My Chaos Blague
35K posts
I'd gotten a bit too perfectionistic with my main blog (alfhildr-the-word-weaver), and I decided to make a side blog that could be an utterly disorganized chaos pile. My current main obsession is the Vampire Diaries, most recently preceded by bandom, but I'm prone to change obsessions quickly and this blog doesn't stick to a single theme. Also, the title is a French pun. My header and icon are my own edits. She/her, 28.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
blagueofchaos · 3 hours ago
Another one of my favorite Buffy things is how becoming a vampire changes you.
Like, Angelus and Spike have totally different killing methods, but based on their human lives you’d think they’ve be switched.
Liam was a wild child. Drinking and fighting and coming home late. But Angelus makes killing an art that to him is as beautiful as any painting. The lead up, the drama, the aftermath. It’s art to him.
Meanwhile William was poetic and thoughtful. But Spike loves a fight, getting dirty, knock down drag out massacre.
It’s like Liam felt like he had no time in the world, and then suddenly had forever. He learned to savor moments that would have passed him by before in his rush to live.
And William was careful, trying to make each moment matter, and then suddenly he experienced the pleasures and excitement life (so to speak) could bring and he wanted to have it all.
I just think it’s neat.
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blagueofchaos · 4 hours ago
what are the card suits?
The card suits as commonly known are Spades, Hearts, Clubs, and Diamonds, but is was not always so. Various decks for many games and purposes have different suits including:
Tarot Cards- Swords, Cups, Wands, and Pentacles
Uno Cards- Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue
Credit Cards- Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express
ID Cards- Driver's, Insurance, State, and Social Security
Sports Cards- Baseball, Basketball, Football, and Calvinball
House of Cards- Democrat, Republican, Independent, and Whig
Score Cards- Golf, Mini-Golf, Bowling, and Witcher Romance
Punch Cards- 100100100, 10101011, 10010, and 1001000101010111
Pokémon Cards- Electric, Grass, Poison, and Planeswalker
Orson Scott Cards- Ender, Alvin, Homecoming, and Ravenous Homophobic Bloggings That Sully His Entire Body Of Work
Hallmark Cards- Thank You, Happy Birthday, Condolences, and "Sorry I Got Semen In Your Eye" (yes I know that was a cake)
Alu Cards- Castlevania, Hellsing, Waverly, and no joke, my friend Alucard J***** from when I was in college at CU Boulder. We met because you could look up people by name on the school website like pre-facebook and spam bots and see their info and email and I looked up the name as a joke and there was one guy and I emailed him like "Dude your name is Dracula backwards!" and it turned out he's related to Bram Stoker and goes to these meetings of his family in Ireland each year and I went with him once and met this girl named Ryann and we hit it off and walked around talking way late into the night and then she turned into a bat and left and I never saw her again and when I went back to tell Alucard, there was no trace of him at college or anywhere else and it turns out Stoker's family all died off in the early 1900s. True story.
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blagueofchaos · 4 hours ago
He tried his best
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blagueofchaos · 5 hours ago
Yes or No
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blagueofchaos · 7 hours ago
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blagueofchaos · 8 hours ago
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Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) male, Xanthistic, family Cardinalidae, order Passeriformes, AL, USA
Xanthism (or Xanthochromism) - an animal is mostly yellow, instead of its normal coloration (Usually because it is lacking other pigements that are normally present in that species).
Male Northern Cardinals are usually red.
photograph by Jeremy Black
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blagueofchaos · 9 hours ago
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Modefinity Flower Glass Pendant Light
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blagueofchaos · 12 hours ago
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Pondering my toyrb
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blagueofchaos · 12 hours ago
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blagueofchaos · 21 hours ago
I appreciate that Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a vampire show for teens and did not have the vampire love interests enroll in high school 😂 I mean I get WHY the genre does it and I am only gently poking fun but it is so, so dumb CAN YOU IMAGINE being 100+ and being like “you know what would be fun?”
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blagueofchaos · 21 hours ago
this is one of my favourite videos ever i turned it into an mp3 and put it on my phone so i could listen to iy whenever i wanted
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blagueofchaos · 23 hours ago
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blagueofchaos · 23 hours ago
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Cúlinwen (LOTRO Elf OC - Galadhrim Hunter)
I needed to bring my Elf OC costume into work this week for a show-and-tell kind of thing, so I took advantage of having her on a dressform to take some nice pics with close up details!
The distressing you see is partly by design and partly by accident, and to be honest I’m kinda liking it that way! The bracers especially have tanned and oxidised in some places, and they’ve taken on this worn and weathered quality that’s pretty cool even if I didn’t intend it! more of this costume | wip tag
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blagueofchaos · 1 day ago
"it's unexpected as to who gets Chris's attention"
imagine: a slow blooming love story between Sass and Chris 🫢
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blagueofchaos · 1 day ago
My mom, extremely excited about Deniz Akdeniz joining the cast of Ghosts, has come up with my new favorite theory: Isaac and Nigel are fighting over Chris, but he’s too into Pete to even notice them.
Obviously it’s a joke and not a legitimate prediction but please take a moment to think about how hilarious it would be. After desperately fighting against threesome propositions from Flower and Thorfinn now Pete has to fend off flirtations from a newly dead male stripper. But at the same time he would be so flattered. Also he’d try to let him down easy in such a nice way that Chris wouldn’t even realize he was being turned down.
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blagueofchaos · 1 day ago
CBS Ghosts: Isaac x Chris Theories👻💨🪂🦖🦕
okay, so now that Chris is a ghost and Isaac is probably exciting. Here’s how I think it might go
Chris gets along great with the other ghosts who are fascinated by him. However, Isaac is a stuttering, blushing mess who tries to talk to Chris but end up walking away. The ghosts talk Isaac into trying to be confident with Chris. However, I think Isaac would see that Chris is struggling with being a ghost. He realizes Chris needs a friend right now, not a boyfriend. (This shows Isaac wants to change and be a better person.)
They would get along well great. And I think eventually Isaac gains the courage to ask Chris on a date which he says yes. Isaac would get them a table at Jay’s restaurant and it would be so cute. Chris thinks Isaac is adorable and Isaac is so enamored by him.
it would be interesting seeing Nigel’s jealousy especially since Chris is the reason for their break up. It’s be funny if Nigel and Chris don’t like each other as a Brits vs Aussies kind of dynamic.
Or perhaps Chris ends up falling for Nigel or even Jenkins for the hell of it. This storyline could go different ways. It’d be funny to see where it goes
Have a good night ����
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blagueofchaos · 1 day ago
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I need to draw him more, I love giving him cheetah traits
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