#//when your sibling is part of the gay community
Ive seen an influx in posts asking the LGBT community to hold itself accountable for ace/aro bigotry and they're fucking right.
How are we supposed to hold homophobes and transphobes accountable and demand they do better when we won't even do that for each other?
We're a community right? A family who's supposed to look out for each other? What happened to everyone being valid? Is a sibling saying "you hurt me, please correct it somehow" not valid?
For my part I'll admit I was part of this.
I was on the side of the asexual exclus back in the late 00's/early 10's. I was deep in the belief that oppression had to be systematic in order to count and at the time I didn't see any systematic oppression faced by aces. I even identified as ace and I didn't consider myself oppressed for being asexual. I saw the hostility and vitriol directed at aces everyday...but I didn't see it as wrong. I didn't see it as bigotry. I saw it as righteous anger.
I know how awful things were because I was one of the people making them that way. There is Real trauma that was experienced. There's no fucking way that a normal person could be invalidated that much and take the vitriolic bigotry aces/aros did everyday and have it not leave a lasting impact.
I fucked up. That was wrong and awful of me and I'm genuinely so fucking sorry.
I see the broken trust and promises between us now in 2023 and I see how shattered the community is and it's partly my fault. That gap is there because of me and people like me.
We should have loved and supported and welcomed you. We should have saw the way you were being treated and said something. You deserved to be protected and loved and supported from people who treated you that way.
And you weren't. We didn't. And it was normalized.
We absolutely fucking failed you as a community and as human beings. I need to own that. And I need to be one of the first people to trying to repair that.
And I know an apology is barely even a first step and I know it's just a drop in a giant bucket but I am sorry. For everything it's worth to you, I'm sorry.
Because of me and people like me you experienced the kind of identity trauma that typically only homophobes are capable of. And you experienced it at the hands of the community that's supposed to be fighting specifically that sort of ignorance against a-typical sexualities.
We fucked up
And it'd just be hypocritical salt in the wound if 10+ years later we ignored your asks for accountability and didn't do anything about it when it's resurfacing.
So yeah.
I was a bigot. I hurt people. I hurt my own community. I thought I was right and I wasn't. I was wrong. And so is everyone who insists on continuing that today.
There is no excuse or justification for it. I thought there was too but I was wrong and I'm gonna spend the rest of my life making up for it.
Whatever justification you find for treating people with a-typical sexualities and genders is shit. It has no leg to stand on and it sure as hell isn't being done for the sake of the community.
The LGBT community was founded not by people with checklists on how to be a Good Gay or Acceptable trans woman but by people being treated like shit for who they were choosing to love or not love. It was founded by people who's gender didn't fit in cishet boxes. It was founded by people who just wanted to be free to exist as themselves.
You can't treat asexuals or aros or bisexuals or pansexuals like shit and say that it's in the name of the LGBT community.
It's not.
It spits in the face of everything our community is supposed to be and it's time someone besides aces and aros said it.
None of us should be okay with how they're treated and all of us should be part of stopping it
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I found I enjoy the Stiles is best friends with Laura Hale dynamic. Do you have any recommendations?
Hi anon! @kevaaronday made this list for you.
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Burn with hellfire in the blue light of midnight by babisays (20/20 | 203,189 | Teen | Sterek) Stiles met the Hale siblings when he was eleven years old. Now it has been six years since he lost his best friend Cora in the fire, and Derek and Laura left Beacon Hills.
Six years was a long time, so he didn't think he would ever see them again, but now he was wondering what the hell was Derek Hale doing back in Beacon Hills.
How We Serve by GrimReaperlover11 (16/16 | 53,280 | Not Rated | Sterek) Stiles is selected to become the servant to Prince Derek Hale.. however his new master gives off total 'Ima rip your throat out, with my teeth' vibes...maybe its a werewolf thing. Nonetheless Stiles hopes he can survive his new life
Sacrifice (Whatever It Takes) by adara, Swlffangirl (7/7 | 38,519 | Teen | Sterek) In which Laura lives, the Hale Pack grows, and Derek finds a peace that he'd never thought could be his. It doesn't come easy, because when does anything ever, but they've got a real shot at it for the first time since before the fire that stole their family and sent their whole lives up in smoke.
My Sister’s Boyfriend by Niecy8 (14/14 | 36,297 | Mature | Sterek) Derek loves his sister very much and is looking forward to seeing her since they haven't seen each other in a while. However, he's not thrilled that she is bringing home her new boyfriend - someone they know zero about. He will be nice but what he didn't expect was how attractive he would be.
Stiles will do anything for Laura. She's his best friend and like an older sister to him. However, this has to be the worst idea she has ever had - pretending to date one another? No one will believe it and it becomes increasingly harder to play the part when he meets her gorgeous brother. 
Or two idiots slowly falling in love with each other with Laura playing a hand in it.
The Ghost of You (It Keeps Me Awake) by StaceyMarie123 (1/1 | 21,477 | Teen | Sterek) She took each step slowly, as if approaching a frightened animal that might spook any second.
“You can see me?” she asked, and her voice was higher pitched that he’d expected. It was a complete and utter marvel that Stiles hadn’t keeled over from shock yet.
He nodded and her face broke into a huge grin.
She had bunny teeth, just like her brother.
Or: the one where Stiles accidentally develops the power to see and communicate with ghosts, and there seems to be someone haunting their favourite grumpy alpha.
Samhain by nightlight9 (1/1 | 20,135 | Teen | Sterek) The ghost of Talia Hale has been showing up in Stiles’ bedroom on the night of Halloween for years. Normally their conversations are pretty normal. But when she shows up screaming about how her daughter is going to be killed, Stiles knows that he’ll do anything to prevent that from happening.
Platonic Absolutes by sparkandwolf (1/1 | 7,362 | Gen | Sterek) When Stiles first met Laura, there was no doubt in his mind that their soul bond wasn’t meant to be anything but platonic. He had heard of that happening, that the marks on a person’s body could mean they had a soulmate by any meaning of the word, and was momentarily disappointed that his meant a lifetime best friend. 
Then he realized that Laura was the most incredible woman he had ever met. If it wasn’t for the fact she was very, very, gay, he would’ve fallen in love with her the moment she barged into his life.
A Death Omen Too Strong to Stomp Out by one-fandom-became-all-fandoms (1/1 | 6,668 | Mature | Sterek) The dream had haunted him for nearly a year since moving to New York. With no friends but his therapist to confide in, Stiles raced to figure out what the wintry orchard had to do with saving a life. Accompanied by a mysterious stranger, Derek, Stiles may unravel his psyche before it's too late.
love and soulmates by EvanesDust (1/1 | 1,747 | Teen | Sterek) Derek watched as Stiles looped an arm around Laura’s waist and laid his head on her shoulder.
“Aw, Laur, don’t be like that. You know we’re soulmates…” 
Soulmates? And just like that, Derek’s heart broke. Laura brought home Stiles--perfect and delectable and entirely Derek’s type. Fuck his life because, of course, Stiles would be in love with Laura.
@littlekittio reminded me of this fantastic fic.
Fireman Derek's Crazy Pie [Cheeseburger Baby] by owlpostagain
(1/1 I 17,698 I Teen)
“He can't blame me for the fact that I live in a building full of people united in the singular effort to ogle Hot Fireman as often as humanly possible."
Laura laughs, loud and echoing in the empty restaurant.
"Hot firemen can make a girl do crazy things," she agrees, nodding towards her brother's name on the menu. "Derek won't let me date anyone from his company, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the eye candy."
"Send them my way," Stiles suggests, finally loading up a forkful of pie. "Apparently I'm incompetent enough that I need to be babysat at all times, because it would be cheaper than dispatching a truck every time I try to use a kitchen appliance."
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Okay, since Pride is fast approaching, and all the Hot Takes about who should and shouldn't be allowed at Pride, and "family friendliness", and whatever have started. And we're in a time of unprecedented legal attempts to imprison, persecute, and kill us, I'm going to expand on my comments on a different post:
A whole lot of people willfully misinterpreting "kink at pride" as some kind of live sex show on a float, and not people in leather and masks and pasties and thigh-highs and walking just a step behind their partner.
Whole lot of people completely ignoring the place that the leather community, and kinksters have in the early days of the gay liberation movement. And we would be literally nowhere without trans people taking up the fight for all of us. Nowhere.
Whole lot of people putting their hands over their eyes and covering their ears to avoid having to see the mile high writing on the wall that says "you're next".
Respectability politics has never gotten us anywhere where we're safe. Anything other than a united front is going to get us all jailed and murdered with the state stamp of approval. So regardless of how you feel about how "normal" puppy play, or leather daddies are, guess what, they're part of your community, so bite your tongue and fucking kumbaya, because as far as other people are concerned you are no different than they are.
Shut the fuck up about "normal", because as far as the people making the laws are concerned, we're all an aberration and they want us all out of the fucking parade. Sit down and read some history; this isn't new, this isn't their first time making us illegal. Right now, they're targeting drag queens and transgender folks, and they are doing their best to turn their existence into criminal acts, so that they can be put to death. That's happening, right now, everywhere. And again, you, in your cute little subtle rainbow T-shirt and khakis? You're the same as those "dangerous queers" that are being legislated against. You're going next on the list.
Stop helping them sign our warrants because you're uncomfortable with some fucking leather straps; the cops will be happy to round you up, too, in your business casual queer attire, when they're done with the kinksters and the drag queens and our trans siblings. And then, we'll be without some of our loudest and most passionate voices in the fight, because you didn't like their god-damned outfits, or their fucking pronouns, and you let them be taken away for the sake of "normal".
Shut the fuck up.
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xamiipholia · 5 months
okay y'all seemed to like the last one so here's a few more Horizon 3 thoughts:
Aloy won’t die. It would completely upend the series’ themes and just be really nihilistic.
Since Nemesis is a gestalt entity I think it’s a safe bet that we’ll see Sam Witwer, Carrie-Anne Moss, etc again. I’m curious how they’re going to do it because at least structurally, it’s basically a reaper. Maybe it’ll use different Avatars when communicating like the Leviathan in ME3. 
It's gonna take some work to make a flashback/dream/vision not contrived but I would love to see Varl and Rost again. I think we deserve that.
Minerva is gonna have its work cut out for it blocking access to both the dormant Faro Swarm and the ZD terraforming system. 
I wouldn’t be surprised if Nemesis has some sort of corruption function that becomes the equivalent of the corruption in HZD. It would be a really fun tech showcase if GG uses Zenith nanotech for machine corruption and leans into mechanical body horror.
If we’re going to Ban-Ur I really really hope they do the work to make the Banuk less problematic and more fleshed out as a culture. A quasi-Spartan society absolutely would not survive in an extreme environment, *especially* without megafauna to hunt. The Banuk characters are lovely and well-written; they deserve a society as well thought out as the Utaru or Carja. I’m honestly fine if there’s retcons or revamps to the cultural lore because the whole “outsider barges in and becomes chief” is rooted in racist, colonial tropes and we just don’t really need that imo.
The most recent footage of Death Stranding 2 (also running on Decima) has me SO excited for the visuals. GG’s gonna knock it out. The facial rendering and animation that Kojima Productions are doing looks industry-peak and I’m sure GG’s gonna match that. Aloy’s Gay Panic™️ scene on the beach in HBS is already top-tier nonverbal storytelling through animation. Digital Foundry actually just posted a really cool tech breakdown of the current Decima engine. I’m especially excited about the environmental stuff. The ocean simulations in HFW are already incredible and I hope they increase verticality in the world. I can’t wait to see the Sacred Lands in current gen graphics. 
I really love Kotallo’s DIY arm and it’s so so important to his development but Beta and Gaia now have access to Zenith nanotech, maybe give your buddy a sick upgrade hmm?
Speaking of, I can’t wait to see Beta come into her own. She’s one of the best parts of HFW and Aloy’s character absolutely shines in a sibling dynamic. 
I wouldn’t get your hopes up for a romance mechanic. Everyone’s feelings on that aside, it would be really odd from a game development perspective to just overhaul part of how the narrative develops Aloy’s character in the last act of the story. Yeah, there are flashpoints but I would argue that the presence of choice in Horizon is smoke and mirrors- cosmetic at best. Kentucky Route Zero (which you should play) does something similar where the player is given a certain amount of control over the substance of individual conversations and scenarios and it does absolutely nothing to alter the plot, by design. I think it’s the same here - this isn’t really a choice-based RPG, the flashpoints don’t really affect anything plot-wise or for Aloy’s character development. Olin is still out of the story, Nil lives, Regalla still dies one way or another. Aloy’s character development is pretty firmly on rails (think Jin Sakai, not Shepard - you get to guide some momentary character reactions but that’s it). I don’t think HBS is a testing ground either - If they were gonna introduce a romance mechanic I think they’d just do it, and not spend two years making a direct continuation of HFW’s main quest and establishing a specific romance hard-baked into the plot, complete with multiple leitmotifs for the character relationship (which is something they haven’t done before afaik) just to introduce a side quest mechanic coming in 5 years. I genuinely can’t think of any game or dev that has beta tested a major alteration to upcoming game mechanics that way - it doesn’t really make any sense in terms of developer resources, and these games are extremely time-consuming to make. I know this is a thing a bunch of people want and I can totally empathize with that! I just think it’s probably not on the table. 
I would bet money the series will bookend itself and the epilogue will involve a) the naming of Zo and Varl’s kid and b) Lis’ pendant. 
Mostly I'm just looking forward to being surprised. One of my favorite things that Horizon does is use carefully established elements in the world to pull the plot in unexpected directions and keeping the world grounded while they lean into speculative science fiction. I can't wait to see what Guerrilla is cooking up
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rimunagenius · 3 months
I’m Not Talking ‘Bout Boys I’m Talking ‘Bout Them.
ఌ pairing: Naomi Mcpherson x AFAB!reader
ఌ Warnings: RPF!! homophobia!! , slight smut, slight angst?, fluff, fluff, and some more fluff, realization about the preferred sexual preference (if that’s even a warning)
ఌ Word Count: 3.5k words (major whoopsie…no it’s not)
ఌ okay so as you may not already know, this fic is based off the song ‘girls’ from girl in red. it’s basically the prompt of the story. another thing, this fic is loosely based off me, being a bisexual woman, and not experiencing homophobia personally, but seeing how others around me speak and feel about people in the LGBTQ community, i haven’t come out to my parents. so writing this, i hope this helps in anyway, whether it’s a tiny small or big significant way, to help whoever reads this know it’s okay to be queer. to love women. to love whoever the fuck you want to love. be yourself unapologetically and once you stop caring what the people around you feel, and stop thinking about how you may offend them for your choices and feelings, you’ll truly live a blissful life. okay that’s it, enjoy!
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❧ I've been hiding for so long
These feelings, they're not gone
Could I tell anyone?
You have always been an ally to the LGBTQ community. You had many friends who grew up to be gay or lesbian, nonbinary, all of the above. You even have family members part of the community. You didn't realize until you had hit high school that you were into a spectrum of people. Freshman year, you were curious and never even experimented with anyone other than boys. But by your junior year, you had realized you loved anyone…you were queer.
The thoughts of wanting to understand someone so deeply and have a beautiful connection that would manifest in a caring and long relationship, was all you seeked. It was never a phase that every teenager convinces themselves they're going through—it was real.
But you knew your parents. They'd say they were supportive because you had family that were queer. But now and then, the unsupportive side of them would slip and it made you scared for the reaction you'd get if you had said you not only liked men but everyone.
❧ Afraid of what they'll say
So I push them away
I'm acting so strange
You so desperately wanted to tell your parents about the feelings you had and the thoughts you wanted to share. You just could never get past the what if.
Any conversation about your love life you had dismissed. You couldn't possibly say that you liked a girl or someone who was different than themselves in their eyes. You knew it was getting obvious with the way you'd shut down the topic. You knew that your siblings would catch on.
The jokes they’d make about you being queer because you haven't mentioned the idea of being with a guy recently were starting to irritate you a little more every day. You just had to suck it up and "forget" to tell them about the most beautiful person you had ever met.
❧ They're so pretty, it hurts
I'm not talking 'bout boys
I'm talking 'bout girls
You don't know when it happened but you just knew you had to speak to this person. Their beautiful curly hair, the perfect height, the perfect style, the perfect facial features that were accentuated with the prettiest gold jewelry in their nose. They caught your eye the second you had walked into the club.
You had been with friends and you just couldn't stop looking. Your friends picked up on the longing glances you'd throw their way any chance the conversation got dull someplace.
"Just talk to them!" Your friend yelled over the loud music. "What's the worst that could happen?" They sipped through the straw of their drink while moving their eyes from you to the person you couldn't stop looking at.
"No. Absolutely not. They're way out of my league, dude." Oh, absolutely not. Your friend was not about to take no for an answer. They knew about your family situation. Even though you were a grown woman, your parent's opinions still mattered to you. What they thought of you was important.
"Babe, you are so beautiful and hot. Please be real here. They're coming over here anyways, now's your chance." They smiled, sipping their drink again watching the person walk up to the bar.
"Are you fucking serious?" You took a small step back and bumped into someone. Turning around immediately, you saw them. The perfect person you had been staring at all night long. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I did not know you were right there,"
"No it's okay, don't worry about it." They smiled at you. The height difference was stirring a nervous feeling in your belly. Like someone had released a butterfly sanctuary in your belly.
"Let me pay for your drink, it's the least I can do for someone as gorgeous as you." It slipped out. You hadn't even realized you said it until you said it and saw their face looking back at you. The embarrassment was unbearable. A small smile graced their features and they were thankful you couldn't see the small blush creeping on their cheeks.
"Oh, you don't have to but thank you. What's your name, pretty?" They leaned down so they could hear you better over the music. Your knees were weak.
"Y/n. And yours?" You looked at them, batting your eyelashes. It was hard not to try and make them interested. You thought they were so pretty, you had to have them.
"Naomi. Nice to meet you." You both smiled and insisted on paying for their drink. You paid for it and smiled. The smile faltered as you realized this may or may not be the very last time you see them ever.
"Hey—" You both spoke at the same time. You giggled and looked up at them, signaling for them to finish. "Can I get your number? Sorry if that's forward but your beautiful and want to know if you'd like to get coffee sometime?" They asked, leaning back up to gauge your expression.
"Oh yeah! I'd love to." You gave them your number and for the rest of the night, you both went about your own business with your separate parties. Catching each other's eye from across the room every now and then.
They were the most beautiful person you had ever seen in your whole entire life. It hurt your brain to even fathom how they could exist.
❧ They're so pretty with their button-up shirts
I shouldn't be feeling this
But it's too hard to resist
You and Naomi had hung out a lot of times after the club incident. You were so glad you had decided to get out of your house that night. You didn’t think you could sit through anymore phone calls of your mom telling you how nice her coworker's son was for the last 5 months. You did have to, every now and then.
They had told you they were in a band. A relatively famous one. You hadn't known any of that and were about to explode when they told you they opened for Taylor Swift on her Eras Tour. What made you so oblivious to this information? You had been there. You even asked about the dates and you didn't even realize you had watched Naomi perform.
They also told you that they had a show this coming weekend and needed help picking an outfit or two for the music festival. They invited you over to their house, which was a pretty close range from your condo that you lived in. You had been over more than a handful of times. You guys have been seeing each other for almost 5 months, making it official in the third month. 
"I say, you give me a fashion show and we can decide from there." You smiled at them. You honestly believe that you have never been this happy. Yeah, a few hetero relationships you had in the past you were happy. But you weren't truly happy. Not like this. You haven't told your parents about them but you truly wanted to. You wanted to tell them that Naomi had awakened a newfound liveliness to you. That they had made everything so much easier. You thanked your lucky stars for bumping into them five months ago. 
"I say, that's a great idea, gorgeous." They walked up to you sitting on the foot of the bed, planting a kiss on your forehead, and then walking to the closet to grab an outfit to try on.
They changed in the bathroom and walked out in long basketball shorts, a white wife beater, a jean jacket, and a backward black LA hat. Heat rose to your face, and all over your body. Especially there. You blushed intensely and smiled. "So this outfit is a yes, then?" Naomi laughed as they noticed the immediate reaction your body had. 
"Oh, hell yeah. I honestly think you should never take it off. Unless I'm taking it off you." You smiled and laughed. Their face flushed as they turned away for a second and looked back at you. You gave them a small wink as they walked up to you, crouched down, and grabbed your face pulling you into a kiss. 
Both of you smiled into the kiss, which started to grow more hot and heavy. A small sigh left your nose and you pulled away. "As much as I love doing that, you have a fashion show to finish, baby." A small frown pierced their lips as they grabbed a few new articles of clothing from their closet and walked into the bathroom. 
Walking out in a white button-up shirt, a tie hanging loosely around their neck under the collar, and black vintage Versace jeans. You absolutely loved this outfit. You loved the other one but something about this outfit made them look so professional, endearing, and just overall adorable. You had always loved when they would pick you up for dates and they were wearing an outfit similar to this with a button-up shirt. 
"Oh my god, I love this nomi. You look so good." You smiled as you pulled out your phone and took a video. Naomi does a small spin before flipping the camera off. They laughed and immediately apologized. You both now laughing together. 
❧ Soft skin and soft lips
The soft light from the sunset started creeping in through the bedroom window, adding an even more romantic ambiance to the room. Your soft pants fill the room. 
"Oh..my...god." You sighed heavily, your hands gripping the sheets tightly. Your chest rose and fell with the swift motion and pace Naomi had set with their fingers curling inside of you. You could not lie and say this wasn't better than any sex you had ever prior to now. 
"You're doing so good for me, sweet girl." A whiny moan left your throat as their soft praises and new pet name coaxed you closer and closer to the finish line. Your eyes looked into theirs. Your walls tighten around their slender fingers. How could someone be so good with just their fingers?
"Uh...don't stop. So close, baby." Your voice rose and thighs closed. "Just like that. I'm so close." You could not fathom the feeling they were making you feel. In almost a mere second, their fingers curled in just the right spot causing a soft scream to escape your lips. 
"Oh, baby." Naomi looked down at you, head dropping to kiss up your neck. Their soft lips traveled across your jawline, lips brushing the lobe of your ear. "Let go for me." They whispered, another soft whine left your lips as you did what they asked of you. "Yeah, just like that, baby." 
Naomi maneuvered their body back in front of your aching cunt. Sliding their fingers out, catching whatever slipped out with their tongue. You let out a soft cry, overly sensitive to touch as you were still coming down from what felt like the best high in your life. Naomi then put the fingers they had buried inside of you in their mouth, sucking and licking off any remnants of your orgasm off their fingers. 
You wouldn't lie...you could've come all over again just by watching them watch you while they did that. They then placed a soft kiss on your clit, a soft satisfied hum leaving their lips. Their lips trailed up your body until they found solace on yours again. The passionate kiss left you breathless and tasting yourself on their tongue. 
Naomi’s arms planted on either side of your waist, you ran your hands slowly up their arms. From their soft and slender wrists, all the way to the open expanse of their shirtless back. Naomi sighs at the cool sensation of your rings dragging across their body. 
You then pulled them in for another kiss, your arms slung over the back of their neck. Your fingertips graze the beautiful crazy curls on their head. 
You could stay here forever. 
❧ I should be into this guy
But it's just a waste of time
He's really not my type
I know what I like
"No, mom." I am not going on a date with Nick. He's not my type at the moment." You looked at Naomi, an incredulous look on your face, a quiet tut of laughter leaving their lips as their hand glided up your thigh. 
"Why not? What is your type then?" Your mom asked over the phone. You didn't know if you had wanted to flat-out say that you had been seeing someone. The someone being a famous queer public figure. Your mom on speaker, Naomi being able to hear the whole conversation. 
They nodded their head at you, a look of encouragement in their eyes. This whole ‘your mom trying to set you up’ thing was getting old. You just wanted to tell her that you were so in love with your partner.
"Mommy, I'm already seeing someone. And they make me very happy, any more than a man could." Naomi squeezed your thigh, their head resting in their hand that was leaning on the back of the couch. You smiled at them, mouthing 'I love you.' They did it back. Big smile across their face.
"What do you mean "any more than a man could"? Are you dating a woman? Are you seriously dating a woman? Y/n, don't make me tell your dad about this. What do you think he'll say?" She sighed loudly over the speaker. You started to get super nervous. 
You rubbed your other hand that wasn't holding the phone, across your chest. A heavy feeling weighing down on you suddenly. "No, mommy. They're not a woman either. They're nonbinary, which means they don't choose to identify as a boy or girl. I love them. They make me happy." 
"I don't want to hear details about this gay relationship." 
"I never said anything about that." 
"Well, I don't want to hear about it. I have to go. And I'm going to tell your father about this." You didn't even feel nervous anymore. The hard part was over and you honestly felt irritated that your mom couldn't just be happy that you were happy. Why did it matter who was making you happy?
"Okay, whatever." You hung up the phone and flopped your head against Naomi's chest. "I'm sorry she said what she said, baby. I didn't think she'd take it that bad. For once I thought she’d just listen and still accept what’s happening." You looked up at them. They leaned down and placed a kiss on your lips. 
"It's okay. We'll be okay. At least she knows now. The hard part is over, love." 
"Yes. It's finally over." You both lay there on your couch, cuddling for the rest of the morning. You could only think about how their opinions slowly started to not matter what they thought of Naomi. It only mattered what you thought and you thought the absolute world of them. You had truly never met anyone like them. 
❧ No, this is not a phase
Or a coming of age
This will never change
You and your parents had been fighting over the phone and dinner for the last week. They couldn't get used to the pronouns Naomi had gone by and not identifying with a gender, how they lived their life, and how we both chose to live it together. 
You had slowly started to get over your parent’s projecting and ignorance and felt at peace with your life. With your Naomi. They had known how stressful this had been for you, so a nice romantic weekend was planned for the both of you. Granted the weekend had consisted of you two at Josettes parent's vacation cabin by the lake. It was honestly so beautiful. 
The second night you were there, you celebrated your one-year anniversary with a nice candlelit dinner and walk outside by the dock. When you reached the end of the dock looking out across the lake, the moon casting the perfect light over the royal blue waters. "Naomi look how beautiful." You looked across at the landscape in front of you, your smile faltering when Naomi said they couldn't see it. "What do you me- Oh my god." 
Naomi was on one knee, a beautiful diamond ring in their hand. "Holy shit. No way. Naomi." You couldn't help the tears falling and the laughing trying to hide the fact that you were literally sobbing. 
"Y/n. You are so perfect. From your hair to your contagious laugh. Everything about you is engraved in my brain. I think about you when I'm thousands of miles away and when I'm right under you while you sleep against me." You could not stop the loud sob that escaped your throat. You immediately got on your knees and cupped their face. "I can't even remember what my life was like before you were in it and I don't want to know how it is after. I never want to have an after-you. This," they motioned their index finger between the two of you. Their eyes welling up with tears too. "Is forever. You and me. Will you marry me?" You kissed their lips, the kiss so tender yet so full of every emotion you could possibly feel in a moment like this. 
"Yes. Yes. It will always be a yes, baby." You continued to cry as they slid the ring on your finger. You could not have imagined that this would be your life a year ago. You never wanted to forget this. Forget them. 
Your parents would never understand you both. No matter how much they tried to will this relationship away. You both had already left an imprint in each other's lives. This was forever or nothing. Happiness or nothing. Your love for each other was never going away. 
❧ They're so pretty, it hurts
I'm not talking 'bout boys
I'm talking 'bout girls
You had spent the next day at the cabin wrapped in the sheets and each other's embrace. The bliss that came with Naomi was something so sacred and real. You knew that when you looked at them. 
You had woken up before them. The sun shining through the window behind you. Sitting up, wrapping and holding the sheets over your naked frame, you reached over and took a picture of their peaceful state of sleep. 
The way the sun shines on their features, accentuating the gorgeous freckles across their face, you posted it on your Instagram story. The first time your family will see that this was never a phase. It was real and it was happening.
Captioning the picture, "I can't wait to marry you." You had tagged Naomi before turning your phone off and laying back down next to them. Snuggling in closer, they wrapped their arm around your frame and pulled you closer before placing a soft kiss on your head. You both had gone back to sleep. Just you two against the world. 
❧ They're so pretty with their button-up shirts
They're so pretty, it hurts
I'm not talking 'bout boys
I'm talking 'bout girls
You knew you couldn't count on them to be here. The one special day that you'd ever have in your life and your family couldn't set their pride aside and be there. It didn't bother you much because you had friends and they showed up for you. That's what counted. That's the only thing that matters aside from marrying the love of your life. But it still hurt.
Josette had suggested she walk you down the aisle and you loved the idea. As you both walked down the aisle, you looked at her and then at Naomi. You three had all been crying as the seconds ticked that the marriage was official. 
Naomi in their tux, you in your long white wedding dress. This was perfect. They were perfect. A button-up shirt never looked as good on them as it did right now. 
❧ They're so pretty with their button-up shirts
'Cause I don't know what to do
It's not like I get to choose
Who I love
Your honeymoon consisted of laying in bed, sex, beach, sex, laying in bed, more sex, and sleeping. Falling for them was singlehandedly the best thing you had ever done. You could not believe this is who you got to do life with for the rest of it. 
You didn't choose to be queer. But you sure as hell glad that it got you here in this moment.
❧ They're so pretty, it hurts
I'm not talking 'bout boys
I'm talking 'bout girls
They're so pretty with their button-up shirts
And they're so pretty, it hurts
I'm not talking 'bout boys
I'm talking 'bout girls
They're so pretty, it hurts
Being out, not giving a single damn about who had to say what about your marriage, was a blissful life. You get to watch your soulmate do what they love, be who they are, and choose you to be a part of it. Going through the suppression and ignorance to get here...was so rewarding. 
Naomi. They were so pretty it hurt to even express the amount of attraction and admiration you had for them. You got to have them. All of them. 
ఌ loving someone for who they are is all that matters. Whether your bisexual, lesbian, pan, etc. You don’t owe anyone a damn thing. Even if your not out yet, that’s okay. You won’t be in the closet forever, you will be yourself openly and unapologetically, whether it’s tomorrow or in the next year (and i’ll be on that journey with you); Loving a woman, loving your partner, is not a crime. It’s not wrong. No matter what anyone says. They can’t take your love, your identity, yourself, away from you. Never forget it.
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lgbtpopcult · 9 months
October 2024 wlw entertainment rundown
Lucky My Love, First episode drops October 28th on YouTube
Everything Now, Netflix, October 5
The Fall of the House of Usher, October 12, 2023
Tripped Up, October 20,
Books, Games, Music etc.
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In A World Of Our Own: Chasing Dreams And Love
Sophia Miller, an openly lesbian supermodel, enjoys her solitary life in the bustling heart of New York City. But when her gay millionaire best friend, Chris Anderson, requests her to play his pretend girlfriend for a family gathering in Texas, she can't refuse. After all, Chris is on the brink of becoming the CEO of the billion-dollar Anderson Corp.
Enter Alissa Anderson, the Oxford and Cambridge-educated, closeted lesbian daughter of the conservative and formidable Henry Anderson. With the CEO position at Anderson Corp now up for grabs, Alissa finds herself in a fierce rivalry with her own brother. Ascending to the top of the family business and shattering traditional gender roles has always been her ultimate dream. However, her well-laid plans begin to unravel when she encounters her brother's "girlfriend" at a pivotal family gathering on their Texas ranch.
When Sophia and Alissa's worlds collide at the Anderson estate, everything is on the line: the coveted CEO position, concealed sexual identities, a sham relationship, and a burgeoning real one that threatens to bloom amidst the chaos.
“Sushi for Empress Setsuko” is a cozy and comedic point & click adventure game and yuri dating sim set in a fantastical Japan-inspired land. Follow Mizumi Nagashima as she travels around the Empire, seeing gorgeous views, catching delicious fish, and charming beautiful women.
3 Oct, 2023
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Iris Kelly Doesn't Date
A fake relationship after a horrible one-night stand is anything but an act in this witty and heartfelt new romantic comedy by Ashley Herring Blake.
Everyone around Iris Kelly is in love. Her best friends are all coupled up, her siblings have partners that are perfect for them, and her parents are still blissfully married. And she’s happy for all of them, truly. Iris doesn’t want any of that—dating, love, romance. She’ll stick to her commitment-free hookups, thanks very much, except no one in her life will just let her be. Everyone wants to see her settled down, but she holds firmly to her no dating rule. There’s only one problem—Iris is a romance author facing an imminent deadline for her second book, and she’s completely out of ideas.
Perfectly happy to ignore her problems as per usual, Iris goes to a bar in Portland and meets a sexy stranger, Stefania, and a night of dancing and making out turns into the worst one-night stand Iris has had in her life. To get her mind off everything, Iris tries out for the lead role in a local play, a queer retelling of Much Ado About Nothing, but comes face-to-face with Stefania, whose real name turns out to be Stevie. Desperate to save face in front of her friends, Stevie asks Iris to play along as her girlfriend. Iris is shocked, but when she realizes the arrangement might provide her with some much-needed romantic content for her book, she agrees. As the two women play the part of a happy couple, lines start to blur, and they’re left wondering who will make the real first move....
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Moonlight in Garland is a cozy open-ended life-sim video game that sees you making a new life in the bustling metropolis of Garland. Find an apartment and make it perfectly yours, befriend your neighbours, grow your urban garden, solve community problems and experience all the weirdly wonderful stuff that city living offers.
Of course, city life isn’t all farmers markets and fancy coffee. Will you step in to stop the heritage building from being torn down and preserve a piece of history? Look after the neighbourhood so more residents stick around? Figure out which jerk is stealing packages from the mail room? Be swept up in a whirlwind romance along the way?
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starryeyedadmirer · 8 months
This is incredibly upsetting to watch, but really interesting to think about... in my opinion, at the very least. It's a super touchy topic — so TW, just in general — and there's no way for me to say this without it rubbing some people the wrong way... but I'm gonna say what I'm thinking anyway. Read at your own discretion, I guess, and don't attack me for this😅.
I just want to support him... you know? Like, help him come to terms with his body — not to convince him to adore himself, per say, but to be content with his weight and his figure... just his shape in general. Like, you don't have to love every single inch of flesh, but you definitely shouldn't resent any of it, or change your behaviors/habits in order to "fix" it. Your body is going to do what your body is going to do, regardless of how you try to counteract certain things. It just is. You don't have to ignore the changes, or detach yourself from them entirely, but it's better for you to accept that truth than to constantly try and combat it. That being said, eat as much as you want — how, and whenever you want — because, when all is said and done, your body is going to do its own thing (part of that is my kink talking, but most of it is just me being real). I know so many people who just sit around and eat like shit, without gaining a single pound... and I know just as many people who do things the "right way," and still fight with their bodies in order to achieve their ideal shape. The cycle is vicious. Along with that, I know from personal experience (things that I definitely won't get into online) that it's an uphill battle — even more so when you're gay, and always in the presence of two other guys who look exactly like you, but don't have to adhere to the same ridiculous standards that the people in your community perpetuate. That's sick! I'm still going through my own bullshit too... but, I don't know, I just want to be there for him. Show him that it's okay to eat without restraining himself so much... that he doesn't have to compare himself to his siblings all the time (which, I know most of that comes from other people, unfortunately). If only I could be there to reassure him whenever he's down on himself, make him feel better, and remind him that he's perfect just the way that he is (like I said, it's partially the kink talking, but most of it comes from a place of care and deep understanding). Whatever it takes to make him comfortable with himself. It's not that simple — I know — but I wish it were sometimes. It just sucks.
Like I said, there’s no right way for me to express how I feel about this, or word my opinion, because I do have an obvious bias… but I just felt the need to say something.
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iamfuckingsorry · 2 months
So I know the fandom loves seeing young Kim as a punk, with leather jackets and combat boots and a million pins and patches and in general fairly anti-establishment and also somewhat openly gay at least within the community
And I'm not gonna lie I love it too
But there's also this idea that I can't get out of my mind, and it's Kim in what is called "epa-kultur" over here. 15 year old kids too young to have a driver's license or a car, but one of the friends in the group has six older siblings and managed to get one of those cars that are only supposed to go up to 40 kmph that you can drive with a moped license, but that can definitely go up to like 150 if you flip the right switches. It's 30 years old and absolutely shit but you all love it anyway. You drive around, a shitty speaker in the back playing terrible electronic music too loud to really hold a proper conversation while inside, nine kids packed like sardines sitting on each other's laps (one of the backseats is taken up by a speaker), ending up in an unused parking lot to get drunk on 3% beer. The car's broken half of the time but that just means you play bad music and get drunk on cheap beer while trying to fix it with random parts you got from a friend of a friend of a friend, always fucking up in some way no matter how hard you try so the car will inevitably break down again within a week. Until you eventually really do get fairly good at fixing it, and then you just end up checking all the bolts and connections all the time instead. And like it's definitely a small town/rural thing over here. It definitely would not be a thing in Revachol, and especially not in the part of Revachol Kim grew up in, where you're happy to have a roof over your head and food to eat and you're probably reasonably rich compared to your neighbours if your family has a car. And while it's very different nowadays especially with younger kids you could still get a lot of the ideas common in more conservative areas, about gender roles and queer people and whatnot.
And I just love the idea of 15-year-old Kim with a group of other kids like this, feeling a tiny little bit like he finally belongs somewhere for the first time, trying to figure out a way to get some money for a car part for his friend's car, drinking even though he doesn't really want to because that's what you're supposed to, casually making sexist jokes that make him strangely uncomfortable even though he doesn't really understand why, fully convinced the only reason he tries to find any excuse to spend time with this one guy that is so impressive and knows so much about cars is because it's the first time he's found a good friend, because why else would you feel this way about a guy
and then after a couple of years maybe he does bring up possibly feeling a certain way about men when he's a bit drunk and he immediately gets made fun of, and when he doesn't react fast enough and say that obviously he was kidding, eww that would be so gross, he gets called a hundred different slurs without hesitation, not just homophobic ones but racial ones too, and he realizes once again that there really isn't a single place in this world where someone like him could truly belong, no matter how it might feel in the moment.
(and then maybe he does get a leather jacket and some patches a few years after that lol)
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 2, Wave 2, Poll 4
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Ian Gallagher-Shameless
Is canonically gay and has been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.
We get to see him grow up and his struggles with both sexuality and mental illness
Growing up in this social environment, below the poverty line, with six siblings, of which the eldest sister replaces the parent because the father prefers to drink and take drugs somewhere and lives the philosophy, neglect your children and they will learn to be independent and strong, and the mother has given up her motherhood and disappeared into the world, and he still comes by the circumstances relatively reasonably in comparison, respect. And that only scratches a part of the external circumstances....
Geordi La Forge-Star Trek: The Next Generation
He is blind, canonically, and also [has] chronic headaches as a result of the visor he wears. He was actually originally conceptualized as gay, but never written as such because every Trekkie's nemesis, Rick Berman, took over the production of TNG after Roddenbury left. Every single heterosexual romance written for him is atrocious, and his closest non-familial relationship is with a man, Data. Said relationship is often interpreted as romantic or queerplatonic in nature by fans.
He is blind (uses a VISOR that lets him see the electromagnetic spectrum) and was intended to be gay before one of the producers decided not to let him be (thousand curses on Rick Berman)
He is so wonderful and I love him so so so much. OK. Okay. So Geordi's main traits are that he is an incredibly dedicated and talented engineer, a ridiculously friendly and charismatic person, and very loyal & stubborn when it comes to the people he loves. He has, on two separate occasions, successfully made friends with a member of a hostile alien faction just by spending a few days with them (Hugh, Bochra). When his mother goes missing and he starts getting communications from an entity claiming to be her, he disobeys orders and puts himself in danger in an attempt to save her. Similarly, in The Most Toys, when Data is kidnapped by Kivas Fajo, he refuses to believe that Data made an error in piloting a shuttlecraft that resulted in his death, and through rigorous investigation, finds out what really happened and is able to get the Enterprise to rescue him. (This episode bears incredible similarity to an episode in Star Trek Deep Space Nine, wherein Keiko does the exact same thing when her husband Miles is falsely reported as dead, so in that parallel, Geordi and Data are directly analagous to a married couple). Geordi's disability is presented in one of the best ways I have seen in media from the 80s-90s. His disability is a part of his character, but never his defining trait, and in several episodes he stresses that he doesn't resent being blind, as it is part of who he is. In fact, there's even an episode where he is placed in direct thematic opposition to a eugenicist society that terminates all disabled zygotes. He was originally conceptualized as gay by Roddenbury, but was never written as such (partially due to Rick Berman's influence). However, all of his canon heterosexual romances are unspeakably terrible, and his closest onscreen relationship is with Data. This relationship is interpreted by many to be romantic or queerplatonic in nature.
He's so cooool!! He's the chief engineer on the enterprise, he's so kind, and his relationship with the android Data is one of the best on the show and is my favourite in all of Star Trek
Anything Else?:
The actor who played him, LeVar Burton, is a vocal ally and has expressed support for his gay daughter in interviews :).
Geordi is awesome
The qualifications and propaganda paragraphs correspond, @convenient-plot-device is the first submitter, @autisticiantojvnes is the second.
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I just saw a post that was something along the lines of-
This line of dialog "being gay/trans is unnatural!" And then the post saying in response 'you traumatized your child so regularly and severely that their identity fractured into 49 different parts'
The post ends with this 'no animal could ever come close to hurting a child like that'
This really. Really stuck with me. Cause their right. Animals run primarily on instinct and learned behaviors. However that instinct will never be to hurt their offspring the way humans hurt theirs. Animals do not have the urge to inflict unnecessary pain. Do some kill/eat their children from time to time? Yes I won't deny that. But it's not for their pleasure. They simply do it because it's the circle of life.
What I'm trying to say is that-i believe. Or I would hope because humans have already failed me.
I believe that an animal should they have been given our sentience and awareness they wouldn't inflict suffering on their young. I think they would cherish those little guys like children are meant to be. Those little guys wouldn't be subjected to anything close to what I or many others have been through. Because at their core I genuinely believe animals can only love.
Humans on the other hand. Are full of hatred and it sickens me.
Yknow my boyfriend texted me today. Half-dissociated and numb. Because his grandmother responded to a snarky comment by snatching, and ruining my boyfriends food. My boyfriend had to wrestle his food back. And feeling obvious frustration, he slammed the door of the microwave and subsequently got yelled at for it. He yelled back. He got hit for it. His aunt and his mother had to get between them because that grown ass woman was dead set on beating my boyfriend. Then proceeded to get bitchy and defensive when not given the fucking chance.
Why am I saying this? Why the fuck am I going on this long-winded rant. I may not even be making sense right now. None of you could have stopped and read this but that doesn't matter cause If one person hears me and processes what I'm trying to get across that's enough for me. If that person is myself? Well thats fine by me.
I hate the human race. I hate DID/OSDD and what had to happen for our community to have this disorder. Maybe not everyday is pain but I remember a time when it was.
20 headmates. 20 people living in our brain because mother couldn't stop fighting and screaming and couldn't ever seem to get to us when her now ex-husband got too angry and pushed me around like a rag doll. Said ex-husband being sure to employ graphic threats to my or my siblings safety when he felt he was being disrespected. Various fits of loud pointed cursing and throwing things around.
A child shouldn't fear being hit by someone who should love them. A child shouldn't expect someone who should love them to hit them.
Animals wouldn't hurt me like humans have. The worst my dog has ever done to me is hump my fucking leg before backing off with a bit of scolding.
The worst my parents have done to me is fracture my identity into 20 pieces because they were so hurt and broken they just couldn't help themselves to break me down to that state as well.
they didn't hear me when I screamed. When I screamed for help or just a scrap of love that wasn't imposing or codependent. They weren't there when I cried into the night wishing for death.
I was a scared little kid. And now I'm a traumatized and bitter teenager.
Who am I?
It depends.
But one thing is this. Animals? They wouldn't hurt me the way humans have. They wouldn't hurt you. They would take in or have children and love them because that's what you're supposed to do with children.
We didn't deserve what happened to us.
The animals know that.
(I was going to reblong the original post but unfortunately I had to refresh my screen and lost sight of it. Credit goes to the original poster)
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ozimagines · 29 days
I wanted to tell you all something but I can’t quite remember… oh, yeah…
I’ve been out for about five years now and it was the best decision of my life, even though I lost people I was close to because of it.
Oz is a large part of what helped me get there. I liked men growing up but I liked women too, and when I learned what Non Binary was (Deep South, no education) I fell in love with them too. I watched I Love Lucy and had a crush on both Ricky and Lucy. I thought for the longest time that straightness was a choice because I assumed everyone was attracted to everyone like I am😂 For those who don’t know, I’m pansexual fem-leaning and gender non conforming in my choice of gender expression even though I’m a Cisgender woman.
Watching Tobias Beecher, who had a wife, fall in love with a man and struggle to place these feelings that are so familiar and yet so foreign at the same time. I assumed since I liked men at all, that I just needed to choose to be straight. Watching him try to understand whether or not he was gay, and finally come to terms that he is who he is and labels aren’t always for him made my coming out easier. In fact, he’s the reason I knew I was pan. Because I liked everyone, like him, and the love didn’t feel wrong or lesser when it was for the same sex or non binaries. It just felt like more love.
Fiona empowered me to start expressing my gender the way I wanted. I still dress fairly femme, but I like to spice it up with masculine features and clothes. I like the androgyny, even if I also like my she/her pronouns. I got to see her break the mould on what gender expression was. And she looked gorgeous every step of the way, so I figured I could do the same. Bought a beautiful black suit years ago to impress a girl, and it just felt right.
And not for nothing, but LGBTQIA+ has a higher rate of sexual assault, and I was a few years ago. I think that’s why I gravitate towards Peter Schibetta and James Robson. I understand what it’s like to be taken like that. To be reduced. These characters made me feel like it wasn’t my fault, like I could grow past it and be okay one day. During this pride month, let’s make an extra effort to be there for our brothers, sisters, and siblings who were sexually assaulted or raped for being who they are.
I know this isn’t my usual post, but Oz is my quintessential show for many reasons. It helped me understand that I was gay and feel safe coming out. It helped me feel seen after my assault. It’s discourse on mental health made me feel like a person again. Oz is, and always will be, the show that made me feel like it was okay to be myself, and I hope others had similar experiences.
Also, I’m white, but for years now, have been listening to my POC brothers, sisters, and siblings to hear about intersectionality in the LGBTQIA+ community. Think Billy Keane; being a POC and gay is DIFFICULT sometimes. Being a POC and being non-binary is rough. Its important this pride that we spend extra time on our POC community and make sure they’re okay.
And finally, than you to the allies. I understand that supporting the LGBTQIA+ community, but I lived in the Deep South, and had some straight cis friends who mustered up tremendous courage to stand by me as I figured things out. Yes, people should be supporting us, but sometimes they do to their done detriment in their social or romantic lives. Thank you allies, for making the world a little bit better for us.
Happy Pride; I’ll be focusing on lots on Pride themes this month (not like my page is super straight anyways lol) and hope to hear requests from my LGBTQIA+ followers especially if you want something tailored to your specific experience. Because I know it’s hard to find fanfiction for certain genders or sexualities, so I’ll try to come up with some in my own, but also hope for your creative inspiration in making this Oz themed Pride a wonderful one!
(Im also going to continue writing the asks I’ve gotten before this obviously, lol. I got some BOMB ass requests and I’m just spending lots of time on them to get them right. Some are characters I’ve never written before so I’ve been binging their scenes. All will be out soon!)
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bluegekk0 · 10 months
hey hii helloooo
i've been interested in your feral pk au for a while now, but i've been struggling to get around to reading everything
could you perhaps compress the information and possibly add some little fun facts and details that you think are interesting?
(also little side question, does pk purr, and would grimm be able to purr as well?)
(apologies if you've already answered questions like this)
Of course, I'm always glad to talk about the AU and I don't mind detailing everything, even if I'm repeating myself! Quite the opposite actually, some details change with time so I think it's nice to sort of "refresh" the general background of the AU.
I'll put it under the "read more" thing, this is likely going to be very long since I'm not very good at keeping things short and brief hahah. Also, I'll primarily focus on FPK as he's the main point of the whole AU, but I'll sprinkle in some additional info about the other crucial characters.
Here's the timeline for the AU, and under the cut you can find the detailed summary of the events.
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I'll start at the very beginning since it's crucial for FPK's later character development. He was born a runt, so from the moment he hatched from an egg he was smaller and weaker than his siblings (and significantly lighter in color due to his leucism). For that reason he built a very close, but unfortunately unhealthy relationship with his mother. She saw him as weak, and so he tried everything he could to make her proud. But as wyrms do with their young, she eventually abandoned him to fend for himself, which gave him terrible abandonment anxiety as he believed that his failure to meet her expectations was the reason why she left.
Along the way, he developed very unhealthy eating habits. Being the weak one of the litter, he always had to fight for his food, otherwise it would be stolen from him. This left a permanent mark on his brain development, and to this very day he eats in a very quick and greedy manner if he feels even a little bit anxious. This plays a big role later in his life when he decides to create a kingdom.
I'll refer to FPK with his name, Vyrm, from now on. It is the original spelling of his species' name used where he comes from, one which he later adapted as his own name, though "wyrm" is the spelling used in Hallownest. FPK is what I usually use for the tags and in posts since I'm used to it, although "Pale King" is not actually part of his name in the AU anymore.
Throughout his early life, he had to constantly worry about being killed and eaten by other members of his kind. Cannibalism was a trait extremely common for wyrms due to lack of prey of their size, a side effect of the mutation that allowed them to stop aging - they outlived the other giant creatures of the region and were left with no sufficient food. This prompted Vyrm to find new ways of defending himself, which led him to learning soul magic from the ancient tablets left by the gods, made to assist any being that manages to decipher their meanings. Around this time, he developed a rising interest in the tiny bugs he often encountered, and seeing their attempts at forming communities, he believed he could become their equal and help them, to show the world and himself that he wasn't as destructive and cruel as the rest of his kind. So after traveling towards the mountains, he used a powerful spell that reduced his form to something that wouldn't frighten them, and eventually created Hallownest after giving many of the bugs in that area sapience.
The White Lady was the first being he encountered that helped him get back on his feet after the mentally draining change of form, and as he got attached to her, his childhood trauma kicked in - he wouldn't figure out that he was gay until much, much later, and since his bond with his mother was the only form of love he experienced thus far, he assumed that what he felt towards The White Lady was love. Unfortunately, this meant that his idea of love was obsessing over making her happy and meeting all of her expectations, a mindset that proved to be quite devastating for his mental health in the long run.
WL is a being that's very cold and distant in nature, at times appearing self-absorbed, and her ideal vision of her marriage to Vyrm unfortunately went against his more shy and emotional nature. He would sacrifice his own happiness so as not to upset her, and she sadly failed to notice how much that stressed him out. He was to attend important meetings, deliver speeches during royal events, and satisfy her needs, and he obliged, no matter how unhappy it made him. Here is a post that goes more in detail about their relationship.
Another very important reason for his continuous anxiety and decline in health was his refusal to eat food. Ever since learning the spell, he sustained himself with soul as opposed to eating, for a very simple reason - he knew how feral he was when eating, and he did not want to scare his subjects. On top of that, he feared being seen as a hypocrite, as he always encouraged the mortals to reject their beastly instincts. For the longest time, it appeared to have no negative side effects, but following his divorce with The White Lady (which was a result of their disagreements over the vessel plan as well as all the built up tension between them), he started showing signs of starvation. His body became very skinny, and he would frequently fall sick. Any attempts at eating food only backfired, as his stomach wasn't used to it.
But to rewind a little bit - some time after he married WL, he met Grimm. Grimm is the brother of The Radiance and one of the children of The Dream Lord, the king of The Gods' Plane. Soon before their father perished in the fight with The Shade Lord, they were both given a share of his domain to rule over - The Radiance was meant to control the dream essence, guard the happy dreams of bugs and give them hope, while Grimm (also known as The Nightmare at the time) looked after the nightmare essence, the bugs' nightmares and fears, and helped the mortals overcome and learn from them. To his sister's disapproval, he did not see eye to eye with her vision of godhood - he did not care for worship, and instead created himself a physical form to spend time with the mortals, whom he gained a fondness towards. They disagreed, she was paranoid about him conspiring against her and overthrowing her, and they eventually fought, which ended with Grimm's defeat and exile from The Gods' Plane. He began calling himself The Nightmare King to spite his sister, though he introduced himself as Grimm in the physical plane. Ever since, he has to periodically replace his physical body as the weakened Nightmare Heart is unable to sustain it indefinitely. He calls that process the ritual.
Grimm and Vyrm's first meeting wasn't exactly what you'd expect. Grimm had a fondness for pleasure, he loved to drink and make love (though his reasons for the latter were rooted in his loneliness and desperation for intimacy). And he saw Vyrm as the next name on his list of casual flings. However, as they talked, Grimm started noticing things about Vyrm that struck him personally. He could see the loneliness and sadness in his eyes, something that resonated with him. He was just as lonely, yearning for a fulfilling and intimate life that he witnessed in his interactions with the mortals, but aware of the fact that his immortality prevented him from finding true love and living that ideal life that he wanted. Hearing Vyrm's passionate rambles about his hobby, and sensing that similar loneliness, he thought that perhaps by helping the wyrm, he could help himself. So they became friends, very close friends, and although Grimm has had feelings for him from the start, Vyrm wouldn't show signs of returning them until after he separated with WL. Unfortunately, Grimm's rare visits to the palace and the return of the infection meant that they were not given a chance to confess their love for each other, as Vyrm disappeared with his palace soon after. I highly recommend reading this post for a more detailed description of their relationship.
I think this is a good opportunity to mention Holly (THK) and Hornet. I'll start with Holly since their relationship with Vyrm is closer to what you might expect. Vyrm tried his best not to get attached to them, as he had to remind himself that the vessels were not meant to be his children, but unfortunately he slipped occasionally. Holly idolized him and wanted to make him proud, but more importantly, they really wanted him to acknowledge them as his child. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to do it until after his hibernation (which I'll mention in a bit). Hornet, meanwhile, was always his beloved daughter whom he was incredibly close with. He raised her on his own, as WL left the palace around the time Holly was sealed away, all the way until his hibernation.
The hibernation was a result of his mental breakdown - after the infection returned, all of his fears and anxiety piled up until his mind was not able to take it, and in the last ditch effort to preserve it, he subconsciously used a spell that took him and his palace into his own manifested dream realm, separate from that of the gods, and started his hibernation. This was meant to erase all of his memories and save his brain from breaking down. The Knight (Ghost) interrupted it and woke him up, and he soon realized that he's been asleep for many, many years. The unfinished hibernation process messed up his brain quite a bit, and while most of his important memories were intact, he forgot a lot about his early life, which included the knowledge of how to use soul magic. Without the powers he relied on, he was forced to eat actual food, and so he began hunting the wildlife and feeding on it, now without the fear of being seen by his subjects. This is where the feral part of the AU name comes from - he's no longer the imposing, royal figure he once was, whenever he hunts, it's easy to confuse him for a beast. An intelligent one, but still a beast. And the big chunk of his character arc is accepting that part of his being, and finding happiness in his new life.
He eventually met with Hornet, who took him to Dirtmouth where he reunited with Holly and Grimm. With Holly, he finally expressed how proud he was of them, and promised to be the father that he never was. With Grimm, he confessed his love and apologized for taking so long to realize how he felt, and the two quickly became partners, and later husbands. With Hornet, his relationship had a very difficult start, as the years of being on her own made her bitter and angry. This is already getting very long, so here's a post I made about her relationship with Vyrm which goes in much more detail that I can reasonably fit here.
This is basically where the AU is at this moment. Vyrm lives with his family in Dirtmouth, returns to his old workshop hobby and slowly rebuilds the town using his skills and knowledge (some of it he had to re-learn from books). He completely rejects his old royal life, sees himself as a failure of a king and so does not want to be referred to as one (instead simply going by "Vyrm" as his name). He deals with many emotional and psychological issues - he lacks confidence, he's paranoid about failing his family and overall he's very anxious and quite emotionally unstable. Of course, he's much happier than he was before, his new life suits his nature a lot more, and even his more wild side is generally accepted by the community. But it's not all sunshine and rainbows, there is still quite a lot of trauma he has to process. And that goes for everyone in the main cast, they all have things they have to deal with. But at least they have each other.
There is an event that shakes their peaceful family life a little bit, and that is an attempt on Vyrm's life in the hands of one of the Grimmkin. Since Grimm decided to stay in Dirtmouth, he always returns to it between each ritual. And, after many years of being able to visit different kingdoms and enjoying what they have to offer, the Grimmkin got used to the relatively luxurious life, so the prospect of being stuck in this small town frustrated quite a few of them. One in particular decided to take the matter into their own hands, and while Grimm was away in the City of Tears, they attempted to take Vyrm's life in hopes that it would make their master leave Dirtmouth behind. They failed as Brumm interrupted the attempt, though they managed to wound Vyrm with a blade. He survived thanks to his family and friends rushing to treat his wound, meanwhile the Grimmkin behind it was caught by Brumm, and then brutally taken care of by Grimm after his return. It had a significant effect on all of them. Vyrm became more paranoid about being left all by himself. Grimm became even more protective of his partner and the rest of his family. Holly grew even more attached to Vyrm, refusing to leave him alone for a long time afterwards, out of fear that someone could hurt him again. And Hornet finally realized that she needed to be more clear about the fact that she cares about her family, in case she ever loses any of them. That's basically how it went, and I think this is the first time I actually mention it (as I debated whether to make this idea actually canon in the AU or not) so hey, I guess you can consider this a fun fact, even if it involves a lot of pain and blood hahaha
Also, I need to bring up the children. Their first child was Lewk. He's the child of Vyrm and Grimm, who hatched from an egg laid by the latter. He is currently 2 years old at the time of the AU (he was born about 5 years after Grimm and Vyrm's reunion). The newest addition to the family are the twins, Milo and Asta, who are currently about 2 months old.
Oh, also, Zote is part of the family as well. Initially Holly simply befriended him, but over time he got assimilated into the household. Here is a post that goes more in detail on how I see him, how he fits into the family and what the other characters think of him.
If you want to know more about the characters, especially the side characters I didn't mention here, you can read this post which has short descriptions for each of them.
Some more posts that I'll link here instead of adding onto this already ridiculously long summary:
Lurien in the AU: how he survived / on his relationship with FPK
The state of Hallownest
WL's current whereabouts
On gods in the AU (more related posts linked in this one)
(will probably add more over time)
God, I'm really sorry for the length of the reply, as I said, I struggle to condense this stuff into shorter posts especially since there's a lot to talk about (and I LOVE to ramble about this). There's a chance I missed some details, but if you're interested, just go through the #feral pk au tag on my blog (particularly the #save tag for the most important posts, it's linked in my pinned post), I tag all ask answers and related art with it, so it should be relatively easy to read through. If it's a bit overwhelming, you can always simply ask more questions if you're unsure about something, I'm always happy to answer! ❤
EDIT: I forgot to respond to the second half of the question, i'm sorry 😭 yes, FPK can make purring like noises. It's not exactly like cat purring, it has a bit of a stuffy noise sound to it i suppose? But I'd still call it purring. Grimm can't purr, though, so it's just FPK (and Holly with their purr-like void rumbling).
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onyx-got-clowned · 5 months
hiiiiii would you care to tell me all about your diety oc (or ocs if you have multiple) I’d really like to know more about them!! It’s fine if you don’t ofc ^^
(ramble under the cut)
I’ll start with my deity oc, umbra! umbra is actually an Loz oc- the deity of shadows :3 not going off canon because why not! I designed umbra around the horned statues from botw/totk, being the entity that resided inside! They used the heart/stamina containers to regain some kind of power from lost travelers to escape, it only took a few millennia though… now they watch over whoever they deem interesting through their shadow! Whoever’s shadow their in, is tinted darker, no matter how bright the sun! (Also can time travel cus i said so)
rain pool!!!!! My sweet lil baby <3
rain pool was originally a lost kit abandoned by two-legs nearby river clan! She grew up there and was raised by not just one queen, but basically all of them. Because my fav characters/story arc is the power of three, she was born around the same time as jay feather, lion blaze, and holly leaf. They didn’t know each other, until river pool had accidentally communicated with star clan. She had been pulled into the dream, surprised but excited, when they turned her away- saying she should not have been part of the clans and she was not clan born- she could ruin the prophecy. This created a resentment, so river pool made it everyone’s problem. She managed to figure out that the prophecy was talking about lion blaze, jay feather, and a kit yet to be born. Holly leaf’s ‘disappearance’ did not go unnoticed. Cue an incident where she made star clan speak to her, ending up in jayfeathers dream, and she attacked starclan, causing them to make a brutal flash flood, and a lightning storm with rough hail. She got dragged away and drowned, now she roams and haunts wherever she pleases :3 not allowed in starclan or anywhere else- forced to stay on the lake.
(that was long- not 100% set in stone, nor going completely off the books- but that’s what I’m going with right now!)
Link/element! My link oc :3
element is a draconic, a dragon species that are similarly looking to hylians! Element and Zelda became siblings when they were very young, little babies :3 Zelda was dropped in their woods to die, but found by Umi! Elements mom! They grew up, the triforce symbol on their hands wasn’t something they really thought about, their kind was highly secluded and didn’t interact with many other species. They would worship the 4 dragons, each a representing a different element! (Wink wink, hence his nickname) but Zelda goes by Ayla, they save hyrule, and element is an autistic hopeless gay nonbinary king 🫶
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mushrooming3 · 6 months
Hello! I’m the Artist!
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A little about me and Art, Au's, Wattpad information, and links if you want to read my wattpad stories! ⬇️
I am Mushrooming3! I am a nerd who draws things that makes me happy! (The rose is a tattoo I want to have one day)
I am not a professional artist despite me drawing for so many years. I do it for fun and entertainment and it really boosts my sanity :)
The funny thing is even though I ship gay characters, I'm actually not a part of the 🌈 community as I'm in a straight relationship. That doesn't mean I dont respect those who are! I love talking and collaborating with other artists it doesn't matter to me who is what, everyone is still a person.
I am currently in the middle of still growing up as I'm in high school. So bare with me if Im ever inactive for a little bit.
My birthday Is in January
I have been drawing for about six years! Since 2018
I also have watched Smg4 since the same time!
I read and write fan fiction on Wattpad! (Mushrooming333)
I love horror, Adventure, Fantasy, and Romance!
I am known as the author of Smg4 and the Beast, the new account one. (waiting for wattpad to delete my old crusty account floating in the internet)
Smg4 and the Beast:
My 34 one-shots:
My main Au's:
Mermaid/Merman Au
Circus Au
My Smg4 and the beast Au is coming soon!
Fandoms <3
I love so many fandoms that go to video games to movies such as:
Super Mario, Fnaf including sb, Undertale ,Cuphead
Until Dawn, The Quarry, The Last of Us
Poppy Playtime
Marvel, DC (mostly batjokes)
Harry Potter
Lazy town (sportarobbie)
Don’t hug me im scared
Beauty and The Beast (any movie version)
The Amazing Digital Circus, Smg4, Meta Runner
How I got here
So I used to have another account on here years ago which I stopped using years ago. Something happened at that time where I had to make a new account (which is the one I'm currently using) After that I gave up and used Devinart for about a year or two. However, in my opinion, that app sucked because the app crashed all the time, and its not the best place to go to for 34 as there were a lot of haters in the platform. Let me just say I didn't really get nice words sent to me, while I tried to draw different characters and fandoms like what I do now, versus my best friend @anonymousartist1727 who paints all of the time, lots of people love her paintings (which she's my best friend and don't get me wrong and her paintings are AMAZING I love her art so much she's so freaking talented! ) but it made me realize Devinart wasn't really fit for my art “type” so I stopped my toxic relationship with Devinart and came back here realizing I left my newer account here unattended, so I was surprised when I got a notification from Tumblr saying “your account is two years old!!!” :D
Smg34 or ships in general:
But of ALL fandoms I have been really REALLY fixed on Smg4 and especially Smg34. I understand why some people think they’re brothers, but it was never said by Luke or anyone, plus there’s a lot more sussy gay moments between them vs being siblings moments. Also they have joked about it before- And yeah they look similar but that’s how it always was even with the Mario models. But this is my opinion and belief of that, the thing is if there’s a person who only sees them as siblings and in their head that’s how it is for them then that’s how it is. It’s their world not mine. And I respect that.
I ship it, I also ship Meggy and Tari, or Meggy and Desti, and Melony and Axol. Plus Swag and Chris are such a old married couple just b*tching all the time lmao
I also want to say I only ship fictional characters, never real people or actors.
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landinrris · 6 months
I need to get my soapbox out for this one. I can’t not agree with you more on the twinklaren and mctwinks terms. It just gets my knickers in a twist for multiple reasons. 
1) twink is historically meant to be a thin, white, young gay man.
A)While neither driver has declared their sexuality publicly, Oscar is in a straight relationship with a women, and it doesn’t feel right to use a gay term to refer to him. Lando has dated at least one woman in the past and has never said anything different. I really don’t like using a term for a gay man for Lando since there is so much open speculation about his sexuality and using the term seems like a presumption on our part. If he is something other than straight, he can make it public or not in his own time.
B) Using a term that refers to the body shape of anyone male/female/other doesn’t feel great either. Especially since they are not the stereotypical thinness of a twink. They are incredibly fit muscular young men who spend a lot of time and effort on their physical fitness for their jobs. I don’t think we should be referring to their body shapes in general but especially not calling them them as thin/waifish as that promotes a muscular body standard for men who have a thinner body type that is difficult to obtain.
2)I know shipping them is popular, but the use of twink makes certain assumptions about their sexuality and is strong on the shipping side of things. I personally feel that shipping should stay in rpf and certain online communities and not in spaces they can see. When I see these terms used in instagram or twitter under the official McLaren accounts it feels icky. The whole Oscar heart eyes thing under Mclarens instagram account is out of control.
3)I am a straight female. Using a term that is from the gay community and that I don’t know the deep history and meaning up just feels icky as well. I would never go up to one of my gay friends and say “oh you are such a twink” so why would I think it’s okay to use it online?
My suggestion for a change. I think we can still keep the whole fun word play, but just change it a bit. Turn it into McTwins and TwinClaren. They do have similar features and similar mannerism. The twinning is cute, and doesn’t have any underlying commentary on their sexuality or body types. It’s almost more brotherly, the idea of twin brothers. It would take a lot of the ick out of it for me.
Anyway, stepping down from my soapbox now. Sorry for the rant
This sums up a lot of my feelings really well. I love your soapbox and you should never get down.
Among all the points you listed here, I never go into comment sections because it's always a hellhole, but seeing you say people comment twink- and heart-eyed-related things makes me want to die. People (both fandom and admins at this point) lose boundaries more and more every day.
I personally don't ship Lando and Oscar (though that's not news), nor do I think they really even look like each other apart from both being young white guys with dark hair, but a change in how people refer to them as a pair would be welcome in my eyes. I will personally keep tagging their joint things with "sibling behavior" because you're right, their relationship is very brotherly in my eyes.
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queer-book-society · 25 days
do you know any lgbtq+ children books?
Absolutely :) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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Title: All Bodies Are Cool
Author(s): Tyler Feder
Description: This picture book is a pure celebration of all the different human bodies that exist in the world. Highlighting the various skin tones, body shapes, and hair types is just the beginning in this truly inclusive book. With its joyful illustrations and encouraging refrain, it will instill body acceptance and confidence in the youngest of readers. “My body, your body, every different kind of body! All of them are good bodies! BODIES ARE COOL!”
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Title: A Family Is a Family Is a Family
Author(s): Sara O'Leary, Qin Leng (Artist)
Description: When a teacher asks the children in her class to think about what makes their families special, the answers are all different in many ways — but the same in the one way that matters most of all. One child is worried that her family is just too different to explain, but listens as her classmates talk about what makes their families special. One is raised by a grandmother, and another has two dads. One is full of stepsiblings, and another has a new baby. As one by one, her classmates describe who they live with and who loves them — family of every shape, size and every kind of relation — the child realizes that as long as her family is full of caring people, her family is special.
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Title: When Aidan Became A Brother
Author(s): Kyle Lukoff, Kaylani Juanita (Artist)
Description: When Aidan was born, everyone thought he was a girl. His parents gave him a pretty name, his room looked like a girl's room, and he wore clothes that other girls liked wearing. After he realized he was a trans boy, Aidan and his parents fixed the parts of life that didn't fit anymore, and he settled happily into his new life. Then Mom and Dad announce that they're going to have another baby, and Aidan wants to do everything he can to make things right for his new sibling from the beginning--from choosing the perfect name to creating a beautiful room to picking out the cutest onesie. But what does "making things right" actually mean? And what happens if he messes up? With a little help, Aidan comes to understand that mistakes can be fixed with honesty and communication, and that he already knows the most important thing about being a big brother: how to love with his whole self.
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Title: My Maddy
Author(s): Gayle E. Pitman, Violet Tobacco (Artist)
Description: A child celebrates her Maddy, who is neither mommy nor daddy but a little bit of both, like so many things in nature. Includes note to parents.
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Title: This Is Our Rainbow: 16 Stories of Her, Him, Them, and Us
Author(s): Eric Bell, Ashley Herring Blake, Lisa Jenn Bigelow, Lisa Bunker, Alex Gino, Justina Ireland, Shing Yin Khor, Mariama J. Lockington, Marieke Nijkamp, Claribel A. Ortega, Mark Oshiro, Molly Knox Ostertag, Aida Salazar, A.J. Sass, Katherine Locke (Editor), Nicole Melleby (Editor)
Description: A boyband fandom becomes a conduit to coming out. A former bully becomes a first-kiss prospect. One nonbinary kid searches for an inclusive athletic community after quitting gymnastics. Another nonbinary kid, who happens to be a pirate, makes a wish that comes true--but not how they thought it would. A tween girl navigates a crush on her friend's mom. A young witch turns herself into a puppy to win over a new neighbor. A trans girl empowers her online bestie to come out.
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Title: Pride: The Story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag
Author(s): Rob Sanders, Steven Salerno (Artist)
Description: In this deeply moving and empowering true story, young readers will trace the life of the Gay Pride Flag, from its beginnings in 1978 with social activist Harvey Milk and designer Gilbert Baker to its spanning of the globe and its role in today’s world. Award-winning author Rob Sanders’s stirring text, and acclaimed illustrator Steven Salerno’s evocative images, combine to tell this remarkable—and undertold—story. A story of love, hope, equality, and pride.
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Title: Jack (Not Jackie)
Author(s): Erica Silverman, Holly Hatam (Artist)
Description: Susan thinks her little sister Jackie has the best giggle! She can't wait for Jackie to get older so they can do all sorts of things like play forest fairies and be explorers together. But as Jackie grows, she doesn't want to play those games. She wants to play with mud and be a super bug! Jackie also doesn't like dresses or her long hair, and she would rather be called Jack.
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Title: I Am Jazz
Author(s): Jessica Herthel, Jazz Jennings, Shelagh McNicholas (Artist)
Description: From the time she was two years old, Jazz knew that she had a girl's brain in a boy's body. She loved pink and dressing up as a mermaid and didn't feel like herself in boys' clothing. This confused her family, until they took her to a doctor who said that Jazz was transgender and that she was born that way.
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Title: Rebel Girls Celebrate Pride: 25 Tales of Self-Love and Community
Author(s): Rebel Girls, Elena Favilli (Forward)
Description: This collection features 25 inspiring tales of proud members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Read about how these women, girls, and nonbinary people broke down barriers, honored their identities, and lived authentically no matter what anyone else said.
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Title: The Mother of a Movement: Jeanne Manford -- Ally, Activist, and Co-Founder of PFLAG
Author(s): Rob Sanders, Sam Kalda (Artist)
Description: The Mother of a Movement tells the story of Jeanne Manford, the founder of PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). When her son Morty was beaten by New York City officials for handing out pro-gay leaflets, Manford wrote a powerful letter to the New York Post to complain about how Morty was treated. In the letter she came out as the mother of a gay son. The letter was published. Morty invited his mother to march with him in the June 1972 Christopher Street Parade. While marching, she had the idea to form a group to help parents and families of LGBTQ+ people. That was the beginning of PFLAG.
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