#greg gerwitz drabble
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gregorygerwitz · 2 years ago
31 for scream au from the hurt/comfort prompts!
31. "Don't look at them, look at me."
warnings: blood, death, horror film-typical violence
Jay couldn't even make himself blink while he stared at the blood on the wooden floor. Some of it was his, and if the pain was anything to go by, he was still adding to it. That probably should have been more concerning, but he was focused on everything else - like the body at his feet that had been on top of him only a few seconds before.
He wanted to move, wanted to keep running like he'd been doing all night, but he was tired. It would be easy to sit down on the ground again, to let the pain take over, to just rest while the threat was temporarily gone, or even join some of the friends around the house who would never open their eyes again.
But that wasn't an option.
A hand grabbed his shoulder and made him turn quickly, and he anticipated another knife. Maybe it would add to the wounds that covered him already, finally put him out of his painful misery. Instead, he was faced with clear blue eyes, frantic in a way that didn't match the calmness of the voice that came with them. And he couldn't even make his gaze stay there, not when the red all over the floor and the walls was so distracting, along with the limp uniformed body at the bottom of the staircase.
"Jay? Come on, we have to go." Greg, the person who had tried to stop the knife from getting to them at all, one of the only kids at the party still breathing. "Hey! Don't look at them, look at me. We have to move. There's a bathroom upstairs with no windows, and we can lock the door. Okay? Hurry, before the other guy wakes up."
He let a hand grab onto his and pull him along, to the side of the stairs that didn't have a dirty cop at the bottom of them. He saw a blonde blur only a few steps ahead of them, something that his eyes refused to focus on, but he knew what it meant. For the first time in hours, there was no immediate danger.
They were going to be okay.
[ hurt/comfort prompts ]
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years ago
WIP Game
Thank you for the tag @drabbles-mc babe, you are always the best.
Rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit! (one of the rules was also to tag as many people as there are wips but my wip folder is too big to play that lmaoooo) - I second this - Mine is wayyyyy too big
WIP List:
The Way You Deserve (NSFW) - Bobby Goren x Reader
WorkOfArt! Series - Part Three: Jackson Pollock - Bobby Goren x Reader
Your Problem - Angel Reyes x Reader
When It Happens To You - Chibs x Reader
Date Night - Crockett Marcel x Reader
Line of Duty - Greg Gerwitz x Reader
Pillow Fort - Roy Kent x Reader
Come Undone - Creeper x Reader
The Convention - Part Two: What You Need (NSFW) - Hank Loza x Reader
Officer Down - Affair!Terry x Reader
Retail Value - Joe Velasco x Reader
Bleeding Out - Bishop Losa x Reader
The Wolf Part Three - Nestor Oceteva x Reader
Bullet Holes - Tig Trager x Reader
Teach Me - Nestor Oceteva x Reader
In Sickness & Health - Nestor Oceteva x Reader
Sign - EZ Reyes x Reader
Bad Dreams - Mike Duarte x Terry Bruno x Reader
Lethal - Mike Duarte x Terry Bruno x Reader
Nothing Left to Give - - Mike Duarte x Terry Bruno x Reader
Hurt - Ivan Dutch Hernandez x Reader
Cliche - Mike Duarte
EX Joe! Part Five - Joe Velasco x Reader
Past Mistakes 11-13 - Mike Duarte x Reader
Bondage - Nero Padilla x Reader
Puppy Love - Tig Trager x Reader
The Feeling Is Mutual (NSFW) - Jimmy Lanik x Reader
Space - Sam Abrams x Reader
Lonely Weekend - Hank Loza x Reader
WitSec!Will Part Four - Will Halstead x Reader
Friends - Jimmy Lanik x Reader
There's more hanging around in my Google Notes, it's getting a little excessive!
You have a question about any of the above feel free to ask!
Tagging: @the-hinky-panda @me-ladie @blackleatherjacketz @astroboots
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carnationworld-writings · 4 years ago
Being pregnant with Greg ‘Mouse’ Gerwitz’s baby
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Paring: Greg “Mouse” Gerwitz x Reader
Universe: One Chicago
Word Count: 2759
Warnings: mention of PTSD, pregnancy, child birth, pain, therapy, overprotectivness, fem!reader
If I forgot about anything feel free to write to me. Your wellbeing is important to me!
Summary: How your pregnancy could be when being in a relationship with Mouse and as a member of the Intelligence Unit?
You met at work. You were a detective in the Intelligence Unit and an old friend of Jay Halstead when Mouse started working there. You immediately found him very sweet, and very often, you couldn't stop smiling when he couldn't stop talking or did his tech magic. 
You spent a lot of time talking. It was common to find both of you together. When you needed a moment to calm down after a case, you hid downstairs with him. When you all talked about new evidence in the case, he would lean against your desk. When you came back from the call, he ALWAYS came to check on you. 
You became closer after Nadia's death. Being a female cop was hard. You offered to help her, and that allowed you to spend a lot of time together. Her death hit you hard. (Not so hard like Lindsay, but still.) He had seen how different cases affected you. However, he had never seen you crying so hard, like in the moment when news about finding Nadia's body reached you. You collapsed in his arms, and he held you for hours. 
You started dating sometime after that. You both knew Voight's rule about no dating in the unit. Because of that, at your request, when you were sure about this relationship, you told him about this. You were sincere about everything, showing him that your relationship didn't affect your work. 
Everybody said that you are a perfect couple. Of course, you argued, but you always tried to understand the other person. Sometimes he was a little overprotective. Sometimes you were pissed off when he shut you down. But at the end of the day, you always tried to make up. Life was too short, especially when you were a cop. 
Pregnancy definitely wasn't planned. You realized that you were late on your period, and you told Mouse about this, even if at the beginning you thought that it was because of stress. He offered to go for a pregnancy test. When you waited for results, you saw how anxious he was, so you just held his hand. The test came positive, and you watched how he freaked out. He was afraid that he can't be a good father, that because of his PTSD, he could hurt the baby. 
"Greg… I know this is hard, and I'm not ready either. But I can't… I can't abort it." her voice cracked, and she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "I know that you will be an amazing father. I know it because you already took good care of me. You are so caring and generous. And I know that you would never hurt them. It will be hard, but I'm sure that together we can do it, like we did with so many things. But if you don't want it… I won't force you to stick with us. And I won't be mad if you walk away. Maybe I'll be a little hurt, but I will understand, Greg." She felt tears in her eyes when she looked at him. She could tell that he was thinking about her words. And then he came closer to her and took her in his arms. He held her tight, and she let her tears run on her cheeks. 
"I could never walk away from you. And you're right. We can do it. I'll go for a therapy or support group to keep my demons under control."
She didn't know what to say, how to show him how grateful and happy she was, so she just took his face in her hands and kissed him.
You made an appointment as soon as possible. That day, Mouse called Voight that you felt unwell and he'd stay with you. You went to the doctor's office together. When they did an ultrasound, he held your hand so tight and couldn't stop bouncing his leg. You both couldn't tear your eyes from the picture of your baby on the monitor. When your doctor asked if you wanted her to print it and how many copies you want, he just said: "As many as you could give us." 
You told Voight about your pregnancy as soon as it was confirmed. Actually you called him after you left the doctor’s office to meet him. You didn't want to risk the baby's life because of your work. When you told him, he really surprised you. He was so happy for both of you and hugged you. Immediately he put you on desk work for the unit - you worked for him so long that he knew that there is no power in the universe to stop you from working. 
You tried to hide it for the rest of the team as long as you could. You wanted to wait for the end of the first trimester, and you used an old wound as an excuse. 
After you found out about the baby, Mouse called Doctor Charles and started therapy again. He really wanted to be the best version of him for both of you. You always assured him that you are very proud of him and that you see everything he'd done.  
After your first appointment, Mouse became a little overprotective. He checked if you were not hungry and drank enough water. He made sure you didn't drink too much coffee and tried to get you to give it up. 
When the possibility of miscarriage went lower, you decided to announce pregnancy to your team. It was so hard to hide your pregnancy, especially when Ruzek and Atwater's lunch choices made you sick. You also were sure that Serge Platt knew about the baby or at least suspected something. This woman always knew everything, but she never said anything. 
Y/N and Mouse came to work a little earlier that day. She was glad that only Voight was in the bullpen. Mouse put your enlarged ultrasound on board and you wrote next to it: "Backup is on the way! Baby Gerwitz coming *due date*" and then turned the board to hide it, waiting for the rest of the team. She sat behind her desk, patiently waiting for everybody to come to work and slowly starting paperwork. When everybody came, Mouse went for Trudy, telling her that they needed her help with a case. When they all were on their spots, Voight went out of his office. A few days before, they asked him for help with the announcement, and even if he acted tough cop, he was honoured. He looked at Y/N, and when she nodded, feeling Mouse's hand on arm, he got the unit's attention. 
"Listen up, we got a case." He turned the board, and three of them watched the rest of this chosen family. Trudy was the first who gasped, looking at the young detective and then quickly came to her, taking Y/N in her arms. Y/N couldn't stop her tears at the amount of love from this family. She happily accepted every congratulations and hug. When she leaned on Mouse slightly, answering Erin and Antonio's questions, she missed the proud smile that Voight, Trudy and Al exchanged.
Since that day, Halstead, Ruzek and Atwater went overprotective of you. You often found on your desk some healthy snack, they brought you something to drink before you could stand up from your chair. If you only mention food that you craved, often one of them found a way to bring it to you. If you frown because of a cramp or because the position you were sitting in was not comfortable, they immediately asked if you were alright or needed to see a doctor. If they only could, they would put you on bed rest - much to Mouse happiness. And when they were too much, and your threats to kick their asses didn't work, only one look at Olinsky or Lindsay was enough to put them in line by one of them. Trudy welcomed you every day with a big smile, asking how you and "Baby Mouse" were feeling. She always made sure that you didn't carry anything looking heavy and made one of the patrol officers bring it upstairs. She loved hearing news about the baby, and when she found out that they started kicking, she was more than happy to feel it on her hand. 
You and Mouse spent a lot of time at home. He loved holding you in his arms, caressing your belly. One of his best memories from pregnancy was when you both felt them kicking for the first time. He bent on his knees to place a kiss on your stomach, and then he felt it against his lips. He gasped with wide-open eyes, and with chuckles, he kissed it again, whispering how much he loves them.
Mouse didn't let you do anything in the nursery. Of course, you could choose everything and decide what you want it to look like, but you couldn't even wash off the dust. With help from Jay, he made everything there, and you could go inside only when everything was ready. The effect exceeded your expectations.
Pregnancy also affected your sex life, especially in the second trimester. Your hormones made you so horny, and after calming Mouse that sex is safe in your condition, you tried new positions and other ways to reach the pleasure. 
Mouse made sure to be at every doctor appointment. He loved seeing your child on ultrasound and hearing their heartbeat. He also went with you to childbirth classes. Actually, it was him who asked to go there. He just wanted to know what he should be prepared for. 
He didn't complain about helping you when you couldn't sleep at night. He would go to the grocery if you had some weird cravings. He would rub your belly, talking to the baby, when they were moving too much. He would do everything to make you comfortable. He would rub your leg when you woke up because of contraction or massage your back. He tried to be patient with you, and your moods swung. He would calm you down with a smile after you started crying at Ruzek's comment about how big your belly became. He always assured you how beautiful you were in his eyes and how much he loved you and your changing body. 
You didn't make it to maternity leave when your waters broke in the middle of the bullpen. Everybody knew that you wanted to stay as long as you could at work. It was your first child, and you were a little afraid to be alone too long, and your sight also calmed down Mouse. You were alone upstairs when it started. Very calm you came to your desk and called Trudy, who were downstairs at the front desk. When she packed you to the car, you texted Mouse to meet in the hospital.
You were already changed in a hospital gown and slowly walking through the hospital corridors, leaning on Trudy's arm. She held your hand and slowly rubbed your backs whenever you stopped because of contraction. You both talked with Maggie from ED when you saw him running in look at you. You smiled at him and leaned against him when he hugged you. 
"You alright, babe? You scared me…" he whispered in your hair.
"I'm okay. The baby just decided to come earlier. I think they couldn't wait to meet you." He chuckled, and then he looked at Trudy. 
"Sarge, thank you for keeping them safe." 
"Everything for that baby." She smiled at you and squeezed your hand. She stepped back to go to the district, where she could wait there for any news about the baby, but you held her hand. 
"Sarge. Could you... Stay here?" If it didn't feel the wave of pain that moment, you could see tears in her eyes when she happily agreed. 
He saw pain on your face and how you dealt with it. He felt so helpless, hearing your moans and grunts full of pain. He tried to do everything to ease it at least a little, but there was a moment when he felt so overwhelmed by this.
You watched Mouse, trying to breathe in the way they taught you in childbirth classes. You saw how his eyes became foggy, and he couldn't stop them at anything for more than a few seconds. You slowly touched his hand and squeezed it slightly. 
"Greg, love... Maybe you should take a walk? Go check if the unit is here or go buy yourself something to drink." 
He didn't say anything but nodded his head and then walked out to the corridor. He didn't know how he walked out in front of the hospital. Not long after this, Jay found him sitting there with his head in his arms. With a frown, he touched his shoulder. He quickly guessed that his PTSD was making itself felt.
"Mouse, something happened? Something with the baby?" 
"She's in so much pain..." 
"And she needs you right now. Y/N is giving birth to your baby. And both of them need you, man." 
"What if I lose her? I can't..."
"And you won't. Y/N is the toughest cop I know, and she will survive this just like your baby. But she needs to know right now that you are with her in this. She needs all the moral support she can get, and you are the best person for this." Mouse nodded and took a few deep breaths. 
"You're right. Y/N needs me." Mouse looked at his friend and quickly got up. He ran to your room again to hold your hand through all this. 
Since that moment, he was by your side all the time, doing everything you asked him. When you started pushing, he held your hand and kept kissing your head. He whispered encouraging words in your ear, trying to be helpful for you. He couldn't count how many times he wished to take all your pain on him. 
He started crying when he heard your baby crying. When they rested them on your chest, he watched them, carefully touching their backs. He laced a fond kiss on their head and then kissed your lips. You watched this little person snuggling to your body with an amused face expression. 
After they checked if everything was okay with the baby and with you, they put you in a room. You sent Mouse to tell your friends that the baby is already in the world, and he did it with a proud smile. He asked them to give you some time, and then they could meet the youngest Gerwitz. He came back to you and then held your child against his chest when you rested a little. 
After some time, full of watching your baby and daydreaming about their future, Mouse went for your unit family. You held the baby in your arms with a big smile when they came in. Erin, Kim and Trudy started cooing at the baby when the older of them took the baby in her arms. You watched them with a tired smile, couldn't help giggling when Mouse acted as an overprotective father. You looked up, feeling how someone squeezed your shoulder slightly, and you met Voight's eyes, who smiled at you and whispered: "Good work, kid. And don't worry. This will be the safest kid in the whole city." It just made you believe that the whole unit will have this child’s back no matter what. And for most of the afternoon, you sat surrounded by people who you choose for your family. You listened to how they promised your child what they would do together and how great it will be. You were moved how they already cared for this baby and you. You happily accepted every hug, especially the one from Trudy and Al, which were like parental for you. 
When you were left alone, Mouse couldn't tear his eyes from your baby and didn't want to put them on that cold, plastic crib. He kissed your forehead with eyes full of love and let you finally sleep. In this room was everything that he ever wanted but didn't have enough courage to dream about this. So he watched the both of you, vigilant that no one disturbs you in your sleep. It was his life now, and he swore to himself that he would do everything to keep you both safe and happy. 
Author’s note: 
Thank you for reading! Please, let me know what are you thinking about this one! Your comment means a world for me and motivates me to work! Also, taglist is open! If you want to be added just let me know!
In advance, I am sorry about every grammar mistake and misspellings. English is not my first language.
Klaudia xx
One chicago taglist: @teti-menchon0604
Let me know if you want to be added/removed.
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mrsamaroevans · 5 years ago
New Future
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Fandom: Chicago PD.
Pairing: Greg “Mouse” Gerwitz x Female Reader.
Request: Hi! Could you write "I know there's no replacing what we've lost... just let me stay here by your side" and "I will choose her happiness over mine" from Hamilton with Mouse? Thank you in advance! 💜💜 —lovecatystuff.
Words: 950.
Warnings: Talk about miscarriage.
A/N: English is not my first language, so, sorry if there are grammar mistakes or if the redaction is poor. *Gif is not mine*
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Mouse looked up and saw Jay in front of him. The detective sat at his side, palming his shoulder.
“How’s (Y/n)?” Jay asked him.
Mouse tilted his head and cleaned the sweat in his hands in his jeans for the millionth time since the doctors took you away from him “Well… your brother came and told me she’s fine and she’s in her room now, but she doesn’t want to see me”
“What?” Jay frowned “Why?”
“I don’t know” Mouse shook his head and his blue eyes filled with tears “She didn’t tell him”
Mouse sighed and leaned his elbows on his knees. He could have ignored what Will have told him and looked for you in all the rooms, but he was too insecure to do it. Maybe you needed time and space, but it was killing him not being there for you.
“I don’t know what I did, you know I love her more than I have loved anyone…” Mouse said, his eyes were lost somewhere beyond them “She has me wrapped around her finger, you know I would always choose her happiness over mine, but maybe I did something wrong, maybe it was my fault, there’s not another explanation—”
“No, no, no, stop” Jay sighed and kept his hand on Mouse’s shoulder for a moment before standing up “I’ll be back in a minute”
Mouse looked at him as he passed the security and walked in. He saw him talking to Maggie and then he disappeared in the hall. And, after fifteen minutes —the longest fifteen minutes of his life— Jay came back.
“She told you something?” He asked, standing up “She accepted to see me?”
“Well” Jay sighed “She didn’t say no”
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The room smelled like every single thing had been sanitized before they brought you there. A nurse came in to give you some antibiotics five minutes ago while Jay was still talking to you. He tried to convince you to let Mouse be with you, and even though you knew it was a hard moment for both of you, you didn’t want to see him. You didn’t want to face the truth.
Mouse wanted to re-enlist to the Rangers and you and Jay tried to convince him to stay in Chicago. Three days after he received the offer, you knew you were pregnant, so he decided to stay. He wanted to be with you through all the pregnancy and wanted to be there for his kid.
But the baby that was growing inside you was gone.
Most of the time, doctors didn’t really know the reason for miscarriages, and yours was one of those occasions when they didn’t have answers.
You were being careful, you told Voight as soon as you knew and started to work on the desk even though you hated it. You did everything right; you weren’t drinking coffee or soda even though the doctor said a cup a day would be fine. You were taking your vitamins as the doctor prescribed them, you stopped eating food from cans or takeaway and you started cooking… but none of that mattered anymore ‘cause the baby was gone.
And you were afraid because Mouse only stayed because of the baby and you didn’t want to lose him too.
You remember when you met him. He was a mess and you just smiled when he said to Jay that his partner was beautiful. At that moment, you never thought that he would become one of the most important people in your life. You never imagined you wouldn’t want to meet more people ‘cause he was the only one who you pictured a future with.
But here you were. Scared of losing him.
You leaned your head back, looking at the ceiling and trying to hold back your tears. You looked around the room, and when your eyes stopped in the door, you couldn’t contain your tears anymore, and Mouse had to run to you because he couldn't bear to see you like that. He wrapped his arms around you and sat in the bed, holding you tightly and pressing his lips in your head.
“I know there's no replacing what we've lost…” He whispered, leaning back a bit to cup your cheeks. You saw his blue eyes letting his tears fall “Just… let me stay here by your side, please”
You nodded, closing your eyes when he kissed your forehead.
You stayed in his arms for a few minutes until your cry eased. He didn’t say anything else, he just did what you both needed. He held you.
“You can go back to the Rangers now” you finally said, feeling how the tears came back to your eyes.
Mouse moved to look you in the eyes “What?” he asked, frowning.
“I know you wanted to, I know you only stayed because of the baby,” you told him and he shook his head no.
You interrupted him: “No, it’s okay. I understand—”
“I submit my application for the police academy,” he said too quickly but you understood every word.
“Why?” You asked, wiping your tears away.
“’Cause Jay was right… you’re the best thing that happened to me and you’re here” he shrugged.
“But you wanted—”
“You are what I want now… our child helped me to see what I really wanted… I want a life with you” He said and you heard the same desire in his voice that you heard when he told you he wanted to accept the offer or his unit “You and nothing else”
You smiled and accepted his lips when he leaned to you.
Four months after, you accepted the pretty ring Mouse offered to you.
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word-scribbless · 5 years ago
~Updated 1/10/21~
🌸female reader
🌻gender neutral reader/ no gender mentioned
I write for:
Hawaii Five 0
Chicago PD
Criminal Minds
Follower celebration Drabble Masterlist!
Hawaii Five 0
Clumsy - Steve Mcgarrett x reader 🌻
A Real Date 2 Parter Masterlist  - Steve McGarrett x Reader 🌸
Jealous - Steve McGarrett x Reader 🌸
Nicknames - Steve McGarrett x Reader 🌸
Cute - Steve McGarrett X reader 🌸
Babe - Danny “Danno” Williams X Reader 🌸
I Care About You - Danny “Danno” Williams  X Reader 🌸
Chicago PD
Hot - Greg “mouse” Gerwitz x reader 🌸
We Can Be Now Masterlist- Greg “Mouse” Gerwitz X Reader 🌸
Not Ready To Talk About It - Greg “Mouse” Gerwitz X Reader 🌸
Worry - Adam Ruzek x Reader 🌻
Badass - Adam Ruzek X Reader 🌸
Do You Wanna Be? - Adam Ruzek x Reader 🌸
Public Kiss - Adam Ruzek x Reader 🌸
More Than Friends? - Adam Ruzek x Reader 🌸
Your Move - Jay Halstead x Reader 🌸
Done Fighting - Jay Halstead x Reader 🌸
Took You Long Enough - Jay Halstead x Reader 🌻
Family Masterlist - Gibbs x Reader 🌸
Patient and Stubborn - Gibbs X Reader 🌸
Date?- GibbsX Reader 🌸
Time and a place - Gibbs x reader 🌸
Seen my hoodie? - Gibbs x reader 🌸
Oh Baby Masterlist- Gibbs x reader 🌸
Different - Gibbs x reader 🌸
Valentines surprise - Gibbs x reader Drabble 🌸
Belong - Gibbs x reader 🌸
I’ll Wait For You - Gibbs x Reader
Eyes - Gibbs x reader
Thought of you - Gibbs x reader
Slowing Down - Gibbs x reader drabble
Work Wife - Gibbs x reader
Don’t settle - Gibbs x reader (with OC reader’s teen daughter)
Drabble celebration Masterlist (has LOTS OF GIBBS!) 🌸
Always - Dwayne Pride x Reader 🌸
Come Back To Me - Dwayne Pride x Reader
Drabble “will you be home for dinner?” Dwayne x reader
A look - Dwayne Pride X reader
You Get It - Chris Lasalle x Reader 🌸
Criminal Minds
LANGUAGE -Spencer Reid X Reader 🌸
Hurry Home - Spencer Reid X Reader 🌸
Hiding - Spencer X Reader 🌸
Lock screen - Spencer Reid X Reader 🌻
Rossi’s Niece 2 Part Masterlist- Spencer Reid X Reader 🌸
Trying Something New - Spencer Reid X Reader 🌸
Burnt Food and Surprises-Spencer x reader (a Valentine’s Day tale) 🌸
Not A Secret - Spencer Reid x Reader 🌸
A Girl Genius for the Boy Genius - Spencer Reid x Reader 🌸
Can I Kiss You Now? - Spencer Reid X Reader 🌸
Things Are Different Masterlist - Spencer Reid X OC (Annie Hotchner) Series 🌸
Pizza Date - Spencer Reid x Reader 🌸
Dating Hiatus - Spencer Reid x Reader 🌸
Smile Again Series - Hotch x Reader 🌸
Done Being Stupid - Hotch X reader 🌸
Good Enough Series Masterlist - Hotch x Reader 🌸
Pick Up Lines - Hotch x Reader 🌸
Home - Hotch x reader 🌸
One bed - Hotch x reader 🌻
No Matter What - Hotch x Reader 🌸
Take up my time - Hotch X Reader 🌸
The text heard round the campfire - Hotch X Reader 🌸
Lucky to have you and your beard - Hotch x reader 🌸
Holding back - Derek Morgan X Reader 🌸
Impatient - Derek Morgan x Reader 🌻
Sons of Anarchy
Tattoo- Opie Winston x female OC
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Harry Potter 
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George Weasley
George loving lace Headcanons 
First date with George would include . . .
Meeting George’s family would include . . .
George being strong headcanons 
NSFW George headcanons 
Keep secrets from George would include. . . 
Bringing home animals to George would include 
Fighting with George would include . . . 
Cooking with George would include . . .
Cuddling with George would include 
George teasing his girlfriend would include . . .
Helping George with Vertigo would include . . .
Being American and dating George would include . . .
Going to St.Mungo’s with George would include . . .
Quarantine with George would include . . .
Being Lupin’s daughter and dating George 
George and his S/O getting drunk together 
Being best friends with Ginny and dating George would include . . .
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Fred Weasley
Cuddling with Fred would include. . .
Fred Proposing to you Headcanons 
Artistic Ravenclaw x Fred headcanons 
Fred taking care of his pregnant wife 
Fred taking your virginity would include . . . 
Fluffy Fred headcanons 
Fighting with Fred would include . . .
NSFW Fred headcanons 
Overprotective Fred Headcanons
Romantic Fred Headcanons 
First date with Fred would include . . .
Random Fred headcanons 
Breakfast- Drabble
Fred says he’s in love with his hufflepuff best friend 
Ron Weasley
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Random headcannons 
Neville Longbottom
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Neville being your Boyfriend would include . . .
Going to the Yule Ball with Neville would include . .. 
Being a Lestrange and forced to become a death eater while befriend Neville would include . . .
Neville x confident reader headcanons 
NSFW Neville headcanons
Remus Lupin
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Cuddling with Remus would include . . .
Your period and Remus cycle syncing would include . . .
Mistakes- Drabble 
First date with Remus would include . . . 
Random Remus headcanons
I can help
Sirius Black
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Losing your V card to Sirius headcannons 
Chicago P.D
Antonio Dawson
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The Chicago PD boys react when they gf smacks their ass
Don’t leave - Drabble 
Antonio being submissive during sex would include . . .
Our Kids- Drabble
Mine p 1 p2
Antonio being submissive would include . . .
She Knows- Drabble
Partners- Drabble 
The team hears Antonio call you Mama
Not Here
Jay Halstead 
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Being Adam’s sister and Dating Jay would include 
 Chicago PD boys react when they gf smacks their ass
Move In- Drabble
Jay meeting your daughter’s boyfriend for the first time. (feat. Will)
First Christmas with his daughter and wife.  
Adam Ruzek 
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Idiot Drabble
3 Seconds- Drabble 
How would the Chicago PD boys react when they gf smacks their ass
Being Jay’s sister and dating Adam would include 
Greg Gerwitz (Mouse)
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Oorah p1 p2
Chicago med
Will Halstead 
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Did you just? (Drabble)
Bucky Barnes 
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Being Thor and Loki sister and Dating Bucky would include
NSFW Headcanons 
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NSFW headcanons 
Loki being protective of you headcanons 
Loki x assassin reader 
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Teach Me
Steve Rogers
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Dr. Stephen Strange
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Peter Parker
Tony Stark
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inagetawaycarxo · 4 years ago
It’s spooky season.
Got a Halloween request? Send it In
Headcanons, preferences, imagines, oneshots, fics, drabbles, blurbs, smut, angst & fluff.
You can request as many as your heart desires. FEM!READER ONLY!
Create A Candy Wreath
Bob For Apples
Scavenger Hunts
Local Psychic
Palm Reader
Werewolf Tag
Flashlight Tag
Lantern Making
Playdough monsters
Pumpkin Patch
Haunted House
Halloween Costume Party
Corn Maze
Pumpkin Carving
Matching Costumes
Trick Or Treating
Decorating The House
Roleplay According To Costumes
Tricksters Watching
Halloween Candlelit Dinner
Bake Halloween -Inspired Treats
Visit A Haunted Attraction
Go See A Horror Movie
Jump Scare
Scary Stories
Play Sexy/Scary Dress Up
Watch Scary Movies
Late Night Corn Maze
Ghost Tour
Picnic At A Graveyard
Tell Scary Stories By The Campfire
Scary Movie Marathon
Late Night Walk In The Cemetery
Jump In A Pile Of Leaves
Make Candy Apples
Pick Pumpkin From Pumpkin Patch
Bobbing For Alcohol
Camp In The Backyard
Surprise s/o With Sexy Costume
Haunted Hayride
Ghost Hunt
Costume Shopping
Smores By The Fire
Paint Pumpkins
Make Jack O’Lanterns
Road Trip To Spooky Destinations
Alien AU
Angel AU
Affair AU
Amnesia AU
Angel/Demon AU
Apocalypse AU
Assassin AU
Asylum AU
Alien Invasion AU
Alpha/Beta/Omega AU
Betrayal AU
Banshee AU
Blackmail AU
Bonnie & Clyde AU
Cabin In The Woods AU
Castaway AU
Criminal AU
Crossroad Demon AU
Cowgirl AU
Cowboy AU
Criminal And Accomplice AU
Dragon AU
Dark Fantasy AU
Demigod AU
Double Agent AU
Demon AU
Dead/Death AU
Demon Hunter AU
Damsel In Distress AU
Demon Slayer AU
Dimension Hoping AU
Dark Angel AU
Enemies To Lovers AU
Enemies AU
Fantasy AU
Fae AU
Fake Relationship AU
Fake Dating, AU
Fake Marriage AU
Forbidden Love AU
Fairies AU
Fairy AU
Fugitive AU
Fallen Angel AU
Guardian Angel AU
Ghost AU
Greek Gods AU
Genie AU
Goddess AU
God AU
Hero/Villain AU
Hanahaki Disease AU
Hitman AU
Hunter AU
Heat {also known as Mating Cycle} AU
Hunters Dating
Hybrid AU
Horror Film AU
Imaginary Friend AU
Immortal/Human AU
Immortal AU
Incubus AU
Jealousy AU
Kidnapped AU
Lost In Space, AU
Love Affair AU
Love/Hate Relationship AU
Love Triangle AU
Love Spell AU
Love Turns Them Evil AU
Lured Into A Trap AU
Lost In The Woods AU
Mob!Boss AU
Mafia AU
Medium AU
Mutant AU
Mistaken Identity AU
Magic AU
Maid AU
Merman AU
Mermaid AU
Murder Mystery AU
Merpeople AU
Mythological Creatures AU
Mobster AU
Mad Scientist AU
Mythology AU
Medieval AU
Nephlim AU
One Sided Love AU
Outlaw Couple AU
Pirate AU
Protector AU
Prisoner AU
Post Apocalypse AU
Possessed AU
Possessive AU
Roaring 20s AU
Rivals To Lovers AU
Resurrection AU
Rival AU
Reincarnation AU
Runaway AU
Reapers AU
Supernatural AU
Superpowers AU
Secret Identity AU
Secret Admire AU
Spell AU
Soulmates AU
Secret Relationship AU
Spy AU
Space AU
Stalker AU
Stripper AU
Siren AU
Succubus AU
Secret Agent AU
Secret Spy AU
Superhero AU
Telepathy AU
Time Traveller AU
Thief AU
The Little Mermaid AU
Time Travel AU
Time Travelers AU
Unrequited Love AU
Vigilante AU
Vampire/Werewolf AU
Vampire/Vampire Hunter AU
Vampire AU
Vampire Hunter AU
Villain AU
Weakness Turns On Lover AU
Witch AU
Wizard AU
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Taking The Kids Trick Or Treating
Fandoms I write for
Adam Cole
Aj Styles
Andrade Cien Almas
Buddy Murphy
Bobby Fish
Drew McIntyre
Elias Samson
Finn Balor
Kyle O’Reilly
Roderick Strong
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
The Miz
Jimmy Uso
Jey Uso
Triple H, 
Alexa Bliss
Becky Lynch
Billie Kay
Candice LeRae
Charlotte Flair
Dakota Kai
Mickie James
Peyton Royce
Sasha Banks
Stephanie McMahon
Tegan Nox
Zelina Vega
Kelly Severide
Matt Casey
Sylvie Brett
Gabby Dawson
 Will Halstead
Connor Rhodes
Ethan Choi
Jay Halstead
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Greg Gerwitz
Kevin Atwater
Kim Burgess
Erin Lindsay
Hailey Upton
 Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Luke Alvez
Bruce Wayne
Diana Prince
Clark Kent
Lena Luthor
Kara Danvers
Lucifer Morningstar
Chloe Decker
Ella Lopez
Dan Espinoza
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Bruce Banner
Sam Wilson
Carol Danvers
 Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Jack Kline
 Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Malia Tate
Jordan Parrish
Chris Argent
Isaac Lahey
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
 Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Davina Claire
 Freya Mikaelson
Stefan Salvatore
Kai Parker
Damon Salvatore
 Katherine Pierce
Tyler Lockwood
Bonnie Bennet
Elena Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Harry Styles
Jake Gyllenhaal
Jensen Ackles
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crazybagelbitch · 3 years ago
would anyone be interested in greg gerwitz x sister reader drabbles 🤔
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harley-sunday · 7 years ago
Control, Alt, Arrow
Request by anon: Could you do a Mouse request where his girlfriend knows some knowledge of computer skills and Mouse finds out and is like “I’m gonna marry you someday”??
Pairing: Greg ‘Mouse’ Gerwitz x reader
Warning: mild, mild language. 
AN: Ok, so my computer skills are pretty much non-existent, and Google wasn’t of much help here either, so I took the most ‘useful’ skill I know and used it for this drabble. This also might be the worst title ever, but I couldn’t come up with anything better... Just ignore it. Either way; enjoy :)
You glance at Jay, who’s handing Mouse a cup of coffee before he sits down at his desk again and you can’t help but snicker. In your head you count down;  from three to two to one,
“(Y/N)!”, Jay shouts across the room to where you are busy filing some case files, “What the hell did you do to my screen?”
You fake innocence and bat your eyelashes at him, “Nothing?”
He throws you a look and crosses his arms in front of his chest, leaning back in his chair, eyes still trained on you, “Just make it right again, please? I have work to do and I can’t do that when my fucking screen is upside down!”
You shrug, still not pleading guilty, “Just turn your monitor upside down, works like a charm,”
He lets out a frustrated groan, pursing his lips together, which tells you he’s about to throw a temper tantrum that would even give the most obnoxious five-year old a run for its money. He takes a deep breath and turns to Mouse, who has been watching all this with a wicked grin on his face, “Mouse, some help?”
Mouse shakes his head, “Nah man, you’re on your own here.” He turns his attention back to his screen but not before he throws you a wink.
“Mouse,” Jay growls, “you’re supposed to have my back, man.”
“She’s my girlfriend, dude,” Mouse notes from behind his screen, “I’m not going against her, not for this.”
Jay shifts his focus back to you, “Does this have anything to do with me asking you to get us some coffee earlier?”
You shrug, grinning, “Maybe,”
Jay sighs, throwing his hands up in defeat, “I’m sorry, ok, from now on I’ll get my own coffee,” you throw him a look and he quickly adds, “and yours.”
“Two sugars, no milk, thank you,” you reply simply while you walk over to his desk. You gently push him aside and your fingers hit the keys needed, turning the screen back to its normal position, “There,”
“How did you do that?” Jay asks, looking at his screen in awe.
“I’m going to marry you someday,” Mouse mutters, looking at you proudly, his grin matching yours as you walk back to the filing cabinet.
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witchygagirlwrites · 1 month ago
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Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz x Reader
You told him you would be waiting and you meant it @desimarie12 ♥
You stood there staring at the bags that were next to Mouse’s feet on the floor. You two had just moved in together not six months before. You were worried it was too soon. You didn’t want him to feel rushed, pushed but he’d been so excited. How happy he’d been to tell Jay that you and him were getting a place together and now he was leaving you? “I can’t do this to you” he whispered and laid his key in your hand.
You swallowed hard, trying to keep your voice level as you spoke “I don’t know where your mind is Greg or what it’s telling you but just know whenever you’re ready..whenever you can let yourself be loved I’ll be waiting..no matter how long it takes..I’ll be waiting” you saw the tears in his eyes as he gave a small nod then turned and walked out of the door.
Mouse could hear you crying the moment the door closed behind him. He wanted to be the man you needed but he couldn’t be, he was too broken..there was too much of him he’d never be able to fix and if he ever let that darkness touch you? If that ever dampened the spirit he fell in love with he’d never be able to forgive himself. You’d told him you would be waiting but time would show you that you were better off without him,he already knew it. 
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You could remember the day you met Greg “Mouse” Gerwitz. You hadn’t even wanted to go out that night. The truck had gotten beat all to hell on a rolling warehouse fire. Everyone got out ok but you were exhausted. You barely made it to your truck before you heard Kelly’s voice across the parking lot “I know you don’t think you’re escaping without letting me buy you a beer”
You turned to face your loud mouthed lieutenant as he walked towards you “C’mon Severide I wanna go home” he grinned and shook his head “No, you did one hell of a job today. Come out and relax with us. One drink. The crew from the twenty first will be there too” you rolled your eyes “Fine, one drink!” and he grinned victoriously. 
You followed behind Kelly, Matt and a few other people from fifty one. Molly’s was already packed, bodies lining the bar waiting for their orders. You groaned under your breath and Kelly cut his eyes back at you “Oh hush. I’ll get your drink go find Erin and Kim to bitch to” you raised an eyebrow at him and nodded “I’ll do just that” and started to work your way towards the corner where intelligence normally took up residence when they made it out as a group.
You spotted Kevin first and smiled. When you finally made it to them you started to greet them but stopped when you realized there was a new face. He was about five nine, a few inches taller than you. His light brown hair was a little on the shaggier side but it somehow suited him along with the bright blue eyes that seemed to light up when they met yours. He smiled and those damn dimples pulled a smile to your own face “Damn you’re cute” you blurted out without meaning to and the entire table cracked up laughing. 
Jay slapped a hand on your shoulder “Y/N this is my buddy Greg Gerwitz” you held a hand out and he slipped his hand into yours “Nice to meet you but everyone calls me Mouse if ya want” you shook your head “No, I think I’ll stick with Greg if everyone calls you Mouse, I’d rather make an impression when you hear me call you”  Jay laughed “Mouse she’s one of fifty one’s finest. Holds her own against Severide and Casey” you shook your head “Jay’s being nice because I always calmed down bullshit with Casey and Voight” 
Mouse’s eyes never left you “I’d believe you’re one of their finest” and a light blush graced his cheeks. About that time Kelly appeared over your shoulder and passed you a beer “You still pissed at me?” you cut your eyes up at him then looked back at Mouse “Naw, I think I’m glad you dragged me out Severide”
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Mouse cut his eyes up when the radio on his desk crackled to life “Structure fire..fifty one responding” He shouldn’t have hacked fire’s frequency but that was the only way he had to make sure you were ok. 
A couple months had passed since he walked out. He wasn’t sure why it had started again, Jay said it happened to him too. When he started getting close with Lindsay, the worry that everything he’d done would somehow damage her but Jay had always landed on his feet easier than him. What if he relapsed? No, he wouldn’t do that. Even if he wasn’t strong enough for himself he would be strong enough to not disappoint you.
The thoughts, the getting overstimulated at everything. It was too much. He couldn’t risk hurting you with it. You were better off without him. It was getting better with meetings and the shrink Erin had helped him get in with, the problem was he knew he’d lost you. The sounds of you crying still haunted him every second of the day. Your words drifted through his head “I’ll be waiting”
His heart nearly leaped out of his chest when your voice cut across the radio “Cruz! Where are you? Call out honey!” a smile slipped onto his face. You always checked on your crew in a fire. No matter what or who. That was why the house loved you like they did. You were so damn kind hearted and brave as hell. Beauty and strength rolled into one. Everything good in the world, you were. 
He missed you more than anything. Every day without you was torture. When Intelligence worked an arson case a few weeks before with fifty one a part of him wanted to beg Voight to go in the field just to get a glimpse of you. He knew it was a bad idea because with any arson case there was never just one fire and he wouldn’t risk distracting you, did that stop him from asking Jay how you looked? Of course not. When Jay just shrugged and said you looked like you did that stop him from in turn going to Erin to ask? Of course not.
He just wanted to know you were ok..no that was a lie. He wanted to know if you still wanted him. If there was a chance he hadn’t lost the best thing that had ever happened to him. The only woman he’d ever truly loved and the only woman he wanted for the rest of his life.
A knock on the open door made him glance up to see Jay standing there. “Yeah, what's up man?” he asked and Jay nodded towards the radio “That’s illegal” he shrugged with a tiny smirk “Gonna arrest me?” “Naw, you’re pathetic enough kicking your own ass daily” Jay replied with a laugh.
“Have I ever told you how good of a friend you are?” Mouse asked, voice dripping with sarcasm and Jay grinned “Yeah and I’m here as that good friend with some advice” “Which is?” “Talk to her, get her flowers. Go home and ask her forgiveness. That woman loves you Greg. Don’t fuck it up because of the past” Mouse raised an eyebrow and Jay shrugged “Me and Erin may have been talking about the situation” he laughed lightly “I don’t deserve her” Jay shook his head “Maybe you need to quit saying what she deserves and let her decide?”
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“Hey, how ya doing?” you cut your eyes up at Stella as she lifted your boots then slid into the chair you had them in and propped them in her lap. You gave her a small smile “I’m good” she stared you down and you laughed “Some days are better than others..I just..I’m still not used to him not being there” 
She nodded “I get it, have you talked to him any?” you shook your head “I don’t want to call him and push anything. His mental health is more important than my broken heart” she rubbed your ankles lightly before saying “If he loves you anything like you love him, it’ll happen honey”
“Thanks Stel” you replied and she winked at you “Any time” Kelly walked in about that time and waved a hand “Dude, are you stealing my girl?” you grinned at him “She came to me Severide”
You walked into your apartment, kicking your boots off by the door and dropping the duffle you carried to your shifts. The photo sitting on the table just inside the door made your heart ache. Kim had taken it at Adam’s birthday. It was Jay and Mouse sitting side by side and they had pulled you and Erin down in their laps right before she snapped it so all of you were laughing and looked so damn happy. “If you ever change your mind, I’m still waiting” you whispered to the photo before locking the door and heading to the shower.
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Mouse walked down the hallway, the roses in his hand felt like a shallow gift compared to the pain he’d caused you. He just had to see you, see if you still looked at him like you used to or if you were lost to him. He desperately wanted to come home.
He stopped in front of the apartment door, flashes of the day you two moved in, playing through his mind “Greg, are you sure about this?” you’d asked him a dozen times and each time he smiled and told you “I’ve never been more sure of anything” 
He raised his hand and knocked twice. “Hold on” you called out and he heard your footsteps getting closer. When the door opened you froze with your mouth gaped open slightly “Greg?” his name fell from your lips in a tiny whisper. He smiled “Baby, I know I fucked up. I never should’ve walked out. I should’ve talked to you. Let you know what was going on inside my head but is there any way you would ever consider taking me back?”
You were silent for several heartbeats before you shook your head “No” he could feel his heart hit his feet. He deserved this. He’d hurt you. He hadn’t appreciated you. “I’m sorry” he spoke and turned to walk away but you grabbed his arm “Greg!” he looked back at you and saw you had tears in your eyes and a smile on your face “Taking you back implies you ever lost me. I was just waiting on you to find your way back” 
He felt his heart start beating again “Really?” you nodded “I told you I would be waiting” he dropped the roses and pulled you into his arms, both arms wrapped tightly around your body “Thank you baby. Thank you. I love you so damn much” you pulled back from him just enough to look up at him and smile “I love you too” then you pulled him down into a kiss that was so damn gentle it made his head spin that anyone would treat him like that. You pulled back and laughed “Get in here. We can go get your clothes from Jay’s later.You’re not letting me out of your arms right now though”
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witchygagirlwrites · 27 days ago
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Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz x Reader
When you take a place on a task force and get hurt Mouse has to face his entire world falling down
Warnings: talks of death, gunshot wounds, suicidal ideation?
You sat in the middle of the bed in the hotel room holding your laptop across your legs as Mouse’s face came into view. A smile split your face the moment you saw him “Well hey there handsome” “Hey beautiful. How’s New York?” he asked and you sighed “Not as good as Chicago, you’re not here”
When Sergeant Benson and Erin had asked you to join the task force SVU and Erin’s team had put together for a six week operation you’d been on the fence. That was a long time in your opinion to be away from home, from Mouse and your unit but you could do some good well a lot of good. You’d hesitantly agreed with Voight’s blessing on the job front and Mouse’s blessing on the personal front. After Erin left Chicago that was his push to join the academy and as soon as he could Hank pulled him for intelligence. You loved working with him and knew he loved having his girlfriend and best friend right there at his side most days. 
He smiled “I miss you too love. You don’t have much longer and you’ll be home” you turned to get comfortable against the headboard and he grinned “Taking me to bed with you Detective?” you laughed lightly “Why yes officer Gerwitz, just don’t report me to the ivory tower. Might see it as me using the fact that I’m higher ranking than you to get you in bed” “Lucky me I say” he teased. 
You listened while he caught you up on things you’d missed in Chicago and you told him about some of the things in New York. “Promise me when I get home we don’t have to leave our apartment for like two days solid. I just want to curl up in your arms” you told him and the smile he gave you made your heart flip “How could I turn that down?” you smiled “I love you so damn much Greg” he grinned “I love you too sweetheart. Get some rest, you have another bust tomorrow. I don’t want you tired going into it” you nodded “Tell everyone I said hey. I’ll call you around noon your time” “I’ll be waiting”
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It was a little after twelve and Jay knew Mouse was getting worried even if he was trying his best not to show it. You always checked in right on time with him. When Jay’s phone rang he nearly knocked it off the desk trying to answer it and when Erin’s voice hit his ear his heart dropped to his feet “Jay?”
He hadn’t really spoken to her except via text since she’d left. You and her kept in contact regularly hence you taking the place on the task force. If she was calling him…. “Jay, are you there?” she asked and he replied “Yeah I’m here”
She took a deep breath and he heard her voice shake at the end. Something was wrong, really wrong. “Is Mouse around you?” he cut his eyes across the room where Mouse was texting you again “Yeah, you want to talk to him?” “I can’t Jay…He he doesn’t need to hear this from me” he could hear the tears in her voice “Erin what happened” he didn’t even think about the fact that he probably shouldn’t have said her name but Mouse’s eyes flew up and everyone in the room turned to look at him.
“There was..there was a perp..he had a hostage and Y/N drew the fire to herself..everything happened so damn fast…I promise you I tried to get to her…I tried to stop him..” 
Mouse stood up from his desk to walk towards Jay only to feel his entire world shift when Jay asked Erin “Is she dead?” The next few moments were the longest of his life. He could read Jay too well. He could feel his legs try to go out from under him but Kevin moved to grab his arm. “Yeah I’ll call you” Jay hung up and walked towards him.
“Is she dead Jay? Is the love of my life dead?” he asked and Jay took a deep breath “It’s bad man. You can try to get a plane but she might not make it until you land” he nodded “I’ve got to try” “I’m going with you” Jay told him, looking back at Voight who’d come out of his office and caught the  end of the phone call “Go”
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Erin sat just outside of surgery, your blood drying on her skin. She could only keep replaying those moments in her mind. The bullets tearing through your vest, how your body dropped. When she got to your side the way you’d looked at her and how scared you’d looked when you’d told her “It doesn’t hurt Erin…why doesn’t it hurt?” 
This was her fault, she’d called you onto this task force. If you died she killed her best friend. Her hand was wrapped around Mouse’s dog tags you always wore, it didn't feel right leaving them in a patient belonging bag when she knew how much they meant to you. “Tell Greg I love him” was the last words you told her before you’d lost consciousness. Your heart stopped and she’d done CPR until the ambulance got there. She only hoped it was enough.
Mouse was numb the entire plane ride. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, he wanted to break down but it was like the entire world was holding its breath. His entire being needed to see you, needed to see if you were alive. He couldn’t think of a world without you in it. What was he without you? You were everything to him, the reason he was still here. The reason he’d fought to stay clean when he’d nearly slipped after getting the job at CPD. You were there helping him every step of the way. You were the one person who never got annoyed with him, never yelled at his rambling when his mind wandered.
You were the love of his life. Every thought of the future was of you. If there was no you there was no him. If you died? He had no reason to keep living. Erin had said you drew fire from a civilian, a kid that was about fourteen. That was you to your core, always saving someone even at your own expense. If he lost you, who was supposed to save him? 
When they landed in New York Sergeant Benson had uniforms waiting to take them to the hospital. You were still in surgery but at least that meant you were still alive. You were still holding on.
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“Erin!” she flinched when she heard Mouse’s voice. She glanced up and saw him and Jay walking towards her. His eyes went to her shirt, jeans and hands. “Is that her blood?” she nodded slowly “Mouse, I never meant for this to happen..” 
“I know” he whispered, eyes glued to her bloody hands. She held out his dog tags “She made me promise to tell you she loves you” Mouse took the dog tags in his hand, fingers tracing over the drying blood that he knew was yours “Erin, how bad is it?” He saw tears slip down her face as she said “She told me it didn’t hurt, she was so afraid because it didn’t hurt” he pulled her into his arms and they both finally broke sobbing against each other, one for her best friend, one for the woman he loved. Jay stood to the side not knowing how to comfort either of them.
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The surgery took a total of five and a half hours. Your insides were shredded from the bullets. When the surgeons finally walked out they asked for your family so Erin, Mouse and Jay stood up. “This is her boyfriend and best friend” Jay explained so the doctor nodded “She’s alive but in critical condition. The next twenty four hours will tell if she makes it or not. The bullets did extensive damage. We repaired what we could, it's up to her body to do the rest”
“Thank you” Jay replied knowing neither Erin or Mouse was in the shape to talk. “Can they see her?” he asked and the surgeon shook his head “I’m afraid only one visitor is permitted in ICU” 
Erin looked at Mouse “You go” he nodded “Ok” the surgeon waved him through “A nurse will show you the way”
A nurse led Mouse through the hallway to your room. When she walked him inside he froze at the foot of the bed. The body laying there didn’t even look like you. It was like you were already dead, there was no life left. Wires and tubes stuck out of you in every direction. Bandages covered every inch of your body and dried blood covered your face. 
He walked to the side of the bed, fingers lightly skimming your hand, careful of the iv. “Is there any hope for her waking up? I don’t want the sugar coated answer. This woman is everything to me” he turned to look at the nurse and saw the answer in her eyes before she ever spoke “If she wakes up sir I will believe in miracles” then turned and walked out of the room.
Mouse watched her go then looked back at you. The tube in your mouth helping you to breath making a soft noise with every inhale “They don’t know you do they baby?” he whispered, eyes filling with tears. “Wake up for me love, please? I need you, the world needs you. Please don’t leave me. It feels like I just got you. I can’t lose you now”
He knew it was probably hopeless but you’d never given up on him. He wasn’t giving up on you until the moment your heart stopped beating for good, even then he’d still love you with everything he had and probably wouldn’t be far behind. There was nothing on this earth for him if you weren’t in it.
Follow You
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witchygagirlwrites · 9 days ago
Broken Bonds-Part 38
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Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz x Reader, Coparenting Jay Halstead x Reader, Jay Halstead x Hailey Upton
You and Mouse enjoy your news before everyone else finds out
Stella’s reaction to finding out you were pregnant and offered yourself as a trade for her? Well big sister didn’t handle the news really well. “You’re pregnant. You could have gotten hurt! You could have lost the baby!” you shrugged slightly “I didn’t know in my defense Stel” she shook her head and pulled you into her arms “My brave amazing little sister. Oh I’m gonna be an aunt again!” 
She pressed a kiss to the top of your head then laughed “Oh my god Mouse must be over the moon!” you grinned “He’s pretty excited” “Pretty excited?” she asked once she let you go. “That man has dreamt of having you for years, now he has you, he’s Addy’s step dad and you’re pregnant? My god he’s probably getting on his team’s nerves” you shook your head with a laugh “We’re not telling anyone else quite yet” she raised an eyebrow “You’re doing like you did with Addy?”
You nodded “I want to at least get out of the first trimester. He is so excited. I just…Stel it would break my heart for something to happen to this baby” she placed a hand on your stomach “It won’t. She’ll be strong like her mommy and her sister” “She?” you asked and she grinned “Oh definitely” you shook your head “So it’s just gonna be all girls huh?” she shrugged “We’ll see won’t we?”
You were already ten weeks. You only needed to make it a few more weeks and you would tell everyone. You just had to be a little more careful, let Kev take the lead and wear the vest Hank got you that was made to fit over a bump. You just hoped no one noticed the change in gear.
“What is he hoping for?” she asked and you grinned “A girl. I swear he’s as bad as Jay” then your face fell “That’s weird to say isn’t it?” she shook her head “No babygirl. It’s ok. They’re ok so you can be. Addy is gonna be thrilled as soon as you can tell her. Everyone will” “We had to swear Will to keep the secret until the first trimester was up” you told her and she nodded “He promised didn’t he?” and you grinned “He did. I just hope I don’t tip us off. I work shoulder to shoulder with Jay who watched me like a hawk when I was pregnant the first time”
She shrugged “Maybe he won't?” then her eyes widened “Oh I saw the cutest firefighter onesies!” you shook your head “So it begins again”
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You were curled up on the couch with Addy asleep next to you when Mouse walked in the door. He grinned and you held a finger to your mouth before he could talk. If she heard Mou she’d be back up in a heartbeat. He nodded, walked over to press a gentle kiss to your lips and whispered “Want me to carry her to bed?” you nodded “Please”
He gently picked her up and when she got on his shoulder you heard her say “I love you Mou” and he whispered “I love you too sweet girl” as he walked into her room. A few moments later he walked back out and pulled the door closed behind himself and smiled at you “How are you feeling baby” you laughed “I’m fine love” his eyes went to your stomach and you shook your head “They’re fine too” he walked over to the couch and sat down next to you and pulled you into his arms. “It’s still hard to believe. There’s a little person in there” you laughed “Yeah they are. Wait till you start feeling the little cricket movements” he grinned “I can’t wait baby”
You turned to lay against his chest and he slipped his arms around you to spread his hands over your stomach gently “I love you sweetheart” you cut your eyes up at him “So much has changed so fast Greg. Are you sure you’re happy?” he froze and stared at you for a few heartbeats before whispering your name “Do not ever doubt that I am happy with you. From the moment you came sliding around the corner in the precinct threatening to kill Adam over that scooby mug I was in love. You’re everything I have ever wanted. I have you as my wife, a perfect little girl as my step daughter and a baby on the way. Why wouldn’t I be happy? Though I think we need to start looking for a bigger place”
“Bigger place huh?” you asked and he nodded “Yeah, Addy needs her own room so does this one. The two bedroom worked for just you and her and for us and her but now I think we need a three bedroom” you nodded “I’ll ask Hank to keep an ear out, though he’s gonna ask why” he grimaced “Yeah, might wanna wait until you’re ready to tell everyone the news. Once we tell everyone I’ll get Kenny and Katie on looking too”
“You get that it’s not that I don’t want to tell them right?” he nodded “I know baby. I want to scream it from the rooftops but I understand why you want to wait until the risks are lower because even with it being your second pregnancy the risks are still there” you smiled slightly “Thank you” he raised an eyebrow “For what love?” “For being you. I don’t know what I would do without you. I am so thankful to Jay for dragging you in for that tech job” he laughed and brushed a kiss against your lips “I’m grateful he dragged me in and I’m grateful that you looked at me and saw beyond the surface then you chose to forgive me for breaking your heart”
You covered his hands that were still on your stomach with your own “We broke each others but we still owned each other’s hearts as well so it’s all fair I guess” he buried his face in your neck, kissing the sensitive skin “Sometimes love is as simple as watching the moon, sometimes its as hard as counting the stars but for you? I love doing both” 
“Greg, I'm already married to you and pregnant. There’s no need for the sweet talk of that level” you teased and he laughed “I mean every word baby” you tilted your head to catch his lips “I know baby and I have never stopped loving you and never will” 
One of his hands moved from your stomach up to cup your face and you moaned lightly into the kiss causing him to grin against your lips “Sweetheart, I’ve barely done anything” you pulled away from him and felt your face warm “Sorry it’s just…nevermind” you started to untangle yourself from him but damn him there was still times you managed to underestimate just how fast he moved. He pulled you back against him gently wrapping both arms around you, holding you in place “No ma’am. My wife is not getting visibly flustered then saying nevermind and leaving me on the damn couch wondering what the hell just happened”
You buried your face in your hands “It’s the hormones Greg” he shifted behind you and you felt his hands cover yours to bring them away from your face and when you looked back at him he had that smile that always stopped you dead in your tracks “What was that love?” you rolled your bottom lip between your teeth “It’s the hormones Gregory. They’re already all over the place. They’re horrible” he nodded slowly “You’re saying you’re in need?” you laughed at his choice of words “Yes Greg, that’s what I’m saying. It was hard the last time because I didn’t have sex the entire time I was pregnant” he raised an eyebrow “Baby, do you really think you have to ask me to have sex with you? Just tell me you want to”
“Some men get weird about it” you shrugged and he shook his head “Those men aren’t men. You’re growing my child sweetheart, you are the love of my life. If you want me to love on you that is my pleasure to do so” you grinned “In that case, take me to bed” he smiled and moved to stand off the couch before picking you up bridal style. You laughed when he did so “Isn’t this how we got in this shape to begin with?” he nodded “I’d say it was worth it” and crashed his lips against yours before heading towards the bedroom.
Part 39
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witchygagirlwrites · 2 months ago
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Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz x Reader
@desimarie12 requested our favorite guy with the song Patience by Take That as the vibe
“Hey man, I found you a job” the call from Jay couldn’t have come at a better time. He was struggling again, he didn’t want to admit it but the truth was there. The silence was starting to be too much, allowing the past to creep up in his head and overtake the present. He needed structure, some sort of purpose. That was what led Mouse to the twenty first precinct.
He was sitting at a desk talking to Jay and two more members of his unit when Jay’s sergeant Hank Voight came walking out of his office, trailed by a woman Mouse hadn’t ever seen before. He knew because he would’ve remembered her. She was absolutely beautiful and wore a detective shield at her side.
“Voight, this is the guy I was telling you about Greg Gerwitz a.k.a Mouse” Jay introduced him and he saw a slight smirk slip onto the woman’s face “Mouse huh?” he cut his eyes at her “It’s a silly nickname I know but I’ll be the first to admit it..” she cut him off by tapping on the paper in Voight’s hand “What’s this about a truck of blueray players?”
He grimaced “Well see that case was actually expunged..I was actually..” Voight cut him off then “And busted for hacking a D.O.D com satellite in 09?” damn if this was how these two handled perps he saw why intelligence was so good. He dipped his head slightly “For that I take full responsibility” 
“Sarge, I know he doesn’t look great on paper. Just wait till you see what he can do” Jay spoke up and cut his eyes at him. He knew what he was doing so a few key strokes later he looked up “Excuse me, Sergeant Voight sir?” Voight cut his eyes at him so he motioned to his phone that was on his side “Would you mind taking a look at your cell phone?”
“My cell phone?” Voight asked so he nodded. Voight pulled his phone out and looked where he’d changed his wallpaper to a photo of himself “Cute” the woman whose name he’d yet to catch looked over Voight’s shoulder then back at him “Really cute” 
He ignored the flush that wanted to creep up his neck to say “You see, I was able to crack that in about two seconds. Imagine what a hacker could do with a day” Voight looked from the woman to Jay then shrugged “Fine by me but Platt has to sign off on it too” 
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That day seemed like years ago and yesterday at the same time. When he and Jay had retreated to the tech room at the end of that day you’d ended up down there as well.
Jay had questioned why you hadn’t gotten out of the precinct at the first sign possible like you normally did and you had laughed “I was a little hard on the newest member of our unit, so I thought I would properly introduce myself and welcome him to the team”
By the time you’d wished him and Jay both a goodnight he knew he was gone. He also knew it was impossible. Jay clocked the way he looked at you, he knew it when he saw it. He hadn’t asked about you, he really hadn’t but when Jay offered the information he hadn’t refused it either.
You’d been plucked out of the academy for undercover work, exceeded at it and that was how you originally met Antonio. When the intelligence unit was formed he was the one who brought you on board.
You were always partnered with either Antonio or Erin, you lived by yourself with a cat that had three legs named Penny that you rescued as a kitten after a drug bust.  You had your life in order and was one member of the unit that always seemed to be wrangling the others when they got out of line, Jay included.
He couldn’t want you. What the hell could he offer you? Hell when you met him he could barely carry on a conversation without trailing off midway. The first time it happened you were talking to him about a piece of surveillance equipment.
He hadn’t even realized it until your hand was gently touching his arm and you lightly spoke his name, his actual name. Instead of the usual look people had at that moment you instead wore a small smile “Happened to me a lot after my first bad bust. I know it’s not the exact same thing but I know touch helped ground me. Was hoping it would work for you”
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He knew he was frustrating at times with rambling and trying to get his brain to work the way it did before, it frustrated him. He knew what he wanted to say, the point he wanted to get across but getting it out proved harder than it should. He noticed that when those moments happened your eyes would remain on him even when you would be listening to whoever was talking.  
You would always purposely walk close enough to him on the way out to let your hand brush against his. When you were talking to him you never tried to rush him to the point, you invited him out with the group and always seemed to go out of your way to include him in anything and everything that happened at work and outside of work. He told himself it didn’t mean anything. You were the caretaker of the group. He was just the newest and most broken member. 
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Everyone was walking on eggshells around him and Jay. The newest case handled an IED being used and a vet being killed by it. He could imagine that while everyone trusted Jay to not fuck up they were simply waiting on him to. He’d abandoned his desk on the floor with the rest of the unit to retreat down to the tech room. If he was needed they could call him up.
He was taking apart a radio Kevin dropped two days before to see if he could get it repaired just to have it as a backup.  He didn’t currently have anything to do, the computers were set up to alert him if the suspect's car popped up on any traffic cams or if his cell became active again. 
He heard boots headed his way and recognised them before you ever knocked on the open door. “I’m fine,” he spoke without looking up. A part of him hoped you’d walk away but the other part was silently begging you to not. He heard you take another step in the room as you fiddled with the bracelet on your right wrist “Jay’s not. I know he’s trying to bury it but to any of us that knows his tells it’s blaringly obvious”
He stopped his movements and cut his eyes up “Did you come down to get me to check on Jay?” of course. No one would want to check on him. He wasn’t really a member of the team, was he? “What? No” you replied, leaning against the wall about three feet from him. 
“Then why are you down here?” he regretted the words and tone he’d used the moment they slipped out of his mouth. 
He’d seen you go toe to toe with bangers twice your size and not blink an eye. He’d seen you stare down the barrel of a loaded gun and smirk but for the first time since he’d known you he saw an honest look of hurt flash across your face “Maybe because I realize this case could trigger something for you the same way it has for Jay and I wanted to let you know that you don’t have to shoulder that burden alone any more. I didn’t realize I wasn’t welcome down here, I apologize”
You turned to walk out and when he called your name you froze in the doorway “It’s fine Mouse. Forget I ever came down here, ok?” You hadn’t called him Mouse besides over the coms in months. “I’m sorry sweetheart” he whispered and you shook your head, not turning around “I get it, I do” then walked away.
How could he continue to fuck up? Even after all this time, he just couldn’t help himself. The idea that you were honestly just worried about him was a little too hard to wrap his head around. His heart had gone through the wringer so damn much along with his head, he didn’t know how to start something new. 
After you’d left the tech room every memory since he met you flashed through his mind. Time and again you offered that hand out to him and he hadn’t taken it, yet you still stood there holding it out. Why? He wasn’t worth the effort. You were everything good and he was broken, barely stitched together. 
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Mouse watched you help Kim put away the gear and long guns that had been taken out when the unit rolled on the suspect. He’d admitted guilt but had also committed suicide by cop after turning his gun on the unit. His bullets had landed squarely in yours and Adam’s vests. Luckily you both escaped with only bruised ribs. Hearing Voight call officer down was enough to make his heart decide to start back working at the thought of losing you.
Kim cut her eyes over at him then whispered something to you before smiling at him and heading upstairs. You didn’t turn around but he knew from the way you were slightly turned into yourself that you were hurting more than you’d let on.
“Can-can we talk?” he mumbled and when you finally turned around he saw the tears in your eyes “If you’re here to accuse me of not caring about you again can it wait until I don’t feel like a truck is sitting on my chest?”
“I’m sorry” he whispered and you shook your head, moving to brush past him. His hand flew out to grab your wrist “I’m sorry” he repeated, more firmly this time.
You swallowed hard then grimaced slightly “Greg, all I’ve done since meeting you was try to be your friend. I’ve cared about you from the start because that’s what I do, I care about my unit and you’re my unit. I never meant for it to go deep enough that you could hurt my feelings but it did and you did”
“I never meant to hurt you. I’m just not used to people caring” he whispered, both of you standing close but not looking at each other. “I just want to be there for you, in whatever way you need me” you admitted and his hand moved from your wrist down to lace his fingers with yours “And I want to be there for you but sweetheart you’ve got to have a little patience with me. There’s still parts of me healing and I can’t guarantee how long that’ll take. I care about you so much more than I ever thought about caring for someone. When Voight called officer down and your name? My world stopped. I want to be able to figure out a way to move forward, to let you be there like you want to be and to be there for you. This is me trying”
Your fingers squeezed his gently “Promise to meet me halfway. If you need breathing room just tell me. I’ll get it. If I need breathing room I’ll tell you”
“Promise” he swore and you gave him a small smile “Wanna come over and watch a movie? I may fall asleep from the meds Will gave me, fair warning” a smile slipped onto his face “I’d love to, but can I change the movie once you’re out? Because I can only watch the Mummy so many times” you nodded with a laugh “Yeah, I guess”
Maybe he could find a way forward, after all he had people like you and Jay willing to hold a hand out whenever he needed a way up. People he could offer a hand to as well. Wasn’t that what life was about? Finding your team, finding your family, finding your person.
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witchygagirlwrites · 11 days ago
Not The Flu
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Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz x Halstead Sister Reader (Nicknamed Dizzy)
Your Brothers find out about you and Mouse in a very big way
You woke up and could feel Mouse’s arms around your waist. His face was tucked down into the bend of your neck, his warm breath teasing the skin with every light exhale. You loved nothing more than the mornings you got to wake up slowly in his arms, neither of you having to rush off to work or you having to rush off because Jess was having an emergency at the studio.
You felt him shift and his breathing changed before his lips brushed against your bare shoulder “Morning D” you grinned “Good morning Greg” his lips followed the path down your shoulder until he got to your collarbone then he gently shifted you over to your back. You smiled when you looked up into those sky blue eyes “I love waking up with you” you whispered, your heart aching to tell him you loved him.
You’d known you were in love with him for a while. There was no way to not fall in love with a man like Greg Gerwitz. He was kind and gentle when the situation called for it but was protective as hell when it was needed.
This man had gone through hell at your brother’s side and was the reason you still had him. He’d pulled himself out of PTSD fueled addiction and made it to the other side. He was everything you’d ever wanted just hadn’t realized until one night in a bar had placed him in your path.
“Where ya go Dizzy?” he asked and you realized you were currently just lying there staring up at him “Just thinking how glad I am you came to that gig” he grinned “Nowhere near as glad as I am baby” and crashed his lips against yours.
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Mouse walked into the twenty first and heard his phone ding with a text. When he opened it there was a message from you. He cut his eyes up to make sure Jay wasn’t around then swiped it. It was clear Jess had sent the message because it was a photo of you, curled up in a chair in the corner of Jess’ office and the message read Must you wear her out when we have artists coming in???
He laughed and texted back Hey, that’s on her. I told her she needed sleep he started up the stairs and Jess texted back You two are sickeningly adorable Says the girl dating Dizzy’s brother? He replied and she sent back CASUALLY! I gotta go. I’m gonna wake sleeping beauty BYEEE
He loved you but damn your friends were insane. He’d known he was in love with you for a while. It was probably a couple weeks in, you were at his place. You were wearing one of his old shirts, sitting on his counter and eating ice cream. Your hair was a mess and you were humming the bars of one of your band's songs. He’d never seen a more gorgeous sight.
He’d been keeping his mouth shut to not scare you. He’d prefer Jay actually know you two were together first. It was hard keeping such a secret from his best friend but you asked him to and he’d do just about anything you asked of him.
He got to the palm scanner and laid his hand down. The gate popped so he grabbed it then headed up. He had to get his mind on work.
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“Sweets, are you sure you’re good?” Tyler asked, eyeing the fact that you were just poking at the caesar salad you ordered. Normally that was one of your favorites for lunch. “I don’t know Ty. I’ve been feeling like shit, Jess keeps teasing that Greg wore me out but he makes sure I get plenty of sleep. It’s kind of annoying at times the length that man goes to just to make sure I’m taking care of myself”
Tyler grinned “I like him for it but on a serious note Callian had the flu a couple weeks ago. Sounds like you may be trying to get it. Might warrant a stop by Med. Would suck to get a bigger artist in the studio just for you to be contagious” You rolled your eyes “Thanks for the concern for my health there Ty!”
He laughed “That too of course Halstead” and you shook your head “I’ll run by and see how busy they are”
You laid back on the bed in an exam room. April had come in and taken like six vials of blood per Connor’s orders and Maggie had come in with juice and a pack of crackers when you told her you hadn’t been able to eat lunch. “I feel like this is special treatment” you told her and she smiled “It is. You’re the youngest and favorite Halstead” you grinned “Thanks Mags”
You were just waiting for the door to come swinging open and your oldest brother to come barreling in, demanding what was wrong with you. For now you were half asleep.
Will walked through the E.D. and his eyes flickered towards the board and landed on his own last name. What were you doing here? “Maggie, why’s Dizzy here?” she nodded towards Connor “Rhodes is her doc. Her results should be back. Ask him Will, I’m handling twenty different things”
Will walked over to Connor who passed him your chart “Here, I haven’t even looked yet. I’m going into exam two. Don’t go in without me so I don’t get in trouble for it” Will opened your chart and his eyes flew across the results then landed on the findings. You were pregnant.
Who got you pregnant? He turned to head to your room but stopped at the door when he heard you talking. “I’m ok Greg, really” Greg? MOUSE. THAT SON OF A BITCH.
He turned and tossed your chart on the counter then ran to grab his jacket. Him and Jay would kill the son of a bitch.
You heard a knock at the door and sat up “Yeah” Connor walked in and looked confused “Will hasn’t come in?” you shook your head “I haven’t seen him” his face scrunched in confusion “I figured he would’ve told you, be here to support you and all after he read your chart”
“Told me what Connor?” you asked and he shrugged “You don’t have the flu. You’re pregnant” Oh fuck. If Will read it and came to talk to you, he heard you talking to Mouse.
“Shit Connor I gotta go. I’ll come back for discharge papers” “Why?” he asked as you grabbed your jacket and keys “To make sure I don’t raise this child alone because my brothers killed its father”
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Mouse was in the tech room, fixing a set of broken coms when Jay and Will came storming in. “Jay?” he barely got his name out of his mouth before he was being snatched to his feet and slammed against the wall by his best friend. “YOU’VE BEEN FUCKING MY LITTLE SISTER!”
“Jay..I..” he tried but Jay cut him off “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” “Leave him alone!” all three men looked towards the doorway to see you standing there, a bit winded and on the verge of tears. “She’s pregnant Mouse” Will told him and Mouse looked from your brothers to you “You’re pregnant?”
You nodded “I just found out” tears forming in your eyes. He could’ve cared less about Jay and Will threatening him. You were there, visibility upset and now knowing you were carrying his child? “Baby please calm down. It’ll be ok” he spoke softly to you. He saw your hands shaking so he cut his eyes back at Jay “Fucking kick my ass if you’ve got to and get it over with. You’re stressing Dizzy”
You watched Jay loosen his grip on Mouse then turn to look at you “Dizzy?” you felt tears slip down your face “Please don’t fight with him Jay. He wanted to tell you from the start. I asked him not to” his shoulders sagged and he let Mouse go.
Mouse immediately crossed the floor to pull you into his arms. “Baby are you ok?” He asked and you nodded “Are you” Jay looked from you to him “Diz..why not just tell me?”
You turned in Mouse's arms to look at him “He's your best friend Jay. He means a lot to you. You mean a lot to him. I don't want to be what breaks that but I love him Jay” Mouse's arms tensed and you realized what you said.
You slowly turned back to look at him and a smile slipped onto his face “You love me?” “I have for a while Greg” you whispered and he leaned down to brush a gentle kiss against your lips, having forgotten your brothers “I love you too Dizzy”
Jay and Will both cleared their throats so you broke apart and turned to face them. They both still looked angry but slightly less “Don't hurt her. Be there for my niece or nephew” Jay spoke low and Mouse nodded “Of course”
“We will still kill you and make it look like an accident” you laughed at Will's words but Mouse just grinned “Thanks for that Will”
Jay shook his head “I guess I'm ok with it” then it was like a thought hit him. His eyes widened in horror “IT WAS DIZZY!” You hid your face in Mouse's chest and felt him shake with laughter “In my defense you didn't knock”
“OH I AM NOT DEALING WITH THIS RIGHT NOW” Jay looked at you “I love you. I'm ok with you two and the baby but no just no. And I'm installing chain locks at both of your places” he turned to storm out and Will looked confused “What did I miss?”
Mouse grinned at you before saying “You don't wanna know” then pressed another kiss to your lips “I love you” “I love you too Greg”
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witchygagirlwrites · 1 month ago
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Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz x Reader
Even on your worst day his touch can bring you back
The fluffiest Smut
Mouse could hear the beginning of another nightmare. He’d been sleeping on the couch, it by far wasn’t his idea but when you’d asked for space that was the most amount you were gonna get. You and him had just moved in together a couple months before that case that landed you in the hospital. He wouldn’t have abandoned you before, he damn sure wasn’t abandoning you now. Hell you’d had plenty of reasons to walk away from him over the years and never had. He’d meant forever when he first told you he loved you and he still meant it.
He threw his blanket off and walked towards the bedroom, pushing the door open. You were curled up on your side in the middle of the bed. He wasn’t sure if he should try to wake you up by touching you or calling your name. “Baby?” he whispered gently and you shivered slightly before your body started to relax “Greg?” the moment you said his name he saw your shoulders release some of the tension “Yeah sweetheart. It was a nightmare. I’m here”
You turned to face him and god just the look in your eyes, he’d do anything you asked of him to make that look go away. “Can you sleep in here tonight?” you whispered and he nodded “Of course” and walked over to the bed. You smiled softly when he slid under the blanket then curled up to his chest, your fingers trailing over the flesh of his stomach “I’m sorry I haven’t been letting you in here” your voice was so low he barely caught it.
“Don’t apologize love. Whatever you need to heal. That’s what matters” he told you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.  You ducked your head down before saying “I need you” he smiled “You’ve got me” you were quiet for a moment before saying “No, I need you Greg” and cut your eyes up at him. He felt his heart stop at the look in your eyes “Baby, are you sure?” the two of you hadn’t come close to sex since you’d gotten hurt.
“Please, I just want to feel you love me. You make me feel good, you make me feel loved and whole. I need that” you whispered and he nodded “You’ve got to promise to tell me if anything is too much or if you want to stop at any time” “I promise” you replied and he bought one hand up to push your hair back from your face “What do you want me to do?”
“Kiss me” you whispered and he smiled before leaning closer to gently brush his lips against yours. He felt your hands move up to slip into his hair as you deepened the kiss, hands sliding down his back to dig your fingers in slightly. You tugged at his shoulders to pull him over on top of you. He pulled back from the kiss to look in your eyes and you smiled up at him, the darkness fading from your eyes just a little “I love you Greg” you spoke and his heart flipped “I love you too
You pulled him back down to your lips and he felt your tongue flick across his bottom lip so he happily gave you access and when you rolled your tongue against his, his eyes fluttered shut for a moment as he gave himself over for just a second to the feeling of you kissing him. Your hands moving across his body made him open his eyes as he looked down at you “Sweetheart, we can stop at any time” you nodded “I know” then reached for the hem of your shirt you’d worn to bed, holding his eyes as you pulled it up. He swallowed hard as you pulled it over your head, tossing it off the bed and baring yourself to him.
He went back to your lips, placing a lingering kiss there before moving to kiss across your jaw then down to your neck. When he got to your chest your fingers buried themselves in his hair when he pressed a kiss to the soft flesh of your right breast “Missed you” you moaned and christ, that was the prettiest sound he’d ever heard. 
He hadn’t gone without touching you for lack of desire, hell no he’d want you whenever and wherever you’d have him but you had to heal. Loving you was as natural as his heart beating. That involved so much more than sex but if this was what you needed to feel less broken, if you needed him loving every hurt part to remind you of just how amazing you were he would spend the entire night kissing every inch of your body in hopes that he could return just a portion of that fire he loved so damn much to your eyes.
You gasped under him, hips turning up slightly to meet his and a smile playing on your lips. He smiled and moved to the left breast giving it the same treatment, eyes going to your face to watch the little changes to your expression. Your eyes fluttered shut, lashes kissing your cheeks as your breathing got quicker. He was close enough to your chest he could hear how fast your heart was beating and he’d barely done anything yet. 
He gently rolled one nipple into his mouth and your eyes flew open “Fuck, Greg” and he grinned. There was his girl. You looked down at him, a smile on your face as your fingers buried in his hair “Feels so damn good” you whispered and he winked at you before pulling off that breast with a wet pop. “How you feeling sweetheart? Still want to do more?” you nodded “I’m good. Please don’t stop”
He leaned up to place a kiss to your lips before turning back to kiss down your body. After giving your other breast attention he continued down your body. When he got to the waistband of the shorts you’d worn to bed he looked up at you and you nodded then remembered his rule about always needing to hear your consent “Please” you whispered and he smiled, placing a kiss to your inner thigh before pulling the shorts off of you.
He settled his shoulders between your thighs and looked up at you to realize you were already looking at you “I love you” you told him with a smile and he grinned “God I love you” before he licked into you and your back arched off of the bed. He hooked one arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He needed to make you feel good, make you remember who you were, that you were amazing and perfect and that no one could change that.
You whimpered when he added one finger then another, curling them up to hit that spot that he knew would have you seeing stars. Your breaths were coming in gasps and your legs were starting to shake around his head.When he sucked your clit into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the sensitive bundle of nerves he felt your muscles contract on his fingers before the taste and feel of you finding your release hit his tongue. He held your hips steady as he worked you through it, staying in place until you shoved at his head “Too much Greg”
He leaned back, placing gentle kisses on your inner thighs “Are you ok love?” you nodded, eyes a little glazed over “I’m so much better than I’ve been” he grinned “I’m not a miracle worker baby” you laughed and curled a finger at him so he crawled up your body, kissing every inch of skin he could reach along the way. When he got to your lips,you pulled him down to roll your lips against his, tasting yourself on him.
“Not a miracle worker but you love me at my most broken and remind me I’m not” you whispered and reached between you, pushing his sweatpants down “Make love to me Greg” he swallowed hard then nodded, helping you push the pants off his hips. He lined himself up with your entrance then looked back up to your eyes “Are you sure?” you nodded “Please”
He slid slowly into you, eyes never leaving yours. You whimpered his name as he felt you stretch around him. Your hands went to his shoulders, pulling him closer. As soon as he was fully inside of you he moved to kiss across your neck and chest to give you a few moments to adjust since he knew how long it’d been. 
When you shifted your hips so you could hook a leg around his waist he leaned up to grin at you “Being impatient love?” you nodded “Need you” he smiled “You’ve got me” he gripped one of your legs in his hand before rolling his hips into yours. His lips found yours as a rhythm was met that had both of you gasping before long.
When he was forced to break away from your lips so you could both get some air he pressed his forehead over into the bend of your neck, whispering “Look at my girl, taking me so good. So fucking perfect. You’re so perfect baby. So amazing, so damn strong and beautiful” 
Your eyes rolled back in your head as he pushed you closer and closer to that edge. When he slipped a hand between you to let two fingers slip down to roll across your clit you felt yourself plunge over that edge as your orgasm washed over you. Your legs were shaking around him as you practically chanted his name. You knew he was close because his thrusts were starting to get just a little sharper, a bit deeper. 
Once you came down from your own high a bit you slipped your fingers up into his hair and whispered “Don’t treat me like I’m glass. Let me feel you” he groaned your name before he started to snap his hips into yours. The feeling in turn started to make that same feeling begin to build inside of you again. 
He must have known you were close and must have been close himself because this time he slipped his fingers down to your clit and didn’t slow his hips any. He rolled his hips into you at the same pace his fingers teased your clit and when you came, clenching down hard you drove him over that edge with you. Your entire body shook slightly as you both came.
He let his head fall over onto your chest, both of you working to get your breathing back to normal. After a moment he looked up at you “Are you ok?” you nodded, a smile slipping onto your face “I’m gonna be” he grinned “Good, just know whatever you need and whenever you need it I’m here sweetheart. I am yours, forever” you raised an eyebrow “Forever is pretty long Gerwitz” he nodded “Yeah well, I’m saying forever and a day because it isn’t enough to love you” and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips “I love you more than my own life” you shook your head “I love you too Greg, with everything I have”
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witchygagirlwrites · 15 days ago
Blue Eyed Guy
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Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz x Halstead Sister Reader (Nicknamed Dizzy)
It's your first night home in Chicago and you're a little bummed your brothers can't make your gig but a blue eyed guy turns your night around
Warnings: mentions of cheating, Sexual happenings
“Yo D, where you headed?” you turned around when Jessica came running up to you backstage with a grin on her face. The adrenaline high of playing to a crowded amphitheater still had both of you buzzing pretty high. You nodded towards your shared bus “I’m just grabbing a jacket babe so we can head up to join the crowd and watch the set” she fell in step with you, hooking her arm through yours “In that case let me escort you”
This tour was the biggest break any of you could have even gotten. What Izzy Hale and her brother Arejay was doing in a little bar in Chicago was beyond you but when they heard your band playing they approached you that night with an offer to be their opening act. That was ten months ago. You’d played to thousands since then. “So, this is the last leg of the tour” she started as the two of you got closer to the line of buses that were parked in a group near the back of the lot. You nodded “I know dear” she laughed “Let me finish Halstead! Damn”
You waved a hand “My apologies ma’am” she shook her head “As I was saying. Izzy has offered to keep us in mind for her next tour. We’ve made a lot of contacts as well. Could even think about an album once we get home to Chicago. We made some serious money” you nodded “I don’t know about jumping into another tour right now, at least not one this long but an album would be cool. I miss Jay and Will though. I kind of just want to stick close to home for a while” she nodded “I get that well you know you’re coming to work with me at the studio either way” you shook your head with a laugh “Yeah, I figured”
You and Jessica had been friends since high school. You’d met her just after Jay deployed and you were going through a pretty rough time. She’d been your life line. It was also during that time she’d discovered she had one helluva voice and you discovered your talent with a guitar. Add in Tyler on the drums and Callian who was your bassist and you had your band. 
Jay hadn’t been too thrilled about the tour, worrying about your safety but the amount of security guards posted around every stop was insane. Halestorm took every precaution with safety plus Izzy and her crew were truly just sweethearts. You’d met Leo, your current boyfriend about a month into the tour, he was a roadie for Halestorm and pretty good looking. Five ten, dark hair and green eyes. The current plan was for him to come home with you to Chicago at least for a little while.
When you got to your bus you froze when you realized the door was cracked and cut your eyes at her “We closed that fully before our set” she nodded “Should we get security or at least Callian?” you shook your head and stepped closer to the bus, trying to peek inside without letting whoever was in know that you were aware of their presence. That was when you spotted Leo sitting on the couch with a blonde kneeling between his legs. His hands were buried in her hair as her head bobbed up and down, his head was dropped back on the couch as a moan escaped him.
You stumbled back against her and one look at your face told her something was wrong. “D, Dizzy. What is it?” you nodded towards the crack in the door so she peeked through “That son of a bitch” she started to grab it but you shook your head and grabbed her arm “No, Just let’s go find Ty and Callian” she looked back at you “He not only cheated but used our damn bus” “I know and I’m not letting it go but I’m not ruining my damn night either”
She nodded and the two of you headed back towards the backside of the stage, in an attempt to find your boys.
You were standing just off the stage as Halestorm exited and they all greeted your band with smiles. “Drinks on our bus?” Izzy offered and Jessica threw an arm around your shoulders “That sounds amazing” you fell in step with them, all of you talking about what everyone was planning for when the tour was over.
You were almost to their bus when Leo caught up with your group. “Hey baby” he greeted and reached for you but you stepped back and let Callian put himself bodily between you and him. “What the hell?” Leo questioned and Tyler shook his head “Let it go man” “Like hell you two aren’t letting me get to my girlfriend” “Because we’re through so leave me alone for the next two stops” you told him and he spun around to face you “What, why?”
You cut your eyes around at Izzy, Arejay, Joe then Josh, feeling your face warm before admitting “I saw you with the blonde between your legs” Izzy’s eyes widened “What?” he tried to sputter out some excuse but she shook her head “Like hell we don’t do that around here. You’re fired. Turn in your badge and get the hell away from our tour and our opener” 
The moment Izzy spoke her bodyguards appeared and she nodded at Leo “Get him out of D’s sight” her guards dragged Leo away before Izzy threw her arm over your shoulder “Come on D. I’ll get you a drink” you shot her a grateful smile “You didn’t have to do that” Arejay shook his head “We aren’t putting up with that, besides if he’s cheating the ass wasn’t even doing his job”
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Sorry Dizzy,I can’t make it. See you tomorrow- J
Sorry Dizzy, a surgery came up.I’ll see you tomorrow-W 
You sighed as you looked at the texts and Jessica leaned over your shoulder “What’s wrong gorgeous?” you showed her the texts “Will nor Jay can make it” she shrugged “It’ll still be awesome. We’re home and playing where we started coming off a ten month tour. Basically getting a hero's welcome!” 
You shook your head at her enthusiasm “Chill out a bit babe, save some of that for the stage” she grinned “Well all of us can’t just be the sexy guitarist. Some of us just have a microphone and our voice to amuse people with” and winked at you. “You’re insane” you laughed as she took it upon herself to plop down in your lap “And yet I am your best friend” “Says something about me, doesn’t it?”
Callian walked into the green room and raised an eyebrow “Not gonna ask. Are either of you hungry? Brit made wings” you grinned “Oh, yes” and he laughed “Want a drink too?” “Tea!” you and Jessica called in unison as he left the room to retrieve the food and drinks. You still had some time before the show. 
Mouse walked into the bar and cut his eyes at the stage, supposedly there was a decent band tonight. They were coming off a tour with Halestorm from what he’d heard.
He headed for the bar and ordered a beer as he waited for the show to start. Jay was on a date, so he was on his own tonight. A guy in his meeting at the V.A. had actually recommended this show. Couldn’t hurt to do something besides sit at home on a friday night right?
The moment the band started taking the stage he joined the crowd moving to stand near it and his eyes immediately landed on the guitarist. She was gorgeous, hair down around her shoulder and wearing a shirt that read “Dibs on the guitarist” under a denim jacket. Her eyes met his and a smile slipped onto his face as they started playing. They were fucking amazing, he had to admit. 
She winked at him when they finished their set and he decided then and there he had to try to get her.
You followed Jessica out onto the stage, taking your place to her left as the lights came up and Tyler counted you all off on the drums before you started playing. Your eyes skimmed the crowd before landing on one guy. He was standing near the stage and god he was fucking gorgeous, even this far away and in the low lights of the bar you could see the bright blue of his eyes. He smiled and the dimples made your heart flip.
When you finished the set and everyone started clapping you winked at him and Jessica saw you do it and laughed “Uh oh did Dizzy just spot a target?” and you bumped her shoulder “Oh hush” before all you started off the stage.
You spotted the guy and walked towards him. He smiled at you and held up his own beer “Can I buy you one?” Jessica leaned up over your shoulder “Yes you can. D. go with the man” and shoved you gently. He laughed when you walked towards him and shot a glare back at her “That’s our singer Jessica or Jess”
She waved “This is D” then hurried off. The guy looked back at you and grinned “D?” you shrugged “It’s a long story. It’s short for Dizzy” “Dizzy?” he asked and you grimaced “It’s a nickname my brother gave me that stuck. He nodded “I get that” you offered your hand “And your name?” he seemed to consider it before saying “Greg” you grinned “Greg” and told him your real name too but he shook his head “If you prefer Dizzy or D” you grinned “Either works good looking”
You followed him to the bar and he ordered two beers then turned to face you. “Dibs on the guitarist huh?” you cut your eyes down at your shirt and laughed “It was a gift from Izzy Hale actually” he nodded “So can I get dibs on this guitarist?” your eyes flew up to his and a grin slipped onto your face “Greg, I think you can have whatever you want if you keep looking at me like that”
He grinned and the offered beer was quickly forgotten when he leaned closer, gently pushing your hair out of your face before catching your lips with his. His hand cupped the side of your face as he deepened the kiss, tongue flicking across your bottom lip, asking for access which you gladly gave him.When he rolled his tongue into your mouth against yours a light whimper left you and he pulled away from you with a laugh “Do you want to get out of here Dizzy?” you nodded with a grin “Yeah but um I need to tell Jessica” he nodded “Here, hand me your phone, I’ll share your location with her so she can see where you’re at the entire time you’re at my place”
He hit a few buttons then Jessica popped up over your shoulder with a raised eyebrow “Guess I’m picking you up in the morning?” you cut your eyes at Greg who gave you an almost shy smile despite having his tongue down your throat moments before “Yeah, you are”
You followed Greg into his apartment and the moment the door closed behind the two of you he was pulling you to him. His lips found yours as he pushed you back against the door. “You’re so damn gorgeous” you laughed against his mouth “Have you looked in a mirror?”
He shook his head and pulled you closer “Fuck, come here” and walked backwards towards his bedroom. A trail of clothes marked your path from the front door to his bed. The moment you were to the bed he pushed you back onto it and you grinned up at him “Well Greg, what are you gonna do with me?” and he groaned “Fuck, look at you” and leaned down to catch your lips in a rough kiss, gripping your hips to move you a little further up the bed. You gasped at the sudden movement and he grinned, slipping his tongue past your lips and teasing yours. 
Your fingers found his hair, tugging the short locks and he groaned as he broke from your lips kissing across your jaw then down your neck. When he nipped at the sensitive skin a moan of his name left your lips. He continued down your body, kissing and biting every inch of flesh he could reach, letting the sounds falling from your lips be his guide.
He rolled your nipple into his mouth and you moaned, back arching into him. He used one of his hands to tease the opposite breast, pinching at the sensitive bud. “Fuck Greg” you moaned and he pulled off your breast with a wet pop “Fuck I love the way my name sounds on your lips” 
He continued his way down your body, when he got to your waist your breathing quickened and he cut his eyes up at you “You still with me? You want to stop just say so” you shook your head “No, I want you. So damn bad” he grinned “Ok sweetheart” and pulled your panties off your legs. 
He settled between your knees, using his shoulders to keep them open. Those blue eyes shining up at you as he licked into you made your eyes roll back in your head, fingers tugging at his hair. He kissed you there like he did at your mouth, enthusiastically and deeply. He used his tongue and his lips, sucking at your clit as he plunged his tongue deep inside of you hitting that spongy spot.
He added one finger then a second, curling them into you. Within minutes you found yourself rutting your hips against his face and fingers, that pressure building inside of you. When he grazed his teeth against your clit you felt that pressure burst as you came, soaking his face and the bed underneath you. He kept teasing at you with his fingers and tongue until you shoved at his shoulders “I can’t. Fuck Greg I can’t”
He rocked back on his heels and grinned up at you “You good D?” you nodded breathlessly “Fuck, you’re good at that” he shrugged “I try baby” you curled your finger at him “Want to get those jeans off?” a smile slipped onto his face, those damn dimples shining as he nodded to the side table “Grab a condom?” you nodded and turned to grab a condom out of the drawer as he stood up long enough to shove his jeans off his hips.
You didn’t mean to but a whimper escaped you when his hard cock slipped free of the confines of his jeans. He grinned slightly “What’s wrong darling?” you swallowed hard, eyes taking it his body in all its glory “You’re fucking gorgeous first of all, second of all please try not to hurt me because you’re pretty well blessed there”
He chuckled slightly “Don’t worry baby, I won’t hurt you” and took the offered condom before opening it and rolling it down his hard length. He crawled up your body, kissing and licking every inch of skin he could before getting to your mouth. You felt the head of his cock tease at your entrance and you shifted your hips down to try to meet him and he grinned “Eager Dizzy?” 
He pushed into you and a moan left you both, your head falling back against the pillows as he stretched you around him. He kissed the hollow of your throat, fingers teasing your sides while he gave you time to adjust. When you took a deep breath and lowered your head to meet his eyes he smiled “You ok?” and you nodded “You can move”
He gave a slow roll of his hips and your hands moved to grip his shoulders tightly. “Feel good?” he asked and you nodded “So damn good” he gave another deep roll of his hips and groaned “Fuck you feel amazing D” and you moaned just from the praise. “Fuck me Greg, I won’t break” you gasped and he cut his eyes up at you “Damn honey, you’re wanting me to keep you. Aren’t you”  before he hooked your left leg up around his hip. He gave a hard thrust of his hips, making your breasts bounce with the force, his eyes following them. When your response was to grip him tighter and moan out his name he caught your lips in a searing kiss before setting a pace that had you gasping his name and your nails digging into his flesh.
He slipped a hand between you, long fingers easily finding your clit. “I need to feel you cum around me” your head fell back as your orgasm slammed into you and you came, clenching hard around him. He buried his face in the bend of your neck before snapping his hips into your a few more hard times then buried himself deep into you, “Fuck D” he moaned as he came, fingers digging into your thighs.
He collapsed against you, both of you working to get your breathing back to normal. You laughed lightly when he kissed your neck “Jess isn’t coming until morning, right?” “Right?” he pulled out slowly, apologizing when you flinched. 
He stood up and walked to the bathroom to throw the condom away and came back with a warm rag, gently wiping between your legs then tossed it into the dirty clothes hamper. You watched him with a lazy smile “Damn that’s a good sight” he laughed “Well not every night I have a gorgeous woman in my bed” you scoffed “I doubt that” he shook his head “Doubt all you want, doesn’t make it any less true. Need water or anything?” you shook your head so he climbed into the bed next to you and slipped his arms around your waist.
When he pulled you back against his chest you laughed “Gorgeous, shared my location to my friend without me asking, made me cum multiple times, checked what I needed after sex and cuddling..are you real?” he kissed your bare shoulder as he tucked you against him “I hope I am” you turned to snuggle into his chest “Feel very real to me” he grinned “Get some sleep. Jess knows where you are” you smiled “You’re a real amazing guy Greg” and the smile he gave you made your heart flip “Thank you sweetheart. You’re a real amazing woman”
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Your phone ringing woke you up, Jessica’s ringtone blaring as you stumbled out of Greg’s bed and grabbed your jeans off the floor to scoop your phone out of the hip pocket. “Hello” “Good morning. From the way you sound I am assuming last night went well but if you don’t get picked up soon you’re not gonna have time to shower and get to breakfast with Jay and Will” you cut your eyes at the alarm clock on Greg’s nightstand and groaned, fuck she was right.
“Are you on your way?” she laughed “Be there in five. Kiss lover boy goodbye and be waiting” then hung up. Greg was already sitting up by then and smirked “Jess?” you nodded “I’ve got to meet my brother for breakfast and I’d like to have a chance to shower and grab my car” he nodded “Can I get your number” a grin slipped onto your face “I’d love that” and he held his phone out so you added your contact then called your own phone and let it ring. When you handed him his phone back you pulled him into a kiss “Don’t be a stranger Greg. I plan to stick close to home so I’d like to see you again” he smiled “Yes ma’am. I’d like that too”
Your phone chimed with a text that read Your uber is here sexy. Get a move on!!! You laughed “I gotta go” and pressed another kiss to his lips “Hoping I hear from you soon” then headed for the door.
Mouse watched you leave and a smile slipped onto his face. Damn he was glad he went to that show. He got up to go grab a shower himself.
Just as he was getting out of the shower his phone rang and he saw Jay’s name. He grabbed it to answer “Hey man” “Hey Mouse, wanna grab coffee with the Halsteads?” Mouse raised an eyebrow “Halsteads? Hold on, your sister is finally back home?”
Jay laughed “Yeah, I want you to meet her officially. So come have coffee with me, her and Will” he had always been curious considering all he’d ever seen was high school aged photos of the youngest Halstead and she was only about five or so years younger than him and Jay. “Alright I’ll meet you there”
“Who are we waiting on?” you asked Jay with a laugh. You were hungry and couldn’t exactly admit why you had such an appetite. He shrugged “I want you to meet Mouse” “Mouse?” you asked,scrunching up your nose.
Will laughed “Well Dizzy Diva not everyone can have such dignified nicknames” you grinned “I know, right! Now Mouse as in your best friend Jay? The one who pulled you out of all the crazy shit you got in when you first got home, right?” he nodded and you grinned “Oh, ok cool” you’d wanted to meet the man for a while just to thank him. He’d been there when your brother needed someone and for that you would always be grateful.
You heard your phone go off with a text so you glanced down to see it was one from Greg When can I see you again? You were just about to reply when Jay said “Mouse, over here!” 
You looked up and felt your heart hit your feet. Standing in front of the booth was Greg. Your blue eyed guy was Mouse, Jay’s best friend. 
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