#rooftop playground
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newyorkthegoldenage · 4 months ago
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Children at the Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association at their new playground on the roof of the Association's new building, 331 East 79th St., November 16, 1928. The new settlement house opened the week of Nov. 12th, and was said to be one of the largest in the world.
Photo: Bettmann Archive/Getty Images/Fine Art America
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aster-daydream404 · 6 months ago
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What does it mean when you miss a home… that no longer exists…?
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lonestarsyntheticturf · 1 year ago
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Transform Your Outdoor Space with Artificial Turf Landscaping
Experience the beauty and practicality of artificial turf landscaping! Say goodbye to the endless maintenance of natural grass and hello to a lush, green oasis that stays vibrant year-round. Artificial turf landscaping offers the perfect solution for homeowners and businesses alike.
Benefits of Artificial Turf Landscaping:
Low Maintenance: Forget mowing, watering, and weeding. Artificial turf requires minimal upkeep, saving you time and money.
All-Season Appeal: Enjoy a vibrant green lawn, no matter the weather. Artificial turf remains lush and inviting in rain or shine.
Durability: Our premium artificial turf is designed to withstand heavy foot traffic, making it perfect for high-use areas like backyard play areas and commercial spaces.
Eco-Friendly: Conserve water and reduce your environmental footprint with water-saving synthetic grass.
Customization: Create the perfect landscape with various shades and textures to suit your aesthetic preferences.
Transform your outdoor space into a stunning, hassle-free retreat with artificial turf landscaping. Contact us today for a consultation and discover the endless possibilities for your property.
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green-butterfly-writes · 1 month ago
Little Thief (Part 2)
Part 1 Part 3
Summary: Red Hood has a new informant, and nobody likes it. Two of the bats meet them. It’s not what they expected.
Trigger Warning for starvation and animal/child abuse. Read at your own risk.
Also, there is angst, but I promise it will get better soon 💚
I'm Dyslexic, and don't have a beta, so spelling mistakes are likely to happen.
Red Hood had a new informant. One he would not name. And nobody liked it. This mystery individual had given him the location of Cobblepot’s new scheme a month ago, a warning about a big bank robbery two weeks later, and a tip to look into what the Black Mask was doing five days ago. It was good information, but Batman (being paranoid as he was) didn’t trust it, and neither did anyone else. It was likely a trap, but Jason protected his informant with such passion that nobody could get anything out of him. At least, not until today.
Jason was out of commission for a week, and Gotham was in deep trouble. The Joker had broken out of Arkham and despite thoroughly examining every inch of every abandoned or rundown theme park, amusement center, and playground in Gotham, they hadn’t found a trace. It took a mix of bribery, black mail, threat of bodily harm and a significant amount of painkillers for Jason to agree to give them instructions on how to get the information they wanted. Which is how they ended up on a random rooftop with a bag of fast food.
Two figures made an unwelcome arrival at your designated meeting place. Instead of a single pair of feet softly falling on to the roof, and the air being filled with the familiar scent of sweat, gunpowder, and campfire cologne mixing with deep fried chicken, the wind sent a wave of overpowering floral detergent, mint shampoo, and citrus no-tear soap to assault your senses. The sounds of two individuals landing harshly on the roof stabbed at your sensitive ears, and even though the moonlight glowing from behind them obscured their appearances, you could price together who had intruded upon your night.
They both scanned the roof from their vantage point, and you crouched closer to the ground and leaned against the brick box that functioned as an access point to the roof, hoping the shadows would hide you long enough to make an escape plan. 
After seeming to confirm there was no human in sight, the taller of the two figures turned to examine the surrounding buildings, and the smaller crossed his arm over his chest and huffed.
“I don’t trust this,” the smaller one petulantly mumbled, quite enough you weren’t sure the man behind him could have heard, “Everything about this is suspicious, the secrecy, the location, the set up… who trades information for a burger of all things.”
“I heard you the first seven times Robin,” the taller of the two answered, dropping a familiar looking paper bag on the ground before arching into a handstand, “but this is the best — and currently the only — shot we got.” The words hung in the air for a moment before he added, “and it’s not a burger, Jay was very particular about that”
The boy huffed in frustration and looked ready to lose his temper, but with the cargo confirmed as food, your plans of a quick quiet escape were all but abandoned. Even with the smaller one — Robin — facing away momentarily to glare at his upside down companion, the temptation of food was just too strong. You hadn’t seen Red Hood in three days, nor had you eaten in just as many, and your stomach ached with need. Under better circumstances you could have dove between the two and stolen away with the food, but the past several days had been brutal, and every movement hurt. You opted to stay where you were, in hopes a better opening may present itself.
The taller of the two righted himself to his feet, and looked around at the surrounding building again, before lifting one hand to his ear, “you sure we got the right place? I don’t see anyone… no I checked, I’m sure. What do you want us to do,  just wait around? For what?! Yes… Yes! I understand that, but is this really — no, I promise. And who’s fault is that?…” he spoke heredity and harshly, and with all the standard Gotham street noise closer than it could be, it took you a moment to register the mumbling of another voice. You scooted closer in hopes of hearing the other side of the conversation, but due to a mix of pain and exhaustion, you stumbled, disturbing some of the debris around you, and while the taller of the two remained seemingly oblivious to your presence, Robin’s piercing eyes locked on you your location, still obscured in the shadows.
He grabbed hold of the sword on his back, and confidently stepped forward. You hesitated for a moment, before carefully extracting yourself from the dark, staying close to the ground in hopes of seeming as small as possible. Robin froze for a moment upon first impression, though his face was unreadable. He slowly sheathed his sword, and in turn you rose from the ground to stand. He took a soft step forwards, and you did not back away. He took another slow step towards you, lowering himself slightly, trying to appear less frightening, and in turn you made a small shuffle forward. By this point Nightwing had fallen silent, watching your careful dance with his companion. A delicate back and forth until you were three feet apart.
“What are you doing here thalabun?” he asked softly, more rhetorical than anything. You weren't sure how to answer the boy, how to explain your relationship with crime ally's guardian, so you stayed there, looking at him, examining is spiky hair and soft skin, familiarizing yourself with the citrusy smell that wafted off him, listening to his faint, controlled, rithmic breaths. 
“Give me the bag,” his voice was sharp and stern again, head aimed at his elder.
“No way,” came a swift response, “we need it for the informant, remember?”
“I'll only take a little, look at it!” Robin exclaimed gesturing to you, “plus we've been here for almost twenty minutes. I don’t think they’re coming.”
Nightwing seemed to mull it over, carefully examining you, before picking up the bag and launching it at a waiting Robin. Robin unwrapped the chicken sandwich, and pulled off a piece of the patty, tossing it at your feet, where you quickly lapped it up. Nightwing wandered over to where his partner was sitting on the ground and dropped beside him.
“Ok Robin. What's next? The informant is a no-show, and we still need to find the joker. Where else could he be?” they both sat in silence considering the question, pondering what — or rather where — they missed. A small, strangled ‘yip’ echoed into the damp cold of the night, and both vigilanties snapped their attention back to the fox. It yipped again, tail wagging, as if to say ask me. 
���You wouldn't happen to know where the joker is, would you?” Nightwing asked, almost sarcastically. He got a yip in response, and a head bob that resembled a nod. That made him pause…
“You do?” he repeated, beginning to doubt his vision and sanity. But as if to assure him of both, the creature repeated the gesture. “Could you show us?”
That… was a bit more difficult. Your body hurt and you were tired, three days of no food, little sleep, and constant harassment from kids, store owners, and wild animals alike had taken a toll. But you wanted to help. To be useful. At least to pay back the kind souls for feeding you, but also because doing good felt nice. And very little seemed to feel nice these days. So you summoned what strength you had, and launched yourself at them, leaping between, and landing on the hard floor with surprising grace. You pushed all your energy, all your hope, and strength, and thankfulness, into your legs so that they would go, go, GO!
You made it just short of the edge of the roof before your legs gave out and you were consumed. By darkens. By pain. Your back hurt, burning with every cut and bruise you had ever received. Your legs stung and ached. Your stomach clawed at your flesh begging to be filled or released from its prison. You were surrounded by darkness. Deep and unending, it was cold and quiet, yet all too loud, swallowing you, leaving you with nothing but pain. Everything hurt. So, so much. And you were alone, with no one to treat your wounds or hug your suffering heart. There was no warmth to reach for, no soft blankets or squishy stuffed animals. Just you, alone, cold, and in pain.
Two small, steady hands buried themselves beneath you, before carefully leaning you against something soft and sturdy. A kind hand shifted to run from the top of your head to the base of your tail, before repeating the motion. It was soothing, inside and out. Slowly the pain alleviated, and your breathing evened out. The dizzy feeling lifted, and you summoned all of your will power to crack open your eyes just a bit. You were met with the soft concern of Robin, worry visible even though the mask he wore. Robin’s steady breathing softly lifted you ever so slightly, and you focused to match his breathing: in and out, in and out. He smelled clean and strongly of oranges. It reminded you of the girls home you had lived in for six months before it was shut down for feeding the kids expired food. It was not a good place, but it was kinder than many others. You had missed the smell. 
“How about I carry you and you point to where we need to go?” he recommended softly, still running his hand down your spine. You basked in his warmth and soft touch for a moment longer, trying to regain your strength, before shifting in his hold and pointing at Gotham’s skyline. 
“That way?” You briefly nodded in confirmation, and both boys launched themselves off the roof and into the night air.
You had never seen Gotham from this perspective. Sure you climbed up fire escapes, and sat atop many buildings, but it was nothing like this. Nothing like soaring through the air, skyscrapers flying by. The way the wind licked freely at your hair reminded you for a moment of a trip you had taken with your mother long ago. She was driving on an empty dirt road, heading to the beach. The air was sunny and warm, the breeze swayed the trees in a methodical way, and your mother had let you stick your whole upper torso out the window. Distant street noises brought you back to reality, and looking down you saw the cars and people, they reminded you of Mr. Knox’s toy train display, the one that nobody but him was ever allowed to touch. They all looked so small from here. 
Eventually you all landed outside a junkyard with a broken front gate. You led them inside, between piles of broken cars and rubbish, around the sharp metal and spilled oil, all the way to a faded, rusty, ice cream truck. Its hood was dented, the paint was chipped, and it was missing its two back tires, but a distinctive, infuriating, familiar laugh radiated from the inside.
The two vigilantes exchanged a look, before Nightwing turned to you and held out a crinkled paper bag.
“I guess you were Hood's little informant,” he breathed out. You gladly accepted the payment, and retraced your steps out of the junkyard and into the concrete jungle of Gotham.
Once you were long out of view, and hidden in a grimy abandoned back alley, you softly plopped the bag on the ground. Your food was in a bag and wrapped in foil, you’d need thumbs to get it out. You didn’t like being in human form, not right now. You were skinny in both forms, but without the fur coat being a fox provided, the wind and cold seemed to sink right into your bones. It didn’t help that your small amount of clothing had definitely seen better days. But food is more important than momentary discomfort, so you shift, trading your tail and matted fur for arms and skin. 
You unwrap your chicken sandwich and sink in your teeth. The bread gives way softly, and a delicious crunch sounds as the lettuce brakes away into your mouth. The tomato bleeds its sweet juices onto your tongue, and as your mouth finally closes around the first bite of food you’ve had in days, you realize that by some miracle, despite the hour weight and cold conditions, the center of your crispy, chewy chicken patty was still warm. You barely finish chewing the first mouthful before taking a second, desperate for food and warmth.
You wonder if Red Hood is ok.
Thank you all so much for reading! Let me know what you think 💚
Nightwing and Robin intentionally landed loader than they normally would in hopes of alerting the informant they had arrived, since they were expecting a human.
Jason, on the other hand, always tries to be especially quiet when coming to meet you because he knows your ears are sensitive.
'thalabun' is fox in Arabic according to google translate. if this wrong please, please let me know, as I intend to use it with some consistency moving forward.
ALSO!! Illustration
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Let me know if you want to be added 💚
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faebled-stories · 3 months ago
Under The Radar
Kinkvember Day 29: Public
Soloist IU (Lee Jieun) Ft. Kang Seulgi x Male reader
20k words
AN: Later than usual, sorry I had a headache the entire day today, this one is roughly edited sorry, but I still got this out woohoo. Love you guys, one day left... 💖💖
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Jieun had always felt like her life was carefully mapped out, each step following a script written for her by others. As one of the nation’s most beloved soloists, adored for her pure and innocent image, she was the embodiment of grace and poise on stage and in the public eye. But behind the polished smiles and carefully chosen words, she sometimes felt constrained—like she was living in a glass box, admired but not fully free. That was until a few years ago, when she met you.
Your lively personality and unapologetic zest for life awakened something in her. You encouraged her to step outside the lines and embrace the messy, unpredictable beauty of living. Slowly, Jieun began to let go of the perfection she’d always strived for, finding joy in spontaneity. Yet, even as she embraced this new side of herself, she held onto the things that kept her grounded: late-night talks with you where she felt safe to share her deepest thoughts, quiet moments where she could just be Jieun—not the idol, not the “nation’s little sister,” but simply herself.
Beneath the city’s vibrant glow, where skyscrapers kissed the heavens and neon lights flickered like electric veins pulsing through the night, you and Jieun thrived. The rhythm of the city mirrored your love—dynamic, electric, and alive with possibility. Every glance exchanged felt like a spark igniting a wildfire, and every touch carried a magnetism that transformed the mundane into magic. Together, you created your own world, one that was equal parts adventure and intimacy.
Weekends became your playground for discovery. The city, vast and brimming with hidden treasures, turned into a labyrinth of adventure for you both. From wandering dimly lit alleys to finding secret rooftop bars where you could escape the world, every moment felt like an escape from the spotlight that followed her. Lazy mornings often gave way to spontaneous bike rides along the waterfront, the scent of saltwater mingling with the aroma of street food from nearby vendors. Evenings carried their own kind of thrill—dance lessons that left you tangled in laughter, or sipping whimsical cocktails under a canopy of stars, the city below fading into a comforting blur.
On one such afternoon, golden sunlight streamed through the windows, wrapping the living room in a cozy warmth. Jieun sat cross-legged on the couch, engrossed in a book, her fingers absentmindedly tracing the edge of her sweater. The peaceful quiet between you was comforting, but your attention kept drifting from the book in your hands to her, captivated by the way her hair glowed in the light or the subtle curve of her lips when she smiled at a passage.
Eventually, she looked up, catching your gaze. Her lips curled into a teasing smile. “You’ve been staring at me for a while now,” she said softly, closing her book. “Is there something you want to say?”
You chuckled, leaning back into the cushions. “Just admiring you.”
She laughed, a soft, musical sound. “You’re sweet,” she murmured, though her tone carried a playful edge. For a moment, her expression softened, but then a sly glint flickered in her eyes. She stood, brushing her hands down her sweater as if bracing herself, before moving to the nearby shelf. After rummaging briefly, she turned back toward you with something hidden behind her back, her cheeks slightly pink.
“What’s that?” you asked, curiosity piqued as she approached with a playful bounce in her step.
She pulled her hands forward, revealing a sleek, lacy garment that dangled lightly from her fingers. Your eyebrows lifted in surprise as the soft material glinted faintly in the sunlight, but what caught your eye even more was the small, discreet remote next to it. “I got these a while ago,” she began, her voice steady but carrying a hint of shyness. “I thought they might be fun. For us.”
It took a second for you to fully register what she was holding, and when you did, your grin widened. “Wow. You’ve been holding out on me.”
She rolled her eyes, though her blush deepened. “I wasn’t sure if it was… too much,” she admitted, glancing down at the garment briefly before meeting your eyes again. “But I figured if anyone would enjoy this with me, it’d be you.”
You reached out, letting your fingers graze the fabric. It was impossibly soft, and the hint of what it could do made your heart race. “I’d say you know me pretty well,” you said, your voice low.
Her lips curved into a smile, her confidence building as she noticed your reaction. “I wouldn’t have brought it up if I didn’t,” she said, her tone warming. “I thought it might make the day a little more… interesting.”
“Interesting is one way to put it,” you replied, your grin widening as your gaze flicked to the remote in her other hand. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”
She smirked, leaning in slightly. “I was born ready.”
You laughed, watching as she turned and sauntered toward the bedroom. “Give me a minute,” she called over her shoulder, her tone light and teasing.
While Jieun disappeared into the other room, you let your mind wander, the anticipation building with every passing second. You could hear faint rustling as she moved around, and the idea of what was to come sent a thrill through you. The little remote rested in your palm, its smooth design deceptively innocent. When she finally returned, she stood in the doorway, her cheeks tinged pink but her expression playful. Her skirt fell naturally into place, and she smoothed it over her hips, her movements casual yet deliberate.
“Well?” she asked, stepping closer, her tone light but with a hint of shyness. “What do you think?”
“Beautiful,” you murmured, letting your gaze linger on her. There was something about her mix of confidence and vulnerability that made her all the more captivating. Reaching out, you pulled her gently toward you until she was standing between your knees, your hands resting lightly on her hips.
She tilted her head, her smirk returning as her shyness melted away. “Even like this?” she teased, lifting her skirt just enough to give you a glimpse. The delicate lace clung perfectly, and you couldn’t help but grin.
“Especially like this,” you replied, your voice dropping slightly as your hands slid along her thighs. Then, unable to resist, you leaned forward and gave her a light, teasing spank. The soft smack made her yelp in surprise before she broke into laughter, her hand playfully swatting at your shoulder.
“You’re impossible,” she said, shaking her head though her smile lingered. Adjusting her skirt again with exaggerated composure, she added, “I hope you know this isn’t just about you. I’m supposed to enjoy this too.”
“Oh, trust me,” you said, holding up the remote with a mischievous grin. “I fully intend to make this enjoyable. For both of us.”
Her eyes flicked to the remote, and she raised an eyebrow, her lips curving into a smile. “Just… don’t go crazy, okay?” she said, her tone a mix of playful and serious. “I’d like to actually get through the day without falling apart.”
You leaned in, brushing a quick kiss to her forehead before grinning mischievously. “No promises.”
She let out a huff, half-laughing as she leaned into you. “You’re trouble,” she murmured, her hands resting on your shoulders.
“And you love it,” you replied, wrapping an arm around her waist as you stood, pulling her closer.
With the impromptu game set, you and Jieun ventured into the city’s renowned aquarium. The grand entrance glimmered under the soft evening light, its glass panels reflecting hues of pink and gold from the setting sun. Inside, the world transformed into an ethereal underwater dreamscape. The soft blue glow from the massive tanks bathed everything in a tranquil light, the murmur of water and faint sound of bubbles creating an intimate, almost otherworldly ambiance.
Jieun’s excitement was infectious, lighting up the dimly lit halls of the aquarium. Her steps were quick and light, her body practically vibrating with energy. Her delicate fingers brushed the cool glass of the tanks as she leaned in close, her breath fogging the surface slightly. Her eyes, wide with wonder, tracked vibrant coral reefs and schools of neon fish darting through the water like streaks of living paint. She let out a soft gasp of delight as a jellyfish floated by, its translucent form undulating gracefully under the soft tank lights.
“Look at this one,” she said, her voice tinged with awe as she pointed at a tiny, vibrant seahorse gripping a piece of coral. Her lips curved into a smile that lit up her face, her laughter like the tinkling of wind chimes as she moved from tank to tank, her hair swaying gently with each turn of her head.
At a tank displaying sleek, undulating eels, Jieun leaned closer, her nose almost touching the glass. The bluish light cast a soft glow over her features, accentuating the delicate curve of her jaw and the soft pink of her cheeks. You couldn’t help but admire the pure joy radiating from her as she watched the creatures glide effortlessly through the water.
You leaned close to her ear, your breath warm against her skin. “Hey, Jieun,” you whispered conspiratorially, “Did you know some eels can electrocute you, even without touching?”
She straightened, her brows knitting in skepticism as she turned to you, her lips parting slightly in question. “That can’t be—”
Before she could finish, you pressed the remote discreetly in your pocket. A soft hum filled the air, unnoticed by anyone but her. Her body stiffened almost imperceptibly, her fingers tightening on the edge of the tank as her breath hitched. A gasp, soft and sharp, escaped her lips, her expression shifting into something between surprise and restrained pleasure.
Her wide eyes snapped to you, a deep pink flush blooming across her cheeks and spreading down her neck. The faint glow from the tank made the color even more vivid, contrasting with the cool light surrounding her. “Honey!” she hissed, her voice barely above a whisper but trembling with emotion. Her free hand instinctively flew to your arm, gripping it for support as her knees threatened to wobble.
Her gaze darted around nervously, checking if anyone nearby had noticed. Thankfully, the dim aquarium lighting and the scattered visitors provided just enough cover for her to attempt to compose herself. “You didn’t!” she whispered, her tone a mix of disbelief and something unspoken that made her voice falter slightly.
“Oh, I did,” you replied with an innocent grin, your eyes twinkling with mischief as you took in the slight tremor in her stance and the way her lips parted as her breath quickened. Her body shifted subtly, her thighs pressing together in a fruitless attempt to temper the sensations coursing through her.
Her glare lacked bite, her lips twitching as though she were suppressing a smile. “You’re impossible,” she said, her voice laced with frustration but softened by a tinge of amusement. She nudged your arm weakly, her movements betraying her distraction as another soft gasp escaped her lips.
“Impossible?” you teased, leaning closer so your voice was only for her. “I’d say I’m creative.”
Jieun bit her lip, her eyes narrowing as she tried to shoot you a reprimanding look, but the way her body shivered, her hand gripping your arm tighter, betrayed the effect you were having on her. “If we get caught,” she whispered, her voice trembling as she fought to keep it steady, “I swear I’ll—”
“You’ll what?” you interrupted, your grin widening as you watched her cheeks grow impossibly redder.
She let out a soft laugh, shaking her head slightly as she glanced back at the tank, her reflection in the glass showing her flushed face and glistening eyes. “I’ll think of something,” she murmured, her voice low and edged with playful defiance.
Her eyes narrowed, but the playful gleam in them betrayed her. Even as she straightened and tried to focus on the tank, her posture remained tense, her body alive with the anticipation of your next move.
You waited, letting the vibrations continue just long enough to see her fingers grip the edge of the tank a little tighter, her breaths coming faster. Her hips shifted almost imperceptibly as she fought to steady herself. Just when you could tell she was teetering on the edge, her lips parting in a soft gasp, you turned the vibrations off.
Her eyes shot to yours, wide with a mixture of relief and frustration. She opened her mouth to say something, but the words didn’t come. Instead, she bit her lip, her cheeks burning as she gave you a look that promised retribution.
The magical ambiance of the aquarium heightened every sensation. As you moved from exhibit to exhibit, the low lighting, soft hum of water, and distant murmurs of other visitors created an intimate atmosphere that made the teasing all the more thrilling. Near the penguin enclosure, as she watched the adorable creatures waddle and dive, you flicked the remote again. The gentle vibration coursed through her, causing her to stifle a giggle and clutch your arm for support. She leaned into you, her breath coming faster, and whispered, “I swear, if you don’t stop…”
But you could tell she didn’t mean it. The way she bit her lip, her cheeks rosy and her eyes darting nervously around the room, spoke volumes. Her whispered threats of payback only spurred you on. You waited until she was engrossed again, then turned the vibrations up, her knees slightly buckling as she gripped your arm tightly.
“Honey…!” she whispered, her voice trembling with desperation. This time, her body trembled slightly as the sensations built. You could feel her grip tightening on you, her breaths coming in shallow gasps. Just as her lips parted and her eyes fluttered closed, you turned it off again.
Her sharp intake of breath told you everything. “I hate you,” she hissed, her voice low and shaky as she tried to regain her composure. But the look in her eyes betrayed her—she didn’t hate it at all.
The grand glass tunnel beneath the shark tank offered the perfect backdrop for the next round. The sharks glided silently overhead, their massive forms cutting through the water with serene power. Rays and smaller fish swirled around them, creating a mesmerizing display. Jieun stood in quiet awe, her face tilted up to watch the majestic creatures.
You saw your opportunity. Turning the vibrations up slightly, you watched as her breath hitched. She clutched the railing, her fingers whitening as she tried to steady herself. A soft moan escaped her before she quickly covered her mouth, her wide eyes darting to yours in a mix of panic and thrill.
“You’re… impossible,” she whispered, her voice trembling as she leaned closer to you, seeking support while the vibrations coursed through her body.
You leaned down, your breath warm against her ear. “I’m counting on you to keep it together,” you murmured, your voice low and teasing. She shivered at your words, her body pressing into yours as the tension mounted.
This time, you kept the vibrations steady, letting them build as her body tensed against you. Her breathing grew faster, her hips shifting subtly as her grip on the railing tightened. You could feel her pressing closer to you, her soft, breathy moans muffled as she buried her face in your arm.
“Almost there…” you whispered, the vibrations intensifying slightly. Her head tilted back, her lips parting as her eyes fluttered shut. Just as she reached the peak, her entire body trembling, you turned it off.
Her eyes snapped open, and the frustration on her face was palpable. “Babe!” she hissed, her voice low and desperate. But there was no hiding the way her body trembled, her thighs pressing together as she struggled to compose herself. “You’re the worst.”
“Am I?” you replied with a sly grin, brushing her hair from her flushed face. “You seem to be having fun.”
As the day went on, Jieun’s neediness became more apparent. Her fingers would linger on your arm, her steps closer, her voice softer and tinged with a breathless edge. She whispered pleas between exhibits, her tone wavering as she begged for relief. But you kept her on the edge, turning the vibrations on and off just as she reached the brink, her soft whimpers and frustrated glances fueling your mischievous delight.
By the time you reached the dolphin show, Jieun’s restraint was hanging by a fragile thread. Her flushed cheeks and slightly unsteady steps betrayed just how much you had pushed her to the edge. Every teasing pulse left her trembling, her breath shallow, her glassy eyes flickering between the vibrant display of dolphins and the knowing smirk on your face. The public setting only heightened the stakes, her need battling against her desperate resolve to remain composed.
You had chosen a discreet spot in the far corner of the audience, away from the densest part of the crowd. The dim lighting and the vantage point gave you just enough cover while still leaving the thrill of being in public fully intact. The murmur of excited conversations and the occasional splash of water set the scene as the dolphins began their acrobatics, their synchronized movements drawing cheers and applause from the crowd.
Jieun’s posture was rigid, her thighs pressed tightly together as she clung to your arm. The vibrations had been off for just long enough to let her think she might have a moment to regain control, her body settling into a tentative calm. But you weren’t about to let her settle.
With a subtle flick of your thumb, you activated the remote in your pocket. The sudden pulse coursed through her body like a shockwave. She stiffened immediately, her nails biting into your arm as her breath hitched audibly. Her wide eyes darted to yours, a mix of shock and desperation flashing in their depths.
“Please…” she whispered, her voice trembling, her cheeks flushing even deeper as her thighs pressed closer together. You could feel her quivering against you, her grip tightening as she tried to compose herself.
Leaning in, you murmured against her ear, “Careful. We wouldn’t want anyone to notice, would we?” Your tone was low and teasing, the warmth of your breath against her skin making her shudder.
Her lips parted slightly, as if to protest, but no words came—only a soft, shaky exhale that hung in the air. Her body, always so poised and composed, betrayed her now. Her shoulders tensed as the vibrations teased her relentlessly, and her breaths grew shallow, each one hitching faintly as her chest rose and fell in uneven rhythm. The delicate flush on her cheeks deepened, spreading down her neck, and the faintest tremor ran through her legs, which shifted subtly as if trying to relieve the growing tension.
Her fingers dug into your arm, her knuckles whitening as she tried to steady herself. The corners of her lips quivered, caught somewhere between a plea and a suppressed moan, her composure unraveling thread by thread. Her eyes fluttered closed, her lashes casting soft shadows on her pink-tinged cheeks as her head tilted back slightly. The glow of the aquarium’s lights shimmered on her skin, illuminating the faint sheen of sweat beginning to form on her forehead and along her collarbone.
You waited, savoring the sight of her squirming under the pressure, her body writhing ever so slightly as the vibrations worked their way through her. Her thighs pressed together instinctively, the motion betraying just how impossible her growing need was to ignore.
Then, just as her grip on your arm tightened to the point of desperation and a soft, choked gasp escaped her lips, you clicked the remote and turned the vibrations off.
The effect was immediate and visceral. Her eyes snapped open, wide and filled with disbelief as the absence of sensation left her teetering on the edge, unfulfilled. Frustration flickered across her face, her brows furrowing as she bit her lower lip hard enough to leave a faint mark, her breaths coming fast and ragged. She tried to regain her composure, but the trembling in her hands and the damp glow on her skin gave her away completely.
The show continued, the dolphins leaping gracefully through the air, but Jieun’s focus was entirely on you now. She shot you a pleading glance, her lips trembling as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. You let her stew for a moment, savoring the anticipation that radiated from her in waves.
Then, as the dolphins reached the peak of their routine, the crowd erupting into cheers, you cranked the vibrations to their highest setting.
Jieun’s entire body arched as the overwhelming sensation took hold, her back curving like a drawn bow. Her nails dug into your arm and thigh, leaving faint crescent moons in your skin as her thighs clamped tightly together, trapping the device against her sensitive center. A muffled scream escaped her lips, raw and desperate, as she buried her face into your shoulder, her cries muted by your presence. Her entire frame trembled violently, each shudder a testament to the waves of pleasure crashing over her, unrelenting and all-consuming.
Her voice broke through in a desperate whisper, trembling and raw. “I—I’m so close,” she gasped, the words barely audible, muffled against your shoulder but heavy with the weight of her release. Her entire body tensed in anticipation, her thighs shaking as the sensation built into a crescendo she couldn’t hold back.
The rhythmic pulsing of her release was unmistakable, her body quaking with each contraction as her slickness soaked through the fabric. You slid your hand down, your fingers expertly finding their way between her trembling thighs. Pressing firmly against her lips through the damp lace, you began to move in slow, deliberate circles, the texture of the soaked fabric adding a tantalizing friction.
Her muffled cries deepened, each one breaking into a fractured gasp as her body surged toward the edge. “Oh fuck! I'm cumming…” she squeeled into your neck, her voice muffled but trembling with raw need. The added pressure of your fingers—so precise, so intentional—was too much for her to withstand. Her body stiffened sharply, her thighs tightening around your hand as her release finally broke free in an electrifying wave.
Her cries grew louder, though still stifled against your shoulder, perfectly masked by the thunderous applause of the crowd in the background. “Oh—oh my God!” she cried out, her voice breaking as her hips bucked slightly against your touch, every movement a mix of surrender and uncontrollable need. The heat radiating from her core was undeniable, her arousal coating your fingertips through the soaked fabric, a slickness that only heightened the intensity of the moment.
You kept your fingers moving in slow, teasing strokes, prolonging her high as her body quaked with aftershocks. Her head pressed deeper into your neck, her damp breath hot against your skin. Each ragged exhale mingled with the faint scent of her release, intoxicating and intimate. Her trembling legs struggled to hold her weight as she clung to you for support, her grip unyielding as she rode out every last ripple of pleasure.
When her trembling began to subside, you slowly withdrew your hand, feeling her thighs relax just enough to let you pull away. Her body sagged against yours, utterly spent, her flushed face damp with perspiration. The faint scent of her arousal lingered in the air, mingling with the aquatic freshness of the aquarium. It was intoxicating, an intimate mix of her release and the soft, saline tang of the water, creating a unique blend that made the moment feel even more charged.
You lifted your hand slightly, showing her the glistening sheen that coated your fingers. The dim blue light from the tanks reflected off the slickness, catching her attention immediately.
Her cheeks deepened to a fiery red as her wide eyes locked onto your hand. “What are you…” she whispered, her voice trembling with a mix of mortification and fascination, her gaze unable to look away.
Without breaking eye contact, you smirked and reached out, brushing your slick fingers along the curve of her neck. The sticky warmth left a faint, glistening trail on her soft skin. The subtle scent of her arousal, so potent and personal, seemed to intensify as it mingled with her perfume and the humid air of the aquarium. Leaning in, your lips hovered just above the mark you’d made. “Look at you,” you murmured softly, your voice a low tease filled with admiration. “So beautiful like this.”
You began placing deliberate kisses along the line you had left, your lips and tongue tracing the faint stickiness as you marked her further. Her taste lingered faintly, salty and sweet, an intimate reminder of her vulnerability. Her head tilted instinctively, granting you access as you latched onto the soft skin at her collarbone. You started sucking gently, savoring the way her body responded, before increasing the intensity to leave a deeper mark. The scrape of your teeth against her skin elicited a soft whimper, her voice muffled as her hands clung tightly to your shirt, desperate to steady herself against the overwhelming sensations.
The warmth of your breath against her neck, coupled with the dampness from your kisses, sent fresh shivers through her. Her gasps grew more pronounced, each one trembling as you continued to leave small, purposeful marks, your teeth grazing her sensitive skin. The combination of your mouth on her and the scent of her release still faint in the air heightened her arousal once more.
Pulling back slightly, you met her gaze. Her eyes were glazed with satisfaction, her lips parted as she tried to steady her breathing. The flush of her cheeks spread to her neck, a beautiful testament to the intensity of the moment.
“You’re the worst,” she whispered shakily, though the way her fingers tightened their grip on your shirt told a different story. The words were barely audible, her voice a mix of bashfulness and lingering delight.
“Am I?” you teased, brushing your thumb lightly over one of the marks you’d left. “You didn’t seem to mind earlier.”
Her lips parted, as if to respond, but no words came. Instead, her gaze dropped for a moment, her cheeks flushing deeper. Her fingers gripped your shirt tightly, and when her eyes lifted to meet yours again, they were filled with an unspoken acknowledgment. The way her body pressed subtly closer, her breath hitching slightly, was all the confirmation you needed. She wanted to protest—but she knew you were right.
Your smirk softened as you lowered your head to place one last lingering kiss on her neck, letting your lips trail over the faint heat of her flushed skin. Her body shivered under your touch, a quiet gasp escaping her as she leaned into you, her silent agreement speaking volumes. When you finally pulled back, her eyes remained fixed on yours, a mixture of embarrassment, desire, and reluctant surrender shimmering in their depths.
The applause marking the end of the show broke through the moment, drawing both of you back into your surroundings. You stood, reaching out to help her to her feet. Her legs wobbled slightly, the remnants of her release still evident in her trembling. She leaned into you, her fingers lacing tightly with yours as she rested her head briefly against your shoulder.
Guiding her out into the glowing serenity of the aquarium, you felt the quiet buzz of her lingering arousal. Though she remained silent, her hand squeezed yours firmly, her flushed cheeks and the slight curve of her lips betraying just how much she’d enjoyed every moment.
After that exhilarating time at the aquarium, the sexual tension between you and Jieun only seemed to grow as you entered the cozy, dimly lit restaurant for your dinner reservation. The intimate space was filled with the soft clinking of glasses and hushed conversations, creating a warm and romantic atmosphere that wrapped around you both like a shared secret.
You pulled out a chair for her, and she sat down gracefully, though the restless shifting in her movements betrayed the simmering anticipation from earlier. The low lighting cast a warm glow on her flushed cheeks, the remnants of your teasing evident in the slight tremor of her hands as she adjusted her skirt. Once the waiter approached, you discreetly activated the vibrator with a small press of the remote, watching as Jieun stifled a gasp, her body jerking slightly in her seat as she struggled to keep her composure.
“I’ll have the carbonara, p-please,” she managed, her voice catching slightly as her hand gripped the edge of the table. She shot you a look—half playful mischief, half veiled threat—as her cheeks burned with a deeper blush.
“And I’ll have the ribeye, medium please, thank you,” you said to the waiter, your tone steady as if nothing were amiss. You handed over the menus, feeling Jieun’s heated gaze on you.
Once the waiter stepped away, she leaned forward slightly, her voice low and laced with mock frustration. “You’re enjoying this way too much.”
Feigning innocence, you leaned back, sipping your water as you smirked. “Me? I’m just here to enjoy a nice dinner with my beautiful girlfriend.”
Her eyes narrowed, but a sly smile tugged at the corners of her lips. “If this is dinner, I’m scared to see what dessert is like,” she murmured, her tone teasing despite the tremor in her voice.
The appetizers arrived shortly after—a colorful spread of bruschetta, stuffed mushrooms, and crispy calamari. Unable to resist pushing her further, you pressed the button three times, setting the vibrations to their maximum intensity. Jieun froze mid-reach for a piece of bruschetta, her eyes widening as the sudden jolt surged through her body.
Her breath hitched audibly, and a barely contained whimper escaped her lips. She immediately crossed her legs tightly, her muscles tensing as she fought to keep herself from reacting. “Oh god,” she whispered sharply, her voice trembling, though the flicker of excitement in her eyes betrayed her.
“What’s wrong, babe?” you asked casually, your smirk widening as you took a bite of bruschetta. “You look… tense.”
Her body shifted subtly, her thighs pressing together as the vibrations continued to pulse relentlessly. She bit her lip, trying to suppress the small, breathy moans that threatened to escape. “You’re… impossible,” she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper as her cheeks deepened to a scarlet hue. Her eyes darted nervously around the room, scanning for any sign that someone might notice her squirming.
Each movement only seemed to intensify the sensations coursing through her, the damp heat between her legs growing as her body became more sensitive. The risk of being discovered sent a thrilling shiver through her, heightening the tension. Every pulse of the vibrator seemed to echo in her mind, weaving into the restaurant’s ambiance of soft clinking silverware and low murmurs. The rich aroma of garlic and basil mingled with her heightened awareness, making everything feel overwhelming.
Her breaths became shallow, her body trembling as she leaned forward, gripping her utensils like a lifeline. She brought a bite of bruschetta to her lips, her teeth sinking into the crispy bread as a soft, involuntary moan escaped her, barely audible beneath the hum of conversation around you.
“B-babe,” she whispered, her voice breaking slightly as she leaned closer to you. “You’re going to regret this.”
“Is that so?” you murmured, your voice teasingly low as your fingers tapped the remote again, adjusting the rhythm. Her body jolted, a quiet whimper slipping out as she squeezed her thighs together, her legs trembling under the table.
By the time the main course arrived, Jieun’s composure was fraying. Her carbonara sat untouched for a moment as she squirmed in her seat, her breaths coming in soft, uneven gasps. Every flick of the switch sent new waves of pleasure rippling through her, her mind spinning with the relentless teasing. The tablecloth concealed her trembling legs, but the way her fingers clutched the edge of the table betrayed how close she was to unraveling.
When the waiter returned to pour your wine, you pressed the button one final time, holding it steady at the highest setting. Jieun’s eyes widened as the relentless vibrations surged through her, pushing her closer and closer to the edge. Her body arched slightly, her lips parting in a choked gasp. She gripped the table with one hand, her other reaching for your arm under the table, her nails digging into your skin as her body shuddered.
“Babe,” she whimpered, her voice trembling with desperation. Her flushed face turned toward you, her glassy eyes meeting yours as her lips quivered. “P-please…”
You leaned closer, your voice low and teasing. “Please what, Jieun?” you whispered, your words brushing against her ear. The subtle warmth of your breath sent another shiver racing through her body, her grip on your arm tightening as if anchoring herself against the rising tide within her.
Her breaths were shallow and rapid, her body trembling as she clutched your arm tightly. The tension that had been building throughout the evening left her teetering on the brink, her thighs pressing together instinctively as if to find relief. Her lips parted slightly, a desperate moan threatening to slip free, but she caught herself, biting down on her lower lip to suppress the sound.
The relentless vibrations pushed her closer and closer to the edge. Her eyes fluttered closed as her body tensed, her breaths coming in soft gasps. You could feel it—see it—how close she was. Her thighs quivered, her hands gripping the table as the heat pooling between her legs became unbearable.
And just when you knew she was milliseconds away, you pressed the button and turned the vibrations off.
Her body jolted slightly at the sudden stillness, her eyes snapping open in wide, glassy disbelief. Her head whipped toward you, and for a moment, her parted lips and flushed cheeks told you she was at a loss for words. “No! fuck” she stammered, her voice hushed and trembling. The abrupt denial of release left her gasping, her chest heaving as her body fought to process the loss.
Her frustration spilled over, visible in the trembling of her hands and the way her thighs clenched reflexively under the table. “Please…” she whispered again, her voice a mix of pleading and incredulous annoyance. Her lips trembled as she bit down on her lower lip, squirming slightly in her seat in a futile attempt to steady herself. The flush on her cheeks deepened, spreading to her neck as she fidgeted, her body betraying how close she had been.
You leaned in casually, brushing your hand across hers on the table. “Not yet,” you murmured, your voice calm and teasing. The soft touch of your fingers sent another wave of heat through her, and her breath hitched audibly, her thighs squeezing together instinctively.
Her chest rose and fell as she exhaled shakily, her frustration now a simmering mix of desire and playful defiance. “I swear to god…” she whispered, her voice unsteady, a blend of pleading and unspoken challenge. Her narrowed gaze locked with yours, the flicker of frustration in her glassy eyes overshadowed by determination and the faintest hint of mischief. “You’re definitely paying for that later,” she added, her voice low and breathless as her lips curved into a sly smile.
You chuckled softly, giving her hand a gentle squeeze as your own smirk widened. “I’m looking forward to it,” you replied, your voice as confident as ever. The tension between you crackled like electricity, heightening every shared glance, every movement. Around you, the hum of the restaurant—the soft clinking of glasses, muted conversations, and bursts of laughter—faded into the background as your shared secret took center stage.
Jieun shifted again, her fingers fidgeting with her napkin as she tried to compose herself. Her restless movements betrayed her inner turmoil, her flushed cheeks and darting gaze revealing the fire you’d stoked within her. She let out a shaky sigh, her lips pressing together as she tilted her head slightly, as if weighing her options. Then, with a deep inhale, she leaned back in her chair, locking eyes with you. In that moment, the frustration in her gaze melted into something bold and daring, her confidence blooming.
As the chatter of other guests swelled around you, she “accidentally” dropped her fork, the metallic clink echoing against the hardwood floor. Without missing a beat, her dark hair fell over her shoulder like a curtain as she leaned forward, a devilish smile playing on her lips. The intensity in her eyes sent a shiver down your spine, her boldness catching you completely off guard.
Before you could react, she slipped gracefully under the table, her movements smooth and deliberate as if choreographed. The world above seemed to blur into the background—the laughter, the clinking of glasses, and the muted ambiance becoming mere noise. Your heart skipped a beat, your pulse quickening as she disappeared from view, her mischievous sparkle and the determination in her actions lingering in your mind.
You felt the warmth of her breath brush against your thigh as her fingers trailed up, delicate yet teasing, igniting sparks of anticipation that coursed through your entire body. Each touch was playful and tantalizing, deliberate in a way that made it impossible to focus on anything but her. Your eyes flicked around nervously, half-expecting someone to notice, but the attention of the other diners remained blissfully elsewhere, unaware of the secret unfolding beneath the table.
“You started this,” she murmured from below, her voice a soft, husky purr that sent a thrill racing through you. Her words were both an accusation and a promise, her tone dripping with playful dominance. Her eyes gleamed with mischief, but it was the quiet intensity in her gaze that made your pulse race, your breath catching as her focus returned to the task at hand.
Her fingers danced over the fabric of your pants, the pressure light but enough to make you shift in your seat. The teasing was relentless, her touch sending jolts of pleasure that left you teetering between frustration and raw anticipation. You could feel your body responding eagerly to every movement, the tension coiling tighter in your core as her hand pressed more firmly against you, drawing a soft, involuntary exhale from your lips.
She worked the button of your jeans with infuriating precision, each flick of her fingers heightening the anticipation and drawing out the moment. One button, then another, until she pulled the fabric aside, exposing you to the cool air. The contrast of her warm breath against your heated skin sent a shiver down your spine, the anticipation coiling tighter within you. For a moment, she paused, her lips hovering close, her eyes flickering with mischief and something darker—need.
Her fingers lightly traced along your length, and she inhaled deeply, her movements slow and deliberate. Her lashes fluttered as she closed her eyes, her breathing deepening as she leaned in. You felt the soft brush of her nose against your member as she nuzzled against you, the warmth of her face and the deliberate press of her lips sending sparks through your body.
“Mmm,” she murmured softly, her voice low and almost guttural as she took in your scent. Her nose trailed along you as if she were savoring every inch, and she let out a quiet, shuddering breath. “You smell… so good,” she whispered, her voice trembling slightly with growing arousal.
The wild edge in her tone sent a rush through you, your body responding to the way she seemed to lose herself in the moment. Her cheek brushed against you, her lips ghosting along your length as her hands gripped your thighs for support. You caught the faintest sound of her own breath catching, a quiet, almost needy sigh escaping her as she shifted slightly beneath the table, her thighs pressing together.
Her warm breath continued to fan over you as she rubbed her face against your member, her movements unrestrained and filled with raw intensity. Her actions betrayed how much she was savoring every second as her lips finally parted, pressing a lingering kiss against your leaking tip before taking you into her mouth in one smooth, seamless motion.
The sensation was electrifying. Her mouth was soft, warm, and inviting, her tongue swirling over you with an eager dexterity that left you breathless. The contrast of her earlier wildness and the precision of her movements now made your head spin, the combination of control and abandon driving you closer to the edge with every passing moment.
She worked you deliberately, her rhythm slow at first, as though she wanted to savor every inch of you. Her tongue danced over you, each flick and swirl sending ripples of pleasure coursing through your body. The wet, velvety glide of her mouth was relentless, and you gripped the edge of the table tightly, your knuckles white as you fought to stay composed.
Your breaths came shallow and uneven, your vision narrowing as every nerve in your body focused on the heat and wetness of her mouth. You could feel her shifting below, her body responding to her own rising desire, her muffled hums against you vibrating softly, adding another layer of intensity. The air beneath the table seemed to grow hotter, the raw intimacy of the moment amplified by her unabashed enthusiasm and the heady mix of sensations she created.
She moved with purpose now, her pace quickening slightly as her hands joined in, one holding you steady while the other traced soft, teasing patterns along your thighs. Her tongue worked in perfect harmony with the rhythm of her lips, each motion drawing you closer to the edge. You bit down on the inside of your cheek to stifle the groan that threatened to escape, the urge to let go building with every passing second.
“God,” you whispered under your breath, your voice tight as her name almost slipped from your lips. The tension in your core coiled tighter, your control slipping as the pleasure surged in waves. Her wild, unrestrained energy earlier had stoked the fire, and now her expert attention was fanning it into an inferno.
Just when you thought the intensity couldn’t build any further, her pace quickened. Teasing circles along your inner thigh, her fingers dancing over your skin with maddening precision. The combination of her mouth and touch was overwhelming, and you felt yourself teetering closer and closer to the edge.
Then, footsteps. The sound of the waiter approaching broke through the haze, your heart leaping in sudden panic. You straightened slightly, forcing yourself to meet the waiter’s gaze as he arrived at the table, his polite smile oblivious to the scene unfolding beneath.
“How’s everything, sir?” the waiter asked, his voice neutral but curious as he scanned the table.
“It’s… good,” you managed, your voice tight, almost strangled. Jieun chose that exact moment to take you deeper, her tongue flicking expertly as she hummed softly, the vibration sending a jolt of pleasure that nearly made you lose composure. You felt the faintest smirk against you, her mischief palpable even in the intensity of the moment.
“G-Great, actually. It’s great,” you stammered, barely keeping your voice steady. Your grip on the table tightened as her pace increased, her movements calculated, relentless. The pleasure building inside you was nearly impossible to contain.
The waiter frowned slightly, glancing around. “And your companion? She seems to be absent.”
“She’s… in the bathroom,” you said quickly, your voice strained, barely managing to sound coherent. Jieun’s lips enveloped you completely, her movements deliberate yet bold as she sensed your imminent release. Her tongue pressed firmly against you, her rhythm unwavering as her focus remained locked on driving you to the edge. “She’ll… be back in a minute,” you added, your voice cracking slightly as you gripped the edge of the table harder, the tension within you coiling impossibly tight.
The waiter nodded politely, blissfully unaware of the scene unfolding beneath the table, and walked away, leaving you alone once more. The instant his footsteps faded, the tenuous grip you had on your composure unraveled. Jieun’s pace quickened slightly, her mouth taking you deeper as she worked you with relentless precision, the pleasure crashing over you like a tidal wave.
The first pulse of your climax hit hard, stealing the air from your lungs as your body tensed under her care. A groan escaped your lips, barely stifled, as wave after wave surged through you, each more intense than the last. Jieun held you firmly, her lips sealing tightly around you, her tongue moving skillfully to guide you through the release. Her hands pressed against your thighs, keeping you steady as your body trembled with the force of your orgasm.
She didn’t swallow—not yet. Instead, she held everything in her mouth, her movements slowing but not stopping. Her tongue continued to caress you, her lips applying gentle suction as she gave you a few more deliberate sucks, ensuring she drew out every last drop. The sensation was overwhelming, the combination of her warmth, her unwavering focus, and the lingering sensitivity making your breath hitch as aftershocks rippled through your body.
Jieun’s lips remained around you as she felt you begin to soften in her mouth, her tongue tracing gentle patterns along your length as she eased you through the final pulses of pleasure. Her fingers tightened briefly against your thighs, her movements tender yet precise, her care extending even as your body relaxed under her touch. She tilted her head slightly, her mouth lingering as she savored the intimacy of the moment, her cheeks subtly hollowing to coax out the last remnants of your release.
When she was certain there was nothing more, she eased back slowly, her lips leaving a lingering warmth as she released you. Her tongue flicked over her lips, her eyes glinting with triumph as she looked up at you from beneath the table. Her expression was a mixture of mischief and satisfaction, her confidence evident in the way her gaze held yours.
Your chest heaved as you fought to steady your breathing, your mind spinning from the intensity of the moment. Every nerve in your body felt alive, the sensation of her care and precision still imprinted on your skin. The world around you—the clinking of glasses, the murmur of conversation—slowly came back into focus, though the charged energy between you lingered in the air.
As Jieun rose back to her seat, her cheeks were flushed, her breath steadying after the intensity of the moment. Yet her eyes gleamed with a playful satisfaction that seemed to light her entire face. This was the nation’s “little sister,” beloved for her innocent charm, graceful demeanor, and unassailable purity. But in this moment, Jieun felt more alive than ever—bold, unapologetic, and exhilaratingly free.
Her heart raced as she met your gaze, a mischievous glint flickering in her eyes, the thrill of secrecy igniting her from within. She reveled in the delicious contradiction of it all—the sweet, innocent idol adored by millions daring to indulge in something so wild, so utterly forbidden. For years, she had carried the weight of her pristine image, playing the role that everyone expected of her. But here, beneath the dim lights of the restaurant, she wasn’t IU, the nation’s sweetheart. She was simply Jieun—fearless, audacious, and savoring every electrifying second of freedom.
A rush of exhilaration coursed through her, awakening a side of herself she rarely had the chance to explore. The stakes, the risk, the sheer audacity of her actions—they made her feel untouchable. Each glance, each subtle motion felt like a quiet rebellion against the constraints of her carefully curated life. It was intoxicating, this chance to step outside her own boundaries and shed the mask she’d worn for so long.
Her gaze darted around the room, sharp and calculated, ensuring that no one had noticed her daring move. But the steady thrum of her pulse wasn’t just from the risk of being caught—it was from the power she felt in the moment. Locking eyes with you, her expression shifted to something darker, more wicked, as her lips curved into a daring smile. Her every motion dripped with confidence as she leaned forward, taking control of the situation with a provocative ease that left you speechless.
Then, without breaking eye contact, she parted her lips and let every single drop of your release fall onto her half-eaten carbonara. Her movements were deliberate as she swirled the mixture into the creamy sauce with her fork, the action slow, purposeful, and brimming with challenge. Her gaze didn’t falter, daring you to look away, daring you to stop her. Your heart pounded, your breath catching in your chest as the audacity of her act unfolded before you.
Her pulse quickened, the forbidden nature of the moment sending a rush of heat coursing through her body. She could feel her skin flush, a tingling sensation that started at her neck and crept down her spine. The mixture of shock and arousal on your face fueled her further, empowering her with a heady sense of control. This wasn’t just about defiance—it was about claiming the moment, rewriting the rules of her normally controlled and polished existence.
She brought the first bite to her lips, her fork twisting delicately as the pasta slipped between her teeth. Her quiet hum of satisfaction resonated in the small space between you, and she closed her eyes briefly, savoring the creamy texture, the saltiness of the dish, and the layered sensations that went beyond taste. Her chest rose and fell with each deep breath, the act of eating transforming into something much more deliberate, intimate.
The plate wasn’t finished with that single bite. With slow, precise movements, she reached for a slice of bread, her fingers grazing the crust as she wiped it across the plate. The sauce clung to the bread, and her hand hovered briefly, giving you a moment to take in every detail. Her thumb brushed the corner of her lips, catching a stray drop, and she brought it to her mouth, her tongue flicking out to savor the taste. The deliberate sensuality of her actions left you breathless, your throat tightening as you watched her savor every moment.
Her moan, soft and nearly inaudible, carried a weight that rippled through you. Her lashes fluttered as she took another bite of the bread, her eyes flickering between her plate and your stunned expression. The air around you felt heavy, charged with an unspoken energy that seemed to pull the two of you into a world entirely separate from the bustling restaurant around you.
“J-Jieun…” you stammered, your voice barely audible as you struggled to process what you were witnessing. She didn’t respond immediately. Instead, her lips curved into a wicked smile, the kind that spoke volumes without uttering a single word. Her gaze locked onto yours, holding you captive as she took one last, deliberate bite. The faint sheen on her lips as she licked them clean sent a fresh wave of heat through you.
Her hand moved back to the plate, her motions meticulous as she gathered the last traces of sauce. The bread soaked up every remaining bit, and she bit into it with a quiet satisfaction that left you frozen in place. Her confidence was magnetic, radiating an energy that drew your attention to every small, calculated movement she made.
The clink of silverware and the low hum of the restaurant faded into the background as you were entirely consumed by her presence. Jieun, usually so composed and polished, was utterly unrestrained. This wasn’t a moment crafted for the public—it was raw, private, and intoxicatingly real.
Just then, the waiter returned to clear the plates, his demeanor polite and professional. Jieun’s expression shifted seamlessly. Her innocent, disarming smile—the one that had charmed millions—lit up her face as she glanced up at him, her eyes sparkling with a hidden delight.
“That was the best pasta sauce I’ve ever had,” she said sweetly, her voice light and cheerful, the very picture of composure. The subtle glance she shot your way was enough to make you nearly choke on your wine, her grin sparkling with barely concealed mischief.
The waiter nodded and thanked her, oblivious as he moved on, leaving the two of you alone once more. The tension between you crackled in the air with a new found energy that left you speechless. Jieun leaned back in her chair, taking a slow sip of her water, her lips glistening as her gaze lingered on yours.
For Jieun, the moment felt like a revelation. She had stepped outside the rigid mold that had defined her for so long, reclaiming a piece of herself that no one else could see. This was an adventure she wouldn’t soon forget, a memory that would stay with her long after the night ended. Her heart swelled with a sense of freedom, the knowledge that tonight, she had lived—not as the nation’s innocent idol, but as herself.
Once the meal was finished and the table cleared, the tension between you and Jieun reached a fever pitch. Every glance, every fleeting touch throughout dinner had been building to this moment. It felt as though the two of you had been balancing on a razor’s edge of anticipation, and neither of you could wait any longer. As the waiter placed the receipt on the table, you exchanged a quick, charged look, your hearts pounding in unison.
As you stood to leave, Jieun’s fingers brushed against yours, the simple touch igniting a surge of heat that rippled through you. The two of you began making your way toward the restaurant’s back hallway, where the restrooms were discreetly located. The air between you crackled with unspoken intent, your pace quickening slightly as if each step brought you closer to the inevitable release of all the pent-up tension.
Just as you passed the bar, Jieun’s movements faltered for a split second. Her gaze flicked toward a woman seated at one of the corner tables. The woman’s profile—delicate jawline, loose waves cascading down her shoulders—was partially obscured by the low-hanging light fixtures, but it was enough to make Jieun’s breath catch. Her pulse quickened as recognition bloomed in her chest. It looked just like Seulgi.
For a brief moment, Jieun’s thoughts veered away from you. The possibility of her close friend, her fellow idol, sitting just meters away sent a nervous flutter through her. What was she doing here? Was it really her? A pang of unease clashed with the heat she still felt from your earlier teasing. Her eyes lingered on the woman for a heartbeat longer, her lips parting slightly in surprise.
“Jieun?” you murmured, glancing back as you noticed her sudden hesitation.
She blinked, her lips pressing together as if to steady herself. Shaking her head, she whispered softly, “It’s nothing.” A faint flush crept across her cheeks, though whether it was from the thought of Seulgi or the tension building between the two of you, she wasn’t entirely sure. “Let’s go.”
As she turned her focus back to you, her fingers brushed yours again, and the electricity between you reignited. The thought of Seulgi was fleeting; the pull of the moment was far too strong to resist. Whatever she’d seen—or thought she’d seen—didn’t matter now. All that mattered was the shared anticipation, the magnetic force drawing the two of you closer. Nothing else could break the spell.
Once inside the women’s restroom, the intensity reached its breaking point. The door shut behind you, and the air between you seemed to crackle with electricity. Without a word, you pulled Jieun close, your lips crashing into hers with an urgency that left no room for hesitation. Her hands gripped the back of your neck as she melted into you, her breath hitching with each movement.
Your hands slid to her thighs, gripping her firmly as you lifted her effortlessly. Her legs wrapped tightly around your waist, locking you into her as her body shifted into position. Her arms clasped behind your neck, her fingers interlacing to steady herself. She arched slightly, her body horizontal to yours as she hung off you, her back supported by your strong grip on her hips.
Jieun tilted her head back, her hair spilling in waves as her body swayed slightly with each adjustment. If she tilted her head further, she could see the world upside down, the thrilling perspective only adding to the sense of wild abandon that pulsed between you.
With one hand, you shifted her skirt higher, the silky fabric gathering around her hips to reveal the dampened lace beneath. The sight alone sent a surge of heat through your veins, your breathing growing heavier as you reached down to slide the fabric aside. The softness of her skin, already slick with arousal, was like fire against your fingertips. She gasped softly, her voice trembling with anticipation, as she instinctively pressed closer to you. Her thighs squeezed around your hips, their warmth and tension radiating through you, a silent plea for more.
The heat between her legs was unmistakable, her need palpable in the way her body trembled against yours. The faint, intoxicating scent of her arousal mingled with the cool, slightly briny air of the aquarium, creating a heady mix that left your senses spinning.
“You’re already so wet,” you whispered, your voice a low growl against her ear. Your thumb brushed lightly against her folds, feeling the slickness there. “All of this just for me?”
Jieun let out a shaky laugh, her lips curving into a wicked smile even as her breaths came faster. “You know it is,” she murmured, her voice breathy and tinged with hunger. “You’ve been driving me crazy all night.”
“Good,” you growled, your grip on her hips tightening possessively. “Because I’m not holding back anymore.”
With deliberate precision, you positioned yourself at her entrance, her body eagerly yielding as you pushed inside her with one smooth motion. The heat and tightness enveloped you, drawing a deep groan from your chest as her gasp turned into a soft, breathy moan. Her legs tightened instinctively around your waist, pulling you closer, and her back arched slightly, the motion perfectly aligning your bodies.
“Oh, my God,” she whimpered, her voice trembling with every syllable. “You feel… so good.”
You gripped her hips firmly, guiding her movements as you began to thrust, each motion sending her rocking slightly in your arms. Her breath came in short, desperate gasps, her chest pressing against you as her arms locked tightly behind your neck. The friction of her skin against yours, the flushed warmth of her cheeks, and the quiver in her voice with every moan heightened your desire.
“You like this, don’t you?” you murmured, your voice rough with need as you leaned closer, your lips grazing the delicate curve of her ear. “Hanging off me, completely at my mercy.”
“Yes,” she gasped, her voice breaking with raw desire as her head tilted back, exposing the graceful curve of her neck. “I love it… you’re so deep.”
Her hair swayed with each movement, the strands brushing against your hands as you held her firmly. The soft glow of the lights reflected in her flushed skin, her trembling frame completely in sync with you. Every thrust seemed to delve deeper, pulling louder moans and broken cries from her lips.
“You’re so fucking perfect,” you groaned, your lips trailing down to her neck. You left small, heated kisses along her skin, your teeth grazing lightly as you marked her. The faint tang of her skin, mingled with the heady scent of her arousal, lingered on your tongue, adding to the overwhelming intensity of the moment. “I could keep you like this all night.”
Her moans grew louder, her nails digging into the back of your neck as she clung to you, her body trembling uncontrollably. “God,” she breathed, her voice quivering with desperation. “You’re going to make me… I’m so close.”
Your hands dug into her hips, your movements becoming more deliberate as you pulled her onto you with each powerful thrust. The tightness of her body, the way her thighs clung to you as though she were holding on for dear life, and her cries echoing off the walls around you—all of it pushed you closer to the edge.
“You’re close?” you teased, your voice dripping with dominance as you nipped at her ear. “Then let me feel it. Let me feel you fall apart for me.”
Her body shook violently in your arms, her legs tightening as tremors began to course through her. Her breath hitched, and her cries turned into soft, desperate gasps as she teetered on the edge. “Yes… yes,” she whimpered, her voice trembling with need, her hips bucking against you in frantic, erratic motions. She was so close, the tension within her building to an unbearable crescendo—
Then, the bathroom door creaked open.
Both of you froze, your breaths catching as the sound of footsteps echoed against the tiled floor. Jieun’s hand flew to her mouth, stifling a gasp as her wide eyes met yours in panic. Her heart pounded so loudly she was certain whoever had just walked in could hear it.
The footsteps paused just outside your stall. The figure on the other side of the door lingered, and you could feel Jieun’s body tense against yours as the thrill of being caught sent a shiver through her.
Outside, Seulgi stood by the sink, her sharp gaze sweeping the room. She noticed a familiar pair of shoes peeking out from under the stall door—ones she had seen Jieun wear many times before. She stepped closer, her curiosity piqued.
Then, from inside the stall, a faint, muffled gasp slipped out, catching Seulgi’s attention. Her brow furrowed as she stopped mid-step. “Are you okay in there?” she called out, her voice tinged with genuine worry.
Jieun’s eyes widened at the sound of Seulgi’s voice. Panic flashed across her face, but the edge of excitement mingled with it. She took a quick, steadying breath, her voice trembling slightly as she replied, “Y-Yes! I’m fine!”
Seulgi tilted her head, unconvinced. “You sure? You sound… a little out of breath,” she pressed, her tone filled with concern and curiosity.
You tightened your grip on Jieun, your hands steadying her trembling frame as the heat between you built impossibly higher. Leaning in, you whispered against her ear, “She’s not leaving… Maybe you should let her hear just how fine you really feel.” Your breath was hot against her flushed skin, sending another shiver down her spine. Her thighs tightened instinctively around your hips as your teasing words pushed her closer to the edge.
Jieun’s lips parted in a soft gasp, her breath trembling as you resumed your deep, deliberate thrusts. The tight, intimate space of the stall heightened every sensation, the tension making her body more sensitive with every passing second. Her nails dug into your shoulders, her attempt to steady herself faltering as her need became overwhelming.
Seulgi knocked again, her voice cutting through the charged air. “Are you sure you’re okay in there? Should I come in and check on you?” she asked, her tone laced with concern.
Jieun’s voice wavered as she bit down on her lip, fighting to keep the telltale sounds of her pleasure in check. “No!” she said sharply, her tone a mix of panic and desperation. “I’m… I’m fine. Really.”
You leaned in closer, your lips grazing her ear as you murmured, “You’re doing so well… but she’s not buying it. Let her hear just enough.” Your hips moved harder, deeper, your thrusts slow and precise, amplifying the heat coursing through her.
“Absolutely sure?” Seulgi asked, her tone dipping with suspicion now.
Jieun struggled to respond, her voice barely steady as she whispered, “Yes… please, just go…”
Seulgi hesitated on the other side of the stall, her voice softening into a teasing lilt. “ Wait…Jieun?” she called, the curiosity in her tone unmistakable.
Jieun’s body stiffened in your arms, her wide eyes darting up to meet yours in panic. Her breathing hitched, her fingers tightening against your back. The moment froze between you, her lips forming silent protests as she desperately tried to compose herself.
The silence outside the stall stretched for a moment before the faint sound of Seulgi rummaging through her bag filled the air. “Let’s see…” she murmured, and Jieun’s entire body tensed further.
Then, the sudden chime of Jieun’s phone shattered the tension. The ringtone echoed loudly in the stall, leaving no room for doubt. Seulgi’s soft laugh followed, rich with amusement and certainty. “Ah-ha! I knew it!” she exclaimed, her tone turning playful. “Jieun, don’t even try to deny it now.”
The thrill of recognition, the undeniable fact that she’d been caught, only fueled Jieun’s excitement. Her breath hitched as the sensation inside her built impossibly fast, a crescendo she could no longer resist. Her head tilted back, her arms clasping tighter behind your neck, and her legs gripped your waist with desperate intensity. Suspended in your arms, her body was entirely under your control, each thrust driving her higher and higher. The tension inside her snapped abruptly, like a dam breaking under relentless pressure.
“Fuck!” she gasped, her voice cracking with the force of her release as her climax hit like a tidal wave, consuming her completely. Her body tensed in your grip, every muscle taut as if caught in a moment of suspended time, before trembling violently with the sheer power of her orgasm. Her back arched sharply, pressing her chest against yours, her nails digging into your shoulders in a desperate attempt to ground herself amidst the storm of sensation.
Her moans, though choked and stifled against the urgency of the moment, escaped in raw, broken gasps, each one betraying the depth of her pleasure. Her thighs quivered uncontrollably around your waist, gripping you tightly as if to hold onto the intensity coursing through her. The wet heat of her arousal soaked through, a vivid reminder of just how deeply lost she was in the moment.
You gripped her hips firmly, your fingers pressing into her soft skin as you slowed your movements, keeping her steady while her body pulsed around you. Her walls clenched rhythmically, each spasm sending aftershocks rippling through her trembling frame. Her head tilted back further, her hair spilling in loose waves as her mouth hung open, releasing breathless whimpers between shallow, uneven breaths.
Her chest heaved against yours, her flushed skin damp with the sheen of exertion, each shuddering gasp a testament to the force of her release. Her trembling legs, once locked tightly around your waist, began to relax slightly as the waves of her climax slowly began to ebb. Still, her body quaked with the lingering echoes of pleasure, the aftershocks leaving her utterly spent in your arms.
“Good girl,” you murmured, your voice low and steady, a grounding force against the chaos of her sensations. “Let it all out. I’ve got you.”
Jieun whimpered softly in response, her grip on your shoulders loosening as her body melted into yours. Her head slumped forward, resting in the crook of your neck as she clung to you, her breath warm and uneven against your skin. The final ripples of her climax left her trembling, her body completely surrendered to the safety of your embrace as the intensity gradually faded into a blissful calm.
Just as her breathing began to steady, the quiet of the stall was interrupted by a soft, amused voice that broke the moment and sent a new wave of tension through the air.
She glanced up at you, her wide eyes filled with a mix of embarrassment and exhilaration. The reality of being caught, of Seulgi knowing exactly what was happening, sent another thrill coursing through her, even as she struggled to collect herself.
Jieun bit her lip, her chest still heaving as her gaze darted toward the stall door. Her body trembled slightly from the lingering aftershocks of her release, but her determination shone through the blush on her cheeks. After a brief hesitation, she nodded at you with shaky resolve. Releasing one hand from behind your neck, she reached out and unlocked the stall door, letting it swing open just enough.
The faint creak of the door was followed by Seulgi’s sharp intake of breath. Her gaze swept over the scene, her lips parting as her eyes widened, taking in the full picture. Jieun, leaning against you in disheveled perfection, her tousled hair framing a face flushed with both exertion and satisfaction. Her lips were swollen from kisses, and her breath came in soft, uneven gasps. The afterglow of her climax clung to her like a halo, her vulnerability mingling with the undeniable satisfaction in her posture.
Your hands remained firmly on her waist, holding her possessively against you as you watched Seulgi’s expression shift from surprise to something deeper—curiosity, intrigue, and unmistakable arousal. Seulgi’s eyes lingered, taking in every detail: the way Jieun’s head rested lightly on your shoulder, the way her chest still rose and fell with each shaky breath, the way the tension in the air crackled with unspoken possibilities.
“Wow…” Seulgi murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. “I… didn’t realize you two were having this much fun.”
A flicker of heat crossed her face as her gaze met Jieun’s. The intensity of the moment hung between the three of you, the shared secret drawing you closer as Seulgi’s words carried a weight that promised more to come.
Jieun’s cheeks flushed even deeper, but she didn’t look away. Her expression was a captivating mix of embarrassment and exhilaration, her lingering gaze on Seulgi carrying an unspoken acknowledgment of the moment they were all sharing. The tension hung thick in the air, a silent invitation sparking between the three of you, leaving possibilities none of you had fully anticipated.
Seulgi’s lips parted as if to speak, but instead, she leaned in slightly, her voice teasing yet laced with genuine intrigue. “Well… don’t let me stop you. But maybe… next time, let me know,” she murmured, her words hovering between jest and curiosity. A faint smile played on her lips as she stepped back, her eyes flicking between you and Jieun.
Jieun’s breath was beginning to steady, the tremors from her recent release softening into an undeniable confidence. Her initial embarrassment faded, replaced with a playful boldness. She met Seulgi’s gaze, her pulse quickening at the sight of her friend’s barely concealed intrigue. Her lips curved into a mischievous smile, her voice light yet deliberate. “Well… if you’re in the mood… maybe ‘next time’ could be now?”
Seulgi’s eyes widened slightly, her cheeks flushing as the invitation sank in. The spark in Jieun’s eyes, combined with her confident posture as she leaned into you, made it clear this wasn’t a passing suggestion. Seulgi’s gaze darted between the two of you, her composure momentarily faltering as the thrill of the situation hit her.
“You’re serious?” she asked softly, her tone a mix of intrigue and nervous hesitation. Her eyes flicked to Jieun, then to you, before landing somewhere between the two of you as if searching for confirmation.
Jieun stepped forward, her confidence radiating as she gently took Seulgi’s hand in hers. “Come on,” she said softly, her tone both playful and reassuring. Without giving Seulgi much time to question it, Jieun tugged her toward the larger disability stall at the end of the restroom. With a glance back at you and a small, knowing smile, she nudged Seulgi inside, and the three of you slipped into the space together. Jieun turned the lock with a firm, decisive click, the sound seeming to seal the shared moment.
Inside the stall, Seulgi’s eyes traveled over Jieun, taking in every detail: her tousled hair, her flushed cheeks, and the easy way she leaned into you with a comfortable intimacy that felt utterly magnetic. The raw closeness of the scene left Seulgi’s pulse racing, her nerves mingling with curiosity as she stood still, unsure of what to do next.
Jieun didn’t hesitate. Moving closer to Seulgi, she offered a teasing smile, her hand brushing lightly down Seulgi’s arm in a touch that was both gentle and deliberate. “Don’t be shy, Seulgi,” Jieun murmured, her voice soft yet laced with playful confidence. “You’re with us.”
Seulgi’s cheeks grew pinker, her breath hitching slightly as she glanced down at Jieun’s hand resting lightly on her arm. “I just… I mean… I was sort of joking earlier,” she admitted, her words trailing off as her voice softened with hesitation.
Jieun let out a quiet, melodic laugh, her confidence shining as she tilted her head, her gaze warm and inviting. “Oh, I think you’re going to like this,” she replied, her tone light yet charged with meaning. Her hand slid upward, brushing a strand of hair from Seulgi’s face. Her movements were deliberate, her fingers lingering as she added in a softer voice, “Just relax.”
Before Seulgi could respond, Jieun leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek, her lips lingering for a moment before pulling back. Her smile deepened as she met Seulgi’s gaze, her expression filled with encouragement and boldness. “See?” Jieun whispered, her tone playful but reassuring. 
With that, the space between all three of you seemed to dissolve completely. Each touch and glance was filled with shared anticipation as Seulgi fully joined in, her hands and lips meeting yours and Jieun’s, bringing an added layer of intensity to the moment. The larger stall seemed to shrink as the three of you moved together, every movement deliberate and filled with unspoken understanding.
Inside the confined space, the air was heavy with warmth and the intoxicating blend of perfume, sweat, and raw desire. Seulgi leaned back against the tiled wall, her cheeks flushed with heat, her chest rising and falling with quickened breaths. Her wide eyes flicked between you and Jieun, glinting with a mixture of boldness and nerves. She bit her lower lip, the gesture as much an attempt to steady herself as it was an invitation.
Jieun, sensing Seulgi’s hesitance, stepped closer, her hands finding their way to Seulgi’s waist. Her touch was firm yet gentle as she began sliding her hands upward, finding the hem of Seulgi’s blouse. “Let me help,” Jieun whispered, her voice warm and encouraging as she guided the fabric up and over Seulgi’s head. Seulgi lifted her arms obediently, her lips parting slightly as her breath hitched.
The soft light of the stall illuminated Seulgi’s now-exposed skin, her collarbone glistening faintly, and the hint of nervous excitement in her eyes deepened. Jieun smiled reassuringly, leaning in to place a featherlight kiss on Seulgi’s shoulder before her hands moved lower. With practiced ease, Jieun unfastened Seulgi’s skirt, letting it pool around her ankles. Seulgi’s hands rested lightly on Jieun’s shoulders for balance, her chest rising and falling as the cool air kissed her exposed thighs.
“You’re beautiful,” Jieun murmured, her words tender but brimming with sincerity as she traced her fingers along the waistband of Seulgi’s panties, stopping just shy of pulling them down. The intimacy of the moment drew Seulgi’s gaze down to meet Jieun’s, her lips trembling slightly as she nodded silently.
Jieun leaned in, brushing her lips against Seulgi’s in a kiss that was both gentle and charged, her hands moving to steady Seulgi as she stepped out of her skirt. With one last glance up at her, Jieun pulled the delicate fabric of Seulgi’s panties down, leaving her fully bare and vulnerable between the two of you.
Seulgi shivered slightly, whether from the cool air or the overwhelming intensity of the moment, it was impossible to tell. But the way her hands instinctively reached for yours and Jieun’s spoke volumes. The three of you stood close, the weight of the moment heavy but electrifying, as Seulgi’s walls melted away completely under your shared attention.
When you positioned yourself closer, Seulgi’s voice broke the silence, soft and trembling. “Do you… have a condom?” she asked, her gaze flicking between you and Jieun. You exchanged a quick glance with Jieun, shaking your heads almost in unison.
Seulgi hesitated only for a second before her lips curved into a daring smile. Her eyes darted back to yours as she murmured, “Then… maybe we can still make this work if… we try it another way.”
Her suggestion lingered in the air, sparking a new thrill between the three of you. Moving with deliberate ease, Seulgi wrapped her arms around your neck, her body pressing closer against yours. Her skin was warm beneath your touch as she lifted one leg, hooking it high, her calf resting against your shoulder. The stretch of her body was graceful yet provocative, her other foot planted firmly on the tiled floor for balance. The position opened her to you completely, her breath hitching as your hands found her hips to steady her.
Her back arched slightly, her head tipping back against the cool wall as she adjusted to the new position. Her breath was a soft gasp, her cheeks glowing with both arousal and the vulnerability of being completely exposed. The angle gave her a sense of surrender that only heightened her excitement, her hands resting on your shoulders for support, fingers occasionally curling into your skin.
Jieun, watching with a playful smile, stepped closer. Her hands glided up Seulgi’s outstretched thigh, her touch light and teasing, drawing a soft, shuddering breath from Seulgi. “Relax,” Jieun murmured, her voice smooth and reassuring. “You’re going to love this.”
As you positioned yourself, the tip of your length pressed against the tight ring of Seulgi’s entrance. Her breath hitched sharply, her body instinctively tensing as her fingers gripped your shoulders for support. Slowly, deliberately, you began to push forward. The resistance was immediate—her muscles taut and trembling as they struggled to accommodate you. Every inch was an exploration, a careful coaxing as her body gradually yielded to the pressure, her tightness embracing you with a searing, almost overwhelming intensity.
Seulgi’s eyes fluttered closed, her lips parting in a silent gasp as she felt herself stretch in ways she never had before. The sensation was intense—an unfamiliar mix of pressure and fullness that sent sparks of heat coursing through her. Each millimeter seemed to awaken new nerves, her mind reeling as she adjusted to the unrelenting stretch.
“Oh…” The sound escaped her as a soft, unsteady whisper, her voice laced with awe. Her brows knitted together in concentration, her cheeks flushing deeper with every passing second. Her chest rose and fell in shallow breaths, each exhale trembling as the pressure inside her built, sending shivers along her spine. “I didn’t think… it would feel like this…” she admitted, her voice quivering with both astonishment and growing pleasure.
Her fingers clutched at your shoulders, their grip firm as if anchoring herself against the rush of sensations. Her moans began quietly, tentative and exploratory, like a melody being discovered. But as her body softened to you, the sounds grew, confidence unfurling with each passing moment. Jieun, ever attentive, leaned closer, her soft lips finding Seulgi’s collarbone, trailing playful, delicate kisses along her flushed skin. The attention made Seulgi shudder, her breath catching as she melted further into the moment.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Jieun whispered, her voice a sultry thread of encouragement against Seulgi’s ear. The words sent a visible tremor through her, her spine arching slightly, her body instinctively moving in rhythm with yours as she nodded, her movements hesitant but full of yearning.
“Yes… he’s… so big…” Seulgi murmured breathlessly, her voice breaking into a soft moan as you deepened your pace. Her inner muscles fluttered with every purposeful thrust, the exquisite tightness heightening the intensity of every movement. Her leg, stretched high on your shoulder, offered the perfect angle for deeper, more deliberate strokes, each motion drawing a gasp or a trembling sigh from her lips. Her flushed cheeks and trembling frame spoke of the raw honesty of her surrender, the moment etched with vulnerability and desire.
The tightness of the position amplified every sensation, each thrust an intense, electric connection between you. Seulgi’s flushed cheeks glowed, her half-lidded eyes shining with vulnerability and pleasure. Jieun’s hands caressed her thigh, the warmth of her touch grounding yet teasing as she leaned in, her presence anchoring Seulgi in the storm of overwhelming sensations.
“I… I can’t believe this…” Seulgi whispered, her voice breathless and tinged with awe. Her lips brushed your shoulder as she spoke, her body trembling as she clung to you and Jieun for support, completely immersed in the moment.
Jieun’s lips pressed a gentle kiss to Seulgi’s temple, her fingers threading through Seulgi’s damp hair. “You’re doing amazing,” she murmured, her tone soft yet edged with playful confidence. The reassurance brought a flicker of a smile to Seulgi’s lips, even as another gasping cry escaped her, her body arching into your deepening rhythm.
The air around you was thick with heat and intimacy, the cramped stall brimming with a charged energy that left none of you untouched. Seulgi’s moans grew louder, her voice rising with each deliberate movement, her hands clutching you with an almost desperate intensity. Her body moved instinctively with yours, a perfect harmony of push and pull, tension and release, as she surrendered completely to the moment.
Not stopping there, Jieun slid gracefully to her knees, the cold tiles sending a slight shiver through her as the warmth radiating from Seulgi’s trembling body pulled her in. Her eyes glinted with mischief as they locked onto Seulgi’s, taking in her flushed cheeks, parted lips, and the way her breaths came in short, desperate gasps. Seulgi’s composure was completely undone, her vulnerability and desire laid bare.
“You really are breathtaking, Seulgi,” Jieun murmured, her voice a low caress that sent a visible shiver through her. The words left Seulgi speechless, her lips trembling as she tried to form a response, but only a quiet, shaky exhale escaped. Jieun smirked, trailing her fingers teasingly along Seulgi’s thighs before spreading them gently, exposing her completely.
As you maintained your deep, steady rhythm, Seulgi’s body rocked against yours, her soft cries and gasps reverberating through the confined space. Her head tilted back, her hair cascading as her lips parted further, releasing trembling breaths. Her body was taut with anticipation, every nerve heightened as she felt the building intensity.
Jieun leaned in, her warm breath brushing against Seulgi’s slick entrance, sending a jolt through her already trembling frame. With deliberate care, Jieun placed a soft, exploratory kiss against her folds, her lips moving gently over the sensitive skin. The sensation drew a broken gasp from Seulgi, her hips twitching as the unfamiliar yet overwhelming attention consumed her.
Jieun’s tongue followed, warm and languid, tracing slow, deliberate strokes along Seulgi’s folds. The taste of her arousal lingered on Jieun’s tongue as she savored each movement, her hands gripping Seulgi’s thighs firmly to hold her steady. Seulgi whimpered, her fingers clutching at your shoulders for support, her body trembling as the sensations intensified.
“Look at you,” Jieun murmured between strokes, her voice dripping with teasing admiration. “So perfect… so ready for us.”
The gentle pressure of Jieun’s tongue against her folds, combined with your deliberate, steady thrusts, pushed Seulgi closer to the edge. Her breathing became erratic, her body pressing instinctively into Jieun’s touch. The warmth of Jieun’s breath, the slick glide of her tongue, and the way you filled her deeply created a symphony of sensations that left Seulgi completely undone.
Her soft moans turned to pleading gasps, her thighs trembling in Jieun’s hold as her body gave in to the rising tide of pleasure. Each stroke of Jieun’s tongue and the firm grip of your hands guided her higher, her movements increasingly erratic as she teetered on the brink. The intensity between the three of you was electric, each moment drawing Seulgi deeper into the overwhelming heat of the moment.
Jieun’s mouth moved with deliberate care, her tongue tracing intricate patterns along Seulgi, each movement soft but purposeful. Seulgi’s body stiffened at the sensation, her breaths hitching as Jieun’s warm tongue explored her slick entrance. The delicate, tantalizing strokes made her hips roll instinctively, chasing the sensation with unrestrained need.
Seulgi’s body rocked against you, her back arching slightly as every motion elicited a soft, breathy moan that echoed off the tiled walls. Her hands clutched at your shoulders, her nails digging into your skin as her head fell back, her neck arching gracefully. Her features were completely unguarded, a beautiful display of raw vulnerability and pleasure.
“Please,” she whimpered, her voice trembling and barely audible. “I… I can’t—oh my god…”
“You can take it,” you growled softly, your hands tightening on her hips to keep her steady. The authority in your voice sent a shiver through her, her body trembling with both anticipation and surrender.
Jieun’s lips curved into a knowing smile against Seulgi’s entrance before she adjusted her rhythm, her tongue flicking and gliding in perfect harmony with your deep, steady thrusts. The attention was unrelenting, every stroke of her tongue deliberate and calculated to draw Seulgi closer to the edge. Her lips brushed over Seulgi’s heated skin, pressing gentle kisses between each motion, teasing her further.
Seulgi’s cries grew higher and more desperate, her body responding with an unrestrained fervor as the tension inside her built to an unbearable peak. Her hands tightened around your shoulders, her nails digging into your skin as if anchoring herself against the storm of sensations. Her legs shook against you, the tremors a physical testament to her escalating need, her entire body teetering on the edge.
“Oh, fuck!” she gasped suddenly, her voice cracking as her climax surged through her like a tidal wave. Her entire frame went rigid, her muscles tightening as if time itself had momentarily stopped. You felt it vividly—the tight ring of her ass quivered and pulsed around you, each contraction squeezing you in rhythm with her release, her body responding instinctively to the depth of your connection. The sheer intensity of it sent a jolt of pleasure coursing through you, the primal intimacy almost overwhelming.
Jieun, still nestled between Seulgi’s trembling thighs, felt the flood of sensation in her own way. The slick folds of Seulgi’s center quivered against Jieun’s lips, the trembling warmth transmitting every pulse of her orgasm. Jieun couldn’t help but smile against her, the quaking response like a song of pleasure only she could hear and feel. Her tongue slowed its movements, offering gentle, soothing strokes that coaxed Seulgi through the peaks and valleys of her release.
Seulgi’s body shook violently, her thighs squeezing around Jieun’s shoulders as her hands clutched desperately at you for stability. Her cries, muffled against your neck, were raw and trembling, each one punctuated by the rhythmic spasms that overtook her. The sheer force of her orgasm left her breathless, her chest heaving against yours as the ripples of her climax spread through her like aftershocks.
Her head tilted back slightly, her face glowing with the intensity of her release, her damp hair clinging to her flushed cheeks. Her lips parted as she let out a final, soft whimper, her body collapsing into your arms. The lingering tremors in her muscles and the warmth radiating from her skin made her feel utterly fragile and entirely yours in that moment.
As Seulgi’s body began to come down from her high, her trembling legs and quivering muscles spoke of the overwhelming climax she’d just experienced. Her chest rose and fell in rapid breaths, her head resting momentarily on your shoulder as her arms clung to you for stability. The aftershocks rippled through her, each small convulsion eliciting a soft gasp or whimper.
But you weren’t ready to stop. You continued to thrust into her, your movements slow but deliberate, drawing new waves of sensation from her already oversensitive body. Her nails dug into your shoulders as she let out a breathless moan, her voice laced with surprise and surrender.
“I-I’m so sensitive,” she whimpered, her voice trembling as you held her steady. Yet, even through her overstimulation, there was a flicker of hunger in her tone, a silent invitation for more.
Jieun, ever attentive, leaned in close, pressing a soft kiss to Seulgi’s temple as her fingers slid along Seulgi’s slick, trembling thighs. “You’re not done yet,” Jieun whispered, her voice teasing and sultry. “We’re going to make you feel everything.”
Slipping two inside Seulgi with practiced ease. The slick heat welcomed her instantly, and with a deft curl, she pressed against Seulgi’s g-spot, her movements precise and rhythmic. Seulgi gasped sharply, her back arching as her overstimulated nerves sparked to life again. Her moans grew louder, breathless cries that filled the stall as Jieun’s fingers pumped steadily.
“You like this, don’t you?” Jieun murmured against Seulgi’s flushed skin, her lips brushing just below her navel. “You like the way my boyfriend’s cock feels inside you. Look at how good you’re taking him.”
Seulgi’s moans grew louder, her hips bucking against both you and Jieun’s relentless rhythm. “Y-Yes,” she gasped, her voice trembling, “oh my God, yes…”
Jieun smirked, her confidence growing as she saw Seulgi unravel. Her fingers pumped faster, the slick, wet sounds echoing in the confined space. “That’s it,” Jieun whispered, her tone a mix of teasing and command. “You’re going to cum so hard for us, aren’t you? You’re going to show us just how much you love being filled like this.”
“Oh fuck… I can’t…” Seulgi whimpered, her head falling back against the stall wall, her body tightening as the overwhelming sensations built to an unbearable peak. Her cries turned desperate, her legs trembling as her free leg strained for balance while the one on your shoulder quivered violently.
Jieun’s lips descended further, her warm breath brushing Seulgi’s sensitive flesh before her mouth captured Seulgi’s clit. The sensation was immediate and devastating. Jieun’s tongue swirled and flicked with skill, her lips sealing tightly as she sucked gently, intensifying the pleasure radiating through Seulgi’s body. Her fingers inside Seulgi never faltered, each curl and thrust perfectly timed to push her closer to the edge.
“You’re going to cum for us again, one last time,” Jieun said against her, her voice muffled but dripping with authority. “Come on, let go. I want to feel you fall apart.”
The combination of Jieun’s relentless mouth, her fingers stroking Seulgi’s most sensitive spot, and your deep, steady thrusts was an intoxicating overload. Seulgi’s cries grew louder, her body jerking uncontrollably as she clutched at both of you. Her nails dug into your shoulders and Jieun’s hair as she gasped.
Her inner muscles clenched around you with an intensity that bordered on overwhelming, the rhythmic pulsing pulling you deeper into her. Her voice broke into a scream as every nerve in her body seemed to ignite with pleasure. Jieun, ever attentive, stayed locked onto Seulgi’s clit, her tongue flicking with precision, her fingers curling harder, pushing Seulgi to the precipice of an entirely new realm of sensation.
Jieun noticed how close you were as well, her keen intuition picking up on every subtle shift in your breath and movement. Lifting her head briefly from Seulgi’s clit, her lips glistening with Seulgi’s arousal, she didn’t pause for long. Her thumb immediately replaced her mouth, rubbing firm, deliberate circles over the swollen nub. Her movements were precise, each stroke designed to maintain the building tension in Seulgi’s trembling body.
Jieun’s fingers never faltered, pumping rhythmically inside Seulgi, curling just right to press against her g-spot with unrelenting precision. Seulgi’s breath hitched, her hips rocking against Jieun’s hand as her cries grew more desperate. Jieun leaned in again, her mischievous eyes flicking up to meet yours, a smirk playing at the corners of her damp lips.
Then, with a wicked glint in her eye, Jieun shifted her focus. Her tongue flicked out, delicate and teasing, as she leaned toward you. Her warm breath ghosted over your sensitive entrance before her tongue made contact, tracing slow, deliberate circles around the tight ring of muscle. The sensation was electrifying, the wet warmth of her tongue contrasting with the overwhelming tightness of Seulgi’s body clenching around you.
Jieun’s tongue moved with exquisite care, alternating between firm pressure and featherlight strokes, each flick sending a shiver up your spine. She leaned in further, her hands steady on Seulgi as she balanced herself to focus on you fully. The way her tongue explored you was intimate, her motions filled with a mixture of playfulness and intent. She seemed to delight in your reaction, her soft hum of satisfaction vibrating faintly against you.
“Fuck, Jieun,” you groaned, your voice thick with raw pleasure. Your thrusts stuttered slightly, the dual sensation of Seulgi’s tightness and Jieun’s tender caress overwhelming every nerve.
She chuckled softly, her warm breath sent shivers down your spine as her tongue continued its wicked dance against your sensitive entrance. Her deliberate, teasing strokes were maddening, contrasting perfectly with the tight heat of Seulgi wrapped around you. 
Seulgi’s body trembled violently, her breath catching in desperate gasps. Her thighs quivered against you, one hooked over your shoulder as her nails clawed at your back, anchoring herself through the overwhelming sensations. Every thrust sent her closer to the edge, her cries becoming higher and more frantic. “I-I can’t—oh God, I’m so close!” she whimpered, her voice trembling with anticipation.
Jieun lifted her head, pulling back from you with a wicked grin, her tongue flicking out to lick her lips. She shifted slightly, sitting back on her heels, her mischievous eyes locking onto Seulgi as she kept her thumb and fingers working with unrelenting skill. “Come on, Seulgi,” Jieun purred, her tone dripping with seduction. “Let go for us. Show me how much you like the way he fills you.”
Seulgi’s moans escalated into cries of desperation. Her muscles clenched around you tightly, her body arching as the overwhelming sensations pushed her over the precipice. “Oh my God, I’m—I’m—!” she screamed as the dam finally broke. Her climax hit like a storm, her body convulsing uncontrollably as a hot, sudden rush of fluid erupted from her, drenching Jieun completely.
The warm liquid sprayed over Jieun’s chest, face, and hair, the intensity of the release leaving Seulgi sobbing with pleasure. Her thighs trembled against you, her body went limp as she held onto you, trying to keep herself upright. “Oh fuck!” she gasped, her voice broken and raw as her body continued to quiver.
Jieun, her chest rising and falling with excitement, glanced down at herself, her lips curling into a playful smile as the liquid dripped down her skin. “Look at you,” she murmured, her voice husky and teasing. “So messy. So beautiful.”
The sight of Seulgi unraveling, her body shaking with unrestrained pleasure, was enough to tip you over the edge. Her leg, still stretched high on your shoulder, trembled violently, while the other pressed firmly against the floor for balance. Her pulsing, tight ring clenched around you, drawing you deeper into her as if her body refused to let go. The heat and rhythmic spasms of her climax were unlike anything you’d ever felt, sending you hurtling toward your own release. With a deep, guttural groan, you thrust into her one final time, the tension snapping as your release surged forward in a flood of warmth.
Seulgi’s breath hitched sharply, her nails digging into your shoulders as her body reacted to the unfamiliar sensation. Her half-lidded eyes fluttered shut, her lips parting as a soft, tremulous moan escaped her. The warmth of your release spread within her, filling her completely in a way she’d never experienced before. Her body shivered uncontrollably, her mind spinning as the sensation tipped her into a new wave of blissful aftershocks.
“Oh…wow” she murmured, her voice shaky and raw as her muscles quivered, every pulse drawing out the lingering heat inside her. The intimate sensation left her breathless, her head resting against your shoulder as she clung to you for support. Her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink as her body instinctively responded, each flutter of her muscles milking the last remnants of your release.
As you slowly began to withdraw, the sensitivity of the moment overwhelmed her. The gradual slide of your length, slick with the evidence of your union, caused her to gasp softly, her body shivering from the sudden emptiness. The cool air against her heated skin only heightened her awareness of the loss, the contrast stark and intimate. “I can feel…” she whispered, her voice barely audible, her head tilting forward in a dazed mix of wonder and exhaustion.
Her trembling legs struggled to support her as her body instinctively clenched, missing the warmth that had just left her. The sensation of your release still lingering within her was both strange and deeply satisfying, a reminder of the closeness you’d just shared.
Jieun, ever attentive, leaned forward with a soft, knowing smile. Her damp hair clung to her flushed cheeks as she trailed her lips down Seulgi’s trembling thigh, her breath warm and intimate against her oversensitive skin. With Seulgi’s leg still perched on your shoulder, her body open and exposed, Jieun moved closer, her tongue darting out to clean the traces of your release.
Seulgi’s entire body shuddered as she felt the warm, deliberate strokes of Jieun’s tongue against her stretched ring. The sensation was unlike anything she had experienced—intensely intimate and overwhelming, her muscles instinctively quivering with every pass of Jieun’s lips. The soft, wet sound of Jieun’s work, combined with the sensation of her tender scoops and lingering sucks, made Seulgi’s breath hitch. A quiet, trembling whimper escaped her as her hands reached out, weakly gripping Jieun’s hair, seeking something to ground her.
The slick warmth of Jieun’s tongue pressed delicately yet persistently, cleaning every inch of her sensitive skin. Seulgi could feel every flick and caress, her body responding involuntarily with a new wave of tremors as Jieun’s mouth worked its way methodically. Jieun’s lips brushed against the tender area, adding a mix of teasing and care that left Seulgi gasping softly, her legs threatening to give out entirely.
Once satisfied, Jieun leaned back slightly, her eyes gleaming with mischief as she licked her lips, savoring the remnants of your release and Seulgi’s arousal. Rising with a fluid grace, she moved toward Seulgi, her expression both predatory and affectionate. Reaching out, she cupped the back of Seulgi’s head, pulling her close until their faces were mere inches apart.
Seulgi’s breath hitched as Jieun closed the distance, capturing her lips in a fierce, passionate kiss. The intimacy of the act was electrifying, the lingering taste of your release mingling between them as their tongues intertwined in a fervent, hungry dance. Seulgi’s hands slid to Jieun’s waist, her grip weak but desperate as she melted into the kiss, her soft moans swallowed by Jieun’s relentless passion.
The taste of you lingered between Jieun and Seulgi, adding a raw intimacy to their kiss. It was fervent yet tender, their shared vulnerability creating a timeless moment between them. Jieun’s hand tangled in Seulgi’s hair, her grip firm but affectionate, grounding them both in the heat of the moment.
The sight was overwhelming. The way their lips moved together, the visible flick of their tongues during brief partings, and the way they shared your essence between them was intoxicating. Each flick of their tongues, every quiet gasp and hum of pleasure, felt magnetic, leaving you teetering on the edge of awe just from watching. The chemistry between them was undeniable, a perfect blend of curiosity and passion that left you captivated.
When their lips finally parted, a faint shimmer of your release still connected them, a delicate thread glistening briefly before Jieun licked it away with a soft hum, her smile warm and satisfied. She glanced at Seulgi, her eyes glowing with affection. “That was… something else,” she murmured, her voice carrying the weight of shared intimacy rather than teasing. Her tone was calm, almost reverent, as if she wanted the moment to linger.
Seulgi let out a breathy laugh, her cheeks still flushed as she leaned back against the cool stall wall for support. Her chest rose and fell in uneven breaths, her legs trembling slightly as she tried to compose herself. “I don’t even know what to say,” she admitted, her voice soft but laced with lingering wonder. “That was… unforgettable. Completely.”
Jieun tucked a strand of damp hair behind her ear, her own breathing still settling. “Unforgettable,” she echoed, her smile softening. “Exactly what it should be.” Her gaze shifted to you briefly, filled with warmth, before returning to Seulgi. “I’m glad you were with us.”
Seulgi nodded, a quiet laugh escaping her as she smoothed down her clothes with trembling hands. “I think I’m the lucky one here,” she said, her voice filled with a mix of amusement and sincerity. “But we should probably… you know, clean up a little before someone notices.”
Jieun let out a small laugh, nodding as she adjusted her hair and straightened her outfit. Her reflection in the mirror caught your eye, her flushed cheeks and radiant smile making your heart swell. “Alright,” she said softly, her voice steady now. “Let’s do this without looking guilty, okay?”
Seulgi smirked, her composure slowly returning. “I’ll try,” she said with a chuckle. “But no promises.”
The three of you slipped out of the stall, moving as calmly as you could manage despite the thrill buzzing in the air between you. Each shared glance carried an unspoken agreement to keep cool, but the faint smiles tugging at your lips betrayed the adrenaline still rushing through you.
Just as you neared the door to the dining area, a loud, exasperated voice rang out, cutting through the hum of the restaurant like a sharp knife.
“Ugh, it reeks of sex in here! Who the hell did this?”
The words froze you all mid-step. Jieun slapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes wide with mortified delight, barely stifling the laughter threatening to escape. Seulgi’s eyes darted to yours, her expression torn between panic and amusement. For a second, the three of you just stood there, caught like kids who’d been caught red-handed.
Then, as if on cue, the spell broke, and you bolted.
Laughter erupted from all of you as you sprinted through the dining area, the chaos unfolding in perfect synchronization. The manager’s head turned just in time to see you weaving between tables, his shout of, “Hey! Stop right there!” drowned out by the clatter of silverware and your uncontrollable laughter.
Jieun’s hand found yours, her grip firm as she tugged you forward. Her face was lit with exhilaration, her flushed cheeks glowing in the dim restaurant light. The door to the restaurant swung open with a loud bang, and the three of you burst into the cool night air.
None of you dared to look back as your footsteps echoed against the pavement. The adrenaline coursing through your veins mingled with an almost childlike joy, your collective laughter ringing out into the quiet street.
Turning a corner, you slowed to a stop, panting and leaning against the wall for support. Jieun’s head fell back, her laughter bubbling out uncontrollably, her eyes sparkling in the faint glow of a nearby streetlamp. Seulgi leaned forward, hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath, her own laughter interspersed with gasps.
“Oh my God,” Jieun gasped between breaths, her cheeks flushed with exhilaration. “Did we seriously just do that? What are we, teenagers?”
Seulgi, still laughing, shook her head. “Honestly, I’ve had wild nights before, but this? This takes the cake. You two are something else.”
Finally, your pace slowed as the street grew quieter, the laughter tapering off into soft chuckles. Seulgi stopped first, turning to face you and Jieun with a warm, mischievous smile.
“Thanks for letting me be part of this,” Seulgi said softly, breaking the quiet between the three of you. Her tone carried a sincerity that contrasted with her playful grin. She stepped closer, pressing a quick kiss to Jieun’s cheek, then yours. Her gaze lingered for a moment, her smile widening with mischief. “Don’t keep me waiting too long for the next one,” she teased, her voice light but filled with meaning.
Jieun blushed deeply but managed a smile. “We’ll let you know,” she replied, her voice tinged with warmth as she watched Seulgi step back.
Seulgi waved as she turned and headed down the street, disappearing into the glow of the city. The quiet hum of the night filled the space she left behind, and you felt Jieun’s hand tighten slightly around yours.
As you glanced down, Jieun tilted her head to meet your gaze, her eyes shimmering with unspoken gratitude. “I still can’t believe we just did that,” she murmured, her voice tinged with amazement. “I don’t think I ever would have… without you.”
You squeezed her hand, your smile soft and reassuring. “You don’t give yourself enough credit, Jieun. You’re stronger and braver than you think.”
She laughed gently, the sound carrying a mix of disbelief and joy. “It’s because of you,” she admitted, her voice wavering slightly. “You make me feel brave. You make me want to really live—not just go through the motions, but actually feel alive.”
Her words hit you deeply, stirring something in your chest. You stopped walking, turning to face her fully. Reaching up, you tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, your touch lingering. “Jieun, you’ve always had that courage. All I’ve done is show you what’s already there. And I’ll keep reminding you of that—always.”
Her lips curved into a tender smile, her eyes glistening as she leaned into your touch. “You’ve changed my life,” she whispered. “I’ve never felt more like myself than I do with you.”
Pulling her into your arms, you held her close as the cool night air swirled around you. The soft glow of the streetlights painted her face in warm tones, and you couldn’t help but marvel at how serene and radiant she looked. Her usual composed, idol-like demeanor had melted away, replaced with raw, unfiltered happiness.
“I love you,” you murmured, pressing a kiss to her forehead, the words coming effortlessly.
Her cheeks flushed, her smile softening as she looked up at you. “I love you too,” she replied, her voice steady and full of emotion. “More than I ever thought I could love anyone.”
The moment stretched as the world seemed to fade around you, leaving just the two of you beneath the open sky. Her arms looped around your neck, and you leaned down to capture her lips in a kiss that was slow and meaningful. Every touch, every movement spoke of a love that was deep and enduring, a connection that went beyond words.
When the kiss finally broke, her forehead rested lightly against yours, her breath mingling with yours. The faint hum of the city seemed to pause, giving the moment its own space to exist. Her cheeks tinged with a deeper pink as she tapped your chest playfully. “You’re too good to me.”
“Not possible,” you said with a chuckle, pulling her closer. “You’re my everything.”
The two of you stood there, wrapped in the warmth of the night and each other. It was as though time had slowed, giving you a moment to fully appreciate the love that had grown between you. As you began to walk again, her hand snug in yours, she let out a soft laugh.
“You think we’ll ever have another night like this?” she asked, her voice teasing but hopeful.
“With you? Every night feels like this,” you replied, glancing at her with a grin. “But we’ll keep raising the bar.”
Her laughter bubbled up, light and carefree, as she leaned her head against your shoulder. “You make everything feel limitless,” she said softly.
Her words filled your chest with warmth, and as the two of you walked down the quiet street, a spark of inspiration flickered in your mind. It was an idea that felt right—something that would take your shared adventures to the next chapter. You tucked it away for now, savoring the night and the woman at your side.
The city’s hum provided a gentle backdrop as Jieun glanced up at you, her eyes brimming with affection. Her hand tightened around yours, grounding you in the moment. The future felt full of promise, a canvas waiting to be painted with more memories like this—and something even greater.
Your smile deepened as you squeezed her hand a little tighter, knowing this was only the beginning.
Quite a few months had passed since that unforgettable day, and though life had returned to its steady rhythm, the memories of that evening lingered like a vivid dream. They were a testament to how far Jieun had come from the quiet, reserved person she once thought she was. With you by her side, her world had expanded; her confidence had bloomed like a flower reaching toward the sun. Every day felt like an adventure waiting to unfold, brimming with possibility and love.
Tonight, however, was different. Tonight, the rooftop above the city had been transformed into a sanctuary of twinkling lights and soft, soulful music. Strings of fairy lights draped elegantly across the railing, casting a warm, golden glow that danced against the inky sky. The stars shimmered brilliantly, their light reflected in the glossy skyscraper windows. The distant hum of the city below faded into a comforting backdrop, the occasional car horn or burst of laughter adding texture to the quiet intimacy of the night.
Jieun stood by the railing, her silhouette framed by the glistening skyline. The flowing fabric of her dress fluttered gently in the evening breeze, the soft folds catching the light like ripples on a moonlit lake. Her hair moved with the wind, strands catching in the gentle currents and brushing against her glowing cheeks. Her eyes, luminous as they reflected the stars above, held a quiet joy as she gazed out at the cityscape. The faint scent of jasmine and roses, from the bouquet you’d surprised her with earlier, lingered in the air, mingling with the cool crispness of the night.
You couldn’t help but marvel at her. Even after all these years together, she still had a way of taking your breath away. Her radiance, raw and unfiltered, felt more captivating than the sprawling view beyond her—a beauty that was both effortless and deeply magnetic. As you approached, the sound of your footsteps caused her to turn, her smile soft and familiar, the kind that seemed to light up even the darkest corners of your world. She extended her hand toward you, her fingers delicate and welcoming.
“This is beautiful,” she said softly, her voice filled with a wonder that made your heart swell. Her gaze wandered over the fairy lights, the softly swaying lanterns, and the cozy table set with remnants of your earlier dinner. “You’ve really outdone yourself this time.”
“Well, it’s a special night,” you replied, intertwining your fingers with hers and pulling her closer. The warmth of her touch spread through you like a gentle fire. “You deserve the best.”
Her eyes flickered with curiosity, a playful crease forming between her brows. “What’s the occasion? You’ve been so mysterious all week.” Her tone was light, but you could see the spark of anticipation in her expression.
You smiled, brushing a stray strand of hair from her face. The silky texture slipped between your fingers like a whisper of moonlight. “You’ll see,” you said teasingly, your voice low and affectionate. “But for now, just enjoy this.”
Earlier, the two of you had shared a simple yet intimate dinner. You’d cooked together, the act filled with laughter, teasing, and the occasional brush of your hands. The rooftop now stood as a glowing testament to your love, bathed in warm, golden light, with the soft strains of her favorite songs drifting through the air. It was the perfect setting for what you had planned—the next step in a journey you both held dear.
The music shifted to a slower melody, a romantic tune that had always reminded you of her. Without a word, you took her hand and guided her into a gentle sway. She moved with you easily, her laughter light and bright as she leaned her head against your shoulder. The scent of her favorite perfume, a delicate blend of vanilla and white florals, mingled with the crisp night air, heightening the intimacy of the moment.
“Dancing under the stars,” she murmured, her voice soft and full of wonder. “You really do make everything feel magical.”
“You’re the magic,” you whispered, your lips brushing the top of her head. Her warmth against your chest, the way her body moved in sync with yours, and the way the world seemed to shrink until only the two of you remained—it was all so achingly perfect.
Her arms wrapped around your neck as you continued to sway, her cheek pressed against your chest. You could feel the rhythm of her heart, steady and strong, mirroring your own. The fairy lights twinkled in the corners of your vision, their glow reflecting in her dark, expressive eyes when she tilted her head to look up at you.
The music softened, the gentle melody wrapping around you both, and you knew it was the moment. You stopped swaying, stepping back just enough to hold her gaze, her curious smile tilting as she tried to read your expression.
“Jieun,” you began, your voice soft but steady, “these past few years have been the most incredible of my life. Every single day, you’ve shown me a kind of love and joy I never even knew existed. You make everything better, brighter, and more alive.”
Her brows knit together slightly, her lips parting as if to speak, but she stayed silent, her eyes searching yours.
Taking a deep breath, you dropped to one knee, pulling the small velvet box from your pocket. Her hand flew to her mouth as her eyes widened, shimmering with unshed tears. The fairy lights above reflected in the glistening drops as you opened the box, revealing the ring—a delicate, sparkling design you’d chosen just for her.
“You’ve made me a better person,” you continued, your voice thick with emotion. “And I want to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you make me. I want to laugh with you, dream with you, and face every challenge together... Jieun, will you marry me?”
For a moment, the world seemed to hang in silence. Her hand remained pressed against her mouth, her eyes wide and shimmering with tears that reflected the glow of the fairy lights around you. Then, as if the dam holding back her emotions broke all at once, she let out a high-pitched squeal, her voice trembling with joy as her laughter spilled out between sobs.
She didn’t extend her hand or wait for you to slip the ring on. Instead, with an impulsive, raw burst of emotion, she dropped to her knees, throwing her arms around your neck. The velvet box in your hand tipped slightly as she buried her face in your shoulder, her whole body trembling against yours. “Yes!” she cried, her voice muffled but bursting with happiness. “Yes! Of course, yes!”
Her embrace was tight and unrelenting, her fingers clutching the back of your shirt as if she was afraid the moment might slip away. You wrapped your arms around her, holding her close, your heart swelling with an indescribable warmth. Her tears soaked into your shirt, her soft sobs punctuated by laughter that bubbled up uncontrollably.
“You’re shaking,” you murmured, your voice full of awe as you gently rubbed her back. “Are you okay?”
“I’m—” she hiccupped, her words faltering as she pulled back just enough to look at you. Her cheeks were streaked with tears, her smile so wide it looked like it might break her face. “I’m just so happy,” she managed, her voice trembling as fresh tears spilled down her cheeks. “I can’t even—” She shook her head, laughing softly through her sobs. “I can’t believe this is happening.”
With a tender smile, you reached up to brush her tears away, your thumb trailing along her damp skin. “It’s happening,” you said softly, meeting her gaze with all the love in your heart. 
Still trembling, she let out a watery laugh, finally glancing down at the ring in your hand. “The ring!” she said, her voice pitching higher as she held out her hand, her fingers still shaking slightly.
You slipped the ring onto her finger with care, marveling at how perfectly it fit, as though it had been waiting for this moment all along. Her breath caught as she stared at it, her lips parting in disbelief. “It’s beautiful,” she whispered, her voice breaking. “It’s… perfect.”
“Just like you,” you replied, pulling her back into your arms. She clung to you, her laughter mingling with her tears as she kissed your cheek, your neck, anywhere she could reach, her joy spilling over like a tidal wave.
“You have no idea how much this means to me,” she said through her tears, her voice soft but full of emotion. “You’ve given me everything. You’ve shown me what love is supposed to feel like.”
“And you’ve done the same to me” you replied, your voice thick with your own emotion. “You make me whole, Jieun. I’ve been waiting for this moment since the day I met you.”
She pulled back slightly, her hands coming up to frame your face. Her gaze locked onto yours, her eyes still swimming with tears but filled with a deep, unshakeable love. “I love you, so much” she whispered, her voice trembling with the sincerity of her words. “More than anything in this world.”
“I love you too,” you said, your forehead pressing gently against hers. “Forever.”
As the two of you knelt there beneath the twinkling fairy lights, the city below hummed softly, a quiet witness to the moment. The stars above seemed to shine brighter, as though celebrating your love alongside you. Jieun’s laughter, her tears, and the warmth of her touch wrapped around you like a cocoon, making the rest of the world fade into the background.
Finally, as the emotions began to settle, you both stood, your hands still entwined. The soft glow of the fairy lights played across her face, highlighting the dreamy smile that had yet to fade. She glanced down at the ring on her finger again, tilting her hand slightly to catch the light. “This feels like a dream,” she murmured, her voice tinged with wonder and disbelief.
“It’s real,” you said softly, bringing her hand to your lips and pressing a tender kiss to her knuckles. “And it’s just the beginning of our forever.”
Her smile widened, but as you gazed at her, the weight of the moment suddenly hit you harder than you expected. Your chest tightened, a swell of emotions rising so quickly it left you breathless. A lump formed in your throat as your eyes began to well, and despite your efforts to blink them away, a tear slipped down your cheek.
Jieun’s expression softened instantly, her brows knitting together in concern. “Oh, honey,” she whispered, stepping closer as her hand cupped your cheek. Her thumb brushed away the tear with infinite gentleness. “What’s wrong?” she asked, her voice soft and steady, laced with quiet reassurance.
You let out a shaky laugh, shaking your head as you reached up to cover her hand with yours. “It’s nothing bad,” you managed, your voice trembling with the weight of everything you felt. “It’s just… I’ve never felt this lucky. Like, what did I ever do to deserve you? To deserve this?”
Her lips parted as she took in your words, but she didn’t speak right away. Instead, she pulled you into a tight hug, wrapping her arms around you with a fierce, grounding warmth. Her head rested against your chest, her breath slow and even as if willing you to mirror her calm.
“I just…” You exhaled, your hands resting on her back as you clung to her. “You make everything feel so… right. I never imagined I’d find someone who’d see me the way you do. You’re my everything, Jieun. And knowing you feel the same… it’s overwhelming.”
She pulled back slightly, her eyes glistening as they searched yours. Her hands cupped your face, and without a word, she leaned in and kissed you deeply, pouring all her emotions into the connection. It was warm and soft, filled with unspoken comfort and a promise that she would always be there.
When she pulled back, her smile was gentle, her eyes filled with quiet understanding. She rested her forehead against yours, her hands moving to hold your shoulders as if anchoring you to her. “I love you,” she whispered, the simple words carrying the weight of everything she felt. “More than anything.”
You nodded, a soft laugh escaping you as you brought your hands up to frame her face. “I love you too,” you murmured, your voice steadier now. “I just hope I can be everything you deserve.”
“You already are,” she replied softly, shaking her head as her fingers brushed your hair. “You’ve always been.”
Her reassurance washed over you like a balm, and you pressed another kiss to her forehead, lingering as the two of you stood wrapped in each other’s warmth. For a long moment, neither of you spoke, the silence filled only with the faint hum of the city below and the quiet rustling of the breeze.
When you finally stepped back, her radiant smile returned, lighting up her face. Her hand reached for yours again, intertwining your fingers as she glanced back at the sparkling city lights. “Come on,” she said softly, tugging you toward the edge of the rooftop. “Let’s soak this in. All of it.”
You followed her, wrapping your arm around her waist as you both looked out over the view. The night was cool but welcoming, and for the first time in your life, you felt truly complete. You glanced at her, marveling at how perfectly she fit against your side, her presence grounding you in a way nothing else ever had.
“Jieun,” you said, your voice low but full of conviction. “I’ll spend the rest of my life making you happy. I swear.”
She leaned her head against your shoulder, her hand tightening around yours. “You already do,” she whispered, her voice soft but filled with certainty.
The two of you stood there beneath the stars, the city a sea of glittering lights below. The moment was timeless, the love between you palpable and unshakable. And as her warmth pressed against you, you knew—this wasn’t just a new chapter. It was the story you’d been waiting to write your entire life.
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portraitsofguilt · 2 months ago
── # 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗙𝗜𝗥𝗦𝗧 𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗘 jinx, caitlyn, sevika
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content warnings.          18+ MDNI, sfw content, first date, just fluffy set ups ig, not proof read at all
author's note. so yes, i'm back with arcane, seems like it's on a whim but it's really just a warm up for watching the second season (I'm afraid to watching because if it finishes it's over forever) so please enjoy !!!
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a first date with JINX is undoubtedly chaotic, thrilling, and unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. she leads you to an abandoned part of zaun, a place she calls her playground. it’s a mix of neon-lit hideouts and industrial ruins, filled with makeshift swings, graffiti-covered walls, and maybe even a distant view of the lanes glowing softly in the smoggy night.
dinner? too boring for jinx. instead, she’s lifted some snacks from the last drop—they seem edible enough, though you’re not entirely sure—and she’s clearly far more excited about testing her experimental gadgets. watching your reactions as one of her inventions sparks and whirs unexpectedly is half the fun for her. she grins with delight every time you flinch, teasing you mercilessly while reassuring you (with questionable sincerity) that it’s probably safe.
after her impromptu "show and tell with dinner," she challenges you to a shooting competition. she hands you a quirky-looking gun she had pieced together herself, its design equal parts fascinating and terrifying. "let’s see what you’ve got," she taunts, her voice dripping with playful rivalry. she’s relentless with her teasing, goading you every time you miss a shot—which, admittedly, is often—but the laughter and energy between you feel strangely genuine. beneath all her chaos and bravado, there’s a surprising amount of charm.
the night takes a quieter turn when she takes you to a swing set she’s rigged up in the middle of the ruins. here, jinx lets her guard down—just a little. she points out the graffiti sprawled across the walls, sharing the small stories behind each piece. it’s clear that beneath her explosive tendencies lies a deep love for creativity and art, even if her version of "art" tends to involve detonations. you catch glimpses of her vulnerability in these moments, and it feels like a rare privilege to see this side of her.
by the end of the date, the inevitable happens: the chaos has drawn the attention of the enforcers. as their searchlights sweep through the ruins, jinx grabs your hand, laughing as she pulls you into a rooftop escape. your heart pounds as you both leap from one building to the next, but for her, it’s all part of the fun. once you’re safely out of sight, she collapses onto the roof, laughing uncontrollably while you try to catch your breath and calm your nerves.
"that was fun!" she says between giggles, her eyes sparkling with genuine delight. then, in a rare moment of sincerity, she adds, "i actually enjoyed myself. that doesn’t happen often."
she hands you one of her gadgets as a parting gift. "here," she says, smirking. "a little souvenir. but don’t press the red button… unless you’re ready for round two."
as unpredictable as the night was, you walk away knowing you’ve just shared something unforgettable. and jinx? she’s already hoping you’ll take her up on the offer for a second date.
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the date starts at one of her favorite underground bars in zaun. she shows up a little late—fashionably so, she claims—leaning against the doorway with her usual cool demeanor. but there’s something off tonight. her smirk is a little too forced, her banter just a little too sharp, like she’s trying too hard to play it cool.
she orders drinks for both of you, and as the evening goes on, the cracks in her facade start to show. her metal arm taps nervously against the bar, her laugh comes a beat too late, and when you call her out on it—gently, of course—she grumbles something about "not being used to this kind of thing." her cheeks flush, and she looks away, muttering, "don’t make it weird."
but as the drinks flow and the conversation deepens, sevika starts to relax. she opens up about the bar's history, sharing stories of the fights she’s won and the people she’s met. at one point, she even challenges you to a game of pool. “don’t think i’m gonna go easy on you just ‘cause it’s a date,” she warns, but her grin is less guarded now, more genuine.
you surprise her by holding your own in the game, and she can’t help but laugh when you almost beat her. “almost impressed,” she teases, though the way her eyes linger on you says otherwise.
as the night winds down, the bar grows quieter, and so does she. she leans back in her seat, nursing her drink, and for a moment, she looks vulnerable. “this was... nice,” she admits softly, barely audible over the hum of the jukebox. “i don’t usually do... this.”
before you can respond, she stands abruptly, her tough-girl persona snapping back into place. “come on,” she says, offering you her hand. “let me walk you home. it’s late, and this part of town isn’t safe.”
the walk back is surprisingly quiet, the tension between you mellow and warm now. when you reach your door, sevika hesitates, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly. “so... uh, maybe we can do this again sometime?” she asks, avoiding eye contact.
you smile, and she finally meets your gaze. there’s that nervous energy again, but this time, it’s endearing. with a rare, genuine smile, she adds, “just... don’t expect me to be less awkward.”
as she turns to leave, you call her name, and when she looks back, you kiss her—a bold move that leaves her completely stunned. for a moment, she’s frozen, but then she smirks, her confidence flickering back to life. “careful,” she says, her voice low. “i might get used to this.”
she turns away, her silhouette disappearing into the night, and you’re left standing there, heart racing, wondering if this was just the beginning of something unforgettable.
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if you think with the riches CAITLYN has she would be a classic romantic, taking you out to a candlelit dinner for your first date—think again. she’s all about getting to know someone in their natural element. dying to escape the confines of her responsibilities, she’d been craving a chance to let loose and have some fun. so, she took you to the carnival she’d always missed as a child, thanks to absent parents and later, endless paperwork keeping her stuck in the office all night. (don’t worry—next time, she made good on the fancy dinner and candles.)
the day flew by faster than you expected, and you swore it didn’t feel like more than an hour together. you both indulged in fried foods and colorful beverages, laughing at how ridiculous some of the flavors were. the carousel—which caitlyn declared was childish and "not her thing"—ended up being her favorite ride, though she’d never admit it. and when it came to the target shooting games, there was no stopping her. she hit every single mark with precision, winning you so many prizes that the booth operator eventually refused to let you both continue.
the ferris wheel was the perfect end to the evening. as your shared booth reached the top, caitlyn leaned in and kissed you, the bright carnival lights reflecting in her eyes and the city sprawling beneath you.
the whole day was a whirlwind of laughter and carefree fun. by the time the sun began to set, you were both exhausted in the best way. before parting, caitlyn smiled and invited you on a second date, already making plans for what’s next.
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ohisms · 1 year ago
↪     𝑺𝑬𝑻𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺 , updated .     (  a  collection  of  various  settings  meant  to  inspire  drabbles  or  be  used  as  prompts .   )
001.   the seaside ,  as the sun is setting .
002.   a cabin in the middle of the woods .
003.   a picket-fenced home in the suburbs .
004.   a dark bus stop lit only by street lights .
005.   a private jet miles high in the sky .
006.   a funhouse’s room of mirrors .
007.   an office building ,  bustling and busy .
008.   the back row of an empty movie theater .
009.   a run - down motel room .
010.   a loud house party on a suburban street .
011.   a university lecture hall during a class .
012.   the rooftop of a very tall building .
013.   a great ballroom during an elegant party .
014.   the back of a wailing ambulance .
015.   the wine cellar of a large mansion .
016.   behind the school’s gymnasium .
017.   a boisterous bonfire at the lakeside .
018.   an otherwise empty parking lot .
019.   the shady bar of a noisy , dark club .
020.  the grounds of an empty summer camp .
021.   a large hedge maze ,  easy to get lost in .
022.   a neglected or derelict treehouse .
023.   a spacious ,  light-filled meadow .
024.   an underground illegal fighting club .
025.   an abandoned scrapyard .
026.   a large penthouse overlooking the city .
027.    an apple orchard in the middle of spring .
028.   an empty playground with squeaky swings .
029.   an extravagant greenhouse .
030.   the base of a large waterfall .
031.    a spacious walk - in closet full of lovely clothes .
032.   a solemnly quiet hospital room .
033.   the dark depths of an abandoned mine .
034.   the deck of a fishing boat at night .
035.   the thick crowd of an audience at a show .
036.   a long ,  winding road .
037.   the scene of a violent crime .
038.   a fork in a hiking trail deep in the wilderness .
039.   a cramped dressing room .
040.   a dusty antiques shop full of relics .
041.   the street of an unfamiliar city at night .
042.   between the tall shelves of a thrifted book shop .
043.   a building abandoned during construction .
044.   a house without power or running water .
045.   a mysterious trail found in the woods .
046.   the back of a taxi stuck in traffic .
047.    the inside of an elevator that won’t move .
048.   fairgrounds during a large event  (or after hours) .
049.   a garden bountiful with flowers or produce .
050.   a childhood home or bedroom .
+   30  more  setting  prompts :    1 / 3 / 2024
051. the site of a horrible accident .
052. a closed pool , after everyone has left .
053. a home holding horrific memories .
054. by the side of a dangerously quick river .
055. a private hotel room .
056. a police station in the middle of the night .
057. a ferris wheel carriage under a sky of fireworks .
058. a lavish , invite - only party .
059. a public transit stop as rain is pouring down .
060. the back of a taxi going in the wrong direction .
061. the underworld .
062. a dusty , forgotten attic .
063. on the set of a television show or movie .
064. a lighthouse overlooking the raging sea .
065. in a post - apocalyptic bunker .
066. on a ship hundreds of miles from the nearest coast .
067. on the rooftop of a perilously tall building .
068. a tent pitched in the middle of the woods .
069. a crowded stadium during a football game .
070. the morgue during an identification .
071. an otherwise empty library during a late study session .
072. a place that feels familiar , yet you've never been here before .
073. a long hallway that seems to stretch on forever .
074. a signpost at the start of a hiking trail .
075. a bar or tavern bustling with life .
076. the dance floor of a masquerade ball .
077. inside of a car parked in a secluded area .
078. at the edge of a cliff overlooking a large lake .
079. inside a very old house with very old haunts .
080. the antiseptic interior of a space station .
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mclacedes · 3 months ago
Yet Again (LN4)
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summary: in which you are one step closer to death, but something—or rather, someone stops you
WARNINGS: dark angst - mentions of suicide, suicide attempt, talks about anxiety and depression, feeling of worthlessness
a/n: this was most definitely NOT inspired by my own life experiences. i did NOT write this during an episode.
no one ever wants the beginning of the month to be as horrific as yours has been. it felt like your life was crumbling, like everything was falling at your feet. you felt simply imponent, like there was nothing you could do about it.
surely, you could have asked for help; maybe there was another way out. but what would your friends think after your claims of feeling unwell, yet again?
three months ago, you talked to one of them about how that gnawing feeling of not being enough; two months ago, you said life was meaningless and your existence was worthless; a month ago, you stopped being around as much as you used to, claiming you had “too much going on” trying to deal with your own things.
you thought you had no right calling any of your friends again and telling them life was shit and you were sorry. you couldn't do this to them, not yet again.
therefore, walking aimlessly around through the nighttime felt right. directing your steps to your 20-level residential building in the heart of the city felt right. it felt just right clicking the 20th floor button and climbing up the stairs to the open space up on the building until you were right on the edge of it.
there were chairs and tables, points of cigarettes and bottles of beer scattered around, like an adults playground. those people had a life. you didn't know and, yet, you envied them.
technically, you had a great life. but you hated every second of who you were and the life you had.
one of your feet moved just enough to be left hanging in the air between your building and nothing. down was the floor, cobblestones to an empty road. you knew nobody would find you for a while.
you could end it all. you were just about to end it all—the pain, the noise, the feeling of worthlessness.
you were gonna kill yourself if it weren't for the sound of the door opening behind you.
“jeez… you sure about that?” a male voice in a british accent disturbed your peace.
your obnoxious neighbor. Lando fucking Norris.
you froze at the sound of his voice, startled not just by his sudden appearance but by the audacity in his tone. it wasn't laced with pity or alarm. instead, it carried an almost casual confidence, as if he'd caught you about to make a questionable life choice—like ordering pineapple on pizza—rather than standing on the edge of a rooftop.
“go away, Lando,” you muttered without turning around. your voice was shaky, the words barely audible over the hum of the city below.
“yeah, not happening,” he replied, the sound of his footsteps approaching. “look, i don’t know what’s going on in your head right now, but whatever it is, this isn’t the answer.”
you clenched your jaw. “how would you know? you don’t understand.”
“maybe not," he said, stopping a few feet behind you. "but i know something about feeling like shit. pretending you’re fine when you’re not. wearing a smile because it’s easier than explaining the mess inside.”
his words hit closer to home than you wanted to admit, and you hated him for it. you hated his stupid accent, his persistent optimism, and the fact that he couldn’t just leave you alone to finish what you came here to do.
“what do you want, lando?” you snapped, finally turning to glare at him.
he was leaning casually against a table, arms crossed, his sharp green eyes locked on yours. “to stop you from doing something you can’t take back,” he said simply. “you don’t have to talk to me, but you do need to step down from there.”
you laughed bitterly. “and if i don’t?”
a heavy sigh left his lips and then he stood beside you on the edge.
“stop it, what are you doing?” you asked, scared.
“if you don't stop, we're spending the whole night here, pretty. i’m stubborn like that.” he tilted his head, a faint smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, but there was a seriousness in his eyes that made it clear he wasn’t joking.
in the midnight light, his eyes looked as green as a rainforest in summer, or slippery moss that would lead you to an abyss you'd need help to climb out of — his voice sounded like a summer sunset, and while he could be warm but chill, it could be sultry and rainy.
the wind picked up, tugging at your hair and clothes as you stood there, staring at him. part of you wanted to tell him to leave, to mind his own business. but another part of you—the part that was tired, broken, and desperately clinging to the sliver of hope his presence brought—couldn’t seem to move.
“you know, i’m just not a big fan of letting people give up on themselves.” he joked.
you felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes. “i’ve already given up.”
he shook his head, stepping closer. “no, you haven’t. if you had, you wouldn’t be standing here. you’d already be gone.” he reached out a hand, palm up, and held it there between you. “come on. it's a bit chilly, let’s get inside, yeah?”
you stared at his hand, hesitating. it felt like a lifeline being thrown to you in the middle of a storm. did you deserve to take it? to ask for help yet again?
“please,” he said softly, his voice breaking through your spiraling thoughts. “you don’t have to do this alone.”
“i do, in fact, norris!” you yelled. “you don't know anything about me, so stop acting like we're friends, because i know for certain we are not. go and leave me the fuck alone.”
lando didn’t flinch at your outburst, his expression remaining calm, almost unreadable. he didn’t step back, didn’t argue, didn’t even blink. he just stood there, his hand still outstretched, waiting.
“you done?” he asked, his tone maddeningly even.
you glared at him, your chest heaving as the frustration bubbled over. “you don’t get it,” you hissed. “you have no idea what it’s like to feel this way. to feel so… so fucking worthless that breathing feels like a chore. so stop acting like you care, because you don’t.”
for a moment, there was only silence between you, the sound of the wind whistling around the rooftop the only thing filling the space.
“maybe i don’t know what it’s like to be you,” he said quietly. “but i know what it’s like to feel like you’re carrying the world on your shoulders. to feel like no one would understand if you tried to explain. like you’d just be a burden to everyone around you.”
“you know,” he continued, “i’ve been there. not in this exact spot, obviously, but close enough. questioning if anything i did mattered, if i mattered. wondering if anyone would even notice if i disappeared.” he glanced at you then, his green eyes softer than you’d ever seen them. “turns out, people notice. more than you think.”
you swallowed hard, his words cutting through the fog in your head. “i don’t see how any of that matters,” you muttered. “even if people notice, what’s the point? it doesn’t change how i feel.”
“the point is, i believe that if you really were without any shred of hope, you would have already left. this conversation would be a waste of time for you, you wouldn't really care to talk to me if you really didn't have any hope, any... faith.”
“faith?” you asked.
“faith, yeah.” he said. “not just in god or anything religious, that's not my point. what i am saying is that if you didn't wait for better days, there wouldn't be anything of you left. just the thought of you, your memory for those who once loved you, and who will continue to endlessly love you despite the absence of your being.”
his words hung in the air, heavy yet strangely comforting. the idea of "faith" felt foreign to you, like trying to hold onto smoke, but there was something undeniable in the way he said it—like he truly believed it. like he believed in you.
“i don’t know if i have any faith left,” you admitted, your voice breaking. “everything just feels… empty. like i’m here, but i’m not really living. it’s like i’m waiting for something to happen, but nothing ever does.”
lando nodded slowly, as if he understood. “i get that,” he said softly. “sometimes it feels like the world’s moving on without you, like you’re stuck in this endless loop of nothingness. but that’s not true. life isn’t static, even if it feels that way. you’re still here, still breathing, still fighting—even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. that’s faith. that’s hope, whether you see it or not.”
you stared at him, the weight of his words pressing against the fragile walls you’d built around yourself. “you make it sound so simple,” you murmured, a bitter edge creeping into your tone.
“it’s not,” he said, shaking his head. “it’s messy, and hard, and some days it feels painfully impossible. but it’s worth it. you’re worth it.”
his voice cracked slightly on the last sentence, and you saw a flicker of something in his eyes—something raw, something personal. it made you pause, your anger and frustration wavering under the weight of his sincerity.
“i still don't understand, why do you even care?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
lando hesitated, as if debating whether or not to answer. when he finally spoke, his voice was quieter, more vulnerable.
“because i know what it’s like to feel like you’re drowning. and i know how much it means to have someone reach out and say, ‘i see you. i’m here.’”
you swallowed hard, his words hitting you like a punch to the chest. for the first time in what felt like forever, you felt the tiniest flicker of something—something you couldn’t quite name, but it was there, faint and fragile and alive.
“i don’t know if i can do this,” you admitted, your voice trembling.
lando took a step closer, his eyes never leaving yours. “you don’t have to do it alone,” he said. “but you have to try. and i’ll be here, every step of the way, if you’ll let me.”
you looked at him, at the earnest determination in his expression, and for the first time, you felt the weight in your chest shift ever so slightly. it wasn’t gone—not by a long shot—but it was lighter, just enough to make you wonder if maybe, just maybe, he was right.
against every instinct, every voice in your head telling you to let go, you reached out. his hand was warm and steady as he pulled you back onto the rooftop.
“see?” he said, sitting down across from you. “that wasn’t so hard.”
you managed a shaky laugh, clutching the bottle like it was the only thing tethering you to reality. “you’re insufferable.”
“and yet, here i am saving your ass,” he replied with a grin, stepping down with you.
you sat beside him, your legs crossed awkwardly as the weight of the moment settled over both of you. the rooftop was quiet now, save for the faint hum of the city below.
“so what happens now?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
lando leaned back on his hands, staring up at the sky. the stars were faint, barely visible against the city’s glow, but he seemed to find them anyway. “now? now we take it one day at a time,” he said simply. “and if one day feels like too much, then we take it one hour at a time. or one minute. whatever it takes.”
you frowned, the simplicity of his answer almost irritating. “that’s it? just... keep going?”
he turned to look at you, his expression softer now, stripped of any sarcasm or pretense. “yeah. that’s it. because even on the worst days, there’s something worth sticking around for. even if it’s just the chance to prove yourself wrong.”
lando didn’t push you to say more, didn’t try to fill the silence with empty words. instead, he stayed beside you, his presence steady and grounding. the night stretched on, and for the first time, you didn’t feel like you had to face it alone.
and maybe, just maybe, that was enough for now: try yet again.
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misswynters · 3 months ago
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「 𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 」
a short drabble.
featuring. Mr. Scarletella x fem!reader
warnings. mentions of death and destruction
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There was a disgusting smell, one that filled the air. It reeked of gasoline and charred wood, a heady cocktail of destruction that painted the night in shades of madness. Mr. Scarletella leaned against a crumbling brick wall, his crimson mask gleaming faintly in the flickering light of distant flames. His gaze was fixed on you. As he described you, “a whirlwind of chaos” wrapped in a bloodstained cocktail dress, twirling a crowbar like it was a parasol.
“Darling,” he began, voice smooth as silk yet tinged with weary amusement, “did you really have to blow up the entire building?”
You tilted your head, a wide, unhinged grin spreading across your face. “Oh, Please. I didn’t have to, but i did. It was absolutely fun.” Your laughter rang out sharply, slicing through the air. He chuckled despite himself, shaking his head. You truly were a force of nature, uncontainable. And he was utterly captivated by your chaos.
It wasn’t the first time he’d been left cleaning up your messes. Mr. Scarletella prided himself on being a maestro of controlled chaos, his plans executed with surgical precision. You, on the other hand, thrived on mayhem. Almost as if the world were a playground for your impulses. Tonight’s escapade was supposed to be a simple art gallery heist. It was quiet and elegant. Instead, it ended with the gallery engulfed in flames and cryptic messages scrawled across the walls in dripping, red spray paint.
“‘Art is dead, long live madness,’” he read aloud as he strolled past the smoldering ruins, tracing the words with his gloved hand. “Poetic, but perhaps a touch… obvious?”
“Subtlety is for cowards,” you shot back, leaning on your crowbar like a cane. “Besides, the world needs a wake-up call. Life’s too short for boring crimes.”
He turned to you, an amused smile tugging at his lips. “And yet you seem determined to shorten ours even further.”
“Don’t be dramatic,” you teased, nudging him with your elbow. “We’re untouchable, darling. A symphony of chaos. The world can’t help but watch and applaud.”
He couldn’t argue with that. Especially when you looked at him with that glint in your eye. It had a feverish light, both thrilling and terrifying.
The sirens in the distance grew louder, the authorities finally catching wind of your masterpiece. Mr. Scarletella sighed, pulling you by the hand into the shadows of the alleyway. The two of you slipped through the maze of cobblestone streets, your laughter echoing faintly behind you. He let you lead, as he often did, following your frenetic energy like a moth drawn to a flame. You were chaos incarnate, a wildfire he could never hope to control, and yet he found himself captivated by the thrill of keeping pace.
“Where to next, my lunatic queen?” he asked as the two of you emerged onto a rooftop overlooking the sprawling city.
You spun on your heels, arms outstretched as if commanding the world below. “Next? The world is a canvas, and we’re the brushstrokes”
He stepped closer, steadying your dramatic pose with his hands brushing against yours. “Alive, yes. But alive together, please. Your recklessness might get you killed one day.”
“Then it’ll be a glorious end,” you whispered, the fire in your eyes softening for just a moment. “But if it’s my time, I want it to be with you.”
His grip tightened on your hands, a rare flicker of vulnerability flashing behind his face. You always managed to cut through his carefully constructed layers of control, leaving him exposed and raw. He pulled you into his arms, his voice dropping to a murmur.
“You’re maddening,” he said, his forehead resting against yours.
“You like it though,”you replied with a sly grin, your breath warm against his cheek.
The distant rumble of an explosion pulled your attention back to the city below. Another part of your handiwork, no doubt, coming to fruition. Flames licked at the skyline, painting the night in hues of orange and gold. “Beautiful,” you murmured, your voice filled with awe.
“Terrifying,” he countered, though his tone carried an undercurrent of admiration.
“Exactly why you love me,” you teased, leaning back against him.
He didn’t deny it. How could he? You were everything he didn’t know he needed, a storm that swept into his life and tore through his carefully curated existence. The world might see you as a monster, but to him, you were a masterpiece. A beautiful work of art. Too wild and unrestrained for mortal comprehension.
The rooftop fell silent save for the crackling of distant flames. You leaned against the ledge, your dress swaying in the breeze, and he stood beside you, the faintest smile playing on his lips.
“You know,” he said, breaking the silence, “sometimes I wonder if you’re trying to outdo me.”
“No way!,” you said, turning to him with a mischievous glint in your eye. “I’m not trying to outdo you. I’m trying to inspire you. Imagine what we could create together if you just let go a little.”
“Let go?” he asked, raising a brow beneath his mask.
“Let go of the rules. The plans. The need for control.” You stepped closer, your fingers trailing the outline of his jaw. “Don’t you want to see what happens when we let a lil’ madness take over?”
His hand covered yours, steadying it as he looked into your eyes. There was a part of him that wanted to resist, to keep you grounded in his world of calculated chaos. But another part, the part that adored you, knew that resistance was futile. You were the storm itself.
“Let the madness take over, huh?” he murmured, his lips curving into a smirk. “All right, my darling queen. Let’s paint the world red.”
Your laughter rang out once more, wild and untamed, as you grabbed his hand and led him toward the next adventure. The city stretched out before you, a canvas waiting to be torn apart and reimagined in your image. Together, you were unstoppable. A perfect symphony of chaos. And for Mr. Scarletella, he would never trade his place in your life. There was no place he’d rather be than with you, his wife.
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banner: @anitalenia
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mxl633 · 4 months ago
a Web of Love
Spiderwoman!Yunjin x Reader
Synopsis: One night, after Yunjin returns from her crime-fighting duties, the two embark on an exhilarating swing through the city that brings them closer than ever. Between playful banter, stolen kisses, and heart-pounding adventures, Y/N learns that love with a superhero is full of surprises—but it’s also filled with warmth, laughter, and unwavering trust
Warnings: pure fluff ,synopsis says it all
Word count:2.3k
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You had never quite gotten used to the idea of dating a superhero. Every night was a balance between quiet solitude and the thrill of knowing your girlfriend was out there saving the world—or at least your corner of the city. Tonight, like many others, you found yourself perched on the rooftop of your apartment, a blanket wrapped around your shoulders as the cool night air brushed against your skin. Above you, stars dotted the sky, their faint glow fighting against the city lights below.
You checked your phone out of habit, not expecting any messages but still hoping for one. It was past midnight now, the time when Yunjin would usually finish her patrol. It wasn’t that you minded waiting; in fact, you enjoyed these moments of stillness, knowing that any second she could come swooping in, her playful grin lighting up the night.
And right on cue, you heard it—the faint whoosh of webs shooting across buildings. You looked up just in time to see her silhouette flying through the air, her figure moving with effortless grace, as if the entire city was her playground. Spider-Woman. Yunjin. Your girlfriend.
She landed softly on the rooftop, the moonlight casting a silver glow over her suit. Her face was still hidden behind her mask, but you could tell she was smiling by the way she carried herself. She was always full of energy after a night out swinging through the city.
“You’ve been waiting long?” she asked, her voice slightly muffled by the mask as she approached you.
“Not really,” you said, smiling up at her. “Just a couple of hours.”
She winced, clearly feeling guilty. “Sorry about that. There was a little more action tonight than usual.”
“Saving the world again, I assume?” you teased, pulling the blanket tighter around your shoulders as the breeze picked up.
“Something like that.” She laughed, finally pulling off her mask. Her hair was slightly tousled, but her eyes sparkled as they always did when she looked at you. “I missed you,” she said, her voice softer now.
You smiled warmly. “I missed you too.”
Yunjin sat down beside you, pulling you into a hug. You let yourself relax in her arms, your head resting on her shoulder as you breathed in her familiar scent, a mix of adrenaline and something distinctly her. It was always a strange contrast—how she could be out there fighting crime one minute, and the next, she’d be here with you, completely at peace.
“So, how was it tonight?” you asked, breaking the silence. “Did you catch any bad guys?”
“Just a few. A robbery downtown and a couple of guys trying to steal a car.” She spoke casually, as if stopping crime was no big deal. “Nothing too serious, though. Pretty standard stuff.”
You looked up at her, admiring how calm she was about all of it. “You make it sound like you’re just running errands.”
She laughed, her arm tightening around your shoulders. “To be honest, it kind of feels like that sometimes. You’d be surprised how much of this job is just chasing down petty criminals.”
You shook your head, smiling. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
She looked down at you, her smile softening. “Not as amazing as you for waiting up for me every night.”
“Hey, someone’s got to make sure Spider-Woman stays out of trouble.”
“Oh, is that your job now?” she teased, leaning in a little closer.
“Someone’s got to do it,” you replied, your heart skipping a beat as she closed the distance between you.
Yunjin’s gaze flickered down to your lips for a brief moment before she leaned in, brushing her lips softly against yours. The kiss was tender, full of warmth and affection, the kind of kiss that made the world disappear for a moment. You closed your eyes, letting yourself melt into the feeling, her presence grounding you in a way nothing else could.
When she finally pulled back, her eyes lingered on yours, a small, almost shy smile playing at the corners of her lips. “I’ve been waiting to do that all night,” she whispered.
You laughed softly, feeling your cheeks heat up. “You could’ve done it sooner if you weren’t out fighting crime.”
She chuckled, resting her forehead against yours. “You’re right. I need to get my priorities straight.”
For a while, the two of you sat in comfortable silence, the city’s hum fading into the background as you held each other. These were the moments you cherished most—when it was just you and Yunjin, no masks, no superhero responsibilities, just the two of you sharing a quiet night under the stars.
But, of course, Yunjin was never one to let things stay quiet for too long.
After a few minutes, she shifted, looking at you with that mischievous glint in her eyes that you knew all too well. “You know what we haven’t done in a while?”
You raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“Gone for a swing,” she said, her grin widening as she stood up and held out her hand to you. “Come on, it’ll be fun.”
You blinked at her, half-laughing in disbelief. “Are you serious?”
“Dead serious,” she replied, wiggling her fingers at you. “I promise I won’t drop you.”
You hesitated for a second, glancing down at the city streets far below. The idea of being carried through the air like that was both terrifying and thrilling. But then you looked at Yunjin, her eyes sparkling with excitement, and you couldn’t help but smile. You trusted her completely.
“All right,” you said, taking her hand. “But if you drop me, I’m breaking up with you.”
She laughed, pulling you to your feet. “Deal. But you’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
With that, Yunjin wrapped her arm securely around your waist and pulled you close. You could feel her warmth against you as she fired a web at a nearby building, and before you knew it, the two of you were soaring through the air.
The wind rushed past your face, and your heart leapt into your throat as Yunjin swung you both effortlessly between the towering buildings. You clung to her, your breath catching in your chest, but the fear quickly gave way to exhilaration. The city lights blurred below you, and for a moment, it felt like you were flying.
Yunjin let out a joyful laugh, her voice full of pure, unfiltered happiness. “Isn’t this amazing?”
You couldn’t help but laugh with her, the adrenaline making your heart race. “Okay, I’ll admit, this is pretty cool!”
She grinned, spinning both of you in mid-air before gracefully landing on another rooftop. Your legs were a little shaky when you touched the ground, but you were still grinning from ear to ear.
“That was incredible,” you breathed, slightly out of breath. “I can’t believe you do that every day.”
Yunjin smiled, her arm still around your waist. “You get used to it after a while. But it’s a lot more fun with you.”
You looked up at her, your heart swelling with affection. “I guess that makes me your sidekick now, huh?”
“More like my partner in crime-fighting,” she said, leaning down to kiss you again. This time, the kiss was deeper, more passionate, the thrill of the swing still lingering between you. Her lips were soft and warm against yours, and you felt yourself get lost in the moment, your arms wrapping around her neck as you pulled her closer.
When she pulled back, her forehead rested against yours, and you could feel her breath against your lips. “You make everything better, you know that?” she whispered.
You smiled, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. “I could say the same about you.”
For the rest of the night, you and Yunjin stayed on that rooftop, talking about everything and nothing at the same time. She told you stories about her latest adventures as Spider-Woman, and you shared the little things that had happened during your day. It was peaceful, being up there with her, away from the noise and chaos of the city below.
As the first hints of dawn began to creep over the horizon, you yawned, leaning your head on Yunjin’s shoulder. “I think it’s time for bed,” you mumbled sleepily.
Yunjin smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Yeah, we should probably get some sleep.”
She stood up, helping you to your feet before wrapping her arm around your waist once more. “Let’s get you home,” she said, her voice soft and comforting.
With one last swing, Yunjin brought you back to your apartment, gently lowering you onto the balcony before landing beside you. You turned to her, still feeling a little light-headed from the adrenaline and the late hour.
“Thanks for the adventure,” you said, smiling up at her.
“Anytime,” she replied, her eyes full of warmth. “Get some rest, okay?”
You nodded, leaning in for one last kiss before turning to head inside. But just as you reached the door, Yunjin called out to you.
“Hey,” she said, her voice soft. “I love you.”
You smiled, your heart fluttering at her words. “I love you too, Yunjin.”
And with that, you disappeared into your apartment, leaving Spider-Woman standing on your balcony, watching over you as always.
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takamiwife · 4 months ago
more hawks x elementary teacher?
maybe like.. pre-relationship where he sees the reader with the kids and it pushes him to support the class for the kids and to get closer to you?
your wish is my command 🧞‍♀️✨ this one is in more fanfic-format. i hope this lives up to what you hoped!! if you want, i can totally write more hc’s for it. i just had a fic in mind for this particular request
part two of keigo x elementary teacher y/n <3
(also, part two of first time w keigo coming soon! but i saw this in my inbox and didn’t want to forget about it <3)
keigo never believed in that “love at first sight” bullshit. really, he didn’t believe in love in general. at this point, he had accepted that he was destined to live alone, for better or for worse
on his short break, as he drank his ice cold canned coffee while perched on a rooftop, his eyes drifted to the elementary school across the street
it was a beautiful, warm spring day, the cherry blossoms that lined the streets had just bloomed and it promised a beautiful summer to follow
just as he was about to look away, his eyes landed on a young woman standing on the blacktop, the wind causing her red floral skirt to ruffle and flitter, her top half clad in a white short sleeve shirt with a black corduroy vest over it. her hair sat perfectly, and as she looked at the kids on the playground and smiled, keigo suddenly wondered if he was having a heart attack
his face was flushed and his heart started beating out of his chest he could barely hear his own thoughts over the sound of the blood pumping
she was gorgeous
and just when he thought it couldn’t get any worse for him, a girl fell on the blacktop, scraping her knee. as the girl began to cry, this angel of a woman who he cursed himself for not having the pleasure of laying his eyes on sooner instantly rushed over, sitting on her knees as she scooped the girl into her arms, comforting her and patting her hair
fuck, he had to meet her
would it be creepy to just.. fly over and say hi?
yes? no? maybe?
fuck, he couldn’t think straight, this was driving him insane
luckily for keigo, an answer from the gods was provided. he noticed a little boy began to climb a particularly high tree, reaching for a flower on a branch he could barely reach
as soon as his foot slipped, keigo was already rushing into action, catching the boy mid-air before a single tear could fall
“hey there, you alright buddy?” keigo asked with a charming smile
the young boy immediately nodded, smiling
“you’re the best hawks!” he grinned ear to ear as he brought the both of them to the ground
“sota!” the angel woman called, running over, a few other kids in tow. “what have i told you about climbing that tree? it’s dangerous!” she scolded the young boy, more out of fear than anger
“no, it’s okay miss l/n! mr. hawks was here to catch me!” he pointed to the man that stood behind him, all but dumbstruck at being able to see this woman up close
“well,” she rose up, smiling kindly at keigo (something that almost sent him into cardiac arrest, might i add) “that was very nice of mr. hawks, but he’s not always going to be there to save you, you have to be more careful. did you say thank you?”
keigo was able to snap out of it, keeping his cool demeanor
“ah, there’s no need to thank me,” keigo said nonchalantly. “just doin’ my job is all.”
oh god, he was cute up close
like, really cute
you couldn’t help but fix your hair in some way, clearing your throat
“and i believe this is what he was trying to grab for you.” keigo pulled out the small pink flower he had held behind his back; something he grabbed in a split second whilst grabbing the boy
you reached out, taking the flower from his gloved hand, the both of you leaving your hands out for just a little longer than you should
“well.. thank you, this was very sweet. but sota, you have to know better,” you picked the small boy up, holding him on your hip. “and hawks.. thank you, again. it would’ve been a lot of paperwork.” you joke, squeezing sota’s cheek, still holding the flower in your other hand
keigo, never having been in this situation before, rolled on his heels for a moment. though he didn’t want to leave, he didn’t want to overstay his welcome either, but it’s not like he could just ask you out in front of all these kids-
“mr. hawks?” a girl tugged on his pants. “can you stay and play for a while?”
“yui,” you look down at the girl. “mr. hawks is a busy man, he can’t just-“
“of course i can!” he quickly replied, taking you a bit by surprise
“well.. alright, but don’t make him feel bad if he has to leave! he has lots of other kids to save from falling out of trees.” you joke, glancing at him
and believe me when i say that he played with those kids until they were absolutely tuckered out. like, walking back inside for nap time, they looked like zombies. but it’s not their fault they were going toe to toe with the fastest hero in japan. but despite his competitive nature, he let them win every single game
as your coworker filed them inside, you stood beside him, laughing softly
“thank you for playing with them, really. it meant a lot to them.”
“well, i couldn’t say no to those little faces. you’ve got some good kids. what’s your secret? most kids their age i see don’t listen to anyone.”
he looked at you as you tilted your head, thinking about it for a moment, biting your bottom lip in thought
“you have to listen to them first. they’re a lot smarter than we think, y’know? you have to give them as much care and understanding as you would an adult.”
as you explained, keigo began to wonder if this whole “love at first sight” thing really wasn’t a scam after all. well, okay, it wasn’t necessarily at “first sight” anymore, but he had known you for less than an hour, so it had to have counted
“yea, i understand,” keigo breathed out. “…the world needs more people like you.” truth be told, he wished that he had known you when you two were kids. you must have always been this kind.
“no, the world needs more people like you,” you corrected him. “not enough people are willing to just… let themselves be kids again and have fun for a while. i think there’d be a lot less problems in the world if that were true.”
before keigo could speak, he realized that his phone was buzzing in his pocket, and as he answered, he got an earful about how he didn’t answer his phone and missed someone getting robbed. he of course had to lie and say he was caught up with another problem, but he was needed back at the agency immediately. so you two bid goodbye, and you expected never to see him again
keigo, on the other hand, wouldn’t let that happen. part of him expected his feelings to be a fluke or to go away, but it was quite the opposite. they only grew stronger everyday. and so he kept coming back day after day, playing with the kids during recess, and while he did enjoy playing with them, he always looked forward to talking to you. it was his favorite part of the day, but it made him dread the weekends since he wouldn’t get to see you. as spring moved on, the two of you grew closer, just as keigo had done with your whole class
“look what mio made during art today,” you pull out a picture from your pocket, a crude crayon drawing of the two of you holding hands with a heart above your heads. “isn’t it adorable?”
you two couldn’t help but laugh, because honestly, it looked just like you guys.
“that’s so adorable.” keigo said as he took a picture on his phone. “i’ve never had fanart this flattering.”
“they ask about you everyday, to make sure you’re coming to recess,” you say as you fold the picture back up. “why do you care about them so much anyways?” as soon as the words come out of your mouth, you immediately backtrack. “shit, that came out so, so wrong,” you can’t help but laugh. “i didn’t mean it like that, just-“
“no, no, i completely get it,” keigo assures you. “truth be told, it’s just.. nice. i see things that most people wouldn’t be able to handle on the daily, and everyone’s always talking my ear off about how i should do something better or faster, so it’s just nice to get a break, see the world through a different lens,” the words caught in keigos throat, and as he debated if he should say it, they just spilled out. “and i like talking to you.”
“i like talking to you too, hawks.” you tried to keep your usual demeanor, but on the inside, you swore your brain and heart just simultaneously exploded. what, did you think this was some one sided thing? i hate to break this to you, but you had fallen for him just as hard as he did for you. admittedly you stepped up your outfit game, always making sure your hair was done in the morning now. you loved the way he was with the kids, but you loved the talks the two of you shared even more
keigo had been thinking about how he would ask you out for- well, since the day he first saw you, but he could never find the proper time or the courage to do it. yea, yea, make fun of him all you want. the man has no game with women, despite what every piece of media has you believe. but he couldn’t handle it anymore. gazing at you from across the playground, seeing you in every beautiful thing he found, thinking of you at night so he couldn’t fall asleep or thinking of you to fall asleep, it was driving him insane
at least if you rejected him now he could learn to get over it, one way or another
“could we… talk more over.. over dinner, or something? anything, anything at all.” he sputtered out. ouch, rough one buddy.
“hawks?” you asked, leaning toward him. “are you asking me on a date?” you tried to keep your smile at a normal level, but it was admittedly hard.
“yes, i am. if you’d like to, of course.”
“yes! yes, i-i would,” you let your excitement get the better of you for a moment as you tried to regain your composure. ah, nothing better than two idiots in love. “can i um- get your phone so i can-“
“phone.. phone! yes, phone, right, i have one of those,” he fished into his pocket, grabbing his phone to unlock it and hand it to you to put your number in. you handed it back to him, this time the both of you letting your hands linger longer than they should without worry. “well, i should get going. might be missing another robbery. i’ll call you- text you, i’ll text you, and we’ll um, we’ll figure something out, okay?”
“uh-huh..” you nodded, watching breathlessly as always as his wings spread and he gave them a few beats as he rose into the air. “see you soon, hawks.”
“see you soon, y/n.”
as you watched him fly away, you couldn’t help but have a good feeling about your upcoming date. it would be different than all of the others, you could feel it. but when you turned to go back into the school, you saw your entire class with their tiny faces pressed against the windows, assumingely having watched the entire exchange. even knowing that now it would be impossible to get them to nap or really do anything for the rest of the day, you couldn’t help but feel like you were on cloud nine
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whxtedreams · 6 months ago
Familiar yet Foreign
A Din Djarin x f!reader oneshot
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Summary: In the depths of Canto Bight, you find something you thought you lost; his trust.
Written for @burntheedges roll-a-trope challenge - my trope was fake dating/marriage.
Word Count: 3.7k
Tags: fake marriage, untrustworthy reader, mentions of past injury, one bed hehe, protective!din, unwanted male attention, fear of loss, handcuffs, thief!reader.
Main masterlist - series masterlist
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Canto Bight, the infamous, glitzy gambling hub, was a paradox.
On one hand, it was no place for a thief like you. With security cameras, guards and wealthy patrons on high alert.
On the other hand, the place was ripe for a skilled crook like yourself. With the promise of hefty winnings on the casino floors and in private games, temptation was everywhere. The dimly lit alleys and extravagant parties provided perfect cover for those with the expertise and daring to take advantage of the high-stakes environment.
In a way, Canto Bight was both forbidden territory and an opportunity waiting to be seized.
The only problem was you had made a promise to the Mandalorian you were traveling with.
The Mandalorian, or rather, Mando, had stood in front of you where he had sat you on a crate on his ship earlier that day. His arms crossed over his chest. The glare you knew he gave you, hidden behind the helmet.
"Listen," he said, "you're going to sit here and you're going to stay out of my way. You're not going to cause any trouble, not going to bring any attention to yourself. You're going to stay right here. Got it?" His voice was cold and unwavering and his stance made it clear that the matter was non-negotiable.
You had waited ten minutes after he left before you left.
There was too much to see and steal after all.
The city was a sprawling, pulsating beast by night. The dimly lit alleyways and shadowy rooftops were your playground as you navigated discreetly through the city. You moved like a ghost, flitting from one venue to another. From the lavish cantinas to the high-rolling casinos. Your fingers were nimble and sure, plucking riches from the hands of the wealthy as easily as if they were picking ripe fruit.
You had missed this, the thrill and adrenaline of a thief's life.
Mando was like a jailer recently, keeping you caged on his ship. He had refused to let you leave for months. The reason was clear - your error. It wasn't just a simple slip-up; it had led to an injury that had stained both Mando’s and your hands with your own blood. It had caused the bounty hunter's protective instincts to kick in. He was determined to keep you under his watchful eye, his actions both a punishment and a precaution. The atmosphere on the ship had turned heavy with tension, the silence broken only by the hum of the engines and the occasional sigh or muttered curse from the stoic warrior.
He used to talk to you, used to seek out your company.
It had been months since a conversation lasted more than five seconds.
You felt so lonely.
The air of Canto Bight was like a drug, a potent mix of excitement, opulence, and thrill. It was just what you had been craving. The atmosphere was electric, the glitz and glamor everywhere you looked. The streets were filled with people eager to gamble, party, and seek out adventure. The promise of a good time and the chance to escape your mind was intoxicating and you found yourself drawn in like an Alderaan furry moth to a flame.
You were navigating the cramped, labyrinthine ventilation shafts as you tried to avoid detection of the guards. They had thrown you into the trash filled back alley as you tried to enter the high states casino. It was a risky move, but you had done it many times before.
You were skilled at getting into places you shouldn’t be in after all.
 However, this time, your luck ran out the moment you crawled out of the vent and made a turn into a narrow corridor. Unknown to you, the hallway was not empty. You turned the corner and head butted into a solid, metallic surface. As you looked up, blinking in surprise, you realized with a pang of dread that you had head butted Beskar.
"I can explain," you said. The words tumbled from your mouth in a rush as Mando’s gloved hand grabbed hold of your wrist.
“We can talk about that later. I need you.” He said.
You trailed behind Mando, your footsteps echoed softly in the dimly lit corridors. The music from the cantina below was a distant, booming pulse. Its sound muffled by the thick walls but still strong enough to fill the air. The occasional glimpses of flashing lights spilled out through the doors you passed and it painted the floors in a deep purple hue, providing the only source of illumination in the otherwise dark and ominous hallway. You could feel the tension in the air and the Mandalorian's steps ahead of you seemed purposeful.
Mando came to a sudden halt in front of a guard that stood in front of large golden double doors. His hand that had been grasping your wrist just moments before moved to rest on your spine. You felt a slight pressure, a silent command to stay put. You looked up at Mando, confusion and curiosity in your eyes as you tried to puzzle out his actions.
“Mywife,” Mando said.
His what?
Before you could open your mouth to voice your confusion, Mando’s hand gave a sharp tug at your shirt and pulled you against his chest. The sudden movement caught you off guard and you stumbled into him, your back now pressed firmly against the cool Beskar. The question that had been forming on your lips died on your tongue as you felt the solid presence of the warrior behind you.
The guard looked you over, his expression skeptical as he took in your bewildered face. He raised an eyebrow and directed his attention back to Mando, his tone unimpressed. "You sure about that?" he said.
“It’s new,” Mando replied.
“Very new,” you said.
Your gaze shifted from the guard's face, which was locked in an intense, one-sided staring contest with the Beskar helmet behind you. To your left, a framed sign on the wall caught your eye. It was a gaudy, overblown declaration advertising a casino room beyond was open to married couples only.
“My wife and I would like to play Sabacc. Now.” 
The guard sighed.
“Fine, but one wrong move and I will throw you out. Mandalorian or not.” The guard grumbled as he opened the door for you to step through.
Mando steered you through the threshold of the doors and into the crowded, lively room beyond. Round tables were strategically placed throughout the space, each occupied by couples absorbed in either their game or live Fathier Racing holograms. Groups of people roamed the floor as they moved from table to table, eagerly watching the games and races unfold. Along the walls, secluded booths provided intimate spaces for groups of people, their conversations hidden behind the low, padded barriers. The air was thick with tension and excitement. The hum of chatter and the clink of credits filled your ears.
Credits to steal.
“I can feel your fingers twitching.” Mando said.
You stole a glance at Mando. His helmet faced away from you as he scanned the room. His gaze moved from table to table, taking in every detail just as you had but for an entirely different reason. His hand was still pressed firmly against your back, its weight a constant reminder of his presence. It was familiar yet foreign. You could feel the slight tension in his touch, the subtle way his fingers pressed through the fabric of your shirt. A silent signal for you to stay close.
You clenched your fists tightly, the action a meager attempt to control the tension that coursed through your body. Your fingers dug into your palms as Mando turned his helmet to look down at you. You could feel the weight of his gaze bearing down on you, even through the visor of his helmet. You took a deep, steadying breath, maintaining the neutral expression on your face despite the hammering of your heart against your ribcage.
"Are you going to behave?" The low hum of his voice behind the modulator sent a shiver down your spine as he spoke. You swallowed hard, struggling to find your voice as you nodded stiffly in response.
He scoffed; the sound muffled through the modulator in his helmet. His hand tightened in your shirt as he gripped the fabric firmly.
“I don’t need a repeat of last time.”
Despite the gruff and frustrated tone in his voice, there was a hint of gentleness in the way this hand smoothed the fabric of your shirt, his touch surprisingly careful. With his guidance, he led you to an empty booth at the back of the room. The dim lighting provided a secluded area away from the main gambling tables. You could sense the tension in his stance, the controlled strength and power coiled beneath his armor. As he motioned for you to sit, his presence loomed over you like a shadow.
As you settled yourself on the cold metal bench of the booth, Mando’s voice cut through the hum of the casino. "If I tell you to stay, will you?" His visor was trained on you, the purple dim lights above the booth casted shadows across his already intimidating visage.
You nodded.
He shifted his weight and rested his hands on his hips. He then cocked his head to the side, his gaze locked onto you. He exhaled, the sound a deep, mechanical huff, as if he were gathering his thoughts or summoning some inner strength.
With a swift, practiced movement, Mando unclipped a pair of cuffs and secured one around your wrist. You felt the cold metal pinch against your skin, the sound of the click as the cuff locked into place. Without a second thought, he attached the other cuff to the heavy table leg, effectively tethering you to the booth.
“You understand why I don’t trust you?”
You nodded again.
Because you do. You really do.
Once you were secured to the booth, Mando leaned in close. The cold, hard surface of his helmet mere inches from your face. In a low, firm voice, he informed you that he would return once he had acquired the information he needed or captured the bounty he was hunting. The weight of his words and the situation's gravity settled over you like a leaden blanket as he took a step back, his figure disappearing into the crowd of gamblers.
So, there you sat, bound to the booth. The minutes ticked by with agonizing slowness. You could have easily slipped free the cuffs and you knew Mando was aware of this fact as well. This waiting game was a test, a trial to see if you could be trusted again. If you had the discipline and restraint to stay put despite the temptation to flee.
You waited for him.
Around the two hour mark a burly Weequay pushed his way into the booth beside you. The weight of his body caused the metal bench to creak and groan under his weight. He settled into the space with a smirk, his eyes scanned you up and down with a leery gaze.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” you said.
"You here all alone?” The Weequay leaned back, his arm slid over the back of the booth and came to rest behind you with a casual familiarity that immediately set your nerves on edge. He chuckled softly as his eyes lingered on your bound wrist. “And handcuffed?” His other hand reached for your bound wrist.
Just as you were about to snap a retort at the Weequay, a deep shadow fell over the booth. Your eyes instinctively lifted to find the source. In front of you stood the imposing figure of the Mandalorian, every inch of his body radiated tension and anger. His hands were clenched tightly by his sides, his stance wide and aggressive, as if he was barely holding himself back.
The Weequay's face twisted into a frown as he turned around, his gaze locked onto the imposing figure behind him. The cocky expression fell from his face and he visibly tensed, his body jolted in surprise at the sight of the armored warrior. He swallowed hard; his confidence vanished like smoke in the wind.
 "If you want to leave with your hand attached," he stated, each word punctuated clearly, "I suggest you take your hand off my wife." Mando's voice was as cold and hard as the Beskar he wore, the threat in his words clear and unequivocal.
The Weequay's eyes widened in surprise at the term "my wife," and his head whipped over to look at you. He stuttered over his words, his eyes darted between you and the Mandalorian. He hastily slid out of the booth; his apologies spilled out of his mouth in a rush as he took in the sight of the furious Mandalorian towered over him. In a heartbeat, he turned on his heel and scurried away, disappearing into the crowd.
The moment he left; you could see the tension in Mando’s shoulders relax. In his hand was a drink, the condensation on the outside of the glass glinted in the casino lights. With a nod, he placed the drink on the table beside you. The liquid within beckoned to you, the cool, cold condensation a tantalizing promise of relief. You practically lunged for the drink, your parched throat relishing the cool liquid as you downed it all in one gulp.
“Your wife, huh?” You smiled as you put the empty cup on the table.
After watching you practically inhale the drink as if dying of thirst, Mando bent down as he ignored you. With a swift motion, he unlocked the cuff around your wrist and freed you from the booth. He then stood straight again; his gaze fixed on you.
“Got the information I needed. We can head back to the Crest.” He said as you rose from the booth.
Mando’s reaction was instant as you reached out and grabbed his wrist, his body jolted at the unexpected touch. He turned back to face you.
You looked up at him, your hand still wrapped around his wrist and suggested, "What if we get a room? With an actual bed, maybe?"
He stared at you.
“I may have stolen enough credits, so I can pay for it myself?”
His visor betrayed no reaction, but his body seemed to tense beneath your hold. Then, he nodded.
Mando seemed to consider your suggestion for a moment before he spoke, his voice gruff beneath the modulator. "Fine," he said, the word coming out as a reluctant agreement. He then adjusted his grip, his fingers wrapping around your wrist instead. "But only because you didn't run off," he added as he pointed his finger at you, a note of subtle approval in his tone.
As he pivoted on his heel and began to lead you through the casino, you couldn't help but smile to yourself. There was a sense of triumph in the way he tugged you along, your hand encircled by his sturdy grip. The sound of the casino faded into the background as you followed him through the corridors and to the lobby.
The moment Mando reached the counter, he reached out and rang the bell. After a moment, the guard from earlier emerged from the back room, his expression a mix of tiredness and irritation. The guard let out a long sigh, leaning heavily on the counter as he recognized the armored figure before him.
"Two rooms," Mando said. With a flick of his hand, he tossed a small stack of credits you stole onto the counter and it clattered against the hard surface.
The guard darted from the credits to Mando’s helmet and raised his eyebrows. “Two rooms?” He asked.
Mando remained still as he stared at the guard.
 "Now, why would a husband and wife need two rooms?" he sneered, a smirk played at the corner of his mouth. The guard crossed his arms across his chest, as if challenging the Mandalorian's response. The tension in the air thickened as he stared at the guard, his grip on your wrist tightened ever so slightly.
“One. Room.” Mando said and you felt the anger radiate off him.
The guard raised an eyebrow at Mando's tone, seemingly surprised by the man's demeanor, but he quickly snatched the credits from the counter and handed Mando one room key.
With a swift, almost violent motion, Mando snatched the key and remaining credits from the counter. The guard's fingers barely moved out of the way in time.
It wasn’t until the door shut behind you with a soft click and a sense of isolation enveloped you that you noticed Mando's shoulders relax again. His rigid stance loosened as if shedding the tension that had been weighing heavily upon him. The dim lighting of the room cast dramatic shadows across his armor, but for a moment, in the quiet of the room, he looked less like an intimidating warrior and more like a man struggling to hold onto his composure.
He walked past you, his movements purposeful and measured and made his way to the chair in the corner of the room. He spoke as he sat down, the sound of the chair creaked slightly under his weight as he folded his arms. "I'll take the chair," he stated, his voice flat and matter of fact. He leaned back in the chair, the metal of his armor clinked against the wood.
You sat down on the edge of the bed closest to him, the springs of the mattress dipping slightly beneath your weight. You looked over at Mando seated in the chair he had claimed as his own. "I'm sorry," you said.
His helmet flicked up to glance at you, but other than that he didn't move.
You sighed.
“I’m sorry you can’t trust me like I want you to.”
“I did trust you.”
You looked up at him and nodded slowly.
“I trusted you to trust me and you-” he stopped himself with a deep sigh and shook his head, “Do you know I still find your blood in the Crest?”
Your eyes closed involuntarily as shameful memories flooded your mind. Flashes of his shaking hands on your bloody body in the dimly lit corner of the Crest. The memories played out in quick, vivid snapshots, like photos being shuffled in a deck of cards. The sound of his angry, raised voice echoed in your head. Its volume and intensity were a stark contrast to his usual collected and calm demeanor.  His hands tearing at your clothes to get to your injuries. His hands holding you down as you cried. Your cold body drenched in your own blood. His cries as he held you. You could almost feel the fear that oozed from him, a fear you had never seen in him before, and it terrified you more than your injury had.
“I can’t see you like that again,” he said.
You took a deep breath and opened your eyes again, the memories still lingered like ghosts in the back of your mind. Without uttering a word, you nodded in acknowledgment.
You turned away from him, your focus shifted to the bed that seemed too large and too empty for just you. The words "Sleep with me?" left your lips before you could second-guess yourself, your voice almost a whisper in the quiet room.
“I miss you Mando. I won’t touch you, I just - miss you.”
Without a word, he stood from the chair.
Mando did not take his armor off like he used to. He did not slip under the covers, instead laid on top of the sheets. He did not hold you close to his chest like he had for countless months.
The distance was palpable; not just the space between your bodies, but also the distance between the connection you once shared.
Instead, you found yourself clutching the soft fabric of his cloak in your hands as you laid beside him. The scent of him that had once seemed soothing and comforting was muted by the metallic smell of his armor. Fatigue tugged at your eyelids, your mind teetering on the edge of sleep as you held onto his cloak. The bed seemed too large, too desolate without his embrace.
He was so close yet so far.
Familiar yet foreign.
As you were on the verge of that sweet surrender of sleep, his arm moved around your waist and pulled you gently closer to him. His touch was unexpected, his movements cautious yet deliberate. Your body slotted against his armored form, the cold touch of his armor against your skin a sharp contrast to the unexpected warmth that spread through you at the contact.
“Can I trust you? Will you trust me to keep you safe? Because I can’t see you like that again and I need to know if I can trust you to listen to me when it matters most,” he said. You could hear the strain in his usually calm and collected voice. The underlying hint of fear in his tone.
You nodded into his side, the strength of his grip on your waist a comfort. You had no intention of leaving his side again, the memories of his angry voice and shaky hands was still fresh in your mind. You wanted to stay close to him, for him to trust you in the way he once had.
He nodded as he sat up in the bed, his movements methodical and practiced. You silently watched as he began to remove his armor, each piece came off with a series of clicks and scrapes as he unclasped and untethered the Beskar from his body.
He left his armor stacked neatly on the chair; each piece placed with a level of care. Then, he returned to the bed, the mattress dipped slightly as he slid under the sheets. His body warm against yours.
You could have cried.
You did cry.
The warmth of his bare hand against your stomach as he pulled your back against his chest emanated more than just physical comfort. The solidity of his body against yours was a reminder that he was there with you. His touch was firm yet gentle, his fingers splayed over your stomach in a way that suggested he was afraid of letting go. You sank back into his embrace, the steady beat of his heart against your back a soothing lullaby you had not been able to sleep without.
You weren't alone anymore.
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Did I stay on track of fake marriage? Maybe? – listen I tried. I sat down to try and write this three times and scrapped it three times before I finally stuck with this. But regardless, I had a lot of fun doing this! I haven’t necessarily written in the Star Wars universe before, only AU’s with Din so this was very intimidating. I did, however, like writing it. It was just scary because I didn’t want to describe something incorrectly or not write it correctly?  
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a2remedy · 16 days ago
Rocking with the Joker
It was a dark day in Gotham. The dark clouds and heavy rain weren't a new sight for its residents. Some would say it's the city's natural state.
Heavy rain accompanied by thunder usually muffled the cries of people with knives or bullets in their abdomen from a deal gone wrong. At the same time, it was a comfort to Gothamites.
Rain showed the best and worst of the world's crime center. The muffled sounds made finding sleep in the city easier. It made its people more receptive to helping one another. Rain, Darkness, Shadows.
Those were the playgrounds for the very protectors of this city.
It was the very thing that frustrated Oracle at the moment. Looking through wet lens into the alleys and abandoned sites like her life depended on it.
Maybe it did. Switching to being the lady in the chair surely wasn't a seamless but she did a damn good job, if the numerous voices in her ear didn't remind her enough. But she couldn't help her frustration. Even if they didn't speak often, they shared a look. A silent promise to get back at their assailant for what he's done.
A week ago, rogues used the same playground to break out of Arkham. The Joker was out there. Somewhere.
And Jason was silent. It's been slowly eating at her as they caught more rogues. Tim and Dick reported back that they've 'contact'. Whatever they wanted to call it. She hated the 10-foot pole between him and the other bats. She knew he hated it too.
A week since the Joker escape, and his pit rage hasn't died down since.
Her mind stopped wandering as she heard the GCPD. Reported sightings of the pale green gas inside an indoor concert hall, the feint laughter in the background growing louder by the second. With a practiced deftness, she located where the officer's coordinates were and reported to the bats... Right near Crime Alley. "Does anybody have eyes on Red Hood?" Nobody responded for 1...3...5 seconds. She knew well enough that one of the first casualties when Hood was like this was his helmet , and she assumed right when she got in to see the blurry camera that glitched with static occasionally. Right at the doors of the venue. She could make out people crumbling to their knees, desperately making their way for exits before succumbing to the drug. The haunting laughter ringing out from crying faces with grins too large. "I NEED ETAS! STAT!" "I'm 5 minutes away!" Tim responded as he grappled from rooftops. "I'm there in 3!" Dick was hoofing it as she focused on Red Hood. She opened her mouth, and her stomach dropped. Static graced her ears as it came in, but she was sure she heard correctly. "I'm going in." "Hood, just hold on." She knew better than hoping he'd listen. She checked the clear camera. At least, he had his rebreather on. "Hood is making contact. Hurry!"
"On it!" The chorus of voices and affirmative "Hm!" brought the comfort of the rain back to her. He's not alone in this, and neither is she. ---- The corners of his eyes tinged with green as he felt the pits simmer to life. He had to act fast. He had the officers on-site help him and his boys move the people nearest to the exits away before he turned back to the venue and collapsed forms inside. He could barely make out what the others were saying, but he knew well enough that the venue could comfortably fit 1,000 people. Far too many for him and 20 odd cops to handle.
He could still remember Bella, the rock star in the making, nerded out when a meta from the out of the city announced a surprise performance for the end of her tour. What was her name again? He followed the sounds of gunfire the further he got in until he made it to the open double doors. There weren't any bullet holes through the wall and door frame, so he made his way in. His heart was in his chest as he laid his eyes on the room surrounded in green. Lazarus green.
Jason had to keep reminding himself, freak out later, there's a job to do. Freak out later; there's a job to do. FREAK OUT LATE-! Green paved its way through his sight.
But the pits we're of afraid of it. Should he be? He needed something, anything to ground himself. So he touched the freaky thing. The green at the encompassing his vision vanished. Like oil to water, whatever he felt now wasn't the pits. It was like taking a dip into a pool. Cold enough to make you flinch, but it warms to his touch. He didn't notice he was dragging his hand along it until a guy's voice rang out over the mental and physical gunfire. "EMBER!" He took off a purple guitar with teal flame details and tossed it over.
The guitar straps fitted on her like a glove. "I GOT IT, B! LET'S KNOCK THEIR SOCKS OFF!" Jason didn't realize he was holding his breath until he exhaled in relief. Not noticing the band members' attention snapping to him as he finally caught sight of the joker. He gave the room a once over. The room with cheering fans as the band members were still being fired on. "THIS IS EMBER AND THE BUSTAS-" The three other members responded,"-AND WE'RE HERE TO BUST YA BALLS!" What. The. Fuck.
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hometoursandotherstuff · 1 month ago
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Beautiful condos are available in this building beginning at about $225k and up, but the penthouse, here, is for sale for $6.4m + a ridiculous $7,150/mo HOA . This is a 1981 building in Houston, TX. 4bds, 6ba, 7,156 sq ft. The caveat is that the current owners made some decor decisions that buyers may not want to pay $6.4m for. Take a look.
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The entrance hall. As you can see, they went with black, gray, purple, and gold. I do like black if it's done right.
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It just doesn't look crisp, it's like they hired the lowest bidder. Look at the gold on the table to the left- that's a DIY paint job.
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The grand staircase has lighted steps.
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Not sure what they were going for. Hip, goth, glam, or subdued sophistication. Do you see what I mean- the gold lines on the ceiling aren't sharp.
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Double balconies and a gold tray ceiling.
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They've got a chess table in the stair well.
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My ex was an antique furniture restorer and I learned about paint and stuff. It just doesn't look right- if it's a semi-gloss finish, it doesn't have the rich satin glow, and if it's gloss, it's not shiny enough- it should look like patent leather. I'm confused, it must be cheap paint.
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At least they didn't mess up the kitchen. Is that a tin backsplash? I would prefer tile or quartz.
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This dining area has damask wallpaper, (not a fan), but the ceiling's got a mural.
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Large guest powder room.
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Huge bedroom. The ceiling in here is nice. Great panoramic view of the city.
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Very large ensuite.
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The walk-in closet/dressing room.
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This secondary bedroom is big enough for a sitting area.
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The ensuite is a shower room.
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This appears to be an office.
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It also has its own shower room.
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On this lower level, there's a family room.
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Bd. #3 is pretty. Maybe this is the primary bedroom. It's hard to tell b/c all the bedrooms are large.
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Matching ensuite.
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Beautiful closet and a vanity table.
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Here's a gentleman's closet, too.
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The lounge has a bar and doors to the rooftop deck.
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The roof top deck is gigantic, and includes a full-size pool and hot tub.
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Amenities include 6 parking spaces, Dry Sauna, Exercise Room, Guest Room Available in case you run out of space, Playground, Storage, Tennis Court(s), Trash Chute, Trash Pick Up, and Outdoor Kitchen.
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astraeus-tree · 11 days ago
In Celebration of Your Birthday
Batfam x Reader (Platonic)
It's my birthday (releasing this as soon as it hits 12am hopefully) so I wanted to write a little drabble Disclaimer(s): Unfortunately there's no Steph, Babs or Duke and they're all probably OOC
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Today felt like chaos incarnate, countless things had already happened, yet it was only midday.
You hadn’t woken up on your own, no. Damian was there, waking you up from your peaceful slumber at the ungodliest hour of the night and demanded you to get ready already. You had slowly done your morning routine, still fatigued by sleep, but Damian had rushed you, saying it was dire that you needed to be fast.
When you had finished, he dragged you down to the batcave, excited about whatever he has planned. He shoved your vigilante costume to you and started getting dressed into his Robin uniform.
“Dami? What the hell is going in?” You dressed in your costume, alarms raising in your head.
“We’re going on patrol.” He had finished getting into his costume swiftly, now standing with crossed arms waiting for you to finish.
“It’s not even my turn?” You questioned.
“Just follow me.... Please?” You sighed, he knew you could never deny it when he asked like that
“Alright, lead the way then.”
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The patrol was less of a patrol and more of a game of tag with the rooftops of Gotham as your playground.
When the first rays of light first showed, he had quickly led you to the highest point of Gotham: the top of Wayne Tower. When you had finally caught up to him, he was sitting, patting on a place next to him for you to sit in, and so you did. The rooftop was the perfect place to watch the sunrise. The sky had been painted with various shades of orange, like it had been dipped in gold.
He had leaned his head on your shoulder, wrapping his arm around yours and you held you arms around them.
“I’m grateful to have you as my sibling [Name].”
Damian had whispered to you, and you felt your heart swell. You pulled him in closer, ruffling his hair.
“I love you too, you cuties. What’s with the clinginess today though?” You asked, confused as to why he was suddenly acting more clingy than usual. In response, he only looked at you weirdly, as if in disbelief, then stayed quiet. You left it at that.
The two of you had stayed there for a few minutes, until the sun was fully up, and you could see some people already starting their day. Then, you two had went back to the manor, and he left, saying his goodbyes and off to do his own thing.
As soon as you had went up from the Batcave, Cassandra was there, ready to greet you. She had been in her ballet clothes, and pulled you into one of the many rooms of the manor, saying that you two should perform a duet, her dancing and you playing the violin.
And so you did. However, you were so focused on her dancing that you messed up several notes, but she didn’t mind and kept dancing with grace. The duet had lasted several minutes, yet you were so captivated by your little sister’s dancing that it had felt like it was only a few seconds. You were so proud of how far your little sister had come with her ballet dancing.
She had left not long after, but not before saying “I’m glad I’m your sibling, [Name].”
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Dick was next with this weird behaviour from your family. He had come up to you while you were resting in your room. He had been sent on a mission, but wanted to see and talk to you before starting it. It was quick, definitely not as long as the other two, but no less impactful to you.
With so much stuff happening around you, you had honestly forgotten it was your birthday. It was no wonder why everyone was suddenly acting weirdly.
You loved them all dearly, but with so many interactions happening so early in the morning, you were already drained. You had been walking around the manor when you spotted Tim laying on the floor of the living room, taking a nap. Tired, you joined him, cuddling up next to him.
Tim had briefly woken up when you laid next to him, but he didn’t move and let you get yourself comfortable as he went back to take a nap.
Alfred had seen you two as he was cleaning around the manor—not that it was unclean, it was just his daily routine— and smiled when he saw you two. He placed a blanket over the two of you and placed a Do Not Disturb sign near the living room to warn the others, who knew exactly what it meant at first glance.
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You had woken up a few hours later. Tim had still been taking a nap by that time, so you decided to let him sleep peacefully. He must’ve hear you moving though, because you swore you head a small mumble that sounded like the words ‘I love you.’
Once again, you were taking a walk around the manor when you stumbled into another one of your family members. Though it was unusual to see Jason in the manor, you guessed he was here for your birthday as well.
This time, you were the one to initiate the clingy behaviour. You had opened your arms wide, silently inviting him for a hug. You could see the hesitation in his face before he decided to throw it away and envelop you in an embrace.
“I love you [Name].”
“I love you too little bro.” You two had stayed like that for a while, letting silence overtake the both of you. After all, actions spoke louder than words.
When you had finally let go, you ruffle his hair before he went to go do his own thing.
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Your father had called you into the batcave that night before dinner, saying he had a gift for you. Your father was standing in the middle, clearly waiting for you. The lights behind him were dim, clearly hiding something.
“[Name].” He stated plainly.
“Dad? What’s going on?” That was when the lights behind him had turned on and showed a collection of various different weapons behind him.
“I know you’ve been wanting to try out other weapons than your usual one, so your siblings and I have been working on this project for a while now.” You felt your eyes tear up. You had mentioned that in a passing conversation with your father during a patrol once, you never would’ve guessed he would even remember it.
You ran up to hug him. “You really didn’t have to do this, just you being here was everything to me.”
“I wanted to do this for you, you’re my child.”
Later, your whole family had given you a surprise party for dinner. It was small, definitely not as grand as the balls that the Waynes would usually host, but it was perfect. It had everyone you loved and everything you needed.
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This is very much inspired by Rizzanon's Batfam February, especially Dami's part lmao
It was supposed to have Jon in it as well but it felt unfair to include him but not anyone else so I had to get rid of him 😔
No song for this title so that's why it's very basic lmao
Have a great day/night everyone <3
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cariocasimmer · 1 year ago
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✨ upland place condominium
Upland Place is the perfect condominium to always have that amazing golden hour photo on the rooftop terrace - but at what price? This overpriced art decò building is perfect for aspiring artists who want to try and make a living in Del Sol Valley.
With only four apartments, the rent is never cheap, but the amenities help: a pool, playground for the children, gym, and a bar. Come live in Upland Place and find your perfect spot on the land of the sun!
🏠 40 x 30 💵 $ 203.740 🏘 residential ✅ no cc build! 🖇 fast internet & grody 🗂 another piece of my save file 📍 upland place, del sol valey
🟨 get to work, get together, city living, cats & dogs, seasons, get famous, island living, discover university, eco lifestyle, snowy escape, cottage living & high school years 🟦 outdoor retreat, spa day, dine out, vampire, parenthood, jungle adventure, strangeville, realm of magic, dream home decorator, my wedding stories & werewolves 🟩 perfect patio, cool kitchen, movie hangout, romantic garden, kids room, backyard, vintage glamour, bowling night, fitness, toddler, moschino, tiny living & paranormal 🟪 blooming rooms, decor to the max & little campers
🎨 NO CC ART by AleNena
🆔 curseforge id ⏩ here 🆔 gallery id ⏩ cariocasimmer
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