#Power of love
anthurak · 17 days
You know one of the main reasons we should see polycules in fantasy stories? Consider settings where the ‘Power of Love’ is a real, tangible force.
Now just imagine the POWER a fully realized polycule could have.
Like we’ve seen just how much power can be generated by the love between a hero and a love-interest.
Now imagine if we take the love between the heroine and her GF, then add onto that the love between the heroine and her rival-turned-lover, AND the love between the rival and the aforementioned GF who are estranged childhood friends who have finally admitted their long-repressed feelings for each other.
Just turning a couple into a throuple potentially TRIPLES the number of potential love-generating links.
And that’s just with three people in a polycule.
A four-person polycule? That’s SIX times the potential power.
A five-person polycule is TEN times the power.
A six-person is FIFTEEN times.
You can see how this can get nutty VERY quickly.
Heck, imagine if in such a setting, the idea of polycules is initially ridiculed out of some belief that ‘love’ is some finite resource and a polycule is merely dividing up that power.
Only for the protag-polycule to prove this notion DEVASTATINGLY wrong.
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nomaptomyowntreasure · 6 months
power of love cover (Orlando, 3/15/2024)
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healingviawords · 10 months
I recently read about the Greek concept of meraki, which is all about leaving parts of yourself in everything you do. Really pouring yourself and self love into it all - from doing your dishes or brushing your teeth to your passion projects or organizing a birthday party for your best friend. It's in making that conscious efffort to really imagine parts of your heart being left in absolutely everything you do. I promise it will make life that much more beautiful.
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uaravsh · 10 months
"How do shy people flirt?"
"Eye contact"
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hoshingi · 7 months
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WOOZI Crazy in Love
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chaotictoon · 1 year
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Show me Love
Animated Girls with love and lust manipulation powers
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eldragon-x · 25 days
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"Minthara is evil!" Yeah, and my sunshine 8 - Intelligence Tiefling Paladin doesn't care. He will rescue her from that tower and make her believe in love and happiness again with the power of friendship and being a good boy. He can help her heal and accept the atrocities because everyone has the power to be better. I support evil women and their sunshine husbands.
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guessimdumb · 7 months
The Staple Singers - Power of Love (1968)
Recorded as the Staples were moving to secular music, there's still a strong gospel sound backing Mavis' powerful and gritty vocals. Cool guitar by Pops, as well.
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prod-svt · 5 months
woozi live commentary
woozi about "power of love" album
he'd always wanted to do a carol-like song so this song was made even if it didn't seem like it but he tried hard to make it sound like a carol song
wonwoo's narration - before making this song, he watched "wolf children", the movie has a narration by the daughter and it was impressive to him. he thought that by explaning/narrating a bit what this song is about before it starts would be nice
woozi about "face the sun" album
this album was made while covid-19 was happening in internet meetings
he was complimented a lot with darl+ing
with face the sun, they wanted to show who they are
the goal of the album was "they wanted to be the sun"
some people in the company also questioned their theme and they couldn't answer it properly except saying "we really want to be the sun"
ash perf stage - they also want to show it.
hoshi really liked ash that he nearly sent message the CEO if it can't be the title track
woozi about "sector 17" album
they didn't really release repackage albums. only with love & letter and sector 17
woozi about "FML" album
why the title is sonogong - there were time where so many bad things happen (2022-ish) and they wanted to overcome it
bc of the bad things that happen, he couldnt even finish singing cirle bc he really just wanted everything to go back the way before
so he wanted to be a hero and for woozi it was sonogong
the hero was sonogong and in FML's lyrics there was a line referencing it
while/after making sonogong, like a miracle everything just went right
dust - humming part, hoo-woah is like releasing/breathing out the dust not that it didn't really have lyrics
woozi about "god of music" album
as the title says, really grateful to music. "if there is a god of music, i want to say thank you"
yawn - just like apum (pain), hapum, hapum, it was written like that but woozi pronounce the first as hapum, while the second was pronounced as "apum" (pain)
woozi doesn't really like talking about music bc it felt like bc he as the creator talks about how the song is made, it would feel like the song is caged(?) on it
to the members: for believing in me, for following me, thank you. it's an honor to make music for the kids so its okay if its hard for me. the members are my all.
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venolfy · 2 months
They always care for each other.
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myapothecarydiary · 4 months
Thoughts from reading The Apothecary Diaries Manga Ch. 4
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First have to share some thoughts about the title page because look at it! I love how the moon looks like an ominous eye and the "ghostly" figure looks more sinister than ethereal. And check the framing at the bottom with the cotton rose. I love details!
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Right away we get some framework for this chapter–it will address freeing oneself from one's circumstances. A woman traversing (or dancing on) the line (or wall) between freedom and captivity is quite the image. Escaping the cage of the rear palace is said to be impossible, but is it?
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Maomao values competence–we see this so often with her praise of certain individuals and criticisms of others (see Hongniang vs Jinshi)
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And instantly we get an example of someone she criticizes for their work ethic–Jinshi, of course.
Here her mind takes her thoughts of criticism a bit further. "As a eunuch, he should be in the offices of the palace domestic service..."
"...but he doesn't seem to be attached to any one place...it's as if he's overseeing the entire inner court. Perhaps he ranks higher than a director then..."
Maomao is beginning to connect the dots about Jinshi. If he isn't acting like a normal eunuch, then maybe there's more to him and his position than she initially thought. His actual position perhaps explains his odd behavior.
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Lol I adore lightbulb Maomao. Her "assumption" that Jinshi is the Emperor's lover is both kind of a way for her to stop thinking too much about Jinshi's actual position/identity (preventing herself from reaching the truth) and an indication of where her mind goes due to her background. It's also funny how casual Maomao is about "indecent" thoughts coupled with how Jinshi still clocks that type of thought crossing her mind (maybe she isn't as casual/unaffected as you'd think and/or Jinshi is good at picking up on those types of thoughts due to his looks and the situations they potentially get him into).
I feel like Maomao defaults to assuming people have a certain level of lust/desire. There may be some legitimacy to her interpretation, but I also find it interesting considering how she herself comes across as lacking this sense of lust and attraction. She never exactly describes herself as "different from others/the norm," but she is conscious of how she is different/unusual.
I guess that is to say it is not something that really bothers her or something she gets caught up on. She just views it as a fact of life. It's as if through her personality and upbringing, she has been forged into this almost "objective" observer, which is reflected in her skill for deducing information and solving mysteries. Like with describing how anyone would be attracted to Jinshi, she does not include herself in any reflection on "everyone." But she is not objective and recognizes this–acknowledging the background that formed her knowledge and perspective + emphasizing when conclusions come from "conjecture." That being said, I do think she is more affected by things than she likes to admit and is suppressing certain thoughts and feelings. She does to herself as she does with discovering knowledge about others–like with the pieces she is putting together regarding Jinshi, it is easier to not think too much about certain things.
Going back to lust, she is matter-of-fact about its existence, but perhaps she puts too much weight on it sometimes. I feel like she is more willing to acknowledge her bias and subjective pov regarding other topics. And she is different, but maybe others, though they act a certain way outwardly, are more like her on the inside than she thinks.
Anyway, Maomao has deduced that Jinshi: oversees the rear palace, has a higher position than it seems + one that affords him a certain amount of freedom, is connected to the Emperor somehow.
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~time line interlude~
3 months in rear palace @ start of the story: Maomao writes notes of warning to Gyokuyou and Lihua
1 month later: Lihua's son passes, Jinshi tracks down Maomao and makes her Gyokuyou's lady-in-waiting
1 month later, ~5 months in rear palace/1 month in Jade Pavilion: Maomao approached about "ghost"
We continue...
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So, the reason I wanted to outline the timing of everything and how long Maomao has been in the rear palace and specifically the Jade Pavilion is because of how Maomao treats Jinshi here (and how she has come to understand his behavior).
He's seeking her out directly and one-on-one, and she can tell this means he wants something from her. Interesting that this makes her privy to certain information not to be heard by everyone (like the doctor. Or does Jinshi simply want to be alone with her for his own benefit/to work his charms? Both?) It's funny when taken with how people like the other ladies-in-waiting and Xiaolan gossip to her–with all the information, gossip or more official, she's like "leave me alone with this" while also being curious.
More notable is how Maomao speaks to Jinshi. "Why are you really here?" Very blunt and kind of throwing her respected etiquette out the window! It's like the "you're a caterpillar" glare in verbal form. She's really skirting the line now, if she hasn't already crossed it. This increasingly expressed lack of respect for etiquette and Jinshi seems indicative of growth in their relationship, as odd as that may sound. Has she learned how far she can push it? Does she not fear Jinshi as much as she perhaps did at the start? This behavior doesn't seem very "I want my head to stay attached to my body" of Maomao.
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Which reminds me–look how much she avoids his gaze/looking at him. Is this her trying to remain that modicum of respect and/or to not be subjected to his fake, overbearing smile?
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It seems Jinshi is learning how to pique Maomao's interest, but this little "It's not that hard to figure out" and Maomao's upset response to it stands out to me as it is an adaptational change and I'm not totally sure what to make of it. Is he trying to show off? Does this work to emphasize his own deduction skills?
Maomao's statement of her area of expertise in the light novel is an attempt to get Jinshi to leave her alone with this topic (and in general), but here it almost comes across as an angry rebuttal like "hey, that's my territory, I know more than you."
This is also more of "lack of physical boundaries" Jinshi with Maomao clearly rejecting his touch and trying to remove him. Is this for his own enjoyment or is he still trying to seduce her? It feels like he is toying with her. In the light novel, I feel like it is more clear that he is trying to get her to help him and knows she can't say no if she meets his gaze. I guess this is a more physical interpretation where he actually grabs her to make her look at him.
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The whole scene does end with her giving in once forced to look him in the eye. But the interest she showed regarding sleepwalking seems like a more promising approach than Jinshi's go-to method. Does he realize this?
I guess this scene in particular is one where I would benefit from hearing the thoughts of others.
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Sorry to get stuck on Apothecary's presentation of gender (but not really because I find it fascinating and thought provoking haha), but here we have another example of Maomao's understanding and perspective being challenged with how Gaoshun looks "very masculine" and not "like a typical eunuch at all."
I think there are a couple of interesting things happening here. Maomao comes at gender from a perspective very reflective of the context in which she exists, and in some ways, what first appears to challenge that perspective actually works to reaffirm it. Gaoshun appearing more masculine and like a military man is not presented in the story to challenge a bias but it is Maomao's first clue that something else is going on with Gaoshun, that there's more to the story. The same thing happens later when Maomao inspects Jinshi's body and sees it is more muscular than a eunuch's would be. Without further investigation, the presentation of eunuchs that don't fit the stereotype challenges that stereotype, but the truth of the matter actually kind of relies on and reaffirms those stereotypes. Gaoshun isn't just a eunuch and wasn't always a eunuch. Jinshi isn't a eunuch at all. If they didn't seem like regular eunuchs, it's because they are not.
And yet, Jinshi still appears very feminine. That is, arguably in part due to the drugs/forms of suppression Jinshi uses to assume his eunuch persona and operate in the rear palace, but even without those measures, he still possesses a great "feminine" beauty. He is sort of a contradictory figure in that sense.
So I don't continue to rant and ramble and disrupt the flow too much, I will expand more on these thoughts and the pin I put in the idea of how Maomao views beauty back in chapter one here.
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Curiosity vs. etiquette/respect for rank–Gaoshun not being the stereotypical eunuch scratches Maomao's brain though.
Gaoshun's request for Maomao = Maomao is not being as subtle as she thinks + Gaoshun is observant too.
The introduction of Xiaomao! The cutest. And an indication of some of Gaoshun's fatherly and affectionate ways.
This reminds me of @i-guess-im-into-this-now's thoughts on how this chapter is covered in the anime–they note that with Yinghua and the other ladies-in-waiting worrying about her and the doctor providing her with tea and snacks, Maomao is "slowly building a support network." I love this, and here Gaoshun joins in! I think a nickname like "Xiaomao" is a little opening, through which affection seeps. Maomao is accumulating a circle of people who care about her, and as much as she wants to put her head down and do the work until her time is up and she's free to leave the rear palace, I think this circle of people will complicate that, whether she admits their impact or not. She's also becoming imbedded in this circle and building a life here.
This support network can also serve to contrast the initial perception of the rear palace–one full of fakeness and skin-deep beauty, a cage that traps women and pits them against each other with the sole goal of producing an heir. It still is these things, but there's more to it than that. There is genuine affection and care. It would be easy to write off the rear palace as being full of game pieces and a means to an end. And a lot of the time, people treat it as such (even among themselves in the rear palace), but the motivations behind the actions are often very messy and human. So there's a combination of humanness and dehumanization. Considering all of this, the rear palace also functions as a fairly good metaphor for Jinshi.
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And speaking of Jinshi, he truly looks like an excited little kid when he is telling Gaoshun about Maomao's way of looking at him. I love seeing the contrast in the depiction of Jinshi when he himself is reflecting on Maomao's glares and when Gaoshun is reflecting on it.
Gaoshun of course views Jinshi as a child he looks after (along with respecting Jinshi's position) because he is a father figure to Jinshi and does know his true age (and identity), but Jinshi does seem younger/more his age in his excitement about Maomao. She often brings out the true him.
Jinshi himself refers to Maomao as a "toy," which could be considered a childish way of viewing things and thus also indicative of his true age and identity, but within the context, he is also thinking of her as a useful "tool," which sort of feels like a nastier, more grown-up way of viewing a toy. That being said, Jinshi's relationship with the concept of Maomao as a toy is complicated and emphasizing her usefulness could also function as him trying to justify his fascination and enjoyment regarding her to himself.
Either way, Maomao is disturbed by Jinshi's positive reaction to her glares XD
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I just find this a fascinating, round-about explanation for why Gaoshun wants to avoid dealing with gleeful, Maomao-glare-induced Jinshi. Could it really be (or also be) that Maomao brings out that youthful, unprofessional behavior in Jinshi, jeopardizing Jinshi (and Gaoshun's) cover in the rear palace?
But yes, poor Gaoshun. Looking after Jinshi (and later Maomao too!) is surely a headache XD
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Maomao realization then oh, I see face of deeper understanding. Is there a hint of sadness in those eyes? (about the reality of the situation and how women work to escape their fate?)
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More moments of hmm will this be relevant later with "conflict of the heart [can't] be cured with medicine" Adding to my collection of ~medicine symbolism, poison symbolism~ Maybe I'm delusional, but certain lines and moments just hit hard, as if they are supposed to leave a mark.
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Gyokuyou picks up on what's truly going on–understands the constraints of circumstances and how a woman must operate to navigate them.
Maomao is doing her duty but choosing where she ends her story/the extent of the information she shares. She will do this again in the future–it's sort of her way of possessing power/protecting individuals/seeking some form of justice within the confines of her station. In some ways, I think she does this with herself as well–"gatekeeps" parts of herself from others perhaps in part as a form of self-preservation.
I assume Gaoshun is trying to tell Maomao to hold in her "you're an insect" glare, but in how it pops up at this exact moment, it also almost appears like he is telling her to not give in to Jinshi and refrain from sharing all the details. To keep withholding information. Jinshi seems to know there's more to it.
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I just love Gyokuyou and how this whole scene offers glimpses of the depth beneath her shiny exterior and position as the Emperor's favorite. More of that "the rear palace is more than skin deep."
Also love the insight from @i-guess-im-into-this-now that Maomao telling Gyokuyou the full story but not Jinshi reveals "where Maomao's trust and loyalty lies." I think Maomao probably also thought it was safer to reveal this information to Gyokuyou than Jinshi in terms of it not being used against Lady Fuyou, but I wonder if it is also indicative of her trusting women over men?
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I mean just look at Gyokuyou's expression! This is an interesting clash of personal desire vs duty and what takes precedence. Maomao's expression here gets to me too, and I think she demonstrates an ability to sympathize with, or at least be understanding of, the situation Gyokuyou is in. You might think someone from Maomao's background, and someone who has spent time as a lowly servant in the rear palace, would be more resentful of the women higher up, but she seems to recognize that each position comes with its own constraints. Its own cage.
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This bit here feels revealing about the Emperor and his relationship with Gyokuyou. Also speaking of desire vs duty, the Emperor gets to experience an intersection. Yes, it is his duty to father heirs, but let's not pretend that he doesn't get some enjoyment out of the process. He's serving the country and himself.
I do wonder about the differences between the story Maomao tells Jinshi and the one she tells Gyokuyou, the abbreviated version vs the extended version. Maybe I have removed myself from context by stewing over this chapter too long, but they both involve the courtesan gaming (or even cheating) the system. It's only in the second story that the courtesan is in cahoots with the buyers and playing for love. I could totally be missing something though and would love an expansion on this.
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And here the ending hits with another moment of "how will this be important later on." What is the power of love? What could it cure? Interesting that Maomao observes how it enhances Lady Fuyou's beauty, almost like a natural counterpoint to cosmetics.
It feels like these beginning chapters are much more episodic in nature and work to establish the characters and the world and tease ideas that will be important down the line.
Referencing @i-guess-im-into-this-now yet again: "I wonder if the story of Lady Fuyou has any parallels to the main story? In a palace where the concubines and servants are trapped one of them manages to defy fate and escape to a future of her own choice." Thank you for sharing your wonderful analysis of the anime and I hope it's okay that I used it here! It revitalized my interest in this chapter quite a bit.
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svtcheers · 1 year
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DINO   ♡   FOR @ftdino !
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uaravsh · 10 months
"I plant roots so deeply in the people I love that I always lose a piece of myself when they go."
- Beau Taplin (@uaravsh )
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darkcrowprincess · 4 months
Byler and stranger things thoughts:
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An episode ends at their prom and mike and will are dancing. The song power of love from back to the future plays as Mike and Will have fun, acting their age dancing. All their friends are dancing too. Their prom was something set up for everyone during the apocalypse. So no one is really paying any attention to Will or Mike. Still Wil and Mike find some spot by themselves to eventually kiss. The song power of love starts playing again as they kiss to give power to their love.
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timmurleyart · 8 days
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Back in time. 🚙💨⚡️⏰⏳
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