#75 soft Challenge
clarachuudiary · 3 months
my 75 soft? hard? medium? challenge.
start date: july 1st, 2024 end date: september 14th, 2024
i'm doing this challenge to primarily change my lifestyle and become the best version of myself in a sustainable manner. for that, I decided to combine the two challenges and even add a few new goals.
the 75 soft challenge is not too challenging for me, but the 75 hard one might be a little bit too challenging for me right now to do consistently. also, I wanted to add a few other rules to integrate the challenge more into becoming the best version of myself.
🌷 rules: you can read the original rules here
🌷 my rules:
♡ eat well & no drinking alcohol. eating a balanced diet, with no restrictions or limits because i struggled with eds in the past and i dont want to slip back that. ♡ drink 3,5 liters per day. the majority will be water, i'll be also consuming teas for their health benefits. ♡ two 45 minutes workouts per day, one must be outside. but i can take a rest day on the heaviest day of my period. ♡ 10 pages of nonfiction reading per day. since the start of 2024 i've been reading daily: - 365 days with self-discipline by martin meadows - the daily stoic by ryan holiday in addition to that, the following books are on my tbr: - the power of now by eckhart tolle - mindset: the new psychology of success by carol s. dweck (276 pages) - breaking the habit of being yourself by dr. joe dispenza (329 pages) - why has nobody told me this before? by julie smith (368 pages) - burnout: the secret to unlocking the stress cycle by emily nagosaki (227 pages) - atomic habits by james clear (319 pages) ♡ take a progress picture everyday. - which i won't be posting online! ♡ spend atleast 30 mins per day on a hobby. - i want to restart studying korean and start learning how to code. ♡ no procrastination. - that is probably my biggest flaw. i procrastinate way to much and even put myself in awful situations that could have been easily avoided. ♡ if i fail one habit, i have to restart the challenge!
🌷 progress:
🌸🌸🌸🌸🌱 | 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 | 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 | 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 | 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 | 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 | 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 | 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 | 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 | 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 | 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 | 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 | 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 | 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 | 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 | legend: 🌱 - to do | 🌸 - completed
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whossiren · 2 months
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75 Soft Challenge Week 1 -
Mediterranean Diet:
I struggled to not eat out socially this week as that's something I enjoy. I also only eat once a day maybe twice if the meals are small.
The meals I did eat that were Mediterranean based was a poached egg dish that was basically Shakshuka, a tomato arugula pasta, a turkey spinach burger with tzatziki sauce, and salmon with asparagus and Yukon potatoes. Everything was delicious except the salmon I ended up just eating only half and turning the rest into nori.
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3 Liters of Water:
I found this absolutely impossible even on the day where I exercised very intensely I couldn't manage this. The day I did I felt very sick.
I don't know if it's because of my size or my activity level but for next week I'm putting it down to 2 Liters and see how I do with that.
No Alcohol:
Surprisingly very easy. I was able to avoid drinking during my social outings by offering to be the designated driver.
I don't really miss alcohol either at least not this week. It has never really added anything to my life.
45 Minutes of Exercise:
This by far has to be the most disappointing row this week.
I had my coach who is also my close friend recommended stretching after workouts to prevent soreness and tightness that I had been experiencing. Also recommended taking the stretches slower and deeper. I had cramps all Friday mostly in my legs and biceps and still went back Saturday only to feel it 10x worse today
Very disappointed in myself but my coach assures me that it's alright especially for where I am in my cycle and being inactive for so long.
10 Pages of Any Book:
I have been reading Lapvona by Ottessa Moshfegh.
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I cannot stress enough how much I do not recommend this book it was a chore to read. I enjoyed the deep symbolism it showed around religion and capitalism but that symbolism was buried under the over the top grotesque scenes that served no other purpose other than to shock you.
It seemed pointlessly edgy at times where it forgot about its main plot just to focus on disgusting you. Unlike some of her other books no character had a redeeming quality. No sob backstory could save any of these nasty people.
It was hard and genuinely thinking of buying this tote.
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I went from 111.6 to 109.4 not great not awful by any means. I still have a BMI 22 and haven't seen any noticeable improvements in my mood or energy.
At a 54% completion rate for this week that's to be expected I'll continue and update next week!
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princessdeefitness · 1 year
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Booty day workout results 🍑
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matiixoxo · 19 days
75 soft challenge - day 02
super proud of today 😁
calories: 1331
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water: 2.250L
workout: 1h PE lesson, 1h Volleyball practice, 30mins volleyball training at home
my watch says I burned around 700 but it usually estimates so I'm assuming around 500
hopefully going to wake up early tmrw and either go for a run or workout before school
reading: didn't count how much I read but I did read :) been kinda slow lately but it'll pass soon
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getfitinparadise · 5 months
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Started over but I’m on day 8 of 75Soft!
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Day 3 workout is DONE it is 6:27 in the AM and i am full of water and protein shake and want to go back to BED
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chicana-nutritionist · 5 months
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In response to some posts I've seen on 75 hard I decided to start my own challenge. I'm still finishing final edits on my thesis and I feel that this challenge is more realistic for someone starting at 0. I will be flying in July to present my poster and as a person in a bigger body, flying is terrible. If anyone wants to join me please feel free to tag me.
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livbritt · 5 months
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Day 11 of my 75 Soft! Should be like 13, but Mother’s Day weekend I did what I wanted lol
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blacktsandskinnyjeans · 5 months
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My own version of 75 soft starts today. Tried to not make too many rules (especially around food) so that I am more likely to stick to the challenge and complete the 75 days.
Workouts can look different but consistency is key 🔑 so some days can be something quick just to get a little extra movement in and other days I can plan for more. Also there are days I get very minimal steps (typically following days I worked) and staying in bed all day to recover is not how I want to live the rest of my life, it’s just not what I picture for myself so getting up and getting around is a habit I’m looking to build and reinforce until it becomes second nature.
Let’s see where we get with this .
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boobsmcgeeed · 6 months
Day 2 + 3: 75 Soft Challenge
From the last week where I started the challenge the things I wanted to change was mainly the reading portion but I didn’t think I was doing all I could with the exercise portion either.
As I’m using this challenge to try and live more intentionally, I knew that while I was getting the workout in, it wasn’t with purpose.
I am having to balance the intent of the challenge with my perfectionism. Living with intention obviously doesn’t mean it’s going to be perfect. I stayed within my diet goal today but I did only have popcorn for dinner. Not ideal, but realistic.
The thing I out right changed was the reading. I wasn’t doing it because I was justifying that I do a lot of reading, it’s just not measured by book pages. But for the sake of intentionality, checking off a box I didn’t complete due to mental justification is not something I want to get into the habit of. So I’ve changed the reading goal to a goal of “intellectual pursuit” which is what I was justifying initially. But now when I check it off I’ve been honest.
I booked the hotel and plane for my professional development training next month so now I have something to look forward to and work toward which is always a good motivator for me. All very exciting things!
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tminus266 · 2 years
Has anybody heard of the “75 day hard” challenge?
Maybe even the “75 day soft” challenge?
Welcome to Nancy’s “75 (+2 cheat) days super soft for the chronically ill or disabled” challenge
I mean, let’s be honest y’all. Where I am now - both physically and with my arthritis + fibro - I have ZERO chance of completing the soft version much less the hard version. So I created my version, the super soft version. If y’all like it, try it. If it doesn’t fit your needs, modify it. The whole point of the challenge is to challenge yourself physically, and mentally, for the better of your health. My “rules” are below.
Sliding scale of workouts. Yes ma’am. You heard it here. We are not throwing ourselves into the deep end to get hurt. There is a sliding scale of workouts. If you feel it is too easy, jump to the next scale, bump it up a notch. Listen to your body! Also the goal is to try to make it an outside workout, weather permitting (winter is coming up).
Eating better (not just well, but better than we are now). Adjust if needed but here’s my basics. Less than 200 calories of “sweets” per day allowed (candy, snack cakes, etc). If using bread, gotta use that 35 calorie bread (or whole wheat, no white bread). Portion control !!! Low carb option as available, low calorie option as available (my family will eat out frequently - I need options to eat - besides the goal is to eat better, not adhere to a strict diet). Calorie counting possibly if that’s something feasible for you? I home cook a lot as well and it’s insanely hard to count calories on one portion of a home cooked meal.
Only 2 cheat days - Thanksgiving and Christmas. These are very special holidays to my family, I do not want to ever live a life of restricting food on these two holidays (+Easter). - this would also put the ending day as Jan. 1st if I start tomorrow. So not bad timing either…
Weekly progress picture along with my weekly weigh in. I am not a good progress picture person. They are extremely triggering for me. I also cannot do daily weigh ins. I already do a weekly weigh in on Sunday’s. I’ll take a progress picture and store it away (out of sight out of mind) until the end.
10 pages of a book. I’m not particular on what genre or whatever. I have a few “in progress” books I’d love to finish up.
Sliding scale of water intake amount. I am TERRIBLE at drinking water. Even bought the Cirkul cup craze - my kids use my bottle more than I do. I’m gonna start small and end at a gallon a day for that last week. My ounce increments is based on my 22 oz bottle primarily, as I plan to use my Cirkul cup (finally).
Exercise Sliding Scale:
Weeks 1-2: 15mins daily
Weeks 3-4: 15 mins twice daily
Weeks 5-6: 30 minutes daily
Weeks 7-8: 30 minutes twice daily
Weeks 9-10: 45 minutes daily
Week 11: 45 minutes twice daily
Water Intake Sliding Scale:
Week 1: 10oz
Week 2: 22oz
Week 3: 32oz (1/4 gal)
Week 4: 44oz
Week 5: 55oz
Week 6: 64oz (1/2 gal)
Week 7: 75oz
Week 8: 96oz (3/4 gal)
Week 9: 107oz
Week 10: 118oz
Week 11: 128oz (1 gal)
I will update daily with how it went. Wish me luck y’all 🤞🏻🍀
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clarachuudiary · 3 months
thinking of doing the 75 soft/hard challenge starting july 1st. anyone interested in joining for some accountability?
🌷 original 75 soft rules
♡ eat well & only drink alcohol during social events ♡ drink 3 liters of water per day ♡ exercise 45 minutes per day & 1 active recovery day per week ♡ 10 pages of any reading per day ♡ no progress pictures required
🌷 original 75 hard rules
♡ follow a diet with no "cheat" meals & no alcohol ♡ drink 3,8 liters water per day ♡ two 45 minutes workouts per day, one must be outside ♡ 10 pages of nonfiction reading per day ♡ take a progress picture everyday
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whossiren · 2 months
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75 Soft Challenge Week 2-
Mediterranean Diet:
This week I worked on two things ordering Mediterranean style food while eating out and trying to be flexible with my idea of this diet. The idea is to embrace a more plants based diet being primarily pescatarian.
I do want to cut down the amount I eat out but that's a whole separate battle that I hope meal prepping will help with.
Just the foods I ate when dining out were a kale and pinto beans taco, turkey avocado savory crepe, and a cucumber salad.
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2 Liters of Water:
I found this easily doable on the days where I exercised not so much on the days where I did not.
It is much easier on my body and I have noticed improvement in my skin. My acne has reduced and my elasticity has improved.
No Alcohol:
Again something I found very easy until my roommate made milkshakes that I didn't realize had bourbon in them until 3/4ths of the was through the glass.
Very good but I'll stick to a normal milkshake from now on.
45 Minutes of Exercise:
I am still a long ways away from being able to do exercises I see on YouTube unless they are slow controlled and a moderate intensity.
I realized I have very tight hamstrings after not being able to do some beginners stretches and warm ups.
After visiting a doctor and a physical therapist I've added some important exercises to my daily routine to be able to have full range of motion again.
10 Pages of Any Book:
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I'm currently reading " To the Lighthouse" by Virginia Woolf.
My least completed row this week due to sheer lack of motivation and discipline.
I don't enjoy the writing style of this author even though she came highly recommended by friends and coworkers. I normally don't feel engaged enough to read 10 pages.
I obviously haven't finished the book and hope I come to appreciate the writing style as I continue reading but the initial impression doesn't color me impressed
This week was a great attempt and I'm proud of the progress I made even though I know I could do a lot better with improved discipline.
I went from an average of 109lbs to 107lbs. According to my counts I'm at a calorie deficit so I'm a little shocked by this little difference in weight. However it's still great to be losing weight rather than gaining.
I'm late to update because Monday was a complete rest day after I wasn't able to do my full workout session for two days in a row. (when am I not behind though?) I'm thinking of making two days a week active rest days where I do a 45 minutes walk as to not experience burnout.
I hope to have better portion control and cook at home more next week as well.
At a 66% completion rate this week I know I can do better I hope to keep improving.
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princessdeefitness · 1 year
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75 soft day 2 workout results
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matiixoxo · 23 days
75 soft challenge - day 03 ✅️
calories: 1499 (really on the limit here. also this wasnt exact, I wasnt able to weigh my dinner so i just assumed, same for lunch, but i think its close enough.
breakfast - 310 (overnight oats are so good)
lunch - 269
snacks - 423
dinner - 498
so I've noticed I've been snacking way too much. before the holidays i could go an entire day without snacking, but now i feel like i need a morning snack, afternoon snack, etc. so, I'm giving myself two challenges
1. no snacking for as long as possible.
2. any "nutritional shit" (aka chips, chocolate, sweets, stuff like that) limited to once a week.
water: 2L
workout: active resting day (because I had a horrible headache and it wouldn't stop). got off the bus a stop earlier and walked around for about 30mins
reading: the secret history
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dreamslogs · 2 years
75 Soft - 5/75
Date: March 2, 2023
Time Taken - 8:05 AM
💦40 oz of Water
Time Finished - 11:30 PM
🥗80/20 Diet
Breakfast - Coffee, protein shake
Lunch - sushi
Snack - crackers and spinach dip, apple sauce, grape olipop
Dinner - pan fried tofu with hot sauce, caprese pasta salad
📖Daily Reading
Book - Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Pages - pg. 60 - 70 (10 pgs)
Book - The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Pages - pg. 210 - 220 (10 pgs)
Collective Pages - 20
🇯🇵Daily Japanese Review
Content Reviewed - Duolingo Unit 3, Genki L20 Vocab, Grammar, Kanji, and Dialogue
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