#(I'm fully aware that that's a 'me' problem btw!)
journey-to-the-attic · 7 months
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(有点晚的) 新年快乐!
happy (a little belated) lunar new year!! sorry i haven't been answering asks, been a busy week - i'll try to get to that tomorrow ^^
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skellagirl · 1 year
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katsy-kitty · 4 months
I'm going to vacuum my apartment, which means I'll be out for the next few days.
Keep me in your thoughts.
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stillfruit · 6 months
the most difficult part about group projects is not doing everything yourself
#to be serious i obviously want to respect everyone's time and efforts but sometimes it's genuinely very difficult to find a balance between#evreyone contributing in ways they would prefer and the output being good. what do you do when someone is bad at something yet enthusiastic#if this was baking a cake or something else i wouldn't give a shit but this is university and we have constructed but objective guidelines#clearly this is only a problem if you're a bad person like me who prioritizes results over how people feel in situations where we're graded#i am as polite as possible but how do i gently say let me do everything over for you#what makes this even more difficult is my own inability to start things early so this problem is double my fault - at the point#where i would have my thing done others have completed their work already before so i'm always overstepping#even if i'm ready before the deadline as well. the others are just faster overall#i'm fully aware how arrogant and insufferable i am and this is btw i know the people working with me are extremely talented in their ways#and carry skills i don't have etc etc but fuck some of the things i have to redo are sooooo simple and this way of working#is extremely inefficient because on top of doing my own work i have to look over the work of others and i know that's because i want#to do so and it's not their fault but at the same time they all did say they're aiming for the highest grade so what gives#i'm actually the worst person to have as a group work member </3 genuinely horrible. i've decided for now just let what is there slide and#emphasize giving credit about all the work the people have done rightly to them and then just quietly fix it later for the final submission#shit talking
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dramatic-dolphin · 2 months
hey just wanted to rant too cuz this shit makes me ashamed of being italian. I'm used to hating this country for a multitude of valid reason but Carini was so fucking dumb and stupid I wasn't prepared for this.
Like Bitch your fucking job is being punched in the face. you could've picked any other sport but you were like you know what. I want to get punched in the face. I will dedicate my life to Getting Punched In The Face. Like with what kind of integrity do you go up on the stadium of Get Publically Punched in the Face and curl up crying. You are pathetic. I've broken bones in sports cause it Just Comes With The Territory but nahhh were gonna weaponise the patronising feelings people have about us to start a witch hunt on someone who isn't even trans. Can you believe that you can be fucking defined as Too Strong to be a woman? Like oh I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that the female Olympics section was a kindergarten playtime to let those poor weak women think they can achieve physical feats too. I hate her so much.
Can you guys imagine if it was a dude that pulled this shit??? No one would take him seriously cause bitch. getting concussions for our entertainment is your FUCKING . JOB. Sigh .
tbf it wouldn't even be a problem in itself if everyone just handled it like normal fucking people. she got hit too hard for her to handle - comes with the territory, i suppose being a boxer does not make you immune to pain. everyone has bad days.
it's just that EVERYONE is rallying to protect this poor innocent fragile woman - who is an OLYMPIC BOXER - because she got punched too hard - IN AN OLYMPIC BOXING MATCH. BY ANOTHER BOXER. just. this is so mind-numbingly stupid. do people see white woman tears and lose all their rational thinking? poor fragile little woman crying, must protect? THIS IS AN OLYMPIC BOXER BEING HIT BY ANOTHER OLYMPIC BOXER IN HER WEIGHT CLASS. this italian woman could probably lay you out in one punch, even if she sucks, because she is, as i keep repeating, An Olympic Boxer. she is not fragile 😭😭
and just. "she hit me too hard, i immediately yielded" like hello???? what you are saying is she was too good at her job. at the sport both of you are there for? what you are saying is "she was so good, i immediately knew i didn't have a chance" and this is HER fault? for being too good?
i get you fully btw. imane khelif's next match is against a woman from my country (hungary). you can imagine the kind of shit people are saying. i just saw an article saying that our athlete shouldn't be her "next victim". VICTIM OF WHAT? BEING PUNCHED IN THE FACE AT THE 'GETTING PUNCHED IN THE FACE' SPORT????? are swimmers the victims of water now? am i victimized by someone running faster than me? IT'S A SPORT WHERE PEOPLE PUNCH EACH OTHER. i need to burn down the internet fr.
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captaindysdexic · 2 months
My problem with Twisted Wonderland
As someone who used to consistently play every single day for months, I've got a lot of issues. Let me preface this by saying I know nothing I'm saying will change the game and how it runs, I just want to come here and rant about the game I used to love.
Rant below the cut
My biggest problem is how grindy the game is, especially as a strict f2p player.
As someone who's never spent money on the game, it is so easy to tell how much of a cash grab the game is. The people that work on the game care about it I'm sure, but it is so hard to do anything in this game.
It's hard to get SSR cards, not only because the Gacha system is hella fucked up, but because it's hard to get enough gems to get pulls. Yeah we've got weekly and the logins, but that's so not enough unless you save for a card months in advance.
When you're a new player they give you some leeway, lots of free stuff because all the easy missions are meant for that, but as you get further and further into the game it's extremely hard to get even a 10 pull unless you're on the game basically 24/7.
As someone who is rank 72- and again, played almost religiously for months- it's hard to enjoy the game.
And I know as the story goes on it's meant to be harder, but because of how little they give you it's hard to get past the story as it goes on. It's hard leveling cards up, especially the spells.
It would be nicer if they gave you more materials or gems, that would make all the grind worth it, but that's not how it is. Hell, even events barely give you any pulls and yet they expect you to spend hours doing lessons to unlock the chapters and leveling up the free cards. Someone who's f2p (in my and my friends experience) will find it hard to get motivation to continue playing.
I want to continue playing, I love the characters and the story, but it's so hard to level up cards, or get pulls, that it breaks my heart and makes me want to not continue because I know I won't ever get that card I want, that I won't be able to get past this chapter, that I won't be able to finish an event fully because of the system.
It's so obvious they don't care about f2p's because reruns and even some event banners are strictly p2p things. Rerun banners require special keys that are pay-walled, event banners like the anime expo ones or special non-event related ones are pay-walled, THEY'RE ALL PAY-WALLED.
To me it is extremely frustrating to know that the developers don't seem to care about the fan base at all.
I mentioned earlier about the Gacha system, which I find really, REALLY dumb. 100 pulls for a guaranteed SSR? 200 needed for the event SSR? That's so dumb! Even if you were p2p you'd have to have some extreme luck to get an event card before at least 70 (which it's hard to get if you're far in game and f2p). In my experience, all the event cards I have that are SSR's (WHICH IS 2 BTW, ive been playing since idia's groom event and only have TWO EVENT CARDS EVEN WITH CONSTANT GRIND) I had to do over 70-80 pulls for and spent weeks grinding for. Not to mention pity doesn't carry over to other banners.
Speaking of events, I swear to god the events are getting shorter and shorter every time. The Stitch event that just passed? I swear it only lasted 3-4 weeks, banners ended way too quickly for any f2p that wasn't saving to pull without extreme luck to get any SSR card, got forbid the event exclusive ones. I got like 25 pulls during that event and 10 of those were because it was Kalim's birthday. It's extremely dumb and next thing you know it events will be lasting only a week or two and you're probably fucked over.
Anyways, that's basically all I have to say. There are a lot of things that frustrate me, like how they do events and some characters stuff, but I can't bother to put it here because I'm not as pressed about that stuff as I am about the stuff I did talk about.
I'm aware that people probably won't read this, but it's nice to get off my chest y'know? I'm going to continue to play the game, but I'll never play as constantly as I did when I first started because it's so hard to play and find motivation for it anymore.
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WIBTA if i told my friend to, essentially, count their blessings?
sorry for possibly bad english
CONTEXT: me (19 they/them) and my online friend (18 they/them). years ago we bonded over not having friends IRL. they were being bullied and i have some mental issues that make social things difficult (social anxiety, low social battery, tendency to isolate)
then things changed. i got therapy and started talking to some classmates. my friend now has an entire IRL friend group they're very close to.
but this past year was a nightmare for me. i'm not in school anymore and my mental health hit a new low. i can't stay in touch with people, everything is exhausting, i'm back to zero. i'm still in therapy but i'm seriously struggling.
silver lining: talking to people online is a little easier. i don't have online friends aside from this person. but i'm very friendly in videogames (i jump around, spam a little, TBH i'm annoying but it works) and i'm active online and open about my interests, some are crazy popular. basically i have small exchanges with people here and there, very brief and or casual. it looks like nothing but where i'm at RN it means the world to me.
PROBLEM: my friend. every. single. time. they see a mutual commenting on my post, or i tell them i had a nice interaction in a videogame, they say "wow, you're a magnet, everyone always talks to you, nobody ever talks to me, haha, i don't know how you do it since no one even looks at me". seriously, EVERY TIME.
they've been doing this for years. it didn't bother me as much before but things are different now. they have a wonderful IRL friend group, a girlfriend, many online friends they're close to. they literally DO befriend people the same way i do, i don't understand what they're envious of. meanwhile this is all i have and they're fully aware of my situation.
BTW it's okay to feel jealousy and envy, i'm a little envious too, but it's how you act on it that can be rude or insensitive. i keep it to myself because i know my issues aren't their fault. also over the years i reassured them when they acted this way and a few times i introduced them to some of these people i meet. apparently it didn't change anything.
i want to tell them to start thinking about how many friends they have and to stop complaining. kindly. i probably sound irritated because i am. but if i say this i don't want to be mean to them, i'll try to be respectful. i just don't know if i'm in the right to even be annoyed
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prettygirlstothefloor · 5 months
a messy review of TTPD
okay i need to preface this that i have the credentials to be able to speak my mind on her. i've been a fan since 2006. i've been a fan since i was 11 so don't get your panties in a bunch.
i think this album is messy. the production is the only thing i can really praise about it. the lead up to it and now the full release has just been so unbelievably messy. i'm going to make a continue reading for the people who still have yet to listen where i won't spoil it for you. PS. i do get mean in this. so if you're not wanting to hear critiques and criticism and taking that in, please scroll.
EDIT: this was pre-anthology release. so this is just based on the original 16 song release.
i am fully aware she is allowed to go through the grieving process of her breakup with joe. i respect that whole heartedly. i completely understand having someone in your life for such a big chunk and for them to be gone and feeling lost and alone and angry. what i don't like at all is essentially telling us in this album that she couldn't handle joe having severe depression. obviously i don't know everything that went down but it seems as though he didn't want to get married until he felt mentally better. and as someone who is also in the same boat as him, i also wouldn't want to fully commit to marriage until i felt like i could give them 100%. and if that's his biggest crime, being too depressed, then that's a her problem. being depressed is not all "haha relatable".
now onto... that man... i did not expect 90% of this album to be about him. i've only hated two people in my life. one being a family member of mine. the other, him (i will not be saying his name because he does not deserve it). the way she spent so much of this album talking about how she will defend him with her life. girl i am begging you to get up off the ground. it felt like a backstab from her in "but daddy, i love him" where she's basically saying fuck everyone for ruining a relationship i wanted. the reason no one wanted her with him is because he's a racist, misogynistic, homophobic asshole. i am aware he supports queer rights but it seems like he only cares about queer rights and the safety of queer people when it involves white queer people (ie. what happened in dubai and malaysia). i'm almost confident she cheated on joe with him while her and joe were still together. i'm sorry to taylor that i care about BIPOC and queer people's rights than making a racist white man happy.
joe truly got the short end of the stick here. he has been treated so horribly this past year by swifties who made up rumors about him just to make taylor seem like the good guy and the only thing this album told me was she was the villain in all of this. i hope joe has a good support system around him and i hope he's able to get any mental health help he needs. i do also think that taylor desperately needs a therapist as well. she is very adament about not having one and just using her mom and her friends but she needs an outside source to really listen and give her advice that isn't "yes man"-ing her all day long.
anyways, like i said at the beginning of this post, i enjoyed the production. my favorite songs were fortnight and who's afraid of little old me. it's gonna take time for me to enjoy this album outside of its messiness. i did enjoy midnights btw. so it's definitely not the sound i don't like it's just everything surrounding it.
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daystarvoyage · 3 months
The Dana Terrace Vs Vivienne Medrano, The Great Debate of Two Female Creators
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Hello Starry Knights, This is the lovely Kyoko Cane, The Brown Sugah Queen, & cosplayer who performs and visits numerous cons throughout, while making blogs/vlogs on animated media & entertainment.
as you know or are new to this page, I am an artist who also dedicated my fashion in drag, on all my platforms along my artwork & discussions (be it anime or Western) that can affect real-life even fandoms, with a variety of videos.
the title of the post is about The two proclaimed talked about animators, Dana Terrace & Vivienne Medrano, I'll be critiquing how these two women of animation tackle the industry. This will have strong opinions from recent interview videos I've watched.
(I'll be calling Vivienne VIVI FOR SHORT & letting you know, if I were to watch ones in the future affecting my post come on the comments to ask freely, AND YES ALL PROJECTS AND TOPICS ARE NOT WITHOUT THEIR CRITIQUES, FLAWS IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE IT, CHECK OUT THE DAYSTAR VOYAGE, DON'T HATE, APPRECIATE! )
OK LETS GET STARTED In this 3-part segment
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1. The Different Artstyles That Made Us Love These Shows.
Vivis work (Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel)
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Now We all know as fans & lovers of animation when we hear a series that's greenlit after viewing on a television screen, in a magazine, or sponsored in commercials, right? As for these two,
The first time I heard of VIVI's work was on a YouTube ad commercial in line & premiered for the pilot, I was fully captivated by its groundbreaking story, from hazbin hotel to the comedy in helluva boss, along with its ghoulish Beetlejuice-inspired art style.
(which I'm a sucker for the niche, indie projects & gothic horror.)
observing her sketchbook on YouTube, I was drawn in by the captivated humanoid shapes she sketches, along with her fluid & flowing style.
the worldbuilding version of heaven & hell drew me in, after watching hazbin hotel. The pilot had a lot to offer from its dreary horrific turns/obstacles from its character debut, story & distorted beauty that there was a lot to tune Into along my first episode of Helluva Boss,
Now we are gonna get down to lore storytelling and character growth.
(and im fully aware of how the fandom treats the rest of the main & supporting cast not letting them flesh out including the females, btw)
Vivi has so much to offer, after watching the latest episode of Helluva Boss and finishing Hazbin Hotel, I see she has the potential to make a good show on drama & sell it, however with her controversy coming through I feel she needs to learn on how to perceive herself online, so makes it hard for me not to hate her series, be it art and her work.
(its truly good when it wants to be as for the writing ima get to that later. with the stolitz & lumity discourse on part 2)
The owl House by Dana terrace
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Now you all know by now, I am a full-on Owl House fan regardless of its show ending early, and my many critics on Dana Terrace drew me in with her macabre art and full-on passionate skeletal pieces after looking at her socials and sketchbook online, as a debut showrunner who made her great stance on lgbt representation she has cemented herself as an acclaimed cartoon creator.
However, she does have her flaws ever since rewatching the series, and a lot to learn about the business, after rewatching The Show and yes I have notes written to prove them,
To add I felt if alex Hirsch wasn't on the project, everyone wouldn't watch that show since yall want it to be the next GRAVITY FALLS,
I love the fandoms that discuss the errors of these creators cause it give more insight on how to portray yourselves on in the real world, cause lemme tell you, it was all watered down I'm get to that in a minute
one problem i have with particularly since she's a good artist & creator is her depending on certain tropes to carry out her cast, cause some may be harmful & the writing be generic.
She needs work on being a better showrunner cause those skills need Cleaning up including writing certain characters on who gets the spotlight.
2. The Good, Great, Bad & Ugly in Fandom Discourse,
Vivis Work (Wow Yall can be Wow)
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Vivienne Has made her mark in the YouTube market ever since making her pilot debut on Kesha video & hazbin hotel pilot,
I'm so glad for her contributions towards the indie market making her way to showing great representation in the general audience for an adult show, yes an adult show and that's not without its controversy,
with her grand debate, I feel everyone took this woman's artwork turning it into something ugly, which is so uncool.
and I for one will not stand for the hate trains of now popular shows flip-flopping and then float back to it cause your series is acclaimed now, let's be real she deserves her crowns and laurels Just keeping it real, regardless cause its a fire show
The fandom has shown their love of the show cause it knocked down so many doors in many ways, but let's be real the audience is now geared toward children cause we all know, this generation can be doing some crazy things, cause they all need to tone down the language,
which I feel viv needs to work on the jokes I get, it's an adult show which is concerning and it's a Gen Z world where people have access to computers 247, which contributes to all the nasty discourse and crass behavior not to mention,
viv needs to calm down her fans when it comes down to her work and the way stoliz is perceived.l can be questionable, not to mention how the females are written which I do know the key word for this below.
cause i rarely do find the females are compelling, but yet to fleshed out like the rest of the male characters so misogynist comes into mind in this show and how it sells
there some moments it only aims to the infamous ship Stolitz (and doesn't let other characters breathe (this is a problem with the owl house which ill get to right now cause the pacing is wow smh)
(next to the owl house which I'll get to cause OMG)
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THE OWL HOUSE FANDOM (GRRRR) lemme calm down
If you haven't seen my posts, including the bashing and discourse there's also a list I swear lemme quote
in the words of Biggie Small - if you don't know now ya know.
The owl house fandom i was on ride or die for the lumity however we all know how that ship got it start and built up cause they expected it to be this thing to say F you to Disney which is good cause disney had it coming howver, after the show ended
Yall have become the most foulest ugliest & disrespectful fandom ever since the Steven Universe, Voltron and miraculous incidents,
its sad to see how these two franchises fell into the worse cases, the two creators may come across not caring of there fandom acts cause there's a saying
The captain always goes down with his ship MEANING
A captain should not have to sacrifice their life simply because the vessel they are in control of is in distress
There’s two fandoms such as Steven universe & voltron fell from grace into toxicity down below that are prime examples
The Owl House fandom has got to be some of the most entitled, uppity if not (racist) fans!
yall clearly have not listened to other fans or can't take criticism, yes the show did make very feminist undertones and the male characters didn't shine at all in their titular episodes or moments, which doesn't help at all.
Since Dana drew inspiration from Powerpuff Girls
(which comes on and the writers being all female, is gonna have damaging effects)
Cause stifled the male characters in a way where there not as prominent or impactful,
So this word MISANDRY comes to mind
The fandom has gone down to the point of no return, I mean,
one fan from a webcam interview WANTED DANA's ADDRESS EWWW!
its not that the Disney drama was too blame for the project, (to an extent) which I'm proud for the fandom for banding together on animation, but need to take off the lgbt glasses cause boy the show's writing was pushed in favor of that.
CONGRATS You did at the cause of Harassment and bad behavior in fandoms,
3. Make The Business Makes Sense & epilogue
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Dana Terrace has the makings of doing good shows however when it comes down to an audience to kid she has some major damage control on how the fandom will come across,
i mean have we not learned from the Lilith and Camilla toxic issues, you can tell the show likes to demonize the adults which is unacceptable, and can damage storytelling and characters.
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the truth i feel there needs to be proper staff on how to write POC, and ethnic and cultural representation In the show, Amphibia, Molly mcgee, Haileys on it and other break-out shows did it better,
hell yo had Amphibia doing those dishes in Frogworld, can you imagine the boiling isles taking on Hispanic cuisine.
Which i felt could've hit a mark on luz home life and culture if written & fleshed out,
Like the staff didn't know how to write those topics, they've coulda gone so far with it but unfortunately fail flat not to mention the fashion. UGH
ViVI WORKS ( i try not to make this quick but e can discuss more on comments be NICE)
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Vivienne Medrano has good fashion and business sense
its important to have that cause having a Cloud Nine franchise coming from nothing can do wonders for how you are perceived as an artist,
The discourse has come due to her take on the controversy on platforms talking on her many harsh topics
(in my opinions she too needs to work on controlling scenarios & damage control that can affect her
So tried but yeah
vivi is a dominant artist who takes her business seriously so I am glad to have her flourish in Spindlehorse,
butt just i wish i cant help but fall outta love with her work, knowing of the problems in today's animation comes certain things you can say even snowflakes can break under if heard by there favorite creators.
lets be honest these two can learn from each other. and vivi does sure know angles and promoting
very glad to get this written so I put some thought into this
i wish nothing for the best for these awesome artists and creators thank you all for coming so far and have a wonderful voyage thanks.
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hwnglx · 1 year
Jungkook’s likes and dislikes of his future partner ?
i don't really feel comfortable looking into his dislikes about them, but thought i'd look into some potential green and red flags in their relationship. haven't read for them in months.
jungkook's future relationship - green + red flags
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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queofw, kingofw&queofsw, knofc, fool&moon
+ an incredibly well balanced relationship. they will complete and compliment each other beautifully, also bond over their similarities. especially when it comes to their ambitions, their fiery and creative sides. jungkook will gain a lot of confidence from his fs' existence and vice versa. i can see him feeling very inspired by his fs' existence creatively. maybe expect some love songs in the future.. he'll be good at writing about his love for them, i think. also his fs in particular, will benefit a lot from jungkook's warmth and vibrance. they might've been through a fair share of disappointment already, which turned them a little closed off at first. jk will be very good at breaking down those walls and opening up their heart, gaining their trust.
they will also just be very lovey dovey and cute with each other, a lot of romance. kinda like this long-lasting couple that everyone is jealous of, since everyday they seem to be just as in love with each other as when they first met. the romantic air will not die down for years it seems.. jungkook is a libra venus, so he'll probably find a lot of fulfilment in sweeping his fs off their feet. i can see him putting a lot of effort into planning the most beautiful dates.
there will also once again, be a great balance between lighthearted and carefree times, but also moments where they'll engage in deeper conversations. they'll truly enjoy each others company and have a lot of fun together, but connect to each other beyond the surface, on an emotional level as well. take away each others fears, light the way in times of darkness. the fact i only got court cards and major arcana really gives me this impression that their relationship will be extremely important for the both of them, it will definitely play a big role in their lives. they'll have a meaningful and longlasting impact on each other.
aceofsw, 7ofc, 9ofw&6ofc, 8ofw&magic
- the main problem i see here, is jungkook's fs struggling to deal with his incredible amount of fame. their partner being in the public eye and having so much going on, will overwhelm them for sure. as i stated before, his fs seems to have dealt with some past bad experiences already, which might've caused them some trust issues. a lot of overthinking. "i trust you, but i'm worried i'll get hurt again." is what i keep hearing. tbh, i do not see jungkook engaging in any infidelity. i actually see him remaining pretty loyal, his fs will just be in their head a lot. they're aware he's a very charismatic guy many people swoon over, so there's this sense of insecurity und worry when he's away. they basically don't like the thought of people looking at him a little too much, if that makes sense lol? maybe some of you know that feeling, i definitely do. "that girl smiled at you for a little too long, don't ya think?" kinda vibes lmao, or they'll feel all weird over jungkook just being his usual charming self with others, maybe confront him over it. they probably have some possessive tendencies and need to work on their ability to fully trust.
btw, i see this pattern for a lot of bangtan's future spouses, which is interesting. it seems they're aware of the set of unique difficulties dating a member comes with. many of them are worried over the members getting seduced by the fame and popularity, which is kinda inevitable with a bg as big as bts, i guess. however so far, most of them seem keen on staying faithful once they settle down 👏🏻
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chemicalarospec · 4 months
My rendition of the Tommyinnit "Nightmare Polycule" for phil's love/relationships AITA:
AITA for trapping my best friend in marriage? So I (M20) have a girlfriend (F20) but I'm also married (12.29.22) to my best friend, T (M20). She's aware, that's not a problem, and T sees other ppl too. BTW T is gay and I'm straight, or I was when this happened, I'm bi-curious now. The problem is T wants to divorce me. We'd joked about getting married for a while, but he's always been more hesitant about it. So when we married, I might not have been entirely clear about it being fully legal.1/2 2/2 T said he wants to livestream the divorce court… I don’t want to end up a blond divorcee at 20 :/ I serenaded him (with backup dancers) and it didn’t seem to convince him, but he hasn’t actually talked about divorce as much since then. So AITA? PS: I went on a trip for a few months and T and my girlfriend hung out a bunch during that time? Even though he’s gay, it was weird… + One of my backup dances just rated my song as a C tier song because it’s a parody, which also makes me sad.
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scummynami · 2 years
Can you write some fem reader hc with Cale from trash of count’s family? He’s just so good 🫣
pairing: yan!cale henituse × fem!reader
tw: stalking and manipulation.
note: took me a while, BUT IT'S FINE. Thanks for this ask btw, tbh I didn't have a clue as to what "Trash of the Count's Family" was until this ask ヽ⁠(⁠(⁠◎⁠д⁠◎⁠)⁠)⁠ゝ I also have to give thanks to you cus you gave me a new genre to explore (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
You were a side character who didn't even get to appear in the official comic. Well, Kim Rok Soo hadn't read the latest chapter, as he died the same day before he could even get a glimpse. So, basically you were a character that was unknown and very new to him.
You and Cale Henituse didn't cross paths at all in the original work. In fact, you were destined to meet Choi Han instead of the young master, in a secret garden at a "cold solstice gathering", and was written to fall in love with said man- starting the "Star-Crossed Lovers Arc".
But Cale... Cale wasn't aware of that, as he trekked down the woodsy path, not knowing that he was about to delve into a path that wasn't originally his, with consequences that are much terrible than death.
The stars were alight, twinkling joyously as it sets the mood. Cale was weirded out by the romantic aura surrounding the woodsy backyard of the palace. The annoying crown prince tried picking a fight with him in front of Choi Han, making him flee the scene before things escalate.
He has to admit, it was a wise decision to do so, as him slipping away from the scene resulted in him achieving the impossible- being alone.
Ever since the story started, things have been annoyingly chaotic, so it was a nice change of pace, to achieve silence, that is.
However, that does not mean his problems were over. A new entity is threatening the specific area he wants to settle in, if there was a new threat arising in manhwas, usually, this means there's another power that was left untouched still.
His pensive state didn't continue for much longer, as he senses another presence near him. And it wasn't familiar. Immediately, he tenses up and creeps around until he sees walls of grass- hedges — he assumes — hidden behind the thick trunks of the forest.
He peers through the unkept hedge and is surprised to see a lady sitting on the fountain, leaning closer and closer towards the water as if mesmerised by something. He took note of this as he walks towards her, not bothering to conceal his footsteps, confirming that she is indeed under a spell.
If it weren't for the imminent danger that was to happen, he would've stayed awestruck by her enchanting features.
Wrapping an arm around her waist, he easily carried her away from the fountain, effectively breaking the enchantment.
"... Whu... what?" She mumbled as she stared ahead in a daze, before realising her situation.
"I apologise... for this. But this was the only thing I had in mind that would save the lady without hurting you," he said as calmly as he could, peering into her eyes that were as clear as the night sky above. He could feel the back of his neck getting warmer and warmer.
He sets her down, but couldn't find it in himself to fully let her go, as he keeps an arm around her waist.
"Yes... thank you, sir...?" She replies, still in a surprised state. She felt as if his face was familiar, but couldn't quite put a finger to it.
"Cale Henituse, my lady. The eldest son of Count Henituse," he said, parting with her for a bit to give her a curt bow.
"Ah," her eyes widened with familiarity as the surprise on her face remains. "I see.... you are that sir Henituse."
He was expecting judgement from the ethereal lady. But he only got a curtsy and an introduction.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Name Arlischen. The youngest of Marquis Arlischen," she says softly. "I would like to give my gratitude to you, my lord."
Oh, Arlischen. Now he knew he was definitely way past the chapter he last read. This was the arc titled "Star-Crossed Lovers" and was one of the recent chapters published on the day he died.
The first few days in the capital were spent.... wastefully. He tried to gather information about the Arlischen Marquisate but only got unconfirmed rumours back.
This was where the stalking began. Well, he didn't necessarily called it stalking, as he dubbed it "gathering research material" shamelessly.
This was also the time when he began "befriending" the young lady and his possessive behaviour towards her.
The people around him began to question his actions and deemed it as him falling in love with the Arlischen's pearl. These claims were of course, denied at first, but that was until he began to take note of his behaviour around her, and how she acts around him.
Well, that may be due to the fact that he manipulated her into thinking that she's in love with him, not the other way around.
However, he didn't really care, as he began to drink in her affections, and found himself intoxicated by her.
It was around this period that he began to unconsciously include her in all of his future plans.
It also around this time that he began to slowly isolate her until he was certain that he was the only person she needed.
Her family had long approved of their relationship, so these things weren't seen as a bad thing, especially in this society of which they belong to, where women were to become their husband's property.
Meaning, everything he had or was about to do, were seen as romantic instead of toxic.
The grass swayed left and right carelessly. Caressing the cheeks of his beloved lady.
"When we marry, you must stop these adventures of yours and stay next to me as much as you can..." she mumbles as she buries her face into his stomach, feeling shy of her words just as she spoke them.
He chuckled, finding her behaviour cute. He held onto her arms and guided her until they were both at eye level. His arms embracing her form cautiously and lovingly as if she were a piece of art, saying: "When we marry, I promise you you'll never breath a day without me by your side."
It would be joke to assume things end here.
The night he saved her from being swallowed by the magic fountain's water, Choi Han had been following her, and had unknowingly fallen in love with Cale Henituse's beloved.
Choi Han had never been selfish, nor was he the type to disobey his master. But it all changed once he saw her.
Memories that weren't created flooded into the man's mind, letting him know of his destiny. Of how everything was supposed to be his, including her.
tbh I wanna write about dark cale henituse. But didn't know how it should go, what direction it would take. Would rlly appreciate it if you guys write down recommendations in the comments below 🫶🏻
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mikuni14 · 7 months
After rewatching episode 8 with cool mind and without the emotions that accompanied me the first time, I already know what triggered me so much that I have such a problem accepting the fact that they lied to the police:
it's actually not even about the fact that they lied to the police that Non didn't go with them
it's about how actively they worked to mislead the police, and therefore Non's parents, into Non's elopement with Keng, which btw, only Tee AND JIN did
and although this is understandable when it comes to Tee, who is now, without realizing it, a member of the mafia literally covering up their crimes...
...Jin didn't have to do it. When the cop says that Jin is said to be the closest to Non, Jin could have said "um, not really". And what he ABSOLUTELY DID NOT HAVE TO DO was answer the next question: "what is the possibility that Non ran away with Mr. Keng?" Jin might have said "I don't know, I didn't know him that well, I didn't know they were close until this video came out". What does Jin do? He not only lies, he creates an additional alternative reality, something that has no use for HIM, so he absolutely, absolutely NEVER had to do it
even taking into account the fear of corrupt police, which I doubt (I'll get back to it later), THERE IS STILL NON'S FAMILY, left without Non and without answers as to where he is
What triggers me so much is not that they lied to the police, but HOW they lied, especially Tee and Jin. The potential fear of the police (and the real fear of the consequences) could only be limited to "he wasn't with us, we don't know where he is." But Tee AND JIN did something extra, something specifically misleading and ruining Non's reputation, his life and his future, especially if they live in the illusion that nothing bad happened and Non is alive.
THAT'S WHY I'M WAITING FOR THE SCENE WHEN THEY AGREE HOW TO TESTIFY TOGETHER. Why? Because I'm pretty sure that Tee made them all believe that Non was taken by Keng and they ran away together and it will look bad FOR THEM that Non was with them at that time and used them as a cover for his parents (we can only guess how Por and Fluke will be the first to jump in and lie so as not to ruin their already damaged reputation with another scandal and new problems with their parents and a precious future in medicine). This would also explain Jin's behaviour, who has a very romantic view of love and who first recorded Non "as a punishment because he cheated on his boyfriend", and now thinks that maybe, since Non actually ran away with Keng, maybe THIS was a real love. And what he says may even be an attempt to excuse Non that he is not a bad boy, but that he ran away with his beloved. Tee telling them this would also explain the boys' behavior at the beginning of the series, why Por, Fluke and especially Jin think that Non is alive but doesn't want anything to do with them and why Tee and Top were the first ones to think that Non was dead and is the ghost because they were the last who saw Non and know perfectly well, that he wasn't taken by Keng at all.
But at this point, knowing what we know, Tee and Jin's behavior is indefensible, and while yes, ACAB, let's not forget about Non's family. That's why I have such a big problem with it. Because their testimony wasn't "I don't know, I don't remember, he wasn't with us, thank you, goodbye", but to turn Non into a whore running away with his teacher in a nationwide sex scandal. And then jointly parasitizing his work. That's why I'm counting on more information about it, why they did it 🙂
And I am 99.99% convinced that they did not lie to the police because they are afraid of them, I don't believe that a bunch of 17-year-old more or less morons and bullies are cynical, jaded citizens fully aware of the socio-economic status and sociological nuances of living in a society. After all, even Phee, who is a son of a cop, is actually surprised that his father can't do anything for Non. No, I'm convinced they lied to the police to protect their own asses. There is no fear of corrupt police here, there is fear of CONSEQUENCES and a desperate attempt to move away from the "Non problem".
Of course, I could be completely wrong 🤭😄
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my-mt-heart · 10 months
I want to address a few things that Norman said in Le Parisien. The article isn't free, and I'm not going to encourage anyone to pay for something they might not like, but if you do want the link, DM me and I'll send it. Thank you to the person who read and translated this:
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Defending himself against others trying to throw him under the bus is one thing, but denying all responsibility for the title accomplishes absolutely nothing except further insulting a significant portion of Daryl's fanbase. These fans, specifically Carylers, were all paying close attention when he said the exact opposite on Jimmy Kimmel. Watch at 8:45:
The video is from late last year. Melissa's negotiations for S2/S3 started last summer and her deal closed at the end of the year per my sources, which means there was (at least) a loose plan to bring her back before S1 started shooting. Norman confirms Pilgrim was a working title at some point, but he doesn’t mention Raise the Dead, which was more than likely planned as the official title of the show while they were shooting between October '22 and February '23.
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I bring up the timeline because even if you believe Melissa was always part of the French spinoff, Norman’s other favorite narrative right now, the implication is still this: Norman, AMC, and the other EPs were fully aware that Melissa was coming back when they officially landed on a title excluding her. You could argue Daryl has the most name recognition from being the most marketed character or that his tags on SM have 6 billion views or, hey, let’s make it 6 trillion (how much of that overlaps with Daryl and Carol content btw?), but as we saw, that doesn’t guarantee all those viewers will watch the show, which is how AMC makes money. If there are two leads on the show, naming it after one lead doesn't make any sense from a marketing perspective because AMC is missing out on attracting more audience, promoting two characters and their chemistry instead of just one character.
So. They either manipulated the situation to give Norman and the other EPs what they wanted or, once again, they dismissed Melissa’s/Carol’s vitality to the show. Or both. Regardless, it poses a big problem for me, because Carol's ability to stand her ground against anyone who thinks less of her is what draws me to her character. I can't reconcile that with the obvious tactics Norman and the other EPs use to claim the show for themselves, completely ignoring fans who may be critical, yes, but ultimately just want the story both Daryl and Carol have earned.
Speaking of being ignored, I heard from multiple fans that AMC did in fact send out a survey regarding the title. I can't confirm because I haven't seen the survey myself, but if you're doing market research, you need a target audience, and if you're doing market research on what you know will (eventually) be a Daryl and Carol show, you should probably target Daryl and Carol fans, shippers or otherwise. Not that it's the most appropriate way to choose a title (not even close), but where's my survey? Did any Carylers get to participate? Did anyone bother to check? Because to me, it sounds like the focus group they used for their market research wasn't aimed at their target audience at all. It's possible they did the market research with a sample audience of the flagship show or just Daryl fans who are a percentage of their audience but not all their audience. If they used an audience that incorporated Carylers, Daryl fans and GA — the feedback for that title would've been mixed. If they focused their market research on mostly Carylers, the feedback would've heavily leaned towards having an inclusive title.
So many fans, not just Carylers, hate the title. It's boring, it's offensive, it's pretentious, it's misogynistic, etc. etc. These are fans who want to watch and enjoy the show, who are expected to pay for it, so why don't their opinions carry more weight? Why is there still such a strong disconnect between AMC and Carol/Caryl fans when that's exactly what caused the backlash last year? Why are they not doing everything they can to avoid the same mistakes?
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As for this:
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Most of it is true except for one important detail. Angela Kang's spinoff was going to be a road show shot and set in the U.S. That's the phone call Norman is alluding to. That's the spinoff Melissa signed on for. To say otherwise makes her look unprofessional and flaky for "dropping out" knowing all along she'd have to relocate, and that's not what happened at all. It's like there's no consideration for his co-workers' images while he's trying to rebuild his own, and that is unprofessional.
To be very clear, this is not meant to be a smear campaign. My intention here is to point out how deceptive the PR/marketing strategies have been and how they're hurting everyone, including Norman. I can't for the life of me see any business sense in repeatedly gaslighting and alienating a profitable fanbase, treating Daryl and Carol fans like they're stupid, or insinuating a Daryl and Carol show can't belong to Daryl and Carol fans. The more Norman talks about the spinoff's inception, the more it ensures people will never trust a single thing that comes out of his mouth ever again, and that sucks because if he just focused on what the audience wants, insisting that Melissa is his equal on the show, talking about the characters in meaningful ways, supporting Daryl's and Carol's relationship, he could sell it easily. Fans should be getting excited for their story, not reliving last year's trauma over and over and over again. Melissa is back and that's exciting, but story still matters. Both on and off screen (precisely why we need someone else on board who can manage all of that really well). I've asked this several times before. I'll keep asking until someone listens. Can we please move the fuck on from the spinoff fiasco?
And change the title.
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phightinghottakes · 1 month
Something on the topic of Subspace.
Look, I love him. I love shoving headcanons onto him and making him a degenerate weirdo, but I would never say he's 'innocent', or 'cute', or 'twinky'. Now, I'm not going to discuss his sexuality it my mind, that's not the point of this hot take. The point is his personality.
He is the lead scientist/engineer of a large, powerful, most likely evil faction. He has created, for this faction, murderous, aggresive robots. He actually shows some level of 'fondness', towards these menaces to society (crying to them, calling them his children, blah blah blah), even being fully aware of their destructive purposes. He is most likely planning to take over crossroads, and, lastly, he RIPPED OUT A MAN'S EYE. He is not a sillly little twink. He is a fully grown maniac. Now, am I saying you're in the wornd for putting him in twinkish clothing? No. Tbh, evil characters can wear... 'sexy' clothing, as long as you acknowledge that they are, at base, evil. I find it ironic, really, to put such blatantly horrendous concepts of people into such skimpy attire.
I would also like to say that there is nothing wring with imagining him to be gay, or that he has crushes, or is whiny (because he is whiny), or that he's a very sexually charged person. Yes, the phighters don't have genitals or sex, but making out is still a thing, and people write whatever they want to write atthis point. A pink lego-man getting railed by another lego-man is the least of our problems when people are writing actual rape and incest.
The only thing that annoys me, personally, is when people try to make him just 'a silly goober.' You can make him as horny or feminine or whatever as you want, as long as you acknowledge that he is a horrible person, who does not deserve to be thought of as innocent or sweet. If I'm being truthful, it's not even Subkit that I see him being mischaracterized in the most (it's Medkit), it's in Substaff where I see Subspace being characterized as if he's a little baby who just wants to be loved, and who will make an attempt to be a sweet, gentle partner. He WOULD NOT. I also see this done with Banhammer and Broker and, of course, Medkit. People love taking rude and stoic, or crazed and evil characters and making them sweet and soft and needy. I'll speak on that more another time though.
Subspace is evil. He is a whiny bitch, yes, but he is also a crazed man (with a decaying/rotting body, btw). He might be gay, he might be horny, Idk, but he isn't soft, he isn't sweet, and he is TOXIC in all senses.
I still love him though <3
-- 🌒
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Does two ever wish he could protect one the same way one protects him? (Even if it’s for validation/respect)
After splinter teaches him how to fight and after the bad times™ (or at least during but close to the end) could you ever see a moment where somethings about to really hurt one and he’s feeling a little like he fucked and then there’s two stepping in front of one like “you want him you have to go through me” like what would one think or do and like after defending his brother would two act gruff and unwilling to address it?
Basically I need some twin feels with plenty of angst because it IS emd
I like to think that Two protected One a lot more when they were little, particularly when they were in hiding with Draxum. Their ranks weren’t as important as just staying hidden, and I think that’s when you’d see more of the Older Twin Donnie perspective for Two. He also was more protective when One was recovering from his accident and for the adjustment period afterward.
While I really like the idea of Two getting a big moment after s1 where he’s the one protecting One, I don’t think that’s really what he’s looking for. He doesn’t like that One protects him so much in the first place. He wants the two of them to be seen as equals.
Here’s the thing with Two being protective: Two doesn’t particularly think One needs saving most of the time. In fact, he spent a lot of his training proving and ensuring that One was growing up to be a very self-sufficient unbeatable warrior. But he still does worry about him and tries to keep him safe, it’s just not as obvious. Like in Minotaur Maze, Two becomes uneasy when the cops bring One in as leverage against him. So yes, Two is protective of One but not nearly as much as One is of him. Which is infuriating for Two, because, in Two's mind, he doesn't need that protection. Two already thinks he's just as capable as One is, the problem is that nobody treats him like it. His goal isn't to be better than One or to try and surpass One, it's to be respected by One and by Draxum the same way that One is.
So if Two did have the big moment where he saved One (which I love btw because it would make One uncomfortable ehee) he wouldn't have much of a reaction (beyond MAYBE a “told you so”, but that’s more of a pre-fallout sort of mindset). In Two's mind, he's already been protecting/taking care of One by making sure that himself and One are the best they can be. So if you look at it from that angle, you can see Older/Protective Twin Donnie again :) BUT because of the way Two is being treated, it gets kind of erased under all the anger and frustration he feels for not being recognized the way he wants. Also, like I mentioned, he doesn’t feel much of a need to do big rescues. At least not until One becomes a fully-fledged disaster and a danger to himself.
SO I raise you, what’s Two going to do when One realizes what Two does for him? What's he going to do when One finally thanks him? What’s he going to do when One actually trusts Two to protect him/himself instead of One shouldering that responsibility alone? How is Two going to react when One finally sees him? It’ll probably be a tough thing for him to process.
Anyway to answer your question more directly: Two wishes that One would see him as an equal, and that he can (and has been) protect(ing) him, too.
I think it'd be really cool if we wrote a moment where Two saved One's tail and One gets a chance to SEE Two since, literally and metaphorically, he's always standing behind One. Or maybe a scene where Two actually tells One how he feels about being underestimated and overlooked.
One would have to be very injured to not be able to defend himself, so I'm not sure he would entirely be aware of what was happening until he regains consciousness. He doesn't like asking for help/being helped, even when he needs it, so if he knew that Two had to protect him, he would feel like he’s incapable.
If he's lucid and conscious in the moment, he would try and stop Two from defending him and he would insist that he can do it himself, despite his injuries. He wouldn't want Two to get hurt trying to protect him but he also doesn't want to feel weak and helpless because he can't defend himself.
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