#<- there i’ve declared a ship name xD
thinking about lucienne having white-painted nails and calliope having black-painted nails. and then holding hands. i think i’m gonna make myself pass out
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angelsandarsenic · 2 years
As the Fates Decreed
Word Count: 13000+ words
Summary: The three fates of Emperor XD's pantheon have officially declared Tommy a dead man. On the one hand, he'll finally be with his brother again. On the the other., Tommy isn't ready to die yet. The vigilante has given up on any chance of being saved, but Tubbo has always been willing to take a long shot chance if it's to save his best friend and the Antarctic Empire might have exactly what they need.
TW: cursing, shouting, lots of death mentions, panic attack, fighting (but no blood), mention of losing limbs (let me know if I need any more)
Requested?: no
Notes: I’ve been so excited to post this!! I hope y’all like it :)
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        Sol 17 was the day I died, Tommy wrote. He started this page in his journal the night The Fates told him his future, that being that he had none.
        As he flew from planet Olyms 23, officially named the Pantheon, he wondered why he bothered. When The Fates told you that you would die, you will die. There is no escape (though many have tried). He’s just glad that he was the only one who got caught, not Tubbo or Ranboo.
        The simple fact though, was that Emperor XD's fleet didn't even need to follow him this time, he would meet his end either way, as the Fates decreed.
        The feel of his soft leather journal would usually be comforting, but now, as Tommy sat writing, his beautiful ship on autopilot (perhaps he could at least save Clementine), it was just a book. He ran his fingers along the familiar grooves on the cover anyway. The tree of life, he thought ruefully. What a joke. The journal had been a gift from Wilbur before he died. He told Tommy that their father and brother had wanted him to have it as protection and as a promise that they'd find each other again. Not that that ever happened. It was worn and almost smelled old, it's pages were permanently wrinkled slightly from the time it got dumped in a river. On a couple pages his handwriting was smudged or scribbled out and on several you could see where the ink in his pen had been running out, yet he couldn't get a new one.
        To be fair, he had gotten through his fair share of rough scrapes, including ones he didn't think he would get out of, but even the tree of life couldn't get him out of this one, he guessed. But if it had done anything in the first place, it wouldn't have gotten him into this mess with The Fates to begin with and it wouldn't have gotten Wilbur killed.
        He hoped Wilbur couldn't see him now. Supposedly, he was with the stars, watching Tommy from light years away that he could never travel too. He wished they had gotten to go on that last trip together. Wilbur had been so excited, twisting his ring every time he talked about it. That was his tell. Tommy wished Wilbur hadn't kept it a secret, then he could go and at least bring that ring and pretend his brother was still with him.
        Tommy would be with him soon enough though. Unless he went to Valhalla. It wasn't incredibly likely, Tommy didn't think, but Wil had been rather interested in that planet system with their own supposed afterlife. He fit the bill to get in as well--Tommy hadn't met many folks from the Antarctic Empire, but what he had heard was that the only requirement was to die a warrior's death. Wilbur may not be a hero to the rest of the universe, but he was a hero to Tommy.
        He must have known he was going to die. He spent nights on end pacing and muttering to himself when he thought Tommy was asleep. He never fought with Tommy beyond their play fights in his last days. He must have known he was going to die when he cuddled Tommy close and preened his wings and pressed the journal into his hands, a fond smile on his face and promised everything would be ok. Tommy should have known something was up.  He should have asked more questions, fought harder and died with his brother in the explosion.
        That was seven years ago. Tommy spent six of those years raining vigilante hell on the Essempi Empire in Wilbur's name. He wanted to start earlier, but resources were hard to come by as a broke eleven year old with a high bounty and a missing arm. Thank the stars for Tubbo. With nothing else use the notebook for, Tommy filled it with his adventures, detailed accounts of how he, the amazing and most pog vigilante Theseus, continued to screw over XD and his "Pantheon" and how they could never catch him. Only the best one's thought, (there were few that weren't "the best") he didn't want to waste it. Not to mention, physical paper books were hard to come by. Whoever his family was must've been filthy rich. Not that it mattered. He had yet to reunite with them, Wilbur had never gotten to either.      
        He finally stopped his recount of the "trial". "My empire," An echoing voice boomed. It sounded like several voices layered on top of each other. The room itself wasn't incredibly large, but he knew they were being broadcast to the entire galaxy and beyond. "Today we finally unmask the pesky flea that had been biting our great people." Tommy sneered. How fucking dare XD try to belittle him down to nothing but a bug?! Tommy lunged for him, watching the entire rest of the courtroom startle before remembering he was chained, even the big twelve bristled and readied their weapons. The massive winged creature before him didn't even flinch, but Tommy thought he might have seen Dream's halo flicker. Perhaps XD could pretend to squash him underfoot and forget about him, but the entire Olyms system and whoever else was watching had just seen a captive who was barely an adult, intimidate the big twelve of the Pantheon, the iron willed and fisted guard of XD himself. 
        When the emperor reached down for his mask, Tommy had to be careful not to flinch. Neither the emperor, nor Dream's eyes betrayed any form of recognition, that was what had stung the worst. Even more than when Drista, head of The Fates, swept into the room and pointed a golden ringed finger at him. Switching his notebook and pencil to his prosthetic left arm, he used his right hand to type in some coordinates. He shuffled a bit in his seat to situate his grey wings around the back of the chair. There was no way to change the fact that Tubbo had surely already head the news and wouldn't rest until he found a way for Tommy to survive, but he would be damned if he didn't see his brothers again before he died.
After that…he wasn’t really sure what to do.
        Tommy flew. Logstedshire was almost four sol cycles from here, that's where he would go first. All that really mattered right now was seeing Tubbo and Ranboo again.
        3rd sol of being a dead man walking- If he was being a little dramatic, blame it on Wilbur. Tommy had picked up so many of his habits and mannerisms before he died. Frankly, Tommy thought he was well within his rights to be dramatic. -A strange ship has been following me since yesterday evening. Now that the galaxy knew what his ship looked like, Tommy had seen progressively fewer and fewer other people over the last three cycles. That only made it easier to figure out when he was being followed, like now. The lack of companionship was already getting to him, so he was almost grateful for the dark, vaguely pointy blob that had been tailing him, but he knew it was going to be far more trouble than it was worth, especially if the strange way the ship seemed to disappear in the inky space around it was anything to go by. How does it even do that?! More importantly, what kind of asshole won't just let a guy die in peace? It was probably some honorless bounty hunter who thought he wouldn't put up as much of a fight now that he was condemned to death anyway. Anyone with half a brain would realize that Emperor Pissface would never give them the reward now though, moron.
Fuck this guy, Tommy was busy doing big man shit, he couldn't be bothered with this right now and he couldn't bring the guy back to Tubbo and Ranboo. That means it's time for some evasive maneuvers.
        Just in time, Tommy and his stalker came up on a long  asteroid belt. It was far below his ship, floating above a large moon. Tommy waited until they were already part way over it to flip on the thrusters and nose dive. He peeled away from the incoming chunk of rock and into a void in the belt, slowing slightly to watch the dark ship spark to life and attempt to follow him. He kept slowing himself down, making it easy to swerve around the obstacles with all his experience, but the alien ship held its own. He cut left above one and barrel rolled around another, barely making it between two that were slowly drifting towards each other. Expecting that was enough to shake off his tail, as usual, he accelerated and started aiming for the top of the belt again. Glancing in his rear view camera, his smirk dropped and his wings flared. How is he still following me?!
        This can’t be one of the Pantheon, they wouldn’t bother with me anymore and that isn’t any of their ships. Who the fuck?? The ship behind him started to close in and Tommy’s heart jumped. No no no no no! He dove again before immediately pulling back up, turning around an asteroid as he went for good measure. When he flattened out he was still being followed. Tommy’s hands flew over Clementine’s controls, guiding his beloved ship through a jagged zig zag, side to side and up and down, horizontal and vertical, but it wasn’t enough. The longer this went on, the closer the other ship got and Tommy couldn’t help the way he kept staring down at his external cameras. His breaths were beginning to come short and at one point his hand slipped off the control panel, almost sending him careening into a stray asteroid. What the fuck?! This was familiar territory—he’s had to throw off followers more time than he can count, he was just that popular, so why was he getting so shaken up?!
        Tommy forced himself to take a deep breath. Think, what else can you do? Eliminate the threat, scare them so bad they’ll never want to look at you again. What size is the ship? Only slightly smaller than Clementine, a one passenger fighter. He looked back up in front of him. The other ship was getting far too close for comfort, he had to get rid of it now. 
        With the press of a button, Tommy brought up on rod Tubbo’s best improvements to his ship: a 3-D map of whatever was surrounding Clementine for two miles. There, dead center of the field. There was an asteroid just big enough to wreck his ship is he ran into it, but small enough that he could shield it from view if he flew right. The stalker would have to be directly behind him. 
        Good thing he was leading this chase then. Taking a sharp right turn, Tommy brought them around a long strip of debris, watching his map to determine when to curve back around. Just after another large chunk of space rock, he made a precise 90 degree turn, heading straight for the target. With how close the other ship was, he wouldn't have been able to see around Tommy's wing even if he wasn't matching Clementine's path yard for yard. Tommy sped up. The other ship sped up. Tommy waited. 
        He kept waiting.
        The other ship didn't hesitate to follow. At the very last second, Tommy peeled up and around and absolutely gunned it out of the asteroid belt, hoping to make a jump through hyperspace before his stalker could recover.
       Sol 3--evening
        Planet Martiys 64--Abatojour
        A landing bay is the most dangerous place for a traveler. Smugglers and criminals and opposing systems all come together in one massive area, hidden by their own ships and loading and unloading cargo and they could steal your ship or break it or follow you into the city and kidnap you in your most vulnerable time of travel.
        A landing bay is the most dangerous place for a vigilante. Smugglers and criminals and bounty hunters and everyone could recognize you or your ship and either kill you or get you arrested.
        If you were more careful you wouldn't be in this situation.
        On every planet he went to, Tommy's face was plastered to every holoboard, every TV screen and every poster. 
————————DEATH WATCH—————————
        He cringed and ripped one of the paper ones down as he passed by. It didn't change the fact that as soon as someone saw a curl of his blonde hair (it was pretty rare out in space), he would be done for on this planet, no one would even come near him, much less trade with him and he needed food. He hadn't cut his hair since Wilbur died, so it was pretty easy to pull it back out of his face and tie it, then pin his hood in place. His usual mask was too well known, so he left it in Clementine's bay and found an old grey scarf to wrap around his face instead. With avians being decently common in this galaxy, he didn't need to bind his wings up, but he still peppered some dark tinted powder over their top and rubbed the stain into his feathers to make them seem like not his. He hasn't seen the small, dark ship since he lost it in the asteroid belt, but still remained highly on guard. At this point, it was second nature. 
        Stars, he would kill for an apple right now. He wondered how hard it would be to find them on this planet. He was close to the Ygdris system, surely it would be easier than anywhere else. This area was famous for their apples, it was part of what made the Antarctic Empire so rich. Tommy stalked the streets, eyeing the various vendors and not getting a second glance from the passers by. Dried meats and fruits from all over the galaxy were proudly displayed, plump and bright against the myriad of rainbow fabrics and dangling jewels also for sale. Carefully displaced from the more perishable items, blacksmiths with glinting blades and pyrotechs meticulously monitoring their blaze powder and various other explosive goods from wandering hands called out their wares, side by side with the apothecaries and potion masters. Tommy loved small merchant planets like this. Sure, he had used them as an early hunting ground for thieving skills, but he genuinely appreciated the lack of massive buildings and excess tech, not to mention the generally cheerful and amiable nature of the occupants.
       When he spotted his prize, Tommy hardly debated his choices--not that he would have made the more responsible one on any other day--deciding to go for the apple before any other food, rationalizing it with the admittedly dark argument of ensuring himself a final treat. It wasn't like it mattered if he ate full meals now anyway. (He still hoped the delicacy wasn't too expensive this close to it's main distributor, he didn't like being hungry.) At the stall was a rather tall being, pure white eyes kind, but somehow glinting with wry knowledge. Thick curly hair fell to their shoulders over a gorgeous cloak, a few strands framing a light smile as they sent another customer on their way. They looked familiar...
        Wilbur had had a friend once. It was rare that his older brother went out without Tommy, but this friend had a ship and now the pair were leaving more and more often. Sometimes Tommy asked why the friend--he couldn't remember their name, Eren maybe? Eret?--couldn't just take them both away from this awful planet. For only the second time since meeting them, the friend turns to look at Tommy. Their eyes are solid white and sadden when they see him. "I'm sorry Tommy, it's...complicated."
        "She is helping us get away sunshine, it's just not that simple."
        "Because we're in debt," the child mumbles. He's heard this before. He's not sure how they got this way, or why it's such a big deal, but Wilbur said they'll be hunted down if they run. They've had this conversation before. 
It was never meant to be.
        The sales person's voice was smooth and melodic, the closest he'd ever heard to Wilbur's voice and he might have gotten teary if it wasn't so deep. "Good morning, what can I get you?"
        Tommy suddenly remembered he barely had any money. Real money at least. "How much are your apples?"
        "Ah, good choice. Only 170 credits." He had about 100 real, 150 fake. He handed over all the real ones, hoping the merchant wouldn't notice the rest weren't right. He had good fakes, it should be fine, but higher valued goods always checked more thoroughly. The person let them leave before going through all the bills, so Tommy gladly pocketed his snack and moved on to a food stall several booths down. The actual restaurants were tempting, especially when he had enough for a delicious meal, but he needed food to last. He had one more anonymous job he could collect money from, if he acted like he was going to be around long enough to leave Tubbo and Ranboo again, but those didn't pay as well usually and after that, that was it. 
        He could probably keep taking jobs, find a new mask and start a new identity, maybe even become another vigilante again, because wouldn't that be a reall kick int he balls to the Empire of Essempi, but maybe this meant it was time to settle down, live the rest of his life for himself, the way Wilbur had wanted him too. Surely that would be ok now, surely the Goddess wouldn't be disappointed in him if he quit--it wasn't even quitting, it was...retiring. 
        There was a garden back home, he remembered. If Tommy was around more, they had thought about getting animals. They always made sure to keep one person back at Logstedshire but unless one of them was going to retire--they had always talked about Tommy. The others could too, he insisted, but even having brought up the idea of dropping his vengeful vigilantism once, his brothers had seemed to be determined to get him to relax, live his life--they wouldn't actually get any because animals were a lot of work and attention. Tommt wanted a cow. Cows were cute, he could name it Henry, and he could learn how to take care of bees for Tubbo. Ranboo never had the same enthusiasm, but they said they were happy to help with the pets and they were excellent at growing things, being half the reason the garden was so well maintained. It only grew potatoes and carrots right now, sometimes turnips, but maybe he could bring some other seeds home. They could learn to make bread, make the garden bigger, build that barn Tommy's been imagining...
        The blonde whipped his head around, scarf almost coming undone with the abruptness of the action. Eyes locked on the corner of a building, he stared, then shifted focus to scan the area, keeping a side eye on where he thought he had seen it. There was something there...he was sure of it. Just a moment ago, a dark blob that looked vaguely like a person. 
        Eventually, he had to relax. There was nothing there, it must've just been his imagination. 
        That thought didn't sit right with Tommy. Surely he couldn't be hallucinating, he'd always been wary of wayward shadows, it came with the territory of being a criminal. 
        Did Wilbur ever seem more paranoid before he died?
        Tommy couldn't remember. Instead, he let the smell of dinner lead him away. 
        The entire rest of the way back to Logstedshire, Tommy kept his external cameras on. Clementine didn't have any of the fancy upgrades that would alert him to other ships or movement around him, so he had to keep an eye out on his own, but thankfully, he never seemed to see anything. He still took a short detour before closing in on their little planet. He did that sometimes anyway, it didn't mean anything. 
        There was no air traffic control around Logstedshire, and as far as they knew, it being a tiny dwarf planet, He, Tubbo and Ranboo were the only occupants. The real trick, was knowing just where to land in the crevice of a ravine that they used as their port and then finding the hidden button that opened the tunnel to the cabin. 
        It was dimly lit and a little damp, chilly seeing as it never saw the sun, but Tommy ran his hands over the stone, doing his best to memorize every divot and bump that he feels like he's never known before. The trek felt both longer and shorter than ever at the same time and Tommy had to stop before he opened the trapdoor at the top of the stairs. Breathe in, breathe out. They're your family, you can do this. He wasn't sure what he was so nervous about. It wasn't like they'd give him any grief for getting caught, or get angry with him. Even Tubbo--mr.-I-show-how-worried-I-was-for-you-by-getting-upset-Underscore wouldn't pull that card with him now. 
        The way the trees seemed to actively reach out to touch his hand back, as if they were saying love you too glad to have had you don't be afraid made him realize that it was the looks in their eyes he didn't want to see.
        He was glad Ranboo was the first one he met. They weren't really sure where Ranboo came from; they didn't look like any planetary creature Tubbo or Tommy had ever seen, nor even anything Tommy had read about. Their existence was frankly more like a piece of the universe--the Milky Way galaxy specifically--had broken off and taken bipedal form. Ranboo's freckles looked like tiny stars (and they had about as many as the skies above), skin and hair pitch black except for the slight shimmer of blues and greens and purples of deeps space, mottled with white patches that covered almost half their body. The fluffy end of their slender tail turned wispy like smoke more often than not and disappeared into the world around it. As he does, Tubbo had simply picked them up somewhere (not even Tubbo quite remembers where) and they soon became a part of the crew. At first, Tommy hadn't liked Ranboo, but he doesn't know what he'd do without them now. 
        As soon as he stepped through the door of the trio's little shared cabin, Tommy was practically tackled in a hug. He knew it was Ranboo from the way a tail wrapped tightly around his waist and a head of soft hair was pressed up against his chin, tickling his nose. "Ran- Ran please-"
        "Shut up! You're dying, why are you dying Tommy this was never supposed to happen! How did you get caught?! Tommy I- I'm gonna miss you, I can't- we can't- Why-?!" The poor creature broke down into stutters and ceaseless questions. Tommy knew they weren't going to stop anytime soon, so he let them go on without bothering to interrupt, just attempting to get comfortable on the floor. 
        Ranboo hugged him for what felt like hours, and if Tommy wasn't still so emotionally numb (or whatever strange state he was in), he probably would have cried until he ran out of tears. Instead, when they pulled themself off, Tommy simply gulped and offered them a grimace. "I- I'm sorry, Boo, I don't really know what to say..."
        Ranboo's eyes widened. "Of course! Of course not, oh Tommy I'm so sorry! This- this must be terrifying..." They would do anything in the universe to help you right now. The thought made him smile, just a little bit.
        He shook his head. "Honestly, right now all I want is some food-" Just as he knew, Ranboo leapt at the opportunity. 
        "We have eggs! And ramen and some bread. It's not much right now, I'm afraid, but-"
        "That sounds great Ranboo, thank you." They grinned. "Where's Tubbo?" He figured he knew the answer, but "outside" was incredibly vague when you were on a mountainous forest planet. "I have an apple we can split too," he added.
        Their grin dropped and they gave him a lopsided frown. "He's...by the river I think? The far one, in the canyon." They frowned deeper and their eyes tilted upwards in sympathy. "Good luck."
        When Tommy glided down over the ridge and saw Tubbo, he was curled up into a ball, holding himself tightly, one hand fiddling with the ring on his left horn, the exact opposite of the way the Fauyn usually looked when he came to this spot. 
        When Tubbo saw Tommy, he cried.
        Are they going to forget me when I'm gone? Will Tubbo and Ranboo move on without me? His breaths were coming faster and faster. The thick wooden walls of Logstedshire were familiar but currently discomforting. The carpet was thin and hard underneath him. Tommy had moved from his bed to the ground for the solidity, like he could somehow attach himself to the world around him and not disappear, but it hadn't helped. He wanted to leave Clementine with his friends, he decided. If they ever had to scrap it for money, he wouldn't mind, but he wanted them to remember him. He needed to know he wasn't simply there and then gone, that his life meant something to someone. 
        "Today we finally unmask the pesky flea that had been biting our great people." XD was going to snuff him out like he never mattered. His breaths turned into a shaking whine. The universe was going to keep going, he hadn't left anything behind. He was going to be forgotten. His life will have meant nothing, his work will have meant nothing, his brother's death will have meant nothing. The world was a buzz around him, static noise and blurred colors. His cheeks were wet.His wings were hitting something hard, again and again. Trapped! Trapped trapped trapped trapped- He thinks he wanted to do something after his vigilante-ism, he didn't want to be angry forever. He didn't spend enough simple time with Tubbo and Ranboo, he had worked too much, he had never let himself live. And I'm never going to get too. 
Tommy Big Man Innit was scared, he realized. 
        He had always said he didn't fear death. He had always thought that was true. "If I die, I die," he kept telling Tubbo and Ranboo. He wouldn't entirely mind, he missed his brother. He was going to die eventually anyway, right? Was it going to hurt? He was only 18, why did it have to be now? Couldn't he have a little longer? His brother's ring pressed dully into his skin. What was it going to be like? Dark? Empty? There wasn't anything after this, was there? That couldn't be right, this couldn't be it. This didn't feel like the end, please don't let it be the end!
         He hadn't realized how much he was shaking until Ranboo's hands clamped down on his shoulders and held him gently in place, carefully guiding his wings away from whatever they were bumping into. He hadn't realized how loud he was being until Tubbo was almost shouting to get his attention, hurrying to crouch down in front of him when he and Ranboo should have been in bed. "Tommy?! Tommy it's ok! It's ok, you're safe here-" He wailed. No he wasn't safe, he was going to die! Tubbo faltered, then slowly reached a hand into his hair, gently beginning to scratch his scalp and twist the curls around his fingers. "Tommy we're here with you. You're still breathing, just breathe, you're alive I promise." Ranboo let him rock, but kept his hands steadily on his back, rubbing around his shoulders and down his spine. He was so strange, switching between almost normal body warmth and pure chill on a dime, like his skin can't hold the temperature. He was starting to slow, pushing his head into Tubbo's hands, thankfully beginning to get enough air to sob instead of the panic of hyperventilation. His hands still drummed wildly on the ground, occasionally up his legs and curling in and out of fists. "There you go, good Tommy, good job. Just breathe, we're right here, ok? We're never letting you go." 
        That was how he broke. With a loud cry, Tommy collapsed in on himself, falling into Tubbo's lap and wrapping his arms tight around his best friend's waist. Immediately, the other two were all over him. Ranboo's tail wrapped around his leg as they curled themself around Tommy protectively. He could feel the rumble of their chest against his back as they made that almost purring sound they do for comfort. It really did work, Tommy almost laughed. Tubbo's hand carded fully through his hair, brushing warm against the back of his neck on every run through, while the other took over stroking circles around Tommy's shoulders and back. He sobbed. He didn't want to die, he was still so afraid, yet somehow his tears were slowly beginning to run dry. 
        They had mac and cheese today. Tommy eagerly made himself a bowl and went to sit on one of the plush chairs in the common room, carefully dodging the mechanical parts of one of Tubbo's latest projects scattered on the floor. Since getting back home with his friends, he'd been smiling more and more and almost forgetting the nag of the ticking timer in the back of his mind. "Tommy, have you ever heard about the Antarctic Empire?" 
        Tommy's gaze slid over to his friend and he scoffed. Tubbo wasn't eating, just fiddling absentmindedly with his spoon. His horns needed to be trimmed. Ranboo could probably do that for him when they woke up from their nap, Tommy was no good at it. He wished he was, now more than ever. "Of course I have, everyone has. They're the only force that could possibly stand up to Essempi."
        "You know about their, well, I wouldn't say religion, but their practice, I guess? The one about eternal life?" 
        The line of Tommy's mouth hardened. "Tubbo that's not real. That's just how they gain citizens without and territories without having to forcefully take planets."
        "What if it is?! We don't know for sure that it's not possible, there have been accounts of revival after death, isn't it worth a shot?"
        "That doesn't mean anything! People will say anything, everybody lies and cheats, you know that."
        "But Tommy-"
        "It doesn't work Tubbo! If it did, Wilbur would still be alive!" He was on his feet in an instant, charging past the Fauyn and back into the kitchen. 
The air around them rang with the echo of Tommy's shout. His mouth was still stretched into his cheeks, baring his teeth. Tubbo didn't answer. It wasn't until Tommy started to relax, letting out a long exhale through his nose, that he heard a sniffle. Then another. Slowly, he turned around and immediately his hard expression broke.
        Tubbo wiped his tears away, but they kept coming. He was hunched in on himself, staring at the floor. "I- I just want to try. Please, I don't want to lose my best friend, Tommy...was Wilbur even for sure set up to revive with both of you living on Olyms 19?"
        His heart sank, regret and sorrow and guilt all accumulating in his chest in a dark, heavy pool. "He- n-no. I'm sorry Tubbo, I-"
        "Then can we please try? Please Tommy, I'm so scared and I know you are too. What if it does work? What if you don't have to die? I- I couldn't live with myself if you died and there was something we could have done about it."
        Tommy swallowed thickly. "Alright. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you. If you want me too, I will."
        Tommy's favorite part of the Ygdris system was easily the sun. He didn't know how it was possible (he was a vigilante pilot, not a scientist, fuck off) but the sun--maybe it was a sun, maybe something else, he wasn't sure--was always cleaved in half, permanently split on the horizon giving the vast emptiness of the space around it a perpetual sunrise or sunset appearance, depending on where you were looking at it. 
        The Antarctic Empire, on the planet Ygdris 5, was positioned directly below it, just barely in reach of it's rays. It was notoriously frozen and the shimmering crystal blue sheen of ice and clouded frosty air hovering in its atmosphere confirmed it. Ranboo made a quiet, pleased trill, leaning over Tommy's shoulders with both claws placed neatly on his shirt. They liked the cold. Tommy knew Ranboo was surprisingly cuddly, which worked fine because Tommy was too, but since he had returned to their little dwarf planet they used as a home base, the creature had hardly stopped touching him. It got to the point that even Tommy was starting to find it annoying, but he wouldn't comment. If he thought about it for even a moment, he knew he was glad for it. It was comforting, it was grounding and if he didn't want to freak his friends out any more than they already were, he'd be asking Tubbo for hugs every ten minutes too. 
        Speaking of, Tubbo had actually kept his distance more and more. Literally. They would easily slip into times where he would forget that he was supposed to be worried and they would be attached at the hip, laughing and roughhousing and playing just like normal; then it would end and the fauyn would seemingly remember that he thinks he should be treating Tommy like glass. It made him mad, but then Tommy would remind himself that he didn't want a fight to be one of his last moments with his friends, just like Wilbur hadn't. At the moment, Tubbo was pacing the cabin of the ship behind their chairs, chewing incessantly on his lips and occasionally muttering to himself. His hooves clunked against Clementine's floor and Tommy had to resist the urge to tell him to sit down. It was rare that Tommyinnit of all people was bothered by noise, but since he had been put on Death Watch it was like his senses were constantly dialed up to eleven, his brain and body trying to live as much of life as it could get before it couldn't anymore. 
        "Tubbs," Tommy called. "We're here. You're the one getting us in, we need you on the intercom."
        "Ah! Right, right." His tail flicked behind him as he came over and he picked up the radio prematurely. A few minutes later, when they'd officially entered the atmosphere, it crackled to life, a small call profile from Antarctic Empire Official Communications appearing on screen. 
        "Attention incoming ship, you have breached Antarctic Empire airspace, please state your name and business and ship ID."
        "Tubbo Underscore, frie- a-acquaintance? of Technoblade, here on invitation with two guests. Thomas Innit and Ranboo. Ship ID HS-17Clem." He never knew his friend had actually become closer with the one of the leaders of such a powerful system, just that Tubbo seemed to make a lot of tech and weapons for them. Good. They'll be protected when I'm gone. There were a couple minutes of hushed static while they found and processed his and Ranboo's official information. Tommy's heart seemed to beat even faster than before. Neither of them had much official information. Getting Ranboo properly registered in the Inter-Galactic Travel System had been a nightmare, and mainly working as a vigilante, Tommy would look suspicious as fuck as well. Fuck, he hoped they let them in, they were far to touchy about communications and intergalactic travel in this system. Not oppressively, like Essempi, just paranoid. The first time he had taken a job with them as Theseus had been a major hassle. Luckily, it got easier after that, but he still hadn't worked with them much. 
        Video call requested, showed up on Clementine's screen. Tubbo accepted and Tommy tried to put on a neutral face. They didn't get to see the air traffic controller on the other side, but after a short wait, they said, "Very well. Ship HS-17Clem is cleared for lading, follow the map to bay 3." 
        A simple topographical map into the mountains appeared on their screen, replacing the call, with a blinking red line of travel laid out. It seemed to lead them right into the side of a mountain. Both Ranboo and Tommy glanced over at Tubbo, who didn't bat an eye. Even as they got closer and closer to the flat sheet of rock Tommy knew that was probably an indicator of a hidden area but they weren't slowing down and no doors were opening-
        -until the very last second. Tommy let out a sigh and rolled his eyes. That shouldn't have bothered him. He does shit like that all the time, besides, if Tubbo knew what he was doing, it would be fine. 
        They stepped out into a massive ship bay, easily big enough to hold 7- no 10 more Clementines. Wrapping his wings around himself because it was fucking cold, Tommy used the excuse to pull Tubbo into his side and wrap him up as well. A large blue hedgehog came waddling up to them, stood up on its hind legs to show that it was wearing an Antarctic Empire uniform and said, "Hi! I'm Connor. Welcome to the Antarctic Empire! The Blood God will see you now."
"Were you followed?"
        "F-followed?" Tommy glances down again at the dark shine of the sword blade. The man behind it was no less intimidating; a massive piglin with several more weapons hanging from his belt or strapped to his back, sharp tusks protruding from his lower jaw, adorned with gold, in a pristine Anatartctic Empire uniform, cape billowing out behind him. "No?" He was about to say that at least, he didn't think so, but he had been at a point, before deciding it probably wasn't the best decision for his safety at the moment.
        The piglin nodded and lowered his sword. "Good." He motioned to the guards standing on either side of him. They strode off briskly, like they already knew what he was asking. It was mercifully warm inside compared to the landing bay, maybe a bit too warm, but chills still rattled down Tommy's spine. 
        Blood red eyes met his own. The piglin wasn't glaring, but his gaze was still piercing and Tommy had to resist the urge to shrink back. "You're on Death Watch," he answered simply. Tommy was about to protest, reminding the man that that doesn't make sense. Since I'm on Death Watch nobody has to follow me and nobody wants too, but before he could, the man continued. "You probably were followed, that's how they get you. The clairvoyance of Emperor XD's Fates isn't real, he made it up decades ago to give him a power that no one could take away. Sometimes people do die on their own, or commit suicide, but that was only after Death Watch became legend. In reality, it's an assassin." An assassin?! Immediately, Tommy's mind flashes back to the dark ship, the way it was small, sleek and sharp edged, made for speed and stealth and like almost every ship in the cosmos, probably had some guns on it. It had been like no ship he had ever seen before. "They call him Nightmare. Only XD, Nightmare, maybe the Pantheon and we know about him and if Sam hadn't come to us before they could kill him, we never would have learned. He claims some magic, unstoppable force kills the people that XD so conveniently wants dead--only the one who have been giving him the most trouble, or it would get suspicious--then he sends his personal assassin after them in a covert operation while he gets to cover everything up and push the empire forward again, neatly moving on from the resistance and scaring the galaxy too badly to mess with him. Well, for the most part." He gave Tommy a feral grin, like they were sharing some kind of secret. It disappeared almost as soon as it came. 
        Holy shit! That cheating bastard was going to kill him and cover it up! Fury and indignation sparked to life in Tommy's chest, making him shriek. Beside him, Ranboo gulped and Tubbo just stared, slack jawed. 
        "Heh, yeah. Don't trust anything the Empire tells you, kid. Lies and propaganda are the only thing they're actually good at. Anyway, they've been trying to find out home base for almost as long, especially now that we've gotten so used to housing Essempi's most wanted."
        The blonde avian behind him stepped forward. He and the piglin wore matching emeralds framed in some larger silver design. His green striped bucket hat seemed out of place with the uniform, but Tommy had already seen several pieces of personal flair or adornment on the other soldiers and officers they'd passed. "Eh, you could give them a little more credit, mate, they've certainly given us some trouble now and then."
         The piglin huffed and turned away. The blonde man ushered them to follow as he introduced himself. "Welcome back Tubbo," he greeted, "and this must be Tommy and Ranboo! We've heard so much about both of you!" He smiled a kind smile and Tommy's guard was already slipping. "I'm Philza and this is Technoblade. Welcome to the Antarctic Empire."
        Now that he didn't have a sword in his face, Tommy could properly appreciate the humongous room around them. It was the exact opposite of XD's home base; where the Essempi Emperor inlaid marble walls with as much gold as he could find, occasionally with a green decorative carpet or banner here and there, a throne in the main hall and servants slipping inconspicuously in and out of secret hallways and corners, the Antarctic Empire's main hall was dark, almost hard to see in, yes, but much nicer on the eyes and with frozen sunlight streaming in through giant glass windows, not really that bad. Instead of a solid, closed in room, large collumns held up the walls along the sides, allowing people to go in and out from anywhere along the hall and to the rest of the building. The base walls were clearly obsidian, not the most decorative rock in mass amounts, but durable as all hell. It could hardly be seen anyway, with velvet drapes bigger than single seater ship hung fro the walls and deep red banners underneath. a good three fifths of the floor in the middle was carpet, the purplish netherite color first with another red carpet on top in the very center, leaving only the outside edges to the hard tile. The two rulers (leaders? Emperors? He wasn't sure what they liked to be called) didn't seem to mind everybody stepping all over them, only stopping the one person who's boots were still dripping with mud there's a mud room, remember? Please go change before you track filth everywhere. Some people were walking together, chatting amiably, not having to bow or take a respectful silence around their rulers, no strict lines and salutes, bowed heads "yes lord". 
        There were no thrones at the end of the hall, only more doors, which again, everyone seemed to have free reign to travel in and out of. It was understandable why Tubbo talked about this place so fondly, there was no strict hierarchy, no servitude, just equals--the famous anarchist society really held up in person. There was even a mud room! Like someone's childhood home or something. It was already relaxing Tommy as well. 
        Philza pointed out doors through the columns on either side as they passed, mentioning thing like, "That's the direction of the wash rooms, if you keep following the hallway you'll be outside near the stables, we have gardens on the opposite side of the building through those doors, one for food and other for decoration, it's a lovely place, I recommend a visit." Tommy wasn't sure how they managed to keep plants alive on this perpetually snowing planet, but they must be good at it. Green houses probably? The two didn't ask any more questions yet, simply took them on a tour of the building. Through the big doors at the end of the hallway to the left were the kitchens (he could hear laughter and good natured banter all the way out here), they went through the right and would circle back around. The training center was the first door after that to the right, with a more gym style room directly after, through that door on the left is the private meeting hall, considerably smaller than the entrance room. Tommy did his best to memorize everything, but he was already forgetting. Well, he supposed he'd either live long enough to get used to it, or die before it mattered anyway.
        Suddenly, a thought occurred to him. If he- if he lived...he wasn't betraying Wilbur at all by not coming to see him again, right? If he lived the rest of his life after this, didn't die a hero's death, like Wil did, would he be disappointed? Tommy had done great things, right? He had lived up to his brother's legacy?Wilbur would want him to be happy, he told himself, he'd want him to live, that's why he did what he did in the first place, that's why he's not here anymore-
Tommy wished he was here. He wished his brother could live with him now that he was retired, take care of pets together and be friends with Tubbo and Ranboo and live in this warm, lively place instead of that rotten Olyms system and their old planet. No one was staring down their noses at each other, there weren't eyes on his back everywhere he went. He wished Wilbur had gotten to see a life beyond lesser beings and more work for you, gràson we're in debt Toms we'll get out of here promise.
        Philza's voice brought him out of his thoughts. "Here is the dining hall. It's a community area, you can eat whenever you liek and you can take food back to your room if you wish, but typically people like to eat together. It's connected to the kitchen here," he motioned to an open counter area where food was displayed on shelves and in pots, being served by folks in aprons. Behind them he could see the larger kitchen, food being made and brought up front. Further across the room was a counter with stools, where the diners and chefs were chatting and laughing like friends. "Everyone takes turns in the kitchen, we have senior cooks who make sure the food won't be an absolute disaster or nothing gets burned down, because dear goddess, some of these little shits cannot fucking cook." There were some shouts of protest from nearby tables, but when Tommy and Philza looked over, the darker winged avian just laughed and the fauyn waving a fork at him was grinning. They didn't even hesitate to talk back and weren't afraid of the consequences. Technoblade huffed what might have sounded like a chuckle. Tommy took in the rest of the room and had to stop his mouth from dropping open.
        Long tables of dark wood were spread throughout the room, which was large enough to hold two armies and thankfully, well lit. People of every species, even some Tommy had never seen before, were intermingled, shouting and laughing and pushing eachother off their benches. He watched several folks get up and go back in line for seconds and another just walk right through the door to the kitchen, grab something out of the fridge and leave. In addition, the food selection was extensive, offering fully vegetarian and vegan meals, mixed, carnivorous meals, some were solely made from the cuisine of certain planets and others were everything all at once and it all smelled heavenly. Tommy's wings ruffled in delight. People were walking easily between tables, switching seats and food and it was an extroverts dream, he could get used to this. 
        There was a cry of surprise, and suddenly, something was flying across the room. Someone pointed and laughed when a clump of mashed potatoes splattered in someone else's face. Head whipped around to the opposite end of the hall, with one person climbing up on the table and grabbing a tray. "Oh, it's on!" 
        "No, no wait-"
        Philza's protests were in vain as another figure, a lanky brunette with glasses that flashed in the light, also climbed up on his seat. "Gentlemen, ladies and all other comrades," he began in a pompous voice, the way an old fashioned military general would. "We have been issued a challenge! And it is our duty to defend our great table and all it's inhabitants from these vile aggressors!" Everyone cheered and Tommy's heart had completely stopped, because this couldn't be real. This couldn't be real, he knows that voice, knows that man, knows that body language and tone and-
       "What'll we do?!"
        "Fight!" The troops had been effortlessly rallied.
        "Wilbur no!" 
        Wilbur laughed as he spun Tommy around in his arms, the boy squealed, partially in delight, partially in terror at the sideways way he was held off the ground. "Wilbur yes!" his older brother laughed.
Somehow, Philza was already standing between the two tables, arms held out on either side and the ceasefire was called before the battle had even really begun. Spoons clattered back onto plates and half hearted groans sounded from around the room, like that of children who knew their mischief wouldn't be acceptable yet tried anyway. "No, no, no food fights. You all know better than that."
        "But Phil..." Wilbur--Wilbur whined, still grinning that dopey familiar grin. 
        "No buts. Besides, we have company!"
        Then Wilbur turned to look at him and for a moment nothing was real neither the emperor, nor Dream's eyes betrayed any form of recognition pesky fly nobody important your life or death never mattered his death never mattered Wilbur-
        His older brother's eyes widened in an instant that had felt like an eternity. "Tommy..." He didn't forget me
        He's coming over what do I do it's Wilbur that's impossible what do I-
        Wilbur greeted Tommy with open arms and an ear to ear grin, as if he hadn't left his little brother to fend for himself for seven years, all alone and thinking he was dead. Tommy could only stand and stare as Wilbur approached, tears building quickly in his eyes. As soon as Wilbur touched him, they fell. His brother pulled him into a bone crushing hug and suddenly Wilbur was real.
When he didn't react, Wilbur pulled back, giving him fearful looks with also teary eyes. "Tommy? Are you alright? I- I know it's been a long time Sunshine, but- "
        Tommy punched him square in the face with all his might.
        It wasn’t so much the fact that Tommy punched Wilbur with his metal arm that did all the damage, but the seven years of built up fury, loneliness, sorrow and betrayal.
        Other members of the Antarctic Empire had to pull Tommy off of Wilbur. He thrashed in their arms, screaming and crying, berating Wilbur for leaving him. The only one who stood aside was Eret, head bowed. “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME?! I LOST MY ARM BECAUSE OF YOU, YOU SELFISH MOTHERFUCKER-“
        ”Tommy! Tommy stop!”
        People were shouting, Tommy wasn’t listening. All he knew was that he was furious. There had only been one other time that he had blamed Wilbur for what he did—only one other time that he got angry at his brother and that was seven years ago, when everything was still fresh and hurting and awful, but now? Now the wound was torn open and being dug into with red hot metal. Now Tommy wanted to hurt him. He wanted Wilbur to feel just as much pain as Tommy had, all seven years of it. He changed hands, almost being able to dart back to his brother moaning on the floor, but someone grabbed him around the ribs and hefted him all the way up to their head, swinging him over their shoulder and walking away. Tubbo and Ranboo were somewhere, frankly Tommy didn't care where and didn't know when they disappeared. Tommy pounded on the blue cloak underneath him, wild swings almost hitting the green hat off the man who was walking with him and his captor. His wings flapped wildly, but the height of the man carrying him made them almost useless. The two let him scream until his voice went hoarse, struggles rapidly getting weaker and weaker as soon as Wilbur was out of sight.
        Finally, they reached a thick oak door. He was unceremoniously dropped onto the plush bed inside the room. The massive piglin glared down at him, flicking two hooves in his direction. "Stay."
        The other one didn't leave with his friend. After a moment of assessing Tommy's change in behavior, he deemed it safe to sit down on the bed beside him. Tommy curled into himself and tried to stop crying. Philza's dark wings fluttered around his back hesitantly, before ultimately deciding to fold back down onto the bed. There was silence, like the blonde man didn't know what to say. Then, "I didn't know Wilbur was your brother."
        Tommy made a feral noise of discontent and pushed his face further into his arms. "I suppose, that makes you the Tommy then?"
        He couldn't help but perk up, though he tried to make it look like he didn't. The Tommy? "...Did he talk about me?"
        Philza smiled. His eyes were as vivid blue as Tommy's own, perhaps the only difference being a sharp icy hue. "Oh yes, all the time." Every single one of Tommy's functions stalled. Was that a good thing? It was insulting. He didn't forget about me.
Why didn't he come back? Why didn't he take me with him?!
"It's nice to meet you again Tommy. I can't wait to get to know you. You can just call me Phil, by the way." What? Not wanting to be impolite to the host of his new planet, he accepted the handshake. He liked Phil's smile. Until blue eyes glanced down and the smile dropped, pupils momentarily dilating into slits. His gaze was hard set on the shining obsidian band around Tommy's finger. "Where did you get that?"
        His eyes narrowed. Phil wouldn't let him pull his hand away. "It was Wilbur's, before the explosion. Why?"
        The grip remained firm as Philza seemed to think about this, then his expression softened into something loving and his mouth split into a grin. "I'm glad you have it," was all he said. Then he let go and stood before Tommy could ask any important questions, such as "what the fuck?". "Well, I'll leave you be for tonight, I'm sure you have a lot to get settled and today was a big day. As you can see, everything has been brought in for you already. All I must say, is please no fighting outside of designated combat scenarios." In only a few strides, he was over by the door, already slipping out of the room before pausing one last time to smile at him. "Sleep well Tommy, I'll see you tomorrow." 
        That- that was strange. He didn't like it. However, he was much to tired in every possible way to deal with it right now. He wasn't even entirely sure what all he had to deal with anymore, there was just so much so fast, how was he supposed to-
        Nope. That was Tomorrow Tommy's problem. He was going to sleep.
        Immediately the next morning, Tommy was summoned to the private dining room. Philza greeted him with a delighted smile from the head of the single, mostly empty table. "Good morning Tommy! How are you feeling?" Techno grunted a greeting from beside him, then tilted his head up to eye him curiously.
        "Mneh," Tommy answered. Phil motioned for him to sit down across from Techno and Tommy immediately went for the pastries. As soon as he bit into one, a wonderful taste exploded in his mouth. "Holy stars, are these apple?" 
        "Of course, we have plenty here. Would you like to see the orchards?"
        "Orchards?!" Philza chuckled at his amazement and suddenly Tommy remembered to be suspicious. "Hold on, why am I here?"
        "We want to get to know you," Philza answered simply. "Don't worry, Wilbur won't be here today. Tomorrow either, probably, you gave him a hell time yesterday, and we didn't think it's be great to put you in the same room together again too soon."
        Tommy balked. He almost felt bad, hearing that he had hurt his brother badly, but the image of his face, healthier and older, with those white streaks in his hair sent a wave of resentment crashing over him again. He stuffed his mouth with another pastry. 
        Why would he be here? 
        We're causing trouble already, they're trying to fix us. It's not their job, it's not their business fuck off!
        They're the only thing keeping you from an assassin right now, be calm.
"Where are Tubbo and Ranboo?"
        "Either still sleeping or down in the main dining room, I presume. I promise, they're well taken care of and you'll have all day to be with them later." He nodded reluctantly, for lack of anything better to do. "So, Tommy, how old are you?"
        "Eighteen." A chunk of pastry got lodged in his throat and he swears he had a mini heart attack, instantly grabbing his neck with one hand and almost spilling his water with the other, hurrying to guzzle it down. His heart went from a near standstill to attempting to beat out of his chest in only a moment. No, no, no, please I can't- I can't die now, I'm so close, please this can't be the end-
A hand pounded on his back and the chunk dislodged and Tommy filled his lungs with as much air as he could possibly get. He was alive. He wasn't going to die from- from something as petty as that. 
        Philza's face had fallen when he went to sit back down. "You're on Death Watch,"
        "I'm on Death Watch," all three of them chorused. Both men were staring at him intensely, like they could see his heartbeat ebbing away. Tommy swallowed thickly and drank some more water. A sharp pang in his chest reminded him that even when Emperor XD condemned him, for every galaxy to see, Wilbur had still been just sitting here, having a grand old time with his new friends. He scowled and tried not to think about it so heart ache would stop making it so hard to breathe. Philza opened his mouth, like he was planning to say something, then closed it. He did it again. Then, he looked over to Techno with pleading eyes.They seemed to have an entire conversation with their eyes, before eventually, Techno sighed and waved at Philza dismissively. 
        The blonde pursed his lips. Lastly, he turned back to Tommy. "You came here for immortality," he surmised. 
        "Yes. Sort of. Not really, I'd just settle for not dying." Tommy wouldn't beat around the bush. He tried not to shrink under the man's icy gaze; he knew that was probably the man reason people came to the Antarctic Empire, he only hoped they would determine that he was worth it. 
        "You were a vigilante, that's why XD condemned you?"
        Tommy stilled. It seemed silly now. It seemed too personal. Would they care? Would they think he was foolish and overreacting? He had to tell the truth anyway, he was putting his life in these people's hands, he wouldn't hold back. "They killed my brother. Or I thought they did. I don't know how, but we got stuck on one of their colony planets, Olyms 19. We weren't natives of the planet, but we got indebted to the Emperor somehow and repaid that with work. We lived in the government's housing with others, but it was hardly livable. They treated us like scum and we were lesser beings, if they said jump, we said how high and if we didn't, we could die. They were doing it all over the galaxy, trapping travelers and colonizing planets and generally treating people like absolute shit. I didn't really know what was going on at the time, only that we were stuck and miserable, but Wilbur started telling me, he said he was going to change things. Then one day he put me on a ship away and blew up the entire capitol city of Olyms 19. It was a fucking failure, I lost my arm, the Pantheon kept enslaving planets and then I was just lost. I learned for myself more of what was happening while I was on the run and once I got on my feet I wanted to stick it to the Pantheon as well and finish what Wilbur started."
        "But if the Pantheon thought you were dead, why not move on with your life? You ended up making them hunt you down and kill you anyway," Technoblade pointed out.
        "There were other people stuck in my situation, I wasn't going to not help them. Besides, Emperor Fuckface deserves it."
        Both men snorted and Tommy thinks he might have gotten a smile out of Techno. "We've been watching you, you know. There have been other rebellion efforts and other vigilantes, but Theseus was in a league of his own. You inspired a lot of our citizens here, actually."
        "Oh yes," Philza smiled. "It was clear to see that XD was having trouble with you as well. I'm sorry that he ended up catching you, but we're glad you're here. We're proud of you, Theseus, and we know Wilbur is too." The teen couldn't help the way his heart swelled at that. The Antarctic Empire was a notoriously anarchist group, staging rebellions across the galaxy. Theseus was just one kid and they thought he did well! 
        Philza's demeanor changed, though Tommy couldn't read it anymore. "Tommy, do you have a journal?"
        "What? Uh, yeah? Why?"
        "Would you go get it please?" 
        The entire walk back to his room, his thoughts were racing. How did they know? Why did that matter? What if they found something inside that they didn't like? What if they were going to throw it away? He didn't know why they would do that, but the thought made his hands shake and he thumbed over the engraving again an again until he returned to the dining room. Somehow this time the room felt larger, Tommy felt more exposed. Perhaps it was because they knew who he was or perhaps the way he was quite literally about to hand over his entire life the last seven years to these strange people. He crossed the long table and sat himself down on the other side of Philza again, trying not to grasp the book too hard. 
        The older blonde held his hand out. "May I?" Both adults were watching him closely.
        Deliberately avoiding hesitation, he handed it over. He tried not to fiddle with his hands. He wasn't hungry anymore. 
        Philza ran a hand over the cover almost lovingly, like greeting an old friend, dipping a finger into one of the imprints of an apple hanging form the branches of the tree. He took note of the well worn edges and the softness of the leather, the way the binding string was ready to fall apart. Tommy was eternally relieved that he didn't read what was inside, or even so much and skim the pages, only flipped them through his fingers like he was testing the paper. Eventually, he gave it to Technoblade to do the same and held his hand out to Tommy again. "The ring as well please? We'll give it back, I promise."
        He wasn't expecting that. he wasn't ready for that. He didn't want to give his ring up, not once since Wilbur gave it to him had he taken it off. It slipped off his finger painfully easily. Once again, Philza looked at it in that strange, familiar way, quickly giving it as well to the piglin who hadn't already seen it. Technoblade turned both items over in his hooves with a critical eye. "The Sword and the sandals," he muttered.
        Blood red eyes met his own. "Tommy, did you choose your vigilante name based off of the legend of Theseus?"
        "No. I don't know who that is. I--this is going to sound so dumb--the night I decided to be a vigilante, a woman appeared in my dream. I think she was a goddess from somewhere, I don't know, I'm an atheist; she was suuuper tall and all dressed in black, with a veiled hat? She called me Theseus and begged me to 'take [my] journey by ship' instead of staying on-planet, so I did. I don't know, it was confusing, but I got the feeling she was talking about the vigilante-ism--that Dream Feeling, you know? Besides, I had no other idea what to call myself, so I just went with it." 
        Technoblade and Philza just stared for a moment, then both burst out laughing. Techno rose from his seat and walked around the table, kneeling by Tommy's chair. "Tommy, before Aegeus, Theseus' father left for Athens, he hid a sword and a pair of sandals under a giant boulder and told Aethra 'If you bore a son in nine months and if he is able to lift this rock once he reaches manhood, then send him to Athens with this sword and these sandals, for then I’d know that he is, indeed, my son, the future king of Athens'." The piglin took Tommy's hand and slid the ring back on his finger, then pressed the journal into his palms. "When Theseus did, Aethra begged him to travel to Athens by sea, because of all the dangers waiting by land. Theseus refused, wanting to prove himself a worthy hero, instead facing threat after threat until he arrived and was hailed as a great warrior."
        "Rather poetic, don't you think, mate?"
        Techno nodded, but Tommy was still lost. Thankfully, the piglin continued as he stood. "Phil is my father and Wilbur is my twin; we had a younger brother a long time ago, but in an accident, we got separated. Wilbur and the youngest were lost. Almost a decade ago, Wilbur found us again, on a mission from the Pantheon. He still had mom's ring, that's how we knew."
        Suddenly, all the pieces began to click into place. Tommy gaped. "You gave him the journal! When- when he said we'd see our family again-"
        "Yes. He told us about your situation and how the Pantheon was would never let you travel with him in order to make sure he came back. We helped him plan your escape. We've been looking for you everywhere, Theseus, we were almost afraid you really had died in the explosion. Yet you were right in front of us the whole time," Phil finished. His eyes were teary and Tommy could feel his own starting to wet. Even Technoblade was smiling.
”So…you…” He didn’t just have an older brother, he had a whole family.
A whole family who didn't leave him on purpose, a whole family who had been searching for him the whole time.
        "Welcome home, Theseus."
        After the reunion, Techno and Phil led him on a tour around the building, saying they’ll have more than enough time to get to the rest of the city and the planet later. He didn't mind waiting another day to go see Tubbo and Ranboo, they would understand. They ended in the infirmary. 
        Tommy had been a chatterbox the entire time, but neither Phi, nor Techno seemed to mind. “Wait so, how do you guys do the immortality thing? Is it even real?? It has to be since Wilbur is alive, right?”
        ”It is real. Frankly, we prefer to keep it more of a legend, especially so others like XD don’t figure it out as well. There are two parts to it.”
        ”One,” Techno began, “the gapples. Golden apples could bring someone back from the very brink of death, one heartbeat left. They have magical properties that make you more durable and helps wound close faster. Usually the effect is only temporary, but if you eat enough…well, theoretically you could become immortal or close enough at least.” He glanced over at Phil. Tommy’s eyes widened to the size of saucers.
”Trust me mate, it’s not actually that great.”
        ”Regeneration beds are…complicated. They’re hard to explain,” Techno continued. “Essentially, there’s some spiritual mumbo jumbo that Phil could tell you more about if you’re interested that makes places of rest an anchor for the soul. With some magical intervention, you can anchor a soul there permanently. We have people eat the gapples so that they can reform after death and they don’t just end up haunting us instead.” They pushed open the massive doors to the infirmary, leading into a large white hospital room. “We keep all of our regen beds in here, so if something happens to you, this is where you’ll end up. Using them as a place of healing strengthens the revival factor as well.”
”We also occasionally make protective pendants,” Phil adds.
        ”You’re not a real member of the Antarctic Empire if you haven’t died at least once,” a voice called cheerfully. Halfway across the room on the right, a girl with pink hair in twin buns turned away from a bed and waved at them. 
        “That’s not true Nemesis, stop scaring him,” Phil chided.
        The girl shrugged, wandering over. She held out her hand with a kind smile. “But you do have to prove yourself a hero and a true warrior. Immortality isn't free. Though, from what I've heard, that won't be a problem for you. Hi, I’m Niki. You must be Tommy!”
        "Hi. Nemesis? Or Niki?"
        "Oh, you can call me either. Some Syndicate members have codenames. Phil and Tech are Zephyrus and Protesilaus, respectively. You probably haven't heard of Harpocrates, Apollo is the dog, you'll see him wandering around. There are a lot of dogs actually, but he's the one with the golden collar. And then...wasn't Tubbo going to become an official member soon?"
        Tommy's head whipped around to stare at the two behind him. His brother, a member of the Syndicate?! "Yeah, we haven't actually offered it yet though, I'm not sure he would want to, but we've been coming up with names for him."
        "I can make him!" Tommy declared. "Ohhhh that would be so pog! Can I have a codename?! And can Ranboo stay here too??"
        Phil put a hand on his head, effectively calming his bouncing. "Of course, mate. You don't have to live here to be a member of the Syndicate though. Although, we were hoping you would stay."
        "Of course! This place is fucking awesome!! So what's my codename?? It's gotta be something cool."
        "You already have a codename Tommy, you're Theseus. Ah, but we understand if you want to change it. I assure you though, XD--no one--can hurt you here."
That- wow it's been a long time since he's heard that.
No one can hurt you while I'm here sunshine, I promise.
       Welcome home Theseus. "Heh, nah. I think Theseus is fine. I just forgot for a sec."
        Then, behind Niki, he saw a head of curly brown hair, tucked into a hospital bed. The face turned away when they locked eyes, like he was afraid to be caught staring. Tommy gulped and his feathers ruffled, instinctively swiping one back towards where Phil was standing close behind him. The older avian- Tommy's father reached him hand out to meet it reassuringly and with a deep breath, Tommy walked to the bed. 
        The other two followed behind, trying to give him his space while simultaneously staying well withing arms reach.  
        The difference between Wilbur today and Wilbur yesterday was stark. He looked like he hadn't slept all night and the bruises blooming across his eyes and cheek and jaw only made the worn down, pitiful appearance worse. A wave of sickness rolled n Tommy's stomach and he suddenly felt very very guilty because he had done that, he had hurt his own brother--his Wilbur. Even if he wasn't the exact same Wilbur Tommy remembered, even if he was growing a beard and looked just a bit older and had those unnatural white streaks in his hair, he was still, undeniably Tommy's brother. 
        ”Hi Tommy.” Wilbur kept his voice low and soft, prepared for Tommy to go off on him again.
        "Hi," he answered quietly.
        ”Your hair has gotten so long,” Wil muttered, pushing a few curls away from his face. The blonde tried not to melt into the touch.
        ”Yeah, well, I didn’t have you there to cut it for me.” It was equal parts bitter dig, honesty and invitation.
        “Why did you leave me? Why didn’t you at least tell me?”
        Wilbur opened his mouth to answer, but before he could, a deafening boom shook the building.
        ”How the fuck-?!”
        In an instant, Technoblade had whirled around and was rushing out the door, already unsheathing an axe across his back. Alarms were blaring in Tommy’s ears and Wilbur jumped out of bed, grabbing him before he could do anything else. “Tommy go to your room and hide-“
        "Tommy I'm not letting you get hurt again, you'll be safe there-"
        "No! I'm not running away, they're here for me!"
        "He's right mate," Phil interjected.
        "Wh- Phil! No. I don't care, I know I haven't been there but I love you Tommy and I'm going to keep you safe!"
        "I can keep myself safe bitch, I've been doing it this whole time, haven't I?!" Wilbur's expression broke and his grip on Tommy's shoulders slackened. The blonde couldn't help but feel bad again, his heart aching to just ahve his brother back, they simple way they used to be. "Yo- I- Look, I've got this covered, ok? But I need Tubbo and Ranboo to be safe too, I don't want them dragged into this mess. Wil please, will you go find them? Protect them, that- that's what you can do for me." 
        Wilbur's eyes widened with something like hope--pained, but hope nonetheless. "Ok. Ok, I can do that. I- I'll keep them safe, promise." He turned to leave but before he could Tommy yanked him back in and crushed him in a hug, this time letting himself cry freely. Wilbur's arms settled perfectly beside his wings and wrapped warm around his body just like they always had, like they had never parted.
        "I missed you."
        "I missed you too Sunshine."
        "I love you."
        Wilbur pressed a kiss to the top of his head and Tommy could hear the smile in his voice when he said, "I love you too."
        Another boom rattled the building and they practically threw each other off, Wilbur turning and sprinting for the doors with his long legs, but not before twisting back to give him one last joyous smile and wave which Tommy gladly returned. Let's just hope this time-
No, nope not thinking about that.
        "I'm glad you made up mate." There was a hand on his shoulder and Tommy looked up to his father, the same bright blue eyes and blonde hair and Tommy felt safe despite it all. 
        "I'm still gonna fight him later," he answered and Phil laughed. Then, something was being pressed into Tommy's hands. It was Phil's emerald pendant. The silver designs around it were another tree of life, just like the one on his journal, with the emerald set firmly in the trunk. 
        "Wear that. It'll keep you safe."
        Tommy gaped up at him, but grinned wide and clipped the pendant to the hole in the zipper on his jacket's breast pocket and held his hands out expectantly. "So, do I get a sword too, or what? 'Cause you guys kind of took away my blaster." He was practically bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet with excitement, making the grabby hands and Phil was trying not to laugh, staring down at him with unfettered fondness in his eyes already. 
        "Absolutely not, I don't trust you with one of those yet." Phil rushed over to the wall by the nurse's station and pressed a button and the entire wall opened up to reveal a fully stocked weapons cabinet. Tommy screamed with delight. Quickly choosing a blaster to sheath on his hip and another, larger one to carry around, he practically jumped out to follow Phil out of the infirmary. 
        Just a few turns that Tommy still couldn't remember later, and they were skidding to a stop in the center of the entrance hall, where Tommy had first met Phil and Techno. He ddn't have to look around for the source of the commotion, besides the fact that soldiers were assembling en mass and already in fights with Essempi soldiers, almost half the roof had been blown open, letting bright white light stream in. Hovering just outside of his enormous imperial ship, was XD himself, with his little piss ant number 2, Dream, next to him. 
        Dream was on his own ship and didn't look anything like how he normally does. His white face mask was the same, with the same painfully bright halo around his head that mirrored XD's (once again Tommy couldn't help but wonder if they were related) but his clothes were dark and much more suited for tactical operations than even the usual manhunt clothes he wore as the head of the Pantheon. At his side he held a long, wickedly sharp sword, with an equally intimidating dagger at his belt. That was the ship! Tommy realized. The ship Dream is standing on- That was the ship that was following me!
        But he didn't have time to gape as someone almost slammed into him from the side. Tommy darted out of the way, only not getting hit by vigilante's reflexes, and realized that everyone was here. There, just a little off to his left was an enraged shout of "Sapnap!" and some more words he couldn't hear and looking over, there was Ares using his blazeborn abilities to blast fire at Hephaestus- no, not Hephaestus, he thought. Sam. The ex-Pantheon member and the only Death Watch not to be confirmed. On his right, he whirled around to see Nemesis viciously slash out at Hermes, a tall demonic looking creature who he didn't know the real name of, Dionysus and Athena were tag teaming a battalion of Antarctic Empire soldiers with the Dionysus, the Platyanas swooping down on them from above with his golden wings and Athena (yet another strange species Tommy had never known, he was starting to think Ranboo's very normal alien existence was actually plausible) using his book to warp the cosmos around them momentarily. Immediately, Tommy moved to go help them, he'd dealt with everyone in the Pantheon before and escaped, they needed him, but Phil grabbed his collar. 
        "No," They have other friends, they can take care of themselves. We're needed up there." He pointed to the top of the rubble pile where a familiar piglin form was squared off against all five of the rest of the Pantheon, XD and Dream watching with feigned disinterest, yet not moving from their safe positions several hundred yards above. Techno was doing well, of course he was, being notoriously one of the only beings to scare Emperor XD (and everyone knew it, even if they couldn't admit it), but there were bigger fish to fry that he was too preoccupied to take down. Tommy almost feared for his life--honestly, he kind of was afraid. What if something happened to his new brother? This was no easy fight, what if-
        Two were unconscious and tumbling down the rubble pile at the piglin's feet, he threw off a third and slashed a fourth, leaving the fifth to zip away out of fear. Tommy was sure they would come back, but it gave Techno a break. He noticed them at the exact same time they had both flared their wings to take off, and grinned savagely. "Welcome to the party! Yer late!" It's ok, it's ok, he's fucking insane, he's got this, no one can take down The Blade.
        With a single powerful beat of his wings, Phil was beside Technoblade, darting forward in a black blur to spear the fifth Pantheon member out of the air when they returned. Technoblade hadn't even bothered to look behind him. Something shiny in his hooves caught Tommy's eyes from all the way on the ground. Technoblade held the golden apple out to Tommy with an expectant look and that same wild, sharp tusked grin. "You want to be a hero Tommy? Then die like one."
        Without a single thought, Tommy leapt into the air and caught it, ripping a piece out with his teeth in one fell swoop. It tasted better than anything he had ever tried, anything he had ever experienced. It tasted like magic, like victory, like life, shimmering, popping, exploding flavor on his tongue. It tasted like cold metal and blood, snakes venom running down his throat and smelled like flowers and earth and old bones held up to his face.
        He leveled his aim at XD's chest as the Emperor was turning towards him and flew directly to his death.
I didn’t know the story of Theseus very well before this and I didn’t expect it to match up as well as it did but now I feel like a literary genius. We even got a king Minos parallel at the end with XD showing up for blood and Tommy going to fight for his new country/planet
This whole thing is very greek but celtic/norse antarctic empire is my everything so I put it in there anyway.
-sorta ad astra inspired usually sci-fi isn't my thing
-so tumblr doesn't have a word limit apparently or at least I haven't found it yet
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keirou-kun · 1 year
y'know what, fuck it. Because I feel like it. Some of my tags probably seem random AF to anyone who's looking at them, and I like the stories behind them so I'mma tell some of them and you can't fucking stop me because this is my blog and I do what I want around here.
But I’ll at least shove it under a cut bc it’s longish XD if you want to know about a tag I didn’t mention, there’s an askbox somewhere around here owo
General Tags: Audible Emotion is my music tag, because I have said for almost four decades that music is what emotions sound like.
So Let It Be Written is my positivity tag, because gdi we need this shit and it felt right to use that even if some of the positive stuff in there isn't actually written or a wish, it's just positive, feel-good shit.
Ship Tags: Gunblade, because at one point I think that was the actual ship name for them. Yes I was a Homestuck. No I am not ashamed of this fact. The fandom was a trash fire but the story was damn fucking good.
I Know, because that is one of the rawest, most emotional replies you could give in that context to someone confessing their love and to this day I adore the fact that that was Harrison's idea to say rather than have Han tell Leia he loves her too. Also it just defines their entire relationship.
Shadowed Flame, because Hughes is Roy's shadow and also it sounds damned poetic, fight me.
Mirrors of Wisdom because I stole it from a friend after 'And they were roommates' got old XD And because they are. Haitham himself admits that Kaveh is his perfect mirror [though naturally never to Kaveh's face XD]
Fox and Hound because well -gestures at them- Tighnari is a fox, Cyno is Anubis-coded and his constellation is 'Lupus Aureus' which translates roughly to 'Golden Wolf', I mean come on.
Raining Fire because of Ayato's Burst making it rain in an AOE effect and Thoma being a Pyro user. Also it sounds pretty and it's a very evocative phrase.
Hurricane because I mean have you met them? Anemo plus Hydro with Electro = Storm.
Disarm because of an old Wolfwood AMV set to the song of the same name by the Smashing Pumpkins and, honestly? The more I see of the pair the more that song fucking fits them and it hurts.
Persona Non Grata because I think I'm funny. It's also a dig at Akechi that my Joker would 100% use.
Cross-stitch because that's the actual ship name for them and it's still funny almost ten years later.
Character Tags: Stay Frosty because it just sounds like something Kaeya would say, the smartass.
Hydro Bastard Man because that's what I've been calling Tartaglia for ages and it amuses me.
Anemo Twerp because he's a fucking twerp. Also he uses Anemo, but mostly he's a fucking twerp XD
Stranger in a Strange Land because A: I love the way it sounds and always have, and B: it's what he is.
Little Lost Firefly, because in Japanese her name is Hotaru. Which means Firefly. [His name is Sora, for Sky, if you're curious]
Himboni because well, have you met Itto?
Fallen Captain because it is 100% how he sees himself and I can't think of anything better for Dain. I'm working on it.
Cousin Keiji because my personal P5 Protag is named Keiji, and my sibling's friendgroup has this thing where all their Protags are related [generally various iterations of sibling-hood] so I just declared mine to be a cousin since his last name is Kyouraku rather than either canonical one. Thus, Cousin Keiji.
Wisteria Warrior because one of the kanji in Saitou's name translates to 'Wisteria', and I think it suits Hakuouki!Saitou.
Eyes of Sky because have you seen Gojou Satoru's eyes? They are unfair to the extreme. Also I couldn't think of anything better.
SHSL Average Joe because have you met Hinata Hajime? He's so mediocre he'd get an Honorable Mention at a mediocrity competition. And he knows it.
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svgurl410 · 3 years
Can't help it I want to send you another one - Clark/Oliver for #8 Roommates (oh my god they were Roommates 😏) Also dealer's choice but I would not complain if Lois found her way in this too lol 👀
Haha send as many as you want! As long as you're willing to accept that I can be a very slow writer. XD Also, by found her way into this, you mean took over, right? Because that's definitely what happened.
Send me a ship and a number
clark/lois/oliver. ~2.5 k. Same age/college AU- they're all graduating soon and Clark's afraid of losing the two people he loves the most.
“Smallville, you are an angel.”
“You probably say that to anyone who gives you caffeine, so I won’t let the praise go to my head,” Clark said, dryly, moving to give Oliver his own cup of coffee, before settling down on the couch, with his own mug.
“Nah,” Oliver drawled from his spot on the armchair, his laptop on his thighs, as he shifted forward, to pick up the cup. “I think angel is a good description.”
Clark rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t deny that the words still resided deep in his heart.
“Besides, normal people don’t make coffee like this,” Lois pointed out.
“Considering how much you’ve had today, can you even tell the difference at this point?” Clark challenged, looking pointedly at the clock, which declared it almost 1 am. “Sleep is probably better for you than another cup.”
“Please, don’t insult me- I am an expert in all things coffee,” Lois proclaimed, from the other end of the couch, as she shifted her sock covered feet to rest in Clark’s lap. He was all too used to her antics at this point, and just let them linger. Besides, he couldn’t deny how much he liked her open affection. Both her’s and Oliver’s really. “Anyway, I’m almost done with this paper and then I can call it a night. Two more finals and we’re done for good.”
Oliver repeated the sentiment with obvious enthusiasm, neither noticing how much work it took for Clark’s face not to fall.
Two more finals … and they were done.
Clark should be excited. He was graduating from college, with a degree in journalism, ready to stop studying and start a career that he was passionate about.
But as he looked between Lois and Oliver, as they all resided in Clark and Oliver’s apartment (and Lois was there so often she was practically their third roommate), preparing for finals week, all he could feel was dread.
Dread, because the sooner they were done, the sooner he would lose them.
Two of the most important people in his life, the ones he was so used to seeing on a daily basis … who also happened to be the two people he was desperately, hopelessly in love with … they would just be gone.
Sure, Lois and he were both planning on journalism as a career, but the field was so competitive that the chances they landed in the same state, much less the same city or paper were slim. As far as Oliver went, he would move back to Star City, where he would take over as the CEO he was destined to be.
Clark would be lying if he said he hadn’t looked up jobs at the Star City Gazette, but just because they would be in the same city didn’t mean that they would see one another.
It wouldn’t be the same at all. And Clark, who had always struggled with change, found he wasn’t ready for this one.
These thoughts had been plaguing him, especially the past few weeks, no matter how hard he tried not to think about it. He could too easily picture how their lives would unfold post graduation. Maybe they would see each other now and then but growing apart was almost a certainty. Soon, communication would slow down, as they fell into their own lives and they would see each other at a reunion or maybe he would get invited to one or both of their weddings (perhaps to each other- he had felt the chemistry and was still truly surprised they never dated).
One day, he would just be ‘their old friend from college, Clark’, and the idea made him sick.
But it seemed that he wouldn’t have a choice. He didn’t know how to stop the changes he knew were coming.
Fingers snapped in front of his face, and brought him out of his gloomy thoughts.
“Smallville!” Lois said, and he looked over to meet her frowning face. “Are you listening?”
“No,” he admitted. “Sorry, I got caught up in my thoughts. What were you saying?”
“We were saying that we should have a big celebration, when we’re done,” Oliver answered, expression unreadable as his gaze was focused on Clark.
“Think we can get Clark over to a club?” Lois asked, with a cheeky smile.
Clark grimaced, causing them both to laugh.
“I’ll take that as a no,” Lois finished.
“I mean, I guess we could try-” Clark started, thinking back to Lois’s 21st birthday the previous year. That place hadn’t been that bad.
“Nah,” Lois said, waving her hand. “I was joking. We’ll find something for the three of us. One thing is for certain- this summer, we are doing that road trip!”
“Can’t I just fly us to wherever you want to go?” Oliver asked, wrinkling his nose, and setting his laptop down on the coffee table.
“Silence, rich boy, this is about the journey, not the destination,” Lois declared, causing Clark to let out a small chuckle.
“The journey to see the World’s Biggest Coffee Cup?” Oliver said skeptically, but Clark could see the twinkle in his eye and knew he was just messing around.
Lois knew it too, from her expression. “That’s part of it!”
“I’m putting my foot down at renting an RV,” Oliver warned. “And I don’t care what you say - I am paying for a hotel. We are not sleeping at the nearest, cheapest roadside dump you find.”
“You are going to have to get over what happened in Austin eventually,” Lois complained.
“I saw things that I will never forget,” Oliver said darkly.
“Now, now, children, play nice,” Clark teased, head moving back to rest against the couch.
“This is not the time to be the rational one, Clark,” Oliver insisted. “You know I’m right. You don’t want to be sharing a room with the cockroaches any more than I do.”
“They aren’t very considerate roommates and they refuse to even chip in for the bill,” Clark acknowledged, causing Lois to pout. “But that doesn’t mean you can book us all the Ritz, Oliver. We’ll find something reasonable.”
“Fine, fine, have it your way,” Oliver said fondly.
“It could be fun though,” Clark said, smiling wistfully. “One last trip.”
“Yeah, and then we’re off to work,” Lois agreed. “I’ve been looking up jobs- both the Star City Gazette and the Sentinel have multiple openings, and I talked to someone in HR there, and they are expected to have at least two more in the upcoming months. What do you think, Clark?”
“Me?” Clark asked, eyebrows furrowing, confused. “Of what?”
“Of Star City,” Lois replied. “Unless you want to be back in Metropolis, so you can be closer to home. The Daily Planet doesn’t seem to have any openings right now though, and well, Ollie is obligated to be in Star City for the time being, but who knows in the future, right?”
Oliver nodded. “Yeah, I am going to be traveling a lot anyway and for the first few years I have to be in Star City, but Metropolis could eventually be an option. Besides, if you both end up in Star City, you can just stay with me.”
Clark tried to keep up with the conversation, but it felt like he was lagging behind and wasn’t sure how to make headway.
Lois swung her feet off his lap and he missed the touch immediately. She let out a long yawn, rubbing her eyes. “Oh, it is way too late to be talking about this, but we do need to start planning our future soon.”
“Our future,” Clark echoed, dazed. “As in the three of us.”
“Obviously,” Lois said, standing up and stretching. “What, did you think we’re just going to go our separate ways after graduation?”
The answer was out before he could think about it, and Lois stopped in her movements, turning to him, eyes wide and mouth turned downward. As he looked over at Oliver, he saw his friend looked surprised and hurt.
“Do you … want to go our separate ways after graduation?” Oliver asked, tone uncharacteristically cautious, and expression blank once more. Clark found he really hated that look, the one where he couldn’t immediately understand what Oliver was thinking and feeling.
“I thought that was what you guys would want,” Clark explained hurriedly.
“But all we’ve done is talk about ‘we’ and ‘us’ in the past when we were talking about our next move,” Lois pointed out, sitting down again, this time right next to him.
Sure, but he didn’t think they meant it. Didn’t think they had included him in their plans. Why would they? Clark wasn’t the one who was considered; he was the one people tended to leave behind.
“We’re not leaving you behind, Clark,” Oliver said tightly, and that was when he realized he had said that out loud. His face turned red, cheeks feeling hot, and he dropped his face, eyes focused on his feet, which shuffled awkwardly against the wooden floors, brushing against the rug under the coffee table.
His throat was tight, and he couldn’t form the words if he wanted to.
“Clark.” There was Lois, her arm on his shoulder, and he leaned into her touch. “How could we ever leave you behind? Did you really believe we don’t care about you at all?”
“I guess I didn’t think about it,” Clark muttered, finding his voice.
Lois lightly punched him in the shoulder. “You made two big mistakes, Smallville: you fed us and took us home with you to meet your parents. You’re stuck with us now. Deal with it.”
“Really?” He couldn’t stand how insecure he sounded, but couldn’t help it.
Oliver got up and sat down on the arm of the sofa, leaning against Clark for stability.
“Obviously,” Oliver said firmly. “And while we’re on the topic, we’re not talking platonic bonds here either, just so we’re clear. I’m crazy about you. Lois is too. Getting rid of us now is basically impossible. You’re going to have to change your name and go into hiding or something.”
“You never said anything,” Clark murmured.
“Well, there was no right time to ask, ‘hey, Clark, what are your thoughts on a polyamorous relationship’?” Lois said, one side of her mouth lifting up. “We have a good idea that you felt the same, but we didn’t want to risk losing you. Figured it could come up on the road trip.”
“And you both have talked about this?” Clark asked, looking between them, wondering how much they had decided.
“Only once,” Oliver assured him. “Just to confirm that we were on the same page. You’re harder to read than you think.”
“So, are we?” Lois asked hopefully. “On the same page?”
How could he say anything but yes? The idea that he could get everything he wanted, everything he thought he never could have was still a little mind boggling, but he wasn’t dumb enough to miss the gift that was basically being handed to him.
“Yeah, I mean, I care about … both of you,” he admitted. “I just didn’t think you felt the same.”
“Oh, there are some strong feelings there,” Lois promised. “And if neither of you mind, I would really like to kiss Clark. Do you know how distracting that mouth has been? It’s not even fair.”
Oliver let out a loud laugh and Clark could only watch Lois as she came closer, and he didn’t stop her as she kissed him, and he returned the kiss with equal passion, and when they parted a few moments later, he was grinning, the taste of Lois’s mouth one he never wanted to do without again.
“How was it?” Oliver asked, leaning forward.
Lois licked her lips. “Amazing. You should try it.”
Clark turned his head toward Oliver and Oliver watched him, hand lifting up to caress Clark’s cheek.
“Can I?” he asked quietly, warm brown eyes searching Clark’s own.
Clark stared at his friend and roommate, thinking of how far they had come over the years, and all the not quite friendly fantasies he had been having about him almost as long, and how he wanted more than anything for Oliver to kiss him. Had wanted that, and more for ages.
So he didn’t reply, instead surging forward to meet Oliver halfway and as their lips connected, Clark felt at home. He could hear Lois whistle and he smiled into the kiss. Oliver was just as good a kisser as Lois, and Clark wrapped a hand around Ollie’s neck, tugging him closer and Oliver fell right onto Clark’s lap, the two of them resting their foreheads against each other even when they separated.
“Now that is a show I wouldn’t mind seeing more of,” Lois chipped in.
Catching his breath, he looked at Oliver and Lois. “Aren’t you two going to kiss?” he realized.
“Why? Do you want to watch, Smallville?” Lois asked, but her eyes were on Oliver. “Secret exhibition kink? Here I thought you were a boy scout.”
“Not so much,” Clark retorted. “And something tells me you don’t mind putting on your own show.”
“Plus, his hand is currently on my ass, so I’m guessing not a boyscout,” Oliver remarked.
“Problem?” Clark countered, letting his hand stay where it was, and Oliver shook his head.
“Not a single one.”
“And who can blame him,” Lois offered. “So, what do you say, Ollie?”
Clark held his breath as Lois and Oliver leaned in and shared a long, deep kiss. He had never been a big fan of PDA, uncomfortable with public displays, but this? This was definitely the exception. To say he wouldn’t mind seeing more was an understatement.
“Huh, why did we wait so long to do this?” Lois wondered afterwards.
“Clearly, we’re idiots,” Oliver responded instantly.
“Have you two really never kissed before?” Clark asked, not feeling resentful or jealous, just genuinely curious and surprised; it was amazing what requited feelings could do. “But I thought you said you talked …”
“Only talked,” Oliver interrupted. “We were waiting for you.”
“Finally get it now?” Lois asked, but she sounded kind. “We’re not letting you go.”
“Yeah, I get it.”
His heart filled with a mix of love and joy, gaze darting between the two of them, and he couldn’t imagine being happier. Lois rested her head on Clark’s shoulder, her hand coming up to entwine with Ollie’s, who seemed quite content sitting on Clark.
He loved them; somehow, they both loved him along with each other.
And he definitely got it.
Clark was suddenly very much looking forward to the future.
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mintyfrosty · 4 years
To everyone who reads this,
I quickly want to say thank you for all of the support lately. Really, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I'm back at school now so I can't draw digitally that much. So it'll just be posting some more rambles and some traditional sketches as of now. But anyway, once again, thank you so much.
Alright. Let's talk about how Reginald became chief.
be sure to read https://mintyfrosty.tumblr.com/post/627309173522251776/rubs-hands-together-alright-lets-head-canon before here ^D^
So, where we left off, Righty (Right Hand Man) had gotten himself "officially" into the toppat clan. And, really awkwardly, since Reginald had no idea where to go from here (since he acted with panic), proceed to take Righty to his room and let him sleep on the couch there. Yes, he has a couch in his room (but it's the one that is used more for presentation than actual sitting), since, one thing I like about the Toppat's is that they will be incredibly fancy and over the top for presentation and not actual functionality. And seeing that he had no choice in the matter, Righty decided to make himself comfortable in the place.
Meanwhile, Reginald was stressing out of his mind, since new Toppats were a darn big deal and bringing a brand new person in without any introduction was very suspicious. Good to mention also that he's still a teenager, which didn't look go for him or his family name. And he most certainly didn't want to risk ruining his family name because he panicked. However, he was to come up with the idea "Hey! You could be my right-hand man!", which didn't go well with Righty. But after hearing the counter-argument that he would be thrown off the ship if he wasn't a toppat, that option didn't seem too bad. But, Righty made sure that Reginald knew that the moment he could leave, he would. Reginald took that fine; it was fair. So, to try and compensate for the bad situation, he gave Righty complete freedom of the ship so it felt like he wasn't trapped.
Something that I won't go into detail about but I found extremely funny is Reginald teaching Righty how to be Toppat. Since, as I've said before, Righty came from quite a poor family and couldn't care less about manners. So, Reginald went through a crash course of how to dress, table manners (like using cutlery), how to respond to the higher-ups, how to speak (Right didn't pay much attention to that one), etc. You get the idea. Insert a musical number of Reginald singing on how to be a Toppat (don't lie, he would).
Around a year later, and Righty got much more comfortable with the place, a Toppat meeting was called involving all toppats and Reginald had to practically drag Righty there. Fancy dinners and meetings were NOT his things. Anyways, the chief tells the toppats about the Romanian Ruby that they wanted to steal it, and the Copperbottom's immediately jumped at the opportunity. Which meant both Reginald, his parents and Righty. The plan was simple; Reginald's parents cause a distraction whilst Reginald and Righty snatch the ruby and make a run for the ship. And one long, tiring heist later involving Reg and Right saving each other back to back, they managed to get the Ruby and made a run for the ship. But Righty didn't run for the ship, hesitated if you will. With the Copperbottoms bolting for the ship and not paying attention to him, Righty could've easily made a run for it away from the Toppats. And so, he made a run for it, filling the declaration that he would leave as soon as he had the chance.
Or that was until Reginald got shot. Not with a bullet; just a stun gun. And suddenly, the choice was in front of him. Abandon the Toppats and leave Reginald to be captured, or run in and save his ass. And of course, after a year of being his right-hand man, Reginald was more than his boss. He was his friend. So, with a final sigh, Righty got Reginald out of harm's way and the heist was a success. After about an hour of recovery, Reginald, saying nothing, led Righty over to an escape pod, saying how he was honoured that Righty risked his life for himself and the clan and was offering a chance to leave with Reginald taking the blame. Most shockingly, however, Righty refuses saying "being your right-hand man is much better than a boring life solo on the street.". And so it was official. Righty became Reginald's, right-hand man.
Years past, with Reginald and Right Hand Man, equipped with their lovely staches, the two of them were making quite the name for themselves in the Toppat Clan, being two of the most successful operators. But then, everything came crashing down. It's been hinted at and implied in the game's canon that Terrence Suave (The Cheif before Reginald) was one of the world chiefs the whole clan had ever seen. And this night was the final nail in the coffin. The previous day, there had been an unsuccessful raid against the government, which resulted in leaked information of the Toppat's flight route (which was the fault of Chief Terrance but left the clan uninformed). And so, under the veil of night, the government launched a raid on the airship. 
Vastly underprepared, the clan went into panic mode, fighting for the clan's safety, many getting killed or captured in the progress. Reginald, being on guard at the vault, was not expecting the sudden flood of soldiers and immediately called for help (again, Reginald was as weak as bones.). He was able to shoot a couple of soldiers down with his gun before eventually being cornered. But of course, Righty came to his rescue and with their strengths combined, they were able to fend off the vault. And then, the clan went quiet. Shaken, the two exit to see what damage had done.
The Toppat had been successful and defeated the government raid, but only at the cost of hundreds of their members. The Toppats that survived had cut the Toppat population in half, much mourning over the loss of their family and friends. Not the least of which being Reginald's parents. Whilst Reginald grieved over the loss of his parents, Righty (of course, after giving him support) looked to the surveillance footage and found that Chief Terrance had leaked the piolet information and left in an escape pot when the raid began. And you wouldn't believe the anger the entire crew felt when that information was revealed. And so, with an iron fist, Reginald made a declaration to when Terrance returned, he would be dethroned as the Toppat leader (similar to the Toppat Civil War intro). When the escape pod returns with the chief inside, the entire clan is immediate start screaming at how unlawful eh was an unloyal he was to the clan. Reginald, sitting in the chief chair with dramatic spin and the cliche "so you've finally arrived" IDK XD
Reginald proceeds to go on a rant, speaking for the people of the Toppat, announcing his dethronement and that he was rejected as leader of the Toppat clan. And of course, the chief didn't take that well. And taking advantage of how physically weak Reginald was, Terrance tackled him to the ground, sending the two flying through the windshield. Reginald, hanging onto the railing of the airship for dear life, met with the chief crunching his finger under his boot only for Righty to shove him off, grabbing the top hat off his head as the previous chief fell to the ground. And after saving Reginald from the same fate and the two walkings back up to the main area, Reginald wore the hat of the previous Toppat chief, claiming his dedication to the Toppat clan and leader with his right-hand man.
Small Bonus:
Shortly after Reginald's crowning, the new chief immediately went into mourning. Something else I want to mention about Righty and Reginald's dynamic is their personality. Righty's a very hard shell and often uses his fists rather than his words, or doesn't speak much at all. Reginald, on the other hand, is an overdramatic drama queen, who would monologue just for the sake of hearing his voice. And so, the best Righty can over is trying his best to be moral support, even though he had no darn idea what he was doing. Mostly hugs.
And that, everyone, is 2nd part of the Reginald and Right Hand Man origin story, headcanon by MintyFrosty.
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sarkywoman · 3 years
Writing Asks
Tagged by @under-the-shady-tree, thanks!
20 questions, writer’s edition, let’s go!!
How many works do you have on AO3? 85
What’s your total AO3 word count? 712708
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Oof, uh... since like, 1999? Um, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Andromeda, Supernatural, Heroes, NCIS, DC, Marvel, The Umbrella Academy, Kingsmen, ASoIaF/Game of Thrones, Borderlands, Community, Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, Doctor Who/Torchwood, Final Fantasy, Harry Potter, Misfits, I think I’ve forgotten some...
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Noble Blood (Game of Thrones, ASoIaF - GRRM)  A Song of Bastards and Wards (ASoIaF - GRRM, Game of Thrones)  Young God (Borderlands)  Story and Sorcery (Loki: Agent of Asgard, Marvel)  My Shame is True (The Umbrella Academy (TV))
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I try to! Comments are so important in the fanfic community and I know how hard it is to think of something to say about a story, even when you’ve loved it to bits, so I don’t want people to feel ignored. Especially because I appreciate comments so, so much! I will say though, I have lapses, often when my mental health isn’t good, where I simply don’t know how to respond to people and then months go by and I feel weird about replying... so sorry if you’ve ever commented on one of my stories and got silence - it was me not you!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? The Aimless One (Misfits (TV 2009)) Straight up the saddest story I’ve written, no question. Normally writing sad stuff doesn’t make me sad but I had to take a break in the middle of this to just try and grapple with the idea I’d had because it tapped into a lot of depressing thoughts I have about life and death in general. The comments were all complimentary but so upset that at first I was like ‘hooray, it had the desired impact’, then after a while I started to think ‘why did I want to hurt people like this?’
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? Probably  Realising All You Ever Wanted, a Hobbs/Dirk fic for the Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency fandom. There’s such minor conflict in that one that the sugary sweet ending isn’t out of place. 
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written? Well. I have some fandoms that are sort of crossovers already, things like Marvel where you have comic versions and movie versions and it doesn’t really feel like a crossover to be picking and choosing. Same with a Dirk Gently/Thor fic I did, because Thor cameos in the DG canon, but not this Thor. I think the most ambitious crossover I’ve worked on was a collaborative chatfic with @freshgratednutmeg that we’re never likely to post, where the need for more background characters in an Umbrella Academy A/o fic led to it being crossed over with Marvel and Brooklyn 99. (Leading to such amusements as Diego sparring with Rosa, and Five competing with Shuri in class.)
Have you ever received hate on a fic? Yeah, but it’s never been very well-reasoned so it’s been fairly easy to dismiss. Some people expect everyone to share their own perspective of the characters and it’s weird.
Do you write smut? If so what kind? Not really. I can go there and have done on occasion, but it doesn’t interest me very much. I think I did it more when I was younger because I felt like it was a necessary aspect of grown-up fanfic writing (when I started I was a teenager amongst mostly adults... or other people lying about their age too lol). These days I’m more likely to fade to black or allude to the acts. But I’m not averse to writing it or anything, but it’s never the focus of my story.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Only in the sense that I see them on other sites I didn’t upload to, sometimes in other languages, sometimes not. They normally say my name somewhere on them so they’re not stolen as such, but it’s still uncomfortable to see my work circulated to other sites without my permission.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not with my permission, but yeah. I don’t know how to feel about translations. Obviously I want people of other languages to be able to read my work, but at the same time I’m not fluent enough to be able to check the translator’s work, so I won’t know if they’ve done any better than google. Word choice is pretty important in fiction. A bad translation can totally warp a text.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not for posting or sharing, but me and @freshgratednutmeg cowrite all the time.
What’s your all time favorite ship? All time?! That’s impossible to answer. I’m a multi-shipper for starters, in pretty much every fandom I’ve been in. When I find a ship I love, I love it intensely above all others for the duration of the fixation. Then eventually it gets set aside when I find a new fandom. I’m also indecisive enough to not really have an all-time favourite anything. 
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? A Song of Bastards and Wards (ASoIaF - GRRM, Game of Thrones). I can’t begin to describe the pages of notes I have for this beast. Unless I threw them out, which... scanning my room... is a distinct possibility. Ouch. I’d hoped to parallel the books for a long time with this one, but the amount of work for a project like that is too much when you’re no longer as passionate about the source fandom. I suspect what I might do is scenes with interconnecting notes, just so people get some sense of closure.
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, baybee! Kinda makes me want to be a scriptwriter. People are always telling me that the characters ‘sound like’ them. I think it’s from reading voraciously from when I was young and being quite a social child, that moving speech patterns and quirks into writing is something that comes very naturally to me. Too natural, in fact, because IRL I write how I speak and that’s not always suited to the situation.
What are your writing weaknesses? Most things other than dialogue. Even thought processes are an internal dialogue, so they’re okay, but then like... a fight scene? A sex scene? Just even... what are their hands doing while they’re talking? How are these people physically present? Where are they? Are they inside, outside, is the building on fire? My descriptive skills are lacking, to say the least. It’s something I’m working on.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I’m not quite sure what’s meant by this. I’m not fluent in anything other than English so I don’t see that would work well for me. I know a few phrases in German/French/Welsh/Latin/Spanish but nothing useful for conversation. Dropping in words can work, if it’s the same way the speaker would use them amidst their English. Most of the time the characters I’m writing wouldn’t be speaking in another language anyway. We can blame the tag-team of English colonialism and American media for that one I think. I think that sometimes authors utilise a character’s language in a way that just exposes how little the author actually knows of the language and that’s a bit cringe for me.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Buffy the Vampire Slayer. None of those are online atm because they’re so so bad XD I should post them just so people can see improvement but... I can’t even read them, they’re hilarious. The most gratuitous self-inserts, the most ludicrous arguments, the most out-of-character romantic declarations.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? Hmm, that’s a quandary. I think I’ll differentiate between favourite to write, and favourite end product. Favourite to write was probably  Noble Blood (Game of Thrones, ASoIaF - GRRM) because it was just a romp through my favourite themes. Given it’s one of my most popular stories, I’d say that just proves you should write what you want! I was going to quickly say  Young God (Borderlands) is my favourite fic for quality of the finished product, because I pretty much just sat down one evening and spilled it into a word doc then reread it back and thought ‘huh, did I write that? Awesome’. But I’m happy with a couple of more recent things I’ve done for The Umbrella Academy fandom, notably  The Price of Parenthood, which is very different to what I usually write and is a look at the life of one of the mothers who gave up her child to Reginald. Also The Water Calls, which was the only thing I managed to write for the recent MerMay event. It took me a little while to puzzle out how it all fit together, then once I had it worked out it came together wonderfully and I was very happy with the tone of it. 
Tagging anyone who fancies doing it.
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iwrestlenow · 3 years
Many More To Die, Chapter 15 (Epilogue)
TITLE: Many More To Die (Chapter 15, Epilogue)
FANDOM: Sanders Sides (Necromancer AU)
SUMMARY: Logan goes home for the first time in ten years--and ends this story so he can start a new one at Roman's side.
SHIPS: Logince (Logan/Roman), Moceit (Patton/Janus) and Dukexiety (Remus/Virgil)
WARNINGS: implications of violence, but mostly schmoop
This story is over, but THE story is just beginning. Still, I want to thank literally everyone that's been reading and enjoying this. Your kind words and comments, your support and kudos and encouragement...
For a while now, I've lost my passion for writing. This lit a fire under my ass. Thank you for helping to fan the flame.
I am your biggest fan. All of you reading this. Every single person. <3
Oh also this is unbeta'd so if it sucks it's on me, hope you have fun reading anyhoodle. :P
NOTES: This is based on the gorgeous piece of art by @gretacticdraws that can be found here. I ended up writing a ficlet for it, and then my brain got swallowed up. Breathe at me wrong, and I’ll write more…hell, who am I kidding? I’ll write more anyway because this? Is self indulgent drivel. XD
Also located at AO3 over here.
“You're nervous.”
“I'm the one that's supposed to be nervous.”
“Roman, I am warning you...”
Roman's mouth was abruptly on his, warm and sweet and firm. His arms were secure around Logan's waist, pulling Logan's back against his chest, and Logan was helpless in the face of liquid golden warmth trickling through his limbs and pooling sweetly somewhere low in his belly as he leaned back into Roman's embrace.
It had been a week, and technically, Logan and Patton were still prisoners until a vote could be put to the people. As prince regent, with the king convalescing, Roman was already spreading word of the events in the castle, and the fact that necromancers had defended the life of the royal family.
Thomas, despite being alive, seemed hell bent on abdicating, claiming Roman was ready. Logan was in full agreement, but Roman refused to even consider it.
Not until he made sure his reign would be welcome.
Logan forced himself from the blissful reverie of Roman's embrace just in time to open his eyes and spot a figure on the horizon. People were appearing, but one towered above all the others.
Grandpap. Logan blinked hard against the sudden burn behind his eyes. Roman must have sensed his unrest, because a hand smoothed up the length of his spine.
The closer they drew, the more restless Logan became. His stomach was tightening, his chest compressing, a strange chill causing him to shiver when the air was perfectly pleasant...
Logan wasn't nervous. Logan was afraid.
Roman brought the horse they were riding to a stop once they were there—a dozen feet from the line of people that had formed to wait for their arrival, just at the boundary of the settlement.
Grandpap towered over them, but among the throng were Logan's parents—and endless others, so many he'd grown up with and around...
Roman gave him one gentle squeeze before he carefully dismounted and reached up to help Logan down. Taking one last breath, Logan walked up to face his grandfather as calmly as he could, where he stood, flanked by his child and goodchild—Logan's geni and his pari, Elliot and Talyn..
“Who claims this Weaver?” Josiah called out, raising his voice to be heard by the people around him.
“We do.” Elliot replied, their eyes too bright as they stared at Logan with a ferocity that made it hard to breathe. “We claim this Weaver, and grant him--”
“I will take no Name.”
Josiah regarded Logan sharply. “Scuse me?”
Logan took a deep breath. “I will take no Name, for I already have one.”
A gasp went through the group, and Talyn's hands flew to cover their mouth, tears slipping from their eyes.
“I am Logan Berry.” Logan continued, emboldened by the weight of a hand on his shoulder from behind. “Son of Elliot Crofter. Fruit of Talyn Crofter...heart-name of Starlight, recalled to life by the power of the Lazari.”
Logan paused, turning to face Roman.
“And I am claimed by the keeper of my soul.”
Roman smiled at him, bending to kiss Logan's cheek before he faced Josiah.
Only then did Logan realize Roman wasn't wearing it.
Ignoring Logan, Roman stepped forward—and then dropped to one knee in front of Logan's grandfather as he drew his sword, offering it to him pommel first.
“To you, Lord Father, I submit my fate. If you have not the care to look into my soul, then it is better that you should run me through with my own sword and claim me as your thrall lest you believe me incapable of pure intent.” he declared without hesitation, his voice clear and strong. “What say you?”
Logan stood, breathless, as Grandpap gaped down at Roman with shock and anger in his face. His gaze flicked up to Logan, as if he couldn't help it--
Before he took the sword from Roman and hefted it into his hand with an ease that was unnerving. Logan had never seen his grandfather wield a blade, always fighting with bare hands and sharp words...
For the first time, he could see it: the blood of kings, the head that bore the weight of the crown, the noble blood that had passed from him to Geni and into Logan's veins.
Josiah used the flat of the blade to lift Roman's chin to meet his gaze.
“You know what you're askin', son?” he replied quietly.
“Yes, Lord Father.”
“To walk the grave and call it home?”
“To walk the grave, and call it home.” Roman replied, then continued with an ease that made Logan's chest tight with pride. “To give the dead my voice, to speak their will, to care for the lowest of the low as gods and as kings, for I seek no greater honor than to humble myself as a steward of the dead.”
“And why is that?” Josiah asked.
“For it is in the stewardship of death that we understand the blessing of life.”
Josiah slid another look up at Logan, raising an eyebrow. Logan had to bite back a smile—it was the same look Grandpap gave him whenever Logan asked for another new book or telescope or a third helping of jam with his breakfast as a little boy.
“You ask for death and resurrection as one of the tribe—what gift would you deliver for the honor of death and slavery?” Josiah asked, refocusing on Roman.
“The throne of the Kingdoms, and the crown that goes with it.”
Josiah blinked, the people around him dead silent with pure shock.
“Lies kill among this tribe, little prince.” Josiah warned.
Roman held steady, his breathing even, his voice colored with a softness that Logan knew meant he was smiling.
“Only a fool would come to the Lord Father of the Necromata with a lie on his lips—and while I am a fool many times over, I am not a fool in this.”
There was a startled, barely there ripple of tittering through the people at Grandpap's back—including the familiar roll of thunder that was Josiah's quiet chuckle.
“And the compensation you would ask for the soul you've gifted to my grandson?”
“I would ask for nothing, and accept only that which you would offer, Lord Father.”
“...then I offer you the throne of the Kingdoms, and the crown that goes with it. Didn't wanna be a king in my youth, and that ain't changed.”
“Logan, hush your mouth.”
“But Grandpap, he's not--”
“Starlight, hush yer mouth.”
Logan's mouth snapped shut at the use of his True Name by his grandfather. Josiah watched Roman as he set the point of the sword against Roman's throat.
Roman was asking for the right to be with Logan not as a suitor or a spouse, but as a rightful member of his tribe. Such initiation required a blood sacrifice, usually represented with the symbolic slicing of a red thread or mutilation of a piece of red fabric.
And Roman wasn't wearing the thread Logan had knotted around his neck.
“It is done.” Josiah declared flatly, launching Logan's heart into his throat.
There was a soft twitch, and Roman's deep red travel cloak slipped off his shoulders to pool around him.
“The king is dead—and the king is reborn unto the tribe.” Josiah declared, lowering the sword and offering Roman his hand. “Rise, son of Shadow...and next time, wear the damn thread 'stead of showboating.”
Roman shrugged as he stood up. “I didn't want to give myself an out. I wanted you to know I meant it, I...I'm willing to die to be with your grandson, sir.”
“Well, now you are.” Grandpap replied, glancing at Logan again. “Provided this ain't an act?...”
Logan shook his head, then reached into his pocket and pulled the Soulstone free with shaking fingers, moving to Roman's side and handing it to Josiah.
“I apologize for stealing it, but I felt I had no choice.” he confessed. “For what it's worth, it protected me from the Cleansing—and likely protected Roman from far worse. Has news reached here?”
Josiah nodded, fingers curling around the Soulstone. “It has.”
“Then you know that Roman has had little memory of what led me to steal that ring—had the Soulstone not been present and working, the Animator might have done Roman harm much sooner to ensure he could successfully wipe out the royal family...and, without the king's protection, ours as well.”
Josiah just nodded, looking between the pair.
“So that's it? You two show up just to make the little prince Necromata and get my blessing? Where's your damn brother, and if the king lives why the hell did your soulmate just try to offer me the throne?”
Logan smiled, leaning into Roman's side. His arm came to settle around Logan's shoulders, the line of heat and pressure doing worlds to calm his nerves.
“It's a long story, Grandpap,” Logan offered, “but I think there's finally time enough to tell it—not just to you, but to everyone.”
Josiah smiled at that—a real smile, slow and broad and warm as fresh bread.
“I hope you mean more 'n just the Necromata, son...c'mon, let's go inside.”
With that, there was chaos, joyous and enveloping—and that word, once again echoing in Logan's head.
Once upon a time, Logan had nothing but that word to hold onto, alone in a dungeon cell, in pain and afraid.
Then Roman found him, for a second time, and saved him. Now, Roman had a future as king, and Logan...
Logan had that word again, but now that word also meant Roman. It meant his family, it meant his future...it meant real and lasting hope.
Necromata. It no longer meant the necromancers, or the legions of the Animator.
It meant his geni and pari, who chose that moment to leave Josiah's side and fling themselves at him.
It meant his Grandpap, snickering at them over his shoulder.
It meant Roman subjecting himself to the curious onslaught of questions from Logan's parents, not as a ruler but as Logan's future husband.
It felt like a Name now—a Name, freely accepted and made his own.
A life, restored.
For the first time, Logan could allow himself to have hope, because he had the power of the Necromata at his fingertips—and it was only a matter of time before that power and that hope brought the world back into balance once again.
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squad51goals · 4 years
Fandom meme
In response to @hitchcock-winter and @andtheywerelegends
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
E! -- I maintain that Brackett and Dix are together the whole time and just keep it really quiet in the background (because otherwise it would look weird given their respective jobs). I mean, that's a whole lot of pretty in one place, and their personalities are such that they'd both have a hard time finding anyone else who would really get them (and their devotion to the work), so I just imagine it being quietly awesome off-duty.
The E!fans here have gotten me aboard the good ship Gage/DeSoto as well (Gage/DeSotos if you want to address the 'but what about Joanne?' question).
WKRP -- How much do I like Johnny and Bailey's Whatever-The-Hell-That-Is? Enough to write 23,000+ words of fic where said Whatever is one of the major plot drivers, apparently. XD Dunno, I've got a serious thing for the trope of 'two people who both have some serious issues, but said issues complement each other' (if that makes sense)...
(and Johnny accidentally saying that little, um, declaration to Bailey next to a live, broadcasting mike in 2x7 will never not crack me up)
Arthur and Carmen Carlson are underappreciated as a couple (and seriously, consider what a quietly terrific person Carmen has to be to put up with Mother Carlson as a MIL, plus you know she has to be doing some damage control on the, well, damage her husband and son have after being raised/influenced by that woman).
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? 
I found WKRP in late 2018 and E! in the summer of 2020, both during extremely stressful times, so rather a newbie :)
(For the overall answer not related to either show: I've been in the Twin Peaks fandom for literally decades)
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
I wish E! had referenced Dix's and Roy's war experiences a bit more often, especially in terms of how it affected their current work. (They could've done more with Dix in particular -- IMHO she should've been the one helping on the Grenade Guy in 3x18, since she would've almost certainly seen that sort of injury in the war and Morton wouldn't have; 2x19 with the lab explosion and subsequent field triage couldn't have been too fun for her war-memories-wise either.)
E! could have had more women around in general -- Dix is awesome but let's face it, this show has a major Smurfette Principle problem. It would've been great if they'd kept Dr. Varner from 2x12 around as a semi-regular like Morton. And keeping Nurse Sharon from S1 as another semi-regular would've given us a newbie nurse growing in her career to track, along with a newbie doctor (Morton) and newbie paramedic (Johnny).
It would've been really interesting to see where the storylines the WKRP writers were setting up at the end of S4 would've gone in a S5. I also wish those network-rejected scripts for S4 had been made (esp. the one concerning Jennifer).
Venus dealing with his war issues a little more would've been interesting as well -- particularly in the wake of the burglary in 3x20, where a touch of Vietnam PTSD on his part is clearly a big factor leading to maybe the OMGWTF scariest moment in the whole show's run (if you've seen it you know what I'm talking about). Maybe Mr. Carlson (also a veteran, though it's not referenced much) could've helped.
It would've been doing Mr. Carlson a great kindness for someone to explain that his mother will never have that building built -- she only had the plans drawn up to manipulate him. Jennifer seems like the obvious choice, but Bailey has a great opportunity when she confronts him in 3x16.
And what exactly were Jennifer's and Bailey's respective issues with their fathers, anyway?
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It’s the anon again! I loved your rambling about Russingon! If I may, would you like to do the same for Daemags? (Or another ship, I’m really not fussy)
hmm...Daemags… two options:
Crack: enemies to lovers in .01 k words. (They’d like it to be a angsty slow burn, but both are too prone to dramatic declarations/speeches for anything longer. They’re like Hamlet, and are very aware they’re in a play. They just don’t realize its a crack play)
The other one would be a slow thing in the second and or third age and it’s actually really interesting to me. A narrative where they learn to be part of society again, to accept they’ve done wrong that they cannot undo (A certain M named person’s done a considerable amount more wrong but hey thats not the point) but realizing they have to move forwards anyways.
But wait! you say, Daeron didn’t choose to leave, he got lost. That’s valid, but I really don’t see how someone can get *that* lost in their own forest without choosing to. So I imagine that he went into the forest searching for his sister, and on his way back thought about the shame and grief of his family and it just seemed easier to exile himself, and to disappear rather than face that.
Now I’m not saying big grand redemption arc cause idk those often get cheesy. Nor am i saying “oh its been a long time so we’re good now.” Just,, Daemags ensuring that the later half of their lives creates a positive influence (big or small), I’m saying they help eachother let go of the grand aspirations from the past and maybe eventually face up to the consequences of their actions (again Maglor’s got some more actions to have consequences for but tbh at this point im not interested in what they’ve done, I’m interested in the guilt they harbor that so completely removed what could have been 2 very powerful entities from the later narrative)
Thanks for the ask, Anon! (gonna name u… Captain Anon!)
Also no worries about asking too much stuff, if I need a break I’ll just not answer for a bit XD    and I’m so hyped to talk about the Nerds next ask.
ok so clarification point on Daeron: I’m on the canon that he’s Luthien’s brother because it provides me lots of space for projection, which is also why things might not smell very canon in this post.
Anyways Daeron’s is really interesting to me once I’ve over projected and made a ton up: I imagine his pov going something like “ok there’s this dude my sister’s infatuated with and like,, first of all no.” (and yeah there’s jealousy involved here too, idk maybe he’s thinking that’s his sibling, and she’s supposed to hang out with him, not some mortal) Then she wants to go on the quest designed to kill the mortal?? So yes, once again appealing to the higher authority here. And lo and behold it works out even worse than last time. Fine fine time to be Helpful. Then he dissappears into the woods. Eventually he gets the news Luthien’s dead, and like maybe a little part of him that he hates is like ‘haha i was right she shouldn’t have dated that guy’ but mostly it’s like ‘hey if I’d stayed at court would she still be alive’ 
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thdorkmagnet · 3 years
How Far Would You Go For Love? Part 1
Hey everyone!! Today I got something different for you all. Not Star vs for once. That’s write, I branched out a little and wrote for another series I’m really into. My Hero Academia. I’ve been in love with this show for years and decided it would be fun to actually make something for this fun and entertaining show. So here I am! This story is gonna be for my fav ship in the show: Uraraka x Deku (I don’t know what the ship name is oops ^^;). I love these two dorks and their chemistry and I had to try my hand at writing them! This story is also in first person so I really am stepping out of my comfort zone for this one haha XD I really hope you enjoy! I had a lot of fun with it and I’m pretty proud of the results!! 
I shivered violently as the crisp, cold air sting my face and hands, any semblance of bare skin felt like it was being jabbed with a thousand sharp needles. I scooted closer into the warm body beside me, ignoring any feelings I had in favor of staying warm. I tried to ignore the way the form shifted awkwardly towards me, possibly trying to provide some sense of comfort, either for me or him or both. Thanks to the harsh wind in my ears and loud-pulsing heartbeat I barely heard Deku whisper to me, “It’ll be okay, Uraraka. We’ll find a way out of this.” I knew he was trying to make me feel better, to comfort me in my moment of terror but... well...
Comfort was hard to find when you were a hostage.
At the mental reminder of my situation I licked my lips and shifted uncomfortably, trying to ignore the coarse ropes rubbing up against my wrists or the sharp pain from the movement. My wrists had already been rubbed raw from my pointless struggling, my determination to escape stronger than the pain. 
Of course with every moment I became less and less sure escape was an option. 
 I'm sure Deku didn't feel that way but as always I was well aware just how big a gap there was between us. Deku was a born hero, he saved people without hesitation, and when I was with him I always felt like I could do anything. It’s why I looked up to him and wanted to be by his side. It’s why I strived to be as good a hero as he was someday.
... And it’s the reason I had fallen in love with him.
For a long time I had denied my true feelings for him, justifying them in my own mind to avoid having to face reality, telling myself I just thought he was cool and someone I admired and wanted to be like. But now, faced with the possibility of death or worse, helpless and alone in the hands of a psychotic villain, I no longer had the strength to fight it. If I denied my feelings for him anymore then I might die never coming to terms with them, to let that empty, gaping hole in my heart remain until the end. Because the truth was I had no idea how this all would end. Sure, I knew UA and the other heroes would do everything in their power to save us but-
No, no I can't think like that!I shook my head back and forth to try and rid it of the nasty, taunting thoughts. This isn't the end, it can't be. If I give up then this villain wins. I forced my brain to think straight, to be like Deku, and I took a moment to examine the situation at hand like he would. We were on the roof of some large building, probably abandoned, and although I hadn't gotten a good look over the side, judging by the amount of wind I was being constantly assaulted by we had to be at least 20 stories high. I shivered involuntarily again but forced my brain not to panic. 
Instead I tried to remember how we had ended up in this mess, hoping it would offer me a clue out of it.
 When Deku had first come to me with two special tickets to the grand opening of the All Might museum he had been beyond excited. I had seen him turn into the fanboy I knew and loved before but this was on a whole different level! He seemed almost over the moon at this. He was practically squealing when he told me in his typical Deku ramble how he had spent the previous night sending in what must have been hundreds of contest entries asking basic questions about All Might’s career and judging by the bags under his eyes he most likely hadn’t slept all night because of it. But all that work must have played off cause he was declared the winner.
And then he offered me the second ticket and I thought I might die right there on the spot. While the museum itself sounded cool and everything, it almost felt like Deku was asking me out on a date! Something I had dreamed would happen for months now. It took every ounce of strength I had not to turn into a blushing, flustered mess at the very idea of such a thing.  I tried not to get my hopes too high and overthink it, but I couldn't help but ask why he picked me out of our whole class, considering anyone would be thrilled to go to a place dedicated to our awesome teacher.
He had grown slightly embarrassed by my question and I could still remember the adorable shade of pink on his cheeks as he explained that I was one of the only people who didn't judge him for his fanboy love of heroes. I tried to tell him nobody cared except maybe Bakugo but  before I got the chance Deku had nervously muttered something along the lines of “It’s different with you. I can be myself around you.”  And if my heart was any fuller in that moment it probably would have exploded.
We both decided to keep our 'date' a secret, Deku worried about upsetting the others for not inviting them, while I was more concerned about the girls finding out. I loved them but they were born gossipers, especially Ashido. The last thing I wanted was the whole school finding out that me and Deku were going on a date. Especially since I don't think Deku meant it to be one.
That still didn't stop me from spending a good two hours picking out the perfect outfit though, while trying to ignore my jittery nerves. I kept telling myself that this wasn't a date. That this was just a get together between two friends, nothing more. But convincing my racing heart of this seemed to be an impossible task. All my hard work paid off in the end when Deku spotted me, blushing and muttering under his breath something about ‘me looking really nice’ and how ‘he wished he had changed out of his All Might t-shirt' but I quickly assured him he looked fine and considering where we were headed, would fit right in.
What happened next I remembered all too well. As if I was reliving the same horrible events all over again. 
I can’t believe how lucky I am! Here I am, next to my favorite person in the world, walking side by side with him on a date! Well not technically a date but still it was close enough for me. I can’t stop smiling I’m so happy! Or wait, am I smiling too much? Is Deku gonna think I’m weird cause of how much I’m smiling? I glanced over at my friend, only to find he was too distracted to notice my weird smiling. He was talking to himself or maybe to me, it was hard to tell sometimes, going on and on about something. Probably All Might related if I had to guess. His eyes usually only gleamed like that when talking about his hero. Even if I couldn’t always follow along, I loved listening to how passionate he was about stuff like this and it was hard not to get excited with him, his enthusiasm was contagious.
As I listened to Deku’s adorable rambles, I gave a quick glace up at the towering building coated in All Might’s signature colors of red, white, and blue, his name displayed above the front entrance in bright, flashy letters. 
“Hey look, Deku,” I said excitedly to him. “I think that’s the place up ahead.” I pointed it out to him and his green eyes seemed to be filled with starlight. His whole face was practically glowing, he looked like a kid at Christmas, then again for him this probably was like a second Christmas for him. Before I knew it I was smiling like an idiot right alongside him. Date or not, I was just so happy to be here with him. Today was gonna be great because I was gonna get to hang out with the coolest guy I knew. Without realizing it, my hand reached out for his and to my even greater shock and surprise he actually held it back! I felt my cheeks heating up in a blush while my heart was busy pounding away a mile a minute. I was floating on cloud nine! Nothing my quirk could do could possibly make me feel more like this, like I was walking on air, only Deku had that power over me and I loved it. 
Just before the two of us could enter into the museum, however, a sudden scream reached our ears. The voice was muted and distorted from distance but there was no denying the call for help, nor the fear in the man’s voice. One quick glance at Deku and I knew we were both on the same wavelength, our thoughts for a moment one. Of course, Deku being Deku, he ran into the alley without a second thought, but I was proud to be right on his heels, ready to prove myself as worthy heroes in training and maybe even Deku’s equal. 
We immediately came across the victim, a man crouched on the ground, clutching his chest as if he was in some kind of pain. My lessons kicked in as I did my best to survey the situation: the man was alone so it didn’t seem to be a villain attack, from what I could see he wasn’t bleeding out or in any critical state, although that could be shielded by his arm. I watched as Deku knelt next to him, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder, asking the standard questions: ‘If he was alright?’, ‘What we could do to help?’, that kind of thing. But for some reason I felt an uneasy twist in my gut. Something wasn’t quite… right. 
Instead of answering his concerned questions, the man simply asked Deku if we were heroes. Something about the tone of his voice set me off, there was no sincerity there, only an underlying malice. But before I could voice these concerns, though, Deku had already replied with a cheerful smile. "Actually we're UA students."
The man smiled and I heard him whisper something dark under his breath, before his hands lashed out and grabbed onto Deku’s arm. 
I saw the look of confusion on Deku’s face before he realized the danger and started to pull away, lifting his leg to kick. The man, however, simply twisted Deku’s body around, holding his arm tightly against his back, the awkward angle looking incredibly painful. I watched as my friend squirmed and screamed in pain, demanding the villain release him. But the look in his eyes was what caught me off guard the most, they looked distinct and half-lidded as if he was struggling to stay conscious. 
“Let him go!” Wasting no more time, I threw myself into the battle, too, determined to free my friend from this villain’s wrath. Whatever he was doing to Deku, I needed to stop it now! I tried to touch him with my fingers, hoping to make him float so taking him out would be easier but he moved out of the way much quicker than I was expecting. He threw poor Deku to the side like he was a worthless ragdoll and for whatever reason, my crush was unable to catch himself as he landed hard on the paved ground, his head no doubt taking quite a bit of the fall, the impact making me cringe. I couldn’t help myself, my concern for my complain greater than my hero training as I turned and shouted, “Deku!” 
And that was the only opening the villain needed as he latched on strongly to my arm. 
The instant he did I felt my head grow fuzzy and everything began spinning in a nauseating circle. I was used to this feeling, thanks to my quirk, and did my best to try and pull away, but his grip was like a vice. Everything started to blur in a flash of colors and noises. I heard Deku scream my name, followed by a grunt, though I couldn’t tell if it was from him or the villain.
I knew we were running out of time to act, so I forced my brain to remember my training as I attempted a move to dislodge his hand from my arm, but thanks to my functionless mind, my movements were too sluggish and slow. I didn’t even have time to react as the man grabbed me by the hair and slammed me hard into the cement ground. My vision began to go black but just before the world faded away, I could hear Deku’s panic-filled scream call out to me, his voice slurred as he began to lose consciousness just like me.
And then there was nothing.
When I finally came to, I had a massive headache unlike anything I had ever felt before. My brain felt like it was on fire and I groaned in agony. I risked opening my eyes only to discover my uncomfortable position as this villain's hostage. I had lost track of how much time had passed since then but my guess was that it had been close to an hour or two.
I let out a slow breath to calm my racing heartbeat. I had to find a way to escape. I just had to! Before- before... well I didn't want to think about that. I had to focus on getting away at any cost. But I was unsure what to even do,I had already exhausted all the other escape attempts I could think of, the few that came to mind. Maybe Deku had an idea?
He probably did but it wasn't safe to ask him, not with the villain pacing back and forth in front of us. I looked over to said villain and noticed he wasn't paying either of us any mind. Which was nothing new, ever since we got here, this unknown villain hadn't shut up about his plans. He had rambled on and on about his goals, about how he would make the heroes pay, how it was thanks to heroes his life was ruined. I had nearly let out a sigh of annoyance the moment he started up his cliche monologue but caught myself at the last second. It felt like every villain I encountered had the same flawed view of hero society. They all wanted to see it destroyed and replaced with their own messed up world. Didn't these guys have anything better to do?
 Now though, he just looked agitated, wringing his hands together nervously as he continued his incessant pacing. I could hear him mumbling something under his breath. It was clear he was becoming unstable. And that boded poorly for me and Deku. I had suspected this person was suffering from some sort of mental illness (after all what sane person would kidnap two high schoolers) and it seemed my suspicions were confirmed. 
What terrified me is what he would do when the little sanity he had left snapped? What would become of me and Deku when he got bored of us? 
The thought turned my blood to ice and I fought back the growing tears of defeat. If this was the end for me and Deku then... 
I cast a longing look at my crush, his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth set in a flat line. There were a few new bruises on his body and I guessed he hadn’t be taken so easily like I had. He looked so unlike the Deku I knew, the one who I had seen not a few hours ago, giddy and full-of-life, and I could feel the tears nearly spilling over just looking at him. This whole ordeal must be affecting him terribly, too. I didn’t want to do this, not here and certainly not now, but I doubted I'd have another chance, so I drew in a shaky breath to try and steady my frayed nerves, gathering what little strength I had left to muster.
"Deku," I squeaked and instantly regretted that decision. Gosh my voice sounded awful, like I had been gargling nails and hadn't spoken in a year. Not to mention the noticeable shake in my tone even though I had tried so hard to fight it. 
It was no surprise then that Deku whipped his head around to face me, his eyes wide and full of concern (most likely for me). When our eyes met though, I felt a small bit of warmth settle inside my cold, tired body. It wasn't enough to completely halt the despair I felt creeping into my mind but it helped to give me a little strength and hope to fight that overwhelming feeling back.
I tried to summon the courage to tell my crush my true feelings, to ignore the darkness and terror we were trapped in and create a small moment of light and love to cling to. But what I wasn't expecting was for Deku to smile at me.
He actually smiled! And I knew that smile better than anyone, I had seen it enough times to know what it meant. He was trying to provide me comfort. In this dark, hopeless situation, Deku still had the courage to smile. It was forced and shaky, his eyes full of fear and the corners of his mouth quivered with the effort of holding it together but it was there! And I was once again reminded of the true strength my friend had and by proxy how little I had in comparison. Before I had a chance to speak he whispered in a shaky but determined tone, "Don't worry, Uraraka. I promise we'll get out of here. I won't let this be the end. I swear."
I had no words with which to reply with but I could feel the tears threatening to spill over. Without thinking I buried my head in the front of his jacket and sobbed. I knew how weak it made me look, that a hero shouldn't behave this way but I couldn't help it. Deku didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve me. Even though he was scared and worried, he still had the strength to try and help me. He was a true hero and it scared me to think that he might not live to prove that to everyone.
Deku didn't say anything to me while I sobbed brokenly. He just let me work it all out of my system. He didn't even fuss over the fact I was completely drenching his limited edition All might hoodie. Instead he just leaned his head on top of my own, the only comfort he could offer with his hands tied uselessly behind him. The gesture only made me sob harder. Because gosh he was too good for me! 
I probably could have stayed like that forever curled up on Deku’s chest, if my loud bawling hadn't unfortunately attracted the attention of our unnamed captor. "Hey shut up you damn brat, before I make you!" He hissed at me, the venom in his tone enough to make me choke on my tears, trying feebly to stop their flow. 
While I was busy with that, Deku shot the man a glare and I felt him curl around me even more in a protective manner. He looked like he wanted to say something but he held his tongue, his attention shifting back to me as he began muttering meaningless phrases in an attempt to comfort me. It took a bit of effort but I finally managed to quiet my sobbing till it was nothing more than small whimpers. 
This seemed to quell the villain (for now) as he went back to muttering to himself and I tried to take this as a small relief. I blinked a few times to clear them of tears and felt shame at the sight of my friends tear-stained hoodie, the whole front of which was soaked in my tears. Deku’s stare was burning into my skin but I kept my head lowered. I couldn't face him after my breakdown. What would he think of me? Here he was being brave and heroic while I broke down over the littlest of things. 
Before the tears could start up again I forced myself to meet Deku’s eye, my heart pounding painfully in my chest. As expected, his look was one of pained sympathy and my cheeks felt like fire from the blush that spread over my face in an instant. I was the first to break eye contact, staring sheepishly at the floor. "Sorry," I whispered, trying to resist the temptation to hide in Deku’s hoodie again. 
"Don't be," he replied with a small shake of his head. "I know this a lot to deal with. I don't blame you for crying." He tried to crack a smile, joking awkwardly, "Beside you've seen me cry plenty of times before."
It was true. I had seen Deku cry more times than I could count but I never saw that as a weakness. When he cried I knew he was just overcome with emotion and was expressing it freely. I respected that. That he wasn't afraid to express himself. So why was it, I felt so ashamed of doing it myself? It just made me feel weak. Like the barrier between him and me had become even wider. I didn't want him to comfort me, I wanted to be strong enough to protect him.
"How are you so calm right now?" I wondered aloud. 
Deku shrugged. "I'm not gonna lie, I'm scared. Really scared," he admitted honestly. A shaky breath before he continued. "But... I have to keep smiling. I have to believe we’ll be okay. That the other heroes will save us. Cause that's what All Might would do. He'd stay strong no matter how bad the odds are."
I couldn't help but admire Deku for a moment. He really was amazing. And if he could keep believing, then I had to do the same. No matter how bad things got. 
Both me and Deku jumped when our captor let out a loud, guttural howl. It sounded inhuman, filled with malice and insane energy. The sound alone was startling enough but the fact that it had happened seemingly at random put me on edge. Whatever sanity the villain had seemed to have finally shattered as he began loudly talking to himself, getting more and more agitated by the second. "They aren't coming. Why aren’t the heroes coming? They should be here. Maybe they forgot. No, no they couldn't have. They must not think I'm a threat. But I am! I need to show them, I-I need to... give them a reason to come. Yes that's it." 
With that the man slowly turned towards us with a long, creepy expression stretched across his face. The little comfort me and Deku’s conversation had brought me was shattered in an instant when I saw the look in the villain’s eyes. Those were the eyes of a corned animal. The eyes of a beast pushed to its breaking point. There was danger in them and I knew at once things were about to take a very, very bad turn. 
For a few tense seconds we just stared each other down, captor and captives waging a mental battle and I had no clue who was winning or losing. The air was so thick with dread I could almost feel it with each breath I took. There was no sound, only silence, but that seemed to have mesmerized the villain, like he was waiting for it to break. And I feared what would happen when that pin dropped and that silence was shattered. 
Then, with no warning, the moment was broken, the villain moving towards us in a flash, a crazed look still in his eye. I flinched instinctively, closing my eyes and waiting for the pain to start. There was no doubt in my mind I would be the target of his rage since I had been the biggest nuisance to him. He would be quick to dispose of me. 
But to my surprise it was Deku who cried out and my eyes snapped open in shock. The villain had a tight grip on Deku’s hair, his fingers laced painfully in his green curls, while the other hand fumbled to undo the knots around Deku’s wrists. But being Deku, he put up a resistance, squirming and making the job difficult for our unknown assailant. Meanwhile, I was forced to watch powerlessly with my own arms bonded uselessly behind my back. I shouted to the villain and kicked my feet but it did nothing to deter him. 
The villain growled in frustration, giving Deku a wild shake that made my stomach twist into knots. He leaned down to hiss in his ear, but I was able to make out the chilling words, "Stop fighting or the girl takes your place instead." 
I watched with horror as Deku calmed his resistance, allowing the man to finish his work still glaring daggers the whole time. No, no this was all my fault. I was being used against him! Deku, the one I loved was about to die to save me. This horrible villain had just twisted my sweet Deku’s heroic nature into something wrong and despicable. 
The villain eventually loosened the ropes enough that Deku was no longer pinned in place, but his hands were still tied tightly behind him, keeping him weak and helpless. I thought I might puke as I watched the man drag my friend away by his hair. By his freaking hair! I could hear the roots tearing but Deku, to his credit, suppressed any screams through gritted teeth. 
I continued to scream and thrash in my bounds, desperate to help my friend, to save the boy I loved from this nightmare. I could feel hot, sticky blood dripping from my wrists, every movement painful from where I had rubbed the skin raw struggling but still I fought. I refused to give up. Not until Deku was safe. "Let him go! Leave him alone!"
Deku didn't give up either, determination hidden behind the fog in his eyes as his body glowed green. I recognized the power of his quirk immediately, the air itself filled with electricity as he swung a leg towards the villain in his signature shoot style and I sucked in a breath, daring to hope this terror might finally end.
But Deku’s reflexes had been dulled thanks to whatever this villain's quirk was and his movement’s sloppy and formless, at least compared to the lightning fast attacks I was used to seeing from him. Our capture was able to easily snatch Deku’s leg before it made contact with his face, a new look of dark fury flashing in the man's crazed eyes. 
And then he began to twist Dekus ankle, my crush struggling to hold back his pained whimpers. He moved slowly, so slowly, and oh gosh I don’t think legs can bend that way! I was gonna be sick, I wanted to look away but it was as if I was under a spell, mesmerized by the horrible display, while my brain and mouth begged and screaming for it to end. But he just kept twisting,
 ...and twisting,
 ......and twisting,
Deku’s blood curdling scream burned itself into my subconscious and I watched with teary eyed vision as my friend writhed on the ground, his foot twisted at an awkward angle, already red and swelling. My heart ached inside my chest. It hurt so damn much to see my crush and best friend hurting so much, while I was powerless to help him. I felt sick, my stomach in knots and my blood cold. Without realizing, I had stopped struggling, I lacked the strength to even raise my arms. It felt like my heart had just shattered along with the bones in Deku’s leg.
And then, while the two of us writhed in our own agony, the villain started to laugh. Actually laughed! 
And I saw red.
I was not an angry person, far from it, but that laugh, that sinisterly gleeful chuckle, made me feel for the first time ever true unyielding rage. And it scared me.
My struggles renewed stronger than ever, I didn't care if I ripped my arms off! I was stopping this! For a second I had a flicker of a thought, wondering if this was how Bakugo felt all the time.
As I fought valiantly against my bonds I watched as the villain slowly pulled open his coat and a glint of silver metal caught my eye. 
My heart froze and I could see from the corner of my eye the fear in Deku’s eyes as the gun was pulled free from its holster. The man seemed amused by our fear, a cruel, wicked smile splitting open his lips revealing a layer of crooked teeth. The villain soaked in the power he held, taking his dear sweet time as he cocked the deadly weapon. 
The click caused tremors through my body, the realization that all of this was actually happening hit me hard. There was a real weapon before me and right now it was loaded and ready to kill. 
The barrel was soon aimed and level with Deku’s head and despite how brave and strong he was I heard a tiny whimper escape his throat.
And I lost all sense of self control.
I pulled violently against the thick ropes, blocking out the pain completely as I twisted my arms as much as I could in any attempt to get free. I didn't have time to waste, in a matter of seconds Deku would be dead. Finally I heard a loud snap behind me and I had no idea if that was the ropes or my wrists themselves, all I knew was that I was free.
 I scrambled to my feet, running at the villain as fast as my sore legs could carry me. I didn't hesitate, I didn't think, I was reacting on protective instincts right now, my only goal to keep Deku alive. I slammed hard into the man's back, jabbing my elbow into the center of his spine, just like I had been taught. I knew this wouldn't be enough to knock him down, his stature was much greater than mine, so I reached out for the gun hand, my fingers just barely managing to brush skin, but that was enough for my quirk to do the job. 
The shift in weight was enough to knock us both off our feet. On the way down I heard a loud bang next to my ear, causing it to ring loudly. The ground was much harder than I expected, my body skidding painfully across the rough terrain. I could feel skin being scraped off, the pain sending jolts to my stunned brain. When I came to a stop my whole body was radiating pain, I could feel every gash and bleeding cut as they throbbed in agony. 
 But I quickly shoved all of this to the side, focusing my attention back on my hurt friend. Deku looked shaken up, his leg still twisted at an unnatural angle but other than that was no worse for wear. I could see a tiny indention in the ground next to his head and realized the bullet must have missed him by mere inches. 
But at least it did miss.
Deku’s eyes were wide in what I could only assume was shock and fear, his gaze locked on me and me alone. I had never been happier to see those green irises in my life, the relief that he was still alive and breathing far greater than anything my battered body could complain about. Deku was still alive, that was all that mattered. 
He was safe and I could rest.
 But just before I could collapse and sleep for a hundred years, I heard a familiar voice yell to me, the tone dark, twisted, and most of all angry. "You bitch!" 
I glanced up to see a new terrible sight. The villain was still alive and he had his gun. Thanks to my quirk he was currently suspended in the air, his body doing slow turns. I must have hit him harder than I thought because he was dangling over the side of the building, a long, deadly drop waiting just below his feet. 
The look in his eyes... that was the look of a killer and I knew at once I had made a terrible mistake. 
"You're gonna regret that," he hissed at me, venom dripping from every syllable. He once more raised the gun and I flinched, expecting to be staring down the loaded barrel. But instead, he pointed the gun at Deku and fear clenched my chest. 
"I'm gonna make you hurt," the monster said, grinning at my pain. He knew where I was vulnerable, we both could see it and one of us was too late. 
I tried to stand, maybe I could shield Deku or push him out of the way somehow but my body refused. It was failing me at the worst possible second. 
I saw the terror in Deku’s eyes as they jumped from the gun to me and then back to the gun. 
"Your boyfriend is dead, ya hear me!"
My brain scrambled for an idea, searching tirelessly through my limited options for some way out of this mess.
But I didn't have one.
Nothing would work.
It was over.
My heart squeezed painfully in my chest as Deku tried to reason with the villain, trying to delay his death. "Please, you don't wanna do this."
I saw the man's finger slowly pressing against the trigger and I knew I was out of time.
Out of options.
Only one thing would save Deku now.
My hands moved on their own, my fingers pressing together as a strangled cry escaped my throat. "Release!"
And then the villain vanished.
Disappearing over the side of the building.
His echoed screams reached my ears, every second growing softer.
And then they just stopped.
The abrupt silence caught me off guard. After the rush of terror and adrenaline that had been so present a moment ago, the peaceful atmosphere that remained felt strangely out of place. A cool breeze tickled my sweaty face, blowing my hair and ripped clothes all over the place. 
Was it really over?
It had all happened so fast that my brain took a moment to process it all. All I could do was stare at the spot the villain had just been, before he -before I-
My hands flew to my mouth as I choked back a sob.
No I didn't.
I-I couldn't have.
That was impossible.
But I had.
I had just killed someone. 
A feeling of guilt unlike anything I ever felt before hit me at once as the reality of my situation sunk in. I had just broken one of the only rules a hero had to follow. I was a murderer. My breaths had become shuddery and shaky as I fought back the tears that threatened to spill.
In a desperate attempt for comfort I looked to Deku, hoping he could somehow make this whole, nightmarish situation better. But the face I was greeted with was anything but soothing. Deku was staring at me with wide, pained eyes, his body tense as he regarded me and he flinched when I turned his way. Almost like he was afraid of me. The normally bright green of his eyes that I loved to look into had darkened greatly. I could see the judgement in his eyes, I could feel the disappointment from where I was. Deku saw me for what I had become, a killer, someone unworthy of being a hero. Someone unworthy of Deku.
I felt sick, bile rising at the back of my throat and I whimpered struggling to hold it back. But I could no longer fight off the tears, Deku's dark expression had been my breaking point. The tears flowed freely down my cheeks, burning my skin. 
I sobbed pitifully, burying my face in my hands as pain and guilt racked my body. How could I do that? How would I ever be able to face my classmates again after what I had done? How could I call myself a hero? 
 Warm arms wrapped around my torso and I tensed in surprise, looking over with tear-stained vision to see Deku. Deku was hugging me. I had wanted that for so, so long and now I couldn't even enjoy it. I didn't deserve to enjoy it. His eyes were full of sympathy and I could see tears forming in his own vision, but that just made the pain worse.
I didn't deserve to be forgiven. Not by him, someone who was already a greater hero than I could ever hope to be.
"Its okay, Uraraka," he whispered, tightening his hold as my sobs only grew. "It's not your fault, it'll be alright."
Not my fault? Was he blind? No. Leave it to Deku to sugar coat reality, to see the light in the endless darkness. He somehow didn't believe it was my fault when it so clearly was. 
"I'm so sorry," he muttered and I felt something wet drip on my shoulder. 
He was apologizing. Why? I was the one who killed that guy. This was my fault, not his. 
I couldn't stop crying, no matter how much I tried to silence my pitiful sobbing, I couldn't. My body and mind had taken all it could handle and it needed to feel no matter how much I wanted to suppress this. 
I couldn't escape this. This feeling was my burden to bear now.
The cold wind swept over my body, chilling me to the bone. For a long time, I just sat there, weeping in Deku’s arms as he spoke soft words of comfort to me, holding me as if I might break. As if I deserved forgiveness. But I didn't. I had saved Deku from death but at the cost of my own morals. 
And the part that scared me the most was that I didn't regret it.
Despite the heaviness on my heart and soul, the guilt that was seeking to crush me and pull me under, at the end of the day it didn't matter. Deku was alive. He was safe. 
And nothing else mattered but that.
Part 2 coming... whenever I can finish it ^^;
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seyaryminamoto · 4 years
Hey! Do you really like Zuko and Suki together or you just ship these two just so you can ship the best and hottest ship ever aka Sokkla? In any case, why do you think Zuko is better off with Suki out of all the avatar characters? Thank you and pls stay healthy.
XD well, it’s a mix of both, I guess.
The truth is, I read the comics and I sensed the romantic vibe between Zuko and Suki because I don’t think anyone who has had much experience with romantic fiction could see those scenes and not think there’s SOMETHING going on there. I mean, seriously, the hand reach in The Promise, Suki unnecessarily correcting herself in The Search to say EVERYONE is worried about Zuko, not just her, their moonlight conversation in Smoke and Shadow…? Come the heck on. If neither one was in a relationship, most people would be reading all those scenes as blatantly romantic.
Still, I stayed neutral as far as Zuko ships were concerned until I met a Zuki shipper who read my first story, The Reason, and roped me into Zuki without much trouble :’D (if you’re wondering, that was @jordanalane). It didn’t take her too much work to convince me to ship Zuki, because yes, it was convenient as heck to have Zuki happen when you ship Sokkla, but I was already half-on-board with it as I was…
Now then, if you’d like to know my actual, rational reasoning for why I’d ship it, the truth is that I’m not exactly the biggest Zuko fan (as some archive diving in my blog would show…), and most the ships I’ve seen for him seem to exacerbate what I really don’t like about his character. Meanwhile, Suki seems to do the exact opposite thing…
Mai is Zuko’s canon girlfriend, and I was more or less neutral towards this ship at first… but upon further reflection, I found I didn’t enjoy their relationship that much. Maybe they could work well with each other… if they were more mature and less impulsive :’) but Zuko’s behavior with Mai through most of Book 3 only convinced me that he’s absolutely not grown enough to have healthy romantic relationships with anyone (and seeing as Mai was pissed at him 9 times out of 10 throughout Book 3, I think my perception isn’t exactly off). Both have their faults, and boy, in the comics Mai is a much worse offender than Zuko if you ask me, but the point is that, while canon certainly has been very realistic by not turning their love story into the perfect, smoothest fairytale, I really don’t think they’re much good for each other as they are, and the only way they could get better in the future is if they grow a LOT, on their own, before trying their luck at being together again. The likelihood of that, however, isn’t exactly great :’D
Then there’s the most famous pairing for Zuko, Katara, who actually feels wrong to me for the exact same reasons as Mai would, despite Katara is on the opposite end of the spectrum Mai is, character-wise: the thing is, both Mai and Katara have a ton of things in common with Zuko, but not necessarily good things. If Zuko and Katara were, as well, less impulsive and more mature, they might make a decent enough match. But as they are in canon? They’re every bit as likely to self-destruct and tear each other down as Mai and Zuko were. Where Mai and Zuko share a jaded, gloomy perspective of the world, Katara and Zuko share a hot-headedness that means every tiny thing could easily lead to catastrophic, world-ending arguments between them. I mean, if Zuko could have huge arguments with someone as cold-blooded as Mai… just imagine with someone as hot-blooded as Katara :’) And I DO see the virtues of this ship, namely the ones that resemble, to a fault, my particular OTP… but I honestly can’t see Zuko and Katara being good influences on each other, romantically. Friendship-wise they could be healthier, but romance means expectations and complications that, like I said, I don’t think Zuko, as we last see him in canon, is prepared to deal with.
There’s other Zuko ships, naturally, and I won’t get into all of them, I just bring up these two because they’re the biggest ones… and so, why would I ship him with Suki rather than with Mai or Katara or anyone else? What exactly could make her a better match for him?
Suki has a few things in common with Zuko… but they’re not the things Mai and Katara have in common. The first, and most important of them for me, is that Suki (in her initial episode) seems to put a lot of stock in honor and duty as a Kyoshi Warrior. I’m not at all in the “Zuko is the most honorable man in the Avatar world!” camp, if anything I believe he needs to learn a LOT to really understand honor, even at the end of the show and at this point in the comics… whereas I don’t have the same feeling with Suki. Not only did she fight for her people, defending them from any threat even if she might die for it, she also was inspired by Aang, Sokka and Katara to travel the world, not with some angry intent to defeat the Fire Nation and end the war, but…
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And while “changing the world” could easily be interpreted as “she wants to defeat the Fire Nation at any cost!”, what do we know Suki was up to between Books 1 and 2? 
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Suki wanted to HELP people. Compare this to the banished prince who stole from them instead… :’) Suki didn’t have an Avatar leading her group, telling her this was “the right thing to do”, she simply does it because she believes it is, deep down, and she doesn’t just wait around for someone else to step up, she chooses to take action by her own volition. She doesn’t need anyone telling her what’s right or wrong, she has strong enough principles that she can tell what is and what isn’t, all on her own :’) Doesn’t THIS sound like honor? Duty? Doesn’t this sound like someone who actually sets a great example, as far as these concepts go?
Compare this to Katara, who was easily influenced by Zuko into wanting to kill a man, who shifts between “I want to steal things because I feel I need them” and “OMG Toph how dare you scam people that’s so unethical” at the drop of a hat? Yes, Katara’s heart is in the right place, but Katara is highly emotional and hot-headed… so as many good intentions as she may have, she can do pretty awful things without even realizing how awful they are (as in the case of the theft, she doesn’t even blink about stealing clothes from people in The Headband and then is utterly aghast about what Toph is up to merely a few episodes later… come the heck on). Compare it, too, to Mai, who apparently loves her baby brother so very much (according to her fans and to Smoke and Shadow, at least…), but didn’t even blink when Azula decided they couldn’t trade a toddler for a king, and declared the deal was off without betraying the slightest hint of remorse? Do we really know that Mai has decent principles at all? She doesn’t exactly betray Azula because she ideologically disagrees with her, she does it to save Zuko. Which leads me to wonder, what on earth are Mai’s morals? What does she value other than Zuko? If she values Zuko more than anything… heh. Yikes. Definitely sounds like theirs will be a healthy relationship if that’s the case, huh?
I can’t imagine Suki being swayed easily by any wild or stupid ideas Zuko gets if she knows they’re stupid AND wrong. She’d put a stop to him where Katara or Mai could get swept into whatever he’s up to (whether out of excessive empathy or apathy, in either case), and she’d be likely to set him straight before Zuko can take anything too far. As far as morals go, I will always hold that Zuko leaves too much to be desired… but Suki really doesn’t. Could be because we don’t know Suki as well as we know the other characters, but what little we do see of Suki, she doesn’t do anything that merits much reprieve. Most importantly, she never needed, like I said, Aang or Sokka or anyone else to tell her what she had to do, to correct her morals or anything of the sort. This by itself already makes her, in my opinion, the best possible character, in canon, to stabilize Zuko and temper his most chaotic impulses while teaching him, by example, what honor really looks like.
Now, that’s not all: Suki is highly independent and has experience as a leader. Zuko has always tried to be independent too, succeeding in some situations, failing in others. Of course, there’s a stark difference between independence and loneliness, and Zuko does have tendencies to isolate himself from others whenever he gets stubborn and wants to prove himself… fortunately, that’s one of the things I do think the show helped him with, as he did learn there’s nothing wrong with asking others for help. Still, I’m sure Zuko would like to handle things on his own, without needing everyone to help him… and once again, Suki can set an example for him in that sense. She makes her own decisions, fights for what she believes in, follows her heart and such, and never self-destructs in the process… all of which must sound idyllic to Zuko, who I’m sure has always wanted to be like that, too.
Maybe it sounds confusing for me to advocate for a couple while saying the characters ought to teach each other to be independent :’D but the way I see it, this is, if anything, a good thing: Zuko shouldn’t be in a co-dependent relationship, not unless he’s HIGHLY developed, far more than canon and most fics allow. Being with someone who doesn’t need him 24/7, who respects him and knows how to give him space, who wouldn’t be invasive and who would teach him not to be invasive too… through a relationship with someone like Suki, Zuko could genuinely learn to respect someone else’s independence fully, and figure out how to be like that, too.
As for the leadership, Suki has only led Kyoshi Warriors, a small group… so it may sound like something that can’t be compared to leading an entire country. But that’s REALLY part of my problem with Zuko… I’m sorry, but the point at the finale where everyone looked to him as though he’d lead them into finding Aang was absolutely absurd to me. The argument that he’s the one experienced at figuring out how to track down Aang DID make sense and salvaged the scene for me, but as far as leadership is concerned? Sokka by far outdoes him in that area, he literally led a goddamn military invasion and later in Sozin’s Comet he’s seen strategizing and leading Toph and Suki as he orchestrates the downfall ofthe worst of Ozai’s conquest/destruction force. I mean, seriously...
… Anyways, got sidetracked :’D the point is, Zuko hasn’t really been much of a leader in canon. Has he been in a position of command before? Yeah, he was in Book 1. But does this mean he’s a LEADER? A born leader? Yeah, we didn’t see remotely enough of him in a leadership position that could have convinced me of that.
Hence, Iroh theoretically should be a great influence for him in those regards, because Iroh not only was raised to be Fire Lord for well over 50 years, Iroh has been in positions of leadership before, he’s even apparently the leader of the White Lotus. Therefore… Iroh is a good idea. But what did canon do? They sent Iroh on a retirement plan to a teashop in Ba Sing Se and Zuko had to fend for himself! :’D fascinating, right? 
While of course Sokka could be a great influence and help Zuko too, as far as leadership is concerned, canon chooses to keep him chasing after Aang and Katara without any aim or purpose… whereas it chooses to send Suki to Zuko as bodyguard and eventual confidante. Like I said, Suki does have experience as a leader, even if only on a small scale: couldn’t she be eligible for helping Zuko figure out how to lead the Fire Nation, through sharing some of the lessons she learned as leader of the Kyoshi Warriors? It even offers the possibility of Suki and Zuko learning side by side in some regards too, since this whole royal mess isn’t at all what Suki would be used to… so that allows interesting dynamics and complications to arise too, and they can both grow and learn a lot together.
Point and case being, I just can’t imagine these two ever getting into a fucked-up toxic romance, whereas I absolutely can see something of the sort with virtually every other Zuko ship I’ve known. Granted, the whole “But Sukka and Maiko are canon so they’d be cheaters!” side of things can lend towards an unhealthy situation, but I’d honestly rather not portray these two as cheating on their current love interests for each other…? Anyone who wants to is free to do as much, of course, but it’s barely necessary if you ask me :’D people can break up, and get together with other people, without needing a Days of Our Lives-sized drama along with it.
So, in short, I really think Suki is the healthiest possibility for Zuko. Pretty much every harmful thing I can think of in any other Zuko ship is ruled out with Suki. Even as friends Suki would be a great influence on Zuko for all the reasons I said above, but the reasons I mentioned above are also why I think that, if Zuko got to know Suki better, he might find himself smitten before he knows what’s going on: she basically embodies everything he ever wanted to be. He’d be full of admiration for her, and she’d probably be utterly clueless over why x’D and that even offers interesting romantic dynamics to the two characters. I can imagine Zuko being a bit of a tortured old-school romance hero who feels Suki is absolutely magnificent and wonderful and perfect… while she’s like “so is he ever going to pin me to a wall or is it all in my head?”, and frankly that’s about the best possible idea I can imagine in a relationship involving Zuko x’D
I do ship Zuko in a few other ships, I’ve mentioned before that I like Toph and Zuko, but I like Toph and Zuko as a temporary thing (and ONLY with a fully developed Zuko too, once they’re both around 20-30 too). It’s a cute enough ship, but I don’t really think it could last, and I don’t think they could offer each other nearly enough of what Suki and Zuko can offer each other. Hence, I’ve always envisioned Toph could be more of a casual love interest for Zuko (a big reason why is because I can’t imagine Toph consciously settling down with anyone…), and I’ve seldom written it into anything because I lean harder towards Zuki. Gladiator-wise, Toph and Zuko would have been AWFUL together, no matter if I had a few people asking if I could make them a thing :’D hahaha, nope. I like the ship plenty, but it would have been dreadful.
Anyways, yes, Zuki is highly convenient and compatible with Sokkla, but that’s far from the only reason to ship it. Canon may go in whichever direction it wishes, I’m pretty sure they won’t find anything better for Zuko than what they already toyed with in the comics with him and Suki.
Granted, a few of these arguments aren’t exactly suitable for Gladiator’s Zuki, but there are many other arguments to be made there (I actually leaned very heavily into the honor side of things when Zuko first saw her in the Arena, precisely because I think that particular side of Suki would be one of the first things to appeal to him about her). Either way, be it in canon-based settings or in my own particular AU, I’m pretty sure Zuko’s best match would be Suki.
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What’s In A Name - Part 1 - Minlout
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Minlout Name Meanings by Minlout3Heathlegs3RuffthrokFan
Part 1 of the “What’s In A Name” collection for Minlout, Heathlegs, and Ruffthrok.
(Heathlegs | Ruffthrok)
Special thanks to @imaginativemind29​ for finding the origins and meaning of Minden’s name. Greatly appreciate it. ^_^
So I decided to make a little edit/photo that went into the definitions of Snotlout and Minden’s names. And I have to say that I wasn’t disappointed. ^_^
So I discovered that part of Snotlout’s name was actually historically accurate (whether DreamWorks knew of it or not). Snot- comes from the Old Norse word, Snotr, which means “clever, wise, or prudent,” which I thought was so ironic, considering Snotlout’s entire character arch. But it’s also great foreshadowing because it hints at what Snotlout’s meant to become and will be... in time (which we get to see in isolated episodes but we definitely start seeing by Season 4, when Snotlout decides to be his own man).
The meaning of Minden’s name is just... it’s so beautiful... I can’t even. XD :’)
I mean... look at it! I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that she was named that. It’s as if she was named that to signify that Minlout was always meant to be. I mean, “Mine-Yours”? Every time Snotlout or Minden says her name, it’s almost like a declaration of love and devotion. As if they’re saying, “You are mine; I am yours. To halves to one heart.” It’s just so precious, I can’t even... GAH! XD :’)
But there’s also another deeper message behind saying “Minden” (Mine-Yours):
The names come from a statement made by a Saxon duke after he converted to Christianity and made peace with King Karl the Great (aka Charlemagne) in the 8th century. After forming and signing the peace treaty at his castle at the river Weser, he said: 
"Diese Burg soll nun min und din sein." (This castle shall now be mine and yours.) 
So it got the name Min-Din (Mine-Yours) that was later written Minden (the town).
But seriously: “This CASTLE shall now be mine and yours.” Does anyone realize just how significant this is?
This reminds me of the scene at the beginning of the “Alvin and the Outcasts” episode in Riders of Berk, when Snotlout makes a Viking version of a ‘sandcastle’ and calls it “Snotlout Manor”. He then says this, afterwards:
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Manors were fortified houses (also were sometimes synonymous with keeps) or even a simple keep with a wall during the entire middle ages — and many have existed, survived, and are still maintained throughout human history into the modern era. Anyone from aristocrats to nobles of various rank — even among the members of royalty — had them with the fief system. They were little mini-castles in their own right.
And I’m sure you’re aware of the old proverb: “A man’s home is his castle”?
Well, think about it... “This castle shall now be mine and yours,”... “A man’s home is his castle.”... 
If a man’s home is his castle... and if his castle shall be "mine and yours”... Can you guess where I’m going with this? ,’:-)
“A man’s home is his castle. And his castle shall now be Min-Din.” Or ‘Minden,’ in this case.
Huh? Huh? How COOL is that?!
And we can do this backwards as well! Check this out...
“Minden shall now be his castle. And his castle is his home.”
Are you a puddle of feels right now? Because I certainly am! XD
So essentially, if Snotlout were to say this, he’d be saying: “Minden is my castle; and my castle is my home,” or “My castle shall now be Minden’s,” or “My castle is my home, and my home is Minden.” This is just really hitting me in the feels right now! 
Another way to see this that’s of great significance would be if Snotlout created Snotlout Manor (like in preparation for marriage or something) and said: “This castle (or manor) shall now be mine and yours,” or “This castle (or manor) shall now be Minden.” That would be so powerful and amazing and the way he would look at her when he said it and the way she’d start tearing up... I just... I’m seriously gushing and fanboying over this.
Honestly, a minor pairing shouldn’t be turning me into a giant puddle of fluffy feels, but it is. And I’m loving every bit of it! ^_^
But can you imagine the scene that I’ve just shown above where Snotlout says, “This is Snotlout Manor — and all I need now is a queen.” and does that with Minden? And the deep meanings and symbolism by using Minden’s name, on top of his “castle” Snotlout Manor, would just be so lethally potent that it should be illegal! lol XD
Also, the fanon definitions/meanings of Minden’s name I gleaning just from the town and fortress by itself by what they represent. Which, in my opinion, fits Minden perfectly.
So in conclusion, here’s the summary of this article for you to glean from:
Snotlout DOES, in fact, have a historical element to his name, surprisingly enough.
Snot- is from the Old Norse, meaning “wise, prudent, or clever.” (Clearly his mother’s doing, I’m sure of it.)
It fits him more when he learns to stop fighting it and accept his character arc.
Minden is a historical name of German origin.
Minden comes from the phrase “min-din”, meaning “mine-yours”, and originated from the Charlemagne Period.
It’s a name given to the castle of the same name where the peace treaty was signed between Charlemagne and the Saxons in the 700s AD.
The message behind it is just so beautiful, I could cry. :’)
If this doesn’t get you to ship Minlout, nothing will.
Minlout was obviously meant to be. This is Fate, has to be!
Anyway, this is my article — and Part 1 of the mini-series — concerning Minlout’s name meanings. I really hope that this has not only been an educating experience, but also gives you inspiration and a new-found love for the Minlout pairing. I, for one, am in love all over again, and am now an even bigger fan of the pairing. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that they were meant to be! No way they could NOT be S.O.s with THOSE names!
Their name meanings just bring a whole new entire layer of depth into their relationship dynamic, their pairing, and their character archs. I’m just so hyped right now! You can be certain that bits and pieces of this will most definitely end up becoming one-shots, one way or the other! ^_^
I know this was a little long, but this really was worth it. I hope, at least, you’ve enjoyed reading this as much as I’ve enjoyed writing this. I’m not even sure that I’ll be able to sleep now! lol XD
Thank you for taking some time out of your busy schedules to come and read this. Please spread this around and make it viral. This pairing deserves it! And please keep an eye out for Part 2 of my “What’s In A Name” mini-series — next pairing shall be Heathlegs. So be on the lookout, fellow shippers! 
Keep Calm and Ship Minlout!
— Minlout3Heathlegs3RuffthrokFan
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Here we go again, if you want to. To me, asks are the easiest way to talk about Radiant so I kinda like asking 171616 questions. XD 2. Top [insert a number] of your favorite relationships of any kind 5. Any headcanons? Your turn ;) 7. Favorite ships? (I know you ship Meliselotte 🤩😍 but do you have any other ships?) 11. What are you the most curious about in a character? And that's all for this one ♡♡
I’m always happy to get asks, Lizzie. :D thank you for them if I didn’t say so earlier.
2. My Top Five Favorite Relationships: Okay, tumblr, for some random reason, has decided the word length is too long and therefore won’t post it unless I cut something out (even though I’ve made posts longer than this, Tumblr that little shit) so Im just going to have to make a separate post for that.
5. Headcanons:
Piodon had a Mother Gothel-like relationship with Diabal and Triton.
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While he might not necessarily be narcissistic, anyone who raises their siblings to be killing machines to use and discard as they please are definitely going to make problematic parenting decisions.
I have zero doubts in my mind that Piodon isolated Diabal and Triton from any relationships outside of his preapproved “friends” he had watch over them in his absence.
On top of that, I definitely see Piodon as someone who would guilt trip and emotionally manipulative his siblings to control them. If we were to ever explore Piodon and Diabal’s relationship pre-betrayal, I bet we’re going to see a pattern of this kind of behavior.
The Thaumaturges nag Liselotte about her smoking.
Okay, as someone from a family of smokers, I can almost guarantee this is true.
While I highly doubt any low ranking members of the Inquisition bugged Liselotte about her smoking, (criticizing your hot-headed boss about their personal habits is not the best career move.) people of an equal or higher rank definitely did.
I bet you good money Ullmina and Santori have preached to Liselotte about the dangers of smoking like they’re veteran doctors, Von Teppes probably teased her about it, and Verone, being the typical eleven year old, definitely admonished Liselotte for smoking and probably declared something like “When I’m Marshal, I’m outlawing cigerettes.”
Dragunov definitely kept out of it since he’s a “don’t cause shit and there won’t be none” type of guy. Torque kept out of it too, but he looks like the type to judge from afar.
.....Damn, I had some other ones but now I can’t remember them for the life of me. Go figure.
7. I ship Meliselotte, Vonque, and....Seho? Oceth? Whatever the ship name for Seth and Ocoho is.
Meliselotte is powerful af, and since Melie and Liselotte are so tough and hard working, it makes the fluffy moments even cuter! I can’t think of anything better than the duo fighting in sync with each other bantering all the while, or moments where they’re holding hands, or Melie running her fingers through Liselotte’s hair.(Interactions with Dragunov would be veerryyy awkward though. Lol)
To me, Vonque is a self care crack ship. Von Teppes needs Torque for validation and stability, since Von Teppes seems to put his worth in what he can accomplish for others, and lacks the maturity to think things through. Torque needs Von Teppes for affection and relaxation, since Torque’s a workaholic who seems like he lacks a lot of emotional comfort in his life.
Seth and Ocoho is a power couple like Meliselotte but with a more preppy, chaotic dumbass nature to it. One moment they’re fighting in sync, bantering, being badass, and the next they’re throwing marshmallows at each other and trying to figure out whether what they’re fighting is a cow or a nemesis.
11. The better question is what am I not wondering about in a character. I want to know what Grimm’s infection is, I want to know what happened to Dragunov’s eye, I want to know how Torque and Piodon got their scars, etc. There’s never one specific thing I’m wondering about.
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emyume · 5 years
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Eremika ♡  {Titanic AU + headcanons}
(Hi everyone! I decided to make something special for my birthday, which was on the 30th, but I couldn’t finish it until just now. So, this is kinda like a late birthday present to myself, and a new years gift to all my fellow eremika fans. This is my first time ever making something like this, so please bear with me if it’s kinda long, and I hope everyone has an amazing new year! ✿ ◡ ‿◡ )
The first time he ever sees Mikasa, he's hanging out with his friends on the 3rd class deck. As he looks up, he notices her walk towards the railing. With the sunlight scanning down her body, a cool ocean breeze gently waves her short hair and her delicately sewn dress side-to-side. Resting her hands on the railing as she watches the horizon. 
He slowly freezes in her presence; leaving him breathless. Asking himself whether or not he had just seen an angel due to how bright and iridescent the evening sun was, as it shined down on her. Like a fallen angeeeeelllll / *cough* red swan is best op *cough* 
It takes a while for him to notice that she had been giving him some hardcore death glares as if to say, "You know, I can see you staring right at me, you better not make me come down there!" (¯―¯٥) she ready to throw some hands xD
He always sits in the exact same spot at the exact same time on the boat deck where he first saw Mikasa, always looking forward to seeing her again, and again.
Armin and Jean constantly make fun of him anytime he stares at her or whenever his head is in the clouds. They always wave their arms, snap their fingers in front of him, or even try to say a few things to catch his attention such as, "Yoooo, lover boy!", or "If you're lucky you'll probably get married someday...if she's into guys like you, that is." Forcing him to snap back to reality.
they both notice him start to blush, his face glowing in a deep crimson red starting at his cheeks to the tips of his ears, all while he's trying to cover his face up with his arm. we love our blushy boi ٩(♡ε♡ )۶
On the night when she almost jumps off the ship, Eren notices her sobbing loudly with tears falling down her face as she scampers past him - sensing that something is wrong, he immediately gets to her aid. Being very patient, he convinces her not to jump and to get back on the ship. He reaches his arms out and offers her to take his hand. She finally surrenders, and they exchange their names with reassuring smiles. "I'm Eren Jaeger", she then replies a bit hesitantly, "M-Mikasa Ackerman".
The next morning, Mikasa looks for him down in the 3rd class steerage (even though it’s forbidden, she still goes anyway), finally getting the chance to thank him for saving her life. As they're both getting to know each other, she utters out how trapped she feels. Staying inside a world she can't escape. Being forced into an arranged marriage simply for money, not having any dreams of her own, all of it makes her feel completely powerless, and makes him fill up with remorse, feeling sympathetic towards her situation.
she’s always been desperate to do something different and out of the norm, without ever having to be judged for it. She can’t help but feel jealous whenever he talks about his travels and the places he's seen. Although he was poor, he was free. That in itself was something she couldn't attain so easily.
There's actually a deleted scene in the movie that I really love, where Jack and Rose are singing a song called, "Come Josephine In My Flying Machine". I could definitely see the two of them singing this together as they walk around the boat deck, happily swaying side-by-side.
Once Eren finds the courage in himself to confess his true feelings towards her, Mikasa tells him that it’s impossible for her to keep seeing him. He keeps on telling her that she’s gonna die if she doesn’t break free and wants to help her live. But she turns him down.
It takes her a while, but Mikasa reconsiders her choice and decides that she should go with Eren in the end. She finds him at the bow of the ship with slumped shoulders, as his body leans against the railing, looking down at the waves below, having a look of hopelessness in his eyes. 
He turns around as she walks up to him, she lets out a sigh of relief and finally declares her decision,“...I’ve changed my mind...” Feeling as if the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders, Eren gives her a sweet radiant smile, grinning from ear-to-ear. 
He takes her hands into his own, asking her to close her eyes and to carefully step up to the railing, never letting go. When she finally opens them, she witnesses an ombré sky filled with hues of dark purples, light pinks, and bright yellows. It was the most beautiful sunset she had ever seen. With the wind flowing beneath their arms and holding on to each other’s bodies, their fingers interlock together as he brings their arms down, and wraps them around her waist. Both watching the sun go down the horizon...the very last sunset they’ll ever get to see...
Resting his head on her shoulder, their faces start inching closer and closer towards each other. Mikasa turns her head a little, looking deeply in to his green eyes, their lips just inches away from coming into contact. Making the first move, he leans in gently and softly presses his lips against hers; making her heart jump against her chest. She lets go of his hand and reaches for his face. She grasps the back of his head, caressing and curling his hair tenderly with her fingers - pulling him deeper and deeper. She continues to press him close to her face, making sure he never pulls away from her. *insert My Heart Will Go On here*    ( ;__; )♡
The next following days, Eren would probably send some cute love letters to her, but obviously in secret. He would sneak himself into 1st class and try not to get himself caught by any of the officers. They also would probably go on dates where they just talk about their dreams about riding on horseback and traveling across the ocean in an airplane, while lying under the stars.
On the night of the sinking, she promises herself that she won’t get off the ship without him. Leaving her family behind, she stays on the ship gripping on to Eren for dear life, all the way till the very end.
Once they’re in the cold waters of the Atlantic, they find a door frame floating nearby that had been broken off from the ship. They both try to get on it, but they make it sink into the water. Realizing that it’s not big enough for the both of them, he tells to get on it instead. Desperately waiting for a rescue boat to come and find them.
The cries of the people around them slowly die down, the temperature finally beginning to take its toll on Eren’s numb body, losing his consciousness little by little. Fighting to stay alive, he keeps on withstanding the pain of it all, just to keep his head above the water. 
Trembling from hypothermia, he holds on to Mikasa’s frail hands, both breathing heavily, she quietly murmurs, “I love you, Eren.” Hearing those words escape her chapped lips, he faces her - his voice shaking uncontrollably, “Don’t you do that...don’t you say your goodbyes - not yet, do you understand me? Listen to m-me, Mikasa - you’re gonna get outta here...you’re gonna go on, and have a life of your own, and...you’re gonna live long life - and you’re gonna watch your children grow. Winning that ticket was the best thing, that ever happened to me...it brought me to you. You must p-promise me, that you’ll survive. That you won’t give up...n-no matter what happens...no matter, how hopeless. Promise me now, Mikasa...and never let go of that promise.”
Several moments go by, she feels her body steadily shutting down, practically upon death’s door, lying ever so still above the frozen waters. She notices a faint golden light flashing up and down out of the corner of her eye. She tries to shake Eren awake and tell him that there’s a boat floating nearby, but, no matter how hard she tried, his eyes remained shut tight, as ice slowly formed on top of his lashes. Mikasa freezes instantly...she can feel her heart sink in her chest, a sense of dread starts to crawl up her body...beginning to fear the worst, she rapidly grabs his arms and presses her fingers down and searches for his pulse. But alas, the only thing she could find was the sound of her own dying breath. 
When the truth settles in on her, she tries to yell at the lifeboat to come back, but the cold made her voice sound so fragile and hoarse, there was no way that they could ever hear her, let alone grab it’s full attention. Her mouth quivers as tears flow down to her lips, her voice starts to crack as she cries out in desperation. She lays her head down atop his hands, wanting to stay by his side and cry herself to sleep. 
Almost accepting defeat, she remembers the promise that she swore to him. The promise for her to keep on living. To live a life just the way her and Eren had always pictured in their minds. A life where they could do anything they wanted to their full heart’s content.
Mikasa refuses to give up hope and to let him die in vain. She kisses his hands lovingly, before finally letting him go. Her vision starts to blur more and more from her tears as she watches the ocean drag him further down in to the dark abyss. She slides herself off the door frame, falling in to the freezing water. Beating against the cold waves that try to engulf her, she snatches a whistle that had belonged to an officer of the ship, his body frozen in place. Placing the whistle between her lips, a high pitched sound pierces through the still, quiet night. Whistling louder and louder as she tries to grab the attention of the lifeboat.
Mikasa’s eyes flutter open and finds herself wrapped in all sorts of frayed and warm blankets. All the remaining survivors in the lifeboats head towards a nearby ship called, Carpathia. The ship would follow in the same route that the Titanic was also suppose to go, finishing it’s course as it arrives in New York. 
Day turns to night while the clouds turn to a dark grey. She remains unbothered as the rain falls down on top of her, reminiscing about her past while glancing up towards the symbol of freedom; standing tall and proud.
A steward of the ship calmly approaches her, holding a clipboard and pencil on one hand and holding his umbrella on the other, as he had been writing down all the names of the surviving passengers.
He politely asks her, “Can I take you name please, love?" She moves her head down and faces him, replying without hesitation, she says her name. “Jaeger...Mikasa Jaeger.”
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(here's a little bonus eremika edit ♡)
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Star Trek TOS, season 3, episode 9, "The Tholian Web"
-Oh I've heard stuff about this episode and I've been waiting for this for so so long you don't even know
-They're all just looking at the screen
-Jim is like "what is it Spock?" and Spock just says it's fascinating
-They're going on a mission
-The suits have their names? That's even worse, I love it
-Chekov, noooo!
-He can't touch anything!
-Spock doesn't want to risk Jim's life, but Jim doesn't want to risk Spock's life! AHH
-Oh no oh no oh no oh no, The ship disappeared with Jim inside, oh no no no no
-Spock and Bones are so worried
-Chekov NOOO
-Jim isn't here so we get to see Bones and Spock in their professional ways with each other
-Bones slipped and he is now personally talking with Spock asking if Jim is still alive, they are both so worried and that pains me
-Another villain, what the hell
-I admire that Spock is very calm through all of this
-Bones no, what the hell!
-I swear to god, Spock is so worried in this episode
-Oh god, Spock has to take a very difficult choice here, he has to chose between leaving for the safety of the crew or stay for small chance of saving Jim, oh god
-This episode is very tense, it's making me anxious
-Bones is angry, but Spock still won't give up on saving Jim, he loves him so much
-They literally had a meeting with almost everyone on the ship to declare that Jim is dead!!!
-Both Spock and Bones are very upset but both in their own way, Bones is Angry and Spock is sad
-They have to watch the last video Jim left and confided in Bones for that to be his last order for when he died
-I did not expect this episode to be so sad or to hit me as much as it does
-Bones is questioning Spock on why he stayed to fight and why he was doing everything to get Jim back, and the simple answer is that he is in love with him, but being a Vulcan of course Spock doesn't want to admit it
-"Doctor, I am in command of the Enterprise"
-This is way to sad no, Jim basically told them to rely on each other and to get along well when he isn't there and this is so sad!!!
-Bones is about I cry noOOOOO
-Uhura is also grieving and dressed so beautifully, and also her room is great!
-This is the first episode where Jim's death Is treated as something real and even though we know he is coming back it's still really painful to see how real it is for everyone and how everyone is so heartbroken and grieves in their own way
-Bones is so damn shocked at hearing Spock call him Bones that he almost faints
-Bones found the antidote!!!
-Even though they don't like to admit it, they very much care about each other and I love that
-Jim is not buying it XD
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Rules: Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag some people. I was tagged by @throughtimeillbethere
1. Magnificent Seven (1998)
2. Midsomer Murders (Series 1-6 at least)
3. Miss Marple 
4. Agatha Christie’s Poirot
5. Frozen
Who is your favourite character in 2? Gavin Troy (Hence why he’s over on “ANoseForRottenApples”). I just get a kick out of him because he’s young, he’s learning as he goes and he has really decent instincts but he often talks himself out of following them. He’s also a little rough around the edges sometimes but he really is trying. Sometimes you’re like “Troy, you’re an idiot” but he’s also trying to hard that I find it endearing and his character grows quite decently over the years he was on the show.
Who is your least favourite character in 1? M7 is one of those rare shows were all the characters are pretty solid and I like them all (or dislike them in the best way possible if they’re a baddie). If I had to pick one, I’d say it was probably Will Richmond from “Wagon Train Pt. 1 & 2”. Namely put, he’s just kind of an idiot. Treats his wife bad and then gets bent out of shape when she starts flirting with Vin. He’s busy telling Josiah how much he loves his wife and what she means to him but it never occurs to him to actually tell her that. Spends a lot of time being somewhat needlessly antagonistic with the guys (Vin is understandable given that Vin tried to run off with Will’s wife but the rest of the guys are just doing a job and Will’s pointlessly making everyone’s lives harder).  He’s just kind of an ‘ehhh” character for me.
What is your favorite episode of 4? All of these episodes are works of art but “The Lost Mine” from Series 2 is one that I find myself watching particularly often.  There are just so many little bits in it that I love—Inspector Japp still has his sergeant backing him up, the on-going Monopoly game that Hasting and Poirot have going and the conclusion is just really well done. Also the complete face-palm moment of Japp, while investigating the murder of a Chinese man, finds a notebook in the man’s suitcase and declares that the fact it’s all written in Chinese is “very suspicious”.
What is your favourite season of 5? There are no Seasons in Frozen, given that it’s a set of movies. My favorite movie is the first one though—Frozen 2 is good but I feel like Frozen 1 just had better pacing and didn’t feel quite as rushed as the second one. The second movie was better on re-watches but the first time through it was just like “This plot is moving at a breakneck pace! What is happening???” (Or I’ve just been spoiled by watching too many British murder mystery series that tend to be slower in pace and build things up carefully.”
Who is your favourite couple in 3? There are no long-running couples in this series but I ship the daylights out of Louisa Oxley and Alfred Pollock in “Greenshaw’s Folly”. They’re only in one episode (which are all movie length) and they’re so freaking adorable!
Who is your favourite couple in 2? Again…shipping was not the main focus of this show but I do like Inspector Tom Barnaby and his wife Joyce. In American shows, if cops are married, they’re usually getting divorced or having constant fights with them. It’s nice to see a cop who’s in a stable, happy relationship for a change. Also I feel like there could have been some fun things done with Troy and Barnaby’s daughter Cully. They hinted at it off and on for the time he was on the show but nothing ever really came of it, sadly.
What is your favourite episode of 1? At this point I’ve seen all of them and love all of them but, hands-down, “The Collector” is really just a fun episode and the hijinks among the guys is top-notch. “The Witness” is also a fabulous episode in a much sadder and darker way. “Sins of the Past” kind of marries both of these concepts—Vin and Chris’s storyline is very dark and serious while Ezra and the other guys (and his mother) are up to their eyebrows in hijinks. But really, all the episodes are very, very good.
What is your favourite episode of 5? Again, no episodes so I refer to my comments on Frozen 1 and Frozen 2.
What is your favourite season of 2? Don’t really have a favorite but Series 3 and 4 were pretty solid. Series 5 had some really good episodes and some really weird ones so it’s hit-and-miss. Series 6 (what I’ve seen of it) is pretty solid too.
How long have you watched 1? Hmm….a few years now. I think I first saw M7 in….2014? 2015? I found a page of Geology notes from my first degree with volcanoes, the chemical formula for ozone and Vin Tanner doodled on it so I know I started watching the show before I finished my AA. Just can’t remember exactly when I started watching it.
How did you become interested in 3? I’ve watched and read Agatha Christie shows and books since I was 7 or 8. While I watched Poirot from that time, I watched Miss Marple off and on whenever I could find episodes on TV or at the library.
Who is your favourite actor in 4?  Tie between David Suchet (Poirot) and Philip Jackson (Inspector Japp).
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? 5. M7, Midsomer Murders, or Frozen? Sorry, my pair of valiant Inspectors and my Ice Queen but the Cowboys’ win this round. I adore the dynamics of this show, I adore that it’s got great adventure and can go super dark without ever getting gory, pornographic or vulgar. All of the characters are great, the stories are great and it’s just a really wild ride in a very good way. It can be a bit cheesy but in the absolute best ways possible. Besides, I will always pick 1860s westerns over modern stories or Disney princesses if I have to choose one.
Which show have you seen more episodes of - 1 or 3? Probably the same in both of them. M7 only had two seasons but there were more episodes per season. Miss Marple had six series but only three or four episodes per season—plus I didn’t watch all of them. The first three seasons weren’t nearly as good as the last three, mostly because the woman playing Miss Marple in the first three series wasn’t that good in my opinion. So I think I’ve seen an even number of both.
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?! I don’t want to be any of them—they’re all good the way they are and I wouldn���t want any of their jobs! I’m content being some poor person who realizes too late that Poirot is vacationing at their hotel and now dead bodies are going to start turning up XD
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? Most likely, seeing as they were both created by the same woman. Interestingly enough though, even with Miss Marple series and Poirot series being made at the same time, no one ever wanted to have the two detectives officially meet in canon. I heard a rumor though that there was an anime somewhere that had them meet? I haven’t been able to conform that though, yet.
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? (I have thought about this a lot) Captain Francis Riley (Ghosts of the Confederacy) and Terri Greer (Safecracker). They would be such a cute couple and Francis would probably be a good dad for little Olivia Greer.
Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? Sorry Disney—I’m going to have to say Miss Marple. I’ve been a fan of murder mysteries before I was a fan of Frozen.
Which has better theme music, 2 or 4? I’m going to say 4 (Poirot) because the theme from that show just….a huge amount of nostalgia is held in that intro for me because I’ve been watching it since I was about 8. Plus, the fantastic art deco style of the introduction and the titles is just so smooth and I love it.
Tagging: @princelyrogue @shadowyavuz
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