#🍂 : intro.
iridescent-solstice · 3 months
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Guys! . . . Guess what shenanigans i'm up to atm- 🙇🏻‍♀️ What if I . . . Yknow just what if, cause i'm lowkey so tempted rn. Should I? 👀 Someone from the last legacy and touch starved fandom, tell me if it's worth the hype!!
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amarenae · 2 months
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ᅠ ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ˙   ៹    ♡   𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐋𝐘𝐒 𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐀 .
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vinte e sete anos. filha de psiquê. residente do chalé vinte e nove há quinze anos. participa da corrida com obstáculos, do clube de artesanato. portadora de velocidade e vigor sobre humanos. estou em nova roma.
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signo: sagitário apelidos: amara, lys. aniversário: 02 / 12 / 96. sexualidade: homossexual. familiares: samuel garcia, psiquê. local de nascimento: brasil, minas gerais. estudos: grau superior completo, formação em enfermagem.
ama: amendoim, corridas matinais, rosas, café, mp3. odeia: injustiças, sereias, clima muito frio, suco verde. modo de agir: costuma estalar os dedos quando pensativa e agitada. se mantém geralmente numa postura relaxada e de pouco alarde. fala em tom moderado e geralmente fica mais fria e rígida se incomodada. curiosidades: exala um perfume floral e fresco que natural de si. é um desastre na cozinha quando se trata de sabores salgados, mas realmente sabe fazer doces. coleciona chaveiros. adora doce de leite com côco. ama cocada molinha. personalidade: amara é um espírito livre. aventureira e de sorriso fácil, aparenta ser um livro aberto, mas não se abre com facilidade. é muito cabeça dura e um tanto sem tato, portanto, não sabe exatamente como se desculpar quando comete erros. mantém-se sempre exigente consigo mesma e isso geralmente a leva a auto negligência. é tímida quando se trata de assuntos românticos.
˙   ៹    𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐀 .
Utiliza Gardênia, que é uma arma formada por duas adagas médias, idênticas. Possuem cabos envoltos por couro firme, são curvas e feitas de ouro imperial. Possuem adornos de pequenas gardênias vermelhas e alguns pequenos anéis dourados que costumam balançar com o movimento. Ficam no disfarce de uma pulseira fina.
˙   ៹    𝐏𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒 .
Flor Encantada : lírios dourados podem ser semeados a partir de algumas das lágrimas de Amara. As raízes, ramos e pétalas das flores em infusão podem curar imediatamente feridas externas de média extensão, mas ocasionam em sonolência. Adendos : Poucas lágrimas geram as flores. Suas lágrimas podem curar a si, mas o efeito em outros é prejudicial. Estes lírios não podem ser arrancados por mãos que não as suas. Cada flor tem um ciclo de florescimento acelerado desde que sejam regadas com lágrimas. As pétalas podem ser dissecadas e, se isso for feito de maneira correta, curam em pequena escala.
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˙   ៹    𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 .
Amarilys veio da união de Psiquê e de Samuel Garcia. O homem a conheceu enquanto procurava uma flor para levar a lápide de sua querida mãe e, do encontro sublime, surgiu uma relação suave. Samuel cuidou da filha desde o momento em que a recebeu nos braços, já ciente da parcela divina que corria em suas veias.
Ainda pequena, Amara ouviu sobre a sua ascendência. As histórias que o pai contava a encantaram e ela esperou pela mãe durante toda a infância. Apesar de seus desejos, a voz de Psiquê nunca veio e ela aos poucos foi soterrando o anseio de conhecê-la, focada em superar a dislexia e as situações mundanas que a cercavam.
Foi na época de mocidade, durante uma viagem de verão com o pai, que seus olhos tiveram que se voltar para a realidade de uma semideusa. Em meio aos passeio de barco, acabaram encurralados por duas sereias e o pai acabou por se ferir. Graças às habilidades naturais, foi capaz de fugir, levando o pai ferido consigo. Ao encontrar refúgio, deu ao pai de beber de suas lágrimas, pois já sabia que estas eram capazes de lhe curar. Ao amanhecer, retornaram para o hotel as pressas.
Amara decidiu ali mesmo então que não estavam mais em segurança e optou pela ida ao acampamento; precisava aprender a se proteger e não poderia postergar isso agora que monstros estavam surgindo. Ao voltar para casa, se preparou para morar no Acampamento.
Acabou por se encaixar com certa naturalidade no lugar e em pouco tempo estava habituada. Pouco depois da chegada, foi de encontro a uma notícia que abalou o seu mundo. O pai estava sofrendo efeitos colaterais das lágrimas que havia bebido, mostrando-se em estado catatônico de abstinência.Enquanto chorava em desespero, Amara suplicou pela ajuda da mãe. De repente, das lágrimas que caiam no chão onde se ajoelhara começaram a brotar lírios dourados. A voz de Psiquê ressoou como uma bruma acolhedora e ela entendeu ali tudo que precisava fazer para salvar o pai.A partir disso, foi reclamada e a conexão com Psiquê se formou com solidez. Ajudou o pai e retornou ao acampamento após vê-lo bem. Viveu lá até a ida a Nova Roma, onde se formou.
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nelselfships · 1 year
﹒✦ Little About My Blog Page →
old intro
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my f/o list
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pilgrimtravels · 5 months
OOC Intro:
Haha yes it is I, @stace-piiilgrim, back again with another RP blog!
I’ve wanted to make a silly blog for Scott’s parents for a little while now, so I did!
I have completed the Pilgrim family and safe to say, I can make chaos in the family now! (Mostly to Stacey and Lawrence cause I am them both and not Scott and I don’t wanna be a bother)
I wanna have fun here ok? I don’t want any asks about their opinions on Scott’s behaviour cause I got enough of them on Stacey’s. I may not mind them, but they are very repetitive tbh and so here’s what I think:
They aren’t happy with Scott for doing the bad things he’s done, but he’s still their son and they love him no matter what. They aren’t perfect parents, but they aren’t by any means bad parents as I think they do care about their kids a lot and want them to be happy
Expect Scott’s dad to randomly slide into askbox’s telling silly jokes and asking questions. Idk about his mom but I’ll change the pfp to either one of them depending on who I want to technically run the blog for the day
The function of this blog for them is like a travel blog (hence the name). Don’t expect me to actually post anything about them travelling cause as I said, I’d like to be silly here
If anyone wants to make the other parents/older adults (i.e Knives parents and aunt, kims parents, etc.) go on ahead! let’s add more chaos to the Scott Pilgrim RP ask blog community!
As a reminder, all guidelines on @/stace-piiilgrim apply here too. I will not condone any bigotry here and I don’t feel comfortable with NSFW or flirty asks
On another note, since Scott’s parents don’t have canon names, I’ll be using the names from Monica Beetle for them. It’s not confirmed if Vincent and Monica are actually Mr. and Mrs. Pilgrim, but it also hasn’t been denied by Bryan. He did say that Vincent could be Scott’s dad, and that the latter did get into shenanigans in the 70s, so I’m just gonna assume it is him for the sake of simplicity and cause I’m bad with coming up with names
So TL;DR for that last bit: Mr. Pilgrim’s name will be Vincent and Mrs. Pilgrim’s name will be Monica after the Monica Beetle protagonists based on certain things Bryan Lee O’Malley has said and cause I don’t know what else to call them
Once again, taken emoji anon sign offs will be at the bottom. It will be updated whenever a new emoji is taken
Ok bye! Have fun sending asks to these 20+ years married parents! Sorry this post got long but I had some important explanations to do :]
Taken Emojis:
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andstillwesqueak · 13 days
hello ! might as well make an intro now…
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☆ i am willem^^ i use he/pup pronouns and this is my pet/agereg sideblog :p my main is kept secret for multiple reasons (the flag in my current pfp flag is by @/beachreg !!)
★ though this blog acts more as a diary, i like to make moodboards and write hcs, so i am always open to reqs
☆ i can regress down to as far as 4 & all the way up to 10, and i petreg to a puppy :]
★ i am a minor mind you! so this blog (and any other regression blogs at that..) should and would never have any NSFW intent or allow such content to be present; ageplay is pedophilia — this also goes to say i don't want to have to see any of my posts on kink blogs or those alike
☆ my biggest interest is dead poets society so i may post mostly stuff related to that…but i enjoy a multitude of media like house md, the newsies, 80's cinema, and some that i can't exactly think of at the moment
ummm....i guess thats it! happy regressing :3
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moonlight-melts · 1 year
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Welcome !!
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My name is Blueberry (most people just call me Berry though), my pronouns are it/they and I'm 18.
This is a ramble blog, where I just post random thoughts or song lyrics or quotes.
That being said, I am pro-ship and I do talk about it a lot! I can't help it, I looove expressing my opinions all the time.
While we're talking about discourse, please stay FAAAAAAR away from me if you're anti-endogenic systems. I am part of an endo system and I'd like to avoid people invalidating our existence as people.
If you wanna know my stance on anything that's not mentioned here you're totally free to send an ask or DM, but I'm generally very laid-back: I believe that as long as you don't harm anyone IRL in any way, it's chill.
My sideblogs are: @blueberrysblues (selfship), @sw4p-0ut (fandom stuff) and @dinoartistry (studyblr), @symb0lic (shiftblr).
I'll update my tag system as time passes if needed, but what I currently use is below the cut.
-Song lyrics are tagged «lyrics 🎧»
-Quotes are tagged «quotes 🍂». Quotes are by me or from my works, unless stated otherwise.
-Kin stuff is tagged «angel 🪽», «mafuyu ❄️», «ai 🌟», «scout 📺» and «waylon 🐺». Iffy with "doubles" of fict kintypes. You can interact, but please don't take it personally if I sb/hb you over this, I just have issues.
-Proship talk and general discourse is tagged «shipping disc horse 🐎»
-Any syscourse will be tagged «system disc horse 🐎»
-Wellness/affirmations stuff is tagged «better 🪷»
-I play video games, and if I'm ever to share screenshots of them, they'll be tagged «berry plays 🎮»
-My queue tag is «one two queue 🐌»
Thank you for reading! :)
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Userboxes by @/sweetpeauserboxes. ID in alt text.
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companionplanting · 2 years
Alter Intro: Snails 🍂
Hey there! I'm Snails, one of the co-hosts of Companion Planting. Thought I could give people a little bit of info about me.
Pronouns:It/Its | They/Them | 🍂/🍂s | Pump/Pumpkins
Age: Body's Age
Race: Human
Role(s): Co-Host | Symptom Holder
Sign Off: 🍂
I tend to get very passionate about, well, a lot of stuff. I'm pretty opinionated but I'm not the best people person. Others have said I'm pretty shy and timid.
I love to write and learn a lot about history. I'm also a huge TV and movie media consumer. Sometimes I may talk out of my ass, don't be afraid to correct me.
I hope to make some friends maybe along the way with this blog.!
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Blog intro I guess
so turns out i still don't know how to make introduction posts but fuck it I'll try my best
also idk what image to put here other than this art i made today so that's something i guess
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anyways, hello! my name's sasha (you can also call me larry, i don't mind which name you use). i go by he/him pronouns and i'm a minor (i'm fine with 18+ people following please just don't be weird lol).
this is gonna be my selfshipping sideblog where i just post self-indulgent stuff (mainly art) about my current main f/o, travis phelps.
my main interests are sally face, the owl house, rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles, moral orel, bendy and the dark revival, and bugsnax (and that's all i post about lmao).
my main blog is @larrycommitsarson (it's where I'll mainly be posting and interacting with stuff other than self ship stuff) so if you want to see the stupid bullshit i do over there then be my guest.
also here's a list of the f/os i'll post about here i guess:
-Travis Phelps (Sally Face, main romantic f/o)
-Ash Campbell (Sally Face, romantic f/o)
-Gramble Gigglefunny (Bugsnax, romantic f/o)
Sal Fisher (Sally Face, familial/older brother f/o)
Larry Johnson (Sally Face, familial/older brother f/o)
Lisa Johnson (Sally Face, familial/mother f/o)
Donnie (Rottmnt, familial/sibling f/o)
Mikey (Rottmnt, familial/younger brother f/o)
Bendy (BatDR, familial/younger brother f/o)
Vee Noceda (ToH, familial/younger sister f/o)
Luz Noceda (ToH, familial/younger sister f/o)
King Clawthorne (ToH, familial/younger brother f/o)
I'm fine with sharing any of my romantic f/os (as far as i can tell)
my main things for my dni are proshippers, bigots (homphobes, terfs, racists, all that jazz), and nsfw blogs (because, y'know, i'm a minor)
idk what else to add but the tags for all of the stuff i'll be posting will be around in posts eventually, so apologizes if i'm doing this wrong
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totheidiot · 23 days
HEY. why did they change the opening, the other one was SOOOOO much better like what the helll
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hey. you can call me jackie
im just here cause i need somewhere to get all my yearny shit off of my chest
im polyam so. theres gonna be different stuff
im also gay. but also maybe not totally gay. idk
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oasis-based-oddities · 9 months
I totally forgot to queue things here. I'll be fixing that soon 👍
It'll just be two posts every hour, starting with my Halloween post and ending with my New Years post.
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starzymp3 · 11 months
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𓂃 📌 hello! My names tatum / star(zy), or quinn ! Welcome to my apple orchard! im a twee, vintage and apple loving puppymutt skunk critter who posts all kinda stuff like art, f2us, and just random shit i like !! 🍎🍏
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🩸⚠️HEADS UP/CW!!:⚠️🩸
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🩸🩸 DNI ::
💢 basic dni criteria (homophobic, transphobic, racist, xenophobic, etc..)
💢 proshitters
💢 NSFW in general but ESPECIALLY nsfw agere/petre ..
💢 bigots
💢 terfs/radfems
💢 maps/pedos
💢 pro sh or ed
💢 zoos
💢 zionists
💢 just an anti/hater for no reason in general 💀
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♡⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
ᛝ◞   :   tags ;;  ׄ
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♬⠀, tatumtalks🍎🪽 -- text post
♬⠀, redvelvetreblogging🩸💢 -- reblogs
♬⠀, applefritter🍏🥧 -- partner post
♬⠀, appleaesthetics🍂🧵 -- aesthetic post
♬⠀, starzymp3 -- art tag
♬⠀, eviesedits🍁🐾 -- edit tag
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♡⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
ᛝ◞   :   media and stuff i enjoy ;;  ׄ
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𓆣 animals (my spin) ((esp skunks, wolverines, badgers, dogs/wild dogs/wolves, felines, foxes, owls, hyenas, bats, otters..))
𓆣 music!! (london after midnight, smashing pumpkins, deaftones, adrianne lenker, alex g, faye webster, flower face, kate bush, machine girl, metric, mazzy star, the cranberries, the moldy peaches, the sundays, tv girl, vashti bunyan, fiona apple, the beatles..)
𓆣 murder drones
𓆣 chillas art games + puppet combo
𓆣 porcelain figurines, cherished memories figures + plushies, charlie bears, rubber face dolls
𓆣 baking and sweets!
𓆣 the peanuts (SNOOPY!!)
𓆣 nintendogs
𓆣 beatrix potter
𓆣 rain, snow, autumn, winter, christmas, halloween, sometimes thunder, allat random shit
𓆣 mystreet
𓆣 any old disney movie (esp lady and the tramp)
𓆣 care bears
𓆣 fatal frame
𓆣 okko lets be heros
𓆣 the amazing digital circus
𓆣 madoka magica
𓆣 serial experiment lain
𓆣 old fucked up movies (felidae, the plague dogs, ringing bell, etc)
𓆣 kemonomimi
𓆣 indie games (little misfortune, night in the woods, fnaf, etc)
𓆣 class of 09
𓆣 pinky and pepper
𓆣 920 london
𓆣 bluey
𓆣 sweet tooth
𓆣 geronimo stilton
𓆣 amphibia
𓆣 the owl house
𓆣 mlp (g1-g4) + eqg
𓆣 splatoon
𓆣 all dogs go to heaven
𓆣 k-on
𓆣 minecraft
𓆣 studio ghibli movies
𓆣 angel beats
𓆣 warrior cats
𓆣 beastars
𓆣 hello kitty (esp the movies)
𓆣 animal crossing
𓆣 animaniacs
𓆣 lps
𓆣 aggretsuko
𓆣 pokemon
𓆣 evangelion (ALSO HAVENT FINISHED..)
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♡⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
ᛝ◞   :   abt me ;;  ׄ
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𓆣 im omni + girlflux !
𓆣 i have audhd , bpd, dyslexic, hypersexual
𓆣 im 16 yrz
𓆣 i use she / it / thxy / k9 / neos [prns.cc] prns
𓆣 im a therian , pokekin , otherkin (questioning)
𓆣 a fictkin / synpath / copinglink of many !
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♡⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
ᛝ◞   :   art stats ;;  ׄ  
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𓆣 art trades ; temporarily closed</3
𓆣 art collabs ; noo
𓆣 commissions ; not yet but maybe soon !
𓆣 requests? ; yeah!^^ just be patient! (fyi: ill do any requests from emotes/emojis to doodles, nothing more!)
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♡⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
ᛝ◞   :   linktree ;;  ׄ
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ofsvnlightt · 1 year
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Was that [SARAH DREW]? Oh no no, that was just [KEYLETH], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [CRITICAL ROLE]. They are [54 / LOOKS 26] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
spoilers for campaign 1 below
this is going to be a looong one (like my other cr intros....possibly longer i think?) (sorry) so if you’re just looking for the washington stuff, it’s at the bottom
keyleth is a character from critical role’s first campaign
she’s played by the lovely marisha ray!
she is a half-elf, and does have slightly pointed ears despite whatever magic brought her here --
 she is a little socially awkward, and often rambles. do not underestimate her though. while she was that much more so before and even during her time with vox machina, she is much more mature now. aside from being a powerful druid, she is the leader of her people, the air ashari, one of four tribes that looks over the veils of their corresponding elemental planes. there’s the air, earth, fire, and water ashari, scattered across exandria. 
her home, zephrah, and terrah (earth ashari) are located on tal’dorei; pyrah, where the fire ashari are located is on issylra; and vesrah, the water ashari, are near the Hespet Archipelago in the ozmit sea, near marquet. 
each of the tribes are sequestered away from civilization, so keyleth had a pretty sheltered upbringing. she was raised with a deep love of nature and the elemental magics. as a young girl, she had a knack for air manipulation and beast shaping abilities. the headmaster at the time, her father, noticed this, and her childhood was quickly stripped away and replaced with spell memorization and other teachings. as she got older, the next step on this path is to embark on and complete her aramente - visiting the other tribes and completing a trial at each one, gaining the respect of the other headmasters, and returning home to become the leader of her own tribe. she is on this journey because years ago, her mother not only didn’t complete it, but never returned, presumed dead.
as keyleth went off, on her own for the first time, she arrives in stilben, meditating on what the aramente means: proving yourself a strong warrior, a valiant protector, and a wise and compassionate leader. she wonders if she can even do this or if she’s worthy of such labels, or eventually the title of voice of the tempest
here, in stillben, keyleth meets a set of twins, and later begins travelling around and taking jobs with a few other strangers. 
this will later become the group known as the shits vox machina
this group consists of 7 members: her, a druid vax’ildan, a half elven rogue vex’ahlia, a half-elven ranger percy, a human gunslinger scanlan, a gnome bard pike, a gnome cleric and grog, a goliath barbarian
SPOILERS START HERE. c1 went from 2015-17, so it’s been over 7 years since it ended, but you know, just in case ;))
events from the campaign will go here
hidden washington info!
How long has your character been in washington: newly arrived Job: unemployed/hero?  Where has your character been pulled from in their fandom: episode 51 of campaign 3 Has magic affected your character: nope! she still has all her memories and druid abilities. also as stated at the beginning of this long post, she does still have her half elven ears. she was not turned human but the magic of dc.  Anything else? keyleth is from campaign 1, but cameos (a few times actually) in campaign 3. that's where i'm taking her from. (< link to the exact moment!)
vox machina has split up and been retired for a while now, everyone going their separate ways. out of all of them, keyleth probably with the most responsibility. being the leader of her people, the air ashari, she in concerned as to why and how she got here. especially considering how she left things during the solstice.
to explain her age: because she’s a level 20 druid, she has timeless body (which she got at level 18) which causes her to age 1 year for every 10. so while campaign three takes place about 30ish years after c1 - making keyleth 54 - she looks only 26.
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autumnalrefrain · 2 years
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Blearily, the teenager rubbed his eyes from the persisting dregs of sleep to the bright, blinding light of day. What was comparably soft forest floor beneath him when he had fallen asleep was unusually hard. He felt around - brick? As he looked around himself, the trees and leafy pathways were replaced with roads and building soaring high into the sky. The quiet sounds of nature he had grown accustomed to were drowned by the noises of a city. A... city?
"Watch it!"
Barely avoiding being trampled, Wirt jumped to his feet, trying to gain his bearings. He was in the midst of a busy crowd with no recollection of getting there.
It was the gaping maw of the abyss that struck him the most, the endless pit within the center of the city, evoking an unsettling feeling deep within his very existence. No metaphors about unending darkness have ever come close to actually experiencing such a terrifying phenomenon. It drew his breath, made him weak in the knees.
"Greg? Greg!" Wirt whirled around as panic rose in his chest, looking for the sight of anything familiar. "Greg? Beatrice?"
Neither were anywhere to be found. He hardly registered being ushered into a vehicle, nor the pamphlets dropped onto his lap. Listlessly, he brushed a rust-colored leaf off of his sleeve. He was lost once more, not knowing if it was any better than the Unknown.
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discoveredreality · 4 months
200 follower event thingy under the cut :D
for ppl new to my blog, intro post is here <3
lol click this: 🌿🌺🍂🌼
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tysm to everyone who has followed me :D
please only send one request at a time
but feel free to drop literally as many asks in my inbox as u want <333
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for mutuals/followers <3
✨ — i make u a moodboard. please lmk if u want something specific or i'll do it based on your blog (i honestly love doing moodboards so if u want this i am encouraging u to ask lol)
❓ — i'll give you a random fun fact about literally anything. could be about a book character or sea creature or anything in between.
🎵 — send me a any song. i'll listen to it and give u my honest opinion on it
❔ — ask me any literally question about myself. i will try to answer as honestly as i can. unless it's something i'm not comfortable with
🥀 — if u ever need to be cheered up, send an ask and i'll tell u why you're an amazing person and i'm so glad you're here <3
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for moots/ppl who i'm close with only
🌷 — i'll make u a handwritten letter and tell u why i'm literally so grateful for u <3
🎶— lmk what your music taste is like. what artists or what genre or whatever. and i'll make u a really short playlist :D
🌱— honestly i'm running out of ideas here but i don't want there to be only two things in this section cause that's not aesthetic lol. so if there's anything else that i haven't included feel free to send an ask and i'll probably do it unless i dont want to lol
ok that's all <3
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this is will end when i unpin this lol
all the above photos are not mine, i got them off of pintrest.
the beautiful dividers are linked here. these are by @saradika-graphics she is a literal star these dividers are so good
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dudeswings · 9 months
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Tags: @xenogendersgalore
Ok this isn't what u wanted but I hope it's okay :-( I kinda just went all over
Collective emojis you can use: 🤍🦴🧠🍂🕸️🏚️🎞️🩹⚰️
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╭・ ︶︶⟡ ・
﹕Sys name﹕ `[e]`
﹒♡ ° gender﹕
﹕Collective pronouns﹕
﹕age﹕##Y/O ° `[e]`
﹒♡ ° Typing quirks﹕
╰・ ︶︶⟡ ・
╭・ ︶︶⟡ ・
﹕PDA﹕ ° `[e]`
﹒♡ ° : Doubles﹕
﹕Type﹕ ° `[e]`
﹕Sys of﹕
﹒♡ ° ﹕Collective subsystems﹕
╰・ ︶︶⟡ ・
⟨ *Lyrics/quote+* . .⟩
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