#new dream au
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pjsk-headcanons · 5 months ago
HI ITS GLOBE ANON...SHINONOMES AHHHH (apologies for dying lol kind of wanted to get more art sided stuff done (i didnt))
shinonomes: distant
-basically, it was around middle school ena time when akito had that little line between "real" and "fake" start to blur
-ena knew he hated soccer but couldn't bring herself to say it to him. felt really guilty about it because after a while, she couldn't even look him in the eyes
-mental state was already pretty bad because of this, and then she got "the talk" from her teacher and then her dad confronted her too. she ended up throwing her art supplies out
-akito found out why she was having such a hard time, but he was already so deep into the spiral that the only thing he could do was avoid her
-they ended up just falling apart. they're so distant that they don't see each other at all. no phone numbers, just occasional notes on a counter. no birthday gifts
-can you tell they are my favourites (they are the ones on my display profile....hhhh)
summer festival, rekindled flames - post 1st anni
character boost: ena (focus), haruka, airi, akito, stage miku
-SUMMER FESTIVAL HAHAHA. pretty sure ena is not gonna have a good time. fashion and all
- ena didn't call akito to get her more comfortable shoes this time, who knew if she did what would happen next
-stage miku canonically likes food, like alot, so she is looking around with ena and admiring food
-airi and haruka meet in this one :D airi is preforming a small stand-up play, haruka is preforming a solo show
-akito simply admires the shows. ena sees him once and freaks out
-some enairi (platonic??) bonding maybe. a little bit of shinonome sibling backstory reveal
animal care? kamiyama clubfest! - post 2nd anni
character boost: rui (focus), akito, ena, nene, theater len
-literally what it sounds like i mean. reads i. mean text. i mean looks like i mea
-kamiyama is having a lil festival where clubs hold a lil stand for people to try out something related to the club so people join!!!
-since this is pre-3rd anni, the list goes like this
akito "helps out at various sports clubs"
ena doesn't have one. you gotta be kidding me
nene has film
rui has greening (for anyone who doesn't know, its like making more environmentally friendly stuff)
-rui gets kicked out of hosting the stand (everyone fears he will do something funny) and decides to look around
-animal care happens. seperate timing but this is probably where we learn akito's cynophobia
-meets ena (wanted to look around), akito, and nene seperately. theater len almost gets caught in open looking at a short film but nene gets him to hide right before akito pops up
-silly event, with some sibling mentions
blurry snapshots from that yesteryear - pre 4th anni
character boost: akito (focus), ena, an, minori, city MEIKO
-i love the word yesteryear. it doesn't even make sense (according to the oxford dictionary) in this occasion but i had to use it at some point ok
-akito goes to weekend garage and meets minori and an. minori mentions there being a live concert for stage○•showtime (yapping about how cool shizuku is)
-thinks huh. maybe i should go watch
-thinks for a bit too long in front of the two. an knows its normal behaviour and minori freaks out, talks to city MEIKO
-MEIKO says to keep an eye on him. if its that worrying
-day of preformance. minori fangirling and akito *DROPS FULL SHINONOMES FLASHBACK*
-ena spots him. oh no!!! gotta scram
-event story ends with ena coming home and her spotting a lil gift on the counter. she smiles a bit at it
sibling trust ranks are next + the asks in that one ask from a long time ago (sorry again. school sucks but there is a break soon so more content hopefully)
🌐 anon
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twotangledsisters · 1 year ago
Enemies to Lovers
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So... AU... Gothel fails to kidnap baby Rapunzel. Frederic is an overprotective Dad. Shortly after Rapunzel's 18th birthday her crown is stolen and she sees the perfect opportunity to capture the thief who stole it and prove to her dad she's so much stronger and smarter than he gives her credit for.
Ignore hairstyles as I'll decide the hairstyle and outfit later, but based just off perspective, which of these thumbnails do you think is best??
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demaparbat-hp · 10 months ago
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The Perfect Prince
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waddei · 6 months ago
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let the tide carry you home (next)
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katoobee · 5 months ago
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shenanigans with nightmare and co
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highly [puntable] imp
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afterartist · 3 months ago
They all look the exact same
Swap can’t deal with these two socially inept idiots /aff
Not cross catching strays 😔🙏🙏
Bonus frames for u lovleys
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bunrux · 3 months ago
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(A very late) Happy New Year!!!
Kable and Virux - me Dust/Murder - Ask-DustTale Killer - Rahawabas Horror - Soul-Apple-Studios Dream - Jokublog Ink - Comyet Blue - P0pc0rnPr1nce Error - CrayonQueen
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signanothername · 6 months ago
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Ever wondered why my designs for the twins had them with twinning apple pins?
That’s why :)
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amielot · 6 months ago
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oobbbear · 5 months ago
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New CT sun moon designs! Their story stay mostly the same, I might need to make a new tag at some point because the “twin” in the tag can confuse people they really are just adopted siblings
Giving Moon some new roles, he’s the dream maker for the beings on earth, also he would tell stories to the stars and asteroids passing by and share experience with them if any wants to be a natural satellite for some planet in the future
I want to go with more of a whimsical story book vibe instead of the existential dread and somewhat scientifically correct lane like before, it gives me more room to play around with
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papirussian · 3 months ago
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The Bad Sanses Christmas party pt 2
PART 2 LET'S GOOOOO, I'll work on part 3 soon
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pjsk-headcanons · 7 months ago
*deep breath pt 2* YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS!! MMJ UNIT SWAP LORE THIS TIME!! EXCEPT THAT IS NOT THEIR NAME!! (again heavily simplified for the sake of your blog)
mmj: shizuku (unit leader), ena, mafuyu, rui
-shizuku realized that the reason why people wanted her as an idol was because she has a pretty face, and that no other part of her was idol-like
-decided out of spite and some sort of desire to prove herself (to whom? who knows ;) hehe)
-met mafuyu at archery club. you probably know what happened next
-honestly trying to figure out how mafumom didnt reject the idea. probably brushed it off as a "side hustle" and "good work experience"
-mafuyu's "good girl" persona is badly crafted. she has snapped in public and will snap in public.
-they met ena while out on a cafe stroll. ena could not believe that she was being offered the chance of a lifetime and took it without hesitation.
-the trio were checking out some places they could do preformances at when 1. mafuyu snapped when she heard someone badmouth shizuku and 2. they met rui taking "a walk" (he was probably figuring out how to bomb his school" and rui manages to convince them to hang out.
-they learn that rui is VERY GOOD at management. you know what happens x2
-shizuku wanted an all girls group but rui is just so girlypop yk haha
-shizuku - unit leader/choreo, mafuyu - main vocalist/designer, ena - lyricist/illustrator, rui - manager/composer
mafuyu - shizuku -> "beauty and honor" (how theyre seen at school), "archery aces" (they are both very good at their club activities in this au. once again i forgot if this is canon), "mask of perfection" (iykyk yadada *cries*)
rui - ena -> "that guy from school..." (bless ena for attending night classes she does NOT know what happens at kamiyama day classes. she only knows rui from occasional talks with a certain someone), "newfound respect", "follow that dream again" (rui and ena can fufill their passions now! yay!)
shizuku - ena -> "social media stars", "i wish i was your sister", "out of spite, out of love" (heh. up to interpretation.)
rui - mafuyu -> "two different purples" (is this just about hair? or something else? ;)), "author and artist" (not literally, composer and singer is what i meant but this sounds cooler sorry ena), "a facade or yourself?" (this is a point in the main story where rui finds out about mafuyus persona. very important line)
mafuyu - ena -> "speaking your words" (again. just pointing out roles), "family, right?" (mafumom is still mafumom and the shinonome household is a bit more problematic hehe), "if i was you..." (reference to original nightcords main story about how ena complains about mafuyu having the life ena wants. might keep it here?)
shizuku - rui -> "elegant with downsides" (rui being bonkers, at least with school, and shizuku being clumsy and bad w technology), "frontstage and backstage" (like nene, rui wasnt actually preforming with the rest of stage○•SHOWTIME! until later), "opposites in every way" (thank about it - opposite hair length, hair colour, eye colour, role in the group (w songs too), technology, school...yapyapyap)
anyways thanks for screaming in the tags mod it actually makes me so happy i love reading your opinions in the tags. please yap more its so fun to read
next is vbs!! who do you think is in there??
🌐 anon
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dreamweave01 · 3 days ago
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Part 1 || Part 2 -> (Coming soon) Once I actually have time to work on it-
*Penguin waddles into room inconspicuously*
*Drops first half of comic with a pat on the head*
*Jazz hands and mystically teleports into thin air before mob arrives*
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sparticus2000art · 8 months ago
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I made the somewhat questionable decision to spend the last two days slapping out a bunch of character portraits to pop into a planning document for a personal project I’m working on!
So here’s a bunch of au sans portraits.
Nightmare and dream by jokublog
Eclipse’s concept by llamagoddessofficial , design by me
Horror by sourapplestudios
Cross by jakei
Dust by askdusttale
Error by loverofpiggies
Killer by rahafwabas
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zu-is-here · 3 months ago
Hi ! Can we have some family time with Cross Dream and their baby boy pls ?
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Santa's morning x)
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fl00mie · 10 months ago
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gay test
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