anim-ttrpgs · 2 days
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"Nightstalker," investigator Trait from Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy. Every investigator has 3 to 6 Traits!
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mightofmerchants · 2 days
I have revised working with several rooms stacked on top of each other.
In combination with groups, it should now be easier to create multi-storey buildings with a roof. 😊
Feel free to try the demo of Canvas of Kings on Steam!
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shinsources-archived · 8 months
Thought I'd make a list of some useful websites for those of us who enjoy roleplaying and what have you here on Tumblr and whatnot.
roleplay formatter: Made by the awesome @rpclefairy. I honestly can't recommend this one enough. Great for adding color, changing the font size, and the whole shebang with bold + italics + underline + strikethrough. 10/10 always use
fsymbols + emojipedia: These are both great for making your tags fancy and whatnot.
alt codes: This is genuinely great for teaching you how to make the symbols with your keyboard for everyday use so there's that. It's especially useful if you and/or your muses speak a second language so that's a bonus.
text color fader: *marge vc* I just think gradient effects on text is neat. *end marge vc*
list of colors (wikipedia): Has a list of an infinite number of colors and their hex codes. Very useful if I do say so, myself. But that's just me.
screencapped.net: Great for getting all sorts of screenshots for making icons, GFXs, promos, and whatnot.
fancaps.net: Also great for getting all sort of screencaps for making icons, GFXs, promos, and whatnot. My only complaint is that it's a little annoying to navigate so here's the proper links to movies, tv shows, and anime.
photopea: Great if you can't afford Photoshop and/or don't like using GIMP.
hakuneko: It's not so much a website as much as it is a program. You can download manga, comics, webtoons, doujinshi, etc. for making your icons, GFXs, promos, and whatnot. It's also just a great way to read stuff and catch up on everything.
Feel free to reblog and add more. <333
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lackadaisycats · 2 years
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Varasta - a luck deity. Some artwork I did for The Delver’s Guide last year!
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one-time-i-dreamt · 9 months
I was on Tumblr and saw one of those old ask blogs where the person running the blog roleplays as a random character, except the character was me. The only post I can even remember was me saying I was apparently from Ukraine.
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dinoberrypress · 4 months
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Little Wolves is crowdfunding NOW!
It's finally here, y'all! The crowdfunding campaign for our tabletop RPG of folk tales, fae queens, and werewolves is live on Backerkit~
Support our work here!
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From the award-winning publisher behind Motel Spooky-Nine, You’re In Space And Everything’s Fucked, Dinocar and more, Little Wolves is a tabletop role-playing game about adventuring through a realm of folk & fae as shapeshifting werewolves.
In Little Wolves, you’ll craft real-world paper masks that represent their characters, modifying them over the course of their adventures to reflect the marks their experiences leave on them while transforming between your Wolf and Mortal forms!
The crowdfunding campaign aims to bring the game’s vivid world to life in an 8.5” x 8.5” full-color perfect bound book loaded with gorgeous art from a team of 4 artists accompanying setting & mechanics from award-winning designers Julie-Anne Muñoz and Nevyn Holmes. 
The crowdfunding campaign launches May 14th, running through June 11th, 12pm US Central with an initial funding goal of $19,500 USD with plenty of stretch goals to unlock for more art, more content, and even an expansion!
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Making masks & shifting forms
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In your Wolf form, you have access to the benefits of your beastly Attributes, can sing magical Spellsongs, and can resist harm with your Resolve. In your Mortal form, you'll switch your Attributes, Spellsongs, and Resolve out for strong, flexible Mortal Powers that can turn the tide of any situation they're used in. Through character advancement, you can strengthen yourself as you see fit. Perhaps you favor one form over the other, or you may switch between them frequently. The choice is yours.
The Enchanted Forest
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As you explore this dense forest you'll meet the powerful and mysterious Queens and aid them, and their courts, through all manner of quests and favors. As a werewolf, you're uniquely gifted in traversing the forest, capable of making it to every edge of the woods, meaning that only you can learn its deepest secrets.
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✨ A free demo/quickstart for Little Wolves is available to download and play, get it here! ✨
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midstpodcast · 2 months
Oh, you thought we were done with the moon just because it exploded? 🌔 🛰️
MIDST creators Xen, Matt Roen and Sara Wile join Marisha Ray and Liam O'Brien in #MOONWARD: A Midst Roleplaying Story starting on August 7th!
➡️ https://critrole.com/moonward/
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whilomm · 6 months
redoing poll bc i forgot some shit
the poll mostly about character creators with humanoid options, like your typical make your own char RPG. define stuff like "idealized" however you like
(if the answer is "well its complicated it depends on the game and...", choose whatever your favorite/most fun option is)
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superectojazzmage · 1 year
My Baldur’s Gate 3 hot take is that debates about whether or not Emperor Balduran is trustworthy or or not are a waste of time because a great deal of the point of the character — narratively and gameplay-wise — is that he’s an extension of you. YOU interpret and decide on his personality, nature, and choices the same way you do with your Tav.
If you want him to genuinely be the flawed and odd-thinking but ultimately noble and heroic “token good Mind Flayer” that he presents himself as, then he will be like that simply because you treat him as being such. He’ll be trustworthy and dependable, totally truthful about only wanting what’s best for Baldur’s Gate and about wanting to free the Illithids from Elder Brain control and make ceremorphosis a consensual choice, while also being open to compromise in the name of forging bonds. He’ll be the unlikely hero who, with you by his side, uses the Stones to destroy the Absolute and save his beloved city.
If you want him to be and treat him like a backstabbing, manipulative liar and potentially dangerous monster who is at best disconnected from basic reality, at worst a murderous narcissist trying to bend you to his will, then he’ll act like it. His interactions with be tense, snappish, and uncomfortable. He’ll threaten you, make unreasonable demands, never compromise, and try to assert control over the party while making clear that your alliance is one of convenience and necessity. And ultimately, he’ll either betray you and defect to the Absolute’s side because he can’t control you or, at your urging, hijack things and use the Absolute to take over the world.
His past is designed to be interpreted in massively different manners depending on what kind of person you want him to be. He killed Ansur either out of justified self defense because Ansur wouldn’t admit that Balduran was still himself beneath the changed form, or because Ansur was trying to stop his evil plans. He dominated Stelmane’s mind because she was a bad person and he wanted to turn the Knights of the Shield into something good, or because he’s an evil manipulator who dominates those he can’t charm. He withheld information from you because he was being cautious and wasn’t sure if you were going to be an ally (like your party members), or because he was manipulating you by making himself seem more sympathetic. He never freed Orpheus and doesn’t want to free him because as an Illithid he rightfully fears a Githyanki Prince and that freeing Orpheus will allow the Netherbrain to control him again, or because he’s an malevolent bastard who knows that Orpheus would ruin his plans. It’s up to you to decide.
He can change tune on a dime, make self-contradictory choices and statements, abruptly do things just because of something you decided to say because you wanted to see what would happen. Just like you do as a player, because he’s as much your PC as Tav. It’s why you get to customize the form he appears in your dreams with. The Emperor is good or evil or whatever depending on what you WANT or MAKE him to be.
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tsuyoshikentsu · 1 month
L'Yom Vayom: A Jewish TTRPG
The Complete Edition of L'Yom Vayom, my TTRPG about being Jewish, has just been released! You can grab it at the link below:
Please note that the rules require that the MC be Jewish. Please also note that it might be a pretty tough game to play.
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casside-sionnach · 2 months
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anim-ttrpgs · 21 hours
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"Ninja," investigator Trait from Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy. Every investigator has 3 to 6 Traits!
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oldschoolfrp · 2 months
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Roleplaying (Larry Elmore, "SnarfQuest," Dragon magazine 108, April 1986)
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dungeonmapster · 16 days
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I wanted to make a large, sweeping, double-sized landscape map and take a shot at giving trees a real sense of height and depth, so I put together some new assets and tried to create a frontier-style alpine rocky wilderness type of map. I'm quite pleased with it overall, and hope it presents an interesting locale for your next outdoor encounter!
downloads etc. at patreon.com/dungeonmapster
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gravemud · 4 months
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allthewitchesrpg · 2 years
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Hi everybody! I made a game called All the Witches!! I really wanted to make something magical for the queer community who have struggled with the creators of certain worlds being jerks. It’s an original TTRPG system with some cool deck building mechanics exploring the diversity of witches in fantasy. It would mean a lot if you checked out the Kickstarter here!
The Kickstarter ends this Saturday, April 15th at noon EST!
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