#inside number 9
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somuchwatersoclosetohome · 3 days ago
good morning job seekers here are my thoughts on last night's stage/fright!! others have covered the main plot points and points of interest so this is literally ~1000 words of self-indulgent inane drivel that i wrote in my notes app at 1am (so sorry if there's misremembered lines / typos etc.), you're welcome
(will edit as i remember more stuff)
spoilers for stage/fright 22/03 evening show
le general observations
ok first up let me just say the VIBES for this show were IMPECCABLE. as many of you know this is my third watch and i feel like the energy this time was j u i c y
this time and the last time i went were both saturday evenings which i think can be good? like this audience were super engaged but not overly rowdy... it felt the right level of keen-ness that the company were responding to
all of this to say that it definitely looked to me as if the company but especially R&S were 👏 feeling 👏 themselves 👏
also means that when y'all go and see s/f be keeeeen!! they really respond to (the appropriate amount of) whooping and hollering at the right moments. i mean they literally say in the programme "you can't hear smiles" lol and we all know about reece's experiences with the 'corpses' in the producers lmao
speculation.com, i wonder if the company are feeling this but i'm definitely acutely aware that there's <2 weeks left of the run now 🥺 (where did all the time go???), which i'm trying hard not to think about because (1) sad and (2) what will i base my personality on from 6 april 2025
i’m going to cry SO HARD on the final shows
act 1
R&S got a muuuuch longer applause than i've seen previously when they come out in front of the curtain post-hamlet / a house divided scene to introduce the show. like the applause and wooping went on what felt like a solid minute. they looked happy it was cute!!
paul whitehouse was the hostage and lmaoooo did the guy milk it. the bit where they ask him what he's been in he just kept going listing stuff for aaaages
BUT it looked like R&S were having a great time here. i mean tbh reece spent most of this section with his back to the audience or adjusting his moustache bc he was lol'ing so much
an EXCELLENT fast show reference when paul has to do the spanish accent on the phone and len/eddie comes out with "SCORCHIO" iykyk
covered elsewhere but eddie knows paul from gone fisting / gone girl (and one other that i have neglected to remember)
paul whitehouse cannot play the trumpet. like at all. no sound was produced (len/eddie even says "try turning it on" and mimes switching it on haha)
len/eddie/steve's voice goes so high when he says "it's jUst a sTiCK of ceLerY" and tommy/ray/reece visibly loses it cracking up
🚨 jeremy dyson callout 🚨 as paul is leaving he said something about working with the clever/smart one jeremy dyson haha
also from the BCDR wider bit, tommy's voice crack on "you almost died len" was hearTBREAKING reece nailed it 10/10
act 2
let me open this section with HUGO my one true love this character has grown on me so much and he is honestly such a highlight. he needs his own spin-off tbh
reece was also playing hugo turned up to 11 imo
hugo/reece got a full on applause for his elements song dance number i was so happy!! last couple of times i've seen it's just got some laughs but this time people clapped for ages again to the point they had to wait for people to stop clapping before they could continue. YES BBY YOU'RE AMAZING
hugo did the leg amputation bit SO exaggeratedly this time, from the "this one sir?" to dragging the bone saw along the tray when he takes it from madam cragg
in general the p h y s i c a l i t y of reece in this production is just something else. he does it as eddie and hugo and the fucking bunny hops and exaggerated movement are just so good and make such a difference so thank you rs for the commitment to the bit
between the last time i saw s/f and this time i learned about the concept of sleeve garters (i think thanks to @vagueeyes) and now i noticed them on goudron muahah
i'd picked up from others' watches to watch marcus during the trepanning scene and yes! very worth it!! he mouthes along with the lines very nice detail
every time i've seen the musical number R&S have both looked sooo happy and again tonight. honestly petition for both of them but especially r to be in a fully fledged musical bc he smiles so much in this segment man is in his element
standing ovation 💖💖💖
stage door
right ok so first my GOD i have not seen the line this long so far?? like it literally went from the stage door around the corner onto charing cross rd and almost back to the main entrance of the theatre?? and they still came out and signed everything for everyone that was waiting 😭 true kings i'm still in awe at how they just... don't have to do this at all and yet they still do and they're so patient with everyone
i mean i said nothing of note to them bc i was on cloud 9 (hur hur) but just !!! thank you for coming out
i noticed this last time i went but absolute lols how steve is always the always the one carrying all the gift bags etc. from fans and reece is entirely unencumbered (apart from infamous CAT bag) like yas king go off
i overheard someone asking steve if there was going to be a DVD of the show and he said no 😔 but i wonder, who knows if you can trust these jokers... theres_been_a_twist.mp4
and THEN i had A Thought: imagine the concept - a filmed version of stage/fright with a commentary a la TLoG shows..... please simon evans do it for the fans
omg this is so long and i've said like nothing of note hahahaha ok well thanks for sticking with it
(oh also i'm actually writing this from the afterlife because i touched reece's hand)
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unreesonable · 2 days ago
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Notebook Magazine, Feb 2014
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eliebluebell · 11 months ago
TLoG, Psychoville and Inside No.9's fandom archives
Google Drive 1: for DVD Extras of all three series, TV interviews related to the shows, audio commentaries by league members on other films, etc. Google Drive 2: Doctor Who Confidential with Mark Gatiss, Documentaries with, again, Mark, DVD extras of others projets than TLoG, Psychoville and Inside No.9, films and plays that haven't been commercialized/are not finable elsewhere, TV shows where Mark, Steve or Reece appeared, and funny little videos.
I hope you'll enjoy!
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sadlittlehomo · 1 month ago
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inside no. 9 x textposts i like
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greyxly · 1 month ago
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Soooo inside no 9…..
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knellofghouls · 10 months ago
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this feels fitting
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not-xpr-art · 3 months ago
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Inside No 9 - A Fanart Tribute ~
(55 digital painting studies based on the 55 episodes of the show!)
I really wanted this series to represent both the drama and humour of the show whilst also paying homage to the amazing aesthetic quality of each episode, so I really hope I achieved that!
(I framed them like this so they'd look like little film cells all joined together btw!)
Also thank you to everyone who suggested screenshots (I'm sorry if I didn't pick yours, it was probably because it would have been too hard for me to draw lol, but I did really appreciate all the help regardless!)
I think I am perpetually doomed to only get really into things when they're about to end or have already ended pfft, so I hope this in some way makes up for me being sorta late to the party!
Doing this series really did make me appreciate so much more about every episode, all the fabulous little details in every shot, you can really see all the effort and love that Reece & Steve (& everyone behind the scenes too) put into it which is just so lovely!!
Anyway I love this show a lot (as you can probably tell lol) and I had SO much fun painting these (even if they did take a long time to finish pfft)! <3
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good-morning-jobseekers · 29 days ago
Me every time I see a new S/F post
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derekstilinski · 11 months ago
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Joel Fry in Inside No. 9 (2024)
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willmelon · 3 months ago
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burdening you with the knowledge that this happened
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justanothercomedynerd · 3 months ago
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My therapist will hear about this.
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unreesonable · 7 days ago
Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton's acceptance speech for "Outstanding Achivement" at the Chortle Awards 2025 [source]
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wintersoulwitch · 2 months ago
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alisoncooper · 10 months ago
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inside no 9 + the onion headlines (12/7)
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stealerofthe2ndbraincell · 5 months ago
I have so many of these...
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cos-mic-1vie · 5 months ago
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Little sketch I never posted of this character! Scaramouche! I love doing eyes with tiny dots because I don’t know how to draw them otherwise. 🤏📽
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