#1000 calories a day meal plan
freemon4 · 2 years
Lose Weight Fast with this 1000 Calories a Day Meal Plan
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Do you want to lose weight fast? If so, then you need to follow a 1000 calories a day meal plan. This type of diet is perfect for those who want to see results quickly. In this article, we will discuss what you can eat on a 1000-calorie diet list and how to create your own meal plan. We will also provide some tips on how to stick with your diet and achieve your weight loss goals!
1000 Calories a Day Meal Plan
Whether you're looking to lose weight quickly or just want to improve your overall health, a 1000 calories a day meal plan is the perfect solution. This type of diet is designed to help you shed excess pounds and eat healthy foods that will nourish your body. When it comes to creating a 1000 calories a day meal plan, there are many different options to choose from. You can base your diet on whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats. Some great examples of 1000 calories a day meal plan include a vegetable omelette for breakfast, grilled chicken with roasted vegetables for lunch, and a leafy green salad topped with tuna and avocado monks' beard for dinner. If you are looking for some extra support to help you stick with your 1000 calories a day meal plan, there are many resources available. For example, you can join an online weight loss community or seek the guidance of a nutritionist or dietitian. Additionally, setting small goals and tracking your progress can be helpful in staying on track with your diet. Whether you are looking to lose weight or simply improve your overall health, following a 1000 calories a day meal plan is an excellent way to achieve your goals. So why not get started today? With the right foods and some determination, you can reach your ideal weight in no time!
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1000 Calorie Diet Menu Plan 7 Days Free UK Are you looking to lose weight quickly? Then you may be considering a 1000 calories a day meal plan diet. This type of diet can help you to lose weight quickly, but it is important to understand how it works before you begin. A 1000 calorie diet menu plan generally involves eating less than 1000 calories a day meal plan diet. This can be difficult to do, especially if you are used to eating more. However, there are a few ways that you can make it easier. First, you can look for recipes that are low in calories but still filling. Second, you can portion your meals so that you are eating smaller amounts more often throughout the day. And third, you can make sure to include plenty of low-calorie foods in your diets such as fruits and vegetables. If you are thinking about starting a 1000-calorie diet, then be sure to speak with your doctor first. This type of diet is not for everyone and it is important to make sure that it is right for you. Once you have gotten the green light from your doctor, then you can start planning your menu. Here is a 7-day 1000 calorie a day meal plan diet menu plan to get you started: Day 1 Breakfast: ½ cup oatmeal with ½ cup berries Lunch: Garden salad with 2 tbsp. dressing Dinner: 3 oz. grilled chicken with steamed broccoli and 1 small baked potato Day 2 Breakfast: 1 slice whole wheat toast with 1 tsp. peanut butter Lunch: Tuna salad on whole wheat bread Dinner: Spaghetti with marinara sauce and a side salad Day 3 Breakfast: ½ grapefruit with 1 egg scrambled Lunch: Turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread with mustard Dinner: Salmon with roasted Brussels sprouts and quinoa Day 4 Breakfast: Smoothie made with ½ cup yogurt, ¼ cup berries, and ¼ cup oats Lunch: Soup and salad Dinner: A chicken burrito bowl with brown rice, black beans, salsa, and guacamole Day 5: Greek yoghurt with honey and granola Lentil soup Grilled lean steak with sautéed mushrooms Day 6: Fruit salad Veggie burger on a whole wheat bun Roasted turkey breast with mashed potatoes and gravy Day 7: Omelet made with 2 eggs and vegetables Chicken Caesar salad Roast beef with roasted potatoes and carrots
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1000 Calories a Day Meal Plan Low Carb There are a lot of different meal plans out there, but if you're looking to lose weight, a low-carb diet can be a great option. The 1000 calories a day meal plan below is a great starting point. This 800-calorie diet plan pdf includes recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as snacks and Desserts. All of the recipes are low-carb, and the meals add up to 1000 calories per day. This pdf is a great resource if you're trying to lose weight. It can be difficult to stay on track when you're following a diet, but having all of the recipes in one place can make it a lot easier. If you're looking for a challenge, try following this meal plan for a week and see how much weight you lose! 1000 Calorie Diet Meal Plan 14 Days If you're looking to cut down on calories, a 1000-calorie diet may be right for you. This meal plan provides a variety of delicious and nutritious options that clock in at 1000 calories or less per day. Each day, you'll enjoy three healthy meals and two snacks. Breakfast options include oatmeal with berries and Greek yoghurt with granola. For lunch, try a green salad with grilled chicken or a roasted veggie wrap. And for dinner, whip up a quick and easy stir-fry or spaghetti with turkey meatballs. With this plan, you can lose weight safely and still enjoy your food. So give it a try - you might be surprised at how good 1000 calories a day meal plan can taste! 1000 Calorie Bodybuilding Breakfast Lunch Dinner If you're looking for a hearty breakfast that will help you hit your daily calorie goals, look no further than this breakfast burrito. Packed with eggs, bacon, sausage, and cheese, this burrito is sure to give you the energy you need to power through your workout. For lunch, try a grilled chicken sandwich with avocado and tomato. This sandwich is delicious and satisfying, and it's also packed with healthy fats and protein. For dinner, enjoy a steak with roasted vegetables. This meal is hearty and filling, and it will help you reach your daily calorie goals. With this simple breakfast, lunch, and dinner plan, you'll be on your way to achieving your bodybuilding goals in no time. 1 000 Calorie Meal Dinner Breakfast Lunch Are you looking for 100 calories meal plan? It can be tough to find recipes that fit into a 1000-calorie diet plan, but we've got you covered. For breakfast, try our healthy frittata packed with veggies. For lunch, our roasted beet and bok choy salad is a filling and satisfying option. And for dinner, our black bean and quinoa enchiladas are hearty and delicious. So whether you're looking for breakfast, lunch, or dinner ideas, we've got you covered. 3000 calorie meal plan has never been easier!
Eating 1,000 Calories a Day How Much Weight Can I Lose Lunch Dinner Breakfast
It's no secret that cutting calories can help you lose weight. But just how much weight you can lose by eating 1,000 calories a day depends on a few factors, including your current weight, activity level, and diet. If you're currently eating 2,000 calories a day and cut your intake down to 1,000 calories, you can expect to lose about 2 pounds per week. However, if you're already eating a very low-600-calorie diet or if you're highly active, you may not lose any weight (or even gain some) by eating 1,000 calories a day. Ultimately, the best way to determine how many calories you should be eating is to speak with a Registered Dietitian or your doctor. They can help you create a healthy and sustainable plan that fits your unique needs and goals. 1000 Calories Per Day Meal Plan If you're looking to cut down on calories, a 1000-calorie-per-day meal plan is a good place to start. Here's an example of what you might eat in a day: For breakfast, you could have eggs and toast with fruit. For lunch, you could have a salad with chicken or fish. And for dinner, you could have grilled chicken or fish with vegetables. For snacks, you could have fruit or yoghurt. Of course, this is just an example - there are lots of different ways to stick to a 1000-calorie-per-day plan. The important thing is to make sure you're getting enough nutrients and not feeling hungry all the time. If you need some help getting started, there are plenty of resources online and in cookbooks. 1000 Calorie Daily Diet A calorie is a unit of measurement that refers to the amount of energy contained in food. The number of calories in a food is determined by its macronutrient content, with one gram of protein or carbohydrate containing 4 calories, and one gram of fat contains 9 calories. A diet that contains 1000 calories, therefore, means that you are consuming 1000 units of energy each day. This diet shakes is often recommended for weight loss, as it can help to create a deficit between the number of calories you consume and the number you burn off through exercise and everyday activities. While a 1000-calorie diet reviews can be effective for weight loss, it is important to ensure that you are still getting all the nutrients your body needs. This can be achieved by carefully choosing foods that are high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, as well as protein and healthy fats. Read the full article
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healthub · 4 months
7-Day 1000 Calorie Meal Plan – Complete Guide
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A diet of just 1000 calories per day can be tough and is not sustainable in the long haul. Although a 1000-calorie meal plan may initially result in immediate weight loss, it isn’t easy to sustain, and you’ll likely gain weight.
If you’re trying to lose weight and maintain it, it is essential to establish an appropriate, balanced diet that you can keep for a long time. While a diet of 1000 calories may benefit you by helping you lose weight quickly, it’s not a good idea and is not sustainable.
If you’re thinking of following 1000-calorie-a-day weight loss plan, discuss it with your doctor first to determine whether it’s appropriate. 
With this in mind, this guide on a 1000-calorie-a-day meal plan will benefit you.
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starvingxxxsiren · 27 days
ִ ࣪𖤐 vicious hedonistic nymph diet ִ ࣪𖤐
(inspired by @honey-diet 's gorgeous diet plans)
"you might look like the other mortals around you, but you're different.
you have a dark secret, one so controversial that you must only whisper about it to the other beings like you who lurk in the dark corners of the internet.
but just because you have certain "odd" habits that normal people lack doesn't mean you don't live your life to the fullest..."
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the basics!
you're not a human. you're a nymph. so you tend to feel out of place in this mortal-designed world.
mortals eat so much more than your kind...nymphs only eat about 500-1000 calories a day!
humans tend to be scared, stupid, and uneducated. they follow the herd. you do whatever the hell you please. why? well, why not?
never allow yourself to be disrespected by someone. especially concerning your "special habits". don't be afraid to retort their cruel quips with an even crueler one.
on the other hand, nymphs do love their special genuine connections with important people.
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diet rules
nymphs eat whatever they want. they dine on whatever pleases them in the moment.
however, this is vastly different from what mortals do. nymphs naturally have a smaller appetite, so they never eat in excess.
nymphs NEVER eat anything they don't want to, or anything mediocre or subpar. never settle for anything other than immense pleasure.
why overindulge on food? it will always be there. you can always have a little more later. you get full fast anyways.
NEVER go over 1500 calories. under any circumstances. nymph bodies are too tiny to handle this much food, and will cease to perform correctly!!
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inspo moodboard
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diet example
you wake up in the morning, wishing you could return to sleep. alas, humans prioritize being busy rather than lounging in bed all day. much to your hedonistic dismay, you have responsibilities to do.
you pull yourself out of bed and brew yourself a fresh cup of tea or coffee, whichever you prefer that day. if you have a sweet tooth, you sweeten it with 0cal sweetener of choice. if you're feeling especially famished, you grab a piece of fruit or toast to munch on your way to work/school. (~100-300cal)
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throughout the day, you drink various 0cal drinks, which keep you sustained perfectly. it always feels good to be a little hungry after all! if you are hungrier than usual, you may indulge in a light snack. nothing more than 100cals though, you'll get too full!
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after a long day of nymph shenanigans, you are ready for dinner. you settle down and prepare yourself a meal of your choice. maybe a sandwich, a bowl of noodles, some home made soup, or you can experiment with some human foods that sound appealing. whatever you may choose, make sure it's a nymph-like portion. you are not a human. so don't pig out like one! (~400-700cal)
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total cals = ~500-1000
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ediet-the-right-way · 16 days
Sharing from my meal plan Notes to those who need ✨
New Plan - Calories
No Snacks Between Meals
No Grazing
Eat without distraction / Mindfully Eat (when kids are asleep, when you don’t have to get up every ten seconds)
Eat One Bit at a time
Chew each bite 20-30x
Start fast at 5pm / 6pm
End fast at 11am/12pm next day if possible
5 hour eating window, 2 meals a day with 1 snack or 3 meals. Plan emergency snack.
Tea Between Meals
Sleep by 7/8p
Avoid Food Noise
Drink tea
Make a protein shake with a lot of ice
Take a bath
Shower / do hair
Prep foods for next day using bento boxes.
Eat at the same time every day. don’t destroy a good routine.
Everything you eat at work, eat the same way at home
If doing Low Carb / Keto
Pre: I’ve never had a good run with keto but for those of you who are trying it, follow guidelines below.
Stay under 1100-1000 Calories
Boiled egg with shrimp
BLT Salad from Keto Cook Book (Lettuce in lieu of bread)
Veggie Egg and Cheese Bake
Breakfast: Start at 12p: 470
1 cup egg whites - 133
with S/P/Garlic Powder
1 Egg - 70
2 ozFeta - 80
5 Cherry Tomatoes - 17
Sautéed mushroom and Onion - 50
- OR -
Meal: (Keto) 430
6 oz Steak - 240
1 Egg - 70
1oz Feta - 40
15 Spears Asparagus - 60
4 Cherry Tomatoes - 20
Meal: (Keto) - 367
Salmon - 280
Asparagus - 27
Meal 2: 323
2 Cups Salad Greens - 20
1 tbs skinny girl dressing - 5
4 Cherry tomatoes - 20
1 Cup Shredded Chicken - 170
1/4 Avocado - 58
1 oz Feta - 40
2 Turkey Roll Ups
Tomato and 1/2 Avocado Salad
1 Egg
2 Sweet Peppers
With cream cheese
- OR -
Meal: 460
Cottage Cheese Flatbread Pizza
* 1 Cup Cottage Cheese - 180
* 2 Eggs - 140
* Mix , Bake at 350 for 40min
* 2 tbs Pizza Sauce - 40
* Mozzarella or Violife Cheese - 100
- OR -
Meal: 352
2 Cups Salad Greens - 20
1 tbs skinny girl dressing - 5
6 Cherry tomatoes - 20
1/2 Cup Shredded Chicken - 85
1/2 Avocado - 100
1oz Feta - 40
1/4 cup Blueberries - 10
1/4 Cup Strawberries - 12
1/2 tbs Dark Chocolate Chips - 50
Pickled Onions - 10
Snack: Protein Shake
* 1 Scoop Protein Powder - 80
* 2 Tbs PB2 - 60
* 1 Cup Almond Milk - 30
* Ice - 0
* 1 tbs Peanut Butter - 98
* Smashed Berries - 50
* On Toast (Dave’s Killer Bread) - 60
- OR -
Pick from one:
My ask is always Open if you need meal ideas ✨
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uhitsum · 7 months
Hey chubbies!
Later this week, this blog is going to hit 1000 followers! I've been overwhelmed with all of the support, all in the span of only a month! To celebrate, I plan to make this Sunday, March 2nd, a full day binge - with a twist!
Below I have my activity page for the past week, including Notes, New Followers, and Total Followers. This Sunday, I'll be eating calories equal to the sum of these three numbers, as it stands on Saturday night (Right now, it would be 2470 + 225 + 862 = 3557 calories).
If you want to see me pack it in, make sure to like, reblog, comment, and follow --- anything to push those numbers UP! And for anyone who'd like to help sponsor a meal, as I'll likely be ordering out a portion of the day, you can always send me money at paypal.me/sillybearcreature. All support is appreciated, no matter how big or small!
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(And just a little belly, for your enjoyment 🤭)
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redflagshipwriter · 6 months
Reassembly 6
Masterpost is here.
Peter woke up on the library sofa that he was beginning to think of as his and hefted his bag over his shoulder.
He was doing okay. Really, he was fine. Considering that he was a minor with no resources or adults to help him, his life wasn't so bad.
Last night he'd gone to the gym early and thought about washing his dirty clothes in the shower. He hadn't, but he figured he would have to eventually. He could wear everything at least twice before it was an issue, right?
He chewed on that thought on his way to get breakfast. Today's hotel buffet had boiled eggs, which was new and exciting hotel fare. He made buttery whole grain toast and tried to calculate how many calories he was probably getting on this breakfast buffet lifestyle. ….on the good buffet days 1000 per day, at least.
There was no chance that it was enough to fuel Spider-Man. He had whole fat milk and juice to bulk it up, instead of water, but he knew it really wasn't enough.
‘Maybe I should be going to two buffets per day. They'd notice if I took a day's worth of meals from any one place, but they're open for hours.’
This place was one of the ones that had little plastic tubs of peanut butter with the peel off lid. With a guilty look over at the inattentive desk worker, Peter pocketed a couple for a snack later in the day. The only other non-refrigerated thing that looked small enough to pocket were rolls, and there weren't a ton of those. He took one.
He still had most of the cash from the wallet, but the idea of spending it seemed like a bad one. He might need it a lot more in the future.
‘I should look into food banks?’ That seemed right. There'd been a time after Uncle Ben died that Aunt May had gotten help that way.
Hopefully not for long. Maybe that potential client would hire him today. And them-
….how would they pay him? Peter put his face in his hands and breathed into his fingers for a bit. He didn't have a bank account. Could he open a bank account using only his birth certificate? Probably not! He definitely needed to figure out the social security number thing. Fast.
Peter didn't cry but it was a close thing. It was just… it was all so overwhelming. Nothing was just easy. He couldn't even just work and get paid because there were a billion steps needed before you could get money you'd earned.
Grimly, he wondered if there was something else. There was probably a way to get paid under the table, same day. Manual labor? Some kind of bottom barrel criminal stuff like smuggling or whatever it was people did with drugs?
He wouldn't mind the manual labor, except that it would be a very big problem for his under-fueled metabolism. But he probably had to choose hunger over small time crime. Didn't he? Peter bit his lip and wondered what Aunt May would say. She'd never broken the law, he was pretty sure. But she was a huge proponent of children getting to eat. Maybe she'd forgive him.
That was probably all beside the point. Peter didn’t know how to do any of that. He couldn’t survive by doing crime if he tried. He was kind of relieved to dismiss the idea that way.
‘School really might be my way out,’ Peter thought longingly. ‘If I get a scholarship and housing, that’s a ton of my problems solved right there. I’d be able to get a legit job a lot easier with an address and maybe a student ID.’
That was a longer term plan, then. For now, he had to figure out how to eat until that panned out.
Unbidden, he remembered Kon’s unused kitchen and endless credit cards.
Peter instantly felt a deep well of shame. He wasn’t going to use Kon like that. He wasn’t befriending Kon to benefit. That would be majorly messed up.
He was really looking forward to their planned hangout today, though. He didn’t feel guilty at the thought that he’d probably get to eat there if he cooked. That was normal, that was the kind of thing that friends did. It would be weirder to invite him over and not eat together.
They hadn’t exactly picked a time. Peter figured he would kill time until the library opened at 10, check his email, maybe study a little, and then head over. He didn’t want to go over there so early that Kon fed him both lunch and dinner. It had been fine last time, but it would be tacky to orchestrate that on purpose.
Social Security numbers. Peter mentally reframed the day’s mission to that. He’d check the email, sure, but rather than studying coding he was going to figure out how to get a social security number.
Well. Two. One for his real name, and one for his office workersona.
Peter cleared out of the hotel lobby when he heard an employee start to move around in the office behind the desk. He went to another hotel, got a piece of toast, fruit, and coffee, and then killed time by walking around for a couple of hours.
He wound through the morning crowds with an easy grace and enjoyed the pretense that he was one of them, a regular guy headed to work or something. It felt good to be lost in a crowd and have absolutely no one look at him like he was sticking out. He was having a terrible time but honestly, for a homeless jobless teenager, he was doing a really good job. He didn’t look weird or smell bad, and he’d figured out at least a short term survival strategy and a long term plan that he was working towards.
Oh. Peter felt a twist in his gut. He didn’t stop walking but he felt guilty about it. He probably shouldn’t be mindlessly burning energy by walking around, not when he was eating maybe half of what an average human should eat per day. Mr. Stark had put his ideal intake around 3500 calories, more if he was active. He had a lot of muscle that he really didn’t want his body to cannibalize for fuel.
…There were still a couple hours until the library opened. Peter really, really wished he at least had a library card. If he’d been able to take out a book he could sit on a bench somewhere and kill time without looking too weird. He could even go to a diner and get like, a one dollar black coffee and hang out. Since this was a fantasy, he went ahead and mentally added a cinnamon roll to the imaginary order. Wow, luxury!
Peter laughed to himself. No one looked at him, because this was New York City and a kid laughing on the sidewalk was banal.
It was a weird little goal, but it made him smile. He’d fix his life. He’d have a legal identity, and a place to sleep, and be able to go to school and work. When he got to that point he’d be able to go to a restaurant and order a cinnamon roll and not worry about anything, except how he was going to get back to his universe or whatever. You know, just the normal concerns, not survival.
He killed time in a park, watching ducks bob around and groom each other. The sunshine did something for his mood. When he felt it had been long enough he went to the library and followed through on his plan. He didn’t have any emails yet, except a notification from the job site saying that employers were looking at his profile and he could see who, for a nominal fee!
Peter deleted the email, disgruntled. Seemed kinda predatory.
He went on to learn about the social security system. Apparently they were assigned randomly, and there were multiple physical addresses that issued cards. There were more of them than he’d expected. He found one in a 3rd floor address nearby that was open from 7am to 4 pm and figured out how to get there and what the building looked like. Then he did more reading, brow furrowed, trying to figure out what to do.
It might be more secure to make it look like he was an immigrant who got a social security number assigned as an adult. If he claimed to be from out of the country, then it would be harder to research where he supposedly came from.
On the other hand, he didn’t want to lose his identity as a New Yorker. That was important to him. Peter bit his lower lip and thought it over.
Actually. You didn’t have to be born in the states to be a real New Yorker. He made up imaginary back stories for both of his IDs. The worksona was a born citizen, because Peter didn’t think that was likely to get looked into much. Since that person didn’t really exist, he was going to abandon it as soon as he didn’t need it.
His real ID for the universe was going to be from overseas. He decided that he’d been born in… Moldova.
Peter took a moment to look up Moldova to be sure it still existed in this universe. It did, and it seemed about the same. No travel restrictions to the United States, but not much economic power. It was not a common place to come from, but that fit his purposes. He didn’t want someone to ask why he didn’t speak whatever his supposed native language was.
…Peter made a mental note to look up language resources. Even if he’d supposedly emigrated at a young age, it would be more convincing if he knew at least a little. And it would be a good way to spend some time.
Huh. That was an idea. He probably couldn’t take books out of the library, but he could get a notebook and a pencil for like, 2 dollars, and take notes here. Then he’d have something to study in the hours he was outside with nothing to do. He’d look a lot less weird just sitting around if he looked like a student.
He took a minute to look up their flag and a few trivia points. Then Peter called it good enough for now and started off towards Kon’s apartment.
It would be a lie to say that it was convenient. It could have been worse, but it was far enough that Peter would have used the subway if he had the money to spend.
…He made a note to look into subway hopping. That wasn’t a real crime. It shouldn’t cost anything to use public transportation, it was literally built for public use. But right now, on the way to see a friend, seemed like a bad time to possibly get held up for a misdemeanor.
So he walked. It took him 40 minutes to get to the apartment block. He ducked into a dollar store that he passed on the way to get the notebook and pencil he had decided on, feeling good about it. His stomach grumbled when he passed the cooler with sandwiches and drinks. He ignored it as best as he could and directed his gaze elsewhere. It was easier to be hungry when there wasn’t food nearby.
Peter knocked on the door with his knuckles.
The door opened before he could call out. Kon grinned down at him and then whooshed back to let him in.
“Thanks,” he said. “Have a good day so far?”
Kon shrugged. The light caught on the metal spikes on his jacket with the movement. He turned around and walked ahead of Peter. “I was out of town ‘til this morning, sleepover with some friends,” he said.
Somehow the sight of his absurd muscles peeking out the mesh window startled a cough out of Peter, even though he’d been there when Kon modified the jacket.
“How about you?”
Peter’s brain took a moment to come online. “Uh, I was at the library this morning,” he said. At the weird look Kon gave him, he shrugged self consciously and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “I’m looking into college stuff,” he justified. That was really normal.
“...College, huh.” Now Kon looked uncomfortable. “You must be smart.”
Peter’s face burnt red. “In some ways,” he dodged. “Are you gonna go?”
Kon blinked at him. “I mean….” He gestured at himself with one hand. “I’m not exactly the type, am I?”
“Because you’re hot?” Peter asked, confused. What else was that gesture at his pecs supposed to illustrate?
They stared at each other. Then Kon broke out into snickers. “Because I’m not that smart,” Kon said, like it was a fact of life. “It’s just not for me.”
Kon was laughing, but Peter felt… he felt kind of angry, actually. “Who told you that?” he demanded. He curled his hands into fists in his pockets. “Why don’t you think you’re smart? Eff that. You could go to college. Maybe you should go with me,” he added impulsively. He could help Kon figure it out. Honestly, Kon probably needed help if his parents weren’t talking to him about school or a job.
“Where are you going?” Kon asked. He cocked his head to the side.
Ah. Well. “I’m not very far in the process yet, but I was thinking about Gotham U for engineering,” Peter admitted.
Kon started laughing for real. “Gotham,” he gasped. “Gotham? Me, in Gotham?”
Peter felt his shoulders hunch up. “They have a good program,” he said stiffly. He hadn’t thought Kon would laugh at him. His throat felt tight. He took a step backwards without thinking about it. Maybe this was a mistake.
Somehow Kon tuned into his mood even without looking. He held up a hand, flustered through the remnants of his snickers. “No– no, I mean, I have a friend in Gotham,” he said. “I didn’t expect you to bring that up as a possibility.”
Oh. The stiffness in his shoulders relaxed, just a bit.
“Maybe I should go,” Kon mused. “And surprise him. That would be really funny.”
Peter shrugged.
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strvingforuuu · 2 months
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So here is my meal plan for every week of August
Fast for the entire day then at 11 eat something that Dosent go above 520 cals if I feel extremely tempted during the day do chew and spit or drink a bottle of water and wait 22 minutes
Liquid fast for the entire day, drink water, 🍵 tea, Diet Coke, and coffee❤️
600 cal limit if u go over like 604 calls it’s alright🍯 just try not too
Have protein in every meal 🧸
No junk food pls💕 ( tru fru has fruit in it so I’m having that)
workout, u don’t have to burn all the calories u ate so u can still have energy⭐️
If u don’t feel like working out go on a 18 minute walk🍵
Have portion control and don’t get more than 2-3 plates of something🗝
Take time between every bite so I can digest it properly 🦇
Don’t watch tv while eating it’s a distraction causing u to eat more🎀( god I’ve been waiting to use that bow )
Liquid fast same liquids as Tuesday except Capri-suns are only 35 cals so u can have 2 throughout the day
Congrats if u have made it this far 🎊 for this day u have no reward bc ur not a fucking dog🤗instead ur fasting today and at the end of the day at 10 u can have a plate of air and sleep bc u have a metab tomrrow🤥
Saturday 😰
Metab day! Ur cal limit is 2000-1000
Make sure to get at least 100grams of protein or 50 grams
Have at least 1 healthy meal
Not too much junk food
No soda only soft drinks🍹
Another metab day! Cal limit is 800-900
No soda
Have 1 junk food
Consume 80 grams or more protein
Don’t go over blared with junk since tommrow it’s repeat
Add extra rules if u want
Add extra rules if u want
Add extra rules if u want
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trynabeskinny · 1 year
💙🩵🦋✨My Skinny Plan and How I Lost 30+ Pounds✨🦋💙🩵
🔴❗️❌TW: ED, ANA❌❗️🔴
My plan:
Calorie Limits: Daily calorie limit is roughly 800, but absolutely no more than 1000. This is high restriction. There should also be one day a week or every 2 weeks where you eat a maintenance/metabolism diet. This calorie limit will be what is required to maintain your current weight. This will allow your body time to recover from the restriction and your metabolism will not stall.
Exercise: We know that the key to weight loss is expending more calories than you intake. With any type of restriction, you will be doing this without exercise. This is why exercise is not as important as your diet. I only do light exercise, like walking or light weight lifting.
Stay Consistent: Do not get discouraged. It will take time, but it will happen. Just keep it up. Take your time and do it well. No cheating.
Vitamins: Daily vitamins are essential. You are not eating enough, so you need to make up for it. Protein is ESSENTIAL. It takes more energy/calories to digest than it costs in calories. You will burn calories eating protein! Shakes are easy and tasty! Make a matcha latte out of a vanilla one!
Fast Food: You can have it, but you have to be smart about it. A kids meal at Chipotle is an easy 300 calorie meal and it is full of protein. It is enough for the whole day. Grilled nuggets at Chick-fil-A are so easy and tasty! About 200 calories for 8. You can eat out, but you must make a plan for it and stick to it.
Drinks: There is no reason to drink your calories if you can avoid it. Why drink a Coke when you can have a Diet Coke? Why have Gatorade when you can have Gatorade zero? What’s the point? Protein drinks are fine, as they are extremely filling and good for you. Full sugar soda is a no! They make diet and low sugar everything, just drink that!
Keeping Track: Keep track of your weight. After sleeping and going to the bathroom is the best time to do it. You will be at your base weight. Record it every day, even if you have gained. It is vital to see your progress or get you back on track. There are tons of great apps for it. You can track your weight in pounds, kilograms, BMI, etc. Always record your food. It’s not hard. You can even plan your meals ahead of time in your app. It’s so simple!
I am currently in a week long plateau. It feels as though I haven’t lost weight in years and I am beginning to feel discouraged. I know it will happen, I’m just worried. I will stay consistent and I will achieve my dreams. I am not underweight, but I will be.
🪩🕷️🚬🖤I will be SKINNY🖤🚬🕷️🪩
❤️💋🍓🌹I will be THIN🌹🍓💋♥️
🟠🍑🍊🧡I will be BEAUTIFUL🧡🍑🍊🟠
💚🍀🥝🍏I will be WANTED🍏🥝🍀💚
🔵🐳🦋💙I will be PERFECT💙🦋🐳🔵
🪻🟣🍇💜I will be GORGEOUS 💜🍇🟣🪻
🌷🩷🎀💕I will be ENVIED💕🎀🩷🌷
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d3advampiredoll · 11 months
Okay so I'm feeling like I'm not restricting enough and I could do better so new meal plan
- 20 hours fast ♡
- 500/600 calories ♡
- I can have drinks, like water, tea, coke zero and other low cal drinks ♡
- 1 metabolism day a week 1000 calories but only healthy food ♡
- Burn at least 400 calories with exercise or walks ♡
Gotta lose at least 5kg till Christmas
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Our Rules
We need to l0se w31ght as fast as possible so heres the plan
────୨RULES BELOWৎ────
At the most- one meal per day -- unless forced
10,000 steps per day – 5000 on a cheat day
Keep moving. Always.
Always check macros and calories
Work out at least twice per day
Burn at least 1000 calories per day
Intake at most 800 calories per day
Drink 1 bottle of water before meal(s)
Less is more
Count every time you chew
Count every calorie (solid OR liquid)
Never tell. Never stop.
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pinkthingtragedy · 7 days
a mistake I made today
(I'm not cutting my calories too low like I used to, I'm swinging between 800 and 1000 thanks to the hello kitty diet.)
yesterday (well technically, two days ago since now it's 2 am) was day one of the diet, and it went perfectly, I had to eat 800 calories, I did it in 3 balanced and healthy meals, I was satisfied.
but what happened today, where I had to eat 100 cal more?
I didn't think about volume eating and balance
for breakfast I tried chia pudding, and for lunch I had cucumber sushi.
both are low in calories, right? right
for dinner I had a "wrap" with hummus, carrots and other things.
all of that was more than 500 calories, which means that I wasted more than 1/2 of my daily calorie intake only for dinner!
and the worst thing is that the wrap was not that filling.
but apart from that I'm still very proud, I didn't binge, I didn't eat anything else that was not in my meal plan, I drank 2.5 litres of water.
I already did meal plan for tomorrow and I divided my meals all around 200 cals each, and I choose lots of low cal food that I can actually eat in big portions.
oh and also I got very hungry today because I basically didn't eat protein which is a very bad thing to do, but don't we all learn for our mistakes? 🩷
can't wait to wake up tomorrow, not just because I'm hungry asf, but because I want to see how my body reacts to these slightly differences in my diet, from one day to another.
also I'm paying attention to eating super healthy food, no chemicals, no additives, no ogm, just organic and plain food that makes my body feeling good and full of energy (I actually need it both because I'm sick and I'm renovating my room by myself)
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maesdairy · 10 months
My plan for getting back to my lw
- Do a full 24hour fast two times a week
- Always cook your own meals
- liquid calories do count so stick with water, monster and coffee ( should be less than 50kcal)
-Always burn off at least half of your intake
- Omad at least 4/7 days of the week
-stop slacking off and start doing your workouts
- Always try to find a excuse to why you can’t eat and find a distraction to not eat
-Dinner should never be the heaviest meal of the day
-always try to drink all of the water in the water bottle
-Protien should be over 15g
-1000 is the calorie limit, so no overeating
Tumblr media
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narcisse-deus · 1 month
Good evening !
Today, I went beyond my usual 400 calories. I went out with my family, so I couldn’t really keep track. I only had small bites of this and that, so I doubt I went over 1000 calories. Normally, I only have one meal in a day, at 6 pm, but today we went out afterwards, which wasn’t planned. I feel awful about it. If this happens again, I won’t be ready for the start of high school. I wish I could disappear; I want to hide from everyone’s eyes. It’s going to be terrible.
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flyingfitandsugarfree · 7 months
Cut down on diet soda. I currently drink 1-1.5L a day and I'd like to cut down to just 1 glass a day - if that - by the end of the year
Stop binge-eating. Right now I can't trust myself to buy multipacks of anything or buy food in advance because I just binge the whole lot within 24 hours of buying it
Reduce the amount of processed food I eat. It would be impossible to cut it out completely, but ideally I want to be eating at least one homecooked meal a day and more fruit than processed snacks.
Lose the fat that's accumulated around my belly and thighs. I want to see my abs and I want to feel good in my clothes!
No specific weight goals - just wanna stay within a healthy range!
Things to aim for
Daily yoga
30 mins additional exercise at least 3x/week, ideally 5x. This can be weights, cardio, dance or even walking.
My BMR is 1249 kcal/day, so I'm aiming for a net total of 1000-1250 (it's totally okay to be a little under or over. But someone slap me if I try to go under 800) Ideally I want a gross total of 1500-1800 and then burn 300-500/day
^^^^^But what's more important is what I eat and how I feel about myself, and I'm not going to hold myself to strict calorie goals.
A sugary snack a day is fine because I will go mad otherwise
Due to my working hours being exactly when a normal person would eat dinner, I'm going to try intermittent fasting. I can eat between 8am and 4pm every day, but no food after work.
Try to plan in advance and do my best to stick to my plan. This includes both exercise and diet!
Don't beat myself up if things don't go to plan; just try again tomorrow.
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emptyplatesmallwaist · 4 months
Day 4
Net calories 888/1000
Made good decisions today. Hubby wanted fast food for dinner but I kept the portions small so stayed under 1000 calories. Until I see more progress I dont have any planned meta days so I will save those (especially since next week my work is quite actually MAKING us have dinner together on a day next week. No clue what they're serving and theres a lot of people birthdays in my family coming up).
Im not yet having any big issues with being hungry. I feel like I have been timing out the times i actually eat with times I generally get hungry (noon and then after work) and I have been choosing a lot of 0-10 calorie drinks between meals to make me barely notice hunger.
I know its only week one so logically, it will get harder. I am trying to totally break any emotional ties to food so i dont binge and am pouring any feeling I have here/in a diary on my phone so I talk through issues rather than binge. Of course also the emotions of hating how I look and seeing how fat emotional eating has made me also help me fight off the urge to binge...
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pochacosicon · 1 year
i have 19 weeks until prom and i remember saying i only want to lose 10kg until then but now that i think abt it i could lose even 15 kg if i work hard enough
if i eat 1000 cals a day and additionally i will burn 500 cals a day or even more then by the 26th of january i could be at 57-55 kg
an honestly with the IF plan and these much calories a day i think i could easily do it cuz i know eating more cals will decrease a chance of binge
i was thinking abt 18:6 IF since i’ll be working out a lot mainly between 12-2pm so i would eat some light snack before training, bigger meal after and then some light dinner. it’s kind of a bummer that dinner at my dorms is served at 7 cuz that means i’ll start fasting at 7:30 ish and i would like to start at 5:30~6:30 instead but oh well
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