#|way to go Rory xD|
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11thsshadow · 2 years ago
And Rory sat there, staring at the Doctor with wide eyes as he went on. That didn’t happen… Often. Not unless he was particularly irritated, or their situation was especially dire. But neither again, so didn’t Rory, and here he was in a similar situation in his day-to-day life.
“It’s… It’s fine, Doctor, don’t worry. No worries.” He said— wanting to prod, but knowing better. And Rory’s brow knit as he went on. Something in him perked at the mention of that name. He didn’t know what. It felt odd. Felt familiar and strange…
“I think we both were… I… Suppose… Somewhat content to that. Until we met you. It’s all different now, it’s… Sort of addicting.” He says, and then he moves on rather quickly. “— You’ve mentioned the Master before, haven’t you?” He says, picking the topic back up. The Doctor most certainly never mentioned him— never came up. So the why did he sound so familiar to Rory?
“You weren’t friends though. You were basically enemies. You… Well, I thought you did. I thought you told us all about him.”
Dark found himself pleased when his outburst to cause his cover to be blown. Granted even someone like The Doctor had a temper, too, a temper that he’d only shown on rare occasions. But he was at least mildly surprised that it had barely phased Rory. If Amy were here he’d definitely gotten a scolding.  The way Rory mentioned the Master, caught Dark off guard immediately. To his knowledge the Doctor had never so much as name dropped The Master to any of his companions after their last and final excursion. And while he wasn’t wrong about them being adversaries in the past, Dark still considered the Master his closest friend. But how would Rory know this much about a man he never met?
“Rory.....How do you know who the Master is? I never even so much as whispered his name, not even to Amelia. I would have never told anyone about him.” Dark studied Rory closely and intensely, completely serious and clenching his fists now. “So tell me, out of every human being who shouldn’t know about his existence, why do you?”
@11thsshadow Rory Williams… Was not having a good time. Before they went back to their capital-R Regular Lives, it wasn’t too bad. Now that he was back out in the real world for a while it was more imperative to keep it under wraps. At the hospital, spending time with his dad, to a degree when he was alone with Amy… It felt important to him to keep it a secret. It felt important to not talk about the watch he’d happened upon that he swore his… Dad gave to him? How frequent his already chronic migraines were becoming, vivid nightmares, strange impulses, erratic emotions… 
He was taking a day to himself for the first time in a long time. Amy was apparently on a girl’s trip, he didn’t have work. Tend to the garden, sit on the couch… It’s why he jumped when he came back inside their house to see the Doctor there. Just. Standing there. And I Rory must have looked so confused. “What the- you can’t just- that’s— I- I didn’t even hear you. What are you doing here? Ah-“ Rory cleared his throat, straightening out, trying to appear less cagey. “Hi?” 
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1tsstargaze59 · 2 months ago
New year, new fankids DROP✨️
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I've been working on these two in the background for a WHILE now ^^""" Sorry I didn't get to them sooner, I was just very hyperfocused on my fav ship- BUT THEY ARE HERE OWO
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From left to right, up-down: Revulsion💚💜, Excitement💛🧡 and Panic🧡💜. I also draw her with Ambivalence💙💛 as well! I just really liked that doodle and wanna make it all nice and final later, so im keeping it secret for now hehe
Oh also @re-colligere huuuuh you said smtg a while back about wanting to see cringe so @/ing you here lol
(Oh man, I can hear my mutuals crying with these choices- SORRY GUYS, ILL DO ALL THESE CHOICES IN THE FUTURE I PROMISE XD this is just becuz I suck at choosing an order for my ideas lol)
Explaining the designs and lore below the cut!!! ^^
This girly is inspired by classic spooky family, the Adams, specifically Morticia. She also takes the diamond shape inspo from a French magical girl show, Lolirock, and her colors from white diamond from SU! Unintentional inspo there, but I guess it was subconscious XD
She's the most emotionally mature of the fankids, taking the lead most of the time, anticipating the days work, and genuinely enjoying every moment as it's happening. She likes horror and thrills, and will go out of her way to push herself outside her comfort zone. She's an older sister figure to pretty much everyone and is friendly with all of them. She particularly likes teasing Rory and Ambivalence since they are older and mature enough not to get too upset XD
Cringe is so silly fr XD He's supposed to be this Cringe 8 y/o who thinks they're so cool and ontop of everything and that all the adults are like- cringe- XD but he himself is ALSO CRINGY XD becuz he's so young and doesn't actually know about a lot, but acts with so much confidence lol He's very judgemental and rude towards everyone, but he will act decent if you don't do anything "cringe". If you do, prepare for ridicule.
His design is honestly just a kid in a clover shape- that was all XD I found myself inspired by the colors of some object show fanart, because I found them to be cringe in an endearing way ^^ /pos
That's all! Relationship charts!
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Simplified character headshots as I'm gonna expand with the other fankids later lol
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eden-writes-stuff · 1 month ago
Febuwhump Day 2 - Pick who dies
context: Doctor Who, 11th Doctor, Doctor vs. Master tags: they/them for Master, fucking hell this is darker than I anticipated lol, doctor is kinda ooc bc have you ever tried to write the doctor in character?!, also for some reason I fancast Andrew Scott as the Master (he would slay), I also think it's pretty easy to read out my favourite companions xD
"It's your choice, Doc." The Master grinned their mad grin, walking around him, weapon ready to shoot.
His friends were all there, right in front of him. All lined and tied up, none of them able to talk, but still every one of them was yelling. He couldn't look at their faces. They were calling to him, counting on him to get them out of this. He had let all of them down before
"Which of your little pets do you like best?" The other Timelord started walking down the lineup.
"Your girlfriend?" They played with Rose's hair.
"The other doctor?" They tilted Martha's chin up.
"Your bff?" Donna spat at them before they could touch her. But they just laughed and wiped it off on her dress.
"Your mother-in-law?" Amy almost managed to get a kick in.
"Your father-in-law?" They patted Rory's cheek, earning a growl from Amy
"Your wife?" One look from River was enough for them to keep their hands to themselves.
"Or your newest conquest?" They turned Clara's face in every direction, inspecting her.
The Doctor didn't answer. He could barely get a single word out. Most of the people in front of him weren't even alive anymore. Or they were unreachable to him. Yet somehow- somehow this sick bastard had gotten a hold of them. All just to pay him back.
"It's up to you. One I'll let go, the others..." They laughed softly, lifting the gun. "Well, you can imagine what'll happen to the others."
"Why are you doi-" "NO!", The Master snapped, pointing the gun at him. "None of your little mind games. You choose or they all die."
He shook his head, leaning toward the weapon. He was tired. "Kill me. As long as you don't hurt them. My lifes for their." Obviously disappointed the Master clicked their tongue. 
"Oh, doctor. I don't want to kill you. You're my favourite." Laughing, the Master sat on the armrest of the chair, leaning into him. He could feel their lips on his ear and it took everything he had not to pull away. "But the question is, who is your favourite?"
"If I'm your favourite- If you really care about me, why do you make me do this?!", he turned his head toward theirs. Slender fingers traced along his jawline. "I just want to make you see the consequences of your little obsession with humans." The way they said it sounded sweet, almost kind, but the words stung.
"I can always save them." "Can you though?"
One simple motion later Martha's body sacked forward, only held up by the ropes. Her hair fell into her face, hiding the expression of terror and fear.
The Doctor lunged forward, making the Master jump up from the chair and laugh. The ropes tightened around his wrists, pulling him back against the solid wood.
"That was me being nice. One less to choose from. Oh, I know what we'll do." They walked toward the controls on the other side of the room. "Shall we hear what your friends have to say after this?"
There was a click and suddenly he heard River's voice full of suppressed fear and anger. "Doctor! Doctor, you need to think. I know you're angry, but right now you can't afford that. You've beaten him before, but you need to keep a clear-" The clicking sounded again and cut her off. "Boring!" The Master faked a yawn.
"What about the redhead?" Donna let out a row of very creative curses directed toward the Master. She and Martha had known each other, they had been friends. Martha had a sister. And parents.
Jackie would kill him if he let Rose die. Amy and Rory probably wouldn't even have the chance to hate him if River didn't survive. River would kill him - again - if she lost her parents - again.
"I can't choose. I can't. Please!"
The Master stepped back, raising an eyebrow. "Begging already, are we? But remember, if you don't choose, I will kill them all." 
He couldn't do it. He couldn't choose. All of them had saved him so many times in so many ways. And there was nothing he could do to save them now.
"Where should I start? Left to right? Right to left? Based on height? Based on age? So many choices... Then again..." The next one out was Clara. She didn't even have time to look terrified. "I never liked her. Too much flirting. And I'm pretty sure this one isn't your favourite either." Amy and River started silently screaming before the blast hit Rory's chest.
"Shame. He actually was nice. He was also good for you, really told you what you needed to hear. You know who also did that?" They took a few steps toward Donna.
Smiling, the Master turned toward him, looking at him expectantly. He couldn't stop the tears anymore. "Stop it. Please! Please, I'll do anything to save them. You want a planet to rule? A species to oppress?" In the background, all remaining four shook their heads, yelling at him, but he couldn't hear a word.
"Whatever it is, we'll make it happen as long as you let them go! I'll give you the entire fucking universe!"
The master let the weapon sink slowly.
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uncensored-aj · 8 months ago
• ROONEY IS THAT GWORL I LOVE HER. No particular reason lol I just love her vibe.
• “right behind u 😜’ Jackie NO-
(They really could have used his non threatening voice more I just think it’s nEaT.)
• Jackie being like ‘oh who? Meee?’ And then delivering the SICKEST performance ever. We stan.
• I’m putting this Screencap here. And just… walking away. *As I walk away you hear me screeching at the top of my lungs*
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* I will hate the way the burn makeup looks in the movie for ALL TIME, but LOOK at this picture! It actually looks, dare I say, kinda good here?! Whoever did it that day actually WENT WITH HIS NATURAL FACE SHAPING rather than trying to build his cheeks or Jawline out too much like some other pics of the makeup I’ve seen. And with the low lighting it WORKS. Props just this ONE time.
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ALSO THE TEETH. UPON FURTHER INSPECTION THE TEETH HE WORE LOOKED WAY WAY WAY TOO BIG. AND AND AND IN SOME CONCEPT ART IT SHOWS HIM WITH A PERMANENT SNEER, WHICH IS INCONSISTENTLY SHOWN. Which makes Jackie’s face shape look different in every scene. My problem with the makeup isn’t the colors or texture, its how they SHAPED IT in a lot of scenes. (I’m an SFX artist so this stuff is my JAM.)
• Overall, this crew seemed like they really love Horror and The Lore of the series and I really do think The Remake deserves a LOT more love. The Pedophelia plot-line was a BAD choice admittedly, but I do think Jackie should get another chance to wear the Sweater and Glove in something more playful and not tackling such a serious topic. The problem with having such a LIKABLE version of Freddy is that they wrote him with the misconception that audiences would just ignore how DARK and SERIOUS his crimes were. It’s fine to make a version of Freddy that’s ‘Fun’ and ‘Playful’ and a little ‘Sultry’ at times, like they were CLEARLY going for, but they went wrong with having the crimes VASTLY outweigh the fun. They tried to have their cake but forgot they put POISON in it.
Ultimately, this BTS just makes me happy but also sad tbh. We could have had SUCH a FUN version of Freddy, but they got in their own way by trying to up the shock value.
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not-with-you-but-of-you · 2 months ago
So I was going through your top posts of the year (Amazing BTW, so many beautiful gif sets as well as really funny ones. You do it all!) and I saw you did a lyrics based request for someone, which got me thinking…
I would LOVE to see an AYITL/grown up literati set to the song Persuasion by Richard Thompson. Only if it strikes your fancy, but to me it has such intense second chance literati vibes in the lyrics.
If it doesn’t float your boat, that’s cool too. Just know that I love and appreciate your work! GIF sets make fandom go round!
Your wish is my command, my friend, and it will be a pleasure to do this request because I just listened to the song and it’s beautiful and fits Rory & Jess very nicely. Some verses even remind me of lines from other songs that I already wanted to gif with Literati, so that’s perfect. Also, we’re always in need of more hopeful/optimistic Literati edits (that’s what their ending was about to me — the second chance romance)! I have a couple of them planned, but who knows when I will get to them.
By the way, I’m currently working on a twelve-gif lyrics set (who does that?!), so a different project is very much welcome for when things aren’t going very smoothly with the first one :)
Lastly, I really appreciate you sending me this — I actually enjoy a lot doing lyrics-based requests, because they’re always a challenge and I love challenges, and I love even more making stuff for friends! So be sure that I’ll make it as beautiful as I can <333 but that also means that it will probably take a while xD
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doverstar · 1 year ago
Usually I'm not one to comment on fics I read but- you said you liked reading opinions, and I have many thoughts about it in my head right now |・・๑)
I discovered LAR from a fanart here on tumblr few days ago- I must say the idea of Rose and Eleven never crossed my mind before, and this fic opened that window in my head XD
I got to reading it then and have been reading it all through the few bits of free time I've had, past few days. I reached and finished chapter 11 yesterday, and god. I'm in love with all of it
I want to start by saying your characterization of all the characters is marvellous. Rose with Jackie and Pete at the mansion, Rory and Amy living in the apartment with Will. You make all of it feel very familiar and lovely, very domestic in their own flavour— and I love domestic. There's also the way the narrator voice plays along with that, with the characters and their own dynamics. It kept feeling like Jackie's very own characteristic voice pitch was there written in those words, or the way Amy's scot-ness fills the room, and also how Will's frequent awkwardness dripped through the sentences and pauses themselves. It felt like everything was a tad bit funnier whenever Rory was present, a feeling I also got from the show, and I am immeasurably happy to see that essence expressed so well again 🤲
Secondly. Will. You made him so easy to love I can almost miss him already— and I admittedly can't stop thinking about the people he knew in this universe that will miss him too :(. I seemingly fell in love with him very early on and ended up sympathising with him quite a bit. He is truly just a little bean, and I'm still not recovering from the confusion and pain he had to go through there in the last few chapters (amazingly written, made my heart crumble a lil.)
And then- the way it's empathised all of the carrying on Rose had to do since the Doctor left her here, all of the mental backflips she's been going through, and all of the carrying on she continues to do, even with Will, even with all of it. But, the way she looks at him now that she knows (it was worth it, perhaps), and how she realizes how much new information she's gonna have to take in of him— and vice versa. Honorary mention to his "Your hair is different. Is it longer?", because it still does make me smile xD
My friend has been listening to me ramble about this almost nonstop, our DMs are filled with screenshots and quotes (and keysmashes as frantic screaming from me, very frequently). Even I am surprised at the amount of things I've annotated and all the quotes I've written down. Seriously, it's delightful.
Thank you immensely for bringing this story to us 🤍
The way a slow smile just came right up on my face and kept getting bigger until my eyes hurt, reading this -
That fanart you're talking about is by @milkbanjo and everyone should follow that account and applaud all of @milkbanjo's art! Not just LAR-related pieces. Because it's so good and I love it and I will be watching for more. I'm so pleased you decided to Ask me and tell me all of this! I would encourage you to comment whenever you like something you're reading; it's such an inspiration and this made my day to read. I was going for a domestic feel without making it an intentionally-domestic fanfic, so I'm relieved you can feel the domesticity. I tried to give it the same sensation watching any scene on Earth in RTD's era (specifically scenes with Jackie Tyler herself in them) of the show gave me. There's something in all the low-budget, early-2000's of it that is really comforting to me. I wanted to try to put in the same comfort without making it that well-loved "oh and now they're cooking together and don't you feel cozy?" contrivance. (No shame in that, just not the point of my story! Didn't want to drown it in that warm milk. Too much warm milk makes me nauseous.) They're just people living lives, I wanted to show that in between the adventure scenes. Doctor Who really needs that sometimes! In my Nobody opinion.
I too think everything is funnier when Rory is in the room! I too find Amy the sort of personality to fill a space. And you just have no idea how much I loved writing for Will. I almost neglected the other characters in favor of the human version of the eleventh incarnation of that man. I have so much insane (new this year?) affection for Eleven. I hope it wasn't too obvious that I think he's the sweetest and want to hug him (I have actually met Matt Smith and got to hug him and let me tell you, he gives good hugs! but I admit Peter Capaldi's hug was even better-). Will is the second-closest I've gotten to hugging the eleventh. What a doll. I could go on about Eleven but I will cap the gushing by saying he is the Doctor every quiz has ever said I would get along with best and I scoffed at that till this past year, oh how time and age changes our taste buds - Your thoughts on Rose and her perspective in my fic and your enjoyment of the Doctor's "your hair is different" line makes me grin ever wider. You get it! *big sigh of relief* I love that you and your friend get to enjoy it like that! Would be interested to know which quotes you favor most, but this comment alone is more than enough for me to draw upon when in need of motivation; thank you for it! You are so welcome, and thank you for taking the time to read what I wrote and let me know what you thought. <3
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thephoenixandthecrocodile · 6 months ago
My thoughts on Rings of Power Episodes 4 and 5 before I watch Episode 6
Episode 4
Overall episode 4 is definitely a filler episode or b storyline episode and I’m fine with that. Sometimes, as a writer, you accept that that one chapter isn’t as strong as the rest. That being said I wonder if the scenes that make up this episode might have felt better pacing wise if worked into other episodes instead of cramming the filler all in one episode?
That being said, I love the developing relationship between Isildur and Arondir. I know Arondir has to die sometime between now and the end of the series because otherwise Isildur would have destroyed the one ring.
I also love Isildur’s developing arc where he seems to become a spokesperson for the southlanders to Numenor whenever he returns. I imagine both Elendil and Miriel and the rest of Numenor want nothing more to do with the southlands and I can see Isildur campaigning their cause, similar to how Boromir campaigns Gondor’s cause to Aragorn: “yes there is frailty in men but there is also strength and courage.”
Estrid as a character herself is meh, but what she represents is really interesting in context of the bigger story. You can’t expect everyone to be suicidally brave all the time. People want to survive. To paraphrase another franchise, “Just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn't mean they're lost forever.”
Oooh Isildur you’re such a disaster. Only you would stumble upon the bog of eternal stench
“We shall call this lunch.” XD
Rory Kinnear! As someone who is not a huge Tom Bombadil fan (don’t kick me out of the fandom), I was more excited that Rory Kinnear was in this show than the character he was playing. That being said, I liked his portrayal of Tom especially the mind games “Is anyone else with here with you?” “You’re here, right? At least I think you are.”
Also, I didn’t mention this last time, but the whole “no one can give you a name, it finds you” bit is so trans coded.
Also, Gandalf you have like ten million names, so don’t start XD
And I would die for that lamb, Iawain I think their name is.
Stoors! Future Hobbiton!
HOLY SHIT ENTWIVES!!!! The Ents have always been my favorite part of the Lord of the Rings universe and to see an Entwife! I want to cry!
I would die for Winterbloom. She can do and has done no wrong. I support her murderous rampage against all tree enemies
That scene with Arondir and Winterbloom: forgiveness takes an age. It had me near tears. And “do you think they know peace?” It was so beautiful and gentle and so Tolkienesque. It was absolutely perfect.
I’m really curious how Theo’s storyline is going to develop. I can see him becoming one of Isildur’s trusted knights. Season 1 I was convinced he’d end up as a nazgul, but this season I’m not so sure.
The bickering between Galadriel and Elrond was fun, but also put aside your pride and be friends again! You need each other!
Poor Elrond feeling responsible for Brimby’ fate ☹
 The barrow wrights were fun. It was cute that this was basically everything Peter Jackson cut out of the first half of Fellowship minus Glorfindel.
I swear Elrond’s hair grows poofier the more stressed he is
“According to lore…” Elrond, you big nerd
Not enough Adar this episode.
Episode 5:
Argh, Durin III you drive me crazy. I want to like you but also you are a stubborn ass
Love the whispers that occur when Durin III takes one of the rings.
Also love that the dwarven ring is like crack for Durin III. Let me make a huge hole in the foundational way, let me introduce a new tax system, alienate all my allies by demanding half of their wealth in exchange for these awesome rings, and forgive my son while discounting his wife’s opinions all in one day
Also love the sheer terror in Durin IV and Narvi’s faces as Durin III almost brings down a foundational wall XD
And those dwarf miners are so me. Get to go home early? Don’t have to tell me twice
And that’s going to come back and bit them in the ass right? You can’t just weaken a foundational wall and expect nothing bad to happen, right? (I know nothing of construction, but I feel like that’s a bad idea)
That Khazad……DUM was pretty awesome
I love this idea of the resonating being a gift from Aule, a skill that has been passed down generations and is this time honored traditional that belongs to the dwarves and then these rings come in and try to replicate that power but whereas resonating is having a conversation with the mountain, the ring just pierces through the mountain and sees what the wear wants to see. It’s an interesting commentary on how outsider will try to appropriate indigenous skills without truly understanding its purpose or how it works or how it helps maintain balance within the ecosystem
Also can I say one more time for those who missed it DISA IS MY QUEEN AND GODDESS. I WILL DIE FOR HER
Sauron is soooooo done with this gathering it’s hilarious. He is me during any and every work meeting
Ah Brimby and Narvi having a moment together. So sweet
Guarded by a password known only to “friends”. Eh, eh, get it? Haha
So I know Sauron really left because he doesn’t care about the doors, but I also choose to believe he left because he was jealous of the banter between Celebrimbor and Narvi XD
Oooh this balcony scene is painful because of the levels of gaslighting.
“You don’t always listen. Once you have an idea set in your head” – god I’ve heard things similar to that so many times from my own abusers.
“It is a game you play, is it not? Sowing seeds in others’ minds and then convincing them that the fruit is of their own thought.” - Brimby is starting to get it, but too late. :(
Also I love that Celebrimbor is so fond and protective of his dwarf friends. “this is a night for dwarves” and then later when Sauron tries to cast doubt on Durin III’s character, Brimby says such a strong NO! So different from the relationship between dwarves and Elves in the third age, when an Elf would probably be more likely ot distrust Durin III instead of the rings themselves.
Celebrimbor may be a dwarf man but he does NOT like men (the race, not the gender haha)
Also love how queer the relationship between Celebrimbor and Annatar is. As much as I’d love to see an official queer couple in LOTR world, I also love how often Patrick and Payne queer-code things. They seem really open to the idea of queerness in Tolkien, so maybe we’ll see a queer couple some day?
Nine rings?! Yeah, it does seem like a lot, right? I thought so when I first read the poem XD
“Fine, I’ll do it myself” poutness activated!
Also, Brimby, dear, when did you lose control over your own forge? Do you even know how that happened?
Fucking Pharazon and Kemen. Hope a sea monster eats the both of you
Also Pharazon makes the most demented grandpa/santa claus face right before ruining his son’s life
Seriously who tells their son, “hey, did you know your mother said you were going to die horribly” while breast feeding you that one time? Like WTF? Would have felt bad for Kemen IF THE REST OF THIS EPISODE DIDN’T HAPPEN
Elendil, darling, what are you doing in the queen’s bedchamber in the middle of the night?
Also, I’m not usually a shipper, but every time Elendil and Miriel are in a scene together I’m like:
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Also poor Miriel trying so hard to do what is right. Terrified to do anything that could jeopardize her people’s future
The chest touching, the arm grabbing, the hand touching. You two are soooo in love, you dorks
Fucking Kemen and Earien
I LOVE that Elendil spends this entire scene thinking, “can punch the kid. Think of what Miriel said. Really want to punch this kid. No, no. Keep calm, keep calm.” XD
Ok Earien and Elendil need some family counseling. They’re both grieving and so they’re lashing out but also “and yet overthrowing a queen earned you a promotion” and “you’re path is made of seawater” is soooooo cold, Elendil
I’m annoyed with Earien but I understand her and I feel bad for her. She’s truly alone because her Dad and oldest friend don’t do feelings and her brother is dead and the other one is Eru Iluvatar knows where. (also is anyone going to tell Anarion that Isildur is “dead”?)
But seriously, Earien, you can do better than Kemen
Gil-Galad’s vision!!!
Run, Elrond, run!
Edna Mode: No capes!
Disa! Disa! Disa, just let the rock go! It’s not worth it! You’re going to give me a heart attack!
Nothing bad can happen to Disa, you hear me Patrick and JD?
The Watcher? It has to be the Watcher right? I can’t see the Balrog hanging around a pool of water
Just thinking about Arondir’s relationship with the tree he had to cut down in season 1 and his conversation with Winterbloom and Disa’s personal relationship with the mountain and the importance of respecting your own environment and ecosystem
Also, it’s tragic how these rings bring so much hope to those who receive them/make them and we all know what they will truly wrought. The downfall of so many people/kingdoms
“Who set these restricts?!” Haven’t we all been there? We made rules ages ago and then we’re like wait who’s the mook who made these rules up? XD
Love the small panic about misplacing the ring and its heaviness
Durin IV will put up with a lot old man, but don’t you dare disagree with Disa! She is ALWAYS right
When will people LISTEN to Durin IV!!! FFS
Celebrimbor’s little anvil paperweight is so cute :3
Do you think Sauron was insulted when Mirdania called him stinky? XD
Also, I like the hint that even though Celebrimbor is “old” looking, he’s still got quick reflexes and prowess as he dodges and counters Mirdania’s attacks.
Also, that look on Celebrimbor’s face when Mirdania explains what they were doing. I think he is taken aback not just because of what they did but also because, potentially, that is something Annatar should have known was dangerous and how to counter the negative effects. They’ve made ten rings together already. Surely Annatar of all people should know how volatile and fussy mithril can be.
Also fucking Annatar being all, “we could really use your help” *puppy dog eyes*
Also love that other people just call him Durin the younger XD
Sauron just doesn’t know how to flirt, does he? Let me compare you to my ex-girlfriend. That will win you over, right? Also, your boss is secretly that flaming, stinky thing you saw. Just trust me on this
“Meet again in a far green country under a sweet sunrise” *cries*
Elendil puts a clam for Isildur and it ends up being for Valandil *cries*
“It’s in the way of the new aqueduct” Ok, that line reading made me laugh
Elendil FINALLY punching the little shit
“May the Valar forgive me.”
Meanwhile the Valar are eating their popcorn and chanting: “punch the little shit. Punch the little shit.”
“Put it down, son” *cries*
The washing away of the blood – just KEMEN YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!!!
So Isildur’s eventual return to Numenor is going to be realllllllllly awkward
“Just be mindful someone is not manipulating you” Sauron, you little shit
Poor Brimby, so terrified of questioning Annatar, but having to do it for his dwarf friends
And then Annatar’s all like, “While you lied, so it’s your fault.” Such a little shit
I really feel like Celebrimbor wants to say, “But I lie to my cousin all the time. It’s what family does, after all haha.”
I also love that Annatar’s like, well the dwarven rings were made under a cloak of deception and that’s bad, so let’s just finish the nine since we’re in hell anyway and Brimby’s just like, “Yes, the trauma and depression agrees with you.”
Poor Durin and Disa. They just want to do what’s right for their people and their king. :(
Also that need flourish to the dwarven theme kicks ass. Well down Bear McCreary
 Poor Brimby. Lashing out at his artists because he can’t come out and admit what he did and all that guilt and shame eating him from the inside out. He needs Durin IV to move in with him and call bullshit whenever Annatar speaks
“The nine must redeem us all” *Cries* You did nothing wrong, Brimby, except trust a random man who did an impressive lightshow and called himself a messenger from the gods. Yeah…that wasn’t your best moment haha
And then the trembling hands because he knows something is wrong, he just can’t figure it out and he knows he’s to blame but he can’t understand why. *cries*
Charles Edwards is going to break me in the next few episodes as we get closer to the end.
I love how Gil-Galad is like we can’t defeat both Sauron’s and Adar’s armies and that’s it. End of scene. It’s like, do you have a plan? Are you going to do anything besides look pretty and depressed?
Adar! Adar! Adar!
Why does Adar look so turned on by Galadriel holding a knife to his neck? XD
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inkbutterflyuniverse · 6 months ago
I discovered Mermaids Magic on Netflix (because it was recommended to me, I had no idea this existed before that). Keep in mind that at the moment I'm writing this, I only saw three episodes! (And there might be some light spoilers about these episodes in this post).
The first thing that came to my mind when I saw the extract that Netflix uses as a trailer was "It looks like the Winx". So I wasn't very surprised when I saw that it was by the Rainbow and Iginio Straffi.
The thing that made me think of the Winx was the way they were transforming, with the song. It immediately reminded me that!
So I began watching and I like it. I like the main girls designs, especially Merlinda's hair. I love that it's curly, and how it goes all over her face sometimes (like in episode 3, when they were going down in the basement, they went on her face). Nerissa's design is also really cool, and I love Sasha's colors! (Though I'm not a big fan of a face... I don't really know why...)
But these girls don't look like they are 16. And honestly, no one does. They all seem too short and to "kid" to be sixteen. I really thought they were something like twelve when I saw that "teaser". Maybe it's the big eyes and the rond face, but I wouldn't have guessed their age correctly if I had too.
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Now, about other characters: I don't like the design of Alex? That's his name? Merlinda not-so-boyfriend, the guy at the portal. He really looks older than the girls and his nose is really big.
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I like Celia and Tyler, they are cool, they have a nice design and I like their dynamic with the girls! Even if Celia is supposed to be the brain and Tyler the muscle, I like that Tyler is not dumb like we can sometimes see in kid shows. He seems to take seriously what the girls are going through, and I appreciate that he's not doing jokes on it, like Rory of Unicorn Academy would.
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Now, about the other characters: Fred seems cool, I hope to see him more, as the tech guy! I like Chris, the big jock guy, I wonder if he likes Celia, but he seems nice, he just needs to distance his "friends"!
Now, about Fred's family: oh no who would have thought that his dad was a villain? Not me at all! We first saw the luxurious car, then a man with a costume saying that the building in front of them was his. They insisted that it was the most eco-friendly business, so we all know that when people say that, it's most likely not true in kids shows.
The storyline seems okay so far, I don't really have anything to say! Merlinda being the princess and main character doesn't seem to take more place than her friends, so I hope it will continue like this! We don't need another main character syndrome. Everyone needs to shine!
I like that Celia and Tyler are trying to help the girls. They don't let them do everything alone because "it's their quest/responsibility" or "you don't have powers".
I'm intrigued by the mother storyline, but I kinda wants her to be totally dead? Like, in the Winx, Bloom was like "my parents" for three whole season, then we got a movie to save them. Okay, why not. But then season 5 also made Daphné come back and it wasn't necessary. I liked her role in the sixth season as a teacher, but there wasn't any reason to made her come back. Especially while Musa wasn't allowed to bring her mom back by the Sirenix wish. But that's a debate for another post if needed xD
Well, I think that's all I needed to say. I will go back to the show, and share my thoughts when I watched more episodes!
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patchworkgargoyle · 1 year ago
Dom: 6, 8, 19, 46
Rory: 5, 21, 34, 35
Dom 6. Can they tolerate spicy food?
I think as a kid he Could Not, but out of sheer determination and stubbornness (and because he wanted to be able to brag about it) he got his spice tolerance up really high.
8. What do they wear to bed?
Just pajama pants, surprisingly! He would sleep naked but he gets cold too easily, and he probably wears a ratty old t-shirt in the winter, or he steals someone else's. Actually, I bet a lot of his sleepwear is stolen, and like half of it was Kez's at one point or another xD
19. Do they prefer buying gifts or receiving gifts?
Dom absolutely prefers receiving gifts. He likes knowing someone thought of him, though the more heartfelt the gift is the more awkward he gets about it. Also, giving gifts makes him Anxious.
46. Do they have a sweet tooth?
A little bit! He leans a bit more savoury, but he can also enjoy a fair bit of sweetness. The moment anyone points it out, though, he gets defensive because he has an image to protect. This doesn't count for sweet/fruity drinks though, he'll drink those without any shame. Rory 5. Do they have a food or flavour that they absolutely hate?
I think I'll give Rory my hatred of bananas, though while I can enjoy the taste and not the texture, he hates everything about them, doesn't matter what form they come in. Luckily they're easy to avoid!
21. Can they play any instruments?
Guitar, and he can sing! His parents taught him both at a young age, since they could play and sing too, but when his dad passes Rory and his mum both kinda stop. Rory does keep practicing here and there, and gets back into playing guitar when he moves out on his own, but he doesn't tend to around his mum. The guitar he plays on used to be his dad's.
34. Are they quick to get haircuts or do they often grow it out?
He lets it grow out all the time, I think he just totally forgets to make an appointment until he's got a bit of a mop going xD Likely keeps a few hair ties around for when it's long enough to get in his eyes, so he sometimes has that half-up style. He probably also has some hairbands that make his curly bangs stick up funny.
35. Do they know how to whistle?
Definitely! He'll whistle all the time, most often when he's cooking, probably because he has a tune stuck in his head that he can't get out any other way.
Ask me more oc questions pleasepleaseplease
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Pride Month Character Sexuality Headcanon Moodboards 1. Yasmine - Lesbian 2. Demetri Alexopoulos - Gay 3. Moon - Bisexual 4. Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz - Bisexual
Welcome back, Cobra Kai pride month moodboard followers!!! This time let's hear it for Moon Nolastname, our one canon bisexual queen!!! She's so important to me fr <3 <3 <3 Granted, her dating a girl for 2 seconds was not NEARLY the epic sapphic romance she deserves, but I'm still so happy it's canon she likes women <3 <3 <3
I also still maintain that she has more chemistry with every female character she's ever interacted with onscreen (including that one random blonde girl in the pink dress who she danced with in the prom episode) than she ever had with Eli, eat your heart out bird boy akjsdnhukyghju
ANYWAYS I figure I don't need to back up why I think she's bi when it's been literally confirmed canon by Word of God (if you want to count that, anyways), so I'll use this bit to dive into why I'm a Lesbian Yasmine/Biseuxal Moon truther and why Moon being bisexual (and not a closet lesbian) actually makes perfect sense to me!
Throughout the show, she definitely shows enough general interest in boys to lead me to believe she doesn't exclusively like girls. She's lowkey flirty with a guy named Rory as early as 1x02 (the one she wants to do a flip for her insta channel!), and she seems to be the one to make the first move with Hawk in 1x09. In the soccer episode of Season 3, we see her having a friendly chat with a football player that could be seen as a little flirty. Compare this to Yasmine (who I think is a lesbian!), who doesn't really interact with any boys outside of Kyler in S1 and doesn't even really acknowledge Brucks, despite him following Kyler everywhere. In later seasons, Yasmine only really interacts with Demetri (and occasionally Eli) while Moon is shown to be amicable with Demetri, Miguel, minor male side characters like Rory, and enough boys and girls to throw an enormous house party in 5x08!
So admittedly I am one of the biggest h*wkm**n haters of all time. Catch me still in denial that they got back together in S4 because no they didn't <3 HOWEVER!!! From how, uh...spirited their first make-out session was in 1x09, I can buy that there is definitely physical attraction there, if little else. Whatever emotional connection they do have I think is shallow at best and actively based on falsehoods at worst--Moon only really likes Hawk's fake overconfident facade, and isn't shown to have much interest in him beyond surface-level things (I mean, for fuck's sake, she said she liked his biceps and his cool hair while dumping him, like!!!). Hawk, meanwhile, seems to kinda put Moon on a weird pedestal and seems more obsessed with the idea of her than Moon herself. In any case, you don't need to have a deep, profound attraction to all of your preferred gender(s) for your sexuality to be valid, so...even with pretty shallow feelings for Eli, Moon's bisexuality is still totally valid and should be respected <3
Mentioned before, but I do think her initiating with Eli in 1x09 shows some genuine attraction there! And commenting how hot he is in 1x10, too XD It's so impassioned and spur-of-the-moment that it doesn't feel rehearsed and inauthentic in the same way Yasmine's "attraction" to boys often does to me. Moon seems to definitely like muscular, athletic boys--and girls too, if Piper is anything to go by! We love a bisexual with an overlapping type XD
If y'all have spent any time on my page, I'm sure you've heard me rant about Moon's planet-sized crush on Yasmine XD I think a lot of her S1 behavior (and generally hanging out with a "mean girl" clique that seemed counterintuitive to like...how she works as a person) could be explained by her having a crush on Yasmine. She backs Yasmine up unconditionally, even when she feels conflicted about it (like with Sam in the weed-smoking scene in her car), which would make a lot of sense if she had/has feelings for Yas. No coincidence, imo, that she finally gathered up the courage to ditch Yasmine as soon as she found a new mean hottie to swoon over XD No real judgment here btw I was Just As Cringe in high school. We all were.
Also worth noting that she's the only character who acknowledges Yasmine's existence while she's out of town in S2--including Demetri, the guy who supposedly "would kill his friends to get Yasmine to spit in his face"! And it's not even in an explicitly negative context. It kind of sounds like Moon's giggling and kicking her feet about Yasmine having the same bikini as her XD
In later seasons, Moon taking Yasmine back despite Yas's lack of remorse and readily being her best friend again seems to hint that Yas means a lot to her--maybe in a way that goes beyond a simple platonic friendship? The full-body check-out and butt glance she does with Yas in S4 is probably the most damning thing I can give you. I mean.
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I could not wear shipping goggles here if I tried. I have watched this scene dozens of times, and Moon is so obviously checking her out that I thought I was going crazy. HOW did this make it into the show??? HOW did they show us THIS and then expect us to buy Moon is into her ex who she's mildly friendly with and who she doesn't even talk to until the girl she really likes is fully preoccupied???
Absolutely batshit.
We've also got Moon a) breaking into excited screaming when Yasmine shows up at the prom and b) completely ignoring Eli the entire prom to hang around Yasmine and Demetri and continually steal glances at Yasmine XD This girl is gone as fuck. Let her date Yasmine, dammit!!! Clearly Eli is not her first choice!!!
Even in S5 she's sitting way too damn close to Yas in that brunch booth and laughing at Yas's dumb little joke about torturing Anthony. She's still gone as fuck. Justice for Moon!!! Let her go out with her dream girl, dammit!!!
And Moon's attraction to girls isn't limited to Yasmine and Piper!!! There's the aforementioned girl in the pink dress she was dancing with at prom (this lovely lady)
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AND!!! I would argue Moon even seems to be kind of into Sam, at times! She definitely seems guilty about booting her out of the friend group back in S1, and she's lowkey giving bedroom eyes when the two of them are talking about Robby in S2 XD She looks a bit smitten during the sensory deprivation pod scene as well, and seems pretty down to put her arm around Sam whenever she can :P
Bottom line is, Piper was in fact NOT a phase in the least and I will forever be annoyed that the show kind of implied she was by having them break up for enigmatic reasons (which the conservatives could EASILY spin as "well she didn't ACTUALLY like girls she was just CONFUSED and Piper the Evil Cobra Kai was feeding this poor innocent straight girl's delusion!!!") and then having Moon go back to the male and supposedly straight ex who she had long since outgrown and lost feelings for. Like sure, Moon found a new relationship she seemed happy in and free to be herself in (something she notably could NOT really do with Eli), but CLEARLY that could never have the same (or greater!) emotional weight for her than a brief fling she had with some dude based on literally nothing except physical attraction -_____-
Whew, that got longer than I thought it would XD ANYWAYS, bottom line is that even though Moon canonically swings both ways and is so incredibly valid and sexy for it, I personally think she should date more women. The one exception to this is Robby Keene because Moonkeene is literally the only mlw Moon ship in the show that actually works, and I can and will die on this hill.
Also ngl it would be SUPER funny to see S3 Eli throw a bitchfit because his ex is going out with the mf he hates most in the world and there ain't nothing he can do about it. Like what are you gonna do??? Yell at Moon like she's your fookin property??? That's why she dumped your sorry ass in the first place. Get rekt, bird boy.
Used soft pastels for this because that very much feels like it fits Moon's vibe to me! She's just so wholesome and easygoing--it definitely suits her <3 Very happy I found such appropriate crystal pics to use :D Also I CANNOT tell y'all how long I have had that crystal-and-strawberry smoothie bowl pic saved, looking for the perfect moodboard to use it for...AND BY GOD, I FOUND IT. Sometimes dreams really do come true, kids XD
...I also really want to try that irl now. Like what ARE those crystal things made of??? Are they crunchy??? Are they chewy??? Would they break my teeth??? Guess I'll never know now ;_____;
Now fully convinced that Moon has little shiny colored glass jars in her room with sprigs of lavender and other incense and aromatherapy flowers in them. Her room is a little apothecary full of healing aromas and I love that for her <3
Realized while making this that she's also very ocean-coded (YasMoon and MoonPiper are BOTH water x fire ships, bless). In the ATLA universe, she'd probably be a waterbender healer. Sam would probably be a waterbender too, but she'd be much more Katara-esque and jump to use it for violence XD
As always, pic credits available upon request!
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cat-esper · 1 year ago
Here's your free pass to ramble to me about one of your projects! Go wild! (Personally I would love to hear more about Slipstream because the vibes are immaculate but it is up to you!) ♡
OMG! An ask ^.^
Oh boy, where do I even begin? It's hard for me to be coherent with such a broad prompt but I will try my best.
Project Slipstream is kind of a weird little project in that it's changed so drastically from the initial idea, and I have repeatedly decided to abandon it only for it to raise its little head when I least expect it and offer me some new ideas (mostly in the form of vibes) that are too tantalizing to pass up. It originally started as a second-world fantasy with a full cast of non-humans, then transformed into a one-off portal fantasy (namely Rory's story), and then somehow ended up adopting characters Sydney and Reyna. This series is a bit of an experiment as it consists of three books, each featuring one of the main characters and telling the story of how each ended up on the Spiral, and then a fourth book that sees them all team up. It then expanded when I decided it was a sequel to another story idea I have and SLIPSTREAM itself serves as a prequel of sorts to Project Paladin.
The Spiral itself is a construct, a planetary sculpture built by the Enochians for purposes unknown and home to a variety of strange creatures. When Rory and his sister Crystal accidentally stumble onto it, they are separated and end up getting involved in a plot to rid the Spiral of the tyrant Tor Krait, whose been searching for an eldritch machine he thinks he can use to kill the Enochians. I won't say too much because I don't want to spoil things, but their plot paves the way for Sydney and Reyna to come to the Spiral and essentially continue what they started, learning more about the Enochians, the machine Crystal dubbed "Fever Spine," and the terrible dark force I DEFINITELY won't be talking about any time soon.
Fun Fact #1: This wip is inspired by rock music, The Dark Crystal, and some paintings I saw while at a comic con
Fun Fact #2: The paintings in question were paintings of angels that inspired the Enochians and were created by Peter Mohrbacher. Seriously, you should check them out; they're very cool XD
Thanks for the ask!
Is this something I add a taglist to? Sure, why not.
Slipstream taglist: @awleeofficial, @desastreus
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actual-bill-potts · 2 years ago
Hii! Very intrigued about the 📄 and 🔍possibilities of the WIP ask game if you're up to it! <3
Hello!! Absolutely!!! For once I am answering an ask somewhat on time!!!
(ask meme here, inbox still open)
📄What’s a WIP you never finished that you would like to go back and revisit? augh not somebody reminding me of past sins xD I actually have a few, but none of them are Silm-based (yet....):
Two Worlds Split Apart - this was a doctor who AU, the premise being that when Amy and Rory were touched by the Angel at the end of their run, they got sent to Pete's World and had to find a way back home. I had it all plotted out, it was gonna be epic, but then unfortunately I really did not like the thirteenth doctor's run (it felt...a little soulless to me to be perfectly honest, or perhaps I just wasn't in the same place I was when I was watching the Moffat era and so the themes didn't speak to me as much? no hate to Jodie Whittaker or the rest of the cast, they were fantastic) and I kind of fell out of doctor who fandom. I'd still really like to finish this one someday, I think my outline remains in my notes app somewhere, but right now I just don't have the passion or the time for it. Maybe someday. Doctor Who did truly save my life in my teen years. also my god this was posted in 2019...im so old...
and whisper, "thank you for stopping by" - man 2019 really was my year for unfinished WIPs huh, my god. This was my one and only Hadestown fic, damn I loved that musical (and still do) and. wanted to write a story about Orpheus learning to move on, or at least to learn to cope. This one actually was abandoned not because I lost interest but because I found the second chapter near-impossible to write. It was supposed to be a fix-it in some sense, you see, but that...doesn't really fit with the cyclic nature of the story. Someday, I think, the second chapter will come to me - till then, like Eurydice, I'm waiting.
if you want to know about my truly dark fandom past, i also have a third wip, which I wrote around 10 years ago, which was an Enjolras/Eponine les mis au and which will never see the light of day
🔍Give a clue (a picture, emoji, a word, etc) and let your followers guess what a WIP is about. hmmmmmm. an unpublished wip?
my word is youth
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thedeafprophet · 2 years ago
35 for Alex and 48 for Rory for Saturday night ask game
saturday night ask game lets go XD
35. Do they always rationalize errors? How do they accept disasters and failures?
Ough,,, failure often isnt an option for Alex and when things fail he feels quite bad.
I suppose it depends on the situation, i mean if its like, science/school related he probably doesnt care adjffkgkgkkhj. But in his life and line of work things failing can mean people getting hurt.
So when something happens he usually blames himself, that he should have been more prepared, and often mentally tries to figure how to avoid this in the future.
And sometimes he blames himself for failures he couldnt have controlled in the first place.....
48. How are your character’s gestures? Vigorous? Weak? Controlled? Compulsive? Energetic? Sluggish?
Hmmmm i'd say of those Rory is pretty controlled. They're not overly energetic i'd say, more direct and forceful in the way they move.
She trained a lot in fencing so she is combo of direct and controlled even in her actions- or at least tries to be. Sometimes she gets out of control, and then well.. her gestures and movements would be quite different..... I'd say you'd want to run then, but that wouldnt do you much good.
Ask Game From Here!
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simbelmyne20niniel · 2 months ago
Thank you, Merry Christmas to you as well! I would put a few pics of Rory here, but anon doesn't allow me to put pics - so just imagine there being a few good pics of him 💜
People are going crazy - I hope everything's good with your health over there 🥺 But I have to tell you, I did find time to listen to the songs, so here are my live comments after I listened to each one of them:
Time of the season - really nice, I really dig the keyboard in this (kinda reminds me of Manzarek's playing, so nice!)
Summertime - this is moody, wait, let me check the lyrics to this one. Oh, there's a girl crying in this song, huh…
The way I feel inside - didn't expect it to be almost only singing. The keyboard gets a very nice feeling to it, but the vocalist has such a nice voice <3
Beechwood Park - interesting listen, very psychedelic one. Again, going to check the lyrics. It's a song about longing for the summer days and for someone. Beautiful lyrics
This will be our year - its has somehow a positive vibe, the drums are good in this one, very soft, but good
Can't nobody love you - I love this song! It's romantic in its purest form - maybe because I crave such a love, haha
What more can I do - it has a catchy rhythm, especially when the title is sang
It's alright with me - uuu, I like that! Quick. Drummer is good here
Maybe after he's gone - this one is very melancholy, the keyboard does great job in this one again
A million miles away - Rory's voice is SO NICE. The drummer slays at some points in this song, it's long, but so good to listen to!
Shadow play - this is amazing! Who is drumming in this one?! Drummer is so good!
Easy come, easy go - blues, almost as good as "I'm Gonna Crawl" by Led Zeppelin
They don't make them like you anymore - very energetic, the keyboard/piano is so funky like
Follow me - this is quick, kinda rock like, compared to the previous songs, love that one
Bad penny - it has a really catchy guitar, dang it, Rory's music is so good, I didn't expect it
Just the smile - a lot of acoustic guitar, upbeat, Rory's voice just fit so well (I actually love when the vocalist's voice is so good that I treat it like another instrument and I don't pay attention to the lyrics, this is the case here)
Wave myself goodbye - very different from the previous ones, I got a very western film kind of vibe from this one
Moonchild - interesting one, guitar is wonderful in this one, simple if it comes to lyrics, but somehow magical in a way
Laundromat - who is drumming on this one? I love it, so much drumming here, the guitar, bass, vocals, this is perfection
Do you read me - now this is a jam, I vibed to it
Today it'll be even worse, I hope you don't have to go shopping today!
You get it about Ichigo, he's such an amazing protagonist!
What did I like about Bleach. Main protagonist, that's for sure XD But besides that I liked how the world was build and the characters in it. It's a series that doesn't take itself too seriously, everyone are so chill there and also I have two favorites: Zaraki and Grimmjow. I still smile like an idiot when I see them 😂
Kakashi, Tobirama and Madara seem to have the best fangirls 👀
Ouch, that's the worst when you like a character and they screw them up - I had that happening with one fic as well, although I blame it on my immaturity, it was years ago - but tell me, what did they do that made you leave the fic on hiatus? I didn't watch Stranger Things, but I don't mind spoilers, so go on!
Well, if it comes to the fic about Keith - it ain't written in any form (I got myself busy with other projects - one being a fic with J.D.Clover x ofc, character Keith played in "That'll be the day" and "Stardust" and second being a fic where Keith is old and we kinda *get along* if you know what I mean 🤭), but the idea is this:
The Who have a concert in the town I live in (somewhere in England) and Roger writes to me, sending me an invitation for the concert and to the backstage. We've been childhood friends ever since we can remember so he kinda feels obligated to do it, but there are also other band members who remind him of me every second they can, thinking we were together. In the invitation Roger writes a small side note to me, asking me to keep my drumming obsession at bay. I accept the invitation, hoping that I won't go bonkers seeing the drummer of his band, but as you can guess that doesn't work well.
This is the first time I'm seeing The Who. I heard their songs on radio, but never paid this much attention to buy records. I always liked the sound so seeing them live is life changing. I kinda forget how to blink during the concert 🤣
Anyways, after the concert I get backstage. Roger is the first one that notices me, we greet each other very warmly - insert John and Pete sending each other gazes that say "They are totally together" - and he introduces me to the rest. Keith is not with them, he's away, taking a shower. We talk, everything is fine, until I ask about the drummer. This conversation takes place: Me: Where is that drummy boy? Roger: Oh God... Pete: Drummy boy? John: You mean Keith? Me: *eyes shining* YES Roger: I asked you to keep it inside, Caroline Me: I am, but he was so good! I mean, John freaking Bonham is good, but this guy? He's amazing! Roger: *laughing* Welp, we've lost her Pete: You never told us she had an interest in drumming? Roger: She keeps it a secret, as much as she can
Keith appears not so long after and after a small introduction I get in a conversation with him. At first Keith thinks I'm interested in him, but then he realizes that I'm solely interested in his drumming. Him, of all people, thinks I'm nutty and before he agrees to show me his kit and how he plays, he mumbles to Roger: "She's insane..." which causes everyone to laugh, because he's the one saying it.
Time passes from that day, I keep in contact with Roger, slowly realizing that I grew fond of the drummer yet I'm too shy to ask about his number, I only ask about him when I talk with Roger. That is until one day when I suddenly get a phone call at 3 a.m., Keith calling because he bothered Roger so much about my number that he finally gave up and gave it to him.
From that moment we keep in touch, things go well, we meet as well. This is when I learn he's been divorced (fic taking place in 1975 mostly), he learns a few things about myself and through meetings in pubs we kind of start to open up to each other. Keith finds a safe person in me and I find a very sweet person in him.
We get together, things are awful at first due to his alcoholism as you can guess. The fic goes as far as to Keith living in California with me - I actually wrote a one-shot about us living there for the first anniversary of my obsession about him - us coming back to England later and me trying, really trying to get him out of his addictions. This story also serves as a way to save him, so in the end he doesn't die and we live together, even marrying each other in the 80s, when he's all good from rehab (even if it took ages to get to that point, a lot of shattered nerves and destroyed mental health).
You're welcome 🫂
I hadn't seen the movie, but the drama is about people connected to each other through dreaming. They dream and they see that the other is in danger and they can save them. It's a cute drama really! Firs one I saw and the lead actor is a CUTIE!
7 wins is a lot! Nice prizes 💜
Also, tomorrow is the big reveal, me taking my shades off. Are you excited? Do you have any expectations to what you'll see on my blog?
Thank you!! My health is doing fine. Thanks to God, nothing to worry about. 
I'm so happy to read your songs' reviews!!!
Rory had different drummers, but, according to Wikipidea, the drummer on Shadowplay was Ted McKenna. The drummer on Laundromat was Wilgar Campbell (I found this one on the YouTube video).
I did go out to do some shopping, but weirdly enough there were few people in the supermarket. I bought my beloved pomegranates hahaha, and a lot of cauliflower and portobello because we're going to bread them.  
Great characters!!! And yes they were so unserious hahahaha, but it worked. I remember that I laughed a lot in the first season because of Ichigo's dad. 
About Stranger Things...
Eddie was framed for the death of another character. That was his plot… it was a good plot since it was talking about stereotypes, religious fanatics and very closed-minded people. But at the end of the season, they (showrunners) killed the character... they didn't clarify that he was innocent. They (main characters) could have returned from the "Upside Down" with some of his things like his bandana or jacket. But no, as far as I remember, they didn't do it. His uncle is still looking for him and the main characters at the end of the season looked so indifferent about what happened. It was like he was not with them the whole season.
So I want to first see how the show is going to end and if they at least close Eddie's plot, and depending on that, I would take it into account, so I can continue the fic.
Me reading your plot for the Keith fic
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"Connected to each other through dreaming" SIGN ME UP!!!  I love this plot so much!!! As someone who is always having vivid dreams, this is a plot that I like. I'm totally gonna watch that Kdrama.
Yes!!! I want to meet you!! I had so much fun talking to you. I do hope to keep talking and sharing fics and more music. 
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p-taryn-dactyl · 3 months ago
😂 🙅‍♀️ 🗑 🏅 💡 ❤️ 🤔 💕 (don't mind me asking all the things. xD)
hihi! thank you so much for the ask, im sorry it took me a while, i had a weird night and a even weirder morning 😭
😂 : what's the funniest comment someone has left on a fic of yours?
i had to go through practically all of my fics to find one lmao, i think one i remember laughing at was from part 1 of CIAFOM where someone commented "bruh i haven't finished the fic but the second i got to, "Marc was vibing." BRUH WHY IS THAT SO FUNNY-" i remember liking that bc i was just happy someone liked the fic but im sure there are other comments that are funny too
🙅‍♀️: what is one trope you refuse to ever write?
uhhh i'll never write incest? im not a huge fan of non-con. im blanking on tropes as i type this lmao
🗑: what is one fic idea that you loved at first but then scrapped?
oh so many :/ i've paused CIAFOM bc i didn't like the direction i took the story. one that had been all written and ready but i hated how i had done it was a Camelot!AU where reader had to choose between different suitors during a masquerade ball but if i recall there was also like an invasion happening idk i just wanted to describe pretty ballgowns and have a 'who are you gonna pick' type situation
🏅: what is the fic you're most proud of?
either way down we go bc i wrote that when i was at my lowest inspiration wise and confidence wise and people actually liked it or burnt toast and vodka bc in my mind that's exactly how i would act in the marvel universe
💡: whats the weirdest thing you've ever been inspired by?
church sermon 😁 it was about sodom and gamora
❤️: who is your favorite character to write for and why?
it depends on what fandom! i love writing for Agatha and Yelena in marvel, Daniel jackson in stargate, mick rory and barry allen from the CWDC, and it all boils down to if 1) i see a part of myself in the character or 2) im attracted to them
🤔: what is one genre you've never written that you'd like to try?
science fiction? in both fic and my personal writing ive kinda avoided it bc im not that smart when it comes to technology and i feel like i would really make the fiction part stand out in the genre.
💕: what is the WIP that you are most excited about?
im working on an ambessa (from arcane) x reader fic rn that im excited about and then i have a few agatha ideas im working on that i hope will turn out ok!
thank you!! also i love that you asked a lot dw 🫶🏻
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xreloveutionx · 2 years ago
Let’s give it a try 2.0
0. Height - 1m 62cm 1.Age - 27 2.Shoe Size - 40, sometimes 41 3.Do you Smoke? No 4.Do you Drink? Hardly ever 5.Do you take drugs? I’ve tried some w**d 6.Age you get mistaken for - I’m not quite sure 7.Have Tattoos? Sadly I still don’t have any 8.Want any tattoos? Yes I have two specific ideas 9.Got any Piercings? No, just earrings 10.Want any Piercings? No 11.Best friend? M. - At least I hope so :’-) 12.Relationship status - Single, but it’s complicated 13.Biggest turn ons - Hugs, cuddles, holding hands, hands in general, a great personality, open minded, authentic, reflective, caring, understanding, humorous (!!!), is able to make me feel secure, but on the other hand is thrilling (you need to feel secure, to get out of your comfort zone and try out new things), black jeans/pants, nail polish on guys, good taste in music  14.Biggest turn offs - Just the typical stuff I guess 15.Favorite Movie - I don’t have one 16.I’ll love you if - I love you xD 17.Someone you miss - D. unfortunately 18.Most traumatic experience - Being bullied during school 19.A fact about your personality - I overthink a lot (too much) 20.What I hate most about myself - That I (over)think too much 21.What I love most about myself - Some parts of my personality, my way of thinking (but it’s often also a burden to me) 22.What I want to be when I get older - Happy, wise, laid back 23.My relationship with my sibling(s) - I don’t have any 24.My relationship with my parent(s) - Quite okay 25.My idea of a perfect date - If it just goes with the flow, if it feels natural and maybe going for a little walk without any specific destination 26.My biggest pet peeves - Idk 27.A description of the girl/boy I like - Currently it’s a guy I shouldn’t like, because we are to different in some ways 28.A description of the person I dislike the most - / 29.A reason I’ve lied to a friend - I’m sure it was something about my feelings  30.What I hate the most about work/school - The whole system 31.What your last text message says - “Bin home 💜” 32.What words upset me the most - I have to think a little longer about this one 33.What words make me feel the best about myself - caring words from the heart, when you can tell just by their words, that people love you and that they want you to be part of their lifes, “text me, when you get home” 34.What I find attractive in women - It’s hard to explain & colourful hair ig 35.What I find attractive in men - Hands, eyes, black jeans/pants, nail polish, just their little quirks, which makes them unique 36.Where I would like to live - In a cute, little house near the woods, hills & waters, but also near a (small) city 37.One of my insecurities - Fear of rejection 38.My childhood career choice - One unrealistic wish was to become a vet 39.My favorite ice cream flavor - Hard to tell, it depends 40.Who wish I could be - Self-conscious and in a state of inner peace 41.Where I want to be right now - I just wanna lay in his arms 42.The last thing I ate - I guess it was pizza 43.Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately - Ronny Radke, Rory Culkin 44.A random fact about anything - Kellogg's created the Idea that breakfast is the most important meal of the day
About 2021: https://xreloveutionx.tumblr.com/post/641325514535108609/just-some-questions Source:��https://www.tumblr.com/macleod/30833419547/ask-away-please
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