                                                 About the mun
Call me Kayla. She/her pronouns. 21+ with a full time job, so I might not be very active here. I’m incredibly shy and hesitant about reaching out to people, and private until I get comfortable around someone. And that’s all you need to know about me.
                                                   On activity 
My replies will be slow. I work 40 hours a week with occasional overtime, plus I have two other blogs. And I’m just lazy sometimes. Average is about a week. Might be sooner, might be longer. If I don’t reply in a week, I may have missed it, and you’re free to poke me about it. Otherwise please don’t pester me about replies. I’ll try not to shitpost and/or spam too much. 
                                                  On shipping
Mr Nancy is a player. He’s a flirt with women. I ship with chemistry, but I’m open to at least trying to plot a ship. That said, I won’t force anything if I feel there’s nothing there. 
                                      On formatting and icons
My default is small text, third person, and that’s it. I might bold and/or normal size certain words if my partners do. I try to match format whenever possible. With that in mind, I’m not fancy or going for any aesthetic. I don’t use symbols or anything like that, besides what’s dictated by grammar. Icon use will be limited. I’m trying to learn how to make my own, but there’s just not a lot to work with. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t use icons in our threads! Please feel free to do so. I’m comfortable either way.
                                                   On length
I try to give as much as I get. I’m comfortable with anything. I don’t like to do one liners but I will, and I’m most comfortable with para. My average is three to five paragraphs, but I can do longer or shorter. It really varies thread by thread.
                        On selectivity and mains/exclusives
I’m not too selective with who I follow back or play with. And we don’t have to be mutuals to write. Just write clearly and in a way I can understand. I may do mains, but that only means you get prioritized in my replies. I’m not entirely comfortable doing exclusives, but I might if I really like you and our characters really click. I’m open to discussion on it.
I really don’t have any triggers. I’m pretty much open to anything except underage. That’s my only firm no on any subject. I will try to tag anything that could be considered a trigger with ‘tw blood’ or whatever the trigger might be. If there’s something specific you want tagged, please let me know! Otherwise I’ll only be tagging what I consider to be basic or common triggers.
                                                  And the rest
It shouldn’t have to be said, but I’ll say it anyway. Be respectful and I’ll be respectful back. I hate ooc drama so don’t involve me in it. I will not respond to anon hate and I’ll turn anon off if it comes to it. Don’t steal anything. Anyone is always welcome to inbox or IM me. Role playing is a fun hobby for me, so that’s all I want to do: have fun. So thank you for reading, and let’s have some fun.
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    The Basics
Name: Anasi, Mr Nancy
Age: Old. Let’s just leave it at that.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Location:  Florida
Race: African-American. Or a spider. Or sometimes both.
Abilities: He can create snowstorms and freeze water. He’s a very skilled hunter who can magically conjure his bow and arrow.
Main faceclaim is Alexander Ludwig.
Childhood: Ullr was raised by his mother Sif in Asgard. He never knew his father. Many of the Aesir didn’t trust such an unknown at first and so he was ignored or shunned most of his childhood. But Sif was a good mother, and Thor a good stepfather. He spent as much time harvesting with his mother as he did fighting alongside his stepfather. He would also sneak into court and listen to the goings on and the debates. Sometimes he would even convince his stepfather to take him to important Things. An unusual interest for a child, but Ullr has always been very curious about everything.
He trained as a hunter and was quite inventive with how he did this. Eventually he was accepted as one of the Aesir, and he considers them family. Ullr very much looked up to his stepfather, and tried to be like him. He also took a keen liking to Odin, and tried his best to imitate the Allfather.
Adulthood: As Ullr grew up, he took more of an interest in Midgard. He traveled there often, mostly during winter. He loved the colder weather, something he didn’t share with the other Aesir, and could often be found hunting through a white forest. clothed in snow-covered bear furs. He invented skiing, and when he wasn’t hunting, he was playing. But Ullr took his godly duties seriously, and could always be called back to Asgard at a moment’s notice. He came to be very important among the Aesir, ruling in Odin’s stead when the Allfather couldn’t or wouldn’t do so. More often than not, Odin would rule during spring and summer, and Ullr during the winter.
As a child, Ullr was very curious. He got into everything and sneaked into as many places as he could. He was smart and inventive, drawing when he could and making things when he found the pieces. He wasn’t a genius at this by any means, but he was creative. He was often laughing, running through the woods or his mother’s fields. Ullr was, needless to say, very adventurous. He tried to make friends with everyone.
As he grew, Ullr became more serious. He still loved playing and fighting, but he began to see his role in Asgard. He was a natural leader, in part from being the oldest of his siblings, but he was also smart and he tried to be wise. He has a strong sense of duty, and takes any vow he makes seriously. Ullr is also very protective of his family, including Thor and his family.
Ullr is not suspicious by nature, but that doesn’t mean everyone has his trust. He isn’t a “party animal” by any means, but he knows how to have fun. He likes games. Ullr also likes his solitude, but he’s just at home in a crowd. He can be as loud as Thor, or he can be silent and simply observe. It all depends on his mood and purpose.
He can be cold to strangers, sizing them up before deciding if they can be trusted or not. He doesn’t abide liars or cheats. And when he’s in battle mode, he can be truly terrifying. As said, he’s a natural leader, and will automatically try to take control in most situations where there isn’t a clear commander. Once Ullr considers you a friend, however, you’re more or less stuck with him for life. He’s a very loyal friend.
Mother: Sif
Father: Unknown. Stepfather is Thor.
Siblings: Modi, Magni, Thrud, all half siblings
Grandparents: Parental Odin and Frigga, maternal unknown
Significant Others: Skadi (wife) but subject to change depending on timeline and circumstances
Children: None.
This version of Ullr is largely based on headcanons. It’s also based on the belief that he took over ruling for Odin, and my personal view of this is, as stated above, a summer/winter timeframe. Some sources say he also took “possession” of Frigga when he ruled. I’m happy to explore this, but that’s not his default. He more or less sees her as his grandmother. He’s married to Skadi, though this may take place later on. Relationships can be discussed. Men weren’t generally loyal to their wives, but being associated with binding vows, Ullr takes his vows seriously and wouldn’t cheat.
I’m willing for him to have more siblings, but those three are the only “canon” ones as I see it. Their relationships can be discussed on an individual basis, but I see him trying to be a second father figure. Or at least a good older brother. He loves and views his siblings as his own blood, as he views Thor’s family as his own. Thor’s brothers would be his uncles, etc.
Everything here is the default, but nothing is really set in stone. Relationships, family or otherwise, can be discussed on an individual basis, as I’m sure people will have their own headcanons about such things.
Most if not all references to his mother will be about sifshieldmaiden mainly because, well, I play her too.
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