#☆ ◦ — . systerm terms . ◦ ☆
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sinzys · 4 months ago
Romantic Trauma Holder / Experiencer
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A role for headmates who deal with romantic trauma , they may deal with it in a way that helps the system / collective heal , but that's not required.
Also , this isn't exclusive to people with 'real' trauma , just don't use it in bad faith and we're chill. So like radqueers that are like transharmed or whatever shouldn't use this but ppl who feel like their past relationship(s) hurt them in some way are fine to use this.
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butterednuttered · 1 year ago
A beloved alter is an alter that often gives affection, joy and positive vibes to people within or outside of the system. This can be platonic, romantic, etc. A beloved alter often gives compliments and can be clingy, excitable, and optimistic.
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ix-c-999 · 1 month ago
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relationship manager
A relationship manager is a headmate who maintains relationships for the system, either by participating in them directly and/or by handling aspects of them for the headmates participating in them. This is mostly coined to refer to romantic and queerplatonic relationships, but can also be used for "regular" platonic and familial ones as well. Additionally, this can include in-system relationships as well as external relationships. This can include the following: -participating in relationships personally -engaging with aspects of a relationship that not all headmates engage with -communicating needs in relationships on headmates' behalf -planning dates (without necessarily being the headmate going on the date) -helping headmates decide who they should date -helping headmates manage emotions or symptoms that make relationships difficult This can overlap with and be considered a subset of other roles depending on how the system uses them (e.g. manager or protector), but it can also exist as a role unrelated to other roles. This is separate from the similarly-named role "love manager". A love manager splits having a partner and a high level of knowledge of relationships, but neither of these things are inherent to the role of a relationship manager.
Simplified flag:
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[No DNI, just be civil.]
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collective--1102 · 1 year ago
Introject4Introject & Sourcemate4Sourcemate
Introject4Introject (int4int) — an introjected member of a system who prefers to date other introjects, whether that be from their own system or another.
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Sourcemate4Sourcemate (scm4scm) — an introjected member of a system who prefers to date other introjects from their source(s), whether that be from their own system or another.
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ace-paradox · 11 months ago
Coining a -tive term I've been using.
Could not find a term that even remotely fit my experience, therfore I made a new one:
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A Faketive is a headmate who was pretended to be real before they became an actual member of the system.
This may include, but isn't limited to:
- Headmates initially pretended by a system who went on to become an acctual member of the system.
- Pretended headmates by singlets due to misunderstanding, curiosity, or external pressures to be a system.
- Headmates of Pseudogenic or Fakergenic systems
- Any Headmates with a source rooted in faking or lying about plurality.
- All headmates who feel they were once pretended by their headmate(s)
Faketives, recognizing their growth from a made-up identity to an acknowledged part of the system.
Related Terms:
Faketives may share characteristics with autojects, OCtives, or Mostives, especially when the fabricated identity originates within the system itself.
They may be related to roleplaytives or dramatitives if they were initially used to simulate scenarios or perform roles.
If stemming from an identity created under false pretenses (e.g., the system pretending to be someone else), they may align with Mendaxgenic origins.
Coined by me
requested by me
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suisamu · 2 months ago
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[PT: Mongoosekid. END PT]
A mongoosekid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to incest. This can include all kinds of incest, but mainly is focused on sister-brother.
Note: Mongooses are one of the most incestuous species. That's why it's part of this flag.
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polterfag · 14 days ago
Cannibal System
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A term for systems where most/all of the alters are cannibals, cannibalism is a part of how the system functions, or systems who crave human flesh!
Tag me if you make a new flag because I was struggling hard with this one
Systems Only. (Pro)Endos IWC and Do Not Use
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Slightly edited (just the colors) flags under the cut! PT also under the cut!
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[PT/ Tag me if you make a new flag because I was struggling hard with this one /end PT]
[PT/ Systems Only. (Pro)Endos IWC and Do Not Use /end PT]
I've never done plaintext before so let me know if I'm doing it wrong
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sinzys · 3 months ago
Grooming trauma holder
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A role for headmates who hold trauma related to grooming. This could also apply if you were traumatized by someone else getting groomed (like seeing the grooming happen but not being able to help type of situation) but that's up to the user.
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butterednuttered · 1 year ago
A root alter is an alter who has connection/communication with most, if not, all of the system.
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ix-c-999 · 3 months ago
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A term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the 1980s. This could involve: -being an introject whose source is from the 1980s -having lived during the 1980s in their timeline -presenting with a 1980s aesthetic -having front triggers associated with 1980s aesthetics/media/themes/etc. -having formed during the 1980s (if the system is old enough) However, it can include anything.
[No DNI, just be civil.]
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anon-systerms · 2 years ago
Objectumgenic describes a system/sub-system/side-system/etc or an alter/headmate/etc who exists due to objectumness/being objectum.
Objectumate is an alter/headmate/etc who exists due to objectumness/being objectum.
Objectumtive is an introject/introtive/sourced alter/headmate/etc who's source is related to objectum, be it an introject of the label/experience/concept itself, the flag, a character or a person who is objectum, or is an objectum related introject in some other way not mentioned.
Syscourse will be deleted.
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collective--1102 · 1 year ago
<PT: reveressence /end PT>
reveressence — a xenorole for a member of a system that was formed for the purpose of another member or multiple other members worshiping or otherwise being devoted to them in some capacity.
This term can be considered a standalone role, an internal relationship descriptor, or both.
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 rever — from the word "reverence"; meaning "to show deep respect for someone or something."
essence — the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character.
(Anyone can use this term, but we'd prefer not to be interacted with by those who exclude endogenic systems, thank you for respecting our boundaries).
<PT: (Anyone can use this term, but we'd prefer not to be interacted with by those who exclude endogenic systems, thank you for respecting our boundaries). /end PT>
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multiplicity-positivity · 10 months ago
I’m trying to learn more about systems because I find it interesting, but there’s a lot of terms I don’t know/recognize. Is there a list somewhere I can use as reference?
hey, we don’t know of one post that has a list of all plural terms.
we recommend having a little romp through pluralpedia - a community-driven wiki that focuses on plural terminology, created by systems for systems.
if you have any questions about some specific terms, or if there’s any word or label you’d like to hear our personal definition for, feel free to let us know and we can provide our own thoughts. but as things stand, there’s just way too many system terms for us to list and define them all.
good luck, and happy searching :)
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suisamu · 28 days ago
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[PT: Spiderkid. END PT]
A spiderkid is a syskid/system little that holds trauma related to online human or sex trafficking and/or cults. Made specifically for online cults and trafficking rings. Whether it be being inside one yourself or being contacted by them and trying to coerce you to join.
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theh0ard · 1 year ago
system hoard for @thew1tness / @the-witness-sys ! we reblog xenogenders and npts :D * may also reblog system terms which may contain triggering content - they will have their own tag for filtering purposes
☆ ◦ — . talking . ◦ ☆ ☆ ◦ — . npts . ◦ ☆ ☆ ◦ — . genders . ◦ ☆ ☆ ◦ — . systerm terms . ◦ ☆
alter tags:
✧ . ◦ * — unspecified * ◦ . ✧ ✧ . ◦ * — alter name * ◦ . ✧
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sinzys · 2 months ago
Service animal role
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A role for alters / headmates who act like a service animal. This could mean supporting any disabled alters / headmates , fronting through pain , trying to help the mental health of either the collective or a single alter / headmate , ect.
This is not exclusive to any one group but I'd prefer you're collective is disabled in some way , whether that be mentally or physically.
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