#And if we dream
killjoyous · 2 months
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corrodedparadox · 4 months
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I love watching birds fly south for the winter
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evercelle · 2 months
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brother, i'll set us both free
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nenoname · 1 month
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Stan Pines' drawings
Plus a Stan drawing of debatable canonicity but I love his signature being a dollar sign
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qiinamii · 1 year
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we'll do fine.
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puirell · 11 months
feels like a good time to bring this back
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one-time-i-dreamt · 11 days
Billy Joel (as he appeared in the music video) forced me to sing the entirety of We Didn’t Start the Fire from memory or else he’d beat me to death.
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oneslimybastard · 9 months
In a modern setting Astarion would have precisely two ways of dressing himself with no in-between, neither are good, a scientific diagram:
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It's a 50-50 gamble which form you'll spot in the frozen food aisle at 3 am
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shepscapades · 2 months
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I know Martyn hasn’t actually logged onto fantasy smp yet but. But. But. Do you hear me. Do you see my vision. Do y. Do. We could have it all
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kochana-lulu · 2 years
people who want to live in lighthouse - i hear you, i understand you
but i raise you
living in water tower
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 11 months
This child in gaza is screaming:
"I wish it was a dream. Oh, mom and dad. I wish it was a dream and my mom and dad are still alive" after being rescued from underneath the rubble to find his parents killed by Israel.
Share this, we are not numbers. Let our voices be heard in hopes that this stops.
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thehitchhikerguide · 9 months
Season 2, Episode 4: And If We Dream
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This episode is not that great, but I did like it better on second viewing than the first time I watched it. I wasn't sure what to expect after the opening credits.
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Cornfields? Oh no is this a Field of Dreams rip off?
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Wait a minute, where do I know that name from? Oh right he was that actor from that Christian show 7th Heaven who got into some troubles. I had to actually look up what he did because I had thought it had something to do with child pornography. Turns out he actually exposed himself to a couple of really young girls under the age of 14. Oof I wish I didn't know this.
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We open with the main character actually driving the Hitchhiker and dropping him off. I guess all that time in the city and he needed to spend some time in Kansas. Or at least the Canadian version of Kansas.
Here we find out our "hero" is Todd Field a high school teacher that is about to meet temptation and if he gives in to it, the lesson he'll learn is one he never dreamed possible. Dreamed, heh heh.
Temptation? I'm hoping this is not going to hit too close to home.
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Why is the Hitchhiker walking in a graveyard? Is this where he wanted to be dropped off? At least it's understandable how the Hitchhiker would know about Todd, since he did spend some time with him in the car. However how he knows the dream stuff...well that can't be explained.
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Oh God I really hope this isn't a picture of his victim he's holding up.
Turns out this guy is a photography teacher in a rural high school. But he wants to do so much more. A mysterious wind blows into the classroom...
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And knocks some photos on the floor so one photo is revealed.
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Intriguing. He talks about it in class and finds out that the photo belongs to a sexy student named Roseanne. She bothers him for a ride home.
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Get a good look Costanza?
I see where this is going...young teacher, the object of school girl fantasy. Also of note, is the incredibly skinny 80's tie he is wearing here. Haha, you can see why that style died.
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He goes home and then is an asshole by talking over his wife as she is trying to have a professional call. He is reading some rejection letter loudly, while she tries to have a phone call with her actual job. That's helpful!
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He looks through Roseanne's photos and realized she is a stalker.
Now it's time for the saddest school fair I've ever seen.
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Roseanne takes a photo of some horse asses.
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Then whatever this madness is, which looks like some band playing in a cornfield. Todd the teacher sees Roseanne and talks to her, probably because there are only 10 people at this thing.
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A Magician shoots at a balloon which becomes a bird somehow.
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Well at least the food looks good. Seriously though, who is going to eat all those rotisserie chickens?
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And what is with this bright yellow cotton candy? Is it corn flavored? Is this something they have in Kansas?
One thing leads to another and they end up becoming intimate in a barn somewhere. I'm very thankful this woman doesn't look underage even if she is playing a character who is.
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Yeah, this was pretty predictable. He tells her she tastes of peaches when he kisses her. I bet he says that to all the girls. Hmm maybe that was peach flavored cotton candy?
She seems pretty taken with this teacher, as she dances around her porch in the middle of the night.
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Her mother comes out and tells her that when ever she gets worked up like this, there is always trouble. Now, we did learn earlier that she had to suddenly move and change schools, but we do not know of the details.
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Full moon, eh? The witchy imagery is getting pretty strong.
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Woah, I wasn't kidding. Here she talks to his picture while some mysterious object is next to her.
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Great now it's Nightmare on Elm Street. Whatever she did, it causes him to have a dream of her where he gives her his ring. You think well it's only a dream, but then...
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She teleported the ring through the dream. Kind of makes that shooting balloon Magician look like a hack.
He is totally freaked out because he doesn't know how she was able to take his ring in his dream.
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Sorry but why is there a revolving door going into this classroom? It doesn't look like they are coming from the outside.
Well anyways, his warning doesn't work because the next night she summons powers of a Christmas decoration to work her magic again.
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Seriously, I had one of these growing up. I never knew it had the power to affect other people's dreams.
They dream they are on a carousel this time.
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Ha ha ha! I think that is that skinny tie from the other day! Funny it made it into her sexual fantasies.
Back at school he is pleading with her that it was a mistake they were together and to stop making him dream about her. She listens to him this time.
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Just kidding, she is even more intense. In fact it looks like there are three of her now. For his next dream, she pulls him into the room from that photo he liked so much. But when he tries to leave, he is unable to.
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She can be heard saying "You can't go back now. You are mine forever." Creepy stuff.
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He sort of fades a bit like a ghost.
And then it just ends. The teacher is not coming back so they are having a substitute come in. I guess he is never seen again?
The Hitchhiker can be heard in voiceover that Todd yielded to temptation with the wrong girl, whose dreams were stronger than he was.
I thought they were going to show the photo again with him randomly in it. But I guess she didn't trap him in the photo but in the dream...so what happens to him when she is not dreaming? So many questions.
Well with that abrupt ending, I have no idea how to end this blog entry, so I will leave you with this guy.
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The supernatural elements were sort of interesting, although I can see it being an easy one to fall asleep to. Here's hoping the next episode is a bit more crazy.
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bishy437 · 8 months
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he won
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egophiliac · 2 months
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crossing my fingers and wishing upon every star that chapter 10 finally brings us the tweel cards 🤞🤞
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pangur-and-grim · 3 months
This is gonna sound weird but I had a very vivid fever-induced dream about Pangur. I was standing in a lake surrounded my forests and mountains at night. The moon was so bright but there were no stars. And then Pangur came over the mountain but she was so long like Falkor Neverending Story and she had so many legs and big sad eyes downturned like a 20s movie star and big purple eyelashes.
She was circling around me in the sky like some majestic sky worm and said in a voice that sounded like Helen Mirren “it’s 20% off on Wednesday”. I kept asking her what was 20% off but she kept saying things like “it’s a good deal for a Wednesday” and “you should take the offer while it’s hot”.
So anyway I’m taking that as a sign to buy something stupid that’s 20% off on Wednesday thanks Pangur
this seems like an elaborate way of getting me to do a 20% off sale but okay, I'll bite!
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Pangur says "use the code 'GoodDeal' at greerstothers.shop"
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zilmart · 2 years
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"My Lord, you are coming back, aren't you?"
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