Pandora's_Vault Warden.
178 posts
♤Careful with what you ask. im not often in the mood for jokes in here. -Awesamdude♤//c!Sam RP blog! pfp by:escardelune on twt//
Last active 60 minutes ago
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awesamdude-w · 22 days ago
He panted heavily, feeling his breath getting more ragged behind his gaz mask. He sighed before slowly letting go of his fur, noting the fact his hands began shaking slightly once he took a look down. He noticed Dream flinching and quickly raised his hands in a reassuring matter, sweating.
"No.. hey- its okay-"
Before he could try any further he heard XD speaking again, annoyance already building up. He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried his hardest not to tear up. He felt so incredibly tired after everything that happen. He braced himself.
"You know what? Fine- fine! Go ahead! Make me hear it all."
He waited before he felt the flick, flinching as his face scrunched up for a second. He raised his hand to rub his forehead as he started to listen, blinking with furrowed eyebrows.
His chest tightened once he started hearing the voices in Dream's head, his own and Quackity's. The way the voices spoke sounded indentical in every way, from the tone to the manner. He felt sick. He watched helplessly as Dream stiffened and flinched with such familiar terror in his eyes.
It scared Sam to hear himself say these things, especially because he knows full well hes the type to say them. It made him think too much about every horrible thing that came out of his mouth ever since he started working in this hell of a place. It really puts it all in perspective once youre the one who hears those words. Once youre on the other end of the wall.
His fists clentched as he kept listening, kept watching Dream react to the same things he was hearing. He felt numb, as if he was watching himself through a different perspective. He barely registered himself begining to speak, near mumbling. He tried to speak out to Dream, call out for him, even moved foward slightly, but he couldnt hear himself or see himself apart from the voice Dream was hearing. It took XD begining to speak again for him to snap back to himself.
His attention darted to the invisible presence, releasing a breath he didnt know he was holding. He felt sweaty, and his mask was fogging up a lot. He tried to adjust it, coughing out. The information loaded in his brain, his guilt heightening. He didnt know what to reply for a bit.
"..I- of course it doesnt bring.. good effects, but- it isnt my fault that every person who visits ends up in a bad state.. I needed to fix it somehow.."
He convinced himself, despite the obvious guilt in his expression. Hes felt a lot of guilt today.
"He wont just.. forget me. Im one of the only two people in this place who keep him company. If he does forget things, he'll surely remember me."
The idea didnt seem to make him feel bad, even the opposite. Dream forgetting everything but him didnt seem that bad of a scenario, even borderline useful if he thought about it- but that was just his thoughts. And his thoughts often rounded back on ways to make Dream less dangerous, which definitly wasnt the must useful right now.
"Whatever he forgets, ill remind him- im not a liar. If its really that important, then ill just tell him to write it down. All that matters is that he remembers the book. And how would he forget it, if its the sole reason hes being.. pursued, in the first place?"
That first part was already a lie in itself, since Sam does lie, especially to Dream. If hes feeling to tired to give him food, he'll often just tell him he had some the day before. Despite this, his mind was still firm.
"Im.. the Warden. And im doing what I think is best for the server as a warden, even if it seems bad."
He replied, his voice stern as he spoke to XD. His composure faltered at the mention of Ponk. Of course he had to go there.
"Me and Ponk's.. situation, isnt in any of your buisness. They arent to be included in this. Ive assured that Dream will never get sick, and ill keep doing it like that. Even if he does, ill deal with it as the warden. You wont succeed in trying to use his health against me, XD."
He felt more confident now as he said this, despite it only being partially true. Dream still had a possibility of getting sick, though he was convinced he could fix it. He kept listening to XD, stubborn.
"There's no denying in the fact ive caused damage to Dream.. but it was for reasons. He had no reason for all the things he did- Hes always done it due to being a bad person! Inculding Tommy, which is what differentiates them-"
Before he could finish, he heard a thud. He went quiet as he looked foward, seeing the prisoner infront of him drop limp. His heart sank, his breath leaving him.
He stood there for a second, processing the scene infront of him before he rushed down on his knees, his trembling hands hovering above Dream's lifeless body. He picked him up gently and put the side of his head against his chest, trying to spot any heartbeat, any sign of life. Nothing.
Panic rose in his chest, shattering his composure. His mind screamed at him. His own heart started to beat out of his chest as his ear ringed. He could barely see anything infront of him, feel anything- smoke poured out of his mask like never before as he could barely breathe. If he took off his mask he would definitly explode. He had to bite his lip to hold himself back from crying. Or screaming.
He repeated over and over, his hand coming up to tug at his fur as he tried to reach for his communicator, barely able to take it out without dropping it from his trembling hand. He opened Punz's contact and messaged him, his frantic fingers not being able to write properly on the screen as he was hyperventilating at this point. He couldnt hold himself back from tearing up.
[Awesamdude messaged Punz]: Punz
[Awesamdude messaged Punz]: Nnd you. Quick.
[Awesamdude messaged Punz]: S abou Dream.
[Awesamdude messaged Punz] : Please
Dream's been quiet as of late. His body barely moving after his last visit from Quackity. Hell he hadn't even touched the potatoes from the night before.
He just sat on the bed staring at the wall across from him, knees brought to his chest. He hadn't even notice the warden appear or approach. It was like physically he was there but everything else was distant. He felt numb... it was a lot better in his own opinion than anything else. His prison uniform was torn up this time. His shirt having been ripped off by Quackity, exposing his back.
No one on the server even knew Dream had wings. All that remained of them were stubs obviously. Something he painfully tried to keep hidden but after yesterday's visit and those stubs were revealed... The fact Dream was a hybrid came to light, and hurting another's hybrid traits was frowned upon among the players. It was an unspoken rule.
And yet... Someone did do that to Dream, and no one knew about it. Some would think he did it himself. But they were torn off, someone physically had to tear them off. Despite everything Dream could never tear off someone's wings. Maybe the realization that two people now knew caused Dream to shut down... To Disassociate. Can't get hurt if you're not mentally there right? It wasn't healthy. {{HOPE YOU DON'T MIND THE ASK- I like your sam btws}}
*The Warden walked in the cell and looked at Dream from afar, a quiet sigh leaving his lips. He couldnt hold back from glancing briefly at Dream's back before coming towards the bed he was sitting at and standing infront of him, his figure slightly looming.*
*He spoke in his usual monotone voice, a hint of tiredness in it.*
"You havent been speaking much lately. Would you do me a favor and answer why that is? If you wont answer, ill just figure it out myself."
*His arms were crossed over his chest as he waited for an answer, slightly inpatient.*
//I dont mind at all hihi ty ty pathetic wet cat man//
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awesamdude-w · 2 months ago
"...A- A timeloop.?"
He seemed utterly confused. How could that even be possible? Hes never heard of anything like that before.
"How so, may i ask..?"
Sup there!
"Hello.. I think i reconize you. Youre.. Drista, arent you.?"
The Warden examinated the being infront of him with a careful expression, seemingly strangely focused.
"..What is the reason of- your choice to come see me, out of all people. We have barely interacted in the past, from what i remember.."
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awesamdude-w · 2 months ago
The Warden's face twisted at that, eyebrow raising. His words seemed like a desperate attempt to spare his life at first, so he kept listening. His breath was calm and composed, despite it being ever so slightly heavy due to the heat of the cell with his armor and mask.
He did not consider Eryn as a proprety as he was saying, much less a slave- even if the offer did momentarely make him think. It would make anyone think.
The consideration was quick to be replaced by a sick feeling in his stomach. Hearing these words, hearing his fearful tone, hearing sir being used on him- it reminded all too well of the tilted used on Quackity. Hearing it out of a teenagers mouth somehow made it all so much worst.
His grip softened on the handle of his trident, his expression staying stoic despite the subtle change in his demeanor. He felt himself let out a sigh as he finished listening to what he had to say. He began speaking.
"I dont.. consider you as an object, Eryn. You are a person despite the things you have done. I would never treat you as a slave."
He sounded serious and firm, but honest.
"Look- the only reason Dream hasnt treated you badly is because he wants something from you. Its always how he is. Its the exact reason you shouldnt trust him. The server may have failed you in the past, but that doesnt mean you should start trusting anyone. Especially not him."
He shot a glare at the prisoner before bringing his attention back to the teen, blinking slowly.
"I cant forgive you for this, Eryn. And I certainly cant trust you to be close to the prison in the future. But- you dont deserve to feel unsafe. You are allowed to have your own thoughts as long as it doesnt cause any issues. I just want you to undestand- this is serious."
He ever so slowly removed the trident from the wall, though he stood still infront of the other.
"I wont kill you. And im not gonna take you in as some tool. It would be utterly illegal to do that, even for me- But this is your last and only chance."
He let out a quiet hiss, placing a firm hand on Eryn's shoulder. He leaned down a little, enough to get to eye level. He looked in his eyes, expression serious.
"You are forbidden from coming to this prison at any instance. If I catch you even close, I will kill you without any hesitation. Is that clear.?"
He waited, eyes darting ever so slightly left and right before he stood at his full height once more.
"Im gonna escort you out. And as soon as you are away, i dont want you to look back for even a second.
Eryn didn't care that Sam told him no. Fuck him, he wanted answers and honestly... He didn't think Dream did anything wrong, I mean why else would they treat him so poorly. So he broke in, under the guise of an invisibility potion. Moving quickly through the prison and activating the panel for the platform all while Sam was distracted by a different thing entirely. Though he didn't think too much about his plan, leaving the lava wall open and upon approaching the platform he drank some milk. Reaching Dream he looked at him. "Hey there- uhm... You probably don't know me but i'm new... to the server... uh... But I've heard about you." (Eryn)
Dream hadn't been expecting a visitor quite yet, it had only been a couple of hours since Quackity last visited. Sure he could've been going twice in one day, Sam was pretty pissed off. But still! He wasn't sure exactly why Sam would let him back this time. His back still ached with invisible gashes, his jumpsuit had been torn apart at the back and frankly he hardly seemed to know what to do, now at least.
He sat up when the platform approached, keeping perfectly still, calm, his hands itched to cover his face with something yet he knew there was nothing to protect it. He was incredibly relieved when he saw the other man, eyes darting over the boy curiously.
"No... We haven't met yet." He paused, "good things I hope?" the joke was purely humorless, he knew they wouldn't be good. He knew no-one out there had good things to say about him.
"What brings you to my humble abode?"
He didn't stand, watching the stranger from the floor, he didn't feel like fighting against the chains, like asserting his dominance, they didn't seem to be preparing to attack him.
It reminded him of Tommy in some funny way.
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awesamdude-w · 3 months ago
A small container was resting on Ponk's doorstep, along with a bouquet of flowers on top. The items were neatly tied in a red colored ribbon, matching the roses wrapped in paper. The container seemed to have freshly baked lemon flavored cookies. On the very top of the bouquet, a small note was left, open to read. The handwriting was neat and had an almost profesional style to it.
"Hey Ponk. I found these roses, so i thought you might like them. They made me think of you. The cookies were baked by me. Theyre lemon flavored.
Im sorry i havent been able to see you recently. I hope youre doing okay. Have a good day for me, you deserve it. Please take care of yourself. I love you."
- @awesamdude-w
Ponk had taken care of the flowers, and gotten them trimmed and put into a vase. And then they'd stared at the cookie tin for a long time.
They missed Sam. So much. A lot more than they liked to admit sometimes. They set the tin down and read over the letter a couple times. Before crumpling it up. It hurt to stare at.
Eventually they'd bake again, when they got materials to. Maybe they'd make Sam a pie. Or cake. But for now they were upset.
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awesamdude-w · 3 months ago
//People are awful omfg. Please stay safe.
Hello dear!
Sorry for bothering you, but it's important to remind you to turn off your asks for a few days! Bad things are going to happen on Tumblr soon...
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Don t know anything about this but BETTER BE SAFE EVERYBODY!!!!!!
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awesamdude-w · 4 months ago
{Awesamdude whispered to Ponk}: I cant take any risks. Dream needs to be secured full time. Even leaving for a day could be a security risk.. not that my guards arent competent at their jobs, but i dont trust them to be alone with him. If i had the choice to come and see you, i would.
Its not that i- dont like you, or something, its just.. things have changed.
You did nothing wrong.
Say hello to your friend for me, if it makes you feel better.
{Ponk whispered to Awesamdude}: we're doin' a book club meeting again. Thought I'd invite you. I have a really good friend who's gonna be coming for the first time. I think you'd like them. (: They're quite nice.
{Awesamdude whispered to Ponk}: I dont have time for these things. You know this.
Im sorry.
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awesamdude-w · 4 months ago
Sam had tried to shake him gently, though no matter how much force he used, the boy wouldn't wake up. This was... worrying, to say the least. Definitly unatural.
It wasnt something he expected to happen. Of course he had expected some kind of reaction to his treaths, to his actions- but not to this degree.
For a moment, in fear, he quickly checked Eryn's neck. Did the sword cut a vital piece of his troath? As he checked closer, he realized the tip of his blade barely touched the area. He sighed in both relief and exhaustion. He was relieved by the fact Eryn wouldnt go mute, though that also meant he still didnt know what happened to him that made him pass out like that.
Sam flinched when he heard his communicator buzz, momentarely moving his gaze to his belt as he took out the device and held it up. His eyes darted left and right across the words on the screen, wariness coiling in his gut.
So THAT was "Err0r."
As he read the last message, thoughs scattered in his brain. Proprety? Commands? Codes?? The terms used were familiar. Hes heard of it all before. He felt sick. It made so much sense now, the way Eryn kept mentioning how much distrust he had for adults. The poor teen probably went through hell.
He looked down at Eryn once more, a hint of sadness flooding in his stone heart. As much as he dislikes him for doing damage to the prison, He couldnt just.. leave him like this.
He probably wouldnt be able to deal with the crushing guilt of having yet another kid's blood on his hands, anyways.
He slowly raised his communicator and typed, his other hand holding up Eryn's head from behind.
[Awesamdude messaged Err0r]: How much.
"Hey so uh- is Dream accepting any visitors?? I wanna kinda meet him... I mean I hear he's done so much wrong but like... Has anyone even asked him why? Kinda sounds like you guys judged him unfairly." (C!Eryn)
"...That last statement is already a bad start, Eryn. Be careful."
"To answer your question, visits are closed until further notice. You know why.? Because Dream did something he wasnt supposed to. Still think we judged him unfairly.?"
"To be completely honest, even if visitations were open, i probably still wouldnt let you in given the relationship you have with the prisoner."
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awesamdude-w · 4 months ago
// thinking abt Ponk😭 this poor goober.. Sam is being such a cold asshole to them and theyre still trying to be Nice ☹️☹️
@plantinglemonseeds IMS ORRRY
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awesamdude-w · 4 months ago
Sam was confused by Eryn's panicking. Why was he that scared? He wasnt hurting him or anything. He tilted his head, keeping his grip on his arm, though more lightly.
"I mean, the egg is like a parasite. It infects people. And it infected you, Eryn. You need to listen-"
He grabbed both of his shoulders, holding him still infront of him as he looked at him closely.
"You didnt do anything bad.. or break any laws- im just trying to help you. Ive dealt with people like you before. And im certainly not selling you off- what kind of idea is that-??"
His gaze darkened as he processed the word 'again'. Again? Does that mean he was a slave at some point? This Poor kid..
"Youre okay. Im not trying to hurt you- you just need to listen to me on this.. this egg thing- its bad."
He felt a bit of guilt when he saw the tears starting to go down Eryn's cheek. He was probably scaring the boy.. he tried to soften his tone slightly.
"Have you considered that maybe- the egg isnt really.. trustworthy? That maybe you shouldnt belive everything it says.?"
He tilted his head, his gaze set on Eryn's arm.
"You should trust me. Im not the law of the server for no reason. People trust me.. so should you. It isnt like im looking foward to bad intentions with you."
Truthfully that wasnt entirely true. Of course he wouldnt hurt Eryn for no reason, but..
"The egg doesnt help people. It corrupts them, speaking from experience- including your mind. It very much could affect your memory."
He would be able to come up with any reason to. He grasped Eryn's arm, keeping him from leaving.
"You need to listen- it isnt safe for both you and the people around you out there."
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awesamdude-w · 4 months ago
[Ŝ̵̡̨̡̢͚͓̣̟͙͎̯̤́̈̊̔̐̾̑̓͗̎̓̔͝ͅp̶̢̧̡̛͉͍̞̀̾̆̂͑̾̍̒̓̕̚̕͜͠͝ò̵̳͇̥͒̂͌̓̔͂̾͌̓̚ő̷̯̪͖̱̬̤͇̗͔̰͚̓̌̆͑̉̈́̕͝k̸̗͚͈̆ÿ̴̧̧̱͎̪̠͈͎̥͎̱̝͙͈̲͐͑̂̎͂͊̄̋͌͋͝͝͝͠ͅH̶̛̖̯̬̰̲̗̾̌͐͆̽̕͜ͅơ̵̡̡͔͓̯͉̬͕͙͎̗̒͋̊͊͂̎̄̍̌̒͠l̴̨͖̟̖̯͆̐̔̄͋̈́̾͒̌͝͝ȩ̴̧̖͚͖͔̲͙̼̋̄̿͗͊̽̐̾͛̀̏̕G̵̜̼͓̺̪̮̠̓̈́̑̄͗a̸̟̰͇͆͌̈́́͒͒̈́̀̔̐̍͌̀́̾̑́m̴̨͈͎̣̯̝̪͇̤̯͈̤̝̻̣͛̇̒̓̿̆̒̾͂̅͛̚͜͠ͅi̸̳̺̱̐̐��̃̊̑̇̓͘͘͠n̸̛̝̳͍̙̪̲̜̫̗̼͕̭̙̋̎̈́̏͑̕͝͠ͅg̶̛̦͕͓͓̭̿̄̎͋̓͋ has joined the Server]
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They seemed of of materialized out of nowhere, high above the prison. They didn't even mean to materialize there! They didn't even mean to glitch into another server! With a scream they saw what their options of landing were, and which ones would be the safest. While they attempted to moved from hitting the prison they ended up hitting their head, their body went limp but they ended up falling into the water, their blood pooling from their wound as they physically could be seen taking damage as they were in the water, unconscious... But they just fell in there- there's no way they would start drowning now right?!
The Warden was at his desk, working on some paperwork invloving Las Nevadas. He heard the thud on top of the prison roof, raising his head with confusion. Did a bird just bump into the prison? No, surely it wouldve seen it.. What if someone was trying to break in? He had to check to make sure.
He stood up and lit up the portal to the entrance, going through it then back in to get out of the prison. He walked outside and started heading towards where he heard the noise, his eyes catching on the red in the water. He gasped in suprise, moving a bit faster until he saw the figure slowly sinking at the bottom. He jumped in the water and held the unknown person under the arm with one of his own before swimming back up, placing them down on the grass before kneeling infront of them. He shook himself off, water flying everywhere.
"What the heck.."
He noticed the injury on their head, placing a hand under it to gently lift it. He took out a splash healing potion from his inventory and threw it right next to their head, watching as it slowly closed up. He then bandaged it up gently for good measure.
Sam made the person sit up with his hand to make sure they didnt have any water left in their lungs, tapping gently on their back.
Who the hell was this person and how did they manage to hit themselves on the roof?
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awesamdude-w · 4 months ago
Sam looked back at the cell, watching as it got overtaken by those damned vine. He hissed in anger as he walked throughout the guard hallways, using the keycards to skip through the more difficult progress. He eventually reached the room where the secondary cells were, making sure they were far away.
He sighed loudly as he finally paid attention to Dream, holding him tightly so he wouldnt try to escape. He lowered his head to look at him, smoke still coming out of his mask.
"The egg vines reached the prison.. They made the main cell completely inaccessible- this is bad."
He tsked in annoyance, walking over to one of the cells. He opened it with a keycard before walking in, placing Dream down against a wall.
"You seem to have been infected, too. Those vines.."
His eyes went down as he slightly lifted Dream's uniform with his gloved hand, eyes darting over the vines wrapping his torso. His brows furrowed.
"..I might know how to fix this. But- i cant guarantee it.. and its most likely gonna be painful.. and risky- this is a mess.."
He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to focus as his mask filled with smoke again. His hands trembled slightly.
"..How do you feel."
He eventually asked, attempting to calm himself down in order to regain composure.
Dream hadn't noticed the vine that broke and grew into his cell, but now that he did... He didn't exactly know what to do. Should he tell Sam? What even was it?! Was it mold? Could mold even live in this enviroment-?
He tried to curb his curiosity. To go touch it. No he shouldn't... No he shouldn't touch it. That wouldn't be a good idea.
Touch the vine…
[A voice seemed to ring inside of dreams head]
It’s safe, I promise my child
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awesamdude-w · 4 months ago
I think you took the bdsm dynamic a bit too far with Dream /j
"The- what-?? I- the WHAT dynamic- With-"
Sam puts down his communicator and lays back in his chair, contempling life choices.
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awesamdude-w · 4 months ago
The man chuckles under his breath as he looks at the kid's excitement, then a subtle sigh of guilt escaped.
"Alright- then.. ill bring you there. Can you wait for me downstairs for a moment? I just need to do something really quickly. Then we can go.."
This is nessecary he reminded himself. This is nessecary. No matter how much guilt he felt. It was all for the greater good.
(Im sorry i dont know what the biome where he is looks like)
The Warden walked through the forest, a dark cloak covering the top of his head and the majority of his body. A trident was held at his side, swaying ever so slightly with each step he took. He eventually reached the building he was looking for.
He looked up before temptively knocking on the door to see if anyone was home. He spoke out, his voice monotone and slightly muffled behind the gaz mask he was wearing.
"Hello.? Anybody here.?"
[he hears nothing but the soft twinkle of snow falling. taking one final look before entering, he decides to look up, only to find a small boy staring at him from the window.]
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[the little boy stares at him even as he enters the house, hearing the quiet taps of his hooves, awaiting for Sam. For what the boy thinks will be a friend.]
[Sam climbs the rickety ladder, the cold snowy winds blowing in and leading silvery stars into the house from the door he left open. pushing open the trapdoor he spots the baby, staring with expectation and delight at someone new.]
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awesamdude-w · 4 months ago
Seraphine brought him cookies. They were baked with care, cute little choclate chips sprinkled throughout. Holding out the tray, she took a bite of one to prove she didn't tamper with them. It left a bitter taste in her mouth, due to the chocolate, but that much was alright. She smiled at him and chuckled nervously. "I thought you'd like these." - @witheringawaves
Sam let Seraphine in reluctantly at first. He wasnt sure of her purpose here, until he saw her holding out the tray with cookies neatly placed all over it. A mix of suprise and happiness went through him, though he was quick to cover it up. He skepticly asked if she had put anything in it. He slowly relaxed once she took a bite of them herself. He calmly accepted the cookies, taking the tray in his hands carefully.
"Thank you.. I- really like those. I appreciate it, a lot."
He was much happier and grateful then he let on. His strict facade remained hard as a rock. He smiled behind his mask a lot. He had no idea how chocolate affected her negativly.
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awesamdude-w · 4 months ago
The Warden was nearby, making sure Eryn would wake up. He was nearly falling asleep himself against the wall close to the cell where the teen was. His eyes blinked rapidly when he heard the noises of Eryn waking up.
He raised his shoulders to set back to a firmer stance as he walked towards the Iron door of the cell, taking out a keycard to open it. He walked in calmly, staring down at Eryn with a superior attidute.
"Good morning Eryn. How are you feeling? As from what ive seen.. not that good. Health care will be provided if nessecary, dont worry."
He paused for a moment as he tilted his head. He stepped closer to the other as if to check his state from up close.
"Youre in one of the secondary cells of the prison for the offences you caused. Im guessing you remember which ones..? Atleast i do. Thats all that matters."
His brows furrowed.
"Your stay here probably wont be infinite, but it does need to be enough Time for you to learn your lesson. Is that understood.?"
He spoke as if he was a robot. It fitted him somewhat, though the thought made him feel unhappy internaly.
Eryn was walking along the Prime path, his head looking towards the ground as he walked. He looked ragged, his clothing a mess. It had been about a moth, the server had isolated him. Cut him off cause he wanted to get Dream's side of things... He encountered the Egg and was barely able to escape.
He looked worse for wear. Maybe it wasn't his day since he wasn't paying attention around him, he didn't realize how close he was to the prison either.
As Eryn got closer and closer to the prison, it got Sam's attention easily.
The Warden was particularly tense. He had been pacing back and forth infront of the prison, thinking of security, thinking of possible mistakes, thinking of flaws, thinking of Dream.
He saw Eryn and started thinking about him. Eryn was a person Sam was extremely distrustful of due to his view about Dream and about the prison. He was- technicly he was a security flaw, wasnt he.? What if he tried to break Dream out.? What if he actually tried to damage the prison? Thoughts raced through his head as he kept staring at him, smoke slowly coming out of his mask.
And then, Sam got an idea. A solution to the treath. The flaw.
If Eryn wasnt gonna stay away from the prison, then He'll just have to stay for a while.
The man walked on the prime path behind Eryn without making a sound. He eventually reached right behind him, looking down. his expression calm and collected, though there was a dark glint in his eyes.
He spoke out, voice monotone and chillingly calm. He lightly put a hand on his shoulder from behind.
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awesamdude-w · 5 months ago
Sam was pissed. He had no idea what just happened, but he did know something was wrong. The cameras went off right infront of his face. He instantly thought this was Dream's doing, not even thinking about it for more then a second. Afterall hes the only one in the cell- who else could it be?
He waited impatiently as the lava went down, expression twisted with anger. He hissed and pearled over to Dream's cell, smoke coming out of his mask.
"Dream! What did you do. Why did the camera to YOUR cell turn off? Did you break it again!?"
He scolded, a sigh escaping his lips. He pearled to the other side of the netherite gate, stomping over to the prisoner.
"Explain to me what happened. Was it you, Dream? Dont lie to me. If you do ill just find out myself. Im warning you."
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Dream looked at his chest, making sure to keep out of the views of the cameras in his cell. This would definitely be considered Contraband... Having his admin console and having also getting his communicator. Using George's own admin panel to get the both of them. He feared Sam would absolutely be livid.
But he had to, and he had to hide his admin console, having hidden it in his enchanted axe Nightmare... Luckily no one on the server knew he hid it in there. He moved to access the console in the hilt of the axe, keeping it hidden from view still.
"Something... inconspicuous... What.. would be for me? I... can't make it a potato... No- no an enchanted potato?! Sir and The Warden would know for sure... I mean... maybe the cameras can be affected by blindness... no... probably not but.. maybe... it's risky. But I need that risk.."
He sighed before typing out the single command. 50 seconds. He had forty seconds to get an anvil, unenchant the axe, break it with the axe, and then change the axe into something else... Yeah.. He can do this... After pressing the command he worked on it.
When he heard the scream from The Warden he skipped unenchanting the object, opting to remove and throw the anvil into the lava and change the axe into a book and putting it into his inventory before standing at attention, awaiting The Warden to check on him. His body trying to hide his fear as he watched the lava come down.
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awesamdude-w · 5 months ago
"Anything that- Tommy went through is worst. And- even if it wasnt, Dream still.. i- he still belongs here."
He replied with a huff. His brows furrowed. He hated the way XD spoke and laughed.
"Im not saying any of these things to him, though.. so why would he be hearing it-? Leave Tommy out of this. We were- a lot of people didnt have the time because of everything happening! Everything was just.. going wrong.. the server was tearing itself apart.. Besides- refusing people from visiting was the best option! Everytime someone visited- something wrong went on.. i had to- i had to do something."
He sighed, eyes going down. He shivered as he felt the air thicken around his neck, smoke coming out of his mask.
"Its not like- I didnt visit him.. i visited him for a few minutes the first day.. offered him a place to stay. He never came, though. I didnt- visit him more often then that because i was really busy.. i was planning to visit him at some point-! And of course i can blame Dream for that-! He wasnt Tommy's Warden- he was just- there to torment him!"
He hissed, tense. A flicker of white sparkles appeared in his eyes.
"I- i dont remember being an admin. And.. i certainly dont remember Dream making me one. I did.. i did what i had to do."
He felt his something heavy in his chest. Remorse? Contemplation? Sympathy? He was suprised out of his thoughts as he felt his face getting grabbed, eyes going wide.
"Im not- i never will be-! Let me go-"
He panted, shaking his head slightly. He hissed, looking annoyed.
"Its.. better this way. He wont hurt anyone atleast.. this is- cruel, sure, but.. i just- im sure its whats right. Its the only way.. even if its-"
He paused, letting out a hesitant sigh. He started feeling horrible.
"I dont want him to be getting these voices.. stop comparing him to Tommy. And- of course he doesnt deserve visitors.. Hes still dangerous! Dont- dont try to assume what i'd do!"
He was agitated. This was all so stressful, even for him. He looked at Dream, slowly walking towards him again. He gasped as he saw the other Dream, younger and happier. He stood back in suprise, sweating.
His shoulders lowered, his stance visibly softening. The dream he was seeing was once his friend. The only thing he missed from Dream was how he was before. He looked at the other, expression shocked and longing. He looked at the prisoner besides him, his gut curling with sadness.
He tried to speak, but his mouth went numb. He hissed as he started hearing XD's voice again, vision blurring with anger. He clentched his fists, fur spiking up. He tangled his hands in his own fur, face scruntched up.
"Stop it! STOP!"
Dream's been quiet as of late. His body barely moving after his last visit from Quackity. Hell he hadn't even touched the potatoes from the night before.
He just sat on the bed staring at the wall across from him, knees brought to his chest. He hadn't even notice the warden appear or approach. It was like physically he was there but everything else was distant. He felt numb... it was a lot better in his own opinion than anything else. His prison uniform was torn up this time. His shirt having been ripped off by Quackity, exposing his back.
No one on the server even knew Dream had wings. All that remained of them were stubs obviously. Something he painfully tried to keep hidden but after yesterday's visit and those stubs were revealed... The fact Dream was a hybrid came to light, and hurting another's hybrid traits was frowned upon among the players. It was an unspoken rule.
And yet... Someone did do that to Dream, and no one knew about it. Some would think he did it himself. But they were torn off, someone physically had to tear them off. Despite everything Dream could never tear off someone's wings. Maybe the realization that two people now knew caused Dream to shut down... To Disassociate. Can't get hurt if you're not mentally there right? It wasn't healthy. {{HOPE YOU DON'T MIND THE ASK- I like your sam btws}}
*The Warden walked in the cell and looked at Dream from afar, a quiet sigh leaving his lips. He couldnt hold back from glancing briefly at Dream's back before coming towards the bed he was sitting at and standing infront of him, his figure slightly looming.*
*He spoke in his usual monotone voice, a hint of tiredness in it.*
"You havent been speaking much lately. Would you do me a favor and answer why that is? If you wont answer, ill just figure it out myself."
*His arms were crossed over his chest as he waited for an answer, slightly inpatient.*
//I dont mind at all hihi ty ty pathetic wet cat man//
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