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ace-paradox · 11 months ago
Coining a -tive term I've been using.
Could not find a term that even remotely fit my experience, therfore I made a new one:
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A Faketive is a headmate who was pretended to be real before they became an actual member of the system.
This may include, but isn't limited to:
- Headmates initially pretended by a system who went on to become an acctual member of the system.
- Pretended headmates by singlets due to misunderstanding, curiosity, or external pressures to be a system.
- Headmates of Pseudogenic or Fakergenic systems
- Any Headmates with a source rooted in faking or lying about plurality.
- All headmates who feel they were once pretended by their headmate(s)
Faketives, recognizing their growth from a made-up identity to an acknowledged part of the system.
Related Terms:
Faketives may share characteristics with autojects, OCtives, or Mostives, especially when the fabricated identity originates within the system itself.
They may be related to roleplaytives or dramatitives if they were initially used to simulate scenarios or perform roles.
If stemming from an identity created under false pretenses (e.g., the system pretending to be someone else), they may align with Mendaxgenic origins.
Coined by me
requested by me
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rammgender · 7 days ago
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[ID: Two flags with five equal horizontal stripes, which are blue, pale yellow, golden yellow, orange, and red orange. The first has a row of six white circles with black circles in their centers. /End ID.]
we upscaled and evened these out since we liked the term :]
Colors picked from r/SystemsCringe and r/FakeDisordersCringe's banners
Let's just say that the imperfections are on purpose (they aren't lol)
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A reclaimed** origin label related to either
1) a headmate or sub/sidesystem formed by a system being fakeclaimed
2) a system/headmate/sub/sidesystem/etc that's origin is often seen as "fake" by others, it could be used on its own, or it could also be used alongside other origin labels (ie: fakergenic stressgenic, fakergenic endogenic, fakergenic multi origin, etc)
3) another term for pseudogenic (a system that formed after faking being a system)
4) a label used just to piss people who fakeclaim off (also like pseudogenic)
**reclaimed as in I saw a random comment on r/SystemsCringe that said it, that probably isn't the right word for what I'm trying to say, but hopefully this clears things up
Anyone can use our terms, because we (or atleast I) absolutely hate when people gatekeep theirs, but please don't interact outside of this post if you are anti endo!!!
Feel free to put this term on pluralpedia! /gen
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marquessofendos · 3 months ago
From the Gate, comes Gallade.
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Hello there. This blog's ran by Our World's End Gate, a paligenic praesigenic fakergenic system. We are choosing to represent ourselves as a humanized Gallade. We are bodily adult. We don't really have a system specific blog, and we love this little 'court' idea, so here we are. Our soulmate is @darklordofendos over there, be niceys it! <3
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art in icon not by us, credits here. carrd/dni/byi (please read before interacting) pronouns.page linktree (contains our cashapp link if you want to send us 200$ to learn our real system origins) We interact from @experimentinblasphemy guide to internet safety by us Tags: quick tips - aggressive positivity sysmed encounters - our encounters with sysmeds. feel free to block the tag if you want
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Notes: - We can be rather aggressive/come off as aggressive (due to our disorders) - This blog will likely focus on said aggression as positivity/also exist as a place to bitch about sysmeds we encounter - We do not use tone tags but you may ask us to clarify our tone with them - We are a director of Plural Hub, the largest gateway to the inclusive plurality community on Discord. You've probably heard crazy shit about us from the jackasses we've banned over the years. Userboxes from our hoard below
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members of the court
related blogs:
@astro-is-a-bigot (archiving astro’s idiocy, tw plenty of bigotry)
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paranormalbadges · 6 months ago
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Badges in Order: Therapigenic, Planoject, Sysmedgenic, ADHDgenic, BPDgenic, BPD System, Quoigenic, Cryptogenic, Fakergenic
All of these are F2U (free to use) with or without credit! Made with SimplyPlural in mind, but can be used for anything the user sees fit.
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internetganglol · 2 years ago
Heya intro post I guess. We're the internet gang because most of us have some ties to the internet. We are nonhuman heavy and introject heavy. Also a good portion of our members are humanoid versions of websites and apps so that deepens our ties to internet and computers. We're anti ageplay, anti petplay, anti cringe culture, anti fake claiming, anti transid and anti ship! As for origin we've got quite a few, homogenic homophogenic polyamgenic stressgenic cringegenic apagenic familygenic mentagenic toxiheureuxgenic sxuagenic addgenic fakergenic. We're happy as a system and do not wish to integr@te and the term integr@te can be triggering to some of our members. We do wish to become friends with more systems!!! Oh and bodily were 17 AFAB if that matters!
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debunkingsystemscringe · 3 years ago
Hah! So guess what, a coining post from our system blog got posted to r/SystemsCringe
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Idk what else to say but yeah, I just found it funny, thinking about coining another term though (like not just a "lol fakergenic exists now" term)
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Here's a preview of the flag if we ever make a post for it
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waltzuponcloth · 5 years ago
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Hello there. This blog's ran by Our World's End Gate, a paligenic praesigenic fakergenic system. Call us Il Dottore collectively. We are 26 years old. This blog is not necessarily safe for minors; while we do not reblog explicit NSFW, we do reblog NSFW shitposts a lot.
carrd/dni/byi (please read before interacting)
linktree (contains our cashapp link if you want to send us 200$ to learn our real system origins) please do not inbox me asking for donations, i can barely afford to eat most months as is icon // header
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krsrk · 8 years ago
Creación de una web app con Laravel 5.3 [Base de Datos: Factories y Seeds] (5)
Creación de Factories
Factories es un componente de Laravel el cual su función es popular la base de datos con información, obviamente esta información es de prueba o no verídica; se usa principalmente para pruebas o para iniciar una base de datos con datos.
Para empezar a codificar un factory debemos ir al directorio  “database/factories”, una vez en ese directorio abriremos  el archivo “ ModelFactory.php” y pondremos lo siguiente:
<?php use App\User; use Faker\Generator as FakerGen; /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Model Factories |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may define all of your model factories. Model factories give | you a convenient way to create models for testing and seeding your | database. Just tell the factory how a default model should look. | */ $factory->define(User::class, function (FakerGen $faker) {    $fields = [    'name' => $faker->name,    'email' => $faker->email,    'password' => bcrypt('secret'),];            return $fields; }); ///Factory para la tabla post $factory->define(App\Post::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) {    return [        'title' => $faker->sentence(5),   'abstract' => $faker->sentence(15),        'content' => $faker->text(),    ]; }); ///Factory para la tabla post_comment     $factory->define(App\PostComment::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) {    return [        'comment' => $faker->sentence(15),    ]; });
Se va generar información en la base de datos por cada tabla que tengamos en este caso tenemos 3 tablas user, post, post_comment.Factories usa una clase que se llama FakerGen la cual es encargada de generar la información aleatoria.
Al método “define” le pasaremos las clases de los modelos(esto lo definiremos mas adelante) y un callback con el parametro del FakerGen; adentro de este callback las opciones del FakerGen.
Creación de Seeds
En esta instancia de Laravel ejecutaremos nuestro Factories para que se genere la información, estos archivos generados se encuentran en “database/seeds” y cuentan con el metodo run() el cual aquí haremos nuestras llamadas a los factories, una vez localizado el seed lo abriremos y escribiremos lo siguiente en el metodo run(), abriremos primero PostTableSeeder.php:
<?php use Illuminate\Database\Seeder; class PostTableSeeder extends Seeder {    /**     * Run the database seeds.     *     * @return void     */    public function run()    {        factory(\App\Post::class, 10)->create()->each(function($p) {            $p->comments()->saveMany(factory(\App\PostComment::class, 5)->make());   });    } }
En este código en el método run() le indicaremos cuantos registros queremos esto lo definimos en primer parámetro de factory; después por cada uno de estos registros va generar 5 comentarios definidos en el parámetro del método saveMany(). Con esto tendremos 10 publicaciones o post y 5 comentarios por cada una de estas publicaciones. Esto seria el código de la tabla de User:
<?php use Illuminate\Database\Seeder; class UserTableSeeder extends Seeder {    /**     * Run the database seeds.     *     * @return void     */    public function run()    {       factory('App\User', 5)->create();    } }
Con esto ya tenemos codificado nuestros Seeds y Factories, el próximo capitulo codificaremos nuestros Modelos para ejecutar todo este proceso.
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debunkingsystemscringe · 3 years ago
Still no debunking just yet (trying to find some posts/comments, feel free to request some!) But I just found a comment from that hellhole and
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Does anyone want us to reclaim this? (if it hasn't been done already) I'm thinking it would be related to either 1) a headmate or sub/sidesystem formed by a system being fakeclaimed, and/or 2) a system/headmate/sub/sidesystem/etc that's origin is seen as "fake" by others, it could be used on its own, or it could also be used alongside other origin labels (ie: fakergenic stressgenic, fakergenic endogenic, fakergenic multi origin, etc). Maybe it could also be used just to piss people who fakeclaim off
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welcometotheneongarden · 3 years ago
Colors picked from r/SystemsCringe and r/FakeDisordersCringe's banners
Let's just say that the imperfections are on purpose (they aren't lol)
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A reclaimed** origin label related to either
1) a headmate or sub/sidesystem formed by a system being fakeclaimed
2) a system/headmate/sub/sidesystem/etc that's origin is often seen as "fake" by others, it could be used on its own, or it could also be used alongside other origin labels (ie: fakergenic stressgenic, fakergenic endogenic, fakergenic multi origin, etc)
3) another term for pseudogenic (a system that formed after faking being a system)
4) a label used just to piss people who fakeclaim off (also like pseudogenic)
**reclaimed as in I saw a random comment on r/SystemsCringe that said it, that probably isn't the right word for what I'm trying to say, but hopefully this clears things up
Anyone can use our terms, because we (or atleast I) absolutely hate when people gatekeep theirs, but please don't interact outside of this post if you are anti endo!!!
Feel free to put this term on pluralpedia! /gen
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