then word got out after he made a beautiful music box that has a dancing ballerina in her box for a sweet grandma who was a retired Principal Dancer due to her torn achilles tendon after Danny saw how down her spirit mumbling how she wished to dance in the opera once last time.
A fix here, donated parts, threads, fabrics, buttons, cotton full of lonely spirits there, rebuild a lost dream of spirits all around all for 1 tiny trade each. He didn't know that the people he helped have been collectively anonymous a goFundme in Amity parks for him after he spoke about wanting to make a space theme toy shop and repair.
Danny would be 26 year old before he decided to invest in a building after going through a gigantic tsunami of customer wanting him to fix their old toys, plushy or antiques.
Danny had to change his last name due to the fact that nobody wouldn't let him rent a building nearly as far as new Jersey, much less a shop after hearing his last name being Fenton. Getting a cozy shop in a gotham full of saturated Ectoplasm was a wise choice.
It would be 3 months later meeting a lady with a soul spirit more wild peaking out of her body in a wheelchair who made his heart skip several slow beats after doing that Ashidon motion against the parenting section bookshelf even though her real body is still at the public library's counter.
7 months in of being befriended and compliments Babs Gordon, while her dominating spirit is nearly crossing the line. obviously flirting to him alongside whispering about how she loves to pull his silky hair again to hear him make that cute whine. If only people and ghosts could see the patient and restrain he had on himself, he would've probably already passed out again from the blood rushing to his head that day.
He learned many things about Babs, even though her wild spirit is dancing, showing off martial art techniques seductively, and talking the many many ways she can take him out that made Danny feel his heart about to stop.
Ellen, his sweet clone daughter, apparently was the first to say something about his most obvious crush on Babs and helped him practice, even though he failed miserable at the result. He got a date tonight.
Hopefully, everything goes well..
Part 2 link <-
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