#(spoiler alert: it wasnt great)
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I've been thinking about Corentin pre-tadpole...dude meets one (1) guy who wouldn't jump at the chance to stab them and immediately falls hard
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ineffablejaymee · 9 months
if anyone tries to put spoiler alert on this i will cry these books are 15 years old ANYWAY THOUGHTS
I love the fight between percy and grover, sue me. the betrayal in percy's eyes and grover hurting him to protect him???? these are my BOYS the empathy link is coming
CLARISSE clarisse is so. so. i love her. im not a fan of her calling percy a fraud, i think her hating him because she wanted to prove herself and was jealous of percy was great but they made it work. AND THE WAY SHE CRIED OUT WHEN PERCY BROKE HER SPEAR?! oh she has daddy issues shes gonna nail sea of monsters arc if they shoot it
the foreshadowing about luke is CRAZY and i eat it u p. also it hurts like a bitch, especially with walker playing the naive and trusting percy so perfectly. AND THE LITTLE SISTER LINE?! magnificent. shatter my heart and leave it in pieces
WALKER IS AMAZING hes the embodiment of percy and yeah, persassy. we knew he would be back. his whole interaction with Mr. D was hillarious and i love the dad scene. Such Jason Mantzoukas energy he was made for this role.
i adore Sally, she's the rebellious, brave and caring woman i imagined while reading the books. and her relationship with percy is amazing. i will never stop crying about them btw
YOU DROOL IN YOUR SLEEP the way i SCREAMED we are getting the percabeth. i will be so insufferable when she calls percy seaweed brain. i cant wait for more annabeth screentime
i wasnt the one watching these episodes. instead there was the 12 yo undiagnosed me who had just felt seen on the pages for the first time in their life in my seat.
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weirdoinred · 20 days
I was really drowsy earlier and i thunk up some lore for my dynastyAU about soundwaves backstory. Buckle up yall this is a long one
Vos is a very large region of cybertron that was split up into four parts in order to make ruling easier. Vos is also one of the last two regions on cybertron that uses a monarchy. It was split up into northern, eastern, southern, and western kingdoms, each with its own ruling family. Eastern Vos is actually the biggest kingdom, both in size, population, and military, as its main focus is security and weapons development. Starscream, his trine, and most of the other seekers originate from eastern Vos, with Starscream being the last ruler before his whole power hungry usurping of the rest of Vos and the start of the great war.
Eastern, western, and northern Vos are completely cut off from the rest of cybertron and do not allow outsiders into their territory. They only allow trade and communication between the other parts of Vos and with other Vosians. Northern Vos is a lot more lenient with this policy as apposed to western and eastern Vos as both kingdoms see cross communication as treason and the punishment for being caught is severe. Southern Vos is vastly different and the rulers actually encourage interactions with other cybertronians.
Southern Vos was ruled by Empress Skyline. Long story short, she fell in love with a grounder before she was crowned Empress and after she ran away and had their first sparkling together she was found and brought back home. The grounder, a mech named Chambertune, snuck i to Vos to rescue here and was also caught, no surprise there, and was about to be executed when Skyline came running in and put herself between the excecutioner and her conjunx. She argues with her parents, theres an emotional moment, Chambertune is released, and for her bravery and idk true spark or something, shes crowned Empress as her parents retire from ruling and make Chambertune the royal ambassador and he deals with customs or something. Basically they put him in charge of opening the borders and integrating their society. Fun times yay.
So they had their first child, her name is Hurricane (theres a reason why please just trust me), while Skyline was in her running away era, and after she ascended to the throne, her and Chambertune proceeded to have six more sparklings over the course of several million years. Soundwave was the very last sparkling they had together. In this AU he also ends up working for Senator Ratbat but there is a lot that happens before that.
What i meant when i said Starscreams power hungry usurping of the rest of Vos, is that this dude went absolutely apeshit. The second he was crowned Winglord, all he wanted was more power. I wanna be clear that he is not a bad guy. Hes just incredibly spoiled and his entire childhood was his parents constantly feeding his ego about when he would finally be the ruler of eastern vos. Hes like 19-20 when hes put in charge. But once he got the throne it was horrifyingly anticlimactic. He expected to feel a lot more than he actually did and it was upsetting. He spent years yearning for this power and then once he got it, it wasnt enough. So the gears in his dumb little brain began to turn and he schemed an honestly terrible idea but bc he was Winglord, no one was brave enough to tell him other wise, not even his own brothers.
His plan was to take over the other nations of Vos. Spoiler alert, he did it. Vos was unified into one again. The ruling familys were taken captive and if they didnt bow to him, they were removed from the equation. His biggest problem was Southern Vos. Because of how they had been integrating their society for millennium before he was even created, half of the population was comprised of grounders. This didnt bode well with his ideal kingdom of Vos so he set his military wild. What they did to Southern Vos was genocide. They took the fliers and killed the grounders. The hybrids and halfbreeds were kept alive in hopes of breeding out the grounder genes.
Empress Skyline, Chambertune, and their three eldest children fought Starscreams military off the best they could while the younger four children fled the kingdom. They were unfortunately, spotted by a lost soldier, who reported to a general about the four escapees. That same lost soldier fire two rockets at them, intending to block their path but hit too close to them and knocked two of the kids out. The oldest of the four, who was not knocked unconscious, stopped to check on the younger two while Soundwave, a bit disoriented and dizzy, ran in a random direction. His brother saw him run but he was too far away to hear his call. As he reached the border, a stray rocket him close to him and the shockwave knocked him across. The blast also hit his left side and messed up a lot of wires and connectors in his processors, knocking him out and giving him amnesia and reducing his processing ability, leaving him mostly mute.
then it pretty much follows the idw backstory with him being found and taken in by ravage, buzzsaw, and laserbeak. I havent thunken how to weave in his telepathy but i have somewhat of an idea. In this au, outlier abilities are a mutation. that mutation gene, in rare cases, can be passed down genetically to offspring. Its more likely for a sparkling to have an outlier ability if both parents have the mutation gene. In this case, Chambertune has that mutation gene but Skyline does not. Out of their 7 offspring, only 3 of them, have the gene. Is a lot more than usual but thats only bc an ancestor of Skyline had a very weak outlier ability that was only usable when he was in danger. Hurricane is one of them (her original name was changed once her outlier ability developed), Soundwave of course is another, and i havent decided on a name for the last outlier child but his power is one of my favorites.
yeah yeah so hes found by those three, he spends a little while with them, then in a little stealing from the rich stunt, he gets caught by senator ratbat cuz it was his place they were stealing from. Ravage, bs, and lb are able to get away bur soundwave isnt so lucky. Ratbat finds out about his telepathy (hes got like three different powers but those dont show up until later) and decides “hey ur useful! Mine now” and adopts him. Hes a terrible person and an even worse dad but we’re not getting into that right now.
but yeah thats like the gist of the lore. Some of it is still in development so im open to suggestions for a few things, one of which is names for soundwaves 5 other siblings (two femmes, three mechs), and also maybe a better resolution for Skyline reconnecting with her parents and becoming Empress bc i have not thought that era through
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lenalovesjoyblogs · 1 year
My experience meeting lovejoy (April 5th 2023)
NOW, before you think this whole experience was all sunshine and rainbows, well it wasnt.. sorta just let me get explaining
I arrived to warsaw around 2pm, with me and my mum struggling to get to our hotel, we finally got in and got ready for us to eat at this one restruant which had some of the best kompot (which is like a polish drink with fruit and stuff) that i have ever tasted. then i got dressed and we went to the venue
and now, i dont know much about the whole waiting line situation with people having panic attacks and struggles to breathe (even a person broke their ribcage through there), but nontheless, i found my 2 friends i was planning to spend the night screaming our heads off to, and already i was screaming my head off
i saw joe, zoe, leandra, dave and david walk past, i was screaming so loudly to the point leandra waved at me which was a joy for me already, and then ash kabosu, i repeat THE ASH KABOSU, walked past and i did the same, and it worked he waved at me back, it was so fucking amazing but now heres the big part
i saw mark boardman, no joke. So i saw him walk past and my friends kept repeating that its just a random guy just to try and stop me from going crazy fangirl mode and sprinting here (spoiler alert, i did) and i got to give him a present i made for each of the 4 main band members and his reaction just made my day so much better, he was so happy to get it and i was happy to see him happy
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heres the photo i took of me and mark together, i blurred my face because i dont wanna reveal my face here just yet, but after this photo was taken, i told him “your the sunshine, king!” i was trying to compliment/hype him up somesort, and his reaction was so cute, he like pouted and putted his hands to his heart, it just made me so happy
we kept waiting in line, until i saw leandra again with some random guy (possibly their manager), which i started screaming leandras name and she saw me and touched my hand, let me tell you.. i was speechless. from leandra noticing me on tiktok a couple of times to her seeing me in person, i was just jawdropped frozen
through the line me and my 2 friends joked around, got lovejoy stickers and signed our names to this one book with all the fan’s names on it
and then we got in, i was lost so i couldnt find my 2 friends but i did at the end, which is great and then.. it was time for the show.
ZWIDY : Okay, i dont listen to them much but they putted on a show, i was screaming so loud and i just had to much fun, everyone was waving their arms at some songs and it was just hella fun to be at
HONEYMOAN : Honeymoan on the other hand? OHHH BOY! They were killing it, i loved allisons energy, i also dont listen to honeymoan much but they were making me dance like i was the main character, and thanks to “too much”, its honestly my favourite song right now.
And now.. the moment i been waiting for
LOVEJOY : I was screaming my ass off, i was finally waiting after 2 years to see them live and it was like a reward for all the shit i went through and now im here, in poland, screaming to lovejoy’s music but then
Disaster struck : during perfume, i began to feel more and more dizzy, almost like i was going to puke, so i told my mum and we went straight to the merch store area, my mom was fanning me and i was drinking water that she brought me, i was also close to tears because i felt like i dissapointed the band by not being there because of me feeling ill and weak, so my mum got the organizer of the concert to give the rest of the gifts to the members after the show (sadly not taking the ones i made for the trumpeters)
After i got out of the venue, i was breaking down in tears, at that point i feel like i fully dissapointed the band that i couldnt be there for the entire gig, but atleast im seeing them in 2 and a half months from now at the open’er festival, so it wont be that bad right? 
but still, i still kinda feel guilty i had to leave the venue because it was a concert i been waiting for 2 years and it all went wrong when lovejoy came on, but i met some cool people and i had a lot of fun, so that matters mostly.
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lunatic-fandom-space · 3 months
Ludwig II — Glanz und Ende eines Königs (1955) [Ludwig II — Lustre and End of a King]
Honestly, this might be my favorite so far. Which I guess isnt great because while Elisabeth does play a fairly large role, this is hardly what I would call a Sissi-film. If you're wondering why this film was even on my list, when I was looking for all the media I was going to watch, I started on wikipedia which listed this film and when I briefly skimmed the summary, I determined that it had enough Elisabeth in it to make the cut. There are a few other pieces of media like Der Engel mit der Posaune (1948) where I skimmed the summary and determined there wasnt enough of either her or Rudolf in it, its kinda arbitrary if Im being honest, but yeah. hope you enjoyed this little look behind the curtain.
Anyway, I liked this movie a lot and it didnt even have a One Big Issue like Mayerling (1936) did. I will admit, a big part of it is that it was just very refreshing seeing a movie about a different kind of mentally ill man (who also didnt have a lot going on in the romance department, thank god) after all these Rudolf-movies, but I promise that's not the only reason I like it so much
It's kind of hard to give a plot summary because this film is essentially just a series of vignettes from when Ludwig was 25 (?) up to his death, but despite having no real overarching 'plot' like Elisabeth von Österreich (1931), it doesnt suffer from any of the same issues, like the vignettes feeling disconnected and random, because it's actually a really good character study. But anyway, in lieu of writing a summary, Im just gonna describe my four favorite moments:
When Bavaria is set to go to war, his ministers want him to give a speech to his soldiers and he refuses by giving this sortof mock-speech where he's like "you're going to war where you will kill your brothers who are now your enemies and be killed by your enemies that were once your brothers. to those of you who will be killed, may your death be quick at least", its a lot longer than that and Im doing a bad job paraphrasing it but hes basically conveying that if he's forced to give a speech to the soldiers that he didnt want to send off to war in the first place, he'll say a bunch of shit that will crush their morale, so the ministers leave him alone. I think this scene does a good job showing the audience some of Ludwig's depth and that he's not just a romantic, and the way O. W. Fischer delivered that whole monologue was really great too
After getting engaged to Sophie, he takes her to see an opera but when they actually get there and sit down in their box, she sees that the opera house is completely empty save for the musicians. Ludwig set it up like this so he could show her the loneliness he feels all the time and the disconnect from other people and what she would have to endure if she married him, she finds it absolutely horrible and spoiler alert, but they break off the engagement and dont talk to each other for the rest of the film after this. I find this scene very interesting and I can just imagine how mortifying it would be to be completely alone in this giant opera building, but I feel like they couldve done a better job conveying what Ludwig and Sophie feel through the filmmaking
After the first major timeskip of the film, Elisabeth visits Ludwig (this is during that time period where she traveled around a lot and was difficult to get a hold of) and they just talk for a bit, I find it difficult to summarize because theyre not really talking about one specific thing that you can just name, but I think it gives her and their relationship a lot of depth, and its the scene that made me really like Ruth Leuwerik as Elisabeth, I wasnt sure if I would like her at the start and while she's not my favorite, I thought she was good
Ludwig is supposed to greet the crown prince of Prussia whos arriving in Bavaria but he refuses, then his younger brother Otto comes in to try and comvince him as well and he starts by telling him about what it felt like to be there as this new country "Germany" was founded, but he ends up having what appears to be a ptsd-flashback from the loud music being played outside and Ludwig tries to comfort him but he ends up collapsing. I cannot stop thinking about this scene, its so heart-wrenching and upsetting and O. W. Fischer and Klaus Kinski's performances are both absolutely phenomenal. And then Ludwig calls over a psychiatrist/doctor to check on him, but all of his ministers are bothering him trying to get him to greet the crown prince, and throughout all of this theres still this cheerful/triumphant music blaring outside, I think it does such a good conveying the disconnect between Ludwig as a person and his duties and what's being expected of him
Also, and this isnt just one scene the way the other things I mentioned are so I didnt want to put it in the list above, but theres this short plotline at the start of the film where Ludwig basically picks composer Richard Wagner out of poverty and showers him with a bunch of money because he admires him so much, and I just wanted to say that theres such a strong homoerotic tension between those two. Like, the scene where they meet in person for the first time is so unbelievably intense, its this long moment of silence that gets broken by Richard and then Ludwig tells him something so incredibly poetic and beautiful, I dont remember what exactly it was but it made my jaw drop a little, and then he kisses him on the cheek ?? and yes, men kissing each other on the cheek was normal at the time, Ludwig even kissed Franz Joseph earlier in the film, but I swear its different when he kisses Richard, its so intimate and full of love and the music swells and everything, I was not expecting that at all
I mean, to be fair, most of the scenes where he interacts positively with someone else are full of a kind of tension-filled love, but still
Anyway, Ive already talked about how great O. W. Fischer was as Ludwig, but I just really need to highlight it again; he was so charismatic towards the beginning, but I also think he did a wonderful job portraying Ludwig's nuances and him slowly unraveling over the course of the film. Also, he reminds me of the actor who played Freder in Metropolis (1927), especially for that beginning section where he doesnt have facial hair yet, they both have this babygirlishness that I really love in a man. Now, unfortunately I do think he loses that as the film goes on, but thats mainly because I dont like facial hair, Im sure plenty of you guys can still appreciate his babygirlishness during the later sections as well
Other than that, I thought the sets looked really beautiful and apparently they did film a lot of the scenes on-location which is really cool. However, I cant talk about the sets without talking about this one scene where Ludwig and Elisabeth talk in the mirror hall in Neuschwanstein because it looks so bad. I'm 99.9% sure they used an old-timey greenscreen-thing for it (I forgot the actual name but I think it was either whitescreen or lightscreen), presumably because actually filming in a big room full of mirrors without having the cameras show would have been really hard, but god. They also used it for an earlier scene where Ludwig and Elisabeth went horseriding together, and it looks comically bad as well
So yeah, this is a very good film, it makes me excited for the other Ludwig/Elisabeth film I have on my list, and it genuinely makes me want to seek out more films about Ludwig II (if there are any more lol) but Im kinda busy rn so that'll have to wait.
Now for the two small things I couldnt fit into the rest of the post:
I found the austrian dialects everyone had very charming, which technically applies to every austrian talkie Ive seen so far and not just this one, but Ive never mentioned it so I figured I might as well do it now
I couldnt help but notice a lot of the male character's wonderful silhouettes and I have but one thing to say: bring back slut waists for guys
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the-blaze-empress · 11 months
Gona put a Spoiler alert on this one for “Take My Arms That I Might Reach You”.
Hey so I’m back (the person who asked about the time measurement in “Take My Arms”) to say I absolutely loved the rest of the fic. I really enjoyed the character development both Techno and Phil went through throughout the fic and getting to see the way they both end up together terrorizing the bigots of the desert was wonderful. Was sobbing at the part where Phil died had me fighting back tears cause I was absolutely reading this at work. Just the visual you painted in my head of Techno putting Phil’s body in the bedroll was the breaking point. I was like 90% Phil was gona come back, but still it got to me. The world building you did in the Ebony plane was incredible! I love a good info dump and Kristin’s explanation of the magic and spirits tied everything together so well. And oooooo the Quackity/Techno flashbacks. Man Techno really did a number on him! But I like that they still became tentative friends after all was said and done. You asked what my thoughts were on Chapter 18 and I’ll be honest, I’m a bit confused on that but cause there’s a chapter 18 and then one labeled eighteenth, so I’m gona roll em together. I pretty much knew early on in the fic that Techno was also had wings. It was pretty obvious (at least to me) with the fact that he had a voice talking to him since Phil had the same thing, even if he ignores it. Still, the reveal was fantastic! And the way Techno used his own curse to get on Phil’s level and try to calm him down and let him know he was okay, he wasn’t going to hate him was so sweet. Ah! I could go on and on about all the little details I loved about the fic, but those are the major things I loved about it. Sorry it took so long to get back to this, life went and lived and my brain has been a bit fried lately so it been hard to put thoughts into words. But you’re a wonderful writer and I will definitely be coming back to reread this fic again in the future, as well as keeping an eye on your other fics (see you have a new one out, haven’t gotten to it yet again because life). Thank you so much for sharing your work!
im soooo glad u loved the fic!! character development my beloved, that was one of my big things i wanted to achieve with this fic, having a distinct but still believable development of the characters, and to show how that development happened even when it wasnt going quite so great. patpat i am hugging u but also hell yeah i rlly wanted that moment to have a big emotional impact esp since it was planned from like. the very start lol.
im glad u didnt think my infodumping was too out of place! truth be told the worldbuilding developed a LOT as i was writing the fic, and some things never got the chance to get properly established rip.
backstory hell yeah! i wanted to show what techno was like when he was young and more in phils shoes and i also wanted to elaborate on quackitys cardistry, AND i wanted to show that the superstitions around the carrion cursed arent entirely unfounded. managed to roll that all into one chapter lolll.
oof yeah prolly shouldve clarified. by chapter 18 i mean the chapter titled eighteenth, the ao3 automatic chapter numbers are wrong bc the first 'chapter' is a prologue lol. and niceee ur one of few who actually made that connection, youd be surprised at how many people genuinely failed to see that chat was no different to kristin it was so funny.
PLEASE DO GO ON ABOUT THE LITTLE DETAILS!!! OH I WOULD LOVE YOU SO MUCH IF YOU DID!! (not to say i dont love u anyways that is) little details are my favourite things literally ever i know i wrote the fic but pleasee go on about the little things you noticed!!
thank you soso much for this, genuinely <333 you dont need to apologise for taking ages to read shit, god knows life can Be Like That. cant wait to hear what u think of my future and maybe even past stuff!!
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megismorallysunny · 1 year
i might upload 2 today bc i have a lot, not from today just in general, so much so that i wrote it down. i had science first, turns out the school wanted every teacher for their first class to show their classes the new one way system because they felt it was clogged up. its really fucking stupid and we were supposed to follow it as soon as we left first class.. spoiler alert no one did, absolutely no one, i didnt see any teachers not following but no students are. I feel like using that system its only a matter of time before a 1st year gets hit by a car, your supposed to go outside to get to some classes that would have only been a few metres away now, and the way you go sometimes has cars on it, i seen one going pretty fast just a minute after class started.
i had irish after science and turns out that irish hw i was doing wasnt even the hw, and i had already done the hw a week ago, omg i just cant but it was a-ok. after that was maths, everyone was in for once so there wasnt enough seats for everyone, hopefully 4k4 and his other friend 5k5 dont steal my seat, i worked my ass off for that. a student who came 2 weeks ago, nickname -bluebird, is just annoying, its not that shes done anything wrong its that shes a complete loner, wont talk to anyone, not like ive tried but more in the sense, you wont hear even a squeak. in business she doesnt take down notes, in maths she doesnt do questions (not that i can say much) and in french she doesnt even know ça va and wont do her french hw. so yeah plain infuriating. i did my english hw wrong after i spent an hour carefully constructing only a third of my answer for an hour last night. my friends went to the shop but i didnt bc i wanted to stay in the cspe classroom and eat my lunch and maybe also read trollhunter fanfics, hard enough to find good ones involving a very cute and fluffy relationship between jim and walter. anyways we had to have a fake election in cspe, to try out ballot box voting, in first year for student council i tied with another girl for top votes. guess how many i got this time? yeah thats right a solid one, thinking about it makes me sad, does no one like me anymore??? but i laughed at the time even tho every1 looked back at me, it felt really dehumanising, the only way i deal with bad situations is by laughing and joking, and that situation made me feel a little shit.
made me also feel real great when aprciot turned back at me and said i put you 5, its like he constantly tries to talk to me and be my friend and when i ignore him he gets mad, its not great that i was standing beside granite today and apricot started pushing granite and while he did that his hand touched my tit. great. made me feel just great, it wasnt on purpose he wouldnt even try.. well he did say consent didnt matter today if it was me. he was obvi joking but considering he tried to sa someone before and this day a year ago, "mango" his friend and apples friend sent diorite a voice message saying apricot said he was gonna do a thing to her. idk im sorry i feel uncomfortable typing out the word rape. but yeah thats what he said apparently. doesnt make it better he could walk to her house and he knows where that is. but unfortunately it is what it is no matter how cruel it can be.
anyways, after cspe i fucking raced through the classroom to get to another because it had a door to the outside which was closer to the door to the other outside door to get to or religion classroom, we had a proper sound sub, she was rly nice and i thought she was a bitch because of her hairstyle but she really wasnt, AND I GOT MY FAVOURITE SEAT!!!! mission acomplished, my friend was happy bc i always run to get good seats and i actually did unlike last time where some people were unfortunately quicker.
idk if i mentioned this but i learned about shifting maybe early 2021 and it didnt really go anywhere, id tell you where i have planned out for me to go but it would be embarassing, i have one for the embarassing one and one for a library, filled with extensive knowledge and characters from shows i watch. anyways my body felt like it was floating last night, just like my first shifting attempt nearly 2 years ago now, i nearly did it but i chickened out, opened my eyes and couldnt ever do it again or get those symptoms. when i woke up at 4 in the morning i was half stuck in a dream, and was trying to do my tasks to meet my goal, i dont even remember what my tasks or goal was.
i skimmed the entirety of sex education, it was my first time watching it, it was pretty good, i really liked ruby she was definitely my favourite i also really loved roman but cmon ruby, she was so good also aimee. i redownloaded farmville2 so its time to relive my farmer life whoop whoop. ill do another blog post later. anyways goodbye have a good morning, good day and good night
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gentil-minou · 3 years
Thanks for all the kind words in my inbox guys ❤❤❤ I'm going to save the asks for a rainy day, so thank you ☺🥰☺🥰☺🥰
I'm doing much better and decided to just stay away from some of the more toxic communities. And maybe focus more on writing fic than meta. (Though I may cave about that depressed Adrien post I'm 👀👀👀👀 all his symptoms and possibly having had it before the show even began and just masking really well and that's part of Chat Noir thing and gah no not today break for today ajfjgkakfk)
Anyways, thank you ❤
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neocrush · 3 years
— the girl groups enhypen’s gfs are in !
genre: fluff (angst on jungwon’s part) + established relationship (eventually lol)
pairings: idol!enhypen x fem!idol!reader
note: idk how to title this pls i thought of it while showering
tagging: @jeminiepabo @strwberrydinosaur
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you just finished performing and your members were in need of water bottles
you just finished performing and your members were in need of water bottles
you just finished performing and your members were in need of water bottles
but fucking mnet didn’t provide any inside of your dressing room??
but fucking mnet didn’t provide any inside of your dressing room??
but fucking mnet didn’t provide any inside of your dressing room??
so yves told you to ask for some from the artist in the dressing room next to yours
you knocked on the door without looking at the sign that showed who was in there
you asked for some water bottles and heeseung went “i’ll go get it!” and ran off to go get get them
jungwon just chuckled and went “hyung’s a really huge fan of your group, he kept on singing star on the way here”
you nodded at the younger one, impressed at the fact that you were popular among idols
the tall boy came back with a whole box full of water bottles
“there’s 12 of you here right now so i figured why not get a whole box” he chuckled nervously
you giggled and smiled at the nervous boy
“thank you heeseung-ssi, i’ll take this to my members” you took the box in your hands but was taken aback on how heavy it was
“don’t worry i’ll carry it for you”
long after that you started hanging out and boom you became his gf
you couldn’t resist the charms of lee heeseung
once it was revealed that you were a couple, orbits and engenes went INSANE (in a good way ofc)
“wait so y/n DOESNT hate men????”
★ jay - aespa
you both met at school after you both debuted
everyone was gossiping around about how you were in the same class with the enhas
so like... monster rookies class
usually idols aren’t seated together but the teacher seated you and jay next to each other
causing a bunch of “oooohhhs” from your classmates
there were times were you and the enhas would leave school early due to practice or schedules
and on the way to the school gate, jay would always spark up a conversation with you
you assumed he was just very friendly
long story short he had a massive crush on you
so a few months into your friendship (which the both of you were very open about with your fans), he confesses
y’all were just really blind lol pls read between the lines
anyways on to ur lovely bf !!
he’s so bold and brave around you but so shy around your members and seniors
we all know how he really respects nct (along with other sm artists) bc he covered the 7th sense with sunghoon on iland
so one day you were like “oh btw i showed taeyong sunbae you and hoon’s t7s cover”
he was like 😟 to 😧 to 😯
got all shy and was like “oh what did he say..”
you don’t know why he was acting as if he didn’t body that whole performance ????
anyway you told him that taeyong said that he and hoon did really well and that he liked how jay did his part
hid his face on the crook of your neck
“baby we should come say hi to them next time you go to sm”
“NO i will make a fool out of myself”
speaks english and japanese with giselle a lot when he isn’t occupied with you
sometimes you’d even have to ask nct’s shotaro to translate
your seniors (especially exo’s kai) adore him so so much pls protect the boy at all costs
★ jake - everglow
he was an active viewer of produce 48 and (like me) was really attached to the yuehua trainees
especially you
so when you got eliminated just before the last episode, he was devastated to say the least
he awaited your debut and when the time came he supported everglow !!!!
does the killing part choreo in his room when no one’s watching lol
dies everytime you do the little “everglow” in songs
right so when he debuted in enha, he looked forward to meeting you as an idol and not a fan
when you shared a dressing room at kcontact, he couldn’t help but introduce himself to you
he mentioned he was a big fan and your heart warmed
cute boy is a fan of you? omg heart go brr brr
your members tease you and you just shake it off
that day when you got back to the dorms, you watched a bunch of enhypen videos bc you were interested in jake
you weren’t aware of how popular you were among people - let alone idols so you were surprised
you fell in love with his personality and started saying hi to him whenever you meet backstage at music shows
not long after, you develop feelings for him
you thought it was just a puppy crush but as you saw him even more, it got serious
you never actually confessed but aisha accidentally spilled the beans when he was passing by
“cmon y/n just tell him you like him because he clearly feels the same !!”
“you like me?”
“that’s my queue to leave”
so she leaves you two to pour your hearts out to each other
you two become a couple and forevergenes (such a cute name omg) LOVE you two
you’re both the puppies of your group so that makes your relationship 103892x cuter
you met his parents and they adore you and even asked for your autograph
“jake used to talk about how great you are after every produce 48 episode”
“okayyyy i think that’s enough embarassing me mom”
his parents love you like their own daughter but does layla love you?
you were so nervous to meet her and was actually scared she might not like you - knowing how important layla is to jake
at first layla ignored you and jake was like “she’ll come around”
you were convinced she just doesn’t like you, until this one time you were cuddling with jake on the couch and layla comes in
you expected her to snuggle up with jake but she came to you :D
now layla is super fond of you and mrs sim would even send you pictures and videos of layla getting excited whenever you were on tv 🥺
★ sunghoon - itzy
you and the girls were at isac
the six of you were just waving at your fans and making heart signs with your hearts
on your left you saw yeji making hearts with ryujin so you wanted to do that with another member too
you felt a presence next to you and assumed it was someone from your group
spoiler alert: it wasn’t
sunghoon and sunoo were waving at engenes who just happened to be seated next to midzys
so you turned to who you thought was an itzy member, making half a heart with your hand
until you realized it wasn’t 💀
you bowed and apologized when you both looked at each other, you were scared you crossed a boundary
you bowed and apologized to the engenes who were there too
sunghoon and sunoo reassured you it was all good
after that, sunghoon couldn’t help but keep his eyes on you the entire event
when the day was coming to an end, he pulled some strings and ended up having some alone time with you ...in stray kids’ dressing room
don’t ask
ofc skz already left so it was just you two there
fast forward, you both hit it off and he became your bf <3
midzys and engenes love you both sm and love bragging about you two to other fandoms
you two were even named the king and queen of 4th gen kpop
oh also
you already know where this is going
brags about how he can do the shoulder dance in wannabe
ofc it’s bc you personally taught him
sends you pics of jyp as reaction pics
so you send pics of bang pdnim to him
every once in a while he reminds you of that video of jay why pee trying to hit a high note
“lmao that’s your boss”
PLS you always get super embarrassed so ofc you bring up that vid of hitman bang
“rAp dAncE-“
★ sunoo - stayc
you were his seatmate at school predebut
you came from the same town, same school, same neighborhood, etc
the two of you were extremely close and both shared the same dream
when highup entertainment accepted you, the both of you were over the moon
he was so happy for you
but sad too bc that meant you had to move to seoul :(
you promised him to do your best and that you hoped to see him again but as an idol
and hopefully when he’s an idol too
well what you hoped for came true !!
although you couldn’t see him much as a trainee - which made you quite sad - you got to follow his journey on i-land
you even asked your fellow trainees to vote for him
anyways now that you both debuted, you became close again and became really open with your fans on how close you were
you recommended his songs to swiths and he did the same to engenes
he even memorized the choreo to so bad and asap and lemme tell you this
he BEGGED you to teach him those choreos
“sunoo you can watch the practice on youtube”
“but i want to learn it from you”
he never really realized his feelings until he saw you getting shipped with his other members
you were both on weekly idol and the hosts really seemed to like how you and jake looked next to each other and they just teased you both the whole episode
that made sunoo feel uneasy and he thought it was only bc he was an overprotective best friend
turns out he had feelings for you (wow shocker)
so one day he asks you to come to hybe
after slightly getting lost, you meet up with him in a practice room
he confesses bc he felt like not telling you about his feelings would put a wall between you two
you appreciate his honesty and tell him you’ve felt the same way every since you were classmates
he scolds himself for not seeing it all those years but you just laugh it off bc you were pretty good at hiding your crush
you both agree to secretly date, until you both announce it on your five month anniversary
fans were really shocked at first... but they support you !!!!
engenes will not hesitate to come at anyone who talks bad about you and swiths feels the same way about jungwon
he gushes about you every single time you’re brought up
and you can’t help but love your adorable boyfriend
★ jungwon - iz*one
okay so
he was just an average high schooler when you were introduced on produce 48
his deskmate was watching your audition video and it was the part where you were doing this freestyle
he was SO amazed and he secretly followed your journey on produce 48
always made sure to vote on time and watch the episodes live
once the debut evaluation came around, he asked everyone he knew to vote for you and even bought tickets to see the show live
almost cried when he saw that you were center
ACTUALLY CRIED when you got into the top 13 😭
fast forward to him debuting in enha
he wasn’t able to catch up on you since he was busy with trainee life, then i-land, then debut preparations
but somehow in the middle of promotions he ran into you and BOOM love at first sight
fast forward to you finally dating, he couldn’t believe he was dating the y/n of iz*one
wizones make those “ladies and gentlemen, y/n’s man” edits and engenes make those “ladies and gentlemen, jungwon’s woman” edits
both fandoms love you two so dearly that the only hate you two got were from the delusional ones (who clearly aren’t actual fans)
when your last concert came around, he couldn’t bare seeing you cry when you said “this has been iz*one’s y/n, thank you everyone!”
he got flashbacks from when you cried during the final episode of produce 48 and he’s just.. sobbing bc he couldn’t be there to hold you
so the next day he rushed to your dorms with snacks and emotional support bc you were emotionally exhausted from accepting the fact that your journey with iz*one is finally ending
you felt extremely lucky to be in his arms and he felt extremely lucky too that he’s able to make you feel a little better
★ riki - weeekly
you were both on weekly weeekly idol together
and both you and riki being main dancers, you were asked to do random dance together
a few popular songs played and the both of you did the choreos
until after school started playing and the boy did the chorus’ choreo and you were like “woah???”
bc he was so INTO ITTTT
the song was basically made for him to cover it
and the mcs saw your reaction so they asked him to do it once again but this time with the whole group
after filming, he came up to you and was like “i’m a huge fan of yours” and you’re just like ):&/£]>\**_£]
“woah really???? i rooted for you on i-land”
and his face just lights up bc his huge crush on you developed even more
you became besties since then but he didn’t ask you out until your birthday
he took you out to a puppy café, knowing you were obsessed with dogs
you’d ask him to show you pictures and videos of bisco
“i better meet bisco once we go to japan together”
melted at the thought of traveling to his hometown with you
once you left the café, he kissed you in front of your dorms
and somehow he became your boyfriend <3
riki as a bf isn’t really a very public person
he’s the “this is our relationship, not the public’s” type of person
he doesn’t wanna risk companies wanting to exploit your relationship
although he doesn’t talk about you two much, he loves to brag about you when given the chance
whenever variety show hosts would fawn over you he’d just look them in the eyes dead and go “she’s mine”
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therealmilfdennys · 2 years
Can you do a cute harkrill fanfic 🥺👉👈
absolutely i love both of these little scrumckles so much this is less shippy than I wanted it to be but it was...very long already and I wanted to get it posted lol so here ya go :)
slight spoilers for peacemaker and the suicide squad
abner krill/digger harkness - abner and digger are both pining and emotionally unwell :)
Abner didn’t know what it was like to have friends. Task Force X was the closest he’d been to anyone in almost twenty years and even then he wasn’t sure that could be considered ‘friendship’. He was only ever ‘close’ with his mother, and with a little therapy he realized that wasn’t healthy at all. He did meet Digger there though, and Digger was his friend. After Leota’s Press Release, Belle Reve was put under serious investigation, headed by Leota herself. After intense assessment, some inmates were found stable enough to be put back out into the world on parole, under the watchful eye of the few people who were trustworthy under Waller’s employ. Abner was amongst these few inmates, as was Digger. 
It was Abner’s accidental over sharing that drew George in to begin with. The dark haired man had a bad habit of letting out dark little bits of his past and sometimes present life in casual conversation. It never failed to make Digger snort and chuckle amused, always huffing a “Crikey mate.” In response. His reaction always caused Abner’s cheeks to flush red. Making the man nervous was no difficult feat, he was a skittish little thing by nature. Something about the (handsome) Aussie being so amused and not frightened by his comments made Abner all…warm on the inside. George didn’t share much in their mandatory group therapy sessions, not that anyone who knew him expected him to. He was often cocky, arms crossed, leaned back in his chair, legs spread, posture the perfect sign of composure. He never let a single emotion through other than pride and confusion as to why he was mandated to be there. There were days though, were he was unusually cold, distant. He would snark and snap at anyone who spoke to him, eyes like ice. Abner wasnt a fan of those days.
On the other hand, Abner shared too much in group. Shared his troubles with his mother and his kiling of her (and his acceptance of that fact). He shared his troubles with eating and his alien disease, going into great detail each time. Explained his trouble with relationships and sex and identity. He had something new and interesting each week, a new little tale and rant about how it affected him from the week. He was never trying to get pity for it, never vying for someones attention. He just genuinely thought that was what group was for. (When in reality it was basically used as a check in to show they hadn’t had an criminal activity).
Digger always listened intently to Abner's little tangents, enamored with the other man's view on the world. He wished he could be that open, he wished he could express his feelings so freely, without fear of ridicule. Or maybe Abner didn’t ‘not’ fear ridicule per se, maybe it was that he accepted and expected it. Abner’s long fingers curled around the foam cup of decaf so graciously provided by the justice systems therapy group. The bitter liquid rippled as he breathed into it, surveying the room from his spot in the uncomfortable metal folding chairs they were given. He watched other convicts shuffle in, not quite nervous, but alert, always waiting for something to pop up and fuck up his day. Diggers booming laugh was heard before the man himself could be seen, and it made Abner’s chest squeeze fondly, his cheeks warming on instinct. Prison didn’t suit George, not that it suited much of anyone, but George was much better suited for outside the walls of that filthy place. He cleaned up surprisingly well, even if all he wore were wife beaters and sweats 90% of the time. He was meticulous in keeping up his hair, his skin, and his beard. He had jewelry that always looked freshly polished. He held himself confidently. He was ridiculously handsome. He made Abner's knees weak and his chest tingly. Digger caught his eyes and Abner flushed deeper. “Oh hello, there Pokey me boy! How’s we doin’ today eh?” He gruffed, plopping down in the folding chair next to Abner with a grunt. He was chewing gum, Abner briefly wondered what flavor was his favorite. “I’m as good as I can be I guess.” He mumbled in response, shrugging a bit, taking another sip of his coffee. In truth, he had a nice week. By Abner standards at least. He didn’t die. The blonde man grinned, head rolling to the side so he could watch the side of Abner’s face. “Well, that’s good then innit? Harls was at mine all week so I’m worn OUT.” He stated, sucking his teeth. Abner was almost jealous, before remembering Harley was very much in a committed relationship and very much a lesbian. Before he could stop himself he blurted. “You never invite me over.” Instantly his face was scorching, eyes on the cup in his lap, wide and unblinking. Digger smiled much more sincerely, his cheeks warming. “Oh yeah? Didn’t know you’d want to spend personal time with me, Pokey. Thought we were strictly pr’ffesional n’all that.” He teased gently. George was many things but evil certainly wasn’t one of them. He knew Pokey was a bit sensitive at times and tried not to push too hard. Abner coughed softly. “I uh, I just. I’ve never really had a..friend? I guess? Not that I consider you one unless we are? I mean I don’t know.” He huffed, seemingly frustrated with his own fumbling. “I’ve wanted to..hang out..ya know? I’ve wanted to ask, just scared I’m a bit boring for your….tastes, I guess.” He explained, gesturing wildly with one hand while still refusing to meet George’s eyes. The Aussie on the other hand was grinning like a mad man, gold tooth glinting in the harsh fluorescent light. “Nah mate, think you’re the farthest from boring. Coolest thing I know how to do is pick real fancy locks yeah? You know physics and shit.” He reassured, smacking Abner's leg in good faith. Abner's face split in a shy grin, a soft chuckle leaving him. “I couldn’t pick a lock if I tried, shaky hands.” He showed, raising a hand to show slightly trembly fingers. Digger surveyed his hand for a moment, kissing the backs of his teeth. “Nah I could teach ya, you’re talking to a pro here. A real legend mate. Fact, that's what we’ll do. You can come to mine after yeah? I’ll teach you a few tricks of the trade.” He questioned, looking genuinely excited, much to Abner's (pleasant) surprise. With a smile, Abner nodded just as the therapist walked in to start their session. Digger knocked his booth with Abners, and all Abner could think for the whole hour was ‘I finally have a real friend.’
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onecupofskim · 3 years
Our experiences in the Plural community over the years
This post will contain brief mentions innapropriate relationships between adults and minors, and trauma denial. Please continue at your own risk.
Around the age of 12-14, we were very active on Kik. There we were engaged with a handful of witchcraft groups, one of which we had a partner by the name of Riley. Riley was 19.
Riley began teaching us about Tulpamancy. They said it was a way to not be so lonely in your own head. As a young child who had no friends in school, this sounded great.
They linked us to a couple of tumblr posts and a google doc and we went to work.
Oh. Right. Nothing happened. Because you can't force a headmate into existance.
Alright. Well if that didn't work, maybe theres something else!
Oh, Spirit bonding! That sounds like it'll work.
So we meditated. Oh, theres someone here! His name is Raphael. Here, lets put him in this ring and when we wear it, he'll be with us. (I'm facepalming just writing this.)
Except. He was always there. Huh. Weird.
Oh, we made a soul bond with a dragon named Mephisto! Kinda weird that I cant find any information about her existence online...
Huh.. none of this is really adding up.
When we were in our freshman year of highschool we learned about kinning.
We became invested. We kinned a demon character named Greyson. Greyson lived in our head and could change his appearance at will-- Wait what do you mean thats not what kinning is?
Later on we found a game that we really liked at the time, despite its dark themes. We "kinned" the main antagonist. When we would get stressed or anxious he would "shift" out and take over. That's normal right?
Back to the tulpamancy again. Someome had reccomended a discord server regarding tulpas. Kinda weird how everyone was saying Sal wasnt a tulpa even though he lives in our head... huh. Weird.
Okay well. Maybe.. Maybe we are a system. We began learning about systems and systemhood around the age of 16-17. We had never heard of DID or even MPD before.
The more research we did, the more we realized that these weren't kins or tulpas or anything else. They were alters.
They were pieces of our childself broken to bits due to childhood trauma.
That would explain. A lot.
We were still apart of the kin community, after finally learning what it really was. We had met an individual who's name I cannot recall. We'll call him Shadow for now.
Shadow was an interesting individual.
We spoke with him frequently about our suspisions of being a system. However he doubted us.
He was in his freshman year of college, with goals to persue becoming a therapist. He was in the middle of a Psych 101 class.
He told us about endogenic systems.
He claimed we didn't have nearly enough trauma to warrent a system, and that instead we were a natural system. One that forms because youre lonely, or need someone.
We were confused... Was what we went through growing up not enough..? Maybe hes right. Yeah people out there have it worse. Those are all parts of any normal childhood! (Spoiler alert. They aren't.)
We began engaging with the endogenic community and were suprised by how much hate they recieved. We engaged with the community briefly, but something didn't seem right.
We spoke with a close friend we had known for years at this point. She had actually graduated with a degree in psychology. We spoke to her about our experiences and she began to tell us more about DID. And looking back on it now, what she told us was all truthful information. Thank you Ali, you're a lifesaver.
We stopped engaging with endos. We found evidence against them. We learned and grew.
We had a few more.. interesting. Experiences with an ex partner but. Thats another post for another time.
Long story short, our experiences with the plural community led us astray from actually acknowledging and accepting the fact we were traumatized. We ended up getting support for our trauma much later than we could have.
This is why we are anti endo. This is why we are anti tulpa. A constant spread of misinformation led us to falling off our path to healing when we needed it most.
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keylimeimagines · 3 years
hello!! i was wondering if i could have a genshin impact matchup? if not thats totally fine!! i hope you have a great day ahead!! :3 𝐈. 𝑨𝑷𝑷𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑬 + 𝑰𝑴𝑷𝑶𝑹𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑻 𝑺𝑻𝑼𝑭𝑭 (APPEARANCE + IMPORTANT STUFF) my name is sam!! i dont mind any pronouns but i prefer they/them a lot more! im pansexual (but have a strong leaning towards women but also men and sgshshahshhwhd everyones so hot)
im very fidgety and use a lot of hand gestures. with how much i play with my hair you'd think it wasnt tangled (spoiler alert: it is lol) , i also bite my nails a lot
𝐈𝐈. 𝑷𝑬𝑹𝑺𝑶𝑵𝑨𝑳𝑰𝑻𝒀 (PERSONALITY) im an intp-t and ambiverted!! my personality overall is sarcastic, funny (or at least i try to be-) , chaotic, talkative, moody, and i have a bit of anger issues, and some people describe me as a pushover :(
i have mood swings very frequently and im very very stubborn
i usually burst into song or have random bursts of energy at the worst times, and have a horrible sleep schedule
i also get distracted easily, have trouble remembering things, and have trouble with deadlines lmao
due to my horrible memory, i usually miss meals or forget important things like my laundry or cleaning my room. i always say ill make a list to check every morning, but i dont. (also a funny way i like to describe my horrible memory is that every time i wake up its like the morning after getting dr3n1k cause the night before is a total blur) i like a lot of things! but mainly drawing, flowers, watching movies, making jokes (theyre more sarcastic or sexual in a way- kind of like kenny mccormick or chandler bing-) , doing my eyeliner , games, skittles, dying and cutting my hair, styling outfits, painting, and talking with my friends!! i also like telling stories and making little songs in my free time!! i like greek mythology, making theories, and psychology! my hobbies are gaming, art (in general), making little theories, and singing! i would add dancing but im not very good at that lol 𝐈𝐈𝐈. 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝑹𝑬𝑳𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑫 (love related) my primary love languages are words of affirmation and acts of service! 𝐈𝐕. 𝑺𝑪𝑯𝑶𝑶𝑳 𝑹𝑬𝑳𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑫 (school related) i try my best to get good grades in school, but i usually get a C or a B, maths and AP (araling panlipunan, its to learn filipino history) are the ones where i fail the most 𝐕. 𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑳𝑻𝑯 (HEALTH) i have a hard time taking care of myself and pass out a lot from lack of iron in my body (which i joke about a lot)
to add to this ^^ i also joke about bad things that happen to me which nobody laughs at except me if you need anything else pls lmk or dm me!!
also, im very sorry that was so long, i tried deleting some things that didnt seem very important. pls take your time with this!! you can ignore this or delete it if youre uncomfy with my request, thats totally fine with me!! :)
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ISFJ x INTP is one of my favorite MBTI pairings, so i hope this was a good match!
Ganyu is naturally more of a listener than a talker, so she'll be glad to listen to whatever is on your mind atm!!
She's VERY shy around you like "omg they're so pretty??" and she starts shutting down bc she's so attracted to you??
She's much gentler and passive than you, so you two contrast well imo <33 however, she is also very stubborn (at least, when it comes to work that is)
I'd hc her to also have a shitty sleep schedule due to overworking, so she can't help you much there :( she does try though! she offers that you two sleep together to ensure a better sleep schedule :))
Although she does skip or forget about meals, she does her best to remind you to eat once and a while (hypocrite [affectionate])! she helps you make a check list for things you might need to do, with reminders here and there
I'd think that she loves drawing as a hobby! She may not be that good, but she tries and that's all that matters <33 she would love to draw with you!
she also really likes flowers (despite her loving to eat qingxin flowers)! her dream is to have a garden that doesn't carry the burdens of work
OH and her face gets so red when you give her words of affirmation! despite it being one of her main love languages, she still can't help but get so flustered!
compliment and comfort her about her body and she'll love you forever <33 she isn't the biggest fan of herself, so she'd really appreciate it if you were to comfort her when she gets to her worst
she's very giving! maybe a little too much, but she'll be glad to help you with things to show her love!
she's also pretty bad at taking care of herself, but maybe you two can help each other when needed!
cocogoat gf is the best i love her <33
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i-seed-u · 3 years
back for my weekly really long post, anyways lets discuss why a newsie would be a scabber and some negative effects the strike has on their mental health
i work best in bullet points so here we go
newsies with families
i feel like this one is the most self explanitory
newsies with families (think elmer) are most likely one of the sole sources of income in their families
going on strike and not making money would def make them feel like theyre hurting their family, spoiler alert, it probably was!!
put yourself in the shoes of a newsies sibling: theyre one of the only incomes in the family and hardly make much as is, on strike they make nothing, you would (like it or not) have SOME sort of negative emotion to this
now put yourself in the shoes of said newsie, youre aware of what this affect has on the family, youre aware of all the negatives
thats why scabbers arent horrible people (hottest take of the century i know)
they all have their reasons for why they wouldve taken up the position of a scabber and having families would 100% be one of them
now, this raises "what about the striking newsies?"
newsies with families have to deal with either betraying the newsies or having less income to their families, this of course would make them stressed or feel like theyre letting someone down
newsies without families
i think skittery was a good example of vocalizing some of the issues with newsies on their own
going on strike means they cant provide anything for themselves, they would of course be worried about being thrown out of the lodge or not having money for food
which is another reason theyd become a scabber
dog eat dog world, you know?
i dont have as many points for this one so ill leave it here, other than theyd probably be scared for themselves
exhaustion and other cute stuff
i feel like no one touches on how the strike would have killed all energy reallt quick in
newsies would really start to notice how quickly they ran out of cash plus how newsies got beat up? not a great combo!
plus really quickly it became apparent that the whole world was against them, i mean even in the movie denton wasnt with them for a bit
reminder newsies were CHILDREN
anyways closing thoughts, while i dont like the scabbers there was genuine reasons they mightve taken the role up
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ehbunnehsblog · 3 years
First off I just wanna say holy shiz! My last post did really good! So thank you guys for the support, liking, reblogging, following me and my content. I know it's just a basic nostalgia blog but it's really cool to know that some really like the stuff I post.
I always try to post stuff that is nostalgic to me but also stuff others might find nostalgic as well because this blog isn't just about me it's about you as well but anyways I saw this post a while back about what you searched up on YouTube as a kid and I thought hey why not do this myself! I thought it would be a neat little idea that would bring us together more and let you cool dudezzzzz get to know me so with all that said let's get to it! (Also I apologize if its absolutely cringe lol!)
1. Salad fingers
So pretty much everyone knows who and what salad fingers is we don't really have to get into it but idk how but I was just never scared of it. I remember as a child one of my friends was terrified of salad fingers yet I somehow was okay with it. I remember seeing a fake episode of it and it being a rickroll because that was sorta popular back than. I think salad fingers is pretty cool tbh its neat.
2. Wasabi Productions
This was a channel I frequented quite a bit. It had some really funny humor at the time I mean I was a kid so really anything was funny most of the time. The channel imo was just sorta random and the humor was pretty random. Humor in this era of YouTube was just something else lol.
3. Simply Spoons
Don't remember this one as much tbh but my friend at the time loved like absolutely LOVED One Direction and we would sometimes watch this channel and this person would do prank calls while trying to impersonate Harry Styles and etc. Because my friend at the time was super into 1D we checked out a lot of 1D content.
4. The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction
Another gem of 1D content was these videos. We watched them a lot everytime a new video came out we would check it out. I don't know if I have a lot to say about this channel except for that most of the content was 1D and cartoons. I think the person still posted some 1D videos so if you want to check it out I will leave links below.
5. SophieGTV
Okay imma get to it because I know what some of you guys are thinking yes I absolutely loved LPS Popular lol but actually just Sophie's stuff altogether I really liked also SHES CANADIAN LIKE ME! Not many youtubers I know are from Canada so that's really heccin cool but anyways I loved her channel as a kid if you were talking to lil me I would probably say shes my favorite YouTuber. Sophie doesn't post much anymore but I remember when EVERYONE wanted a face reveal but I hope she is doing well now. She posted one year ago but hasn't posted since.
6. LPS popular
Hunny you know it. You know it. *insert will Smith that's hot that's hot* I know i just posted that i loved this series but really though this was my YouTube childhood I was absolutely in love with this series. The tea! The tea! I can't I used to binge this series all the time I remember my old friend absolutely loved this channel. Dude I miss being a kid sometimes with a wild and wacky imagination if I were a kid again I would totally rebinge this series lol!
7. LPSHannah
This girls channel was also amazing I didn't watch her videos a lot but I definitely liked a good handful of em. Her channel was just really cool and she did a face reveal! I don't know when but its definitely surprising! She sadly stopped making videos though (just checked big sad) do to coppa but I hope what she is doing is making her really happy and all the best to her. You can now find her posting on Hannah's Haven.
8. NamanthaSuxx
I wanna say she is also Canadian but honestly I have zero clue. I used to watch her channel sometimes when she would post videos about Monster High because at the time I was into those dolls which idk for sure but I think might be coming back? Anyways i wasnt as into the channel as my friend who introduced me to Namantha's channel.
9. Jpopluvr1000
Okay idk if this persons channel was always named this but I remember looking at their channel because they made a lot of Bratz themed videos and well me I am a Bratz fan and I remember this person got I think all or almost every 10th anniversary Bratz doll and making a video on it. I was really into Bratz maybe even more than Monster High tbh like those dolls were made the year I was born. Getting real for a moment but it is crazy knowing that they will be having their 20th anniversary and I am really hyped for the new dolls like honestly I love the screening and it might even be better than the last dolls lol but anyways I loved this persons channel it was great.
10. Webkinz, LPS, Bratz and monster high pool party videos
This one is just one big group because all were under the same thing. I really liked and still like swimming and so that's probably why I liked these videos as a kid there are some I watched but can't remember the name of at the moment and YouTube doesn't let you make it so you can find old videos easily especially if you can't remember them. I did remember I watched StarryStarr33 and I think strawberry516 but I don't know about strawberry for sure.
11. Smosh
The duo Ian and Anthony were sorta like a must watch on YouTube back in the day. They were just really big and it was difficult to ignore how popular they were on the site for a while. I loved their Honey Boo Boo video and I also remember watching Ian and Anthony open things on another channel. The humor was also very YouTubery it probably wouldn't be good in professional stuff but for teens and kids at the time most of us thought it was pretty funny.
12. Bratz collection
Just like jpopluvr1000 I just really liked Bratz dolls and collections of them.
13. LPS music videos
Didn't matter what it was I loved LPS as a kid so I was willing to watch anything with them.
14. KyleMonkey
My sister showed me this weird dude who made a video with him just eating chapstick and another of him farting, spitting out grapes and just being crazy and yeah honestly idk what to say about this dude lol
15. Key of Awesome
Didn't check them out a whole lot tbh but I enjoyed some of their parodies
16. Fred
Everyone acts like the didn't watch him but you know some of them have. I liked watching his videos as a kid I remember when one of them was rated for older people for no reason. Also is it just me or did anyone else like his songs?
17. The Annoying Orange
Same deal just orange and an orange. These videos were cool I remember when Fred and him had that lil vs battle thingy you kinda just had to be there to understand the hype about the annoying orange. The humor has died out but it was a nice thing while it lasted unless you got easily annoyed.
18. Wafflepwn and the greatest freakout ever
I remember watching these videos with my friend at the time we just thought it was the most hilarious thing honestly the first video where the dude stick a remote up his butt still makes me chuckle somehow but I remember my dad being very upset when he saw I watched these videos and also having a difficult time coming to the fact that SPOILER ALERT!
It was fake all along. If people didn't know that you know these videos would be extremely problematic.
Conclusion: YouTube still felt so new and different at this time and things were growing although a lot of the humor would not fly for understandable reasons I feel like it was charming and I was very lucky I got to be on YouTube. I was very young so a lot of the channels I watched were more kiddy and childish but it felt sweet and nice. A lot of these channels were so cool and sometimes I would stay up late and watch them. With all that said I will probably make a second one of these. I was very unsure whether or not I wanted to post this because a part of me thought it would be cool but another felt like it would be cringy and wanna know what? It's both lol that's my entire conclusion this post was cool, fun and very very cringy but hey why not make another again sometimes? It will be cool to look back on and maybe if I forget something I can just come back here and remember it! Do you have anything you searched a lot as a kid? Comment below!
☆With all that said if you like what you see please give me a follow and a like I make many more posts like this☆
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peachsodah · 3 years
I feel like Vincent would grow up to figure out they’re (using they/them in the context of this post) non-binary or genderfluid. They just give me the vibes, yknow? (Also the thing they said about wanting to be flower queen was enough to make me smile like an idiot bc i was reminded of all the times I would say things like that when I was little and didn’t even know I was trans yet) I really want to write a fanfiction about Vince growing up and figuring this out. And maybe I’d include some of their family members POV as well because I think it would be interesting to see how Sam and Jodi and Kent think about the whole thing. I feel like Sam would be the most supportive and he’d be the guy Vincent goes to when they need a shoulder to cry on. Jodi would probably be based off of my own mom’s response to how I came out as trans (Spoiler alert: it wasnt great at first.. it still isn’t. I’ll probably make it a little better than my own situation though). Kent I feel like would probably be confused by it and maybe get a lot of things wrong at first, but be more accepting than Jodi and just try his best to be there for his child. (This is not me hating on Jodi, she just really reminds me of my own mom and also I hate when Kent is shown as the “rrr grr homo-hatin‘ military dad”. It’s an overdone trope already and often it completely changes his personality.)
so.. ye. I might write this. I’m hesitant though, since I am an afab trans man and Vince would be an amab non-binary person. I’m not sure if I could properly capture what dysphoria or euphoria is like for amab non-binary people and I want to make things as realistic and respectful as possible in showing how they would feel about their gender. So it’d probably be a while before I write this because I’d need to do a bit of research into the subject.
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
About your atla ship songs, I have a couple of questions (sorry if my phrasing comes out wrong, english isn't my first language and I worry it might across as accidentally defensive): how did you end up with the choices for zukka, jetko and yuekka (note: I haven't seen the great comet, so feel free to obsess over it, I'm intrigued now and the hype is appreciated!)? Sidenote: I think the mailee choice is HILARIOUS and the tokka one just make me sad, I didn't expect to be attacked like this😭
kdjfha;s i love you im gonna obsess SO HARD over great comet now. you may regret this
this is gonna be so long so the rest is under the cut whoops
yuekka: no one else from great comet
where do i even begin. WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN
okay so background information on this show: it's based off of a 76 oages excerpt from war and peace and its centered around a woman named natasha (and this guy pierre but he's irrelevant to this song so we wont worry about him) and natasha's bethrothed is off fighting in the war right now. she hasn't seen him in a while but she is in love with him.
every single lyrics of this song SCREAMS yuekka to me. the innocence and purity of their love. the love at first sight. and even the melancholy ending just- i go apeshit for this song. i love this song so much. and denee benton's voice??? kljsdhflwksugf please listen to this song if you haven't already. listen to the whole show. your life will be changed forever.
onto the lyrics (i stg this is ab to be the whole song whoops)
"the moon"
THOSE ARE THE FIRST WORDS ON THE SONG. natasha and andre (her bethrothed) met underneath the moonlight. Sokka and Yue first spoke to eachother at night and always met each other for their most intimate moments under the moonlight. also yue is LITERALLY the moon so like: right of the bat with those two words it's yuekka.
"and i saw your eyes / and i saw your smile / and the world opened wide"
sokka fell in love with yue the moment he saw her in the canal. she literally enchanted this motherfucker. everything about her made his heart go crazy. and 'the world opened wide' to me is from yue's perspective. Yue had never left the north pole and sokka had seen a good chuck of the world at the point. He took her on appa, he told her about his adventures. he saw the world yue wished to see and you know damn well that Sokka would have done anything to give it to her.
"oh the moon /oh the snow in the moonlight / and your childlike eyes and your distant smile / ill never be this happy again / you and i and no one else"
natasha sings fondly about the moon and the snow, seeing as it was where she fell in love with andre. yue and sokka LITERALLY fell in love in the same place: in the snowy nothern water tribe under the light of the moon. childlike eyes: THEYRE CHILDREN!!! distant smile: this is where it gets a little sad. theyre both children with way too many duties during a world that has known nothing but war for the past century. they want to be happy but yeah, theyre smiles are distant and far away because happiness seems out of reach for them most of the time. i'll never be this happy again: the moments yue and sokka shared together were probably the happiest either of them ever were. they were able to ignore the war and the world in the moments they shared together. and with no one else. no one else would be able to give each other this sense of peace and happiness and love.
"joy and life inside our souls / and no body knows just you and me / it's our secret"
Yue and Sokka had to sneak out in secret at night to go and see each other. Yue and Sokka couldn't be together for real because Yue was already engaged, but they were literally in love so she decided to see him anyways in secret. kasdjfhklasjd im losing my mind over them at this point.
"this winer sky / how can anyone sleep / there was never such a night before / i feel like putting my arms around my knees / and squeezing tight as possible / and flying away"
these are my FAVORITE lines in the entire song. yue and sokka had never felt this strongly about anyone before and that's why they are so drawn to each other. they had never experienced love before and they wanted to hold onto it for as long as they could even though they knew they couldnt. Sokka takes yue up on appa and she is wistful and wishes she could live like he does every day: ie flying away. oh my god these two deserved so much better. so much fucking better.
now for the saddes part. the saddest fucking part.
"maybe he'll come today / maybe he came already / and he's sitting in the drawing room / and i simply forgot"
natasha misses andre so intensely at this point. when i first listened to this show and heard this song i was like "wait a min... is andre like... dead?" and im sure i wasnt the only person who assumed that this was why natasha felt so sad by the end of such a beautiful song. (spoiler alert andre is fine)
but this line really exemplifies how sad natasha is, and hints at the fact that andre may never come back. it implies that their relationship is doomed (at least in my opinion) and that's all yuekka. Sokka misses yue intensely when shes gone. Yue accepted her fate almost immediately but sokka was in denial. he thought there had to be another way. but in the end it wasn't meant to be. and sokka will go on, loving yue, wishing for her back, even though it's not possible.
fuck im gonna cry.
zukka: all i've ever known- hadestown
"i was alone so long / i didn't even know that i was lonely / out in the cold so long / i didnt even know that i was cold"
sokka is from the swt so theres where the cold comes in. also in the gaang (initially) it was just him katara and aang. and katara and aang were much closer to each other than sokka was with aang and the two of them were benders so sokka was kind of an outsider with the two of them. He also represses a lot of his emotions and feels the need to do everything himself so i do see a lot of loneliness in sokka. and the fact that so many people in his life have left him (his mom, yue, his dad, suki briefly, etc...) he is known to keep people at an arms length. i see a lot of loneliness in sokka.
zuko's loneliness is a lot more obvious: he has literally been cast out and abandoned by everyone except iroh. and even then he still feels the need to be alone (remember zuko alone? thought so) these boys look after themselves and push others away and revel in their loneliness in order to keep themselves from getting hurt. at least in my opinion on canon and also some fanon because id be a liar if i said fanon didnt influence how i view ALL my ships (not just zukka)
"all ive ever known is how to hold my own / but now I wanna hold you too"
COME ONE MANNNN, they just wanna hold each other. theyre both very big protectors as well and kljhflkasdhg they wanna protect eachother like kljdhfl im gonna lose it rn.
"You take me in your arms / And suddenly there's sunlight all around me / Everything bright and warm / And shining like it never did before / And for a moment I forget / Just how dark and cold it gets"
SUNLIGHT SYMBOLISM. zuko is literally powered by the sun. i don't think i even NEED to elaborate on this one anymore lol. They find comfort in each other away from all of their trauma. when they're together nothing else matters and i personally love that for them. they both deserve love.
"I knew you before we met / And I don't even know you yet / All I know is your someone I have always known"
these two are extremely similar in canon. many parallels. older brothers overshadowed by their prodigy little sisters. longing to make their fathers proud (granted one dad is good and one is fuckin evil), both are pretty bad with emotions. both are seen protecting others before themselves (sokka protecting suki during the serpant's pass, sokka protecting toph on like multiple occassions, zuko protecting katara in the final agni kai), the list goes on. they know who the other is because they see themselves in the other person. they already know each other because they are each other (in a way, not entirely, but the similarities are strong in my opinion)
"I'm gonna hold you forever / The wind will never change on us / Long as we stay with each other / Then it will always be like this"
i just think this line is so cute and sweet (ignoring all the symbolism and foreshadowing that comes with the last line in the musical itself. im gonna pretend this is nothing but happy) and i think these boys deserve happiness so yeah. this song is zukka to me lol.
jetko: thrill of first love- falsettoes
if you've never listened to this song go an do it now. you will know INSTANTLY that it is jetko because of the dynamics alone. marvin and whizzer are pure jetko and i take no crticisms.
marvin and whizzer are both extremely stubborn, and they don't always get along, and they fight a lot, and they get mad at each other a lot, and they are both passionate as hell, and they will bring this passion into everything. they love each other that is without a doubt, but they arent perfect and they are once again stubborn and determined as fuck.
sound familiar? it's literally jetko.
the lyrics aren't what remind me of jetko, but the dynamic itself. the lyrics are too on the nose for a gay couple in 1970's america so that rlly cant apply to jetko all that much. but the way these two characters bounce off of each other and get annoyed with each other and argue with eachother reminds me of jetko. because let's be honest: these two are the most stubborn characters in the whole show. they will fight for what they believe and it will take literally everything to change their minds.
i love jetko but i think they would have petty arguments all the time and get aggravated by one another so easily. and this is even seen in canon: they work so fucking well together but they did not even HESITATE to fight one another after neither of them would give in and let the fight about whether jet was right or wrong about zuko being a firebender. like i cannot say it enough they are stubborn as fuck.
but underneath all that stubborn pettiness and bickering: marvin and whizzer still love each other. and jet and zuko would still love each other. because even though they are stubborn when it comes to arguments, they are even more stubborn and determined when it comes to each other. these two passionate motherfuckers are in love.
(now when i chose this song i decided to ignore the fact that this song literally spells out the fact that marvin and whizzer's relatinoship is doomed because they literally say passion dies. thats the difference between jetko and whizzer and marvin because i dont think passion dies. i chose this song strictly for the bickering lmao)
and i know you didnt ask about tokka but,,,,
i rlly wanna talk about the tokka one
so im going to
tokka: on my own- les mis
look. i KNOW this song is about unrequited love and i love tokka as a couple but,,, the unrequited love in this song just SCREAMS unrequited tokka to me so thats what i went with.
eponine is a girl who has neglectful parents who lives life by her own rules: toph. eponine is shown to be tough and confident and spunky to others but behind all of that she has emotions, she feels love, she hides her vulnerability so much: toph. she is in love with a guy she cant be with because he loves someone else: TOPH
eponine is toph to a t and toph is eponine to a t. this is not up for debate lmao
"without him i feel his arms around me"
toph is always seen grabbing onto someone (and its almost ALWAYS sokka) when she's somewhere where she can't use her feet to see. FEEL and ARMS cmon. look at it.
"and i know / i know that he is blind"
COME ON. IMAGINE TOPH SINGING THIS LINE. this line is already powerful enough in les mis but having toph, a blind character, sing it just makes the symbolism even deeper. toph sees the potential relationship they could have together. toph sees that sokka is oblivious to this. toph is not blind to the truth or the potention, but sokka is blind to her feelings. im about to lose my mind over this line.
"I love him / But every day I'm learning / All my life / I've only been pretending / Without me / His world will go on turning / A world that's full of happiness / That I have never known"
i need to sit down for a moment. toph grew up in a household where her parents did not understand her. she has learned to hide her true emotions and vulnerabilities from everyone. and its the fact that toph knows that she and sokka will never be together and the fact that she still loves him in spite of that is what makes this even more heartbreaking.
"but only on my own"
thank you for indulging my theatre kid nonsense. you are very sweet and kind and lovely and awesome and i hope you have a lovely day bestie :) <3
ask me why i think these songs go with these ships
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