#--death mention
redstainedglasses · 2 years
You Died
What loot items do you drop?
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Common: Golden Bell or Cluster of Bones
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Trinket. A tiny golden bell that rings pleasantly. Can be sold for a high price at most shops.
Consumable. A small bundle of various bones. Used in both cooking, for a hearty bone broth, and simple necromancy spell casting. Can be sold for a cheap price at most shops.
Uncommon: Gilded Shadow Gauntlet
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Weapon. A gauntlet crafted from shade. A melee battle item that deals both physical and magic damage. Has a 15% chance of cursing the target if hit successfully.
Rare : Vertebrae's glasses
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Accessory. A rare pair of red glasses once belonging to the demon Vertebrae. These lens will provided the wearer with the ability Demon's eye. Allows the player to view their opponents health points and weak spots. This item is cursed and if worn will cause the player to forget 1-3 of their magical abilities.
Ultra-Rare: Vertebrae's Jester Crown
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Accessory. An ultra-rare cap made of gold and shade that once belonged to the demon Vertebrae. This item does not appear to have any effects on the wearer. Its bells ring pleasantly.
Legendary: Gilded Elixir
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Consumable. A golden revitalizing potion that fully heals the user and boosts all stats by 120% when used. Has a pleasant warm aura and a sweet metallic taste. If this item is used while wearing Vertebrae's Jester Crown it unlocks the ability to wield shadow magic.
tagged by @xxlordalexanderxx thank you! ♥
Tagging: @blindedmewithscience @spiiderwiick @cyberneticlagomorph if you guys wish to as well as anyone else who may want to give it a go!
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xxlordalexanderxx · 2 years
If you so dare as to draw a single drop of my blood that is immediate grounds for painful execution. I don't even want to eat you, I just want you dead.
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prokopetz · 2 months
Low-level Dungeons & Dragons adventure where one of those big goofy skywhale things has died and crash-landed in the middle of town, and what initially appears to be a simple cleanup assignment abruptly takes a combat-heavy turn when the party gets to find out what feeds on skywhalefalls.
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being a student during peak pandemic was so fucking surreal like. "it's not an excuse to fall behind" I cannot stress enough to you how much A Worldwide Plague Upending Life As We Know It is literally one of The Top Three Reasons to fall behind
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podcastwizard · 11 months
ideal ways for me to die
1. old age, peacefully in my sleep
2. after a long and illustrious career i am at a rooftop gala hosted in my honor. i am wearing a beautiful gown, holding a glass of red wine, standing by the railing. a scorned lover approaches and, after a passionate spat, they push me over the edge of the building. the wine glass goes flying, splattering their outfit in red as a visual metaphor for the blood on their hands. as i descend my gown flies around me like two beautiful wings, a bird in flight. a photographer on the street manages to take a photo before i hit the ground and that photo wins the pulitzer. a new york times think piece is released regarding whether or not it's moral to profit off a photo of someone's death. the think piece also wins a pulitzer.
3. sex accident.
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basi1isks · 2 years
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landrylovesmatcha · 1 year
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she’s everything 💕
tw: death mention
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hamsterdads · 2 months
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having a lot of toh thoughts tonight, so here's a few :] I think that king and the collector would be life partners ( probably platonically, but mostly just whatever keeps them together forever hehe)
i also think the collector would take luz's passing the hardest (given their history with it and all...) and i think she'd know this and do her best to prepare them for it. so here's me trying to deal with all that.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 month
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girl what
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xxlordalexanderxx · 2 years
.:It’s Over:. -Part Two-
◇Three years ago◇
[.:♔:.] Cromwell took a hesitant step back as his master launched himself from his golden perch, and landed heavily before him. The gold around the pair shook, causing coins to slide down hillocks of wealth. Lord Alexander looked awful. He wasn’t grooming himself very well, as his normally lustrous mane of two-tone hair was limp and drenched over his brow. His scales were dull and dry looking.
He also looked as though he hadn’t slept much either.
Cromwell’s attention immediately went to the dragon lord’s claws, which had grown long, gnarled, and wickedly sharp. The butler’s fight or flight senses were screaming, and flight seem to be the victor.
Lord Alexander stood there, his breath heavy and deep, his tail flicking anxiously. Cromwell had never seen him this way before, not even at his most feral.
“I thought I told you not to come down here.” Alexander whispered softly, his gaze piercing and unfeeling.
“B-B-But sire, you’ve been down here for a whole m-month now. Your castle has been…devastated—I can’t control anyone anymore. No one will listen!” the butler quavered, backing away further. He needed to have as much distance as possible if the king rushed him. He was a large beast, but fast when he needed to be.
Cromwell couldn’t help but tremble, as a result affecting his shaking voice.
“Please my lord, our game is in shambles. I know what this is about….but…do you think Queen Vermin would want you to suffer the same demise as she has? Our player count is deathly low, please sire…”Cromwell pleaded, lacing his talons with one another. He wanted to bring the seething rage that he knew was riling up down, before this encounter could get ugly.
Lord Alexander would hear none of it, as he unleashed a loud and threatening roar at his butler, spittle flying from his maw. He took a heavy step forwards, overcome with emotion and terrifying wrath. The dragon lord was no stranger to just how angry and destructive he could get. And Cromwell felt in his code that he had made a dire mistake for mentioning the queen.
Cromwell continued to slowly back away, making sure his movement was not sudden in the slightest. Alexander was beyond the bloodlust he was famous for.
The butler then tilted his head to look toward the spot where Silver’s rotting head rested, then back to his enraged king. His voice small, and horse with fear. “But what did…did Silver do to deserve her death….s-sire…”
Lord Alexander knew the laws of the virtual realm, and as a virus he could perma-kill a sprite or soft kill them—soft killing would enable sprites to respawn. In Silver’s case she was dead; gone and devoured into the void of Alexander’s own code to be used as fuel. She would never come back, and Cromwell knew of this terrifying trait that a virus had, and he feared for his life more than he ever had now.
It was then that Cromwell had a sudden, and horrifying realization cross his mind. It would be a deadly gamble to disclose this thought to the king, but maybe it would get him to stop this madness. Hopefully?
“S-sire…you do realize that Silver was considered one of Vermin’s children or at least in an adopted sense. You could of at least had something to remember her by and you…killed her.”
Before Cromwell could even turn to run he found himself slammed into a dense pile of gold, lumpy hard coins dug into his back. Lord Alexander had seized the rabbit’s waste coat in his blood stained claws and was snarling in his face. Yet, tears stung his hellish eyes.
“You want to know what Silver did…Cromwell?” Alexander breathed, his breath hot and smelling of blood.
“She brought me the news of Vermin’s game…and I lost my self. S-She was just here at the wrong time, Cromwell. Kind of like how you’re here and an unfortunate time.”
Cromwell had turned his face, lowered his ears, and shut his eyes as his body shook violently. He was about to die here. The thought of what he had done to Silver only made him hope that his fate would be not as grim.
[[Part One]]
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prokopetz · 4 months
I have no particular stance on whether estrogen would have saved Shinji, but I'm looking at it from the family dynamic angle, and... well, Jesus Christ. On a good day, Shinji already looks like a teenage soft butch version of Yui Ikari – can you imagine how Gendo would react to his "son" slowly morphing into his dead wife?
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bamsara · 6 months
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Local chaos god gets humbled, creates chaos over it. His aim still needs some work though
I really need to stop drawing Drunken Gods chapter stuff and actually finish the damn chapter lmao
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earhartsease · 5 months
we still get immediately shoved out of our immersion in tv shows or films when The Girl find a dead body and immediately shrieks - we just don't find it realistic because we're pretty confident most people would gasp rather than shriek (i.e. sharp inhale rather than sharp exhale) and it also feels unnecessarily (and predictably) misogynistic too, as men encountering corpses almost never do the same on screen
also of course please do tell us if you've actually encountered a corpse unexpectedly, because tumblr is absolutely a place where some people have done this thing and we love a good anecdote
suddenly imagining "burst into song" as a potential response
edit: since lots of people are still responding to this (we were amazed at the huge response over a just 24 hour poll), we want to make it clearer that we were never saying "of course nobody shrieks", we were railing against how on screen, women always do in an over dramatic way, and when men do it's made fun of like they've emasculated themselves by shrieking (so it's clearly a deliberate misogynistic trope)
meanwhile of course some people do shriek, as clearly demonstrated not just by the nearly 11% in the poll, but by all the tags we got inundated with - the main responses seem to be: gasp, swear loudly, vomit, grunt or make some other kind of other inarticulate noise, and shriek
anyway, thanks for playing
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incorrectbatfam · 5 days
Alfred gets sick of Bruce breaking and losing stuff on patrol so he gets a label maker and starts naming items after the kids
Alfred: I got you a new phone, just like you asked. Its name is Jason. Try not to let it die.
Bruce, tearing up: Why would you say that—
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stars-bean · 3 months
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ꕥ The Addams Family ꕥ ➛ 2.14 - "Morticia's Dilemma"
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ciderjacks · 2 months
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dad issues
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(I think they were all fundamentally affected by what they saw and just collectively decided not to share the upsetting details)
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