#cobra kai season 3
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sleepyicon · 19 days ago
keenry- robby’s pov (i’m insane)
keenry tory’s pov: https://www.tumblr.com/sleepyicon/773121101619429376/keenry-torys-pov
“there’s good in everyone. she just has to be shown the right way”
taking tory up on her offer to go to the zoo. he’s done running away.
grabbing the snake with his bare hands to please tory and the other cobras
robby offering to help tory up when he took her down in a fight
robby having tory stand by his side as he makes his speech to to the cobras. he views tory as an equal.
robby once again offering to help tory up when he takes her down
robby asking tory where her new job is, but respects her not wanting to share
robby once again respecting her boundaries when he found out tory had a shitty day, even making a light hearted joke out of it
robby asking tory if she’s going to prom and amused when she asks him
robby assuring tory that he understands her when she calls her motivations to win the tournament stupid
robby accepting tory when she rests her head against his and telling her that he didn’t care about sam and miguel, which gave her the courage to feel the same
robby jumping into the fight at stingray’s after party to help tory
robby not caring when tory pulled him into the pool and laughing with her
robby complimenting tory’s dancing and karate skills and laughing with her when she mentioned she was going to return her dress
robby initiating kissing her
robby and tory sparring together and robby smiling up at tory when she lands on top of him
robby throwing his gi to tory before his final fight (i saw the way piper looked at tory after ik this means something)
robby telling tory that he’s alright and that she should focus on her fight when she checks on him after his loss, not wanting her to worry about his own baggage before her big fight
robby’s struggling right now, but he STILL SHOWS UP FOR TORY’S FIGHT AND WISHES HER LUCK!!
robby cheering with the other cobras when tory wins, he’s no longer rooting for cobra kai, but he is rooting for tory
robby telling his dad “i could be at home right now with tory” when he finds out johnny lied to him about why they were really in mexico. she was on his minddd
robby shouting her name across the water park
robby looking out for tory by attempting to convince her to take a break from cobra kai, and trying to understand tory’s decision not to (yes his ultimatum at the end of this ep was shitty, but he knew cobra kai was causing damage and i’m glad he ultimately stood up to it in the end)
“there’s some others in cobra kai i care about too” we all know that means tory.
robby showing concern for something potentially happening to tory when she doesn’t show up for her sekai taikai qualifier match
robby looking at and nodding to her after his speech to silver, noticing that her loyalty to silver is fading and that he’s there for her
robby trying to get into contact with tory later that day
robby immediately noticing tory’s hand and asking what happened to it, seemingly not believing her when she tells him it was a training accident
robby smiling at tory when she looks out for the both of them due to their probation
robby (kinda) putting his arm in front of tory when silver walks over to the both of them (what i like about this scene is that silver is the one who set them up, and now they’re both against him)
robby apologizing to tory for abandoning her and respecting that she’s tired (which after everything, i definitely believe that was her true reason to not want a longer conversation) and just wants to kiss
likely, tory was the first person robby went to when he got to school to show that he was reinstated
robby wanting to help tory and sam become friends and going along with miguel’s double date idea, but he sets the record straight with tory when she seems uncomfortable, while still trying to encourage her to give her a chance
also robby calling bs (with his eyes) when tory tells him that she’s not avoiding sam
robby’s sekai taikai pact with tory (do i even need to say more?)
robby looking absolutely CRUSHED when he sees that tory rejoined cobra kai
robby conversing with the cobra kai’s at their hotel in barcelona and his face softening the second he sees tory, and then attempting to run after her
robby smiling at tory when they were taking their captain’s photo and then going after her as soon as it was done
robby having an honest and heartfelt with tory about cobra kai in the aquarium (this scene was so beautiful and absolutely cut short by sam invading their privacy for some reason??)
robby trying to stay away from cobra kai and their challenges, only participating when kwon eggs him on by mentioning his gf is on their team and then agreeing to a bet with kwon (which in my opinion is very unlike him)
robby going to tory’s room in the middle of the night and assuring her that she’s not making things worse for him when she thinks that she is
robby being extremely unfocused during the tournament due to tory putting them on pause and competing for a rival team
robby being jealous of tory and kwon
robby being so heartbroken and off balance due to no longer having tory and screwing up the tournament that he drinks, possibly for the first time and getting extremely drunk
robby attempting to fight kwon when he tells him that he’ll keep tory warm, but being too drunk to do it (once again, all of this is unlike him)
robby did not come to play in his fight against kwon when he discovered that kwon played him by faking a relationship with tory. as johnny said, robby was making it hurt
robby apologizing to tory for letting her and kwon get to his head, saying that he knows himself and her better than that.
“did any of it include me” when tory said that she never should have let herself believe in any of it AJDMFIFNEKSKGNRODN
after kwon rudely interrupted them, he told tory to get home safe and that he would see her there. he was determined to figure things out with her (don’t even get me started with this “oh it’s one sided and toxic” shit TORY’S NOT IN THE RIGHT HEADSPACE RN SHE’S STILL A GRIEVING CHILD, EVIDENT BY THE FACT THAT SHE WAS HOLDING HER AND HER MOM’S MAGIC JEWEL WITH A SAD LOOK ON HER FACE. SHE WAS ELIMINATED FROM THE TOURNAMENT THAT SHE WAS IN FOR HER MOM! AND SHE HAS PROVEN MULTIPLE TIMES THAT SHES A GOOD PARTNER, BUT SHE CANT BE PERFECT ALL THE TIME MY GOD wait this is supposed to be a robby post anyways)
robby pulling a badass double kick to save tory from zara during the tournament brawl
robby telling zara that it’s not even close when she questions him choosing tory over her (more like there’s no decision at all you stupid abuser)
robby and tory fighting together!!!
robby and tory standing next to each other in the aftermath of the brawl, both of them devistated after kwon’s death
shout out to all the times he looks back when tory looks at him across every season
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18-2024 · 8 months ago
Darkest Eras:
Season 1: Miguel
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Season 3: Hawk Moskowitz and Tory Nichols:
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Season 4: Robby Keene and Sam LaRusso:
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Season 6: Demetri Alexopoulos?
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Pretty baller that they let Kumiko friendzone a guy, but it sure would be nice if they let some other women in the show also do that.
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partiallypearl · 2 months ago
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Mary Mouser as Samantha "Sam" LaRusso in Cobra Kai S3 EP1 - Aftermath
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mo-hawk · 2 months ago
Still angry about the fact that Demetri just instantly got back into karate after the arm break.
There was absolutely no reason for him to stay with it at that point. He didn’t have a deep, personal relationship with karate ir his Sensei. Karate lost him all his friends and fucked up most of his life: Miguel almost died after a horrible karate brawl, Aisha was forced to move away because of karate, Robby went to juvie for nearly killing Miguel with karate, Sam was horribly traumatized and had literal karate PTSD, and Eli, who he was absolutely in love with, either platonically or romantically, became a toxic, violent bully. All because of karate.
Demetri only started karate because his friends were being jerks and he wanted to protect himself. After Hawk breaks his arm, he has no reason to keep doing it. Karate has done nothing but hurt him and everyone close to him, and Demetri is the character most likely to realize that and duck out. Yet he apparently has no negative feelings about it at all and is right back with Miyagi-do for the season finale 🫠
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toxictrannyfreak · 3 months ago
I strongly feel that in Hawk’s evil bitch s3 era he gets super into American Idiot. Stewing in his room punching the wall like no one understands me… I’m so alternative while listening to one of the biggest hit albums of the 21st century. When Demetri tells him it got a musical adaptation he gets so mad he punches Kyler
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saccharine-dean · 3 months ago
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I'm not myself, I'm not myself, I'm not myself.
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mystic-insightss · 3 months ago
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I'm not myself, I'm not myself, I'm not myself
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nikredd · 6 months ago
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The underdog characters in Cobra Kai
I feel bad for Robby getting third place (door number 3) because of Johnny and Carmen's baby.
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ihatethebrits · 3 months ago
do i even have to say it
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wild-catra · 6 months ago
cobra kai spoilers
why does no one ever call the police??? these kids are forming gangs, assaulting random straners, breaking and entering, stealing, almost killing people, comitting arson and like none of their parents cares abt it?? I don't believe demetri's parents would have just ingored his broken arm and not asked around his friends what happened. same as the larussos not pressing charges against the kids who trashed their house and assaulted their guests???
again why does all the plot depend on everyone being dumb and insane
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sleepyicon · 1 month ago
keenry- tory’s pov (im insane)
tory accepting robby and giving him advice related to training and home life
tory inviting robby to hang out with the cobras and defending him against hawk
tory telling robby to stay when he was going to leave the dojo
tory smiling at robby when he respected her boundaries
tory smiling at robby and asking him what he had in mind in order to get revenge on hawk without fighting
tory asking robby to prom and obviously lying when she said it was strictly a tactical move
tory trusting robby enough to open up a little and resting her head against his
tory allowing herself to fully forget about sam and miguel because she liked robby too much
tory pulling robby into the pool and being silly with him
tory asking robby if he was alright after his fight with kenny at the avt, going after him and being being the only one concerned for him after his loss against hawk
tory almost smiling at robby when he wished her luck before her fight with sam (silver interrupted their moment, he hates keenry and regrets setting them up i can feel it)
tory looking at robby while holding her trophy
tory telling robby she missed him
tory admitting to kreese that she didn’t like hiding the truth from robby
when robby came to cobra kai, tory’s moves were delayed and when silver was giving the class commands not chanting no mercy with the other cobras. she gave him a final look before he left
tory punching through stone in the name of love
tory assuring robby she was ok when he asked about her hand
tory looking out for herself and robby, making sure they didn’t violate their probation
tory shamelessly kissing robby in front of devon when she found out he was reinstated (THIS WAS GOLD KWKWKWKSNDMD)
tory sticking around at the double date robby brought her too, even if it was kinda uncomfortable
tory asking robby about kenny and supporting him when he wouldn’t give up
tory stopping kenny from using a bat on robby, working with sam to keep kenny away from their boyfriends
tory entrusting robby with the fact that she ran into kreese
tory supporting robby when he opened up a little about his second place trauma
tory apologizing to robby for not showing up to the captain’s match sooner
tory using a softer tone with robby when he tried to console her after the news of her mom broke out
tory putting their relationship on break, knowing how her rejoining cobra kai has affected him and not wanting to cause further harm
tory confirming to robby when he asked that it was a pause, not a breakup, and that she still wanted to see him on the podium next to her just like they said
tory wishing robby good luck even after he reminded her of her trust issues (which she’s improved on)
tory stealing zara’s phone and outing her to her followers (even tho my girl misunderstood what zara actually did to robby)
tory reminding robby that she never broke up with him, still willing to stay with him even under the impression that he cheated on her
tory yelling “kiss this bitch” to zara before kicking her. i know for a fact that tory would be enraged if she found out what zara actually did and i would do anything to see that play out in the show
bonus: tory looking at robby. she be doing this every season it’s so cuteeee
did i forget anything? idec at this point bc this has been sitting in my drafts too long 💀
making a robby version that i was planning on posting at the same time as this, but it’s sitting in my drafts unfinished and im lazy :P
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sweetbrunch · 28 days ago
binge watching cobra kai even if I said I'd never watch it.
I haven't even slept for 24+, I'm at season 3 episode 5, karate is a very sexy sport 😮😮😮
I'm confused with daniel's trip to okinawa, he found new techniques and karate stuff 'cause mr. miyagi's ancestor had chinese wife? and they invented that stuff to defend themselves of japanese people?
but... aren't they japanese? are they defending themselves of themselves?
my fave character is robby keene, what he did was self defense, I really hate miguel and sam, no idea why sam got suspension though if she was the victim, she was defending herself, why was she scared of the crazy ex girlfriend if she beat her before?
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Hi happy pride month to them and them only
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theweirdcobrakaifan · 5 months ago
Definitely wish we got to see Tory and Daniel interact more because if Tory should fight anyone to get her anger out it is definitely Daniel They definitely parallel each other a lot and I really wish they talked more without the whole Daniel being biased thing” when literally Johnny had to go to Mike make sure Devon got picked who is really mature because I really don’t think it’s Johnny with the whole standing on counter in Daniel dealership
and I’m so happy that Amanda called him out yes yes I know she “voice of reason” but I hated so much that she let Johnny get away with so many things and didn’t listen to Daniel and I know “the karate war is stuipd” but if anything it never was Daniel fault ever and he had so much trust issues and he knew that Terry would come back one day and was trying stop it from before it began and he was so right because it did happen and Daniel went through so much hell in s5 and terry knew how to make himself seem like “oh yeah I’m a rich old man i could never hurt anyone”and I hate the “daniel was the real bully” it is so stuipd that she never yelled or anything at Johnny for what he put Daniel in Kk1 and god damn because I know that if Mr Miyagi was alive he would definitely made sure that Daniel went through the hell that he went through and I love that Jessica was there and chozen to help Daniel and Jessica clear up to Amanda about what Terry did and chozen for always being Daniel side and I adore him for that because he really needed that person that always ready to defend Mr Miyagi legendary and defend him and I know he felt so much joy because of chozen and he could relax and he didn’t have to be stressed
im sorry but if anyone understands Tory it is definitely Daniel
Yes Johnny might have lost his mother but he was a adult by then
And Daniel lost his dad as a kid he was probably like 5 or 8 or something and he saw his dad die infront of his eyes
And Daniel grew up poor just like Tory
And the parallel of the bloody knuckles
And I hate the take “Johnny and Tory are so similar Johnny understands Tory” no he doesn’t he really doesn’t he is projecting onto a child
And I hate I hate so much that people think that Daniel is worng for stopping that fight because if anything he was totally in the right because he definitely know what it like to lose a parent at a young age and fight with anger but he knows not to let it control him
And I really really wish that they would definitely talked more about the bloody knuckle or losing a parent at young age or growing up poor
And I need a young Daniel backstory talking about his dad death because god damn maybe those “Johnny glazer” fan will realize that Johnny isn’t the only one with a sad backstory which i totally believe they threw in the last minute in cobra Kai to make him sympathetic but whatever
And I hate that they made chozen leave because they that chozen would kicked Johnny ass for what he said about mr Miyagi and I really hope he finds out what Johnny said in part 2 because I want Johnny to get beat up by chozen I mean what 👀
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myundeadgayson · 6 months ago
my favorite hawk song vs. my favorite demetri song for season 3!hawkmetri:
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season 3! hawk: “you’ve been pushin’ me out to the fuckin’ edge. i’m about to rip my hair out ‘cause i’m madder than i’ve ever been.”
“i just wanna call you, but i know i can’t.”
“bitch! are you trying to make me cry?! are you trying to make me lose it?! you win some and lose some... this could get gruesome.”
“careful with me, i’m volatile...”
season 3! demteri: “you said you could save me, i’m doing the saving.”
“[he] went to sleep a superhero, then he woke up a villain… my love, oh, what happened?”
“but i don’t wanna fight, don’t wear no tights, and i can’t fly… i’m no superhero.”
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