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multifandomfanficss · 1 year ago
Home Is Wherever You Are P5
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader
With a very heavy emphasis on platonic!Christopher Smith/Peacemaker
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 6, Part 7
Adrian Chase Masterlist
Prompt: Your Adrian has finally come to rescue you.
Series Warnings: mentions of child abuse, panic, meltdown, crying, divorce, mentions of August Smith, cannon typical Peacemaker violence and language, homophobia
A/N: Sorry for being so late. I had an incredibly busy weekend. This is also crossposted on my ao3 adriansglasses. I appreciate all your kind words so much! Hope you guys enjoy!
“Chase, we don’t even know if they’re alive.” Harcourt sighs.
“No, they have to be.” Adrian held his tension in his jaw, trying not to cry as he slammed your letter on the table.
It read:
‘Dear Adrian,
The day is September 9th, 1994. I hope you find this. I hope you find me.
“That is some pretty compelling evidence.” John egged him on.
“Thank you!” Adrian waved his arms in the air dramatically.
“It’s not safe.” Harcourt argued.
“I don’t care.” Adrian said. He didn’t have an ounce of doubt. He just wanted you back.
“Well I can’t let you go by yourself and there’s only three one way shots. What are you gonna do? Leave somebody there? Plus we don’t even know how this works! What if you never come back?” Harcourt asked.
“He’d be less of a pain in the ass if he wasn’t here.” John countered.
“Exactly!” Adrian agreed, missing John’s joke. “So if you let me go, I’ll stop talking!”
“As tempting as that offer is you’re not going.” Harcourt rolled her eyes, leaving the room. Adrian walked over to his desk, knocking over a plastic water bottle out of anger.
“Oh…fuck…sorry…” He sat down, slumping over the desk with his head in his hands. He heard whispering, but he didn’t care. The team often whispered about him. It wasn’t long before Leota approached Adrian, handing him a piece of paper. “What’s this?” He asked.
“It’s the address of the old ARGUS headquarters…ya know…just in case…” She said, mischievously.
“Didn’t they change locations in like 2002?” He asks, confused.
“Yup.” She smiled, waiting for him to understand.
“Why are you giving me a useless address? Do you need me to go pick up something from the old building for you?” He asked.
“I don’t need anything from there. I just figured you might…in case of an emergency…” He still didn’t get it, but in his defense Leota was never good at subtleties.
“What could I possibly-“
“She’s telling you to go dumbass!” Chris cut him off. Adrian’s eyes basically pop out of his head.
“I know if it was my wife I’d be going.” She smiled at him.
“Fuck. Thank you.” He engulfed her in a tight hug. Most of the team really weren’t big on hugs, but he knew Adebayo was.
“Go before Harcourt sees you.” She smiles.
Adrian takes the device from Leota and heads off.
September 12th, 1994
3 year old Adrian screamed in his bed. You sighed, taking Adult Adrian’s hand and slowly bringing him closer.
“Hey Ade, it’s okay, honey. Remember how I told you Vigilante was gonna look after you? This is him.” You smile.
“Wow! Way to go around sharing my secret identity, (Y/N)!” Adrian exclaims, not wearing his mask. You turn to him quickly and speak under your breath.
“First of all, he’s 3. He won’t remember. Even if he did, he’s literally you! It won’t matter! Also, don’t call me that. He doesn’t know my real name!” You whisper under your breath, anxiously.
“Well, how was I supposed-“ Adrian is cut off by his younger self.
“Mr. Vigiante?” He tries to get adult Adrian’s attention, still unable to pronounce the L.
“Uhhhh what’s up little m- man?” He asks, trying to avoid telling his younger self that he’s the older version. “See, I totally saved that one.” He whispers to you with a goofy grin. You missed him so badly.
Just as little Adrian is about to ask his older self tons of burning questions any 3 year old would have for a superhero, you watch Diane’s headlights cast into the room. When they hit your boyfriend’s face and you can see him a bit better you can feel your heart ache, starved of him, just needing to be with him.
“Okay Adrian, it’s time for Vigilante to go, but this is just gonna be our secret okay? If everybody finds out his secret identity, he won’t be able to go be a superhero and save people anymore. He needs our help keeping his secret. Can you do that?” You ask, hoping a toddler could understand the importance in this. You hate asking him to keep secrets, but the entire fabric of time and space depends on it. You shove Adult Adrian out of the bedroom door before his younger self can even finish saying yes. You pull him into your room and run to your closet to get a box hidden in the back corner. You bring him the box.
“This box is stuff your dad left when he moved out. There’s clothes in here. You need to ditch the suit before your mom sees.” You leave him there speechless trying to catch up with the speed and urgency. You’ve been running around with a toddler for the last couple weeks. You’ve gotten used to figuring out solutions fast. This is also probably an incredibly odd position for Adrian to be in; he’s in his old house, he’s holding his dad’s clothes, his younger self is in the next room, and his dead mom is about to walk through the door…alive. He hasn’t even had time to process Gut and Chris as middle schoolers down the hall. As you grab for the handle to your bedroom door, you spin around, running back to your boyfriend, giving him one last kiss before racing back out to his old bedroom to deal with his younger self.
“Adrian, I’ll make you a bet.” You tell him. He looks at you intrigued. Even at this young of an age he was competitive. You crawl into bed with him. “Whoever falls asleep first gets a dollar.”
“I’m so gonna win!” He giggles.
“You’re on, Mister!” You lay your head down, pretending to try to sleep. After five minutes he’s out like a light and you hear the bedroom door creaking open. You turn to see Diane’s frame illuminated by the light of the hallway. You tiptoe out of the room and close Adrian’s door.
“Sorry. I didn’t want to bother either of you. I just came to check him. You’re so good with him.” She smiles.
“Oh yeah…” You laugh quietly. “Bribing the kid just to get him to sleep was awesome.” You say, sarcastically.
“Kids are hard. We all have to do our best. Honestly that dollar trick was a pretty good idea. I’ll have to try it sometime.” She laughs. “You look worn out and I brought home a bottle of cheap wine from the restaurant. What do you say we go downstairs and crack it open?” She asks. Your mind drifts back to Adrian sitting on your bed decked out in his dad’s worn out old 80’s styles.
“Honestly…you’re right. I’m feeling really worn out, but if you save some for me I promise to drink with you tomorrow night.” You smile.
“Are you sure?” She asks.
“Yeah.” You smile. “Go watch tv and just unwind. You deserve it.” You bid her goodnight before trying to keep your excited legs from sprinting to your room.
Upon reaching your door you close it carefully, not wanting to slam it with all of this extra energy and wake up the boys.
“All set?” Adrian asks. You can’t hide your wide smile. You start to tear up at even just the sound of his voice.
“Nothing else is gonna keep me away from you right now.” You laugh, excited as a tear rolls down your cheek. “Not even time and space.”
You crawl into bed with him and he wipes the tear.
“You’re happy crying, right? Like that’s- that’s good crying I don’t have to stop, right?” He clarifies. You nod, cuddling into him, not trusting that if you open your mouth a sob won’t come out.
“Come here.” He sighs in relief pulling your body closer. “I’ve got you. I’m here.”
“It’s just so hard to believe this isn’t just another dream.” You whisper through a series of voice cracks.
“No, it’s real. I’m here and I’m not letting you go this time. I’m gonna bring you home.” He kisses your forehead.
“I don’t care. I’m already home. Home is wherever you are.” You kiss again.
You try to go to sleep, but you can’t stop telling each other about everything the other person missed. You never let your voices get above a whisper for fear that somebody will hear a strange man’s voice coming from your room.
“Ade, how did you know coming here was gonna work?” You ask.
“What do you mean?” He asks, moving hair out of your eyes, so he can better see your face.
“How did you know that using the device would get you here? How did you know you would find me and it wouldn’t just like malfunction and kill you or take you somewhere different?” You ask.
“I didn’t.” He says very matter of factly. You look at him in a mix of emotions. Briefly angry he would put himself at risk like that, then distraught thinking about losing him, then relieved he’s alive, and finally overwhelmed by how much you love him and the thought that he’d do all of this with no guarantee just to see you again. “I love you more than quite literally anything like in the entire existence and non existence and past existence and future existence all of creation ever.” You love when he rambles. You missed his rambles desperately.
“You’re my everything…not just the world, but the stars, the planets, the rocks, the beings, the water, the light, the sound… You’re everything to me Adrian.” You smile. This is the first time you’ve felt complete in the entire time that you’ve been here and tomorrow he’s going to take you home and you’re never going to have to be apart like this again. You won’t let it happen and neither will he. He starts giving you little kisses all over your face and neck and arms and hands, anywhere he can reach easily. You start giggling. “What are you doing?” You ask him.
“I have to give you a kiss for every hour we were apart.”
“But that’s like 300 hours.” You laugh.
“It’s been way longer than that.” He says before going back to kissing you. You go stiff underneath him.
“Adrian, how long has it been?” You ask, not sure you want to know the answer.
“Why? How long has it been for you?” He asks.
“It’s only been 12 days. I think you got your math wrong.” You say, hoping you’re right and that he’s still just as bad at math.
“No, I used a calculator. It was around 726 last time I checked.” His words knock the air out of your lungs. “(Y/N), you’ve been gone for like a month in our time.”
“You came after I’d been missing for a month? That- that means we- we can’t go back to a week or so after I left. We’d fuck up the whole timeline. I went missing for a month. I left you for a month- Oh my god do people think I’m dead?!” You try to control your panic, so you don’t wake up the whole house.
“Chris and John thought you might be alive, but wouldn’t explain it to me. I guess they just had a feeling and Leota didn’t know what to think. Nobody was ready to give up, but Harcourt tried to have a funeral for you to put your family at ease, but I wouldn’t let her. We got into a big fight about that.” You turn to face him, your eyes building with tears.
“Did you think I was dead?” You start to cry.
“Only for a little bit!” Adrian clarifies, but it doesn’t make you feel better. You try to hold in your sobs as your body shakes with emotion. Your friends, your family, and the love of your life, at one point all thought you were dead.
“Okay you’re doing your sad crying face and your panicked breathing now, but it’s okay. You’re safe and I’m safe and I’m here and tomorrow I’m gonna take you home and we are never getting separated like this again, okay?” He tries to reassure you, slowly rubbing your back. “I’ve got you. I’m here.” He reassures you, but he’s also reassuring himself.
“If I was gone for a month and you thought I was dead, how did you find me?” You cuddle impossibly closer to him.
“Well that’s just because I have the smartest partner in the entire world and they actually left me letters.” He smiles. “I’m talking about you.” He clarifies. “Just in case you thought I had a different partner which I definitely do not because even if you were dead I’m not sure if I’d ever get over you and-“ You cut him off with a kiss.
“It wasn’t that smart. I got the idea from an episode of Torchwood.” You smile.
“That’s okay. That wasn’t the reason. I just always think you’re the smartest partner in the world.” You look at him as a light blush starts to dust both of your cheeks.
“Well then we both have smart partners I guess.” You kiss him again.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
You both say it like you’re starved because neither of you deep down was entirely certain you’d get to say it again.
“I know we should get some sleep, but…”
“But what?” He asks. You sigh.
“Is it stupid I keep worrying myself that this is all just a dream and I’ll wake up?” You ask.
“That’s okay I’m worried I fucked up trying to get here and this is all some weird concussion hallucination or I’m in a coma or I’m like dead or something. That would like really suck actually.” You take his hand and put it on your pulse.
“Feel that? I’m real.” You place your own fingers on his pulse too. “And you’re alive.” You add smiling. “And as long as we’re together I think everything’s gonna be alright, right? Let’s get some sleep.”
You move, so you’re using his chest as a pillow. Being close is the only way either of you will sleep tonight.
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therealmilfdennys · 3 years ago
Can you do a cute harkrill fanfic 🥺👉👈
absolutely i love both of these little scrumckles so much this is less shippy than I wanted it to be but it was...very long already and I wanted to get it posted lol so here ya go :)
slight spoilers for peacemaker and the suicide squad
abner krill/digger harkness - abner and digger are both pining and emotionally unwell :)
Abner didn’t know what it was like to have friends. Task Force X was the closest he’d been to anyone in almost twenty years and even then he wasn’t sure that could be considered ‘friendship’. He was only ever ‘close’ with his mother, and with a little therapy he realized that wasn’t healthy at all. He did meet Digger there though, and Digger was his friend. After Leota’s Press Release, Belle Reve was put under serious investigation, headed by Leota herself. After intense assessment, some inmates were found stable enough to be put back out into the world on parole, under the watchful eye of the few people who were trustworthy under Waller’s employ. Abner was amongst these few inmates, as was Digger. 
It was Abner’s accidental over sharing that drew George in to begin with. The dark haired man had a bad habit of letting out dark little bits of his past and sometimes present life in casual conversation. It never failed to make Digger snort and chuckle amused, always huffing a “Crikey mate.” In response. His reaction always caused Abner’s cheeks to flush red. Making the man nervous was no difficult feat, he was a skittish little thing by nature. Something about the (handsome) Aussie being so amused and not frightened by his comments made Abner all…warm on the inside. George didn’t share much in their mandatory group therapy sessions, not that anyone who knew him expected him to. He was often cocky, arms crossed, leaned back in his chair, legs spread, posture the perfect sign of composure. He never let a single emotion through other than pride and confusion as to why he was mandated to be there. There were days though, were he was unusually cold, distant. He would snark and snap at anyone who spoke to him, eyes like ice. Abner wasnt a fan of those days.
On the other hand, Abner shared too much in group. Shared his troubles with his mother and his kiling of her (and his acceptance of that fact). He shared his troubles with eating and his alien disease, going into great detail each time. Explained his trouble with relationships and sex and identity. He had something new and interesting each week, a new little tale and rant about how it affected him from the week. He was never trying to get pity for it, never vying for someones attention. He just genuinely thought that was what group was for. (When in reality it was basically used as a check in to show they hadn’t had an criminal activity).
Digger always listened intently to Abner's little tangents, enamored with the other man's view on the world. He wished he could be that open, he wished he could express his feelings so freely, without fear of ridicule. Or maybe Abner didn’t ‘not’ fear ridicule per se, maybe it was that he accepted and expected it. Abner’s long fingers curled around the foam cup of decaf so graciously provided by the justice systems therapy group. The bitter liquid rippled as he breathed into it, surveying the room from his spot in the uncomfortable metal folding chairs they were given. He watched other convicts shuffle in, not quite nervous, but alert, always waiting for something to pop up and fuck up his day. Diggers booming laugh was heard before the man himself could be seen, and it made Abner’s chest squeeze fondly, his cheeks warming on instinct. Prison didn’t suit George, not that it suited much of anyone, but George was much better suited for outside the walls of that filthy place. He cleaned up surprisingly well, even if all he wore were wife beaters and sweats 90% of the time. He was meticulous in keeping up his hair, his skin, and his beard. He had jewelry that always looked freshly polished. He held himself confidently. He was ridiculously handsome. He made Abner's knees weak and his chest tingly. Digger caught his eyes and Abner flushed deeper. “Oh hello, there Pokey me boy! How’s we doin’ today eh?” He gruffed, plopping down in the folding chair next to Abner with a grunt. He was chewing gum, Abner briefly wondered what flavor was his favorite. “I’m as good as I can be I guess.” He mumbled in response, shrugging a bit, taking another sip of his coffee. In truth, he had a nice week. By Abner standards at least. He didn’t die. The blonde man grinned, head rolling to the side so he could watch the side of Abner’s face. “Well, that’s good then innit? Harls was at mine all week so I’m worn OUT.” He stated, sucking his teeth. Abner was almost jealous, before remembering Harley was very much in a committed relationship and very much a lesbian. Before he could stop himself he blurted. “You never invite me over.” Instantly his face was scorching, eyes on the cup in his lap, wide and unblinking. Digger smiled much more sincerely, his cheeks warming. “Oh yeah? Didn’t know you’d want to spend personal time with me, Pokey. Thought we were strictly pr’ffesional n’all that.” He teased gently. George was many things but evil certainly wasn’t one of them. He knew Pokey was a bit sensitive at times and tried not to push too hard. Abner coughed softly. “I uh, I just. I’ve never really had a..friend? I guess? Not that I consider you one unless we are? I mean I don’t know.” He huffed, seemingly frustrated with his own fumbling. “I’ve wanted to..hang out..ya know? I’ve wanted to ask, just scared I’m a bit boring for your….tastes, I guess.” He explained, gesturing wildly with one hand while still refusing to meet George’s eyes. The Aussie on the other hand was grinning like a mad man, gold tooth glinting in the harsh fluorescent light. “Nah mate, think you’re the farthest from boring. Coolest thing I know how to do is pick real fancy locks yeah? You know physics and shit.” He reassured, smacking Abner's leg in good faith. Abner's face split in a shy grin, a soft chuckle leaving him. “I couldn’t pick a lock if I tried, shaky hands.” He showed, raising a hand to show slightly trembly fingers. Digger surveyed his hand for a moment, kissing the backs of his teeth. “Nah I could teach ya, you’re talking to a pro here. A real legend mate. Fact, that's what we’ll do. You can come to mine after yeah? I’ll teach you a few tricks of the trade.” He questioned, looking genuinely excited, much to Abner's (pleasant) surprise. With a smile, Abner nodded just as the therapist walked in to start their session. Digger knocked his booth with Abners, and all Abner could think for the whole hour was ‘I finally have a real friend.’
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dionboop · 3 years ago
So like...I haven't seen anyone else talk about this, which is so weird to me. But are we all just like??? Ignoring the fact that the butterflies had actual human genitalia or...?
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starsofmilos · 3 years ago
Wow (Adrian Chase x reader)
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Request:Hi! I saw ur requests were open and i love your adrian chase fics kzkzskdk is it okay if you make a fic with vigilante meeting quiet black widow reader and he's really like o.o when he sees her being brutal on the battle field 💛
Synopsis: Adrian has really never met anyone like you before.
Warnings: Cursing, fluff, minor angst, mentions of sex, violence 
If there was one word Adrian could describe you with it’d be wow. That was the first thought that came to his mind when he saw you. It had been after he joined the team. His first time seeing you. You were so quiet, but so beautiful in his eyes.
You had been part of the IT team helping John with your knowledge in hacking and computers. Your first interaction with him, he had to ask you to speak up because he couldn’t hear you say hi to him.
Now Adrian had finally managed to break down some of those walls and become friends with you. You were still quiet sometimes, but that was okay. He had no problem filling in most of the conversation. He knew you were listening. You always listened to him even though you didn’t really engage that much. He liked that about you. 
He liked pretty much everything about you. You still called him Vigilante though. Adrian had asked you many times to call him by his name and you said out of respect for him and his need to keep his identity secret you’d only ever call him Vig. If he was out of his suit in public, you would call him Ad.
It worked out for you. His main goal was to get you to have a conversation with him and for you to say his name. You were one of the only people to tolerate him and not think he was weird. It wasn’t hard for him to fall for you and he fell hard. He’d go out of his way to make you smile. Chris had noticed too. 
“Dude don’t be a pussy and just ask them out.” “Not until I can get her to say my name! And I’m not being a pussy I just think I’d intimidate her.” He wasn’t usually good on picking up on social cues, but he had studied you enough to figure out when you were getting overwhelmed.
He still needed help on somethings and you more than happily agreed to help him. You both had your own codes. When you felt nervous, you’d reach for his thumb. Scared?, you’d tap his thigh twice. When you were happy, you’d just give him a smile that you had only reserved for him. 
His heart basically leaped out of his chest, when you had handed him a small gift one day. You didn’t say much just a simple ‘For you.’ Letting him open it excitedly, he gasped seeing two magnetic friendship bracelets. “Does this mean I’m your friend!?” He asked excitedly as you nodded. 
“You are my best friend...I know Chris is your best friend and that’s fine..but you’re mine.” You mumbled out before getting back to work. He grinned wildly sliding it onto his wrist as you wordlessly handed him your wrist letting him put it on. John and Emilia had been shocked when you spoke to Adrian. That was the most they’ve ever heard from you. 
It was then they figured out, you had a soft spot for Adrian. They were happy to see you slowly climbing out of your shell. So it wasn’t a big surprise to them when they saw you losing your shit once Adrian had been taken along with Chris and Leota. Adrian had been worried sick wondering if they had gotten you three as well. More importantly you. He wanted nothing more than to protect you. 
Now as he sat here tied up with Chris and Adebayo. He was really regretting letting his last conversation with you be about Shrek the Third. You had been making a game plan with John and Emilia. “So it’s in agreement Y/N goes in alone while we set up out here.” John asked them.
They nodded as you readied up angrily. “They’re gonna be okay.” Emilia tried to console you. “They better be or I swear I am going to burn the whole place down.” 
“You sure you don’t want backup in there? You haven’t been out in the field for a while?” “Trust me I work better alone. You take out the ones outside.” She nodded as you loaded your pistol sliding it into your belt. 
Adrian struggled once more as they kicked Chris in the chest. “What do you know about the black widow?!” “I don’t know who the fuck you’re talking about?!” He yelled out angrily as Leota grimaced seeing them punch him. They were asking about you. She knew all the information they wanted.
Chris and Adrian weren’t told anything. You didn’t want them to know for their safety. “Bullshit! We know you all work with her!” They yelled out before stopping pulling out a knife heading towards Adrian. 
“If you don’t talk, we’re gonna start cutting up your friend-” “I wouldn’t do that.” Leota cut them off. “Look I know what information you’re looking for, and I can honestly tell you. You all dumb idiots pissed her off. If- No not if, when. When she comes here and sees you hurt us, she’s gonna kill you. I promise you. And It is not gonna be a quick death especially if you hurt that one.” They smirked dragging the knife along Adrian’s cheek. “So it’s a girl...let her come.” Adrian groaned out as they cut his cheek. 
You had crawled in through the vents dropping in. One by one each one you ran into died as you shot precisely. You grabbed your knife jumping on a guy as he raised his gun wrapping your legs around his head stabbing him repeatedly before rolling off of him grabbing his gun shooting the other two men who came after you. 
Adrian and Chris looked at each other in confusion hearing all the groaning and gun fire outside. “Go check it out!” The guy who had been torturing Adrian yelled at his partner. He nodded running to the door gasping out as it was kicked open.
He choked as you shoved a gun down his throat pulling the trigger. The man shook in fear as you looked up glaring at him dropping the gun you had just shoved into the mans mouth. “Guard-” 
“They’re all gone buddy.” You growled out heaving. “There were thirty-” “I know. I watched this place for the past hour to get the intel I needed. Eight men on the outside. Twenty-two inside. My friend got the eight. I got the rest.” Adrian’s mouth fell open in shock. 
You had never looked more beautiful to him than now. Yes you were covered in blood, but it was the hottest thing he had ever seen. You smiled a bit seeing Adrian look at you with an awestruck expression. “Wow...dude your so hot right now..” Adrian mumbled out as Chris looked shock while Leota smirked.
Glaring at the man as you saw the wounds on Chris and Adrian. Leota had only suffered a minor injury to the head. Pulling out a knife, the man panicked grabbing Adrian by the throat threatening to kill him. 
“Get away from me! You bitch!” Adrian struggled a bit. Tensing up you laughed a bit seeing a loose piece of the lights hanging from the ceiling. “Okay look I’ma throw my knife away. Just don’t hurt him.” You threw your knife up running quickly as he looked up tackling Adrian out of the way as the light structure fell crushing him. Grabbing the gun he had on the small table where the torture tools were, you stalked to him before emptying the clip in his head.
Adrian’s mouth hung open as you ran untying Leota. She helped you by untying Chris as you ran to Adrian. “Hey you okay? They didn’t hurt you too bad right? Because backup is coming and I’m probably gonna need your help.” You chuckled seeing him look at you in shock. “Dude?” Adrian sat up as you cut the ropes off of him. “Wow...” He quietly mumbled out standing up with you. “Adrian? You’re kinda freaking me out-” Adrian cut you off pulling you into a deep kiss.
You made a muffled noise as he pushed his tongue into your mouth.Panting heavily as he pulled away feeling your saliva hit your chin. He didn’t care that you were covered in blood he needed to kiss you.  “You said my name!” Adrian yelled out in realization.
“That’s what your hung up on!” Chris yelled out as he grabbed their stuff. “Yeah she finally said my name!!!” You stood frozen in shock as Adrian hugged you. He pulled back feeling you shake. “Oh no was that too much for you!” You nodded a bit getting nervous grabbing his thumb. 
“She just killed an entire group of men and a kiss made her nervous?!” Chris handed Adrian his helmet looking at you in shock. Hiding behind Adrian, you grumbled feeling Chris and Leota’s eyes on you. “Dude my girlfriend is just hot like that.”
Whining a bit, you buried your head in his back hearing him. “You haven’t even asked her out.” “Uh I just did and I know she said yes to it because I felt her write it on my back.” You nodded smiling a bit. 
“Okay we need to get out of here.” Leota mumbled out grabbing some guns laying around. Adrian looked in awe as you four fought your way out by the backup that came running in. 
Once in the van, Adrian sat next to you holding your hand letting you play with his fingers. “I’m glad you’re safe Adrian and about what was said in there..Do you really want me to be your girlfriend?...” He chuckled a bit seeing you suddenly so nervous. You went from a killing machine to overwhelmed mess really quick.
“Of course I do Y/N. Man I will never get tired of hearing you say my name. I can’t wait for when I hear you scream it.” Choking a bit, you stared at him as he smiled setting his hand on your thigh. “Adrian..” You whispered out embarrassed. “Gross...” Leota and Chris mumbled out as Emilia and John smiled happy, disgusted, but mostly happy for you. You found someone to finally be yourself around. 
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imposterogers · 3 years ago
marvel really said we're gonna give you selfcest (sylki), inc*st (stevesharon), a ship with a woman and an android, a ship with 2 animals, a ship with a man and long dead woman, but we're gonna give you 2 seconds of a gay ship with men of color and that's it, that's all you gays get
I am glad for phastos and ben (and they deserve more hype from the fandom imo) but at this point the mcu has been around for more than a decade..... and what's the rep they've provided? loki (a bit of both). gay joe russo. valkyrie (but we haven't even seen it yet) and.......?
so let's take a moment to appreciate canon rep in the tv/film superhero genre OUTSIDE of the mcu. (this won't be a comprehensive list, just the ones I remember off the top of my head)
chris smith (peacemaker season 1): bisexual
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leota adebayo (peacemaker season 1): lesbian
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renee montoya: lesbian and harley quinn: bi (birds of prey)
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harley quinn (the harley quinn show) & poison ivy: bi
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the negative man (doom patrol): gay
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john constantine (legends of tomorrow): bi
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sarah lance aka black canary (legends of tomorrow): bi
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queen maeve: bi
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wade wilson (deadpool): pansexual
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negasonic teenage warhead and yukio: lesbians
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honorary mention: charles and erik (not canon but ian mckellan and james mcavoy believes they should/would have sex)
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she-wolf09231982 · 2 years ago
Chapter 5: Christmas Boops
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Summary: Most of the 11th Street Kids get into the holiday spirit except you and Harcourt due to your rigid past on missions during Christmas time. But that doesn't stop Leota and Adrian from decorating headquarters to get you out of your Scrooge funk.
Author Note: Adrian Chase X Fem Reader, Y/N, 11th Street Kids, A.R.G.U.S., Hallmark Channel level fluff, Explicit language/Cussing/Swearing, Celebrating Christmas, Christmas carol/song references, Mentions of multi-cultural holidays includes Hanukkah & Kwanzaa, Alcohol consumption, Implied nudity & sex, Karate Kid, The Grinch, Scrooge, Elf, Polar Express, & Christmas Vacation movie references.
No dogs were harmed or embarrassed during the making of this fanfic.
Italics indicate character thoughts & flashbacks
**The first Freddie Stroma gif chosen is how I imagine Adrian's face after reader 'boops' his nose**
**Second Freddie Stroma gif is obviously when female reader showers with Adrian. You're welcome**
The ground once covered in fallen leaves quickly became a blanket of white as winter approached. You and Harcourt lost your lust for Christmas a long time ago. Probably has a lot to do with working for the government since you were overseas for quite a few of them and Emilia working for the gender bend ‘Scrooge’ herself (Amanda Waller) at A.R.G.U.S.  
Adrian and Leota, on the other hand, found this time of year to be thrilling. Adebayo and her wife, Keeya, had a whole wardrobe for their Yorkie, Emerson, dedicated to the season.
“He has the costume from the movie ‘Elf,’ of course Santa Claus…Oh! And there’s one that’s a Christmas tree where the lights actually turn on!”
Leota explained to Adrian while each of them carried a huge box of Christmas decorations and placed them on her desk.
The level of emotion about Emerson’s Christmas ensemble had yours and Emilia’s eyes rolling but had Adrian matching Leota’s excitement tenfold.
“No way!! I have got to see that!” Exclaimed Adrian.
“It’s bad enough that your dog is the size of a squirrel, but to also dress him up like a doll? He probably plans ways to off himself every day because of that, you know?” John said to Leota.
Leota rolled her eyes at Economos.
“I’ll have you know, he loves his outfits.” She stated.
“It’s not a real dog if they’re no bigger than a football.” Peacemaker interjected.
Economos snickered as Leota flashed her middle finger at Chris.
Harcourt shook her head and smirked. You stretched and released an evident yawn to showcase your lack of interest in the topic.
Adebayo turned and looked at you upon hearing your dramatic yawning.
“I beg your pardon, are we boring you?” She asked you sarcastically.
“She doesn’t like Christmas.” Adrian answered. “She’s my sexy little Grinch.” He proclaimed affectionately.
“I see,” Leota replied, “Well, even the Grinch eventually liked Christmas at the end of the movie!” She sang cheerfully as she sashayed across the room and draped a red, sparkly garland around your neck like a scarf.
Adrian chuckled, looking at you like a shimmering spectacle.
You gave her an exasperated look, “Don’t worry Adebayo, I won’t interfere with your Christmas spirit. I just choose not to participate, that’s all. Commence hollying and jollying.” You said with a weak smile, turning to your laptop.
Leota and Adrian continued to filter through the boxes, practically squealing as they discover a plethora of holiday decorations as they dig deeper.
By the end of the day, Adrian and Leota had headquarters dripping in yuletide garnishing.
“Well? What do you guys think??” Adrian asked.
The four of you reviewed the area covered in half blinking, half burnt out Christmas lights, paper Mache cut into snowflakes hanging from the ceiling panels, different color sparkling garland lining the windows, and creepy Santa, snowman, and elf animatronic dolls that looked possessed scattered around the room. They even managed to have a Menorah and a Kwanzaa Kinara candle holder placed on each of the two filing cabinets, each baring all the proper colored candles. Leota even had a Polar Express replica traveling around beneath the starless Christmas tree.
“Not gonna lie, it looks pretty fuckin’ good, you guys.” Chris admitted.
Leota and Adrian beamed at each other bumping fists triumphantly.
“Yeah, definitely looks like Buddy the elf made his way in here.” John said.
Everyone chuckled together. Even Emilia smirked at Economos’ comment.
You only smiled so you wouldn’t be such a Debbie downer and ruin Adrian or Leota’s proud moment like you promised.
Adrian looked over at you, most likely waiting for your feedback. As he looked at you, so did the rest of the group. You blankly look back at everyone. You were genuinely clueless.
“Um, what?” You asked them.
“What do you think, Y/N?” Leota asked.
“Oh!” You say finally catching on.
“Well…” you take another look around the room. Adrian and Adebayo waited eagerly on your response.
You were genuinely at a loss for words. Your distain for Christmas outweighed your ability to pretend to like it. You felt a knot form in your chest, trying hard to swallow it down as it started to rise into your throat. It felt like an eternity trying to come up with a response heartfelt enough to satisfy Leota and Adrian’s expectations. Afterall, they did work really hard on the place, so you didn’t want to hurt their feelings by any means.
You released a deep exhale, “It’s everything what Christmas should be. It’s definitely going to be a shame to take it down after the holidays.” You finally managed to say.
Leota started clapping and jumping in place squealing with joy.
“I knew we’d get you into the holiday mood!!” She ran over and hugged you so hard you almost fell off your chair.
You struggled to laugh. “Uh, yeah… right, Leota…… ACK!!”
You grunted feeling extra weight bare down on you. Adrian had jumped and embraced you and Leota in an unexpected group hug.
Harcourt had began videoing the three of you from her phone when she saw Adrian make a running start towards you and Leota. Everyone was laughing enjoying the moment.
“Maybe this isn’t so bad.” You thought to yourself as you couldn’t breathe from all the weight sitting on top of you.
The following weekend, the group decided to have a little holiday gathering at O’Rourke’s. You all pile in together on a cold Friday evening as flurries fell from the night sky. Chris without hesitation ordered up a round of drinks.
As the hours passed, the majority of you get rowdier as you play another one of Chris’ suggested drinking games. This game was Christmas themed of course. The bar had a different holiday movie playing on each of the flat screens, and Chris said anytime one of you notices a Santa hat appearing in the scene, that person calls out ‘Ho! Ho! Ho!’ as they point to three separate people (basically calling each of them a ‘hoe’) at the table and they have to drink.
Economos and Adrian ended up drinking more since John was very delayed catching any Santa hats, and Adrian just distracted by looking at you dreamily the whole night wearing a low cut red V-neck.
You look at him and whistle at him.
“Hey, buddy, my face is up here.” You say tilting his chin up making his eyes meet yours.
He snickered guiltily having been caught staring at your chest.
“I can’t help it! They’re perfect.” He declared.
You shake your head smiling.
“Well, I’m glad you think so.” He leaned in and gave you a clumsy peck bumping your nose quite hard.
“Ook, I think it’s time to go, Adrian.” You announced rubbing your nose.
“Yeah, I gotta get back to Keeya and the pups.” Leota checked her watch.
Everyone threw money on the table to pay the tab and exited the bar.
Everyone going their way to their car, you take the keys to the Vigilante-mobile and get Adrian into the passenger seat.
“Where’s the steering wheel?” Adrian asked.
You laugh, “It’s in front of me. I’m driving.” You told him.
“Ahhhhh.” He said booping your nose. “You’re cute.”
He placed the palm of his hand on the side of your cheek cradling your face. He musingly looked into your eyes, a wave of adoration pulsing through his veins. You leaned into his hand putting your hand on his. His touch sent a surge through your body.
“Let’s get home so I can love on you properly.” You said finally.
As you drive past the park, Adrian suddenly perked up and demanded you to stop the car.
“WAIT WAIT WAIT!! Stop here!!” He shouted making your heart jump.
“What the actual fuck, Adrian??” You stop the car. “What’s wrong??”
He said nothing opening the door and started running towards the monumental water fountain in the middle of the park.
“Um, Adrian?” You call after him.
“Come on, Y/N!” He yelled back at you.
You get out of the car and run after him.
He stopped by the fountain in front of a fresh layer of fallen snow.
“Adrian?” You asked out of breath as you reach him.
“Ready?” He asked.
You look around you, confused.
“For?” You asked.
Adrian turned around and fell backwards onto the snow on the ground behind him.
“Holy shit!” You gasped, “Are you that drunk?”
“Snow angel!” He chirped at you, like it was obvious.
He started to move his arms and legs in a Vitruvian Man motion creating the angel shape beneath him on the ground.
You watched him awestruck…and slightly annoyed.
“You almost put me into cardiac arrest because you wanted to make a snow angel? Really?” You asked.
“Really really! Now get down here and make one with me!” He said disregarding your irritability.
“No, Adrian. It’s too cold and we’ve been drinking-“
You suddenly feel your feet kicked up from underneath you. You hit the ground hard as the air you did have left in your lungs was forced out as you land on your back next to your boyfriend. You cough a few times trying to allow your brain to catch up to the fact that Adrian had just swept your legs with his foot to get you on the ground with him.
“Did…did you just..?” you began to ask.
“Sweep the leg? Yep! Now that you’re down here, start angel-ing!” He replied with a tinge of pride in his voice.
You cannot believe he just took you out at the leg to get you on the ground to make a snow angel.
“Christ, the level of insanity…” You muse to yourself.
Nonetheless, you began to move your arms head to waist while closing and separating your legs to make the angel, obliging Adrian’s request.
He looked at you and smiled.
“Look at you! Being all Christmasy as fuck!” He gleamed.
He rolled over on top of you, pulling your face up to his, kissing you quite sloppily.
You giggle into his mouth.
“You are crazy, Adrian Chase!” You pull away to say as you continue to laugh.
He hovered over you, exploring your face with admiration.
You gazed back at him, his green eyes putting you under his love spell. And the smile his lips curl into when he looks at you that way has your heart melting every time.
You pulled him back down for another kiss.
The kiss so intense with passion you couldn’t even feel the cold you both are still laying in.
Adrian pulled back.
“See? The holidays don’t have to be bad.” He said with a proud smile stroking your hair.
You roll your eyes, “Yeah I guess this year is different since you’re around.” You say smiling back.
He booped your nose again and stood up pulling you along with him.
“Let’s go home and take a nice hot shower. Then, hot chocolate while watching some holiday movies! Starting with Christmas Vacation!” He said gleefully.
You walked side by side as he held your waist to make way towards the Sebring. He pulled you in tight against him to keep you warm, and to make sure you didn’t slip.
“And by hot shower I mean together.” He whispered into your ear.
“Of course.” You said booping his nose.
So Leota was right, you found your holiday spirit. This was how your Christmases were going to be from now on…
A little bit of second hand multi-cultural decoration, a side of alcohol with the 11th Street Kids, and a little nonsexual tussle with Adrian to get you to make snow angels mixed with sexual tussling after some hot chocolate.
This was the beginning of your Christmas tradition with Adrian, and now you will always have a reason to look forward to the holiday’s thanks all of them.
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pagesfromthevoid · 3 years ago
A Fucking Duck | a.c. | Finale
Adrian Chase x Bat!fem!reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Violence. Mentions of death. Murder. Language.
Author’s Note: Here we are. The end. We did it boys
Series Masterlist | Talk to Me! | Buy me a coffee?
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It was after the fourth fart joke that she finally put her foot down.
“Jesus Christ on a fucking cupcake,” she snapped. “Don’t forgive Adebayo. But get over yourself, Smith. You didn’t kill your brother on purpose. As far as anyone is concerned, your fucking dad did it.”
There was silence that fell between the four of them as Chris and Leota exchanged wary looks. Adrian simply seemed annoyed that the joke was over and everything was serious suddenly.
“We’ve all read your file, Chris,” Leota explained, looking up at him. “She’s right. You didn’t mean to kill your brother. But you can’t make death meaningless. That’s not how this works.”
The RV pulled to the side, coming to a halt. Emilia pulled the back door open, giving them all pointed looks. With a huff, she stood and squeezed by Adrian and Leota to get out. Adrian hopped out behind her, stretching out dramatically as Emilia looked to Leota.
“Since Flash doesn’t seem to be answering our calls, see if your mom has any pull with the Justice League,” Emilia ordered.
“He definitely left me on read,” she offered as an explanation. “To be fair though, I don’t blame him —I did sort of ghost him.”
“You ghosted the Flash?” John demanded, looking at her in surprise. “There is something seriously wrong with you.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Emilia rolled her eyes as the two bickered back and forth, turning to Leota again to confirm the conversation. Leota was arguing with her mom now as Adrian wrapped an arm loosely around her shoulders.
“You ready to kick some alien ass?” He asked, looking down at her, mask dangling from his fingers.
She shrugged a bit, looking up at him as she finished loading her guns. “I’m as ready as I can be. Are you?”
“Can you believe Amanda Waller is her fucking mother?” John sudden asked, walking out of the trailer. Chris trailed behind him.
She followed his gaze to Leota. “Not really.”
“I fucking can,” Chris countered, sneering towards Leota as she talked to her mom.
“Emilia’s in charge,” Leota announced, gathering up whatever weapons she could as she hung up.
The team started their trek through the forest, each carrying various weapons. Adrian had slipped his mask back on, humming happily as she followed behind Emilia, whispering quietly about their plan of attack.
It was simple: get the sonic boom helmet into the barn. Activate.
Nothing is fucking simple, of course.
At first, it was because the helmet was dropped by the fucking bird randomly (she had demanded why they trusted a fucking bird in the first place). Then it was putting John in a uniform and pushing him into the fray like he was nothing but mince meat. The bigger issue wasn’t that he wasn’t capable, it’s that he fucking panicked and didn’t even get the helmet all the way into the cave below.
And now they were throwing themselves into a fight —six idiots against an army of aliens.
Armed with two of Adrian’s hand guns, plus a iron rod she’d snatched up as they entered the field, she took to swinging into their heads like she was playing baseball. Adrian had gotten lost in the fight, but she could hear his nonsensical commentary as he yelled at the butterflies. It wasn’t the most graceful fight; every whack in the face ended with a bullet to really nail that they were dead.
She turned to cover Emilia, when suddenly a butterfly was trying to force itself down Emilia’s throat. Rushing to help, she bashed in several heads before dropping down and pulling the creature out of Emilia’s mouth and crushing it. Emilia gasped, blood squirting from her throat as she tried to catch her breath.
“You cannot fucking die, not right now,” she ordered as Leota ran passed her, screaming. “What the fuck are you doing?” She called after her, standing up with her metal bar in hand.
“Helping Chris!”
“You’re going to fucking die!” But Leota was long gone as she looked down at their de facto leader. “Don’t die. I have to go help them.”
Emilia made a pained sound but nodded weakly as she took off after Leota. Adrian fell into step with her, sword in hand as he appeared from the chaos.
“Where the fuck is everyone?” He asked, slashing one of the butterflies with ease.
“John broke his leg,” she explained, swinging at an attacker and cracking their skull open as they dropped. “Emilia’s got blood coming out of everything basically so I don’t know if she’ll die. And Adebayo and Chris are inside.”
“Duck,” Adrian snapped suddenly and she followed orders, just as he decapitated another butterfly. “We’re not winning, are we?”
“I don’t know,” she admitted with an annoyed huff.
A gunshot rang out suddenly, and she ducked again. But nothing had hit her; it had hit Adrian. She turned, panicked overwhelming her, as he held his side and looked down at the blood. A knife launched behind him as he dropped, cussing. The same overwhelming panic from earlier in the day returned, when he blown himself up. The thought of her brother dying; the absolute devastation her family had felt. And now it was happening again as he hit the ground.
“Fuck, no, Adrian!” She cried, dropping down to flip him over. “No, no, no, you can’t die too. I can’t lose you too.”
“You’re so fuckin sappy, babe,” he managed to say, laughing some as she tried not to cry.
“Adrian, shut the fuck up, you’re dying,” she snapped at him, wiping her eyes.
“I just…I just need a nap —“
“No, don’t fucking sleep!”
But he had gone still, breathing uneven as she sat beside him. His sword sat on his other side, and it was like all she saw suddenly was red as she snatched it and stood. She thought of Jason, who suffered needlessly because of Bruce. She thought of Rick, who died at the hands of Waller and her bullshit. She thought of Emilia, who laid dying on the ground, alone and bloody. And she thought of Adrian, who she just got and was about to lose. And that anger, that pain —she channeled into every swipe, every slash, every decapitation as she fought her way through the butterflies.
As she prepared to bring the sword down on one more, however, an explosion rocked everything. She ducked, covering her head as the barn exploded, knocking out everything around them. She dropped, debris scattering and pelting her as it started to subside. Pieces ripped and pieced through her suit, cutting her skin. When she thought it was safe, and she looked up though, a piece of wood had struck right into her shoulder, piercing through her.
She stood there limply for a moment, staring at the piece that stuck out of her body. After a moment of processing, she took a deep breath and yanked it out. A quiet hiss escaped her lips as she gathered up Adrian’s sword once more, making her way back to his body —but he was wobbling towards her, clutching his side.
“Hey, there you are,” he announced, and she could hear the smile in his voice.
She stared at him for a moment, before dropping the sword and running at him. He winced as she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tight, but he returned the gesture soon enough.
“I thought you were dead,” she whispered, pulling back to look up at him through his visor. “How are you not dead?”
“No idea. But I’m not, so that means we won, right?”
“I think we did, actually.”
He grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulder to support himself. She flinched, minding her own wound, before she walked them back towards where Emilia was. John was pressing on Emilia’s wound as Leota and Chris walked from the rubble.
“Hey guys, what’s up?” Adrian asked as Chris lifted Emilia into his arms slowly.
With the butterflies food supply gone, they were in desperate need of medical attention as they limped their way out of the field. Not a word was spoken between them, the feeling of impeding doom still heavy on their shoulders as the team made their way out of danger. Lightning flashed on the horizon, crackling loudly as it seemed the sky opened up.
“You’re late, you fucking dickheads!” Chris yelled, shoving passed Aquaman. “Go fuck another fish, asshole.”
“Yeah, fuck you,” she snapped at Flash, point at him. “SOS means help, not fucking leave me on read.”
“I still came —“ Flash tried to argue.
“After I finished for once!”
“Yes. That does mean that Christopher Smith never wrote that diary,” Leota announced.
She looked up from the coffee stand in the visitors area, listening closely as Leota spoke on the news.
“The Peacemaker, Crossfire and the costumed crime fighter Vigilante were working in a deep-cover operation called Project Butterfly —“
She grinned to herself, walking back to Adrian’s room. Her foot pushed open the door, just as Adrian disappeared out the window. She dropped the coffee cup, rushing to the window and practically dangled over the edge.
“Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?” She yelled down at him.
He looked up, grinning like the dope he was —hospital gown and all. “Oh, I didn’t realize you were here!”
“Adrian, you were shot!”
“I told you —I just needed a good nap!”
She stared down at him, huffing once before glancing over her shoulder. Then she shook her head. “Fucking hang on.”
She shook out her hands, then hopped out the window herself and landed on the ground in the signature superhero pose —which made Adrian laugh. As she stood up straight, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they walked home.
“What now?” He asked as they walked.
“I don’t know,” she admitted, taking the hand that hung off her shoulder in her own. “We go home and go back to fighting crime?”
“Home like —here home? Or Gotham home?” He asked, looking down at her. He seemed hesitant.
“I told you already, Adrian.” She pulled his hand to her lips, kissing it gently. “I know where I belong. And that’s with you.”
Adrian smiled down at her, leaning in to kiss the side of her head gently. “Now I definitely know that I love you.”
Taglist: @ladybug023 @pedropascalfanclub @se-fucking-hun @chelseaxteens @sannie-san-shine @notalxx @tubble-wubble @inmate-marmalade @fanofverymanythings @truly-abysmal @dallasvakarian @why-so-red @rexorangecouny @asherella-is-a-dork-3 @speedypeter @droopingdatura @maybememoriesx @mushroomsandcream @caswinchester2000 @alexloveskili @are-y0u-sirius @themartiansdaughter @1800-fight-me @sevenseasofcats
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navstuffs · 3 years ago
Bloody shirt
Masterlist of my Adrian Chase x reader's fanfics
Warnings: ANGST, mention of blood, OPEN ENDING (you choose what happens in the end)
Pairing: Adrian Chase x gn!reader (platonic)
Summary: After saving Adrian, you are taken badly hurt to the Emergency and Adrian can't stop thinking he should have told you his feelings.
Author's note: half-based on this prompt. This is suppose to be my first open ending fanfic and I kinda want to do more of these even better.
Adrian's hands felt heavy while he was holding your shirt soaked with blood. Your own blood. He didn't register when Leota Adebayo put her hand over his shoulder and Peacemaker tried to convince everyone that "They would be alright".
Emilia Harcourt was up, talking rapidly with Murn. They didn't look stressed yet Emilia had gone to the bathroom way too many times. John was sitting across from Adrian, sniffling. He kept repeating allergies were really bad at the hospital to hide the fact he was about to cry.
A few hours earlier, the team had invaded a layer of very dangerous terrorists, still part of White Dragon's team. They weren't easy to take it down and to protect Adrian, you pulled him out the way getting hit by a blast from a bomb. Your body flew and dropped at least three flights of stairs. Adrian didn't think his legs could run faster than that, but he was held by Peacemaker for some reason. Adrian tried to argue injuries were fine, he wouldn't puke. He just needed to carry you to the hospital and you would be okay.
You were taken to the hospital by AGRUS, the doctors having to cut your shirt to revive you in the ambulance already. Adrian was given the shirt by Clemson Murn. Murn was the last one to see you, riding in the ambulance with you since they didn't let Adrian in, which he couldn't understand why. Murn didn't say anything about your well-being when the team met him on the Emergency Room, simply giving the shirt to Adrian. He didn't want to tell your heart stopped one time on the way there.
Leota gave Adrian a hopeful smile but she was the first one that saw you before being taken by the ambulance and you didn't look well. Chris kept saying over and over you were going to be alright, you were going to be just fine. You were the strongest person. You would come out of the Emergency, laughing and making fun of all of them for being worried about you.
Your relationship with everyone on the team went well, even with Chris. You had your ways to deal with the guy, probably the reason why Amanda Waller put you on the team.
You and Adrian were a special case.
You were nice with Adrian since the first day together. Murn insisted on warning to not "feed him", but you were charmed by Adrian Chase as he was by your presence. You were just better at hiding it. It was funny to see Adrian trying to impress you by telling how many guys he killed, his very complicated missions against crime ("Mostly lies", alleged Chris), and how he was a valuable member of the team. You didn't cut him off once, listening to everything. Emilia had teased you later, murmuring that your crush and his were showing.
But you and Adrian never expressed anything towards each other. Leota tried to help an oblivious Adrian to your feelings which he denied. You were waaaaaay too out of his league.
Your shirt felt even heavier as time passed, Adrian's heart weighting as stone inside his body. He remembered one time when you two were having a late phone call and you asked "What would you do if I said I had a crush on you?" and his silence made you understand the situation completely wrong. Because he also had a huge crush on you, he just didn't know how to react to that.
He should have told you. He should have said he felt the same since the first time he laid his eyes on you. He definitely would if you woke up. He would invite you on a date, cinema, bar, watch old VHS/DVD tapes together, stargaze or just enjoy each other presence in silence. Make fun of bullies. Adrian felt water coming out of his eyes, touching his own tears amazed.
"What is this? P?"
The whole team looked towards each other, unsure of what to say and Chris gave him a fast look. He replied, looking at the other side.
"You are crying, Adrian."
Adrian nodded, taking the information in. He never cried. He didn't even know he knew how to cry. He thought it was an ability he never learned or that his just simply didn't work. Now, his heart felt like breaking into pieces. His sobs getting louder before he could stop himself. He felt the whole team getting closer, even Murn. Leota rubbed him in the back and Chris pat him, Emilia staring at him worried and John hiding his face in his hands, finally breaking down.
"It is okay. It is alright."
"Cry all you need Adrian, we are here for you."
Adrian didn't answer, his eyes going down to your shirt. If everytime he cried, he would feel pain he didn't like it. Especially the pain inside his chest.
The doctor finally came out from the emergency doors and all of them got up, Adrian wiping his tears, your shirt still held tightly between his hands. With his heart pounding against his chest, Adrian wasn't able to properly breathe as Murn gave a look to the team, before walking to speak with the doctor. His clothes were full of blood.
The 11th Street Kids watched, anxious as Murn spoke with the doctor. Since the doctor was using a mask and Clemson had no expression, they didn't know what was being said. Adrian didn't realize but this time Leota was holding his hand, Chris really close to his side.
Murn finally ended the conversation and the doctor walked back to the emergency room. All they could see was Murn back for a few seconds, standing there before his indecipherable face turned in their direction. He sighed and walked back, his hands rubbing against each other.
"So, Murn? Are they okay? Are they alive as they are supposed to?" inquired Chris, his voice shaking a bit.
Murn gave a good stare into every single member of his group and finally opened his mouth to answer.
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findingvigilante · 2 years ago
Date: May 23, 2022
Evergreen went wild when the news broke that Peacemaker and Vigilante turned out to be working on a top secret mission for a government agency together. For Peacemaker, it wasn't surprising. But for Vigilante it was a surprise. Our resident small town costumed crime fighter was now a big shot government agent....I almost feel proud of him for some reason. For the limited amount of time I spent researching him and trying to track him down, I became oddly attached to the guy, despite never even meeting him before.
There was a press conference today at the back of the old video store in town. I couldn't miss it so naturally I had to head over there and nab some answers for another story. Charlton 5 news was already there with their cameras set up so I knew by this afternoon that the news would reach everyone in Evergreen. A woman named Leota Adebayo stood at a pedestal, nervously tapping the mic. From there she spilled the proverbial beans. After reporters were handed out a folder with documents, she explained that Christopher Smith never wrote a diary filled with horrible things and that Peacemaker and Vigilante were working undercover for an operation called Project Butterfly. She then proceeded to tell us about a black ops called Task Force X that consisted of criminals taking on dangerous missions for the US in exchange for time off their sentences. It's been running out of Belle Reve for years under Amanda Waller, who was this lady's mother. Reporters began scrambling and yelling out questions. Since I was the only one who raised my hand, Leota chose me to ask a question. So I asked "Where are Peacemaker and Vigilante now?" Her response: they were both taken to Mount Rouge Health Center to treat their injuries.
That was all I needed to know.
Mount Rouge was nestled smack dab on the edge of town to make it easier for those coming from outside Evergreen to get medical assistance. With all things considered, I was going to probably need assistance too judging by how fast my heart was beating. Vigilante was so close. He was just beyond the automatic doors and was most likely in one of the recovery rooms. When I asked the nurses about him, they glanced at each other nervously and shook their heads. Another asked me if I was a friend so I told them yes, I was. So once I had his room number, I had to hold myself back to keep from sprinting down the hallways. I think I ran by Chris Smith but my head was in another place to be paying attention to my surroundings. Once I reached his room, my hand shook while hovering over the door handle. This was it. I was finally going to speak to Vigilante after all this time. All of my efforts finally came to this moment. Knocking, I slowly opened the door and stepped in.
Unfortunately, the room was empty. The bed which was supposed to be keeping him upright was empty, borderline untouched and the wires that were used to hook him up to the ECG were on the bed, the heart monitor itself not making any flatline noises. The window was wide open and since we were on the second floor, there was no way he could've jumped out. If he had left using the hallway, someone would've seen him. So that could only mean he jumped from the second story window....on the hard ground underneath. If he was injured that would only worsen his wounds. When asking a couple of nurses if they saw anyone leave the room, they all shared the same answer: no. So whether or not they were covering for him, I couldn't tell.
I was frustrated at this point. I came so far and came so close to finally meeting Vigilante only to have him jump from a freaking second story hospital window. Angry and annoyed, I opened up the folder that was given to reporters at the press conference. I didn't have a chance to really look through it yet but since I now had some time on my hands, I wanted to see what it read. There was a mention of Coverdale Ranch and what went down there a few days ago. I knew where Coverdale was. If the area was already cleaned out by the feds I had no idea. But going there and investigating was a hell of a lot better than sitting here and doing nothing at all.
Coverdale was.....a mess. If you remember my previous entry about the massacre at Glan Tai, this was probably ten times worse. Turns out the feds hadn't gotten around to cleaning out the field yet so the ground was still covered in blood.....and bodies. Bodies were strewn everywhere. The first thing I noticed was that they all had something in common: they were either prisoners from the corrections center or police personnel (minus a few civilians here and there). The entire police station was laid about on the ground. Some had limbs chopped off. Others had no heads. Mostly all of them had bullet holes. But all of them did have some sort of wound to the head. I tried not to gag as I tiptoed through the field like I was scared they were going to wake up. The barn that once stood there was now a pile of rubble. I remembered there being a set of stairs going down from my childhood memories but I didn't dare go down them in fear of what I might find (it was probably for the best too). So instead I snapped a quick photo of the scene for my own case files (warning: it's pretty bad so if blood makes you queasy, scroll by). I guess that means the entire Evergreen police department would need replacing since they were all dead. Vigilante is going to have a field day with his crime fighting while the town waits for new replacements.
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I went back to my apartment feeling heavy with frustration. Although I didn't score a story with Vigilante, I did however end up uncovering an alien conspiracy that could land me an actual writing position at the Planet. I had enough coverage from my previous investigation with Vigilante that it could make a great story. I'm disappointed, sure. I came here solely to find Vigilante and hear his side. It might not be what I wanted in the end but at least I have something to write about. Something that'll get a foot in the door anyway. Like Ms. Lane always says: something is better than nothing.
Time: 2:19 am
There was a thud in my apartment. When I turned on the light and glanced around the room, there was no one around but my bedroom window was wide open, the wind gently moving my curtains. The papers that were on my desk were now on the floor so I got up to put them back in the pile. After I put them back, I noticed a small piece of paper that wasn't there before. It was torn, hastily ripped off the corner with four simple little words. Four little words that made my heart sink in my chest, signed with a single initial to signify who wanted to leave me a message.
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I didn't find Vigilante. Vigilante found me.
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abbynx · 3 years ago
Ranking all Peacemaker Characters
I am biased and will be spurring out spontaneously going off whatever occurs to mind. I follow no criteria of how I rank them and I'm just going off about my opinions, so enjoy.
Warning: Will contain spoilers, watch out if you haven't watched the full series. Oh and cursing, of course.
Coming up at the bottom of the list— Auggie Smith aka The White Dragon as Top 15
Props to Robert Patrick's performance for making him menacing and villainous slime of a character! He's the perfect secondary antagonist and I don't mind seeing him in season two as a psyche projection.
I like the portrayal, but the reason why he is at the bottom is kinda obvious— he's a bad guy, bad dad. I don't like bad parents at all. The guy fucked up my boy Chris and probably would have made Kieth suffer the same way if he lived.
Sadistic as fuck, you know how he is. Not to mention, racist so yeah an instant nope for me.
Top 14, Amanda Waller
First of all, the casting choice is amazing, Viola Davis manages to be so commanding, menacing and just generally someone you do not want to fuck with. Scary woman.
She's extremely calculating, doesn't get her hands dirty and will risk anything or anyone not to be caught with putting people through dangers with a high fatality rate. Can't imagine what Leota has been through while growing up under Amanda's quarters.
She lands at 15th because of the things she did behind people's back. She has a penchant for selecting her very own mole in a group that ultimately makes the team turn against each other. Getting Leota to plant a diary in Chris' place to execute her own plan, that ultimately deviates from Murn's, as if she distrusts him.
I'm curious to see where she is headed now that the cat's outta bag— kill her own daughter in a mysterious way? Erase the evidence of her doings? Juicy, can't wait to see how they handle this one.
Top 13: Evan and Amber Calcaterra
If you guys hate each other all that much, just divorce, my guys 😅
Although watching them bicker made for an entertaining watch, but oh imagine the off screen arguements they have over the littlest of things, must be so draining.
Top 12: Jamil
He gives me waaaaaaay to much toxic bestie vibes. So he denies that his bond with Chris is nothing, only then to invite Chris to his daughter's school to show him off. Uh yeah 💅 calling Chris his friend only when he needs him
Top 11: Keeya Adebayo
Girlie wins the best wife award 🏆
I love how understanding she is of Leota's circumstances and doesn't lash out when Leota does not elaborate. I hope that she gets a bigger role in season 2 apart from being Leota's wife, so we can see how she is.
Top 10: Goff
As in, the butterfly in Goff btw. I cannot, for the life of me remember the butterfly's name I'm so sorry.
I love her, but her plans for human race ain't it. I mean, humanity is fucked because of how out of touch we are, choosing to dismiss things and not really try to prevent anything until it's too late — but resorting to use human flesh bags isn't the only choice to make humans rethink their actions.
Top 9: Eagley
My boy, keep screeching, we will be cheering you on 🙌����
Top 8: Sofia Song and Larry Fitzgibbon
I love them both please, pre-butterfly Sof will do anything to do anything to restore peace and justice, she is so righteous, fierce, headstrong and I love her. It's a shame we didn't get to see more of her as herself rather than being taken as a vessel by Goff butterfly.
Okay, ship them or not, they are a good pair.
Larry, oh Larry, I remember seeing his actor as an FBI agent in The White Chicks when I was younger and the moment I recognise him, I cheered. White Chicks was my childhood and taught me English 😂
I love how he follows Sof around and supports her in little ways (like adding more quips to her one-liner when dissing Auggie).
Top 7: John Economos
I love him as a character, kinda relate to him and I love how he looks out for his friends despite how life risking it is. When he came out with his insecurities under the guise of being taken control by a butterfly, ngl I teared up a little. James Gunn better give him a good partner who appreciate and loves him by season two 😤
I like how he is somewhat the most normal among the Eleventh Street Kids, how rational he is and how he questions things, etc etc.
Top 6: Judomaster
I love you, my guy. Keep on KYAAA-ing, short King✋😔
I break into squeals when he appears on screen with his chips. My guy is strong, was totaled by a car via John Economos, beaten with a crowbar (Jason Todd, is that you?), got shot— may I go on and on? And yet when he gains consciousness, he fights as if he didn't sustain any injuries at all. But his previous injuries might have hindered his full strength.
I might have shed tears when I saw him shed tears at the sights of the butterfly controlled people dead, while eating chips. Poor guy, he must've felt like a failure.
Top 5: Clemson Murn
First of all, Rest in Peace my dude ✋😔
Second, I love him as a character. He takes on the role of being a leader so great and to turn against his own kind to protect humans is kinda wholesome to me. He understands that possessing a human takes away their own life and goes against the plans of the Queen of his kind because of it.
I wish we got have gotten more of him, I enjoy him cussing them out for making mistakes lmao it reminds me of my thoughts when I assume the role of leader in every school projects back when school isn't online.
His last moments as a butterfly made me tear up and hoped the the butterfly Murn escaped and try to find another host... But alas, the guy was squished. RIP dude
Top 4: Emilia Harcourt
Hold on Miss you dropped this 👑🥺
I love her, she reminds me of a big sister I never had. Will be honest with you and will most likely pull you aside to drill some words of wisdom in your head even if it hurts.
I love how she progressively got soft with the others around her and became more caring. Just— I love her.
ALSO! I love the way she cusses out so people with such vigor. I wish to see more of her on Season 2 to fulfill her role as leader if ever the plot calls for her to be there.
Top 3: Adrian Chase
Sigh... It would be favouritism if I placed him first, but I made some thinking and placed him at top three because I consider someone else as the rightful place of Top one.
So... Adrian... Where do I start.
Our first meeting with him is at Fennel Fields. Unfortunately, I accidentally watched Peacemaker out of order (I was sleep deprived, please have mercy on me) and I watched episode 5 first. So big oof. But he instantly charmed me with his airheaded nature. I never thought I would see the day I would fall for a himbo with glasses, but here we are. He made my jaw drop a lot of the time at his dialogues, so most of my interaction with his character consists of:
"Be thankful you're cute."
Top 2: Leota Adebayo
Let's cut in deep, he probably feels inadequate as himself as Adrian Chase. He constantly finds himself associating himself with Chris despite him brushing him off and allowing him to get tortured. Maybe he's obsessed with Chris because he wishes to become like him.
Looking forward to whats his backstory in this series if they chose to disclose it!
Okay apart from John Economos, she is the second somewhat normal among the group and she keeps the group together.
Okay but like... Like mother like daughter, she can be manipulative too. Remember when she convinced Adrian to kill Chris' father? Yeaaaa, I sensed Amanda Waller there.
I hope to see more of her in Season two and how her character goes on, now that she revealed what goes within her mother's work. I wonder how her relationship with Amanda would become, they seem to be close (to me at least...) Maybe in the next season we get to see her childhood, I mean... To me, Leota was low-key projecting on Chris and his paternal issues.
And our Top 1: Chris Smith
I love how John Cena fit into the role like a glove, amazing casting choice tbh and I can't see anyone playing Peacemaker as good as Cena. He really made the role his own.
Suppressing mental issues and unresolved trauma by putting up a suave, arrogant, self-assured front? Ohoho boi I'm living for these kinds of characters.
Low-key, I hated him when he killed Rick and when I heard he'll be getting a spin off, my first instinct is to think: "He better be getting PTSD after killing Flag." And then boom, James Gunn delivered.
I love the way he turns to music when he is at his low, it's totes relateable. Maybe in some moments when he listens to music, he remembers Keith and starts crying more.
I just cannot get enough of Chris! I love the fact that even he is the main protagonist, he isn't the only one that fucks up and he is actually smart at some instances!
I bet the next season would be of him dealing with the mental issues his patricide caused. Since we got a glimpse of him hallucinating about his father, maybe we'll get more of that in the next season.
HONORABLE MENTION: The Justice League... Er, mainly Aquaman
They were late, but eh, it's fun to hear Aquaman cuss.
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motsimages · 3 years ago
According to my own theory that Peacemaker and Adebayo are on the same path but opposite directions (she is starting the journey of assassination, high politics, following orders and deluding morals and he is, well, coming back from that), another point about this is: personal family trauma.
Maybe Waller is not as physically aggressive and straight forward in her abuse as Auggie Smith but Adebayo knows that she can't be trusted and that she manipulated her in a way that shows that it is the usual way, the usual relationship they have. Even in the first episode, when Leota spoke with Keeya about this job, she mentioned she didn't like having to accept her mother's help, but it was good money. Her mother told her she is talented at this job (was this manipulation?). On the videocall, Leota wasn't superconvinced and didn't really followed on her "I like Peacemaker" feeling the moment her mother shut her down because "you cannot feel like that in this job".
To me, it all reads as Leota having a tense relationship with her mother who may have been absent and who may have manipulated her as a child to get things. Maybe she distanced herself from her, only speaking what was necessary and coming back a bit more as an adult.
In any case, and looking at how Chris felt towards his father, at how he wanted to impress him and be worthy of his love, coming back for support (in the form of helmets), how does Leota feel towards her mother? She has heard the team speaking ill of her, confirming that she is in fact what she seems, that maybe she is not a bad mother (in Leota's reasoning, I personally don't think a person like Waller can be a good parent), but she is also not a good person. Is Leota ready to face her mother?
What we've seen in the series is the destruction of Leota's values. She has been manipulated and used and she allowed herself to be. Was she trying to impress her mom, be worthy of her? She, in turn, also betrayed someone she liked and cared about. She, being as naive as she is, thought it would protect her the way it has always protected her. But she had to shoot someone, has been expected to kill people, has seen people being killed and still wants to have some moral ground to make sense of it all. She knew her mother, she knew the job and she was curious to see if she could pull it off (she has a talent at it, apparently), but she didn't want to actually look at what it all entailed for society, for her friends and family and for herself.
She chose to leave cowardly once she realised what she had done and what the job was. She could have left at any time before, even refuse to accept the job, but she left when her wife told her she could leave. Once she had contact with a life she chose where she felt safe and protected. She doesn't know that she has changed and that she may take some time to get that life back. Maybe she chose again according to someone's expectations. She has seen herself in the light of her mother and in the light of her wife, what is Leota's light on herself?
Chris is turning on the light on himself. He rediscovered the music he liked (his brother liked it too) and played it all over, shared it with his colleagues, even bonded over it with Economos (maybe his first male friend made over something that is not violent). He has been able to say he doesn't want to kill innocent people anymore, a choice he made himself thinking about his feelings.
So I really am curious about the final episode and how will it all end/begin for Leota. Chris is on his way already, he knows what he wants and what he needs, he realised the father he had. He is healing. But I really can't tell what Leota is going to choose because she found an excuse to stay in the team (they would have worked according to plan without her, she is not and has not been that key member in the whole season because her whole deal was to spy on them and betray Chris, she is just an extra pair of hands and butterfly or not, she will have to kill people). I don't think she knows either.
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multifandomfanficss · 2 years ago
More Than I’m Willing To Lose Part 1
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader
Featuring platonic!11th Street Kids
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Adrian Chase Masterlist
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Prompt: After Project Butterfly, ARGUS decided to make some new additions to the team. You and Adrian have been secretly, hopelessly in love with each other for a year now, but are unaware of the other person’s feelings. Tired of waiting for Adrian, you decide to go on a date with someone else that doesn’t end very well. This is Adrian x GN!Reader.
Warnings: Reader injury, mentions of vomit, gun violence, panic, hospitals, cannon typical Peacemaker violence and language
A/N: So funny story…I’ve actually had the first two chapters of this in my drafts since last August because I was afraid if I posted them I would never finish the fic. A year later I actually wrote two more chapters, even though this was originally only supposed to be three parts. The chapters are done, but are still going through some proofreading and light changes. I’m gonna post a chapter once a week. The original concept for this story was to write what I called at the time “the ultimate hurt/comfort”. The concept I started with was based on an episode of Criminal Minds, but it expanded overtime. I hope you guys enjoy!! ❤️🧜‍♂️❤️
You were happily kicking your feet back and fourth at the table waiting to be let go from the debriefing. After everything went down with the butterflies, ARGUS decided it would be best to expand their small Evergreen team. You were the first addition. They had planned on adding more, but after a year you were still waiting on a big enough mission to present itself for you to be assigned more muscle. Truth be told Harcourt, Adebayo, Vigilante, and Peacemaker could handle themselves. You were great help in the van when Economos needed it. An extra hand was always needed on computers and medical needs. You weren’t a fighter, but you still found your place on the team.
“What are you so happy about?” Adebayo asked in a chipper tone.
“I have a date tonight.” You say blushing. You hadn’t been on a date in a long time. Truth be told, you were holding out for a certain team member of yours, but you feared Adrian would never get the hint and ask you out, let alone even have feelings for you, so you were doing your best to move on. He sat up a little straighter in his chair and stayed uncharacteristically quite, but you didn’t really notice. You were preoccupied by thoughts about your date and questions from your teammates.
“You got a date? Who would wanna date you?” Chris laughs. You roll your eyes.
“A really hot guy! Who’s much cooler and better look than you!” You laugh back at him. You know he’s just teasing, but you can’t help, but feel just a little hurt. You push down the feeling.
“Where did you two meet?” Leota asks.
“At a bar. He walked up to me and we started talking. It was mostly about work, but I didn’t mind listening to him. His job sounded super interesting.” You tell them.
“What do you mean you talked about work? Your job is a secret.” Adrian finally spoke up.
“Well he actually did most of the talking. He doesn’t actually know anything about computers so I just rambled on about coding. He thinks I work as a computer specialist at Best Buy.” You laugh. Adrian’s face stays deadpan.
“What does he do for work?” He asks.
“He’s a lawyer, I think. I don’t know. I can’t really remember what kind of law he specializes in.” You say, hoping to end the conversation. His eyes bore into you.
“Well that’s very exciting and I hope you have fun, but not too much fun. We have to all have to be here at 9am tomorrow.” Harcourt reminds the team. Everybody groans. The meeting ends and you start walking to your car, but Adrian stops you.
“I don’t think you should go on that date.” Adrian starts.
“And why not?” You ask.
“I just have a bad feeling. I don’t think this guy is who he says he is. You barely know anything about him! What if he’s some sort of criminal?!” Adrian begs you to not go on the date. You can’t help, but begin to bubble with anger. This is the first date you’ve gone on in over a year thanks to Adrian and he doesn’t want you to go on this one and the only reason he can pull out of his ass is his stupid intuition? No. You’re going on that fucking date.
“I’m not who I say either. Does that make me dangerous? I appreciate your concern, but I’m going on the date, Adrian.” You say, before leaving him in the parking lot.
Maybe you should have listened to him. The date was nice, but if you were being honest you did feel like he was hiding something. You pushed down the feeling though because you knew you were hiding something too.
Your date Jack was nice enough. He paid for the date and walked you home. It wasn’t until you got home that you felt not just uneasy, but scared. You were walking up the stairs to your door when you heard a clicking noise. You worked around guns enough to know exactly what that sound was. You slowly turned around to confirm your suspicions.
“What are you doing?” You ask.
“Shut up. I’m the one asking the questions.” Jack says. You nod, feeling your breath catch in your throat. It isn’t often you’ve found yourself in trouble like this, but on the rare occasion this did happen your team was always there to keep you safe. Adrian was always there to keep you safe. A tear slipped down your cheek at the thought of Adrian. He told you not to go on this date and you didn’t listen to him. Now you were never going to see him again. “Where is the Task Force X headquarters?” He asks.
“What?” You ask.
“Come on, dumbass! I know you’re on their team. You’re going to tell me everything you know, including who Vigilante is and what you’re currently working on and you’re going to tell me quickly or else you’ll never see your team again.” He rambled, stepping closer, gun pointed at you.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” You cry and play dumb.
“You should really get better security on your home computers. Your computers at work are fine, but the second you got home and pulled out your little laptop, you were mine.” That’s when you stop dead in your tracks. You always do your work from headquarters. Always. Except for the day you worked from home sick.
“I don’t really need you. I could just take your laptop. I just thought this would be more fun. After all, the thrill came entirely from stringing you along. Burglary isn’t really my style and I didn’t really feel like taking the time to hack into your laptop. You were so eager to go out with me too. I barley had to ask.” He laughs before pulling the trigger. You feel a sharp pain in your shoulder and you fall to the ground with a scream, at least you think you screamed. You can’t hear anything over the ringing in your ears. You can’t move. All you can do is cry. You feel hands all over you, searching your pockets. Your keys are taken from you as you watch Jack break into your house. As quickly as he’s in, he’s out, laptop in hand. He’s got what he needs and now he’s going to leave you to die. The ringing starts to go down and you start to feel hands on your body again. You try to move, but cry out in pain. You clench your eyes shut in both fear and pain.
“Please don’t touch me. Please. Please get away from me. Please don’t hurt me anymore” You beg. You don’t know who is above you, but you just hope it isn’t Jack or whoever he may be working with.
“Shhh it’s gonna be okay. I’m here. It’s me. It’s Adrian.” You hear his calming voice and you open your tear stained eyes to see him above you in his Vigilante suit. Your steady stream of tears turns into sobs. You hear footsteps approaching quickly and you start to hyperventilate.
“Peacemaker!” Adrian calls over his shoulder. When you realize it’s just Chris you calm down a little. “We need to get them help.” Adrian says, voice quivering.
“What happened?” Chris asks in shock.
“You were right.” You cry out, taking a deep breath. “I shouldn’t have gone on the date. You were both right. Who would want to go on a date with me? I should have known.” You hiccup through your cries. Chris stiffens.
“Hey, don’t talk like that! We need to go get them help.” Adrian says. You let go of any tears you were previously holding back.
“Please don’t leave me!” You cry. Adrian weaves one hand through your hair and the other holds your cheek as he lightly brushes his thumb across your skin.
“I promise I’ll never leave you. Peacemaker’s gonna go get my car.” Adrian promises.
“I am?” Chris asks.
“Yes, you are dude.” Adrian says, tossing him his keys. Chris runs a couple blocks to the car.
“I’m sorry.” You whine after your sobs subside a little.
“Why are you sorry?” Adrian asks.
“I didn’t listen to you. I should have listened to-“
“No, it’s okay. It’s not your fault.” Adrian cuts you off. Your eyes start to feel heavy.
“Hey, stay with me. Stay awake.” He shakes you lightly.
“I’m so tired. Adrian, I’m so scared. Am I going to die?” You ask him. You think you might faintly hear the car pulling up.
“No, I’m not going to let that happen. Peacemaker’s here. We’re going to take you to the hospital. This is going to hurt, okay?” Adrian asks. You nod and brace yourself, but when he picks you up you don’t think you could have prepared yourself for that kind of pain. You scream and grip his arms, chest, neck- anything you can hold onto.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Adrian rambles out a spew of apologies. Chris hits the gas pedal as soon as you are in the back seat with Adrian.
“I feel like I’m gonna be sick.” You whine.
“It’s okay. You can get sick if you need to. I won’t be upset with you.” Adrian secretly cringes at the thought of you throwing up in his car, but he knows you can’t help it.
“Actually can you try to hold it in because if you get sick, I’ll get sick and I can’t drive and throw up.” Chris requests. Adrian gives him a death glare from the rear view mirror. The two speed to the only hospital they know they can go to, the hospital they all went to after the final fight with the butterflies. The staff is less than happy to see Vigilante and Peacemaker walk back in, but they already know what the two men look like under the mask and the helmet, so it was the safest place to go. When you arrive you’re immediately placed on a bed and rolled away.
“No, I need him! Please!” You scream as you’re hauled away from Adrian. You don’t know wether to call him Adrian or Vigilante because your consciousness is slipping and you can’t remember what he’s dressed as, you just know you need him by your side. The nurses hold you down.
“Don’t move. You’re going to make things worse. He’ll be in the waiting room until you’re out of surgery.” The nurse promised. It broke Adrian’s heart to hear you cry for him and not be able to run to you, but he knew if he interfered that it would only take them longer to help you. The truth was he was scared too. He had never been this scared before. He had never felt like this in his life. He realized he was now also on the verge of throwing up.
“They’re gonna be fine.” Chris promised, placing a had on Adrian’s shoulder. He wasn’t 100% confident, but Adrian didn’t need to know that.
By the time you woke up, the whole team was there and Adrian was in his street clothes again. You saw everyone standing outside the waiting room talking while Adrian slept in a chair with his head against your mattress. You couldn’t really understand what they were saying so you just tuned them out. Instead you focused on Adrian’s breathing and his soft messy curls. You traced each curl with your eyes to calm yourself.
Outside your room the team was talking about you and, little did you know, Adrian.
“I’ve never seen him like this before. I’ve never seen him care so much about someone.” Chris starts.
“I thought he didn’t have emotions.” Economos questions.
“Everyone has emotions, even Adrian.” Adebayo added.
“It’s true. I’ve seen him cry before.” Harcourt added her two cents. They all give her a look.
“But can we at least agree he’s being MORE emotional than usual?” Economos asks. They all nod.
Back in the room you decide to start playing with Adrian’s hair. He jolts awake, only to realize it’s just you and he relaxes into your fingers. He then fully realizes it’s you again and practically jumps out of his seat.
“You’re awake! I’m so thankful that Peacemaker and I were patrolling that area and heard the gun shot. Never do anything like that to me ever again!” Adrian exclaims.
“I’m sorry.” You apologize.
“Don’t be sorry. Just don’t do it again.” Adrian sighs, taking your hand in his. The rest of the team must have heard your conversation because they start to shuffle in.
“Hey, kid.” Chris says softly. You always hated that nickname when you started to work with the team, but you had grown to love it. It was given to you because you were the youngest on the team. You were a few years younger than Adrian making you over 10 years younger than Chris.
“How are you feeling?” Adebayo asks.
“Not so hot.” You make an effort at a laugh. You grip Adrian’s hand a little tighter unintentionally and he gives your hand back a squeeze to remind you he’s there. It’s hard to feel all of the spotlight on you. You can’t help, but feel like you’ve fucked up badly. John shifts uncomfortably where he stands.
“I’m gonna head back the van. I’ll be on coms when you get what you need.” Economos starts to head out.
“What do you need?” You ask.
“Could you give us some privacy?” Harcourt asks for the room. Chris and Adebayo leave to stand outside the door. Adrian reluctantly stands up, but you don’t let go of his hand. It’s embarrassing how you hear your heart monitor increase at the thought of him leaving you again. Harcourt must sense or literally hear your panic, despite trying to keep it down.
“Chase can stay if you want.” She says. You nod and he sits back down. Your heartbeat falls into a steady pace when he starts to rub his thumb against your hand.
“I need to ask you a few questions. They might be kind of hard to answer, but it‘s very important you answer them to keep yourself and the rest of us safe. You can take a break at any time.” She tells you and you nod. The first questions she asked were about Jack’s appearance. It was easy to describe hair color, but when you had to go more into detail it almost felt like you were back there with him. Your heart monitor increased again. You felt a tear slip down your cheek. You avoided looking at Adrian. You should have listened to him when he told you not to go on the date. You then went into detail on what he was looking for and what he asked you. By the end you were crying so hard you could barely get out the words.
“I think they should take a break.” Adrian told Harcourt.
“No, I have to keep going.” You told him.
“No, you don’t (Y/N). You can take a break.” She tells you.
“I have to keep going. It was my fault. First I didn’t check to make sure my connection was secure on my laptop and then I went on a date with him even though you said I shouldn’t. I should have believed you and Chris. Why would a guy like me? It’s my fault. He said I made it easy.” You cry.
“It’s not your fault. Chris was just being an asshole. You are worthy of attention from guys. It’s not your fault you try to see the best in people. Hell, I wonder what you see in me and why you’re my friend everyday.” Adrian says. Truth be told you see much more in Adrian than you’ve ever told him. You think you might love him, but you know you can’t say that. You can’t handle the rejection right now.
“I’m going to go out to the van. I think John’s got something.” She informs you. You forgot they were wearing coms and you weren’t. It was odd to not have their voices in your ear.
After everyone is gone you look back to Adrian.
“Hey Adrian, can I ask you a favor?” You ask.
“I’ll do literally anything for you.” You smile at him.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to…” You trail off, embarrassed by your request.
“What is it? Whatever it is, I’ll do it.” Adrian says, very adamant on helping you.
“Can you lay in bed with me and hold me?” You ask quietly. He smiles.
“Move over.” He instructs you as he helps you settle into the other side of the bed. He takes off his shoes and slowly climbs in, sliding his arms around you. You place your head on his chest so you can hear his heartbeat. You start to drift off to sleep to the sound of his heartbeat and the feeling of his chest rising and falling with his breath.
“I promise I’m never going to let anything like this happen again. I’m going to keep you safe. I’ll make this right. I love you.” He says as you fade away. He must have thought you were already sleeping. You would respond if you didn’t feel so heavy. You’re not even sure if you heard him right. You could just be high on pain meds. You probably just imagined it.
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starsofmilos · 3 years ago
Feel You (Adrian Chase x reader)
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Request: Hey, I wanted to request something where the team was on a really dangerous mission and no one got seriously hurt but there were near misses, and Adrian and the reader have really intense glad-we-didn't-die sex.
I hope you like what I’ve written.
Warnings: sex, rough sex, dom Adrian, p in v, choking, oral (male receiving), degrading, praise, mentions of violence, cursing
In the blink of an eye so many things can go wrong all at once. 
This had to be one of the roughest missions you all had have in so long. You all hadn’t felt this desperate since the first time you had to fight the cow. 
Adrian groaned a bit as you and him carried John out. He had been hurt. You all had been.
Ignoring the throbbing of your leg, you carried on wishing and hoping you all would make it out of this. Letting John go, you kicked the nearest door open all of you quickly running in.
Chris and Emilia began to barricade the door as you dropped your bag out getting your first aid kit. “Okay John is first, then Adebayo, Harcourt, Chris and then Adrian. I’m treating all of you from worse to least. Got it?” 
Everyone called out in agreement. “What about you?” Adrian asked you as you took a look at John’s side. 
“I’ll be fine. i’m not hurt at all.” You gave him a reassuring smile. Adrian stared at you though his visor.
You nodded starting to disinfect John’s wounds. “Y/N you’re bleeding.” Harcourt yelled out in shock.
“Oh don’t worry. It’s just a gash on my leg. I’ll be okay.” You did the stitches on John quickly. 
Adebayo sat in front of you letting you stitch up her forehead. “You should be okay.” She nodded in thanks. 
Adrian stared at you the entire time you worked on everyone. He could see you struggling to stay up. Sweat beaded your forehead, you grunted a bit almost falling while putting bandages on Chris.
Emilia had already began working a plan for all of you to get out of here. You leaned a bit on Adrian sighing in relief to get the pressure off your leg.
“Let me patch you up now-”
“I’m fine Y/N stay.”
“I will hold you down by force if you don’t listen. Just stay.” You sighed leaning on to him getting the pressure off your leg. Adrian winced seeing your leg. 
“Sorry I’ll get off-”
“No I’m fine, but dude that looks bad.” You sighed.
“Just need to patch it up..I’ll be fine..” 
Adrian shook his head lifting you to sit on his lap. “Adebayo can you patch her up-”
“No I’m fine-” 
“Let her patch you up.” 
Leota smiled a bit at you two bickering grabbing the first aid kit. “Hey you’re always being the doctor for us. Let me take care of you.” You sighed letting her cut your pants a bit wincing as she peeled the blood soaked fabric back.
Adrian let you grip his hand. You groaned a bit in his shoulder as she cleaned it up. “Harcourt I don’t think Y/N should walk for the time being.” 
Emilia sighed seeing your wound, “I’ll be fine-”
“You can’t walk Y/N-” She tried to shoot you down.
“Neither can John! We can’t afford to have another one of us not moving. We have to carry John out of here too!” 
“I can help carry him.” Chris spoke up. 
You shook your head, “Adrian and you are the least injured. We need you both to cover us. I promise. I’ll be fine.”
“I got it.” Emilia spoke up.
“We need to blow them all to smithereens.”
“There are fifty of those stupid blood sucking alien things roaming around. How are we gonna do that?”
“What?” Chris turned to Adrian.
“That’s what I call them. Vamliens. You know shorter term than blood sucking aliens.”
Emilia sighed pinching the bruise of her nose as you chuckled a bit. Adebayo gave them a incredulous look as John sighed.
“You could still move right Y/N?” You nodded. 
“Okay while we set up the bombs. You need to lead them to us.”
“What?” You gave her a small shocked look. 
“Your blood is the best bait.” 
“No no! She can’t walk!” Adrian chimed in moving you behind him. “I am not letting you use her like she’s expendable-”
“Vigilante this is our job. I’m not saying she’s expendable. She wouldn’t be alone leading them.”
“What?” Everyone asked in confusion.
“We just need her scent and blood. Chase do you think you could carry her and shoot at the same time. Chris will go as back up.”
“I would say John, but he’d be harder to carry.” 
“Thanks for that.” John chimed in grunting in pain. 
“I can do that.” Adrian nodded. “Okay..You’re gonna latch on to my back okay?” You nodded wrapping your arms over Adrian’s shoulders as he grunted heaving you on his back.
“I got you okay?” He reassured you. You nodded resting on his shoulder.
“Let’s go kill some fucking vamliens.” Chris cocked his gun as Emilia opened the door. 
Adrian shot precisely not letting them get within five feet of you. You yelped a bit as one them reached for you. Adrian turned around shoving his gun down it’s throat shooting.
“We need to get to the front!” You yelled out.
“I know!!” Adrian grunted out running with you. Chris shot behind before turning to run. 
“Harcourt how’s it going!?”
“We’re set up. Right now since they’re all on you we’re getting John to the van! The timer’s been set you all have two minutes!” 
You gripped Adrian a bit screaming as he fell. He stood up shakily reaching for you. “Adrian..I think you both might have to leave me behind.”
Chris stood behind you both shooting them away. “We have to go!” He yelled out.
“No don’t be stupid Y/N! We are not leaving you!” Adrian yelled out hauling you up. He ran this time carrying you bridal style. 
“I got you! Okay!” You nodded. 
“I just don’t wanna slow you guys down..”
“You’re not.” He panted smiling a bit as he saw the door. 
Chris ran to the door pushing it open having Adrian and you run out first. He slammed the door close locking it tightly.
You both ran for a bit before screaming as the building exploded behind you. The force of it made you all fall. Once you recovered you opened your eyes hearing the ringing from the explosive. 
“Adrian!” You called out for him. Sighing in relief as he went to you helping you up. 
“You’re okay. You’re okay..I got you..” Chris sat up grinning.
“Yes!!” He cheered. 
“We fucking did it!!” Adrian grinned at his words picking you up again. 
“Let’s go!” You grinned hugging Adrian. He laughed gripping your waist tightly. You all turned seeing Emilia pull up with the van.
“Get in!” Adrian helped you in the van yanking his mask off for fresh air. He yelped a bit in surprise as you yanked him to you kissing him. 
“We survived!” He nodded kissing you again. 
“Dudes..gross.” John grimaced. Adrian flipped him off not pulling away from you. 
Adrian kept a hand on you at all times on the drive back. “I’m gonna take us to a motel okay?” Emilia called out. You all agreed wanting to rest for the night before going home.
Adrian kept rubbing your thigh mindful of your gash. “Wanna help me shower?” You purred in his ear. Adrian smiled nodding eagerly. 
“Fuck yeah..I do.” You kissed his jaw going up to his ear. 
“Good..I need you close Adrian..” He nodded.
“I need you close too.”
Once making it to the hotel, Adrian grabbed your bags practically yanking the key from Emilia before hauling you over his shoulder. You laughed hanging off off of him.
You both were high on adrenaline. Adrian set you gently down on the bed before ripping his armor off of him as quickly as you could. You took your top off getting flustered as Adrian groaned seeing your bare chest.
“Fuck!” He moved down kissing you quickly before pulling your nipple in his mouth. You moaned out loudly as he moved back sucking your other one.
“Adrian..Shower..” He nodded helping you stand. 
“Sorry I just had too. Let me get your pants off.” You nodded as he yanked them down going slowly when it came to your gash. 
“Before we do anything let me change your bandages and clean the cut.” You nodded in thanks as he settled on the floor gently unwrapping the gauze. You smiled seeing him be so gentle with your cut.
Usually it was the opposite, you were always the one bandaging him and cleaning him up. Adrian grinned up at you as he wrapped it nicely. You smirked seeing him happily staring up at you.
“Adrian?” He hummed kissing your knee. You spread your legs letting him see the wet patch on your underwear. Adrian stopped kissing your knee staring straight at your core.
“Fuck..” He took a shaky breath. Adrian looked up at you with a desperate look in his eyes. “Can I fuck you?”
You nodded, “I thought that’s what we were planning on-”
“No like can I just fuck you? I promise I’ll eat you out after. I just fuck I don’t know what I want more. I just know I need to be inside of you please-”
You leaned down kissing him. “Yeah you can.” 
He grinned excitedly standing up to yank your underwear off. You smiled as he leaned down kissing you. Gripping the back of his head, you deepened the kiss. At this moment Adrian and you just needed to feel each other.
“Fuck!” You groaned out as he rubbed his cock over your lips. When did he slip his boxers off?
Adrian slapped his cock against your clit smirking as you thrusted up. He settled outside your entrance staring at your facial expressions. You moaned as he began to push in.
“Sorry..I should’ve prepped you, but I couldn’t wait-” You wrapped your good leg around him pushing him in fully. Adrian choked hiding his face in your neck.
“Adrian move.” 
“Are you sure?”
“Please fucking move- AH!” You gasped out as he began a ruthless pace. 
“Fuck fuck fuck!!” He groaned thrusting in roughly. Adrian wrapped his hand around your throat putting pressure. You whimpered as he fucked you with rigor. 
There was no slow build. Adrian just needed you to feel good. To know that he made you feel good.
“So beautiful..Thank you Y/N! Fuck fuck!! Such a tight pussy. So fucking good pretty slut.”
You nodded struggling to speak. “Adrian! I-!” You panted as he cut you off smashing his lips to yours.
“You don’t have to say anything. Let me fucking take care of my pretty whore.” He grunted kissing you deeply.
Your teeth clacked with his as he forced his tongue in your mouth. You gripped his shoulders surprise with yourself already feeling your fist release of the night approaching.
“Can I cum?” You whispered to him as he sucked your neck leaving dark marks that would take weeks to go away.
“Cum for me. Don’t stop cumming for me Y/N.” You wailed a bit as he used his thumb to rub your clit sitting up to reach a different angle. 
“Adrian! Adrian!” You came around his cock. Adrian grinned continuing his brutal pace. 
You cursed as he slapped your boobs before groping them. “Fuck such a good girl. Fuck! You’re mine! Mine! Nothing can fucking take you from me! Got it?” 
“Fuck! Nothing can t-take me f-from you!!” You sobbed out as he pulled out. 
He gripped your chin kissing you. “Nothing can take you from me Y/N. I’d fight anyone and kill anyone who fucking tries.” 
You nodded gripping his shoulders as he lifted you up. He slid inside you wrapping your legs around his waist. Adrian walked into the restroom turning the water on while still holding you with one arm. 
He moaned a bit as you thrusted against him. “Need to feel you Adrian! Please..Please! I need to feel you-” You screamed as he pushed you on the counter beginning to fuck you.
“Desperate fucking whore. Couldn’t fucking wait huh?” You shook your head whining as he slipped his fingers in your mouth.
“Suck.” Humming around his fingers, Adrian grinned before yanking them away moving them to your clit. 
You babbled feeling weak and sensitive. It felt too much but not enough at the same time. You were in shock feeling how fast your second orgasm was approaching. Adrian was practically feral with how he was fucking you.
“I’m gonna cum again..” You whimpered out. Adrian nodded kissing you everywhere he could reach. 
“Cum for me fucking slut. Cum slut. I know you want it greedy whore.” Lights blinded you as you came once more. Adrian caught you before your head could fall back and hit the mirror.
You panted as he slowed down. “That good huh?” He laughed as you nodded falling on him. 
“Wait you didn’t-”
“Don’t worry..I don’t need too.” 
“No! It’s not fair to you-”
“I just needed to feel you close Y/N. I can always rub one out later.” He peppered kisses to the side of your head taking a deep breath as he slid out. 
You pouted as he helped you into the shower. Adrian washed you gently mindful of your injured leg. You kept staring at his painful erection.
“I can feel your eyes on it and I promise you it’s okay.” You sighed as he dried you off carrying you to bed. Adrian sat you down going to get you water. 
He stood in front of you as you sat on the edge of the bed glaring at him. Adrian smiled leaning down to kiss your forehead yelping a bit as you grabbed the waist band of his boxers.
“Y/N.” He gave you a warning glare before groaning as you yanked his boxers to his knees using your hand to rub his tip.
“Fuck..” He took a shaky breath. Adrian thrusted a bit as you began to stroke him. 
“Let me take care of you Adrian..I still need to feel you please..”
“Your leg-”
“My leg is hurt not my mouth.” You ran your tongue along his shaft. He moaned gripping your head.
“Y/N..” You smiled taking him in your mouth.
“If you really want me to stop tell me and I’ll stop?” Adrian glared forcing himself back in your mouth.
“You fucking talk to much get back to it.” You chuckled around him beginning to bob your head. He groaned trying not to thrust his hips forward.
“Fuck! Such a good cock sucker..Good fucking cock sucker..You know just what I like Y/N..” He ran his hand gently around your jaw as you stared up at him in appreciation. 
Adrian threw his head back cursing as you began fondling his balls. You gagged a bit as he thrusted forward. You pulled off to kiss his v-line and thighs. 
“You can thrust in my mouth if you want too Adrian..I can handle it..” He moaned seeing you take him fully in your mouth.
“Fuck Fuck!! You want that? Want me to fuck your throat?” You nodded bobbing your head. Adrian grinned seeing you rub your thighs together. 
“You turned on again? Such an eager whore...You want me to fuck your needy little cunt again huh?” You whined as he began to thrust in your mouth.
“Fuck such a good girl..Thank you Y/N..I don’t ever wanna fucking lose you. Fuck! fuck!” He pulled out feeling himself grow close. 
Pushing you down on the bed, he gently moved your injured leg throwing your other one over his shoulder. You cried out feeling Adrian push in.
He thrusted this time with a purpose. He was chasing his release only. This is what you wanted. You moaned out grabbing his hand. Adrian had never gone this rough before. He was unhinged and vulnerable at the same time.
You loved it. 
He had never been this desperate before. Adrian clutched your leg tightly as he leaned down kissing you. You moaned pulling him close. “I need you..I need you!!” You gasped as he grunted.
Sweat formed on his forehead as he pulled out turning you over, “You okay?” You nodded before screaming out as he pushed in. Adrian groaned gripping your hips tightly fucking you.
You felt tears brim your eyes. Adrian fucked you into the mattress. The only sounds that you could make out were his grunts and the sloppiness of you cunt.
“Fuck! Fuck! You feel so good! Mine! My pussy! My cock slut! You hear that Y/N? You are my cock slut!” He grunted his words out biting your shoulder.
“So fucking wet and tight!! Do you feel good?”
“Yes Adrian I do!! I feel so good!!” You wailed out crying into the sheets. Nothing else mattered to you in this moment besides the feeling of Adrian. You were ignoring the throbbing in your leg focusing on the bittersweet pleasure.
You both needed this. Both of you too weak to admit that you had gotten scared of losing each other. Adrian had been terrified when he saw your gash and when Emilia brought up using you as bait he was ready to blow a fuse.
He began to moan feeling you begin to seize. You sobbed out as he went faster wanting you to reach your high before him. The air began to leave your lungs as you clenched the bedsheets beneath you.
“I’m gonna cum..” You whimpered as he reached around pinching your clit. You choked a bit gasping cumming hard. 
Adrian whimpered continuing his unhinged thrusts. You keened feeling the sensitivity from your orgasm. Every time he thrusted it felt like you were falling over again and again.
Finally Adrian groaned out gripping your hips pulling you flush to him as he came deep inside. You moaned feeling the warmth spread inside of you. 
Adrian rubbed your sore hips pulling out with a small plop. He grinned seeing his release fall onto the sheets. He kissed your back and neck flipping you over kissing you repeatedly. 
You hummed appreciatively kissing him back. He got us grabbing a small rag wetting it to clean you up. “Did such a good job...Thank you Y/N..” You nodded as he whispered sweet nothings while getting you dressed. 
“I fucking adore you..You know that right?” You nodded kissing his chest as he clutched you tightly.
“I love you too..”
“I meant it when I said I’d never let you go..You can’t leave me okay?” You smiled playing with his fingers. 
“I know..”
“Good..I’ll protect you with everything I have..I swear it..” He kissed your shoulder falling into a deep sleep with you. 
You both owed John and Chris in the bedroom next to you a huge apology the next day. 
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she-wolf09231982 · 2 years ago
Chapter 1: Who's the New Guy?
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Author Note: Mature Audience, Character introduction, Vigilante/Adrian Chase x Female, Joining 11th Street Kids, Cursing/Explicit Language, Military/Law Enforcement Terminology, Mentions of weaponry/violence, near panic attack, Sentences in Italics implies flashbacks or character thoughts
Summary: You are the new addition to the ARGUS team. Emilia Harcourt who now runs operations brought you in because of your special specific skill sets from serving in the military, which earns you some good rapport but also unwanted attention from the other team members.
Emilia Harcourt brought you to this team because they needed all the help they could get after the beating they took from Project Butterfly and being one man down. The two of you went to high school together but went your separate ways after graduation. She went CIA while you enlisted in the military and landed on the Special Warfare team in 2001. You were perfect for the job.
“…just keep an open mind when you get here. This group is, uh, quite colorful to say the least.” Emilia forewarned over the phone. “I trust your judgement, though”
“Sure, sounds like fun.” You say mockingly. You hang up and plop back onto your bed staring at the ceiling in deep thought about what kind of train wreck you may be getting yourself into with this new team.
The next morning you walk through the threshold of the front entrance of Henenlotter Video. The bell chiming from the door opening caused the group to pause and look in your direction. The silence filled the room as each of you look the other over, sizing eachother up. Harcourt’s voice broke the quiet.
“Guys meet, Y/N, an old friend of mine from high school. She has a lot to bring to the table so let’s make sure we keep this one around.”
Harcourt shoots you an approving look and smirks. You grin and nod back, then look back to survey the group’s response. Peacemaker (Chris) studies you from head to toe with a slight smile obviously undressing you with his mind. Leota Adebayo gave a little wave and smiled at you.
“She seems nice,” you thought to yourself.
John Economos gazed at you perplexed through his spectacles like he was trying to figure out a math equation. Then the guy in the black and teal suit who you recognize from the news as Vigilante. You felt his stare piercing your soul through the red visor of his mask.
“What’s with this guy?” You thought.
You find an empty chair outside their circle so you could keep the entire room in view and listen in to the rest of Harcourt’s briefing.
Economos and Adebayo sat at their desks on their laptops as Peacemaker and Vigilante were competing who was faster at disassembling and reassembling their guns. You sat with Harcourt in her office while she explained what it is you guys do “do” here. As she was speaking, you catch Vigilante glancing at you through the office windows quite frequently. Not even trying to hide that he’s looking at you when you make eye contact with him.
You interrupt Harcourt, “What’s that guy’s deal?” not taking your eyes off Vigilante as you speak. She looked where you were looking and scoffed.
“That’s Adrian Chase…or Vigilante. He’s a bit of a sociopath, but a good teammate.  You don’t need to worry about him unless you graffiti public property while you’re smoking weed.”
You look at her with confusion then chuckle, “Yeah, right,” you say.
“No, really…sociopath.” She repeated.
Your eyes widen then look back at the suited man, again catching him staring at you with his arms crossed, then slowly turning away while keeping his intense gaze in your direction. All you could do was hum in wonder at this, because what the actual fuck? That’s why.
As weeks turned into months, you’ve started to gel with the group already. The business of crime fighting was slow, so you guys spent a lot of time in the store following up on leads and keeping up with the news of anything that may be sketchy. Since you and Vigilante were the most experienced with reconnaissance, you were normally paired up to stealthily gather intel when necessary. Both of you suited up and joined forces quite frequently. His death stares from across the room diminished ultimately and has earned you good rapport with him. As a matter of fact, you two have become pretty close. Chris has repeatedly poked fun at Adrian about it because you can often find him at your desk hovering over you. You thought it was just Chase being Chase and didn’t give it a second thought.
Adrian couldn’t help it, though. He was drawn to you. You guys had a lot in common. And he admired that your suit was flawlessly tactical with no gaps in sight for rounds or shrapnel to get through.
“Genius…” he once thought to himself.
As the six of you were in the store going about your work, John exploded suddenly,
“Now I know who you are!!” He pointed at you from across the room.
You looked behind you then pointed at yourself with no words.
He continued, “Ya! It’s been fucking with me since you got here!” He still pointed at you with his eyes wide and a proud smile.
“Ooookay…so who is she?” Chris asked. You and Harcourt exchanged looks of concern.
“How could you guys not see??” John looked around at everyone then looked back at you, “She-Wolf?? Anybody? Nobody caught this??”
John stood there arms open palms up waiting for the rest of the group to catch up. Everyone but John exchanged looks of confusion at first then
Adebayo spoke, “No way, She-Wolf went MIA in 2018. There’s no way she’d just turn up out of nowhere. And for what? For this?” she gestured to the sorry excuse of a headquarters that they worked from.
“No, he’s right!” Chris said, gaping at you. “They reported her dead eventually, even though they never found her body. But she had a very distinct tattoo behind her ear, branding her as part of the spec ops team “The Pack.” I thought I saw the tat on her when we were at Fennel Fields awhile back but couldn’t really tell.”
“…I knew I should’ve gotten better concealer to cover that.” You thought yourself.
“Well, shit!! That’s badass as fuck!” Adebayo squealed.
Harcourt shook her head and held it in her hand like she had a migraine. Adrian looked at you in shock at first, then his mouth curled into a smile of admiration. His head tilted a bit trying to make eye contact with you as you stared towards the floor. You slowly look up and came face to face with his soft green eyes smiling back at you. His stare sends chills up your spine. Your chest tightens and stomach is all a flutter while your heart races. What is happening?? Why is this happening? Should I deny it? Not say anything? Admit to all of it? Neither confirm nor deny? The room started to close in on you...You needed some air. You stood up gradually and calmly (even though inside, you were a hot mess) walk out the back of the store into the alley.
Everyone fell silent looking at each other in uncertainty.
“Just…give her a minute.” Harcourt said as she walked into her office to find some ibuprofen.
Adrian followed you outside. He found you sitting on the bumper of the van, hands on top of your head fingers interlaced trying to open your lungs up so you could catch your breath. Your eyes were closed while you inhaled and exhaled, and you suddenly choked on air gasping when he suddenly appeared out of nowhere scaring the hell out of you.
“WHAT THE FUU….??” You put your hand over your chest trying to slow your breaths. “What the hell are you doing, Adrian??” You take in a deep breath of air, then put your head back exhaling upward
He approached you cautiously, stopping at a safe distance from where you sat.
“…Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. Didn’t know anyone could sneak up on She-Wolf.” He said teasingly.
Your eyes darted at him like daggers. He threw both hands up, signifying he didn’t want any trouble.
“Whoa, easy there, killer,” he said smiling. “Just trying to lighten the mood.” You look away from him slowly and continue collecting yourself. He continued, “Is it ok to….sit?”
You look at him puzzled. “Um, yeah,” you said.
You look down at the gravel, eyebrows furrowed, awaiting the flood gate of questions about to burst open. But he said nothing. He asked nothing. He sat next to you, legs dangling and swinging like a little kid, staring with his head slightly tilted with a trivial smile, zoning out. He really is a mystery.
“So, you ok?” he finally asked keeping his gaze straight forward, then side eyeing you.
You look at him, and nod. Both of you sat there in silence, probably waiting for the other one to say something…anything. Truth is, he wanted to ask you tons of questions. He loved the idea that he’d been working with a combat celebrity this whole time. Adrian started to let out impatient sighs.
You look at him, “what?” you asked him.
He snapped his head at you unaware you heard him sighing outloud.
“Oh…well, I was trying to figure something out.” He paused.
“Okaaaay? Go on.” You urged, genuinely curious.
He continued to stare outward, and kind of squinted through his wired framed glasses in thought,
“What’s a group of moose called? Mooses? Meese?” He was genuinely baffled, and you erupted with a laugh that caused you to cough a little. He looked at you and continued,
“No really!” he chuckled, “What’s it called??” He looked at you awaiting your answer.
You let out a deep exhale, “I think a group of ‘moose’ is just a herd, Adrian.”
You explain with a smile shaking your head, then looking at him,
“Thanks for that. I needed to laugh.”
He gave you a crooked smile, green eyes sparkling at you. You haven’t noticed until now how soft his features are. Considering the line of work he’s in, anyone else would look rough, and aged. Because he doesn’t let things bother him like most people do, you surmise that’s how he preserves his appealing boyish looks. He seems to be lost in your gaze as well.
You didn’t realize you were staring at him studying how handsome he is, until Chris’ voice came crashing through the moment like a cannon.
“Hey, bitches! We need you two in here!” He barks. You both snapped out of it, a bit shook from the explosive interruption.
You both let out a breath, then looked back at eachother,
“Shall we?” Adrian asked. You nodded then walked back into the store together.
Chapter 2: Shenanigans & Saliva
Chapter 3: Dirrty Adrian
Chapter 4: My Hero
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adventseven · 3 years ago
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Peacemaker Premiere Review
His show is finally here! James Gunn’s new twisted masterpiece has come to HBO MAX and it’s one of the most enjoyable superhero shows I’ve watched in quite a while.
Peacemaker stars John Cena as Peacemaker, Danielle Brooks as Leota Adebayo, Jennifer Holland as Emilia Harcourt, Chukwudi Iwuji as Clemson Murn, Steve Agee as John Economos, Robert Patrick as Auggie Smith/White Dragon, and Freddie Stroma as Adrian Chase/Vigilante.
First off, minor spoilers ahead but none that reveal too much about the plot or anything important. Most just points for character breakdowns and funny moments I heard and wrote down.
The DCEU was what renewed my interest in comic book entertainment last year as I started to lose interest after I saw Avengers: Endgame. While I did like The Snyder Cut, The Suicide Squad was the DC film and comic book film I was most excited for in 2021. Boy did it deliver, and Cena's Peacemaker was part of why I enjoyed the film so much. I love a good villain, especially one as funny and backwards as Peacemaker. After what happened in the movie, I was really interested to see how they'd make DC's Star Spangled Douchebag a likable protagonist.
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Peacemaker danced right into my heart and then hip tossed me into a new world of action and depravity. A raunchy thrill ride to the tune of 80s rock music that kept the show going at an energetic pace. The action is fun, the characters are great, and it might just be the best DC thing Warner Bros has put out since The Suicide Squad. At this point I’d say I like both Peacemaker and The Suicide Squad about equally.
Pardon my language, now and at other parts of the review, but this show is fucking bananas. If you thought Deadpool was the pinnacle of R-Rated superhero comedies, then you are gonna be pulverized by the jokes and antics in Peacemaker. The words that came out of Peacemaker’s mouth are so shocking at times that I had to pause the show and process what he said. You know, like when you hear someone say something really messed up and you have to put your hands over your mouth and think to yourself “my god, they really did just say that,” and then you continue watching to see what they will say next? Good, I’m glad I’m not the only one who does that. 
All kinds of humor are present in Peacemaker, everything from well-written jokes to slapstick to the occasional appearance of comical nudity. There’s a moment in episode three where Adebayo accidentally shows a nude she got from her wife to Peacemaker that I thought was particularly funny, specifically because of Peacemaker’s reaction. Even the titles of the episodes are kinda funny.
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Peacemaker himself is very much not a good person. He’s like if Captain America was a self-centered, homicidal, unhinged dick. But even still, deep down under his tighty whities (and what could possibly be the best superhero physique I’ve seen just yet), Peacemaker is a soft-hearted man who is just trying to be a good guy in the way he thinks is best. John Cena is able to deliver every joke flawlessly and show a good range of emotion. He also ugly cries like a pro to the tune of “Don’t Treat Me Bad” by Firehouse.
Unfortunately for Peacemaker, the way he fights for good gets him roped back into working for a new A.R.G.U.S. team that wants him to kill possible threats to the US-of-A, codenamed “Butterflies.” Not to mention a one-sided borderline stalkery friendship with Vigilante, a killer more unhinged than Peacemaker himself. The new team get Peacemaker to work for them by not so kindly reminding him that he still has a bomb in his head.
Project Butterfly is a fun group of characters. John Economos and Emilia Harcourt return from The Suicide Squad and both have to deal with Peacemaker’s antics. Economos is emotionally worn down with constant bullying and Harcourt gets hit with some absolutely deplorable, disgusting flirting. The leader, Mr. Murm, is a former mercenary trying to atone for his past. It definitely seems like he’s hiding something too, like he knows more than he’s letting on. The last teammate, Leota Adebayo, is new to black ops/spy stuff and is the most sympathetic towards Peacemaker, even though he also grosses her out. She has a big secret of her own, one that is kept from the team but known to the audience.
The “Butterflies” are the main antagonists of the series. I don’t want to say too much about them but I will say they are everywhere and could be anyone. Some even have the power and influence to hire D-Level supervillains like Judomaster, who put up a surprisingly good fight against both Peacemaker and Vigilante. He’s so skilled he even makes a Flamin Hot Cheeto look deadly. Okay maybe not deadly but at least he could hit you hard enough with one that it would leave a red dusted bruise.
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Vigilante is a nitwit, a man so needy for Peacemaker’s attention that he will follow him everywhere he goes and blow up his phone with a million phone calls. He is also a deadshot with a gun and even more okay with killing anybody and anyone who is bad, no matter how big or mild the crime. There’s a moment where Peacemaker and a housewife he hooks up with are having some post-coital weed and Vigilante whines about how he wishes pot was still illegal so he could still kill potheads. It’s silly stuff like that which makes Vigilante kind of charming. Also if Vigilante wanted to keep killing potheads, he could just move to Nebraska or Florida.
Peacemaker’s dad, alt-righter and white supremacist Auggie “White Dragon” Smith, is even more of a piece of shit than Peacemaker. While people might assume Peacemaker is racist, his dad actually is. There’s a moment where he calls an Asian-American detective “Egg Foo Young” and I think about that at least once an hour. Like god damn bro, he really just said that. His dad is also very verbally abusive to him, constantly pointing out how he thinks Peacemaker is weak and worthless. Still, his dad helps Peacemaker by making him special helmets and taking care of Peacemaker’s most prized possession, Eagly, while Peacemaker was stuck in prison.
Overall I’d say that this premiere is a smash hit. If you have a chance to watch it, do take it. The soundtrack to the show is also fun, and can be found on Spotify. At some point during Episode 2, Peacemaker makes fun of Economos by saying "you are so fucked up, it’s adorable," and I gotta say, I can't think of a more perfect way to sum up this show and every character in it. I’m excited to see where this show goes and what bonkers situation Peacemaker gets stuck in next.
Ep.1 A Whole New Whirled: 9.1/10, Ep.2 Best Friends, For Never: 9.2/10, Ep.3 Better Goff Dead: 9/10
By Julian Hayden
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abbynx · 3 years ago
Eleventh Street Kids as things I have said
Genre: Crack
Warning: Swearing, me being an idiot, mentions of intentional starvation
A/N: There's nothing else to say.
Chris "Peacemaker" Smith
- "If it makes you feel better, I thought glockenspiel was a type of gun."
- "Imagine going down on Lucifer though..."
- *Having a breakdown in the bathroom and tries to hide the sounds of my crying by blasting sad songs in the shower when D!ck by starboi ft. Dona Cat* "Um, excuse me I'm trying set the perfect atmosphere for a breakdown—"
- "I know I'm an idiot, but I'm not always an idiot."
Adrian "Vigilante" Chase
- "We're demonic as fuck, but we have standards."
- "Fuck smoking, I like my vocal chords and lungs."
- "A hypocrite knows what a hypocrite knows. I should know, I'm a hypocrite."
Emilia Harcourt
- *When my friends do something embarrassing in public* "I do not know these people."
- *Gives advice to people but I myself don't follow my own*
- "This is stupid" *continues to do the stupid*
- "Go deep throat a cactus."
Leota Adebayo
- "I'm the least unstable among us and that's saying something."
- "I'm the therapist who needs a therapist."
- "Oh uh, I hope a himbo who is in need of emotional support doesn't appear on my front door."
John Economos
- *Reads a copious amounts of fanfiction until the crack of dawn* "I don't know why I'm so dizzy today. I'm gonna distract myself by reading more fanfiction."
- "I'm eating a three year old Graham cracker in the middle of the night after starving myself for a whole day, what do you want?"
- "I feel like sometimes my words come out as a dumb dialogue written by Riverdale writers."
Clemson Murn
- "Sometimes I feel so dumb but then I look at you guys and I feel so much better."
- "What even is socialising."
- "Aww. Good job." Says me with the most blank, unimpressed face and flat voice.
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