#asexual niko is my headcanon
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chronic-hyperfixator · 3 months ago
Edwin, to a random guy at a party: And then the peacock bit me haha- please kiss me at midnight.
*random guy walks away*
Charles: Have you seen Sandy
Edwin: Oo uh I don’t know how to tell you this but she’s in Crystal’a bedroom getting it on with that geek Max. Oh look at that I did know how to tell you.
Niko: Hey everybody the ball is dropping.
TV: In twenty seconds it’ll be midnight.
Edwin: And the moment of joy is upon us.
Charles: Looked like that no date pact thing worked out.
Crystal: Everybody looks so happy. I HATE THAT!
Thomas: Not everyone’s happy. Hey Charlie.
Night Nurse: Fuck off!
Partygoers: 3… 2… 1… happy New Year!
Edwin: You know I just thought I’d throw this out here, I’m no math whiz but I do believe there are six of us right here. Mwah, mwah.
Crystal: I don’t feel like kissing anyone tonight.
Niko: I can’t kiss anyone, hello asexual.
Thomas: So I’m kissing everyone?
Charles: No, no. You can’t kiss Monty that’s your ex-boyfriend’s ex.
Monty: Perfect, so now everyone’s getting kissed but me.
Edwin: Alright somebody kiss me. SOMEBODY KISS ME! ITS MIDNIGHT! SOMEBODY KISS ME!
Edwin, jumping up and down: Somebody kiss me it’s midnight! Somebody-
*Charles kisses Edwin*
Charles: Yeah. *bi panic*
*Edwin blushing*
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chaoticbooklesbian · 8 days ago
2 for any fic & 18
for fanfic author asks
!! Yessssss, excellent questions~
2. What is your favorite paragraph from (insert story title you want to know about here, or leave it blank for writer’s choice)? Is there a reason it’s your favorite?
I'll go for my favorite from Never Felt This Sensation (Kiss To Every Scar), from the SFW portion of the +1:
Just as Charles had come to expect from Edwin’s touch, the kiss was gentle and soft and warm. There was no urgency in it, only a syrupy, languorous intent. As Edwin released his hand to pull him closer by the waist, Charles realized he was being explored - Edwin would try a motion, see how he responded, try it again. He couldn’t resist the urge to smile into Edwin’s lips and clutch him even closer till they were pressed together from shoulder to hip.
It's my favorite partly because of the phrase "syrupy, languorous intent", which I absolutely adore, and partly because I think it's the best kiss I'll ever write. I can't help but picture it with fuzzy pink light. I love it so much.
18. Share a headcanon relating to (insert desired theme here)!
Gonna take this as writer's choice with nothing specified, so! My personal pet headcanon is that Niko is the same niche flavor of asexual as me. I have no evidence for this whatsoever, just that I like her and she's like me in certain ways, so I'm hitting her with the Weird Asexual Beam and no one can stop me.
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More out of canon lore dumping but specifically about Niko and Rizu here
I don’t know how to segway into this.
Niko Facts
Eyes: After the solstice run, and Niko finally returned home, they discovered that their eyes permanently glow. The same is also true when they cry, with their tears being a yellow color. This is likely due to it holding the sun so close to their eyes, which led to them absorbing heavy quantities of yellow phosphor. This has also improved their vision significantly, especially during the night hours.
School: Around the time Niko hit 13, their mom decided that it would be a good idea for Niko to attend a school in a somewhat faraway city. I did say around the time of starting this that they lived with its aunt, but I’m retconning that. This school is effectively a boarding school. So Niko lives in a dorm, and for the most part is free to do as they please, when not attending school. It was also discovered that Niko is a pretty bright student, and they were boosted into a somewhat accelerated course of study, and are allowed to choose more classes than others. One of these, to probably very few people’s surprise, was a coding course.
Possible trauma things: it’s highly likely that Niko has some form of ptsd, or just some severe reactions to anything that reminds them of some of the more traumatic moments within the simulation. I don’t know all that much about ptsd, so I’m going to look into it more so I can portray it more accurately. The things that can induce a response include black outs, computer glitches, especially when coding, and occasionally, something square shaped.
Personal identity: this is where some of my headcanons really shine. Personally, I think Niko was born afab. This could be me projecting a bit, but I digress. When they were younger, they decided they liked they/them more than she/her. Now, at this age, they have added it/it’s/itself to the pronouns they enjoy. They also identify as either demi-romantic asexual, or simply aroace. That’s one I’m working out still.
Rizu Facts
Hand deformity: Rizu was born with a slight hand deformity, thought it doesn’t cause her much trouble now, as she’s been living with it her whole life. She was born with three fingers and her thumb on each hand. Her fingers also lack nails, and instead are pointed on the end, with much tougher skin, and probably slightly stronger bones on the ends. This has never caused her trouble while learning how to play the many instruments she now does play.
Musical talents: Rizu from a young age realized she very much enjoys playing and writing songs. So she picked up a guitar, and learned how to play it, and play it well. Now, several years later, she can play not only guitar, but piano, and she’s currently learning drums, violin, and flute. She also still writes songs, and sometimes will work with others in the musical tract she’s enrolled in.
School: Rizu is attending the same school as Niko, in the same grade. She’s enrolled in a special music tract within the school though, so she takes different classes than them. They also live in the dorms, ironically, in the same one as Niko. That’s how they got to be such good friends.
Family: as any good comedic relief character usually has, she has a somewhat depressing background. Her father left when she was maybe 4, and her mother remarried to, at the time, a very pleasant woman. Sadly, a few years later, she found out her father had passed, though the reasons were unknown. And not only even a full year later, her mother passed as well. The woman who is her step mother displayed her true colors. She wasn’t necessarily abusive in any way, but she neglected Rizu to such an extent that for a long time, Rizu was severely malnourished. After her situation was found out, she was taken from that home, and later on enrolled at the school she now attends. She now lives there full time, and is technically the legally adopted child of one of the professors, specifically of one within the science tract. Identity: Rizu identifies as female, using she/her. However she does on occasion use they/them. She also identifies as a lesbian, and Niko finds one of the greatest pass times is in fact watching her attempt to flirt with women. She’s very bad at it.
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antiv3nom · 3 years ago
Pls pls give me bllk character headcanons i will give u my soul.
i want u to know that i started hyperventilating when i got this, literally u have MADE MY DAY i would give u MY soul
this is gonna be. long. and very very rambly. and many of them will be very very stupid. and a few will be kinda serious. so be prepared. im literally spinning a wheel of names to decide who gets a hc in what order so. enjoy <3
nanase is, as we know, a super upbeat and polite person, but i think that tbh he has a hard time regulating his facial expressions so a lot of the time people find him weird or intimidating because he has rbf
nagi would be a very good baker, if not for the fact that he constantly gets distracted while baking and burns his baked goods (the number of times his smoke alarm has gone off is frankly embarrassing)
otoya refers to himself, not as 177cm tall, but as 177cm long. i do not know why i feel this is right i just do.
karasu literally never stopped making jokes about the fact that his exit number for the first round of the second selection was 69. NEVER shut up about it.
gagamaru can't read a gps, he only uses physical maps. but he can't read subway maps either? they confuse the fuck out of him (get good gagamaru subway maps are the best)
reo absolutely hates making eye contact, he's been taught to do it because it's polite and it's been trained into him but its absolutely awful
and additional hc for reo from my friend - he's drowned before. no extra explanation
niko actually keeps his hair long to cover his eyes on purpose! his eyes are really sensitive to light and he kept getting questions when he wore sunglasses inside all the time, so he just grew out his hair. it helps a bit.
chigiri is asexual! he's still figuring out everything surrounding his identity though.
rin drinks straight tonic water for fun sometimes. even he can't really explain why he enjoys it
sae is terrified of both intimacy and loneliness, leaving him in this limbo of wanting someone to be close to again but never wanting to expose the deeper parts of him to someone else for fear of being hurt. this lad needs therapy deeply
hiori is a near-diamond level splatoon player, (within the A ranks) and has already put hours into the new game despite it only being out for a week (projecting? nooooo absolutely not)
shidou is concerningly good at carnival games, and will win every single one if he wants to. aren't these things supposed to be rigged?
bachira has sensory issues and is super sensitive to sounds and textures, hence the headphones we see him with in his casual outfit and in the neo egoist league intro chapters!
and finally, isagi has four separate lobster plushies in his room. one is a few feet long and is just affectionately called "the big one", and the other three are smaller, and named (in order) fransisco, owen, and mary (short for maryland, heir to the throne of old bay). (wonder where i got those from [stares away from the lobsters sitting on my bookshelves])
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miki-13 · 2 years ago
Okay now it’s your turn to give me your rwby Pokémon AU 😁
(Cracks knuckles)
I wanted to combine RWBY and Pokemon so that the story they'd tell would be distinct from both, while also using my headcanons for the characters:
Pokemon have aura and abilities are essentially their semblances. Trainers can also build up aura and even gain a semblance when in contact with a trusted Pokemon partner for long enough.
The Great War is replaced with the Era of Calamity, when all the evil teams in Pokemon sprouted up and caused a lot of trouble.
Both the Pokemon World and Remnant are featured, but the majority of the story takes place in the Pokemon World.
Silver Eyes are not a power, but a hereditary gene of Viridian Trainers (trainers who can understand Pokemon and heal them- see Pokemon Adventures/Special Manga)
Faunus are Gijinka essentially and can even be recorded as having the same type as the Pokemon traits they inherited. (Blake shows up as dark type since she's a Liepard Gijinka)
Team RWBY Volumes 1-3 down below (been a while since I drew for this au)
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Ruby (autistic as fuck) Team: Rockruff "Beowulf" (Male, first Pokemon, hearkening to her wolf theme), Murkrow-> Honchkrow "Rook" (second Pokemon, from Qrow), Scyther "Crescent" (Crescent Rose in Pokemon form) and Treecko "Echo" (grass type to honor Summer Rose- Summer Rose also had a Treecko"
Weiss (repressed as fuck) Team: Charcadet "Niko" (inspired by you- Nicholas Schnee helped her catch it) Prinplup "Galatea" (first Pokemon, bred from Winter's Empoleon) and Alolan Vulpix (given as a gift from a Klein)
Blake (non-binary as fuck) Team: albino! Luxio "Kimba" (first Pokemon, cat-like without being too obvious, a leader-like Pokemon), Golbat "Jun" (From the White Fang), Raticate "Kei" (From the White Fang) and Banette (following her from a distance- the ghost of a child who died during her and Adam's attack on the train, representing her guilt and shame)
Yang (muscled as fuck) Team: Nidorina-> Nidoqueen "Meifen" (first Pokemon found when searching for her mother, represents her familial instincts), Arcanine "Ein" (therapy dog turned partner, her fiery nature and loyalty) and Breloom "Ali" (Caught in honor of Summer Rose; Ember Celica+ her boxing style)
Jaune (nerdy as fuck- he also has glasses) Arc: Lillipup (first Pokemon, con-mon, loyal and stalwart, like him), Scorbunny (Pumpkin Pete's cereal prize) and Riolu (Pyrrha was going to use this Riolu but gave them to Jaune when she realized he only had two Pokemon and Beacon's minimum number of Pokemon per team is three)
Pyrrha (autistic as fuck) Nikos: Aegislash (first Pokemon, representing Miló and Akoúo̱), Magneton (her power over magnetism), Lairon (powerful defense but many weaknesses), Lucario (For aura) and Skarmory (badass flyer)
Lie (asexual as fuck) Ren: Ralts (first Pokemon, from his mother), Dartrix (his father's surviving partner) and Nymble (ninja-like)
Nora (trans as fuck) Valkyrie: Tinkatink (I can't not use this for her- her only friend until meeting Ren- thanks for that), Pawmi (for her electric powers+ motor drive+ fighting prowess) and Goomy (reminds her of Ren+ clinginess)
Headmaster Ozpin: Eternal Flower! Floette, shiny Golurk, Sigilyph and Torkoal
Penny Polendina: Kling
Qrow Branwen: Absol, Honchkrow and Bisharp
Tai-Yang Xiao-Long: Boltund "Zwei", Braviary "Alfred"
Cinder Fall: Chandelure, (so far)
And that;s all I can type at the moment!
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uncle-jj · 3 years ago
Alright! I am here with a few headcanons about my villagers (previous and current) in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, as well as a few headcanons about the NPCs.
It may contain a few triggers, but I'm sure reading the whole post will be worth it!
You have been warned.
First off, the NPCs...
Tom Nook: He is bisexual, and has asperger's syndrome and depression. He used to have a crush on Sable Able, but he and Isabelle are dating as of now.
Isabelle: She is autistic and transgender. She also runs a TikTok account that's feuding with Ankha's fame, and plays Doom in her pastime.
The Able Sisters: Mabel is an autistic lesbian, Sable has mild depression and secretly despises Isabelle for taking her place in Tom Nook's relationship, and Labelle is queer and polyamorus.
Daisy Mae: She is autistic and has a slight case of down syndrome. Her mother is in constant disagreement with Sow Joan, and invests in cryptocurrencies.
Flick and CJ: Flick is a transhet female-to-male, and CJ is a nonbinary, pansexual countryboy with a preference to females (no matter their sex), and uses he/him pronouns.
Blathers and Celeste: He has asperger's and PTSD, while she is autistic and nonbinary, and uses she/her pronouns. He is also nonbinary.
Brewster: He has aspergers and mild depression. That is why he speaks in a low, monotone voice.
Redd: He's gay. Enough said.
Timmy and Tommy: They're both autistic, with Tommy being trans.
Saharah: She is a genderfluid that prefers to use she/her pronouns.
Kicks: He is queer and asexual.
Leif: He is autistic, trans, and has an addiction to the weeds. Altogether, he's a walking reference to that old Stoner Sloth campaign.
Harvey: He has down syndrome and is polyamorus. Same with Pascal.
Resetti: He has PTSD, depression, anger issues, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and superiority complex, all on a heaping mole sandwich.
Gulliver and Gullivarrrr: Gulliver is the worst member in his crew. Even worse, he's the captain whose crew wanted none other than to get rid of him since the first time he washed up on a GameCube. Gullivarrrr, however, is feared and respected by his crew, and he has a drinking problem. Gulliver has a drinking problem, too, but he also has superiority complex as well as being gay.
Paradise Planning: Lottie is a polyamorus pansexual, and Niko and Wardell are autistic. Niko is a bit more extroverted than Wardell himself.
K.K. Slider: He's asexual and aromantic. DJ K.K. is actually his son, and is in a slight conflict with his old man.
Wilbur and Orville: They're both aromantic, with Orville being an extrovert, and Wilbur being in touch with the latest trends. They're both capable of warping through different universes, and (with help from Dr. Shrunk) developed the amiibo functionality in the game to expand their horizons. Crazy, huh?
Lloid: He is capable of cloning himself. The original Lloid is actually a god.
Now the villagers...
The current villagers will be marked with italics.
Jitters and Flo: He is her adoptive brother. He also has down syndrome, and an addiction to coffee, and crushes on Kiki. She is an aspiring rock star who wanted to travel the world and impress it with her music. As for Jitters, he has mild depression and uses coffee as a coping mechanism.
Kiki: She is autistic and has OCD, and a crush on me. She also is secretly a witch in training, and an artist.
Tutu: She has a serious drinking problem and suffers from inferiority complex. She has ADHD as well.
Curt: He has PTSD and arthritis. He is also an alcoholic, but his alcoholism isn't too bad.
Doc: He's a school teacher who used to struggle a little in school as a student. He doesn't want anyone to make the same mistakes he did.
Plucky: She's a little arrogant, but she is also asexual and aromantic.
Lopez: He's a polyamorus, pansexual nonbinary who uses he/him pronouns. He has a Twitter.
Tiffany: She is polyamorus and pansexual as well, but she also used to work in a gentlemen's club.
Maggie: She had a severe case of bad luck.
Skye: She is nonbinary and bisexual, and uses she/her pronouns.
Bunnie: She is autistic and trans. She also has a TikTok and a Twitter.
Punchy: He is nonbinary, pansexual with a preference to males, autistic, imaginative, has a TikTok, a YouTube, a Twitter, and a crush on Kyle.
Katt: She is also nonbinary and pansexual, but she sometimes like to flirt with Punchy. She runs a music channel (where she posts her songs) and a gaming channel on YouTube.
Kyle: He is nonbinary and pansexual as well. He is also polyamorous. He also has a YouTube and a TikTok.
Francine and Chrissy: They sometimes like to flirt with each other. However, they're also pop stars, with Chrissy not realizing she already got fame. They both share a TikTok.
Rosie: She's autistic and has ADHD.
Felicity: She's not really a cat, but a human who identifies as a felisgender. She's also a lesbian.
Flora: She used to be a drug addict, but she is slowly recovering.
Ken: He is asexual and aromantic.
Mira: She's a member of the scaly fandom. Why else does she have dinosaurs in her house?
Whitney: She used to have a boyfriend, but she broke up with him a few years before coming to my island. She also has a Facebook.
Hopkins: He has ADHD and OCD. He used to be a ball bouncer before he was transformed into a bunny.
Gloria: She's intersexual and polyamorus. She also has a Facebook.
Sterling: He used to be a noble knight, until his king betrayed him and sent him to present day, because he is gay.
Lolly: She is a cispan, has aspergers, and runs a TikTok, and a few Tumblr blogs. One of the blogs is a Homestar Runner fanblog. She's also an artist and likes to draw her fellow villagers...and has a crush on Punchy.
Ankha: She used to be an Egyptian queen, until her burial. Many years later, her sarcophagus was opened, she saw before her eyes the person she ever met in forever. She then wrapped them up and trapped them in it, ready to take on the world.
Hotel: Trivago.
That's all of my headcanons on my Animal Crossing pals. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
I will update if someone moves out.
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breadthief · 5 years ago
So, WOW.
I did not expect to get over 1,100 responses to my “hehe what do my fellow wuhluhwuhs think of rwby” survey, but here we are! I’m honored and the statistics nerd in me is absolutely giddy, so here’s responses with 10x the scope of our last writeup, 150+ responses! And remember that we’re still plugging so if you haven’t yet take the survey here!
As of 1,100+ votes:
44.7% of survey takers identify as Lesbian 37.8% as Bisexual 11.8% as Pansexual 16.1% as Asexual 3.4% as Aromantic
When it comes to umbrella terms, 13.1% use the umbrella term sapphic, 23.2% use WLW, and 22.1% use Queer
(Note that this is a “select all that apply” question, so one may, for example, hit “bisexual, aromantic, and wlw”; percentages do not necessarily take away from each other.)
As of 1,100+ votes,
81.3% respondents identify simply as a Woman 19.8% identify as Non-binary
When it comes to non-binary identities, 5.9% identify as genderfluid, 3.9% identify as a demigirl, and 3.3% identify as genderqueer.
Out of the people that consider themselves binary women,
79.5% responded that they are Cisgender 9% responded that they are Transgender 11.6% do not wish to disclose whether they are cis or trans
Characters (Opinions)
So, which characters are popular in the RWBY wlw community? Which characters aren’t?
Here’s where results start differing from our last writeup! Just like fandometics +n and -n will indicate how many spots someone moved. Bold will be used if anyone new enters a list.
(Note: Respondents were allowed to choose up to 5 favorites)
As of 1,100+ votes...
Top 10 most popular female characters
1. Yang Xiao Long (61.7%) 2. Blake Belladonna (48%) 3. Weiss Schnee (44.1%) 4. Ruby Rose (25.5%) 5. Pyrrha Nikos (17.5%) 6. Nora Valkyrie (13.2%) 7. Penny Polendina (12.8%) +1 8. Neo (11.3%) +1 9. Winter Schnee (8.7%) 10. Ilia Amitola (7.8) -4
Top 10 most popular male characters
1. Qrow Branwen (58.4%) 2. Lie Ren (39.2%) 3. Sun Wukong (29.5) +2 4. Jaune Arc (26.3%) 5. Oscar Pine (25.9%) -2 6. Ghira Belladonna (12.4%) 7. Roman Torchwick (11.5%) 8. Marrow Amin (11.3%) +2 9. Clover Ebi (11.2%) 10. James Ironwood (10.4%) -1
We also polled which characters wlw hate!
Top 5 most hated female characters
1. Cinder Fall (50.2%) 2. Salem (27.1%) 3. Raven Branwen (20.9) +1 4. Glynda Goodwitch (17%) -1 5. Neon Katt (16.1%) -1
Top 5 most hated male characters 1. Adam Taurus (71.3%) 2. Jacques Schnee (66.4%) 3. Tyrian Callows (23.6%) 4. Leonardo Lionheart (17%)  5. Arthur Watts & Jaune Arc (12.9% each) -1 but only for Jaune
We also asked which characters wlw personally relate to or project onto the most.
Top 10 most relatable female characters to wlw
1. Blake Belladonna (47.3%) +1 2. Yang Xiao Long (45.5%) -1 3. Ruby Rose (33.9%) 4. Weiss Schnee (30.4%) 5. Ilia Amitola (14.1%) 6. Pyrrha Nikos (10.3%) +1 7. Penny Polendina (10%) +1 8. Nora Valkyrie (9.6%) -2 9. Winter Schnee (7.3%) 10. Velvet Scarlatina (4.9%) -2
Top 5 most relatable male characters to wlw (Note: there was a large vote disparsity between the two!)
1. Jaune Arc (36.8%) 2. Qrow Branwen (34.6%) 3. Lie Ren (29%) +1 4. Oscar Pine (26.9%) -1 5. Sun Wukong (17.7%)
Characters (Headcanons)
Next, we asked for peoples’ sexuality headcanons. We asked people to select every character they thought of strictly as X sexuality.
I did include characters whose sexuality has been confirmed, like Ilia, mostly because I copy-pasted the character lists and I made this at midnight. Whoops - but it is fun to see her topping the “most lesbian” list.
These will be phrased as “most [sexuality] character”, because it’s fun.
Top 10 most lesbian characters, as voted by wlw
1. Ilia Amitola (87.3%) 2. Coco Adel (80.8%) 3. Robyn Hill (72.1%) +1 4. Yang Xiao Long (66.1%) -1 5. Fiona Thyme (50.5%) 6. Weiss Schnee (38.7%) 7. Velvet Scarlatina (35.2%) +1 8. Winter Schnee (34%) -1 9. Emerald Sustrai (29%) 10. May Marigold (25.7%)
Top 10 most bisexual female characters
1. Blake Belladonna (92.9%) 2. Raven Branwen (51.4%) 3. Summer Rose (41.5%) 4. Pyrrha Nikos (35%) 5. Weiss Schnee (31.4%) +2 6. Velvet Scarlatina (32.7%) -1 7. Nora Valkyrie (25.6%) -1  8. Emerald Sustrai (20.8%) +1 9. Ruby Rose (19.4%) 10. Winter Schnee and Kali Belladonna (19.3%) -2 but only for Kali
Top 10 most pansexual female characters
1. Nora Valkyrie (36.7%) 2. Neon Katt (32.3%) 3. Yang Xiao Long (25.5%) +1 4. Pyrrha Nikos (23.7%) -1 5. Penny Polendina (24.5%) +1 6. Ruby Rose (20%) -1 7. Neo (16.3%) 8. Summer Rose (16.1%) 9. May Marigold (10.8%) 10. Velvet Scarlatina (9.9%)
Top 10 most ace and/or aro female characters
1. Ruby Rose (70.2%) 2. Penny Polendina (47.3%) 3. Neo (23.2%) 4. Glynda Goodwitch (11.8%) +1 5. Maria Calavera (10.8%) -1 6. Cinder Fall (9.3%)  7. Winter Schnee (8.5%) +3 8. Sienna Khan (5.8%) -1  9. Weiss Schnee (4.3%) -1 10. Salem (4.7%)
As of 1,100+ responses:
What is your favorite ship? (You can only pick one!)
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Bumbleby (Blake/Yang) - 57% Whiterose (Weiss/Ruby) - 13.8% Fair Game (Qrow/Clover) - 5.6% Nuts and Dolts (Ruby/Penny) -3.9% Freezerburn (Yang/Weiss) - 2.6% Renora (Ren/Nora) - 1.9% Ladybug (Ruby/Blake) - 1.6% Monochrome (Weiss/Blake) - 1.4% Rosegarden (Ruby/Oscar) - 1.1% Arkos (Jaune/Pyrrha) - 1%
I don’t have space to write all the ones that got less than 1%, so they won’t be in this report.
Top 10 wlw ships, as rated by wlw:
(This is another category where up to 5 answers are permissible!)
1. Bumbleby (89.6%) 2. Whiterose (60.8%) 3. Crosshares [Coco/Velvet] (58%) +1 4. Nuts and Dolts (57.2%) -1 5. Springthyme [Robyn/Fiona] (35.8%) 6. Freezerburn [Yang/Weiss] (29.8%) +1 7. Rosebird [Raven/Summer] (23.9%) +1 8. Schneewood Forest [Robyn/Winter] (18.2%) +1   9. Schneekos [Weiss/Pyrrha] (16.4%) -3 10. Arcotta [Sapphron/Terra] (16.1%)
Top 5 mlm ships
1. Fair Game [Qrow/Clover] (85.4%) 2. Seamonkeys [Sun/Neptune] (64.9%) 3. Ironqrow [Ironwood/Qrow] (40.5%) 4. Martial Arcs [Jaune/Ren] (15.2%) 5. Rich Farmers [Oscar/Whitley] (14.4%)
Top 5 m/f ships
1. Renora (87.5%) 2. Arkos (66.8%) 3. Rosegarden [Ruby/Oscar] (11.8%) +2 4. Emercury [Emerald/Mercury] (10.4%) 5. Gelato [Neo/Torchwick] (9.8%) -1
Next, we polled on likelihood vs. personal want. In this next section, up to 5 choices were permissible.
Top 10 “most likely to be canon” ships, as voted by wlw
1. Bumbleby (97.9%) 2. Renora (91%) 3. Fair Game (54.3%) 4. Rosegarden (32.8%) +2   5. Crosshares (29.5%) -1 6. Springthyme (29%) -1 7. Whiterose (18.3%) 8. Dreadnought [Salem/Ozpin], reconciled (15.6%) 9. Nuts and Dolts (13.3%) 10. Phoenix [Taiyang/Raven], reconciled (9%)
Top 10 “most wanted to be canon” ships
1. Bumbleby (88.3%) 2. Renora (70.8%) 3. Fair Game (59.6%) 4. Whiterose (42.6%) +1   5. Crosshares (31.7%) -1 6. Springthyme (34.9%) 7. Nuts and Dolts (31.2%) 8. Seamonkeys (13.7%) 9. Rosegarden (8.9%)  10. Phoenix, reconciled (7%)
And finally, beware of ship hate - the top 5 most hated ships by wlw
1. Taura/donna (83.4%) 2. Black/sun (33.1%) 3. Iceberg [Weiss/Neptune] (28.5%) +1 4. Rosegarden (28%) -1 5. White Knight [Weiss/Jaune] (27.2%)
88.3% of wlw polled think RWBY has good wlw representation in general
49.6% would praise RWBY’s lesbian representation
53.7% would praise their bisexual representation
40.8% would praise their trans representation
34.5% would praise their general mlm representation
21.4% would praise their representation of gay men specifically
21.7% would praise their ace/aro representation
Comments on what they could improve on generally include mlm representation, ace/aro rep, and more trans rep
Thank you so much for partaking in this survey! I’ll post updated results when we hit another milestone... let’s see how far we can go!
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jcmorrigan · 5 years ago
A while ago, I promised a Tales of Berseria headcanon dump, and this is all incredibly specific and based on my own reading, and I know no one else is going to agree with these exact interps or even the ships that built their foundation, but hey, here I go anyway
Velvet Crowe: Lesbian. I first got an inkling she liked women in the prologue, when she was teasing around with Niko about “If you were a boy, I’d be in love.” True, she said it was a good thing neither was a boy at the time, but given how much the citizens of Aball drill ideas about marriage into Velvet’s head, it seems like a very heteronormative society and not that progressive. It’s a rural village in the middle of nowhere; what do you expect? Later on, Velvet would grieve heavily for Niko, in a way that I feel is reminiscent of a lover, and when it comes to Eleanor, she participates in “Women are mysterious creatures” rhetoric about her - the kind men usually say about women. Also has a fair share of soul-bonding moments with Magilou. I personally find more ship chemistry for her with any number of the women in ToB than any of the men.
Magilou: Bisexual. Seems to have an interest in Velvet. One particular victory screen has her joking with Phi about how if you can’t touch Velvet’s sword, everything else on her is fair game to touch. That’s wlw at least. However, her relationship with Bienfu of all things is where I get the impression she’s attracted to men - her talk of “punishing” him physically during nights at the inn read a little like innuendo to me. (Yeah, I just implied she has a sexual past with the Normin.) She also welcomes attention from all genders in general as to how amazing she is.
Eleanor Hume: WLW asexual. I don’t really have definitive subtext to point me toward ace, but I recall my own experience thinking I was morally upstanding because I wasn’t sexually active when my teenage peers were, and Eleanor, given her devotion to the Abbey and her pride in meeting its standards, just seems like she could have the same story: thinking she’s morally upstanding because she doesn’t act on any sexual urges, only to realize that’s because she doesn’t have them the way her teammates do. I already mentioned the subtext tension between Eleanor and Velvet - Velvet is the only person I can really pick out potential romantic chemistry for Eleanor with. Because of that, I’m not certain if she could also be attracted to men or not, as I don’t have any good samples.
Rokurou Rangetsu: MLM. I went back and forth between gay and bisexual for a while. For one, Rokurou has that scene when he talks about how women can break your heart worse than any danger in the field (and Eizen agrees), implying he’s had a past dating women. He also at least feigns interest in knowing about Velvet in the hot-spring bath. But this is underscored by a punchline of just wanting to make Phi sweat. Rokurou’s archetype of the heavy-drinking, optimistic idiot often comes paired with “womanizer,” but that wasn’t present here. And there was also the scene where he commented on how Velvet’s ragged outfit must be cold in Figahl only for her to scold him on ogling her - which I suppose can be read as him discreetly ogling her, but I see it more as him looking at Velvet in skimpy clothing and having the go-to reaction of how practical it must be in the weather. His chemistry with Eizen drips romantic to me, given how they share drinks and argue for fun.
Eizen: MLM. Same case as Rokurou - mentioned having his heart broken by women, and joined in on the Velvet-in-the-hot-spring discussion, but also expresses lots of affection toward Rokurou that was likely written to be platonic but comes across as very close. I’ve also seen the popularity of the Eizen/Zaveid ship, and given that Eizen told Zaveid his true name, which “can be seen as a confession of love,” there’s definitely subtext for that as well. So, again, whether gay or bi (or pan), I am not certain yet.
Laphicet: Bisexual. Obviously is attracted to the illusion of Edna and, to an extent, Velvet in the inn scene in Meirchio, but bonds with Videl intensely and devotes a major part of his life to making Videl’s dreams come true.
Magilou: Transgender, identifies as very female. This was actually something I got an inkling on very early when some of her victory screens had her making jokes about her weapon in the way that some might view as phallic (I’m thinking especially of the one where Eleanor and Rokurou are talking about the benefits of short weapons, and Magilou says “Mine can be as long as I want!”). So I was of the mind that Magilou perhaps did possess a dick, and that actually got weirdly reinforced when she lifted her book-skirt to fluster Phi and he said “I wasn’t expecting that” - the joke is he was more interested in the books, but in the subtext, I’m reading that despite him definitely knowing what a cis woman’s nether regions would look like (Eleanor is his vessel), he didn’t expect something about Magilou’s lower half. So I was thinking either pre-op transgender or intersex (I’m not certain what types of gender reassignment surgery or artes would be available in Desolation). When all of a sudden, her backstory was revealed that as Legate Magillanica, she had a whole identity and a name that she erased (going so far as to say “Magillanica” is dead), as well as a background growing up in a conservative/religious household with Melchior, and, before that, being passed around to guardians who didn’t love her, leading to her feeling emotionally repressed. And all of a sudden it all fell into place: her story really parallels transitioning. So now I love to just complete the analogy. We know she was going by she/her pronouns at a young age in her traveling show, but we also know that she was exhibited at a “freak show” due to her high resonance. It’s possible she was also advertised as (insert a horrible slur about androgyny here). If she was already well-known going by she/her, Melchior would probably have wanted to keep that intact so as not to cause a stink in the Abbey. But, Melchior being the horrible person he is, he probably also thought Magilou was fit to stand as a legate where no other woman was because she was “male” to him. Anyway, by now, at least the other women on her team have seen her naked and have nothing negative to say on the subject - the party knows and they love her.
Laphicet: I actually see him as a little genderfluid based on a couple of throwaway things. For one, when the party discovers the “unicorn horn” (narwhal tusk), there’s a big discussion about how only a “maiden” pure of heart should be able to pick it up. Velvet offhandedly says Phi should pick it up anyway because it’s his quest. In the end, the myth was dismissed, but I rather like the thought that Phi sometimes identifies more female and therefore could fill the bill of being a maiden pure of heart. His/her personality also influences Innominat, whose outfit of choice is androgynous as far as gender-specific fashion conventions go (and also really spiffy). Most days, Phi is male, but some days, not as much. With his status at game’s end, it also feels a little more fitting to say that such a guardian of the world should be less adhered to one side of the binary.
Eleanor Hume: OCD and anxiety. It’s outright mentioned how she takes responsibility and guilt for everything, even things that have nothing to do with her and aren’t her fault - a telltale marker of OCD. She’s also introduced as being emotional and teased for being a “crybaby,” showing that ordinary situations can easily push her over the edge. I’m only talking main party, else Kamoana would be her own entry, but Kamoana canonically has panic attacks that manifest as fevers according to Mahina’s note, and can be “cured” with placebos. Eleanor’s arc is linked to Kamoana throughout, and the moment where this is revealed is one in which Eleanor is outlining her similarities to Kamoana and how that should mean Kamoana would resent her. I feel like this draws a pretty blatant parallel between Kamoana’s rampant anxiety and Eleanor’s, and how Eleanor jumped to the worst-case scenario only to be shown that the child she worries about has something very big in common with her that might actually be a bridge between them rather than a wall.
Eizen: Autistic. Infodumping is a major character trait of his, and there’s an entire skit dedicated to talking about how “picky” he is about his routine, needing to wear his clothing in specific ways and dock at the same place every time in Port Zekson.
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biggreenneatbox · 6 years ago
RWBY Sexuality Headcanons
Fuck it; 2018 is rounding off, I’m a lottle drunk and I remembered saying something on @ladyvallhalla‘s Twiiter post. Let’s expand, shall we?
These are my personal headcanons for characters’ sexualities in RWBY, and the ones I often drift to. I’m branching a little bit from the main four but point’s the same throughout
Fisrt, a disclaimer - I really enjoy | OmegaInfinity |’s story “Linked in Life and Love” on Fanfiction.net. In it, the use of Mate Marks is explored, where Faunus can mark their partner(s) and various things occur.  Ever since then, I see ALL Faunus as Bisexual (I know what you’re thinking, and I’ll explore and explain that in a bit). Some prefer one gender over another, but most would happily join in a polyship if their partner so wanted. There are some exceptions, like Adam because fuck Adam with everything sharp, poisonous and deadly in this world and the next!  So, all Faunus will have an * next to their name, to denote that all of them are Bisexual to an extent, and that this is what I HC them as displaying most of the time.
Ruby Rose
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Our Silver Eyed Cinnamon Bun doesn’t really care for anything like that. She loves weapons, and she wants to protect her friends. As time progresses, that doesn’t change and that’s just who she is.
If I was forced to put her with anyone, I’d say Oscar due to their similar-ish ages (ignoring one huge outlier in the boy’s head). But honestly, Ruby saw someone younger tagging along. This is the first time since attending Beacon that she has actually had a chance to lead someone who hasn’t had as much world experience as her. She jumped at that chance, took him under his wing and gave him the Rose / Xiao Long Hospitality and Big Sis Role that she had grown up experiencing with Yang.
Weiss Schnee
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SO tough to decide!
Like, seriously. I put down “Confused” on the original tweet, but with it being a tweet I couldn’t expand on that. 
Weiss has lived a life of luxury, getting what she wants a lot of the time, not being given it if she doesn’t want it. There were a few smaller things she had to do on her Father’s request when she was younger, and she didn’t particularly enjoy that, but she stomached it as best she could to please him.
When she became of age to date, he forced her into it, and she was not happy at all. For a long time, it was shitty suitor after shitty suitor, so she outright denied a lot of people a chance at getting close to her, because they were just what Jacques wanted.
Neptune comes along, and suddenly there’s someone she finds attractive, but that goes nowhere and she’s at a loss.
It’s only when she has to deal with Shitty Neptune Henry Marigold does she really find that type of person repulsive.
Similarly, when RWBY reunites, she feels love like she has only really felt before in Klein, who loves her like a daughter and because it is his job. This is true, unconditional love, and she doesn’t know what to do. So, she does nothing, and accepts it as what it is.
Blake Belladonna*
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Bisexual / Homosexual
Dated Adam (regrets for rest of life) = Likes Guys  In love with Yang = Like Girls Put ‘em together = Bisexual
Though, as mentioned, I’d have to say she leans more towards Homosexual in my mind as tome progresses. Maybe that’s just how much she and Yang seem to gravitate towards each other recently, but I think that there’s really no one else for Blake. 
Yang Xiao Long
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Punsexual / Homosexual
Sexually attracted to the greatest pun in the room.  … Providing it was a girl said the pun.
I see Yang as once having aboyfriend at Signal when she was much younger. This was as she was just *ahem* developing, and she soon learnt that boys are idiots who only wanted one thing, especially aat that age. She would have said something and tried to move on, if not for the fact he said things about Ruby. She got detention that day for breaking his noes with a single punch. Tai was secretly pruod. 
That was Yang’s first boyfriend, and one of the soul reasons she hasn’t had a second. Non eof the girls said things to Ruby.
Speaking of, at Beacon with tht one scene EVERYONE seemingly sites as th reason for Yang being bi, yknow “I know I do~”, that’s sisterly banter; it’s a big sister trying to get her younger sibling to interact with others. Plus, Yanf assumed Ruby would be into that. Yang was wrong.
Jaune Arc
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Stupid and blind, but straight. Took after his big sister saphron in that regard - chasing after the girls ;)
She was better atit though.
Nora Valkyrie 
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NOUN: Capable of romantic and sexual feelings towards people of the name “Lie Ren” exclusively.
Seriously, they wewr made for each other. Nora just persues it more, especially in the Poser / Beacon Era of the show.
Though, outside of that, I say she’s actually Pan(cake)sexual. She seems like someone who doesn’t care at all who she’s with, long as they’re both happy.
Pyrrha Nikos
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Same scenarios as Weiss in her childhood and young tennagey ears, though less confused by the end of it.
Pyrrha had a lot going for her with her skill in the arena. As she made tours and attended various promotional events, people tried to woo her. It didn’t work, and she apologised for it. She wasn't in the wrong, she didn’t like disappointing anyone (it became an automatic response as time went on)
Her mother and father weren’t rich like Schnees were, but they had enough. Pyrrha honestly mad e more than them in three tournament wins than they did in the same time, and that’s not including the fourth win under her belt. So people just wanted to be with Pyrrha for the sake of dating a celebrity, rather than dating and marrying Weiss for the position of near uncontested power.
Then Jaune came along, someone who saw Pyrrha Nikos for her, not “Pyrrha ‘The Golden Girl’ Nikos”, or “Four Time Champion, Pyrrha Nikos”, or “the next teenager whose life I’m going to completely tear asunder and condemn to a life of solitude and pain.”
She loved being around him because he was genuine, if a bit slow on noticing. And for those brief final minutes of her life, she was happy to have found him.
Lie Ren
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Nora wont let him be anything else.
Nah, he’s had Nora with him for a very long time, longer than his own parents. They’d technically been dating since they were old enough to know about it. 
Another HC I have about Ren was that he had an endgoal in mind when attending Beacon. The Grimm that killed his parents needed to die. So he became stronger to join Beacon, then deal with it upon graduation. It’s why he held Nora’s hand after Kuroyuri and not vice versa - the thing he’d been after was gone, and a weight was off his shoulders. He didn’t need to worry, and he could live a life again.
Oscar Pine
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He’s a young child with a man born in the First Age of Humanity locked inside his head.
Ignoring Ozpin’s presence, I’d pair him with Ruby. 
Otherwise, no.
Sun Wukong* / Neptune Vasilias
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I adore Sea Monkeys. It’s a guilty ship of mine. But they’re straight. Sun followed his boner after Blake, and Neptune is a serial flirter. Even with...
Ilia Amitola*
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She needed mentioning, for obvious reasons.
Personallu, even with my Faubus HC of them all being Bi still holding fast, Ilia is one of the other canon exceptions to the rule. She really wouldn’t want to be with anyone other than another girl. If push came to shove and she had to be in a poly, lest lose her girlfriend to a man, she would let her date him whilst she herself still dated her, but she would not date him personally.
“I’m Ilia. This is my girlfriend Gretta. And this is Gretta’s boyfriend, David.” This, she’d allow. She wouldn’t enjoy it, but she’d allow it.
Emerald Sustrai 
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Straight, yet Bi-Curious
I see it as Emerald not knowing what she is to anyone. She has only let one person really close, and that was Cinder. Cinder treated her like a kid, sure. But growing up without that parental figure made her look up to the Maiden to Be as that sort of figure. As time moved on, Emerald was wondering if these feeling were growing more into something romantic. 
She never acted on those feelings in case things went south and that was Cinder gone from her ife forever or her own life gone forever. Still, she is unsure. Even now, as SPOILERS HERE, CANNOT WRITE
Cinder Fall
Sorry, I just love this GIF, I had to use it.
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Whatever she needed to be
It always seemed to me that Cinder would do whatever she wanted or needed to get information. It never seemed below her to use her looks and charm to work her way into where she needed to be. Some dude wanted to turn on the charm? Sure, let’s see what he’ll spill. A woman flirting with her at a bar? Well, if she’s got something of use to her - physical possession or pertinent knowledge - then might as well flirt back.
Honestly, I couldn’t classify her if I tried. I’m sure there’s something that would describe how I think she is. Drunk me doesn't knoe shit.
No romantic connection to anyone, but will seek a sexual partner of either gender if the need arises.
Aaand, that’s everyone I care about writing this for.
Have a happy new Year y’all!
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antiv3nom · 2 years ago
for the chara headcanon thing: 🏳️‍🌈 for whatever character(s) you want.
go ahead. give us all your LGBT headcanons for bllk characters
bestie. bestie you truly do not know what you just signed up for. bestie i am opening up the blue lock wiki as we speak. im going to talk about so many characters. i will never shut up
(btw i might include trans hcs in some of these!!! altho i havent written anything w said trans hcs at the moment theyre just living as Vibes In My Brain <3 also these are not set in stone and i fuck around with them all the time but. at the moment. vibes.)
isagi - ace and otherwise questioning (cough cough im writing a fic about this cough cough) though he does feel romantic attraction for multiple genders
bachira - bisexual and transmasc nb (he just like me fr)
kunigami - bisexual
chigiri - asexual and transmasc
(more under cut)
naruhaya - bisexual
gagamaru - queer and agender
igaguri - bisexual
raichi - unlabeled (he does not care enough to think about it)
iemon - straight but chill about it
kuon - gay but has CRIPPLING internalized homophobia
imamura - straight (derogatory)
niko - bisexual and nb
barou - bisexual and transmasc
nagi - gay
reo - bisexual
rin - pansexual
sae - gay but in denial (hes just so very bad at having emotions)
shidou - bisexual
aryu - pansexual
tokimitsu - queer
karasu - bisexual
otoya - bisexual
yukimiya - bisexual (i like fucking with his gender tho, like *pats top of he* this bad boy can fit so much gender fuckery in him)
nanase - bisexual
hiori - bisexual and nb
aiku - bisexual
anyways. blue lock more like bi lock amiright
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breadthief · 5 years ago
flash analysis: 150+ votes
As of right now my rwby wlw survey has 150 responses. thank you!
i plan to update regularly as we hit milestones, with 100 being the first. details below the cut! if you’re wlw and you like rwby, feel free to take the survey, here!
As of 150 votes:
56.8% of survey takers identify as Lesbian 27.1% as Bisexual 8.3% as Pansexual 11.2% as Asexual 4.5% as Aromantic
When it comes to umbrella terms, 20.7% use the umbrella term sapphic, 31.9% use WLW, and 27.9% use Queer
(Note that this is a “select all that apply” question, so one may, for example, hit “bisexual, aromantic, and wlw”; percentages do not necessarily take away from each other.)
As of 150 votes, 
74.6% respondents identify simply as a Woman 26.8% identify as Non-binary
When it comes to non-binary identities, 7.2% identify as genderfluid, 7.2% identify as a demigirl, and 3.6% identify as genderqueer.
Out of the people that consider themselves binary women, 
68.5% responded that they are Cisgender 18.9% responded that they are Transgender 12.6% do not wish to disclose whether they are cis or trans
Characters (Opinions)
So, which characters are popular in the RWBY wlw community? Which characters aren’t? 
(Note: Respondents were allowed to choose up to 5 favorites)
As of 150 votes...
Top 10 most popular female characters
1. Yang Xiao Long (67.5%) 2. Blake Belladonna (62.3%) 3. Weiss Schnee (41.6%) 4. Ruby Rose (27.9%) 5. Pyrrha Nikos (16.9%) 6. & 7. Nora Valkyrie and Ilia Amitola (11.7% each) 8. Penny Polendina (9.7%) 9. Neo (9.1%) 10. Robyn Hill (7.7%)
Top 10 most popular male characters
1. Qrow Branwen (51%) 2. Lie Ren (42.5%) 3. Oscar Pine (28.5%) 4. Jaune Arc (25%) 5. Sun Wukong (24.8%) 6. Ghira Belladonna (18.5%) 7. Roman Torchwick (11.8%) 8. Taiyang Xiao Long (11.1%) 9. James Ironwood (9.8%) 10. Marrow Amin (9.2%)
We also polled which characters wlw hate!
(This is where Google Chrome crashed and we reached 180 responses. Thank you! I’m going to preserve the original numbers I scrawled out, but from here on we’re working with a slightly bigger pool.)
Top 5 6 most hated female characters 1. Cinder Fall (52.8%) 2. Salem (25.8%) 3. Glynda Goodwitch (20.2%) 4-6. Raven Branwen, Neo, and Neon Katt (14.1% each)
Top 5 most hated male characters 1. Adam Taurus (73.8%) 2. Jacques Schnee (62.3%) 3. Tyrian Callows (23.5%) 4. Jaune Arc (15.8%) 5. Arthur Watts (14.1%)
We also asked which characters wlw personally relate to or project onto the most.
Top 10 most relatable female characters to wlw
1. Yang Xiao Long (58.9%) 2. Blake Belladonna (51.7%) 3. Ruby Rose (32.8%) 4. Weiss Schnee (26.1%) 5. Ilia Amitola (15%) 6. Nora Valkyrie (12.%) 7. Pyrrha Nikos (7.2%) 8. & 9. Penny Polendina & Velvet Scarlatina (6.1% each) 10. Coco Adel (3.9%)
Top 5 most relatable male characters to wlw (Note: there was a large vote disparsity between the two!)
1. Jaune Arc (38%) 2. Qrow Branwen (30.1%) 3. Oscar Pine (28.5%) 4. Lie Ren (25.2%) 5. Sun Wukong (17.9%)
Characters (Headcanons)
Next, we asked for peoples’ sexuality headcanons. We asked people to select every character they thought of strictly as X sexuality.
I did include characters whose sexuality has been confirmed, like Ilia, mostly because I copy-pasted the character lists and I made this at midnight. Whoops - but it is fun to see her topping the “most lesbian” list.
These will be phrased as “most [sexuality] character”, because it’s fun.
Top 10 most lesbian characters, as voted by wlw
1. Ilia Amitola (89.7%) 2. Coco Adel (86.9%) 3. Yang Xiao Long (76.6%) 4. Robyn Hill (75.7%) 5. Fiona Thyme (52.8%) 6. Weiss Schnee (46.3%) 7. Winter Schnee (39.7%) 8. Velvet Scarlatina (33.2%) 9. Emerald Sustrai (31.3%) 10. May Marigold (26.2%)
Top 10 most bisexual female characters
1. Blake Belladonna (93.2%) 2. Raven Branwen (53.4%) 3. Summer Rose (48.9%) 4. Pyrrha Nikos (44.7%) 5. Velvet Scarlatina (33.8%) 6. Nora Valkyrie (31.5%) 7. Weiss Schnee (26%) 8. Kali Belladonna (22.4%) 9. Emerald Sustrai (17.4%) 10. Winter Schnee (16.9%)
Top 10 most pansexual female characters
1. Nora Valkyrie (39.1%) 2. Neon Katt (33.8%) 3. Pyrrha Nikos (26.5%) 4. Yang Xiao Long (21.2%) 5. Ruby Rose (17.9%) 6. Penny Polendina (17.2%) 7. Neo (15.9%)  8. Summer Rose (12.6%) 9. May Marigold (10.6%) 10. Elm Ederne (9.3%)
Top 10 most ace and/or aro female characters
1. Ruby Rose (78.9%) 2. Penny Polendina (47.4%) 3. Neo (21.6%) 4. Maria Calavera (8.9%) 5.& 6. Glynda Goodwitch & Cinder Fall (7.4% each)  7. Sienna Khan (5.3%) 8. & 9. Weiss Schnee & Joanna Greenleaf (4.2% each) 10. Winter Schnee & Harriet Bree (3.8% each)
As of 180 responses:
What is your favorite ship? (You can only pick one!)
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Bumbleby (Blake/Yang) - 68.9% Whiterose (Weiss/Ruby) - 13.2% Nuts and Dolts (Ruby/Penny) - 7.4% Renora (Ren/Nora) - 1.1%
Those are all the responses that got 2+ votes (Renora only has 2 so far, they’re the slightly larger turquoise strip!) I don’t have space to write all the ones that got 1 vote individually, so they won’t be in this report.
Top 10 wlw ships, as rated by wlw:
(This is another category where up to 5 answers are permissible!)
1. Bumbleby (93.8%) 2. Whiterose (60.3%) 3. Nuts and Dolts (58.8%) 4. Crosshares [Coco/Velvet] (57.7%) 5. Springthyme [Robyn/Fiona] (30.4%) 6. Schneekos [Weiss/Pyrrha] (27.3%) 7. Freezerburn [Yang/Weiss] (24.7%) 8. Rosebird [Raven/Summer] (24.2%) 9. Schneewood Forest [Robyn/Winter] (19.1%) 10. Monochrome [Blake/Weiss] (18.6%)
Top 5 mlm ships
1. Fair Game [Qrow/Clover] (82.9%) 2. Seamonkeys [Sun/Neptune] (68.4%) 3. Ironqrow [Ironwood/Qrow] (38.9%) 4. Martial Arcs [Jaune/Ren] (17.1%) 5. Rich Farmers [Oscar/Whitley] (14%)
Top 5 m/f ships
1. Renora (88.9%) 2. Arkos (67.7%) 3. Sunflakes [Weiss/Sun] (13.1%) 4. Gelato [Neo/Torchwick] (10.6%) 5. Rosegarden [Ruby/Oscar] (8.6%)
Next, we polled on likelihood vs. personal want. In this next section, up to 5 choices were permissible.
Top 10 “most likely to be canon” ships, as voted by wlw
1. Bumbleby (97.9%) 2. Renora (91%) 3. Fair Game (54.3%) 4. Crosshares (28.5%) 5. Springthyme (28.1%) 6. Rosegarden (22.9%) 7. Whiterose (21.6%) 8. Dreadnought [Salem/Ozpin], reconciled (18.6%) 9. Nuts and Dolts (17.7%) 10. Phoenix [Taiyang/Raven], reconciled (9.7%)
Top 10 “most wanted to be canon” ships
1. Bumbleby (95.4%) 2. Renora (68.6%) 3. Fair Game (54.2%) 4. Crosshares (47.1%) 5. Whiterose (40%) 6. Springthyme (38.8%) 7. Nuts and Dolts (35%) 8. Seamonkeys (13.3%) 9. Dreadnought, reconciled (9.6%) 10. Phoenix, reconciled (7.5%)
And finally, beware of ship hate - the top 5 most hated ships by wlw
1. Taura/donna (84.1%) 2. Black/sun (39.3%) 3. Rosegarden (29.2%) 4. Iceberg [Weiss/Neptune] (28.6%) 5. Qro/win [Qrow/Winter] (27.8%)
91.2% of wlw polled think RWBY has good wlw representation in general
59.8% would praise RWBY’s lesbian representation
57.3% would praise their bisexual representation
45.6% would praise their trans representation
33.6% would praise their general mlm representation
24.9% would praise their representation of gay men specifically
22.8% would praise their ace/aro representation
Comments on what they could improve on generally include mlm representation, ace/aro rep, and more trans rep
Thank you so much for partaking in this survey! I’ll post updated results when we hit another milestone, like 500!
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good-sapphicrwbyaus · 7 years ago
hey i'm not sure if you're willing to answer this on here but what do you headcanon everyone's sexualities as? also ty for making this blog :D
Awww thank you so much! Of course I can share a couple of my personal sexuality headcanons! Not going to include Ilia because we already know that she is a lesbian.
Ruby Rose - Biromantic Asexual.
Weiss Schnee - Total Useless Lesbian.
Blake Belladonna - Bisexual.
Yang Xiao Long - Either Lesbian or Panromantic Demisexual.
Nora Valkyrie - Pansexual.
Pyrrha Nikos - Bisexual.
Velvet Scarlatina - Lesbian.
Coco Adel - Pansexual.
Penny Polendina - Homoromantic Asexual.
Winter Schnee - Biromantic Demisexual.
Emerald Sustrai - Big Ol’ Lesbian.
Vernal - Also a Big Ol’ Lesbian.
Neon Katt - Total Lesbian.
Ciel Soleil - Bisexual.
Glynda Goodwitch - Lesbian.
This is all that I have for now, you guys are totally free to share your own personal sexuality headcanons with this blog as well! :3
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