#Abortion Travel
Judd Legum at Popular Information:
On July 25, former President Donald Trump named Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) as his running mate. Vance has only been a U.S. Senator since 2023, and his rapid ascension to the Republican Vice Presidential nominee has prompted renewed scrutiny of his record, particularly his views on women and children.  Notoriously, Vance described Vice President Kamala Harris, now the presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee, as a "childless cat lady" in a July 29, 2021 appearance on Tucker Carlson's Fox News show. Because Harris does not have children, Vance said, she "doesn't really have a stake" in the country. Vance went on to say that people with kids are "happier," "healthier," and "better prepared to actually lead this country." In an October 21, 2021 appearance on the Breitbart News Daily, Vance said that Democrats "next generation of leaders," including "the Kamala Harrises," "don't have kids." As a result, Harris and others "want to take our kids and brainwash them so that their ideas continue to exist in the next generation." 
In a July 24, 2021, speech to the Future of American Political Economy Conference, Vance said Harris and other Democratic leaders where members of the "childless left" who have "no physical commitment to the future of this country." Vance suggested that anyone without children should be excluded from leadership positions. “Why is this just a normal fact of …  life, for the leaders of our country to be people who don’t have a personal and direct stake in it via their own offspring?” Vance asked.  Vance's description of Harris is inaccurate. She has two step children that she has helped raise since they were teens. Their biological mother, Kerstin Emhoff described Harris as a "co-parent" who is "loving, nurturing, fiercely protective and always present."  But Vance's comments do appear to accurately reflect his views of Americans who do not have kids.  In a little-noticed March 21, 2021 tweet, Vance said that the decision not to have children has made many Americans "insane" and turned them into "sociopaths." 
Appearing on the Moment of Truth podcast on September 20, 2021, Vance described journalists as "a group of people who are dealing with their own…psychotic breaks." Journalists, Vance claimed, were told "it's very easy to start a family when you're 45," but, "God says otherwise." Now, journalists in their "late thirties or early forties" have "reached this point where I think they recognize that their lives are miserable and unhappy, but they all feel like they've reached the point of no return." Vance made a similar point in his speech to the Future of American Political Economy Conference, saying many journalists were "unhappy," "miserable," and "angry" because they were "childless adults."  Trump's campaign claims that Vance's remarks are being "taken out of context." Appearing on a podcast on Friday with conservative pundit Megyn Kelly, Vance implausibly claimed that he was not criticizing "people who don't have children." Vance did not apologize for his description of Harris as a "childless cat lady," saying only that it was a "sarcastic comment" and clarifying that he had "nothing against cats." Vance, however, insisted that the substance of his criticism of Harris is "true."    
Vance says parents should get extra votes
In his speech at the Future of American Political Economy Conference, Vance said parents "should have more of an ability to speak your voice in our democratic republic than people who don’t have kids." Vance said Americans without kids "don’t have as much of an investment in the future of this country" and therefore "shouldn’t get nearly the same voice" as parents. His solution is to "give votes to all children in this country" but "give control over those votes to the parents of those children."
Vance bashes efforts to make daycare more affordable
Despite his purported support for families, Vance has harshly criticized efforts to make daycare more affordable. He called the concept of universal daycare "class war against normal people." Vance said that "normal Americans" do not want to "shunt their kids into crap daycare so they can enjoy more 'freedom' in the paid labor force." He suggested that parents who send their children to daycare value their jobs more than their children. 
Vance wants law enforcement to have access to women's medical records to enforce abortion bans
In the wake of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposed a new rule that would prevent state law enforcement from using medical records to enforce abortion bans. The rule "prohibits the disclosure of a patient’s health information as it relates to reproductive health care" to state and local investigators. 
J.D. Vance = natalist sociopathic weirdo unfit to be Vice-President.
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wondernwriter · 2 years
Had not thought about this
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Mexico when Texans have to start crossing the border for a better life good heathcare
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eve-was-framed · 2 months
idk which republican woman needs to hear this but yes, jd vance is talking about you too when he speaks about women and the fact that he thinks our one and only purpose on this earth is to get married and pop out babies.
doesn’t matter if you wanted kids and couldn’t have them due to infertility. doesn’t matter if you were pregnant and miscarried. doesn’t even matter if you had a stillbirth.
if you are a childless woman (I would even go as far as to say that if you are not a woman with more than one child), the right does not believe you have any worth as a human being and their words and policies make it clear that, to them, you are better off dead. no amount of being nice and pandering to them will change how they view you.
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bogleech · 1 year
If I’d ever been aborted the effect on me would be exactly indistinguishable from if I’d never been conceived, which could have happened any infinite number of ways. It doesn’t matter because I wasn’t that fetus. I’ve never been a fetus. The meat and guts I’m using came from a fetus but I wasn’t there for that time period. The development of my physical vessel is not an event I was present for and anything that might have happened to it is as relevant to me as whether my parents just went to sleep instead of starting that up. If you care about aborted embryos you’re a goddamned idiot and should grow the fuck up.
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sleepy-aletheas · 1 month
The love I hold for Haikaveh being thematically parallel to Nabu Malikata and Deshret is ever abundant and I have Thoughts on it all. I just wish I would ever decide to try and write my thoughts down when I'm in a reasonably awake state to have a shred of sense and not after spending the whole night staying up and pushing myself into sleep depravity.
Anyway, the basic idea is that I think both Kaveh and Alhaitham mirror certain aspects of both gods, but probably are meant to be the happier endings of that type of dynamic/character types. It's not just Kaveh=Nabu Malikata, Alhaitham=Deshret, Alhaitham has certain similarities to Nabu and Kaveh has a lot in common with Deshret (I would even say he is a more narrative foil to Deshret than Alhaitham ever could be). I understand that it's easier to just pick one pair for comparison and be done with it for simplicity's sake, but I'm already neck deep in overthinking, might as well go fully out on it eventually.
Even if I really wanna write this out, I don't know how comprehensive it would be. I make sense to myself, but the moment I try to put anything into concrete words, it suddenly feels like I need to fill in 5 different topics to make any sort of sense and bring the whole conversation to the same page with a common understanding.
Maybe I'll take a nap, that could fix everything.
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rapeculturerealities · 8 months
Breaking: Travel bans proposed in Tennessee & Oklahoma
Tennessee Republican Rep. Jason Zachary introduced a travel ban yesterday—legislation that would make it a Class C felony to take a minor out-of-state for abortion care. That means a friend, aunt or grandmother who helps a teenager get an abortion could be sent to prison for 15 years. In Oklahoma, state Sen. Nathan Dahm introduced a similar bill that would punish anyone who helps a teen obtain care with up to 5 years in prison.
I want to be clear: When I say these laws target anyone who “helps” a teen get an abortion, I don’t just mean someone who physically takes them out of the state. You could be arrested for lending a teenager gas money, or texting them the url of an out-of-state clinic. That’s because both Tennessee’s HB1895 and Oklahoma’s SB1778 deliberately define ‘abortion trafficking’ as broadly as possible. Anyone who “recruits, harbors, or transports” a minor for the purpose of getting an abortion is guilty of ‘trafficking’.
In fact, that’s the exact issue at the center of the legal fight over Idaho’s ‘abortion trafficking’ law—which is currently blocked because a judge ruled it violated the First Amendment. An amicus brief filed by 20 Attorneys General in opposition to Idaho’s travel ban offered this example:
“A teenage girl in Moscow, Idaho, calls her aunt in Pullman, Washington, less than ten miles away, to say she is pregnant and feels she cannot safely tell her parents. If the aunt tells her niece about a clinic in Pullman that offers abortion care and counseling, is that ‘recruitment’? What if the aunt texts her niece a web link to the clinic’s informational material? Or if the niece books an appointment and the clinic’s office manager emails her a preappointment information sheet? If the aunt pays for her niece’s bus ticket to Pullman, is that ‘transportation’—or, as the Idaho law would have it, ‘trafficking’?”
This broad language isn’t just meant to scare off a teen’s friends and family from helping her; it’s about targeting abortion funds. Whether you’re talking about Idaho’s travel ban, the ordinances being passed in Texas counties, or the new proposed legislation in Tennessee and Oklahoma—all of these laws are about stopping funds from helping people, and making it possible to prosecute them.
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dieinct · 3 months
i can tolerate almost anything in a fanfiction as long as it's trying to do something interesting, and beyond that i can tolerate quite a lot of not actually very interesting things as long as they are written in a way that is legible, as long as i can read them with an air of sneering disdain. but one thing that will just make me quit a fic full stop is someone characterized as ruthlessly pragmatic being unable to go through with an abortion. like actively deciding to keep it is fine but often inexperienced authors are just like i'm going to put this in to create conflict and subvert reader expectations by making her keep it!! and don't realize that everyone else also does this. deciding not to keep it is obviously also fine and would be my preference both politically and if for no other reason then as a nice change. but going to the appointment and having to back out at the last second (which is how this type of scene almost always gets written) because a fetus to whom one must suborn one's body and identity is somehow mystically different from all other reasons to keep living or thinking towards the future? no tf you don't. ABORT THAT THANG
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porterdavis · 1 year
We were warned.
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Alanna Vagianos at HuffPost:
Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance suggested there should be a “federal response” to prevent women from traveling out of state for abortion care in a newly resurfaced clip from a 2022 podcast. Vance appeared on Aimee Terese’s “What’s Left” podcast in January 2022 and mused on what should happen if the Supreme Court repealed Roe v. Wade. Roe was overturned months later. “Let’s say Roe vs. Wade is overruled, Ohio bans abortion, you know, in 2022, let’s say 2024, and then every day George Soros sends a 747 to Columbus to load up disproportionately Black women to get them to go have abortions in California,” Vance, who at the time was running to represent Ohio in the Senate, said on the podcast. “Of course, the left will celebrate this as a victory for diversity … that’s kind of creepy, right?”
“If that happens, do you need some federal response to prevent it from happening because it’s really creepy?” he added. “And, you know, I’m pretty sympathetic to that, actually.” His comments about Black women likely refer to the far-right talking point that abortion supporters use abortion as a means to Black genocide. The Harris campaign resurfaced the podcast clip in a post on X (formerly Twitter) Thursday night. “JD Vance’s obsession with controlling women’s most personal health care decisions, from blocking access to IVF, to tracking women’s menstrual cycles, to passing a national abortion ban to bar women from traveling to access the care they need, isn’t just bad policy — it’s creepy, it’s unacceptable, and voters won’t stand for it,” Sarafina Chitika, a spokesperson for the Harris campaign, told HuffPost.
Appearing on Aimee Terese’s What’s Left podcast in January 2022 while running for the Senate, J.D. Vance endorse federal restrictions on those seeking an abortion to travel out-of-state in a discussion about post-Roe hypotheticals. A few months later, in June 2022, SCOTUS ruled to overturn Roe and Casey in Dobbs.
Let this be a reminder that Vance should be nowhere near a cheeseburger choke away from the Presidency.
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threefeline · 3 months
I cannot believe I haven't seen "Florida Is Literally Cooking Your Friend" on my dash yet
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wednesdaythesecond · 4 months
i'm so pro abortion that i once wrote about Mikey having an abortion AND a miscarriage in two alternate timelines
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macwantspeace · 4 months
Meanwhile in Gilead... "Other cities and counties in Texas have passed ordinances to prohibit traveling through their jurisdictions for an abortion outside the state. This includes the cities of Athens, Abilene, Plainview, San Angelo, Odessa, Muenster and Little River-Academy, and Mitchell, Goliad, Lubbock, Dawson, Cochran and Jack counties." If you give somebody a ride when they start to go into septic shock you can get sued. Someone can collect $100,000 bounty with permission from the State, and here folks in the city want to add their own bounty. Or I should say, the carpetbaggers with a mission have convinced enough locals to do this. "On social media, Mark Lee Dickson, director of Right to Life of East Texas who is leading the charge, said he is looking forward to the next step of the process." I remember bunches of movie scenes where the WWII police states would demand to see your papers. Then pew pew. Here they want to see your belly.
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jewishevelinebaker · 10 months
Can you stop talking about illegal things like "and remember NOT to check out piracy.com 😉" it is not only annoying but sometimes the way you word it is sometimes confusing when you refuse to say what youre talking about. This is tumblr you can say abortion or hrt
But also wrt piracy loose lips sink ships and linking the site whether you say "DONT go here 😉" or not is gonna put it at risk
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cinemaocd · 3 months
No one:
The Minnesota Rouser :
"Hats off to thee" genuinely one of the bravest choices they could have made with the four syllables they had to play with...
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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