#BUT IT'S ANNOYING SOMETIMES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
etchif · 6 months
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swiftmitsu · 3 months
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i dunno about you guys,
but I don’t think they like Ink sneaking into their kitchen in the middle of the night
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Tech Support: Part 3
Yes, this was a real thing we had to help with once.
Even though he complains, Donnie feels a lot of pride being looked to as the family expert for these things, I’m sure. For all that Splinter probably doesn’t know the deep intricacies of computers, I’ll bet he knows the basics. Could there be a deeper meaning to his confusion?
I personally headcanon that Splinter is the one who introduced computers, phones, and appliances to his sons way back in the dumpster diving days, and probably showed Donnie how to fix his first toaster or something. However, the special interest kicked in hard and pretty soon Donnie could run circles around Splinter when it came to fixing and engineering stuff. Perhaps, this is a way Splinter can find time to partake in Donnie’s interests and boost his confidence despite being way out of his depth on technical know-how himself.
When you don’t have a lot, it’s important to be resourceful and handy with a quick fix. Donnie had to have started building stuff somewhere!
It makes it all the more bittersweet if they were really close only to have Splinter struggle to bond with Donnie when he’s a little older. Don’t worry though, they’ll figure it out :)
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ween-kitchens · 4 months
im annoyed and a little pedantic so can i just say as a blanket statement
queerbaiting is when the promotion for a FICTIONAL STORY intentionally hints towards two characters having a romantic relationship, without any intention to follow through in the show, in order to get queer people watching without discouraging the homophobic enjoyers of the show
queerbaiting is NOT:
a celebrity who you think is queer because theyre gnc or they have a 'vibe'. that is a real person and they cannot queerbait
two friends of the same gender pretending to flirt with each other for fun. those are real people and they cannot queerbait
a show with two characters of the same gender who are canonically friends that YOU PERSONALLY think would be better in a relationship. that's not bating, that's shipping, and subject to opinion
there are more but those are the main examples of people misunderstanding what queerbaiting is and being mad at something that isn't actually a problem
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absolutely-scheming · 1 month
You see how Deadpool and Wolverine only cause minimal damage to civilian life? You see how respectful they are to the extras? Very mindful. Very demure.
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They don’t cause irreparable damage to major cities likely killing hundreds or more like some people. Instead they’re very mindful and cutesy
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tanadrin · 4 months
My most reactionary opinion is that a well-rounded education is actually a good idea, and you should in fact be forced to sit through subjects you aren’t necessarily interested in in school sometimes.
This is in substantial part nakedly self-interested: I see way too many people with an excessively one-sided education with absolutely nonsense dogshit takes on fields outside their experience, and I would prefer if there was less of that sort of thing in the future.
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skellydun · 2 years
Actual Phone Conversation I Had With A Girl Absolutely Going Through It This Morning:
me very quickly: hi this is dylan from x. how are you today? is now a good time to talk?
girl on the phone: what? oh you know! it's just work, work, work.
me: haha yeah! Just another busy Monday :)
girl on the phone i have known for exactly 11 seconds: sometimes i wish it would just stop. it's relentless. and it's every week! how many mondays can someone go through?
me trying to do my job: ha ha i know right? so I'm calling--
girl on the phone i have known for exactly 16 seconds: i'm so tired. i'm soooooo tired. shelby kept me up all night again. she will not get over keegan. they keep calling each other just to yell i swear to god.
me: only 4 days till the weekend and some sleep! :D
girl: yeah. but she's sleeping with me. at my house. didn't he tell you? who is going to get the dog? or the fucking 300 dollar blender I got them?
me: unfortunately no! so i would love to know more but the reason i'm calling is to get you scheduled for x job interview are you still interested?
girl whispering: what?
me awkwardly: it's...i'm dylan. from x. the x job you applied for. we would like to interview you for it.
girl: oh my god. no. oh my - I am so sorry. I thought you were my friend--I cannot believe--I told you work was relentless. I don't really mean that! I talked about blenders!
me: no, no I totally get it. It can be. But that's why you're interviewing for somewhere better! Tell Shelby to apply too! Do you have any availability on Thursday?
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jedi-starbird · 5 months
Instead of the Dark Side, there's always a voice at the back of Obi-Wan's head that whispers "aren't you tired of being nice? don't you wanna go apeshit start acting like Qui-Gon?"
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rileyclaw · 1 year
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girl you gotta stop being a Distraction he's trying to work!!
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onnahu · 3 months
Bats on the road
Clark: Bruce that's illegal!
Bruce: there's no one else on the road, what do you want?
Hal: how is it that he doesn't have powers and yet drive like a suicidal maniac!
Oliver: Well bold of you to assume he's not a suicidal maniac.
Diana: that was reassuring.
Donna: oh for the love of gods, Grayson, stop that!
Dick *sprawled over 3 different titans eating the batburger and making a mess*: stop what?
Titans: Ughhhh...
Dinah: i'm gonna puke. If you don't stop this,i'm gonna puke right on your lap and i won't even apologise because it'll be your fault.
Barbara: you know what? Fuck you too. And i can puke on call, so don't think i won't get back.
Barbara: *speeds up on a switchback*
Jason: you stupid bitch, don't you see we have right of way?!?!
Jason: we're on a fucking highway! Stop driving like you're next to a kindergarden, you fucker!
Jason: what a dick! We should just hit him. This baby can take that!
Roy: i hate to do that, but I agree with her
Tim: oh my god it's a... (insert a rant about a very specific model of a car that Tim dreamed of having as a 13 years old)
Bart: ...what?
Cassie: yeah, i have no idea what's going on too, buddy...
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Instead of the “Jason vs Percy” rivalry we should have gotten Annabeth vs. Jason but instead of a fight for power it’s them having a battle of autism cause their special interests were Greek myths vs Roman myths.
Jason calls a Greek god by their Roman name and Annabeth pops up out of nowhere and goes “erm, actually”
The 7 is talking about some landmark and Annabeth and Jason start arguing about which pantheon it was dedicated to.
“It’s amazing right? It was dedicated to Athena.” “Erm, it was actually built for Mars…”
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christ sometimes I just wanna. steal a time machine & go back & sit down next to my 9-year-old self and just like. let them pull out their pokemon card binder & gush about their holographic gyarados or whatever. I'd just smile & ask questions about motherfukcing bulbasaur & tell my kid self that I thought they were a neat person, & someday they'd find other people who thought so too.
like i'm a grown adult who honestly finds most kids stuff boring, but. damn if i could go back & hang out with my baby self & listen to them ramble...just so they knew someone was listening. i would in a heartbeat. thinking about u kid
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yuwuta · 5 months
every so often you’ll catch yuuji just staring at you with a dopey smile and blushing and his pupils dilated all the way and when you ask him what’s up he just laughs and gets even more red when he admits “nothing. sometimes i remember i have a real big crush on you, that’s all,” he grins, blushing from ear to ear and leaning over to give you a kiss on your cheek, “and you’re sooooo pretty.”
this also happens to megumi, except his face is not nearly as love sick. he actually looks kind of angry, a small pout and furrowed brows that might signal that he’s upset but when you ask him he just scoffs and shakes his head, when he has to admit it: “i have a crush on you,” he says, very matter of fact, ignoring his burning ears, “it’s your fault. i thought the point of dating was that this feeling was going to go away.” 
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msbarrows · 7 months
Argh... so I've been reading in Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (SVSSS) fandom recently. And it's given me a new pet peeve about formatting and TTS. A bunch of the authors in that fandom are using black lens brackets to indicate the 'system' voice, 【like this】, because the original novels do, and, yeah... unfortunately that's not always compatible with TTS (definitely not with google's TTS engine, and testing with various other online TTS engines gives mixed results).
Guess how I know they're called black lens brackets.
Go on, guess.
YUP! They get read aloud! Every. Single. Time. They. Appear. Open black lens bracket like this close black lens bracket.
Please resist using the novel's formatting and just use regular square brackets instead! Which do not get read aloud unless there's a space in a bad position, [ like this ]. If you want to be fancy, maybe use <tt>...</tt> formatting or a monospaced font such as courier to make it stand out more as something mechanical.
[Like this]
Which reminds me, another bad formatting choice I've bumped into multiple times (and I can't remember if I've mentioned this one before) is where authors use something <like this> to indicate things like speaking mind-to-mind, or that someone is speaking a foreign language (despite the actual text still being in English). Cool. Neat. Also not TTS compatible, unless you like repeatedly hearing less than and greater than mixed into the text. But guess what - there are already perfectly serviceable ‹single› and «double» angled quotation marks that could be used instead - and since they're recognized as actual quotation marks, they don't get read aloud! Shocking, I know.
Those angled quotation marks could also be another decent option for indication of things like the system voice, obviously.
«Like this»
Thanks to everyone who is already using more TTS-compatible formatting, and to anyone who decides to make some changes to theirs after reading this :)
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justaz · 4 months
au where merlin pulled sigan’s spirit from cedric’s body and tries to shove him back in the jewel but fails and now sigan’s soul is stuck in merlin’s body and he’s just a voice in merlin’s head urging him to kill everyone. everytime uther enters the room sigan goes “oh gods this bitch again” or “someone hasn’t killed him yet?” when theres an assassin going after arthur, sigan is just like “why are we fighting so hard to save this asshat? he dumped a bucket of water on us earlier” or when arthur says something borderline sweet and merlin is lowkey swooning, sigan is just gagging in his head. when merlin gets annoyed and is insulting arthur but cant think of something particularly scathing, sigan chimes in and the words just roll off his tongue. sigan teaches merlin more powerful magic/spells that aren’t in any of the books.
they’re the epitome of
gaius: what do you want to eat
sigan: the souls of the pendragons
merlin: soup?
sigan: NO
merlin: and bread
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graysonnightwing · 11 months
i need you guys to fall in love with female characters the same way you do male characters i need you guys to fall in love with female characters the same way you do male characters i need you guys to fall in love with female characters the same way you do male characters i need you guys to fall in love with female characters the same way you do male characters i need you guys to fall in love with female characters the same way you do male characters i need you guys to fall in love with female characters the same way you do male characters
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