#Ancestral Foods
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uncrossedrhyme · 2 years ago
Guide to Life-Sustaining Nutrients: Vitamin A
Vitamin A's critical role in development, aging, intelligence, beauty, vision, hormones, sexuality, and immunity. The first in my series of Guides to the Life-Sustaining Nutrients.
The following begins my series, A Basic Guide to the Life-Sustaining Nutrients, a tentative multimedia project that will be almost fully Patreon-exclusive. Today’s Vitamin A entry serves as a preview of what the project entails. I hope you find value here, always keep learning, and support me on Patreon for much more to come. Patreon A few generalizable concepts coupled with their mechanisms…
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diabetesknow · 2 years ago
Should Diabetics Use Cod Liver Oil Supplements? - Diabetes Knowledge
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olowan-waphiya · 11 months ago
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radlissa · 8 months ago
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hafsahk · 3 months ago
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Old houses are full of memories and that's why they resist to collapse!
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cogumelopao · 6 months ago
rosas com mel fermentado
Olá, hoje eu quero mostrar uma receita com dois ingredientes que eu amo, rosas e mel.
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Sabia que rosas saudáveis podem ser consumidas? Aqui em casa tenho alguns pés enormes e quase sempre acabo não tendo ideias pra fazer algo, então fazer rosas fermentadas para adicionar em bolos, chás, iogurte, pão é uma delícia.
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- Receita
• rosas do jardim
•mel natural
🧺 Em um potinho esterelizado, acrescente as rosas devidamente higienizada, em seguida acrescente o mel até cobrir deixando sempre um espaço no vídro. em seguida guarde em um local arejado durante uns 4 dias sempre chacoalhando até surgir bolinhas e ficar ativo.
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fazer fermentados com conta própria, me trás calma e me deixa mais conectada com o passado. Além de ser super saudável para nosso corpo, mente e flora intestinal.
Lembrando que não se deve consumir rosas de floriculturas ou compradas em mercados. Sempre consumam rosas devidamente orgânicas por serem mais saudáveis e que não tenham agrotóxicos.
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bigboobshaunt · 5 months ago
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Extremely proud of this stuffed polenta I made tonight
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3liza · 1 year ago
it's the miserable time of summer when I foolishly eat a few unripe tree fruits because waiting for harvest time is making me insane and I think hm maybe it won't be bitter and rock hard and acid in my mouth, because I'm an idiot
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firewitchcafe · 3 months ago
Doing ancestral healing is finding a specific food/drink that is traditional in that region and it becoming your comfort thing.
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Still thinking about last Purim when my dad tasted my chicken and told me “you cook just like nanny Gertrude did”. Nanny Gertrude died long before I was born, and I don’t have any of her recipes (if she even left a written record). I didn’t learn to cook from anyone on that side of the family. I just apparently have such strong Ashkenazi Bubbe energy that I can recreate the recipes of my long-dead ancestors while going off of nothing but schmaltz and intuition.
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artsyaprilmr · 2 years ago
Alert legislators to send emergency aid to Artsakh!
(US Citizens)
You can contact the Congress members just in a few clicks: texts for e-mails and phone calls are pre-written! You only need to send them out/call. Please, take your time to help 120.000 people in Artsakh that are currently under blockade organized by fascist dictatorship of Azerbaijan.
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phoenix-joy · 8 months ago
Beer archaeologists are peering back millennia to recreate brews from ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome using ancient methods and ingredients.
Some of the most interesting beers made in recent years provide a drinkable window into human history. These so-called "rebrews" of age-old ales were once savoured in places ranging from Ancient Egypt and Greece to Celtic and Viking Europe. Their drinkers liked a choice too, with 5,000-year-old Babylonian-carved stone tablets depicting recipes for nearly 20 different barley-based beers.
"Recreating ancient beers allows us to touch and taste history. It humanises our ancestors and makes us realise that we are not so different," says Travis Rupp, who combines teaching Classics and Anthropology at the University of Colorado with his past professional brewing experience at the Boulder-based producer Avery Brewing. It's a combination of skills that led him to create a line of archaic rebrews earning him the tag of The Beer Archaeologist, which is now the name of his business. /endquote
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pingnova · 11 months ago
eating highly ethnically specific food at the rural family function and being like "is this liver?" it's probably not liver, they say. eat it. it's liver.
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radlissa · 7 months ago
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songsofbloodandwater · 1 year ago
Don't you love when something is nagging you to make a recipe, you let the Spirits lead you in the process, and afterwards when you search key words looking for something similar online, it turns out It's not only definitely A Thing but that you also have ancestral ties to it? because I do.
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years ago
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I believe our ancestors kept on the strength and courage of rebellion only because they thought they could inspire deep change for years to come. Part of us honoring them and continuing that same spirit alive is through actively seeking a lifestyle of thriving, abundance, blissful health, and freedom. Taking charge of your health is one major way which has impressed me in its effects (for myself personally too). It helps you along shedding off these generational traumas and connecting to your higher self. In effect, I see us adopting the same admirable qualities of the spirits of Sojourner Truth, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Maya Angelou, George Washington Carver, Gwendolyn Brooks, Marsha P. Johnson, even Cleopatra to name a few.
For example, the dirt-cheap convenience fast foods marketed specifically to our community has been blocking us from this beauty. That can be part of our pasts. Or we can continue to settle for the familiar.
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