#And subsequent discussion of that canon
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Lily's meaningless sacrifice
One thing that irks me is when people suggest that in canon, Lily had any idea that Harry would survive (this is merely a canon post, nothing to do with fanfiction). It irks me, partly because it's just incorrect and that's the sort of person I am. More importantly, however, it irks me because Lily not stepping aside when she had nothing to gain from dying is fundamental to the story.
Let's start with JKR own words from an interview in 2005:
MA: Did she know anything about the possible effect of standing in front of Harry? JKR: No - because as I've tried to make clear in the series, it never happened before. No one ever survived before. And no one, therefore, knew that could happen.
Lily knew nothing about the possible effect of standing in front of Harry. Lily was faced with this choice:
Scenario 1: Steps aside, and Harry is killed.
Scenario 2: Be killed, and Harry is killed.
Scenario 1 is (on the surface) objectively better (unless you're a DE and thus want less muggle-borns around). To Voldemort, it's a simple choice: In both scenarios Harry will die, in one, Lily will survive. In fact, this is what makes a lot of people defend Severus' choice to only ask Voldemort to spare Lily. Severus could not save Harry (and apparently it's totally cool not trying to save others if they bullied you).
Lily could not save Harry.
Lily's choice, as far as she is aware, is not whether to save Harry or not, but whether to save herself. And yet, Lily cannot stand aside. As JKR points out earlier in the interview, what Lily did is not that surprising to us readers ("I don't think any mother would stand aside from their child"). Why? Love. Because, as Dumbledore reminds us on multiple occasions: there are worse things than death - most notably in DH:
"Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love."
Love, and life with and without love is an undercurrent in the story. Lily's sacrifice is meaningless when made, and yet it's the biggest and most understandable expression of love anyone can show someone else. Lily cannot, and does not want to, live in a world where she has witnessed her son being murdered - especially when her husband has been murdered too. A world without Harry and James is no world for Lily Potter.
It is also - bear with me - not that different from what it was like to be in the Order at that time:
[Y]ou weren’t in the Order then, you don’t understand, last time we were outnumbered twenty to one by the Death Eaters and they were picking us off one by one...
“He — he was taking over everywhere!” gasped Pettigrew. “Wh — what was there to be gained by refusing him?”
The Order operated against the odds and were being picked off one by one. As Peter asks - what was there to be gained by refusing him? What was there to be gained from standing (metaphorically or not) in front of Voldemort's victims? I've said this before and I'll say it again, Sirius' answer is powerful:
“What was there to be gained by fighting the most evil wizard who has ever existed?” said Black, with a terribly fury in his face. “Only innocent lives, Peter!” “You don’t understand!” whined Pettigrew. “He would have killed me, Sirius!” “THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED!” roared Black.
Only innocent lives. They weren't fighting this war because they were winning. In fact they were very much losing. But they were fighting because it was right thing to do. Many Order members chose to die, rather than to step aside and let Voldemort take over. Only in their case it didn't make a difference - or at least, it didn't feel like it at the time. Members were murdered, and Voldemort was just getting stronger and stronger.
What was there to be gained by refusing Voldemort?
I firmly believe this is a theme that is repeated throughout the book: not just love and choice, but the obligation to choose what is right, no matter the odds (the irony that this was written by JKR will never be lost on me), and how love is a powerful motivator to do just that. Doing the right thing might seem hopeless in the moment - wasteful even - but that doesn't mean it's not worth doing, or that in the end, it won't add up.
Imagine what Harry felt like at the end of PS/SS when he risked his life to stop Voldemort, only to realise that Voldemort would keep trying to come back:
“Well, Voldemort’s going to try other ways of coming back, isn’t he? I mean, he hasn’t gone, has he?” “No, Harry, he has not. (...) Nevertheless, Harry, while you may only have delayed his return to power, it will merely take someone else who is prepared to fight what seems a losing battle next time — and if he is delayed again, and again, why, he may never return to power.”
Harry Potter isn't about doing the right thing because it will bring you rewards, but because it is the right thing.
“Remember Cedric. Remember, if the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort. Remember Cedric Diggory.”
This speech doesn't sit well with a few people because it sounds like you're asked to remember what happened to someone who did do the right thing (spoiler: he died). But that's not the point, of course. Cedric wasn't killed for doing the right thing or making a hard choice - Dumbledore asks the students to remember Cedric because the enemy is willing to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Standing aside will not be good enough against people like Voldemort. There is, as Dumbledore put it, a need to keep fighting what seems a losing battle. Why? Only innocent lives.
Both James and Lily die that evening because they are unwilling to let Voldemort near their innocent son as long as there is breath in their bodies. James had no choice (this irks me because he did, he could have run away - he could have not fought Voldemort in the Order to being with. They all had a choice, but not the point). Lily had a choice. And she chose, like many had before her, to fight what seemed like a losing battle. She died, not knowing that she had saved her son. Her sacrifice was meaningless - like so many before her - and yet her sacrifice changed the world.
In the end, by choosing to do what was right, she was granted the wish she most desired: Her son lived.
#Lily's sacrifice was - for the record - not meaningless#Neither was anyone in the Order before that either#It just must have felt like that at the time#Lily Evans#Lily Potter#James Potter#Harry Potter#Power of love#Harry Potter Canon#And subsequent discussion of that canon#HP meta
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A Deep Dive into Curly's Injuries
CW: Medical discussion and graphic themes.
I see a lot of people discussing Curly's injuries in the fandom and I thought that I would take some time to absolutely word vomit information for consideration as someone training in the medical field.
Burns and Calculating Total Body Surface
Starting off simple, we’ll discuss the following burns:
First degree burns only affect the outer layer of the skin (epidermis). Second degree burns, or partial thickness burns, affect both the epidermis and part of the layer underneath (dermis). Third degree burns, or full thickness burns, affect all layers of the skin, fat, and muscle. Third degree burns DO NOT HURT as they destroy the nerves.
Typically you will not see significant 4th degree burns premortem- they are often postmortem and resemble more of a char. The body is basically cremated/incinerated. I'll touch more on this further down.
The rule of nines is the method for estimating the percentage of affected body surface (size of the burn). I used this to roughly estimate that Curly is burned anywhere from 82-91% of his total body surface. We don't see his backside, but assuming he walked into the cockpit before the crash it is POSSIBLE that his backside isn't as burnt.
Note the R-Baux score and prediction of burn-related mortality (TBSA – Age + [17 x R] TBSA: total body surface area R: 1 (Inhalation injury) or 0 (No inhalation injury)
Amputation Possibility and Weight of Risk
While there are a lot of factors to keep in mind when it comes to Curly’s condition and subsequent survival, in order to connect reality and canon the following needs to be considered.
We'll go over two of the most popular interpretations post-crash:
1. Anya performing amputation as a preventative measure.
We have to think about the veins and arteries in the human body when discussing rudimentary amputation.
Note: Arteries carry blood away from the heart to the body, while veins carry oxygen-poor blood back to the heart. Arteries and veins are connected by capillaries. Direction as follows:
Risk to major arteries and veins would potentially result in excessive blood loss (we will focus on arteries since they are larger in diameter and their ability to withstand high pressure from pumping blood). Repairing arteries typically requires surgical intervention.
Curly's right arm ends at the wrist, while his left ends midway up the forearm. This would sever the radial and ulnar arteries.
Curly's right leg ends just below the knee. The popliteal (back of the knee) artery is the continuation of the femoral artery- one of the largest arteries in the body.
Curly's left leg ends about midway down his calf. We can assume that severs the posterior and anterior tibial arteries.
The image below is a quick edit and isn't an accurate representation of location, only a rough diagram.
Note: The legs network of small arteries are available to SOMEWHAT compensate for blood flow if one of the major arteries is damaged, but it likely wouldn't be enough to prevent excessive blood loss.
We CAN consider cauterization in emergency situations; however it would require some ingenuity and a significant heat source. Small tools that could be repurposed to cauterize Curly’s wounds would do more harm than good, and it is likely that Pony Express has banned large, heat producing objects. They ARE on a space freighter with artificial gravity and set oxygen levels, after all.
Lack of proper equipment and medical knowledge would make amputation unsurvivable.
2. Curly's limbs were eviscerated by the crash.
This is where we talk more about the possibility of fourth degree burns and what that means.
Fourth degree burns are the most severe type of burn that affects muscles, tendons, and bone.
Where to position Curly in the cockpit during the crash is… tricky.
It’s difficult to imagine the angle he would need to be in order to sustain full body burns and loss of limbs. This is the part I pondered the most, and I think a good explanation would be electrical burns from the control panel on impact.
Electrical burns are carried by nerves because it is the path of least resistance. Extremities are more susceptible to damage when a current passes through them. (Yes, this means his genitals are gone too. Sorry, folks!) *See article on electric extremity injury under Read More
Facial Injury and Eye Trauma
Moving towards Curly’s face we come back to our discussion of third degree burns, which I’ve explained a bit above. I do want to note that the survival of his left eye interested me the most while compiling this post.
Your eyes don’t melt in extreme heat (goofy ahh Indiana Jones shit).
Your eyes are mostly composed of water, which makes them resistant to combustion. Since we never directly see the eye socket beneath the bandaging it’s reasonable to assume that his right eye is not entirely destroyed but instead severely damaged (flattened, scarred, cloudy). Without eyelids or even eye drops his remaining eye would dry, potentially blinding him if the heat on impact didn't.
Another point of interest is Jimmy manually manipulating Curly’s mouth several times throughout the game.
This rounds back to third degree burns and the damage to the superficial masseter muscle (moves the lower jaw upward – mastication, or ‘protrusion of the mandible’), the deep masseter muscle (retraction of the mandible – mastication, or ‘closing the jaw with force’), the temporalis muscle (mastication, enabling jaw movement for chewing, biting, and grinding), and surrounding tendons.
Knowing this, a ‘slack jaw’ position would cause visible oral damage like dry mouth and halted saliva production. I’ll touch more on this below.
Loss of Skin and Infection
The skin is the largest organ in the human body with a variety of life sustaining functions like protection and excretory function.
In Curly’s condition, the loss of his skin leaves him open to systematic infection. Skin protects against infection by producing antibacterial substances (defensins and cathelicidins), which greatly increase when injury or inflammation are present. Without skin your body's natural defenses no longer protect against bacteria.
Pathological vulnerability is the key factor in this section. A severe and sometimes fatal response to infection (sepsis) would likely occur under these conditions without proper medical care and antibiotics.
Administering Water, Food, and Medication
This section is where some interpretation comes into play.
The average healthy person can survive approximately three weeks without food and 3 days without water (both vary greatly). According to the games timeline he was kept alive in this state for four months, which means that somehow, in some way, they were able to get him enough nutrients for basic human survival.
This was likely in the form of paranutrition bags and IV fluids since Curly does not seem to have the ability to move his mouth or swallow on his own. When your mouth is kept open for extended periods of time you stop salivating as frequently because the act of swallowing, triggered by the build-up of saliva, is no longer happening.
When having medication administered, Jimmy can be seen (or more so heard) shoving the pills down Curly’s throat with his fingers.
I can’t help but speculate that additional damage was done to his esophagus and vocal cords since there isn’t a way to push the pills far enough down to avoid the steady breakdown of the medication in his throat.
Without properly swallowing pills Curly most likely developed pill esophagitis (irritation of the esophageal lining), which causes painful acid reflux.
Speculation of Internal Injury
This is more presumptive than other sections.
Due to previous notes regarding the source and nature of Curly’s wounds, it is reasonable to assume that not only is smoke inhalation a contributing factor, but ash, technological equipment, and shrapnel also run the possibility of entering his lungs on impact.
However, when I was looking into photos of the cockpit post-crash it brought another potential inhalation/consumption risk to mind; the expanding foam.
It is known that it expands to cover potential weak spots in the ship, so the strength of the substance needs to withstand the pressure of space and maintain the artificial gravity. The cockpit is covered in it, so it is possible that in some way Curly was physically in contact with it when the crash occurred.
Whether he ingested or inhaled it something to consider, but externally there must have been some effort removing the foam from his already burnt skin.
So, what does this mean, Leo? What’s your point?
Well, there is no real point to be made. Everyone is going to interpret things differently! I just thought it would be cool to put forth some real world medical knowledge and compare it to canon! I AM STILL IN TRAINING and I have a lot to learn, but I wanted to put something together for you guys! You can take something from it, or nothing at all!
Final Notes:
Realistic Prognosis (prediction of outcome):
Without medical treatment total body third degree burns are NOT SURVIVABLE.
Extended periods of festering and infection would make skin grafting impossible (There is some wiggle room with this depending on how you perceive medical care to have changed- but I do think it's important to consider the limits of the human body).
🖤 If you made it to the end, thank you for reading! 🖤
Thank you so dearly to my love, my life, @13nn0x for the help compiling information and just generally being the sexiest person alive.
Some extra articles to refer to:
Note: Some articles include images but I put a warning on the ones that do.
(CW: Includes Photos) Clinical spectrum of electrical burns - A prospective study from the developing world by Ashok Kumar Sokhal, Krishna Lodha, and Rajkumar Paliwal. LINK
(CW: Includes Photos) Electro-Amputation of Lower Limbs Due to a High-Voltage Shock: Report of an Unusual Case by Suraj Sundaragiri, Senthil Kumaran M, Venkatesh Janarthanan, Chaitanya Mittal, Gerard Pradeep Devnath S. LINK
Ocular Burns by Gregory C. Patek, Amanda Bates, and Allison Zanaboni. LINK
Drug-Induced Esophagitis by Fatima Saleem and Ashish Sharma. LINK
Better among the two for Burn Mortality Prediction in Developing Nations: Revised Baux or Modified Abbreviated Burn Severity Index? by Sheerin Shah, Renu Verma, Rajinder K Mittal, Ramneesh Garg. LINK
#PLEASE take this as my current skill set I AM STILL IN TRAINING#mouthwashing#curly mouthwashing#anya mouthwashing#daisuke mouthwashing#swansea mouthwashing#jimmy mouthwashing#mouthwashing headcanons#mouthwashing theories
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i think eddie’s queercoding is a little messy and the writers’ intentions with his sexuality feel inconsistent at times (hence the endless debate over his specific brand of queerness) but honestly? nobody on my dash is explicitly saying it, so i will. i really do think he’s just bisexual with an emotional and/or romantic preference for men.
like i do think he was deeply in love with shannon, and i fully believe that his trauma surrounding their fractured relationship and her subsequent death plays into his intimacy issues with his other girlfriends, but i also think that outside of that, there’s always been an element of needing to Be a certain way in his relationships with women that he’s never faced with men because he’s never stopped to consider that his relationships with men could be romantic in nature. it’s why his relationship with shannon failed in the first place: given what we know about eddie’s background and the way that he had to take on the ‘man of the house’ role as a child, it’s likely that as soon as he found out that he was going to be a father, he immediately fell prey to the role that was hand-carved out for him: to be a provider for shannon, to be strong and stoic and to never let anyone know how he was feeling. and so he did it, but it didn't work, because he left her, and then she left him, and by the time they came back together, sex was the only method of connection he had left because he was too afraid to open his heart up to her. maybe they once felt that magic as kids on a lake, but then they grew up. and they didn't grow together. and the tragedy of it all is that this was never imposed upon him by shannon. all she wanted was a partner, but he couldn’t be that for her because he never allowed himself to be vulnerable. with ana, although he pursued her because he liked her and because he wanted to stop feeling like he was drowning in his grief for shannon, he stayed despite knowing something was wrong because he wanted to be a good father and do right by his son. still a provider, but this time it was attempting to provide a sense of security for his son who’d already lost so much. he didn't want to take away another person that his kid cared about, and so he thought, i have to give it a try, maybe i’ll feel the way i should eventually, right? and with marisol……honestly, s6 told us point-blank that eddie is terrified of being alone and i think the reason why he stayed with her for so long is so that he could avoid that loneliness. (and also bc buck told him to. i blame buck for that).
but anyway. before i got sidetracked, the point i was going to make is that there isn't any indication in the text that eddie isn't physically attracted to the women he's dated. he canonically enjoys having sex with them and he was in love with shannon....but i just think that from what we've seen, he's more emotionally drawn to men and he finds it much easier for him to be vulnerable in his relationships with men specifically because he's never considered that he could love them. this way, he never has to be afraid of letting them down in the one specific way that men let down their wives. with buck, there’s no pressure. buck has always made eddie feel safe enough that he's never felt the need to perform or put those emotional barriers up because he doesn’t have to provide anything other than his company. he can just be eddie, and that's enough for buck. and tbh this also tracks with the platonic relationships he's had with both men and women. when he doesn't feel the pressure of a romantic relationship, he blooms and feels much more comfortable sharing aspects of his life that he wouldn't trust his girlfriends with (see: the beach scene with felisa where they discussed chris's experience with the tsunami. i can't name a single scene where eddie opened up to a romantic interest about something similar). buck is the only person he's given both his love and his trust to, and i think both of them are strong enough that he'll continue to feel secure even after they transition to a romantic relationship because buck has proven over and over again that eddie can crack his heart open and buck will be there to hold him through it. also lest anyone think this is straight!eddie truthing (or anything except for bisexual, really)....please go watch the poker scene. he wants buck AND he loves him AND he trusts him. yay
#this is partially based off of littlegreen's post.#eddie diaz#buddie#my commentary#eddie + sexuality#rae.txt
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I saw some light discourse going around hsrtwt about Ratio being bad/good/morally ambiguous
I'm not gonna comment on that too much cause I wanna talk about smth else but clearly he's a good person, probably one of the nicest people we meet compared to the war criminals and murderers. his major crime is that he's blunt, mean and makes his students cry (which is something about him I don't particularly enjoy for personal reasons, but still)
what I like, something that i feel like people tend to forget, is that he's very openly kind and caring
of course there's the basic stuff, like the fact that he pours his whole heart into making the universe a better place, has eradicated a whole illness called 'the king of illnesses' (so, supposedly, very deadly) and the entire not getting into the genius society because he cares about humanity too much. but also, you know

first of all, he has canonically made various statues depicting himself making a heart with his hands while smiling warmly. I've always found it endearing how he mildly prides himself on 'keeping the world at bay' and just being generally mean while also doing this so casually. I mean, it's a clear message: 'I love you' that's what he's saying, and he's saying it in a silly way

something a bit more hidden is these quotes from hoyolab's post. we all know the 'ignorance is an ailment' quote is directly taken from his character stories, making it canon. that subsequently makes the other two just as canon. obviously it's an official post, but I sometimes see people doubting the validity of these silly little snippets into the hsr universe
I don't particularly know if he is saying those last two quotes in general or to someone/a group of people in particular, but it's like... one of the sweetest (and corniest) things ever, and it makes me giggle a little bit. it almost felt out of character to me the first time I've seen these, but if you think about it, it's always been there

this one is from the valentines day ""event"" on twitter from earlier this year. I like his reaction to the gift for he still has some of his usual, you know, 'I cannot bear to hear such foolish questions'. he's being nice in his own way here, his demeanor is just barely reserved but the sentiment behind his words remains a positive one

another quick thing, though I don't have more examples for this one. he's always going on about how you should always consider whether the question you're about to ask already has an answer (so encouraging you to think for yourself) but he's still Always offering to help. in this and, if I remember correctly, in the mail description you get when you used to receive him for free he's making it clear that he's willing to help you discuss things for you to understand them better and will answer any question as long as it's not a 'stupid' one. he is a teacher, after all. the biggest thing about him is that he wants people to do better. other than this, despite his slight reluctance to help others himself, he does say in his character trailer that sometimes a little encouragement is required

and he does encourage people openly when they do good! no 'I suppose this is acceptable' nor 'I guess you did good'. when someone or something impresses him, he genuinely expresses it. I like to point this out because I see so many people say he's self absorbed or puts himself above others, when that is simply not true. which, I mean, can also be seen in his small little interactions with Herta, Ruan Mei and Screwllum (he literally praises them)


then he also says this a couple times. I don't exactly know what he considers courtesy or discourtesy, but it's clear that at least not all his blunt or mean words are meant to offend. this is something I'd love to look further into, but for now simply want to put here with the rest cause it's an interesting thing about him. he is already described as elegant, which implies a certain level of basic courtesy and politeness when interacting with others, though this just slightly crashes with his 'rude' demeanor
supposedly, you could make the argument that while he canonically realizes how non-endearing he can be (knows his own shortcomings, one of the exact traits he praises) perhaps he actively struggles with coming off as nice. and seeing all I've pointed out so far, maybe all those instances of him being nice are how he'd prefer to come off as (some times). that is unless I missed some bits of canon dialogue where it's implied otherwise
this isn't that detailed or well made of a post, nor the first time someone has pointed out this stuff. in fact I reblogged an incredibly good, lengthy post some time ago that talks more in depth about how nice/kind of a person Veritas Ratio really is
I simply cannot stand when he is described as cold, uncaring, selfish, self-centered or someone incapable of being gentle and loving. and it's not nearly as subtle as people seem to think it is
#i just love him so much#and wanted to yap about him for a while#honkai star rail#hsr#star rail#hsr dr ratio#dr ratio#veritas ratio#can you tell I'm mentally ill?
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Was discussing queerbaiting recently with a friend because we’re watching Once Upon A Time (trash, but shockingly well written trash in the first 3 seasons) and obs we both ship swan queen. I mean. Come on.
But we noticed that from the start of s3 onwards, there was noticeably less shippy stuff between these two. There’s still a bit here and there because a) lesbian mums and b) chemistryyyy… but it felt like the writers were intentionally backing off from that pairing and putting genuine effort into the male love interests for both characters.
You might think that becalming the swan queen ship would have annoyed or disappointed my friend and myself, the shippers. But tbh we both agreed that it was actually nice to see a writing team see a popular queer fandom ship, go ‘oh whoops that’s not endgame’, and actively NOT bait it.
Obviously everyone here is aware of the Golden Age Of Queerbaiting, the late 2000s/early 2010s; even if you’re too young to have actually battled through it, it’s deep tumblr lore. We all know the repeat and egregious offenders from that time - destiel, merthur, johnlock, whatever the main one was on teen wolf - and how gleefully these shows would dangle queer rep in front of our twitching little noses.
Recently, I’ve noticed a more insidious trend: the Male Friendship Scarcity Myth. The most glaring recent examples are nandermo (WWDITS) and jayvik (arcane), both of which were popular ships after the first season(s) of their shows aired and were subsequently given increased screen time and shippy scenes/storylines. In the case of nandermo, the romantic feelings (at least from Guillermo) were textual. Both pairings were given ambiguous endings where they were together, but not confirmed as, yknow, together.
And then both showrunners, after the shows ended, decided to step up to the mic and give a heartfelt little speech along the lines of ‘men are allowed to be friends without it being sexual, and it’s actually really important that we show this, because we need more representation of close platonic brotherly male friendship in media’.
Anyone who was around during the aforementioned Golden Age Of Queerbaiting, or in fact anyone who consumes popular media at all, knows that this is horseshit.
It’s only ever close platonic brotherly male friendship. Or at least, 95% of the time. Everywhere you look, from major fandom shows to mcu movies, platonic male relationships are often front and centre. That’s nearly always the canon. How often does a major mlm ship actually go canon??? Hardly ever. Even destiel didn’t; cas’s feelings were confirmed last minute, but the official canon dynamic between him and dean is still brotherly bffs.
Are these friendships often the subject of intense fandom shipping? Yes, as literally any close relationship between any two characters of any gender always will be. People like shipping! But the official canon, and the gospel truth held up by poorly disguised homophobes in fandom, is nearly always strictly platonic bros.
Anyway. All this to say, I’ve been disillusioned recently seeing this myth pop up in every comments section on any jayvik-related content, that we have a lack of male friendship in media (we don’t, we have a lack of male friendship that isn’t queer coded to super turbo gay hell and back in media). I was even more disillusioned seeing the exact same rhetoric being spewed by those involved with WWDITS, which is ironically a show jam packed full of close male friendships THAT INVOLVE CASUAL SEX. The call was truly coming from inside the coffin on that one.
So, unexpectedly and somewhat depressingly, swan queen and OUAT have been a balm for the soul in the midst of all this. No queerbaiting (at least not where I’m up to), just good old fashioned straightwashing. At least it’s honest 🤷♀️
#thoughts#queer media#queerbaiting#once upon a time#swan queen#what we do in the shadows#nandermo#arcane#jayvik#probably incredibly stupid of me to finally start actually engaging on tumblr and immediately do Discourse#oh well lmao#shipping#shipping discourse
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I think something I miss a lot when reading Wild centered fics in the LU fandom is that I don’t see a lot of people exploring the core of Wild’s character- curiosity. Whether this is innate to his personality or an aspect of him developed through the loss of his memories- this kid is curious about everything. He climbs trees to find eggs, experiments and innovates in combat, jumps or interacts with the things around him that appear slightly off. Sure, he has experience and can be practical, but he is also absolutely climbing the walls while the others are having a conversation (with Wind and Hyrule cheering him on).
I also think people tend to make him really sad and angsty- and that’s fair! But honestly Wild is just a bit of a silly goose in my head. Sure, his story features a lot of heartache, but he’s generally very open and kind and friendly! He gives little waves when referenced, giggles when sleeping on a waterbed, and helps anyone he comes across.
I also think he’s someone that just- stays in his lane unless he finds out he can do something for others. He will watch siblings fight or argue and just chill until he’s addressed in a conversation. He’s very “go with the flow” (even if that does make him also a bit distractible lmao) and doesn’t seem to shy away from bluntly letting people know the information they need, even if we imagine it might be hard to discuss.
I really think he only goes stone faced when experiencing fear and anxiety- other than that he’s goofy and fun and kind!
I do absolutely love the canon that he’s selectively mute- boy has a severe anxiety disorder- but I think it’s mostly triggered by the idea of expectations placed on him. I imagine he has a hard time communicating vocally with the chain when he realizes that they’re heroes. I do think he would have a lot of survivors guilt and subsequent insecurities on his placement within the group- but that doesn’t mean he’s not still naturally upbeat in disposition.
Idk I have a lot of thoughts on Wild because I love him very much. I’m planning to actually write a character analysis for the fic I’m writing at the moment so maybe I’ll post that for funsies.
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I think a lot about Lloyd and Harumi, solely because they have one of the most unique yet complex relationship dynamics in all of Ninjago, and it’s something I don’t feel like we talk about enough.
So often I see online that their dynamic is overly simplified. I so often see people arguing between them being “true-love” or “friends to lovers to enemies,” but stating it’s just one of those is overlooking all of the complexities. Even stating it as a one-sided thing from Lloyd isn’t looking at the whole picture. Of course, there can be many interpretations of how they interact. Again, that’s the reason I adore this dynamic so much. This, however, is my personal interpretation:
Also, warning, spoilers plus some swearing.
At the beginning, we see Lloyd have the whole “love-at-first-sight” trope, and we learn that Harumi invited him into the castle. While, of course this immediately is seemed as a positive interaction, later events reveal otherwise. It continues like this: Lloyd falls deeper in love with Harumi whilst she continues manipulating him to keep him on strings. She eventually realizes his feelings, and wants plays on that, making the process work exponentially better. Finally, we learn Harumi’s motives and her reasoning, and, in the episode, Lloyd is devastated. However, I have some additions on this, but I’m gonna finish up my review of canon before getting to that. We do also know that Lloyd still has feelings, though. We primarily see thing from Lloyd still trying to save her from Garmadon’s grasp along with his sadness from her death.
The next time we see her and Lloyd’s dynamic (at least as far as I want to mention,) is Crystalized. When Lloyd is captured, he apologizes. He still clearly has feelings for Harumi, and, in a turn of events, it seems that Harumi does as well, as she convinces the Overlord to spare him and to try to get him on their side.
Okay, enough about prior knowledge, lets discuss headcanons. So, firstly, I’m 100% sure that Lloyd was tormented by Harumi’s origin story. We know how high of a standard he holds himself to, and we also know how morally-driven he is. Him learning about the real stories of the real people who he had really hurt couldn’t have been taken easily. I’ve actually written a whole fic that revolves on that fact, and how Lloyd’s lingering feelings would have amplified that feeling to oblivion. Also, for people who assume he would immediately drop his feelings when he learned Harumi’s true motives, literally just look at how he talks about Garmadon and you’ll see he can’t exactly move on that easily. Things like this take time, and, again, he has guilt because of this whole thing. Moving on from a relationship when you believe you were the reason the person tried to destroy the entire world and subsequently died isn’t the same as a high school breakup. That’s fucking devastating, and especially for someone who hasn’t had the best relationships up to that point.
However, this dynamic really starts to become cloudy when you look at Harumi. Now, look: I’m like 90% sure she only had feelings for Lloyd in S15 as fan-service, but, fan-service or not, it’s canon, and therefore I’m still gonna cover it.
So, first off, when and how did Harumi develop feelings? Personally, I think there could be three main reasons. For one, gaslighting. The whole time, she was gaslighting Lloyd into loving her. Sometimes, when you keep up a lie like that for so long and with that level of commitment, you can convince even yourself of these feelings. Do I think this is the case for Harumi? Well, it depends. If you truly do believe there is a spark between them, then no. However, if you really don’t like the fact that they were given a romantic storyline in S15, then this is a totally valid reasoning.
The second reason that comes to mind is Lloyd’s persistence. Now, just to cover all our basis, reminder that “being persistent” and “never giving up on a love that could be” are not cutesy tropes and relationship goals, and no means no. I see too much stuff online saying shit like “I never gave up on her and, even though she said no 20 times, she gave in in the end.” This is not something to romanticize. If someone rejects you, fucking respect that and move tf on. That being said, though, I think that could actually be the case in this dynamic, albeit in a much less creepy way than some fuckers online do it. Lloyd clearly, even after all of the shit Harumi pulled, still has lingering feelings: a mix of platonic and romantic. I truly believe Lloyd is someone who believes that anyone can change for the better, and applies this to Harumi. The fact that, even after all the pain Harumi caused, he still searched for her in the rubble could be the reason she developed feelings. In my opinion, this is the most likely option.
The final one is a bit colder, and is for y��all who believe Harumi is evil through-and-through. Lloyd is fucking overpowered. Harumi’s reasoning to the Overlord could be just that: the reason. I personally don’t love this one as much, but if this is something you resonate with, I would totally understand why.
All of these factors strung together make Lloyd and Harumi one of my favorite dynamics. There is so much more that I didn’t even discuss here. Is it romantic or platonic or just romantic for one of them? Did Harumi develop feelings even sooner yet denied them solely because of her hatred? Is Lloyd’s relationship with Harumi less to do with Harumi herself and more-so to do with trying to rebuild a relationship with his father through her to prove he can hold onto someone he loves? All of these are questions I’d love to dive into but simply do not have time.
Hopefully you enjoyed my little rant. I love overthinking stuff like this and also love chatting about over-the-top headcanons. If you have any thoughts on this (or other headcanons you want to share), please do!
#ninjago#lego ninjago#ninjago headcanons#ninjago lloyd#lloyd garmadon#lloyd ninjago#ninjago harumi#princess harumi#harumi jade#harumi ninjago#llorumi
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rhaenyra is as much of a girl’s girl as the society she lives in allows her to be.
book wise she has multiple ladies in waiting (not just alicent, which is a grave oversight in the show), one of which is said to have gouged out her own eyes at the sight of rhaenyra’s murder. that doesn’t sound like someone who isn’t capable of inspiring loyalty from the women around them. rhaenys fully and wholeheartedly supported rhaenyra and her cause, even dying in her attempts to make her the first queen regnant of the seven kingdoms. laena betrothed her daughters to rhaenyra’s sons, ensuring that her blood sat both the iron throne and the driftwood throne, all while being a pretty difficult backing to break due to the wealth and naval power of the velaryons (all of this in spite of the bastardy rumors surrounding jace and luke). the agreement also puts forward how politically astute rhaenyra is, and how she didn’t just rely on her father’s word to put her on the throne. she made alliances using her sons hand in marriage; borros baratheon might not have declared for aegon had a proposal taken place the night luke brought rhaenyra’s terms. baela was only held back from partaking in the many battles because of her dragon’s size, otherwise she would have been right beside her betrothed fighting for rhaenyra. there’s even a chance that rhaena would have joined had she had a rideable dragon of her own. she had mysaria, a former sex worker, as her mistress of whisperers, a very esteemed position on her small council. the cases of rosby and stokeworth have no bearing on this, because they were never named as heirs (along with being literal children during a war time) which is what rhaenyra was using as the basis for her rulership. jeyne arryn knew her own position as lady of the eyrie would be challenged (again) if aegon stepped over rhaenyra and subsequently supported her cause. important women like alysanne blackwood and sabitha frey were key players in cregan’s army.
show wise she is shown in the season two trailer to be taking advice from rhaenys and allowing her to be a part of the war efforts. baela and rhaena are explicitly included on her war council, with rhaena as her cupbearer. moondancer is no longer a hardly rideable dragon and baela seems to be taking direct part in the war. rhaenyra is already shown in a set picture to be communicating with mysaria (whether that’s discussing blood and cheese, the aftermath of it, or something entirely different remains to be seen). these are not the acts of someone who hated other women, and using her falling out with alicent and the resulting enmity between them (that is almost completely one-sided due to the difference in power dynamics) as an excuse to otherwise is worse than strange, considering alicent’s canonical goal was to seat her son, a known violent misogynist, on the throne over a woman who was the named heir to the king.
the green’s entire ideological standpoint is that women cannot rule, ever, for it would make the main members of the green’s powerless, and any other lord or heir’s claim would be up for debate if they have an elder sister. if the iron throne had truly been aegon’s by right alicent, otto, and criston would not have left viserys’ body to rot for days AND they would have had the backing of most of the houses. if alicent had cared more for her children’s wellbeing she would have convened a great council before the war began or considered any other effort that would not lead to her children fighting on dragonback. rhaenyra’s (peaceful) ascension would have at least started the necessary changes needed to grant women more authority and (!) autonomy in the seven kingdoms. queen consorts had significantly less influence after her murder, along with the targaryen’s losing their ability to hatch dragons. rhaenyra does not need to be a feminist for her cause to be inherently feminist by proxy.
rhaenyra was not a feminist, but she did have great love for other women. it’s disingenuous at best and downright insulting at worst to try to paint her as anything else. she inspired loyalty even after her murder. if the black’s cause had truly relied on putting rhaenyra on the throne, her armies would have disbanded once she was dead. instead corlys and larys poisoned aegon, with rhaenyra’s son being placed on the throne afterwards. it was ultimately about bloodlines in the end. jaehaera suffered the unfortunate consequences of an ambitious hand because of her status as aegon’s daughter. it plays directly into how alicent outlived her entire family, besides jaehaera, and went mad with grief, learning to hate the color green. how greed and the allure of power can and will corrupt those who choose to make that a priority in their lives, and how the innocent will usually pay the price for those sins.
#house of the dragon#fire and blood#rhaenyra targaryen#pro rhaenyra targaryen#team black#anti team green#anti team green stans#anti alicent hightower#anti aegon ii targaryen#hate rhaenyra all you want#but stop conflating your hatred of her with factually incorrect takes#the only team constantly harping about feminism#is the team who’s been babied by a show that wants to change the core meaning behind#the dance of the dragons#aegon only having a daughter by the end of it all#and NOT naming her heir#is the most telling result that the war happened#because of rhaenyra’s womanhood#btw i don’t care how ‘interesting’ and ‘full of nuance’ your fav characters are so keep it to yourself :)
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Time for a pet peeve take response - let me capture our target below:
[Unpopular Fantasy Opinion Take:] The fantasy genre by-and-large took the wrong takeaway from Tolkien, and has been generally spiraling since as a result. They took his surface-level aesthetics and fantastical elements, and left his engagement with real, historical texts, his philology & his moral seriosity. In a different timeline, subsequent authors would have adopted Tolkien's erudite love of language and mythology and applied it to other cultures & mythologies - not just superficially, but by engaging with the great Chinese novels or the Shahnameh like he did with Beowulf. Even when you *do* see more recent novels "inspired by" other cultures, they are very blatantly just taking the (degraded distillate of the) Western, Tolkien-esque tradition and coating it in a thin veneer of Chinese or Mesoamerican lore.
This is not the first time I have seen this specific take, and it is part of a "fallen literature" genre that is always confusing supply & demand, with a hefty bout of selection bias for good measure.
To get the obvious out of the way, the "lessons" people took from Tolkien are entirely what audiences want to read, and were never going to be any other way. Most people don't wanna read hard, heavy books! Even if they want that sometimes, for every one Gravity's Rainbow they are gonna read a dozen Gone Girl's as a palette-cleansing snack, which means by-the-numbers the latter will dominate. Fantasy did not invent the genre of adventure stories and swashbuckling heroes and hot maidens to woo and mystical mumbo-jumbo; people stapling tried-and-true genre tropes onto elves and orcs once they took off was a given. The "shallow" part was the only part that could have changed; a world where the median fantasy novel is dealing with theological issues could never have been.
And to top this all off, no disrespect to Tolkien at all, but like...he isn't that deep? The "moral seriousness" of the Lord of the Rings is very simple - characters are often cartoonishly evil or blatantly good, the conflicts they face are often black and white, and in particular the moral dilemmas faced by characters boil down to tests of courage more than half the time. What Tolkien does have is his own unique interests? Like in Middle Earth the "act of creation", from art to life, is itself a moral undertaking with metaphysical implications. This is super cool - but it is also again very simple, it is barely even discussed in the novels and his ideas can be summarized in a paragraph. This is all good btw! The novels would not benefit from more complicated morality. But modern books are just as complex, and often more so.
Actually just a little aside here - a lot of people do this thing with Tolkien where they mention his letters and drafts like that is canonical story text? Yeah he wrote like an essay about the theological implications of the various orc origin stories, but he didn't publish that, it is nowhere in the Lord of the Rings and is barely in the Silmarillion. Other authors have notes like those; you just don't read them.
And the "other cultures" stuff is particularly egregious - I'm sorry, are we just not reading many modern stories? You think Spinning Silver isn't pulling great threads from Slavic folklore? You think the Chinese Gays in Mo Dao Zu Shi/The Untamed aren't dropping refs to Daoism and the four classics in between their will-they-won't-they necromancy shenanigans? In response this author would, of course, pivot from their bailey of "no one references other traditions" to the motte of "and if they do it is shallow" with no definition of what qualifies as such, nor again any admittance that audiences care way more about getting the gays than the deep cut cultural refs. The fact that the median person in the west prefers their Dungeons & Dragons campaigns in a default Tolkien-esque setting because the point is to have a comfortable backdrop for ease of play of a combat dice game will just not factor into their analysis.
The elephant in the room for all of this is that foundational texts differ, structurally, from modern texts, because they were made in different environments. The Lord of the Rings probably wouldn't sell well today! The prose is wooden, the characters are flat, it throws random lore it never explains at you, Tom Bombadil is just there as a walking momentum-destroying plot hole, etc. People read it because it was a first in a world that didn't have books committing to this level of world-building & detail in a fantasy environment. And as a new genre, things like his crazy level of language building are appealing, it's all so new and different, something cool to dig into.
But imagine picking up your 185th elves-and-orcs sword & sorcery book in 1998 and reading "ah yes Quenya is just one of two alphabets for the Elven tongue and it is inspired by Finnish-Germanic and I write entire poems in it even though I never finished a cohesive dictionary or grammar system but I do have 15 pages of pronunciation notes"?? You would throw at it at a fucking wall, absolutely insufferable. It was cool the first time, and that is why you learn Elvish, just like you learn Klingon. That was never gonna keep as a zeitgeist - instead just popping up here or there as this or that series takes off.
You have to accept that audiences are in the driver's seat on this one - they have infinite stories to choose from, they are absolutely not being dragged along by willful writers. Which means genres will evolve and change over time - and that is fine.
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PLEASE give us the daddy kink essay, it's a kink I avoid like the plague but the way you wrote it on "tenebroso" was great so I wanna know some more 🤲
okay first this is such a bemusing message. i appreciate it so much but i am wondering why you read (and subsequently enjoyed) tenebroso when you find daddy kink uncomfortable or uninteresting. i’m grateful but also confused. would love some insight into that.
secondly, to your question. are we all familiar with Chicago: The Musical? me personally i love Chicago (The Musical). in particular this:

hold my hand. walk with me.
i know that daddy kink is not for everybody and i know that not everybody will agree with me and i know that not everybody will think this is correct or sexy or compelling. me personally i love this and i think it’s correct and sexy and compelling.
first thing’s first is i’m married to canon. i have my qualms with it, but we’re in it for the long haul, and everything i write/discuss is based on threads i can pull from the source material. i base my hypothesis that adamronan would dabble in daddy kink on two key things.
ronan’s pathological need to find a replacement for his father as the dominant figure in his life
adam’s pathological need to replace his own father by being everything that he never was, therefore smoothing the dirt over his grave and effectively erasing him by becoming bigger and better
case in point: ronan wants to be put in his place by the man of the house. adam wants to be the man of the house and put people in their place.
this is because neither of them got enough love in their childhoods, and i am being so genuinely serious. they are psychosexually warped. ronan was manifested as a toddler and then abandoned by his mother, so he missed out on nurturing and satisfaction during key developmental stages. he was then raised to be subservient and need constant guidance, because his father figure was afraid of him and needed to keep him in hand. adam was emotionally neglected and physically abused, and knew from a young age his parents did not love or want him, and would never love or want him. his key developmental stages were affected by this. he was not really raised, he was “drug up” as they would say in the south, meaning he was forced to grow up as quickly as possible in order to become independent. he was seen as a chore to those responsible for him: caring for him is such hard work it was completely impossible for his caregivers.
the good news is you can sublimate all of these deep and far reaching mother/father wounds into kink, and wind up in a dynamic that both emotionally and sexually fulfills you. and thank god for that.
also not for nothing, but ronan makes mommy/daddy jokes fairly often in canon. mom and dad don’t love each other anymore. daddy’s working, sweetie. etc. it’s tongue in cheek and meant to be effacing/derisive, but it’s there in his brain. he’s constantly placing himself and other people in his life in the mommy/daddy roles, swapping them out like lightbulbs, looking for whoever it is that’s going to fill the gap. if i had a nickel for every time he did something like this, i would not be so worried about the state of our national economy.
i’ve said before and i’ll say again: adam’s a domineering little control freak with daddy issues as far as the eye can see. unlike ronan, though, he isn’t seeking to replace his daddy. he intends to erase daddy, to become daddy but better. you don’t have to agree with me that they engage in sado-masochism but in my opinion that’s part of it. i think there’s excitement to be found in practicing something that might be considered taboo. they're weird (pos).
for what it’s worth, practicing daddy kink is not a workaround for a latent desire to have sex with your actual family members. for some people daddy kink has little to do with thoughts or feelings related to their actual fathers. it is known to everyone involved in the sexual scenario that the person serving as daddy is not really a parent or relation. daddy is a role, and daddy kink is a form of role play that some people find sexually gratifying. i know plenty of people who had “normal” childhoods that participate in daddy kink. i exclusively referred to my ex-partner as daddy in bed, and our decision to employ that had nothing to do with our relationships with our fathers. lots of gay people engage in daddy kink—it might surprise you to know just how many.
but anyway, i digress. in my opinion, in adam and ronan’s case, i think it’s hard boiled into their characters, and even if you don’t find daddy kink compelling or interesting, it is impossible for anyone to disagree with me on this simple fact: they both have extreme daddy issues stemming from different (but similar) father wounds that affect their psyche, behavior, and relationships. this is irrefutable. this is how i choose to believe these things continue to impact them as adults in a physically intimate relationship. & also: i think it’s hot
i have typed the word "daddy" so many times that it no longer looks like a real word. thanx for reading xo
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okay so @monstermoviedean is watching s14 rn and her takes are god tier!!! and you should all go read her blog please!
but it just makes me want to talk about lebanon/14.13 so much! like it really is one of my favorite episodes of spn. which is crazy i know because i truly hate john with every fiber of my being but i think this episode reveals so much about him & dean's relationship with him with delicious subtly!
and i've yapped at random on twitter about this but i want to gather all my thoughts in one place.
dean's relationship with john is The most important relationship in spn that i'm interested in unpacking. (i am normal and fine and this has nothing to do with my own issues)
i think for some people who understand john as abusive, it is frustrating and jarring to see him come back after so many years and just be kinda nice. especially given that dean has just finally started to talk to his family about some of the bad things john did.
i maintain that dean has been pretty clear with cas and like random strangers that his dad was shitty. but in 14.11, he tells mary the winchester surprise story. while he doesn't frame the story as truly a critique of john, it is a contrast to his quiet silence and pained expression after newly-resurrected mary says john was a good father in 12.02. in 14.12, dean opens up to sam about how when john was pissed off at dean, he would send him away. this is a stark new light on dean's comments from 7.14 where he apologizes to sam for sometimes "ditching him" when they were kids. sam quickly shuts down dean's apology in 14.12 and subsequent discussion about dean's regrets and feelings about john. but since sam's shift in his opinion about john in 2.02, dean pretty consistently keeps his criticism to himself in front of sam so this is a marked change. and the very next episode script draft includes the infamous "probably pulled the wide-eye hitchhiker routine. dad made me do it all the time on hunts. as bait." so, given the episodes and revelations that bookend 14.13, it's understandable how hard it is to see john and dean interact at all.
but i think it's perfect! because it so clearly shows every truth of their relationship.
firstly, we can look at who john apologizes to. in 1.16, 1.20, and 14.13 john is reunited with sam & dean after time apart. and in all three episodes, he apologizes and/or works to make amends with sam for their fractured relationship. in fact, in 14.13, it's a mention of the winchester surprise that triggers john's apology to sam.
in contrast, the only time john apologizes to dean for his childhood is 2.01 when he says sorry for making dean always have to look after him and sam. and then promptly asks him to kill sam if he has to.
it's crushing to me that at no point does john see the way he treated dean as anything to make amends for. instead, in 1.21 and 14.13, he frames dean not "having a home" or "having a family," "a normal life" as circumstances outside his control or as somehow dean's choice. and yet, john is entirely responsible. he is the one moving dean from school to school, getting him into credit card fraud, taking him on hunts. in 12.09 it's established that dean has as long arrest/warrant record which includes things we never see him getting arrested for in canonical spn. he is the one who always said hunting was temporary (6.02) and yet never allowed for a way out. so even though john's affect is kinder, we know he isn't meaningfully taking accountability for a huge amount of his actions.
it's the reason for the kinder affect we can look at next. because what is one of the most common indicators of abusive dynamics? treating people differently in public vs private. and critically for almost all of 14.13, mary is observing john. and we know that despite their marital problems (5.16), she considered him a good father. he doesn't know that the life he forced sam and dean into is the very worst thing she could have imagined for her children (4.03), but we can tell from his apologies to sam that john is at least aware of things he did which he regrets.
before mary arrives, he is giving sam and dean orders, "You boys better tell me what the hell is going on right now." i recognize he's very disoriented but this affect disappears entirely after mary shows up. i cannot overstate how much i love how not stern and harsh john is here because it shows that he could have always chosen to be like that. but there weren't negative consequences (a wife who might be angry with him) to face.
i've said before that i think one of the reasons that john kept sam & dean away from hunter gatherings and meeting other hunters (2.03, 12.06) is because hunters they met might have acted exactly how dean acts to krissy's dad in 7.11 and told him to quit. the hunters/community john did maintain relationships with were sometimes kinda shitty people - Deacon (2.19), Travis (4.04), Martin (8.09). not that Bobby, Caleb, Pastor Jim, Bill Harvell, Daniel Elkin were necessarily like that but I do think its worth looking at who John's friends who he didn't have a falling-out with were. Like Fred Jones who gave Sam & Dean their first beers when they weren't even 10 (8.08).
some other details about that first reunion kitchen conversation that always stick out to me are john finishing the drink dean pours for him while dean & sam barely touch theirs. it's also significant to me that dean tells mary in 12.01 that john died to save him. but here, he tells john that he died taking out yellow-eyes (which is literally not what happened. like specifically he died by making a deal with azazel). dean, always working to deescalate and maintain the peace, instantly clocks which thing they will each find more soothing to hear.
one thing that i see people often critique is the idea that john coming back is somehow the thing dean wished for the most. but what dean actually says is that this is something he's wanted since he was four years old. so it's really not about john back at all. john died when dean was 27. but mary died when dean was four. and that cause nearly every hard, traumatic, awful thing in dean's life. to some extent, i think it was about wanting john to have mary back. throughout dean's entire life, john used the loss of mary as an excuse for how he acted and what he made dean & sam do. so of course what dean wants most is... for that not to have happened.
and this brings my to my second favorite part of the episode. but you'll only catch if you're paying attention. dean says he's thrilled to have john back and yet at every chance he gets, he leaves the room john's in. he leaves the kitchen when john reunites with mary. dean gets the grocery list from mary while john has a tearful apology with sam. dean talks to john again only because he has to tell him about the pearl but then leaves to help cook. after dinner, he goes to do the dishes. dean really is not actually trying to spend time with john - even when they get a deadline for when their time with him is over, dean is not trying to make the most of it. and god i love him for that.
i sympathize with people who are frustrated to see dean fall back into the role of caretaker for john's emotions and wellbeing. and i agree but i appreciate that it is very clear that's what's happening. he's performing the role he's always been forced to perform. he may be more aware of it as a performance this time. he may be taking more steps to remove himself from having to interact with john. but i would almost feel worse if he wasn't getting john a drink, doing what he said, going on little errands, cooking, cleaning up. john says "You want to give your mom a hand?" and of course he goes.
i think dean always has held both deep hurt from and empathy for john and this episode is full of both of them. and while i think it's always hard to hear dean slip back into those moments of empathy (8.12 is always rough for me), it's so real that's where he would be sometimes. so much of being a child who's made responsible for your parent's emotions means that there is such a deep part of you that wants to protect them from harm.
i personally think the song "til it shines" by bob seger is an insane choice to play over their dinner scene. because, though that's not the part of the song that plays, the lines "Take the chip off of my shoulder. Smooth out all the lines. Take me out among the rustling pines, till it shines, ah, till it shines" always strike me as trying to see something through rose-tinted glasses in a way. or maybe acknowledging the performative, white-washing that's being done?
anyway, i understand why people want dean to have a cathartic yelling session with john. but honestly im not sure that would ever sit right with me. i think honestly 14.13 is kind of perfect. john comes back and it proves everything. john could always be kind (he took you to a freaking baseball game (4.19)). he could always apologize. he always did say he wanted the boys to get out of hunting but never even tried to make it happen.
and that brings me to my favorite part of the episode. my darling. my baby. my treasure. dean says, "i have a family." and what that means to him is his own. he gets to keep it. he gets to mean it without john's scrutiny. without him tearing it apart. the conversation sam & dean have over dishes is another deeply meaningful part. dean specifically rejects the idea of telling john the truth about any of it - even if it would change things. because he's good with who he is. "Cause our lives – they’re ours."
this matters so much to me because i don't think dean's healing can ever be contingent on john - not on his reaction, not on finally telling him the truth, not on john getting comeuppance for all the shit he did, not even on changing the past so john has more information because the critical thing that 14.13 and 4.19 show is that john literally did not do the best he could. so what could change that?
in the kitchen, dean tells sam that he blamed john for "the longest time". do you understand how much it means to me to hear him say that?! because i think of course blaming john is the first step! dean was hurt and he was angry about that and he should be!
but dean's healing can't just stop there. while i know there will be moments as he heals where he's angry with john again, the beautiful core of dean's healing i see in 14.13 is him being clear on where the boundary of him and his wants, goals, needs, and priorities are vs john's. i think a lot of dean's young relationship with john was him being forced to keep parts of himself (the parts that didn't like to hunt for example) secret out of shame and necessity. but here, i don't think dean is carrying that shame anymore. he is very clear on how what he wants from his life differs from what john would want but dean sticks to his own values. he has a family. he's good with who he is. it's just none of john's goddamn business.
anyway, as always mitski says it best....
plus we get two of THE MOST shots of dean's face of all time for me!!! like my god stabbing me would hurt less!!!

in conclusion. your honor, i love her.
#14.13 lebanon#14.13#damn i should have been posting on tumblr alllll along#twitter is so short compared to this#and boy do i love to yap#dean & john#spn meta#i understand i am doing a bit of a restorative reading of this#on purpose#and there are other readings which are totally possible#and make me sadder#but i like this one#dean studies
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Jason Mendal's facade. Deep analysis about him: his past, traumas, ideologies and subsequent development -Theories
I'm going to try to do a deep analysis here about why Jason is the way he is and how he became the person he is now. At least the little info que got about him until ep 5. Before start to read, you have to keep in mind that although there is some canonical data here, there is also a lot of speculation on my part, so these theories may be refuted in future episodes.
I am going to talk here about all the possible reasons for how his behaviour is today, applied to his business, as well as to his relationships of rivalry, friendship and romance. About his ideas, mentality, his heart, and everything related to the little we know about his childhood, personality and way of behaving. It will be a long analysis with many points to discuss.
Backstory and possible traumas
To begin with, another theory about Jason that I have after ep 5 that I'm going to add to my huge list of theories about him (you can read them in some of my previous posts, like this one and others in my Jason's headcanons post) is that, regarding the big number of brief romantic partners he had, and why he doesn't want to have a long and stable romantic relationship with anyone, I think one of the reasons to that fear may also be related to the death of his father and with his own actual “perfect” life in general.
First, I mean the fact that his father died when he was a teenager has made me think that perhaps Jason's emotional situation could be similar to Anthony from Bridgerton series, who after losing his father and seeing how much his mother suffered from that loss, that created a trauma that made him never want to fall in love for fear of losing someone else whom he loves again and suffering for it.
Perhaps his mother had depression after the death of her husband, maybe because of this she neglected her son or even lost her job, so they even had financial problems, and Jason having to deal with tons of responsibilities since he was too young. That also made Jason become a person more focused on getting money and power at any price and as quickly as possible.
We do not know how his father died, it is most likely that it was due to a car accident or some serious illness. About Jason and his mother, I wonder if maybe they never got along, or if their relationship deteriorated after his father died. But regardless of that, the death of one of your parents in your teenage years is something that can affect you greatly. This makes me think about what kind of situation Jason would live in high school, I’ve the feeling that he wasn't very popular, or at least not at first, and that he was one of those people who go from being one of those who suffered bullying to those who end up bullying others as a wrong way to show that he could be stronger and thus create some popularity with which he would stop feeling alone and unprotected. I bet his "charming personality" started to come through here, and the death of his father had a lot to do with it. Being a person who did everything possible to try to fit in, even if he had to destroy others to do so.
I also wrote a long time ago in another post that it is possible that other children made fun of Jason at school for having white locks, and that he perhaps dyed his hair all brown for a long time, and that perhaps his poliosis was also a consequence of Waardenburg syndrome, which can have other consequences. Which would only add more insecurities to that little Jason and cause him to accumulate more resentment.
He saw all those popular boys at high school who were very confident guys, seemingly charming (even though they were really jerks), rich, dating with all the pretty girlfriends they want, and who had everything going well in their lives, while him, being a good and nerdy boy couldn't achieve anything and who felt more vulnerable than ever after losing his father, so he told himself that to succeed and be stronger that was the law of the jungle that prevailed and that he had to be not only like them, but better, imitating them and also later going further than them in life, whatever was the price to pay. Succeeding the unpleasant way.
To add here something more: Chinomiko said originally when New Gen was still in the previous High School ideas, Jason was a character like a “stupid comical villain”, so at least we can imagine he ended been being a jerk in his teenage years for sure. Probably the typical pathetic bully who likes to bother others, but since his character had the best glow up I also guess that now he's more complex than before too.
And all this will also manifest itself in being obsessed with the ideal of perfection and in projecting an image of himself of absolute self-confidence. Which would also make him start faking a perfect image not only at high school, later at work, but among his “friends” and with his romantic partners, so it would be exhausting for him and would end getting bored of them and don’t make him feel happy. But by the other hand, he’s afraid that a woman could find out his true self and be disappointed, so he prefers to hide his insecurity and prevent them from seeing them, ending the relationship as soon as possible.
It could also be possible that Jason's father, before he died, was a very humble and good man who had high expectations for his son and convinced him that he had to reach very high levels professionally, either because he positively supported this and had great dreams and hopes for the future of his son so he could have the better chances in life he couldn't achieve, maybe even his father was the one who had the dream about “Goldreamz” and had the desire to start his own company one day, OR on the contrary, because he was a cold man who put a lot of pressure on him to achieve excellence, because he had no expectation that his son couldn’t achieve anything like him (I think it's more probably the first option than this second one because the second one is too similar to Nathaniel's father, but who knows). Both which also led Jason to want to achieve a high professional goal, either so that his father could have been proud of him and make their dream come true, or because he wanted to show him that he could be better than the low expectations that his father had.
Someone may think that Jason getting "daddy issues" and most of his problems being caused because of this is very cliche or simple, but we have seen that before with other Mcl characters, whether due to negligence and parental abuse (Nathaniel's parents), due to little attention and abandonment (Castiel's parents, Nina's father) or due to the death of their parents or one of the parental figures (Lysander, Armin and Alexy's biological parents, or Violette's mother), so I think it wouldn't be so strange for Jason to have a trauma related to that and that a lot of things that he try to goal in his life were in some way related to that, same about why he has that behaviour in his relationships.
Another thing: Jason mentions in ep 5 that his parents were not millionaires, and his birthday was rather modest. He is quite dry and serious when mentioning this, which makes me think that it is a detail of his life that he doesn’t like to talk about, since he may consider it a weakness. And it doesn't surprise me, since Jason couldn't set up the company alone, he needed the help of various private investors to whom he now owes money and favors. Also in his description he says that he likes expensive brand clothes and numbers (I guess this refers to money, not maths XD) So the fact of appearing to be a man with a lot of money is something that probably has him obsessed, and that it has cost him a lot of sacrifice to achieve, and he may also have still debts to those investors, but he does his best to pretend that everything in life is going very very well. He won’t want his rivals, his companions, or any flirt to find out that there are things in his life that are either not going so well or have not gone well in the past. (I’m not saying he’s broke, but I mean he’s not so rich as Amanda, despite of he tries to do his best to look like that, especially because all his company investors are probably rich men of very high category, high social standards you know), basically about this Jason is a bit like Jordan in The wolf of wall street movie, in the sense of someone who started very low in the social scale and ended up climbing to the top, according to him with clean methods, but who knows if he or any of his investors actually have any illegal secrets about his finances, and I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case and Jason purposely ignored this, since he himself said in ep 5 that he didn't know how some of his workers did their jobs and that he "wasn't interested in knowing it." He said this about Danica, but I think it really implies that he applies it to everyone who works with him and for him.
His business ideology:
There is a saying in Spanish that is quite famous in the world in marketing and great finances and that can be applied perfectly to Jason to explain and summarize his behaviour in business and his way to see the life: it is said that in business you need to have a "mentalidad de tiburón" (literally have a mind like a shark), this refers to a white shark, if it doesn't move it sinks, and means this is the mentality that an ambitious man of business must follow in order not to sink and continue continuing with his goals and dreams, the mentality of a person whose main motivation is money, who does not mind jumping the limits of ethics and morality in order to achieve it.
The equivalent in English here is “wolf-like mentality”, it’s similar to what I’ve explain, but includes too the saying of “divide and conquer” and to clarify this even more to understand Jason’s character, here I add all the main points it includes, something that can perfectly fix in Jason’s character to understand him better, a very Maquiavelo-like:
This can also apply to his personal relationships (romantic ones included), this way of thinking can explain it very well too what could be other of the reasons why he feels he cannot have a long romantic relationship: because his business are the first, and also can explain why perhaps he lost the interest in women very quick, because he’s mostly focused in the mentality of immediate results and thinks maybe the other choice is a lost of time + the fear for the previous trauma about the attacked and losing someone I’ve mentioned before.
And about wolf mentality and his rivalry and work…
Now let’s talk about the matter of his rivalry with Devon.
Maybe the answer is just a simple as: Jason was just frustrated for not be able to achieve his dreams for all the stuff I’ve been wrote before, which led him to steal the project from Devon (whether it was stealing it by himself acting alone and by himself in a desperate act or because some third person manipulated and convinced him to do it), but even if those were the main reasons, I still think there's something more here we still don’t know. Something more that happened between them before or during the town hall project thing, something more personal and complex than what we've been told, or at least that there's something more here that Devon doesn't know.
Maybe could be also for envy too. Devon was a good person and didn't have to pretend to be perfect to achieve his dreams like Jason did to have friends or a romantic partner and Devon seems to had a loving and stable family, maybe they meet each other since they were teenagers, but we still have no confirmation about this, so maybe I’m wrong, the only thing we know for sure is that at least they didn’t meet each other since childhood, since Chinomiko said it on Instagram long ago. But still this doesn’t feel enough (to me at least) to explain Jason’s behaviour.
For now, I also keep other of my old theories about there is possible a third person involved in all this problem. We’ll see what’s the real answer to this question.
Although here I want to add one more point, and that is that Devon and Devenementiel curiously represent the exact opposite of Jason and Goldreamz in the business approach, the called “sheep mentality”, and these are the differences between them:
Ironically, today in the competitiveness of modernity in business, it's considered that in reality the best entrepreneurs are neither one nor the other, but a mix between both types of mentality. Does this mean that there will be a time in the future when both companies find themselves in a delicate situation and decide to collaborate in order to mutually triumph against a greater enemy (Ioann and his company, f*ck Ysa's ex boyfriend, I hope we can punch him, that Ioann is gonna be the new Debrah and main villain mark my words) by overcoming their differences? Well, only time will tell...
Now, about Ysaline-Jason:
There is the small detail that Ysaline comes from a rich family, or at least her mother became rich and famous in her work in recent years, and thanks to that Ysaline was able to do private and expensive studies abroad (and Jason clearly knows this, he's an stalker who got her number and email easily XD and other characters like Thomas and Amanda knew Ysaline's mother was rich too just searching some info about her on internet). And that may also cause some insecurity in Jason, fearing that perhaps Ysaline may be disappointed if she finds out that he's not as perfect as he seems or at least that he was not at all in his past. Maybe he even had an ex girlfriend who, after she found out that, felt disappointed about him and left him, and that made him more superficial and cautious with her subsequent love conquests, or maybe since he only get romances once he started to put on his popular guy facade and succeed, he thinks he needs to impress and seduces her in the same way he did it with other women, because he thinks she will only be seduced by him by superficial stuff like his charms, attractive, money and work. Until Ysaline shows him what she wants is really get to know him, with all his weakness, in heart, mind and body, and until he realizes he really wants to know her better just because he loves to spend time with her and she makes him happy, and we know that will happen.
I've read some theories from different people and social webs that some think that Jason wants to use Ysa's family's money to invest in his own company, but I think his intentions are not in that way, but rather:
I think also one of the reasons why he agreed to help in ep 5 her was not only to seduce her or to show her Goldreamz so that she would want to work there with him, but also because Jason is able to see her potential, since a person with her studies, her family money, all the important contacts her mother has, and with the previous experience of having worked in a big important company and who has also shown him face to face that she has a competitive and brave side, she can undoubtedly go very far, and obviously he wants her to go far having her by his side, but of course he will also have a conflict here since I don't think he is the type of person who is comfortable mixing love with business, not like Ioann, the hell with that shitty man.
Obviously he also wants to manipulate her or at least bother Devenementiel somehow with all this. The little we have seen of Danica in ep 5 is that she is someone very efficient and fast at her job, Jason saw that and brought her to his side, now Jason sees that although Ysaline has failed in one of her projects, she still has potential to become a great event organizer. He also wanted to closely observe how she works when she is motivated and has someone guide her in the right path, when she is herself, and maybe even Jason sees in her the person he was before he achieved excellence. And Ysaline has ambition, she herself told Devon in one of the previous eps (if you follow Devon's route) that she dreamed of one day becoming a big star in the world of events and had the goal of being one of the best at her job. Even in one of the dialogues you can get in ep 2, Jason asks Ysaline "Aren't you willing to do anything to achieve success?" Jason knows that they are both similar in that way, and he wants to take advantage of that.
However Ysaline not only has ambition and a competitive will, but also a certain level of morality and feeling of unity with her co-workers, boss and her family and friends. And although it is still early to assume this, it's quite possible that she is the character that represents the perfect mix between the two business ideologies, both the wolf and the sheep. I'll call that fussion "the kitten mentality" because I can.
Of course, returning to the relationships issue, one thing to try his best to seduce her and make her work for him or at least have her as an ally and briefly as lover, and something very different is what we know will happen: that he will fall in love with her and both will want more, but he will feel that he cannot and shouldn't go further.
So we have here all this matter about his fake perfect facade of rich, charming and popular man of business + his humble origins + wolf-like mentality + his trauma about the losing of his father and more people in the future. A perfect cocktail to be afraid to have a stable relationship.
Greetings to all Jason fans like me who have him as a route and loves to suffer. In this house we love traumatized fictional men with red flags.
And let's add of course there will probably be many more problems that will make him fear having a relationship with Ysaline once he falls in love with her, because problems already numbered in more than 2000 words weren't enough first because he will try to convince himself that he only wants to manipulate her so that she change sides and join to Goldreamz, and to seduce her so that she'd end up in his bed (and she maybe would believe that too), but then when he finds out he's in love with her, and she with him, Jason will have to make the decision about whether to go ahead with his revenge against Devenementiel or not, because he knows that will end up hurting her, since she could suffer if her colleagues and boss find out about her relationship with him and distrust her or if that even ruins her reputation, which is was already bad in her previous company because she slept with her previous boss, and above all because she will never forgive him and will hate him if the Devenementiel closes and all his friends and her loses their jobs because of Jason's actions. And having a relationship with him makes her feels more guilty for what happened, like believing she was part of his plans and she helped him in some way, and then she could believe she was nothing except another more of his conquers and everything was a lie (her ex-boyfriend trauma attacking again here), or at least she wasn't as important to him as she thought.
And perhaps, even if he tries to stop those actions, and not harm Devenementiel further so as not to make her harm her, perhaps, by then, it will be too late to stop those revenge plans...
So he will lose another person that he loves and wants in his life. The only person who accepted him and loved him exactly who he really is and who really knows him. His biggest fears making true, again.
but this is an otome game, guys, everything will be solved at the end and everybody will be happy, don't worry!
#this has more than 3000 words#if you have enough patience to read it I want you know that I adore you and THANK YOU#I tried to shorten it but later it ended up to be longer again lmao#me and my obsession overthinking about Jason Mendal#jason mendal#mcl#my candy love#my candy love new gen#mcl jason#mcl new gen#cdm jason
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Following up on this excellent post from @nightgoodomens, it really is astonishing to see so many people in the GO fandom misunderstanding the characters/personalities of Aziraphale and Crowley. While I by no means am against people having head canons or differing interpretations, it has become frustrating to see people pushing their ideas about Aziraphale and Crowley onto others and declaring them to be official canon, leaving no room for any kind of discussion.
One of the things spoken about in the above linked post is the denigrating of Crowley, which seems to be a near constant in the fandom at this point, particularly in relation to the "apology dance" scene. (Which, to be fair, is chock full of soft!Dom Aziraphale vibes--thank you, Michael Sheen.) What seems to keep getting missed is that the entire apology dance routine is something that Aziraphale and Crowley do to each other. There is just as much of a possibility that Crowley sat there with a similarly smug look on his face and let out a guttural, snakey "Very nice" when Aziraphale did the dance in the years he listed off, because they play this game together.
Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship is one of equals, and I think this is also something people seem to not understand well. It seems as though a lot of fans who project themselves onto Crowley want to be taken care of, and so they want to believe the same of Crowley, and that the reason he wants to be taken care of is because he is broken. But someone doesn't have to be broken to want someone to take care of them. Sometimes the people who are a shambles on the outside can be dominant, just as sometimes the most buttoned up, put together people can also be submissive. And sometimes the people who look in control on the outside can feel not at all that way on the inside.
But this nuanced thinking seems to increasingly be difficult for many GO fans, particularly those who spend a great deal of time on social media, a place where people are either blindly praised or denigrated and torn down, and where such behavior greatly reinforces that binary, black-and-white mindset. We so badly want the world to be clear-cut--good vs. evil, heroes vs. bad guys--but very often that just isn't how things work. And it is exactly what Terry and Neil were trying to speak against in the GO book (and subsequently, the TV show).
The other thing that I think influences a lot of fans' perceptions about Aziraphale and Crowley is their chosen corporations (i.e., Crowley being thin and Aziraphale being plump). There is an automatic assumption that thin somehow equals more vulnerable, and for all of the emphasis that is placed on Aziraphale and Crowley being genderfluid/nonbinary/not subscribing to traditional gender roles, it's Crowley who seems to be viewed as more androgynous/femme, and is therefore looked at as inherently vulnerable. Meanwhile Aziraphale is thicker and viewed as more masculine, and therefore he is somehow inherently not vulnerable. Yet if the body types were reversed, it seems highly likely that fans' attitudes toward them would be much different.
(It also saddens me that this seems to mirror the fans' treatment of Michael and David, where Michael serves as a target for the fans' venom and is seen as less desirable/more threatening because he presents more traditionally masculine, while David is not targeted or attacked and is seen as more desirable/less threatening because he presents much more androgynously. Consequently, many fans find it easy not to sympathize with Michael, and when you can readily disregard someone's feelings, it becomes easier to see them as "less." In the case of Aziraphale and Michael, it leaves no room for either one to be vulnerable and is unfair to both of them.)
What I have always taken away from Good Omens--and from Michael and David's portrayal of Aziraphale and Crowley and how deeply they both understand these characters--is that Crowley doesn't need to be a perfect angel for Aziraphale to like him. He just needs to be a little bit of a good person. And Aziraphale doesn't need to be a perfect demon for Crowley to like him--he just needs to be enough of a bastard to be worth knowing. Neither one has to fully subscribe to the other's outlook or point of view to listen to what they have to say.
Aziraphale and Crowley meet in the middle. In the place that becomes their side, and where they take care of each other, fight with each other, and love each other. And that's more than most of us could ever ask or hope for...
#good omens#aziraphale#crowley#michael sheen#welsh seduction machine#david tennant#soft scottish hipster gigolo#ineffable husbands#i think this is also why so many fans can't handle honest criticism of GT and AL#in their minds either someone is completely good or completely terrible#there's no middle ground to just see someone as they are#i swear to God people have no sense of nuance anymore#i've had it officially.gif#also Michael yelling about Aziraphale being a bottom in 2019 was more galaxy brained than any of us even knew#PhD level of understanding of the assignment#bless his bisexual Welsh chaos#fandom woes#thoughts#discourse
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what would separate hirano and kagiura?
so. about that preview of the adult au… I’m sure everyone’s wrecked right now. and I. have some thoughts.
so like, for the adult au to exist at all, harusono sensei has to contrive a situation for both hirano & kagiura to not get their romantic drama in high school, and the same applies for sasaki & miyano. it’d be easy to say that these couples are separated just because they need to be, but i think it’s worth giving them a look. under the cut because i'm being thorough.
for sasaki & miyano, it’s simply that they never meet past their first meeting. hirano doesn’t tell sasaki what miyano's class is, and that’s that. kinda mundane, isn’t it? like… cmon, you’d expect sasaki to try a little harder.
except. well. if there’s any word that defines the sasaki of middle school and most of his first year of high school, I’d say it was apathy. I think sasaki's got a very strange relationship with the idea of force—he uses too much of it on his sister once and subsequently avoids using any kind of physical strength to an extreme degree. he doesn’t break up that fight in the beginning by brawling, and when those kids retaliate he doesn’t hit back (ch 1, 2, and 4 of sasaki and miyano show these scenes, but it's ch 2 of sasaki and miyano: first years that explicitly confirms that sasaki threw no punches) and in a friendly arm wrestling competition he uses basically none of his strength at all (2020 sosenkyo extras). he’s careful in how he speaks to miyano and he feels bad for asking him to quit the crossdressing competition (ch 23, sasaki and miyano). he’s really patient about getting his answer.
in its best form, I think sasaki & miyano's relationship is about Care—miyano is so into his interests and so bright about them, and i think that overwhelming sincerity attracts sasaki, and i think it's a large motivating force in making him a more active person. so in a certain way it makes sense that the way they "miss" each other, in this au, is something that amplifies a negative trait/feeling that exists in the original.
for hirano and kagiura, they don't room together for the next year, and then... they drift apart. but here's what interests me. in the adult au, kagiura gets 61st on his exams. you know what he gets in canon? 60th! that's a difference of one place—the difference is so very clearly not the grades itself, it's internal. @raihanstrapinch suggested that this is perhaps an AU where kagiura took the "one day off" mentioned in ch 19 (you can find the post here) and I think this makes sense for a one place difference! (that one place being the possible cutoff for being able to be roommates again is tragic, though)
interesting is that kagiura says that he doesn't want to look back and regret taking that day off, because then he'll never forgive himself. I think this is exactly what motivates kagiura and hirano drifting apart: shame.
in ch 18 of hirano and kagiura, the topic of "equality" in a relationship gets discussed. kagiura wants to have a relationship between equals, and so that's why they start doing stuff like taking turns waking each other up, and it's why hirano gets kagiura to teach him some basketball. this isn't a new topic, since kagiura's been wanting hirano to be needy with him for a few chapters now, and it's one that gets extended on into ch 24, where hirano makes clear that his 10 seconds is distinct from kagi. reciprocation... it's beautiful.
point is, a lot of hirano and kagiura deals with what hirano and kagiura can do for each other. that's because it's central in establishing their continual understanding of each other. hirano is learning to fall in love with kagi, little by little. they're figuring out their relationship. of special importance is how both hirano and kagiura influence each other in the spheres of basketball and studying.
basketball is obvious: in ch 1 and ch 2, hirano takes care of kagiura so that he'll recover quickly from his cold, and he also helps him handle his loss. it's in ch 17 where we really see the full scope of how it applies to both of them, though: kagiura takes his 10 seconds and gets recharged for practice, and then hirano thinks that he really wants to study right now. despite their differences, hirano and kagiura sharing space with each other makes both of them better at their goals. it's a direct repudiation of the ideas that are floated in ch 11 and ch 13: that kagiura came to the dorm to focus on his club activities, while hirano came to the dorm to focus on his studies. their focuses, then, should naturally be pulled in opposite directions. they might just end up distracting each other.
something that's fascinating about the preview of the adult au is that, after waking up, kagiura demeans himself by saying he essentially has no self-discipline / control. here it's in the context of getting basically blackout drunk, but I think it also reflects how he might've felt back then, getting that grade. he didn't have the self-discipline to balance both studying and basketball well enough, in his own opinion, and since he feels like he didn't try his very best at it ("one day off"), I think he might have concluded, personally, that it might be best to pull back. it's not the first time that kagiura's drawn back, after all: he was like this when he started reacting too much to hirano's touch, and he's still like that because he keeps carefully calculating out his 10 seconds. as hirano says in ch 23, he looks annoyingly miserable when he's like this. he worries so much about crossing the line, about not being as good as hirano thinks he is... to me it's perfectly reasonable that there's a world where kagiura retreats.
in their character descriptions for the adult au, it's noted that hirano is mostly taken up by studying and doesn't socialize much, while kagiura doesn't really talk to anyone outside of basketball-related matters. i think this really shows off that idea of the adult au kind of expanding on a theme that gets introduced in the original, but in a negative direction: instead of balancing and positively influencing each other like they do in canon, here hirano and kagiura have retreated solely into their own focuses.
i think hirano is genuinely rooting for kagiura's success in basketball. he's always so impressed by his passion for the sport, so I think here, along with kagiura's self-inflicted withdrawal, he'd probably rationalize to himself that kagiura's working hard on basketball, and it's... good for him that he's doing so. honestly he seems kind of slow on the uptake with emotions in general so even if he did circle around to thinking about reconnecting, he might've already graduated and it would've felt too weird for him. i also think that, to sort of mirror kagiura's own hard work with basketball, he'd also work hard on his studies. in some strange way, they're still powering each other forward.
#okay thats all for now#basically here's some htk themes to pay attention to as it pertains to adult au#hirano to kagiura#kagihira#adult au#kagiura akira#hirano taiga#in this essay i will#harusono
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Judicium Fratrum
[2/2] From @aj-artjunkyard for @femmefangirl using the prompt; ‘Another god joins Apollo on his mortal quest, preferably not Artemis’.
A fic to go along with the art piece based on your prompt!
3.7K words, with a Mature rating for canon-typical discussions of abuse and that one canon self-harm scene, plus some mild swearing in Greek.
Judicium Fratrum
In the nervous aftermath of Meg’s display of swordsmanship and subsequent claiming, I took the opportunity to slip quietly back to the Me cabin. I was exhausted. I was embarrassed. I needed the restroom. Mortal woes truly never ceased.
Just as the ring of cabins came into view through the dim torchlight, I felt a small hand grip my wrist. I yelped, still on edge from my first tempestuous day as the pathetic teen Lester, and whipped around, coming face-to-face with an equally pathetic mortal. The young boy only came up to my chest; his arms were skinny, and his face was adorably round, marred only by a permanent scowl to rival Kronos. He did always take after that side of the family.
“Ares,” I greeted tersely, yanking my arm out of his grip. I was not in the mood to participate in one of my brother’s famous macho contests to soothe his bruised ego. “I’m going to bed. I suggest you do the same.”
“Hold it,” he growled. “You’re not seriously going to sleep in your own cabin, are you?”
The threatening tone sounded a bit ridiculous coming from a boy no older than fourteen, but I recognised Zeus’ cruel sense of humour in the irony. He made me, the most beautiful Olympian, ugly. He made Ares—his biggest and oldest son—the frailest and youngest. Hysterical. I imagined he must be having a good laugh.
“I suppose you could chance your luck at the Empire State Building if you’re foolish enough. Though if you’d rather sleep in the woods, brother, don’t let me stop you.”
Ares’ scowl deepened.
“Malakas,” he hissed, “we’re still Olympians, we don’t bunk with children. Quit feeling sorry for yourself. Come on.”
He grabbed my wrist again and began dragging me towards the cabins. I limply followed along, waiting for his plan to reveal itself as we passed Cabin Eleven, then Cabin Nine.
The golden light of Cabin Seven—the Me cabin—illuminated the new form of my older/younger brother. I absently noticed the hem of his orange camp t-shirt was ripped to shreds. It was an old, nervous habit he’d picked up millennia ago, back when he’d been trapped in that infernal jar. It told of an anxiety that lay hidden beneath the surface, one I decided was not worth pointing out.
It was only after we passed Cabin Three that I realised where Ares was heading.
“No,” I said, wrenching my arm from his hand once again. “Absolutely not.”
Ares rolled his eyes.
“Coward. We’re still sons of Zeus. At least, I am. I deserve to sleep in the best cabin.” He gestured at Cabin One, the largest and grandest of the lot. The towering white marble should’ve been a glorious sight, a slice of home down here on Earth. But by flickering torchlight, the viscous carvings of monsters slain and battles won were cast under shadows too dark and deep. The cabin seemed to be giving us a cold warning: ENTER IF YOU DARE.
“Have you lost your sanity?” I whispered urgently, taking my brother by the shoulders and giving his small frame a shake. “Listen well. You have not been human before, but I have. This is different. It is worse than it was when I killed the elder cyclopes, worse than when I joined a rebellion!”
“So what? You just want to lie down and take it?”
“When it’s between that and making it worse, then I have no other choice!”
Ares still looked unconvinced. I wasn’t sure why I was so desperately trying to make him see reason, when reason was something he so thoroughly rejected. I should stop trying to save him and busy myself with something more important—like saving myself, for example.
I crossed my arms and huffed, uncomfortably aware that I must’ve looked more like a petulant boy than an affronted god.
“Fine,” I said, “Do what you want. I’m going back to my children in Seven.”
I watched as Ares stormed off towards Cabin One. His tiny frame seemed to get smaller and smaller as he approached the heavy golden doors, the frayed ends of his shirt swaying in the breeze.
Something tugged in my chest at the sight. Could it be… fear? Shame? A sparking sense of protectiveness for my kin? Impossible! Ares was only kin in the loosest of senses. But still, something irked me. Why had he tried to drag me into it? Surely, he could have marched straight to our father’s cabin and left me to my more ‘undignified’ sleeping arrangements.
I stood there on the green, contemplating my next move. Being conflicted was an odd feeling. Usually, I knew exactly what to do right away, and I was always correct—no need to check me on that, I promise. As my mind wandered back and forth, I didn’t notice my son Will Solace sidling up next to me.
“You should go.”
I jumped at the sudden voice, but he was kind enough to ignore my awkwardness and wait patiently as I gathered myself.
“Ares is a fool,” I said, trying to sound confident and dismissive. My voice cracked. “To tempt our father’s wrath again so soon is a death sentence.”
Will winced at my words, as if he was only realising the severity of our predicament. From his attitude thus far, I could tell he hadn’t entirely grasped why I had been so out of sorts—after all, being mortal was the norm for him, and being beneath the boot of all the gods was a constant he was used to. But now, as he glanced over to the tall, intimidating shadow of Cabin One, he seemed to understand that Zeus was so much bigger than even Ares and I. And we were already on his last nerve.
I suppose what finally convinced me to go was the heartbreaking look of pity that Will gave me. I could not bear to be looked upon with such sympathy without being able to reassure him or disagree with his new sentiment of Zeus.
To save myself the embarrassment of bursting into tears in front of my fifteen-year-old son, I took a breath, flashed him a smile and announced with all the confidence I could muster, “But no matter! I shall see you in the morning!”
“Uh— okay, but—”
I turned on my heel and marched the short distance to the cabin entrance, ignoring Will’s protests and the voice in my head that kept screaming BAD IDEA, BAD IDEA!
The solid gold doors closed behind me with a BANG. From somewhere above me, someone snorted a laugh.
“Wow. You’re pathetic.”
The boy form of my eldest brother was halfway up a statue of Zeus that stood in the centre of the room. He sneered down at me from his perch on the marble ripples of statue-Zeus’ himation, one hand gripping the statue’s shoulder for support, the other clutching a large bedsheet he was attempting to pull over Zeus’ head.
For a single, euphoric moment, I thought my spirit was being recalled to Olympus. Then I realised that was ridiculous, and it was probably just my breakfast rising into my throat.
“What are you doing?”
“You gave up in, what, thirty seconds? Your poor girlfriends. Now I know why you’ve never married.”
“Relax.” Ares tugged the sheet over the statue and jumped down, then turned back to admire his sacrilegious handiwork. The glaring figure of Zeus Olympios now resembled a cheap Halloween ghost. “I’m not sleeping with that thing babysitting me. Creepy. ‘Sides, he won’t care.”
“And you’re willing to stake your life on that?”
Ares scoffed.
“Oh, c’mon. He’s not gonna kill us on the first day, not when there are so many other more gruesome ways we could die later. Nah, tonight’s our free pass to do whatever we want.”
I decided that was my cue to call it a night and keep my plausible deniability before Ares chose to egg Cabin Nine.
Zeus’ cabin was grand; there was no doubt about that. It was crafted from white marble with veins of gold, making it seem like the sun was shining through walls made of clouds. The ceiling held enchanted tiles that shifted and changed colour to resemble a moving, thundering sky. The left and right walls were lined with alcoves, each hosting a golden eagle perched on an ionic-style marble pedestal. Between each alcove was a set of bunk beds, set long-ways with pillows to the wall so that there was only a metre of walking space between the end of one bed and the end of another on the opposite side. It appeared to me like the beds had been a last-minute addition to the space, since one had to squeeze around the Zeus state in the middle of the room to get to the beds behind him.
I made my way to a bottom bunk next to the door, just in case Ares’ ‘free pass’ theory was incorrect and I needed to run for my life. It had the added bonus of not being at eye level with the full-colour model of my furious father, instead hiding me safely behind rows of bunks. Yes, this would do.
My aching bones collapsed on the cheap mattress, and I barely managed to kick my shoes off before my eyes began to droop.
Exhaustion weighed down on my frail mortal body. My breaths got deeper, my head became heavier, and I was just on that blissful edge of sleep when the whole bunk rattled violently.
Creak, creak, creak, WHUMPF.
Ares threw himself down on the mattress above me, effectively jolting me out of my rest and making me seasick at the same time. Who knew such a skinny kid could weigh so much?
I stuck my head out to confront him and was swiftly faced with a bare, sweaty foot two inches from my nose. I batted it back onto the top mattress before I could pass out from the smell.
“Do you mind?”
Ares thought for a moment, yet that in itself was enough of an oxymoron that I should have guessed his answer.
“There are twenty bunk beds in here. Pick a different one if you’re going to be a gloutos about it.”
Ares’ answer was to simply shimmy himself further into the mattress, rocking the whole bunk for a solid ten seconds before ending on a long, triumphant fart.
“Ah,” he sighed, “good stuff.”
I gagged and ducked out from under his unfortunate bed that he’d probably just burned a hole in.
“I hate you.”
“Pick a different bunk if you’re going to be a wuss about it, eh? The girl’s side is over there.”
I may have spoken some Ancient Greek curses that should have been far too inappropriate to utter in a sacred place of Zeus. I was relying pretty heavily on our semi-plausible ‘free pass’ theory. Ares only laughed as if he’d just come home after a good old-fashioned bloodbath and was ready to hit the hay.
“Sleep tight, Sunny.”
“Don’t call me Sunny,” I grumbled, but it was more out of principle than anything else. Ares was already snoring.
I made my way past the Zeus statue and found an undisturbed bunk on the far side of the cabin.
“One year,” I muttered to myself. “Just one measly year. Then everything will be back to normal.”
Even then, I did not fully believe it. But I had no idea just how wrong I was.
Ares was a pure-blooded son of Zeus, the only full and legitimate heir to the king. Hephaestus may have been Hera’s son, but no god in their right mind would give the throne to that lumbering oaf, even if he wanted it. Athena, favourite as she was, was not a daughter to both rulers of the Heavens. The ‘Queen Metis’ ship had long since sailed.
Ares was perfect by blood, his heritage flawless, and ever since he could talk, he had let every bastard child of Zeus know exactly what he thought of them. Artemis and Apollo had been the first of those bastards to make it to the Olympian throne room.
Artemis kept to herself. She and her little girl group ran around the woods, hunting monsters far away from Olympus. She had rarely gotten in his way, so he’d never spared much of a thought for her.
Apollo, on the other hand, turned heads wherever he went. At the start, he’d been so annoyingly bright and wide-eyed, running around the Heavens and Earth, spreading music and light and healing… ugh. At the time, Ares could barely believe he was the same little scamp that had killed the snake at Delphi. His apparent innocence had irked him, and one day, he decided to quash it.
He remembered dragging him along to a war zone. He’d made the golden boy watch as soldiers fell beyond his healing reach, taught him how to empower and curse warriors, and reminded him that mortals were only tools for the gods’ will. Before Apollo wiped out a battalion or brought a plague down on a sleeping encampment, he would always look up at him with those pleading eyes, asking for his dear older brother’s approval, like the brat couldn’t think for himself. Ares would nod, and Apollo would trust his judgment.
It had not been a labour of love, as Ares held no love for any reminder of his father’s faithlessness. But it had been necessary. Once his delusion of a perfect, carefree Olympus had been dashed, Apollo was ready to deal with Zeus and the rest of their brethren when his ‘grace period’ ended. If he’d immediately snapped under the pressure, Zeus would have found some way to fob the whole thing off for Ares to deal with.
After another few years, Apollo had come into his own. He sauntered around Olympus like he owned the place, collecting worshippers and godly domains like marbles. He and Ares only spoke when they argued, like when Ares had slept with Apollo’s girl (he had it on good authority that Cyrene had preferred warrior gods over poet gods) or when Apollo had stolen from his wardrobe (yes, his leather jackets and muscle shirts were cool, but that freeloader needed to buy his own clothes). So they were brothers, yes, but only by blood. It had been millennia since he’d last given two craps about anything Apollo got up to.
So, provided that he didn’t care about him—at all—he probably shouldn’t be so angry at his death.
He could barely hear the pounding of blood in his ears over the howl of the venti prison he was trapped in, where he floated helplessly above Caligula’s dais. Next to him, Jason Grace looked like he was meditating. His legs were crossed, his knuckles were white on his knees, and his eyes were squeezed closed. Like Ares, he valiantly ignored the spinning shrapnel in the vortex with him, though neither of them was achieving much by doing so.
On his other side, Meg McCaffrey’s bravado had failed. She hovered limply, her features slack with shock as she stared at the shivering body that lay sprawled on the floor. Medea and Caligula were tending to him, though Ares wasn’t sure whether they were healing him or simply starting their sun god soup ritual early.
The idiot had tried to kill himself. He had held the point of an arrow to his chest, and right before he drove it in, he’d looked Ares right in the eye and asked a silent question. It was the same request for permission as it had been thousands of years before. Ares had given the same nod of approval.
He hated it, but Apollo had been right. There was no way they could leave without some kind of sacrifice. Someone had needed to die to save the rest, and Apollo had been the only one free enough to act. He could already feel the venti’s winds slowing as the spirit pulled itself out of the distracted sorceress’s grip.
Then Jason thrust his arms out, and it all went to Hades.
I was bleeding. It wasn’t a surprise, considering how many times I’d been stabbed, scratched and bludgeoned in the last twenty-four hours. But it still hurt.
Ares had been at my side the whole time, yet he looked no worse for wear. In fact, he looked older. His jawline and cheekbones were sharper; his face was less babyish. His shoulders were wider, his arms more muscular, and he was suddenly my height (or rather, Lester’s height) when he had spent the last six months barely reaching my chest level. And was that a hint of stubble on his cheeks? It seemed impossible that a small boy would have grown so much in a couple of hours, but then again, he might not have been a boy anymore.
He almost looked like himself again, but not quite—he was in limbo, somewhere between being a god and a man. Most damningly, his irises glowed a hellish, fiery red. I wondered if he still had blood or if it had already been replaced with ichor.
I watched him say teary goodbyes to his sons Sherman and Ellis (just kidding. I’m fairly sure they just punched each other, which is a standard Ares-ian greeting) and waited for him to stomp over to me. I was standing by the stairs, preparing myself to descend into Python’s lair and regain my godhood once and for all.
“Right,” Ares grunted as he approached. “Python.”
I noticed his voice had gotten deeper, but didn’t want to point it out and risk him getting a big head. We had been getting along oddly well in the past few weeks, and it seemed a shame to burn all our progress right at the finish line.
“Python,” I agreed. “I had a vision earlier. I’m fairly certain I’ll find the cave of Delphi just down these stairs.”
“You mean we.”
I took a deep breath.
“No?” Ares demanded, his heckles raising, “What do you mean no? Are you trying to fleece me, punk? You wanna zip up to Olympus like a hero and leave me stranded?” He accusingly pointed his spear shaft at me, which was all he could do since the point of the weapon had snapped off in some Gaul soldier during the battle. “You think that if only one of us can win, it’ll be you?”
I knew he was only saying such things to hurt me. But a part of me knew he was right. Ares had gotten thrown down with me to make an example. He had plotted with Kronos and Luke against our father during the first war, just as I had done with Gaia and Octavius during the second, but he had little stake in the current landscape. Commodus had blamed me. Caligula wanted to supplant me. Nero had attacked the camp with a statue of me. Python was my mortal enemy. None of them had held much personal interest in my brother except to view him as another weakened god to barrel over in their overly-ornate chariots.
Ares had helped me get where I was, but this last song was a reprise of a four thousand, six-hundred-and-thirteen-year-old theme—one that Ares had not been present for. He simply needed to prove himself loyal to the Olympians, and it seemed he had accomplished that goal. I doubted our father would let me have such a powerful ally in my fight against Python.
“Brother. You have been a matchless warrior throughout all this, and much braver than I.”
This was a vast overestimation, but Ares huffed in agreement.
“Duh. I know.”
“Well, it looks like our father knows, too.” I gestured to one of the large, elaborate mirrors that lined the hallway. It was cracked and smattered with monster dust, but clear enough that Ares could see exactly what I was talking about. Within the short timespan of our conversation, he had begun to glow, growing brighter and brighter with each passing second. He was being called home. “We dont have much time left.”
Ares didn’t react. He stared at his reflection, then wordlessly reached out to the wall and pulled off a chunk of concrete like it was made of play dough. He examined the rock for a moment before quickly closing his fist, causing dust and pebbles to fly violently in every direction. I flinched back to avoid the debris.
Ares ignored my concern, instead grabbing another block of concrete from the wall and pushing it into my hands.
“Crush it.”
“You heard me.”
I wanted to protest; I was running short on time as it was, but Ares’ glow had reached a level that hurt my eyes. I was afraid he might accidentally blast me if he got too riled up. I pressed both hands against the rock and willed it to break under my power. It stayed stubbornly whole.
“Come on, you’re not even trying!”
“I am.”
“You can’t fight Python if you can’t even crush a rock! If I can do it, you can too!”
“I can’t, brother. I’m not a god. I’ll have to fight Python as I am.”
I felt strong hands grip my shoulders, like a brother. It felt much like what Jason had done in his dorm room just hours before the hero’s tragic death.
“Then I’m coming with you.”
To his credit, the steely determination in Ares’ blood-red eyes didn’t even falter as a boom of thunder rattled the building. I shook my head. My prediction had been right. I hated it when that happened.
“There’s no sense getting you in more trouble. I’ll join you up there, okay?”
Ares definitely had more to say, but I’ll never know what it was. At that moment, his glow reached a critical mass and his grip evaporated from my shoulders. When I opened my eyes, he was gone.
I took a deep breath and forced a smile.
Then I marched downwards into certain death.
#toasecretsanta#trials of apollo#pjo apollo#pjo ares#will solace#jason grace#meg mccaffrey#aj-artjunkard#femmefangirl
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how does writing james as south asian change his character?
i've seen a few people discussing this recently—how they don't like the hc because no one seems to account for how much this would change his character.
i agree! i write canon james as indian (usually hyderabadi but there's a few fics where i've changed that) but yea it can be difficult to reconcile him as the popular golden boy in 1970s GB with the racism of 1970s GB. not to say anything about the subconscious racism that often comes with this interpretation of his character.
we never really see james. we see him in snape's and voldemort's memories, and in harry's dementor-induced recollections, not in-person.
there are a few character traits we can pull out: arrogant, clever, athletic, loyal, brave, cruel, self-involved. when i think of james potter i try to imagine what an eton boy would be like if he actually took part in self-reflection. these traits connect to him being popular and talented in a way that makes severus jealous.
he's the masculine ideal. james naturally fit into the idea of a what a man "should be", with the exception of his race if you hc him as south asian. men do not have to be kind, they have to be powerful. his rivalry with someone in a lower class—and it should be noted that severus' main rival is james, not sirius—and his subsequent wins cement his class status.
so, severus and james' rivalry. if you take the canon white, half-blood, working class severus and a hc of south asian, pureblood, upper class james, you have tension between these three markers of status.
my impression of GB society is that class operates cross-generationally, in a way it follows genetics. social class in england (and a lot of parts of south asia) was seen as a marker of your inherent status and worth.
so severus is white, but he's got a muggle dad, he's working class, and he's far from the masculine ideal. james is south asian, pureblood and upper class while being the masculine ideal. their dynamic in this context could be seen as either trying to assert their status, though i think it's severus who is consciously doing this. james just sees most people as less than him and sirius.
severus may also be more jealous of james than sirius because he doesn't think james deserves his status, it should be severus who is raised beyond what his birth entitled him to! severus' ideology is blood supremacist, and though he hates sirius at least sirius acting like he's better than severus is par for the course. it's not as embarrassing as james potter's superiority complex.
but, how did james develop a superiority complex in a world that actively oppresses him? the same way me and my bestie did. meeting young, understanding each other, being naturally intelligent, and having no one else who really gets it. prongsfoot 5eva. james even has an advantage neither of us had, being the only child and being spoiled. open your minds. oppressed people can be arrogant assholes.*
but how did he get popular? this is a better question. honestly, i think charisma, money, and the "rebel" aspect of james made him intriguing to a lot of people.
when it comes to integrating the greater world politics of the period, i hc that due to the collaboration of some upper caste families in india during the colonial period (historical fact) there's a fair amount of south asian wizarding families that have middling status. this makes it easier for him to integrate into the hogwarts social sphere.
the social mores of muggleborns and half-bloods who interact with the muggle world would also be impacted by the multiple civil rights movements of the 60s and 70s. generally young people put on a rebellious, progressive veneer, so this melts into general hogwarts society.
all of this to say, i think james fits the social roles of a pureblood man with a "rebellious" edge that is appealing to young people, and if he is south asian part of that edge is because of his race. that's gross! it's realistic, imo. he doesn't deviate too far from acceptable until he joins the anti-fascist militia. i think most of us understand what it means to be the "acceptable other"
i don't think james being south asian weakens his role in the story as the perfect man. that role is deconstructed, and the contrast of james having more social power in the wizarding world and lily having more social power in the muggle world is interesting to me.
tbh, i've been hc james this way since i was a teenager and didn't think it out until the last few years. i really like the hc but i needed it to make sense to engage with the canon in a complex way.
*this is a joke. i understand that this is complicated and discrimination will always have an impact. i just also think a lot of you see oppressed ppl (esp. poc since this is such a white fandom**) as pure angels and it's weird. most of the ppl making the initial argument at the top of the post are NOT being weird about it
**i am a white american so take what you want from that
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