#kor originals
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mo-hawk · 3 months ago
Au where instead of going on his 5-step overly convoluted class warfare rent-raising scheme in season 1, Daniel realizes that Johnny probably cannot legally call his dojo Cobra Kai, so he just… quietly buys the trademark and sues Johnny for infringement. This improves nothing and makes everything actively worse <3
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drpicklesart · 3 months ago
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so how about that wack side huh. I hear they have mattresses
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xgiagus · 2 months ago
All my Au designs so far
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startrekucast · 11 months ago
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Star Trek 1x28 - "Errand of Mercy" Review
We watch corporealized non-corporeal beings smile condescendingly at two galactic powers slap fighting in the playground, maman. It's a sight to behold -- Plus, we meet the Klingons for the very first time! Strap in and go with us on this Errand of Mercy...
Episode Reviewed: Star Trek 1x28 - "Errand of Mercy"
Hosts: David C. Roberson Effie Ophelders
Join Us: Site: http://startrekucast.com Apple: http://bit.ly/StuCast Spotify: http://bit.ly/StarTrekUCast Spreaker: http://bit.ly/StuCastSpreaker
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forehead-alien · 2 years ago
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You know, I did not expect Kor to be so dummy thicc in TOS.
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agropuff · 1 year ago
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I caught a glimpse of god in the corner of my eye.
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starlightkun · 2 years ago
okay bc im genuinely curious:
english-speaking kpop fans, if there's an english version of a song (that was released first/primarily in korean, NOT an english song put out only in english) by a kpop artist, do you usually listen to the english version or the korean version? and do you speak english as your native language or as a second/third language?
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therosiestofrubys · 2 years ago
Love you, Vision
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margridarnauds · 1 year ago
So, would you mind telling me about Kitrye's backstory? I'd love to learn about her!
A chance to talk about my girl? Yes? Thank you!
(Tw for implied sexual assault in the first paragraph, because Happy Drow Family Times)
Kitrye was born in Menzoberranzan; her father was a captured Wood Elf, her mother was a member of the Symryvvin family, known for producing priestesses for Lolth. When he attempted to escape, months before Kitrye was born, he was ultimately sacrificed -- Kitrye never got to meet him. One of her biggest what-ifs is what would have happened if he'd waited six or seven more months, or if he hadn't tried to escape, whether he would have tried to take her or whether she'd have just been an unpleasant reminder of the worst period of his life. (Not surprisingly, the Emperor took the form of how she imagined her father to be -- which is the reason why she could never forgive him.) (Also not surprisingly, her relationship with Halsin is...interesting. Decidedly not sexual despite some initial interest from him, but interesting.)
As is customary for Drow children, she spent her early childhood in a shared room with the children of the extended Symryvvin family, who took one look at the Half-Elf girl and saw an easy mark. Kitrye developed into a quiet, cautious girl who learned to make careful use of her words, observing her bullies and turning their own weaknesses against them, sometimes exploiting the inherently frayed family dynamics of Drow culture to make them fight one another instead of her. This dynamic changed when Kitrye was about five years old, when her mother suddenly announced that she was to have a sister, and introduced her to a grungy street urchin that she had christened Mallathalra. Mallathalra was a Szarkai, one of the albino Drow believed to be a sign of Lolth's favor for their use in acting as infiltrators, and so, when Kitrye's mother came across the child in the streets, she took it as a sign from Lolth and adopted and renamed her. Malla would claim, as an adult, that she had decided that, by teaming up with Kitrye, she was insuring her own survival by siding with the Symryvvin child who was least likely to be an impediment to her rise to the top of the family hierarchy -- In reality, while Malla is nothing if not pragmatic, there was likely more to it. Perhaps it was out of a sense of empathy towards another outcast child, perhaps it was that Kitrye was the only one to treat her as neither an intruder to the family OR as a living weapon, but, regardless, they became a team, with Malla earning the scar across her eye that she sports during the events of the main game because she stepped in when the other children came very close to killing Kitrye. (The bullies came out much, much worse from that encounter.)
Kitrye had a close relationship with the House Wizard, who she studied alchemy under, developing a talent for it and, as she and Malla both grew older, would sometimes develop healing salves and poisons for her sister to use, while Malla continued to protect Kitrye. Due to the traditional isolation of House Symryvvin from the rest of Drow society, as well as some residual shame around Kitrye's birth, the girls were kept sheltered, save for special occasions, even though they did sometimes sneak off to dances and excursions to Lake Donigarten (one of own biggest What-Ifs is ~30-35 year old Kitrye, chafing against her family, meeting a Slightly Younger Raphael -- it would absolutely have ended badly, but would have been a glorious trainwreck. Malla still would have hated him). It was around this time that she first encountered Eilistraee, having become separated from Malla in a cave and encountering a silver moth, who guided her back to the mouth of the cave. She quietly began to research the goddess, sneaking into her mother's own personal archives to find whatever references she could find, and began the process of entering her service.
When she was forty, as per custom, Kitrye was entered into the Arach-Tinilith university, under the exacting eye of headmistress Triel Baenre. It was around this time that she began to fully lead a double life as a Secret Moondancer of Eilistraee, using her knowledge of the school and the city as a whole to aid in Eilistraee's aims, freeing potential ritual sacrifices, aiding in other Drows' defections to the surface world through a series of secret waypoints and stops throughout the city. The irony is that while she was helping other Drow to escape, she was doing very poorly on a personal level, through a combination of Triel's own tyranny, the toxic environment fostered by the academy, and her isolation from Malla, who underwent secret martial training instead of Arach-Tinilith. Even though Eilistraee did her best to soothe her, and her loyalty to her goddess remained firm, these years were marked by an increasing feeling of claustrophobia and hopelessness. When it came to be too much, she ended up daring an escape of her own, and, as she made it to the surface world for the first time, she pledged herself fully to Eilistraee as her paladin, swearing an Oath of the Ancients. (She missed the Drow Graduation Demon Orgy 😔 )
By the time we meet her in-game, there are still gaps in her knowledge regarding the surface world, especially in arcane matters, and she is still very much coming to terms with her relationship with both the surface world and Drow culture. Still, she's had over a century to acclimate, operating loosely out of the Eilistraeen conclave in Waterdeep but, in general, going wherever there's a need, especially now that, post-Sundering, Eilistraee has come back from the dead. The natural reserve from her childhood has left her somewhat antisocial, rarely interacting with Eilistraeen communities longterm and communicating her true feelings to very few people, instead putting on a very good front of being unbothered by any disasters to come about. The only people she might be more honest with, in Malla's absence, are other defectors from the Menzoberranzan aristocracy, like Liriel Baenre and Jhelnae Horlbar, but even then, she often puts on a front in favor of focusing on the mission...which all comes tumbling down by Act 3 of the game. (Part of the reason why she IS drawn to Raphael is that he is very, very good at reading her, which can be frustrating but also means that he often understands her better than her companions do.) But things are changing -- Kitrye's grandmother, the famed Matron Mother Hesken P'aj Symryvvin, has died, and Kitrye's mother has now taken over as Matron Mother of the house, sending a now-fully grown and lethal Mallathalra to retrieve her sister from the surface by any means necessary. (Malla knows about Kitrye's worship of Eilistraee, discovering it and keeping it a secret from their mother, who is firmly in denial that she could raise an apostate, especially since Kitrye IS her only biological daughter. Malla claims she kept it secret for leverage over her sister in the future. Malla is lying.)
And then...the Nautiloid happens.
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mo-hawk · 3 months ago
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Demetri in season 2 be like
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galaxicalsart · 8 months ago
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Apparently I never uploaded this? but ArtFight attack / friendly fire on Ishia/Sutunari, from last year :3
Featured character: Kor, the Ignorant Killer (he/him)
(Please don’t repost, but do reblog!)
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creativesamflynn · 1 year ago
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not apologizing
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xgiagus · 6 months ago
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Redesigned my Au of Kale, Caulifla, and Kor once again
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korrin-creates · 1 year ago
F-921 and F-934 <3
they are so silly <3
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toxictrannyfreak · 2 years ago
I wish to hear about infernal king
Oh damn I didn’t expect anyone to actually do this! Ok!
So, Infernal King was, like a ton of my stuff, a deconstruction of individualism and how toxic the idea of heroism and total self-sufficiency really is, with a lot of the revolutionary, fiery aesthetics of 21st century breakdown, which I was listening to a lot when I came up with it. I never nailed down a ton of plot or character stuff for it, but I had a ton of worldbuilding I really loved. Unfortunately without the character stuff it kinda fizzled out so I’m on hiatus for it while I work on stuff I think I can write right now. So here’s what I got:
So the original idea was, like, a world that has eternally burning fires instead of oceans. They basically surround all the continents, so cross-continental travel/exploration is very expensive and limited, but it is possible through
Magic! Flame magic! Basically the idea is that everyone has some small amount of fire magic in them, called an Ember. As with most magic systems, the amount of magic a person has (the size of their Ember) is just random and inherent—some people can only light candles, others can make, like, self-sustaining massive fire sculptures or whatever, and very, very few naturally gifted and extensively trained people can control the flame-oceans, parting them with their minds to allow exploration
There are some flameless tunnels through the ocean. Most are manmade, with giant flameproof walls constructed from stone and permanent flame-mages on duty to keep the fires out. They connect the mainland to various islands. A couple are natural, just mysterious dead zones where the fires don’t burn, and those lead to nowhere. They just randomly end miles into the blaze. No one knows why, and no one knows how they got there.
The fire mages had a really complex magic system that I never ended up writing down, but basically there was this massive hierarchy of fires that started with normal fire that anyone could control pretty easily and slowly went up in difficulty to summon and control. Some burn hot, some burn cold, some are self-sustaining, others are all-consuming, and some, especially the most difficult ones to summon, are just plain weird. The smoke shows you things that don’t make sense, the flames dance in incomprehensible yet identifiable patterns, the ashes never leave your skin.
People are born able to use normal fire, but to use the magical ones, they need to have an ‘awakening ceremony’ where weird religious people do some weird religious stuff (never actually figured out what) and then light a small piece of wood with the eternal ocean fire stuff and hold the burning wood on whoever’s being awakened’s chest for a while. Sometimes people die but mostly people come out ok and can now use magic fire
Some people don’t have enough Ember to ever be awakened—no one’s quite sure what’s up with awakening but people with embers below a certain force always end up burning up, so it’s clearly related somehow, and they just are never able to used advanced fir magic
The weird religious people are members of this very big, main religion that basically worships this ancient figure, the God-Empress, who supposedly lived in a time where the fires raged across the land as well as the ocean-basins and who was supposedly such an incredible fire-mage that she was able to permanently consign the fires to the ocean, allowing humanity to thrive, but killing herself in the process
One problem with that: the fires have been very slowly advancing for generations, getting hotter, higher, and closer. Several tiny unimportant islands have already started burning, but the church is big and enormously powerful so they've been hiding it bc the idea that the fires Cannot Advance is like. an absolute core tennant of their religion and they's lose a ton of their power if that got out. this is also why they conveniently have not mentioned that both the rate of deaths from Awakenings have increased and that the average Ember of humans has massively decreased, seriously handicapping humanity's ability to control and fight the fires when they need it most
I can't find a way to organizally slip it in but I really liked the worldbuilding I came up with for names so I'm just putting it here/ Basically, the idea was that people have 2 names, one that is entirely theirs and that only they know and one that everyone else knows but that one's a title basically, based on their accomplishments and what they do and stuff so that one changes all the time and is only like. final on their death when their family and friends and stuff get together and look at all their accomplishments and what they did and decide what best encapsulated them and that's the name they're remembered by
again, this stuff is significantly Less than the worldbuilding because I never quite figured out what I wanted to do with them, but I essentially had two main characters:
The Infernal King. Title character, except he’s not an actual character, like, at all. Never got a concrete name, or any interests or character traits at all (you can see why I stopped with this I’m guessing) but the basic idea was that just around the time the church was starting to lose control of the whole fires advancing/more deaths from Awakenings/less Ember overall fiascoes they find this kid somehow (religious groups have orphanages. Idk) and he’s incredibly powerful, tons of Ember, way more than anyone on record, except maybe the God-Empress…
Yeah the church guys get REAL excited because here’s an easy solution to all of our problems: new God-Empress who will be firmly under our control and do whatever we say! (Hmm I wonder if this could backfire? Nah!) and basically they raise this incredibly powerful child to vanquish the flames and become a puppet leader for the newly restored church. Which causes several problems, especially considering that he actually cannot push the fires back at all. So there’s this incredibly powerful teenager with a god complex who cannot do the one thing he was literally raised to do. So naturally he runs away to find the power he needs to ~fulfill his destiny~ and that’s about where I lose the plot but like the idea is that he eventually goes rogue and forms a rebellion and like starts a giant civil war while the world burns down around him. Allegories!
And The Flameless Scribe, who was supposed to be revealed as the narrator of the whole story at the end. The thing with her was that, as the name suggests, she basically has no Ember at all. Like, she can’t even light a candle, which is kind of a major disability in a world where the norm is that even an unawakened person can pretty easily summon a campfire. She was actually expected to die pretty early because people without a lot of Ember don’t usually make it, but she survived and became a scribe for the church people, and was eventually sucked into the whole fake chosen one thing. She became the Infernal King’s best friend and confidant throughout the series, though it gets really toxic and conflicting at the end and she leaves him behind to find an actual solution for the fires
And yeah, that’s all, you can probably see why I put it on hiatus. There’s a lot here that I do like, but I think I’d have to completely rework it to actually write it, and I’m working on other stuff now. Maybe I’ll come back to it one day.
Sorry for waiting so long to respond, I have a lot of Thoughts on this and it took a while to get them down. Thanks for asking!
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sshbpodcast · 8 years ago
Episode 14: Horta Culture And Kor Values
TOS: "The Devil in the Dark" and "Errand of Mercy"
It's a regular Yakov Trekov this week, as pizza eats YOU in "The Devil in the Dark" and the occupied order around the soldiers in "Errand of Mercy."
Also this week: a lightly musical intro, guess who isn't a bricklayer, and Kirk in a jerkin.
Timestamps: synopses: 0:51; Devil in the Dark: 3:25; Errand of Mercy: 25:30
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