#( I don't know if I'll do it or not though - but god do I have so much inspo for it right now. )
starlight-45 · 2 days
Bllk boys X Affectionate! Extroverted! Reader (Part 2)
Featuring: Hyoma Chigiri, Reo Mikage, Seishiro Nagi
Here's part one with Yoichi Isagi, Meguru Bachira and Rin Itoshi :)
A/n: Please enjoy reading! Comments & reblogs are appropriated. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
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~Hyoma Chigiri~
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• Okay so
• As we all know our princess/red panther can be a little too sassy, even if the situation doesn't demand so. Flashbacks to "Are you even necessary?"
• So at first, he's more annoyed than anything, and don't get me wrong gorgeous it's not because of you.
• It's just...everybody is all over him from the start you know? He's been a prodigy from the start y'know so because of that people really were clingy and because of his gorgeous hair.
• "Hyomaaaa! Congratulations on your win! :D"
"Oh my God- okay. Who told you come? And you told you to call me by my first name?"
• But seeing your unfeigned disappointment at that really forced him to reconsider his words. You really did seem sad at that. Maybe...you really did like him.
• From that point, Chigiri tried his best to be not make off hand comments about your affection and you in general
• Everyone notices his change in attitude around you, and jokes about their mean princess finding love (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
• When you get comfortable enough to show physical affection to him, he low-key is flustered about it and acts a bit mean about it but loves it.
• "Helloooo! I missed you SO much!" *hugs*
"I was gone for like 2 days, wonder what will happen if it was more."
• Chigiri is never flustered by compliments though. He is used to it, but...it feels just a tab bit warmer whenever you say a complimentary compared to literally anyone else.
• "Your hair just is soooo silky! ♡"
"I know- but um, thank you."
• Takes your hand in his whenever you guys are out! With the lame excuse of that you don't "try to disturb random strangers" if you ask with a slight pink tint.
• But lets you drag him wherever you want by the arm. Just don't ask him about it later. He just likes seeing you giggle and smile. Nothing to see here.
• THAT HAIR THOUGH. He is soooo low-key about it and you're so excited about it confuses him.
•Yet he decides against to question you about it 'cause he doesn't want you to lose whatever sanity you have left.
• It doesn't stop him from indirectly teasing you about it though. And just exactly how he does it? By denying you to do anything about it.
• "Let me pleaseeeee do your hair! I'll do anything!"
"Buy me lunch tommorow."
• Even though he kinda does act like a princess...he really does get grumpy when you say it :P
•But overall, he loves you and will give in to every request of yours anyway. maybe demanding some kisses too?
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~Mikage Reo~
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• Another one whose a bit sceptical at first, however his reasons are valid. He's a rich guy who doesn't wanna date just because of his status and money.
• Reo wants someone to excite him, to make him desire that person and that person happened to be you.
• Understood your intentions are pure very quickly. He is good at reading people alright? He was raised to be a business man after all.
• Is not at all ashamed to return your affections as soon as he understands that. You're just that adorable and sweet!
• However, even though he understands you're practically glued to him like glue, he tries not to get too attached. Poor boy doesn't wanna get in depression again.
• By the way, he fails miserably at that. You can't get rid of him now. Good luck :P don't worry he treats ya right
• And don't get him wrong, Reo's VERY responsible with money. Really-! See his financial and economic knowledge!
• But he can't help spoil you with your favorite food and gifts, you're so good to him! Just look at the thing for 0.2 seconds and you'll get it.
• You have to sometimes stop him though. I'm serious, of you don't want him to get bankrupt then please stop him sometimes. 🙏🏻
• "I thought I told you to not to return that bag ┐⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠)⁠┌"
"So what-? I returned it no?"
• Possesive as hell though. Like he doesn't mind your extrovert nature and being a social butterfly.
• But he's a bit scared you know? Scared that you would find find someone better than him and leave him. yes fight me but he has definitely not recovered from his trauma.
• Reo has this little habit that he comes behind you, puts his both hands on your eyes with a "Guess who?" He does is whenever he can sneak behind you.
• Knows the answer will the same everytime. But everytime he does it, he gets a bit of satisfaction- like of course it's him, who else it would be?
• Loves it whenever you show affection in front of others for the same reason, that yes this amazing person loves me very much and you can never have 'em the way I do.
• Reo treats you sooo well, never letting you lift a finger. He doesn't do this just because he doesn't want you to leave, he does it because he geuninely wants to.
• Since he gives in to your every demand and is not even subtle about it everyone tells this guy to calm the hell down when it comes to you, and play it cool cause girls don't like clingy or easy guys-
• And he ignores them all- you're such a darling for him of course he'll give you whatever you ask for! You also kinda like being spoiled so it's a win-win situation.
• Can't help but be anxious whenever you interact with Isagi especially. For the love of God please don't leave especially for isagi.
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~Seishiro Nagi~
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• Hmm. Lemme think.
• Yeah. Nagi doesn't care at first. Unlike the others, he isn't intrigued or annoyed by your behaviour. He just is nonchalant towards it.
• It's too much of a hassle for him to feel those emotions that drains his already low energy for someone he doesn't know yet.
• "Nagi! Can we go to that café I was talking 'bout before?"
"... It's too far..."
"I'll pick you up!"
"Yeah, cool."
• But your efforts to spend time with him to make him like ya prove successful, he is first curious why are you so joyous by being with him?
• To liking how easy you are to talk to and a comfort to hang out with. You're always talkative even more since he's engrossed in his games and Nagi enjoys hearing your passionate thoughts and even mindless ramblings.
• Surprisingly good at returning physical affection obviously in a lazy way, but still makes some effort in it. Does that even make sense?
• Whenever you hug him on bed he just lays on top of you like a kid, with one arm supporting you and other holding his phone/switch.
• "You're too heavy!!!"
"But you were the one who said I'm a baby, babies are supposed to be small right?..."
"I meant that because of your personality not literally, you 190 cm baby!"
• Wants to just lean on your body when he's tired whole walking because giving a piggyback ride is not an option apparantly, and he is more disappointed than he should be.
• Just KNOWS that you find him cute and can't deny him anything so definitely uses it too his advantage to spend more time with him.
• You know that he just is too lazy to ask properly, holding you in his arms is much easy, he says so you roll with it. I mean can anyone deny this baby anything??
• All jokes aside, even if you talk about a lot of things and it seems like Nagi isn't really listening, he does remember everything, including the little details you mention.
• And after a point, actively asks questions too, to show that he is interested. Because Reo pointed out that you might not realise that he actually is interested.
• Still have to drag him everywhere because his energy level is still very smol. He tries to make an effort, he truly does, but he just sometimes can't get out of his paradise the bed.
• However he is well aware of the fact he can be difficult to take care of, and feels guilty sometimes...so he tries to make up for it. In his own way.
• "...'m sorry..."
"Huh? For what?"
"for being such a hassle sometimes...I know you you wanted to go out today :X"
"It's fine-"
"Actually, we can go there tommorow, if it's okay?"
"Oh! Sure!"
• Nagi isn't sure why he feels guilty because of his tendancies around you more, like even more than Reo. Maybe it's because of the fact he's supposed to be your partner, your equal, not just to be taken care of.
• Whatever it is, Nagi just knows he has to make up for all the precious time you devote to him & for the love given him. Somehow.
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demelzathemer · 3 days
I'm watching the Doom Patrol episode for the first time ever and LOSING MY MIND, why didn't anyone tell me this is GOOD??? It's written by Steve Yockey and it SHOWS because the dialogue is absolutely the same as in the netflix series
Crystal is so catty and Edwin is fed up with people while Charles mediates, they're the same characters just played by different people?? I'm gonna add some shitty screensnaps here to yell about it
Obviously spoilers if you care about that;
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Crystal <3 She looks closer to her comicbook self but has the same amount of sass as her netflix self
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I swear I'm so normal about this bit of dialogue. Crystal telling Edwin Charles will protect him (with a baseball bat, mind you, they're in the States!) and their responses, I wish I could see Jayden and George act this part.
(I can hear "I'd do it anyway, won't I?" in Jayden's voice... weeps)
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Edwin sassing out little girls again??? I lost it with the pose and voice
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(Jayden's voice again. I know you hear it)
He should've been allowed to drape himself over Edwin like this too. Why would Netflix do this to me
"Love this." EDWIN??? He's way too happy that they're gonna smack their client with a shovel.
And CHARLES (pulls it out without anyone asking, he knows what's going to happen next) HANDS IT TO CRYSTAL so she can be the one doing the smacking???
And she's way too eager as well. What is happening here. Though I love how seamlessly they work as a trio now. Even if it's for the purpose of knocking out their unsuspecting client
"The price to open the door to afterlife is pain, and I'm the only one who can do it."
With the door handle being a BABYDOLL HEAD. With HELL FLAHBACKS. What the actual fuck?
I thought the doll spider was netflix original character??
And Charles immediately being "you don't have to do it, we can find another way in" I might be crying
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Charles is afraid of water??? That's CANON?? It has to be, nothing has been changed about the characters so far!
Charles (with red-rimmed eyes): "I'm not scared! Just so you know."
Edwin (lying to make Charles feel better): "We know."
They're so in love. But what do you mean with "I'll make sure he's fine"? What are you gonna do, Edwin? Hold his hand on the boat ride? (They didn't show that part, so that's probably what happened.)
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They had ONE episode and they still had to make sure that we know Edwin's gay.
I'm OBSESSED with this line and this repressed version of Edwin, I don't have the words right now but I read someone's brilliant analysis about it. (Pls link if you find it)
"I used to think that, too. But it's not 1916 anymore, you know?"
"Well, I'm not like you. But thanks for the concern."
Edwin, oh my god that is so sad. What makes you think you don't deserve happiness? I need to study him under a microscope
...Then STRAIGHT INTO death flashbacks??? They didn't leave anything out, watching this one episode spoils 7 out of 8 episodes of the netflix series?!
"She's good." Edwin appreciates Crystal! I love that they genuinely are a trio here and the boys know about her quirks like they know each other
Also David lore is unchanged too and Crystal bonding with Dorothy was so sweet
...THE NIGHT NURSE IS HERE TOO?? I thought she was a netflix original character too (Cat King, Tragic Mick and Jenny are, at least?)
Her character is pretty different alright, and played very differently by the same actress??? And Charles just WENT FOR IT unprovoked?! Do they know about her in this universe, is she like a monster that's actively hunting them down and can be alerted by killing(?) I literally don't know anymore this is crazy
(Edwin was so cute jumping up and cheering lol. A bit jarring how much more he curses here though)
This is actually an insane episode, the trio with their huge amount of lore just drop in in the middle of already established group of characters and their lore and then, they're never seen again after this??
And they had flashbacks to both of their deaths without explaining ANYTHING about what the hell was that. Just five seconds of "being chased and covered in blood", teasing something about their relationship, Crystal dropping her goal of beating her missing memories out of a demon, no conclusion of wtf was "spider-face lady" aka the Night Nurse, etc etc. They needed their own show really badly huh
So netflix hurry up and give us a second season! After seeing this I'm blown away by the execution of Dead Boy Detectives and how Jayden and George really brought the characters to life. I'm so thankful we have that. Their chemistry really is what makes the show.
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chaifootsteps · 3 days
Y'know, that clip from Family Guy, where Quagmire tells Brian why he hates him, kind of fits Viv. ⬇️ (just gotta change some words here and there)
You are the worst person I know. You constantly hit on your best friend's wife(screw over your friends), the man (they)pays for your food and rescued you from certain death(funded your youtube pilot, worked their butts off to get you where you are now), and this is how you repay him(them)? And to add insult to injury, you(go and talk about Ashley behind her back) defecate all over his yard. And you're such a sponge. You pay for nothing, you always say "Oh, I'll get you later," but later never comes. And what really bothers me, is you pretend you're this deep guy(woman) who loves women(LGBTQ+ people) for their souls when all you do is (relegate your LGBTQ+ characters down to stereotypes) date bimbos. Yeah, (some people make their LGBTQ ocs into stereotypes) I date women for their bodies, but at least (they're)I'm honest about it. (They)I don't buy them a copy of ("Sausage Party") "Catcher in the Rye" and then lecture them with some seventh grade interpretation of how (Seth Rogan) Holden Caulfield is some profound intellectual. He wasn't! He was a spoiled brat! And that's why you like him so much, he's you! God, you're pretentious! And you delude yourself by thinking you're some (savior of indie animation)great writer even though you're terrible. You know, I should've known(Gooseworx) Cheryl Tiegs didn't (draw) write me that (character) note. She would've(understood basic character design principles)known there's no "a" in the word "definite." And I think what I hate most about you is your textbook liberal agenda, how we should "legalize pot, man," how big business is crushing the underclass, how homelessness is the biggest tragedy in America. Well, what have you done to help? I work down at the soup kitchen, (Viv)Brian. Never seen you down there! You wanna help? Grab a ladle! And by the way, (being a well known indie creator)driving a Prius doesn't make you Jesus Christ! Oh, wait! You(probably) don't (know anything about)believe in Jesus Christ or any religion for that matter, because "religion is for idiots!" Well, who the hell are you to talk down to anyone? You failed (to make something good) college twice, which isn't nearly as bad as your failure as a (boss) father! How's (Erin) that son of yours you never see? But you know what? I could forgive all of that, all of it, if you weren't such a (hack) bore! That's the worst of it, (Vivienne)Brian. You're just a (bullying, narcissistic, talentless)big, sad, alcoholic (hack)bore.
File this one under asks that feel like cracking your back, in the best way.
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chippedshake · 2 days
Marcia shouldn't be out on the East Side alone. She's heard more than enough horror stories from her classmates about girls who go too far out alone to know that it's a stupid decision. But every decision she's made since that Friday back in September has been stupid, so what's one more?
She's not entirely sure why she's going over to his house. He's made it clear that he isn't interested and this just makes her seem like a stalker who can't let go of some stupid flirting that happened nearly six months ago.
When she'd first asked Evie for his address, she'd thought she could surprise him a couple days later by showing up and taking him out. She wanted to wait until he called, though, so she could be sure he'd be home when she passed by. Then the son of a bitch hadn’t called her and months had gone by and she'd gotten pissed.
He'd made it abundantly clear he was into her back at the drive-in. If he wasn’t, why didn't he just reject her? Why make her go through the humiliation of months of waiting?
Now, as she draws her jacket closer around herself to feel a bit safer under all the gazes that follow her trail, she just wants an explanation. No one ever liked her before Two-Bit, not even Randy. They dated out of convenience and he hadn’t even bothered to say goodbye when he skipped town.
Marcia's always been everyone’s second choice, just Cherry's best friend, the other one. Until Two-Bit came along. He saw her with Cherry and seemed to really see her. Not a best friend or comic relief or a way to get into someone else's pants. And she let herself get her hopes up like an idiot, thinking that maybe someone who got her would finally like her too.
And then he didn't call her back.
Is there something wrong with her – something so fundamentally wrong that no one could ever really like her?
Oh, God, and now she's knocking on his door and has absolutely no game plan and he's standing in front of her – has he been always that cute? – and his eyes are wide with shock, and she really seems like a stalker, doesn't she?
"I– uh... hi." Marcia looks up at him sheepishly. The anger that’s been boiling in her chest for weeks now seems to have completely disappeared, crumbling into motes of dust that sweep away with the wind.
All she really wants to do now is hug him and bury her face in his chest and tell him all of the remarks she's suppressed during the past few months because once she got a taste of someone clicking with them, it wasn’t the same when they fell flat.
But he doesn't want to have anything to do with her. He couldn’t even bother to call. And this is stupid. This is really, very stupid. Why is she even here?
"Sorry, I– I shouldn’t be here, this is stupid, I'm stupid, I'll go now–" She can't meet his eyes as she turns back around, cheeks burning.
This is why no one likes you. It's not enough that you're weird and awkward and rough and just pretty, not beautiful. You don’t think things through and you're scatterbrained and you're so fucking stupid, it's a wonder Randy even put up with you for so long–
"Wait, Marcia!" Marcia's head jerks up to find Two-Bit jogging towards her. "I don't..." His hand comes up – to run through his hair, to touch her face – but stops midway "I don't think it was stupid. You comin' here. I also don't think you're stupid."
He's close to her. Close enough to see unshed tears she hasn't been able to suppress. Close enough to the see the bags under her eyes from worrying about what to do. Close enough for her to count his freckles, if she wanted to. Close enough for anyone walking by to easily misinterpret the scene they're seeing.
Neither of them step back.
"That’s just 'cause o' the aliens controllin' your mind. You ain't worn your aluminum hat today, right?" Her delivery's off and it doesn't land how she wants it to. It's hard for a joke to sound funny when you're holding back tears.
"I think the one thing me an' the aliens can agree on is that you're better'n most of this town gives you credit for."
It isn't the first time Two-Bit's complimented her, – he used far too many stupid pick-up lines that night they'd met, and about the first thing he'd said to her was that she was sharp – but it is the first time he's said it in earnest, not a hint of wit in his tone. She's almost too surprised to remember why she's there.
"The aliens tell ya not to call me, then?" The dust motes of anger are swept up by a gust of wind and concentrated again, building up to their former glory and crashing down in a final show of power. "Or was that all you?"
Two-Bit raises an eyebrow, trying to seem nonchalant. It's strange that she can read him well enough to notice the subtle surprise as easily as if it were written in bold across his forehead.
"That– that was your real number?"
Marcia makes a sound that's something between a bark of laughter and a scoff. "Of course it was my real number. What, you think I'd give you a phony?"
"Oh, like it was stupid to think you wouldn't give a grease like me your number."
"I wouldn't give my number to a grease like Da– that Shepard boy, but I'd say so to his face," Marcia snaps, and Two-Bit winces at her slip-up. "And I most certainly would give a 'grease like you' my number, because I liked you and I said I would, an' for all the stupid rumours you can hear 'bout me, there ain't a single one 'bout me not keepin' my word."
His smile is crooked and he's raised an eyebrow and Marcia knows she's in trouble in more ways than one before he even opens his mouth.
"Liked me? Not anymore, then. I guess you just came all the way 'round here to tell me how much you don’t care about me."
She cracks a grin of her own because maybe she should still be mad at him but how is she supposed to, when there's that gap between his teeth and that sparkle in his eyes and that tilt to his grin? "Yeah. Can't stand ya, actually."
"I reckon I could change that."
Marcia raises an eyebrow. "You do, do you?"
"How's seven this Saturday?"
"You gonna pick me up or am I gonna hafta walk all the way over here again?"
"You gonna give me your real number or am I gonna hafta go to school just to see you again?"
They're smiling so wide they must look insane to anyone passing by, but neither of them minds as Marcia scribbles her number down onto a piece of paper and gives it over to him.
"Don’t lose it this time."
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WOLVIE PUDGE - Poolverine Tickle Fic
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Editors note: I finally wrote this!! It was ofc wrote for my own self-indulgence, as is all my writing lmfao, but @hotshot624 was the one who requested this! When a certain someone (my bf) inevitably sees this, if you tease me about it, I'll beat you up (reverse psychology).
Summary: Logan has gained some weight since moving in, and Wade loves tummys!
Pairings: Ler!Wade Wilson, Lee!Logan Howlett // can be read romantically or platonically but leans romantically.
Warnings: tickling (obv?) mentions of stabbing and blood, cussing, the use of the nickname puppy.
Word Count: 1450
Read below the cut!
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Logan's domestication was highly credited to a certain merc with a mouth. The gradual transition to feeling at home, sharing meals with a family, (and maybe a 'family' is a horny psychopath and a cocaine addicted nana.) Was something Wade noticed early on as Logan settled into their apartment. The main change to be observed however was Logan's changing eating habits. From snacking on beef jerky and fruit to enjoying Althea's freshly baked raisin tea buns. Seeing Logan eat more normally warmed Wade's heart, though he knew better than to express it openly. Oh how badly he wanted to lift Logan up and sing about how proud he was of him, but he wisely held back, knowing he would likely lose a finger or two.
However, Wade finally gave in when he discovered what he now has affectionately dubbed the: "Wolvie Pudge." The softness of Logan's stomach, the healthy weight gain after years of neglect and excessive drinking. Now, don't get Wade wrong, those abs were a gift from Thor himself, chiseled muscles that somehow looked oilier every movie. But, the newfound softness was even more appealing. Logan's stomach now displayed small rolls when he sat, pushed out slightly when he scratched an itch, and peeked over his belted jeans. Wade couldn't contain his excitement.
That Wolvie pudge was so fucking cute, he felt like a grandmother to cocaine. (Definitely not targeted.)
One night, Wade and Logan were relaxing on the couch, with Dogpool snuggled up on Logan's lap as they watched The Golden Girls. Wade, sprawled out on the cushions, couldn't take his eyes off Logan's soft tummy, which was far more enticing then Betty White's antics.
"Honey Badger!" Wade playfully began, earning a grumpy growl from Logan, who was always a irritable at night.
"Oh don't go there.. I just started talking!" As Wade inched closer, Logan snarled but didn't move away, a routine they seemed to always have. Slowly, Wade shuffled until he was pressed against Logan, his hand resting gently on Logan's side.
"See this is intimate, the Honday Odessey scene could benefit from cuddles aswell," Wade remarked as he rubbed Logan's squishy side, surprised by the soft sound that escaped Logan's throat.
"Oh, sweet son of Odinson! You laughed at my joke!" Wade squealed in delight. And it wasn't that he intended to do this.. but the quick press in of rough fingertips into Logans stomach caused an unexpected reaction. Giggly growls and squirming. Dogpool, tired of the commotion, headed to her oversized bed, her collar jingling as she walked away.
Wade couldn't resist poking Logan again, but this time Logan swiftly batted his hand away. "Can you fuck off?" He grumbled.
"When you say 'fuck off,' it sounds a lot like 'come closer,' Peanut," Wade teased, wiggling his fingers mischievously as he noticed Logan's face turning a soft cherry color.
That's when it finally clicked. Logan wasn't laughing at his joke (Which slightly damaged his ego.) He was ticklish.
"Oh my god! Big bad Wolverine is ticklish! This is too cute!" Wade sang, attempting to grab Logan, only to hear the sound of metal as Logan's adamantium claws were exposed smoothly.
"Fuck off if ya know what's good for you," Logan snapped, his claws dangerously close to Wade's face as he moved away, his eyes betraying his tough act.
"Is this foreplay?" Wade quipped, eliciting a deep growl from Logan. As Logan tried to walk away, Wade seized the opportunity and pounced.
He snatched Logan, giving his soft sides a firm squeeze, prompting a burst of laughter. Logan folded like a lawn chair, collapsing to the ground, attempting to resist Wade's playful assault to no avail. Swiftly overpowered, Logan found himself pinned down, Logan tried to dig his claws digging into Wades thighs, but the sensation didn't bother him; the moment was too amusing.
"Leavin' in a hurry, huh?" Wade taunted, prodding Logan's stomach center, causing an ineffective wiggling of the claws in his flesh. Logan had only been tickled a few times at the X-Men mansion. Escaping the grasp of small mutant children was a breeze when you were metal-grafted, but Wade's equal strength immobilized him completely.
"I'll kill ya—" Logan tried to sound tough, but Wade wasted no time poking his stomach again, causing Logan to scrunch his nose to stifle a laugh.
"Nah, sweetheart, you can't kill me! Im Marvel Jesus!" Wade playfully glided his hands up and down Logan's sides.
"You got a cute belly, Peanut!" Wade remarked, lightly digging his nails to elicit a choked noise. "Cutest belly ever!" He squeezed Logan's sides, prompting Logan's arms to tense up, claws retracting and extending repeatedly in a futile attempt to break free.
Logan clenched his eyes shut, battling the bubbling laughter threatening to burst out. He tried to ignore the way Wade's fingers glided and squeezed his tummy.
"Look at you! Does it tickle?" Wade cooed, his hands spidering over Logan's stomach, circling his belly button. Logan feared that answering would unleash his laughter.
Wade swiftly dug his finger into Logan's belly button, Logan jerked, a hearty cackle escaping his throat, followed by loud curses and thrashing. Wade twisted his finger in the small cavern of Logan's stomach, applying firmer pressure this time.
"Did I hit a good spot, sweetheart?" Wade teased, earning a loud snort from Logan.
"SnRKHAHAHA- SHUHUT UP!" Logan finally surrendered, bursting into fits of laughter, to which Wade responded with a smile.
"Awww! Is Wolvie tickly? Coochie coo! Listen to that laughter! Someone has a bad case of the giggles!" Wade playfully taunted.
"I swehehear to fuhuckin' God I'll kihill- YOHOHOU!" Logan's laughter intensified as Wade curled his finger in his belly button.
"Oh, I'm sure you will Peanut!" Wade teased, his free hand scribbling up Logan's sides. "Here.. let's.. OOOO!" Wade noticed Logan's ribs and decided to focus on that spot.
He smoothed his hands over Logan's stomach, causing him to breathlessly giggle at the phantom tickles on his skin. Before Logan could catch his breath, Wade was back at it, attacking him again. Wade leaned over, lightly tracing the rib that protruded as Logan breathed.
"Nowww.. my pretty puppy," Logan's face burned with embarrassment at the absurdity of it all, he was a grown ass man.
"I'm gonna get you! I'm gonna get these cute little ribs so good!" Wade playfully threatened as he pinched the first rib, eliciting a snarl from Logan that quickly turned into giggles. By now, Wade's blood had stained the carpet, and the thought crossed his mind that Al would probably kill him, maybe even before Logan did.
"One ticklish little rib!" Wade sang, teasing and pinching the each rib. "Two ticklish little ribs!" Logan's laughter filled the room, his stomach jiggling with each gasp.
Wade felt a warmth in his heart as he listened to Logan's breathless laughter. he was definitely in love.
He continued counting until Logan squirmed so much he had to stop. "Dawwh! You made me lose count!" Wade teased, enjoying the mortified look on Logan's face. "Let's start over!" As Wade pinched the first rib again, his other hand squishing Logan's hip flesh, Logan's plea rang out.
"What was that, pretty puppy? Say it again?" Wade playfully teased, running his fingers up and down Logan's side before digging his knuckles into the bottom part of his belly. Logan let out a long and loud snort, prompting Wade to poke him, making small "tk tk tk tk" noises.
"Oh boy, that was one hell of a snort! Listen to those giggles!" Wade chuckled, enjoying the playful banter. Logan thrashed, more pleas escaping his throat, his ears and chest burning with embarrassment.
Wade finally gave in, patting Logan's stomach a few times. "Aww, Okay fineee.." He rolled off of him, looking at the holes in his flesh where the claws were. He shrugged.
'You're a fuhuckin freheak.. sadistic bahastard...' Logan muttered, sitting up and wrapping his arms around himself in hopes to stop the false feeling of Wades fingers tormenting his skin. "I'm goin' to bed."
Wade didn't push further; that plea said enough about tonight. Logan was vulnerable.
Logan walked down the hall, choosing to sleep on the floor instead of with Al and Wade that night. The next days passed quietly, no mention of the previous actions. Wade spent the last few days cleaning the carpet, and his back hurt ten times more than how adamantium claws feel in your ass (don't ask how he knows this).
But when nighttime arrived, about a week later, Wade was surprised to find Logan seated on the couch, his stomach on display. Without a word, Logan simply growled, "Get the hell on with it."
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lookingfts · 2 days
You know how you always find it strange that your ‘little insignificant’ plot bunnies are the ones that get traction….well here I am on the soulmarks AU still losing my mind. Like LOSING IT.
I love soulmarks, antematter converted me with bloom, which is astoundingly beautiful, and my attraction is that they’re so sweet and heartwarming and tender - but now you’ve completely transformed them for me. The idea of Anthony being feral over her mark, the possessiveness, his and Kate teasing him with it. You’ve changed the game. I can’t stop thinking about it.
Once again, you nailed it!!!!
Hahaha it's so true. I clearly have no idea what people will be into, because I can't tell you how many times I've been like "this is random but whatever I already wrote it" and then people are into it and have all these headcanons for it. It's so fun.
Antematter is the soulmark queen! I also really like The Universe Laughs At Anthony Bridgerton by TeaBrigadier.
Don't want to be pushy since you said you didn't intend to expand on the drabble but Mark sounds like it would be such a sweet and spicy story. (I want to see the dude try it with "close enough" 👀)
Well I wasn't planning to write any more because I wasn't thinking there would be a lot of plot/drama. (Not that you can't have those things with soulmate fics...I just didn't envision this fic that way.) But if everyone would be down for a one-shot where they're just really horny and in love and there's no angst, I'll consider writing it.
Your soulmark AU is one of the best I’ve ever read, truly. And I love that we got just a snippet of them together at the end, idk, it just really works in this. I enjoy when you expand your AUs with headcanons though, do you have any in particular for this one?
Thank you so much! I think we've tackled a lot already (you can go through the "for you i am fragile" tag if you missed any posts). Here's a few more:
Kate likes to bite Anthony's shoulder during sex, right where his mark is.
They fudge the details of how they met (a common theme in my fics, I'm realizing) and then Ben blows it by accidentally letting something slip from that night and his family is like what???
Anthony didn't want to meet his soulmate because he blamed the soulmate connection for why Violet was catatonic after Edmund's death. So he never actively searched for her. But when Ben called to say he found Anthony's soulmate and was going to sleep with her, it just didn't sit well with him, so he went not really intending to do anything but know who she was and cockblock Ben. And then they saw each other and it was pretty much all over from there. But it does still scare him, feeling so much for someone and potentially leaving either of them in that kind of grief.
I think this is true across most AUs: Kate always thought she would hate having a guy stuck to her like glue, but she loves it with Anthony. Neither of them truly understood what having a soulmate would feel like. They quite literally can't get enough of each other.
Kate's Amma and Appa were soulmates, but Mary and her Appa weren't, so Kate just grew up feeling like you could love and be happy with someone who isn't your soulmate and people put too much pressure around it.
Anthony says I love you after a month. He doesn't love her just because they're soulmates, but everything he knows about her shows him why they are soulmates. They are so alike but also complement each other in the most important ways.
Kate also never thought she would like possessiveness, but by god does it work for her with Anthony. Any time another guy hits on her (which happens a lot, because look at her) Anthony has her in some dark corner growling "you're mine" and she melts in his arms.
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blueishspace · 1 day
Looped Sun 19
Loop #500
Tango: Oh, guessing we get a beach episode?
Grian: It is loop 500 now, I keep score.
Pearl: He does...for some reason. Why do you?
Grian: It just helps ok?
Scott: Pearl you can't just ask that.
Pearl: Oh I don't want to hear that from you mate.
Jimmy: Scott? Are you coming into the water?
Scott: Yeah! Putting on my sunscreen.
Jimmy: Oh...
Scott: Do you think I mantain my beauty without taking care of my skin?
Jimmy: You are always beautiful though.
Scott: I- uh ah? I mean, of course I am Jimmy.
Jimmy: ... Is Tango putting sunscreen on too?
Tango: I'm not coming.
Jimmy: What, why?
Tango: ... I need to take care of Anne. She can't swim.
Anne: ...
Scott: He's afraid of the ocean.
Tango: Am not!
Scott: Are too.
Anne: ... (he is)
Tango: I'm not scared! I just- water and fire don't mix, ok?
Scott: And I'm done, Jimmy?
Jimmy: Oh yeah... we'll see you guy later!
Pearl: You guys, I found a volley ball! Want to play some beach volley?
Mumbo: Uh... Sure.
Scar: I'm in!
Grian: I don't see why not.
Pearl: Great, Scar is with Mumbo and Grian is with me.
Scott: Oh this is much better.
Jimmy: Yeah. It's great!
Scott: We should probably see the others though.
Jimmy: Oh come on! A little bit longer! The water is so nice!
Scott: Eh. Sure, but we'll get to the others in a while.
Scott: Pearl, what's wrong.
Pearl: Grian is horrible at beach volley.
Scott: How? He's a literal god.
Pearl: Scar was shirtless. Apparently that's enough.
Scott: Oh, yeah, you should have expected that Pearl.
Pearl: I made an gigantic mistake.
Jimmy: Oh we should have a sand castle making competition!
Grian: Who would even be the judges?
Scott: I could.
Pearl: ... What, why?
Scott: I like judging people.
Pearl: Fair enough.
Mumbo: I could be a judge too?
Pearl: ... Alright.
Mumbo: Scar... Star Wars really?
Scar: How dare you!? The Millennium Sand-con is a masterpiece!
Scot: Huh uh. I give it a 8.
Mumbo: ... 9
Scar: I'll take it.
Scott: ... Tango, Jimmy?
Jimmy: I started making a sand castle but it fell apart!
Tango: So I told him to join up with me and Anne!
Jimmy: What do you think?
Scott: ... 9.
Mumbo: It looks good, I think It's a 7.
Mumbo: So, Pearl, how did you do this?
Pearl: I don't know what you mean?
Scott: This is... wow. Get it I guess.
Pearl: Oh thanks, mate.
Mumbo: But how???
Pearl: I don't know what to tell you, hard work.
Scott: You just contradicted-
Pearl: So, how much.
Scott: I'm going to say 9.
Mumbo: 10...definitely.
They ended up setting up a fireplace and roasting marshmallows on top as the sun set. All in all it was a pretty good loop.
Loop #508
Scar woke up... feeling really off. He couldn't understand why though, this looked like a pretty regular loop...maybe a bit basic but still pretty regular. He got up to get breakfast and the feeling refused to go. He tried watching tv but even then there was something...off.
Scar: Grian?
Grian: Scar, choose. Take the red pill or the blue pill.
Scar: Wait are we in the matrix!?!
Grian: It took you way too long to realize that.
Loop #511
Scott: A god loop? I guess that means all of us loopers are gods now. Well... Tango, you and Jimmy really. Didn't get Aeoulus again but getting to be Nyx is fun too.
Mumbo: I-it's weird... uh. I don't really know why I got Ares...?
Scott: You? Ares? That's hilarious- Wait... Grian!?
Grian: Hello...
Scott: Are you... the sky?
Grian: Looks like I got Uranus and Scar got Gaia.
Scar: Being a planet is fun! Did you know I can create mountains now?
Scott: ... That is overpowered.
Grian: You are night itself-
Scar: I made a continent with my face!
Scott: What did I just say?
Tango: Look people! I'm kidnapping the god of spring!
Jimmy: Oh nooo I'm being kidnapped! What will I do?
Tango: Nothing you are mine mow and will rulificate the dead together or something.
Jimmy: I'm so scared and or sad about this, I hope someone will tell Pearl!
Pearl: Nooo! Give me back my ...son I guess.
Tango: Nop.
Pearl: Fair enough mate, guess I got to bring eternal winter now.
Jimmy: I'm back but oh no! Tango made me eat pomegranate seeds. I'll have to switch between two places. Oh noooo.
Grian: Ok, what was that?
Scott: You didn't even try to look realistic.
Tango: Listen, I'm not an actor dude.
Pearl: And I don't really care about killing a lot of people with a famine.
Grian: ...
Scar: What was that about Jimmy eating Tango's seeds-
Scott: Don't phrase it that way.
Grian: SCAR NO!
Loop #514
Grian: Let's never talk of this loop again.
Scar: Please.
Scott: Agreed.
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justporo · 20 hours
Heya lovelies!
Short update: I know you've noticed this probably but it's gotten a bit silent on here. I've had and still have a lot going on irl - and frankly, I'm just exhausted.
Secondly, I've come to the realisation that I need to switch up what I create. I've done a lot of similar stuff for most of a year and I need to find ways to keep it fresh for me. I've started to draw again which you might've seen. But I also want to and do write different stuff which is mostly stuff for OCs still and something I majorly enjoy. Though this is also stuff that is sometimes stuff that is only for me or for friends - sorry about that.
In general I really just don't feel like writing atm and I'm in dire need of a vacation (which thank god, will happen at the end of October).
All that being said, I still keep creating and I just wanna see where the creative spark takes me (once it's recharged a bit). Maybe I'll fall down the Dragon Age rabbithole in October/November let's see!
Also - it's been a while now: but I reached 3k followers on here - like???? OH MY GOD?? Thank you guys so much! I hope you stick around as I explore new things and enjoy stuff I share - especially when that hopefully picks up again in the future.
Thank you, I appreciate you all, mwa!
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diminuel · 3 days
Sup! So like I know the Stinky Child AU is mostly just a happy fluffy Everybody Lives And The Fam Is Together AU but, and idk if you've answered this before, how do the Vivi and Robin plotlines go? As in, I'm assuming Crocodile is chill and ain't attempting manufacturing civil war to take over BUT I gotta know how it goes when it comes to Robin cause it'd be so funny to see these poor parents react to YOUR SON AND HIS CREW BEAT UP CP9 AND DECLARED WAR ON *THE WORLD* FOR THEIR FRIEND (who may or may not have been your assistant Wani)
The problem with my art and AUs is that I make AUs of AUs.
Stinky Child AU has the premise of "what if Crocodile and Dragon raised ASL" and it tries to stick closer to canon - i.e. the world cannot know of the relation between them.
And then there's an AU of that premise where Dragon and Crocodile make their kids everybody else's problems *lol* (i.e. nothing bad happens, it's fluff and comedy)
I've rambled before on Alabasta which you can read about here!
Regarding Robin. Crocodile would not tell Dragon about her, even though he knows Dragon has been looking for her. He's informed Robin about that probably, but he most likely gave Robin a promise that he'd keep her secret and that means also from Dragon. And he wouldn't try to kill her of course. When she refused to tell him what is written on the Poneglyph he accepts it as the final nail in the coffin that everything he's tried to do in Alabasta has ultimately failed. It's over. I'm not entirely sure how the fight against Luffy would go, but I assume that Crocodile suggested that Robin should join Luffy when everything is said and done, which she eventually does.
And Crocodile would already be in prison when the whole Ennies Lobby incident happens but Dragon would probably be very pleased because he's a "fuck the Government" kind of guy . Even though Luffy does it just to save one person, so his motivation is quite different. Dragon will take it anyway. That's probably the thing to put a smile on his face after his husband got his ass sent to Impel Down and Dragon can't really do anything about it. (Though the joy probably doesn't last too long because Ace gets sent there too and oh god. But I'm getting ahead of myself *lol*)
(And in the comedy version, Vivi and Robin most likely grew up as sort of family to Luffy as well. There's an AU out there where Vivi is Crocodile's biological child. Whether it's this one or not I don't know. I'll let people decide that *lol* (In every AU there's at least one break up between Dragon and Crocodile so we can sneak in some chaos.) That said, Crocodile would find Robin very early on because Dragon is looking for her. If Dragon makes puppy eyes about this poor child, Crocodile is getting him this poor child. Congrats on your new child. Declaring war on the world - or the world government - for a friend/ sister is a very Luffy thing to do, so nobody is surprised. Sengoku probably thinks about resigning because this is getting too stupid for him. What did CP9/ the World Government think was going to happen??! Don't they know what kind of family Robin has? Haha.)
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egophiliac · 1 year
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swipes everything else off of the table to yell about diasomnia flower bookmarks
(I gave Silver one too :D)
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#white rabbit festival#me: oh boy i wonder what excitement will happen in this new part#characters: now it is time to buy souvenirs :)#me: oh god#jk jk even when the filler is kind of painful i do enjoy the little character moments#like everyone screaming as loud as they can into silver's watch#deuce busting out his suzy izzard impression#SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!#and of course silver assigning flowers to the other dias and getting all sappy over lilia. god. delicious.#you don't understand this ten second long scene is everything to me#though we all know the real highlight#the knowledge that 1) deuce used to have an extremely silly edgy badass nickname#2) he almost certainly gave it to himself#3) he harassed epel's extended family to the point that they told horror stories about him and he was briefly epel's personal idol#epel: i heard he once killed three men with but a look#deuce: what no i never...i mean...ha ha sounds weird nothing a model student like me would know about#also deuce: if you fuckers don't apologize to my mom right now i'll fucking kill all of you (sees dilla) uhhh i mean#deuce: i challenge you to a children's game#black bunnies leader: (strapping on his duel disk) i accept#meanwhile silver is running full speed at a group of children screaming to them about donuts#we aren't going to talk about what ortho did with that fantasy-gregg's sausage roll#so glad that we've reached the 'what the heck is even happening' portion of the event#anyway i completely screwed up the resolution of these so here's hoping they don't look terrible!#whoops!
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warning-heckboop · 26 days
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We're not so different, you and I
Judged by the inexplicable magics at our cores
Or by how we strayed from the paths laid out for us
To live our own lives, and tell our own tales
I can only hope now that yours
Leads to a happier end than mine
((Wolf belongs to @bunnieswithknives))
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jade-len · 9 months
you know it's bad when i read svsss and tgcf, stories about just two guys falling in love and getting together, and think, "god i wish i were in between them."
gay little domestic cottage core life with binghe and qingqiu? please and thank you. being sandwiched by hua cheng and xie lian, two pretty men who are hundreds of years old? i am blushing, kicking my feet and giggling
and again, it's not even that i would want only one of them. like in both of the relationships, the two love each other too much to the point it'd feel wrong if they were separated! it wouldn't feel complete, so you gotta be with both of them!
but that's the thing; i just?? i feel so incredibly guilty whenever i think about being loved by these mxtx couples??? like it's so stupid but i feel like i'm intruding in on something and it's like, everyone else seems to just want them together only, not wanna be with them. like it's fuckin taboo or whatever
i feel like with any other character from any other media it'd be fine to simp for and write/read x readers of them, but when it comes to these books, it's off limits! no way, what are you, crazy? yes, yes i'm unhinged and desperately want their love and affection simultaneously. i want to be in a happy little poly relationship with these overpowered beautiful men with long hair.
i can't be the only guy or whoever to feel this way?? to wanna be kissed by these characters? sandwiched?? i have two hands for christ sake and they all look so happy together and im just like "lord i wanna be with them so much". someone tell me i'm not alone cmon <\3
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singinginthecar · 11 months
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as a medical professional but more importantly, as a human being, i will never forget these war crimes after war crimes after war crimes
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kacievvbbbb · 2 months
The Seraphim & The Concept of Self
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I wonder who picked the Seraphim's outfits cause at first glance when you only look at S-Hawk and S-Snake it feels like there's a standard uniform. then you see the whole group and there's definitely some individuality going on; like S-Bear just wearing a mini kuma outfit, S-Shark with the gi, my man Moria got a little suspender situation going on over there. S-mingo wearing a whole ass hawain shirt. So there's definitely some variety though they all incorporate white in some way. And I wonder if maybe they got some input into what they wore one of the only acts of "free will" they were allowed was choosing whether they wore shorts or long pants which is as adorable as it is sad.
Because think about the implications that they are dressed to the taste of their adult counterparts, right down to how doffy and mihawk like to open their shirts (except for S-Snake which thank god) but yeah what if it wasn't an allowance of free will but a test to see just how deep DNA ran. If it could influence something as simple as choice of clothing, just another fact for Vega punk to marvel at.
Or maybe the clothes were chosen by one of the Vega punks (I can imagine Shaka doing it) or one of the other various lab assistants. And it's just another way to get them to embody the warlords, to reinforce who they were cloned to be, impressing on them that they are not their own people, their lives are not their own. They are already predetermined; from what powers they get, to what weapons they use, even down to what clothes they wear. Everything reinforces that they are not people, just "better" "stronger" versions of someone else.
Either way, and It might have not have been purposely meant that way because I'm pretty sure Vega punk doesn't really register them as human (which is weird cause he treats stussy very humanly and a whole other can of worms seeing as they seem to be aware and possess a personality to some capacity) it's another way of dehumanizing them, reducing them to the people they are meant to become. They have no "free will" no illusion of choice; they have a predetermined destiny, a pre-determined order, there was never any room for choice even down to the shirts on their back.
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kastillia · 4 months
Hi Kas, I'd love to see you draw Alisa from God Eater or Fuuka from Persona 3 (or both). Moving is a Big Deal(tm), hope you feel better soon!
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