#(she did and its working on niko)
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ratatatastic · 28 days ago
4 nations face off team finland media availability | 2.12.25
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"One of those moments where you play against really good friend, but at the same time, like, when the puck drops you're not thinking about that."
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"No friends out there. I bet if he gets a chance, he's gonna hit me."
4 nations face off team usa vs team finland | 2.13.25
#aleksander barkov#niko mikkola#matthew tkachuk#florida panthers#4 nations face off#2425#“what would it be like facing matthew tkachuk?” “great 😄”#← divorcio includes taking immense joy in the shenanigans that come from it#“last time i played against him i didn't know him personally at all.”#“all i knew was he was a tough. tough to play against and really really good player.”#“now that i know him from so close like last past 3 yrs playing with him so much and spending time with him and getting to know him so well#“one of those moments where you play against really good friend”#sasha this is called a renewing your wedding vows after going through divorcio scares#and other ways to romance your wife again so you takes it easy on you (and she did. it worked)#do you know how funny it is to see maffhew so docile with sasha and not trying shit when he realises its sasha#and then looking mikksy dead in the eyed after the period ends and shoving him off#she has favourites!#and also mikksy greatly enjoys so you know#“its gonna be fun x2” you two have very different definitions of fun from the rest of us#thats 2 tallies for maffhew getting “hes a funny guy” when a kitty talks about facing him as an enemy (forsy. mikksy)#forsy “i know maffhew i know how to get under his skin and he knows that :)” vs mikksy “i dont know we'll see :))”#keep the nuclear codes close to your hearts boys#there is a lot of comedy in mikksy not engaging maffhew like he usually does when anyone gets near his goalie#and sasha doing all he can to shove maffhew while maffhew just does not do anything about it
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scarameownya · 1 month ago
no thoughts in head... just yuri ppgear... thoughts....
nsfw in the tags cause omg im too shy to share it here
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terresdebrume · 7 months ago
Work is kinda hectic rn, my knees are NOT liking how much traveling between floors I have to do, and I am missing sleep like crazy so my WIPs are staying largely untouched but I HAD to push out this concept for a maybe-someday fic in the I'm down on my knees universe
Written for the free square day of @painlandweek . Have some hurt/comfort ft Charles and how he feels about his mum. Also belatedly tagging @ghostinthelibrarywrites bc I think you'll enjoy it and I accidentally posted a thing that was meant to stay a draft again xD
Charles is sitting on the doorstep. It's almost eight PM on a weeknight, Edwin is just back from a fun-study session—which is really just Maren's way of saying she wants beer with her textbooks—tired, brain swimming with texts of law, and more than a little tipsy... And Charles Rowland is sitting on his doorstep. His building's doorstep. The difference is irrelevant.
Caught off guard, Edwin blinks, and stares at Charles.
He is curled up on the ground, spine back in that parenthesis shape it had back in school. His elbows are on his knees, hands buried into the hair at the back of his neck, his eyes closed. Edwin takes in the tension in Charles' shoulders, the way the fading sunlight catches the green vines tattooed on his left forearm, the slow, deliberate depth of movement around his ribcage, and decides against calling out to him. Instead, Edwin walks up to him until Charles can no longer ignore the footsteps, and waits for him to speak.
"Hi," Charles says, muffled, from between his elbows.
"Hi," Edwin replies, chest twisting when the last hope he had that Charles was just a bit tired evaporates like rhum from a flambé.
He steps forward again, then ignores the fresh layer of summer dust on the steps and sits down next to Charles, deliberately picking a position that makes their hips and shoulders touch. Charles leans into it immediately, turning a light contact into solid pressure, and Edwin sighs. Things could be worse.
"I did not expect you tonight," Edwin prompts, trying to make himself as gentle as he can.
Tuesday nights are when Charles and Niko's dance classes take place. Edwin has never known either of them to miss one, so Charles' presence here is one more sign that whatever is going on is not to be taken lightly. As if to confirm Edwin's suspicions, Charles sighs, and mumbles:
"I ran into my mum."
Edwin freezes. For some reason, in the few months since he and Charles reunited, it never quite clicked for him that Charles' parents, for all that Charles hasn't had any contact with them for nearly eight years now, exist in the same world they do. London is such a large, dense city, it is easy to make your life in a corner of it and never step outside its boundaries. Edwin's parents certainly treat Kensington like an insular country only worth leaving for the richer shores of Mayfair, when they deign to visit the capital at all. Just like Edwin and Charles existed less than ten minutes away from each other for months without having a clue, the possibility of him running into Mr. or Mrs. Rowland by accident did not even cross Edwin's mind. Nor Charles', from the look of things.
"That must have been a shock," Edwin says.
He does not know enough to infuse more feelings into his response. Charles, for all that he shares his smiles, his affections and the chief of his worldly possessions freely, has remained incredibly tight lipped about his past. The summary of what Edwin knows of Charles' youth is quite easy to make.
Fact the first: at the age of sixteen, not one term into his stay at St. Hilarion's School for Boys, Charles Rowland jumped into a pool full of a deadly allergy trigger to save Edwin's life.
Fact the second: for the remainder of that school year, Charles endeavoured to make Edwin's life as painless as possible. His presence remains, by far, the brightest highlight of Edwin's adolescence.
Fact the third: at the age of seventeen, or near enough, Charles ran away from what he described as a bad home situation exactly once and proceeded never to mention again. It is Edwin's understanding that Charles may have escaped with nothing but the clothes on his back that day.
Two of those facts, Edwin knows because he was a direct witness to them, and the third was only shared with him because he accidentally made it an implicit condition to renewing his acquaintance with Charles.
Charles Rowland is not an emotional sharer, and Edwin is sort of at a loss.
"Yeah," Charles mumbles after a beat. "It was a bloody shock alright."
Edwin bites on his bottom lip, resisting the urge to push his fists together.
"Would you like to talk about it?" He asks, hoping his voice conveys the appropriate mixture of care and caution.
Charles shrugs, sniffing and rubbing his face against one of his forearms. Edwin bites his lip a little harder, and cautiously raises his right hand to place it on Charles' back. He feels and sees the muscles tense, Charles arching his back like an angry cat for the half second it takes Edwin to take his hand back.
"I apologize," he says, hand hovering uselessly above Charles' shoulder blades, "I wanted—"
"Neck's fine," Charles mumbles, low enough that Edwin almost misses it.
He swallows thickly, pausing when the upstairs neighbors walk by with puzzled faces. Edwin doesn't quite glare at them but it's a near thing, and he turns back to Charles the second they're out of view.
"Alright," he says. "Neck, then."
He only touches two fingers to the nape of Charles' neck at first, trying to keep it light, but that makes Charles tense again so he changes to a more present grip, palm flat and only just brushing with the edge of Charles' hair. Charles doesn't move into it this time, but he doesn't flinch away either. Edwin feels Charles take a deep, soundless breath, like a swimmer before a dive, and braces.
"I. She asked how I was," he exhales at last, and the wind rushes out of Edwin's lungs with a punched out sound. "I haven't seen her in over seven years and she—"
Charles takes a shuddering breath, sharp and painful sounding, and his voice sounds utterly broken when he says:
"He used to beat me up, you know."
Edwin, who hadn't known but kept the possibility in his mind like a bad thorn, bites down on a sympathetic hiss and leans a little harder against Charles instead, stretching so he can lean his forehead against the back of Charles' skull.
"Charles, I'm so sorry," he murmurs, free hand grasping around until it can find the jut of Charles' left knee, and wrap his fingers around it, squeezing with as much reassurance as he can muster.
He wishes, abruptly, that he'd thought to take Charles inside before he started this talk. They both deserve better than the front step of Edwin's building, where another pair of neighbors gawks at them as they walk past. Yet, now that they're here, Edwin wouldn't cut Charles off for all the gold in the world. He fears with an intensity he didn't know he was capable of, that interrupting Charles now would send him back into his usual reserve, and Edwin knows with absolute certainty that he will go to great lengths to prevent that from happening.
"She never—every time he did it," Charles says, almost choking on the words, "she'd just stand—she didn't do anything! And now—now she—"
A long fit of coughing cuts Charles off, wracking his body and shaking Edwin's head even as he tightens his hold on Charles, as if he could make up for his childhood with how much he loves him.
"I'm so sorry," he tells Charles. "You deserved so much better."
Charles' cough subsides, melting into shuddering, soundless sobs that Edwin wants to take into his ribs and hide from the rest of the world. He straightens up and, as gently as he can, guides Charles to lean against him harder until his frame his half cradled in Edwin's arms.
"It's not bloody fair," Charles manages between sobs, gulping air like he's drowning, shaking against Edwin.
Edwin breathes in, tears crowding at the corner of his eyes, and holds Charles closer. He wishes, so desperately, that he could love him enough to erase the past and make all the pain go away.
"I love you," he says instead, recklessly, pressing a kiss into the side of Charles' hair. "I know it doesn't make anything better, but I love you."
They sit like this for a long time, Charles crying and Edwin rocking him lightly like a child, until things finally calm down enough that Charles is ready to go upstairs for tea. They drink it out of the blue mugs Monty bought when he and Edwin moved in, quietly sitting on the couch in one of those strange bubbles of relieved fragility that comes after a crisis. For a long while, they sit in silence on Edwin's couch.
Then Charles sighs, long and tired, and leans sideways until he can rest his head on Edwin's shoulder, one arm looping around his waist.
"I love you too, mate," he sighs, making Edwin freeze. "And it does make things better that you love me."
Edwin, his heart singing from Charles' declaration and bleeding from the way he meant it, nods, and drinks his tea.
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milaisreading · 2 years ago
HIIII i love ur posts!!
Can i request a tired or mentally drained and at one point she breaks down on front of the bllk boys and all of them start panicking or trying to comfort her? 😭😅
I've been tired cuz exam season ( >:p ) "and i wanna cry but i physically can't ( idk why? ) and i want some comfort sooooo.... yeah!
if u dont wanna its cool :)
Author: I FEEL U! I have been feeling soo drained and useless ever since my exams finished. Literally can't even relax during this small break I got:// Anyways, I hope u like this! Thanks for the request🩷
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
On any normal day (Y/n) didn't mind the chaos the boys caused her, after all they were under a lot of pressure, so she let them unwind while cleaning up after them. But today was not one of those days. Ever since the preparations for the next Blue Lock phase started she felt like they were more and more chaotic, while she was losing herself more and more in all of her work. The whole week was just a whole mess for her, from running errands for Anri and Ego, to breaking up fights between the teammates, she just felt like giving up. Right now, she was enjoying some quiet time in the lunch hall, just drinking some tea while fighting back sleep.
"This morning was so tiring...." She winced while grabbing her stomach. This morning, Rin accidentally kicked the football past the goal, which ended up hitting (Y/n) in the stomach. This caused a loud argument between the captain, Isagi and Barou. (Y/n) tried to stop them, but the fussing coming from Aryu and Hiori stopped her. She was annoyed that they didn't let her handle the issue, instead Kurona and Yukimiya ended up dragging her toward the infirmary.
Next thing that happened was an hour after the first incident. Karasu and Otoya were practicing with Bachira and Aryu, (Y/n) was as usually sitting and taking down the stats of the 4. Nothing unusual. Until Bachira decided to goof around with the football and yell at (Y/n) to watch him do some tricks. She admitted, they were impressive, and she commented on how great they are. Her comments along with the impressed look on her face caused the other three to start doing the same. The problem was that there were 4 of them and (Y/n) would have to look every 2 seconds at a different player, which did make her dizzy. Ego had noticed the commotion and yelled at all 5 of them to get back to training.
The 3rd incident happened barely an hour ago at lunch time. (Y/n) was sitting with Gagamaru, Isagi and Chigiri during the time, and while talking with the 3, she didn't notice an argument between Kunigami and Nagi unfolding. Everyone knew that (Y/n) barely ever ate her dessert, it had too much protein, so she would always left it to one of the players to eat. The dessert was pretty much the highlight of their day and the team agreed on whoever got the most points for the day, will get the sweet treat. This arrangement worked for 2 months, but today was the first time that two players were tied in points.
Kunigami and Nagi were both known to be level headed and somewhat apathetic towards everything, except when it comes to their manager and her attention,  that's when both are pretty much irrational.
"I think you seem to misunderstood me, Nagi. I am getting it today." Kunigami said, sending a tight smile towards the albino.
"And you seemed to have misunderstood me, Kunigami. But that pudding is mine."
"Calm down, you two." Niko rolled his eyes, still mad that he lost this time.
(Y/n), blissfully unaware of that whole agreement, noticed Gagamaru staring at her dessert. Knowing she won't eat it anyways, she decided to give it to him.
"Here. I won't eat. Hope you like strawberry flavor." She said, handing the surprised Gagamaru her food.
Chigiri and Isagi gasped silently. They shortly sent the flustered goalie jealous glares before looking at Kunigami and Nagi, who were staring degers at Gagamaru.
"A-are you sure?" The boy asked as (Y/n) nodded her head, smiling warmly at the boy.
"Of course-"
"Gagamaru, you traitor!" The two flinched and looked in surprise at Nagi.
"Ha?" (Y/n) panicked a little as she saw Kunigami and Nagi glaring at the duo.
"Keep it down, you two." Reo rolled his eyes, earning a nod from Tokimitsu.
"M-maybe we should let Gagamaru have-"
"Shut it, Tokimitsu!" Kunigami and Nagi yelled and then started arguing with Gagamaru. It eventually spread across the whole lunch room, and (Y/n) started twitching a little. Nobody was listening to her as she tried to calm it down. Was it the exhaustion or pure desperation to shut everyone up, but (Y/n) eventually started crying silently. Lost in her own thoughts while crying, she wasn't paying attention to what the rest were saying.
"I am the fastest. The dessert is mine!" Chigiri earned a show from Aryu at that.
"You forget I was in the top3 and I am the one with the better hair."
"Oh, shut up you peasants! You all are beneath me and (Y/n), therefore the pudding is mine."
"Says who? You, Barou? You do not have the charm to be anywhere near (Y/n)."
"Otoya, you cheated on your girlfriends. What makes you think you are worthy?" Yukimiya sighed.
"And what about you, Yukimiya? You are so plain, there is no way she will fall for you. Now me on the other hand-"
"Oh, shut up Karasu. Your charms are below Antarctica's temperatures." Niko groaned.
"I think the cutest one of us should get the pudding. So me-"
"Bachira, that would be me. I am also the ace, so that's just a bonus." Isagi smiled, earning a glare from Rin
"Pipe it down, you two can barely pick up a 2nd language." The captain added in.
"English is hard." The two protested.
"I think the richest one should have a say in the dessert." Reo smirked, earning louder protests.
Tokimitsu shivered a little in fright and looked over at (Y/n), freezing for a moment as he saw her crying.
"What's up, Tokimitsu?" Hiori wondered, one of the few who decided not to argue. Kurona looked over to where Tokimitsu was looking, and his eyes widened in surprise as he saw her crying too. He nudged Hiori.
"Look." Kurona said and the cyan-haired boy looked at (Y/n). He wasted no time and ran to her side, followed by Tokimitsu and Kurona.
"He-hey, don't take it to heart. They are stupid like that." Tokimitsu said as he patted the sobbing girl's back. Kurona and Hiori moved closer, both trying to calm her down, all three felt their hearts breaking as they watched her cry. The room grew slowly quiet too, as the rest looked at (Y/n) in concern and guilt.
"(Y/n)...." Chigiri gulped.
"It's just hard to keep up with you all. You keep arguing and destroying things at times... and it's just hard to keep up... I can usually take it, but I guess today isn't my day." A wave of guilt hit the team as they quickly scrambled for the right words. The last thing they wanted was for their (Y/n) to cry, or worse, contemplate on leaving them.
"Tokimitsu, go and take (Y/n) somewhere quiet to calm down. The rest of you stay here." Rin said, quickly getting unto his captain mode. The rest said nothing, deciding not to make things worse, and they watched with guilt and sadness as (Y/n) got dragged out by Tokimitsu.
"Alright, listen up." Rin spoke up, causing the rest to look at him.
"We need to pull our shit together, unless we want (Y/n) to leave and for some other manager to replace her. The team pretty much shuddered at the idea, there was no way someone will replace her!
"So, what's your idea, captain?" Barou wondered.
"I will tell you, but first... Reo, I need you to do some calls." The billionaire heir raised his eyebrow and slowly nodded his head.
And soo, that was what had happened. (Y/n) ended up crying for about 30 minutes as Tokimitsu stayed around, just in case. The boy was collected and calm, no sign of his previous fidgety demeanor. After she calmed down, she apologized to Tokimitsu for inconveniencing him, but the boy didn't mind.
"If you feel down again, don't be afraid to tell us. We will listen." The boy said with a smile, which calmed her down a lot.
After lunch, she went back to her normal duties, helping the other staff members and the team out. To her surprise, they didn't cause any ruckus, they were calm and friendly. Even Rin, Isagi and Barou stayed away from arguing with each other. Unbeknownst to her, whenever a staff member tried to scold her, Karasu, Aryu and Nagi would send them warning glares. They alone caused them to back off quickly. All in all, the day went pretty well, and (Y/n) felt a lot lighter now. She slowly walked into her bedroom, and stopped at the entrance as she noticed a box on her bed. Slowly walking towards it, she looked at the note on the box and slowly started reading it. (Y/n)'s eyes widened a little as she read it through, realizing that the team sent her this, and her heart melted at the apology they wrote out.
'They are chaotic... but I love them like that.' She smiled and slowly opened the box, only to find various treats that she could only buy outside of Blue Lock's facility, she even got a small (f/c) bear.
'They probably made Reo get this...' She chuckled and plopped on the bed, hugging the bear close to herself.
'I will make it up to them... maybe Teieri-san can help me get them some small gift next week.' She thought, slowly falling asleep.
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blackdigitalrose · 2 months ago
It has been a couple of days now and part of the finale has been bothering me and it is our alleged unicorn like deity of the series.
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A grateful Niko
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Even more gratitude off Niko...
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And even more pleasantries, however,
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Seems fair enough, worlds not being compatible, putting the denizens of her world first or just the fact there are extinct creatures under her care, which could cause all kinds of uproars if re-discovered etc, there are a few simple reasons you could explain it off. (Still, she could have left a suitcase with the group, she knew they were good and had them promise to keep it a secret.)
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Also seems fair enough, the threat is gone and the problem has been solved. They no longer need them. Besides, Niko had threatened to strip them of their Precure powers when she first came onto the scene anyway. (Again though, what was the harm in letting them keep them, she could have just made them inactive, what if something else came along, they'd be defenceless.)
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However, here's where the cracks appear, the Mirror stone is an extension of her power but here openly admits to it being its own sentient like entity. Niko had nothing to do with what happened.
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So what in the blue blazes do you call this!?
If the Mirror stone is its own thing and their ability to turn human and talk was given by the Mirror stone, what right exactly did Niko have to take it away?
This just puts a really weird light on Niko and it isn't a good one. After all, it isn't like she really offers an explanation she just takes them. They succeeded not failed, yet look like they were punished, so in the end, it was a lose, lose situation. Fail to stop Subaru, powers gone, succeed in stopping Subaru, powers still gone.
On top of that not only do Daifuku, Komugi and Yuki get the short straw here, is this really how you say thanks for all their hard work and effort? Niko deals a major low blow to the lot she was suppose to be appreciative and grateful to and not only does she not mention anything, Niko just books it out of there with out a word, only for the human trio to discover the hard truth out on their own afterwards.
Which in short means, she just used the lot of them.
(Yes, the scene where they regain the ability to talk was super touching but it was completely unnecessary in the first place).
If anything, Niko could have actually been a better final villain, becoming like the very thing she detests through manipulation of the Cure group, the ones who have actually been loyal to her.
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infoglitch · 11 months ago
Bleiss found herself roaming the halls of beacon as she was trying to think of how to approach her sister without conflict but everything she thought of didn't work.
Weiss was just so fuckin stuck up that's why she cant stand her, she's too fuckin prissy
The thought ran through Bellameres head before shoving it away. She was nearly as grown adult and as much as she loved being right her sister was more important than her ego.
But oum damn it all why the fuck couldn't Weiss just relax around her and not foam at the mouth at everything Bleiss said!
Unbeknownst to Bleiss her feat brought her to a single dorm. Team JNPR's dorm... This was that arc boys team dorm, knowing how he acts it was probably full of losers. Bleiss knocked on the door and soon it opened to reveal the one and only invincible champion, Pyrrha Nikos.
Pyrrha: oh hello Weiss.. what's with the new look?
Bleiss just looked her up and down before trying to speak "calmly" and "dignified" considering this was that overconfident bratty bitch Weiss just LOVED to speak of.
Bleiss: Ms. Nikos apologies for the intrusion-
Pyrrha: I told you already Weiss call me Pyrrha
Bleiss looked at her somewhat annoyed.
Bleiss: apologies Pyrrha but you have me confused for my sister. I am Bellamere Givrése. Weiss' twin.
Pyrrha took a moment before snapping her fingers.
Pyrrha: oh yeah your her "evil twin". I guess on the surface the title is apt.. regardless what do you need Bleiss?
Bleiss: I'm here for Jaune Arc, Ms. ni-
Pyrrha: Pyrrha. I have a name, I'm a person just like you, not some deity.
Bleiss was a bit taken aback, she figured Pyrrha was some snotty stuck bimbo that was used for a one time sponsorship with some weird cereal... That she may have begrudgingly liked.
Bleiss: Pyrrha... So may I please talk with Mr. Arc.
Pyrrha: sure thing.
Pyrrha would lean back and shout into the dorm.
Pyrrha: jaune! You got a visitor. Its weiss' "evil twin".
Jaune: wait what?
Jaune popped his head out from the door frame as he held a box of cereal that Bleiss recognized instantly.
Bleiss: are you... Are you eating pumpkin Pete's?
Jaune: yeah... Any problem with that?
Bleiss: yes. It's the fact no one told me you had some pour me a bowl aswell.
Jaune was a bit surprised but nodded and soon both sat at a table with Bleiss scarfing down her bowl as jaune looked at her in awe.
Jaune: you alright? You act like you haven't in cereal in years
Bleiss stopped and swallowed what was left in her mouth.
Bleiss: right on the money knight, Vacoue ain't got a lot of food, hence the constant delivery of food.. plus the peice of shit who helped my mother conceive me never allowed us to eat "filth's food" .. winter did manage to sneak a few in for all four of us before she got all stick-up-her-ass.
Jaune: that... That surprisingly is sad
Bleiss: yeah.. but ah fuck that boohoo shit and fuck the old bag. He's a daft cunt and a sqwimp.
Jaune: I can agree to that.
Jaune brought up a fist right beside her as Bleiss fist bumped him. Meanwhile Ren Pyrrha and Nora watched in the background.
Pyrrha: I don't get how she's an Evil twin. Most evil thing to her is her language.
Nora: I like her, she seems fun
Ren: I have a bad feeling about her... Something is off with her disposition.. like she's hiding something.
Pyrrha: well if anything happens we'll be prepared... She better stop sizing jaune up though.
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chronic-hyperfixator · 3 months ago
Edwin, to a random guy at a party: And then the peacock bit me haha- please kiss me at midnight.
*random guy walks away*
Charles: Have you seen Sandy
Edwin: Oo uh I don’t know how to tell you this but she’s in Crystal’a bedroom getting it on with that geek Max. Oh look at that I did know how to tell you.
Niko: Hey everybody the ball is dropping.
TV: In twenty seconds it’ll be midnight.
Edwin: And the moment of joy is upon us.
Charles: Looked like that no date pact thing worked out.
Crystal: Everybody looks so happy. I HATE THAT!
Thomas: Not everyone’s happy. Hey Charlie.
Night Nurse: Fuck off!
Partygoers: 3… 2… 1… happy New Year!
Edwin: You know I just thought I’d throw this out here, I’m no math whiz but I do believe there are six of us right here. Mwah, mwah.
Crystal: I don’t feel like kissing anyone tonight.
Niko: I can’t kiss anyone, hello asexual.
Thomas: So I’m kissing everyone?
Charles: No, no. You can’t kiss Monty that’s your ex-boyfriend’s ex.
Monty: Perfect, so now everyone’s getting kissed but me.
Edwin: Alright somebody kiss me. SOMEBODY KISS ME! ITS MIDNIGHT! SOMEBODY KISS ME!
Edwin, jumping up and down: Somebody kiss me it’s midnight! Somebody-
*Charles kisses Edwin*
Charles: Yeah. *bi panic*
*Edwin blushing*
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the-elegant-necromancer · 2 months ago
One Winter Night 3
Continuation of One Winter Night
And thanks to the lovely and wonderful writer @ficretus for letting me basically take over this piece >.>
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A handful of months later...
Cinder Fall Arc lay comfortably in that hospital bed. After hours of such an intense labor she held two sleeping bundles of love in her arms. Twins. Of course it had to be twins.
Ashlynn Nikos Arc and her younger brother Hawthorne Polendina Arc.
Both had their parents' eyes, heterochromia, both mirror reflections of the other. One eye, bright blue like their father, the other, a golden amber as their mother. It was just as much of a surprise to her as it was to her, husband.
Cinder: They are perfect. *Leans and kisses both of her newborns on the forehead.*
Jaune: *A nurse is bandaging his hand* They are beautiful, just as you are.
Cinder: I'm... sorry about your hand... they did say only two fingers for a reason.
Jaune: I know, I thought I could take it... I mean I did, its only two broken fingers. could have been worse.
Cinder: *Shaking her head slowly* You can't blame me for saying those things, labor is... something else.
Jaune: Oh I understand, but it was um... hot to know that the fiery woman I married is still in there after slowing down so much.
Cinder: Mmmm well next time, we are using protection... seventeen hours of labor is not something I'm keen to repeat anytime soon.
Jaune: Heh, absolutely. To think this all came about because santa dumped you down a chimney. Kinda feels like you were actually a gift... wait...
Cinder: You dont think he knew this would happen?
Jaune: I dont know, if he did plan this, he is far more terrifying than I thought. If not? Well it was still the best present I've ever gotten.
Cinder: *Pulls the man in kissing him warmly before handing their boy to him* Still as dopey and sweet as ever.
Ruby: Is... is it safe to come in yet?
Cinder: Yes, its safe.
Ruby: *Waving the others in* It's all clear
Cinder *Shaking her head*
Yang: Awww! They are precious!
Ruby: They have both your eyes!
Blake: So we are just going to blame everything she said on labor right.
RW_Y: Yup
Blake: Right...
Weiss: Oh it wasn't that bad.
Blake: "I'll rip your still beating heart from you chest?"
Ruby: Hey we all made it through safe and sound, minus two of Jaune's fingers. I call that a win.
Weiss: *cooing at the small boy in Jaune's arms* So now what?
Cinder: Now? Now I'm going to get some sleep, after that well, I help you get rid of Salem.
Ruby: Hell yeah!
I'd like to thank those of you you have enjoyed this little spur of the moment thing. I never really got involved with the RWBY fandom, and this blog is not really RWBY centic either. This however along with all of you on AO3 make it such a lovely thing to be a writer.
Again, thank you! If you like my stuff give @ficretus a follow for sure! They are an amazing writer and I simply adore their work!
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gundamthey17 · 3 months ago
Day 3 of Payneland Promptfest 2024
Day 3: mistletoe | “That’s because it’s enchanted.” | sharing a holiday tradition
After thirty years together, Charles knows Edwin’s idiosyncrasies well. For example, he knows that Edwin will pause before entering a room, taking note of its layout before going inside. This is doubly true when he is entering a room full of people - living or dead. Edwin takes note of who is there, and where they are, cataloguing the information neatly away in his mind. Charles doesn’t know if the habit is one Edwin developed in hell or if he’d had it when he was alive, and he doesn’t ask. He doubts it’s something Edwin is even conscious of. 
What Charles does know is that, in this instance, that piece of information is going to come in handy.
It was not all that difficult to convince Edwin that they should have a Christmas party at the butcher shop. (In fact, Niko and Crystal had had the far more difficult task of convincing Jenny to allow such a thing.) What Charles had not anticipated was that Edwin had no interest whatsoever in helping decorate for the occasion. At the time, Charles had been annoyed, but now he realizes it was a stroke of luck.
Crystal is hanging fairy lights in the shop’s front windows. Niko is standing over a cardboard box full of decorations and knick knacks, some of which belong to Jenny, and others which came from Tragic Mick.
“Where should we put the mistletoe?” Niko asks.
“How about here?” Charles suggests, pointing above the doorway that leads to the back hall.
Jenny shrugs and drags a folding stepladder over. “Works for me.” She takes the mistletoe from Niko, grabs a hammer off the counter, and gets to work hanging up the decorative plant.
Crystal pauses her task to watch. “It’s not quite centered. It needs to go a little to the left.”
Jenny rolls her eyes and moves the mistletoe. “Better?”
After the mistletoe is in place and Jenny climbs down from the stepladder, Charles gives her a thumbs-up. She frowns at him. “I should’ve made you do that.”
“Because you can’t break your neck if you fall off the ladder.”
Charles chooses to assume that she’s joking, and grins.
Christmas lights twinkle merrily in the windows. Music drifts from a small speaker in the corner, which is somehow connected to Crystal’s mobile phone. (Something about a blue tooth?) Crystal has created a playlist with a mix of new Christmas songs and songs that were old when Charles was alive. (He suspects that even those songs came out well after Edwin’s time, but he hopes Edwin likes them anyway.) Jenny has made hot chocolate and eggnog, and Niko has baked and decorated sugar cookies. Charles can’t smell them, but Niko says the room smells great (“and not like meat at all”), so he takes her word for it. The three living attendees are talking and sipping their drinks contentedly.
Edwin’s appearance in the back hallway is soundless, of course, but Charles still looks up in time to see him cross the threshold of the room - and pause. He’s dressed up for the occasion, in a nice jacket and a festive red bow tie. His gaze drifts gently across the room, taking in the people and the decor. He smiles, just a little. Charles feels himself smiling as well. A part of him wants to stay where he is and just watch Edwin, but he knows he only has a few seconds before Edwin moves further into the room. 
It’s now or never. Charles crosses the room in purposeful strides. “Happy Christmas!” he says, breaking into a grin.
“Happy Christmas, Charles,” Edwin says. “You’ve done a lovely job with the decorating.”
It’s as much of an opening as Charles is likely to get, and he takes it. “Crystal and Niko did most of it. I just helped with the mistletoe.”
Edwin frowns and looks around again. “Mistletoe? I don’t see – “
Charles nods upwards. Edwin follows his eyes and spots the mistletoe hanging above them. Charles steps closer, taking Edwin’s hands in his. “Edwin Payne… may I kiss you?”
“Charles Rowland,” Edwin replies, somewhat breathlessly, “you may.”
Charles closes his eyes as his lips meet Edwin’s. Edwin leans into the kiss, his lips parting slightly. The music seems to fade as Charles loses himself in the ghostly sensation of Edwin’s mouth against his own. The moment stretches, neither boy needing to breathe, until Edwin pulls back slightly. “I… I am afraid I do not have much experience with kissing. I doubt that I am any good at it.”
Charles thinks this may be the most blatantly false statement he has heard in his entire afterlife, but he doesn’t argue. Instead he grins and whispers, “Then it’s a good thing I’m here to help you practice.”
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kennysboxergf · 2 years ago
write smt for niko where reader has nails on and she’s just scratching nikos head and he falls asleep on her and is in awn of him please and thank u
Acrylics ~ Niko Omilana
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Ok alright so first of all my apologies i started writing this and then it took a mind of its own and ran away from me so im so sorry if this isnt exactly what you wanted 💔
Your fingers worked at Niko’s scalp as he lay in your lap. You felt as he sank deeper and deeper into your embrace and as his muscles relaxed under your new acrylic nails. You looked over at him and found only peace and relaxation in his expression, despite that you couldn’t help as your earlier conversation echoed in your head.
“How do you do anything with those knives on your fingers?” is the question that pops you out of the book you were reading. You close it shut, knowing this conversation was not going to just disappear, when Niko wanted to know something he usually found out.
“What do you mean knives?” you ask, pretending to not understand the joke so he would drop it.
Of course, he didn’t drop it.
“I mean those long pointy things you’ve stuck onto your already long, pointy, nails” he answered, vaguely gesturing towards your hand with his. 
“My acrylics?” you asked back with a dead-pan look on your face.
“Nuh-uh” came the answer as he shook his head, “acrylic is a type of paint. You have literal murder weapons stuck to the end of your fingers” he finished with an accusatory point at your hands. 
You smiled simply in his direction before extending one long finger (+ nail) in his direction. You bent it towards yourself in a beckoning motion, willing him to come closer. He did so, albeit hesitantly. 
When he approached the couch you were settled on you grabbed onto his shirt and tugged him down. He fell (ungraciously) onto the couch right next to you with an oomph. When he settled he looked at you with a mix between a glare and a confused head tilt. You simply shrugged because you had no idea why you had done that either.
He opened his mouth as if to complain but you quickly shut him up with a finger on his lips. Once again he looked down at the finger in confusion but you didn’t utter a word, just rearranged his tall man limbs into your lap. He went quite easily, but as soon as the two of you were comfortable he opened his big mouth again.
“Your murder knives are stabbing me, y/n” he said once more with a trace of a pout on his lips.
You moved your hand from where it was resting on his stomach up to his scalp. You felt him tense as your nails first trailed through his curls. You muttered a soothing “don’t worry baby, these murder knives can do a lot more than just kill men.”
Well maybe that wasn’t too soothing but he did go from deep freeze rigid to just tense so it was a win you guessed.
And all of that led you to where you were right now. With his head in your lap as your fingers worked into his hair. He was actively just melting into you, his whole body relaxing. You smiled at his behaviour as his eyes fluttered shut.
After a couple of minutes of massaging you heard soft noises coming from your boyfriend. Small gasps and quiet moans of pleasure echoed in the room. He didn’t seem to notice as his head lay still, eyes shut and mouth slightly open.
You stop your motions and he jerks back into reality, his eyes open as he looks at you. 
“Baby, I’ll pay for your nails for the rest of the year if you just keep going right now” he promised quietly.
You chuckled but started with your motions once more, his eyes fell shut again. “No more murder knives?” You tease.
His head starts to shake before he realises he can’t do that with you massaging him. So he just mutters a simple “nothing that makes me feel this nice can be used for murder I take my words back” 
“Ok,” you respond but then continue after a pause, “but you can’t take back the words about paying for my nails” you warn him.
He smiles, “of course.”
as always requests are open and please come by and say hi <3
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genevievefangirl · 5 months ago
Gen's Top 100 DBDA Fics - PART 8
For all caveats/rules/backstory, please read the Master Post
tell the saint of lost souls where to find me By: haledamage @haledamage Rating: T Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Protective Charles Rowland Summary: When Edwin has a nightmare, he doesn't wake up screaming. Charles didn't understand it, not completely, not until Port Townsend. He didn't know what chased Edwin through his dreams. Some days, he wishes he still didn't know. Not as often as he wishes Edwin didn't. Or: one time Edwin has a nightmare, and one time he doesn't. My Notes: Sometimes it is nice when fics bend canon and this is a great example because the boys having nightmares is a great concept. Featuring CUDDLES!
The Ballad of Saving Graces By: Bythoseburningembers Rating: T Tags: Protective Charles Rowland, Hurt Edwin Payne, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst Summary: Charles feels guilty that Edwin was dragged to Hell. Edwin is afraid Charles might leave him for a better existence elsewhere. Crystal wants it on record that she finds them both idiots. All of this is fixable. Then they get kidnapped by pirates, and for Charles, it might be too late to make things better. Again. My Notes: The boys are kidnapped by pirate ghosts. Do you need to know anything else? Okay fine Charles is also super protective and it's great.
The Case of the Acridid Sprites By: thefinalriotxx Rating: T Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Protective Charles Rowland, Major Character Injury Summary: If Charles could breathe, the air would have rushed from his lungs on impact. If Charles had a heart, it would have broken free from his chest, cracking ribs and hollowing out the space where the core of him was kept. But Charles hadn’t breathed air in over thirty years, and his heart had long decayed, along with the rest of him. So why did it feel like his body was being torn apart? My Notes: What can I say? I like fics where Edwin is hurt and Charles has to save him, sue me! This is another great entry in that genre featuring worried Charles hitting the books.
The Case of the Couples Retreat By: juliasfanart @juliasfanart Rating: T Tags: Slow Burn, First Kiss, Couples Therapy Summary: It should have been just another case for the Dead Boy Detective Agency - a pair of missing ghosts to find - if not for the fact that they had to investigate a luxury resort dedicated to couples counselling... for ghosts. And what better way for Edwin and Charles to infiltrate it than to pretend to be just another couple needing to revive their relationship? A brilliant idea according to Charles, but for Edwin it might have been more than he can chew... My Notes: This is my biggest fluff recommendation! Technically it is a case fic, but the case is pretty loose and the fic is more about them sorting out their issues in therapy (but in a fun way I swear!)
The Case of the Looping Kiss By: elisasmileygirl @hey-its-elisa Rating: T Tags: Getting Together, Case Fic, First Kiss, Fluff, Romantic Fluff Summary: When Charles decides to confess his feelings to Edwin, it makes Edwin the happiest he’s ever felt which is a good thing…right? Crystal and Niko now have to figure out why the boys are stuck in a time loop of their first kiss and how to get them out of it. My Notes: Such a creative use of a time loop! Their first kiss here is so adorable.
The case of the warlock By: TheRamblingsOfaMadWoman Rating: G Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Protective Charles Rowland, Protective Edwin Payne Summary: The gang come across a warlock. Charles is quite taken with him. Edwin is distrustful. Whose instinct is right? **Charles hurts Edwin My Notes: Charles being forced to hurt Edwin via possession and then later banging on a magic wall demanding Edwin let him out so Charles can save him??? Do I need to say more???
The Case of What Comes After - Series By: HowYouDoing (FancyMeetingYouHere) Rating: T Tags: Post-S1, Traumas, Hurt/Comfort Summary: Working It Out - “And you think you’re your dad,” Crystal fills his sudden silence, tear-tracks on her angry face, “and that Edwin would be your mom, and that you’re somehow destined to have the exact same relationship as them if you ever admitted to yourself that you’re in love with Edwin.” Or, Crystal pops the question about whether Charles is in love with Edwin or not, and Charles proceeds to go down a full rabbit-hole of feelings and trauma. Thankfully, Edwin shows up to help. Us - Edwin once suggested that he does not deserve Charles, then shut the topic down by saying it was a conversation for another time. Charles, very unanimously, decides this is that time. My Notes: Charles dealing with how he doesn't want his and Edwin's relationship to be like his parents' hits my deep in my heart. And in the sequal Edwin gets to deal with some of his truama too.
The Ghostly Potion Debacle of '24 By: NuriaSchnee @nuria-schnee Rating: M Tags: Romance, Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, Protective Charles Rowland Summary: Charles gets hit by a potion that makes your biggest worries disappear. The good news? The witch that made the potion is a little incompetent, and the potion is faulty. The bad news? Charles had been obsessing about how to confess to Edwin for months, and the potion has made Edwin completely invisible to Charles. My Notes: Charles really goes through it in this one. He is forced to face his inner worries and deal with them directly. The whole thing is very stressful! (in a good way!)
The Hour of Separation By: Safaia @safaiagem Rating: M Tags: Case Fic, Revenge, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Protective Charles Rowland, Protective Edwin Payne Summary: The problem with solving big, flashy cases and going international is that you become well-known. Word came down about everything the Dead Boy Detectives managed to do in Port Townsend, and they have never been busier. The problem with becoming more well-known is that you don't always draw the kind of attention you want. You might jump onto the radar of someone with a grudge just looking for an excuse. Technically, it is part of a series, but it can be easily read as a stand-alone. My Notes: The tension in this one is strong, as well as the protectiveness of the boys. Also, slight spoiler so if you don't want that stop reading, I appreciate that the boys get together in the middle rather than the end! It is nice to see them face the final threat as a couple rather than having them get together at the end.
The lamps are going out By: CasiHuman @technically-human Rating: T Tags: AU - Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Evil spirits, vengeful spirits. At the time, he didn't yet have the words to explain what had happened to him –even though, without a frame of reference, he could still tell something was wrong– They formed when a ghost felt an awful injustice had befallen them, and few ghosts could claim to have been as wronged by everything as Edwin Payne. He just hoped the boy from the attic wouldn't put two and two together. My Notes: Any fic that expands on ghost lore is great and this one is no exception! I like the idea of Edwin being a vengeful spirit and having there be something wrong with him. It adds something to the boys dynamic that is really interesting.
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ttheggrimrreaper · 2 months ago
New information
Pink lock
Blue lock x reader (Fem! manager
Meat is being eaten by reader in this chapter. So if you are vegetarian or vegan or anyone that doesn't eat red meat, I apologize. It's not important to the story however, so if you want you could skip over it, although you will miss some dialogue.
Fumiko galred at you, digging daggers into the back of your neck. While you and her were arguing, thankfully Rei and Keiko had stepped up and cleaned up Gagamarus nose. Regardless of needing a time out for a bloody nose or not, it would help Gagamaru recover from the metal fucking pole he just hit! As the game went on you ignored Fumiko. It was Naruhayas turn, and to Keikos pleasant surprise, he and Imamura worked together to work it up the field. Whenever team Y got ahold of the ball and tried to pass to Niko, Isagi would shut them down.
"The bloods at work.." you murmered to yourself. White blood cells were like the warriors of the body, fighting off illnesses like Niko.
"Huh?" Rei said, tilting her head "what do you mean?"
You hadn't went for the girl to hear you.. but you were here now. "The blood. If the team is a body, than Isagi is the blood.. the one they all hope to have on their side" 'for the most part' you thought,
"Wouldn't that make Isagi the heart?" Keiko chimed in, handing you a water bottle.
"No... We are the heart. When part of the body breaks down, we are the people that build it back up. Isagi the blood, carrying the necessary nutrients to make a goal around, even if he doesn't realize it."
"And that means the others are??" Keiko seemed invested no longer watching the game directly.
"Gagamaru is our joints. Helping us leap and reach places we weren't before. Kunigami is our lungs, the hero of the field that when we were desperate for a single breath of air.., or a single goal, he pushes through." You were referring to the last game... Where you only scored one point on behalf of Kunigami. "And that leaves, Atleast what we know... That leaves Koun as our head. Keeping us all in check. Keeping the heart from bursting, which intrun helps the blood which helps the rest of the body move." You looked at Koun as he ran down the field, trying to help set up the play.
"And what would you do without your head?" You heard the girl again.. Falena. Snuck over mid game once again.
"Go away, get back to your side!" You snarled. It wasn't a big deal... If she wasn't such a bother.
"Nuh uh! Mika said I can stay on this side for the remainder of the game so long as I don't touch anyone." She huffed and crossed her arms, shaking her head dramatically
"She say anything bout us touching you?" Fumiko, for once stepping forward to bicker with someone other than you. Although greatful for her she did make that sentence sound a little dirty... But whatever.
"Well I doubt you would!" Falena snapped back, although she did side step away. You had to admit, with the height and resting bitch face Fumiko held, she was somewhat intimidating. Its when you hear the hell of Raichi, yelling to cover Ohkawa who has just received the ball in his own half. Your body tensed up, it seemed that both Fumiko and Falena had shut up for this... If only momentarily,
"One time kill counter. Guess I'll see you all on the outside hmm?" She snickered as she spun on her heel headed back to her side.
You didn't look her way, more concerned with the looks of defeat on your teams face, the girls beside you included. You looked for any possibility, then you saw Bachira, who was running  somewhat, away, from the ball. That's when you saw it. Isagi snatched the ball, the blood doing it work. Passing it to Kunigami, the lungs, who then passed it to your motivation. Bachira Meguru. He seemed a little out of touch, crazy in his head even... But not a single could deny that his positivity had been contagious. Bachira then passed it to Gagamaru, the perfect line up for a score. Your hands clenched. This was it, you could move forward. You could win.
And then he missed. The managers beside you sucking in a breath of air and holding it, just as you did. And then you heard the sound of the ball, hitting the net. Isagi standing there, panting. Somehow made his way there so quickly.
"YEAAHHHH" You cheered just as everyone did, you ran out onto the field to congratulate the, until Bachira full on rammed into you. You yelped as you feel, thankfully not hitting your head.
"We won!!! We move on!" You heard elsewhere, Bachira giggled before he got up and attempted to do the same with the other managers who ran away from him. As you got up you rubbed your head, seeing a hand extended out to you. Isagi, he helped you up. However he left, turning around and walking to a sulking Nikko before you could congratulate him. 'he earned that. The right to talk shit after the game'
You genuinely had no idea what he was doing, but you assumed he was talking shit. Team Y lay sitting on the field some crying, others trying to suck it up. But that didn't matter, it wasn't your team. You frantically ran around people,excited but also trying to get them off the field and Atleast headed into the locker rooms. Koun had said that everyone could participate in a feast tonight, Including you! How fun is that! After a few minutes of celebration, the boys started their way into the locker room. Isagi walking with s new sense of.. Ego with him. You had started to follow, everything was looking good! Even Felena was too., crushed to come and talk shit about it.
"Wait." You felt a hand on your wrist. You turned around faced with Koun. You had handed him his water bottle for sure... So this was unexpected. You tilted your head as you planted your feet waiting for him to go on,
"Thank you.. for the help. Our team would be a little... Lost without it." He spoke softly, smiling as he let go of your wrist. You smiled back.
"Of course, It's my job after all." You chuckled, you noticed how the corner of his lips twitched slightly.
"You don't move on if we don't win,,, and for that I am sorry." This confused you.. you frowned. Yeah, sure that's what happens but you were gonna win, heck you had just won this game!
"Yeah.. I guess that's true. But I believe in you guys, so I don't have anything to worry about!" You hummed, startung to walk to the locker rooms. Pretending not to notice how his smile dropped. Kuon Wataru, was a odd man youve now realized. He was also a closed off one, only sharing his true gratitude with those he trusted.
The big room, that the boys had slept in, was full of chatter. People talking. You had stationed yourself between Isagi and Raichi, currently giggling to something Igarashi had said. Fumiko, Keiko, and Rei had formed their own little group near Naruhaya, Gagamaru, and Imamura. You were more than happy to see Imamaru and Naruhaya hanging out. It made part of the heart happy, and happy heart makes the body function so much better.
"So how did you get out the scoring spot so fast?" You asked Isagi, it seems the room shut up to hear the answer. You waited as he thought, having another biteful of rice.
"..I don't know,, I guess I could just,,, see it. Smell it. " He shrugged, moving his head to the side to avoid the chopsticks Bachira was forcing into his face. Turn out when Bachira gave up on Isagi you were next. Pressing the slab of read meat to your cheek as you realed your head back.
"Pretty lame Skill-"Raichi started but you were quick to step in.
"Well speaking that he has one goal, and you have none, I would say it's a pretty great ski-" you talking gave Bachira an opening to force the meat into your mouth. Raichi grumbled, and the small world around you burst with chatter again, naruhaya stealing food, Keiko watching him with a new found sense of happiness. Bachira continuing to force feed people. Igarashi begging for anything but his radishes. You felt bad for the poor guy so you handed him some of your side dish of salad. But did not take the radishes. The happiness you saw in his eyes made it worth it.
Leaning back with a full stomach, humming slightly as Kunigami smiled at you, heck even grouchy Chigiri smiled. Although he didn't put any effort into this game,,, at least he was smiling and actively talking with people.
Maybe... Just maybe..... You could only hope that... Kuons apology had been a lie, and that he too, was confident that his team could win.
Episode 11
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vizual-static · 8 days ago
Used this fanfiction trope wheel as inspo for a little Palasaki fic!
Rating: Teen (Words: 970)
Prompts: First Kiss & Hidden Talents
“Wanna see a trick?” Niko’s voice was all sweet and innocent as she held up the bowl of chemical-red cherries she’d just been using to decorate the cake, but Crystal saw the mirth sparkling in her eyes. Crystal’s heart skipped a beat at that look. God, Niko was so pretty, especially with that mischievous little glint in her eye. Crystal was so gone for her.
Crystal carefully set down the messy piping bag she’d been fighting with and tried to use the heel of her hand to push her hair back out if her face without getting pink icing in her curls. She covered up her fluster with a quip. “If it’s the sprites juggling cherries, I think I’ll pass. I’d rather not lose an eye today.”
Niko’s eyes went wide. “Oh. That’s a good idea.”
Everyone knew it wasn’t, and the sprites yelled as much from the other room, though any of their more colorful curses were mostly muffled by the jacket Crystal had flung over their enclosure when she’d arrived.
“But you’re right that it’s with cherries.” Niko delicately plucked a single fruit from the bowl, and held it up expectantly, dangling it by the stem as she waited for Crystal to confirm she’d be audience to her trick.
Crystal exhaled a laugh, sucked a stray smudge of icing off her finger, and nodded. “Yeah alright. Trick away, oh great showwoman.”
Niko blinked at her for a moment like it’d taken her a minute to process the response, but once she did, her face lit up in a beaming grin. She tore the stem from the cherry, offered the syrupy fruit to Crystal, and popped the cherry stem in her mouth herself.
Crystal’s brows pinched together in confusion, and she tried her best to keep a judgey frown off her face as she slowly accepted the fruit. She opened her mouth to tell Niko that eating cellulose isn’t a skill, but Niko held up a finger to tell her to wait, so Crystal shut up.
They stayed like that for a few moments, Crystal watching as Niko’s mouth worked behind pursed lips. Niko was wearing pink lipstick, just a few shades off from the icing they’d made for the cake, and Crystal realized Niko had probably picked it specifically to match the cake decorating aesthetic, which was extremely cute, and Crystal couldn’t help but wonder if she’d chosen cherry lipgloss to go with it and what’d it’d taste like and oh god Crystal had been looking at her lips for way too long–
Crystal was jerked out of her spiraling by Niko’s triumphant Aha! as she stuck her tongue out, plucked the stem from her mouth, and held it out gleefully for display. “Ta-dah!”
Crystal leaned closer, forcefully beating back her internal gay panic as she inspected the prize and tried to figure out what she was supposed to be looking at. She tilted her head in consideration, about to ask Niko for explanation, when it clicked so suddenly she froze where she stood–
Niko had tied a single tiny knot in the very center of the cherry stem.
With just her mouth.
And her tongue.
Crystal’s brain blue screened as a wave of horny bisexualism and thoughts of what else that tongue could do crashed over her, and she was left scrambling to pull herself together in its wake. Her face felt hot, her heart was pounding, and she couldn’t look away from the cherry stem because if she moved her gaze anywhere else, she was sure she was gonna look at Niko’s mouth again, and if she looked at her mouth one more time, she was a goner.
Crystal forced her face muscles into what she hoped was a cool, normal, approving smile. “Neat trick,” she said, her voice sounding weird even to her own ears. “Where’d you learn it?”
“I read about it in a manga back in junior high, and then found a couple YouTube videos. It took some practice, but it wasn’t as difficult as I expected.” Niko sounded quite pleased with herself.
A hysterical giggle bubbled up in Crystal. “Oh yeah, manga is the perfect place for learning tricks to pick up guys. Totally.”
Niko laughed too. She set the stem down on the table, and finally Crystal had to look at Niko’s face again. She looked just as self-satisfied as she sounded, but there was a faint blush across her cheeks too. It was an unfairly attractive look on her.
“I didn’t know about the connotation at the time. I just thought it was a cool party trick.” Niko’s gaze darted away, and she started fiddling with a nearby piping tip, rolling it back and forth in antsy circles. “Though once I did realize, I thought it’d be fun using it on a pretty girl.”
Crystal sputtered, and Niko looked back to her quickly, eyes bright with hope and uncertainty.
Oh. OH. Crystal was so fucking dumb.
A slow grin split her face as the realization set in, unfurling in her chest like a lily blossom. “Well I’d say it was pretty effective.”
The uncertainty melted from Niko’s face, leaving brilliant elation and a beautiful blush in its wake. “Yeah?” she asked excitedly.
“Yeah,” Crystal purred, moving closer to Niko and cupping a hand to her soft cheek. “Maybe you can give me another demonstration?”
Niko let out a breathless little laugh as she mirrored Crystal and brought both hands up to cradle her face, fingers so light it almost tickled. “I’d be more than happy to.”
She planned this from the start, some half-delirious voice in the back of Crystal’s mind realized.
But this thought was quickly lost to the warm buzzy sea of affection as Niko leaned in and pressed her soft lips to Crystal’s and Crystal was absolutely gone.
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regretsofaghost · 3 months ago
Day 30- My love for you is true, I swear it is, it just will kill you in the end
AO3 link to chapter 30- here Tumblr link to chapter 29- here Tumblr link to chapter 31- here
Word Count- 1000 words
Edwin did not burst into tears, did not scrunch his face in a show of beautiful sorrow, nor did he have tears fall silently down his cheeks like summer rain.
There was no beauty in watching his best friend fall apart.
Edwin, as he tended to, was silent. He buried his face in Charles’ chest, and Charles felt the wetness of tears begin to soak into his polo, with hardly a shudder going through Edwin’s body as he cried.
Hell had taught its lessons well, after all, and the most important one was silence. No one cared to hear the tears of a boy who did not belong there.
Leading Edwin was possibility the hardest thing Charles had ever done.
Edwin was covered in blood, eyes wavering and misty, lost, as Charles tried to keep up his commentary, tried to get the other to focus on him, to not think about the creature or all the memories the thing was trying to make him think of with every change.
Charles did not recognize them all, but he recognized Niko, saw her with the blood spilling out of her chest from where Esther had impaled her with magic, the paleness of her face as blood soaked her white outfit.
Charles could not let Edwin see that.
Charles could not focus on that.
So he kept asking if Edwin trusted him, as that seemed to make Edwin focus if only slightly more, a furrow in his thick eyebrows as if wondering why Charles would ever think otherwise.
“Of course.”
“I always do.”
It hurt, to hear. It felt like trickery, to have Edwin wax his praises after Charles had kissed him multiple times, all while Edwin was clearly still under the effects of that awful potion. All after Edwin had looked so lost, so resigned, as if the kisses meant nothing.
They mattered, so much, but Charles had to take care of Edwin first, and that meant getting them away from the wraith that had become fixated on Edwin.
“I’ve got you.” Charles murmured into Edwin’s hair, holding him closer, burying his face in the other’s messy hair. “It’ll be okay.”
“I-don’t know why I’m crying,” Edwin’s voice was wrecked, soft, little more than vibrations against Charles’ chest.
“Doesn’t need to be a reason, does there?” Charles pressed a kiss against the crown of Edwin’s head. “Just the two of us here.”
There were little hitches of breath, as Edwin pressed his nose against Charles’ chest, uncomfortable for both no doubt, but Charles wouldn’t ask Edwin to move.
It was a relief, when Charles led Edwin through the mirror back to their office, away from the wraith, Crystal safely on her way home with Charlie’s help.
It wasn’t a lie, when he told her that it would be best to allow him to help Edwin alone.
Charles was just, pretty sure Edwin didn’t want anyone seeing him in this state.
Hands holding hands, Charles led Edwin to the couch, guiding him to sit before reaching for his backpack, intent on finding flannels. Edwin’s hand tightened in his for a second, as if needing Charles’ contact, and well, Charles would not fail Edwin again.
It was a bit harder, to find what he needed with one hand clenching Edwin’s, but Charles would always make due for his friend.
Sure, the blood would eventually disappear, but-
It was an awful sight, blood covering Edwin’s chin and front, splattered and smudged on his dress shirt and sweater vest, hand completely covered in it as well.
There was little Charles could hope to do about the clothes without Edwin’s help, but their medical supplies always worked.
“I miss her, so much.”
“I miss her, too.”
Charles watched the way Edwin’s eyes grew heavy, gaze following his movements as he wiped away the blood from his chin and neck, making sure to be gentle.
“I-I worry, she died for me-“
“She- she died for us mate. Both of us were in there, trapped.”
“She- shouldn’t have had to be brave for us.”
Edwin’s lips were swollen from their kiss, his teeth now worrying the tender flesh as Charles got closer to his mouth with the flannel.
Edwin tasted like gin, the vague memories of pine needles and fresh flowers.
“Niko shouldn’t’ve.”
“I, I am also angry, at her.”
“She, she didn’t even say goodbye.”
Charles wondered what Edwin would taste like underneath the gin.
“She didn’t. Proper rude, innit?”
The hand was next, and it was so much worse now. Charles couldn’t ask, couldn’t interrogate the other, not without that awful monster of anger lashing out.
There were two deep bite marks, a new one on his thumb, the old one just below it worsened.
Charles was gentle with Edwin’s hand, careful, as he wiped up the blood, revealing brilliant purple bruises that covered a good portion of his hand now.
It wasn’t the time for questions, it wasn’t the time to ask.
Not with Edwin’s sad, lost eyes.
“Did, you visit her?”
“Would you want to?”
“… I would not want to impose.”
“Can’t impose, grave’s for the living, innit?”
“We are not living Charles.”
“Then, grave’s for those left behind, innit?”
Edwin’s eyes followed Charles as he stood up, getting Edwin to his feet as well before laying on the couch, pulling Edwin on top of him.
Edwin made a noise of protest, but Charles wrapped his arms around him anyway.
“Please mate, just, let me help you.”
Charles laid there for a second, then another, then another. Right when he believed he overstepped, that they did not do this any more, did Edwin’s arms slowly start to wrap around Charles’ middle.
“I missed this.” Edwin’s voice was soft, sleepy, sounding as young as his sixteen years of life, rather than the hundred years of death and torture.
“I missed this too,” Charles replied, holding Edwin tightly, rubbing his nose in the other’s hair.
Edwin’s hair smelt like vanilla ice cream and old-fashioned pomade.
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pjsk-headcanons · 5 months ago
some video game hcs!!
- minori adores rhythm games, just dance, and wii sports, basically any game that involves exercise or a way to get her energy out. i think shed also like chicory (yall should check it out, its super cute and wholesome!!)
- kanade is surprisingly good at platforming, she enjoys hollow knight, ori, and other games with that aesthetic. shes not very good at the combat though
- haruka doesnt have much time to play games due to her busy schecule, but if she did have time, i think shed enjoy games like a little to the left, unpacking, and other organization games
- ena and mizuki love visual novels, games like nso (not projecting at all <3), ddlc, and class of 09 (havent played but the vibes)
- emu loves animal crossing and mario party, she gets reeeally competitive when she plays mario party w the rest of her friends
- mafuyu gets incredibly competitive in any game she plays, and is quite good at mario kart, though overall shes fairly neutral on games
- kohane and airi enjoy those cat mobile gacha games
- honami plays cooking mama lol
- rui and nene are huge pokemon fans, theyve played most gens and have spent dozens of hours shiny hunting/pokedex completion
- ichika doesnt play many games but she does like to put on plastic placid duck simulator while she works, she showed it to kanade and now theyre both in love with it
- oh mizuki also adores oneshot, they see niko as their little child
(🌌 anon)
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iwritenarrativesandstuff · 6 months ago
A big thing of importance when attempting to predict or understand a plot point or character in a work of fiction is that you really have to approach it from what the story itself is trying to tell you.
Yeah, yeah, I know, but you really do need your starting point to be "what is the intention of this story? What is it trying to say?" Every story will have thematic elements that are core to its premise, and a lot of things will make sense more if you actively view them through this lens. You can't cast aside the intent of the story before you take the time to understand what the story is trying to do in the first place.
For instance, BSD has a knack for not killing off its characters, despite the violence of the world in which this story takes place. But BSD at its core is about survival and life, and particularly seeking a way to live even if your purpose and meaning and future are uncertain. It was created for people who need stories to live. This is why it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense for them to kill off a bunch of characters, as that would conflict with the kind of story BSD is. I do not expect character death in this series, because unless there are some very specific circumstances (ie. Bram), it just wouldn't fit. Any death just isn't going to hold.
Dead Boy Detectives is extremely obvious in its theming - The good you do comes back around and will allow you to heal in turn. If you continue to be cruel to others, then you will only succeed in perpetuating that cycle, and become the toxic one in turn. This is the core of Crystal, Niko and Esther's story arcs in particular: the character who changes over the story, the character who exemplifies the themes, and the character who acts as the warning.
Themes are the connecting threads that help you understand why choices are made. It also really helps when trying to narrow down to a general idea of where something is going.
For one, the To the Moon/Sigcorp series is about things like memories, regrets, legacies, grief, and final moments before death. Due to this consistent theming, it really didn't come as a surprise to learn the major secret that one of the characters was hiding... or the kind of ending it's leading up to.
As another example, Persona 5 is about a lot of things: rebellion, anger against injustice, the failure of adults to protect the youth, etc., but more than anything I think, P5 is about building a support system after trauma; a support system which is a necessary crutch for people to get their feet back under them and learn how to heal so that they can find themselves and a way forwards again. But a support system doesn't just come to you - you have to trust in people, and let them help you. This is seen in all the characters' arcs, but is taken to extremes with both Futaba and Akechi. Futaba could not start to heal without choosing to allow people to help her. She stagnated in her own guilt and grief due to her isolation, and her decision to open herself up is made literal by a locked door in her heart that could only be opened if she chose to let them in. And, as a result, this running theme is how I knew, even during the worst of the traitor arc, that Akechi was going to end up complicated, yes, but also sympathetic. P5 is not subtle. We are told and shown again and again that this character had no one in his life to rely on, and was cast aside by society. But unfortunately, Akechi rebuffs any attempts to offer him help. As a result, he becomes more and more single-minded, strays further from what he truly seems to believe, and ultimately spirals into self-destruction.
Now we can start asking other questions, like "Was the story successful in what it tried to tell us? Did any of the themes conflict? Were thematically relevant threads left hanging?"
Going back to BSD, this is still a major issue I have with the prison arc. Objectively, the characters were in-character, and the logic holds (for BSD anyways lol). But thematically, it was unsatisfying - the intense setup of this arc made the audience expect much more in the way of story themes than was actually delivered.
This, to me, is where you get into "was the story good" without getting caught in the "well, I didn't like it/agree with it so it was bad".
And then there's where you come into it! Your initial reading of the themes of the story are also going to be shaped by your amount of practice in critical analysis, and also by your personal experiences and interpretations. This is where we get into things like "do I agree with what the story is trying to say" and "oh this was a missed opportunity to add in this little detail" or "objectively it was good, but it didn't really do it for me" or even "objectively it was bad, but something about it still makes me want to chew plaster". It's awesome and part of the joy of being in a community for these things. It's both limiting and lonely to see a story from only one perspective.
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