Mys Me?
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Eevee | ENT/FJ | Mystic Messenger match-ups, headcanons and reactionsCurrent status: Magical well is open for wishes.
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mysmefam · 8 years ago
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Hi hi! I’ve always wanted to do another giveaway here in Tumblr after all your amazing support in the MM fandom > //// < Thank you so much!!!
1 winner will win a set of 
zen charm 
zen x mc A4 art print
2 mystery A4 prints
1 winner will win a set of 
space station charm 
space station A4 art print
2 mystery A4 prints
You can view more photos and info of the merch in my Tictail store
REBLOG TO ENTER GIVEAWAY! giveaway ends on May 1! Please have your ask box open for public so I can message you. If the winner/s do not respond within 48 hrs, I will choose a new one!
Thank you for viewing and goodluck to those who would participate! \ o /
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mysmefam · 8 years ago
Somebody... save my weak heart for this man...
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Jumin with the tattoos “Qui fert pondus coronae velit”
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mysmefam · 8 years ago
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mysmefam · 8 years ago
❤ Melts.
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“You are sweeter than any chocolate I’ve ever had.”
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mysmefam · 8 years ago
Zen, the Knight!
Zen: *stood with chests puffed* All hail Zen, the Knight!
Jaehee: *immediately in love* Oh my dear Knight, please save me from my plight~
Yoosung: *tags along* With all your might~
707: *tag-along 2* Lead us to the light~
Jumin: *totally confused* …just get out of my sight.
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mysmefam · 8 years ago
Imagine: Real Life RFA Members
Hey all! Have you ever wondered how Mystic Messenger’s characters would look like as real persons? Please let me know that I’m not crazy alone TT.
I was flicking through my mobile’s photo album and re-discovered these pieces from some time ago. I’ve gathered and *cough* used photo editing apps *cough cough* to achieve the characters’ looks based on default descriptions in game justtofeedmyimaginationsatthatmoment and you’re welcome. I enjoyed a break from school + work, hence had the extra time to spend playing the game fallingintoadeepblackholethatididntwannaleave, just in case some people start to wonder orthrowjudgments.
The photos that I’m about to share (just because I love these characters and their fan base so much.) are NOT mine. I got them from Google search and they belong to their respective owners so all the credits go to them. I only edited them for personal interests and safekeeping untilnowofcourse. I believe they’re Korean celebrities costheytoodamngorgeousandthegameisKorean, many of whom I don’t know their names. *Quietly sits and wait for rotten eggs to be thrown at me*. I will remove this post if it becomes a reason for conflict.
Oh well, meanwhile in the name of my love for you guys; find the photos below the cut, and let me know your thoughts. Warning for spoilers on Unknown’s identity.
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mysmefam · 8 years ago
Could you do something where MC is swedish? (I'm swedish and I don't see much about it regarding MM ^^)
Hello there! Our former Mod Yoo did this ask and she sent me her responce to this ask. ~Madre Mod
Hej! Louise. Tack! For your ask. You’re absolutely right, I have to confess that I’m not familiar with Swedish culture other than the fact that I love going to IKEA for some very mystical reasons so I’ve done some very simple research before writing this answer, I hope you’ll like it. Do let me know if there’s anything to improve. Love, Mod Yoo.Here’s a little something for MM Characters x Swedish Fem!MC. Inclusive of a random favourite food canon for each pair, from MC’s home country.
Yoo-sung Kim 
- His attention was drawn to MC in the lobby of his campus, she wasn’t smiling a whole lot. 
- Doesn’t stop him from thinking that she looks totally stunning. 
- He wanted to talk to her so badly but is worried that he’d scare her off. 
- Got to know from some of his university peers that she’s an exchange student from Sweden. 
- Realises that he knows nothing about her birth country. 
- He finally mustered enough courage to go up to her and said hi. 
- “Hi, My name is Yoo-sung Kim, I’m a final year student here. I heard that you’re on a student exchange program. I hope you’ve made yourself comfortable around here. You can talk to me if you need any help,” 
- Before she could say anything, he excused himself and paced away quickly trying to cool down his searing hot cheeks.
 - It took her awhile to approach him again, his patience was running out. “Was I too eager? Have I scared her off? Maybe she’s just not interested…” Random thoughts like these kept flashing across his mind.
 - “Hi, you’re Yoo-sung, right? The one who spoke to me in the students’ hall and left in a hurry.” He turned around to find her across him along the corridor. 
- He swore he could feel all his blood rise to his cheeks again. “Yes, that’s me. How can I assist you today?” 
- To her, he seemed genially shy, kind and helpful, so she decides to trust him. 
- “I don’t need anything particular, thank you. Perhaps, would you like to Fika after classes later?”
- “F-fika?” Suddenly he remembers about his research. “O-of course, I’d love to.” 
- That was the start of a beautiful friendship. This pair enjoys Kanelbullar (Cinnamon Rolls), Kottbullar med brunsas (Meatballs in Cream Sauce) and Vasterbottenpaj (Cheese Pie)
Zen a.k.a. Hyun-ryu 
- The moment he saw her at one of his musical practice, he thought she’s beautiful. In fact, she’s more beautiful than himself to him. 
- “Hey Min-soo ya.” He called out to one of his production crew. “Who’s the little lady in a grey sweater? I’ve never seen her before.” 
- “Oh! You mean MC. She just arrived this morning. Heard from Mr Director that she’s an intern who’ll be helping us to prepare for the performance.” 
- “Ah, where’s she from?” He asked. “Sweden. If I remembered correctly.” 
- He grabbed an extra bottle of water and walks up to MC. 
- “Hi MC, it’s your first day today. I’m Zen, one of the actor in this performance.” He beamed and continued “May I know the major of your studies?” 
- MC was caught off guard by him towering over her. He’s so fair… Good looking, too. 
- “Oh. Uh. Yea. Fine Arts.” Is what she managed to utter, looking down at her shoes. She hoped that he hadn’t notice the dusting of pink over her cheeks. 
- He was alotwhoyoukiddingzen a little disappointed sensing the indifference in her reaction, but shook it off and handed her the water bottle nonetheless. 
- “Oh. Okay, sure. Keep yourself hydrated and take care, I’m just gonna go and resume practice.” Slowly withdrawing his steps from her and goes back on stage. 
- Practice for the day has finally come to an end. He was packing up when he heard someone say something. 
- “Hello. My name is MC, the girl from earlier.” He was surprised, “Of course, MC. Is there anything you need? I hope your day went well.” 
- “I’m good, thanks. I apologise that I sounded aloof earlier, I don’t do well in front of new people. I’ve watched you practice and wondered… If you could explain this part of the music and facial expression to me?” 
- He scrunched his face funny and sang a few verse.- His grin got wider as she snorts and chuckled. 
- “You know what? Come on, let’s go to Hemlagat idontknowhowhefoundit, I heard they’re famous in Seoul. I haven’t tried Swedish food before, I’m starving. Care to join me for dinner? My treat.” He asked, hopeful that she’d agree. 
- “No.” His heart sank. “I’ll go with you only if I’m paying for my own share.” 
- They had a great time at dinner, sharing the same passion for fine arts. Deep down, they hoped to see more of each other in the future. This pair enjoys Gubbrora (Egg Salad with Anchovies), Kladdkaka (Sticky Chocolate Cake) and Spenatsoppa med agg (Spinach Soup with Soft-boiled Egg & Horseradish)
 Jae-hee Kang 
- “Mr Han. Please tell me that you’re joking. This is her first time in Korea.”- “I’ve personally gone through her resume, it’s quite impressive. She’ll make a good assistant for you. It’s final. You’ll expect her here in an hour.” 
- She’d known that it’s impossible to change her boss’s decision to hire her a Swedish assistant. “What is he thinking! How long am I expected to train her…” 
- “Good morning, Ms Kang?” Her chain of thoughts broken at the greeting. 
- “Yes. I’m Jae-hee Kang, Chief Secretary for the Executive Director. I assume you’re MC?” She said as a matter-of-factly as possible, trying to stay calm. 
- “You’re right. I understand your concern about my lack of local working experience in this country. I can assure you, that you’ll not be disappointed.” 
- “Ah, that’s good to know. Thank you.” She’s genuinely amused by MC’s professional attitude. Things doesn’t look as dull as it seemed before. 
- As she spends months down the road having MC as her assistant, her workload has been delegated and more effectively completed. 
- She respects that MC is humble, a vigorous planner, independent, and doesn’t let her emotions affect work. 
- They’ve since became such good friends, to which she’s very grateful of.- She holds very high hopes for MC to have a bright future in C&R, and is determined to groom MC to take her own place in case if anything happens to herself. 
- Both of them loves coffee so much that they’d almost always spend their free time cafe hopping around town.This pair enjoys Lingonparfait (Lingonberry Parfait), Flugande jakob (Baked Chicken with Bananas and Peanuts) and Jordgubbar med mjolkoch socker (Strawberries with Milk and Sugar).
Ju-min Han
 - He met one of the most beautiful woman he’s ever come across in C&R’s annual business forum. 
- He’s never seen someone so graceful with her every gesture. 
- Despite having dealt with many kinds of people from the opposite gender. 
- For the first time, he could feel that she’s different from the others. 
 - His confidence to approach her slowly ebb away.
 - He stood deep in thoughts while waiting for his wine to be refilled. 
- Only to have his mind yanked open on a soft voice “Mr Han, Jumin?” 
- There she was right in front of him, both hands holding a glass of wine. 
- “I noticed that you needed to focus on something in your head so I took the honour to…” 
 - Before she could complete her sentence, he’d already have one of the glass in his hands. 
- “My apologies, I’ve had a small moment of absent-mindedness there. I shouldn’t have let such a special person like you be looking out for me.” He barely managed to cover up the stammers in his own voice. juminhannostammers. 
- She lightly chuckled as she passed him a piece of note. In the most soothing voice she said “It’s been my honour. I’ve to excuse myself to another event with my colleague, take care.” before stepping away. 
- When she’s finally disappeared from his sight, he opened her note that reads, “No matter what you’re thinking, never forget that you’re special. Everything is going to be okay. I’d like to see you again if it’s okay with you… There’s a (name of Swedish restaurant) beside my hotel, where we can meet at 8 p.m. tomorrow evening, before my flight home the next day.” 
- He then takes a sip of wine, his eyes widen when he noticed a perfectly full lipstick stain, a small smile and blush immediately crept on his face as her message flashes across his mind again.This pair enjoys Inkokta Paron (Poached Pears with cinnamon, vanilla and whipped cream), Biff Ryberg (Beef Ryberg), and Gravad Lax Med Potatissallad (Cured Salmon with potato salad).
Saeyoung Choi 
- This secret agent was on a mission in Sweden when he spotted an angel.
- He was lying in ambush from a target.
- There was a crying little girl who stood by the side of the road across him. 
- It was then when he saw his angel walked up towards the crying child, gently taking the child’s hand and started having small pep talks. 
- Her attempt to soothe the child was more than miraculous. 
- All he sees are now smiles and nods. 
- He swore his heart had halted as his sight shifted to the suspect exiting the building behind them, and he.had.a.weapon. 
- Decided it was too risky to take the shot, he leaped out from hiding and attempted to subdue his target away from possibly harming his angel and the child. 
- Despite receiving some bruises and cuts, he manage to pin the man down in waiting for the authorities to arrive. 
- The child’s parents was also notified and they came to pick them up. 
- After all the commotion when everything seems to be settling back to normal, “Well… Hello to my stranger-knight-in-shining-armour…” omgdidanangeljustspoke “The name’s 707, o-or you can call me Luciel, I’m sure you’ve been frightened earlier but I’m glad that no one’s hurt.” 
- “That’s all thanks to you, Luciel… You look like no one from around the area. If you don’t mind, I’d like to invite you to my place, where your injuries can be tend to and you can catch some rest too. As a bonus, my parents are great cooks.” 
- “Sounds like a wonderful idea.” Saeyoung says as he contemplates in his mind. He’ll leave at dawn and before anyone realises and he’ll never see her again. 
- He quietly exits the back door after leaving her family a thank you note. He’s never felt this sad in a long time.
- To his greater surprise, he found a small handmade pouch in his bag containing all the med supplies she used to treat him and a piece of blank paper. “Wha..?” 
- His tears flowing when the handwritten message appeared on the paper before his lighter. 
- “I don’t know anything about you, except your name; but I’ve got an inkling. Please take care of yourself and be safe in everything you do, in my heart I’ll always keep you. I know you’ll come back for me one day.” idiedheretooThis pair enjoys Shu Sorters Kakor (7 kinds of cookies), Raggmunk Med Rimmat Sidflask (Potato Pancakes with bacon and Lingonberry jam), and Janssons Frestelse (Jansson’s Temptation).
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mysmefam · 8 years ago
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‘I only take off my glasses for one thing lol". <— insert your own imagination :))))
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mysmefam · 8 years ago
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Tangled Threads
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mysmefam · 8 years ago
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Hello all! I finally have everything sorted out and decided to open my own store @
You can find 3 ready to ship set of charms for now: 2 for YoI and a MM one. I will add more products and prints in the near future after I’m done with some cons here. 
Signal boost is very appreciated as usual. Big thanks to everyone who motivated me to make this! and remember that you are free to contact me here or at [email protected] concerning any doubts! 
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mysmefam · 8 years ago
Why yes.
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“Would you… wanna see the stars with me again sometime?”
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mysmefam · 8 years ago
Thank you for this @arcticwildfire !
While mine is a Demon Shaman…
Of Mystic Messenger’s RFA members are:
Yoosung Kim - Orc Warrior (omg, I’m dying 😆sorry!)
Zen, Hyun Ryu - Fae Paladin (beautiful… like him 🙊)
Jaehee Kang - Shapeshifter Dancer (😂)
707, Luciel, Saeyoung Choi - Dwarf *Light* Alchemist; Naturally this would also be Unknown’s, Saeran Choi’s fantasy name - Dwarf *Dark* Alchemist (somehow, the name is befitting. feelmyhairstand😯)
Jumin Han - Troll Arcanist (… I just can’t 😻)
V, Jihyun Kim - Dryad Merchant (😇)
Rika - Dark Elf Engineer (oh, girlll.)
Elizabeth 3rd - Centaur Paladin (0.o, oh wow)
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I’m a demon arcanist and I’m okay with that.
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mysmefam · 8 years ago
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Happy Birthday Yoosung bby!! Doodled something quick for my favorite MM boy. <3 Sorry for the wobbly drawing ;__;
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mysmefam · 8 years ago
RFA: Walks In To Zen’s Shower
[Warning: May contain spoilers, read at own risk]
I elaborated all the point-form scribbles from random scribbles that I typed in my notepad awhile back. Here’s RFA members + V + Saeran’s reaction with MC as Zen’s S/O. It’s my first attempt, hope you guys like it! - Mod Yoo.
Scenario The RFA is having a post-celebration for yet another successful fundraiser party from the night before. This time it’s Jumin’s turn to be the host. As expected of the corporate heir, he had already hired some of the country’s top culinary professionals as the occasion’s personal chefs, to collaborate with his private chef to serve up a special luncheon. Halfway through the luncheon, Saeyoung “accidentally” spilled not 1 but 2 cans of Dr. Pepper (he brought a carton over, very surprising) that he furiously shook in an attempt to prank Yoosung, who somehow manage to pull off a quick dodge since boy plays sports, and the drinks unloads ALL onto Zen’s back, he didn’t anticipate it cos he’s busy feeding MC. Saeyoung let out a quick yelp and took off running after Yoosung while Saeran ponders about having such a dorky twin. Groaning with frustration, Zen is left with no choice but a bath to get rid of the sticky, sugary mess he’s in. “Feel free to utilize one of my guest bathroom, it’s all yours.” Jumin said sniggering but continued: “I’ll have Driver Kim get a new set of clothes, it shall be ready by the time you’re done cleaning up.” Barely able to keep himself from yelling at Saeyoung and Jumin, Zen mutters quiet thanks and excuses himself from MC to go in for a shower. *Personally, I feel like Zen would be the type of guy that takes long bath, to ensure every inch of his perfect skin is taken care of; plus, he’d totally make full use of those luxurious products simply laid out in Jumin’s guest bathroom.*
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mysmefam · 8 years ago
유성이, 생일축하 해 ☀️ Happy Birthday, Yoosung!
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‪Happy Birthday~ My Yoosung💕‬ ‪Finally, I finished! >< I love U~😘 ‬ More more moreeee lolol Thank you for making me happy!❤️
‪#mysticmessenger #yoosungkim ‬
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mysmefam · 8 years ago
So sweet!
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A birthday commission from @xstephycx to their friend, @messedupmessenger.  Happy belated birthday~
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mysmefam · 8 years ago
One of most beautifully written I just can't...
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I want to talk to ya’ll about Jumin’s pen. No, seriously, I promise I haven’t cracked. I think it’s really important to his character and we should be discussing it WAY more.
Also this contains spoilers for Jumin’s, Zen’s, Jaehee’s and Seven’s routes and is very image heavy!
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