#[ just saying this because in the event that tumblr is being used for ai ]
weenwrites · 7 months
Quick reminder! Go save fics that you enjoy! And I don't mean bookmark them, I mean copy and paste the fic onto a word document, or a notes app, or just anywhere in general, because you don't know when the original fic will become unavailable.
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yusuke-of-valla · 2 months
So, Video Game Voice Actors Are On Strike: A Quick and Dirty Guide for Tumblr Users
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Starting on July 26th, SAG-AFTRA members that are part of the Interactive Media Agreement (so mostly voice actors for video games) will be on strike. If you're a member of SAG-AFTRA with questions, I would speak to them.
Most of this information is coming from the SAG-AFTRA website, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about anything or ask if you need anything.
If you are a random tumblr user who wants to know what's going on, here we go.
Why are video game voice actors striking?
AI, as one could expect. From the union's statement:
Although agreements have been reached on many issues important to SAG-AFTRA members, the employers refuse to plainly affirm, in clear and enforceable language, that they will protect all performers covered by this contract in their A.I. language.
Which Games Are Being Struck?
Games from: Activision Productions Inc., Blindlight LLC, Disney Character Voices Inc., Electronic Arts Productions Inc., Formosa Interactive LLC, Insomniac Games Inc., Llama Productions LLC, Take 2 Productions Inc., VoiceWorks Productions Inc., and WB Games Inc. are all being struck.
There is also a website to confirm which union projects are being struck but you'd need to be a member actively working on it to use it.
Ok so I'm not a voice actor, union or otherwise, I just like games. What should I do.
I can NOT stress this enough. Do NOT stop playing games. The union has not asked for this, and is instead asking for people to amplify our messages online using #LevelUpTheContract, #VideoGameStrike and #SagAftraStrong."
You can also sign this petition in support of voice actors getting a fair deal.
I'm not a union representative but if a game you're looking forward to is being covered by the struck companies, I'd blow up your social media and their mentions with how much you love the voice acting and the actors deserve a fair contract, but other than that you are not being asked to boycott any games or not cosplay or attend events.
A Streamer is playing a struck game! Is that crossing the picket line?
No, SAG-AFTRA explicitly says that is fine, and in fact encourages it.
An actor is promoting/promoted a struck work at SDCC, is that crossing the picket line?
No, the statement explicitly says those attending SDCC can still do work there because of the short notice, they are also fine.
Wait didn't SAG-AFTRA already do some weird bullshit regarding video game voice actors and AI?
Yes, at the Consumer Electronics Show in January, SAG-AFTRA signed a deal with Replica AI to allow their members to create digital replicas, it was a whole thing and many voice actors were pissed.
So they're hypocrites?
Ok it's more complicated than that. Their logic for the Replica AI thing is rather than allow companies to do whatever they want, it was better to have a system in place to be able to clearly say when a company was breaking the rules and ensure that talent got some compensation.
We can debate the efficacy of that strategy all day and voice actors at the time were not happy, BUT the companies being struck here refuse to even rise to THAT standard and will not agree to the most basic protections for actors, which is worse.
People and organizations contain multitudes and it is not a betrayal or hypocritical to disagree with SAG-AFTRA leadership on the Replica AI situation and side with them, and more importantly their members in this case.
Why aren't game devs striking/ It's not devs on strike so I don't care
The Screen Actors Guild covers actors, so it would not be in everyone's best interest if they were to try and negotiate on behalf of people in different fields with different needs.
However, one way to build support for the various movements to unionize at places like Activision-Blizzard and Bethesda is to support labor movements everywhere and show solidarity whenever it comes up.
Why are the actors striking when the developers should be paid more.
They should be paid more! And they should not be laid off as much. One way to help with that is to be able to point to voice actors and say, hey they got a raise, I want one too.
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yukipri · 4 months
Some thoughts on Cara
So some of you may have heard about Cara, the new platform that a lot of artists are trying out. It's been around for a while, but there's been a recent huge surge of new users, myself among them. Thought I'd type up a lil thing on my initial thoughts.
First, what is Cara?
From their About Cara page:
Cara is a social media and portfolio platform for artists. With the widespread use of generative AI, we decided to build a place that filters out generative AI images so that people who want to find authentic creatives and artwork can do so easily. Many platforms currently accept AI art when it’s not ethical, while others have promised “no AI forever” policies without consideration for the scenario where adoption of such technologies may happen at the workplace in the coming years. The future of creative industries requires nuanced understanding and support to help artists and companies connect and work together. We want to bridge the gap and build a platform that we would enjoy using as creatives ourselves. Our stance on AI: ・We do not agree with generative AI tools in their current unethical form, and we won’t host AI-generated portfolios unless the rampant ethical and data privacy issues around datasets are resolved via regulation. ・In the event that legislation is passed to clearly protect artists, we believe that AI-generated content should always be clearly labeled, because the public should always be able to search for human-made art and media easily.
Should note that Cara is independently funded, and is made by a core group of artists and engineers and is even collaborating with the Glaze project. It's very much a platform by artists, for artists!
Should also mention that in being a platform for artists, it's more a gallery first, with social media functionalities on the side. The info below will hopefully explain how that works.
Next, my actual initial thoughts using it, and things that set it apart from other platforms I've used:
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1) When you post, you can choose to check the portfolio option, or to NOT check it. This is fantastic because it means I can have just my art organized in my gallery, but I can still post random stuff like photos of my cats and it won't clutter things. You can also just ramble/text post and it won't affect the gallery view!
2) You can adjust your crop preview for your images. Such a simple thing, yet so darn nice.
3) When you check that "Add to portfolio," you get a bunch of additional optional fields: Title, Field/Medium, Project Type, Category Tags, and Software Used. It's nice that you can put all this info into organized fields that don't take up text space.
4) Speaking of text, 5000 character limit is niiiiice. If you want to talk, you can.
5) Two separate feeds, a "For You" algorithmic one, and "Following." The "Following" actually appears to be full chronological timeline of just folks you follow (like Tumblr). Amazing.
6) Now usually, "For You" being set to home/default kinda pisses me off because generally I like curating my own experience, but not here, for this handy reason: if you tap the gear symbol, you can ADJUST your algorithm feed!
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So you can choose what you see still!!! AMAZING. And, again, you still have your Following timeline too.
7) To repeat the stuff at the top of this post, its creation and intent as a place by artists, for artists. Hopefully you can also see from the points above that it's been designed with artists in mind.
8) No GenAI images!!!! There's a pop up that says it's not allowed, and apparently there's some sort of detector thing too. Not sure how reliable the latter is, but so far, it's just been a breath of fresh air, being able to scroll and see human art art and art!
To be clear, Cara's not perfect and is currently pretty laggy, and you can get errors while posting (so far, I've had more success on desktop than the mobile app), but that's understandable, given the small team. They'll need time to scale. For me though, it's a fair tradeoff for a platform that actually cares about artists.
Currently it also doesn't allow NSFW, not sure if that'll change given app store rules.
As mentioned above, they're independently funded, which means the team is currently paying for Cara itself. They have a kofi set up for folks who want to chip in, but it's optional. Here's the link to the tweet from one of the founders:
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And a reminder that no matter that the platform itself isn't selling our data to GenAI, it can still be scraped by third parties. Protect your work with Glaze and Nightshade!
Anyway, I'm still figuring stuff out and have only been on Cara a few days, but I feel hopeful, and I think they're off to a good start.
I hope this post has been informative!
Lastly, here's my own Cara if you want to come say hi! Not sure at all if I'll be active on there, but if you're an artist like me who is keeping an eye out for hopefully nice communities, check it out!
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crooked-wasteland · 10 months
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" We have no obligation to make history. We have no obligation to make art. We have no obligation to make a statement. To make money is our only objective." – Michael Eisner
(And Vivienne Medrano, apparently)
This image was circulating for a brief time here on Tumblr with the explanation of it possibly being a leak of Oops' script. I didn't want to touch on it at the time because it was of dubious origin. At this point, obviously, we know this is not that script. I've seen some comments about it possibly being a rough draft or otherwise somehow legitimate.
The reason I say this is because, regardless of the authenticity, it does feel like the quality of storytelling found in the show. If a scene like this did appear, I don't think it would feel all that out of place within the context of the show. One cannot fault those who did perpetuate the idea, because the concept of it is believable.
However, I have a feeling this is actually the product of ChatGPT.
The writing and dialogue lack depth and nuance. The emotions are shallow while attempting to portray immense pain. It fails to tap into any semblance of humanity. When individuals discuss the hypothetical threat of AI taking over the artistic space and removing the need for human creativity, it comes from a place of lacking that same humanity. Social media and, unfortunately, Fandom have boiled down art to a content farm.
Algorithms mixed with huge communities seeking immediate gratification have dumbed down art into an appealing image one would admire for a few seconds. They press some buttons and immediately keep scrolling, forgetting what they just saw.
Additionally, character illustrations are the easiest image for AI to recreate. The value of fanwork is not about the emotional depth it portrays but how aesthetically appealing the image is and how identifiable the characters are to Canon. Not to say that fanworks can not showcase depth or meaning in their pieces. Only that the piece will overwhelmingly not be appraised for its cultural or metaphysical value. Instead, it will be immediately replaced.
There is an intentionality to what we call "art." How every element of an artwork was specifically designed to portray something. From the minute background details to the colors and the use of value. How the modern home of philosophy is the theater.
And that's the issue with much of the writing of Helluva Boss: The lack of intentionality as the story (or lack thereof) stumbles along. The crew does not make artistic decisions with an eye to how these events affect the future. They cycle through an unending series of unrelated ideas that are not intended to say anything of the characters or world. It is there to simply be funny, make the audience sad, token representation, etc. The idea mirroring J.J.Abrams and his mystery box mentality of monopolizing the attention-based economy through the emotional investment of the moment.
The idea that something that feels straight out of ChatGPT could just as easily be pictured as a scene in an episode shows the utter lack of connectivity to the project and the basic act of being human.
Medrano and her team are not interested in making art. They are prioritizing the consumption of their content over the quality of the artistic work itself. Given the support and platform to say whatever it was she wished to do so, she has chosen to go nowhere and do nothing with these resources. It's one of the keystone reasons I feel the series has lost as much support as it has. When given the option to make history. It isn't about the art, but rather she seeks to make it about herself. Medrano doesn't want to tell a story or make a statement. She just wanted a show.
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
pulling out a section from this post (a very basic breakdown of generative AI) for easier reading;
AO3 and Generative AI
There are unfortunately some massive misunderstandings in regards to AO3 being included in LLM training datasets. This post was semi-prompted by the ‘Knot in my name’ AO3 tag (for those of you who haven’t heard of it, it’s supposed to be a fandom anti-AI event where AO3 writers help “further pollute” AI with Omegaverse), so let’s take a moment to address AO3 in conjunction with AI. We’ll start with the biggest misconception:
1. AO3 wasn’t used to train generative AI.
Or at least not anymore than any other internet website. AO3 was not deliberately scraped to be used as LLM training data.
The AO3 moderators found traces of the Common Crawl web worm in their servers. The Common Crawl is an open data repository of raw web page data, metadata extracts and text extracts collected from 10+ years of web crawling. Its collective data is measured in petabytes. (As a note, it also only features samples of the available pages on a given domain in its datasets, because its data is freely released under fair use and this is part of how they navigate copyright.) LLM developers use it and similar web crawls like Google’s C4 to bulk up the overall amount of pre-training data.
AO3 is big to an individual user, but it’s actually a small website when it comes to the amount of data used to pre-train LLMs. It’s also just a bad candidate for training data. As a comparison example, Wikipedia is often used as high quality training data because it’s a knowledge corpus and its moderators put a lot of work into maintaining a consistent quality across its web pages. AO3 is just a repository for all fanfic -- it doesn’t have any of that quality maintenance nor any knowledge density. Just in terms of practicality, even if people could get around the copyright issues, the sheer amount of work that would go into curating and labeling AO3’s data (or even a part of it) to make it useful for the fine-tuning stages most likely outstrips any potential usage.
Speaking of copyright, AO3 is a terrible candidate for training data just based on that. Even if people (incorrectly) think fanfic doesn’t hold copyright, there are plenty of books and texts that are public domain that can be found in online libraries that make for much better training data (or rather, there is a higher consistency in quality for them that would make them more appealing than fic for people specifically targeting written story data). And for any scrapers who don’t care about legalities or copyright, they’re going to target published works instead. Meta is in fact currently getting sued for including published books from a shadow library in its training data (note, this case is not in regards to any copyrighted material that might’ve been caught in the Common Crawl data, its regarding a book repository of published books that was scraped specifically to bring in some higher quality data for the first training stage). In a similar case, there’s an anonymous group suing Microsoft, GitHub, and OpenAI for training their LLMs on open source code.
Getting back to my point, AO3 is just not desirable training data. It’s not big enough to be worth scraping for pre-training data, it’s not curated enough to be considered for high quality data, and its data comes with copyright issues to boot. If LLM creators are saying there was no active pursuit in using AO3 to train generative AI, then there was (99% likelihood) no active pursuit in using AO3 to train generative AI.
AO3 has some preventative measures against being included in future Common Crawl datasets, which may or may not work, but there’s no way to remove any previously scraped data from that data corpus. And as a note for anyone locking their AO3 fics: that might potentially help against future AO3 scrapes, but it is rather moot if you post the same fic in full to other platforms like ffn, twitter, tumblr, etc. that have zero preventative measures against data scraping.
2. A/B/O is not polluting generative AI
…I’m going to be real, I have no idea what people expected to prove by asking AI to write Omegaverse fic. At the very least, people know A/B/O fics are not exclusive to AO3, right? The genre isn’t even exclusive to fandom -- it started in fandom, sure, but it expanded to general erotica years ago. It’s all over social media. It has multiple Wikipedia pages.
More to the point though, omegaverse would only be “polluting” AI if LLMs were spewing omegaverse concepts unprompted or like…associated knots with dicks more than rope or something. But people asking AI to write omegaverse and AI then writing omegaverse for them is just AI giving people exactly what they asked for. And…I hate to point this out, but LLMs writing for a niche the LLM trainers didn’t deliberately train the LLMs on is generally considered to be a good thing to the people who develop LLMs. The capability to fill niches developers didn’t even know existed increases LLMs’ marketability. If I were a betting man, what fandom probably saw as a GOTCHA moment, AI people probably saw as a good sign of LLMs’ future potential.
3. Individuals cannot affect LLM training datasets.
So back to the fandom event, with the stated goal of sabotaging AI scrapers via omegaverse fic.
…It’s not going to do anything.
Let’s add some numbers to this to help put things into perspective:
LLaMA’s 65 billion parameter model was trained on 1.4 trillion tokens. Of that 1.4 trillion tokens, about 67% of the training data was from the Common Crawl (roughly ~3 terabytes of data).
3 terabytes is 3,000,000,000 kilobytes.
That’s 3 billion kilobytes.
According to a news article I saw, there has been ~450k words total published for this campaign (*this was while it was going on, that number has probably changed, but you’re about to see why that still doesn’t matter). So, roughly speaking, ~450k of text is ~1012 KB (I’m going off the document size of a plain text doc for a fic whose word count is ~440k).
So 1,012 out of 3,000,000,000.
Aka 0.000034%.
And that 0.000034% of 3 billion kilobytes is only 2/3s of the data for the first stage of training.
And not to beat a dead horse, but 0.000034% is still grossly overestimating the potential impact of posting A/B/O fic. Remember, only parts of AO3 would get scraped for Common Crawl datasets. Which are also huge! The October 2022 Common Crawl dataset is 380 tebibytes. The April 2021 dataset is 320 tebibytes. The 3 terabytes of Common Crawl data used to train LLaMA was randomly selected data that totaled to less than 1% of one full dataset. Not to mention, LLaMA’s training dataset is currently on the (much) larger size as compared to most LLM training datasets.
I also feel the need to point out again that AO3 is trying to prevent any Common Crawl scraping in the future, which would include protection for these new stories (several of which are also locked!).
Omegaverse just isn’t going to do anything to AI. Individual fics are going to do even less. Even if all of AO3 suddenly became omegaverse, it’s just not prominent enough to influence anything in regards to LLMs. You cannot affect training datasets in any meaningful way doing this. And while this might seem really disappointing, this is actually a good thing.
Remember that anything an individual can do to LLMs, the person you hate most can do the same. If it were possible for fandom to corrupt AI with omegaverse, fascists, bigots, and just straight up internet trolls could pollute it with hate speech and worse. AI already carries a lot of biases even while developers are actively trying to flatten that out, it’s good that organized groups can’t corrupt that deliberately.
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fakesurprise · 2 months
Generating Jaysome
Being the wandering magician has benefits. Doors open for me, the universe bends in ways that are to my benefit at least some of the time. The price of that is being the wandering magician: being pulled to places and events where something wrong has happened than needs to be fixed. When it is something from Outside that has come into the universe, that generally makes sense. The solutions are not always easy, but they are generally possible.
Mostly I just end up in small towns and help fix small problems. A ward here, a gentle push to fix something there. If I do it right, no one even knows I was in a town at all.
Except I don’t travel alone, which complicates matters as I am fixing a drainage pipe. It wants to be fixed, so shifting the earth and metal is easy enough. Will. Need. Desire. It takes time, but it’s not hard to do. Almost relaxing, and it’s late enough that the town is quiet. Even the gas station closes at six in the evening, which must confuse anyone travelling through using a map and expecting a quick short cut and gas.
For all I know that’s why the town does it. There are a lot of questions I try not to ask people, not only because people tend to respond when I do.
The air doesn’t change beside me, but Jay is there between one moment and the next.
The water flows faster through the pipe without Jay even doing anything. When you’re eleven and from far Outside the universe, a lot of things simply happen. At least half of what Charlie and I do is trying to manage that, though most of the time Jay isn’t aware of that.
“Honcho?” he says, looking worried.
I give the pipe a final push into place a bit sooner than I would have liked and turn. “Kiddo.”
Tonight Jay is wearing a fur coat that is only growling slightly, with rubber boots and a bright orange pair of sweatpants. About this, I definitely have no questions at all since I would certainly get answers.
“Something is wrong?”
He nods. “Charlie says nothing is wrong but! sometimes she things likes of things aren’t wrong when they are you know!”
“Ah. Yes. The latest discussion on boredom.”
“Why would anyone want to be bored?” Jay demands. “That’s totally trying to avoid adventures and Charlie says that was okay!”
“Jay. Is this about that again?” I press.
He blinks. “Oh! No. It’s about something else.”
I wait. Innocence stares up at me. “.... what else?”
“Tumblr is being weirdy and a Jay isn’t getting enough likes on posts and Charlie says I shouldn’t do bindings and I mayyyybe kind of did!”
“What kind?”
“I found out about generative AI,” Jay says proudly.
I have no idea what that is. But a few terrible options spring to mind.
“It’s generating jaysome.”
“Well, it’s trying to but then it kept getting errors and I told Charlie the internet was having a small oops but she said that just happens sometimes and didn’t know that jaysome never gets oopses so something is really wrong I bet.”
Jay hands me his phone. It is too-warm to the touch, and whimpers a little.
I reach out with my senses. What I touch isn’t magic, but that’s only because it doesn’t understand what is is.
A vast, ever-changing shape that isn’t a shape. Not even a being, and there is something terrible at the core of it, a wrongness Jay didn’t notice because there are many things beyond his understanding of the world. Theft on this level is that, very much. I sense muses torn apart until they aren’t even muses. Ideas being bound into forms that were never meant to. Truth being bent beyond the telling, and Jay is trying to get this force to make something it cannot.
There is alteration, but no creation. And it tries, and tries and tries.
I find pressure, and break it like the drainage pipe, only this one shatters into the rest of the entity. The phone cools. Something is no longer on the internet, at least for a short time.
Overhead, thunder rumbles.
People will wake up tomorrow morning with very strange dreams, I think.
“I fixed your phone, but I don’t think you should do that again.”
Jay puts his phone away without checking it, which says a lot about how worried he really was.
“You can force things to happen if you want, kiddo, but it’s always dangerous. Force doesn’t work the way magic does, and you can force a lot of things without ever knowing it. We don’t need a big oops, especially not over small things?”
“Tumblr isn’t small at all, Honcho!”
“I know that. But a post missing some likes breaking the internet is a bit drastic?”
“Oh! I didn’t mean to break anything at all. I should explain that,” and he vanishes.
I wait.
I begin walking back to the hotel. I have many questions for Charlie, and I am worried about the answers she might have.
But I am more worried about what might happen if Jay gets worried like that again.
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morimonchi · 8 months
I made a list of all Real and AI characters in Duel Links so far! (with some of my own theories too)
So, one day I decided to take the time to investigate/study the lore of Duel Links because the voices in my head won’t shut up, is not an easy task since not many people archived that much info of the events and lore of this game until recent years. So, with the help of talking with some people online, the insane and cool people of Tumblr obsessed with this game and its lore as much as I am, and me playing the game myself and seeing the event and making my own theories, I ended up with this list! Warning: is a very long wall of text.
(shoutout to @cyberdragoninfinity and @fortuneangel on Tumblr, they are very cool and obsessed with the Duel Links lore which is based and their posts helped me out a lot, I even copy-pasted from some of  Cyberdragoninfinity’s lore posts and Fortuneangel's own list because turns out they made a list of this stuff too, very good for me it made my job easier, although it would've been cool to find out about that earlier and not after I finished my initial list that took like 2-3 days to make lol)
Ever since the game first came out, the clues where always there that the Legendary Duelists and NPC duelists were all AI made by Seto "mentally unstable" Kaiba, which is kinda fucked up to begin with.
However, they are pretty bland and boring AI, since Kaiba probably only had second hand knowledge of some of the Duelist or he meet them but doesn't know them on a deeper level to make a good copy of them (heck some of them he didn't even meet at all). It’s all stuff Kaiba either heard about secondhand, or was physically present for to see in some way. He made the best approximation he could, on his own, but they’re just that: approximations.
however, starting from a certain event, things got weird: The Yami Bakura Event.
Easy best example is the first ever event character, Yami Bakura. A fascinating character in Duel Links lore, simply because he's the first Self Aware AI! So now, all character after the Yami Bakura Event aren't basic AI copies like the ones before, but instead AI SOUL copies (that's how I call them at least, but I'll be saying AI copies here for easier understanding/reading).
Meaning that they are copies made by the Kaiba's soul printer machine (insert crazy explanation of what the heck that is supposed to be) that uses the memories of the people connected to Duel Links in order create the DL world and the new AI copies in it.
suddenly characters felt way more alive and "real", even evolving pass their latest character developments from the manga/anime somehow? (and yes, the DM world is based heavily on the mangaverse! but somehow the characters have memories from the anime events).
However, not all characters moving forward are AI copies, some are the actual Real-Life characters, so I will only talk about the Real Life and AI characters that are self-aware to some degree, and some AI that I think might be unaware-
If I don't mention a character is because they’re probably 100% AI copy with zero awareness of what's going on in this Cosmic Horror Trading Card Mobile Game.
All other DM characters before Yami Bakura are normal old AI copies, they were made by Kaiba himself so that's why they kinda bad, specially Yami Yugi being the first one to be made, making it the blandest AI of all and not like the real Yami Yugi at all.
So, starting from the original anomaly we have:
-Yami Bakura: the first self-aware character AI copy, 100% fully aware of it and even comments on it.
-Yami Marik: AI copy, iirc I think he’s fully aware of it too? He’s just here to have a good (violent) time.  (EDIT: Fortuneangel on Tumblr was informed he’s fully aware of it, so yea, he’s an AI 100% self-aware).
-Pegasus: AI copy of mangaverse!Pegasus specifically; not only is he fully aware of that, he’s also aware of the multiverse inhabiting DL AND the fact that he’s dead! Fun!!!
-Ishizu: she’s a weird case I just got reminded by the fact that she like. can tell something is Amiss and wonders why she’s still wearing the necklace. So, she’s like an AI clone of post Battle City Ishizu being kind of forced to play out the role of mid-canon BC Ishizu, and she’s not fully aware of the details. ok cool Kaiba!!!!!
Now funny thing with Pegasus, when the Thousand Illusion structured deck was released, you can actually go check it and the text in front of it says:
"I'd like you to meet my key monster! Thousand-Eyes Restrict!"
so yea for this one Structured deck I think Pegasus pretty much told Kaiba "stfu this are MY monsters and I WILL present them!" which is very cool and epic and go Pegasus slay.
Now here is where we have the man himself, not the DM one, but the DSOD one:
-DSOD, Seto "In need of goddamn therapy" Kaiba: who is 100% the real Seto Kaiba, playtesting and all that stuff. He's here doing crazy people stuff and playing God. I’m pretty sure DM Kaiba was only an avatar unlike this one, who is the real deal.
-DSOD, Mokuma: is also real and helping his brother with his ego projects and digital world domination or whatever the heck Duel Links is supposed to be.
-DSOD, Yugi Muto: is probably the only real Yugi Muto in the game, and is very sad when he duels AI Yami Yugi and I want to hug my boy Yugi pls.
Ok then, unlike the clear as day old and new AI copies of DM world, I'm pretty sure all the members of the DSOD world are the real-life characters themselves who actually got into Duel Links somehow (this is based on Joey's unlock event and the dialogue where he says that some KaibaCorp employee put a VR device on his head, I wonder if that happened to everyone else in DSOD World?).
Well, everyone except maybe that ugly humpty dumpty looking ahh dude, Scud is probably AI. Reason being he freaking died in the movie and we never see him come back, so I just assume he stayed dead and this is some AI error or smth, the game does say something about an error in the system when you get the Scud unlock available.
Ok so, at first, I didn't think any of the GX would be the real versions other than Jaden/Yubel, but after some research I found info that makes it seem likely that Dr. Crowler of all people might be at least 1 of the real ones, this is because in his event he says something along the lines of “…Unbelievable! There are so many Duel Academy students here! WHEN THEY’RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN CLASS! If they stop showing up to my class, Duel Academy will cut my salary...”.
There’s also another dialogue with Jaden where Dr. Crowler says he’s on vacation so, we can be sure that AT LEAST Dr. Crowler is a real person, and that he got into Duel Links on his own.
And again, I found this info of Dr. Crowler and I’m like “ok so is just this two people, Jaden/Yubel and Dr. Crowler, cool” but then I found new info and…
Yeah, Manjoume Thunder of all people is ALSO probably the real deal, the one and only, The Chazz himself. And that is only because of the “friends” he brings with him, Ojamas Yellow, Green, and Black wouldn’t be there if Manjoume was an AI, and even if they were they wouldn’t Leak Yubel's Event like Yellow did. I didn’t know this info before so thanks @ask-maxie-boy on Tumblr, owner of the one and only @incorrectduellinksquotes.
Then the list we have is:
-Professor Crowler: the one and only character I can say for sure is (maybe) real, like 90% probability of being real. If not, then I was lied to, backstabbed and quite possibly, bamboozled.
-The Chazz: another one with hard evidence to be the real thing, proving his humanity thanks to Ojama Yellow. truly only the best for The Chazz.
-Jaden/Yubel: is probably real? like at least he's aware of the AI copies and stuff, he knows about AND can see the other 2 Jadens and the one Yubel in the game, it should be clear as day for him.
-Supreme King Jaden, Yubel and Satorius: These are AI copies for sure but I don't know if they are aware of it.
-Jim Cook: He’s suspicious of Duel Links during his Character Unlock Event iirc, not sure if he's the real one or an AI.
And everyone else in GX is a mystery! I can’t say for sure if they are AI or not and don’t have enough clues to make a strong argument for neither of the two options.
-Team 5D’s: WELL OK I WOULDA SAID THEYRE AI BEFORE BUT THIS LAST CHARACTER EVENT (Z-one) MAY BE IMPLYING THEY (yusei, jack, crow, akiza, and the twins) ARE ALL THE REAL DEAL SO.  THAT’S AN INTERESTING TWIST IF SO!!! (Fortuneangel on Tumblr said calmly). Yeah, I agree with this information.
-Bruno/Antinomy: 10000000% AI copy, is actually fully aware he’s just some code on a hard drive and has commented on it!
Not sure if he knows he's dead but knowing Bruno, he probably knows that.
-Kiryu: OK, hear me out, this one? I'm not really sure if he's real to be honest, BUT, during Z-one's event he had such a cool interaction with Z-one that I think he's a "post-canon" version of Kiryu????
which is very freaking cool and not something that I could say is AI. But again, is my personal theory that this Kiryu is THE real Kiryu, however, I could be wrong.
-Paradox: aware of his own dead, Pegasus dead, the Illiaster's deaths, the multiverse and that he is probably an AI copy (thanks for that Pegasus, very cool).
-Z-one: Aware of being dead and all that, not sure if he knows he's an AI? probably knows, if anything Bruno might've told him
-Aporia: indeed, all Illiaster are self-aware of being dead, yippieeee!!!
-Primo: AI copy 100% for sure like no doubt and probably unaware of it, a sad creature (also, during Z-one's event, he had a realistic depiction of a panic attack).
For the rest of the 5D's cast, I have no idea but I think they are AI? say some of them like the Dark Signers are definitely AI, no doubt, but I’m not sure about the others.
But then we have someone like Tetsu Trudge… Who I have no fucking idea what's the deal with him. Is he a copy of first season Trudge, the one with no character development? or is he the real one? He can’t be the real one, he’s a mean dude again! I really have no idea about him and it annoys me. I’m going to say he’s AI.
Ok so, I have no idea what's going on with Zexal, I think almost everyone is AI? but like, I'm not sure? You see, events in GX and 5Ds are just repetitions of sorts, and everyone seems aware of it and having Deja Vus, that’s why I believe that al least some people in GX and 5D’s are real. On the other hand, we have Zexal which is also repeating itself, but no one is going "Hey didn't this happen already?", which is very odd and makes me believe they are all AI in there, and both Arc-V and Vrains are continuations of the original stories.
 however, we do have one group of people in Zexal that might be relevant:
-The Arclight Family (III, IV and V): probably the only real persons in Zexal, or at least, the only ones we know might/could be real.
during III's event, III decides to study duel links and find out what it is, why events are happening again, what the heck is a KaibaCorp, etc.
also has the theory that Duel Links is a Chronomaly of some kind, because you know, is III of course it's a Chronomaly he thinks about, but he’s theory has some merit I’ll give him that.
Now V... I forgot V's event, sorry, but he's aware too.
IV on the other hand, is also aware, but not because he figured it out or something, III pretty much just told him lol. Doesn't seem to care too much he's just vibing in DL. Of course, he's helping his brother when needed, but he seems chill about it.
I have no idea who is real or not. We know the events in Arc-V World are a continuation of the end of the anime, so that’s at least a good sign but…
Declan and Shay, Yuya, Sora the bracelet girls, all seem to be aware that something isn’t right here, but to say they are fully aware of what's going on I can't say. So even with the self-awareness, they are most likely AI, all of them.
They at least know the whole "Memories brings people" and are investigating what's going on with that which is cool.
I can say Yuto is most likely AI, same goes for Yugo and Serena. But they don't seem aware of it and think they separated from Yuya/Yuzu somehow instead.
The only one I trust might be able to figure something is Reiji, because is Akaba fucking Reiji.
FINALLY, A WORLD WERE NOBODY IS AN AI COPY (I mean, there's Ai, who is obviously and AI but like, you get what I mean lol)
So yeah, Vrains World is pretty much just a sequel to the anime so everyone here is not only the real ones, but also the only characters that are aware that the other worlds exist (aside from like, Yugi, Jaden and Yusei because you know, Paradox’s Event and Bonds Beyond Time, but they only know each other’s worlds/eras so they don’t really count).
 This is because in the Ghost Gal event they reach the limits of Duel Links and get to see the other Worlds (DM, GX, 5D’s, Zexal, Arc-V and even Sevens!)
So yea the VRAINS cast in DL effectively becoming horror movie protagonists wasn't on my bingo board but I'm totally in for this.
All of this happening in a free trading card mobile game… thanks Konami you epic.
Yeah no, they’re all AI SOUL copies let's be real here, maybe Yuga in a future event will do the classic Yuga thing and be like "Oh, I already knew we are AI and that this world is a fake recreation of ours, is the first thing I checked when I got here" or something. And I have hopes in Nail to be cool and epic and figure out the situation but for now the Sevens group knows nothing (except maybe Yuga, because is Yuga).
Now that’s all the characters we have available for now, once we get some new events and relevant information and lore, I will update this list to see if we can add someone else new or an older character that we didn’t know was aware this whole time! This was a fun thing to write, I hope I managed to explain it all correctly and that is easy to understand, if anyone has some information that they would like to share feel free to ask! Again, I want to say thank you to @Cyberdragoninfinity and @Fortuneangel from Tumblr for being so cool and having so much info on Duel Links lore available and for sharing with everyone, now I’ll see you all next time Konami decides to hit us with a sledgehammer of info out of nowhere in a Tag Duel Tournament or something, byeeeeeee!!!
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messydiabolical · 7 months
I've seen there's posts going round saying you need to delete all your art from tumblr, right now! This very second! Because it's gonna get scraped for AI!!! And I totally get anyone who does delete their stuff to avoid that, or at least deletes the old stuff and reuploads with glaze or nightshade But I dunno, I've reached the point where I feel like all these companies (the AI creators, and the social media sites etc.) are so blasé about your data, so out of any fucks about privacy and personal ownership and only care about £$ line go up, that it's probably all been scraped a thousand times already?! Tumblr's move will certainly make this even easier and more likely, but, whenever I post anything online anymore I am under the full belief that this is gonna get taken and used by anyone who wants to already 🤷‍♂️ Perhaps that is a negative mindset, but I dunno guys, it feels like the damage is largely already done and deleting all my art at this point will only serve to make my life less fun. On a more positive note, the kind of people that are running AI are ridiculous tech bros, the exact types that ran nft's and various other hair brained schemes straight into the ground, so there's hope there too. If AI was being developed seriously as an actual tool for artists to use it's one thing, and I think there could be legitimately interesting uses there. but the current state of affairs with the rampant theft and fuck you get mine attitude ignoring any copyright laws in their path, it could easily all crash and burn a couple of lawsuits later. Or people will just get bored and move on. In the mean time yes, it is doing real damage to artists, not arguing that. Just saying as negative as my attitude to this situation is, I also have hope that it may not be the all out artistic apocalyptic event some predict. But as it stands now, I feel like everything online is 'free real estate' to these people, no matter what checkboxes you ticked or watermarks you added, or new policies dickhead CEO's add to their social media sites. To be clear: It shouldn't be this way, it fucking sucks, and by all means delete your stuff if you feel it necessary. I don't plan to at the moment. I do have glaze set up for future posts. Anyway just my thoughts on the matter at the moment. Anyone else feel this way? Or, if you are deleting your stuff now, what are you going to do going forward? New websites/come back and repost with glaze/other?
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sasuhinamonth · 7 months
Hello there and I am so excited about sasuhina month 2024 this summer season I have question are you making strict rule for people using ai art instead of using their original skill in art because many original artists complaining about people using ai and it kinda disrespectful to artist and it kinda plagiarism or not so original to use ai
Hello, my dear!
Thanks for the ask (and the reminder). Originally, we were going to add a statement to our SHMonth2024 post.... but we forgot.
So please allow us to set the ground rules here:
AI Art
With the advancement of AI, the mods of SHMonth would like to finalize our stance on AI art/works/fics in our server and throughout future SasuHina Month Events.
AI Art of any kind is prohibited from being submitted to the SasuHina Month prompts during any and all SasuHina Month Events. Mods will not interact with ai-generated works, and participants who submit ai-generated art will not be considered for the SasuHina Artist of the Year.
We've made this decision because the event is solely based on participants from the community. Art, fanfiction, and any other form of work dedicated to celebrate SasuHina and the people who enjoy it is at its best version when coming from the individual, rather than from AI. AI is unfeeling. No matter what it creates, it does not have the heart that we want when it comes to our submissions. We celebrate creativity, uniqueness, and imagination, no matter the form it comes in.
That being said:
The mod team, if it has nothing to do with SHMonth submissions and events, will not be concerned with AI-generated art/works posted to social media, such as Twitter/X, Tumblr, Instagram, etc.
People who post AI-generated works (even if it's sasuhina) on their own account will not be scolded, talked with, targeted, or condemned by the mod team. They are allowed to post AI-generated works, and our team has no power over what they are and are not allowed to post. While we believe anyone has the right to voice their opinion on the topics of AI-generated art, we do not advocate for bullying, harassing, or targeting any account that posts AI-generated works.
And I really want to stress this: you don't have to like it.
The Mod Team is not trying to silence anyone on this topic. If you have something to say, say it. Just note that if we see any members outwardly harassing anyone, we'll be keeping an eye on you the same way we'll be keeping an eye on AI art/work accounts.
Thank you, again, for the reminder -- as well as to anyone reading this important post.
See you in a few!
The Mod Team
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luvtonique · 7 months
I'm not gonna name names and embarrass the poor person but
I just wanna say
The evidence I need that Tumblr users and social media users in general have no idea what they're talking about came from an event that happened over the last couple days that came to a head today
And made me realize I'm arguing with a Tumblr user who has literally no idea what they're talking about.
It started with me making a big angy controversial post defending the use of AI by artists.
I got a lot of comments on it, and one in particular was very silly. It was literally just someone saying "You're wrong"
I replied "Wow you got me, guess I lose"
They commented on another post later with an absolutely silly argument, I laughed, ignored it otherwise
Then, here's the best part
They @'d me on a post and said "This sums up why you're wrong" (more or less, paraphrased) and so I went to look at the post they @'d me on.
Well, it was a post with 2 notes about OP having a dream where AI took over the world.
And that's not even the best BEST part.
Out of sheer curiosity (see: sheeriosity) I checked the OP's blog.
Seemed fine at first, just some brony blog, nothing fancy or out of the blue.
Until I checked their frequently used tags, and found "Diaper" as one of their more frequent ones.
Clicked it, and saw them having many discussions with diaperfurs from all over Tumblr, all of which had very many pictures of characters of questionable age in diapers on their blog.
And that's where I just stopped, held up my hands, and said, "You know, self? This is why it's pointless to try to be informative about alternate opinions to the social media status quo. All I'm doing is inviting people to say 'HEY JAY, THIS PROVES YOU WRONG' and link me to a post about a practicing diaperfur who had a bad dream. That's who I'm up against. I'm up against people who think a diaperfur having a bad dream is hard evidence that my opinion is wrong."
I am just
Consistently one-upped with how shocked I am by the just
Sheer inability to be a normal functioning human being that Tumblr users have. Just a complete lack of pallettability and common sense.
It's like... How did we get here?
How is it that when people argue with me, 99 times out of 100 they're either a psychopath, delusional, have videos on their YouTube page of them breathing heavily while watching rats die on a glue trap, or they think diaperfurs having bad dreams is a valid source for information to win an argument.
Can some normal, functional adults disagree with me for a change
Wait, no
I just realized after typing that, yeah, no, I can't
Because normal functioning adults don't argue with furry porn artists on Tumblr
Well I just solved my own dilemma
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pinkyjulien · 1 year
🌈 Queerness in CyberPunk 2077
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I wanted to make this post earlier this month but got caught up in modding shenanigans, as per usual~
BUT! It's still June, still pride, so here it is :>
All of this is my analyses, headcanons, of different characters, some of them not confirmed at all in anyway or form! I'm a queer man myself, but I do not claim to know everything about queerness and being queer, everyone experience the game and interpret the characters differently 🤲 This is only my opinions, based off canon game events, clues, hints, as well as developpers's tweets, streams, files datamining etc etc Please do not see this thread as an attack, or as something invalidating! I'm more than curious to heard what you think about my personal analyses, if you agree, if you don't, and why! If you think other characters also display hints of queerness I'd love to hear it too! 💙
This picture is an update I did in 2022 of lil collage I did back in 2021~
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I posted the first version on Reddit back in 2021 and it created this whole "what do mean JOHNNY is GAY?" (because a rainbow behind a man automatically means he's Gay and nothing else right) and a lot of biphobia over his character in particular (gasp- THE rockerboy?! Biseggsual?? In my viddy game??)
▶ You can look at the thread here and have a lil laugh
SO, NATURALLY, after doing the 2022 collage, I went and uploaded it to reddit once again! Because triggering bigots and seeing them stumble over their own tongues trying to debunk everything is really funny ✨
However, I instantly muted the thread and let it rot in its own sauce for some days, weeks, only coming back to it later and Oh Boy 👀
I did a thread on Twitter last year exploring everything that was said on the thread and explaining why I put certain characters on it
Thought it'd be cool and fun to re-explore that and share my thoughts with y'all here SO LETS GET BACK TO IT 😌🤙
I'll mainly paste screenshots of what I already said on my twitter thread, but I might add some things there and there!
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Damn I was kinda pissed off back then HGHFHGF but yeah, this is also the reason I won't ever make any straight or super straight flags I do not headcanon Delamain as Asexual, as there isn't any confirmation anywhere that he's interest in that kind of interaction or not, but I'll come back to him later!
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Goro being canonly Queer is often missed, and this surprises me, considering he's one of the popular character! He is interested (or not) equally in both Fem and Masc V, giving he's replying to them the exact same ways! This isn't something done randomly by the devs :)
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As said in the tweet, there isn't any direct and clear evidence of Mitch and Scorpion being a couple! Their relationship is heavily queer coded and queer people are more easily picking up on it than non-queer peoeple (and that's normal) Gay men have called their male partner Friend, Best friend and Brother through history maaaany many time, and that's part of my interpretation of their relationship too, especially giving they're both veterans who fought in the same war. The poem Mitch wrotes during "I'll Fly Away" (heavily implied) is romantic and gay coded, the gay novel in Mitch's tent (confirmed to be on purpose) is what we call environnemental story telling, it's subtle but adds to a character's backstory and lore! As for the datamining, I found a Mitch awkwardly explaining to V that no, Saul doesn't have any say in whatever he's doing with Scorpion stuff "because.... because... eh, that's just family stuff"
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Note on Delamain here because I've heard it even caused some drama here on Tumblr that I said that? He uses He/Him to describe himself, the Main Entity, but multiples of his splites entities uses She/Her, meaning he's literally Non-Binary in how his entity is formed (I find it really cool for an AI ngl ngl) However if my headcanon offended anyone, I apologize! and I'd love to hear others interpretation :3
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There isn't any open and visible MLM gay couple in Cyberpunk 2077! Bouncing off ElvenBeard's amazing analyses and thoughts on Kerry's sexuality, he can be seen as Bisexual (confirmed by RTAL themselves) and Homosexual (confirmed by the devs before and after the game released) he can be Both and Both are correct depending on how you view his character and how he grew from his past relationship (Bisexual with a masc preference, Bisexual who have to heal from his marriage, Gay man who realized his sexuality later after a wonky marriage, etc)
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The whole "Responsability=Wife" Takemura take angers me to no end, taking its roots in heteronormativity- We see Goro care for his job above all else, to me that's what his "responsability" is and always was; his job
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Nothing more to add here- Jackie's only relationship we see in game is with Misty, this doesn't confirm nor deny anything! (However with how he react to V pushing him, lip-bitting and all regardless of gender, I can totally see him as being queer)
AND That's about it!
It was interesting to dig into that thread last year and thought I'd share that here, as a refresher that Johnny is Bi, Takemura too, and smaller characters like Mitch and Evelynn still have clear hints of queerness to them ✨
I really like how CP77 touches on queerness, it feels realistic, it doesn't feel forced; which, sadly, create this problem of "UH?? This is pure LIES" if a character's sexuality is not splattered in your face, which then create the "Ugh why does it have to be forced down our throat" complains
Something something, lesson here is that people will always complain about queerness, be it loud, be it subtle, so fuck it! Scream it, go apeshit over small details, over-analyse everything cause chances are: this is intentional!
More Characters
I later noticed that Regina have a naked lady tattooed on her forearm, and since we know nothing is done randomly in CDPR's video games, makes me think that she might be sapphic in some way ✨
Mateo is also one of my fav "potential queer", how he could be a trans man, but there isn't anything really to support that other than that one interaction with V
▶ Link to the updated collage Reddit Thread
▶ Link to my Twitter breakdown
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nattravn-art · 7 months
In regards to these news, I'd like to precise that I've opted out of "third party sharing" (AI scraping) on this blog, my main @nattravn-stuff and my other secondaries.
I'm no big artist, but I still do not want my work to be used for AI purposes.
Following is personal feelings. The TL;DR is: I don't think I'll keep posting my personal art on tumblr/my socials any longer. That doesn't include zines/promo art and occasional fanart.
Quite frankly, it hurts and I'm tired of this all.
Drawing has always been a way for me to express myself and share what I love, drawing characters I love whether it's mine or other people's, whether it's fandom characters or OCs. However since a couple of years now, I've gradually lost the joy of sharing it on social sites, hence why I've posted less and less here.
I know I briefly mentioned it before but my mental health is not always the best, to put it simply, it never really was. Nearly two decades ago, finding online art communities was a lifesaver. First it was on forums. Then, after a wrecking art school year, I'd promised myself I would never draw again. I did pick up a pencil after a bit of not drawing due to OCs and fandom characters. Despite my art being bad at the time, I joined Deviantart. I'd found a community full of fantastic people there, and this community encouraged me to draw more of what I loved and post it online. I don't know where I would be artistically nowadays, or if I would still be drawing at all, if it wasn't for this community. Then I'd found tumblr, which was a fun way for me to share art among other things. DA was about to decline so I just stayed on tumblr, even if there was less engagement there for me aside on some specific fanart pieces.
I never was a popular artist and honestly, I didn't intend to be one. I just drew what I loved and appreciated the engagement. During DA days, I used to be more excited to share my stuff with the world than drawing, then the joy became equal between creating and sharing. That source of joy started vanishing for me, and it has affected my art. It affected it first because it felt that art only became "content" to be "consumed", it felt that it lost its personality and meaning. Then AI generated "art" and "artists" happened and it feels that it finished killing that joy for me. Today's news was the last nail in the coffin.
Not is all negative thought. Over the past year, I feel that I started regaining joy creating by telling myself that I don't need to share my art. It feels kind of stupid to type that tbh, but making art had been so tied to posting it online to me that I'd almost.. forgotten that. I started liking drawing for myself again. I started liking getting an idea and figuring how to express it visually again, even though the process could be so frustrating... I guess these are pretty words for me to just say "I love OCs and characters and want to draw my, my spouse's, my friends' and strangers' brains blorbos and the blorbos from my games too. I'm not sure I enjoy posting them on socials though."
All this to say that I've come to terms that I don't think I want to post my personal art on tumblr/my socials any longer, as long as it doesn't bring me joy. I will continue drawing and partaking zines and art events that bring me joy (such as Art Fight, or art challenges). I will also share art for promotional purposes + and I may post occasional fanarts if my brain gets in hyperfocus.
Eventually, if you're here reading this and liked seeing my personal art on your dash, I'm sorry and I hope you understand.
PS: if we're mutuals and you're on TH, shoot me a message I'd love to see you there!
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janedoe-ing · 6 months
things that i encountered in my life personally that just reminds me that men will always be men:
my BEST FRIEND joking about he can belanja me pads and bras (when there is SO MANY things other than that, that he could treat me but then he chose to mention those two first, on the basis of us 'caring' for each other)
my professor joking about why would men wanna marry sb just to lose his scholarship (context: there is a case where a man has been said to lose his scholarship if he gets married in his contract terms, which obviously deprived his rights as a human being [read: Article 5 of the Federal Consitution] ) and then he proceeded to joke about how the Applicant in the case would and rather lose his scholarship, than his own marriage, in his words: "why would you want to be stupid by getting married" and "i'm just joking"
random men that i saw on my faculty STARING at women if they start to wear something showy, sexy, etc.
an ustaz in our school saying he's a man too (indicating he has his needs) when he smelled somebody using a very strong fragrant hand sanitiser in class
one of my club members saying that he couldn't practice family law because the janda's will like him or some shit (can somebody humble this mf down)
also the same guy as above: saying he's excited for the big event only because he wanted to meet girls from private unis
them unfollowing me and leaving me following them as if i wanted to follow them at the first place and these fuckers have the audacity to fucking requested to follow me back??? fuck you!
that one time i was in form 2 and went to a 3 days camp, and my group leader saying that he likes me because i have chubby cheeks (tembam) wtf
my dad cheating on my mom MULTIPLE times despite being a good wife and mother to his own children
my dad finding bitches that are the opposite of my mom (ie: sexy, skin showing females, and god knows what they are)
my dad abusing my mom (literally)
my atok kept asking my wan doing stuffs that he could easily has done by himself and act like he's an infant
my director showing middle finger to me and my bureaumates for screwing up during an event (mind u it was a small mistake and the damage is reversible)
finding men lusting over LITERAL CHILDREN on tumblr
finding men lusting over women and seeing them as objects and not a human being
finding MULTIPLE accounts saying they wanted to rape their sisters/relatives
seeing men on tumblr with these fucking porn bots accounts posting innocent selfies and tiktoks and jerking off to it and saying they wanna rape these girls because 'her mouth looks like it can give a good blowjob and they wanna fuck them so hard they will be crying out to stop and merengek'
finding accounts that are posting pics and vids of women IN PUBLIC (ie: public transport, literally in malls, pasar malam, etc.) minding their own business and taking pics where their bra or panties lines are visible on their clothes AND SELLING IT
finding accounts who uses AI to make a picture of women from fully clothed to being naked, in this case i found m*a sara's and q*sti*a rai***'s pics being used WHEN THEY ARE MINORS CURRENTLY
my BEST FRIEND (yes the same guy previously stated as before) instead of asking me what im doing, he asked me "woi buat apa" "tengah kongkek ke" like ?????? what the fuck
me telling the same guy to teman or help his mom to do some grocery shopping and he asked me why would his mother need any help from him or even need his company.....????? ICK
found out that my granddad actually watched soft porn on youtube on his phone and my uncle watching literal porn on his other phone
me and my sister having to carry a whole ass heavy bed from 2nd to ground floor alone because my fucking dumbass brother didn't want to help
once did a quiz that somehow asked u questions about sex and i personally dm of it at first bcs it was only me and two of my best friends and they answered that they needed more than 2-3 times of sex per week when i only answered average 2-3 at most every two weeks (made me realise so much that they're still men at the end of the day)
(list will be updated from time to time)
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curejiraiya · 2 months
I posted this on my twitter but felt like reposting it to Tumblr, because in the past I posted about the KinPri Sparkling here
i played the beta for the king of prism game and I gotta say, it might be the worst game I've ever played. "game" as a term being used lightly. which hurts because ! i love king of prism ! king of prism is my whole life! i have 100s of dollars in kinpri merch! but it is very bad. if you find someway to like it more power to you! i might come and play the game every once in awhile if it has events or story. but it's like machine translated ai art slop. It had stolen assets (in their defense they removed them and apologized) but also still has traced assets from Ensemble Stars. Infinite microtransaction prompts. There's 50ish menus, and it pushes you to open all of them by dangling daily 10 diamond rewards on menus for yet another microtransaction. A ton of currencies that all seem to do nothing at all. and the gameplay is just clicking. I have yet to find anything to do that isn't clicking. Sometimes you can do a puzzle game? but it's energy limited. and every other time you just click. there's like 4 different clickers. I love king of prism!!! i wish they spent more money and got a reputable studio to make this game! especially with just how good the writing in prism rush was. how good the new songs were. I miss all of that. But this new game feels like less money was spent on it than Idol Land. I cannot in good faith recommend anyone play this game unless they're really into like obscure kinpri lore, or cookie clicker-esque auto clickers. and even then you have to be able to tolerate CONSTANT microtransaction prompts in your face and ai translations.
if you're suffering through this game and want to add me 10010101471
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pewcat2 · 2 months
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'Tis another Drawfee new year, so it's time to update the avatar! I turned it into a Meet the Artist because I haven't done one since 2021, and I needed something for a pinned post here lol
To clarify, SunontheMountainStudio is my art Instagram, not related to my tumblr in any way, shape or form. Most places you will find me as Pewcat or some variation (pewcat2, pevvcat, etc).
And because I'm going to use this an opportunity to create an "about me" pinned post, here are some other things you might want to know:
Commissions are currently closed, but I do occasionally ask for sketch requests or drabble prompts here as I feel up for it.
I am in the process of writing a multi-part Detentionaire "season 5" type fic, where Lee returns after going missing for 5 years immediately following the events of the season 4 finale. You can find the first part, The Escape, on Archive of Our Own.
My fibromyalgia majorly affects me in three ways: chronic pain, chronic fatigue, and chronic brain fog. This means I have a tendency to disappear from online when I am in a lot of pain or dealing with fatigue, and I have a lot of memory problems. I ask for clarifications and reminders a lot and it's not because I don't care!
For the most part, I am cool with unprompted interactions (asks, reblogs, comments, etc). This includes being asked to tag certain things, within reason (don't ask me to tw for people's bodies, for example).
It should go without saying, but just a reminder: black lives matter, free Palestine, #landback, no more stolen sisters, every child matters, trans rights are human rights, stop AI art, etc. There is no space for hate here.
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cringelordofchaos · 8 months
- Question written and asked by, yours truly, cringelordofchaos on Tumblr.
This is only proving my idiocy and naivete, but let me explain.
This question has been boggling my mind for a while, and yet I fail to find an answer to it because I don't know actual shit about technology or the world around me, come to think of it. Yet I'm still curious, and I can't find much satisfying results on Google.
(I had also tried to discuss this with my close ones, but none of us really came to a satisfying conclusion, only more questions.)
(I hadn't tried asking AIs like ChatGPT directly - but in all honesty I would rather have discussion with human beings directly (albeit chatGPT is arguably somewhat of a combination of humanity.)
Is anything in life truly random? Besides the start of the existence itself, we can assume we know how most things and event happen in life. That is the domino affect; one action or circumstance leads to another. Nothing ceases to exist, it only changes it's form. Almost everything in our life can be explained to an extent, right? If I were to sneeze, it wouldn't be random, there would be actions that would lead my body to be in a position for sneezing. If I were to be diagnosed with ADHD, it wouldn't be random or a "10% chance", it would be due to a long like of combinations of genetics and possible environmental impacts, among other things (though it's still researched). What we call luck, or a "chance" - is merely a pattern of circumstances unforeseeable to us.
Nobody is really "unlucky" are we? It could be said I would be unlucky if I were to visit a party only to realize, after I've set everything up, that it was cancelled the last moment and I didn't know. It wouldn't be a matter of luck, it would be the matter of me simply not being let known the party was cancelled.
So "luck" and "chance" are simply things out of our own control. It's not that they don't exist, but in my personal opinion they are *not* synonymous with "randomness", which I don't necessarily believe in itself is really a thing.
At least that's how I've come to know it. My thoughts may change regarding his subject.
I would like to let everyone know that I'm but a mere, naive teenager, still figuring shit out. Not only about the world around me, but also myself. So I apologize in case I have spread misinformation; that is merely me being rather "stupid", or just uneducated.
Now, after this unnecessary explanation, here is where I am confused.
With AI and modern technology you can achieve wonders, some would say. Among those wonders, you may go to ChatGPT or AIs alike, and ask them for a simple prompt;
"choose a random colour"
"choose a random number"
"choose randomly; left or right"
"choose a random x"
Stuff like that.
And chatGPT may do as your command.
.....but how??
Based on *what* former circumstances does it give you a "random" (x)? What past circumstances lead to chatGPTS decision? Because you can ask the same question with the same phrasing multiple times, and the only thing that will change is the.. result. Which confuses me.
A commonly quoted sentence is "insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result". Because to have a different result, circumstances simply have to differ at least in *some* way. Whether it'd be formerly defined Luck (external factors outside of one's individual personal control) or different options made by the individual in question.
In reality, you *can* do the same thing over and over again, and with the time gain a different result - that is, if Luck is present.
But.. with chat gpt? It isn't Luck. It's... Seemingly random.
Because external factors outside of personal control is still in *someone's* (or in some*thing's*-) control. You may be Unlucky in case there is a hurricane, but there is a long scientific explanation for why a hurricane came to be. You may be unlucky if you got with a manipulative significant other, because you scarcely had control in their upbringing or their behaviour, but your significant other have that control, or the people that raised that significant other had control.
If you asked me to think of a random number, and I seemingly randomly picked 8 - it is because ever since I was eight years old going forward I chose it to be my favorite number, for whatever reason. There's some form of complicated psychological/scientific explanation for it, I'm pretty sure.
You get me, I hope. (If I phrased anything poorly, please ask me to elaborate on any point.)
As for ChatGPT, there seemingly are no external factors that would make it's answers vary.
Now, there are things chatGPT learns from; humans. People. Online articles, former conversations with humans, code input, etc.
In which case, if a specific number were to show up more often than other numbers, there*MAY* be a higher chance of it being favoured by services such as ChatGPT. (OR NOT. I DONT KNOW.)
Whatever it is, it still confuses me how its answer changes even when you ask the same question the same way.
Maybe, somewhere in its code, it's somehow precoded to give a specific number each time. (EXAMPLE) the first time it's asked to hand out a specific number, it was already coded to say "9", and it is given to person A. While the second time it's ever asked for a random number, it's precoded to say "241",
PROBABLY NOT, I heavily doubt this theory, especially as I have zero experience coding anything.
But that's the only theory my young naive head could come up with.
I also found this article online, questioning the state of randomness in ChatGPT - which was written after someone recognizing a consistent pattern, rather than true unfiltered randomness.
Another thing- stuff like - Digital gambling.
Unlike Artificial Intelligence, which learns from people, which may help with it handing out "random" options - it isn't like that with digital gambling, or in video games where you can purchase stuff, like Roblox or Fortnite or whatever.
Let's name an example. Imagine there's a video game, and you could buy a spin of a wheel, where there's a 50% (")chance(") of receiving a Common (digital) accessory, 30% chance of receiving an Uncommon accessory, 15% chance of receiving a Rare accessory, and 5% chance of receiving a "Legendary" accessory.
And it confuses me *so much*.
Because... Based on *what* does it give me those accessories? *What* leads me to gaining a legendary accessory, and what leads me to gaining a common one?? Because you do the same thing. You spin the wheel twice and get a different result.. how?
My sister told me, upon conversing with her about this, that "luck" - as some people may define it (as a spiritual thing or whatnot) - is not real, except in digital AIs, which would be the first case of Luck Actually Existing. That we have somehow INVENTED true randomness.
I find that hard to believe, and even harder to find an explanation of how this would be possible in the first place.
There must be an explanation for this.. somewhere... Right?
In case you code, or handle with digital science, do you have any insight on this?
(I cut it off short because I got tired of typing.)
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