#inside out cringe
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1tsstargaze59 · 2 months ago
New year, new fankids DROP✨️
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I've been working on these two in the background for a WHILE now ^^""" Sorry I didn't get to them sooner, I was just very hyperfocused on my fav ship- BUT THEY ARE HERE OWO
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From left to right, up-down: Revulsion💚💜, Excitement💛🧡 and Panic🧡💜. I also draw her with Ambivalence💙💛 as well! I just really liked that doodle and wanna make it all nice and final later, so im keeping it secret for now hehe
Oh also @re-colligere huuuuh you said smtg a while back about wanting to see cringe so @/ing you here lol
(Oh man, I can hear my mutuals crying with these choices- SORRY GUYS, ILL DO ALL THESE CHOICES IN THE FUTURE I PROMISE XD this is just becuz I suck at choosing an order for my ideas lol)
Explaining the designs and lore below the cut!!! ^^
This girly is inspired by classic spooky family, the Adams, specifically Morticia. She also takes the diamond shape inspo from a French magical girl show, Lolirock, and her colors from white diamond from SU! Unintentional inspo there, but I guess it was subconscious XD
She's the most emotionally mature of the fankids, taking the lead most of the time, anticipating the days work, and genuinely enjoying every moment as it's happening. She likes horror and thrills, and will go out of her way to push herself outside her comfort zone. She's an older sister figure to pretty much everyone and is friendly with all of them. She particularly likes teasing Rory and Ambivalence since they are older and mature enough not to get too upset XD
Cringe is so silly fr XD He's supposed to be this Cringe 8 y/o who thinks they're so cool and ontop of everything and that all the adults are like- cringe- XD but he himself is ALSO CRINGY XD becuz he's so young and doesn't actually know about a lot, but acts with so much confidence lol He's very judgemental and rude towards everyone, but he will act decent if you don't do anything "cringe". If you do, prepare for ridicule.
His design is honestly just a kid in a clover shape- that was all XD I found myself inspired by the colors of some object show fanart, because I found them to be cringe in an endearing way ^^ /pos
That's all! Relationship charts!
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Simplified character headshots as I'm gonna expand with the other fankids later lol
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butmakeitgayblog · 5 months ago
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Nikki Vee in It's What's Inside
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tarotomorrows · 8 months ago
Alright #anxifear nation come get yall’s food
This is based off an artists’s twitter post of an Inside Out x Heathers AU and they had Anxiety as JD and Fear as Veronica and I thought the dynamic of it was just too priceless too not use.
And no shame to the creator either by the way I’m just so surprised by the creative minds of the internet I mean who thinks to put those two pieces of media together?! It’s actually impressive so props to your creativity lol
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oreokins · 1 month ago
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why aren't embarrassment and envy in speedstorm too ?
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fuwibun · 17 days ago
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konakoro · 1 year ago
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This is definitely my favorite runner in book 6
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real-odark · 9 months ago
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is this rock bottom
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roshellow29 · 8 months ago
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Feelings personified
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merurei · 8 months ago
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tiddie-taylor · 5 months ago
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Joy after getting a face full of sadness ass in that one scene /J
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1tsstargaze59 · 1 month ago
College AU Chapter 4 DROP 🧡💜
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Sorry I didn't write for this AU in a while ^^" I got writers block TvT Then it was exam period in college and then the holidays- *oof* BUT IM BACK NOW, AND 2 CHAPTERS AWAY FROM THE END!!!
Actually, this chapter was inspired by @eechytooru 's artwork, same as the rest of the AU lol, but I mean specifically the doodle where they're playing chess in this post
(Do you guys have any idea how far I had to scroll to get this link??? XD) Anyway, you'll see why JSUT READ QISBWKSO-
Chapter 4 : Checkmates
Anne and Saddie, arms linked, walked up to the chess club doorstep one peaceful Monday afternoon. Anna had figured fewer people stay past class hours on Mondays, so there would be a lot less pressure. Having prepared herself for this, she felt a surge of energy throughout her body, and she had a smile from ear to ear.
"Thank you again, Saddie. You know, you really didn't need to accompany me, though."
"I'll be honest and say it was more for my nerves than your own," she admitted.
Anna-lee chuckled, "Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow morning!" She waved goodbye to her senior and opened the door. The bright light of the room pouring into the hall.
Sitting at the front desk of the club was a smiling woman. She wore a knee-length blue dress with a subtle star pattern over a white t-shirt and a pair of blue ballerinas. The outfit was accessorized with a cute beaded necklace. Her blonde roots stood in harsh contrast to her bright blue pixie cut. Her style was so distinctive that Anne had no problem recognizing her. Her smile spread across her face just a little bit more.
Once the woman laid eyes on her, she sprang out of her seat and grabbed her hand to shake it excitedly, "Hello!!! Oh my gosh, I've heard so many good things about you! It's so nice to finally meet you!"
"You have?," she asked, her voice shaking, "That's great, but hm- what was your name again?"
"Oh, I'm sorry! I can get ahead of myself sometimes; I'm Jocelyn, Jocelyn Meyer, but you can just call me Joy."
"It's nice to meet you too, Joy! Great name, by the way," Anna-lee pointed out.
"Thanks," she humbly accepted the compliment, "I'm assuming you came to check out the club! Would you like a tour, or are you good exploring on your own?" She offered.
"Well– " Anna leaned to her right side, checking out the room behind Joy.
On the left, there were students having coffee and playing card games, comfortably sitting on an assortment of sofas. To her right, a row of tables had more serious students playing a variety of board games, including chess. The entrance's bright yellow light dimmed into a redish hue that gave the rest of the room the air of a casino night. At the very back, Frederick sat at a desk, cabinets, full of board games and other knick-knacks standing tall behind him. He was bent over a ton of paperwork, his eyes darting between two copies, marking notes from time to time in red ink.
"I wouldn't mind an explanation as to why the chess club has much more games than I would have anticipated?" questioned Anna.
"Great question!" The two walked into the club, on their way to the back of the room, "A few years back, we really were just 'the chess club' up until the previous director took her maternity leave. You must know her since she's in your department : Saddie?"
"Yes! She guided me here, actually. I mean, aside from Fred, who's mentioned it in passing," she chuckled nervously.
Jocelyn’s eyebrows frowned and her lips perked.
"What?" Anne asked, her voice shaky, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, nothing. I'm just still surprised he didn't mention it more considering taking Saddie's place was no small feat. The humble bastard," she elaborated.
Before she could explain further, they had reached Fred’s director’s desk. Anne had a perplexed look on her face. She lifted a finger up to her lip. 
“Fred, could you shed some light on that for me?” asked Joy, but the question flew right past him as he continued his correction work. The girls shared a confused look before Joy hit the desk lightly with both her hands, “Fred?” she repeated, raising her voice ever so slightly.
The man jolted back before looking up. In an instant, his face flushed, his shoulders tensed, and he jumped out of his office chair, hitting his knees on the desk. The yell he stuffed down came out as a squeal. He fell back into his chair, holding his knees as it rolled back, breathing in through his teeth. Anna-lee hid her agape mouth behind her hands, and Joy scrunched her teeth.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” she apologized, “Are you ok?”
“Yup! Give me a moment,” he took a deep breath before standing up straight and waving 'hello' with an embarrassed look on his face, “Hi Anna-lee.”
Anna smiled nervously, returning his little wave. Joy side-eyed her and smirked, “Fred, why haven't you explained to Miss Tyson how you got this position?”
“I... I don't really like to brag,” he responded honestly, returning swiftly to his work.
"Aw, it's not a brag! It's like, like... history! Of the chess club! Come on, tell her!" Joy poked his arm.
Anna-Lee's face lit up, "I like history!"
Fred sighed before explaining without looking away from his paperwork, "When a director leaves their post, the members of the chess club play a chess tournament in which the winner gets to become the new director-"
"He won the last tournament and hasn't lost a single match since!" Joy cheerfully finished his tale, clapping her hands together, proud of him.
Frederick's face flushed red, his eyes rolled in annoyance, and he smiled. Anna-lee looked at him in awe. Then, her brow frowned nefariously, "How offended would you be if I said I didn't believe you?"
He looked up at her again, this time with a serious look on his face, “... Is that a challenge?”
The next thing they knew, they were sitting face to face at a table in the center of the room, the chess board printed onto its surface, patiently awaiting the war of pawns. Jocelyn and a few club members as their audience. The tension in the room was slightly off. Everyone could foresee the outcome of the match, yet Anna-Lee's pure excitement and general brash attitude still had the small audience shaking with anticipation. Joy was referee; she flipped a coin to determine who goes first. Fred guessed his head, Anna guessed tails. The coin landed on tails, so she moved her pawn first. He did the same on his turn. The back and forth went on for five very silent, very focused turns, at least for Anne, who knew who she was up against and tried to do her best. Fred calmly swirled the coffee in his mug after every move, taking a sip from time to time, a smile plastered on his face.
“Checkmate,” he whispered after his fifth turn, having moved the black rook diagonally to the white king.
“Huh? But- Huh,” she scratched her forehead and threw her hands in the air, “I lost.”
Everyone sighed knowingly and casually went back to their own games, “Well, Joy did try to warn you. Hopefully, this didn’t upset you... and you still want to hang out in the club?” asked Fred, nervously hiding his face behind his mug. 
Anne reached over the table and grabbed his left hand, holding it with both of hers, “Let’s play again,” she said dryly, a fire burning in her eyes. 
He looked over at Joy, hoping she’d have something comforting to say or do, but she simply shrugged and went back to the front desk, leaving the two alone, more or less. He smiled at Anna, his eyebrows shaking nervously. 
They played for so long; they had lost track of time. At first, he counted the games he’d won, but he stopped counting after 12; determining that she wouldn’t stop playing until she’d defeated him... He tried giving her tips, but she wouldn’t listen to any of them, saying she preferred to figure it out on her own. Fred couldn’t help but feel bad, not only because playing against a novice this many times made him feel pity, but also because he was genuinely enjoying seeing her plan her moves and get excited over even the slightest bit of progress only to fail anyway and get frustrated. Every time Anna failed, however, it just fueled her passion more. She was frowning almost the entire time, but he thought she looked adorable regardless. Fred silently smiled to himself. Her king piece fell over and over until the club room was left completely empty.
“I don’t mean to interrupt, um, whatever is going on here-” Joy walked up to them, waving her hands at the situation.
“It’s war,” clarified Anna-lee, a straight look on her face.
Joy giggled, “Sure! But um, it’s getting late, and I’d like to head home now.”
“Oh my gosh!" Anna yelled, looking down at her watch, "6PM?? I’m so sorry! I’ll leave now!” She jumped out of her chair and grabbed Jocelyn’s arms, hugging her as thanks, then swiftly running straight out the door. Before she left, however, she peeked her head through the door to say one last thing : "BUT! Don’t think this is over, Frederick! I will defeat you! MARK MY WORDS!” And she slammed the door shut.
The math teachers were left speechless. Fred swirled his mug one last time.
“Hey~ looks like someone's made a rival,” Jocelyn teased him, hitting his left arm with her elbow.
Fred tried to take a sip of his cup, but his tongue was left dry, “I think I’m gonna need more coffee.”
For the next few days, Anna-lee showed up at the chess club after class, asking Fred for at least one match, to which he’d concede. She became an official member after her third day. Their games got progressively longer. She’d smile at him every time he realized she'd made unexpected progress, but no matter what technique she tried, Anne would always lose. Despite this, Anna-lee loved playing against him. Something about the competition, the goal she’d set for herself, made her feel alive. She had researched the history of chess and various chess strategies on her own time; spending hours sitting in her bed, curled up over her computer screen, reading. If she was to play against anyone else, she would most likely win, or at least she likes to believe that she could, but ultimately, she didn’t want to beat anyone else. She wanted to defeat Fred. Anna hasn’t had this much fun in a while. Now, when she enters the club, she feels right at home. Where she belongs. The red velvet walls give her a warm, comforting embrace. 
She sat at the chess table in front of Fred once more, holding out a coin.
“I’m ready when you are,” he said.
Anna flipped the coin, guessing heads. It landed on tails.
“Darn!” she cursed under her breath, which made Fred laugh.
The black and white checkered pattern of the board matched his sweater vest. Oftentimes, as silly as it sounded, Anna wondered if it gave him some sort of advantage. It almost seemed like every piece on the board was on his side, like she was playing against the game itself. Perhaps it was just an impression she got from not looking at him- enough? Her eyes darted up at him, and she was reminded why she so rarely does so. His dark eyes seemed to have no end. It was as if looking straight up at a clear night sky, the endless sea of stars glistening with hope. She swallowed and looked back down at the game; shaken by how much she had to live up to. In a sharp move, she shoved her bishop across the board; seeking some kind of struggle from him. Instead, he smiled and moved his rook, taking her bishop. Anne scoffed, face flushed.
“Sorry Madam. I will say, you’ve gotten much more confident with your moves,” he shrugged his shoulders ironically.
“That’s not fair. You distracted me!” she playfully pointed at him, her yelling grabbing the club members’ attention.
“How?” he chuckled.
“Huh-" shit-, "with your wits! I guess-”
"...True, I am a scientific calculator; you’re more like a novel,” he boldly stated.
“Huh?” Anna-lee muttered.
The room fell silent.
“I, wait, I mean-”
He scrambled with his words, trying his best to piece together an apology, but it was too late. As seconds passed, the silence in the room rang louder and louder in Anna's ears until she was deaf with anger, “No, you’re right! And you know what? You can have your win! We both know how this ends anyway, right?! Screw the rules, screw your stupid club rules : I FORFEIT!” 
Anna-lee grabbed her things and stormed out the door faster than anyone could process what had just happened. Fred cowarded in his seat, frozen by fear and shame. A dark, misty cloud closed in around him, causing him to shiver.
“Hey,” Joy said, placing her hand on his shoulder.
He looked up at her, speechless.
“I know you didn’t mean what you said, but then... why?”
All he could do was shake his head.
It's been a few days since the two have spoken, and Fred still feels awful about it. Anna-lee had been avoiding him, missing their usual meet-up times on tuesdays and ignoring him in the halls. The only moments she even acknowledged his presence were at the chess club. She came in every other day to challenge him to a match, but only under the condition they did not speak during the game. He had no idea why he kept accepting this. He needed to talk to her about this, but if he did, it would break her trust, and she'd probably stop going to the club at all. He'd never see her again... over a game of chess? No. This was his fault. He had to fix this. He had a plan, but he had a strong suspicion that she was not going to like it.
Tuesday, after his class, he stayed in the classroom for as long as necessary. Just as he thought, Anna-lee showed up 15 minutes before her class began, way past their usual meeting time. When she entered the room, her eyes widened at the sight of him, and as she spun around to leave, her face frowned.
"Wait! Anna-lee, can we talk?" Fred rushed to meet up with her in the hall.
"What is there to talk about, Fred?!" She turned around to face him, "I thought I was finally getting closer to you, being curious about an interest of yours, but clearly, I was wrong to think we could even be- compatible, since you've shown you don't actually respect my discipline!"
"I didn't mean any of that!"
"I don't care! All I want is an apology!"
"But you yelled at me and ran out without letting me apologize! And you're doing it again! How am I supposed to make it up to you if you won't even TALK to me!?"
Anna was taken aback. She was speechless.
"... Will you please listen to me?"
"OK- go on."
"I didn't mean to insult your discipline. If you know me at ALL, you know how much I respect youand I'd never insult you intentionally. I was trying to come up with a... a 'roast'? You know, playful banter, like we usually have, but I said the first thing that came to mind, and I didn't think about what I was saying until... well until I had said it," his voice got weaker and shaky as he explained, his body folding in on itself.
Anna's face softened, and she stepped closer to him.
"I'm sorry. It was never my intention to insult you or your intelligence..." With his next thought, he gained some of his spirit back, "Actually, you're one of the smartest people I know."
She looked a little surprised at first, but then she smiled.
"You're smart and funny," he complimented her, slowly holding out his hands to grab hers and gently guiding her closer to him, "And if we ever were to get lost in a crowd of people, I know I'd always be able to pick you out amongst them, because you are radiant."
Anna-lee giggled, her laugh causing her to lean onto him, "Oh Fred, never change," she gave him a hug and sighed before pulling away to look at him, "You're right, I'm sorry I didn't speak to you sooner. I let my feelings get in the way of problem solving, and it just left both of us in an uncomfortable situation. I was acting childish - c-could you forgive me?" Her voice cracked, and her eyes shined. She clung into his sleeves nervously.
"Of course! So long as you forgive me," he raised his left eyebrow, tilted his head, and smirked.
Anna-lee chuckled, "Don't waste my time! I have a class to give!" She pulled away from him and walked up to the door.
"But you do forgive me, right?"
"Yes, Fred, I do."
"Great! I'll see you... after class? At the chess club?"
"Yes sir! And you better be prepared for the match of a lifetime!" She threatened him playfully.
Fred smiled, a sappy, enamored smile, as he walked away, wishing 3 hours could pass by as quickly as 3 seconds would.
"Prepare yourself, Fred, 'cause I'm about to rock. Your. World!" warned Anna-lee, sitting across her opponent at the chess table.
"Should I be scared or intrigued?" asked Frederick with a shaky voice, making sure he was in the right mindset before the game.
"Preferably : both."
"OK, good. Then consider me prepared!"
(Author's note: GET A ROOM!!!!!)
Every member of the chess club was present for the match, impatiently leaning in to watch the show. Joy was very excited for this particular match, as her friends had finally gotten back to their usual banter. She refereed once more, flipped a coin and determined Anna would go first.
With each turn, the tension in the air strung itself just a little tighter. Fred was smiling like a dork at first, happy to be playing with her like normal again, until he realized that she was taking quite a few more of his pieces then he'd like. Did his feelings get in the way of his strategizing? They haven't gotten in the way before; what gives? Everytime he made a move, Anne swiftly countered it. Eventually, he understood : Anna-lee was using his own technique against him. His face melted into a frightened shock, his mouth agape. When she saw this, she smiled devilishly. He looked up at her, his hands starting to shake nervously, then back down at the board. He swallowed. The tables had turned. A drop of sweat trailed down his jawline. The back and forth went on for five more very silent, very focused turns, at least for Fred, who knew what he was up against and had no idea how he could win. Anna-lee calmly moved her pieces, a smile plastered on her face.
"Checkmate!" She shouted and jumped out of her seat once her queen had finally, finally cornered his king. The whole room burst into cheers and hugs; she had accomplished what they'd all thought to be impossible!
"YA!!! I have been waiting to use these for so long!" Jocelyn jumped at Anna, throwing a cape around her shoulders and placing a handmade paper crown on her head, which filled her heart with joy. With all the club members surrounding her and congratulating her, Anna's cheeks started to hurt from how hard she was smiling, a tear almost forming in her eye.
Fred was still sitting down; leaning over the board in disbelief. He lay his head in his left hand and picked up his king piece; sliding it over next to her queen piece, "Congrats," he said, in awe of her. Soft. Humble.
Anna-lee blinked twice and froze; her breath was cut short. For just a moment, everything else ceased to be. For just a moment, she looked into his eyes and got lost in them again.
Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
The chapters only get longer from here, sorry gang XD
Redraw reward of my doodle from the last chapter as a thx for reading uvu🧡💜
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tarotomorrows · 7 months ago
WE GOT THE OG 5 IN THE HOUSE!!! This is part of my Inside Out punk au. Their band name is Harmony! So let me introduce their roles and how they came to be. PART 2
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Our 3rd member is Fear! He joined Joy and Sadness’s clique way back in their 7th grade year.
He is the only band member who didn’t join already knowing how to play an instrument. In fact he actually started at the artist and would often make designs for the band’s potential logo and was very keen on staying out of any potential limelight. Although during the 8th grade talent show Joy and Sadness needed someone to play the guitar as Joy was planning to do some acrobatics/dancing choreography while singing and didn’t have the stamina to play and sing at the same time. Fear knew how much this meant to the two and had seen them practice for weeks and with only 2 weeks left he pushed his own fears aside and offered to learn the chords to the song to help the duo out. In the end he liked playing so much that he continued even after the show and with enough practice later on joined as the 3rd member.
During their time on the tour Joy forced them all into. He was the first to deny and the most out of it while on the trip. In fact he it got so bad it would interfere with playing which would upset Joy and the others but as time passed on it only seemed to bother Joy in the end.
He missed home and he didn’t ask for this but didn’t want to start conflict so in an act of desperation to feel heard he confided in Sadness about his true thoughts on the matter which sparked the ignition for Sadness to really have a talk with Joy about the stakes this whole music career dream has gotten them into. Once it was announced by Joy that they would be returning home he was ecstatic he didn’t care why he was just glad they were. Right? I mean what does it matter if the reasons are known…
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Next is Anger he’s the teams killer drummer and owner/designated driver of Bing Bong! (The giant mini van the crew uses to travel in, who Joy named Bing Bong because of the silly sound the horn makes).
He was the fourth to be recruited to the team. After getting sent to detention for one of her senior pranks Joy met Anger in detention where she over heard the accidental killer rhythm he had going with his shoe and pencil tapping. Joy asked if he played he gave a simple eyes roll, which was good enough for Joy. She begged him to join and he proposed she couldn’t do anything in the world that would make him join her crazy idea. In the end Joy proved him wrong by breaking both if them out of detention and also returning the item he had stolen from him that he fought trying to get back (the whole reason which got him into detention his drumsticks). Reluctantly out of the honor system and due to a possible charming face he caved and became the band’s official drummer.
He may or may not have had issues with the whole unorganized and possibly dangerous on the road tour trip but he had faith in Joy’s judgement and the strength and bonds of the rest of the group. However the more and more the trip dragged on the more and more he started to realize just how far apart they actually were…
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Last but certainly not least is Disgust! Although not a band member she is still an important asset of the crew as their manager. She handles finances,bookings, and how their brand is presented and NO, She will not be dressing in rags (aka how she refers to the punk/alt aesthetic) but she will deck herself out in her own uptown style.
She was the last to join the crew. Although friends with everyone since sophomore year she never partook in any of their “rough housings” she called it. She never saw the appeal in getting all sweaty and lugging around heaving metal equipment but one day Joy asked for her help to organize the flyers for the show they were doing for the Senior Festival.
Getting to talk about how amazing her friends were and how she’s affiliated with them and getting to look pretty while doing it. Now that was something she could do not to mention managing the funds for new equipment and getting to style them with awesome costumes for when they started doing shows outside of school. She loved everything about it the generosity, hanging out with friends, and the popularity…
During the trip she was the second to snapping, Fear obviously was the first. During the trip she did her best to manage the finances with the best odds she could, it started off alright but of course later on their lack of funds lead to more cramped nights sleeping in the van. It came to a point where she started to up-sale some of their merchandise in hopes of allowing the everyone to eat a full meal or have enough gas. After the fateful night Fear confided with Sadness, Disgust, overhead their conversation and grew livid, she could live with Joy’s delusions but blind ignorance towards other people’s own well being was not on the table. She swore that night that if Joy couldn’t see that this was beyond hopeless she was gonna knock her around and make her see it. That fateful evening when dinnertime arrived Disgust did more than just expose Joy’s selfishness but also how morally and emotionally taxing this dream of hers has been on all of them and what she’s had to resort to doing to meet ends meet for everyone. In the end Joy stormed off which is what prompted Sadness to have that heart to heart later on in the night.
In the morning after Joy announced about them going back to Anderson Falls a huge relief was lifted off their chest. Well some relief she still felt horrible about how Joy had treated them. However she wasn’t going to apologize for what she said to her, you don’t say sorry not for being right at least. So she vowed that until Joy owned up to her mistakes back home they’d keep the pleasantries to a minimum and distance herself as far as she could. It’s not like she had to try very hard as Joy had already began to stop talking or listening to her. Which is fine she can wait till Joy’s ready to be a grown up, she can patient I mean that’s all she’s ever given anyone. She can keep waiting, it doesn’t matter how long it takes…
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riahsringtone · 9 months ago
joy always says “our girl” when she refers to Riley but I swear she probably wants to say “our daughter” instead like they’re literally a big family taking care of Riley ohhhb
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guacoholic · 7 months ago
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Her name is Apathy!! She’s autistic as shit and loves to experiment on memories and study emotion anatomy and physiology. She’s incredibly self aware and wants to know exactly what the emotions are made of. Her dwelling is in the basement with nostalgia, and she has a laboratory setup. Since Ennui doesn’t care about anything, it would only be natural that she would be unbothered by needles and examinations. She and Apathy spend lots of time together; Apathy enjoys her company and her nonchalant attitude. Easy to experiment on :)
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bremoll · 7 months ago
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natashasreadingcorner · 8 months ago
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@shakusame @graciejuliuswife (tagging my pookies cuz I luv em :3 /p)
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