#1928 building
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brownie-pics · 21 days ago
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G2.8写真展 ”断片集” No.29
場所:同時代ギャラリー 京都市中京区三条通御幸町東入弁慶石町56 1928ビル 2F
@neko-no-oto さん、 @masachi さん、 @sou0902 さんも出展されますよ~😉
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o-link · 11 months ago
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The Iconic Chrysler Building Art Deco Elevator Doors, New York (1928)
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years ago
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Yaacov Agam (Hebrew: יעקב אגם‎‎) - an Israeli sculptor and experimental artist best known for his contributions to optical and kinetic art - was born on 11 May 1928.    
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moodboard-jlf23 · 2 years ago
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Bucket list item--unlocked! Dream future home, an apartment in Villa Riviera
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dlyarchitecture · 2 years ago
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dinosaurwithablog · 3 months ago
This brilliant work of art is an elevator door! I wish that they took the time to create art like this as they built buildings these days. That is one of the most beautiful elevator doors that I've ever seen!! Things life this gorgeous elevator door are why the Chrysler Building is my favorite building in NYC!! 😁😍
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1928 Chrysler Building elevator doors. From Art Deco, Art Nouveau & 20th Century Decoratif Arts Group, FB.
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hometoursandotherstuff · 16 hours ago
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What an interesting property. It's so unique. There are 3 residences, plus several outbuildings. The 1928 build in Brookhaven, NY has a total of 7bds, 6ba, 4,000 sq ft, on 3 acres of land, $1.9m. It needs work, but the potential is amazing.
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Aside from the unique main house, there are 2 other residences. This one has a screened porch on the back.
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And, this is a little ranch style house.
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The building on the left has a cool roof. Outbuildings include little sea shacks that need restoration.
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How cute is this little building?
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There are so many possibilities.
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There buildings everywhere, it's like a little village.
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Look at this little place.
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And, this is a big greenhouse.
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The main house has its own greenhouse on the side.
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I love homes that are built of recycled architectural salvage.
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They're so interesting and unique. Here's a laundry room.
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They've got some stairs here.
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And, a small ladder here, going up to a lofted area under a glass roof.
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The kitchen's pretty nice.
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It features a gothic church window.
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I would bet that a lot of the building material was free.
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Lots of built-ins and it looks like they left that nice desk, too.
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Whoever did the drywall seemed to put it up neatly, fitting the salvaged pieces into the design.
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Bedroom on the upper level.
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Nice terrace.
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Here's an old foot bridge.
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Looks like the entrance to the property.
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Water feature on the property.
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3 acres. That's Belport Bay in the distance. it's right on the borderline of the Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge and near Southaven County Park.
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huariqueje · 7 months ago
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Night Building - Susan Cohen   
American , b. 1928s
Oil on linen , 8 x 6 in.
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dashalbrundezimmer · 2 months ago
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vijzelstraat // amsterdam gouden bocht
nh collection amsterdam flower market the former carltonhotel
architect: gerrit jan rutgers
completion: 1928
the large hotel complex was built in the style of the amsterdam school, a kind of brick impressionism in the netherlands and especially in the city of amsterdam, and thus belongs to the modernist style. as the complex extends over several streets and is completely enclosed by the surrounding buildings, its size is hardly noticeable at first glance. it is also due to the narrow streets that many details of the building façade and the overall effect cannot really be seen, which is a great shame.
but it's still worth a visit.
der große hotekomplex, wurde im stil der amsterdamer schule errichtet, einer spielart des backsteinsimpressionismus in den niederlanden und vor allem im bereich der stadt amsterdam und ist damit zugehörig der moderne. da der komplex sich über mehrere straßen erstreckt und komplett von umgebenden gebäuden eingeschlossen ist, erkennt man die größe auf den ersten blick kaum. ebenso ist es der engen bebauung geschuldet, dass man viele details des gebäudefassade oder die gesamtwirkung auch optisch nicht wirklich erfassen kann, was sehr schade ist.
ein besuch lohnt sich aber natürlich trotzdem.
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brownie-pics · 2 months ago
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G2.8写真展 ”断片集” No.29
会期:'25.2.11(火祝)~2.16(日) 開廊:12:00~19:00(最終日17:00まで) 場所:同時代ギャラリー 京都市中京区三条通御幸町東入弁慶石町56 1928ビル 2F
@neko-no-oto さん、 @masachi さん、 @sou0902 さんも出展されますよ~😉
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newyorkthegoldenage · 4 months ago
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Children at the Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association at their new playground on the roof of the Association's new building, 331 East 79th St., November 16, 1928. The new settlement house opened the week of Nov. 12th, and was said to be one of the largest in the world.
Photo: Bettmann Archive/Getty Images/Fine Art America
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thephotoregistry · 9 months ago
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Exhibition building of the Kölnische Zeitung at the International Press Exhibition Cologne, 1928
Werner Mantz
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casadabiqueira · 1 year ago
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Public Square (the Terminal Tower) at 5-00, as seen through a Williamson building grill, Cleveland, Ohio
Margaret Bourke-White, 1928
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a-roguish-gambit · 8 months ago
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I made a turn of the century x men evolution au
Hey everyone so a big special interest of mine is the period from 1900 to about 1928 so I decided what if I took the kids from the X-Men evolution cartoon from their point at the turn of the 21st century and put them at the turn of the 20th century instead...and also added a few characters. I hope you enjoy this. I have a lot for this au, and I'm gonna put it all under the read more.
So Au thoughts
 The year is 1912. Xavier has started his institute a few years prior with scott summers and jean grey as students. Scott was adopted by Xavier after his parents died in a train crash and jean comes from a family of doctors and scientists Xavier is friends with. 
Because no computers yet, as the microprocessor  has yet to be invented, Forge didn't get stuck in a pocket dimention and got to grow up he works for xavier. He helps design and build a modified danger room that's more steam punk/dieselpunk. Lots of things are gear powered and Holograms are projections onto steam curtians. Because no computers, no cerebro. But jean and Xavier have trained themselves to be able to sense those with mutant powers around them and have been working with a network of underground individuals, some cases literally like the morlocks, to find out about new strange individuals popping up in the states. The morlocks are much more involved in this. they are good friends with Xavier and frequently helps young morlocks train their powers. 
One of those individuals is Gambit. Gambit is 17 in this and does various jobs for xavier. One is listening through the grape vine for odd individuals popping up. The other is essentially working the danger room with forge. As The danger room  is more steampunk/dieselpunk in this, with storm's help as well it can simulate weather events, earth quakes, fires, unstable ground, flooding, (bb gun based) old west shootouts, explosions (thanks to Gambit), search and rescue, avalanche / rock fall settings, and much more. 
Gambit helps set up the room and make the mechanisms work.  it functions well with automatons, steam engines, pistons, and a lot of theater special effect tricks. Gambit helps forge scrap hunt for machinery to repurpose for it. He has befriended the local street children and finds out from them wherever a factory tosses out a machine. 
Speaking of theater though, we have morph as well as a staff member. Kevin is well known fairy(period equivalent  to someone who does not fit into either gender) and drag expert from New York where they worked on broadway and a very close friend of Logan. So close they share a bedroom....;)
Morph is there to help with tailoring as well as helping kids who need disguises to pass in public cause of their time in broadway and avoid harassment, like Kurt. 
They also help simulate battles in the danger room with foes they have faced off against before.
Kurt doesn't have an image modifier in this obviously. No computers, no digital holograms. But with forge and morph they are able to help him pass. Morph designs pants for him that have a  special pocket for his tail to tuck away, as well as boots with  special braces that help disguise his digitigrade feet. Morph also helps him with makeup and hair in the morning to hide his blue face and pointed ears. 
For his hands forge has built some prothstetic fingers that are controlled by the other fingers in his hand like a puppet, so it appears he has five fingers on each hand covered by riding gloves, as well as colored contact lenses for his eyes to disguise them as brown. 
Kurt's parents came to America from Germany with him as a toddler. People found out about their adopted son and they had to flee. They settled in a small German speaking community in the middle of nowhere Iowa where they could be safe. They would have a priest visit Kurt to give him mass in private for his own safety and had a nun come to tutor him. Xavier found out about Kurt through gambits grapevine. 
Ororo came from Africa as a citizen of  British colony egypt to Jamaica where she met Charles she has family living in the states via her sister who do  are wealthy merchants.  they were british colony  expats that moved to the states to control British imports to the states easier. Thus how we get Evan. Skateboard hasn't been invented yet so he is big into the turn of the century cycling craze as well as roller skates. 
 Rogue is still a goth. A very very classic goth. Victorian goth. She still dresses like it's the 1800s to in part keep others from touching her skin but also she is just a great appreciator of Poe and Shelly and stoker. 
One thing that is different for Scott is that on top of the train crash his brother havoc is still with him at this time. His parents are very, very dead tho. No alien rescues. (Forgot to draw Alex tho but he's there as are the minor character students)
Beast is also there more from the begining as a teacher he helps take care of the kids medical needs. He got kicked out of his scientific circle, not cause of his mutant ness that came later, but because he insisted doctors must wash their hands before interacting with patients. 
Jean grey is a highly educated absolute Gibson girl. She and Kitty sneak out to do suffragette stuff regularly.  Speaking of, kitty is definitely a girl of the new century. Wants to go to college one day with Jean. Insists on wearing riding/sports pants wherever she goes. She is girly in certain ways, but defs is a very modern young woman. She likes helping Forge out with his projects. 
Magneto's hatred for humanity in this case comes from his survival of the pogroms of eastern Europe only to see there is still antisemitism once escaping them. And mystique has a boarding house where the brotherhood kids live, but she wasn't principal of the bayview school. 
Wolverine is a cowboy in this au yes. He has a horse, but he's also toying with some of the very few motorcycles. They are more of dirt bikes at this point tho, so his horse his still his go too. It's a deep black mare named Blackbird. He does not have an adimantium skeleton but his claws have been capped with silver to help protect them. 
No x jet but they do have a few biplanes they are training with. Forge is modifying them to be able to cary more people. So far he's made one that can vary five. 
 Gambit introduces everyone to jazz cause it hasn't left Louisiana yet. He brought his Grammaphone and all hell broke loose from there. 
Also rogue having a bit more of a high society upbringing thanks to irene. Gambit hasn't had a day of real school as public school wants universally established until the 1910s. He knows his reading, writing, and arithmetic from Sunday school and such and whatever jean luc  had him taught, but he's excited to learn about what the kids are learning about in their normal school. 
Rogue brings him her study material and teaches it to him and in return he teaches her the various crafts and skills he learned in the bayou and as a member of the theives guild. 
Hope you guys enjoy all this!!! Please feel free to share your thoughts!
Tried to keep things period accurate outfits wise.
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the1920sinpictures · 3 months ago
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1928 333 North Michigan Building, Chicago, Illinois. From Art Deco, Avant Garde and Modernism, FB.
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frenchcurious · 4 months ago
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Fisher Building Lobby, Detroit, Michigan, USA (1928). Credit Respective Owner ( DM for credit or removals ). - source Art Deco 1920.
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