#A Quiet Place Review
hannahwatcheshorror · 26 days
💁‍♀️💁‍♀️Strong Female Lead(s)
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A cinematically aesthetic film brought to you by America’s sweetheart John Krasinski starring him and his British wife Emily Blunt. The sense of self that is lost with these characters since they can no longer speak (safely) is immense, juxtaposed by a character who would be unable to speak regardless of apocalypse status makes it resonate all the more. A good horror movie is about the monsters we’ve become, the horror we’ve put each other through. This movie never forgets about the relationship between the characters. I had a lot of questions/concerns about the creatures from the movie though.
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Here is the thing. I have strong feelings about this movie because I wish so badly that I could find a way to make John Krasinski’s character live. I sat here and I wrote lie after lie in review after review (like, two) that just didn’t feel right because A Quiet Place is a fine movie, it is just very frustrating. The first 10 minutes set the movie up for some high expectations by giving us more questions than answers. Emily Blunt and John Krasinski (married couple in this movie too, aw) have three kids in this brave new world. A misunderstanding with the (deaf) sister putting batteries in the youngest brother's toy becomes a cautionary tale as we watch in slow motion the hellhound removes the tot from this mortal plane. Fade out to title and over 400 days later, there is no explanation on how the rest of the family escaped unscathed which raises so many more questions for me and made me falsely believe that things weren’t as bad as they seemed. I really believed that the sound hounds were just sort of big, dumb, sharp dogs. (My general confusion on the creatures is why I took stars away. I know there were lots of news articles but they all just said, “Ah, we are so scared, run away!”)
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We get introduced to the family farm, it is very quiet and nice (did I mention quiet?). They have a lot of little things they do to reduce noise but it is very difficult for me to track what is or isn’t too much noise (the intro sequence said Loud Toy = Bad but Walking Around = Fine, right?). They are living that basement life but it also seems a lot like a good way to have one of those blind motherfuckers fall into the basement and not really be able to get their way out (well, I was sort of right, though I guess one of them found the stairs at some point). 
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I have NO idea how Emily blunt fully gives birth in a tub silently. The bathtub is one of the most echoey places on earth. The sound effects would have been disgusting (if not hilarious) but we are to believe that she did this, alone, in pain, and completely silently? Shenanigans! I call shenanigans! I’m sorry! Even if you give her the pass and say that Emily held it together and didn’t make any grunts or groans, her body and that baby sure would have! Anyway I have no idea how those creepy crawlers didn’t hear peep one out of that bathroom and everything with that went peaches and afterbirth but it did somehow (and her doing laundry earlier in the day was more harrowing).
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Another important scare to note, the children jumped into a grain silo at one point and (at first) I thought that was very cool, something I always thought of when I saw silos in passing, but then the kids started to sink. Like quicksand. Which I did NOT know was a thing. Google told me it is called grain entrapment/engulfment and what a HORRIFYING way to die. No joking here, drowning in corn was not even a possibility, at least I thought, until this movie, now it’s pretty high up there in “Ways I Don’t Want To Die.”
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The relationship between the children and the dad was very sweet, especially since we didn’t get to see them together for long before he made the ultimate sacrifice. I wished so badly he would have moved while yelling, I have it in my mind that those googly mooglies are really bad at hearing when they are making a lot of noise themselves and it was making such a ruckus on the truck that it would run towards John and then get lost somewhere in the middle between John and the kids in the truck and if everyone stayed QUIET in the PLACE maybe our dear Mr. Director could have survived for the sequel? Just me? I was mad at this movie for years because I was so sure he could have avoided death but as I was getting screenshots for the review I was looking at the creatures and had to rethink things quite a bit…
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Things finally kick off when the daughter realizes her hearing aid shrieking is the only thing that hurts the spindly bastards so she amplifies it with the speakers/coms they have and EB blows its head off with a shotgun (that one's for her husband, bitch). Now they know they can kill the beasties and the hunted have become the hunters, y’all! Strap that baby on your back and let's get to killin’! Yee Haw! But in all seriousness the film ends on a very hopeful note which is good considering the night's events (very positive parenting, I think Em is gonna be a good single mother). Still sad John is dead (but I can still feel his spirit, just beyond the camera, I mean, grave), but trying to come to terms with it as apparently the family has.
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My thoughts on AQPDO
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So, did this image appear in the actual film? Yeah, that's what I thought...
I loved it, and I was disappointed by it. This is long, so buckle in. Major Spoilers discussed below.
First, the outstanding: the performances. Holy hell. Lupita. Just...her talent is breathtaking. To sustain that level of intensity without overdoing it, I am simply in awe. Well done. I hope some attention is paid to her performance when award season rolls around. Ditto Alex Wolff. He did a LOT with so little screentime. Djimon too; they all were so, so moving.
Joe was so heartbreaking, and yet Joe's character is one of the things I am disappointed about, because I needed more. Not because I love Joe, but because the story needed it. I know there was a backstory that was cut, and to be honest I don't think that was necessarily a poor decision, but the issue is it was cut late in the creative process, versus in the writing, and that is where the problem is. More on that in a bit, but Joe delivered a sensitive and moving performance, and really understated as well. Not a bit of the cheeky Joe we have come to love so much that also I think pops out in Eddie and Michael occasionally. He was wholly immersed in Eric's reality and his energy complimented Lupita's so well; you can see how much they worked off each other. Dare I say she elevated his game. Another marathon performance and I can imagine how exhausting it must be to sustain that.
Second, Michael Sarnoski, hats off to you sir. The pacing, the way you put the story together visually, your heartbreaking script, just so well done. I hope they release the shooting script because I would love to read it and see the words (or lack of) that Joe and Lupita interpreted so movingly. I wonder if Michael has processed the death of a parent recently, because I felt so much emotion from this story. This film is about accepting the inevitability of death, while going through the five stages of grief, yet seeking to live fully regardless. Trigger warning: DO NOT see this movie if you are going through a rough time with someone who is terminally ill. It will wreck you. But this film is tragically, beautifully human. To deliver that story in a Hollywood big budget action film is a hat trick. Every actor in Hollywood who wants to grow creatively should be calling their agents asking to work with Michael Sarnoski right now.
Also, shout out to the production design people. They completely suspended my disbelief that the characters weren't in New York. Set design, lighting, like I could SMELL New York. Virtual production is getting so fucking good - we're well past the Unreal Wall vistas of the Mandalorian. If you ask yourself how A24 could shoot an Iraq war movie in the pastoral hills of England this is your answer.
Now, the not so good.
Go back and watch the first and second trailers and tell me how many of those moments were in the movie. Answer: barely any.
Map claw hand? We have to get out of the city? Gay couple? Old man turning off engine? Nada.
So, was this all misdirection in the marketing, making the audience think they were coming to see a summer action movie? That's legit, trying to get butts in seats, but I have a strong feeling Michael delivered a very different movie that was hacked up in the testing process. All of those scenes probably made the movie feel 'too long', and they had to cut them back to balance the action sequences with the emotional sequences.
The helicopters overhead spelling out THEY CAN'T SWIM probably came from focus group comments where someone was like 'why didn't the aliens just cross the river and start eating people in New Jersey?' (good point). But I'll bet you they wanted to give Alex Wolff's character a more significant death in regard to Samira's emotional journey, so they reshot the scene with the old man turning off the engine and had Alex do it instead.
Also, I get the strong feeling Eric showed up in the story much earlier in the original cut of the film, and the scene with Map Claw Hand illustrates that. The big question regarding Eric is why this random sad British dude gloms on to Samira and I'm not sure they answer that question in the final cut. Joe absolutely sells it, but it doesn't make sense and I suspect it's because it wasn't written that way.
Also, and call me crazy, but I think Joe is wearing a wig in some parts of this movie and not in other parts. It would make sense if there were significant reshoots based on early testing of the film. I wonder if the Alien Lava Tiki Bar (what...was that actually) scene was added later. Like, I get why Eric went up there- actually I don't, I think Eric would have been focused on getting the medicine back to her and wouldn't have taken a detour up scaffolding to follow I cat at all, but that's just me.
Finally, let's talk about the cat. Both Schnitzel and Nico are exquisite and enjoyable to watch, though how no one got scratched or bitten by a disgruntled feline is a mystery. We had a long debate about whether The Cat Represents Samira's Life, or The Cat is An Angel, or Fate, but ultimately we just went with KITTY and that made the story more enjoyable.
Samira is on a quest, to die on her terms, and once she accepts her fate, she sheds the things that no longer matter to her, and in the process gives Eric a purpose. The scene in the jazz bar was so moving. The final shot is also incredibly moving, and I hope the city was filled with the sound of music one last time, a beautiful elegy accompanying her soul to heaven.
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gurokatt · 2 months
I watched A Quiet Place: Day One
I think the movie was fun, I am very much a HUGE fan of apocalypse movies that start from the start, when the news is being weird, the hints and build up to the horror of it starting.
The crowd scenes in the city were absolutely PHENOMENAL [actually a lot of the angles and set were fantastic] The scene where all the characters were walking to the boats all quiet, but very much NOT quiet, and the slow build up of sound before showing the death angels stalking them?
that is one of the BEST scenes in the entire movie fr.
now compared the the first two movies? MUCH BETTER than part 2 by a lot [as someone who rewatched both movies last night]
However, compared to part 1, the sound design wasn't as good. this movie relied a bit too much on music rather than the atmosphere that the first movie did.
I also do wish the usage of sign was back again, because it made the first two movies much more immersive to me. HOWEVER i can understand wanting to use other forms of talking [writing] to communicate.
Having the main character terminally ill, with cancer, and going through the apocalypse is honestly something i don't see much of. GENUINELY love sam [Lupita's character] so much. And eric arrived as a wet beast and was pathetic throughout the movie.
Of course though, Frodo the cat single pawed-ly carried the entire movie, move aside Jonesy, we have a NEW horror cat icon!!
There is something so scary about having MULTIPLE death angels stalking the main characters!
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toxicanonymity · 6 months
Hope you don't mind me spamming you a bit. I appreciate your reviews and commentary! Other movies that came to mind which I enjoyed were Ready Or Not, The Invitation, Don't Breathe, Black Christmas, Last Night inSoho (technically this is a horror movie). And because it's popular, what are your thoughts on A Quiet Place?
I don't mind one bit. These are fun questions, especially this one. Buckle up lmaoooo.
Ready or Not - I liked it, and it inspired the wedding dress in one of my darker stories.
The Invitation - Hell yes, love a dark dinner party movie. Won't spoil why.
Don't Breathe - Loved. So depraved. If you haven't seen it I won't spoil, but holy shit lol. Kink alert.
Black Christmas - Yes! Prefer the original by a mile, but enjoyed the Blumhouse take too.
Last Night in Soho - Need to see this, it's on my list.
A Quiet Place -Just my passionate opinion: I fear there is no movie I despise more. My disdain is well-known among irl friends. I'm about to go off.
Krasinski referring to his film as "elevated horror" put him on my bad side from the start. Really low to put down others to promote himself. Dismissing an entire diverse genre, disrespecting everyone who paved the way.
Krasinski gets (takes) far too much credit for things that have been done and done better, including the climax which mirrors The Descent Part 2, shot-for-shot. Don't Breathe is another example of the have-to-be-quiet premise.
Huge hit among non-horror fans who didn't know better and raved about its originality. Meanwhile gushing, "I'm not even into horror." Soo maybe they hadn't seen much? Especially lesser known movies. The horror tent is big enough for all, but he brought new fans into it while infusing them with his condescending attitude.
Far too many gratuitous close-ups of himself going 🤫. This man's ego, stg.
Some of us detected a strong whiff of right-wing energy. Pro-life in a risk everyone's lives for a fetus way. Pro-gun in a rural, white, get off my land way (btw I'm obsessed with John Wick. it's not the use of guns in this, it's the energy).
He bragged about how his wife was so unaffected by her most intense scene (childbirth) that after it she said, "Who's ready for lunch?" Why is that so good, John? Is your view as a director that actors should snap in and out of character and not be affected by their roles? If she needed to cry or rest, would he think less of her? Personally I admire people who feel. Also, harder to imagine paying a man the same compliment.
I have one nice thing to say, which is that it's nice to see deaf/hard-of-hearing representation, and it was the least they could do good to cast an actress from the community as his daughter.👍
If they committed to total silence instead of using a dramatic score, that would've been cool.
You can do your own take on an old concept and make it good. But to meanwhile put down everything else to distinguish/promote himself?? That ain't it.
Anyway, I still hate-watched the sequel (not nearly as bad) and may do the same with the prequel 🤪.
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rickchung · 2 months
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A Quiet Place: Day One (dir. Michael Sarnoski).
We see more of the monster mayhem in a new locale that's both bigger and louder with numerous moments of quiet solitude. It's a more intimate (despite often actually being "noisier") action portrait of group therapy where characters go on significant emotional journeys under the threat of constance violence.
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Y'ALLLL YOU AIN'T READY FOR THIS FILM!!!! how in the world that this film is 2 hours when it doesn't feel like it, THAT'S HOW GOOD IT IS, it already captured on the first minutes of the film, oh my freaking god- this film is like one of the bestest prequels that I ever seen in my entire life like don't call me biased on this and I'm not even saying this just because all of the cast are all my favorites but I SWEAR TO GOD!!!! I was never the same person after watching this, me and my bestie had to sit it down for a moment to let it digest everything BECAUSE "WOAH??? that was it???" it's literally the perfect amount of apocalyptic, end of the world, suspense, thriller, drama, and friendship- I CRIED TWICE ON THIS!!!! and also Lupita and Joseph are absolutely so impressive actors like I can't even! I LOVE HOW THEY ACT USING THEIR EYES AND IT SHOWS SO MUCH EMOTION WITHOUT THE NEED OF DIALOGUES, it really shows they have that GIFT!!!!! they're both so ridiculously talented, THE CHEMISTRY IS ALSO INSANEEEEE the cinematography, the sound effects, the perfect timing of building up the tension and also I won't forget to mention on how many times I was close to falling at the edge of my seat because there are so many times on the film that I can feel my heart stopped beating....MICHAEL SARNOSKI, WHATEVER IT IS THAT YOU'RE DOING KEEP DOING IT OMG- YOU'RE A VISIONARY!!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻💯💯
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atxsubpunk · 16 days
A Quiet Place: Day One
I've seen all three of the "Quiet Place" films, and while I don't remember much of the first two my instinct is to say that "Day One" is the best of the lot. It's certainly the bleakest. I appreciate post-apocalyptic films that focus on characters managing the new world order (Nausicaä / Mad Max) instead of showing characters trying to put the world to rights (I Am Legend). The two leads are great. I expected that from Lupita Nyong'o but Joseph Quinn was very much her equal. It was actually his character that had my attention as the movie progressed. Can he be trusted? Why is he doing the things he's doing? What does it say about me that when I see simple kindness and decency in a stranger that my suspicions rise and I start surveying the landscape for a melee weapon? Joseph Quinn's traumatized facial expressions made for some of the most memorable images of the film. It's rare to see a man terrified without screaming, demolished but still functioning. It reminded me of David Johnson's performance in "Alien: Romulus." Not because Johnson's character was terrified, but because 99% of said performance came entirely from his face and communicated more any amount of dialog could. I also want to give props for the 99 minute runtime. That may sound like a backhanded compliment but it isn't. The secret to making a good movie is knowing exactly what kind of movie you should be making, and these filmmakers understood that. That's an accomplishment.
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zoozvie · 2 months
Fucking, no one told me there would be a cat.
A Quiet Place: Day One spoilers
CW: dark themes, death, and death of animal talk. I just woke up sorry if this doesn’t make any sense.
First of all, he’s SO cute. What a good boy being a good actor cat.
I didn’t see the trailer so if it showed Frodo in it then that’s why I didn’t know.🤷
I will never be ashamed when I say that I’m ok with spoilers and I’ll look up the endings to stuff while I’m watching it or see social media post about it before I’m done with a series. It genuinely enhances my time watching it if I know certain things. The reason why I like to watch something is because I’m seeing it happen, as a massive rewatcher I don’t need to feel the suspense and confusion before things get are concluded in the plot. I’m happy just to see it happen.
It also takes me so so so long to finish a series or start watching a movie I want to watch, I’ll watch the entire movie when I sit down but once there’s multiple episodes or parts to something it’s going to take me a while to see it all. I just don’t like feeling like I’m watching tv all day.
So, when my boyfriend and I were sitting in the theater yesterday, and we saw a cat show up in a murder movie. Both of us were like 🫣🫢🫠fuck.
When the first explosion of the Death Angels hit New York, when Samira was on the bus, bf and I didn’t see Frodo anywhere and we were like ok, off screen death, we aren’t going to see him the rest of the movie cool.
But then we did!! And he almost got killed!!! Samira jumped and grabbed him and we were writhing in our seats!
We have 2 cats at home for context, any and every cat is like a baby to me and I am fiercely protective over them. I tell them this all the time. I look into their little face and say, “Suki, Jojo, I would kill for you, do you understand?” Boyfriend knows if he fucked up majorly (I had a dream once where I came home and he had accidentally offed Jojo) he says he would allow me to hit him or something and we would break up immediately.
So now every time Frodo is on screen I start getting worried and crying (I’m also crying because it’s a beautiful movie). I don’t remember what scene it was but eventually I fish out my phone (there were 2 other people in the theater, in front of us) and he starts laughing and says he was about to do the same.
So I look it up, and great, now we know Frodo survives the whole movie. We can enjoy wtf is happening with these aliens. And I can better love the movie inconsistencies with an animal.
What I mean by that is, they went under water for a good while to escape, popped up and was struggling to get out because Samira has fucking cancer and is in pain, and then we see Frodo. A little wet.😂
I love it, I love shit like that because it doesn’t matter in the plot if they make sure the cat is drenched or not. But it kind of gives off the vibe that cats are just untouchable beings and I’m wholeheartedly ok with that.
I was just going to talk about Frodo in this post but now I gotta say, Feeling Good is such a good song. She’s such a baller for going out that way. Cinematically really satisfying.
Thank you, ok I love A Quiet Place, Bye!
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mylifeincinema · 2 months
My Week(s) in Reviews: July 28, 2024
Deadpool & Wolverine (Shawn Levy, 2024)
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Not perfect, but still a shitload of fun. Fan service moment after fan service moment fill this newest addition to the far-too interconnected MCU, giving fans all the gasp-inducing moments they could hope for, and very few that they went in expecting. I expected this film to open up the MCU more in terms of the Multiverse, but really like that they instead opted to use it as an ending to the Fox branch of the MCU while further exploring the Merc with a Mouth's deepest insecurities in the most accessibly meta manner imaginable. - 8/10
Longlegs (Osgood Perkins, 2024)
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This is bloated with an awkwardly realized atmosphere that turns a creepy premise into a nightmare of 'elevated' horror clichés and forced quirkiness. It does have its moments, and the overall concept is appropriately chilling, but the execution is just so damn pretentious that it drains all of the potential out of the final product. But hey, at least Nicolas Cage is having fun. - 5/10
A Quiet Place: Day One (Michael Sarnoski, 2024)
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Meh... there's some fair to solid tension built throughout, but there's nothing new here. And the character work is—at its best—boring and predictable. Unnecessary prequel is unnecessary. - 5.5/10
I also revisited Christopher Nolan's Interstellar for the first time in just about five years because someone sent me some TikTok theory that the whole movie is McConaughey's journey through the afterlife. It's a theory that holds very little to absolutely no water at all when you actually watch the film, but it gave me a reason to watch it again, so there's that. And I had my annual screening of Steven Spielberg's Jaws; as perfect a film as there's ever been.
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
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polynesianpen · 3 months
thoughts on a quiet place: day one
tbh a little underwhelming overall.
yes - it had moments of suspense but there were also some very slow parts that caused my mind to drift.
it was a very sentimental movie, loved that it added some humanity, definitely not what I was expecting but I think with this kind of movie, you can only do so much which is why the repetitive trope of someone making a noise and getting immediately killed got a little old.
also didn't fucking recognize ALEX WOLFF with his beard until I noticed the mole 😭
was super sad when his character was killed off but we also got Joseph Quinn to make up for it so I guess that was OK but also lupita was a stunning visual all throughout.
3.5/5 for me
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eddiescorner · 3 months
I enjoyed A Quiet Place: Day One a lot.
Don't expect much in terms of destruction scenes or suspenseful moments with the aliens; the film is more of a poignant drama about the two main characters forming a friendship and trying to help each other in the middle of the alien invasion.
The movie takes a bit to actually start but I was really invested in the characters. I even got teary eyed during the ending scenes.
Go see it.
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filmfanaticfables1990 · 2 months
The Silence Deepens- A Quiet Place: Day One Review
A Quiet Place: Day One is a worthwhile cinematic experience for both horror and non-horror fans. Director Michael Sarnoski proves deft at the kind of melancholic, subtle character beats usually lacking in these blockbusters.
The film introduces us to Sam, a hospice stage cancer patient (Lupita Nyong'o), who agrees to a trip into Manhattan for a show with her support group. The puppet show they attend is fine, but she’s really there for a slice of NY pizza, knowing that it’s likely the last time she will have a chance to taste something she so clearly associates with happiness.
The film is grounded in raw humanity by Lupita Nyong'o and Joseph Quinn. This sideways entry into A Quiet Place finds fresh notes of fright to play amid the silence. The action, sound design, and leads are compelling, together creating a film that is a spectacular sum of its parts.
However, the film sometimes feels like a first draft of a richer, more complex final film. The setpieces feel too imprecise, and the stakes never high enough to produce actual tension. But it's never boring and just provocative enough to spark big questions about what truly matters in this world when it’s falling apart.
A Quiet Place: Day One is a thought-provoking, exciting, and entertaining continuation of the globally acclaimed franchise. It may not be as memorable as the first two films, but it still provides a good time for fans of the franchise.
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
My Movie Review: "A Quiet Place: Day One" 🤫
**Caution...May Contain Some Spoilers**
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Hey everyone! I'm back with another movie review! 😁
Soo.... I had the chance to catch "A Quiet Place: Day One" in theaters this weekend, and here are my thoughts! First of all, this is one summer blockbuster that I was definitely looking forward to on my list! My friends and I had all seen Parts 1 and 2, so we were definitely excited to see how it all began. 😊
First of all, can I just say?? I LOVE Lupita Nyong'o. 😊 Anytime I see her onscreen, I'm reminded of just how great of an actress she is! She always shines bright in every role she's given, and she's extremely believable. You could literally feel her fear, shock, terror, and sadness throughout this film! This woman definitely earned her Oscar win years ago (just sorry that it was for that slave movie 😒), and I'm always excited to see what new projects she does next.
Djimon Hounsou is another one.... Anytime he's in a movie, I KNOW his acting is not going to disappoint lol. 😅 It was cool finally getting to see both Lupita and Djimon in a film together. It's just such a shame that they shared such little screen time together. 🥴
The acting was great in this. Everyone did a great job and pulled their own weight.
The music was beautiful in this film. I listen to musical scores in films (I'm a geek, I know lol 😜) and it was very moving.
I loved the chemistry between Lupita's character and Joseph Quinn's character. I had never seen any of his films before (at least, I don't think so? 🤔), so it was nice seeing him onscreen and witnessing his interactions with Lupita. Their chemistry wasn't even anything romantic or sexual onscreen, but they had really great platonic chemistry together! 😊
I must say.... I think I was expecting this film to be a little more scary than it actually was lol? 😅 I was bracing myself to be pretty scared like I was for the first two films, but all in all, the film wasn't really all that scary?? There were some great jump scares throughout, but nothing that really had me getting creeped out, or reaching for my friend's sleeve lol. 😅
This movie was actually a lot sadder than I thought it would be? Idk if that was a pro or a con lol, but I guess I was expecting it to be more action, but in reality, it was quite slow-moving....and sad. The end especially was kind of sad. 😢 Don't get me wrong, it was a very beautifully-shot film, and it really was touching, but a film that you're thinking is mainly going to be about aliens invading turns out to be more about grief, death, and moving on from the past. 😢
I was definitely entertained with this film, but I feel like I didn't really learn much about the aliens? I thought in this film (since it's a prequel) we were going to learn a little more about WHY they invaded, what they were after, and maybe a little more backstory? I guess my assumption was all wrong lol. 😅
Overall, this is a fun movie if you just want to go out and have some fun with your friends. Although I didn't find it all that "scary" (and I'm usually a scaredy cat lol 😅), there are quite a few jump scares and "gotcha!" moments in the film to keep you thrilled and entertained. I would say that this film was more suspenseful than it was "scary". The film was really enjoyable though! That's all I ask from a movie honestly lol.
I wish I had been warned that this film was more sad than it was scary lol. It was beautifully shot, and the way it handles death, grief, and the loss of a loved one is great. Lupita, Joseph, and Djimon all do some superb acting in this one, so if you're a fan of either of them, then by all means, go check this one out! 😁 Lupita especially is so good of an actress. I love the fact that she ventures out of the usual norm and isn't afraid to do horror films, thriller films, suspense films, etc....all genres that historically, black women have usually been missing in. So, I like that she takes risks and isn't afraid to do those types of films, even though she's already an Oscar Winner. 😁
This film waws NOT directed by Jon Krasinski, and I think I could tell lol. I know he was busy filming something else, so he couldn't direct this one (which is fine). I kind of think that the small-town aspect made the other two films way more scary than the NYC setting. I know it makes sense since the city is way louder than the country lol, but you know what I mean lol....
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thisusedtobeafanpage · 2 months
just saw a quiet place for the first time and,
It was all the dad's fault honestly
had he just taken the girl (who wanted to go) instead of the boy IT ALL WOULD'VE WORKED OUT. Because since she wanted to go but wasnt allowed to, she got mad and wasn't there to look out for her mom
If the boy had stayed, he would've watched over her, possibly avoiding all/most of the problems
Only con is they wouldn't have found out about the monster's weakness
but my main complaint, WHY WOULD THEY HAVE A BABY????????????????????????????????
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recs-and-discoveries · 2 months
Sunday, July 28, 2024
I in fact did do my knitting while watching a movie situation! I know this is incredible popular in knitting circles, but I'm not too much of a movie watcher most of the time. I want to get more into watching movies instead of scrolling on YT shorts because my screen time Is Not It.
I got all twenty rows in (which is my minimum daily amount for the next week) and that comes to ~5cm. The next "milestone" for the sleeves (ie the part before the increase) is 10 cm, which makes this project feel a lot more doable. For context the end sleeve length (before the cap) is 43 cm, which is 3-4 days worth of knitting for me.
I watched A Quiet Place: Day One yesterday and let me tell you I have THOUGHTS. Wonderful movie that I'd recommend, a solid 8/10. Spoilers below the cut!
A Quiet Place: Day One Thoughts
In order to make this vaguely understandable, I'm going to bullet point these rambles
Direct Movie Response
28:40 and 1:01:30 are both absolutely killer shots
I love that more movies are moving away from MCU franchise and are turning towards "here's a cool concept, lets do it in a different way" (looking at you knives out)
I love the different forms of community in this movie!!
Sam was consistently a form of community to others while others formed community with her! her nurse looked so happy to know she was alive and constantly went out of his way to protect her. The black family helped with nursing Sam the first time she passed out. Someone in that first camp rescued same cat. Sam showed kindness to the children hiding under the waterfall. and of course Eric, someone with (im going to assume) some level of anxiety. There were several times where he actively Brought Sam's life in danger! but she still kept him around
And in turn, Eric showed kindness by going out of his way to get Sam's medication and save her cat
Continuing community is the scene were all the New Yorker's were pouring out in droves to the boats, which resulted in massacre. I had a feeling, because that many people is never a good sign, but what I want to emphasize was the protection of disabled people, particularly the man in the wheelchair. Many of these people wouldn’t makeup a top survival team in an apocalypse, but we need to keep them around because they jive us hope (which ill get back to)
And if we’re going to mention community in this movie, I obvi have to highlight Eric's willingness to go with Sam to patsy’s and learn more about her. Their meeting was the pinnacle of community building. He was scared and lost and needed connection, so he clung onto the first person who was able to provide that
And he goes above and beyond! He brings light into Sam's world when patsy’s is burnt down by preforming their silent magic show, which was such a beautiful scene (and not to mention finding pizza for her, which has my whole heart)
In relation to movie lore, I was interested to see the weird things the monsters were eating and I'm wondering if it’ll come back later. I also appreciate this film address the criticism people had to the water situation; the monsters are scared of it! It kills them so very quickly that it makes sense why they’d avoid the sound
The final thing to say is that there are some thing about this movie that don’t 100% make sense. Like how the fuck did the cat survive all this time? No idea! Cats aren’t inherently quiet creatures, and there were MANY times where he could have (or logically should have) died and he just. Didn’t
Connection to Other Things
Trauma and Noise: Another point id like to mention is trauma and its connection to sound. When we as humans are upset, we sob, we yell, we cry, we stamp up and down, we slam doors, we make noise. it almost feels as chaotic as how our brains feel, a way to physically embody the pain we feel. So to remove the ability to make noise is so painful. People are dealing with constant loss and pain but they have to stay quiet in order to survive. I would loose my mind
Palestine: When it came to the original crashing of meteorites (or whatever they were, which ill return to), all I could think of was the people of Palestine, along with all the other people of the world that are being bombed. It is evil that this genocide is continuing. Generally speaking, I’ve tried to keep Tumblr as a mental break while my other forms of social media cover Palestinian activism, but I would be remiss to not mention it. Not to mention the dystopia ass world we live in where the president of a nation committing genocide gets a standing ovation from Americas leaders??? It makes me want to burn the world down
Leaving Behind: Actual final point is the boat scene. There are 8 million people living in New York with around 1.6 million being from the city (yes I googled) and all that's really left are the people on the boat. What also gets me is that many of those people may not be native New Yorkers. Many people commute to New York or fly in for vacation. Not to mention how many people died as a side effect of buildings crashing and train cars being blocked and young or old people being left behind, etc etc. It is quite a sad thing to see
I said this at the end of last week, but I've been listening to some emo music this week! All the songs that I've ended up adding to my playlist are pretty classic, but I suppose they're classic for a reason.
Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
Somebody Told Me by The Killers
American Idiot by Green Day
Mr. Brightside by the Killers
The music genre for next week is: Russian Romance!
To Dos
☐ next khan academy lesson
☐ next pimsleur lesson
☐ 2 repeats knitting
☐ reading!
☐ smart notes
☐ roommate email
☐ job form
☐ respond to insta convo
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