#i have SO many thougts
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ineffablejaymee · 1 year ago
if anyone tries to put spoiler alert on this i will cry these books are 15 years old ANYWAY THOUGHTS
I love the fight between percy and grover, sue me. the betrayal in percy's eyes and grover hurting him to protect him???? these are my BOYS the empathy link is coming
CLARISSE clarisse is so. so. i love her. im not a fan of her calling percy a fraud, i think her hating him because she wanted to prove herself and was jealous of percy was great but they made it work. AND THE WAY SHE CRIED OUT WHEN PERCY BROKE HER SPEAR?! oh she has daddy issues shes gonna nail sea of monsters arc if they shoot it
the foreshadowing about luke is CRAZY and i eat it u p. also it hurts like a bitch, especially with walker playing the naive and trusting percy so perfectly. AND THE LITTLE SISTER LINE?! magnificent. shatter my heart and leave it in pieces
WALKER IS AMAZING hes the embodiment of percy and yeah, persassy. we knew he would be back. his whole interaction with Mr. D was hillarious and i love the dad scene. Such Jason Mantzoukas energy he was made for this role.
i adore Sally, she's the rebellious, brave and caring woman i imagined while reading the books. and her relationship with percy is amazing. i will never stop crying about them btw
YOU DROOL IN YOUR SLEEP the way i SCREAMED we are getting the percabeth. i will be so insufferable when she calls percy seaweed brain. i cant wait for more annabeth screentime
i wasnt the one watching these episodes. instead there was the 12 yo undiagnosed me who had just felt seen on the pages for the first time in their life in my seat.
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tastytoastz · 1 year ago
I really hope Madagio and the whole deal thing gets known to more people and that *something* happens to Fit. Like, sure it might be a liars revel and that might be a bit fun but I also kind of hope there is just like...Gentelness.
People asking why he didn't simply ask them for the data and they would have given it to him. Being sad that he didn't feel safe enough to tell them. Be sorry for him for having carried around this heavy secret for a year.
That Madagio is then unfair or tries to take Fit and people will try to defend Fit with their lives, because yes, he fucked up, yes he kept things from them, but he's also a part of their family and they love him.
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ririshushu · 19 days ago
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mondays always creep back. same routine, same places, same tired rhythm. i believe it is like being caught in a loop, though different days, but they all feel the same. a song on repeat. i try to switch it up by watching my favorite shows, talk to people a little, blasting music, writing little things here just to feel like time is moving. however, it still feels dull.
i want something new, something real.
but somehow, in the quiet in the spaces between everything, there’s something that keeps me going. like a hum that only i can hear, always there, even when everything else fades. maybe this is enough. maybe that is why i am still here.
can you hear it too?
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hoover1st · 2 months ago
Although I now have to choose between modding my run, or going back 7 hours before my fight with kethric, I think the ease in which you can fumble Astarion’s romance is frustratingly beautiful.
Of course it’s not easy to form a romantic connection with someone like Astarion, and it honestly shouldn’t be. Once you learn who he is past his facade, and the things he’s gone through, it makes sense that his romance should be delicate, even though the break up lines shattered my heart
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change-the-rules · 1 year ago
ya know how sometimes when trauma the brain latches on to the weirdest fucking things?
well ive got this image of cheryl post getting all her memories back suddenly bolting awake at like 3am in a cold sweat like 'the price of fucking salt' then kind of blinking to herself and murmuring 'the cost of goddamn pepper' before dissolving into giggles that quickly turn manic probably followed by intense sobbing
bonus- she sees toni in the morning and what toni was prepared for was anything ranging from total avoidance to outright hostility but what she never could have predicated was cheryl walking right up to her, firmly placing a hand on either shoulder as she stared so very deeply into toni's eyes, before eventually announcing with extremely dramatic enunciation 'the cost of pepper' and then walking away without another word
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caiusmarciuscoriolanus · 1 year ago
Idk if I was blinded a little bit by mads mikkelsen or this is just an unpopular opinion. Hear me out: Tonny in pusher 2 isn’t a complete pile of garbage 🤷🏻‍♂️. Like I get that he spent most of the movie doing progressively bad shit but I don’t think some people are actually taking into account the gravity of his situation or how the circumstances of his environment has affected his life. Like im of the full understanding that most people have full control over their actions and should be held accountable. Like I said, Tonny made bad choices and did bad things. But there’s such an important topic in this film that I don’t see a ton of people talk about. He mentions to the mother of his child in one scene that the events of the first movie with frank left him with a traumatic brain injury and that it affects his memory. But (through mads’s acting choices) we see time and time again as he tries to prove himself to others, he has a difficult time thinking critically about his actions before he does them. This shows itself every time he tries to prove himself to his father. It shows everytime “the cunt” takes advantage of him and manipulates him into helping him. And even towards the end when he takes his son and runs. It even shows in tiny moments, like when he’s having a convo with the mother of his child and she tries to hand him off the baby to smoke a cigarette. He looks at her confused and she says “ take his legs”. For the most part, people know not to grab a baby by the legs. But he does it because he’s so focused on his own awkward nature that his brain tells him to grab the babies legs almost on autopilot. It’s only after she calls him stupid (as almost everyone else in the film has repeatedly called him as well) that he realizes he wasn’t actually suppose to grab the babies legs. There’s more instances where it’s made apparent that the general physical brain trauma and the trauma that has been built up by his father (which we can assume has been a long time thing) has caused issues for him in the long run. You could argue that his father was done with his sons antics,but based on the fact that his father owns what is basically a car theft business and also later asks that tonny be the one to kill his ex wife, it’s made evident that his father isn’t necessarily a good person either. Not to mention the fact that his father had no intention to feel even the slightest bit of compassion after tonny finds out about his own mother and repeatedly expresses how she was crazy and in turn, lumping her in as another reason for him to hate his own son. I see all the time people say “well I was raised in a similar fashion and I know better than to fuck up like that and do bad stuff like that”. And that’s fine. But your story and how you handle it doesn’t dictate how others do. Everyone is dealt a certain hand and has to use whatever skills are given to them to decide how they go about it. If your decision making skills are off and you have no support system, and you think everyone is a against you, how can you possibly heal or make things better for yourself. You can argue “but it’s fiction, it’s not a realistic scenario” and you’d be wrong. I know personally a couple of people in similar boats. Sometimes, the system isn’t set up for people. And sometimes they struggle their whole lives to figure it out. And sometimes they don’t. Most of all it’s genuinely depressing and sad. But that doesn’t mean that tonny didn’t have the ability to be a good person. Or that he was inherently a bad person. He was just a human in a state of making bad decisions and doing bad things. I think you see that in the way he treats the baby despite the hand the of his raising. He could easily decide to be a bad father, to neglect the baby at times. But really it’s the only time we see him genuinely gentle and at ease. He knows how it feels to be small and to have bigger beings in your face. They decide if you’re worthy of their time and affection. So he tries to make it a point to take on being a dad even if he’s not sure how.
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flowersforfrancis · 2 years ago
Is it weird that I don't want to share my writing, even if it tells of the most simple, impersonal things?
I have pages, upon pages, of things that I actually want to talk about. But for some reason I bury them deep within the notes app, and instead present simple, insubstantial thoughts.
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verved · 8 months ago
Sorry that posy just made me imagine xenaut (xander actually) shackled in a dark room w no windows while gagged and disoriented and whimpering a-
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strab3rr · 4 months ago
(long story and no short sorry) GUYSSS I DID ITT
IDK WHAT TO SAY (ok enough w capslock)
i have so much to say and not a thing at da same time idk how
anyway i want to begin with thanking you @b4ddprincess bc youre the reason i realized why i started this thing. thank you for making my life better and make me realized what i need to do: nothing. (its same for you guys, all u have to do is nothing)
two fuckn years ago i said to myself that i need a better life, quiter life, less fight with everthing bc everything was so loud and not clear i was feeling lost like a child in the market, and i wanted to make things better for myself in every way, but the main idea of my reasons to wanting to get in the void was: making anxiety go and having better people in my life. but the ''voidlist'' just never stopped bc im kinda greedy(having the idea of controling on your life, the idea of that power makes you greedy. yes thats a thing) anyway the more i add to the list the more i feel like im movin away from my desires then i feel depressed bc ive overcomplicating it bc theres so many things to do but i dont do anything so nothing happend bc i was waiting to be someth happen. and then i started doing awkwardly silly things such as: void routines and challenges and (im embarrassed of this one bc i was too desperate) drinking water
youve read it correct drinking water.
i was sooo desperate for having those things id do anything to get them.
i am simple. i want what everyone wants🎀🎀🎀: shifting realities bc i have so many crush and i need them to be crush me in bed(for 2020 girlies)
being an academic weapon is so easy for me🎀(bc of the urge to make my family proud) +dream collage
being the girl that everyone gets along w(basic needs)
being the girl who is pretty not cute(trauma response)
glowing aura(cats loves people w glowing aura yes thats a thing too)
dream body n hair(bc i deserve this🎀)
healthy (girlyfriend)friends(basic needs)
and of course him, my sp(i cant tell wich one at that time but i releived that its not him now, bc MY BELOVED CURRENT BF. guyss he is the one. dont u dare ask me how you know? i literally manifested him🎀)
then i realized i can have everything bc its my reality so why not add these:
new phone, +macbook air
dream apartment of my own
pinterest closet
lifa app for this reality
financially free-money(a lot. like really a lot)
knowing 4 languages like a native person(bc i want to be diplomat so bad) +sign language(its in general)
a little drama(its not gonna hurt anybody)
my parents being more lovable and away from me
every time i try to get in, either i was failing or falling
and im sick of it, sick of it so much i quit.(for a year)
then i go to the theraphy(ofc no im jk ilove being crazy)
one day i saw a post ss from tumblr about pure consciousness on pinterest and i was like whaat is thiiss. no mention of void so i thougt its a diffrent thing and i download the tumblr again and search everything abt it. and same excitement again after one year same thougts and same list popes up in my head. and i was like ok maybe this time itll happen.
still waiting to be someth happen so nothing happend, it was such a waste of time trying to get in while i was already be, i was already what i want to become. i was that girl that everyone gets along with but i couldnt even see bc i was too focused on wanting to be. but still tried every night and failed. and again tried-failed-quit circle bc.. have you ever met me🎀
4 month ago i saw the girl, iconic blogger and the goddess of my dreams, her @b4ddprincess thx again love u so much
a post pops in my fyp and i see the words ''pure consciousness'' i was like noo not again. and i was serious abt it i wasnt gonna read the whole thing but it attract me n i couldnt resist it so ive read it from the top to the bottom. and she got my interest so i stalked her page from the last and to the first post. it was quiet a beautiful journey for me. lasted like 3 days, the end of the 3rd day i was ''woaw it was this easy all along? u cant be serious.'' she was. i tried one last time, no breathing exercise, no ridiculous routines and no waiting something to be happen. it was just me being real me chilling out asf.
and it was this easy and it should be this easy bc being your 4d self is being nothing also being everything at the same time. if u wanna be everything you should be nothing first(as wizardliz saying: drop the old story, leave the victimhood, for being better stop being bitter etc.)u should make a space for everything first and then u can be everything.
for being 4d self of yours stop being your3dself.
sooo long story (no)short i am writing this from my mac in my new apartment(in middle of the night bc i couldnt sleep and then one tumblr notification reminded me i have a success story to share too) and my phone buzzing two minutes a time bc of my friends while im writing this, so if theres anything wrong ignore it pls.
oh u asking my bf how cute, hes sleepin in my bed now, exhausted from the work n school balance.
YWS SCHOOL!! im in my dream collage and im going to be in paris for a week. i deserve a vacation i guess(its for another conference), i kinda hate french men bc theyre so mansplaning(not like how i imagined, its hard to be friends w them)girls are cute but i feel like theyre aware im not permanent there so we just con buddies still cute and hepful for this foreigner.
and i canceled the lifa app thingy bc i can be my purest consciousness anytime i want, so i am my lifa app.
and thx to 4 languages i make a lot of money and that brings us to the pinterest closet, yesterday i realiased that. theyre not comes to me w an imaginary way like i imagined! i go outside for shopping casually and theyre there luckily i have enough money to buy them.
and my family theyre living in our hometown now so as i want it to be, we are away from eachother.
and the most magical thing: SHIFTING REALITIESSS
i did 5 world before i met w my bf. it was such a wonderful experience. if you have doubts abt shifting you can go fuck urself
because sir i did it and i am very sure that dean winchester being my husband is not a daydream, fantasy nor lucid dreaming. believe it or not he kissed me GOD HE KİSSED ME(someone should stop me i have a bf)
is there anything i missed let me see.. cats i have 2 cats now and theyre adorable. glowing aura-check
the girl who is pretty not cute- check +make anxietygo-checkcheckcheck
dream body and hair- check and check
i wanna give u a info i didnt have all my desires by being my4dself
not directly actually. but i have them all. and thats the point.
im not trying to be a blogger but if you have any question abt anything, id be happy to help
now i need to upgrade things in my farm byeess
loves, siena.
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chalk-homunculus · 2 years ago
There's a few good irl friends we have that we unfortunately don't live very close to, but every time we do see them I can tell a part of our brain feels relieved in the sort of "home with my people" type of way. It's just that, on some level I also realize that's just us. We've always felt a bit like an outsider, even in groups where we're technically "allowed in" if that makes any sense. It's like... I can see the complicated, colourful strings that connect all those people to eachother, histories, inside jokes, and all- but for us, at best, we'll have one or two of those strings, connected to maybe one or two people, while theirs are fully woven, like fabric. We may be developing a few spider-silk like threads with some of them if we're lucky, but we're still obviously just a frayed edge, something to either burn off or patch over. And we're all too aware of this, and it makes us overthink. Interacting with people, even when we WANT to, is exhausting and stressful, because we think over every single thing we said, every single reaction we picked up from people around us, every single topic- and even the slightest perceived negative reaction (oh gods, did the way we worded this upset person 1? Oh no, did the way I explained that annoy person 4? What if the way I talked about this other thing was unclear, does person 2 think badly of us now because they think we were describing our own opinions?) Becomes a ghost in our head that keeps haunting us until we either know for sure it's been sorted out (which often annoys people, that we want to go over the same damn things a million times out of insecurity) or it cracks us and makes us entirely sabotage and burn that bridge ourselves, before anyone else can (because we've fooled ourselves into thinking that if it's us that burns the bridge, it won't hurt as much and it's better for them that way). It's the way we've become so flighty and quick to flee and run from people, that's in contradiction with the constant desire to make meaningful connections and have close friends. It's just another thing we're working on in therapy, but it feels like this one is one of the biggest struggles and I feel bad about it, not for our sake, but for those few actually strong bond friendships we have, where those friends have to put up with us being terrified of their larger friend group because no matter what we feel like a disconnected outsider
#this is kind of a vague because there's a chance relevant persons might see it but at the same time I know they don't really mind my venting#they know they can message me about it and I'm willing to talk about it if they want to hear about how we feel#but also that this is just me venting out my thoughts into the void specifically to avoid making#them feel burdened by it which could be the case if I vented to them directly. besides emotional energy and all that#and honestly that's just one of the many things I'm grateful for like I can just talk when I have thougts on my blog without being terrified#that one of them might see this and be angry that I'm being 'vague' and 'shady' or whatever#these tags are absolutely me vagueing past 'friends' who have made me feel like I'm walking on eggshells all the time#like I can't even talk about what is on my mind on my blogs/etc because you're following me on those? unfollow me then coward#@ one specific person who once lectured me so much about vagueing others where 'they might see it' which made me terrified to post#about any personal thoughts anywhere for like a year straight#also they always told me to just block friends I might vaguely mention in vents which is so funny because even if I did that#they'd most likely be checking up on me anyway#anyway enough about that it's really pointless stuff that isn't really worth my thoughts#what this post is about is just me sort of reflecting on the way our system has become with our social anxiety having spiked again recently#after the years of pandemic isolation#sighs.#chalk thoughts
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nickloonie · 4 months ago
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gas station employee paper hooray! (roles/info + more under cut)
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haiiii im so excited for my 5 fans to see this post Love You Guys
i needed a visual so this is the main stuff right now.. not adding the whole list this time i dont think anything has changed
i havent really shown anything about suitcase i only have like one doodle of her but she's very developed in my head;;; the ice skaters arent as involved with the other skaters since. they dont go to the same places. so shes not really part of that main cast group (she is friends with knife and balloon)
next post will probably maybe have suitcase in it. hopefully.
if anyone wants to know more about a specific character thats on the main cast sheet i will GLADLY tell you all about their role in the au i have SO many thougts
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everythingroyalty · 1 year ago
dyin to know your thougts on the photo gate👀
My thoughts is 1.) I can't remember when I've last enjoyed twitter like I currently do. Like, I've been in a pretty bad place recently and I can't wait for Friday when my therapist asks me what's made me feel happy for the first time in weeks and I get to show her this:
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And 2.) It is not lost on me how for GOD KNOWS which time, the W&K stans and their prejudice are caught in 4k again. NOW royals are entitled to privacy (something they still sneer at the Sussexes for wanting), NOW it's nORmAL to want to eNhAnCe photos (can't count the amount of times they've accused the Sussexes of doing just that – funny how only one couple has had numerous international news agencies RETRACT a photo because of manipulation 🥲), NOW a 42-year-old is a "young woman" (don't hate that ❤️) who is "being bullied" (but without fail every time Meghan opens her mouth, they have endless shit to spew about her being a gRoWn woman cOmPLaiNiNg – lest we forget when W&K stans dunked on her for writing an essay about her miscarriage 🤡).
As for the photo: I think the ridiculously obvious explanation is that they used a photo from November 2023. Nothing strange or new about that, they often use archive photos for occasions like that. Many royals do. Look at Vincent and Josephine's birthday photo this year. KP's problem is that they wanted the public to think it was a new photo to sate the obsession with wanting to see Kate post-surgery. So the doctoring (not made by Kate, let's just get that settled 🤣) wasn't about enhancements or wanting the kids to "look their best" but about changing bits and bobs of the clothing so people wouldn't notice it's an archive photo.
So now W&K are in a pickle because someone in their staff made up entirely of dingdongs has the photoshop skills of an earthworm. And everyone's like "just release the original!" But they can't because then people will know they were trying to make an old photo look recent which will only add to the "where tf is Kate?" frenzy. And in reality, Kate probably has her reasons for not wanting to go on camera right now which is so legitimate. Meanwhile William's little army of Eton yes-men – whose entire job description up until now has been "1. validate William, 2. throw the Sussexes under the bus" – are literally so inept at actual communications work that with every single move, they make KATE'S situation worse.
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kimikitti · 2 years ago
M...Merman Obi? For Mermay????? Thoughts????
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Thoughts? I have many thoughts. I had so many thoughts that I made a whole ass page of drawings for Obi's merform. I really liked one of my sketches so I colored it and made it more of an illustration. Obi is based off of those sea dragon things that kind of look like seahorses. (Fun fact: Obi is terrified of horses, so I thougt it would be too mean to make him a seahorse).
This is also doubling as my submission to @twisted-tech's Mer May event. Which btw, is looking so cool. I'm not sure if it is ok to count this as I did draw Floyd and Azul's canon designs. So just let me know and I can unsubmit it if that counts as breaking the rules.
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zhaosbin · 10 months ago
subby ricky thougts??
🍓 anon😋😋
ur so real for this every day my mind is filled with sub ricky...
i feel like so many people see ricky as some hard dom but he is literally the sweetest boy ever and he'd be the perfect sub😭 this man is seriously a cat irl and he'd be so loyal to you in and out of the bedroom. he's definitely the type of sub to thank you after every orgasm & become so aroused when u have complete control over him (plz tie him up!)...his eyes would get so teary so fast especially if u edge him for hours :( but even then he would be grateful for anything you give him and he absolutely lives for ur praises of how good he did for you!
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settsunoie · 3 months ago
Uta no prince-sama - Shining Channel - Reiji ASMR - English translation
This was sitting around in my computer as a WIP so I finally finished it. It was pretty fun and I may translate more from shining channel.
I may have taken some liberties but Reiji was kinda hard to understand at times and his joking attittude was a pain to translate into another language, same goes for his jokes
Translation uner the cut~
Reiji : Let's begin this super lovely time !
It's your favorite Kotobuki Reiji.
I know many of you will be asking where am I
It's my home ! Just kidding~
Even tho it's pretty obvious.
I brought some super important stuff for our program.
So on this table, in this well organized and gorgeous place we're gonna do ASMR!
*cheering sounds*
I dunno if everyone knows but ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response.
It is the sensation of feeling tipsy with audio and visual stimulation of the brain.
I always wanted to give it a try !
That's why when I heard I had an hour to try anything I knew this was my chance.
There is a lot of diferent ASMR types.
My subject is the following, "the sounds of food".
You may be asking what kind of food, there are a lot to choose from.
I gathered a bunch of Green food to try.
It was kinda hard to find diferent sounds that fitted this them.
Without further ado, we shall start ! I'm so excited, let's go~
Kotobuki Reiji's A-S-M-R
First we have a drink
"Pouring melon soda into a glass filled with ice cubes"
*gasping sounds as Reiji pour the melon soda*
….T-to-too much ! It's overflowing. W-Wait cut !
-Please wait-
Ahem sowwy there were too many bubbles and it spilled over~
Let's go right back at it.
Good ! So good it soaks my whole body. My thirst has been quenched.
Ah, ahem, then next are apple flavored sour gummies~
Its cute shape is so heartwarming~
*coughs it out*
SOUR, it's so sour ! *pants* It's like my mouth is being squeezed !
But… when it's over, the taste is pretty good though.
The next food is muscat (white grape) flavored ultra big marshmallow.
*pokes it* It's so soft~ The texture too is nice~
Then *CHOMPS* *can't swallow it and chokes on the marshmallow*
*pants* The marshmallow was too big, I thought I was gonna suffocate !
Everyone, don't push yourself too hard.
That's it for sweets, let's dig into savory foods now.
It was made specially for this program, it's the Kotobuki bento's famous green karaage~
Look at this bright green color. It's a lil bit far fetched but it's still green.
I wonder what mom put into this.
As always it never fails to make me feel better.
Even cold, Kotobuki bento's karaage's still the best !
*chomps* *regrets it* OMG SO SPICY *rolls on the floor* I can't, no I just, it's too much I can't, I can't !
Water, need water *grabs and chugs the glass of water*
-Please wait-
*pants* What was that. It's pure madness, food madness. I'm a victim of spice and it hurts, it's still hurting.
It's like something out of a punishment game...
Mom what in the world did you put inside ?
What's this…?
"-Pickled for one day, hottest red pepper
-Green peppers kneaded in a cloth
Ps : Pretty excited for the show.
From mom"
…she says, I don't need this, it hurts even more !
Ehhhh… That said, how was my firt try at ASMR ?
Give me your thougts and give a like !
Goodbye necktie (<- TN : in jp it's literally word play on sarabada (goodbye) and salad bar, as the two sound similar, so reiji-like)
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timetravellibrarian · 6 months ago
Zoro x reader
Soulmate AU
Summary: A man seeks to follow his dreams, following only the path his swords carve for him and wherever his crew goes. Little does he know that the missing piece in his life, his soulmate whom he doesn't admit that he tries to seek would end up in a love-hate relationship. Wherein a princess and pirate cross paths.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Two
"Your Grace. I present to you, Prince Cassius of the Arkand." The royal Stewart announced.
You sat beside your older sisters. Your brothers sitting beside your father. Being the middle child of five children really put you in the position to get married off, seeing as there was no hope of gaining the throne.
Prince Cassius' escorts had entered the grand throneroom. They came in with a flurry of green and blue, representative of their kingdom's dominant colours.
You were surprised at how they managed to fit a large elephant carrying the said prince, it's back decorated with soft rugs and golden jewels. Your eyes went up and met with fiery brown ones, his smile breaking out at the sight of you scanning his features. Dark hair with skin kissed by the sun. It was a mystery to you on how he hadn't been married years earlier even if he was the same age if not a bit older than you.
The elephant stopped in front of the throne and the prince slid down the elephant without any hassle as though he usually did so daily. The rest of his people followed behind as he walked up to the steps that led to where the royals sat and bowed.
There was a small silence as your father looked over towards your future husband and his parade. He stood up, leading everyone present to stamd up.
"It is an honour to have you present." Your father said, his eyes still cold yet welcoming.
"No your majesty, it is my honour," The prince replied with a silky voice, his eyes glancing at you before a small smirk graced his features," You have allow us to take care of one of the many flowers in your beautiful garden."
You quirked an eyebrow in thought, 'Do I go through photosynthesis too?'
"We hope to nurture and care for her as much as you and your kingdom have, if not, more."
Your father chuckled," I am glad to hear that, bit for now, onto the celebrations. I hear your father may come in later since he's handling another matter."
"He will Your Grace, and he sends his regards as well as apologies for being late."
Your father nodded before gesturing to your kingdom's stewart," Lead them to the dining hall. They had a long journey, they must be hungry."
Soon the visitors from Arkland had followed the man. Their servants heading out to place the large and cute elephant somewhere it could rest. Your father made his way with your mother in hand. Your brother's trailing behind with their own swagger. Your sisters taking a glance at you with a small smile before heading to the dining hall.
Lyra almost seemed to magically appear beside you as you walked," So, what do you think?"
You looked at her," Judging by the fact that he looks like God took his time to make him and that he only gets a wife now, I may be dealing with either a hoe or a Draco Malfoy."
"Actually your highness, people of Arkland are only allowdyto marry from the moment they reach 18. He's had two years to find a wife and only now accepts a partner. " Lyra stated.
"Still doesn't change the–"
"I also hear that he's one of the many who don't have a soulmate mark. Rumours speculate that whoever it would have been must've died long before he could meet them."
Your eyes widened in shock and a bit of empathy started to form withing your heart. How much it like to not have known or felt a soulmate mark on your body. No red string, no tattoo, no initial..
"Well, maybe I'll be a bit kinder then." Your hand went to the sting you felt in the initial on your wrist, pulse beating through it. 'What if whoever they are is hurt?'
The thougt had come one evening when the supposed initial had seemed to fade a bit but now it was darker than it was.
Zoro had enough. Not only did he feel a weird sense pulsating through his body, hos eyes were searching around for where everyone went. It felt like he was going in circles.
In truth he was lost trying to find where the Arlong Pirates were. Again. Nami had set him free and now that the truth about her having saved Ussop from dying at the hands of the fishmen reviving everyone's hope to save her. But his navigational skills were nonexistent so he resolved to finding someone he knew.
He caught sight of Sanji lighting one of his cigarettes. Approaching the cook he saw Luffy in the distance, without his hat. Nami beside him.
'Im guessing it's time to fight, properly.'
He disregarded the feel of his wounds aching after his fight with Mihawk a few days ago. Now was not the time to lick wounds. It was time to save a friend.
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