starlight-45 · 9 hours
Bllk boys X Affectionate! Extroverted! Reader (Part 2)
Featuring: Hyoma Chigiri, Reo Mikage, Seishiro Nagi
Here's part one with Yoichi Isagi, Meguru Bachira and Rin Itoshi :)
A/n: Please enjoy reading! Comments & reblogs are appropriated. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
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~Hyoma Chigiri~
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• Okay so
• As we all know our princess/red panther can be a little too sassy, even if the situation doesn't demand so. Flashbacks to "Are you even necessary?"
• So at first, he's more annoyed than anything, and don't get me wrong gorgeous it's not because of you.
• It's just...everybody is all over him from the start you know? He's been a prodigy from the start y'know so because of that people really were clingy and because of his gorgeous hair.
• "Hyomaaaa! Congratulations on your win! :D"
"Oh my God- okay. Who told you come? And you told you to call me by my first name?"
• But seeing your unfeigned disappointment at that really forced him to reconsider his words. You really did seem sad at that. Maybe...you really did like him.
• From that point, Chigiri tried his best to be not make off hand comments about your affection and you in general
• Everyone notices his change in attitude around you, and jokes about their mean princess finding love (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
• When you get comfortable enough to show physical affection to him, he low-key is flustered about it and acts a bit mean about it but loves it.
• "Helloooo! I missed you SO much!" *hugs*
"I was gone for like 2 days, wonder what will happen if it was more."
• Chigiri is never flustered by compliments though. He is used to it, but...it feels just a tab bit warmer whenever you say a complimentary compared to literally anyone else.
• "Your hair just is soooo silky! ♡"
"I know- but um, thank you."
• Takes your hand in his whenever you guys are out! With the lame excuse of that you don't "try to disturb random strangers" if you ask with a slight pink tint.
• But lets you drag him wherever you want by the arm. Just don't ask him about it later. He just likes seeing you giggle and smile. Nothing to see here.
• THAT HAIR THOUGH. He is soooo low-key about it and you're so excited about it confuses him.
•Yet he decides against to question you about it 'cause he doesn't want you to lose whatever sanity you have left.
• It doesn't stop him from indirectly teasing you about it though. And just exactly how he does it? By denying you to do anything about it.
• "Let me pleaseeeee do your hair! I'll do anything!"
"Buy me lunch tommorow."
• Even though he kinda does act like a princess...he really does get grumpy when you say it :P
•But overall, he loves you and will give in to every request of yours anyway. maybe demanding some kisses too?
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~Mikage Reo~
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• Another one whose a bit sceptical at first, however his reasons are valid. He's a rich guy who doesn't wanna date just because of his status and money.
• Reo wants someone to excite him, to make him desire that person and that person happened to be you.
• Understood your intentions are pure very quickly. He is good at reading people alright? He was raised to be a business man after all.
• Is not at all ashamed to return your affections as soon as he understands that. You're just that adorable and sweet!
• However, even though he understands you're practically glued to him like glue, he tries not to get too attached. Poor boy doesn't wanna get in depression again.
• By the way, he fails miserably at that. You can't get rid of him now. Good luck :P don't worry he treats ya right
• And don't get him wrong, Reo's VERY responsible with money. Really-! See his financial and economic knowledge!
• But he can't help spoil you with your favorite food and gifts, you're so good to him! Just look at the thing for 0.2 seconds and you'll get it.
• You have to sometimes stop him though. I'm serious, of you don't want him to get bankrupt then please stop him sometimes. 🙏🏻
• "I thought I told you to not to return that bag ┐⁠(⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠)⁠┌"
"So what-? I returned it no?"
• Possesive as hell though. Like he doesn't mind your extrovert nature and being a social butterfly.
• But he's a bit scared you know? Scared that you would find find someone better than him and leave him. yes fight me but he has definitely not recovered from his trauma.
• Reo has this little habit that he comes behind you, puts his both hands on your eyes with a "Guess who?" He does is whenever he can sneak behind you.
• Knows the answer will the same everytime. But everytime he does it, he gets a bit of satisfaction- like of course it's him, who else it would be?
• Loves it whenever you show affection in front of others for the same reason, that yes this amazing person loves me very much and you can never have 'em the way I do.
• Reo treats you sooo well, never letting you lift a finger. He doesn't do this just because he doesn't want you to leave, he does it because he geuninely wants to.
• Since he gives in to your every demand and is not even subtle about it everyone tells this guy to calm the hell down when it comes to you, and play it cool cause girls don't like clingy or easy guys-
• And he ignores them all- you're such a darling for him of course he'll give you whatever you ask for! You also kinda like being spoiled so it's a win-win situation.
• Can't help but be anxious whenever you interact with Isagi especially. For the love of God please don't leave especially for isagi.
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~Seishiro Nagi~
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• Hmm. Lemme think.
• Yeah. Nagi doesn't care at first. Unlike the others, he isn't intrigued or annoyed by your behaviour. He just is nonchalant towards it.
• It's too much of a hassle for him to feel those emotions that drains his already low energy for someone he doesn't know yet.
• "Nagi! Can we go to that café I was talking 'bout before?"
"... It's too far..."
"I'll pick you up!"
"Yeah, cool."
• But your efforts to spend time with him to make him like ya prove successful, he is first curious why are you so joyous by being with him?
• To liking how easy you are to talk to and a comfort to hang out with. You're always talkative even more since he's engrossed in his games and Nagi enjoys hearing your passionate thoughts and even mindless ramblings.
• Surprisingly good at returning physical affection obviously in a lazy way, but still makes some effort in it. Does that even make sense?
• Whenever you hug him on bed he just lays on top of you like a kid, with one arm supporting you and other holding his phone/switch.
• "You're too heavy!!!"
"But you were the one who said I'm a baby, babies are supposed to be small right?..."
"I meant that because of your personality not literally, you 190 cm baby!"
• Wants to just lean on your body when he's tired whole walking because giving a piggyback ride is not an option apparantly, and he is more disappointed than he should be.
• Just KNOWS that you find him cute and can't deny him anything so definitely uses it too his advantage to spend more time with him.
• You know that he just is too lazy to ask properly, holding you in his arms is much easy, he says so you roll with it. I mean can anyone deny this baby anything??
• All jokes aside, even if you talk about a lot of things and it seems like Nagi isn't really listening, he does remember everything, including the little details you mention.
• And after a point, actively asks questions too, to show that he is interested. Because Reo pointed out that you might not realise that he actually is interested.
• Still have to drag him everywhere because his energy level is still very smol. He tries to make an effort, he truly does, but he just sometimes can't get out of his paradise the bed.
• However he is well aware of the fact he can be difficult to take care of, and feels guilty sometimes...so he tries to make up for it. In his own way.
• "...'m sorry..."
"Huh? For what?"
"for being such a hassle sometimes...I know you you wanted to go out today :X"
"It's fine-"
"Actually, we can go there tommorow, if it's okay?"
"Oh! Sure!"
• Nagi isn't sure why he feels guilty because of his tendancies around you more, like even more than Reo. Maybe it's because of the fact he's supposed to be your partner, your equal, not just to be taken care of.
• Whatever it is, Nagi just knows he has to make up for all the precious time you devote to him & for the love given him. Somehow.
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starlight-45 · 2 days
Bllk boys X Affectionate! Extroverted! Reader (Part 1)
Featuring: Yoichi Isagi, Meguru Bachira and Rin Itoshi
Here's Part two with Hyoma Chigiri, Reo Mikage, Seishiro Nagi :)
A/n: It's my first time so sorry if it's bad ⊂⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠⊂⁠)
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~Yoichi Isagi~
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• As we all know, the sweetest boy to exist in blue lock. unless given a soccer ball, pls refrain from giving one to him if you don't want the most infuriating and tanuting insults your way
• *coughs* Anyway.
• At first he is suprised. Like pleasantly surprised. He's definitely NOT used to someone like you. And he loves every second of it. He is a bit oblivious about it, you know?
• He is used to taking initiative in planning, or interacting or anything tbh because blue lock is filled with traumatised and/or self centred people.
• And then you arrived...with your not-so-shy approach and assertive nature, and absolutely won his heart.
•"Yoichiiiii! Can we go go that café later? Please? :D"
"Just the two of us?"
"Like a date?"
"No, not like a date- it's a date!"
•His brain went to full autopilot mode, whereas you oblivious to his suprise and continued with some other topic blissfully.
• So you're such so refreshing with your sweetness! Needless to say, he was attracted to you from first sight.
• Like he had never been complimented so openly about his personality and looks (aside from his parents)
• "Hey, I got you a drink as well."
"Thank you so much! Next time I'll buy you juice okay?!"
• Darling, I'm not joking when I say he would kill for it.
•And your laugh too. Like why are you so pretty and sweet?!
• And when you're comfortable enough to hug him all the time? Oh boy, he's having a field day then ;)
• He was bit suprised, like what do you mean you missed him so much that you ran straight to tackle him as soon as he was in your vision-?
• But damnit he can't stop his blushing just thinking about it!
• He is both intrigued and in awe when he sees you having deep conversations with random strangers.
• "Was that your friend?"
"That girl in bus."
"Oh, no I don't even know her name."
•Nevertheless, he loves you too much to be actually annoyed. He simply thinks that 'Damn how did I manage to pull such a sweetheart?'
• He's so blessed to have you! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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~Meguru Bachira~
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• Fell in love at first sight with your vibrant nature. You excite him him so much!
• He couldn't almost believe you were so interested in him and were so nice about it!
• Before you know it, you guys were practically glued together, competing you could show more affection.
• You guys are the type which doesn't faze your friends even a little bit that you are dating.
• Speaking of which...
• "Hey, you guys are dating right?"
"Wait Meguru...are we?"
"Why not?"
"....yay!!!! :D"
• Never even a bit suprised or fazed when you first tried to hug him.
• Just hugs you back while chuckling, picking you up just to hear that sweet laugh.
• It soon become a habit, you hugging him as soon as you saw him and him picking you up!
• Sure, he looks happy as hell around you. But that's just surface level feelings for you, he's deeply grateful for having you in his life.
• Geuninely thinks he'll never pay you back for the joy you bring him.
•Doesn't stop him from trying though! Not in a million years! Always bringing you snacks and drinks, complimented you. sneaking a kiss here and there too :P
• He always initiaties hangouts by the way. You wanna try that new mall? Arcade? Just lightly mention it and he's clearing his schedule for it and asking you to go.
• He can't deny he feels just a tiny, little bit jealous when he sees you interacting with random strangers with such sparkle.
• Just drags you by arm mumbling how you guys are getting late without warning, when you take too much time, shooting a glare to the other person.
• While he doesn't get fazed by the physical affection, you always manage to catch him off guard with your compliments.
• "Oh! Nice shirt, looks good on you! :D"
"You think so?"
"Mhm, goes well with your eyes."
• Is not afraid to get his hands dirty, someone is making names behind your back? He's ready to beat the hell out of him.
• He knows the feeling. The feeling of being left out, called weird or strange. He doesn't want you to to feel that way, even for a second.
• You're the best thing after footballthat happened to him, y'know?
• He just can't let you be sad.
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~Rin Itoshi~
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• Oh God okay-
• He thought you were strange as hell, and didn't even call you by your actual name, opting to call you 'dumbass' or 'idiot'.
• Not necessarily because he thought you were annoying, but because you were so... geunine in your adoration for him.
• You didn't even want anything in return, so why? He didn't wanna admit it, but he was a little intrigued deep down.
• No, soccer was his priority, beating his brother in football was the main aim in his life, he can't get distracted by a idiot girl like you-
• But damnit, he can't resist it, the way you look up at him with that sweet smile, innocent eyes most adorable expression.
• Rin knew he lost the game at that point. Still took a while to get used to the reality of having a crush though.
• When you first hugged him, he froze, his eyes widening. When he came to his senses a few seconds later, a red blush come on his face and his hands wrapped around your frame mumbling "dumbass".
• NO but like he's lowkey sometimes high-key tsundere about it. Always telling you to get off him but his arms pulling you in his embrace anyway.
• "Get off me, you damn idiot!"
"Aww but you're still supporting my back though :D"
"Just shut the hell up okay?"
• He is so confused though...why would someone so sweet like you be with him? And what do you mean he's cute?! He's supposed to be the aloof, lone wolf, why don't you understand?! Lowkey loves it though.
• If he does manage to flusterate you with his affection...he surprisingly becomes talkative-?
• "Why the fuck are you getting all red? Do you have a fever or something?"
"Just... just don't act suprised okay? I'm trying my best to express my feelings.".
• At moments like this, he's very soft, very gentle with you. Geuninely tries his best, he doesn't want you to feel like he doesn't feel the same way.
• You're so sweet with him... that'a the least he could do.
• Definitely a very jealous boy. Interacting with random NPCs? Who doesn't even deserve that sweet smile of yours?
• His brain immediately resorts to overthinking. What did he do? Did he scare you off with his insults? Did he neglect you?
• A moment of slip up results in the showing his vulnerability on his face, quickly recovers from it, and gives the deadliest death glare to the person.
• And the poor guy just runs for his life. Whereas you are very oblivious to the scene just happened.
• "Hmph. Didn't even say goodbye. Meanie."
"That NPC doesn't deserve your attention. Let's go."
• You really will turn him crazy one of these days, idiot and even will let you, how stupid. He thinks.
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A/n: I was blushing so much while writing it (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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