#zoya headcanons
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witchthewriter · 2 years ago
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𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!    
Warnings: book & show spoilers
a/n: I’m trying to write the characters as a mixture of the book and show. Some of the characters act quite differently in the books and it’s a bit difficult to pin point their personality, but I hope I do them justice. Thank you for reading xx
𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲: Everyone is settling down into their own homes. I don’t care what is canon and what’s not.
・Likes things to be in their place. If they aren’t where they left them than he goes into a bit of a tizzy
   “Y/n! Y/n I specifically left them right here and they aren’t right. Here. Where have they gone??”
  “No, you moved them because you thought they were too vulnerable sitting there. Look in the third shelf down to your left.”
*Does what you tell him to do* *is embarrassed* *thanks you but not above a whisper*
・You have a lot of nice things in your home, but the most expensive things are usually the jewels and the jewelry that Kaz has gifted you
・He has a lot of the same clothing, so when you open his side of the closet there’s just ... black ... oh and grey
・His cane is never too far from where he is
・Despises the idea of getting a pet
・And you have to beg and beg
・But none of it worked
・So you had to come up with a plan. It was quite manipulative but hey, how else would you have caught Kaz’s attention?
・The dog you have now was once a puppy who had “accidentally” followed you home
   “How did it follow you home? We live in Ketterdam, there are a million homes here.”
“I guess it liked...me...”
・He ordered it out
・But you didn’t listen and somehow, the pup had wiggled its way into Kaz’s heart
・He swore he wasn’t going to pick up any poops, but that too was a lie
・Once settled in, she comes to realise that she really enjoys the finer things in life
・Big bed, silks, many many pillows
・A big bath with hot water straight from the tap
・She adores a long hot bath, lots of bubbles, with lavender and chamomile, candles, and a good book to read - or just to lay there and soak
・She hates waking up early, but is the first one to crawl into bed (she just really likes being in bed)
・Has her own drawing nook - a desk near a big window where she can get natural light. Many types of pencils, quills, inks, etc. She draws people, memories, landscapes, dreams
・Her drawings are framed and are all over the house
・There’s also a library; a room with a cosy corner that has all kinds of books; fiction and non fiction - historical, religious, fantasy etc
・Oh and she adores having the fire going. She wants it on even if it’s barely even cold
・But she hates chopping wood, so when you tell her that it isn’t cold enough for a fire, she’ll go outside and use The Cut to get the wood.
・Loves when you braid her hair; loves it even more when you give her head a lil massage too
・She fusses over you whenever you’re sick. Making you soup, remembering remedies from her upbringing in the orphanage.
・If you burn yourself, cut or have any other injuries, she is constantly checking on it to make sure it doesn’t get infected
・She doesn’t mind doing the laundry - if it means you’ll fold afterwards
・There are a lot of different oils, perfumes, bath products, hair products all over the bathroom
・Yes, he is used to being treated like royalty
・But he’s also experienced life on a ship - and that isn’t pretty (at all...it’s quite awful)
・Yet he has seen his destiny as being a ruler, so the biggest change in both of your lifestyles is ... you
・You would have to learn how to live during court
・You couldn’t just leave your chambers in your pajamas (I mean ... you could but drama would start at court most definitely)
・Both you and Nikolai obviously share the same chambers, and actually you both have your own wing in the castle (So I guess you could just stay in your pajamas if you wanted)
・It’s basically having your own home - or huge apartment
・The majority of the decor is white with gold trimmings and accents. Nikolai said you could change whatever you want
・The castle is never quiet, and there are always people coming and going, but your chambers are very very quiet.
・Nikolai doesn’t snore but does talk in his sleep
・It’s nonsensical, but it’s usually about the dreams he’s having
・You have servants that come and clean up after both you and Nikolai
・When Nikolai is finished for the day, he trots up to your shared wing and slumps against the door once it’s closed
・He sighs undoing his buttons, but you like to be the one to do that
・Still very quiet around the home, so you get used to seeing her in different parts of the house in a small amount of time
    “I swear, sometimes there’s two of you!” You once grumbled, while cleaning up a broken tea cup because she popped up out of nowhere
・Doesn’t like loud sudden noises, so you live a bit from civilisation. Not too far though.
・She gets on really well with cats
・You’d end up adopting two kittens that were the only survivors of a litter
・They were tiny, covered in fleas and skinny as can be. But you both fed them, bathed them and made sure they survived
・One is called Umbra, and the other Sol
・You both take on the styling of the home. Inej quite likes the cottage-esque look. However she does want to honor her heritage and there are a lot of colourful cloth that drapes across the ceiling
・Inej had Jesper insert a rod that holds a long silk cloth so that she can practice her acrobatic skills
・Jesper visits as often as he can, and is usually found hung over in the spare bedroom
・As does Nina, who likes to ask what’s for dinner hours before dinnertime (usually an hour after eating lunch)
・You own the land, with Inej’s name not involved - you didn’t want her to feel tied down. And that she could leave whenever she desired
・Although it’s Suli culture to be travellers, Inej said she did want to be apart of the deed and you were more than happy to change it
・Inej doesn’t sleep very often; she knows when her body needs it but other than that, she really cannot get to sleep
・Loves the feeling of a cosy home
・Has actually gone off to cry because living with you in such a lovely, warm, safe environment made him overwhelmed with happiness
・I have this feeling that you would be the type of person to rescue animals and Matthias has to put on this ‘No we barely have enough to feed ourselves, we can’t look after these animals,’ but his stance changes so quickly
・So you have about five dogs so far
・But you still go into town and feed as many as you can
・Matthias thinks he’s in charge, but after a few months together he comes to realise that you will always be in charge
・He actually really enjoys gardening
・Has those well-planned and established herb gardens. The ones that are held in perfect square timber raised beds
・Matthias absolutely threw himself into gardening. Bought books about it, spoke to the elders in town about how to perfectly grow herbs. He was both fascinated and in need on something to focus on after the tragedy he had endured
・You encouraged him, but said he had to promise not to make a mess inside.
・Is a very loud snorer, and hogs the bed, as well as the sheets. It’s just easier to sleep underneath him - not that he would notice. Once his head hits the pillow almost nothing can wake him until morning
・Safety; that’s what she wants, that’s what she desires most
・A place that she can let her guard down and not have to worry about being used
・She doesn’t like uninvited visitors, and has special locks on all the doors so no one can break in
・When you introduced the idea of a guard dog, she was apprehensive.
  “What if it can sense ... the darkness in me?”
“There is no darkness within you, Genya.”
・So you got a Cane Corso, a beast of a dog. That scared even Genya the first time she saw her.
・Is a very light sleeper, but once getting your pup, Genya let it sleep on the end of the bed
・Even now, after your dog, Neith, has grown to full size, she still sleeps at the end of your bed (you know exactly when she jumps up and when she leaves because the bed moves...significantly)
・When days seem especially difficult for Genya, you like to leave little notes around the house, reminder her of all the things you love about her
・She likes to wake up before you and move the hair from your face and just watch you sleep
・Isn’t the best at cooking, so you usually take up that job. But she does bake pretty well. Very good at making tea cake 
・Knows a lot about healing so you have a lot of herbs, spices, flowers, vegetables that aren’t for eating per say, but for when someone is sick or wounded 
・Genya hated mirrors for a while, until you helped her get over the change in her appearance. You helped her on the road to confidence and self love. 
・You’re both still involved in helping the Grisha so you see Zoya, Nikolai, Tolya, Tamar etc 
・Genya doesn’t really like having people at the house though. It’s her sanctuary where there are no reminders of The Darkling or the nichevoya
・Wants a simple life
・Doesn’t care for anything fancy, so you’d be the one to arrange everything
・I can see him as a farmer
・Out in the country, living off the land, but never taking too much and giving back
・We know from the books that he ends up running the orphanage with Alina, living a simple life. Looking after kids who need a home - and I think he would do that whether he was with Alina or not (and in this case...obviously not)
・He would be content with a slow life with you
・But he also wants to be of use to the community; to give back
・So you spend your days finding jobs for people who need them - with the help of Nikolai. You do the paper work while Mal meets the people and waits with them until a horse and carriage arrive
・You also have a huge vegetable garden that you allow the community to use as they please
・In thanks they give you something; knitted blanket, baked bread etc
・You have cows, goats, sheep and horses
・There are stable hands that tend to the horses. Usually the young people from the village (both boys and girls alike)
・The milk isn’t just for you and Mal but you go into town and give it to the people who need it most
・You don’t live far from the village. In fact you can see your neighbours just by looking out the window. They may look far, but really it’s only a ten minute walk
・You also teach people how to read and write
・Mal is absolutely head over heels in love with you
・Always makes sure you feel protected and safe
・Is actually very sensitive and feels things deeply. That’s why sometimes he has to take time to process his emotions alone
・We know that Zoya is destined for greatness, hence she would end up living in a castle
・But if not a castle than a quaint chateu will do
・Is a stickler for mess
      “There is no reason for there to be so much untidyness!”
・Has a lot of pictures/drawings/paintings of her family up around your home
・She always needs the bed to be made every day; if you’re the last to get out of bed than you have to make it
・You see a different side to Zoya; yes a softer side but also the undone, sloppy version of her. She actually didn’t let you see her like that until a month into living together
・If you snore she makes you sleep on the couch
・No. pets. She’s the one who wears the pants in this relationship and her decision is final
・Until you start feeding an old cranky cat who doesn’t stray far from your home. You name him, but keep him a secret and sneak him inside when Zoya is away
・She pretends not to notice and lets you have your hidden pet
・Although you’d think there would be servant or maids, that’s not the case. You and Zoya split the chores equally; she doesn’t want another person touching her things
・She actually colour co-ordinates her clothes; they’re in colour order and when she’s especially stressed she’ll do the same for yours
・When clothes are folded, they have to be folded neatly- 
・Is a very, very good cook. She makes these pastries with goats cheese inside that are to die for 
・Has a vanity with ridiculous amounts of make up. When she has a bit to drink she always wants to give you a makeover 
・Takes her coffee and tea very strong 
     “What’s the point of polluting it with milk and sugar?”
・Is the last to fall asleep and the first to wake, but she stays in bed for 20 minutes because she likes being so close to you 
・Whenever guests come over she is the perfect hostess. But if they overstay their welcome she won’t hesitate to tell them it’s time to leave
   “This outfit worked better in my head”
・Wanted to have multiple mirrors in the bedroom so he could “see himself at all angles” but you told him “the fuck we are”
・He relented ... not without whining
・But Jesper’s clothes do end up EVERYWHERE
・He’s awful at picking up after himself in the clothing department
・But he does keep the bathroom really clean ???
・Even if it’s shaving or after a bathe, he’ll make sure it’s exactly how he found it
・Hates weird smells so he sprays perfume everywhere
・Liked the thought of living in the city to be close to the rest of the crows, so you accepted
・But you made him promise not to do anymore gambling -
・Your home is like an escape for Jesper
・Likes to go shopping with you. He likes picking out things so that you can match (you’re against it at first but ... also submit to it)\
・He always knows how to make you laugh, so whenever he forgets to do a chore he can wiggle his way out of it
・Will do all the grocery shopping and any errands you don’t want to do
・Also loves candles, especially scented ones but has been banned from having them burning unless you’re home too ...
・Moves around a lot in his sleep and has whacked you a few times
・Misses you whenever either of you are away. Keeps a piece of your clothing to smell
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
・Although he spends a lot of time at the Little Palace, he wanted a place where it was just you and him. Where he wouldn’t be disturbed by questions or problems.
・A lot of his focus is on his plans, but he keeps maps and the like all in one room
・He wants to keep the bedroom for ... bedroom activities. As well as all the other rooms for their proper uses
・Aleksander doesn’t want his ambitions to hinder your domestic life
・He hates overhead lighting
・Prefers candles or lamps
・Always buys you new clothes, new shoes, new accessories etc. Wants you to have the best of the best 
・And he gets headaches very easily so you have tinctures and remedies on hand as well as around the house
・He prefers the quiet, and too much noise overwhelms him
・Pets aren’t really his thing ... maybe a bird though, but it wouldn’t have to make much noise
・He does love horses though. And would spend hours on them if he could. Just galloping away, far from his troubles.
・Has a maid that comes and cleans the house
・The only time you’ve seen him truly peaceful is in sleep, but that’s only when the nightmares haven’t started 
・He wakes up a lot during the night and doesn’t want to wake you. But you’ve told him whenever that happens he’s more than allowed to wake you up. Being in your arms help him go back to sleep
・100% lets you steal the blankets, without ever complaining 
・He’s more likely to remember things than you are, so he makes/buys you a calender and writes down everything you’d need to remember 
・Isn’t very tidy. There are a LOT of food crumbs (especially in the bed)
・Her hair is actually very long, she just keeps it up and out of the way, so you get to see Nina with her long hair down
・But you also find a lot of Nina’s hair ... everywhere
・She does like when you give her head scratches - a lot of golden retriever energy
・You’ve actually been collecting it to prove to her how much she sheds
・Is always hungry and asks if you want to get food nearly every hour and a half
・She’s not that bad of a cook, but you aren’t much better. So a lot of your food is bought rather than made
・Always makes sure you’ve had something to eat though, especially after a long day or after a big gig with the crows 
・You, Nina, and Inej have a close friendship; so Inej likes to ... appear ... in your house
・Most of the time it’s because of an injury. So you keep your storages stocked up just in case.
・But other times it’s for a sleep over! Eating, all sleeping in the loungeroom, telling each other stories and secrets
・You invite Jesper and Wylan aswell... and have asked Kaz but he always declines. Well actually he doesn’t even decline he just doesn’t say anything or show up 
・Is a heavy sleeper when you’re in the house. But when she’s alone she can barely sleep
・Always kisses you when you walk through the door and before you leave. It’s become a ritual and if it isn’t done then it’s bad luck
・Learns your little quirks. Like if you like your sandwiches cut diagonally or straight 
・Nina is very romantic
・She loves going on little dates with you. And always makes sure you have time for a date. At least once a month. Even if it’s just going out to eat and then taking a walk underneath the night sky
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jkriordanverse · 2 months ago
Nina,to Zoya: But I can change him-
Zoya: Why, did he shit himself?
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thelovelyinejghafa · 8 months ago
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"But what about the rest of us?
What about the nobodies and the nothings, the invisible girls?
We learn to hold our heads as if we wear crowns.
We learn to wring magic from the ordinary.
That was how you survived when you weren’t chosen,
when there was no royal blood in your veins.
When the world owed you nothing,
you demanded something of it anyway."
- Inej Ghafa
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er-osion · 1 month ago
♡ Valentine’s Day ♡
pairing: [separate] kaz brekker x gn!reader, jesper fahey x gn!reader, inej ghafa x gn!reader, nina zenik x gn!reader, nikolai lantsov x gn!reader, david kostyk x gn!reader, the darkling x gn!reader, zoya nazyalensky x gn!reader, genya safin x gn!reader
summary: headcanons about how various Grishaverse characters celebrate Valentine’s Day with you.
word count: 1.7k
warnings: none, fluff
Kaz Brekker
♡ Does not care for Valentine’s day, thinks it’s a waste of time. But, if YOU like Valentine’s day, he might just put up with a small celebration (he planned the entire date night).
♡ His only request is that you two spend the night in, he doesn’t really want to parade around town tonight, for safety reasons.
♡ He wakes up extra early on the morning of Valentine’s day so he can buy you a small bouquet of your favorite flowers and leave them in a vase by your nightstand so they’re the first thing you see when you wake up
♡ Being the workaholic/control freak he is, taking the night off even for Valentine’s day is all but impossible. But he does take all his work to the Slat and sets up a very romantic ambiance in his room so the two of you can still hang out for the evening.
♡ Buys you one small gift. Most likely a piece of jewelry (probably a locket). He also gives you several days off the following weekend and tries to limit his own workload those days so he can spend more of your free time with you.
♡ Has a small dinner made for the two of you, consisting of your favorite foods and desserts that the two of you eat by candlelight in his room at the Slat, romantic music from downstairs seeping in through the floorboards.
Jesper Fahey
♡ His original intention is to make these big, elaborate plans to absolutely wow you on Valentine’s day, but he ends up getting repeatedly distracted leading up to the holiday and most of the plans fall through.
♡ Wakes you up with an onslaught of kisses and tickles and then presents you a bouquet of red roses to ask your forgiveness.
♡ One of the few tasks he didn’t get too distracted to do was book a reservation at a super fancy restaurant in the financial district, and he practically skips hand and hand with you while the two of you walk to the restaurant.
♡ Gets you a teddy bear and like 5 boxes of chocolate that he ends up splitting half with you because “sharing is caring”.
♡ For some reason, the two of you started a tradition where, in preparation for your dinner reservation, Jesper tries on multiple elaborate outfits for you. This “fashion show” helps him pick out an outfit for your date and gives the two of you lots of laughs, plus you help him dress and undress between each outfit.
♡ The two of you end the day with a friendly card game up in his room, more often than not it’s something stupidly scandalous like strip poker, but whatever it is, it’s a fun little way to end an exciting day.
Inej Ghafa
♡ I think Inej would really like Valentine’s day, but she’s not one to want to make it a huge public affair for the two of you.
♡ Doesn’t really have any preferences on what the two of you do, but would be very happy just staying in cuddling and chit chatting and whatnot.
♡ The two of you have this cute tradition where you style each other’s hair, just the two of you sitting in Inej’s bed, fingers running along each other’s scalp in a very soothing and relaxed way.
♡ After spending a very calm and relaxed morning in Inej’s room, the two of you move downstairs and spend a few hours cooking together. The two of you make your respective comfort foods together, it’s a very domestic scene.
♡ The two of you eat the meal at the counter in the kitchen, taking a long time to savor the food and the company.
♡ After eating, the two of you make your way back to her room and you guys spend the rest of the day talking incessantly while toying with each other's hands and trading gifts that most likely consist of nice quality bangle bracelets.
Nina Zenik
♡ I imagine Nina is also a big fan of Valentine’s day, but unlike Inej, she is perfectly fine making a big affair out of it.
♡ First thing on her agenda? Breakfast in bed. Then the two of you pick out cute outfits for each other and leave the Slat to spend a day out in the nicer parts of Ketterdamn.
♡ First, you guys take a nice long stroll down the docks, possibly sharing a small thing of street food and overall just enjoying the beautiful view of the early morning sun on the water.
♡ Instead of buying each other presents beforehand, you and Nina spend a few hours shopping (and shoplifting) in the financial district.
♡ Before ending your day out, you and Nina go to your bevolved local diner to share waffles and Valentine’s day themed drinks.
♡ In the evening, you and Nina dance in the lobby of the Slat together to the live musicians for a couple of hours. Then, once thoroughly tired out, you and Nina sneak upstairs and spend the final hours of the waning evening in each other’s arms
Nikolai Lantsov
♡ This dramatic bitch LOVES Valentine’s day.
♡ Goes all out for you. You’re woken with kisses and whispered sweet nothings against your skin. And when you open your eyes, bushels upon bushels upon bushels of bouquets are strewn about next to your shared bed.
♡ Breakfast is had in bed, of course, and Nikolai takes way too much delight in feeding you.
♡ He then takes you on an incredibly romantic excursion. Taking you there on horseback to a beautiful secluded spot that feels like something out of a fairytale.
♡ He’s extra clingy on Valentine’s day, hands and lips all over you. At your little picnic, he gives you about half of the presents he bought for you. It’s all small stuff because it had to travel well, like jewelry, tickets to the ballet, coupons to your favorite restaurant, and tons of sweets.
♡ Once the sun begins to set, you two make your way back home and then spend the rest of the night in your chambers. Your dinner is small, a quiet and intimate affair where the two of you finish exchanging presents, somehow holding hands the entire time.
David Kostyk
♡ I think David would be rather indifferent to Valentine’s day, but he wants to make you feel special so he does his best to impress you.
♡ His main gift is one of those cheesy “coupon booklets” that have coupons like ‘one free hug’, ‘five free kisses’, ‘two free massages’.
♡ He also made you some really cute handmade trinkets and cards, putting together his love of crafts and love for you into a very personal Valentine’s day gift.
♡ Let’s you choose the itinerary for the day and just kind of follows you wherever you go like a lovesick puppy, holding your hand in public way more often than he usually would.
♡ The two of you like taking a long walk through the palace gardens, stopping every once in a while at a little alcove or gazebo to sit and rest while continuing your unending conversation.
♡ Ends the day with one of David’s favorite things to do with you: reading to you in bed while you’re snuggled up into his side.
The Darkling
♡ I just can’t really see the Darkling as a fan of Valentine’s day.
♡ This doesn’t mean he isn’t romantic or actively shits on the holiday, he just thinks it’s a little childish and stupid. Still, he’s a little extra romantic on this day, subconsciously influenced by society around him.
♡ Has the servants prepare a lavish breakfast for the two of you to start your day.
♡ Takes you on a short getaway for two days to another town, probably somewhere along the coast. The two of you stay in a small, humble cottage and enjoy some domestic bliss in private by the sea.
♡ Gifts you a load of fine and expensive clothes that he knows you’d been looking at for months.
♡ Really loves ending the day by stargazing with you on the beach at your little vacation home.
Zoya Nazyalensky
♡ I don’t imagine Zoya as a Valentine’s day fanatic. I think she’d see it as annoying and a waste of time.
♡ She has a lot of work to do so the two of you don’t get to have breakfast together, but she speedruns as much of her paperwork as possible so she can call it a day extra early and spend the rest of the day with you.
♡ The two of you take a little trip to a nearby lake and have a small swim and picnic together in the midafternoon.
♡ After returning to the palace, the two of you go back to her chambers and spend several hours just chatting and enjoying each other’s company.
♡ I think Zoya would really love sharing a bath together, she just thinks it’s so intimate and vulnerable so the two of you spend a long time relaxing in a warm bath together.
♡ Gifts you a few bouquets of flowers and some books that she knew you wanted.
Genya Safin
♡ I can totally see Genya loving Valentine’s day.
♡ She got the two of you matching Valentine’s day themed outfits and had breakfast served in her room so the two of you could have a lazy morning together.
♡ Gifts you a cuddly teddy bear, a box of chocolates, and a large bouquet of red roses.
♡ The two of you spend most of the day out in the capital, doing all the classic coupley activities and taking advantage of the Valentine's day discounts for couples.
♡ I think Genya would especially love getting manicures and pedicures done together, getting the couple’s discount at her favorite salon and then showing off her nails to everyone since she got them blinged out in the color of your eyes.
♡ Ends the day gossiping and dancing together in her room until the two of you fall into her bed and cuddle asleep.
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geekgirl531 · 2 months ago
The Grishaverse OTP Candy Salad Pt 2
Nina: Well, after that cheery display, it’s my turn.
*flips hair and dramatically produces gummy bears from cleavage*
Nina: My boyfriend was trained as a living weapon to hunt my people, and he tried to choke me when I broke him out of jail. He also dreamt about killing me, and his pet name for me was Corpse Witch. Oh, and he’s dead too.
*dumps candy in and hurries off to Inej before anyone can tell she’s about to cry*
Inej: Hi, I’m the Wraith-
Leoni: Cut! Can she say that?
Kaz: My Wraith can say whatever she wants.
*glares at Leoni with “the stare”*
Inej: Hi, I’m the Wraith, and Kaz called me his investment. I brought watermelon Sour Patch.
*cut to Nina shaking her head at a red-faced Bastard of the Barrel*
*special outtake*
Inej, whispering: Are they gone?
Nina: Yep. They’re getting Jesper more candy. He ate all of his.
Inej: Good. Turn on the camera.
Nina: Aye aye, Captain Ghafa.
*turns camera on *
Inej: Hello there. My name is Inej Ghafa, and I may be Kaz’s investment, but the real love of my life is Nina Zenik.
*Nina blushes, tucks a strand of hair behind her ear meekly and touches Inej’s hand softly*
Nina: I don’t have candy, but my love for you, Inej, is priceless.
Jesper: WHAT???
*Inej freezes, Nina is unfazed*
Nina, flipping her hair: You heard her loud and clear, Fahey. I’m the love of her life. Jealous?
Kaz, walking in: Nice to know.
Nina: Oh, please. We all know you’re in love with kruge, Brekker.
Kaz, reaching for the camera: Okay, we’re done here.
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mubabee · 11 months ago
Genderbent Zoya👀I’m too lazy to draw the marks on her arms.(also Hecate and Bai Yi)
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(Spoilers to chapter 6 here) Imagine if Zoya didn’t pass out after the battle and just walked up to MC and kissed them.
Like when she saw MC, she probably felt so faint that she thought she was about to die like earl, so she just goes ‘fuck it i might as well’
Read from right to left until the last picture.
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request for ptn 😼
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nichyevosobachka · 8 months ago
I like to imagine that after Zoya becomes queen, Nikolai occassionally goes back to being Sturmhond now and then, and he always brings her little gifts from his travels. Sometimes she joins him somewhat undercover (not to the extend like he's with his Sturmhond identity) (she doesn't really like being on the ship, but she likes to see him enjoying this life).... I just...Zoyalai at sea.
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ptn-imagines · 1 year ago
hey hey, can i request zoya, deren and langley walking in on chief trying on their outfits :3
I usually try not to get too spicy unless it's explicitly requested, but Zoya's part of this definitely has some spice (though not explicit) so be warned of that!
Walking in on Chief trying on their outfit
Chief Is In Trouble. In a hot way.
She doesn't knock before entering, swagger in her step as she strolls in like she owns the place. Seeing Chief wearing her clothes does stop her in place, but the look in her gaze is both playful and hungry, rather than surprised.
She spends a long moment taking in the sight before her, her clothes far too large on Chief's body. Still, she seems to like it, judging by the way she licks her lips.
She finally speaks, leaning against the doorframe as she does. “Like my clothes, do you, Chief?” she teases. “How about we get some in your size? You can hardly decide if you like it with it hanging on the floor like that.” She laughs at Chief's blushing face as they try to stammer out a reply.
It's hyperbole, of course, but it only takes a few days before she shows up with a copy of her outfit in Chief's size. She'll turn her back if Chief asks, but if given the chance, she is absolutely watching Chief put the clothes on.
Once Chief is dressed, Zoya's gaze quickly sharpens to that of a hungry predator, and her teeth suddenly seem like fangs as she grins, appraising like she's looking at her next meal.
“You look good, Chief. Big fan of how it shows off your body, even if you don't exactly have my build.”
It makes Chief blush, but it's true. Zoya does like it. Seeing Chief dressed in her clothes… It's certainly awakened the hunger inside the wolf.
Once again, Chief Is In Trouble. But it's in a different way this time.
As soon as Langley sees Chief putting on her clothes, a slow smirk spreads across her face. “Rookie, I don't recall giving you permission to touch my things… Let alone my clothes.”
Chief turns bright red, flailing for an explanation. Langley only watches, her smirk growing ever wider; she enjoys watching Chief squirm like this.
Once she's had her fill of Chief's torment, though, she gestures for them to be quiet, and they quickly silence themself. “I'm willing to forgive this transgression, rookie, if you do something for me.”
It's a trap, Chief is sure of it, but Langley's punishments are known for being brutal, so they don't want to risk the alternative. Still, they're surprised when Langley's request is to finish dressing up and sit down in their desk chair, doing their best impression of her. It doesn't make sense to them, but they comply anyway.
They realize the reason behind the strange request when Langley snaps a photo of them with her phone, and they flush red to their ears. The picture is set to Langley's background, and she teases them about how cute it would look framed on her desk – a subtle warning not to touch her things without permission again.
Deren definitely has the most lowkey reaction of the three. She stumbles across Chief looking for the very clothes they were trying on, funnily enough.
When she walks into the room, midway through a sentence, it takes her brain a couple of seconds to process what she's seeing. Once she does, though, confusion is her primary emotion rather than embarrassment. “Uh, Chief? Why are you wearing my clothes?”
She's surprised when Chief says they wanted to see how they looked in them. “Well, you'd look good in anything, but… Why my clothes? They're nothing special. I can get you a hundred different outfits that'd look better than my stuff.”
A very flustered Chief has to explain that their interest in the clothes is largely due to the fact that they are Deren's clothes. The director is taken aback at first, but then she laughs.
“Is that so? Well, sure, go ahead. I won't stop you, so long as I get a front row seat~”
Deren's gaze on the Chief is still flustering, but she's a lot less intense than the other two would have been. When Chief apologizes to her afterwards, she waves it off, saying Chief can wear her clothes anytime, she doesn't care. It's the truth, and of course, it doesn't hurt that Chief looks good in her clothes.
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somnidasha · 7 months ago
nikolai lantsov is this type of man who has literally million playlists for every possible situation (and, as we all remember, there's not such word as "impossible" in his lexicon) and another million playlist that blended with his friends. and zoya is this type of woman who just plays her liked songs. and she definitely stole his spotify account even before they started dating. and nikolai's never mind because "i told you, zoya, i have the best taste"
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sophiewith7es · 2 years ago
some of my six of crows modern headcanons xx
nina and inej are taylor swift and phoebe bridgers best friends
inej is vegan and i will not be explaining myself
matthias’ snapchat username is matthiashelvqr but jesper’s is animal_loverjes123 because he made it when he was nine
wylan is scared of planes but not helicopters
jesper is scared of helicopters but not planes
nina and inej listened to midnights together when it was first released
jesper got matthias into star wars
jesper loves the prequels and clone wars, matthias prefers the original trilogy and rogue one
both nina and jespers first bi panic was watching pirates of the caribbean
kaz has a secret fear of escalators so he always takes the stairs even though it actively causes him more pain
kaz and wylan watch criminal minds together in silence, but they both say the line about tracy lambert together
matthias falls asleep to animal documentaries narrated by david attenborough
inej jesper and nina are big greys anatomy fans
wylan’s first crush was teenage simba
matthias plays rugby
they have a book club (audiobook for wylan)
they read the acotar series and all had vastly different opinions
nina was an avid zoella watcher
kaz doesnt pay for any streaming services but has all of them anyway, jesper also doesn’t pay but uses everyone elses
matthias pays for the netflix account though
him and nina share one profile and everyone else has their own profile
nina cried when they took new girl off netflix
kaz says he prefers dc over marvel just to cause conflict
jesper read percy jackson growing up and still has the same battered copies he read as a kid in his room no matter where he lives
nina was a harry potter reading child and also still has her original copies of the books
wylan is a secret marauders stan
nina jesper inej and wylan are all marauders era fans but wylan is soooo much worse
wesper = wolfstar
jesper’s favourite movie is the breakfast club
kaz says his favourite movie is fight club but it’s actually fantastic mr fox
kaz follows six people on instagram: inej and all the members of one direction
he does that to piss the others off
jesper went viral on tik tok one time
matthias loves oasis (both the band and the drink)
nina fought for eras tour tickets and managed to get them all tickets
kaz is going as reputation (his usual attire) jesper as lover, wylan as evermore, inej as speak now (she got the speak now dress), matthias as debut (they got him a cowboy hat) and nina as red.
matthias secretly cried over the how to train your dragon ending
matthias and inej read a lot of classics and share their collection, they both annotate the books as well and enjoy seeing what the other has written
kaz has a do not disturb sign on his bedroom door like in a hotel and puts it on the door handle even when he’s not in there
kaz is weirdly good with technology
jesper collects mugs
kaz and inej steal pint glasses from pubs
when inej and nina listened nothing new on red(tv) they lost their minds
kaz loves boygenius
matthias and wylan love modern family, wylan’s favourite character is gloria and matthias’ is jay
jesper loves formula 1 and its the only sport he’ll watch
nina and matthias play animal crossing together
kaz terrors jesper on terraria
when they play minecraft functionally, inej is the builder, jesper is the farmer, matthias and wylan mine, kaz has netherite armour in like half an hour and nina collects flowers and tames animals
when they play minecraft disfunctionally they just blow shit up
kaz plays the guitar
inej DEVOURED the cruel prince series
zoya and genya are nina’s foster/adoptive sisters
wylan is scared of clowns and is like that one episode of new girl when nick has to go into the haunted house
whenever jesper does something stupid or doesnt do something or whatever he says ‘#yolo’ and moves on and it drives kaz insane
jesper has muggies of everyone
inej takes 0.5 pictures of everyone when theyre sleeping without them knowing
matthias loves the hunger games series
kaz regularly predicts major global events
wylan loves breaking bad
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witchthewriter · 2 years ago
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 & 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: Minor spoilers, I’ll do my best not to let anything slip!
Warnings: swears (I like to swear I’m sorry)
・You honestly thought he hated your guts
・Like he truly despised you
・But Kaz saw his feelings as a weakness. He thought he was protecting you by keeping his distance
・It wasn’t until Jesper let something slip, which made you think Kaz might see you in a positive way.
    Sitting on a chair and propping his legs on the table, Jesper didn’t even look at you when he said, “Oh he loves you-”
“He what??” Your response cut him off and the sharp-shooter smirked. 
       “Haven’t you noticed? He’s extra ... Kaz-like when you’re around.” 
・From that moment on you thought about every interaction you’ve had with Kaz
・The tight-lipped responses, averting your gaze, but also giving you the easiest part of the jobs, making sure that you had extra protection ... 
・You didn’t know it, but Kaz was making sure you were never directly in harms way
・You were never too far away from him
・And when the jobs were too risky, he would pull you out. You thought it was because you weren’t talented enough, but that wasn’t the case at all. 
・It was starting to make sense now
・Shy around you, but will blurt out the most random fact? And it doesn’t have anything to do with the conversation
・Always able to spot you out in a crowd 
・It’s like some sort of sixth sense, she’s just able to find you 
・Uses her sun summoner powers to give you light whenever you need it 
・And yeah she might show off a bit ...
・Laughs at all your jokes - even if they aren’t that funny. I guess you could call it pity laughing ...
・Her journals are full of drawings of you. Never shows anyone, and would die of embarrassment if anyone found out. 
・Genya was the one to push her to talk to you
・Alina thinks she’ll scare you off with all the attention she’s getting. Everyone thinking she’s a Saint, being the one to tear down the fold, etc. 
・So when you agreed to go on a date with her, she didn’t know what to say next. 
・Amps up the charm, so on the outside he seems so suave, but on the inside he is literally buRNING WITH DESIRE
・Would give you endless gifts, that are extremely expensive 
・Like his money advisor would be like “bruh where’s that $$$ gone?” 
・Definitely the type to write secret admirer letters 
・Always makes sure you have your favourite food. Either stocks it in your room, and says “I do this for all my ... friends” (lie, he doesn’t), or literally carries it on his person “just in case” 
・Tolya and Tamar tell him to pursue you, but Nikolai feigns confusion
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” the Prince says, shrugging his shoulders, pretending to read the map in front of him
    “Liar,” they both laugh, shaking their heads. 
・Okay so with it being very obvious that he has a crush on you, somehow you don’t ... see it?
・Your brain is like, ‘ This Prince of Ravka couldn’t possibly like me. I’m just imagining it.”
・But to be loyal to their captain, Tolya and Tamar keep their mouths shut (although they do try to see if you like him back - and of course you do?????)
・You would have absolutely no clue
・So quiet, but somehow ... extra quiet around you?
・Watches you from afar to make sure you’re safe
・Has learned your routine, likes, dislikes and favourite things without saying a word to you 
・Feels so protective over you. Kinda like Edward and Bella vibes. Like she thinks you would end up hurting yourself walking down the stairs (because she’s seen you do it)
・You’d notice her because one day you were followed home and she saved you from the thugs
・She introduced herself, as if she was a skilled bystander 
・And from then on you kept ‘bumping’ into each other
・Because she knew all your favourite places 
・Okay this is starting to sound a lil creepy, but we know Inej has only good intentions. And she would realise how creepy it was getting and stop doing it
・But then you’d notice that you see her less and get a bit sad 
・So you seek her out and ask why you haven’t been seeing her as much
・And she kinda ... freezes because she thinks you caught onto her 
       “...work, you know?” 
・You looked away for one second, turned back and she was gone
・Flirty Mcflirt pants x1000
・Walks up to you confidently, about to say the best pick up line, but then he completely stumbles over his words 
・Complains to Inej about how he can be so charming with everyone else but he always messes up around you 
・We know Jesper ‘falls in love easily’
・But with you it was different
・His feelings weren’t flimsy; like parchment in water. No, they felt stronger, like a seed in the earth. 
・Somehow you became his first priority
・He found himself second-guessing his outfits-
    “I’m not sure if I look ... fabulous? Inej, what do you thi- oh she’s gone.” 
・But you always compliment him. And one of your compliments is worth a hundred from strangers
・Thinks you can do no wrong, like seriously. Thinks the sun shines out of your as-
   “They did NOT do that. Well, if they did good on ‘em!” 
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
・Longing looks from afar 
・Never snappy with you, unlike interactions with other people 
・Has memorised your every feature so he can imagine you before he goes to bed
・Would feel confused; is it infatuation? Just a fleeting crush? Lust? 
・Or was it something more?
・His heartrenders notice his heart rate picking up whenever you’re around, “sir, are you okay?” 
    “Yes I’m fine, I’m fine-” he grumbles
・Sneaks you dessert after every meal. You thought he did this for every Grisha, until you asked Zoya how her dessert was one night and she looked at you like you were crazy
    “Does that have a hidden meaning?” 
・So it’s basically favouratism 
・No man is allowed to be alone with you basically 
・And no one is allowed to yell, hurt or speak to you in any sort of negative way at all
・Is absolutely shameless about it 
・Gives the impression that she doesn’t care if you know about her feelings or not. 
・But that’s not completely the case. 
・Nina is sexually attracted to you - so she would try and pursue you on that front. But once she realised that there was a deeper attraction ... she knew she was fucked 
・She’s a whirlwind to be around; constant fast-paced and witty banter 
・Shares her food with you, and asks if you want to get food with her (it’s practically always waffles)
・Nina would approach you as another aquaintance - with her flirting. But what really showed her feelings was the food
・Nina didn’t just share food with anyone
・No, absolutely not. 
・Only those that she cared very deeply about 
・And she doesn’t just ask anyone to go get food with her; because eating is like a sacred experience...
・With the wrong company, it could completely ruin it
・So that’s why she always asks you
・Creates a friendship with you by asking about all your favourite things
・When he first met you, Matthias felt this warm giddy feeling inside
・He thought maybe it was a one off 
・But every time you interacted, the same feeling occurred 
・He’s quite slow with his advances. One might not even classify them as advances because he’s so ‘old school.’ 
・He’d be the type who likes to “go steady”
・Matthias is actually pretty good at explaining his emotions and thoughts
・So he’s quite understanding! 
・Absolutely wholesome (once his misplaced hatred for Grisha isn’t there anymore...) 
・Gentleman; opens doors for you, offers his arm, never lets someone talk over you. And this is before you’re in a relationship 
・Never lets people speak negatively towards you or about you
・He has your back 24/7
・Shy!!! But incredibly protective; will tailor someone to have pimples if they talk badly about you 
・Tries to get the Darkling to pair you up on quests/tasks
・Mostly gazes at you from afar, sighing every 30 seconds in admiration 
・Laughs the loudest whenever you make a joke (or say anything remotely funny) (and then someone nudges her arm, telling her to dial it down) 
・Asks about “nonchalantly” with others, basically to see how you’re going. Because she’s too embarrassed to ask you 
・Whenever she catches your eye, you give her a smile and her insides burst into butterflies 
・Gets sad when you get put on missions that make you have to travel, she misses you dearly
・When her confidence builds, she tells you that whenever you’d need her tailoring skills, she’d be glad to help
・Would do that hand thing in Pride and Prejudice when Mr Darcy holds Elizabeth’s hand and when he’s walking away he like ... flexes it (it’s more romantic on screen, I promise)
・That’s how she’d be, but with only brushing her hand against yours 
・Tries his best to start conversations with you but they’re always so awkward, like he asks you about the weather? And small things like what your favourite colour is, what you think the best meal of the day is etc. 
・You thought he was just doing it to be nice, to create some small talk... 
・But little did you know this boy was falling HEAD over HEELS in love with you 
・The first time he made you laugh, he nearly imploded. 
・Your laugh was so refreshing...
・He didn’t think another person could give him so much happiness
・And being the source of your happiness was mind blowing to him. Hearing your laugh was like the weight of the world was lifted off his shoulders
・Thinks about you day and night, fantasising about your life together. Where you would get married, what kind of house you’d live in, how many children etc. 
・Literally already having names picked out for your kids 
・And when you started talking to him ... as in initiating the conversations - he felt like a king
・It was obvious that Zoya liked you - she was never as coldhearted like she was with everyone else 
・Almost like she was constantly “going easy” on you 
・And then when someone would point it out, she would be twice as mean
・Leaving you completely confused 
・But once she ... settled? in her feelings, she started to change 
・Like showing off in front of you
・I’m talking, actually asking, “are they looking?” before showing off 
・Zoya makes sure no one is talking behind your back 
・She will literally tear them to shreds if they insult you. And I’m not over emphasising - she would tear some down utterly and completely, if they messed with you. 
・Thinks about you when she’s in bed, how she yearns for your arms to be wrapped around her
・Finds herself daydreaming about you, then snaps back to reality and pretends like nothing happened 
・Blushes whenever you’re around, but her bravado turns up tenfold
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blessedsweetgirl · 8 months ago
Kaz, Inej, Wylan, Jesper and Nina deserve to grow old and live their life happily after the shit they have gone through, they deserve PEACE. Plain and simple.
But also some people need to chill cuz Leigh Bardugo said that "bad things will happen to the characters you love" but everyone is acting like she said that "one of them is going to die 100%"
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moonytoasted · 9 months ago
marauders era age hcs
because i feel like the entire cast couldn't've been all the same age. c'mon guys. (yes, i do know that some of these have canon different ages. i don't care tho)
frank longbottom and alice fortescue are about 3 years older than the marauders/valkyries (james, sirius, remus, peter/lily, marlene, and mary) and act as sort of mentors to james and mary.
kingsley (can we please change his last name) is also the same year as frank and alice.
emmeline vance is about a year younger than the marauders/valkyries. she has a combination of admiration and jealousy for being older and cooler.
the pantheon (dorcas, evan, regulus, barty, pandora) are a year younger than the marauders/valkyries.
davey gudgeon is a the marauder's age, but due to low slytherin birthrates and uneven dorm numbers, was lumped in with evan and regulus as dorm-mates. they ignore each other.
the ophidians: alecto carrow, zoya zabini, and aurora sinatra are the same age as frank and alice. look up to bella a LOT.
bellatrix is in her 6th year when the marauders arrive, and in her 7th when the pantheon arrive.
narcissa and lucius are 3 years older than the marauders (same age as frank and alice)
pleasepleaseplease let this be canon.......... ravenclaw/hufflepuff ver coming soon maybe if i feel like it
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awanderingtortoise · 7 months ago
Is the celebrity au plot coherent yet? Somewhat! Is it more fun to IGNORE plot and just write random non chronological scenes? Hell yes
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raviraaa · 1 year ago
So during the nostalgia rewatch/reread of Merlin (BCC) and KoS/RoW respectively the merthur & zoyalai parallels were paralleling … so hear me out:
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Zoya & Merlin meeting each other in immortality/long life wandering the earth while missing their dumbass golden kings and one true loves.
They form a very sarcastic, slow blossoming friendship talking about dragons, teaching each other about grisha powers and magic respectively and all the people they have known and lost, their kingdoms and their hopes and dreams smothered by living through it all alone.
Zoya plants a garden for Merlin‘s friends, Merlin fills it with life and magic.
Eventually they start talking about Nikolai and Arthur, how much trouble they went through to save them, how overbearingly idiotic they used to be and how much it hurt to lose them despite it all. How much they loved them, how much it still hurts to walk this earth without them.
Merlin talks about Arthurs bravery and his caring heart and how their hadn’t been enough time for them. Zoya tells him of Nikolai and the doubts and the love and the greatness of a man that was a king at heart.
And in having finally someone who understands, who relates and who listens they keep them alive, keep their love alive.
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sweetstrawberry77 · 2 years ago
Nikolai Lantsov HC: He totally has one of those baby carriers that he wears his and zoyas child in around the palace. Like just imagine him in the war room using the baby's hands to point and saying everything in a baby voice.
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