#( *&. stella x frankie )
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3kk0-0 · 7 months ago
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Troll sona redesign!!
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Winx oc! I actually love him
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Art for an oc I’m writing a fic for on my secret tumblr account (I don’t think it’s actually secret but that was fun to say\write-) PLEASE ASK ME ABOUT THEM PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
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yumeka-sxf · 6 months ago
Spy x Family volume 14: bonus chapter and official timeline translation
Volume 14 was just released and it included a ton of great extras, including an extra bonus chapter and a timeline of events! Firstly, here's my translation of the 4Koma (4 panel) bonus chapter!
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Lol at Anya telling Yuri to go to work 😂 I also love how Anya has a teacup once Yor is home ❤️
Next, much to everyone's surprise, Endo provided an official timeline...sort of. It doesn't have specific years and a lot of information is redacted, but it's something! Sorry for the sloppy editing, I pasted an excel sheet over the original text since that was much easier. Also, the letters in the "Character Age" column refer to the first letter of the character ("L" for Loid for example).
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Did I forget who "Coco" was or was that never actually in the manga?
Even though much of the timeline is redacted, it does confirm a few things, like how old Henry and Martha were during some past events, and in the present, as well as Loid's age when he joined the army. I also find it interesting that Anya is included even though this timeline is about the wars...was the facility she was at involved with the war somehow? 👀 Were the experiments on her related? But it also includes Franky's breakups, so who knows, lol.
Next, a bonus illustration of Damian picking his outfit for the gala, just like Jeeves mentioned in the latest chapter. Ewen is telling him to pick black since it looks more more cool and mature. But Endo says that the overlapping patterns make it hard to see, so he should pick white. Obviously being the creator, whatever Endo says goes 😅
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Stella progress illustration. Anya is the only one with tonitrus...
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And lastly, the main cover and inner cover featuring young and old Henderson (maybe Martha for volume 15?)
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joelalorian · 6 months ago
neighborhood watch
neighbor!frankie morales x f!reader | wc: 5.7k | masterlist
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Summary: When someone - or something - starts causing mischief around your new neighborhood, you and your neighbor Frankie are paired up for the new neighborhood watch.
Warnings: Not much, just cursing. Though this fic is rated T for Tame, this blog as a whole is 18+ mdni. Fluff and humor. Reader is a blank slate. No use of y/n.
A/N: This is my contribution to @punkshort's AU August Challenge to celebrate Shortie's 1-year tumblrversary. I was given the AU prompt neighbor!Frankie and ran with it. Hope you enjoy!
Palm trees lined both sides of the road, fronds gently swaying in the sea breeze as you drove through the picturesque neighborhood of bungalows to your new home. After a long and winding journey nearly halfway across the country to get there, you sighed in relief when you pulled your Wrangler into the small driveway. With all your – admittedly limited – worldly possessions shoved into the backseat, truck, and every other available crevice; you couldn’t wait to get out of the cramped space.
An old Florida 2/1 painted the color of green sea glass, the bungalow greeted you with a charming porch and two large windows bisected by the front door. The gabled roof offered taller ceilings and the wood flooring was original. By far, your favorite feature was the reading nook nestled into the living room with built-in shelves for books and the comfiest cushion to lounge on while reading or simply staring out the bay window.
Yeah, everything about this place beat what you left behind. Shitty apartment in a shitty part of a shitty town and an even shittier ex-boyfriend. Not that you were bitter about that or anything. You were still in awe that you managed to dig yourself out of that toxic situation before it completely destroyed you and scrounge up the money for this place. Thankfully, it came furnished. You didn’t have much money left for anything else.
You spent the afternoon unloading your belongings, organizing, and rearranging the place to your liking, blinds open to let the natural light in – anything to save on electric when the AC unit would be running nonstop. With the router and wifi connected, you curled up in the reading nook and watched as your new neighbors started coming home from work or set about walking dogs and mowing their small yards. A few glanced curiously at the sight of a vehicle in your driveway, no doubt wondering about the new resident.
Was this the type of neighborhood where neighbors would bring you casseroles to introduce themselves? Surely that was something only done in television shows and cheesy movies, right?
No less than an hour later, a kindly looking older woman knocked on your door, a covered dish in her hands. She greeted you with aged eyes and a toothy smile when you opened the door.
“Well, hello dear. I’m Stella and just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood.” Stella casually peeked into the house as she spoke, not bothering to hide the blatant snooping, and you shook your head in amusement.
“Nice to meet you, Stella,” you replied, offering your name. “Would you like to come in?” The woman practically craned her neck to get a look, how could you not invite her in.
“Oh! That would be lovely, dear. As long as you don’t mind. Maybe we could snack on this key lime pie I made for you?” She bustled right in, making herself at home at your tiny dining table and you shut the door to follow her, grabbing plates and forks along the way.
“Would you like something to drink, Stella?” you asked from the kitchen. “I don’t have much yet, but I made lemonade.”
“Lemonade is great, thank you.” After a moment, she added, “Will anyone else be joining us?”
“Unless there’s a ghost hiding out in this place, I doubt it,” you replied, taking a seat across the table from her.
For the next hour, Stella grilled you for information – where were you from, what brought you to this particular neighborhood, were you single. The list of questions went on and on, but she was so kind and friendly about it that it didn’t feel intrusive. Still, relief washed over you when she changed topics from you to sharing information about the other neighbors. Much of it went in one ear and out the other until she got to someone who piqued your interest. Stella talked A LOT.
“There are two men about your age a few doors down. They are the nicest boys, always offering a hand when they can. Benny and Frankie are their names and they have been friends since they served in the military together. Quite handsome, too.”
Stella watched you as she spoke, keen eyes gauging your reaction, and she smiled when you perked up.
“Oh?” you said wanting to hear more.
“Mmhmm, thought those two might get your attention,” the older woman chuckled merrily. “Frankie is the one with dark hair and soulful eyes. He’d run into some sort of trouble a bit ago, which is why he lives with Benny while getting back on his feet.”
You hummed. “I know how that goes.” You wondered what kind of trouble he got into, but you didn’t ask Stella. That was something you’d want to hear firsthand from Frankie, if he ever wanted to share, not the rumor mill.
“Don’t we all,” Stella agreed. “Benny is the blonde one, a little younger and full of energy. Comes home with a bruised face a lot. I think he boxes or something. I’ll never understand young men and their desire to beat each other up.”
You smiled dreamily, mind wandering as Stella continued talking. While all the neighbors sounded normal, you looked forward to meeting Benny and Frankie from just the little Stella shared. They seemed most like your kind of people. The broken souls just trying to make it through life one day at a time.
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It took a week to fully settle in and meet most of the neighbors. Stella lived right next door with another older couple, Ann and John, next to her. Benny and Frankie lived next door to them. One the other side of you lived a young couple, Kara and Matt, newlyweds who moved in not too long ago, followed by a quiet woman by the name of Lynn, and a busy couple in their 30s with two small children, who you referred to as “The Kellys”, finger quotes included. They scurried to and from their house like cockroaches afraid of the sun, never stopping to interact with the neighbors. You found it oddly amusing.
Across from you was another eclectic bunch of neighbors – an artist, two retired teachers, a retired cop, an insurance agent and housewife, and a variety of others whose names you were still learning.
You met Benny pretty quickly, crossing paths one morning while going for a run. Stella hadn’t lied, he was cute, but in like a golden retriever kind of way that made you want to scratch his head and throw him a ball to fetch. He was just not your type, if you even had a type. Given your track record… nah, you weren’t going down that road.
Frankie, on the other hand, was an elusive creature. He tended to work a lot if the hours were available, Benny told you. It took an extra week to meet him, and it happened completely by accident while going to check your mail. A collective mailbox area sat next to the small clubhouse, and you started swinging by at the end of your morning runs to check your mail. It gave you some time to cool down and get rid of the junk mail before you got home.
Eagerly awaiting the severance package from your last job, you excitedly rushed around the corner after that morning’s run to get to your mailbox. The collision with a hard chest knocked you right off your feet, leg muscles too fatigued from your three-mile run to stabilize after the impact.
“Oomph,” you grunted at the initial impact, quickly followed by, “Oh, shit!” as you fell backwards on your ass.
“Fucking hell! I’m so sorry!” came the rushed, masculine reply as strong arms shot out to catch you just a moment too late.
You stared up, wide-eyed, from your seated position on the grass – at least you didn’t crash down on the sidewalk – to meet the prettiest pair of baby cow eyes you’d ever seen, the irises a shade of coffee brown you could just drink in for days. Your eyes roved the man’s face, meeting tanned skin flecked with stubble and pouty lips, dark locks curled out beneath a ball cap, twisting around the backs of his ears and along the absolutely kissable stretch of skin on the back of his neck.
One large hand moved to rub along that exact expanse of skin, a nervous tic perhaps, as the other reached out to help you back to your feet.
“Are you alright? I’m really sorry ‘bout that. Wasn’t watching where I was going,” the man said once you stood before him.
Brushing the grass off your ass and the back of your thighs, you waved him off. “No, no, I’m fine and it was completely my fault. I charged around the corner like a bull in a China shop.”
The man laughed in relief, blush still visible on his pinchable cheeks. “Yeah, you kinda did. Almost knocked me off my feet, too.”
Eyeing his exceptionally broad form doubtfully, you shook your head. “I’m your new neighbor, by the way,” you said, reaching out a hand and giving him your name.
“Oh! I’ve heard about the pretty addition to the neighborhood,” he winked at you, taking your hand in a firm grip. “I’m Francisco Morales, but everyone calls me Frankie. I think you met my roommate Benny already. He’s the one who said you were pretty. He wasn’t lying.”
Heat rushed your face at the rambled compliments. Frankie was a delightful mix of flirty, nervous, and shy which you found incredibly endearing. He was also gorgeous.
Flustered and overheated, the need to flee overwhelmed you. “Well, it was nice to finally meet you, Frankie. I’m sure I’ll see you around,” you called over your shoulder as you moved to your mailbox in the back corner of the space.
“You can count on it,” he called back before departing. He didn’t notice you peek around the corner to check out his backside as he walked away. His jeans hugged his ass in a pleasing way and his shirt stretched across his shoulders, the seams hanging on for dear life.
Frankie was going to be trouble; you could feel it. The best kind of trouble, yes, but trouble none the less.
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Working from home allowed you to keep a great schedule. No more long commutes to the office, getting caught in traffic on the interstate, spending too much money on gas, or racking up the mileage on your car. You loved the Wrangler, but fuel economy was not its best quality. Instead, you could sleep until a respectable hour, still get a morning run or walk in, and have time for a shower and breakfast before plopping down at your desk for the workday.
And you loved your new job. Not only did you get to work from home, but you were paid to learn and develop learning programs for corporate trainings all day. The nerd in you danced with joy every time you learned something new or received feedback on something you put together.
The only downfall to this new life of yours?
Sure, video calls with clients and colleagues peppered your days and you occasionally ran into a neighbor on your morning runs. But real human connection? No, there was none of that. Aside from talking to the plants or yourself, you didn’t even have a pet to provide companionship.
Three weeks after settling in, you found yourself at the shelter browsing adoptable animals. Growing up loving animals but never allowed to have pets – even your asshole ex was adamant about not having any in the house, which you should have seen as a giant red flag much sooner – you were finally able to add a furry little being to your family. You weren’t picky either, going in completely open-minded and letting the universe choose a fur friend for you.
The universe delivered ten minutes after arriving at the shelter when a big-eared, blue-eyed, black and white shepherd looking dog bounded up to you excitedly, darting directly between your legs and goosing you so hard it felt like your soul left your body with the yelp that burst from your lips.
“Joshua! No!” a harried volunteer called out, rushing over to you and the overly eager four-legged fiend. “I am so sorry! He loves people and picks out his favorites with a little too much zest.”
The woman wrangled the dog, which was no easy feat. Bigger than a breadbox but smaller than a German Shepherd, Joshua was a sturdy boy – and strong, based on the visible muscles in his hind legs – presenting a challenge when he put his mind to it.
Right then, his mind focused on you, and he refused to leave your side, licking at your hands with his pink tongue, booping you with his snout until you scratched his head, ears perked up as he gazed at you with those ice blue eyes.
You fell in love instantly. Plopping down on the ground, right there in the middle of the kennel walkway, you ruffled Joshua’s short-haired fur. He practically smiled in delight and melted into you as you pet him, tongue lolling out of his mouth as he presented his belly.
A pile of paperwork and a small fee later, you and Joshua the two-year-old McNab Shepherd headed to the pet store for goodies to start your adventure together. Joshua herded you around the store with single-minded determination, choosing his toys and treats while you spoke to the staff about the best food to feed him. Hundreds of dollars later, a gangly teenager helped you load a large dog bed, 50-pound bag of dry food, and two bags full of toys and treats into the Wrangler. Joshua sat shotgun, head hanging out the window as you drove home.
Joshua settled right in with minimal fuss, spending his days laying under your desk while you worked, booping you with his snout when he needed attention or walkies, and – worst part – chomping on your right ass cheek when you weren’t going in the direction he wanted. That was a habit you needed to break, asap. With Joshua at your side, you found yourself outside more, stopping to talk to all the neighbors and being recruited to join the new neighborhood watch. Suddenly, you no longer felt lonely or left out.
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Tim, the retired cop who lived across the street, started the neighborhood watch out of boredom, you reckoned. He served the public in larger cities for much of his law enforcement career, and the small-town life took a while for him to get used to. Thus, Tim liked to patrol the neighborhood, self-identifying as the Sheriff of Paradise, keeping an eye out for mischief.
Recently, Tim noticed evidence of some mischief in the form of knocked over garbage cans and missing or broken lawn ornaments. Minor things that could potentially be explained away by blaming the occasional trash panda searching for a midnight snack. Like a dog with a bone, Tim was unwilling to chalk it up to mischievous racoons and began recruiting neighbors to join him in keeping an eye on the neighborhood.
That’s how you found yourself seated on a couch in Tim’s living room, squeezed between the broad shouldered forms of Benny and Frankie, with other neighbors scattered around room. Tim stood in front of the small group with a dry erase marker in hand; a large whiteboard perched on a chair next to him.
“Thank you all for your interest in keeping this neighborhood safe. There have been several concerning things happening lately and I would like for us to make a collective effort in heading them off before things escalate,” Tim began.
His speech continued and the sudden vision of Scruff McGruff the Crime Dog popped into your head. You barely managed to stifle your laughter.
Out of the corner of your eye, you caught Benny flashing Frankie an incredulous look and mouthing “Is this guy for real?”
You wondered the same thing but kept those thoughts to yourself and listened as Tim continued.
“I took the liberty of assigning teams of two and setting patrol schedules,” he said, turning to the whiteboard. The sound of the dry erase marker squeaking across the board was the only noise in the room for a solid five minutes as you all stared at Tim’s back.
This dude was intense.
Frankie’s knee started bouncing next to you, jostling the cushion a little. Smiling warmly, you reached out a hand, placing it just above his knee to get him to stop. The warmth of his skin flowed through his jeans, igniting a fire inside your belly as his wide eyes shot to you, a hesitant smile on his face as he mouthed “Sorry”.
Tim spun around and called out the pairings then, breaking the eye contact between you and Frankie. Your breath caught when he announced your name and Frankie’s as the third team. Frankie beamed at you and bumped your shoulder.
“Looks like we’re a team,” he said, dark eyes shooting to frown at Benny over your shoulder for a moment. You turned to see what Benny did, but the man just grinned and winked at you.
“Yeah,” you replied, still a little flustered from the heat bubbling in your core. Jesus, could you not think of anything witty to say?
Tim called the meeting to an end ten minutes later – thank the fucking Lord above! – and you followed Frankie outside. He and Benny basically walked you to your door just to say hi to Joshua.
Your happy fur baby bounded down the front steps to say hi the moment you opened the door, tail wagging so hard his whole booty shook with the effort.
“No jumping, Joshua!” you called with a laugh as Benny practically fell to the ground to play with him.
After getting a few pets in, Frankie left the rambunctious pup to wrestle with Benny while he moved closer to you. “He’s really just a big kid,” he said with a chuckle.
“I can see that,” you replied, meeting Frankie’s chocolate eyes as a smile spread across your lips. Damn, he was gorgeous, and you could easily get lost in those eyes.
“So, uh, looks like our first neighborhood watch shift is tomorrow night from 9 ‘til midnight,” Frankie said as you both watched the makeshift WWE match happening in your little front yard.
“Yeah, that’s past my normal bedtime so it will be your job to keep me awake,” you responded with a laugh and a shrug of the shoulders. “Sad, but true.”
“Not a night owl? Me either. I’m sure I can come up with a few ways to keep you awake,” Frankie replied boldly, though a blush crept up his neck into his face.
You shot him a mock scandalized look before collapsing into laughter. “Yeah, I’m sure you could.” After a beat, you steered the conversation back to the neighborhood watch. “What do we need to do on this shift? I’ve never been part of something like this and, to be honest, I tuned out half of what Tim droned on about.”
Frankie’s smile widened until the dimple in his cheek popped, drawing your eyes. “That guy sure could talk, huh?” When you nodded, he added, “I guess we just walk around and make sure nothing’s happening. I’ll meet you here tomorrow night with flashlights in case we need them, feel free to bring Joshua. Nothing will get past the three of us.”
True to his word, Frankie stood at the base of your walkway at five minutes to 9 pm with a backpack containing bug spray, water, snacks, and flashlights. Joshua bounded towards him the moment you opened the door – you should have known to put his leash on first, but you were just as eager as the pup to see the handsome man waiting for you.
After handing you a flashlight, Frankie gestured for Joshua’s leash, clipping it to the dog’s collar and gripping it tightly in his right hand. You let Joshua lead the way, stopping every so often so he could sniff at something interesting.
You weren’t nervous, per say, but you did have some concerns about how awkward these three hours might be. Those concerns were all for naught as conversation flowed easy and free between the two of you as you both asked and answered questions about each other.
Frankie told you a little about his time in the military and how he met Benny and his other friends. He shared about his current job working on helicopters and trying to get his pilot’s license back after some misunderstandings. You told him about ditching your old life to start fresh, how your ex turned out to be controlling and isolated you from your friends. You told him about your new job and how happy you were to be in control of your own life again.
“Sounds like that guy was a real asshole. Me and the boys could go kick his ass for you, if you wanted.”
You appreciated the offer but turned it down. Instead, you asked about his love life. “You mean my complete lack of one?” Frankie replied teasingly.
“Hmmm,” you hummed distractedly. Something seemed off about Stella’s front garden. Your eyes narrowed, searching the shadows from the streetlights and Frankie followed your gaze, brows furrowed.
“That wasn’t like that when we passed by on our last lap,” he said as you both took in the destruction. Potted plants toppled over, some clay pots shattered, leaves ripped from shrubs, flowers crushed, and sporadic holes dug in the topsoil.
In a word, it was a mess.
“No, it most definitely was not,” you replied and immediately glanced around searching for the culprit. The street was empty save for the two of you. “I don’t see anyone. Whoever did this is hiding or long gone.”
“We better write this down in our notepad for Tim. He’ll want full documentation, so we can’t leave out a single detail.” Frankie pulled the small, spiral bound notepad and a pen from the front pocket of his backpack, handing them to you. At your raised brow, he shrugged with a boyish grin and added, “I’m holding a flashlight and your dog’s leash. Besides, you probably have much neater handwriting.”
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” Rolling your eyes, you accepted the items and flipped the notepad open to the first page. Noting the date, time, and location, you wrote a few notes about the destruction in Stella’s garden. After a moment, you pulled your phone from your back pocket and snapped a few pictures. Tim would appreciate the effort.
“You think I’m cute?” Frankie teased once you finished, sounding pleased as punch at the idea. You ignored him.
The rest of the night passed with no further incidents, and you waved to Frankie as he walked back to his house after handing you Joshua’s leash. Despite the exhaustion plaguing your body, your mind fixated on thoughts of Frankie for two more hours before you finally fell asleep with Joshua snuggled against your side.
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Things only got stranger the next two nights you patrolled the neighborhood with Frankie.
“So, what do you do for fun, Frankie?” you asked, making conversation as you walked along the sidewalk.
“The usual, I guess. Hanging with friends, listening to music, playing the occasional video game, and having a few beers. Mostly just hang with the boys and reminisce about the old service days. Oh! And flying, of course. Can’t wait to get my license reinstated.” Frankie ran a hand along the back of his neck, a little embarrassed about how boring he sounded. “How about you?”
“Oh, you know, the same stuff,” you laughed. “I lead a very exciting life. I read, lounge on the couch watching reality tv shows, run in the mornings. Stuff all the cool kids do.”
“We’re an exciting pair, huh?”
“It only goes downhill from here.”
You bantered back and forth as you worked your way through the neighborhood, keeping an eye out for signs of mischief. Frankie was the first to spot the trouble in the mail area. A few mailboxes were wrenched open with envelopes and magazines ripped and scattered across the ground. Joshua sniffed at them unhelpfully.
“How’d someone even get these open?” you questioned. “They need a key.”
Frankie shrugged. “Must’ve pried them open with something. Wouldn’t be too hard, actually. These aren’t the best locking mechanisms. Here, write it down while I take some pictures.” He fished the notepad from the backpack and handed it to you, snapping photos of the mess while you jotted down observations.
“How long have you lived here?” you asked Frankie once you tidied up the mess into a small pile for the other residents to sort through in the morning.
“A few years. You?” He froze, realizing the stupidity of the question, and grimaced. “I clearly have foot in mouth disease. Forget I said that. Please.”
Waving him off with a chuckle, you told him not to fret. “Have you noticed anything like these shenanigans happening before?”
Silent for a few moments, Frankie thought about it. “Not that I recall, but I’m not too sure I paid much attention.”
“It’s weird though, right? Like all of this seems like something a couple of middle school kids would do but they wouldn’t be out this late. Shit, I haven’t even seen kids that age in this neighborhood.”
Frankie nodded. “Come to think of it, we haven’t seen any footprints or litter either. Kids always leave a mess, right? Like candy wrappers and soda cans and shit.”
The next night, things got more bizarre. Joshua stayed at home, exhausted after visiting the vet that afternoon and getting a few shots, leaving you and Frankie on your own.
Frankie spotted a light on in the detached single-car garage at Kara and Matt’s house after a few laps through the neighborhood. Both of you swore the light had been off the other times you passed by. It wouldn’t be so odd if it was a weekend night. But you knew the couple got up really early for work and there was no way one of them would be tinkering in the garage after 11 pm on a worknight.
The pair of you approached the garage warily, sounds of rummaging and glass breaking coming from inside the wooden structure. You looked to Frankie for direction. He gestured for you to stay put a couple yards back, shrugging the backpack from his shoulders, and pulled a handgun from the front pocket.
Your eyes widened at the sight of the weapon. “What are you gonna do with that?” you whispered as he handed you the bag.
“Nothing unless I have to,” Frankie replied quietly and edged closer to the garage. He crept up to the garage door, trying to peek through the dirt smudged windows, but it was impossible to see anything. Instead, he slowly made his way around toward the side of the garage.
A few steps from the corner, his foot caught on a stray cinderblock, causing him to trip with a yelp. The sound within the garage ceased, immediately followed by a scramble and rustling in the wooded area behind the garage. By the time Frankie righted himself and turned the corner, who- or whatever it had been in the garage was gone. A small window on the side of the garage sat open and Frankie peered inside, finding utter destruction within the garage.
“Well?” you inquired from your position. “Anything?”
“Nothing but a mess. I didn’t see anyone and there was nowhere for someone to hide.” He motioned you over now that it was clear. Slipping the weapon back into the bag, Frankie pulled out his phone and took photos through the window.
Gazing at the window, you said, “I can’t imagine they leave this open like this. It must be a person, right? How would an animal get a window like this open? Or turn on the light?”
Frankie shrugged. “I have no fucking clue. We should let Tim know about this. He’ll want to talk to Kara and Matt in the morning.”
Sliding the window shut, Frankie led you from the property.
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“This is just getting ridiculous,” Benny muttered from the backseat. “I can’t believe that dickhead has us on a fuckin’ stakeout on a Friday night. Who died and made him Sheriff of fuckin’ Palmingham.”
“Sheriff of Palmingham,” you repeated with a guffaw. “Good one, Benny boy.”
You, Benny, and Frankie were parked at one end of the street in Frankie’s truck, with a few other neighbors stationed at the other end. A stakeout was Tim’s brilliant idea to finally catch the culprit terrorizing the otherwise quiet neighborhood. He created a few teams and stationed them at the end of the two main streets of the small neighborhood. Tim wanted the culprit caught tonight.
The first thing you learned about stakeouts was they were boring as fuck. If not for the company of two handsome men, you’d have been banging your head against the dashboard after the first fifteen minutes. After the first hour of staring through the windows, you and Frankie resorted to playing a variation of twenty questions.
“What is your favorite food?”
“To make or to order out?” you questioned. When Frankie rolled his eyes playfully, you added, “What? There’s a big difference!”
Nodding his head, Frankie laughed. “Ok, if you say so. Tell me both then.”
Sitting back in your seat, you tapped your chin with a finger. “Salmon to cook and beef wellington or scallops to order out. What about you?”
Benny watched from the backseat as the two of you went on and on. “For fuck’s sake, I feel like a third wheel on a first date,” he complained. “Will you just ask her out already?”
“Damnit, Benny,” Frankie growled. Enjoying the conversation with you so much, he almost forgot his friend was even there.
“You want some cheese to go with that whine, Ben Ben?” you teased. “I know little girls who whine less than you.”
“You want some cheese with that whine,” Benny mocked in a high-pitched voice. Leaning forward in his seat, Benny perched his chin on the back of the front bench seat, a shit-eating grin playing across his lips. “You know, if you like Salmon for the omega 3 fatty acids, my boy Fish here has some mega D fatty acid for you. It’s a lot better, or so I’ve heard.”
“What the fuck, Benny?!” Frankie exclaimed as your mouth dropped open in shocked amusement. He glared over his shoulder at the younger man before looking at you with dark, pleading eyes. “Please ignore this fucking idiot.”
“Come on, man. That shit was funny!” Benny insisted, broad shoulders shaking with laughter.
You patted Frankie’s thigh reassuringly. “I mean, it is pretty freaking hilarious, I’ll give him that. And Fish? Is that your nickname or something?”
“At least your girl has a sense of humor.” Benny slumped back in his seat at Frankie’s scowl.
Still staring down his friend in the rearview mirror, Frankie explained the call signs from their army days. Movement down the block drew his attention mid-sentence and he drifted to a stop. “Can you guys see that?”
You reached for the binoculars sitting on the dash, raising them to your eyes to peer into the distance. Something darted from the shadows into an area of the street brightened by a streetlight, and you gasped.
 “It’s a fucking monkey!”
The rest of the night turned into a shitshow as the three of you chased a small monkey – a capuchin, you guessed – around the neighborhood. After a quick call to Tim, the other neighbors on stakeout joined you in the effort to capture the mischievous little bugger. Shortly before dawn, someone found the monkey asleep on a low-hanging tree limb and scooped the thing up, quickly containing him in a travel pet crate.
Exhausted yet exhilarated, you walked toward your house when a sudden commotion sounded a couple doors down. Ann and John rushed from their home, frantically searching for something in the yard.
“Where could he have gone?” Ann called out to John.
“How did he even get out?” John yelled back, moving to search the backyard.
Pausing mid-step, you turned toward where Frankie stood talking to Tim. The capuchin monkey sat in a pet crate at the former cop’s feet as they talked about what to do with it. Eyes narrowing, you looked back at the older couple scouring their yard.
The pieces clicked into place, and you rushed over to Frankie. “Hey, uh, I think this little cutie belongs to Ann and John,” you said, pointing over your shoulder. “They’re searching for a missing pet, and it seems awfully coincidental.”
Sure enough, the older couple were searching for the little monkey named Cosmo, who they were pet sitting for their grandson. The little rascal had been sneaking out each night to wreak havoc on the neighborhood out of boredom. Cosmo was used to a much higher level of activity than the older couple could offer. Thankfully, the grandson was coming later that day to take Cosmo home.
“Hey, you wanna come over for some brunch?” you asked Frankie once all the drama wrapped up, not wanting to part from him just yet. You really enjoyed his company and wanted to get to know him even more. “I’m thinking pancakes and mimosas. What do you think?”
“I, uh, think that sounds like a perfect first date,” he replied with a shy smile, one hand lifting his cap as the other combed through his curls.
“Oh yeah? I think this might count as a third date given all the time we’ve spent alone together this week.”
Frankie’s lips spread until his smile split his face and his dark eyes burned with want. “Third date, huh? Do you have a rule about third dates?”
“Why don’t you come in and find out?” Grasping his large hand in yours, you led him inside.
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mint-flavoredd · 9 months ago
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Helluva Boss + SPY x family crossover inspired by Laviko_weid drawing on Twitter!!!!
I have so much fun thinking of the character dynamics and the fun added bonus of all of them being from Hell. (This is a world where there is a problem of hellspawn migrating to Earth, and the government is working with Hell to purge their world of secret Hellborn residents)
Stolas ran away from the throne and his arranged marriage WITH his grimoire when he was 23, fleeing to the human world to start over. (Meaning Stolas is much more accustomed to ‘real life’ than canon Stolas. Still love them both tho)
Due to not using a crystal and instead uses sheer magical will that Stolas stays in human form, he finds it difficult to keep his eyes constantly changed, so opts to just keep his eyes closed. This doesn’t limit him at all, and he can see perfectly fine with them shut. However, if feeling intense feelings, especially if sudden, he forgets or just doesn’t care to keep them shut.
Stolas became an assassin at age 25, finding an odd sense of belonging to the profession. A control he never felt in his previous life. But as the years passed, Stolas became increasingly worried about being found out by the government. Most likely he wouldn’t be executed, but at this point, he has grown fond of his life on Earth and is making no plans on returning to his loveless marriage or royal duties back in Hell.
During the Circus fire, the fire had spread to nearby trees and buildings, including a building that was owned by a dangerous gang in the area, the fire killing a solid number of important gang members. For years they had hunted Blitzø, and while trying to escape them one day, Blitzø landed himself inside of a jail cell, meeting Moxxie in the process. After breaking out, they both decided it would just be safer to leave Hell all together.
Blitzø steals Veroskia’s (how to spell??) crystal and gives it to Moxxie then proceeds to steal himself one by sleeping with a succubus. They flee to earth. Blitzø is 22 at this point.
He found himself hating that hellspawn are hunted on earth (the whole point of going to earth was to be able to live without that fear of being prey) he attempted to become an assassin, however, Moxxie went into spy work and was easily persuaded since he thought it was the next best thing because you got to dress up AND you got to shoot people.
(Blitzø is a great spy because he is unpredictable and spontaneous- definitely a different kind of spy compared to Twilight.)
(Millie is human in this AU, Millie is that one coworker, Camilla, Moxxie is Frankie. These two are married, don’t question it)
Octavia’s egg hatched a week after Stolas had left. (Stella had kept the egg a secret from Stolas, wanting to not constantly be pestered by the owl demon)
Stella was set to be wed to another Goetia, and she didn’t want to bring the owlet from her first marriage that failed spectacularly over to her second one. She wasn’t close enough to the newly hatched bird to be bothered. But It couldn’t get out that a Goetia had been given up to the streets of hell, and Stella didn’t want this girl to be unfairly exploited or raised improperly for being a Goetia, especially when she looked so much like her father already. Stella manually transformed Octavia into her human disguise and handed her off to a succubus who she had paid handsomely and instructed her to be handed off to a family who could take care of her. Unfortunately, Octavia had been handed off to demon obsessed lunatics.
At the age of 4, they had Octavia read a spell that they had no idea what it did. She had the magical ability to cast it, but she had the reading ability of a four year old and she was attempting to read a language she had been taught second hand by people who had taught themselves how to read it. It didn’t go great, she passed out in the process, however, when she awoke, she was granted the gift of telepathy.
Stolas and Octavia are both unaware that she is his actual blood related daughter, but it’s constantly mentioned by other characters that they look much more related than Blitzø and Octavia do. But it’s late to change the story now!
When the show starts, Stolas is 28, Blitzø is 25, and Octavia is 5
Also also Loona is Bond, the future seeing dog.
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frozenartscapes · 1 year ago
I think the thing I’m most excited for (and what I hope actually gets explored) in Spy x Family isn’t so much the drama of the secrets being revealed - I’m excited for what comes after.
Imagine that sort of awkward transition stage where everyone is getting used to this new normal. Loid and Yor are tiptoeing around each other, not really sure what to make of their partner who has been lying their ass off the whole time. They’re both kinda mad about it, but also can’t really find too much fault because they’ve been doing the same thing themselves. Imagine a montage of all the Not Normal things both of them are guilty of and the both of them having a “ooooohhh that makes more sense now” moment.
But then treading into angsty territory: say their missions align or something and they have to work through the fact that their partner is not a civilian. Loid constantly ordering Yor to get back and take cover, throwing his arm up to shield her, but then Yor ducks around him and takes down, like, ten armed guys before he can even blink. Yor having a mini war in her head between Yor Forger and the Thorn Princess, because the Thorn Princess has a damn job to do but Yor Forger is constantly fretting about Loid and what he must think of her and if she’s still a good mom for Anya when she just skewered a grunt’s head so hard his skull exploded. It results in neither of them being on top of their game and eventually having to work through their issues before succeeding (maybe whilst tied up back to back in a holding cell or something).
But then there’s this sort of relief? For Loid especially, because suddenly it’s not just him protecting this family. He knew Yor was good at keeping Anya safe, but before it was as an insanely lucky civilian who’s very good at “yoga”. Now… He knows that it would take something monumental to take Yor down. Anything less than that and she’s walking away covered in blood that’s not hers. There’s this sense of safety that starts to bubble up, which is strange, because it should be the opposite. Yor’s one of the most dangerous assassins in the country - hell in both countries - and yet Agent “I don’t trust anyone” Twilight has complete faith in her.
Meanwhile, Yor’s feeling more validated in months because even after learning Loid/Twilight’s biggest secret…he’s still here. He didn’t just pack up and leave in the middle of the night the way spies do whenever they are compromised. And he learned about her and yet he stayed. He included her in on his schemes. And suddenly living together is just…so much easier. She doesn’t have to sneak out in the middle of the night or hide her injuries. She doesn’t feel ashamed any time her incredible strength slips through. She doesn’t feel like she has to lie to everyone - she has Loid to talk to now. She’s never had someone who knows but who also isn’t a Garden agent themselves. And with him being a spy there’s a level of understanding of the job that makes it really easy to be open about it. Probably to a worrying degree, but Yor trusts Loid with her life despite him being a foreign spy.
And then there’s the question of the degree at which the secret’s out. Do they know about Anya? Does Anya know? (Or more specifically, do they know that Anya knows?) (Anya comes home one day and overhears them talking about spy/assassin stuff and after months of being exhausted trying to help them keep both secrets she just sighs really loudly, “FINALLY!” Only to then be questioned on how she knew.) Would Yuri or Franky find out? Garden or WISE? But it would be fun in there’s a little while where the family knows about each other, the three (four including Bond) having a wonderful little stretch of time where the first true test of their trust for each other is passed with flying colours. (Enough for a Stella Star, even!)
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witchygagirlwrites · 9 days ago
Broken Bonds-Part 39
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Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz x Reader, Coparenting Jay Halstead x Reader, Jay Halstead x Hailey Upton
Everyone knows you're pregnant so when it's time for the gender scan both teams are waiting to hear results
You were half asleep and heard Mouse and Addy laughing through the open bedroom door. You slowly opened your eyes and looked at the time to see it was only about five minutes before your alarm would have gone off anyways. He was probably up making coffee and she’d hollered for Mou. Hell when you were up she’d go past mommy to Mou most mornings. She was a daddy’s girl and step daddy’s girl.
You tossed the blanket off your legs and swung them off the bed before heading into the living room. Mouse had her sitting on the counter, cross legged next to a bowl while he stirred pancake mix. You smiled at the sight. Thinking of how conflicted your heart had been while he was deployed it was hard to imagine you were here but you were. You felt a flutter and your hand flew to your stomach. Mouse must have clocked the movement because he looked up “Are you ok sweetheart?”
You nodded and grinned “Movements” his eyes widened and he grinned “Really?” you nodded. You and him planned to tell everyone this week. You were safely out of the first trimester so that was the first step. How you’d managed to not get busted was beyond you especially with Jay so close around.
He cut his eyes at her and you knew what he was asking. He’d been begging to tell her before anyone else, well besides Will, Dr Asher and Stella. You grinned and nodded as you walked across the floor to him and he picked her up onto his hip “Hey babygirl you know how Tami has a little sister and how Frankie has a little brother and you’ve been asking mommy why you don’t?”
She nodded and he held his hand out for you. You took his hand and he pulled you into his side “Mommy’s gonna have a baby. So you’re gonna be a big sister” her eyes got huge “I am?” you nodded “You are baby” she wiggled out of Mouse’s arms then wrapped her arms around you kissing your belly “I love you baby” you laughed lightly “The baby loves you too sweet girl” Mouse had the biggest grin on his face as he slipped his arms around you both.
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You walked up the stairs to intelligence and a smell hit you that made your stomach roll. When you hit the top of the stairs you covered your mouth and nose with your hand and looked around, Adam had a sandwich with onions. Fuck.
You made a beeline for the bathroom, feeling everything you’d eaten that day coming up. 
You were on your knees in front of the toilet when you heard someone kneel behind you and felt one of Jay’s hands holding your hair while the other rubbed your back soothingly “I made Adam toss the sandwich, Mouse called me first thing. He said you two were planning to tell everyone today”
You nodded, tearing toilet paper off to wipe your mouth “We’ve only known since Stella was held hostage. I found out when Will had to do the CPD drug test” you turned around to face him and he helped you to your feet, handing you spearmint gum which was a lifesaver when you were pregnant the first time “Seriously? That’s one hell of a way to find out”
You laughed “You’re telling me” he smiled  “Have you told Addy?” you nodded “This morning actually” “I bet she’s excited she’s even asked Hailey for a little sibling” you laughed “Well you two are off the hook for now” he grinned and cut his eyes down at your stomach “What are you hoping for this time?” you shrugged “Addy is perfect so I wouldn’t mind another girl but I wouldn’t mind a boy either. As long as they’re healthy” he nodded “All that matters” 
He pulled you into a hug “Well you already know you’re an amazing mother and from how he is with Addy, Mouse will be a great father” you pulled back to smile up at him “Thank you Jay, for everything” he smiled “Told you then I have your back and always will sweetheart. I love you” you smiled “I love you too Jay”
You and him walked back out to the bullpen and everyone, including Hank looked at you so you sighed “Well, I’m pregnant about fourteen weeks” Hank was the first to hug you, followed by Kevin then Hailey then Kim. You cut your eyes at Adam and he shrugged “I want to hug you but you’ve been mean to me for years, threw multiple coffee cups at my head the first time you were pregnant and now I know for a fact to be afraid of your first child’s father and of your husband so I’m gonna say congrats and if you need anything let me know and I will steer far from onions”
You laughed and shook your head “You’re insane Ruzek but I love you” he smiled “I love you too honey”
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You were laying in bed and Mouse had his arms around you, one hand across your stomach. You were half asleep when you felt a cricket run across your stomach and Mouse jolted “Sweetheart?” you grinned “That was your baby”
He leaned up to press a kiss to your stomach “Hey lil one, it’s daddy” you felt another cricket movement and your mouth fell open “Son of a bitch” he cut his eyes at you with a grin  “What?” you shook your head “It’s gonna be another daddy’s baby” he grinned “Is this how early Addy reacted to Jay?” you thought about it and nodded “Yeah”
He pressed a kiss to your stomach “Daddy loves you little one” and you felt another, smaller roll. Yeah this kid was gonna be about its daddy like Addy was about Jay. He grinned at you as his fingers traced patterns on your stomach “I can’t wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl” you brushed his hair back from his face “It’s scheduled love. Then you’ll know and we need to pick names” he nodded and kissed your stomach again “That’s for then love” and pulled you into his arms “For now, I’m holding you” You relaxed in his embrace “I’m not exactly complaining” 
The scan was scheduled for the following week and you and him were looking at a couple places Hank had found.  Now you were the one afraid of waking up to discover this was all a dream. How the hell had you gotten this lucky? He nuzzled his face into your neck “Sleep love or I’ll try to keep the baby up by talking to em” he threatened and you laughed “I love you Greg” he laughed “I love you too, now close those beautiful eyes and try to sleep” “Ok baby” you replied, getting comfortable and closing your eyes.
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“So the scan’s tomorrow. You two doing a group chat like we did” Jay was sitting on the edge of your desk as you typed up a report. You cut your eyes up at him and nodded “Yeah. I mean Stella has first dibs of course but after that there isn’t really anyone on his side besides his team now so I guess really two group chats?” he nodded “Makes sense because that crew loves Addy damn mean as much as our unit does” 
You looked at your screen then back up at him “This isn’t weird is it?” his eyebrows scrunched up “What?” you motioned to your stomach “This. I mean my last pregnancy the baby was yours and we were kind of ducking away from Greg and now I’m married to him and the baby is his and the baby is your baby’s half sibling” he shrugged “Not to me. I love you, not in that way but I love you. I love his ass too so I’m gonna love this kid. Hailey is already more in love with you than me most days and worships our little girl, same as Mouse when it comes to Addy. We’re one big family so when this one comes into the world they can look to meet their hayhay and JJ” 
You raised an eyebrow “JJ?” he grinned “Hailey got to pick her nickname for Addy. I’m staking mine right now for this one” you shook your head “Remember that when you’re helping me move” he grimaced “Better be glad I love you and that my daughter lives there too” then leaned over to press a kiss to your temple before going back to work himself.
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Addy was bouncing around the apartment between you and Mouse. He’d let it slip that today you would find out if she was having a little brother or a little sister. She was extremely excited. “I’ll tell you what. Aunt Stella is off today so why don’t I get her to come pick you up and she can take you for ice cream after school if you go ahead and grab your jacket right now” you offered and she nodded and ran for her jacket.
You cut your eyes at Mouse and he grinned “I’m sorry baby” you shook your head “It’s ok love. I find it adorable how excited you both are” you felt a foot run across your side and sucked in a breath. His eyes widened “Are you ok?” you nodded “This kid is just as much of an acrobat as Addy was” he stepped closer so you took his hand and put it where you last felt the movement. “Hey little one” the moment he spoke you felt a knee or an elbow run across the inside of your stomach under his hand. He grinned “There you are. We’re gonna find out if you’re a boy or a girl today. I think you’re a girl” there was another kick and he winked at you “See? Girl”
You shook your head “I’ve never seen men so eager to be girl dads like you and Jay” he shrugged “We’re secure in our masculinity” you rolled your eyes “Well secure your masculine ass after your step daughter and wrangle her into my jeep so we’re not late to the appointment with Dr Asher because we both still have to go to work today” he laughed and pressed a kiss to your lips before catching Addy who was running by again “Come on lil bit. Time to go”
You watched the two of them walk out to your jeep and felt the baby flip. You laid a hand on your stomach. How the hell had you managed to get your life to turn around this much?
You were laid back across the bed in the room, waiting for the ultrasound tech and laughing over the fact that you’d had to stop Mouse from playing with the exact same things you’d had to stop Jay from playing with when you were pregnant with Addy. There was a knock on the door then the ultrasound tech walked in. She explained what scans she would be doing to measure the baby’s growth and health. You nodded because you knew everything but you didn’t rush her explanation because Mouse deserved step by step experience.
He held your hand as she put the icy gel on your stomach then pushed the wand down on it. The little hummingbird sound filled the room and you cut your eyes up at Mouse and the look in his eyes made your heart flip. Every time he saw the baby on the screen, or every time they moved for him he had that look. The complete and total adoration. The same look he’d had the first time Addy said Mou. 
The tech went through to measure the heart valves, the spinal cord, the brain stem development. When she was done she grinned “Now the fun part” she moved the wand around then tapped your stomach then moved the wand again. You watched and felt the baby twist and turn before she tapped the screen “Got ya little one” 
You laughed when you looked where she was pointing. “What?” Mouse asked and she smiled “Well, Detective, Marshal. You’re having a little girl” “It’s a girl?” Mouse asked with a broad grin before kissing you and looking back at the screen. The tech looked at you “How you manage two men with that reaction to daughters?” you shrugged “I have no idea”
She laughed and congratulated you both then printed out new ultrasound stills. When she left the room to allow you to get dressed, Mouse pulled you into his arms “Addy has a little sister!” you laughed “You wanted a girl”  he cupped your face with one hand and crashed his lips against yours “I love you so much” you smiled “I love you too but I really want to put my pants back on” his eyes widened “Oh crap, yeah. Let me help you” and moved to grab your clothes”
As soon as you and Mouse walked out of the hospital you called Stella who answered on the second ring and you could hear Kelly in the background “What do we got?” you held the phone out to the Mouse “Do the honors daddy” he grinned “Aunt Stella, you got another niece on the way” she actually squealed in excitement and you heard her holler across the station house “MY SISTER IS HAVING ANOTHER GIRL!” followed by a chorus of hoots and congrats. You shook your head with a laugh. “And your first niece wants ice cream when you pick her up” she laughed “I can manage that. I love you honeybee, Mousey I love you too. Feed my sister and my niece before she goes back to work. I’ll see you both later”
When she hung up he cut his eyes at you “Mousey?” you laughed “She gets sentimental when she’s excited” he grinned “Well let’s go get you and our newest little lady some food”
You sat next to Mouse with both of your phones pulled up. You had a group text for the unit and he had a group text for the marshal team. At the same time you both sent It’s a girl and waited as the replies came rolling in.
Jay: Welcome to the club man. Daughters are the best
Kenny: The boys were hoping it was another girl, congrats man
Kevin: Alright, another one of the Kidd women released onto the world
Hailey: Another one of my wife’s spawns? I’m good with it
Gwen: Can’t ever have enough girls in the world, especially ones like Kidd    
Jonah: Congrats you two, let me know what you need for her
Kim: So just keep all of Mak’s stuff then huh? Lol
Adam: Oh lord, yet another of Kidd? (Joking Mouse please don’t hurt me)
Xavier: Congrats, Now maybe he’ll shut up about saying he hopes it’s a girl
At the very bottom of the unit’s group text was Hank’s and Trudy’s replies 
Hank: Papa will love her too
Trudy: Trutru will let ouch know we have another niece
Mouse never looked happier than reading over the texts. You saw him tear up a little bit. “What baby?” you asked and he shook his head “I’m just happy love. I’m just happy”
Part 40
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ad-astra-per-aspera-1389 · 4 months ago
This is totally random, but as far as the JONAS (LA) X BTR crossover (either one, really) goes...
Macy's favorite of the btr boys is carlos, because sports, and also bc he's just fun to hang out with. macy seems normal and put together at first, but she loves physical activity, as we know from s1, and carlos (platonically) matches her freak in the places nick doesn't
Stella's favorite is...and isn't james. she's basically that post that's like "you're in his dms. i'm pissing him off, i'm ruining his day" but in the most convoluted way possible, they also, platonically, match each other's freak. all in all, stella would rather spend time with the other girls, and she obviously adores joe, bc he understands her thoroughly, but james is like...the opposite. they understand each other and fucking hate it.
Katie and Frankie deserve the most insane sublot that builds up over time, until their scheme eventually collides with the main plotline and wreaks absolute havoc. they're ten years old and evil geniuses with famous brothers, you know the two of them meeting will bite everyone in the ass in the end.
I do think Nick and Logan would get along, but the thing is, logan is a science and math nerd and nick is a writing and music nerd. they're slightly different species of nerd. but I think nick would get along best with logan and kendall, bc even though they can go off the deep end sometimes, they're easier to handle than carlos and james.
I'm gonna ramble about Kevin and Lucy again bc I want to. it's so hard for me to imagine lucy with like, any other guy, just bc james is clearly gay, and the subplot with her and kendall was a total mess since he hadn't broken up with jo first... Anyway, they're both rockstars, and Kevin had a lot of character development in s2. he's kind, responsible, ambitious, and Lucy is headstrong, confident, and clever. I feel like they'd actually have a very normal relationship timeline compared to a lot of other ships/couples, simply bc by the time they're both in the narrative they're 18/19 and living on their own.
Joe...he would get along best with kendall, not just for the main character energy, but also bc I feel like they react similarly in a lot of situations, but joe is also a little more self-sufficient than kendall is, which isn't a bad thing, and is mostly due to living in la without his parents for a/multiple (depends on crossover fic) summer(s), whereas kendall's always had his mom and friends doing everything together.
Kevin's an interesting one, bc while s1 era kevin would definitely be best friends with carlos, by the time jonas la rolls around he's mellowed out. he's still a little dramatic sometimes, but post-HMA Kevin is very different bc of the responsibility for his brothers he gained over the summer. I feel like he'd sort of keep that older brother role he's grown into, so, besides his relationship with lucy, he's mostly helping clean up the trouble and not cause it. at the same time though, i think he'd get wrapped up in the katie and frankie subplot the most
Joe and Camille would also get along pretty well, mostly bc they have acting in common, with joe wanting advice from camille solely due to her years of experience. she's also easier to talk to than bigger names in the industry, so it's more of leaning on a friend instead of a mentor
Jo and Macy definitely spar every so often, mostly bc jo likes that there's another girl around that she can connect with about physical sports. it's not the same trying to spar with kendall, and now she has someone who's an even match against her.
Mona is one of the few people that aren't afraid to go toe to toe against griffin, given she doesn't work for him, and she's definitely screamed at him for Kelly's sake. gustavo is a little afraid of mona, and rightfully so. she's proud of that.
Still no one likes DZ
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ao3feed-twiyor · 3 months ago
Of Christmas Future
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/KVq6wsJ by Cantare “Oh, oh, I have an idea!” Scruffy said, rubbing his hands together. “Let’s do our own Christmas Carol play. You can have whatever role you want! More than one role even! And we’ll stage it for your mom and dad before Christmas.” Anya brightened, even though she still felt uncertain. “Papa won’t be happy if we make him the bad guy.” “Alright, how about this,” Scruffy said, stroking his chin in thought. “We make it about Bondman.” ----- With her Stella count stalling in the second year of Operation Strix, Anya tries to cheer her Papa up in time for Christmas, with Uncle Franky's help. Words: 3068, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: SPY x FAMILY (Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, Gen Characters: Anya Forger, Franky Franklin, Loid Forger | Twilight, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Damian Desmond, Becky Blackbell, Bill Watkins, Bondman (SPY x FAMILY), Bond (SPY x FAMILY) Relationships: Anya Forger & Franky Franklin, Anya Forger & Loid Forger | Twilight & Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess Additional Tags: Christmas Fluff, Some angst, implied depression, Franky is the best uncle read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/KVq6wsJ
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years ago
Spring 2023 Favorites
Bringing 2010s YouTube trends to Tumblr with this one. Here are some of my beauty, fashion, and lifestyle favorites of the moment to try out for spring/summer. Hope you love them xx
La Roche-Posay Anthelios Sunscreen SPF 60
CeraVe Plant-Based Hydrating Makeup Removing Face Wipes
Paula's Choice 0.3% Retinol + 2% Bakuchiol Treatment (new holy grail – I love it paired with the First Aid Beauty Hydrating Serum with Hyaluronic Acid)
e.l.f cosmetics O FACE Satin Lipstick in Dirty Talk
Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Lip Balm SPF 15 (I never hear this product being talked about – I think it's the best drugstore lip balm, personally!)
Wander Beauty Baggage Claim Eye Patches
OUAI St. Barts Cleansing Scalp & Body Sugar Scrub (I've only used it on my body, but it's a holy grail body exfoliator for me now)
Essie Stay Longer Top Coat
Uno De 50 Chainlink Necklaces & Bracelets
Crystal & Beaded Bags (I've been loving my Shrimps, Stella McCartney, Kara, and Giarité ones this season!)
Square Toe Loafers (My favorites are from Vagabond!)
Slim Wedge Heels (I love the Reformation minimalist ones/M. Gemi options)
Silk black button-ups (My favorite ones are from Equipment and LilySilk for a more affordable alternative)
Vest & Wide Leg Trouser Co-Ords (Frankie Shop, BITE Studios, Favorite Daughter, MM6 Maison Margiela, LouLou Studio, Reformation, and Dissh are my favorites across price ranges)
Adidas x Stella McCartney Sneakers
Face Gym Face Ball Tension Release Tool (Sounds dumb but it actually works so well to relieve tension headaches/random aches)
OXO Good Grips SimplyTear Paper Towel Holder
Softsoap Antibacterial White Tea & Berry Scent Hand Soap
La Colombe Colombian Cold Brew
Brami Lupini Beans (love to pair these with a Honeycrisp apple as a snack!)
Non-Fiction book I'm currently reading: On Our Best Behavior: The Seven Deadly Sins and The Price Women Pay To Be Good by Elise Loehnen
Fiction book I'm currently reading: Beware the Woman by Megan Abbott
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phantomstatistician · 1 year ago
Saturday Status Update
The wait time for a request is: 51 working days
Upcoming charts (if the sample size is large enough):
Yellowjackets - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Grace & Frankie - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Futurama - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Andor - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Star Wars - Cassian Andor
Lesbian Character (tag) - 10 most popular ships (AO3), 10 most popular fandoms (AO3)
Character X Reader - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Link Click - 10 most popular tags (AO3)
Hamilton - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Once Upon a Time - 10 most popular ships (AO3), 10 most popular tags (AO3)
Danganronpa - Tanaka Gundham, Tenko Chabashira
Inglorious Basterds - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Nevertheless - 10 most popular ships (AO3), 10 most popular characters (AO3)
Homestuck - 10 most popular ships (4/13/16 to present) (AO3), 10 most popular tags (4/13/16 to present) (AO3)
Vinland Saga (Manga) - 10 most popular characters (English fics only)
Jujutsu Kaisen - Megumi Fushigoro
Demon Slayer - Shinobu Kocho
The Amazing Digital Circus - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War - Altena
My Hero Academia - Crossovers
Jeeves - P. G. Wodehouse - 10 most popular characters (AO3), 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Husky and His White Cat Shizun - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Persona 3 - Kirijo Mitsuru
Persona 4 - Yosuke Hanamura
Prodigal Son - Martin Whitly
She Ra: The Princesses Of Power - Mermista
Spider Man - Across The Spider Verse - Miles Morales
House of the Dragon - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Naruto - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Boruto - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Voltron Legendary Defender - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
One Piece - Nami, Nico Robin, Monkey D. Luffy
Harry Potter - Mary Macdonald, Pandora Lovegood
Hamilton - Maria Reynolds
Stella Glow - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Les Miserables - 10 most popular ships (AO3), Eponine
Ever After High - 10 most popular ships (AO3), 10 most popular characters (AO3)
Sk8 the Infinity - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Parahumans Series/Worm - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Rick and Morty - Rick Sanchez
Have a more elaborate request?  Or want to jump the queue?  Or you want to support me as a content creator?  Buy me a Kofi!
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yumeka-sxf · 8 months ago
After 5+ years, Spy x Family has finally reached triple digit chapters! Congrats to Endo and the team for hitting chapter 100 😀
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But despite that, seems like Endo isn't done with Henry and Martha's backstory just yet! Instead of having fun fanfare to celebrate this milestone, he's still tearing our heartstrings out with this tragic flashback arc 😭 As usual, even though it's a comedy series, he doesn't shy away from depicting the horrors of war if the story calls for it, as we can see with what happens to poor Martha and her comrades.
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We see the seed of Martha's loyalty to the Blackbells here as well.
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Martha's parting reaction to Anabel, though not as hostile, mirrors Loid's reaction to Franky during the next generation's war...each side blames the other when it's really the people at the top who instigate and benefit from the war who are to blame, the people we don't see who never dirty their own hands. To quote one of my favorite Bob Dylan songs, "The executioner's face is always well hidden."
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I like how the chapter ends with a parallel to the Stella Lake chapter...despite being on different sides, we share the same sky.
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I guess more Henry/Martha angst awaits us in the next chapter 😭 We still have yet to see how Martha starts working for the Blackbells and how she somehow gets back in contact with Henry (as I mentioned in my previous chapter review, their reaction upon seeing each other in the current time at the end of the Red Circus arc did not seem like their first meeting after all this).
Also, just a quick announcement that my thoughts on the next chapter, which comes out on July 7th, will be delayed since I'll be at Anime Expo for the early part of that day!
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maycat-19-142 · 9 months ago
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©️copyright 2021-2024 all right go to Maycat-19-142 on tumbler please do not copy translate or edit my work.
this is the master list that will be updated because my first master list hit 100 links check 📌 post for my 3 other masterlist
Tye longshadow:done
Peter Parker:done
Mafia deku: done
Shinsou: done
Winx: done
Shade: done
A/n: you can still request the characters/fandom in the series. Most thing in a series are Connected/same idea. All the things in that series are together. Also I can restart series if I wish.
Link Notice: series are not on separate posts because I think it is not necessary “just code it in some way so it is obviously together” is what i said. Also the link might say male or female if not it has a indicator. If it has not indicator it is gender neutral. thank you for understanding. Most of my writing is fem or fem coded due to the fact I’m afab so there is little x male reader on my blog but I’m willing to write more just request if my request are open.
Fluff = ♡
Angst = ♧
Headcannons =◇
Gender neutral=¤
Fem coded=¤¤
Male coded=¤¤
Mingi x idol reader Headcannon♡◇¤¤
Mingi x idol reader cute moment♡◇¤
Mingi x idol random thought♡◇¤
Lee know headcannon♡◇¤
Changbin x idol reader live♡◇¤
Park seonghwa x idol reader wedding headcanons ♡◇¤
Yeosang meeting your group members♡◇¤
Tecna headcannon♡◇¤
Dating musa headcannons♡◇¤
Flora x reader♡◇¤
Brandon winx jealousy headcannon♡◇¤
Helia x fairy reader♡◇¤¤
Rivan date headcanon♡◇¤
Timmy headcannon♡◇¤
Helia love language♡◇¤
Helia and Brandon with a Gothic s/o♡◇¤
Fairy of death headcannons♡◇¤
Rivan meeting your family♡◇¤
Dating the trix headcanons♡◇¤
Timmy random thought♡◇¤
Tecna x gn winx reader♡◇¤
Stella dating AFAB winx reader ♡◇¤¤
Aisha headcanon♡◇¤
Winx reader x the trix♡◇¤
Helia headcannon◇♡¤
Dark fairy s/o headcanons♡◇♧¤
Palladium x human magic user reader♡◇¤¤
Palladium x immortal reader♡♤◇¤¤
Palladium x reader fluff♡◇¤
Palladium x phantom reader♡◇♤¤¤
•my hero academia•
Todoroki image♡♧◇¤
Mha big 3 with a demon quirk s/o♡◇¤
Craft headcannon♡◇¤
Deku mini scenario♡◇¤
Bakugou Cooking imagine♡◇¤
Todoroki hoodie headcannon♡◇¤
Kirishima love language headcannon♡◇¤
Bakugou headcanon♡◇¤
Deku period comfort♡◇¤
Todoroki hair dying headcanon♡◇¤
Dinner with Endeavor as shoto s/o♡◇¤
Bucky x reader imagine♡◇¤
Imagine being on team captain America but your father is Tony stark♡◇¤
Loki headcannon♡◇¤
Multiple character headcannon♡◇¤
Multiple imagine♡◇¤
Multiple character headcannon♡◇¤
Haikyuu headcannon♡◇¤
Akaashi dating Nekoma's manager♡◇¤
Atsumu miya x manger reader♡◇¤
Mini husband kageyama imagine♡◇¤
Kuroo snow day headcannon♡◇¤
•young justice•
Tye longshadow headcannon♡◇¤
Tye longshadow headcannon again♡◇¤
Loilrock imagine♡◇♧¤
•Hunter x hunter•
Hunter x hunter thought♡◇¤
HXH main characters with a shy reader♡◇♧¤
Hxh headcannon♡◇¤
Zuko x beifong reader | part 2 ♡◇♧¤
Zuko headcanons♡◇¤
•Monster high•
Cleo de Nial relationship headcanons♡◇¤
Touch starved/PDA headcanons clawdeen and cleo♡◇♧¤
Touch starved/PDA headcanons PT2 lagoona, frankie, and Draculara ♡◇♧¤
Frankie x human reader♡◇¤
Dating a musician headcannons♡◇¤
Christmas/holidays with lagoona, cleo, frankie, and clawdeen♡◇¤
Clawdeen, cleo, and frankie x artist reader♡◇¤
Valentines with cleo and frankie♡◇¤
Valentines with lagoona and clawdeen♡◇¤
Pluto,Lenore, and Annabel with a mermaid spirit s/o♡◇¤¤
Singer s/o with scars♡♧◇¤
Lenore and Annabel with a scientist s/o♡◇¤
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Rosetta relationship headcanons♡◇¤
°Ladybug and catnoir°
Luka loves...
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httplovecraft1890 · 2 years ago
Spy x Family AU Fic Idea
I finally managed to catch up with cour two of Spy x Family's season one. While watching episode 14, I specifically wondered how things might've ended up had Anya and Bond been unable to save Loid from Keith Kepler's bomb. Story idea? Maybe... It would probably be hard to understate how devastated Anya would be from the loss of Loid in her life. After all, she really thought she could turn things around for Papa, but came up short when trying to do so. Any goodwill she felt from getting her first Stella Star probably evaporates overnight. The mission, after all, is now meaningless - or at least appears to be. I do wonder if she'd actively avoid watching Spy Wars from that point on (since it's a potential traumatic trigger) or if she'd sink deeper into her obsession given that it provides her a safe, child-friendly version of spycraft to live vicariously through. I don't think she'd blame Bond; she knows what it feels like to be abandoned so she'd probably still ask Yor if they can adopt him.
For Yor… she blamed herself for Loid going off to the bathroom, even in canon, due to her cooking and she might very well swear it off entirely if she perceived it as having resulted in his accidental death. I suspect she'd still come to the realization that she loved (loves?) him in hindsight but who knows when that would be. At this point, I don't think there's a doubt she would go all in on being Anya's mom since she'd probably feel obligated to do so, besides the fact she also clearly wants to be hers anyway. Does Anya tell Yor about her telepathy and about Operation Strix? I think she very well might. I can't imagine a scenario where she lets Yor wallow in self-hatred, even if she's terrified that her mom might blame her for not saying something earlier and return her back to the orphanage. The war that was speculated to erupt does, I think, and that makes them both needing to be safe paramount. WISE is almost certainly operating in a reduced capacity after it just lost its best agent, not to mention that the border is no longer as porous as it used to be. What happens between Nightfall, Yor, and Anya could be quite interesting but I"m not really sure how that'd play out (though maybe this could lead to a Fiona/Yor ship since the main obstacle for both is now, uh, not around). No doubt Fiona, if she encountered Yor, would hate her here even more than she does in canon. Maybe she'd even end up taking the Twilight moniker to honor him as well as not let it slip he was KIA? There are certain things that frustratingly unclear. For example: is Ostania able to engage in a war successfully or did Kepler jump starting it mean that it's doing so with more limited resources? The National Unity Party would seize on it and I'm assuming Donovan Desmond ends up as prime minister in the event of some snap election but who knows how it would pan out for them. The SSS might be able to suppress internal dissent but that might not matter depending on how things go militarily. All of that said, I do still think Anya would try to proceed with Operation Strix in some form or fashion. She wanted it to succeed before so Loid would keep her around after it was finished if she proved herself useful but it'd be even more pressing now to do it in his memory. I'd also assume that Yor would probably try to involve herself as well, with perhaps Franky and Fiona doing so too somewhere along the way. I had a bit of fun with a plot bunny on an older post with the idea of Yor posing as a secretary for Desmond to secretly act as a bodyguard and that could very well be applicable here - only the intent being to assassinate him instead rather than imagining the Garden as a secret tool of his to eliminate opposition (or who knows, maybe they still are, but Yor ends up breaking with them over Loid's death and their potential unwillingness to help her). Not gonna be a good time for poor Damian in this scenario. Yuri's a bit of a cipher. He might want to do everything in his power to keep his sister safe, but would that include betraying his position and country to do so here? Once he finds out she's doing it for Loid, of all people, he might not be so keen but she is his primary obsession in life. Regardless, definitely leaves the possibility of fun cat-and-mouse games between the two Briar siblings as they try to tiptoe around their secret identities with one another. Then again, without Loid in Yor's life, it's possible he might soften to Anya's presence a bit; he'd be a weird as hell paternal replacement, but she might cling to him because he's a familiarity in a now very unfamiliar world.
Melinda could also totally factor in, but I dunno how.
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amethystoceandespiser · 6 months ago
1. Three non-romantic duos: reagan and brett from "inside job", april and donnatello in "rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles", lloyd and frankie from "spy x family"
2. A ship that might surprise others: izuku midoriya x Stella goetia (started as a jar ship, then the potential of this ship hit me like a train)
3. last song: begin again from purity ring
4. Last film: cannibal mukbang
5. Currently reading: "the best case scenario is a matter of perspective" of chironex27. An MHA fic
6. Currently watching: murder drones episode 8
7. Currently consuming: coffee and an apple
8. Currently craving: potato chips
Tagging: @modeus-the-unbound @chaifootsteps @twisting-echo @small-tragedies
9 people you'd like to know better
Done this one recently, so I'm changing the questions up. Thanks for the tag @authortobenamedlater.
1. Three non-romantic duos: Anakin & Rex, Nancy & Peggy, Christina & Melanie
2. A ship that might surprise others: Ben/Rey. Except not the way it's done in the movies.😅 There's a bunch of AU versions I've seen in fanart that made me start liking them, and now I have my own AU for them.
3. Last song: 'The Force Theme' by Samuel Kim.
4. Last film: Revenge of the Sith last night with my big brother.
5. Currently reading: lots of SW fanfic, Jedi Trial by David Sherman and Dan Cragg
6. Currently watching: Loki w my sister, Book of Boba Fett w a friend
7. Currently consuming: last thing I ate was a bowl of granola for breakfast
8. Currently craving: to turn my phone off and concentrate on writing for a solid hour. I have a fic to finish.
Tagging @dont-do-rice-babes @stargazer-luna @helloalyss @clawedandcute @kraytwriter @musewrangler @thefinaljediknight @sailforvalinor @ablatheringblatherskite
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ao3feed-twiyor · 10 months ago
A Stella for Mama
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/etAQrb2 by miss__nothing His heart caught in his throat. Suspended in the joyful sight and sound, he found himself mourning a life never lived. An alternate reality that didn't exist, where Westalis buildings still stood proud and tall, and he and Yor met in similarly serendipitous circumstances: the same, but different. The same Yor, the same whoever-he-was, but without the baggage of wartime trauma and the weight of the world on his shoulders...   Yor and Loid reach an important milestone in their 'practice' mission. Words: 5994, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Once Daily Fandoms: SPY x FAMILY (Manga), SPY x FAMILY (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Loid Forger | Twilight, Franky Franklin, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Anya Forger, Sylvia Sherwood | Handler Relationships: Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess Additional Tags: Drunk Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Good Uncle Franky Franklin, Good Wingman Franky Franklin, Fluff, Flirting, Light Angst, rated for smoking and drinking, they don't get busy yet sorryyyy, soon tm, First Kiss read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/etAQrb2
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fadiingstarliight · 4 years ago
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Bridesmaid proposal box with a personalized message sent to:
Sephy (Maid of honor) Ade, Rhos, Josie, Stella, Frankie (Bridesmaids)
( @perfectregret @qvietwhispers @wcrstorm )
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